Do-it-yourself catamaran impeller drawing. How to make a catamaran from plastic pipes with your own hands? Cable stretch catamaran

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For small walks or trips on the water, a catamaran has a number of advantages over a boat or kayak. This is convenience during disembarkation and landing, reliability, greater stability and maneuverability, as well as increased cross-country ability of various rapids.

Also, this vehicle on water also has disadvantages, for example, increased hull windage and low speed when moving with oars. But these shortcomings pay off with the advantages of a catamaran.

There are many designs of catamarans, in the manufacture of which the available materials are used. With the help of a detailed description and drawings, everyone can assemble the model he needs with his own hands and at virtually no cost.

The catamaran is an easy to operate and build vessel, versatile in use and viable in extreme situations. According to the type of movement, these vessels are rowing, sailing and motor, as well as mixed designs. These devices consist of a frame and floats. The frame is made from a number of longitudinal elements, and the floats from an airtight inner cylinder. Next, we will tell you how to make a catamaran with your own hands.

The floats of this vessel have a certain chamber design, that is, an outer shell that provides strength and an inner chamber that is responsible for tightness. This feature simplifies the manufacture of this model and increases its reliability. Contours on the floats contribute to the achievement of low water resistance when moving. The frame is constructed from duralumin tubes bolted with shaped nuts.

The catamaran is equipped with a rudder to facilitate steering and rest. Also, this design provides for the presence of sailing weapons. Almost all components are made independently, only a small amount of turning work is needed.

The cost of this product is low. A sailing catamaran is used on rapids and flat rivers, and on lakes. With calm water, speed is ensured, overcoming thresholds.


There are two of them and each has the form of an air-filled hollow and round structure in cross section. The floats practically do not have cylindrical sections and differ in bow and stern sections. A large ratio of surface to underwater volumes in the aft and bow parts of the floats contributes to a remarkable germination on the waves.

The float consists of an inner chamber and an outer shell, which is fifteen percent smaller than the chamber. This factor is necessary, as it contributes to the tense state of the camera and ensures its safety. Making chambers is a major operation and takes a lot of time. A part made of synthetic materials is considered the most durable, and a part made of rubber is cheap.


If the camera cannot be carved out of a single piece of material, then the panel is glued from the pieces with an overlap. The width of the seam should be at least three centimeters and in their place it is necessary to glue additional fabric strips. The back of the chamber, which looks like a sleeve, is twisted during assembly and tied with a rubber band.

Sleeve design provides the possibility of repair and drying. Also, in the chamber, in front of the bow rowers, it is necessary to glue a special valve designed for a rubber boat. With it, you can pump up the floats on the go if necessary.

The bottom is also cut out from a single piece of fabric or from separate panels. Next, the lower and upper shell parts are sewn from the limbs to the middle. These parts should be cut very carefully, to the nearest millimeter, to ensure the correct shape and avoid wrinkles on the float.


This part is made from a set of aluminum tubes of various diameters, fasteners, for which studs and bolts are used. All stringers consist of two components, connected by a sleeve, which is glued to the stern and fixed with a pin. The ends of the stringers are fixed with plugs made of any material and fixed with shaped nuts.


This detail has the form of a rectangular panel made of a dense variety of nylon. Its dimensions depend on the assembled frame. Along the perimeter, it is necessary to tuck the edges of the cloth by thirty millimeters and flash it. Then you should install the eyelets designed to fasten the bridge and deck. Lacing must be carried out from the middle of the float to the limb.

Steering wheel

This detail of the catamaran has the form of a feather made of fiberglass sheet with a thickness of two millimeters, which is further bifurcated and folded together. Both halves must be attached to the trailing and leading edges using holes and copper wire and screws. Then all the edges in turn must be filled with epoxy resin and coated with plasticine.

Wire should be used if necessary. After polymerization is completed, the wire and plasticine must be removed with a knife, and the edge should be cleaned.

The steering wheel should be hung on the bracket using homemade loops.


For the manufacture of oars, duralumin pipes are needed, to which a roller flattened by heating is attached, with four bolts or rivets.

Sailing armament

This auxiliary armament is ineffective and therefore is rarely used, but it is provided for on this type of catamaran.

Motor catamaran

This type of floating craft is made using a moped. To do this, it is enough to place the land vehicle on floats fastened with the help of transverse beams and fix the car on them.

The cases of this assembly are made of four-millimeter hardboard. After bending the workpiece, you need to drill holes at a distance of fifty millimeters. Then the body should be sewn with copper wire and a transom board with two frames should be glued there. Then the joints should be glued and after drying, remove the wire. After removing the wire, the seams must be glued with glue and fixed with fabric strips in three layers.

Fiberglass should be glued into the hull, the deck should be made of hardboard and attached to the hull with epoxy glue and copper wire. From the inside, the case must be coated with parquet varnish, and carefully pasted over with fiberglass on the outside. The pine blocks must then be used as cross-sectional beams and attached with epoxy and frame.

At the ends of the housings, it is necessary to fix the bearings, curved independently from steel three-millimeter strips, with the help of clamps. The maneuverability of this motor catamaran is ensured by the steering feathers. They are cut out of 12 mm plywood and hinged on the ends using homemade hinges.

Next, you need to remove the wheels from the moped and fix it with the help of the pin axles in the rear and front attachment points and replace the chain with a longer one so that you can throw it through the engine located on the paddle wheel.

In the design of your catamaran, you can use either a gasoline engine, for example.

inflatable catamaran

This type of catamaran is very light and takes up very little space when folded.

You can swim on it in pairs and even for luggage there is a place on it.

If you wish, you can easily install a small sail here, which is of little use, but still worth a try.

For serious trips, this vehicle, of course, will not fit, but for a boat trip on a day off, just right. Its design is very simple and the assembly of this catamaran requires: two inflatable floats in fabric covers, a U-shaped tubular frame-frame and fabric seats.

The floats are glued from strong pharmaceutical oilcloth, the surface of which is covered with rubber glue and carefully powdered with silver powder.

Fabric covers contribute to the safety of the floats and protect them from the sun's rays. For the manufacture of the frame frame and seat bases, aluminum pipes with a diameter of twenty and twenty-five centimeters are used. Paddles can be used kayak.

And on a full-flowing river, and a small lake, and on a pond, a home-made catamaran will become not only fun, but also a useful device. You can sunbathe on it, jump into the water from it, because it is almost impossible to turn it over. You can use your homemade catamaran to transport small loads, and also sail to inspect the cages in which the fish are caught. If you create a flotilla of such vessels, then it is quite possible to arrange small competitions for speed, or figure driving, they will also be an excellent tool for making a small hiking trip.

What are we dealing with?

In order to assemble a catamaran with your own hands, you do not need any special materials - they are all available and very easy to process. If you do not take into account metal elements, then you will need ZMM plywood and slats with a cross section of 15-25 and 25 * 25 millimeters and a length of 3 meters. This is the main advantage of the resulting raft, as well as its feature. It is best to use If it does not turn out to be one, then it is better to purchase birch, however, even in its absence, it is allowed to use spruce or aspen.

If you seriously decide to make a catamaran with your own hands, then the choice of plywood is a very important step, because the durability of your boat will depend on it. Naturally, it is also important to show diligence in terms of the thoroughness of finishing individual parts, as well as their connections. The plywood should be soaked when heated. It is best applied on a hot sunny day using a wide brush. Drying oil must be heated exclusively in a water bath using a wide bowl of boiling water. Of course, it is important to remember to be careful, because a burn with a hot substance is quite painful. You can complete the impregnation operation after the drying oil is no longer absorbed into the wood. Usually the application is carried out two or three times with breaks of several hours.

Structural elements

So, understanding the question of how to make a catamaran, it is worth considering everything in order. The pontoons of the raft are made of slats and plywood. It is worth starting with the frames. To do this, it is necessary to cut 12 blanks from plywood, the dimensions of which are 320 * 320 millimeters, knock them down with three or four nails, and then process everything together along the contour. Next, you need to make slots for the rails. The slats are square, but the slots should be 20-25 millimeters in size. The remaining 5 millimeters in the rails are equipped with grooves. It is best to lay all six rails side by side, secure them, and then make cuts in all at the same time with a saw. Since they will turn out a little deeper from the edges, it is worth leveling the average depth by shifting the boards several times in the process.

Before forming the grooves, it is worth checking the dimensions of the plywood sheets. If we are talking about a number less than 1500 millimeters, then it is necessary to adjust the installation location of the cross member 7 and frame 5, respectively. Six frames require that pieces of rails are attached to them from the sides and top, and a piece of the board should be fixed from below. Everything must be done as firmly as possible, it is better to use screws or screws for this, because nails will be hammered into the slats, the task of which will be to hold the plywood.

Ship assembly

If you decide to make a catamaran with your own hands, then you will need to prepare several rails. The length of four of them should be three meters, two - 1.9 meters each, you will also need four segments of 570-600 millimeters, after which you can proceed to further work. It is clear that it is worth placing a pair of upper rails from below, which will allow the frames to sit firmly in their place. You can immediately fix a couple of crossbars with screws, and then lay the keel rail, then screwing it to frames 1, 5 and 6. Next, you can turn the catamaran frame on its side to fix the top rails to the same frames.

You will need a board with a thickness of 50 millimeters in order to cut out the stern and bow bosses, and it is important to consider that their shape should be cone-shaped. And then they need to be inserted into place, having previously pulled the top rails with wire. On the bow and stern overhangs, the keel rail is made from several scraps.


Now it's time for such an important element as the skin. To make a catamaran with your own hands, you need to cut out several elements. The width of the central part is 823 mm, it is not difficult to cut it. It is easy to bend it according to the shape of the frame, since it has already been impregnated with drying oil. But here it is important not to rush. To facilitate the work, it is required to pull the workpieces with wire, ropes or something else, and then leave them in this position for several days. It is worth noting that the plywood should be fastened with nails, however, it is first necessary to coat the fastening points with a thick one on the rails, frames, and also in the corresponding places of the plywood. The most diligent thing is to coat the joints on the frames.

Continuation of assembly

If you are making a catamaran with your own hands, the drawings have already been carefully thought out, then further on the cardboard template you should determine the shape of the blanks for the overhangs. There should be something like a cone. They are installed similarly to the previous elements. Plugs should only be attached to the paint. Their contours should be specified according to the finished skin. Racks 9-11 should be nailed to the paint, like all other parts. Next, you can cut the deck, circling the contour of an almost finished pontoon. When the deck is nailed, the pontoons can be completed. During the installation process, paint should not be spared.


The easiest way is to make it from the same plywood as the other parts. For strength from below and above, it is worth nailing the slats in increments of 300-350 millimeters. If you do not trust the strength of plywood, you can lay it in two layers, laying one on top of the other. Where the pedals will be installed, it is required to adjust the rack pitch accordingly with them. Naturally, speaking about how to make a catamaran, it is worth noting that it is appropriate to use other materials for the deck, for example, thin boards that will be nailed so that there is a meter wide space between the pontoons.

Working part

If you decide to make a catamaran with your own hands, then the rowing drive should be made from parts from a bicycle. You will need to use a pair of frames with bottom brackets and pedals. The cut ends of the frames should be flattened and then attached to the deck rail with screws. Distance bushings should be installed between the pedals, the length of which is 120-130 millimeters, and the pedals themselves should be connected by long common studs.

It is equipped with paddle wheels, which are made from bicycle wheels. The blades should be cut out of rubber, the thickness of which is 4-6 millimeters, and then wired to the knitting needles. One wheel should be equipped with five or six blades.

functional area

The seat is made of plywood and slats, the cross section of which is 25 * 25 millimeters. The seat is fixed to the deck after the propeller drive is installed - so that the slats from below are not accessible for the tensioned chain. It is best to fasten the elements with screws, since it is quite possible that you will need to adjust the position.

So, you make a catamaran, the photo of which you liked. Next, you should make a steering, this will also require slats and plywood. The dimensions of the rudders are 200 * 320 millimeters. To the right one, a plywood bracket with sides of 200 * 200 millimeters should be nailed with the help of rails, and then pull from it to the lever, which should be installed on the side, in the immediate vicinity of the seat. The axes of the longitudinal and transverse rods can serve as thick nails, for which holes must be drilled with a drill, otherwise the rods may burst.

Final stage

With the assembly of a catamaran, there should not be any special difficulties. The pontoons must be installed on level ground, after which a deck can be laid on them, and places for mounting bicycle frames with pedals, a propeller drive and a seat should be marked. But do not rush to fix all these knots. All wooden parts of the raft must be painted with three coats of oil paint. Since each layer takes a day or two to dry, you will need a week to complete this operation.

When the painting is completed, you should install all the nodes in place. The seat is mounted at the end. To tie the catamaran to the pier and to ensure the convenience of carrying it, it is worth screwing 4-6 door handles on its sides.

PVC is a modern material with a lot of positive qualities. It is quite inexpensive, light, strong, durable, resistant to different climatic conditions and environments. In addition, plastic pipes are easily and quickly connected, ensuring absolute tightness of the joints.

Due to this, the use of plastic pipes has gained wide popularity not only in the installation of water pipes and sewer systems. Of these, "craftsmen" make many useful "things" with their own hands, ranging from racks and drinking bowls to sledges and boats.

In this article, we will tell you about how you can quickly and inexpensively make a catamaran from plastic (do it yourself.

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Why a catamaran?

There are a lot of options for boats, as well as their purposes. For those who live near water bodies, and especially for those for whom overcoming a water barrier is a vital necessity, a catamaran is ideal. This type of vessel has many advantages. in front of kayaks, boats or yachts.

  • for the manufacture of catamarans from plastic pipes, a minimum amount of material is required. In addition, the remnants of a recent installation of a sewer or water supply may well be used;
  • the catamaran is light in weight, so it does not cause problems in matters of transportation;
  • due to the design features - two cylinders connected by a deck, such a craft has high seaworthiness, strength, reliability and sufficient speed;
  • the ability to accommodate the required number of seats;
  • any type of engine can be installed on a catamaran.

What is a catamaran made of?

The catamaran has a large number of design features, in comparison with other watercraft.

That's why you need to know in detail its components, before proceeding with the drawings and installation work.

  1. The first and most important part of a catamaran is the floats. These are two chamber structures located on the sides of the craft. Their immediate task is to keep the ship afloat. Cylinders can be made of different materials, limiting the outer perimeter of the float. To do this, use a film from which inflatable balloons, polystyrene foam or PVC pipes are made.
  2. Connecting frame. It can be made of any materials, ranging from the same plastic pipes to wood or metal. The lighter the frame of the catamaran, the smaller the floats can be.
  3. Deck. This part is created to accommodate passengers, luggage and other things that will be transported by water.
  4. Steering wheel. The rudder function of any watercraft is performed by an underwater blade, which is installed parallel to the movement for direct movement, and is bent in one direction or another with the help of a rotary handle brought to the deck to turn.
  5. Oars, pedals, motor or any other device that sets the catamaran in motion.

Vessel size calculation

The diameter of the floats, as well as the width and length of the vessel, depend primarily on where and how it will be operated. The larger the crew is supposed to be and the more cargo will be transported, the larger the size of the craft and the diameter of the floats should be.

It is possible to increase the carrying capacity of the vessel by increasing the cross section of the cylinders or their length. The decisive factor in this situation is the volume of air inside the cylinders.

Optimal parameters for calculating floats, based on the crew and carrying capacity are as follows:

  • a single catamaran should have a length of 2-3 meters with a cylinder cross-section of 0.3-0.4 meters;
  • for the manufacture of a double vessel, cylinders 3.5-4 meters long with a diameter of 0.45-0.5 meters are used;
  • three and four-seater boats have a length of up to 6 meters with a float diameter of 0.5-0.6 meters.

A catamaran with a length of more than 6 meters is not recommended, since it will lose its maneuverability almost completely. Although, if you are going to swim mainly in a straight line, there are no restrictions on the size of such a “boat”.

The larger the size of the vessel, the greater its maneuverability and stability, but less maneuverability. This applies to both its length and width.

The width of the catamaran, first of all, is determined by its purpose and the method of actuation. If you are building a catamaran for river rafting using the kayak principle, its width should not exceed 1.2 meters. Otherwise, the capture of water by oars becomes impossible. If it is planned to board rowers on cylinders, the width of the vessel can be increased up to 2 meters.

If the catamaran will be fishing or recreational and it is planned to be equipped with a sail, motor or blades with pedals, its width can be increased even more.

The width of the catamaran must be at least one and a half times less than its length.

Manufacturing procedure

To make a catamaran with your own hands, you need to decide on its purpose and, based on from this, calculate the dimensions. We will consider two versions of the vessel: the simplest single-seater and a tourist raft based on a catamaran.

Single catamaran

We begin the manufacture of the simplest single-seat catamaran with the manufacture of floats. We take two pipes of the same diameter and length (based on the calculations above, we need plastic pipes for external sewerage with a diameter of 0.4 meters and a length of 2 meters). We fasten on one side of both pipes. This will be the back of the catamaran.

The front part, for greater patency and maneuverability, needs to be raised. To do this, we use two plastic knees with a bend of 120 degrees. We fasten them to the second end of the pipes and also close them with plugs.

When assembling cylinders, pay special attention to the tightness of the joints. The slightest depressurization can lead to the sinking of the ship in the water.

The floats are ready. You can start assembling.

To connect the floats into one "whole" catamaran, you can use anything. Suitable plastic pipes of small diameter, wooden bars, metal corners and more.

  1. We make cross-beams 1.2 meters wide from the material of your choice.
  2. We install the cylinders strictly parallel to each other so that the bends look up and in the same direction.
  3. We fix the transverse strips on top of the cylinders. For fastening, both clamps and self-tapping screws can be used, with which the transverse strips can be screwed to the floats for greater strength.
  4. We install any comfortable seat on the transverse beams, take the oars in our hands and row where we want.

Do-it-yourself single-seat catamaran made of plastic pipes (video)

tourist raft

The basic principles for the manufacture of these two boats with their own hands do not have much difference. The only difference is that the pleasure raft will obviously not be designed for one person. And even better, if it also fits a load in the form of provisions, an umbrella from the sun, clothing, dishes and other things.

  1. We make floats in the above way. But you should take a pipe with a diameter of 500-600 mm and a length of 6 meters. This will make it possible to make a stable and passable vessel, on which you can take a nap without worrying about the life of the crew.
  2. We make a solid frame measuring 6 * 2 meters. Since the frame must not only hold the cylinders in the correct position, but also serve as a platform for the deck, it is better to make it from metal corners.
  3. Clamps are tightened onto the pipes from which the floats are made, to which, in turn, the frame is attached with bolts.
  4. On the frame, flooring is made of boards.

This design allows you to install any propulsion device on the catamaran, from pedal-driven blades to gasoline engines.

In addition, such a platform allows you to fully sunbathe in the sun, catch fish, in general, have fun and fruitfully relax in a narrow circle of best friends.

Several videos show how the master - Author of the channel "Alexander Sedoy" conceived and implemented the idea of ​​building a high-quality polystyrene catamaran with his own hands. The task was set, the swimming facility should be:
1. Unsinkable.
2. Unkillable.
Z. Cannot be flipped.
4. Foldable, with the ability to transport on the trunk
small passenger car.
5. Decent dimensions for comfortable swimming.
b. The draft is less than that of a kayak by half.
7. Lightweight, each piece should not be heavier than 20kg.
8. Quick and easy to assemble.
9. Roomy.
10. Load-lifting, not less than 700 kg.
11. Autonomous, several beds, a place for fishing and barbecue.
12. Possibility of installation on a catamaran motor up to 10 p.s.

Choice of float material.
First I bought foam "Comfort". Width 100 millimeters. Bought a package. Weight 18.7 kilograms of weight. Cubature 0.28.
Ultimately, the master settled on URSA. Noble material, pleasant, it is convenient to work with it. Thickness 50 mm. The weight was 15.7 kilograms. Cubature 0.3. The cost of one package is 1200 rubles. The weight of 1 sheet of ursa is 1.1 kilograms. Why 50? I read that, of course, it is easier to glue a weave, 2 times faster, but the more intermediate layers - stiffeners, the stronger the design of the catamaran. Therefore, I stopped at a sheet width of 50 mm.

The task of the catamaran is to swim with the kayaks. Therefore, the draft should be no more than 3-5 centimeters. The kayak is up to 15 - 17 centimeters. Maximum comfort for fishing. The design must be completely collapsible, each part no more than 2 meters long. As easy as possible.

First, prepare a device for trimming edges. Nichrome thread will be used. At the same time, the walls are baked, they become smooth. Extra rigidity and moisture resistance will not interfere. Materials will need exactly three packages. 50x125x600.

The most important thing is that the spiral is securely fixed, otherwise the size will float away. If the spiral is clearly held all the time, all the details will be exactly the same. Dramatically occurs with the help of a transformer 220 to 5 volts smooth adjustment of the “attenuation of light”. The device cuts the material like butter, it is important that the thread does not heat up red-hot. The voltage applied is 1.5 - and 2 volts. With manual filing, ideal borders are unlikely to be achieved. But this is not required. Work passes without dust, noise, rather evenly and neatly. The URSA material must be fed smoothly.
The master showed how the cuts of nichrome thread and factory ones differ.

Now cut exactly in half without stamps. If the spiral does not heat up to red, that the material does not give any smell. The device works great. Why is the cut in half? Because I decided to do not transverse, but longitudinal. As a result, there is no waste. Except the edge. The edge is cut from both sides along the length. The side edge is cut off only from 12 sheets out of 24. Another advantage: no stamps are needed. It became possible to increase the length of the catamaran by 1 meter. I had to buy three more sheets, in the end I got three packs and four sheets. There are 24 sheets in total. Additional 100 kilograms displacement. Reduced draft and increased speed. Simplification of product installation. Perfectly smooth and even surface. Saving putty and glue several times. Reducing work by an order of magnitude. The strength is much better than the transverse set. Longitudinal set in a checkerboard pattern.

The second part of the video about the construction of a homemade catamaran. Float panels are connected together on each side. The blanks are treated with waterproof agents.

Part 3 about building a catamaran from polystyrene.

part 4

We are waiting for the final part 5 with tests of a homemade catamaran on a pond, which the author will post, presumably, in spring or summer.

By type of hull, inflatable catamarans are quite different. To date, the most common is considered to be gliding modifications. Additionally, there are displacement configurations. It is quite difficult to assemble a catamaran on your own. However, if you pick up all the necessary materials, then you can do it. It is also important to carefully adhere to the drawings when assembling. To study this issue in detail, it is best to familiarize yourself with the most interesting models of catamarans that exist.

Oarlock modification

To assemble with an inflatable oarlock (drawings are shown below), two floats are first prepared. They must be at least 3.5 meters long. The oarlock itself is designed to hold the mast. After fixing the floats, you can proceed to the steering column.

For this, a pipe with a diameter of about 3.5 cm is most often used. Next, a baller is installed on the float. To fix it properly, you need to use beams. Next you need to install the stringer. The steering rack is mounted only after the tiller. It is most often chosen in a rectangular shape. The locker should be installed with a big stretch. For the mast, a pipe with a diameter of at least 5.5 cm is taken. The sail is selected separately in this case. In the end, it remains only to fix the tensioners.

Mooring Beam Model

To assemble an inflatable catamaran with a mooring beam with your own hands, floats are installed as standard. The distance between them should be at least 1.2 meters. Only after that will it be possible to install the baller. Beams in this case must be selected with stops. The next step is to prepare the beam. It must be installed along the float.

The locker in this case should be located above the boom. After that, the deck of the catamaran is knocked down directly. Next, you can install the mast. For this purpose, a corresponding hole is made on the beam. Direct fastening should occur with the participation of tensioners. Then you need to install a tiller to control the catamaran. At the end of the work, it remains only to pull the sail.

Cable stretch catamaran

The model is assembled with a stretch (drawings of an inflatable catamaran are shown below) is quite simple. Work in this case must begin with calculations of the length of the floats. As a rule, they are harvested with a diameter of about 0.5 meters. After that, you can proceed to install the stringer. To this end, it is first necessary to do the installation of the baller. As a rule, it is used in a rectangular shape. Next, it is important to immediately attach the rack to it.

A tiller can also be connected for steering. The next step is knocking down the deck on the catamaran. For this board, a length of 1.2 meters is suitable. The locker is installed only after the boom. The brace must be mounted directly on the swivel. To do this, you need to prepare four screws. At the end of the work, the mast is installed. You also need to take care of the tensioners.

Daggerboard model (PVC)

With a daggerboard, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) inflatable catamarans are quite common nowadays. In this case, it is more expedient to start work with the installation of a beam. After that, it will be possible to fix two floats. Beams for a catamaran are most often used wooden. However, they can also be made from an aluminum plate.

Stringers in this case must be selected with a length of at least 3 meters, but much in this situation depends on the width of the floats. The next step is to install the rack. A screw is attached directly to it. It is necessary to control the catamaran. You can change its position thanks to the tiller. It is mounted on a rack with screws. At this stage, it is very important to securely fix the support.

Reviews about catamarans with a picker

A homemade inflatable catamaran of this type is quite rare today. Henchmen are designed to control the model. If you believe the reviews, it is initially important to fix the floats during assembly. For this, ordinary wooden boards are suitable. Baller in this case, you can use a wooden one.

The minimum stringer length should be about 2.5 m. According to experts, beams on a catamaran are installed only after the rack. The tiller for the model can be selected in a small size. At this stage, it is important to securely fix the tensioner. You can do this with a wrench. Then the runner is installed. You can fix it on the stand with screws. At the same time, it should not block the swivel.

Modification with longitudinal beams

With longitudinal beams, an inflatable catamaran (photo shown below) is very durable. In order to assemble the model, you need to prepare two floats. They must be at least 4.5 meters long. After that, the stringer is assembled directly. You can weld it yourself using a pipe with a diameter of 3 cm. After that, it will be possible to install a stand. For this, boards should be selected with a length of about 1.3 meters.

Catamaran tensioners are best suited for the steel type. Beams at this stage must be laid very carefully. The front of them should look towards the deck. To fix them, many experts recommend using screws. After fixing them, it remains only to install the hook with the mast.

Feedback on models with transverse beams

With transverse beams, the inflatable catamaran reviews are mostly positive. The assembly of the model must begin with the preparation of two floats. If you believe the reviews, they must be at least 35 cm in diameter. The next step is to fix the baller. Beams in this case are used only with supports. Their minimum thickness should be 2.2 mm. After that, the stringer is fixed directly. In diameter, it must be at least 2.5 mm. The next step is to install a stand on the catamaran. According to experts, its minimum height should be 1.2 meters.

To make it yourself, you need to use a metal pipe with a diameter of 2.3 cm. After that, a steel locker is attached to the catamaran. To fix it, it is important to use screws. They will fit with the marking M6. The tiller in this situation can be used not large. Then it remains only to fix the boom. For this purpose, first of all, a stretch is installed, and then the swivel is fixed. After that, you can mount the mast directly. The sail must be selected separately for the catamaran. Tensioners during assembly, many experts recommend using a small width.

Catamaran with seal winding

Inflatable catamarans of this type are considered quite common today. The floats in this case are fixed rigidly. It is necessary to start assembling the model with the layout of the future deck. After that, the float is fixed. Baller in this situation, it is important to select a solid type. Its maximum thickness should be 2.3 mm. Beams, many experts advise using aluminum. Their wear is quite small. It should also be borne in mind that stringers are selected based on the width of the floats.

The tiller, in turn, should be 1.2 meters long. Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable to drive a catamaran. The tiller stand must be made of steel pipe. In diameter, it should be at least 2.3 cm. The boom in this situation is aluminum. The winding of the seal must be started from the side of the tiller. At the location of the rack, it will have to be interrupted. In this case, it is important to fix the seal with a tensioner. Then the swivel is attached. Next, the winding must be extended to the bow.

Assembling the device with a stopper

Inflatable catamarans with a stopper are not easy to fold. The problem in this case is finding the right baller. Its minimum thickness must be 2.3 mm. You can make it yourself from a steel plate. To do this, you will have to use a welding inverter. First of all, a rectangular sheet is cut out. Next, you need to weld two supports. Their height should be no more than 3.4 cm.

All this is necessary in order to securely fasten on the boom. Next, the stringer is formed. It is important to use a pipe for this only from aluminum. In order to fix the stopper, it is necessary to prepare four screws in advance. First of all, the holes on the stringer are forged. The first of them should be located at a distance of 2 cm from the front edge. The remaining three holes for the stopper are made at the back. Next, it is important to secure the stopper with tensioners.

Models with dural sheets

To assemble inflatable catamarans of this type, you need to prepare four sheets. However, first of all, experts advise you to take measurements of the floats. Their length must be at least 3.5 meters. After that, the deck is fixed. Making it is quite simple from the boards. In this case, their minimum length must be 1.2 meters. After that, you can immediately install the stand. At this stage, you will have to use a welding inverter. The support should be located directly above the stand.

Sheets are stacked from the side of the tiller. In order to prepare the deck for this, it is important to install the swivel right away. Many experts recommend using steel tensioners. Sheets can be fixed with screws marked M6. Additionally, you need to install clamping rings for better fixation. After mounting the sheets, it is necessary to proceed with the manufacture of the mast. Then it remains only to fix the tiller to control the model.


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