King (all known varieties).

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). Each player is dealt 8 cards.

The player to the left of the dealer goes first. Moves are made by players clockwise in turn. There are a total of 14 games in King, each of which is played in one hand. Thus, after 14 hands the game ends. There are negative and positive games in King. The total value of negative and positive games must be equal to 0. Seniority of cards in any suit ace , king , lady , jack, 10, 9, 8, 7. If there are cards in the suit of the move card, you must play this card. If there are no cards in the move suit, then you can discard any card. The bribe is taken by the player who put the highest card in the suit of the move, and he has the right to make the next move.

After 14 games, the game ends, and the winner is the player who scored the most positive results based on the sum of all games. points. Rules drawing may be different depending on how the players decide. This description of the king contains the following features of the draw.

Features of the draw:

While there are cards of other suits, you cannot enter the heart in games 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14.

The King is folded at the first opportunity if there are no cards in the suit of the move and optionally if the move was made to a heart.

Once all points in a hand have been played, the cards are collected and moved on to the next game.

Types of games, cost, description.

1. Don't take bribes(-16 points). In this game you have to try not to take bribes. For each bribe taken by the player, he is written (-2).

2. Don't take boys(-16 points). In this game you must try not to take kings. For each king taken by a player, he gets (-4) points.

3. Don't take girls(-16 points). In this game you have to try not to take queens. For each queen the player takes, he gets (-4).

4. Don't take worms(-16 points). In this game you should try not to take cards of the heart suit. For each card of the heart suit taken by the player, he gets (-2) points. You cannot move with hearts while there are cards of a different suit in this game.

5. Don't take King(-16 points). King = king of hearts. The player who takes King gets (-16) points. You cannot move with hearts while there are cards of a different suit in this game.

6. Do not take the last 2 tricks(-16 points). For taking the last or penultimate trick in the hand, the player receives (-8) points.

7. Don't take everything(-96 points). This game has all the previous losing games in one hand. In other words, in this game you should strive not to take kings, queens, cards of the heart suit and tricks in general and the last two tricks in particular. You cannot move with hearts while there are cards of a different suit in this game.

8. Take bribes(+16 points). In this game you have to try to take bribes. For each bribe taken by the player, he gets (+2) points.

9. Take boys(+16 points). In this game you have to try to take kings. For each king taken by a player, he gets (+4) points.

10. Take girls(+16 points). In this game you have to try to take queens. For each queen the player takes, he gets (+4) points.

11. Take worms(+16 points). In this game you should try to take cards of the heart suit. For each card of the heart suit taken by the player, he gets (+2) points. You cannot move with hearts while there are cards of a different suit in this game.

12. Take King(+16 points). King = king of hearts. The player who takes King gets (+16) points. You cannot move with hearts while there are cards of a different suit in this game.

13. Take the last 2 tricks(+16 points). For taking the last or penultimate trick in the hand, the player receives (+8) points.

14. Take everything(+96 points). This game has all the previous winning games in one hand. In other words, in this game you should strive to take kings, queens, cards of the heart suit and tricks in general and the last two tricks in particular. You cannot move with hearts while there are cards of a different suit in this game.

King for three players

This option card game "king" can be considered as a modification adapted for three-player play. From a deck of 36 cards, in addition to all the sixes, two black aces - a spades and a clubs - are removed. Confiscated cards do not participate in the drawing. The deck is dealt without remainder, 10 cards each. The difference from a simple one may consist both in the features of the draw and in the number of points for bribes.

The following points are awarded for bribes: for boys and girls - 5 points, for the last two bribes - 10 points, for a king - 20 points.

King custom

In custom king, each player has the right to order the game he is going to play. Each participant is required to play all games.

The player who sits orders left hand from the dealer. The order is made and the trump is assigned after the deal and after the players have looked at their cards.

King Domino

Negative points are counted for cards of the heart suit, one point for any one. Six cards are dealt, the rest remain in the deck, which, like in dominoes, represents the reserve - the “bazaar”. You can enter from worms. While there are cards in reserve, suit is played. If a player does not have the required suit, he must draw cards from the deck until he draws the correct one. When the deck runs out, you can discard any suit.

The game continues until all cards are played or until one player remains with cards in hand. He adds these cards to his bribes. If the outgoing player took a trick before the last card, the entry is transferred to the player sitting to his left. When one of the partners scores 31 negative points, the game ends. The winner is the one with the smallest negative result.

King with jokers

Play king with jokers maybe three or four. When playing with three players, the two and three of clubs are removed from the deck, replacing them with jokers. When playing with four players, only the two of clubs is taken out. Minus points are counted only for the joker and for cards of the heart suit, namely: ace - 14 points; king - 13; jack -11; ten - 10 and so on. For taking a joker - 20 points. If a joker is included in the trick of hearts, then it becomes the highest card for ten (and lower).

For a jack (and higher), the same joker becomes a card of lower rank, that is, it is considered a card between a jack and a ten. If the entry is not on hearts, then the joker beats any card. Thus, you can only discard it into a heart trick with pieces. A game round usually includes three or four hands, depending on the number of players.

King with trade

Each player receives 13 (if three players play - 17) cards. Only cards of the suit chosen during trading are penalty cards (for one such card that ends up in a trick, one penalty point is awarded).

After the deal, the player sitting to the left of the dealer begins trading - he passes or declares how many penalty points he undertakes to write down for himself for the right to declare a penalty suit in this draw. The one who declares wins greatest number points when trading, he records these points for himself and determines the penalty suit in this drawing: do not take hearts, do not take diamonds, do not take spades, do not take clubs.

The game continues until one of the players scores 77 points. In this case, the one with the smallest sum of these points wins.

Due to the fact that among some Kyiv L s J It has become fashionable for nicks to go offline for role-playing games like “mafia”, I’ll tell you about our favorite yard game in childhood - “King of Shit”...

King Shit (hereinafter KG) is a card game role-playing game. The game can involve from 5 (less is not interesting) to 6-7 (with one standard deck) players, sometimes more than 11 people participate in the game.

First distribution
The players sit down round table, they choose a suit together and one of them shuffles and deals out the cards, whoever gets the trump king gets the king, who gets the jack gets the jack, who gets the ten gets the ten, it all ends with an ace, whoever got it, sorry, sits down right hand from the king and is honorably declared shit. They play almost like a standard fool, only the entire deck is dealt. The “shit” shuffles, the king knocks down, the shit is addressed exclusively as “shit”, turns over the cards after lights out, also “shit” - for violating these rules, the player who violated becomes a “shit”, and the rest of the lower ones grow by a step (i.e. if the cards turned over a ten, then the shit becomes a six, a six becomes a seven, a seven becomes an eight, and a nine becomes a ten). But the situation of shit is not so bad, as discussed below.

The game itself
So the “shit” shuffled the cards, the king knocks them down, after which they are all dealt. You can’t look at the cards before the king and before the trump card is announced, you’ll become shit. The king looks at the cards and announces the trump suit (sometimes declaring “you shuffle well, you’ll be on the shit forever”), after which he makes the first move, the first move is always on the shit, the shit can try to fight back, all players can throw it to him. If the shit has taken (in the vocabulary of the game “sucked in”), then the move is made by the next senior player to his eldest. The walker can throw cards as he wants, the rest - with the permission of the king, shit does what he wants, "The law is not written for shit". If a player fights back, then after the king’s command “turn the shit over,” the next one moves, if the player “sucked in,” then the players change places and the winning player moves again. So until it reaches the king, if the king has fought back, then he goes to whomever he wants. If a player runs out of cards, he “stabilizes” in place until the next “distribution” of cards, and his turn passes to the older player. Those. Jumping over your head is possible. If a player has cards left, but the others have run out, then that player becomes “shit”, and everyone under him rises one step up the ladder.

The intrigue in KG is to become a king, hold the throne, and put your enemies to hell. The king is a strategic position in the game, thanks to his power he can place people he likes in places, but they may want another place or become king... Intrigues begin, come to an agreement with the shit (as you know, the king is not subordinate, so he can throw a card when a jack moves, force the king to “suck in”), the king can prohibit the toss “lower” an unwanted subject to any place, can allow the toss to a desired person and allow the toss to an undesirable person, promote or lower a player to the desired meta, players can agree, for example, at ten a strong card, he secretly shows it to the jack and agrees that the jack will suck in the weak one, in exchange for the jack’s permanent place, two players can walk and hit in a special way, thereby “fixing” their place, and, for example, opening the way for the bottom one from them to the player with a strong card to the top, a person with a strong card can give it to the shit, and then during the jack’s turn he will throw it away, a player with a strong card can deliberately become a shit in order to make a friend king.., On the other hand, you can curry favor with the king , even being a piece of shit, don’t flip, throw the card the king needs when a jack comes at him, being a jack, don’t knock down the king, etc... In a word, this is a whole art to gain and hold the throne.

Versions of the game: with a poker deck (the player throws a joker and chooses a new trump card, after which, regardless of the result of “sucking” or “fighting back”, the joker goes “out”), with several decks (the most intense game for the king). The game never ends, we once played for 14 hours straight. In the game it is forbidden to say “your word of honor”, ​​“I swear on my honor”, ​​etc. There is no honor in this game, you have to betray in order to become a king. But on the other hand, you can be satisfied with the place of the faithful jack... go figure who is who? Well, let's play in CG? ;-)

Also known as "Trash", "President", "Butt-head", "Capitalism" and "Kings", this is a popular card game, in which all players must get rid of their cards in order to become the King, the President, or, at the very least, to avoid becoming a Pauper.

    Check out the ranks. The name of the game comes from her official position. Since there are many options, we are faced with a ton of choices. Before starting the game, set the ranks you will use. You need titles for each person (must be at least 3 players).

    Learn gaming slang. As a newbie, you just need to understand what other players are talking about!

    If you are going to drink alcohol, set appropriate rules. Not only should you have the basic rules of the game, but you should also establish a rule regarding drinking. Below are already famous examples– you approach them with all your imagination..

    Mark the cards you need. This is not required, but you can choose cards that perform specific functions. This will add an element of randomness to the game with players who have vastly different ability levels.

    • Some players choose a card that automatically covers the entire table. If the player has laid it out, the drawing begins again, and he enters with any card. Usually it's 2.
    • In addition, designate a wild card (usually a 3), which can occupy any numerical value (except a blank card).
    • Let the player not deal the deck again, but start the turn with a specific card (for example, with a 4 of clubs).

    How to play

    1. Hand out the cards. The beggar deals a deck of cards (except jokers) counterclockwise, starting with himself and according to the hierarchy of players from small to large, until all the cards have been dealt (it is assumed that the players will sit in order). This guarantees that the King will start playing with the fewest number of cards if the hands are unequal. Some participants prefer to sit in order during each drawing to make the distribution easier.

      • After the first round, everyone can deal the deck. If the number of cards in the hand is different, fan them out to check who got the fewest.
      • In some cases, the Beggar must surrender his best cards To the king. The Vice Beggar or Junior Beggar must deal 1. And the King and VP respectively deal 2 and 1 of their worst cards.
    2. Start with the lowest card. The player to the dealer's left or the player with the designated card (referred to as the 4 of Clubs) begins the "play" (as in Spades or Bridge). The next player can place the same card or the highest card, as well as two, three or four identical or highest cards. With each turn, the value of the card gets higher and higher until no one can play.

      • Each player must play at least the same number of cards. If 2 threes have already been laid out, then a successful game should have either 2 threes, or 2 fours, etc. Of course, 3 or 4 of the same card also counts.
      • If a hero cannot move, he misses a turn. He simply skips this particular move and continues to play in the same draw. If all players cannot move, the hand is removed and the last person to place a card starts all over again.
    3. Continue the pranks." As the draws progress, each player receives fewer and fewer cards. When a player lays out all his cards, he becomes the King. Then this hero sits happily while others fight to the death so as not to become a Beggar. To speed up the game, you need to count each player's cards after the King's place is taken.

    Common varieties

      Set additional rules for passing the turn. There are a number of changes you can add to general idea transmission Here are a couple of rules:

      • If the player Maybe beat the previous card, he must do it. Passing the move is allowed only in the case when there is really nothing to hit with. As a rule, this makes the game less interesting and eliminates maneuverability.
      • According to another rule, a player who misses a move is not allowed to play in the current draw. If you passed the lead, you need to wait for someone to win the draw and lead again. But the person who was dealt a bad hand will be bored during the game.
    1. Play with the tracks. If people in front of you put a 5 and the next 6, and you covered it with a 7, a so-called “path” was formed. Therefore, the following players will be forced to place cards in ascending order: 5-6-7-8-9-10-B-D-K-A. If no one can cover the last card, they are eliminated from the circle.

    2. Let the King introduce a disgusting rule. If you include alcohol in the game, up the ante. The king will certainly make the most annoying rules, abusing his power. Here's where to start:

      • Fingermaster. When the King places his thumb on the table, everyone must immediately repeat after him. The last one drinks.
      • Anyone who dares to look the King in the eyes must drink.
      • Before the hand starts, someone should make a toast to the King (a good time to kiss his ass). If a toast is not proposed, the King pronounces a punishment at his discretion.
      • The King points to the player (or orders the Beggar) to drink all the participants' alcohol while he is the lord of the land.
    • Turn on the jokers. They must beat all cards - doubles, triples, quadruples and even four kings. You can add just one joker to the deck or present it as a penalty card.
    • Here's another option. When an 8 is played in any combination (double, triple), you can order “put lower” or “put higher.” If you order "put below", the next participant must put down any card that is below the 8. If it is double 8s, then the player is forced to play double cards that are lower than 8s. If you order “put it higher”, the game continues as normal.
    • Play the AK combination. Four cards of a certain combination: 7, 4, K, A (correlation with the AK47 machine gun) create the strongest combination of cards that can be played in one count to get rid of all four cards. She will beat even the most high card(joker if you enabled it).
      • Triple 6s (satanic number) beat both the joker and the AK47 combination. This is the most powerful card in the game.

User rating 5 out of 5 (total 2 votes)

Game King is an exciting game that involves several interesting stages. It is often called ladies' preference for its similarity to the game of classic Preference, only with simplified rules. The game is played by 3-4 players. To play you need a standard deck of 32 playing cards.

What is the essence of the game King?

The goal of each participant is to gain maximum amount points. The game is divided into two stages: in the first you need not to take tricks with certain cards, and in the second, on the contrary, you need to take the maximum number of tricks.

The winner of the game is determined by the most points scored. King is interesting because at the end of the game there can be several winners, because you have to collect both positive and negative points, in total they make up the well-deserved result of participation in card layouts.

The winners are those players whose total points are ultimately equal to positive number. This exciting game requires you to perform basic mathematical calculations, thus creating an intriguing situation.

How to play King?

So, you visited our website and accepted an application to participate in the game. What's next? And then, after the game starts, the participants begin laying out the cards in a circle until the first Ace. Whoever gets it will lay out the deck in the first stage of the game.

Stages of the game

The game includes three rounds:

  • penalty (7 laps);
  • wagering (7 rounds);
  • summing up the game.

Penalty round

At this stage of the game, you need to try not to take bribes or not to take certain cards for which you will receive penalty (negative) points.

Involves collecting negative points.

  • Circle “Don’t take bribes” - the selected dealer deals out the deck, starting with the neighbor on the left, who will get the first turn. All participants receive eight cards. They take turns discarding one card of the same suit. If the first player plays Spade, then everyone discards cards of the spade suit. If there are no spades, then you can get rid of a card of any suit. The bribe is taken by the one who places the highest card of the corresponding suit in the table circle, receiving (-2) points. Eight tricks are played in this circle, according to the number of cards each participant has.
  • Circle “Don’t take hearts” - the one who went first in the circle “Don’t take bribes” becomes the distributor (in subsequent circles the distributor changes around the circle). The first move goes to the participant sitting to his left. At this stage, it is not advisable to take bribes of the suit of Hearts. Whoever gets them gets (-2) points. No points are scored for bribes of other stripes. A total of eight heart tricks are played.
  • Circle “Don’t take boys” - for each boy taken - King and Jack - (-2) points are scored.
  • Circle “Don’t take girls” - for each girl taken, the Lady gets (-4) points.
  • Circle “Don’t take the King” - for the taken King - the King of Hearts there are (-16) points. You cannot start a circle with heart cards.
  • Circle “Don’t take the last two tricks” - for each taken from the last two tricks there are (-8) points, all suits are played.
  • The “Pun” circle is a collection from previous circles; in one circle, all the tricks that cannot be taken are played, taking into account all the rules. As a result, the sum of negative points is (- 96).

The total amount of “-” points (-192).


This stage allows you to win back all the collected negative points, overlapping them with positive ones. Everything that could not be taken in previous rounds must be taken - “Take all the bribes”, “Take the hearts”, “Take the boys”, “Take the girls”, “Take King”, “Take the last two bribes”, “Anti Pun” .

The rules of positive circles are identical to negative ones, only equal positive points are counted for bribes taken.

The total amount of “+” points is 192.

How to sum up the game?

The total sum of "+" and "-" points of the players must be equal to zero.

The difference between “+” and “-” points awarded to a participant is the gamer’s result in the game:

  • if it is positive, the player takes bets in the amount set at the beginning of the game;
  • if negative, gives them to the winner.

How to play King with three players?

A three-player game involves dealing a deck of ten cards to three players. Two cards remain in the draw. The number of laps (ten) and the number of points scored differ.

Penalty round

  • “Don’t take bribes” - (-4) points for each bribe;
  • “Don’t take hearts” - (-5) points for each heart card;
  • “Don’t take boys” - (-10) for each king;
  • “Don’t take girls” - (-10) for each lady;
  • “Don’t take the King” - (-40) for the King of hearts;
  • “Don’t take the last two tricks” - (-20) for each bribe;
  • “Pun” - the sum of the points of the previous rounds - (-240).

Wagering: for each bribe taken - 16 points.

on the maps couldn't be easier.

Game description

Card game king quite popular in Russia. Sometimes it is called " ladies' preference"The card game "Barbu" (French for "Beard"), which originated in France, has something similar to the king. The king is the king of hearts, which has a special role in the game. Play king interesting, that's why this game is very popular. Our website hosts regular king tournaments where you can play king online by competing with live opponents and winning prizes!

Terms in King

Ante- initial rate.
King- king of hearts.
Boys- jacks.
Girls- ladies.
Praise- roleplaying.

King game rules

Number of players: 4, optionally implemented game from 2 to 6
Number of cards in the deck: 32, 16 (2 players), 24 (3 players), 40 (5 players), 48 (6 players)
Card seniority: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A
Purpose of the game: dial greatest number points
The dealer is selected automatically. Next, the dealer changes clockwise. Before the game starts, all players place an initial bet (ante). Each player is dealt 8 cards. Players must play 14 games:

  • 1) Do not take bribes - for each bribe -2 points
  • 2) Do not take boys - for each jack taken -4 points
  • 3) Do not take girls - for each queen taken -4 points
  • 4) Do not take hearts - for each heart card taken -2 points
  • 5) Don’t take the king - the king is K (-16 points)
  • 6) Do not take the last 2 tricks - for each trick -8 points
  • 7) Do not take everything - points are awarded in accordance with games 1) - 6)
  • 8) Take bribes - for each bribe +2 points
  • 9) Take boys - for each jack taken +4 points
  • 10) Take girls - for each queen taken +4 points
  • 11) Take hearts - for each heart card taken +2 points
  • 12) Take the king - the king is K (+16 points)
  • 13) Take the last 2 tricks - for each trick +8 points
  • 14) Take everything - points are awarded in accordance with games 1) - 6)

    The first move belongs to the player to the left of the dealer, who must put down any card. The remaining players clockwise must put down a card of the same suit or any other card if there are no cards of that suit. The one with the higher card in suit (relative to the first card of the move) takes the bribe and makes the next move. The winner is the one with the most points after 14 games played.

    You cannot play with hearts while there are cards of other suits in games 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14.

    X/y, where x is the number of ordered bribes, y is the current number of collected bribes

    The account is presented in table form:

    # Player1Player2Player3Player4Player5Player6
    current gamescore for the gamesummary accountscore for the gamesummary accountscore for the gamesummary accountscore for the gamesummary accountscore for the gamesummary accountscore for the gamesummary account
    . . .
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