Adhesive composition for decorative plaster. How to make decorative plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands

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The range of decorative finishing materials for covering the internal and external surfaces of walls, present on the modern market, is quite wide. Some types have a fairly high cost and require special equipment and a professional approach to work with them. Others are cheap and even a beginner can handle them.

It often happens that the desire to beautifully finish the room rests on a lack of budget. Masters - finishers, and just craftsmen, have come up with effective ways to work with cheap finishing materials, allowing you to imitate expensive counterparts.

One of the most popular methods is the creation of decorative plaster based on ordinary putty, which is widely used due to its low cost.

    Cement. Used to create a leveling layer. Can be used both indoors and outdoors directly on brickwork.

    Gypsum. The most common material. It is these types of putty that are used for finishing. Due to the property of gypsum to absorb wet vapors at their high concentration, and with increasing dryness in the room to evaporate moisture, the humidity level is regulated.

    Polymer. Used for finishing. Ideal for sealing joints, small gaps.

    Waterproof. Easily lays down on bases from different materials. Withstands high humidity and temperature changes. Excellent resistance to multiple loads.

    Universal. Presented in different color shades. Sanded to a perfectly smooth surface. In some cases, it can replace one of the above types.

All types of putties are divided into starting and finishing. The first category is used for leveling surfaces and has a coarser grind. Differs in grayish color. Finishing is intended for final finishing for painting, wallpaper or other finishing material.

It creates a perfectly smooth surface. It is this putty that is used as the basis for simulating decorative plaster.

Among Russian consumers, the most popular are dry putty mixtures from such manufacturers as:


    Sheetrook offers polymer-based leveling compounds. A feature of the product is that some types contain fillers in the form of marble chips or vinyl fibers. Therefore, Sheetrook putties can be used both as a leveling and decorative layer.

    It is possible to choose ready-made material supplied in plastic containers, or dry mixes diluted with water.

    If you look at the ratio of the finishing materials used to the total quantity, then we can say that Knauf products are in the first place. The main specialization of the company is the production of sheet materials based on gypsum.

    As a recognized leader in the production of drywall, the company also offers dry building mixes. Knauf putties are primarily designed for finishing wall materials of our own production.

    Vetonit putty mixtures, in addition to the gypsum base, contain polymer glue, due to which high strength of the layer applied to the walls is achieved. Mixtures of this company are intended for finishing dry rooms during interior work.

Both the convenience of working with it and the quality of the wall surface finish depend on whether the putty mortar is properly prepared. The main gentleman's set for preparing a putty mortar and working with it are:

    Spatula spatulas of different sizes;

    The container in which the solution will be mixed;

    Mixer for stirring based on a drill;

    Construction grater;

    ironing board;


When measuring the number of components for kneading, it is worth remembering that the finished solution hardens quite quickly. This is especially true for gypsum-based putties. Therefore, the volume must be such that it can be worked out without sacrificing quality. It is better to make one or two extra batches than to throw away a frozen, unused solution.

The quality of work, the strength of the coating and the appearance of the decorative coating depend on a properly prepared putty mortar. The optimal ratio of dry material and water is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. However, in practice, it is often necessary to change the indicators.

The consistency of the finished solution should resemble not very liquid sour cream. The water temperature for kneading is within twenty-five degrees.

The density of the mixture depends on the expected thickness of the applied layer. The higher it is, the more dry mix must be added. It should be borne in mind that the thicker the solution, the faster it hardens.

For reliable adhesion of the putty layer to the wall surface, it is necessary to perform some preparatory work. If it is intended to decorate brickwork plastered with cement mortar, then the latter must be cured for a period of four weeks.

When working with old walls, the layers of old paint, wallpaper and putty applied to them over time must be completely removed. Grease contamination is unacceptable. Such places are cleaned with a solvent, followed by rinsing with soapy water.

Large cracks and irregularities are covered over, and the entire surface of the wall is leveled with the same putty that will be used for decorative imitation. The preparation ends with the application of a primer layer.

When working on imitation of decorative plaster, there are situations when it is necessary to level the surface before applying the main layer. For this, a base layer is used, which also serves as the basis for better adhesion of subsequent overlays of the mortar with the wall.

The technology of applying the base layer is performed using the same technology as the decorative one. The only difference is that the starting putty is used for this.

Options for imitation of decorative putty

There are several ways to turn a layer of ordinary putty into decorative plaster. To do this, you can use the most common tools and improvised materials. It should be remembered that the height of the decorative texture is usually 1 - 1.5 mm. Based on this, the thickness of the main layer is calculated.

Everything ingenious is simple. Create a masterpiece with an elementary paint roller

Rolling the surface of the putty layer applied to the wall with this tool, you can get irregularities of the original shape, reminiscent of tousled velor. By adjusting the degree of pressing or wrapping the roller with a cloth, a different decorative effect is obtained.

We use textile material with a large, embossed texture

Using a piece of fabric with a distinct texture of interlaced threads, you can create an original texture on the wall. It is enough to press the material to the applied layer of putty.

The interlaced threads will be imprinted on the surface, leaving behind a pattern of small depressions and bumps. An old burlap gives an excellent effect.

The use of brushes is one of the most common and simple techniques.

One of the simplest methods, which nevertheless gives a good result. The pile of the brush, carried out on the surface of the layer, leaves traces in the form of stripes. Their shape, frequency and type depend on the density of the bristles on the instrument, the pressing force.

The rest depends on the imagination. The brush can be driven along the wall either straight or in waves, circles or zigzags.

"Fish scales" - a spectacular relief with minimal effort

With this method, decorative irregularities are obtained by pressing the spatula against the putty layer, followed by pulling. The surface treated with a tool with a rounded edge looks especially impressive.

"Rose buds" or custom texture obtained with thick paper

You can get patterns in the form of flowers on the wall using thick paper. To do this, a ball is formed from the sheet.

To protect against moisture, it must be placed in a plastic bag. By pressing such a peculiar tool to a soft putty, it is possible to obtain patterns that resemble rose flowers.

The next method is a little more difficult than the others and takes more time. Based on this, it is necessary to prepare the solution in small volumes. Wall processing should also be carried out in small sections.

Rain effect - create drops and streams of water on the wall

Work begins with marking the wall, which is a parallel strip, focusing on which strokes are performed with a trowel.

Since the direction of the "traces from the raindrops" can be vertical, inclined or horizontal, the marking is also performed. The distance between the lines should be three times the width of the float being used.

The working solution is applied to the wall with a layer of three centimeters. Since the putty sets quickly, the width of the processed strip should be equal to the size of the tool used, and the length should be one meter.

Imitation of raindrops is obtained by pressing the tool to a soft putty, followed by peeling off. As a result of the operations performed, numerous protrusions in the form of thorns are formed on the surface. They will be the basis for the main decor.

Having attached a clean trowel to the surface, and placing it at a slight angle, draw the tool in the right direction, gently tearing it off at the end of the movement. Gradually, all sections of the wall are processed in this way.

Formation of texture through a stencil

Using purchased or homemade stencils, you can get a variety of wall surface textures. The simplest is the indentation technology. For this, stencils with convex patterns are used.

After applying a layer of mortar to a small section of the wall, the selected stencil is pressed against the surface. In this way, you can create on the walls as an abstract texture, as well as concrete images, and ornaments.

The use of special stencils allows you to imitate snake or crocodile skin, stone or brickwork.

Turning on imagination and fantasy, you can use what you can find at home to create an original texture. An ordinary rope, fixed on a piece of plywood in the form of a pattern, becomes an original stencil. Due to its flexibility, towline allows you to realize the most daring fantasies.

Interesting textures can be created with the help of newspapers, film, washcloths, sponges and other improvised means.

The nuances of using multiple colors

The final stage of finishing is painting the surface. To emphasize the decorative effect of embossed surfaces, it is desirable to use paint in at least two different shades.

Coloring textured plaster can be done by washing. This method is more acceptable with a clearly defined surface relief. To give expressiveness to the walls, two different shades are used.

A lighter color is used as the background. After its application and complete drying, a darker color is applied, part of which, after application, is removed with a damp sponge or cloth. Thus, a dark background remains in the recessed places of the relief, and the protruding parts are lightened.

Useful tips. Video - a master class for creating an elite "Venetian" from ordinary putty

Work with a layer of putty applied to the wall must be carried out as quickly as possible in order to be in time before the mortar sets.

The boundaries of wall sections with different textures are separated for the duration of work with masking tape, which must be removed until the putty is completely dry. Otherwise, chipping of the extreme contours is inevitable.

Decorative plasters, or decorative textured coatings, do not require further processing or surface finishing. They can be applied to walls and partitions made of any material - be it brick, concrete, drywall, wood or ordinary plaster. But the plaster hardens very quickly, so it is quite difficult to carry out finishing work with it on a large surface.

In addition, the use of decorative plaster for wall decoration requires mandatory thorough surface preparation (treatment with a primer, putty, grouting materials).

Typically, decorative plaster is available in the form of a dry or ready-to-use thick mixture. The basis of such materials includes a polymer binder, a filler (marble or granite chips, sand, lime), on which the texture of the future coating depends, as well as a liquid base - water.

Dry plaster in packages

The composition of decorative plaster often includes other additives that provide additional properties (different surface structure, protective anti-shock properties).

There are also special, separately sold additives for giving decorative plaster a particular color.

Plaster with colored additives

If the coating is made in the form of a dry mixture, it must be diluted with water in the required proportion. The plaster is applied quickly enough: first with a brush, and then with a spatula, or with another tool, or with a special tool right away (which one should be indicated in the instructions for using decorative plaster). Such a tool can be a roller, brush, trowel, trowel.

Stretch plaster is always applied with a trowel, from bottom to top. Such plaster is characterized by a denser grain structure. Outwardly, it is very different from ordinary plasters.

The use of decorative plaster provides many possibilities. For example, with the help of various molding tools, you can additionally create different types of textures.

Plaster consumption is measured in kilograms per square meter of surface and usually ranges from 1.5 to 3 kg.

Decorative synthetic plaster is also used for finishing both interior walls and facades. Depending on the granulation and the direction of grouting of such plaster, it is possible to create an individual structure of the walls of the interior. Such plaster is usually used as a finishing coat, but can be additionally coated with paint.

Decorative plaster in the room

Grout mineral plaster is characterized by a high content of natural grains, does not contain artificial resin. Differs in high ability to pass pairs of water. It is used for external and internal works.

Before covering the walls with decorative plaster, apply a preparatory layer of ordinary plaster over the beacons, consisting of spray and primer. The surface of the preparatory layer is scratched, giving it a roughness for better adhesion to the decorative layer. A well-seasoned preparatory layer is covered with a decorative mortar. Moreover, it can consist of two, three or more layers.

First, a spray from a decorative solution is applied to the preparatory layer, then a layer or layers of soil and, if required, a coating from the same solution.

Creating decorative plaster from ordinary

Decorative plaster "Wave"

A variety of textures for future coloring can also be “depicted” on ordinary plaster. For example, “waves” look great on lime-sand plaster.

To reproduce them on the surface, on fresh or previously rubbed plaster, notched and moistened with water, a second layer of mortar is applied in straight or curved stripes and smoothed with a spatula. Thus, a wavy surface is obtained.

Plaster "Wave"

Plaster "Traverine"

To create travertine (lime tuff) on the wall, a thin layer of colored mortar is applied by throwing on the prepared plaster surface. After that, smooth it with a spatula or steel trowel. The result is embossed islands on a smooth worn background - the so-called decorative "stones".

Plaster "Traverine"

For the process of applying this type of joke, see the video:

Stone plaster

To create a texture “under the boulders”, a plastic colored solution is applied to the soil, quickly leveled with a trowel and then the surface is cut with a hard hair or bristle brush. When trimming, the brush should be held strictly perpendicular to the surface. A hard brush is needed because only it gives clear, sharply defined “boulders”.

Stone plaster

Plaster "Dune"

Under the dunes, the colored solution is also first leveled with a trowel, and then the grater is placed with a little pressure and immediately torn off. The solution sticks to the grater and, together with it, is pulled away from the surface, which causes roughness on the surface. Outwardly, these roughnesses are very similar to sand dunes. If you want the dunes to be wavy, the grater can be torn off not straight, but slightly shifted to the side. To obtain the texture of small dunes, the mortar is first allowed to set a little. After that, it is slightly overwritten, put a grater on the surface and tear it off.

Plaster "Dune"

Watch how to apply Dune on the wall in a short video:

Plaster "Furrows"

The texture “under the furrows” is obtained using a bevel with semicircular teeth, which is made from a steel strip or wood. It has up to 30 mm width with sinuses between the teeth 10-15 mm. The teeth are sharpened in one direction. A sedentary solution is applied to the prepared soil, quickly leveled with a trowel, then they take the rule in their left hand and apply it to the solution that has not yet set. Now you need to attach the bevel to the rule with your right hand and drive it with the sharpened side of the teeth forward at an angle of 45 ° to the surface. Thus, even furrows are obtained. Their size and shape, of course, depend on the shape of the teeth of the bevel.

Plaster "Furrows"

Plaster "under a fur coat"

By spraying, throwing the solution through the net, shaking off the solution from a broom or brush.

Methods for applying plaster "under a fur coat"

Spraying through the net and from the broom is carried out with any solution (even with coarse aggregate). Only mortar with fine aggregates is suitable for spraying from a brush. To get a dense spray without skipping, repeat it several times until there are no uncovered spots on the surface. You can also use a special spray tool (it looks like a fan).

Spray plastering under a fur coat

Spraying on the grid is performed as follows. Stretch a grid with cells from 2.5 to 10 mm on a wooden frame measuring 100 x 100 or 100 x 50 cm (the specific size depends on the size of the texture). Stretch the wire diagonally from the back of the frame. It is necessary so that the mesh does not bulge or vibrate during operation. Attach the mesh to the wire, tie it. In order for the frame to always stand at the same distance from the wall, nail planks 10-25 cm thick to it.

Spraying plaster "under a fur coat" through the grid

The frame is attached to the surface of the soil and a solution is thrown through the mesh with a spatula from a falcon. Passing through the mesh, the solution remains on the surface in the form of tubercles. To make the texture the same for you, try to apply the solution with the same force.

When spraying from a birch broom, hold it with your right hand, and in your left take a round stick with a diameter of 4-5 cm, a length of 50-60 cm. Take the solution onto the broom and hit it against the stick, shaking it onto the wall surface. The size of the resulting texture will depend on the thickness of the broom rods, the density of the solution and the shaking force. Stir the solution from time to time during operation so that it does not delaminate.

Spraying plaster "under a fur coat" with a broom

To get a finer texture, spray with a brush. It is better to use a stiff hair or (best option) bristle brush. The brush is held with the left hand and, having been dipped into the solution at half the height of the hair, is brought to the surface with the bristles up. Then they pass along the bristles with a stick or a board (it is held in the right hand), and the solution from the brush flies off to the surface to be plastered. A thick texture, similar to the pile of a fur coat, will remain on the wall.

Brush for applying plaster "under a fur coat"

To get a texture similar to snow flakes, spraying is performed with flakes of a creamy plastic solution. The wall will be especially spectacular if the flakes of a white solution are applied to colored plaster. In this case, the colored solution is first applied, leveled and overwritten, and then sprayed over it. You need to do this without waiting for the plaster to dry.

To create a texture with a sponge, a solution of a creamy consistency is applied to the soil, quickly leveled and immediately applied to it with end blows with a sponge. After that, a relief remains on the surface of the plaster, the appearance of which depends on the shape of the pores of the sponge. So that the solution does not stick to the sponge, it must be moistened in soapy water and squeezed lightly.

Instead of a sponge, you can use a relief roller

To obtain relief patterns on a non-hardened plastered surface, special stamps or any convex objects can be used: shells, dense leaves, branches, and the like. Pieces of stone, brick, multi-colored glass fragments, shells can simply be pressed into the still soft plaster. It will harden and hold the mosaic together.

To give relief to the plaster, you can use a variety of objects

Plaster "sgraffito"

Another way to decorate walls using plaster is called "sgraffito" (scratched). This technique consists in scraping off thin layers of specially applied colored plaster. If there are several such colored layers, the resulting drawing will be voluminous and multi-colored, reminiscent of a fresco.

Wall decoration using the "sgraffito" method

Now let's move on to the consideration of techniques for decorating walls using terrasite plaster. This type of plaster consists of a large amount of fluff lime mixed with white cement, white sand, marble chips, glass, mica and other materials. The peculiarity of terrazitic plaster is given by the addition of mica and anthracite fines (up to 10% of the volume of cement).

A variety of terrazitic plaster


The texture “for hatching” (straight or shifted strokes) with irregularities from 2 to 5 mm is obtained from fine-grained mixtures using a freshly applied mortar. The solution (in the range from 1 to 6 hours after application) must be processed with a notch with nail combs or a toothed scraper. The applied cement mixture can be processed with a trojan or scarpel. On the hardened solution, work begins no earlier than 6 days after its application.

Plaster "Rock"

The texture “under the rock” resembles a chipped stone, and it is made from a hardened mortar with a large aggregate by forging with a chisel or tongue. The sheet pile is driven into the mortar, thereby knocking out pieces and leaving recesses that form a uniformly granular surface. If the processing is carried out with a chisel or scarpel, cutting off pieces of the mortar, the surface will look like a torn or chipped natural stone.

Technology of application and texture of stone plaster

The surface of stone plaster before processing is divided into separate "stones". To do this, with the help of a chalked cord, lines of rows of “stones” or rustication of “seams”, as well as straps and other straight-line details, are pierced. After that, they begin to finish the plaster for one or another texture.

Invoice "under a fur coat" performed with different instruments. If you perform a notch with bush hammers with large teeth, the result will be a coarse-grained texture, with fine teeth - a fine-grained one, and when forging with a tongue, an especially coarse-grained texture will come out. Keep in mind: with large and long spikes of bush hammer teeth, the texture is deeper and larger.

For hatching grooves work is done by a bush hammer, only instead of teeth it should have blades. The depth of the grooves will be determined by the size of the teeth. The first forging is led along the line broken off by the cord, and the subsequent ones are parallel to it. To get a texture with the division of the entire surface into stripes, you need to use a trojan or gear.

Buchard and the Trojan

Invoice "under the dunes" on stone plaster is done with a chisel. The surface of the wall must first be cleaned with steel brushes or rubbed with bars. And then, with a well-compacted and rubbed surface of the plaster, you need to cut off a thin layer so that small depressions form.

Types of chisels

Under torn stone or coarsely chipped sandstone invoice make dowels, chisels, scarpels. First, a solution is applied to the surface with a layer of 4-6 cm, it is compacted and the surface is divided into “stones”. When the mortar sets, cut through or rusty, and then process the surface as needed to obtain a texture. A chisel or tongue is driven into the applied hardened plaster and pieces of mortar are broken off in different places to form large irregularities. If you want to get an texture for hewn sandstone, small pieces of plaster are chipped off with a chisel.

Fur coat and broken stone finish

Coarse-grained and fine-grained textures received in two doses. First, a cement mortar is applied - in small or large throws, - then a mortar for stone plaster is prepared and applied in a layer up to 10 mm thick over the set soil layer. The top texture can be fine-grained or coarse-grained depending on the filler.

Applying Venetian plaster

For best results, the surface to be covered with Venetian plaster should be as smooth, uniform (white) and non-absorbent as possible. You can not apply plaster on wood and metal - over time, the coating will crack.

Venetian plaster

Tools for Venetian plaster

To prepare and cover the walls with Venetian plaster, you will need the following tools:

  • two brushes - maklovitsa and flute,
  • roulette,
  • long line,
  • level,
  • pencil,
  • dosing syringe,
  • measuring cups,
  • mixing containers,
  • mixer,
  • ladder,
  • bucket with water,
  • sandpaper (no. 120 and 220),
  • grinding grater,
  • two stainless steel trowels 250 and 200 mm wide,
  • wide and narrow spatulas made of polished forged stainless steel.

It is advisable to round off the working edges of the tools and polish them with a fine-grained sandpaper, completely removing scratches, burrs and other defects.

Before applying Venetian plaster, make sure the substrate is carefully prepared. With insufficient quality preparation of the base, cracks may appear on the surface that cannot be repaired.

Stages of applying Venetian plaster

The depth and transparency of the coating is achieved by a special application technique.

The master applies several very thin layers of coating on the wall, consisting of randomly located spots of material. The combination of many such spots and their layers creates the illusion of depth in the pattern of natural material. The number of layers varies from 2 to 10, but the total thickness hardly exceeds 1 mm. Each layer must be smoothed (pressed) manually with a spatula, grater, trowel until a completely even, smooth and glossy surface is obtained. Even for an experienced specialist, it takes almost an hour to work with 1 m² of one layer.

The first layer is usually made from a material that contains finely ground marble chips. It is applied to the surface with a steel trowel or spatula in the same way as putty. After 4-6 hours, covering, glazing layers can be applied to this layer, which will create the texture of the coating pattern.

Applying the first coat of plaster

If you want to get a matte finish, then the second and subsequent layers are made from the same material as the first. A glossy surface is obtained using a finely dispersed material mixed with a selected dye.

Getting started, apply a small amount of material with a spatula to the working surface of a long float. Now start working from any top corner. Proceed in the same way as when applying the finishing putty, applying the mixture in an even layer. Cover the areas near the floor with an upward movement. Press the ironer firmly against the wall, holding it at an angle of 10-15° to the surface. Make sure there are no gaps.

When the first layer dries, start applying the next one.

First mix the coating material: add dye to it (if you bought a “semi-finished product”) and mix everything thoroughly again.

Next, along the edge of the short trowel, apply a small amount of material with a narrow spatula and smear it with arbitrary strokes using arcuate short movements. Each movement should be approximately equal to the length of the float. If there is an influx on the wall at the end of the movement, disperse it with a straight-line movement at an angle to the influx line. Alternate spreading and acceleration movements and arbitrarily change their length and direction. At the floor, apply the coating in arcuate movements, starting from the bottom. Finish when the second layer covers an area of ​​about 0.7 x 0.7 m.

The stage of applying Venetian plaster

Now level the coating on this area with long strokes of the float in arbitrary directions. Every 2-3 strokes, clean the ironer and wipe it with a damp cloth. Increase the pressing force and the slope of the trowel plane to 20-25°. The result should be a uniform thin layer.

After 10 minutes, start smoothing the coating with the edge of a wide (200 mm) trowel. The movements of the spatula from top to bottom should be slightly intersecting. As gloss appears (this comes from heating and polymerization of the material), loosen the pressure on the spatula. If this is not done, the resulting crust can be damaged.

To finally gloss the surface, you need to smooth it with a clean trowel. At the same time, it is strongly pressed with both hands and held at an angle of 5-12 ° to the plane of the wall. When glossing the area near the floor, move the strokers from the bottom up and slightly cross them.

The next stage of applying Venetian plaster

When finished, proceed to apply the second layer to the next area, repeating successively all the steps of the operation.

The pressure on the trowel at the beginning and end of the movement is weakened (as when scraping). This allows you to change the thickness of the material layer. When smoothing and glossing, the movements of the trowel should cross the boundaries of adjacent areas. To get the desired texture, change the size of the trowel, the length of the strokes, the gaps between them, as well as the force of pressure on the tool.

When working in corners, openings, ledges and other difficult places, direct the spreading movements from the boundary line into the area. If necessary, use a spatula instead of a spatula.

Before the second layer is dry, start applying the next layer in random spots. At the same time, the entire finishing cycle is repeated in sections. Apply as many coats (moleno of different colors) as needed to achieve the desired result.

If you accidentally damage the surface, apply the first coat of material with a narrow trowel to and around the area. When it dries, repeat the entire operation to apply the next layer.

You can use the premises after the completion of all work in a day, but it is better not to rush. The walls will dry out completely in a week.

Venetian plaster

After all layers have dried, you can cover the walls with natural beeswax. It will enhance the shine of the coating and give a feeling of optical illusion. Waxing gives the coating additional moisture resistance. Some plasters produced today do not need to be waxed: all the necessary components are already contained in the material.

Wall decoration with decorative plaster: 10 types of textures with your own hands

This is a great way to save on interior decoration. At the same time, the quality of work does not suffer. With the observance of technology and certain efforts, you can get a texture that is not inferior to expensive frescoes. It is not difficult to prepare decorative plaster, it is enough to study the step-by-step instructions for this process.

The advantages of the composition

Putty plaster is a simple and cost-effective way to carry out repairs. The material has high plasticity, so it is convenient to work with it.. Thanks to the structure, you can get a complex pattern. Even a beginner is able to cope with the task. With such a coating, the interior will become more attractive and presentable. You can even make a luxurious decoration of an apartment or house.

With the help of putty, you can get a wide variety of textures.

The composition of decorative plaster includes plasticizers and additives that increase adhesion (adhesion to the base). The consistency of the solution is similar to oil. It is easy to lay on the wall and spread over the surface. Decorating walls with your own hands can be a pleasant pastime with such plaster.

The coating adheres well to any substrate. With proper preparation, you can use it for brick or foam concrete walls, apply it to drywall or cement screed. The plaster is not afraid of moisture, resistant to mechanical stress. In terms of durability, the material can compete with ceramic tiles and natural stone. Another indisputable advantage is resistance to ultraviolet radiation. The surface does not fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

Putty-based plaster does not absorb odors. It provides good sound insulation and thermal protection. Differs in simplicity of leaving and unpretentiousness.

The environmental friendliness of the material allows it to be used for decorating a children's room

The material is completely safe for humans. It can even be used in a child's room. Do-it-yourself plasters do not contain toxic elements and do not emit harmful substances. The option with confidence can be called one of the most environmentally friendly to date.


It is important to note that the device of decorative plaster in this case provides for the finishing painting of the walls. Putty acts as a base for paint and creates a beautiful texture. The use of this material as a finish is not provided.

Before you make decorative plaster with your own hands, you will need to prepare the tools. Work will not take much time if you have:

  • several different spatulas;
  • trowel for grouting or a special grater;
  • trowel;
  • as a rule, a plumb line and a building level to check the quality of the application.

Rollers, trowels, spatulas are used for wall finishing.

In general, work is performed in the following order:

  1. ground preparation;
  2. base layer;
  3. textured coating;
  4. finish coating.

Preparing walls for plaster

Before you make decorative plaster yourself, you need to thoroughly clean the base. First, they get rid of the finishing material: they remove the old paint, wallpaper, etc. At the next stage, the base is cleaned of various contaminants, dust and grease, if any.

Careful surface preparation is required before finishing

A good coating can only be done on a flat wall.. The surface should be inspected for cracks, gouges and protrusions. The latter are knocked down with a metal tool. The cracks can be filled with the same putty. If necessary, make a complete alignment over the entire area. The evenness check is performed using the rule and the building level.

Before applying putty, the wall must be primed

The leveling layer is allowed to dry. After that, a primer is applied. It is needed so that the plaster grabs well with a flat base.

base layer

The first step is the preparation of the solution. Instructions for diluting the dry ready mix with water can be found on the packaging. You should get a pasty consistency. At one time, you need to prepare as much mortar as you can apply to the wall before setting. Do not forget that building mixtures have a limited lifespan and quickly become unsuitable for application.

Now you can find ready-made putties, which in their composition contain modifiers that slow down the setting process. But conventional compounds do not have such properties.

The base layer allows you to level the surface

The base layer allows you to "practice" in the application. The aesthetic component is not so important here, since there will be two more layers on top. The thickness is taken depending on the evenness of the base and the planned texture. On average, this value is 20 mm.

texture layer

Renovating your home, you can show imagination. It is at this stage that a unique texture of the walls is created, which will delight the owners for many years.

To create a drawing, use the following tools:

  • roller;
  • stencils;
  • brushes, spatulas, trowels.

The easiest way to apply the composition with a roller

The easiest way for a beginner is to use a roller. The texture is grainy.. It is difficult to call such a drawing original, but with the right choice of paint, you can get an interesting option. A roller is carried out along the wall, after which a pattern similar to velor remains on it. If some areas protrude too much or look messy, use a spatula. This tool smooths out the highlighted fragments. The roller on the layer needs to be carried out only once.

With the help of special stencils, you can apply a pattern to the wall

Another interesting and fairly simple way is ready-made stencils.. They are sold in specialized stores. This option allows you to create a rather complex pattern with minimal labor costs. A convex pattern is provided on the outer part of the stencil. The element is simply applied to the wall and slightly pressed into the putty. After that, a beautiful imprint remains on the surface. In order for it to turn out clear and accurate, the instrument must be washed frequently with clean water. This may take additional time. To make a drawing on the corners, you need to purchase a special rubber stencil.

Using brushes and spatulas to create texture requires certain skills.

Using brushes and spatulas, you can create textures that mimic concrete, natural stone or fabrics.. It also uses non-standard tools. For example, with a certain imagination, even a bag and a sponge can become helpers. For a beginner, this option will require training. It is quite difficult to get an original, beautiful and neat solution right away. But with this technology, the master is limited only by his own imagination.

Finish coat

Before this stage, the plaster must dry in a room with a normal microclimate and without drafts. It usually takes 24 hours. After drying, the surface should be treated with sandpaper with small particles.

The next step is coloring. Perfectly emphasizes the texture of the method of double staining. Most often, two different shades of the same color are chosen. Monochromatic coloring will look less interesting. The work is performed in the following order:

  • with a long pile roller, apply the first layer of paint of a darker shade;
  • allow the coating to dry;
  • take a roller with a short pile and paint the surface in a lighter tone;
  • after drying, cover the wall with a colorless varnish, which will extend the life of the plaster.

The easiest way to paint is with a roller.

A long pile is able to paint over the wall over the entire area, including recesses. The short pile roller will no longer reach deep areas, so they will remain darker. The work can also be done with a brush or a wash method. But these options are more labor intensive. If there are no suitable rollers, they can be bought at the nearest hardware store.

For original and bright solutions, you can use two colors for painting. This method is used less frequently than the classic one (with different shades of the same color), but also has the right to exist. Only when choosing it is worth considering how harmoniously the two selected colors are combined. Best of all, this solution is suitable for a child. Unusual coloring will create a unique and bright interior.

Dry putty plaster is a simple and reliable way out for those who make repairs on their own for the first time or do not have much experience. Working with compositions, for example, cement-based, will be much more difficult, and the result will be almost the same. For this reason, do not be afraid to use materials for an unusual purpose.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty

How to make decorative plaster from putty yourself. Composition, how to prepare and apply with your own hands - step by step instructions.

How to make decorative plaster with your own hands from ordinary putty

Renovation and, in particular, interior decoration is a great opportunity to realize your own original ideas and create a unique interior design in your home. Decorative plaster from ordinary putty is considered one of the most affordable and non-trivial ways to decorate surfaces. Thanks to this technology and your own design ideas, you can save yourself the extra cost of purchasing expensive decorative coatings.

Advantages of decorative putty plaster

You can make decorative plaster from putty with your own hands. In addition to low cost, there are several other advantages of this method of interior design:

  1. On the surface to be decorated, you can get an original texture and elegant reliefs that will help create a unique design of the room.
  2. The putty mixture has high adhesion on any surface, from drywall and brick to foam block.
  3. High plasticity of the material provides easy application to the surface and convenience in the process of repair work.
  4. Decorative putty will last a long time without losing its aesthetic and practical characteristics.
  5. Putty does not absorb odors and provides additional noise and heat insulation function.
  6. The composition of putty mixtures does not contain harmful toxic substances, due to which this material is considered the most environmentally friendly and safe.
  7. The modern market offers many options for implementing stylistic solutions. Some brands of compounds allow you to add paint to them, dried putty can also be painted in the desired shade.

In order to make decorative plaster with your own hands, you need to learn the basic rules that will greatly facilitate the task and help you create unique interiors on your own, even with a minimal budget.

Features of decorative putty

Putty for decorative finishing is a wide field for the implementation of bold design ideas. Thanks to this, you can create a variety of stylistic solutions with your own hands:

  • randomly applied colored spots and stains on a flat wall;
  • images on a smooth plane;
  • wall with an arbitrary relief texture.

There are many options for decorative finishes with putty, you just need to show a little imagination

Creating masterpieces of decorative finishing from simple putty must begin with the preparation of tools: spatulas of various sizes, a construction grater, sandpaper, a smoother for structuring the surface, a level, sponges, brushes, rollers and other accessories, depending on the type of structure being created.

The whole process of performing decorative plaster includes the following steps:

  • work planning and surface preparation;
  • applying the starting layer;
  • creation of a planned texture;
  • finishing.

Preparatory work

When doing decorative finishing with your own hands, you need to pay special attention to preparing the walls for puttying. All areas of the surface, including hard-to-reach places, must be thoroughly cleaned of old putty, wallpaper and paint. After that, you should carefully check the wall for potholes, cracks and crevices - all identified defects are filled with putty mixture. At the end of the preparatory measures, it is necessary to prime the surface, then allow the wall to dry and proceed to the next step.

Special attention must be paid to preparing the surface for puttying.

Basic putty

In order to perform a decorative finish, you can purchase a ready-made putty mixture or dry powder for dilution in water, and make a putty solution with your own hands. Gypsum and cement mixtures are considered the most affordable and popular options for decorating putty - they are highly durable and allow you to eliminate noticeable level differences.

Advice! To give decorative properties to lime, gypsum or cement putty, sand, stone chips, mineral particles and other materials can be added. Synthetic fillers are suitable for the polymer mixture, which can create a wood texture, leather or silk effect on the wall surface.

The base layer must be applied in a thin layer not exceeding 2 mm; in this case, it is pointless to strive to create a perfectly smooth surface, since all irregularities will be corrected in the process of creating a texture or pattern.

Before textured finishing, the walls should be leveled with a layer of putty material

Create a textured surface

When creating decorative plaster from putty with your own hands, you need to show imagination and creativity. A textured surface can be created using rollers, stencils, brushes, notched trowels and trowels. Also, for texturing in the work, you can use ordinary crumpled paper, polyethylene, sponges and stamps.

Decorative plaster is applied to the surface with a layer of 3-5 mm, after which texturing is performed with improvised means. To create a relief pattern, putty should be distributed in random movements using a small soft spatula.

Creating texture on the wall using ordinary putty

Important! If the layer of decorative putty is thicker than 5 mm, it is likely that over time the decor will crack and lose its original appearance.

Using a roller is the easiest and most popular way to create a textured finish with your own hands. With it, you can create the effect of fluffy velor, after which it is necessary to carefully treat the surface and eliminate the prominent irregularities with a spatula.

The stencils have a convex pattern on the working side, and in order to make a beautiful pattern, it is necessary to press it onto the soft putty over the entire surface of the wall. To make the print clearer, it is necessary to rinse the stencil with water each time.

Using a stencil roller, you can easily create spectacular patterns on the puttied surface.

When the relief of the wall is ready, it is necessary to give it a finished look - apply paint and, if necessary, varnish. Double staining will emphasize the texture of the surface, for this the first layer is applied with a long pile roller, and after it dries, the surface is painted again with a short pile roller.

Stylistic solutions for wall decoration

To create a decorative finish with your own hands, you can use the following technologies:

  1. Scales. The texture is created with a spatula, with which it is necessary to make vertical strokes on the putty layer. After creating the structure and drying the material, the wall is painted over with paint.
  2. Rain. Previously, marking lines are applied to the wall, on top of which strips of masking tape are glued. The effect of falling raindrops is created on a damp putty with a trowel, which must be pressed against the wall and peeled off.
  3. Rock. A small section of the wall, starting from the upper corner, is covered with a putty layer of about 3 mm. A metal trowel must be drawn over the entire surface of the treated area, while one side of the tool should be slightly raised. This technique provides an interesting texture that resembles lines on stone surfaces.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty

To make decorative plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands, it is not necessary to be a professional. It just takes a little imagination and patience. Video

Do-it-yourself textured plaster: how to make decorative plaster from putty

Starting repairs, many people think about what material to use for wall decoration. The classics in the form of wallpaper have already set the teeth on edge, painting requires large-scale rough work, paneling eats up usable area. Perhaps you should pay attention to this type of finish, such as decorative plaster. A variety of textures and application methods allow you to create a unique interior that will not only please the eye, but also provide a favorable climate in the apartment. This finishing material can be bought ready-made, but its cost is quite high, so recently decorative plaster from ordinary putty is gaining popularity among designers.

Types of decorative plaster based on putty

Using putty, you can get the following types of decorative plaster with your own hands:

  • invoice. For this type, it will be enough to use putty in its pure form or with minimal additives to increase plasticity (for example, PVA). A surface with such a coating can imitate natural stone, fabric, wood, have a wide variety of textures, which will depend on the tool used.
  • Structural. In this case, various fillers are added to the putty: marble chips or flour, small pebbles, shell rock, sand, etc. With the help of such plaster, minor wall errors can be hidden. A unique pattern is obtained due to the grooves formed when small particles move during the movement of the spatula.

  • Venetian. Both real and "fake" Venetian plaster are very difficult to apply. When finished, the surface resembles marble or onyx. However, if you want to try to do it yourself, using a real “Venetian” made of lime with marble chips is risky - the material is expensive and capricious. The option with putty in this case will come in handy.

Work materials

To create textured or Venetian decorative plaster, you will need the following compositions:

  • Putty. Polymer (acrylic, silicone) compounds have good plasticity and are easy to apply, but their cost will be higher than that of conventional gypsum putty.
  • Dye. The number of shades is selected depending on the planned result. Textured plaster involves the use of 1-2 colors, Venetian - 3 colors.

Important! One of the colors is chosen as the main one, the rest are complementary. Before buying, it is better to study the palette of color compatibility.

  • Primer. Suitable acrylic composition of deep penetration.
  • Wax for decorative plaster or acrylic varnish.
  • Glitter (shine) depending on the desired effect.
  • Mother-of-pearl enamel (gold, silver).

The material is purchased depending on the type of decor that you would like to receive.

Features of preparation

Plaster, according to its main purpose, serves to level the walls, but it is impossible to finish and rough at the same time. Therefore, you need to prepare the base:

Textured and Venetian plaster from putty when doing work with your own hands are applied in several layers.

Important! It is worth remembering that the putty dries quickly, so the application of texture, decor is done in squares of 1–1.5 square meters. m.

Textured plaster

The technology for applying this finishing finish with your own hands has a feature: the more embossed the pattern, the thicker the putty layer will have to be applied.

The tool used is varied:

  • spatulas (metal, rubber, comb, plastic);
  • textured, foam rubber or fur roller;
  • film;
  • various brushes;
  • natural material (leaves, stones, shells);
  • templates.

The finishing putty dries quickly. Therefore, you can prepare a solution by mixing it with a 50/50 starter mix.

The process of working with decorative putty plaster:

A layer of putty 3 mm thick is applied to the prepared surface in small squares (may vary depending on the required texture depth). Next, the texture is applied in one of the following ways:

  • With a spatula. The tool makes uniform strokes from top to bottom or from bottom to top. The surface relief will resemble large scales. If you added a solid filler (pebbles, stone chips) to the putty, you can achieve the effect of "bark beetle". The pattern is created by circular chaotic movements on a slightly dried surface, paths will form behind the spatula.

  • Using film. It can be carefully glued to a damp surface and removed when dry. Another texture can be obtained by applying a crumpled piece of film to a wall covered with putty.

  • brush. By drawing up and down, you can achieve the effect of burlap.
  • roller. You can use the ready-made texture tool by selecting the desired pattern. And the use of an ordinary roller with a wound rope will give an interesting herbal pattern.

  • With the use of leaves, stones. Natural materials are pressed into the putty, after drying they are carefully removed. For this method, the base is prepared with already tinted putty, the decorative layer is applied in the same color.

After the entire surface has been treated and dried, light sanding should be done to remove strongly protruding scars. Prime and then start painting.

  1. First, a layer of paint of the same color is applied with pressure, the recesses of the texture are painted over. Give time to dry.
  2. The second layer is applied with light movements without pressure so that the paint does not get into the recesses of the pattern. In the case of natural materials, you can use one color, and make the accent on the drawing at the stage of applying wax or varnish by adding gold or silver enamel. It is applied with a spatula, the collected excess should be distributed according to the main pattern.
  3. After the paint has dried completely, the walls are covered with wax or acrylic varnish. For greater effect, you can add glitter.

To hide the transitions between adjacent squares, the batch is applied to the next section with an overlap, stepping 30–50 mm onto the already worked out surface, and the drawing is performed with the capture of the finished area.

Venetian plaster

This is one of the most difficult ways to apply decor. Consider the simplest option available for doing it yourself.

  • putty;
  • 3 colors;
  • spatulas - cap and wide;
  • wax on decorative plaster;
  • glitter (optional).
  • Putty of each color is mixed in different containers.
  • The main color is applied to a wide spatula, and the other two are applied to it.
  • The putty is mixed in two movements with a trowel and spread over a wide area.
  • The composition is applied to the walls in circular chaotic movements with a layer 1–1.5 mm thick. It turns out a spectacular pattern resembling marble.

Important! Be very careful when choosing colors for Venetian plaster. They must be in harmony with each other.

  • If visible scars are obtained, the surface should be carefully sanded and primed.
  • The wall is covered with a protective layer of acrylic varnish or wax. You can add glitter.

Do-it-yourself finishing with decorative plaster is possible at a high level, and the costs will be much lower than the purchase of a ready-made solution. The main thing is to choose the right color palette and show imagination when applying.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty: a chic finish at a low price. Methods for applying textured plaster.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from putty

In order to create an original wall design in a room, it is not necessary to use decorative plasters. You can make side surfaces with an interesting texture from ordinary putty. A creative approach to design allows you to save money on the purchase of expensive materials and express your individuality. Familiarization with the sequence of work and methods of finishing will help you choose the best option for creating an original interior with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

A carefully prepared wall surface helps to extend the period of operation of decorative plaster made from ordinary putty. The alignment of the walls does not have to be brought to an ideal state; the textured finish skillfully masks minor flaws. To eliminate significant differences, gypsum putty or a sand-cement mixture is used. Gypsum mortars are classified as more modern materials, it is easier to work with them.

The entire procedure for preparing the surface for applying decorative plaster with your own hands, the basis for which is putty, consists of the following steps:

  • First, the wall is cleaned of dust and various contaminants, the old finishing layers in the form of wallpaper, paint or plaster are removed.
  • If there is a predisposition to cracking, reinforcement must be made on the wall with a plaster mesh. A reliable surface is immediately coated with a deep penetration primer.
  • To improve the quality of the further layer of decorative plaster allows a pre-applied starting layer of putty. There is no need to treat the wall with a finishing solution.
  • The drying time of the solution depends on its composition and the surrounding climate. You can proceed to the formation of decorative plaster after a certain period, which lasts from 4 hours to 2 days.
  • Before applying decorative plaster with your own hands, the walls again need to be treated with a primer on the surface of the starting putty. These measures improve the adhesion of the adjacent layers.

Before you start creating your own masterpiece, you should choose the processing method you like, prepare the tools, calculate the need for materials and purchase them in the required quantity.

Ways to decorate walls

Upon completion of the preparatory procedures, they begin to form a mixture for decorative plaster with their own hands. The usual putty and grout are poured into the container in a ratio of 1: 1, cold water is poured in gradually until a thick solution is obtained.

There are several ways to form a texture pattern:

  • using a roller;
  • using a notched trowel;
  • using ready-made stencils;
  • brush, trowel or other hand tools.

Formation of "Fish Scale"

Decoration with decorative trim that imitates fish scales of the entire room is not common. It is much better to focus on a section of the wall, using ordinary putty for this purpose. The thickness of the layer and the pedantry of the performer determine the final result of the original wall covering. The procedure for working on homemade decorative plaster is as follows:

  • Putty 3-5 mm thick is applied to the surface of the wall, if you wish, you can make a more embossed image with your own hands, the layer can be increased.
  • With a spatula 8-10 cm wide, starting from the corner of the area to be formed, a pattern is systematically applied. To do this, the tool forms recesses that form a checkerboard pattern along the diagonal. If the required lines are incorrectly applied to the decorative plaster, the oversight is easily corrected: the putty is gently smoothed out and the furrow is created anew.
  • After complete drying, the surface of the wall is painted. Golden hues will help to emphasize the original relief of decorative plaster.

If you want to add variety to the facade of the building, imitation of fish scales can be done using semi-circular movements with a trowel, as shown in the photo below:

Familiar "fur coat" in a new way

The well-known relief of decorative plaster called "fur coat" can now be made by a new method. To form a textured surface with your own hands, you will need quite a bit: ordinary putty, a wide spatula, an impressive piece of plastic film or a trowel. Initially, it is necessary to apply a putty layer 2-4 mm thick on the surface to be decorated and evenly distribute it with a spatula. In the final version, decorative plaster will be voluminous, so it makes no sense to strive for perfect smoothness.

You can get a relief structure in three ways:

  • In the first case, the trowel is gently pressed into the putty and released. Thus, a rough surface is formed, resembling decorative plaster. In conclusion, too voluminous relief can be smoothed out with circular movements of the tool.
  • Instead of a trowel, you can make a lump out of a piece of plastic film with dimensions of 30x30 cm, which is applied to freshly applied putty. The solution will stretch behind the polyethylene, creating bizarre spikes and successfully imitating the use of decorative plaster.
  • If you want to have a less voluminous relief on the wall, the surface treated with ordinary putty is completely covered with polyethylene, tracking uniform contact. A day later, the film is removed and a moderately structured surface is contemplated, which is difficult to distinguish from a wall treated with decorative plaster.

The correct consistency of the putty solution is the key to a high-quality coating for decorative plaster. It should firmly adhere to the wall and reach well for the film. Therefore, at first it is better to do an experiment on a small separate area. It is worth noting that this method of applying putty is not acceptable for children's rooms, because the child's outdoor games can provoke scratches on delicate skin.

Other methods

There are many more ways to turn a layer of ordinary putty into an original surface with decorative plaster. Here are a few of them:

Various reliefs help to create rollers with special nozzles. By processing a freshly applied layer of putty with them, an interesting texture is formed on the wall. A few examples are shown in the photo below:

Even an ordinary fluffy roller, carried out once on a wall with putty, will create a non-uniform texture. If you want to reduce its volume, it is enough to carefully walk over the surface with a spatula.

Carrying out semicircular movements with a hard bristled brush, you can make an exclusive pattern, as in the following photo:

For a kind of “rose” pattern, you will need to prepare a special tool with your own hands. A ball crumpled from a newspaper is wrapped in thin polyethylene so as not to get wet. By applying a simple device to a newly applied layer of putty, a pattern resembling flowers is obtained.


To give the putty layer a complete look and achieve a final resemblance to real decorative plaster, I paint the surface.

To begin with, with a long pile roller, paint the entire surface in a single color. After the starting layer has dried, they proceed to the final stage of transforming the putty into decorative plaster. Using a roller with a short pile, the protruding details of the relief are painted in a darker or lighter shade. After 30-40 minutes, you can add glaze, which is prepared from wallpaper glue and panel varnish. It is applied to decorative plaster with a sponge by plugging. In conclusion, the entire surface with applied putty is covered with acrylic varnish.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from putty In order to create an original wall design in a room, it is not necessary to use decorative plasters. Make side surfaces with

Currently, decorative plaster is commonly understood as several different types of this finishing material. Experts claim that this is a marketing ploy of manufacturers. The composition of such plaster is almost the same. You should study this aspect more carefully in order to understand the types and methods of using this tool.


Decorative plaster is the main competitor of wallpaper in terms of wall covering. It is worth knowing that this is not the material that is used to level the walls. This type of building material has its own characteristics. It is in itself both an equalizer and a final coating.

The composition of decorative plaster includes additional substances that distinguish it from ordinary.

This type of finishing material has a number of undeniable advantages. For example, such plaster can be the base and finish at the same time. It perfectly hides the unevenness of the wall and, due to the high percentage of plasticity, can fill any cracks and crevices.

Decorative plaster has no special restrictions on application. It goes well with stone, brick, concrete and plasterboard walls. The only feature is that it must be firmly attached to the wall. But this requirement applies to all types of finishing materials.

Decorative plaster absolutely does not absorb odors and is perfect for decorating the kitchen space. This is one of its features and an undeniable advantage over other finishing materials. It has excellent soundproofing properties.

Another feature of decorative plaster is its unique appearance. The final version will look unique depending on the application technique and the tools used. If there are small defects on the wall, you can not carry out preliminary preparation. Experts recommend doing only a small primer on the surface.

The most common use of decorative plaster is carried out indoors. It allows air to pass through and prevents the formation of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. Due to this specificity of the finishing material, the repair will serve its owners much longer.

Due to the properties of the material in the process of wall decoration, you can create unusual patterns and patterns. Some experts recommend making multi-colored drawings from decorative plaster. So the walls will look original and stylish.

Basically, the composition of the plaster includes natural ingredients. They are environmentally friendly and safe for people, children and pets. For some, this is the main criterion when choosing a finishing material. This cover can last for many years. It withstands small mechanical damage, which can often happen in the kitchen and in the nursery.

At work of professionals everything seems simple and easy. When applying decorative plaster, there are a number of features that you need to remember.

This will help to avoid mistakes in the process of work and get the desired result.

When choosing decorative plaster, you need to study the entire range of this product, presented in a hardware store. It will not be superfluous to consult the seller. It is best to find a large sample with plaster applied to it. It is necessary to buy material with a margin. This will save you from additional expenses and hassle. Not very nice0 if the plaster ends in the midst of repair work.

It is important to choose the right tools for a particular type of plaster and achieve the desired effect. The minimum is the presence of two spatulas. It is necessary that one of them be wide, and the second narrow. To make more textured drawings, you will have to buy a special roller and smoother with round ends. If the owners want to paint the walls, then you need to purchase additional brushes or rollers for its application.

In the absence of serious defects, you can forget about leveling the walls. Decorative plaster has an amazing property - it will hide all the flaws. But if the flaws on the walls are obvious, then you should first walk over the entire surface with putty. This will significantly save the family budget. Experts believe that the smaller the relief pattern, the better it is necessary to level the walls.

Before using decorative plaster, the entire surface of the walls is carefully primed. For a novice master, it is better to start work with inconspicuous areas. This will help to gain a little experience, and the resulting defects will be hidden from the eyes. Many builders recommend first practicing on a drywall sheet.

After applying the plaster on it, you can make a certain relief or pattern. High-quality applied material is moisture resistant. Such walls can be washed. It is important not to use aggressive chemicals. It is better to use soft sponges and rags. Metal brushes and scrapers are not allowed when washing decorative plaster.

Some builders additionally cover such plaster with a layer of wax. But this method will protect more from moisture than from various damage. In the event of a need to change the interior, the plaster can simply be painted over with a different color.

In the case of further wallpapering, it is permissible to putty the walls on top of the old layer.

Types and effects

In the construction industry, there are several types of decorative plaster. Very often it is subdivided according to the type of filler or binder. It is better to check with builders or consultants in specialized stores about its quality and features in advance.

If we consider this material by the type of filler, then it will differ in appearance, and not in composition.

Consider some types and effects of decorative plaster:

  • Textured or embossed plaster creates a rather noticeable pattern on the wall. It will help to make invisible any imperfections on the wall. Such plaster is very inexpensive and is very popular in our country. It is quite easy to apply, which is a definite advantage for beginners.

It can be divided into several textures that have interesting names. "Bark beetle" resembles furrows in an old tree. And when using colored paint, this effect is only enhanced. "Lamb" creates a grainy surface that looks very soft and curly from afar. "Fur coat" is a bit similar to the second option, but visually more fleecy.

  • structural view is the most unpredictable in the final finish. Even an experienced master will not be able to predict the final appearance of this decorative plaster.

  • Venetian plaster has a flat surface. To apply it to the wall, the master must have sufficient experience. It takes a lot of time to put it on. But in the end, the owners get the perfect wall, a bit like a stone. In bright light, the effect of a marble surface and internal illumination is created.

  • Other options decorative plasters have diverse characteristics. In the hardware store you can buy decorative plaster with a wood effect. The material imitating silk becomes popular. Gypsum plaster is very popular to decorate utility pantries and warehouses. Colored plaster can also belong to this group of materials.

Scope of application

Many experts consider this tool to be one of the most versatile types of finishing material. It is used on any surface. The result is a very interesting and intricate relief of the walls and ceiling.

The widespread use of plaster is due to good vapor permeability, durability and resistance to various natural influences.

In addition, this type of material does not always imply additional puttying of the walls.

When using this material in a children's room, you should carefully choose the composition. Decorative plaster should not contain resins of synthetic origin. When applying the material to the walls, do not make sharp corners. It is important to think about the safety of your child.

In the bathroom and toilet, cement-based material should be used.

For the kitchen area, it is worth using glass and plastic aprons. This is especially true for the cooking and dishwashing area. For those who want to use decorative plaster in the kitchen, experts recommend covering the walls with an additional coat of paint or clear varnish. Such additional protection will help protect the walls from grease and soot, which are simply inevitable in the kitchen.

On sale there is a special type of material that is intended for outdoor use. This type of plaster is absolutely not suitable for its use at home. This is due to the constituent substances. They give the plaster additional resistance and strength to the effects of snow, rain and sun.

Other variants of the mixture are suitable only for indoor use. Such decorative plaster is environmentally friendly and contains natural ingredients. This material cannot be used for finishing the facades of buildings. Due to the natural composition and the absence of aggressive components, the material will not withstand the effects of natural disasters.

In specialized stores you can find universal plaster. It is permissible to use it in residential apartments. It also showed itself well when used on the facades of buildings. The composition of such decorative plaster contains safe substances for people. The composition also contains special components that extend the life of the material on the facades. This type of decorative plaster is the most expensive.

Many builders are sure that such plaster looks great in rooms with a large area. With the help of decorative plaster, all walls or its small fragments are finished. Designers are confident that some types of material can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

This is achieved by a special style of application and the use of light paint.

Currently, the material can be applied to wood, drywall or brick. As a basis, you can use a concrete or already plastered wall. A plastic surface is not the best option for applying decorative plaster. It is a fairly strong material, so it is important that it is applied correctly.

It can also be used in the hallway. She will be able to endure small mechanical damage that can happen in everyday life.

How to cook on your own?

Currently, this type of finishing material does not lose its popularity. Construction stores represent a huge range of this material. It has a different composition, service life and finish surface. Combines all types of decorative plaster only a rather high cost.

If you want to have an original interior, but limited financial opportunities or a well-defined estimate for repair work, you can try to make decorative plaster with your own hands.

It may include sand, gypsum or cement. Fillers can be crumbs of natural stones. It is desirable to add components to the resulting composition to increase the viscosity of the material, as well as antiseptic and moisture resistant additives.

The finish option will depend on the type, quality and quantity of the filler. In the most widely used version of decorative plaster, there are grains up to five millimeters in size. It is important to know that in decorative plaster, the filler should not exceed 70% of the total amount of mortar.

There are different ways to prepare decorative plaster. Consider the simplest and most popular of them.

Very often, gypsum plaster is used for repairs. This type of decorative plaster dries instantly, is easy to apply and well leveled. Making it is very simple. You need to purchase flour from gypsum and make dough from limestone. These components must be mixed together in a ratio of one to three. Then a small amount of water is added. You need to pour in water gradually, stirring the solution evenly.

As a result, it should resemble thick sour cream in its consistency. At the very end, if desired, color is added. To make the solution plastic, all proportions must be strictly observed.

To make your own lime dough, you will need slaked lime and water.

The ratio of components should be one to three. After kneading, the resulting consistency is covered with a lid and cleaned in a dark place for about a day.

Popular methods of preparing plaster at home and with the addition of silicate-based components. The preparation of the bulk is carried out in the same way as in the first case. Another element is liquid glass. It is poured into the already obtained solution, and then a little water is added. The amount of silicate in such a mixture should not exceed 5%.

A more budgetary option for decorative plaster will be a mixture of sand and cement. To prepare such a composition, you will need cement, sand and slaked lime. The proportions of such a composition are approximately one to two. After kneading the main components, silicate is added to the mass. Its share should not exceed 5% of the total mass. At the very end, water is added to the mixture. Stone chips should not exceed 70%.

These are fairly simple methods of making material. It is important to observe the accuracy of proportions and consistency. Before starting work, you can watch a master class by an experienced builder.

To purchase decorative plaster that does not require preliminary preparation, you should turn to ready-made mixtures. In this case, you should pay attention to textured plaster. Its surface is almost flat. The desired pattern is obtained using spatulas, brushes and rollers. In addition, an experienced craftsman has more opportunities when working with such material. Structural plaster is applied much easier and faster. It is ideal for the inexperienced master.

For rooms with high humidity, you should pay attention to cement plaster. Builders add about ten kilograms of tile adhesive to a bag of cement. 500 grams of plasticizer is added to the resulting mixture. Then water is evenly poured in and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Venetian plaster is considered the most exquisite and amazing. It belongs to texture varieties. Due to its popularity and variety of effects, it is distinguished into a special group.

Marble dust is quite expensive. To reduce the cost of manufacturing such a coating, granite and malachite chips are usually added to it. After applying the material to the wall, processing it with a trowel is required. This means that the plaster must have very finely ground stones in its composition.

To do this, it is better to use natural and fine fillers.

The next component is slaked lime. It acts as a component for a bunch of all means. Usually, in ready-made building mixtures, instead of slaked lime, acrylic resins are present in the composition. You will also need special dyes. Previously used natural plant juice. Currently, they have been replaced by synthetic components.

In operation, the use of running water is possible. It is important to monitor its temperature. It should not be below ten degrees. In the standard recipe for the preparation of Venetian plaster, all of the above components are present. Stone dust and slaked lime are thoroughly mixed until they form a homogeneous mass of a fairly thick consistency.

Then running water is added to the resulting composition and everything is mixed again. At the same time, dye, antiseptic and metallizing particles are added. Due to the peculiarities of applying this type of decorative plaster, the smallest fractions of fillers are required.

Experienced builders suggest considering two more options for preparing this type of material. The first is quite simple - the material is mixed with white marble flour. The proportions are one to ten. Then water and colored paint are added to the resulting composition.

The second option is a little more difficult to prepare. For 7 kilograms of marble sand, about 1.5 kilograms of flour of a similar composition is added. Then white Portland cement is added to the composition in the amount of 700 grams, then about a kilogram of lime dough.

A novice master needs strict adherence to all proportions. It is better to use paper to write down all the components.

Consumption per 1 m2

Before proceeding with finishing work using decorative plaster, it is important to make a competent calculation of the material. As a rule, it is customary to consider the consumption of the mixture per square meter.

Decorative plaster perfectly imitates stones, wood or leather. Despite its cost, in terms of consumption, it is very budgetary. Most often, the consumption per square meter of a wall or ceiling ranges from one kilogram to one and a half.

Plaster, resembling wood in texture, has the smallest consumption. The total thickness of the layer should not be more than one centimeter.

If the plaster contains large grains, then two layers must be applied.

Structural plaster is made from a mixture of acrylic, cement or gypsum. This mixture is sold in a package of 25 kilograms. To decorate a wall with an area of ​​ten square meters, one or two bags are needed.

A mixture based on acrylic dispersions is homogeneous in consistency with the presence of fine grains in it. The size of these grains does not exceed two millimeters. Finished plaster has a fairly significant consumption. In the presence of a fraction of one millimeter, the consumption is two and a half kilograms per square meter of a wall or ceiling.

Such plaster is usually sold in plastic packaging of 15 kilograms. For 10 meters of wall you need about two plastic bags. This amount of material will be needed to apply one layer of decorative plaster.

Structural material, which includes marble chips or a mixture of marble and granite chips, is in great demand. The layer of material can be from one to three millimeters. It depends on the required texture depth. To apply the material to a wall of 10 square meters, you will need one pack of material with a volume of 25 kilograms.

If we consider the structural material, then most often it is used in the decoration of the fireplace. A solution of such plaster is sold in a plastic package of 15 kilograms. To apply plaster on a wall of ten square meters, you need to buy two packages of material.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decorative bark beetle plaster. The consumption of this tool is from 2.5 to 4 kilograms per square meter. This variation is due to the different grain sizes in the structure of the agent and the thickness of the layer.

Still, before buying, you should consult with the seller in the hardware store. The specialist will accurately determine the possible consumption of decorative plaster of this type. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the information about the material on the packaging.

Venetian plaster allows you to create an imitation of marble on the wall in all its splendor. In terms of expense, it is the most budgetary. Savings result from a perfectly leveled surface. Given the cost of work and the price of the material itself, Venetian plaster is the most expensive.

Application process

For plastering work you will need a set of tools. It should be sandpaper or a special machine, two types of spatulas, brushes, polyethylene film, putty and primers.

The technology of applying decorative plaster is not very complicated.

At the beginning of work, the surface is cleaned and traces of corrosion, old paint or wallpaper are removed. The entire surface is processed with sandpaper. Remaining dust can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or brush. Cracks or gouges may appear on the wall. They should be sealed with putty and wait for it to dry completely.

After that, it is worth treating the surface with a primer. It must be applied twice with an interval of 3-4 hours. Completion of this stage of work is mandatory. The primer will improve the adhesion of the plaster to the wall.

In the process of drying the primer material, the entire working area should be covered with a film of polyethylene. It is advisable to cover furniture and all mirrored surfaces. For reliability, the film is fixed with construction tape. Then you should start preparing decorative plaster.

To apply the structural material, a spatula with a wide base is used. The plaster is applied to the wall, and then stretched with a wide spatula. The first layer can be of different thickness, the main thing is that it be even. You can continue to work only after 5-12 hours. During this time, the plaster should thoroughly adhere to the wall and primer.

After that, the entire surface of the wall is treated with a plastic trowel. You can move in a circle or randomly. Due to the hard granules in the composition of decorative plaster, furrows are formed on the surface. After the material dries, they will create the effect of natural and natural materials.

After that, you need to leave the walls to dry for at least another day. Then a special primer is applied and rollers and brushes are used. With their help, the specialist applies the first coat of paint, and then the second. The last coat of paint should be a tone or two lighter than the first. The last stage of work will be the application of a layer of wax.

For independent work, decorative plaster is best laid with a wide spatula. It dries for quite a long time, so you can apply it to all the walls at once. In order for a pattern to form on the surface, the thickness of the entire plaster must be three millimeters. In this case, it is important to walk the product along all the walls or ceiling.

Without letting the material harden, you can proceed to the next stage of work. Brushes, stencils, stamps, rollers and trowels will come in handy here. Thanks to uneven patterns, the plaster will acquire a certain texture. The resulting solution can not be pushed deeper than one and a half millimeters.

If this is done, the material will not be durable and will begin to flake off very quickly.

A day after the completion of work, the entire surface is to be primed. Then the walls are treated with wax. It will be possible to touch and arrange furniture in this room two days after the end of all construction work.

Venetian plaster is more capricious and difficult to work with. In the case of self-preparation of the solution, it is worth using a spatula with a wide base. The surface is leveled with a trowel.

Do not press hard on the tool. All movements must be chaotic. A second and third layer of Venetian plaster should also be applied. The interval between applying layers is eight to ten hours.

Then the trowel for Venetian plaster is strongly pressed against the surface and it is passed along the entire wall. This should be done until a metallic sheen is obtained. At the very end, the wall must be waxed and gently sanded.

It is quite possible to prepare decorative plaster on your own. It will take a little more effort and time, but it will save the family budget quite significantly.

Decorative plaster should always be bought with a margin of at least 10%. It will be needed if the material dries out or falls to the floor during application.

The issue of saving is always very relevant. This is especially true for repair estimates. Experienced craftsmen have some rules and secrets that can reduce material consumption per square meter.

For rough work, they suggest using the most budgetary cement-based mixtures. At the beginning of work, you need to try to align the walls to the maximum. The differences should not exceed five millimeters. In case of too curved walls, drywall should be used. This budget option will help you quickly and economically give the walls a smooth surface.

You can not save on primer material. It is best to use the products recommended by the manufacturer of decorative plaster. The most important thing is to plan everything correctly before starting the repair. Correctly calculated quantity and selection of successful consumables will help save money and save you from additional purchases.

When using Venetian plaster, you should watch video tutorials or sign up for special courses. We must not forget about draft samples. They are best done a few days before the start of the main work. Drywall is perfect for this. Decorative plaster is a very costly material, so it is worth carefully preparing for its application.

A novice master should apply decorative plaster to small sections of the walls. These can be arches or small drywall-based structures. On them, small defects will not be so noticeable. But a large wall canvas will not make it possible to hide the first experience of a novice master.

An interesting design option for the corridor and part of the living room will be brick or brickwork. It will look more elegant if you make an imitation of brickwork using decorative plaster. Imitation significantly saves space. It will take much less time for construction work than when using real bricks.

There are two ways to create an imitation of brickwork. In the first case, the wall is drawn by hand, and in the second, special metal stencils are used. Decorative plaster is poured into them.

When working independently, a novice master should use a narrow metal spatula. This tool will help smooth out the edges of the "bricks" and add some texture.

Whatever method and type of decorative plaster would not be chosen, it is important to treat the matter very carefully, to study in advance all the features of applying and preparing decorative plaster. Then a great result will not be long in coming.

See the following video for a master class on applying decorative plaster "Velvet Relief".

The variety of finishing materials on the market cannot fail to impress. You will find various, and decorative panels, and paints, and even. How to choose the perfect material? How to find a compromise between spectacular appearance, excellent quality, long service life and low price? These questions are asked by many people who are thinking about self-repair. I want to create a unique and unusual interior without investing huge funds. And there are many ways to transform your home. The use of decorative plaster will allow you to finish the premises relatively quickly and at no extra cost. At the same time, even a beginner can cope with such work.

But the usual smooth wall is too boring. Decorative plaster can be much more spectacular. And for this it is not necessary to purchase expensive types of material or special tools. Craftsmen have long figured out all the ways to upgrade ordinary plaster to a coating with an extraordinary texture.

What is decorative plaster?

The decorative look of this common material differs significantly from its "predecessor". The usual mixture of cement and sand ceases to be solely a means of eliminating cracks and other wall imperfections. The addition of dyes, decorative elements and special ingredients to the plaster has led to the fact that now this material has deservedly become one of the most popular on the market. With it, you can quickly transform the interior on your own.

There are several types of decorative plaster: structural(the surface is grainy), “ Venetian"(imitates natural stone, but difficult to work with), mineral(the most environmentally friendly and budget option) and textured(high plasticity allows you to create unique patterns).

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster with a film

You can give the surface an unusual look in many ways. There are special stencils, patterned rollers and other tools that allow you to change the appearance of a plastered wall. But all of them will be useful to craftsmen who are constantly engaged in home repairs. It is irrational to purchase expensive tools for finishing one or two rooms. But leaving the walls without an unusual texture is not the best option.

The craftsmen found a way out of the situation and solved the issue of applying the pattern with the most familiar and simple things. One of them was polyethylene film. Its price is low, it is very easy to work with it, and the effect is amazing and unusual.

Choice of tools and materials

But one film, of course, is not enough. To decorate the walls you will need:

  • metal spatulas (large and small),
  • one-handed trowel,
  • acrylic putty finishing,
  • masking tape,
  • polyethylene (1.5 times the area of ​​the walls),
  • bucket,
  • pigmented semi-gloss wax,
  • sponge,
  • tassel,
  • paint bath,
  • waterproofing soil,
  • paint roller.

Wall preparation

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the walls, since the strength of your finish and its appearance depend on this stage. Get rid of all the old trim: wallpaper, plaster, paint. It is strictly forbidden to apply a new layer on the previous one.

To begin, conduct an “inspection” of the wall. Carefully inspect it, noting all the bumps and notches, cracks and bulges. The wall must be level. If the surface is far from ideal, then it must first be leveled.

In order not to spoil the already existing interior details, use masking tape. She can glue the frieze, adjacent surfaces and other decorative elements. After work, carefully remove the tape, do not leave it for a long time.

Decorative plaster using a film: step by step instructions

We recommend that you use acrylic plaster, since it is much easier to work with it than with dry. However, both types are suitable for finishing interior work. Prepare material. Thoroughly stir the plaster achieve uniformity. It should be quite thick and viscous. If the contents of the bucket flow like liquid sour cream, then the composition cannot be applied to the walls. It just won't stay on the surface.

  1. Step. Use a spatula to spread the plaster evenly. Scoop up the right amount of material with it and apply it to the trowel. And already with it you can carefully distribute the plaster over the surface of the wall. You need to start work from one corner, and finish - the opposite. The recommended layer thickness is 2 mm. You should not apply plaster with a thicker layer, it simply will not hold on to the surface. Remember that the plaster is applied to the entire wall at once. You can not stop working one day in the middle of the wall, and the next day do the other half.
  2. Step. So, you evenly applied plaster to the wall. But how to give it the desired texture? For this, film is useful. It is best to work in pairs, then one person can create a pattern, and the other can hold the polyethylene so that it does not arbitrarily fall on the wall. You need to start from the corner. Gradually attach the polyethylene to the wall, forming patterns due to the folds on the film. The more the material is wrinkled, the deeper the relief will be. You can also correct the pattern after gluing the film to the entire surface of the wall. Don't forget to remove the masking tape.
  3. Step. Leave the wall alone for 12-15 hours (the time for complete drying of the plaster is usually indicated on the packaging). After that, you can carefully remove the film. Let the wall dry completely if necessary.
  4. Step. Reapply masking tape to protect adjacent surfaces. Apply pigmented wax with a roller or sponge. To achieve uniformity and emphasize the texture, gently go over all the relief places with a sponge. Excess paint can be removed with a dry white cotton cloth. Leave the wall for 4-6 hours to dry.

After that, you can apply another paint, tint embossed parts or apply mother-of-pearl to achieve an unusual effect of "iridescent" colors.

Decorative plaster using a film: video master class


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