Gluing ceiling tiles to wood. How to stick ceiling tiles to an uneven ceiling

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One of the most economical ways finishing the ceiling is gluing ceiling tiles. This process has a number of nuances, so it is important to study the basic rules for gluing tiles with your own hands, as well as methods for laying them.

Types of tiles

All models of ceiling tiles differ in their density, texture, and composition. Let's look at the main types.


Plastic tiles is quite durable and high quality, but it is far from environmentally friendly. This ceiling is easy to care for: plastic can be washed and cleaned in different ways. It has the ability to fade, so this material is not suitable for rooms flooded with sun.


This material has smooth surface without particularly convex relief elements. As a rule, extruded boards have a thickness of no more than 3 mm, although the material is dense. Manufacturers present models different color. Some of them imitate marble and wood.

It is not customary to paint extruded tiles, because the paint does not adhere well to the surface. Available in stores wide choose models with different patterns in different colors. Extruded tiles are made from expanded polystyrene. She is easy to care for. It does not create difficulties during the gluing process.

The only drawback of extruded tiles is their high price.


In another way it is called stamped or PVC. It is more loose in composition. The surface of such tiles is grainy and porous.

Presence on the surface large quantity pores makes it difficult to care for foam tiles. They become clogged with dirt and the color of the tiles fades. To avoid this problem, such material is often coated with paint. But water-based compositions unsuitable. It is advisable to use acrylic dispersion paints to paint such ceiling tiles.

The thickness of each plate ranges from 6 to 8 mm, depending on the specific model. The pattern on it is extruded using large press technology. This tile has a huge drawback: it is loose, breaks quickly, deteriorates, is translucent. It is difficult to trim it. Therefore, such models should be purchased with a reserve. Big advantage foam tiles is low cost.


These varieties are made from polystyrene foam, which is baked in a certain form, creating the desired pattern on the surface. The drawings are clearer than those of previous analogues, the texture is more interesting. This material is of average cost and quality. Manufacturers allow this material to be painted. With the help of such tiles you can completely seamless ceiling, so it is in demand.

The big advantage of this composition is that it is fireproof and environmentally friendly. This material has good sound insulation and does not deteriorate from high humidity. However, it is always produced in white, so it is often dyed different compositions after installation.

Most types of ceiling tiles are produced in squares of 50 by 50 cm. But there are also non-standard models tiles rectangular shape.

By edge type

Exist different types ceiling tiles, which differ in the type of edging. There are models:

  • with straight edges without seam;
  • having clear boundaries between each slab;
  • with curved edges that look more interesting.

Different type of edge does not affect the gluing of ceiling tiles, it only changes appearance ceiling.

According to the drawing

Models are divided by type of pattern. Eat interesting views tiles with:

  • geometric print;
  • floral ornament;
  • lace motifs;
  • imitation gypsum stucco;
  • laconic lines.

A neutral option is smooth tiles without a pattern. From the wide selection presented by modern manufacturers for sale, you can choose an option for finishing the ceiling to suit every taste and budget.

Surface preparation

Before gluing the tiles, it is necessary to carefully prepare the ceiling surface. In order for the result of the work to please you, and for the tiles to stay on the ceiling for a long time, you must follow a number of rules. The ceiling must be cleaned of old coatings. The whitewashed ceiling should be thoroughly washed off, the plastered layer, wallpaper and paint should be peeled off and removed. Depending on the type of coating, you can use a spatula or a punch for this.

Then it is necessary to correct the defects that remain on the cleaned ceiling. More often, cracks, bulges and depressions appear on it. To correct an uneven ceiling, you should use putty. Using this composition you can grout defects. Putty can correct defects of any complexity.

After the putty has dried (after about 12 hours), you need to start priming the ceiling. It is better to apply the primer in several layers, observing a certain time interval so that each layer dries completely. The primer will improve the adhesion of the tiles to the ceiling surface and make this coating more reliable.. It will make the overlap uniform due to its penetrating ability.

An exceptional option for preparing the surface is when the whitewash is in good condition and adheres securely to the ceiling. In this case, the ceiling is not cleaned of whitewash, but is immediately primed. However, it is worth considering: on such a basis, the tiled covering will not be able to last long; over time, it will come off and may become deformed. This solution should only be resorted to if you need urgent cosmetic repairs.

Surface preparation with a primer varies depending on the type of ceiling:

  • For concrete ceiling a special composition called concrete contact should be used.
  • It is better to treat a gypsum ceiling with a product deep penetration.
  • If the room is damp, it is worth treating the surface of the base with a primer with an antiseptic effect to prevent the creation of an environment for microorganisms.

If the ceiling is loose and loose, it must be primed. After the preparatory composition has been absorbed, you can proceed to gluing the tiles.

Glue selection

For gluing, standard types of glue are usually used (“Titanium”, “Moment” or “Naset”). These formulations are quite common and have an average cost. However, some of them create difficulties during the gluing process. For example, after applying the adhesive, the tile must be pressed against the ceiling for 5 - 10 seconds and held completely.

The fastest-acting of these compounds is Moment glue.. It sets in about 3 seconds. Before sticking with it ceiling tiles, it is necessary to keep the composition in air for a certain time. After this, the fragment should be firmly pressed to the base. Ceiling tiles are often glued liquid nails. They are able to fix coatings well and are also used for the reconstruction of ceilings.

For gluing ceiling tiles special mastic is often used. It is sold in buckets and has a pasty texture. This glue is much easier to use because it is flexible: each element of the coating is immediately fixed to the ceiling and does not need to be held for a long time. Mastic and tile adhesive are used only for ceilings with a flat surface.

If there are defects or unevenness on the ceiling, gypsum-based putty is used for pasting. Besides her You can stick coatings to uneven ceilings using a compound called Knauf. It is suitable for height differences of 5 mm. For large defects, the ceiling should initially be leveled.

Pasting schemes

There are several common options for laying tiles on the ceiling.

Classic scheme

It involves placing tiles in rows close to each other along the walls. Gluing begins from the central part. This solution is resorted to if seamless ceiling tiles are used. By gluing the tiles classic scheme, you can create a complete surface.

Classic styling also has a second interpretation. During the gluing process, the tiles are laid with a shift so that each row is half a slab ahead of the previous one. This makes the ceilings lighter and airier.

It is better to choose types of gluing depending on the height of the ceiling in a particular room.

Diagonally (obliquely)

This is the most common option; it is universal because it is suitable for any size room. To lay tiles in this way, mark them in advance along diagonal lines so that the tiles run along them. However gluing diagonally involves high consumption finishing material. You will be left with a lot of scraps.

Visually, placing tiles diagonally (rhombus) looks more presentable. The seams with this installation are practically invisible. Placing tiles diagonally must begin from the chandelier. It is important to control the correct installation so that all slabs follow strict lines.

Diagonals can be drawn using threads, making markings with their help.

There are a number of rules that must be followed in order to properly tile the ceiling diagonally:

  • The first element must be positioned so that it is at an angle of 45 degrees from each wall of the room.
  • Then the following tile elements must be attached closely to the central element.
  • After this, all subsequent elements should be smoothly joined until the entire surface of the ceiling is covered with tiles.

If you follow these rules, you can create an elegant and interesting styling.


To finish the ceiling in this way, you need to purchase materials in two different shades. Usually contrasting ones are chosen color solutions. The gluing occurs from the center of the ceiling. In this case, the edges of the tiles are placed parallel to the side walls. Gluing occurs using the alternating method. This creates a checkerboard effect on the ceiling.

The advantage of this type of gluing is the fact that it is able to hide the unevenness of the base.

Snake laying

This styling scheme is a combination of two shades. Colors can be contrasting or similar. Gluing is done starting from the center of the room so that the image of a graphic type snake is obtained. Usually they try to simplify this process by purchasing plain tiles, and only then coloring them after installation. water-based paint in different colors.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

Calculating the amount of material that will be spent on finishing the ceiling is quite simple. It is necessary to find out the surface area of ​​the ceiling. If the room is rectangular in shape, you can multiply the length by the width of the room by measuring the walls with a tape measure. When a room has non-standard shapes, you have to take measurements of all the walls separately.

It is advisable to display them on the plan in the form of a drawing. After this, the resulting drawing must be divided into rectangles and squares and the area of ​​each figure must be calculated to scale. Then you need to add up the area sizes of all the resulting elements. This way you will find out the surface area of ​​the entire ceiling in a non-standard room.

If you chose standard tiles measuring 50 x 50 cm for finishing, the area of ​​such a product will be 1/4 square. m. Accordingly, four tiles will cover 1 square. m. ceiling. To simplify calculations, you can divide the total ceiling area by the area of ​​the ceiling tiles. As a result, you will receive the amount of material needed for gluing.

Now manufacturers present models whose sizes vary: 40 x 40, 60 x 60, 30 x 70 cm and 30 x 60 cm. For calculations in in this case you need to be more serious when calculating the area of ​​tiles to purchase required quantity packages Even after making calculations, tiles must be purchased with a reserve, so that it is enough to cover the entire ceiling and trim. This is especially true when you plan to place it not according to the classical scheme.

Do not forget that during the gluing process it may break or deteriorate. You need to buy about 10% more tiles than you calculated.

Pasting process

The easiest way to paste over flat ceilings. Foam or polystyrene tiles are perfect for this type of surface. First you need to spread the glue onto the surface of the tile. It is necessary to follow a certain technology: glue is applied along the perimeter of the tile and diagonally. The entire surface of the tile should not be covered with glue.

Before gluing, markings are drawn to make it easier to place the tiles on the ceiling. Then the tile must be placed in the space allocated for it. Having applied the tile, you need to smooth it over the entire surface with light hand movements. Then you need to wait a few seconds. Exact time depends on the type of glue chosen.

Further gluing is simplified. Each subsequent tile must be placed clearly against the edge of an element already fixed on the ceiling. If there are patterns on the surface of the slab, they must be combined and joined correctly. First you need to adjust the pattern, and only then stick on the rest of the slab. The docking must be perfectly smooth.

The surfaces must be completely adjacent to each other, otherwise the ceiling will be uneven. Each edge must be leveled to within 1 mm, otherwise even such a small unevenness will cause all the coverings to move, the ceiling will look bad, and there will be gaps. This procedure must be repeated with all tile elements. When you reach the walls, you need to trim the edges. Before trimming, it is better to try it on and draw markings on the slab. You need to cut the tile evenly so that there is no gap between the end tile and the side wall.

The minimum gap at the wall can be hidden ceiling plinth. If during the process of gluing the tiles you notice that 1 square does not fit very smoothly to the other, there is a small gap between them, you need to carefully move these elements. For this it is better to use wooden plank. It must be pressed firmly against the free edge of the tile and smoothly (with pressure) moved, removing the gap. If you start moving the tiles with your hands, you will simply break the coating.

Once the installation process is complete, you can proceed to painting the tiles, if necessary. Easiest to cover this material water-based paint on acrylic base . To properly coat the tiles with paint without gaps, you need to work with a foam roller.

Paintwork need to be applied in 2 or 3 layers depending on the required shade saturation. In order for the paint to lie smoothly and efficiently, you need to apply a layer of primer to the surface of the tile.

To learn how to glue ceiling tiles, see the following video.

Caulking seams

During the gluing process, not everyone manages to properly form the seams between the elements of the ceiling coverings the first time. Often there may be a gap between them. If small gaps were formed during the work, after laying the tiles, they can be sealed using white acrylic sealant. It must be carefully squeezed into the cracks so that it fills them. After this, you need to get rid of excess glue.

The sealant is sold in the form of cans with an extended nozzle. This way the composition can be squeezed out exactly where it is needed without any problems. The thin tube easily penetrates even the thinnest crevices. To seal the seams with sealant, you must use a gun. The sealant must be distributed evenly so as not to stain the surface. This tool This will not only cover the seams, but also secure the coating to the ceiling.

Some craftsmen claim that gluing tiles onto whitewash is unacceptable. They indicate that lime layer after some time it quickly peels off along with the tile. They advise getting rid of the chalk before gluing. During the sticking process, it is usually difficult to cover the ceiling along the edges near the walls. It is important to ensure that the outer rows are the same size and run strictly parallel to the walls when it comes to classic installation.

To ensure that your tiles always look beautiful, you need to take proper care of them. Tiled ceilings (especially textured ones) accumulate a lot of dust. The surface darkens and loses its former luster. That's why It is necessary to carry out dry cleaning at least once a month using a vacuum cleaner or soft brush.

Wet cleaning should be done every two months using a mop. To clean such a ceiling, it is necessary to use only the most gentle detergents. A mild soap solution is ideal for this. At the end of wet cleaning, the ceiling must be wiped with a dry cloth to remove moisture and stains.

If you need to quickly and inexpensively tidy up your ceiling, pay attention to foam or polystyrene tiles. If you approach the matter correctly, you can get a very decent result. We will talk further about how to glue tiles to the ceiling correctly, what to use for this.


If you look closely, despite all their similarities, the ceiling tiles have significant differences. We are not talking about the design and shape, but about the appearance - density, smoothness of the surface and other “little things” on which the appearance and service life of this type of finish depend. This is explained by the use of different materials and technologies:

The easiest way to glue and care for extruded polystyrene tiles. The second in quality is injection, and the most “capricious” in maintenance and installation is stamped. Now you can choose the type of tile yourself, but the appearance remains.

Ceiling tiles are most often produced in the form of squares with a side of 5 cm. There are non-standard options - rectangular. Depending on the type of tile surface, there are edgings that form a clear seam at the joint, and there are seamless options. The edges of seamless slabs can be smooth or curved.

Types of design - with edging, seamless

The principle of gluing does not change depending on the type of edge, only the appearance of the product changes. There are a lot of design options for this type of finishing materials. There are geometric, floral, without a pattern, and with a variety of relief. In general, there are a lot of options.

Calculation of quantity and features of choice

Before gluing tiles to the ceiling, you need to calculate their quantity. It is not difficult. Most often it is produced with a side of 50 cm. This means that for 1 square meter there are 4 tiles. If you know the area of ​​the room, easily determine the required number of tiles: multiply the area by 4. For example, the room has dimensions of 3.2 m * 2.8 m. The total area is 8.96 m2. Round up, we get 9 m2. To calculate the number of tiles, multiply by 4: 4 pcs * 9 m2 = 36 pcs. Some more trimming will be required, some may be broken. Therefore, we increase the total quantity by several pieces. How much exactly - you need to look at the layout, but usually 10-20% of the reserve is enough.

To make the ceilings from foam boards looked beautiful, when choosing a material, pay attention not only to appearance and type. Carefully evaluate the geometry: all tiles must be same size, same thickness, angles exactly 90°. The quality of the drawing should be stable, clear, there should be no sagging or inhomogeneities on the side edges. If you choose pressed slabs, pay attention to the “grain” sizes. The smaller it is, the better.

What to glue on

Most often, ceiling tiles are glued using glue such as “Titan”, “Naset”, “Moment” or liquid nails. All of them are not bad, but using them requires holding the tile for some time. You have to hold it from 3-5 seconds to several dozen, and this is not very convenient. “Moment” “sets” the fastest, but it is not ideal: you have to leave the applied glue in the air for some time.

In addition to these compounds, there are mastics for ceiling tiles. They are sold in small buckets and are a paste. It is easier to work with this type of adhesive compositions, since they are more “sticky”. The tiles smeared with this composition stick to the ceiling; they do not need to be held for as long as those smeared with regular glue.

All of the above options are for even or almost flat ceilings. Where there are differences (joints of slabs) this method is not suitable. If the ceiling is uneven, you can glue the tiles using gypsum putty) or Perlfix type glue. The starting or finishing composition depends on the required layer, the finish is suitable if the height difference is no more than 5 mm, with a larger layer take the starting composition, but it is better to pre-level such a ceiling or use another system (for example, it is also inexpensive and quick way tidy up the frankly crooked ceiling).

Both of these materials allow you to simultaneously level the ceiling and glue ceiling tiles. Only the gluing method changes, and radically (more on this below).

Preparing the base

Before gluing tiles to the ceiling, the surface must be prepared. First, we remove everything that can fall off. If there is a significant layer of whitewash on the ceiling, it is better to remove it - although the ceiling tiles weigh little, over time they can fall along with the whitewash. Therefore, we clean it dry with a spatula or wash it off with water. If large “craters” are formed during the cleaning process, it is better to seal them. Easier to use for this starting putty or remnants of any plaster composition.

If the base is loose, free-flowing, you cannot do without a primer. For concrete it is better to choose “concrete contact”, for a gypsum base - any deep penetration composition. After drying, you can begin gluing polystyrene or foam tiles to the ceiling.

Placement methods and markings

Squares on the ceiling made of foam plastic or polystyrene are placed with their edges along the walls or diagonally. When gluing diagonally, the material consumption is greater - there are more scraps and not all of them can be used, but visually it looks better - it is more difficult to notice the seams.

Gluing most often starts from the chandelier. In this case, it is easier to “fit in”, since the edges of the plates can be trimmed a little, and the resulting gap will then be closed by the chandelier socket. But not all rooms have a chandelier - often there are several lamps and they can be located on the walls. Then they start gluing from one of the walls, most often from the one opposite the entrance. With this approach, most likely the outer row will be cut off, and it will not be so noticeable near the entrance.

If you need to glue tiles to the ceiling from a chandelier, markings are necessary. IN square room It’s simple - we find the center and start from there. To do this, take a painting cord, one end in one corner, the other in the opposite corner, pulling the cord and letting go, we get a line on the ceiling. We repeat the operation with another pair of corners. We found the center, it’s easy to glue tiles from it. For diagonal gluing, there are already guides, but for parallel gluing you will have to make two more stripes - through the center to opposite walls(in the picture above).

But this is a very rare case. More often the rooms are rectangular, and the chandelier is not located in the middle of the ceiling. Therefore, you will have to do more complex markings.

To begin with, we also find the center of the room (painting cord along the diagonals). If it coincides with the place where the chandelier is attached, great, we’ll “dance” from it. If not, move the starting point to the chandelier. The rest of the markings are the same. We measure the distance from the starting point of installation to the nearest wall. Using this value, draw squares as shown in the picture above (use painter's cord). By drawing the diagonals, we get guides for laying continuous tiles. Using them we level the edge of the first row. The more accurately we set this row, the easier it will be to glue the tiles onto the ceiling further.

How to glue tiles to the ceiling: two technologies

Foam plastic or polystyrene ceiling tiles are attractive because they allow you to quickly and easily high costs it's far from tidying up perfect ceiling. If the ceiling is relatively flat, the tiles are glued with special glue. It is applied thin layer, but provides reliable fixation.

This method will not work with uneven ceilings: the tiles simply will not stick if there are large differences, or the appearance will be deplorable. There is not always time, desire or opportunity to level. Moreover, this finishing option is often considered as temporary, planning to then do or. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time and money. In this case, another technology is used - using adhesive for drywall or putty. They work no worse than glue, at the same time leveling the base.

Before starting work, unpack all the material, make sure it is the same color and size. If there are irregularities or sagging, they are cut off with a blade or sharp knife. Now you can begin installing the ceiling tiles on the ceiling.

How to glue on a flat ceiling

If the ceiling is flat, use regular adhesive for polystyrene or foam tiles, the technology is as follows:

As you can see, everything is very simple and these are all the rules on how to glue tiles to the ceiling. Just one caveat: you need to press one square to another tightly. If you have already glued it and there is a gap left, you can move it by pressing a wooden strip to the free edge. If you try to do this with your hands, you can break the foam or polystyrene, but it’s easier to achieve what you want with a flat bar.

If the ceiling is uneven

If the ceiling has significant unevenness, gluing the tiles with regular glue will not work. To remove significant differences, use drywall adhesive or putty. The mixture is diluted to a paste-like state, applied to the ceiling, and grooves are formed using a notched trowel. The amount of glue depends on the overall curvature, but it is advisable to start with a minimal layer. The area on which glue is applied at a time is approximately 4 fragments. During this time, the composition will not have time to set, and leveling such a fragment is not difficult.

The tiles are laid on a layer of glue. It sticks well and moves without problems. Having aligned the edges of the laid fragments, take a rule or a building level (preferably one and a half meters) and align the tiles in the same plane. Just press the fragments harder in the right place.

Then the composition is applied to the ceiling again, and, again, to about 4 tiles. All of them are set in the same plane, or at least so that there are no sudden changes. Only in this case you need to make sure that the required layer of glue does not grow too quickly - it is better not to apply more than 3-5 mm, otherwise everything will fall.

Cleaning and caulking

You know how to glue tiles to the ceiling, but there are still some nuances, without knowledge of which a decent result is unattainable. When working on front side tiles are often exposed to adhesive. It must be removed immediately and completely. You can use a sponge or a soft, non-fading cloth. Wipe the surface immediately after placing the fragment in place. After just a few minutes, this will no longer be possible and traces will remain. Therefore, while working, keep a bucket of water and a sponge/rag on hand.

If there are small voids left between the slabs, you can fill them with the same mastic or putty (if it is white), but immediately remove the excess. Another option is white acrylic caulk. It perfectly masks all crevices and adheres well to polystyrene foam and polystyrene. You can fill thin gaps using rubber spatula, and immediately wipe off any excess with a damp cloth.

In many apartments and houses you can see tiles on the ceiling. It is the most affordable and simple method finishing. How to glue ceiling tiles, what kind of glue to use – that’s what we’ll talk about today.

What is this article about?

What are ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles are a very common method of covering the ceilings of residential and public buildings, offices and retail outlets. Typically, polystyrene products are used for these purposes. They are available in square or rectangular shapes with 90° angles. Polystyrene (aka foam plastic) is very easy to install, tolerates moisture well, and is environmentally friendly. Plates of this material can be smooth or with a relief pattern. On some specimens, the front surface is finished with a film with the texture and color of fabric, natural wood or stone. The edges of the tiles may have bevels.

Different product models have different properties and require special care methods. Tiles with film can be easily washed with water; without film, they can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth. Expanded polystyrene products are available in several versions. They differ in manufacturing methods and appearance. Ceiling tiles can be:

  • pressed;
  • extruded;
  • injection.

Pressed tiles are made from block polystyrene. The stamping method is used in its production. Thickness finished product is 6-8 mm. Extruded ceiling materials are produced by pressing from strip polystyrene. They have a glossy smooth surface. Product colors imitate natural wood shades, marble and stone colors. Injection products are produced by sintering the raw materials. They have the correct shape and a deep pattern on their surface. The thickness of such tiles is 9-14 mm.

In order for the gluing of ceiling tiles to occur efficiently and quickly, when purchasing the material you need to pay special attention to its dimensions. The form must be absolutely correct. Any deviation from it is a defective product. It is impossible to properly glue tiles that are defective. There will definitely be gaps between separate elements, which will have to be covered up, and this will lead to additional costs and damage to the aesthetic appearance of the ceiling. The individual grains of the material must be the same size. The smaller they are, the higher the quality. The edges of the tiles should not crumble. If you take a quality product by the corner and lift it, it should not break. Cuts and dents are not allowed on the surface of the design.

Calculation of material quantity

How to glue tiles to the ceiling correctly? To do this, you need to calculate their required quantity. This is quite easy to do in a rectangular or square room, more difficult in a room with a ceiling irregular shape. For calculations you need to prepare:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • tape measure for measurements.

When performing calculations, you should remember this rule: glue the ceiling tiles from the center of the ceiling to its edges. On paper you need to outline the location of each tile. It should be taken into account that the rows of material can also be located diagonally. The side of the tile is usually 50 cm. Sometimes other sizes may be found. Whole tiles are quite easy to count. It is more difficult with trimming near the wall rows, especially when you have to combine the elements of the design. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing, it is better to take the number of tiles 10 percent more than normal. If the material is cheap, this will not be very noticeable.

Choosing glue for work

Many owners of apartments and houses believe that installing ceiling covering You can use any adhesive composition. It is possible to attach tiles to the ceiling efficiently only good glue. Manufacturers of facing products have long developed special compounds for gluing various materials. For different types Polystyrene ceiling products have their own adhesive composition. What glue to use for ceiling tiles, how to choose it correctly? To choose, you need to know some indicators:

  • the adhesive composition must adhere finishing material with the base so that you don’t have to redo the work later;
  • the tiles should stick quickly;
  • glue consumption should be quite reasonable: the higher the adhesion, the lower the consumption;
  • The glue should be applied well in both a very thin and thick layer.

There is a tile adhesive with minimum consumption. It is based on liquid rubber. Any adhesive composition should be applied to the surface of the facing material and slightly dried. Many people use the following formulations:

  • "Eco-naset";
  • "Titanium";
  • "Moment";
  • "Liquid Nails".

These compounds glue tiles to the ceiling well and quickly. You just need to press it and hold it for a few seconds. Stays glued tile material very durable. “Eco-naset” and “Titan” adhere well to tiles made of PVC and other materials, but they take a very long time to dry. It is better to use the domestic “Moment”. It dries in a few seconds. The same can be said about Liquid Nails glue.

How to properly glue ceiling tiles? The ceiling surface must be prepared. The quality and speed of installation of the cladding depends on the quality of preparation. The old coating must be completely cleaned off. If the ceiling was covered with wallpaper, it should be removed in mandatory. From a surface covered with lime, it is necessary to completely wash off its layer. You can only leave a layer of paint if it does not peel off. If the paint cracks, it is also removed completely using a spatula. The ceiling has been cleared. Now it needs to be primed. It is better to use a deep penetration primer to perform this operation. Allow the primed surface to dry for at least a day. You cannot work during this time.

The dried ceiling should be carefully inspected again. If dark spots or various depressions are found, the ceiling should be puttied. After the putty has dried, apply another layer of primer and dry again. A day later, installation of the tiles begins.

Gluing tiles

How to glue tiles to the ceiling? First, let's prepare the necessary tool:

  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • pencil;
  • painting cord;
  • sharp knife;
  • ruler;
  • high table;
  • brush;
  • putty knife;
  • glue.

The tools are ready. How to glue ceiling tiles with your own hands? It is necessary to make markings on the prepared ceiling surface. Laying is usually done from the center. To determine it, you need to stretch the cord from corner to corner diagonally. The intersection of the two cords will be the center of the room. Often a chandelier hangs in this place. If this is the case, then the corners of the tiles need to be cut a little. This place will later be covered with a figured glass, which is found on each chandelier. 4 elements are lubricated with glue and applied one by one to the ceiling. Then other tiles join them. They will have to be cut near the wall. This is done with a sharp knife along a ruler. The cut piece of tile is placed against the wall.

You can glue the tiles to the ceiling in another way. Work begins from the wall located opposite the door. Glue is applied to several sheets of material and left for some time. This time is indicated on the packaging. Then the tiles are glued to the base one after another. IN last resort ceiling plinths are attached.

Other installation methods

How to glue ceiling tiles in other ways? You can combine colors. The most common options: intersecting or parallel diagonals of different colors, a snake, gluing panels of different colors in the center of the ceiling or along its perimeter, gluing the ceiling with dark and light tiles in a checkerboard pattern.

How to glue foam ceiling tiles? You can glue it directly onto the whitewash:

  • on a primer;
  • across the partially scraped ceiling.

The old whitewash on the ceiling is covered with a primer. It adheres well to the base. After it has completely dried, you should glue the foam tiles. You can partially scrape off the whitewash with a spatula. Then apply a layer of glue to the product and glue the tile, holding it with your hands for several minutes.

Conclusion on the topic

Renewing a ceiling is quite a difficult task. You can use different facing materials: suspended and tensioned structures, panels made of mirror panels different shapes. But the most common finishing material is foam ceiling tiles, how to glue and different ways its placement on the ceiling was discussed above. The choice of each individual owner is how to hang the ceiling tiles. This matter also depends on the financial capabilities of the family. The tiled ceiling in the apartment is a decoration of the house. Ceiling tiles can only be glued correctly onto a specially prepared base. Foam tiles stick well only on a flat surface.

How to glue ceiling tiles is a question that worries many. This is very lightweight material, which does not weigh down the ceiling structure. When to stick tiles on the ceiling: before wallpapering the walls or after? This is also a challenge for many. The glued ceiling will not cause any harm to the walls. Therefore, it is better to start repairs there. We also learned how to properly glue ceiling tiles and what glue to use. All that remains is to prepare tools, materials and begin repairs. After installing the tiles, you will have no questions left about how to install tiles on the ceiling. To seal the seams, you can use white sealant if the tiles are white. And the main thing is that everything can be done with your own hands.

Foam ceiling tiles - fast and inexpensive way finishing. There is no need to involve specialists or have special skills or tools. Almost anyone can do the job, including alone. And the service life of such coating is more than 15 years. In this article we will tell you step by step how to glue tiles to the ceiling with your own hands. We will also consider what to do if the surface is uneven.

Types of ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles come with edging or smooth edges. The latter is called seamless, since the joints are correct installation invisible. The ceiling looks like it has been painted or covered with chalk whitewash.

They produce three types of seamless ceiling tiles, in which the effect is obtained in different ways:

  1. With curly edges (zigzag or wavy). The tiles fit tightly together. In addition, jagged lines are less noticeable to the human eye than straight lines.
  2. With a calibrated edge, that is, with minimal dimensional errors and identical angles. The seams are extremely thin.
  3. With decorative filling. There is a relief pattern on the surface (floral, geometric or abstract), which distracts attention from the joints and makes them invisible.

Panels with a seam have an uneven edge (with a chamfer of different shapes and sizes). Therefore, after gluing they remain visible joints that have to be sealed.

Most often, foam ceiling tiles are produced in the shape of a square with a side of 50 cm. But there are other formats, including rectangular ones:

  • 30x60;
  • 30x70;
  • 40x40;
  • 40x70;
  • 60x60.

Ceiling panels also differ in material, production technology and surface type. Each has its pros and cons, but this does not affect the installation process.

Layout options

Ceiling tiles can be glued in several ways. The choice depends on personal preference, the size of the room and the desired effect.


Classic layout, in which the edges are located parallel to the walls. It is better that the surface is smooth, otherwise the curvature of the partitions is easily noticeable.

The following options are possible:

  • glue seamless tiles, resulting in a complete surface;
  • take elements of two colors and arrange them in a checkerboard pattern (this will hide the unevenness of the ceiling);
  • lay out other patterns or geometric shapes.

With shift

This option is similar to the previous one. White or colored tiles are glued offset to half the element. The room looks airier and lighter. But more precise markings will be needed.


With this layout, the seams are less visible. But gluing becomes more difficult, as more calculations and adjustments are required. The number of trimmings increases. Mostly products of the same color are used.

Methods for gluing ceiling tiles

Installation of elements takes place in in a certain order. In this article we will consider options for laying in rows, and diagonal and diamond-shaped are described in another. The edges are placed parallel to the walls. The ceiling is first marked for ceiling tiles.


The first square is glued at the central point, the second - to the right of it. Then lay two panels below. Installation continues in a spiral, from the already attached elements to the edges of the ceiling.

Often the exact number of slabs does not fit in size. Then you need to trim those of them that are adjacent to the walls. For this they use construction knife. The distance is first measured with a ruler.


The first four tiles are laid so that one of the corners falls into the center of the room. It turns out to be a square. The following are glued in parallel rows from the middle towards the opposite walls. Then across the previous ones. Lastly, fill the remaining areas.

Rows from the corner

This option is most often used in small rooms so that there are fewer scraps. The first tile is placed in the corner, the next ones are laid from it along the walls. And then - parallel to those already glued.

How to glue ceiling tiles

The following requirements apply to the composition of the adhesive:

  • high adhesion;
  • white or transparent color (otherwise it will show through, especially through thin tiles);
  • absence of solvents in the composition;
  • versatility (must glue different materials);
  • high drying speed;
  • viscosity.

Glue selection

These criteria are suitable:

  • universal polymer types;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • liquid Nails;
  • special mastics for ceiling tiles.

What exactly is best to glue on depends on the characteristics of the overlap. Let us consider the properties of the compositions in more detail.

Universal adhesives include such adhesives as “Titan”, “Master”, “Elitans”, “Dragon”, etc. Unfortunately, you have to hold the decor until the composition “sets” (up to several tens of seconds, depending on the brand ). When decorating the ceiling, this is inconvenient, since you have to stand with your hands raised. Of similar products, “Moment” is faster, but it must be kept in the air after application, and not pressed on the tile immediately.

Polyvinyl acetate options (“PVA”, “Bustilat”) are used only on well-leveled surfaces. The consumption is higher than other products, since the glue is applied not only to the tiles, but also to the ceiling. But there is no sharp unpleasant smell.

Liquid nails are applied with a construction gun. The composition is distributed in doses. To glue tiles on flat surfaces, a small amount is enough: in the corners and in the center. If necessary, glue is applied to the entire area and in a thicker layer. This way you can hide small imperfections in the ceiling. Any brand that does not contain solvents is suitable, for example, “Moment Montage” or “Titan”.

Mastics are sold as a paste in small buckets. These products are specially designed to set quickly so that the panels do not need to be held down.

Is it possible to glue ceiling tiles with putty?

With large differences, the surfaces have to be leveled. In this case, two stages are combined into one:

  1. Apply a thin layer of putty to a small area.
  2. Flatten.
  3. Press the foam panel down.

The finishing composition is used more often. But if the overlap is very uneven, they take the starting one.

Calculation of the required amount of tiles and adhesive

To determine how much material is needed, you first need to know the area of ​​the ceiling. If the room has a simple shape, this is not difficult: multiply the length by the width. For more complex ones, with protrusions, niches, etc., use this method:

  1. Draw a diagram indicating the dimensions.
  2. Divided into rectangles and squares.
  3. Calculate the areas of the parts.
  4. Add up all square meters.

The approximate consumption of glue and putty is indicated on the packaging. But when leveling, when a thicker layer is used, it increases.

The approximate quantity per square meter would be:

  • "Titan" - 50 g;
  • “Moment” - 200-400 g;
  • “PVA” - 200-300 g;
  • "Bustilat" - 100-200 g.
  1. Calculate the area of ​​one tile. To do this, multiply its length by its width.
  2. Divide the total ceiling area by the resulting number.
  3. Add about 10-20% (depending on the material and shape of the room). This will create a reserve in case some parts break or are cut unevenly.
  4. Round the result to a whole number.

As an example, let's calculate how many panels with a side of 50 cm are required for a room of 20 m²:

  1. The area of ​​one tile is 250 cm², or 0.25 m².
  2. We divide the ceiling area by it: 20/0.25=80. This is the number of elements without stock.
  3. Add 10%. 80+8=88. So many panels need to be purchased for repairs.

List of tools and materials

In addition to tiles and glue, you will need:

  • ladder;
  • construction knife (cutting panels);
  • roulette;
  • laser level;
  • pencil;
  • bucket for diluting solutions;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • application brush;
  • putty knife;
  • a soft cloth to remove dirt from the front side;
  • painting (beating) cord;
  • glue gun (if liquid nails are selected);
  • spatula (for mastic or putty);
  • brush (for other types);
  • sealant for sealing seams;
  • ceiling plinth made of polystyrene.

Preparing the ceiling for gluing

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove everything that does not adhere well. Whitewash, paint or crumbling plaster must be cleaned off with a spatula or washed off with water. Otherwise in further coverage will fall off along with the tile.

Cracks and noticeable depressions must be filled with putty. But perfect alignment not required.

Attention! It is advisable to wait some time before continuing the repair so that the layer is completely dry (from 12 hours to several days). Manufacturer's recommendations are indicated on the packaging.

Do I need to prime the ceiling before gluing it?

This is necessary, especially if the base is quite loose. The product strengthens the surface and reduces glue consumption. It is better to choose a primer:

  • deep penetration;
  • with an antiseptic effect (to prevent fungus from developing).

You must wait until the composition is completely dry.

Where to start gluing tiles

In this matter, they focus on both convenience and visual effect. Let's consider possible ways in detail. In all cases, before starting work, the ceiling must be marked for ceiling tiles.

From the center of the room

The first panel is placed so that the corner is located at the midpoint. Three more are glued on. The result is a square from which further installation takes place (snake or crosswise).

From the center tile

The first element is glued exactly in the middle of the room. The center of the tile and the center of the room coincide. To do this, when marking, lay down half the length of the element in the direction of the walls.

From the chandelier

The main lighting is not always located in the middle of the ceiling, especially in rooms with complex geometry. You can start installation from the chandelier. Then the initial plates are oriented towards the attachment point. The corners around it are cut off. In the future, this place will be covered with a chandelier plate.

From the corner

The previous methods are more often used in large rooms - halls, living rooms. And in small rooms or corridors it is not necessary to start from the center. The first tile can also be placed in the corner.

For this method it is required smooth walls. It is advisable to start the sticker from the window, not from the door. Then, when entering the room, the cut slabs will not be visible.

Ceiling markings

Before gluing, do this:

  1. Fix the beating cord in one of the corners.
  2. Pull it diagonally towards the opposite side and release it.
  3. Mark the second diagonal in the same way.
  4. The point of their intersection is the center of the room. If necessary, move it to the place where the chandelier is attached.
  5. From this point, using a painting cord, draw perpendiculars to the walls.
  6. Focusing on them, draw squares with sides equal to length panels.

How to properly glue ceiling tiles

First you need to prepare the material. Open the packages and inspect each item. All should be the same size and color, without burrs or sagging around the edges. If necessary, defects are corrected by cutting with a knife.

To glue the tiles, do the following:

  1. The square is coated with glue.
  2. Place it in place, lightly smooth it with your hand and hold it until it sets.
  3. The next part is joined tightly, the edges are aligned and also pressed.
  4. Excess glue is immediately removed from the polystyrene foam with a damp sponge or soft cloth.
  5. Repeat with the remaining slabs until the entire ceiling is covered. At the same time, they check with the lines that were marked at the previous stage.
  6. If necessary, the fragments adjacent to the walls are trimmed with a knife.
  7. The gaps along the edges are covered with plinth.

You need to press one square tightly against the other. If there is a large gap left, a wooden plank or beam is placed against the free edge and moved. It is easy to break the material with your hands.

How to apply adhesive to ceiling tiles

If the surface of the ceiling is smooth, apply the composition as follows:

  1. Distribute along the perimeter at a distance of about a centimeter from the edge (so that the excess does not crawl out into the seams and stain the visible surface).
  2. Make several strokes in the center or diagonally (for reliability).
  3. Wait 1-2 minutes until the product thickens, then apply the tile.

A ceiling made of porous material (concrete) will require a thicker layer, as some will be absorbed.

How to glue tiles near a chandelier

It is necessary to leave space to hang the lamp, for this:

  1. The first four tiles have one corner cut out. Wherein total area the area should be sufficient for fastening, but smaller than the size of the plate.
  2. Lay the fragments according to the markings with a central point in the place where the chandelier will hang.
  3. Then continue gluing as usual.

If installation is carried out from the central fragment, the hole the right size cut into it.

How to seal seams and cracks between ceiling tiles

Even after the most careful gluing, gaps remain, since the edges of the tiles are not perfectly smooth and may have defects. To seal them, use sealant, which is sold in cans with an extended nozzle. The tip can easily get into tile joints.

The composition should be white so as not to contrast with the finish. It is best to choose silicone - waterproof.

You can use leftover putty or mastic, but only white.

The nuances of gluing tiles to an uneven ceiling

In such cases use gypsum putty. The installation goes like this:

  1. Dilute the mixture according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Apply enough to the ceiling to cover four tiles. The solution should be laid in a layer no thicker than 3-5 mm. This amount is easy to level out, and the composition does not have time to set.
  3. Apply with a notched trowel, forming grooves.
  4. Apply cladding elements. Align the edges.
  5. Pressing building level(preferably half a meter) or as a rule, level the surface.
  6. Repeat previous steps. As a result, all fragments should be in the same plane (or without differences noticeable to the eye).

Features of gluing seamless tiles

With this finish, the ceiling looks as if it has been whitewashed or painted. To avoid noticeable transitions, choose panels without sides or chamfers with straight or curved edges. Tiles are chosen of the same thickness or with a pattern in the center.

If you want to get a coating without seams general method installation is the same. But there are some nuances:

  1. The surface must be carefully leveled, otherwise transitions will be noticeable.
  2. Tiles are glued with minimum distance from each other.
  3. When laying, follow the arrows with reverse side. They must go in the same direction.
  4. If you paint the ceiling, the seams will become even more invisible.

Is it possible to glue ceiling tiles in the bathroom?

The room is different high humidity, so not just any finish is suitable. Only extruded or injection panels are suitable. This coverage:

  • resistant to moisture;
  • has heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • easy to clean;
  • not susceptible to fungus.

For additional protection the coating is painted with compounds intended for use in bathrooms (for example, water-based emulsion).

Ceiling tile care

Over time, dust accumulates on the tiles, especially in the recesses of the pattern. In order for the ceiling to maintain its appearance, regular cleaning is required. Dry is needed once a month. A vacuum cleaner or a fluffy brush will come in handy. Wet is done every two months, but only for laminated or painted surfaces. Care for the ceiling using a sponge or cloth.

Water accumulates in the depressions. It must be carefully removed, for example, with paper napkins or other easily absorbent material. If this is not done, streaks will ruin the appearance of the ceiling.

Do not use products containing abrasives or chemically aggressive substances. A soap solution or dishwashing liquid will do.

If your neighbors cause a flood, you must immediately clean the ceiling. Otherwise, rust stains will not be removed.

Repair and restoration of ceiling tiles

Over time, the coating turns yellow (especially in the kitchen) and the surface has to be painted. It's easy to do it yourself by preparing:

  • paint that can withstand wet cleaning and does not have a strong odor (water-based, latex, acrylic);
  • foam roller;
  • brush for corners and other hard-to-reach places.

No need to choose White color. But bright hues preferably, a dark ceiling will appear lower. Cool shades make the room more spacious, and warm shades make the room more comfortable. It is important to consider the overall design of the room.

Thus, using foam tiles you can quickly and inexpensively finish the ceiling. The work is easy to do alone, and the variety of products will allow you to choose suitable option for any room.

Ceiling tiles – budget method repairs that are easy to carry out yourself. However, in most apartments the evenness of the ceiling surface leaves much to be desired, and too large deviations in the plane create inconvenience in work and spoil the impression of the renovation. If you know how to glue ceiling tiles onto an uneven ceiling, you will get a monolithic surface.

Various materials are used to make ceiling tiles. Thus, fiberglass panels will provide reliable sound insulation. Other components used in the production of decorative boards include wood, polystyrene foam, and light metals.

Expanded polystyrene (polystyrene, polystyrene) is considered a common and affordable option. Price, range of shades and surface textures – distinctive features such tiles.

According to the manufacturing method, it can be:

  • pressed (stamped) - produced by pressing. The thickness of the segments is 6 - 8 mm;
  • injection is made by sintering polystyrene foam components. Product thickness – 9-14 mm;
  • extruded is made from strips of polystyrene obtained by pressing. Finished tiles are painted or laminated.

Based on surface type, finishing panels are divided into:

  • laminated, covered with a protective film on the front side;
  • seamless are characterized by smooth edges; after gluing, the joints remain invisible;
  • mirror ones are made of plastic, the front side of the segments is covered with a mirror layer.

How to solve the problem of an uneven ceiling

Often those who decide to stick ceiling tiles are faced with the problem of uneven ceilings. But, if you know the technology of laying panels, the problem can be solved.

A simple way would be to install parts on an uneven ceiling. This is done with polystyrene foam, which hides minor differences in height. But then you need to choose the appropriate panel size and pattern. For example, a large relief visually masks flaws more than a flat surface of tiles.

If the purpose of finishing is to obtain not only smooth, but also durable decorative ceilings, it is better to first level the base base, and only then proceed to decorating the ceiling with tiles.

In this case, choose the following alignment methods:

  • using a putty mixture;
  • installation of a frame base made of metal or foam.

How to glue ceiling tiles to an uneven ceiling: leveling with putty

The work begins with preliminary cleaning of the surface from the previous finish. For this they use mechanically using water and a construction spatula. If this method does not help, purchase special chemical compounds that corrode the old finish.

When the ceiling is cleaned, it is primed. Next, the cracks on the surface are sealed, then the base is covered with a layer of putty in such a way as to remove unevenness and height differences. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 2 cm. The putty will adhere better if a reinforcing mesh is glued to the ceiling.

After puttying, the ceiling is left to dry completely, then the surface is sanded with fine-grained sand. sandpaper. Sanding will make the surface smooth. At the end of the troweling work, the ceiling is again covered with a layer of primer.

Construction of a foam frame for gluing tiles

This method is suitable for rooms with a flat ceiling plane, but small bulges. For example, if the floor is made of concrete slabs, the gaps between adjacent slabs are sealed with putty, but the dried mixture protrudes from the plane. Then it will not be possible to glue the panels to such a base.

To do this, construct a frame of foam strips:

  • the sheets are cut into strips, which are glued to the ceiling in increments corresponding to the width of the tile. As a result, one panel should lie on two strips;
  • if the strip lands on an uneven area of ​​the base, a notch is cut in the foam with a knife corresponding to the width of the unevenness.

When choosing the width of the stripes, take into account the sizes of the tiles that are supposed to be used to decorate the ceilings. This frame is mounted only under light foam tiles.

After leveling the surfaces, they proceed directly to gluing the panels. But first, they mark the ceiling for the ceiling tiles, choosing the method of installing the segments:

  • parallel to the walls - a simple option, used if the walls in the room are even. To do this, first the first row from the wall is glued, and then the next rows are laid one after the other;
  • diagonally. Two lines are drawn on the ceiling from corner to corner, the intersection of which will become the starting point for installation. Then they draw more lines along the diagonals;
  • with a rhombus, when several squares are measured from the center of the ceiling, additional diagonals are drawn from each figure. The corner of the foam tile is placed in the center of the ceiling, and the sides of the piece should run along the lines.

If the ceiling cannot be leveled, then glue the panels onto special adhesive compositions it is forbidden. To mask minor differences in height, use glue under sheets of drywall or putty, which is diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream. So that the putty does not have time to dry, the ceiling is coated first for gluing the first four tiles, then the next four, etc.

The tiles are laid on a layer of glue. The panels adhere well and can be easily moved if you need to adjust the segment. First, the edges of adjacent elements are combined and then aligned in a single plane using a rule or a building level.

If on front part glue gets into the panels, the composition is immediately removed with a damp cloth. The voids between adjacent parts are filled with sealant or putty. A rubber spatula is used as a handy tool for masking joints.

Thus, the problem of gluing tiles to uneven ceilings is easily solved. The main thing is to follow the technology when finishing.

Video on how to properly glue ceiling tiles without seams


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