Why is a tick needed? What are ticks needed for in nature: meaning, benefits and harm

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Most people associate ticks with dangerous bites, infectious diseases and other troubles. But, like any living organism in the ecosystem of our planet, nature needs ticks. From the point of view of biological balance, these arachnids bring almost more benefits than harm.

The greatest danger to people are ixodid ticks, which feed on blood and are carriers of dangerous diseases. At the same time, these arachnids are indispensable in the ecosystem, since they act as a regulator of natural selection. Weak animals die after being bitten by such a tick, giving way to the strongest, and they, in turn, develop immunity. Thus, in nature, the numerical balance of individuals is maintained.

Here is a striking example of how an obvious benefit for nature simultaneously has an extremely negative impact on humans. Therefore, the question of the benefits and harms of ticks needs to be considered in more detail, because the answer to it is completely ambiguous.

Are there any benefits from ticks?

The concept of “benefit”, of course, is inseparable from human culture, therefore, despite people’s prejudiced attitude towards ticks, the latter provide tangible assistance in various industries.

In addition, ticks are an important link in the ecological system, helping to carry out natural selection and maintain balance, and they are also part of the food chain, for example, ixodid ticks are happily eaten by birds and frogs.

What harm do they do?

The most dangerous for both people and animals are. And in first place among them is the taiga (encephalitis) tick, which is a carrier of encephalitis, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis and other equally dangerous diseases. Since these arthropods feed exclusively on blood, infection occurs after a bite; viruses and pathogens of terrible diseases enter the victim’s body along with saliva.

In addition to blood-sucking arachnids, human health can be threatened by subcutaneous, scabies and other mites, which are carriers of such unpleasant diseases as scabies, dermatitis and others.

Why are ticks needed in nature? Apparently, in order to occupy a clearly assigned ecological niche and fulfill their direct responsibilities that appeared to them in the process of evolution.

Every year the distribution area of ​​ticks increases, there are more and more of them. Along with them, the number of deadly diseases transmitted to animals and humans by these dangerous predators is also growing.

Today it is easy to pick up a tick in a city square or park, on a personal plot and in a garden. Creatures in chitinous shells are increasingly compressing the ring around a person.

You can learn about what a tick eats and its habits by reading this article.

About types of ticks

All mites belong to the order of small arachnids, which unites approximately 20 thousand species. What does a tick eat, besides blood? Some of the ticks presented below also feed on other types of food.

The largest group of soil mites is oribatid mites. They live in forest soils and litter. They chew rotting plant debris with abundant microflora with their gnawing chelicerae. They carry tapeworms that infect livestock.

Small insects that chew with their chelicerae are granary mites (or bread and flour mites). They live in rotting plant debris and soil. In agricultural product storage facilities, they cause spoilage of flour, grain and cereals. For people working in such areas, they can cause severe skin irritation in the form of an allergic reaction. The tick feeds on insect tissues.

It is the best studied and is a serious pest of poultry farms. What does the chicken mite feed on? They are active at night, when they emerge from the cracks of the chicken coop and, attacking chickens, suck their blood. It also happens that when there is a massive infection, birds die from anemia.

To learn more about what ticks feed in nature, let’s get acquainted with the most dangerous ticks for humans.

Encephalitis ticks

Below are the ticks that are the most aggressive.

The encephalitis tick is one of the most common and well-known. It is important to note that the encephalitis tick is not a separate breed (species) of arthropod insects. Any type of tick can become infected with encephalitis, so it is impossible to identify signs that determine the degree of danger. But it should be remembered that such an infection can lead to human death.

It is impossible to determine by the appearance of an insect whether it is encephalitic or not, therefore, when going to the forest, you should take the necessary measures to protect yourself from contact with predators.

It is ixodid ticks that most often act as carriers of dangerous encephalitis. They also have a second name - hard mites. They owe this name to their hard chitinous coating, which is a kind of protective shell. Ixodid ticks include both dog and taiga ticks.

Habits of forest ticks

What do ticks eat in the forest? The blood of various animals and humans.

As a rule, ticks rarely rise more than a meter from the ground, and when attacking a victim, they try to move higher to the softest areas of the skin. Female ticks are more voracious; they can suck blood without stopping for 6 days, while males only need 3 days to get enough.

Relatively small, their size in a state of hunger does not exceed 4 mm in length. When blood is sucked in large volumes, the size can increase up to 120 times.

The tick bite is not felt because the insect injects special saliva that blocks pain in humans. In this regard, the tick can feed on blood unnoticed for a long time.

An excellent sense of smell helps the tick to detect its victim. In order for a predator to climb onto a person, the latter only needs to stop in the forest for even a couple of minutes.

About tick-borne diseases

Knowing what a tick eats, you should remember that it is a carrier of various diseases.

In fact, there are many, but mainly 2 species have real dangerous epidemiological significance: Persulcatus (or taiga tick), living in the European and Asian parts of Russia; Ixodes Ricinus (or European forest tick) - in the European part.

Ticks can carry the following diseases:

  • encephalitis;
  • tick-borne typhus;
  • Lyme disease (or borreliosis);
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • spotted fever;
  • Marseilles fever;
  • babesiosis;
  • tularemia;
  • ehrlichiosis.

Many of these diseases are dangerous and not very treatable, and some show symptoms only 10-20 days after the bite.

Important information

After it has become known what the forest tick feeds on and what it can lead to, you should know how to protect yourself from predatory insects, and what to do if the tick does get attached. You should definitely remember that the part that sticks into the skin (the proboscis) is equipped with small “spines”. They are directed towards the back of the tick.

Therefore, if it is pulled along the axis, the “spines” bristle and dig even tighter into the skin, which can lead to the separation of its proboscis from the tick’s body, which can remain in the dermis forever.

To avoid this, the insect should be removed in a circular motion (unscrewed), and not simply pulled out. In this case, the spines on the proboscis will curl toward the axis of rotation, but the head will not come off.

If this could not be done correctly, the suction site (where the head remains) should be wiped with cotton wool moistened with alcohol, after which the head should be removed with a sterile needle like an ordinary splinter.


Ticks are creatures that, if necessary, can go without food for a long time in nature (even months), and in laboratories for years.

This happens due to their inactivity and, in connection with this, a rather economical expenditure of the body’s energy reserves.

Surprising is the fact that many varieties of ticks are absolutely unpretentious to living conditions. They can settle almost anywhere, even in fresh and marine waters.

What diseases are spread by ticks?
The Sanita-S company has been fighting ticks for many years. We studied not only the behavior of these insects, but also a wide range of infectious diseases that they can provoke:

1. Encephalitis. This is usually a neuroinfection that occurs with very serious symptoms, including deafness, paralysis of the limbs, convulsions, and respiratory failure. If a case of encephalitis tick bite is diagnosed late, then a fatal outcome is possible. The disease occurs in three main forms: febrile, meningeal, focal. The highest risk of infection is the spring-summer period, when insect activity is quite high. It is during this period that professional tick control should be carried out at a particularly active pace.

2. Northern piroplasmosis. The disease is mild, practically without any pronounced symptoms, but this is typical only for those people who have a properly functioning immune system. Deaths are also common, and they are usually preceded by fever, abdominal pain, and yellowing of the skin. The main treatment is antibiotic therapy.

3. Hemorrhagic fever. This is an acute viral disease, the occurrence of which is provoked by blood-sucking ticks. The infection enters the body through insect bites or through existing wounds on the skin. During the illness, intestinal bleeding, damage to the nervous system, improper functioning of the kidneys, headaches and muscle pain are observed. Immunoglobulins are usually used for treatment.

In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg... There are many more diseases caused by tick bites or interactions with these insects. Fortunately, only a few of them are common in Russia and in particular the Moscow region, but this does not mean that the fight against ticks is not relevant.

Company specialists "Sanita-S" Tick ​​control will be carried out using the most effective chemicals and other drugs. We guarantee that after treating a plot of land or a specific premises, dangerous insects will not return in the near future. But in order to protect yourself as reliably as possible from ticks, you need to periodically carry out preventive actions (wet cleaning, control of clutter in the area, mowing grass and weeds, timely collection of fallen leaves and removal of them from the site).

What are ticks used for in nature?

    Ticks help natural selection and play an equally important role in the process of evolution. Anyone who can survive a tick bite is considered a strong individual and gains some immunity and knowledge. It is survival of the fittest, and ticks help identify the strongest.

    Ticks are an integral part of the food chain in nature. Ants really like them and they eagerly eat them. Ixodid ticks are a delicacy for a family of beetles called ground beetles.

    So it is impossible to say that ticks only suck blood and spread diseases. They are eaten and other animals get nutrients from them.

    And Andryukha, the biologist, and I think that ticks are not needed for anything, and appendicitis is also not particularly needed. So ticks, whether they exist or not, are just an imperfection of nature. By the way I'm a doctor

    In nature, everything exists for a reason, but for some purpose.

    So ticks, which live mainly on animals, feed on dead parts of the skin. It turns out that they cleanse the skin in this way.

    Well, I think that ticks are needed to destroy already sick animals. This is natural selection. Like on the whole planet, the hare eats grass, the wolf eats the hare, well, something like that. Well, I still have a version. There is a macro and micro world. When ticks bite, they inject microbes into the blood, the body of that animal begins to secrete antibodies that begin to kill these microbes. Or maybe some new organism even appears in its habitat. They cross and a new organism is obtained inside one large one. Although I am not a biologist, I will not say so.

    Most likely, there is a scientific explanation for any fact, but in nature nothing happens for nothing. If ticks exist, then they are needed for something. As a complacency, I believe that their disappearance may give rise to an invasion of other, more dangerous creatures, perhaps the existence of ticks prevents something more terrible.

    If we approach it from a scientific, evolutionary point of view, then there is no reason. It’s just that this type of organism is sufficiently adapted to survival, so once accidentally formed from some other, it continues to exist to this day.

    And if you approach it from a religious perspective, then there may be different options for using the tick:

    1 For example, to punish some sinner or, by striking him, to prevent the atrocities he is planning.

    2 To quickly send to heaven the righteous man who is unjustly tormented on Earth.

    3 Kill one animal so that several others can feed on its body.


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