Apartment codes for opening IP. Lending to an individual enterprise

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Registration of a citizen of the Russian Federation as an individual entrepreneur is a fairly simple procedure. However, her required condition- payment state duty. If an entrepreneur wants to simplify or speed up the registration of his business, he can seek legal assistance from a specialized firm or a notary.

How much does it cost to open an individual entrepreneur in 2018?

Most entrepreneurs prefer to open an individual entrepreneur on their own - it’s cheaper and faster, but there is a risk that state registration will be denied due to incorrect paperwork. In this case, the paid state duty is not refunded.

We open an individual entrepreneur on our own

State duty is a mandatory payment when registering an individual entrepreneur. In 2018, its size is 800 rubles (before 2010 it was 400 rubles). The amount of the duty is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It makes no difference how you submit documents: through tax office, multifunctional center, by mail or online. In any case, you will have to pay the state fee.

After paying the state fee and submitting a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service, you can pick up the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur in three working days.

Opening an individual entrepreneur on your own will cost only 800 rubles - this is the current amount of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur

Registration of individual entrepreneurs with the help of legal companies

There are law firms that specialize in helping to open an individual entrepreneur. Typically, such companies offer several different service packages:

  • Most economical option only involves assistance in paperwork. The catch is that the entrepreneur needs to choose OKVED codes that suit his business. OKVED is a long list of activities, usually incomprehensible to a novice entrepreneur.
  • The turnkey package includes assistance in paperwork, sending documents to the tax service and receiving registration results.
  • There are also intermediate packages that include making a seal, opening a bank account, delivering documents by courier, etc.

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur with the help of intermediaries depends on the range of services provided and the region. So, in Moscow, an “economy” package costs about 2.0–2.5 thousand rubles, a “turnkey” package costs 4.0–6.5 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg law firms help to prepare documents for 1.0 thousand rubles, together with filing for registration - for 2.5 thousand rubles. In the regions, law firm services are even cheaper: for example, in Krasnodar - from 1.0 to 1.8 thousand rubles. Usually the state duty is paid additionally.

An example of service packages for registering an individual entrepreneur in one of the Moscow law firms

Registration of individual entrepreneurs through law firms often takes longer - 4–7 days.

In addition, some banks offer assistance in registering individual entrepreneurs. They charge a fee for registering an individual entrepreneur through the tax office and opening a current account.

Notary services for individual entrepreneur registration

In some cases, you have to resort to the services of a notary, and therefore the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur increase. Notarization will be required in the following cases:

  • Sending documents by mail - it is necessary to certify the application and copies of documents.
  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur through a representative - he will need a power of attorney to register on your behalf. This could be a friend of yours or a law firm that took on the hassle of registering an individual entrepreneur.
  • Submission of documents for registration by a minor. Notarization of the consent of his parents, guardians or trustees will be required.
  • Opening a business by a foreigner. It is necessary to make a notarized translation of documents if they are not in Russian.

In addition, a notary can become an intermediary in registering an individual entrepreneur: he will accept your documents, check them, send them to the tax office, signing with his electronic signature, and provide you with the result in electronic or printed form.

Notary services cost differently depending on the region: from 0.4 to 3.0 thousand rubles.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs with the help of intermediaries is appropriate in unusual situations when the assistance of a qualified lawyer is required

The procedure for paying state fees for registering individual entrepreneurs in 2018

Since state registration of an individual entrepreneur takes place exclusively at the place of residence of the entrepreneur, you must pay the state duty strictly according to the details of the Federal Tax Service inspection to which you belong. If you are registering through the MFC, you need to find out the details of the “My Documents” center through which you intend to register. Usually they can be viewed on the MFC website.

You can generate payment documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Select the method of submitting documents (through the tax office or the MFC; please note that in this case the budget classification codes are different).
  2. Fill in your information: Full name, Taxpayer Identification Number, registration address.
  3. Select the payment method: cash or non-cash.

When making a cash payment, the system will generate a receipt that must be printed and paid through any bank. It will indicate the details of the payer and recipient of the payment. All you have to do is put the date and signature at the branch of the credit institution.

If you choose non-cash payment, indicate the bank where you have an account. The service will redirect you to your personal account, where you will need to make a payment.

The state duty in 2018 is 800 rubles

Although many prefer to pay the duty the old fashioned way through a branch of a credit institution, more and more young entrepreneurs are choosing a non-cash payment method. After all, in this case, you can transfer money in just a few minutes - there is no need to go to the bank and stand in lines there. At some tax offices in major cities There are terminals for paying tolls.

Tax service employees will help you pay the duty through the terminal

When paying state fees online, you can only use a personal bank card. In this case, confirmation of payment will not be a receipt, but a payment order with a bank mark on execution.

Video: how to pay the fee for registering an individual entrepreneur in the Sberbank terminal

You can obtain a sample receipt directly from the tax office. But at the same time, you need to fill out all the details very carefully - mistakes and blots are not allowed.

Benefits when paying the state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur

Unfortunately, there are no benefits for paying the state fee for state registration of individual entrepreneurs. Many types of taxes and fees can be paid through the State Services website with a 30% discount, but not for registering an individual entrepreneur.

However, the fee is small, and a citizen opening a business must have start-up capital. Therefore, paying the duty will probably not hurt the future entrepreneur’s pocket.

There are no benefits and they are not expected

Receipt for payment of state duty for individual entrepreneur registration

The original paid state registration receipt is submitted along with a package of documents to the tax office (directly or through intermediaries - MFC, law firms, post office).

An example of a receipt for payment of state duty when registering an individual entrepreneur

How long is a duty payment receipt valid?

Tax Code of the Russian Federation and others regulations It is not established how long the receipt is valid, so it can be considered unlimited. It is worth considering that the amount of the state duty may increase, in which case the previously paid amount will be insufficient for state registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Refund of state duty

If you paid the state fee, but suddenly changed your mind about registering an individual entrepreneur, you can return it. To do this, within three years you need to contact the Federal Tax Service with an application for a refund of the duty. A copy of the payment receipt is attached to it. One month is allotted for the transfer of the refunded state duty.

Here you can download an application for refund of state duty.

In addition, from October 1, when resubmitting documents for state registration due to an incomplete set of documents or errors in registration, you will not have to pay the state fee.

State duty for closing an individual entrepreneur

If an entrepreneur decides to stop his business activities and close his individual entrepreneur, he needs to go through the liquidation procedure. In this case, a state duty is also paid - 160 rubles. Documents are submitted to the tax office or MFC. The payment procedure is the same as for the state registration fee.

The state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is low - only 800 rubles. At the same time, there are various ways to pay for it, making life easier for a novice entrepreneur.

Registration as an individual entrepreneur is one of the ways to start your own business in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

There are a number of features for an individual entrepreneur that will be discussed in this article. At the same time, at the beginning of the year, some changes regarding the procedure for opening an individual entrepreneur in 2019 come into force.

Who should not open an IP?

First of all, the legislation of the Russian Federation (129-FZ of 2001) prohibits the creation of individual entrepreneurs by those people who already have one registered enterprise. In addition, partially or completely incompetent citizens, as well as minors, are not allowed to register. However, in the latter case there are caveats:

  • If a minor is legally married, he can open an individual entrepreneur starting at the age of 16, since from that moment he is recognized as fully capable.
  • From the age of 16 you can register if the teenager is working (subject to permission from the so-called legal representative).
  • Finally, with the consent of both parents, certified by a notary, a minor can register from the age of 14.

In addition, it is impossible to register as an individual entrepreneur if you choose one of the following types of activity:

  • Some types of transportation (air cargo and passenger), as well as the development of aviation technology.
  • Space activities.
  • Private security activities.
  • Operations related to alcohol (both production and trade).
  • Production and distribution of narcotic and psychotropic substances, as well as medicines.
  • Industrial safety analysis services.
  • Most of the types of activities that one way or another fall under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are employment outside Russian Federation, management of pension and investment funds.
  • Production and distribution of pyrotechnics.
  • Activities related to military equipment and weapons.
  • Sales of electricity.

Selection of OKVED codes

On January 1, 2017, a new edition of the all-Russian classifier came into force - (another name - OKVED 2017). Accordingly, when registering as an individual entrepreneur in 2019, it is necessary to apply this particular edition. At the same time, those entrepreneurs who simply change the type of activity must also indicate codes in accordance with the updated version.

It is necessary to indicate several OKVED codes so that they cover not only current types of activities, but also those that the entrepreneur plans to engage in in the future.

This will avoid possible refusal of registration, as well as additional problems during the functioning of an individual entrepreneur in case of expansion of activities.

Total number of specified codes should not exceed 50: each of them must contain at least 4 characters– if the application contains codes with fewer characters, the tax office representative will refuse registration.

It is important to remember that in 2019, the rule remains that the percentage of revenue that an entrepreneur will receive from the main activity (only 1 code can correspond to it) must be at least 60% from total amount income.

Choosing a tax system

Among the taxation systems available to individual entrepreneurs are:

  • General taxation system() - Individual entrepreneurs pay 13% for themselves and their employees, 18% or 10% in some cases (if transactions were carried out that are legally subject to VAT). In addition, as an individual, an entrepreneur will be required to pay taxes on property - real estate, etc.
  • Simplified taxation system(). With it, the individual entrepreneur pays 6% in the case of a tax base in the form of income and 15% in the case of a base equal to the difference between income and expenses. The simplified tax system replaces the payment of personal income tax on part of income from entrepreneurial activity and property tax individuals(however, according to No. 382-FZ, individual entrepreneurs are required to pay this type fee in respect of certain properties listed in this law). Also, the simplified tax system replaces VAT, in addition, which is paid when importing goods at customs points and when executing 2 types of agreements - simple partnership and trust management of property.
  • Patent tax system() – can be used by individual entrepreneurs with a staff of no more than 15 people during the reporting period. Annual income – up to 60 million rubles. You can buy a patent for a period of 2 to 12 months and during this period not pay taxes on your main activity. A patent exempts individuals from paying personal income tax on income when performing those types of activities to which the patent applies. persons (same condition) and partially from VAT (except for types of activities for which a patent does not apply, situations of import of goods and operations listed in Article 174 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Unified agricultural tax() - can only be used by those individual entrepreneurs that produce agricultural products. The conditions are similar to the simplified tax system; it eliminates the same types of fees.
  • A single tax on imputed income() - applies to certain types of activities (which are listed in clause 2 of Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In fact, it replaces the same taxes as the simplified tax system. At the same time, the company should have no more than 100 employees, the regime should be used in the territory where the individual entrepreneur operates, and the entrepreneur should not work under a simple partnership agreement and trust management of property.

It must be taken into account that if an application for the possibility of applying a special regime is not submitted during registration, the company will automatically be placed on common system taxation. The choice of system seriously depends on the type of activity, expected level of income, location of the organization, etc.

State duty for opening

The amount of the state fee for registration as an individual entrepreneur at the end of 2018 is 800 rubles. The receipt can be obtained on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation: there the receipt necessary for the entrepreneur is automatically generated, which is subsequently paid at the window or using a special machine at any Sberbank branch. From January 1, 2019, the state fee for opening is 0 rubles for electronic submission of documents.

In addition, recently it became possible to pay this amount via the Internet. In this case, the receipt must indicate the TIN in addition to the full name and registration address.

Application and filling it out

Possible reasons for refusal

Among possible reasons refusal to register can be divided into six main groups:

  • There are errors in filling out the application or the absence of some documents necessary for registration.
  • Selecting a prohibited activity.
  • Submitting documents to the tax service at a location other than the place where the entrepreneur is registered.
  • Availability of registration as an individual entrepreneur without registration (according to the legislation of the Russian Federation it is impossible to have 2 valid certificates).
  • A court decision to prohibit engaging in entrepreneurship (if the period established by it has not expired).
  • Finally, if the previous registered individual entrepreneur was closed forcibly or less than 12 months ago.

In other cases, the tax office does not have the right to refuse registration of an entrepreneur.

Registration in funds

An individual entrepreneur who intends to operate alone, without employees, does not need registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund. If he plans to hire employees or enter into contracts with service providers, he needs to register with the FSS of Russia as a payer of contributions. Moreover, in the case of work with temporary performers, registration is required only if the contract provides for a clause on insurance against injury.

In addition, in the case of working with employees or performers, it is necessary to register with Pension Fund. As a payer of compulsory medical insurance contributions, registration will be carried out without the direct participation of the entrepreneur. And the individual entrepreneur will also be automatically registered for his own pension insurance.

In 2019, fixed payments for individual entrepreneurs are in no way tied to the minimum wage. They are determined in accordance with Federal Law No. 335.

They will have to be paid in any case, even if individual entrepreneur does not carry out any activities.

The minimum wage from May 1, 2018 is 11,163 rubles. The tariff in the Pension Fund is 26%, the contribution to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is 5.1%, in the Pension Fund it is 1% for income over 300,000 rubles.

  • Contributions to the Pension Fund - 29,354 rubles. until December 31, 2019.
  • Contributions to the FFOMS - 6884 rubles. until December 31, 2019.
  • For pension insurance with income exceeding 300,000 rubles - 1%, but not more than 234,832 rubles. until 07/01/2020.

Stamp, current account, cash register

An entrepreneur is not required to have. Accordingly, this is an individual decision for each person. Most often, the company’s image when working with counterparties depends on its presence or absence (especially if they are legal entities). It is advisable to place the full name, region in which the individual entrepreneur operates, name, TIN number, etc. on the seal. In addition, you can add a logo there (if available).

It is most necessary for those entrepreneurs who work remotely (for example, when opening an online store), since payment will be accepted by bank transfer.

If an individual entrepreneur uses UTII or a patent, the presence of a cash register is optional. However, they do not get rid of the need to provide a document confirming the purchase - sales receipt or a receipt. If an individual entrepreneur provides services to the public, he also has the right not to have a cash register, but in this case he must issue. For the Unified Agricultural Tax, the simplified tax system and the general tax regime, an individual entrepreneur must have a cash register.

How much does it cost to register an individual entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur will incur the following costs upon registration:

  • Payment of state duty – 800 rubles. From January 1, 2019 - 0 rubles for electronic submission of documents.
  • The cost of making a seal ranges from 400 to 800 rubles.
  • Payment for notary services – from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
  • Additional services of companies during the registration process - up to 3,000 rubles.

Thus, minimum costs when opened with independent actions without making a seal, they will amount to 800 rubles, and the maximum using additional services will amount to about 10,000 rubles.

In this case, the individual entrepreneur will be forced to pay a certain amount of money for the services of the bank in which the current account will be opened. It is best to choose those banks that share offers for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, since the former are very unprofitable for individual entrepreneurs.

Registration through government services

Can be done. An important advantage is the minimum waiting time in line when submitting an application - it is 15 minutes. In this case, the registration application itself must be completed within 20 minutes.

The term for providing the service for registering an individual entrepreneur through the portal is longer than in the case of personal submission to the tax authority. It is 5 working days.

Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens and stateless persons can apply for the service. To do this you need to register with personal account and fill out the relevant documents. However, they can be submitted as in electronic format, and in person, by mail, through the MFC or a legal representative.

Advantages and disadvantages of individual entrepreneurs

Same as others legal forms, being an individual entrepreneur has a number of pros and cons. Thus, one of the main disadvantages can be considered that in in this case a businessman is liable for his obligations with all his property. In addition, for individual entrepreneurs, as discussed above, there are a number of activities that cannot be engaged in.

Finally, the amount for an individual entrepreneur does not depend on whether any activity is currently being carried out or not.

Among the advantages of IP are:

  • Simplified procedure for registration (including due to the absence of the need to create constituent documents).
  • No need to submit certain types of reporting (for example, accounting).
  • More low level fines (in particular administrative ones).
  • Possibility of using a simplified taxation system.
  • You do not need to have a legal address.
  • You can make decisions without creating a protocol.
  • Profit from business immediately becomes the property of the businessman.
  • Individual entrepreneurs are not required to conduct cash transactions according to established rules.
  • No need to form authorized capital during registration, etc.

Thus, this article revealed the main nuances of registering as an individual entrepreneur that must be observed. This is a fairly simple process, which, however, requires attention to the changes that are made annually.

The main task when opening an individual entrepreneur is proper preparation required package of documents for registration, which consists of 3 simple papers. You can easily prepare a list of documents according to the required rules using a specialized online service directly on our website. More on this later.

List of documents

To open an individual entrepreneur by Russian citizens, the list of required documents is as follows:

  • Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs (form P21001) – 1 copy.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (800 rubles) – 1 copy.
  • Notification of the transition to the simplified tax system (if you plan to switch) – 2 copies. (3 copies in Moscow).
  • Copies of all pages of the passport (including blank ones).
  • A copy of the TIN (unlikely, but in practice it is possible that they will be asked).
  • Power of attorney for submitting documents (if you submit through a representative) – 1 copy.

Briefly about filling out each document

In comparison with other documents from the list above, the most difficult to prepare will be the application in form P21001. This is due to the fact that when registering statements special address abbreviations are used, as well as some other nuances that are described in official instructions Federal Tax Service.

Receipt State duties can be easily generated on the official website of the tax service using a special service. Payment can be made in two ways: cashless via the Internet or simply at the nearest Sberbank branch.

Concerning notifications about the transition to the simplified tax system (simplified tax regime), then the law does not prohibit filling it out even by hand. The only requirement is that the paper contains a minimum necessary information about an individual. However, in practice, to notify about the transition to the simplified tax system, a special form is used in form 26.2-1, developed by the tax office and consisting of 1 simple page.

It is not necessary to submit a notification to the simplified tax system immediately with the remaining papers. This can be done within 30 days after registration of the individual entrepreneur. Please note that if you do not have time to switch to the simplified tax system within this period, you will automatically be assigned a general tax regime (general tax regime), which is extremely unprofitable in terms of taxes and reporting.

Where to download forms to fill out

At self-training documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs, the necessary forms to fill out can be downloaded here (relevant in 2018):

  • Application form for registration of individual entrepreneurs in form P21001 (XLS format, PDF format).
  • Form for notification of transition to the simplified tax system according to form 26.2-1 (XLS format).

Let us remind you that you can automatically generate a receipt for payment of the state duty using a special service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service (link above).

Sample documents

This list contains completed examples of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur for Russian citizens in 2018:

What are the ways to prepare a package of papers?

Not every method for independently preparing documents for individual entrepreneurs is effective and convenient. Let's take a quick look possible options, registering an individual entrepreneur as easily as possible.

Free using an online service on the Internet

Most convenient way preparation of documents. Step by step with prompts, quickly entered necessary information and the service generates a package of documents that fully complies with the rules. After this, the set created by the program only remains to be taken to the tax office.

Paid in specialized companies

It’s a convenient method, but it doesn’t make much sense, since the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is already simple. You'll have a worse understanding of the basics of your business, waste money, and possibly waste even more time.

On one's own

Through the State Services website

A very inconvenient method, since using the portal public services You can only submit documents to open an individual entrepreneur, but not create one. In addition, for this you will have to first produce an EDS (electronic digital signature), install the EDS on your computer using a special program, create a transport container with documents, etc.

Via the tax service website

Essentially the same inconvenient method for opening, since it works on the same principle and with the same programs as on the State Services portal.

Read more on the page about registering individual entrepreneurs through the tax website.

To which authorities can you submit?

The completed set of papers is submitted to the tax office according to the registration of the individual entrepreneur. They can also be submitted through multifunctional centers, but not all MFCs provide such services yet.

Papers are submitted in person (you need to have a passport and a package of documents with you), through a representative or by mail (sent by a valuable letter with a list of attachments).

Common Questions

Is it necessary to staple papers?

In 2018, documents for registering as an individual entrepreneur do not need to be stapled, but it is advisable to fasten individual papers with paper clips.

Do I need to get it certified by a notary?

When submitting documents to the tax service yourself, nothing is required to be certified. When submitting a package of papers by mail or through a representative, the application for opening an individual entrepreneur, as well as photocopies of the passport, are certified.

Received after state registration the right to conduct business activities. Illegal entrepreneurship entails.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs - simple process, you can go through it yourself or by turning to professional registrars for help. Our step-by-step instruction on registering an individual entrepreneur for beginners in 2019 will show you how to open an individual entrepreneur for free and quickly.

Step 1. Select the method of individual entrepreneur registration

Registration of an individual entrepreneur takes place at the tax office at the address of the place of residence (registration in the passport), and in its absence, the individual entrepreneur is opened at the address of temporary registration. If you do not have the opportunity to contact the tax office at your place of registration, you can use. For users located in Moscow, this service is available on a turnkey basis and is provided in three working days (the digital signature is already included in the price, after clicking on the button, select “register an individual entrepreneur”):

So that you can decide whether you will prepare the documents yourself or prefer “turnkey registration”, we will compare Table of pros and cons of both options:



Registrar services


You will fill out the P21001 application yourself and prepare a package of documents for submission to the Federal Tax Service

Registrars will fill out the application for you and issue Required documents. If you want, they will provide a service for submitting documents to the registering Federal Tax Service and/or receiving them

Gaining experience in preparing business documents and communicating with registration authorities.

Save money on registrar services and time if registration is carried out using.

To receive registration documents, you do not have to spend any effort on preparing them. Most registrars provide a guarantee of a refund for payment of state fees if the refusal of the Federal Tax Service was due to their fault.

Absent if you follow the registration rules and use our tips.

Additional expenses; the need to transfer passport data; lack of experience interacting with the Federal Tax Service.

State duty - 800 rubles; expenses for notary registration, if you do not contact the tax office in person - from 1000 to 1300 rubles.

Registrar services - 1,000 to 4,000 rubles; state duty - 800 rubles; expenses for notary registration - 1000 to 1300 rubles.

Step 2. Select activity codes according to OKVED

Before filling out an application to open an individual entrepreneur, decide what kind of business you will start. Business activity codes are selected from a special classifier, use ours for this. If you use to prepare documents, you will be offered a drop-down list, which will make your work on selecting codes even more convenient.

On one sheet A of the application, you can indicate 57 activity codes, and if one sheet is not enough, then you are allowed to fill out additional ones. Only those OKVED codes that contain 4 or more digits are indicated. Select one code as the main one (the type of activity for which the main income is expected to be received), the rest will be additional. You are not required to operate using all of the specified codes, but we recommend registering only those codes that you plan to work on. Later, if you change the direction of your business, you can add them.

Step 3. Fill out the application form P21001

You must submit an application to switch to the simplified tax system within 30 days after opening an individual entrepreneur, but you can do this when submitting documents for registration.If you decide to register an individual entrepreneur using our service, the program will prepare an application for you to switch to a simplified system.

Step 6. Collect a package of documents and submit it to the registration authority

Check that to open an individual entrepreneur you must have the following documents prepared:

  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs in form P21001 - 1 copy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty - 1 copy;
  • copy of the main identification document - 1 copy;
  • notification of transition to the simplified tax system - 2 copies (but some Federal Tax Service Inspectors require 3 copies);
  • power of attorney, if documents are submitted by an authorized person.

If the method of submitting documents is through a proxy or by mail, then application P21001 and a copy of the passport must be notarized .

To open an individual entrepreneur, you will additionally need the following documents:

  • copy of the temporary residence permit or permanent residence document - 1 copy;
  • notarized translation of a foreign passport - 1 copy.

You can find out the address of the tax office where individual entrepreneur registration takes place at your place of residence or stay through the Federal Tax Service service . When submitting documents, you will receive a receipt from the registration authority confirming acceptance of the application to create an individual entrepreneur.

Step 7. After registering an individual entrepreneur

In 2019, no more than 3 working days after submitting documents. In case of successful registration, the Federal Tax Service sends a registration sheet of the Unified Register to the applicant’s e-mail in electronic form. state register individual entrepreneurs in form No. P60009 and a certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN), if it has not been received previously. You can receive paper documents only upon request of the applicant to the Federal Tax Service or the MFC.

Congratulations, you are now an individual entrepreneur! We hope that our step-by-step instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur in 2019 helped you!

What to do if you have been refused registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC? From October 1, 2018, the applicant can again submit documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You must contact the Federal Tax Service within three months after the decision to refuse is made, and this can only be done once.

Are you planning to open your own business? Don't forget to reserve your current account. To select a current account, try our bank tariff calculator:

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Good afternoon, dear individual entrepreneurs!

New one ready eBook for those who want to register as an individual entrepreneur in 2017. From the name itself it is clear that electronic is intended primarily for beginners who want to open an individual entrepreneur on their own, without intermediaries.

I believe that this way is the most optimal, since it is better to control this procedure yourself.

For example, often future entrepreneurs turn to companies that actually open individual entrepreneurs without the participation of the future entrepreneur.

But sometimes they forget to submit an application for switching to the right system taxation. And as a result, after 30 days the individual entrepreneur automatically switches to the general taxation system, which is not entirely desirable for beginners...

And it will be possible to switch to the simplified tax system (simplified tax system), which is most often chosen by individual entrepreneurs, only from January 1 next year. By the way, this benefit is intended primarily for those who want to open an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system of 6%.

In short, if you have already decided to become an individual entrepreneur, then it is better to go through this procedure yourself, since it is not so complicated.

What will you learn from this guide?

  • Step #1. Let's figure out what documents need to be prepared
  • Step #2. We choose the tax office where we will submit documents to open an individual entrepreneur
  • Step #3. We pay the state fee for opening an individual entrepreneur
  • Step #4. Selecting OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs
  • Step #5. We fill out the application form P21001 to open an individual entrepreneur
  • Step #6. Choosing a tax system for individual entrepreneurs (brief overview)
  • Step #7. We bring a package of documents to the tax office
  • Step #8. We receive registration documents
  • Step #9. We check the registration of individual entrepreneurs in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and notify other supervisory authorities
  • Step #10. We find out whether an individual entrepreneur needs a bank account and receive a letter from Rosstat

How to get it? Will you send it by regular mail? Is this a paper book?

No, this is not a paper book. This is an e-book in PDF format, which you will receive immediately after payment to your email.

In fact, now paper books for entrepreneurs are becoming obsolete almost at the printing stage. Things are changing too quickly.

Will there be information on taxes and fees for individual entrepreneurs?

No. Only the algorithm for self-employed individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system 6% (simplified tax system “Income”)

But there is another guide where I talk about how much an individual entrepreneur pays on the simplified tax system of 6% without employees in 2017:

What is the price?

The price is reasonable and affordable for anyone. Especially for future entrepreneurs :)

So, if you want to open an individual entrepreneur in 2017, then read the details on this page:

Best regards, Dmitry Robionek


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