When is the full moon in August? Effect of the August Full Moon on Virgo

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The full moon is one of the most unpredictable days in everything. lunar month. In August, the full moon promises to be especially dangerous, so try to properly prepare for this day.

According to lunar calendar, The Full Moon is scheduled for August 26 and will take place in the Sign of Pisces. This is an unstable combination from an energetic point of view, which is devoid of harmony as a whole. This day can bring many problems, so try not to run headlong through life, but act as carefully as possible. Strong spells for luck will help you not to lose luck at the most necessary moments.

Finance, business and work August 26

On this Full Moon the most big problems and financial losses can await those people who are engaged in the field of intellectual work. Creative progress can stop, inspiration can disappear. This will be a day of inactivity, but the Full Moon falls on a Sunday this time, so most people will not have to look for motivation and worry about low productivity.

Try not to take on chores this Sunday, but just relax. Watch your favorite movie, read a book, pursue your hobbies. The most you can do is wash the dishes and wash the clothes. Astrologers and website specialists recommend ventilating the room throughout the day.

As for purchases, all experts unequivocally state that it is better to avoid them. Even a simple trip to the store for food can result in pointless shopping. Well, if you can’t do without it, make lists and follow them strictly, don’t take a lot of money with you.

Love and Relationships on the Full Moon

In love, this Full Moon will disturb most people, because it can cause a desire to be alone and deal with personal problems. In the morning this desire will most likely be as strong as possible. Towards the evening, you can invite guests or continue the day as you started.

Long-term relationships on August 26 may be tested for strength. On this day, strong quarrels and misunderstandings are likely, which will show true face man and his character. If you've just started love relationship, then increased impulsiveness generated by the active Moon can also play a negative role. In general, this day can be very eventful in terms of negative communication. There are several techniques for restoring energy after unpleasant communication. They should be used just on such days, because the energy of the Moon will be destructive and will not contribute to the healing of psychological and emotional wounds.

Be careful with jealousy, which can destroy even the strongest relationships this Full Moon. Give to a loved one more freedom if he needs it. Mutual understanding is the foundation of calm on August 26.

Mood and health August 26

The full moon in Pisces can be difficult for those who do not know how to tune in to a positive wave. Problems can come out of nowhere, because most people on such days from the very morning think that the day is a failure, uninteresting, and, therefore, there is nothing to do. This is not entirely true, because luck will only come to those who know how to believe in it. Major troubles with mood can await those who do not know what to do with themselves and those who, on the contrary, will be surrounded by bustle and petty matters all day.

The full moon acts similar to a magnetic storm. When the moon's energy is at its maximum, it can provoke headaches, migraines, and impair sleep. People become more nervous during such periods, they have a desire to give up everything, to derail everything.

One of the biggest problems of the Full Moon is envy and negative emotions, flowing from everywhere. Five effective methods known to bioenergy specialists will help you overcome envy or resentment. If you can handle yourself, then any other problem will be up to you. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.08.2018 03:19

Moon spells are very effective in attracting wealth, love and good luck. Using the energy of the Moon, you can change...

The full moon is one of the most unpredictable days in the entire lunar month. In August, the full moon promises to be especially dangerous, so try to properly prepare for this day.

According to the lunar calendar, the Full Moon is scheduled for August 26 and will take place in the Sign of Pisces. This is an unstable combination from an energetic point of view, which is devoid of harmony as a whole. This day can bring many problems, so try not to run headlong through life, but act as carefully as possible.

Finance, business and work August 26

On this Full Moon, the biggest problems and financial losses can await those people who are engaged in the field of intellectual work. Creative progress can stop, inspiration can disappear. This will be a day of inactivity, but the Full Moon falls on a Sunday this time, so most people will not have to look for motivation and worry about low productivity.

Try not to take on chores this Sunday, but just relax. Watch your favorite movie, read a book, pursue your hobbies. The maximum that can be done is to wash the dishes and wash the clothes. Astrologers and specialists from the website dailyhoro.ru recommend ventilating the room throughout the day.

As for purchases, all experts unequivocally state that it is better to avoid them. Even a simple trip to the store for food can result in pointless shopping. Well, if you can’t do without it, make lists and follow them strictly, don’t take a lot of money with you.

Love and Relationships on the Full Moon

In love, this Full Moon will disturb most people, because it can cause a desire to be alone and deal with personal problems. In the morning this desire will most likely be as strong as possible. Towards the evening, you can invite guests or continue the day as you started.

Long-term relationships on August 26 may be tested for strength. On this day, strong quarrels and misunderstandings are likely, which will show the true face of a person and his character. If you have just started a love relationship, then increased impulsiveness generated by the active Moon can also play a negative role. In general, this day can be very eventful in terms of negative communication. There are several techniques for restoring energy after unpleasant communication. They should be used just on such days, because the energy of the Moon will be destructive and will not contribute to the healing of psychological and emotional wounds.

Be careful with jealousy, which can destroy even the strongest relationships this Full Moon. Give your loved one more freedom if they need it. Mutual understanding is the foundation of calm on August 26.

Mood and health August 26

The full moon in Pisces can be difficult for those who do not know how to tune in to a positive wave. Problems can come out of nowhere, because most people on such days from the very morning think that the day is a failure, uninteresting, and, therefore, there is nothing to do. This is not entirely true, because luck will only come to those who know how to believe in it. Major troubles with mood can await those who do not know what to do with themselves and those who, on the contrary, will be surrounded by bustle and petty matters all day.

The full moon acts similar to a magnetic storm. When the moon's energy is at its maximum, it can provoke headaches, migraines, and impair sleep. People become more nervous during such periods, they have a desire to give up everything, to derail everything.

The last month of summer is rich in astrological events that have a direct impact on people's lives. Solar eclipse August 11, which coincided with the new moon, opened a special portal of opportunity for people who had previously experienced a dark streak in their lives. Representatives air element got the opportunity to develop their Creative skills, some people under the protection of the elements of Fire and Earth saw the “light at the end of the tunnel” and were able to adjust their actions taking into account the development of the situation at a real moment in time. Today we will tell you when and what time the full moon will occur in August 2018 and what its impact will be on representatives of all zodiac signs. Lifting the veil of secrecy, it should be noted that this particular day will become a landmark date for people who decide to take stock of their own lives and choose for themselves new course following. So, first things first.

When will the full moon be in August 2018?

The last summer full moon will occur on August 26, 2018 at 14:56 Moscow time under the auspices of the zodiac constellation Pisces. It will happen during a period when the planets Venus and Pluto will be in a quadratic position. And this means that August full moon 2018 will be very difficult emotionally. Despite this, the full moon of August 2018 will bring into people's lives:

  • Favorable changes in your personal life;
  • The ability to implement plans that long time could not find reflection in reality;
  • Set priorities and identify for yourself the most important things that are hidden from view in everyday life.

Astrologers warn that the main enemy of all representatives of the zodiac signs is laziness and inaction. That is why you should gather all your “will into a fist” and boldly move towards your own dream. Because the first five days after the full moon will be the most favorable for laying the foundation of stability, which will give impetus to establishing financial independence in the future.

Full moon in August 2018 - forecast for all zodiac signs

The horoscope for August 26, 2018 for all zodiac signs warns that all secret thoughts may become apparent. That is why in personal relationships with partners and your significant other you should behave honestly, just as you would with yourself.

Changes may occur in the career aspect because issues of power and dominance will come to the surface. The horoscope advises not to enter into conflicts with colleagues, and also to be very careful in your own statements.

The period including several days before the full moon of August 2018 and several days after it is dangerous with fraud, quarrelsome intrigues, dubious extortion, as well as various scams that will affect the aspect in the future financial well-being. To avoid problems and thoughtless risks, it is recommended to be vigilant and not agree to dubious matters that make you suspicious.

In addition, during the full moon, the risk of road accidents, thefts and crimes increases. On this day, it is recommended to spend more time at home, be careful, attentive, not quarrel with anyone and not sort things out with your partner, even if the level of emotional tension between you reaches its maximum.

Mars retrograde and full moon in August 2018

There will be a full moon on August 26th, which will occur during Mars retrograde. But already on the 27th the planet will return to its normal position, which means that from August 28th it will be possible to begin preparations for the launch of new affairs and projects that for a long time remained only in plans.

The full moon on August 26, 2018 will occur in the zodiac constellation Pisces. It will affect a lot state of mind people, their secrets and hidden inner feelings. To maintain a balance of well-being, try not to get caught up in the little things, and also spend more time on yourself.

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The moon will become full at the end of the last month of summer. From this article you will learn when the full moon occurs in August 2018, from what date and on what date you can make a wish. Astronomers predict that this time the night star will eclipse almost all the stars. However, such bright constellations, like Vega, Deneb and Altair, will be visible and easily distinguishable.

Full moon in August 2018 will take place 26th, at 14:56 by Moscow time. Of course, in other parts of our planet the time of occurrence of the event will be different. For example, in Sydney the full moon on August 26 will be observed at 6:17 pm, while in New York it will occur at 7:56 am. One way or another, at this time the night luminary will be in Pisces.

How to make a wish for the full moon in August 2018

The night luminary has long been helping people to use all available opportunities to create a more fulfilling and abundant life. Strictly speaking, there is no the wrong way Make a wish. You are always free to desire whatever your heart desires at any time of the month. But if you are accompanied by the energy of the full moon in August 2018, then your chances of success will be higher! Here are some tips to help you achieve what you want.

Set your intention

If you want your goals and wishes to come true, then they need to be carefully formulated. The more specific they are, the greater the chance that your dream will come true. Choose wishes that are simple and applicable to your Everyday life. For example, “I want to achieve a promotion at work,” or “I want passion to flare up between me and my loved one.” Make your wishes as simple and clear as possible.

Full moon in August 2018 - when, from what date to make a wish

Start keeping a Moon Wish Journal if you want to see how quickly your dreams come true. Or keep a special notepad by your bedside or write down your wishes on cards. By putting your thoughts on paper, you can enter into a kind of “written contract” with the Universe for what you want.

When to make a wish (from what date to what date)

The August 2018 Full Moon will be in effect for a period of time. You get about 48 hours before the celestial event starts and 48 hours after it ends, so try to use this time as wisely as possible. In other words, You can make a wish from August 24 to August 28, 2018!

Days 1 and 2 before the full moon in August: Focus on your desire, visualize it and remember it as often as possible.

Day 3: This is the day of the full moon itself (August 26). Write down your wish on a card or in a special journal, and then follow the rituals of the Moon, which we will discuss next.

Days 4 and 5: Act as if your wishes have already come true. Now it's time to show the Universe that you believe in it! Be grateful and visualize the miracles that have happened in your life. Don’t forget about gratitude, as this is a signal for the Universe that sets its powerful energy in motion.

Find a secluded place

It will be very nice if during the full moon in August 2018 you can take a break from your usual bustle and be alone with yourself. Go to some quiet place where you can focus on the Moon's power to fulfill your wishes. This could be a secluded corner in your garden, a sparsely populated alley in a city park, or even your own bedroom (if you can stay there in privacy for a while, of course).

Full moon in August 2018

If you have any that you believe in, you can take them with you. They will strengthen positive energy rite.

You can also use the basic elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) to consolidate the ritual. These symbols can be a glass of water, a bird's feather or a smoking incense stick, a lit candle, or a small stone or crystal.

Ritual to fulfill a wish on the full moon

As you already know, two days before the full moon in August 2018 are perfect time to prepare for the ceremony. The day on which you can make your wish come true is August 26th. In principle, you will be able to continue performing the ritual in the next 2 days, but astrologers recommend focusing more on gratitude during this time than on desire.

The ritual is carried out as follows. When you see the full Moon in the sky, say: “I see the Moon walking across the sky, it will bring me good luck!” From this day on, everything I wish will come true, everything I want will come true! In the name of Astarte I conjure Fate, I call upon luck!”


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