When you feel bad. Empaths feel bad around fake people

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Everyone lies - that's what Dr. House said. Deception is one of the three abilities through which our species dominates the planet. So if a person has the opportunity to earn money through lies and deception and definitely will not be caught, then, most likely, he will resort to deception. At least, this is the behavior one would expect from most people. But is this really so?

Scientists from Oxford University conducted an experiment in which hundreds of people took part. The researchers asked subjects to flip a coin and told them that those who landed on heads would be punished, while those who landed on tails would be rewarded.

It is important to note that the study was conducted individually, in other words, the participants did not know about each other’s results, and, by the way, did not even see each other. 55.6% of participants reported that they got heads.

But scientists from the University of Notre Dame conducted a completely different experiment: they asked subjects not to lie at all for ten weeks. There was also a control group - these people, on the contrary, were asked to lie about any reason, even to those closest to them. After ten weeks, the results were summed up: members of the “honest” group, on average, complained three times less about mental problems and four times less about health problems.

If we compare both studies, we get the meaning. Namely: people don’t like to lie because it makes them feel bad. But there is an interesting exception to this rule - the office or any other team work. The coin study we just talked about was conducted a second time - in this case, all the subjects sat in the same room. And here's what's surprising - 75% of the participants said that they landed on heads and received their reward.

We are much less likely to lie when we are at home, with close people, but in a less personal environment our self-control weakens. And then we allow ourselves to be deceived, especially if we can get money as a result.

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A balanced diet is necessary to provide the body with all types of nutrients necessary to perform all its functions. Therefore, the coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract is an important condition for the health of the whole organism. Accordingly, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract lead to a deterioration in well-being and the appearance of various symptoms that we do not always associate with problems of the digestive tract. Today we will tell you what the signs of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract may be.

How to recognize the problem: signs of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract

Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract do not always manifest themselves as abdominal pain - their symptoms may be less obvious, because many patients simply do not suspect what the source of the problem is. However, the following signs may indicate improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

1. Constant fatigue

The causes of constant fatigue are quite varied, but in any case, this symptom indicates either an incorrect lifestyle (for example, lack of sleep), or disturbances in the functioning of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract. If the digestive system does not function properly, it affects the immune system. Negative changes in intestinal microflora can cause chronic fatigue.

Since proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is important for the immune system, brain and good mood, various symptoms may appear against the background of problems with the digestive system.

2. Skin problems

The skin is a large organ that reflects the internal state of the body. For beautiful and youthful skin, not only proper nutrition is necessary, but also proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - otherwise the body will not be able to absorb the nutrients it needs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the state of the digestive system can be judged by the state of the forehead - the frequent appearance of acne in this area should alert you.

3.Irritability and anxiety

The state of the brain also largely depends on the health of the digestive system. Therefore, anxiety, depression, irritability are possible signs of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. The millions of cells in the intestinal wall make up the enteric nervous system, which is connected to the brain through the vagus nerve, so our mood can be influenced by the microorganisms that dominate the gut.

4. Frequent infectious diseases

Like a constant feeling of fatigue, frequent infectious diseases may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which entail a weakened immune system. If the body's defenses are thrown into the fight against harmful bacteria, it is easier for infectious agents to enter the body and make a mess there. Therefore, to successfully resist viral and bacterial infections, the body needs a healthy digestive system.

5. Inability to concentrate

If you have noticed that lately it has become much more difficult for you to concentrate on various tasks, despite healthy sleep and adequate nutrition, perhaps the problem lies in the gastrointestinal tract. Any disease can distract us from important matters, and disorders of the digestive system are no exception.

6.Unpleasant smell iso mouth

Common causes of this problem are:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • presence of caries;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

Therefore, bad breath is a reason to consult a dentist, and then check the condition of the digestive tract. The growth of harmful bacteria or fungus often causes an unpleasant odor.

7.Frequent constipation

Frequent constipation is harmful to the body, which in this case is unable to remove harmful substances in a timely manner. Constipation can be caused by dietary features (for example, lack of fiber) or various diseases of the digestive organs, including ulcers, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, etc. To effectively eliminate the problem of constipation, it is necessary to establish the cause of their occurrence.

Frequent constipation is one of the surest signs of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract or poor nutrition, so it is better to consult a doctor about this problem.

8.Bad sleep

Sleep patterns are often an indicator of the health of your digestive system. Sound sleep indicates that everything is in order with the gastrointestinal tract. However, if you often wake up at night and cannot sleep, it is worth checking the condition of your digestive organs. Remember that another common cause of sleep disturbances is chronic stress. Other diseases cannot be excluded. In any case, it is better to seek the help of a specialist.

The health of the digestive system largely depends on ourselves: nutrition and lifestyle influence almost every system of our body. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract can appear for various reasons and manifest themselves with various symptoms, therefore it is important to contact a specialist in time with the problems that are troubling you in order to eliminate them in time and avoid possible complications.

IF YOU ARE AN EMPATH, YOU CAN'T bear being around insincere people!

By definition, empaths are emotionally sensitive people who absorb the emotions and feelings of others. Sounds like tedious work, right? Imagine being able to absorb all these feelings while being around a fake person. It's puzzling, frustrating and excruciating.

Have you ever spent time with someone who seemed quite nice and kind to look at, but when you were close to them or sat next to them, you felt... terrible? You could barely form a sentence. In a conversational manner, it's because your sensitive antenna is picking up what's wrong. You know that what you see and what is actually happening are not the same, and this usually means that someone is hiding something.

Highly sensitive people need honest, deep, and meaningful relationships with others.
Why empaths behave strangely around insincere people:

Empaths are gifted at reading body language and energy. They do not tolerate lies or deception.

7 signs of a fake person that only empaths will understand:

He acts like a weak-willed person, so others automatically accept him.

He smiles and acts friendly, but in reality he is seething with anger and hatred.

He feels vulnerable and unprotected and tries to act tough.

He forces himself to act in a certain way that goes against his personality.

He constantly says nice things to get recognition.

He lies or exaggerates stories to make others like him.

After recognizing a fake person, empaths behave like this:

Avoid them. It's not that they're doing anything wrong, empaths just don't get positive vibes from them.

They form logical sentences and speak extremely complexly.

They feel fear approaching and discomfort around them. This only dissipates when the fakes go away.

Feel physically ill when spending long periods of time near them.


Every person strives for self-expression, trying to surpass others in something, learning and self-improving in knowledge, skills, and the ability to do something. In women, for example, this often manifests itself in the ability and desire to look better than her rivals - other women, hence their desire to have a lot of different things, cosmetics, various jewelry; women can often dye their hair many times, change their clothing style, haircut , watch their figure, etc. Men, in this regard, are more conservative and their desire to be no worse, but better than other fellow tribesmen is expressed in improving their skills in any work, obeying the most ancient instinct, they compete in strength and dexterity, and just like women, they try to monitor their condition own body, which is one of the indicators of health. The desire to be better is a normal biological (mental) reaction of the brain, which is determined by the Laws of Nature.

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A person’s feeling that he is worse than others is, first of all, determined by the presence of heightened, increased psycho-emotional sensitivity. In this regard, a person begins to pay increased attention to how he looks, what he has achieved, what he can do, etc.

Patients complain of feeling that they are worse than other people:

Patient: Woman, 25 years old, unmarried, does not use drugs or alcohol (alcohol makes you feel sick and ill), studies at the University, lives with her parents. I turned to a psychiatrist, psychotherapist (psychotherapist) based on a recommendation from the Internet. She described her complaints as follows:

“The only thing that worries me is that I feel worse than everyone else. Everything else is good. But this is what causes all the problems. They tell me that I am a beautiful and interesting girl in all respects and that it is interesting to be with me. I often think about all sorts of nonsense, I don’t even want to talk about it! But not because I want to think about it, I just don’t have the strength to endure the pain of being the worst of everyone. Wherever I am, I feel terrible. It's like something is pressing on me. I'm too closed and don't know what to do. Self-esteem is too low. It seems I'm worse than others. I don't know what's wrong with me. At first I thought it was a teenage thing, it would pass. Well, I'm almost 25! I don’t want to go out at all, what people say about me scares me. I feel unworthy of this life, I always feel that I am worse than others. I even skipped school so as not to embarrass myself and stopped communicating with my friend so that she would not invite me to go out. I was afraid to go out into society at all, it seemed that everyone was looking at me and evaluating me negatively, and if someone laughed, it seemed to me that perhaps they were discussing me and laughing at me. From the age of 15 to 18, she lived completely alone, communicated with classmates not much and very superficially, and spent her free time exclusively at home. At the age of 16, men began to look at me and get to know me, but the complex has not gone away - my internal isolation still does not allow me to live in peace. I try to put on a mask of self-confidence, but it's just a mask. At the age of 18 I met a guy, the loneliness became less, but self-doubt remained in me. It seems to me that he was with me out of pity. I didn’t have the strength to endure it, I broke up with him. I cannot communicate at ease and enjoy communication, I get nervous during the conversation, make speech errors, and may blush. I often see that people with whom I communicate begin to tense up themselves because of my tension. I don’t have any friends, and I like to be at home, but I want to be different. I want to enjoy communicating with people and sincerely want to spend my free time with them. But for me, communication and spending time together is like a knife in the throat - “I have to”, but I don’t “want”. Or rather, I really want to, but as soon as the moment comes to go somewhere, I can’t and don’t want anything anymore. They say that a person is formed before the age of 18, and I am afraid that I will never be able to change and change the current lifestyle! Rave! I can’t even get a job, I’m so unlucky. I am a correspondence student. At least I have enough strength for this. But there is no personal life.”

After the examination, the psychotherapist identified other manifestations that reduced the patient’s quality of life. It turned out that the girl’s mood level was significantly reduced, she often felt attacks of difficulty breathing, felt attacks of “lightness” in the form of rising “waves” from the stomach to the throat, and suffered from allergies to a large number of different foods. A psychotherapist diagnosed a manifestation of anxiety-depressive syndrome, complicated by somatic manifestations. The psychotherapist selected individual complex therapy. Treatment was carried out on an outpatient basis. A month later, the patient felt a significant improvement and wanted to stop treatment, but upon examination it turned out that the symptoms mostly remained and the psychotherapist managed to convince the patient to continue treatment. After six months, the patient noted that she no longer had allergic reactions to almost any foods, assessed her state of health as “a desire to live and love,” and met a man who proposed marrying her. According to the psychotherapist, the treatment needed to be continued.

Treatment continued for another 9 months, after which it was canceled, with the need to follow the recommendations of a psychotherapist for rehabilitation and periodic monitoring. The patient got married, she has close friends with whom they have a good time on vacation, allergic reactions did not appear to any product for three months. The thoughts that she was worse than others were perceived as humor, a funny story about the past. The patient is observed for 5 years.

A slight deterioration in condition was observed twice. The first is during the second trimester of pregnancy. When I contacted a psychotherapist, it resolved within two weeks. Second – Three months after giving birth, when I consulted a psychotherapist, it resolved within 10 days. Today I have been in remission for over a year.

Explanations of a psychotherapist: Pregnancy and childbirth can affect the deterioration of a woman’s mental state if she previously had a mental disorder or has an individual “weakness” in the development of higher nervous activity. This is due to sudden changes in the body’s metabolic processes, which also affect the woman’s mental state. With timely consultation with a psychotherapist, these conditions can be quickly stopped.

Psychologists, when a person complains that he is worse than others, always claim that this is a manifestation of low self-esteem and the presence of complexes formed in childhood that do not allow a person to “grow up” in his own eyes. Psychologists explain the reason for the manifestation of the feeling that a person is worse than others is that all people, without exception, have an image of their own “I”, which constitutes the center of their personality. This self-image consists of an ideal self-image that is carefully guarded from criticism. And this balance is disrupted due to the psychological impact on an unformed personality, in early childhood, as a result of disrupted child-parent relationships, in one form or another.

But, as recent studies of brain biology show, a person is already born with his own characteristics of biological processes, which determine the further development of personality, personal characteristics (character) and predispositions to the possible manifestation of certain qualities. Therefore, educational or psychological measures can only slightly correct this process of further formation of the characterological characteristics of the individual. Psychological influence can only accelerate or slow down the manifestation of any physiologically determined biological reactions, which are reflected in the everyday mental activity of any person.

Based on this, we can conclude that a person’s feeling that he is worse than others is a violation of the biological processes of the brain, which are determined by the peculiarities of the development and metabolic processes of the brain.

The feeling that a person is worse than others can arise in different age ranges, from early childhood to old age. The reasons for this feeling “I am worse than others” can be various, both external and internal factors associated with various painful changes in the brain.

The most common causes of changes in the biological processes of the brain include factors such as:

2. Infectious and somatic diseases.

3. Chemical damage to the brain - alcohol, drugs, toxins.

The feeling that “I am worse than others” often accompanies the following mental disorders:

1. Severe, protracted forms of depression.

2. Complex anxiety states.

3. Endogenous procedural mental illnesses.

4. Organic brain lesions.

The assertion that “I am worse than others” can be included in neurotic disorders is doubtful. Most likely, in such cases we should talk about an insufficient examination and an incorrect diagnosis. Since neurosis is a mild, borderline mental state, which is formed as a result of psychogenic factors affecting the higher nervous system.

Therefore, when conducting an examination, a psychiatrist or psychotherapist (psychotherapist) pays special attention to the patient’s complaints that he feels that he is worse than others. This feeling must be clearly classified in order to accurately determine the true causes of this feeling and determine the context of which mental disorder it is included in.

Many people know this strange state: I slept peacefully at night, but woke up in the morning completely exhausted. Moreover, the day before there were no wild parties. My head is absolutely sober, but for some reason I can’t tear it off the pillow. Morning fatigue typically causes irritability that can last throughout the day. What's the matter?

It turned out that the reason is that people have shifted their sleep times in relation to natural rhythms, as a result of which sleep has ceased to be beneficial. This conclusion was reached by scientists from the University of Boulder (Colorado, USA).

“The rhythm of the biological clock, which should keep pace with the rhythm of nature, is disrupted,” explains Professor Leon Luck. — And “keeping up” means going to bed after sunset and getting up with its sunrise. This is how our ancestors lived, and therefore they were not tormented by insomnia, stress, and emotional overload.
But with the advent of electricity, humanity ceased to obey biorhythms. Artificial lighting disrupted sleep. We can go to bed late after midnight and get up by noon. So, we shifted our sleep time in relation to biorhythms. And they - biorhythms - are responsible for all the vital processes of the body: the alternation of activity and rest, the rhythms when appetite comes and saturation occurs, when the desire to have sex arises and subsides, the release of hormones and the launch of biochemical reactions.
“The biological clock is very fragile and very important,” explained the chairman of the Russian Society of Somnologists, Doctor of Biological Sciences Vladimir Kovalzon. - They are a special structure hidden in the brain - in the hypothalamus. They have a 25 hour clock, not 24 hours. Therefore, every morning we must wake up with the rays of the sun, which help to restart, “adjust” the body’s molecular clock mechanism to the local light cycle.

And the production of the hormone melatonin in the blood, which regulates the time of sleep and wakefulness, depends on sunlight. About two hours before sunset, the amount of melatonin increases sharply, and gradually decreases by morning. And if a person does not go to bed at the time determined by nature, then after waking up late, the level of this hormone remains high for several hours, and the person feels sleepy, relaxed, and tired. This is a sure sign that the body’s circadian rhythms are disturbed.

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