When to plant begonia seedlings. Tuberous begonia: growing and care at home

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Begonias blooming profusely in the house and garden cause everyone's delight, so many plant lovers dream of learning how to grow begonias from seeds themselves. Unfortunately, these attempts often end in failure, and not only among novice gardeners. There are many reasons for this (the main one is the low quality of purchased seeds).
Firstly, the seeds of begonias are very small. Enclosing seeds in granules simplifies sowing, which must be superficial. Moreover, during the sowing process, the granules must be destroyed after being sprayed, which does not always happen - sometimes you have to resort to using needles or sharp toothpicks.
Secondly, germination of begonia seeds is uneven, and the smallest begonia seedlings take a very long time to develop before flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally illuminate the seedlings, providing the seedlings with
Thirdly, begonia seedlings are very delicate: you need to use a sterile substrate and maintain optimal conditions for their development to avoid.

In order for sowing begonias to be successful, it is important to study the nuances of sowing and the requirements of begonia seedlings, strictly follow the recommendations of specialists and experienced amateur gardeners on the conditions for keeping begonias and their cultivation in the house and in the garden.

Expert advice: sowing dates, flowering and productivity of begonias

At the first (December) sowing date, evergreen begonia blooms after 110-130 days, and tuberous begonia after 150-155 days, that is, after 3.5-5 months.
During the second and third sowing periods (January, February), evergreen begonia blooms 5-15 days earlier, and tuberous begonia 10-15 days earlier.
At the latest sowing date, begonias bloom, respectively, after 125-130 and 175 days.

The duration of the flowering period of begonias sown at different times also turned out to be different.
At the first and second sowing dates: ever-flowering begonia bloomed for 100-115 days, tuberous begonia for 98-112 days. At the fourth sowing period, 83 and 67 days, respectively.

The seed productivity of begonias also varies significantly depending on the sowing time.

For December and January sowing periods: the weight of seeds per plant of everflowering begonia is 0.01-0.05 g, and that of tuberous begonia is 0.03-0.04 g.
With the February sowing time, seed productivity in both types of begonia decreases slightly.
Begonias sown in March in open ground practically do not produce seeds. And when they are grown in a greenhouse, with the use of additional pollination, you can get a good harvest of seeds.

The timing of sowing has a great influence on the formation of begonia tubers.
The most complete tubers (2-2.5 cm in diameter) are formed during the December and January sowing periods of begonias. In winter, such tubers are well preserved.
Begonia tubers sown in February grow much smaller. Their diameter reaches only 0.5 cm. During winter storage, they fall out by a third.
When sowing begonias in March, if the plants are grown in a greenhouse and the tubers are formed in pots, then by the end of the growing season they reach a diameter of 1-1.5 cm.

With very early sowing of evergreen begonia seeds, our plants turned out to be overgrown by the time they were planted in open ground. This leads to poor survival rate of seedlings and loss of decorative properties. Fewer flowers are formed on elongated shoots of begonias, and flowering begins in the greenhouse in early April. Therefore, the first two sowing periods are unsuitable for landscaping. The most optimal sowing time is February. In this case, by the beginning of June, when planted in the ground, begonia seedlings will have a well-developed root system and a compact bush.
With a March sowing date, evergreen begonia blooms 1.5 months later, after July 20. This period is used in cases where seedlings are planted on landscaping objects after early flowers.
In closed ground, where additional pollination is carried out, the first two periods for sowing begonias are most favorable - December and January.

For tuberous begonia, the best sowing time is January, so that by the time of planting in the ground the plants have time to form well-developed leaves and buds.
With a February sowing time, tuberous begonias bloom around June 25th.

For seed production in closed and open ground, the best dates for sowing begonias will be December 15 and January 15.
A sufficient number of begonia seeds can also be obtained from plants sown in March if the mother plants are brought into the greenhouse in the fall and artificially pollinated.

In the photo: tuberous begonia of the “Chanson” variety series: pink-white, orange-yellow, dark red

Sowing tuberous begonias

I have been growing tuberous begonias for many years. These beautiful plants decorate my garden in the summer, creating lovely corners in it. And tuberous begonias grow at home - on window sills, on the veranda. Wherever there is a suitable place for them, I have begonias arranged and hung.

I am also passionate about the selection of tuberous begonias. I select the most decorative, best specimens of begonias and artificially pollinate the flowers. However, this is only half the story. A lot of worries come with sowing begonia seeds and raising viable seedlings.

High quality seeds are the first prerequisite for successful sowing and breeding of tuberous begonias and obtaining new original forms.

Begonia seeds are very small, so it is difficult to determine their usefulness with the naked eye. Therefore, I use a 5x magnifying glass: I select round-ovoid begonia seeds, which resemble millet grains in shape. Flat and puny begonia seeds are unsuitable for sowing.

Tuberous begonias can be sown at any time of the year. But it is better to sow in November-January. With later sowing dates, it is almost impossible to obtain flowering specimens of tuberous begonias this year, as well as to obtain full-fledged tubers that can withstand winter storage. In addition, with the onset of autumn, such plants must be grown indoors, preferably also. Tuberous begonias cannot tolerate frosts, even minor ones.

To sow begonia seeds, I prepare the substrate in advance. I usually take loose, fertile soil and add crushed high-moor peat to it, which helps retain moisture in the soil. If the substrate contains large particles (pebbles, roots, peat fibers), then it must be sifted through a sieve. I mix clay soil with sand until it becomes loose and crumbly.
I disinfect the prepared substrate with a strong, hot (up to 100 degrees) solution of potassium permanganate. I also use it to wash the box or bowls intended for sowing begonias.

I place the slightly cooled substrate in a box, level and loosen the surface layer (this is convenient to do with a hair brush). Then I immediately scatter the begonia seeds without planting them in the soil.
I cover the box with begonia crops with glass and place it inclined (at an angle of 30-45 degrees) in a warm place (20-25 degrees Celsius). The water that accumulates as a result of condensation inside the glass flows to one of the edges of the box, without falling on the begonia seedlings.

After 7-8 days, the seeds of tuberous begonia germinate. From this point on, I periodically remove the glass to ventilate the crops. Otherwise, the tender begonia shoots may dry out.

I place the box with begonia seedlings in a bright place or illuminate them with DS lamps, adjusting the distance between the lamps and the plants as they develop. The distance should be about 7-15 cm.
Without artificial lighting and with a lack of natural light, begonia seedlings stretch out, lie down and may wither.

It must be taken into account that the root system of young begonias develops very slowly. They need to be watered regularly, but the substrate should not be too wet. Otherwise, the thin short roots of the begonia seedlings will rot, and only a memory will remain from the crops...

I carry out the first picking of begonias when the seedlings have the second or third true leaf. I plant them in the same soil at a distance of 2 cm from each other. In the future, I place the grown begonia seedlings when picking according to a 4x4 cm pattern.

With the onset of spring days, I shade young begonias from direct sunlight. By the time begonia seedlings are planted in the ground (late May or early June), the compact bushes look stronger. In mid-summer, seedlings of young tuberous begonias bloom.

Makarov A.S. (Gus-Khrustalny)

Currently, there are about four hundred different species of begonia, and the variety of varieties is simply amazing. This wonderful plant is unique in that it can display gorgeous blooms, in no way inferior to roses, or it can bloom with modest flowers, but at the same time have such beautiful foliage that you will not find in other plants. With its species differences, begonia causes controversy even among botanists. Every year its popularity increases; gardeners resort to various methods of propagating this favorite, but begonia grown from seeds is of the greatest interest.

In private collections and for growing in greenhouses, two types of begonia are most often grown: tuberous and evergreen.

Propagation of tuberous begonia in various ways

Propagating tuberous begonia seeds is not the only way to grow a beautiful flower. A bush of a plant can also be obtained using a tuber, its division and leaf cuttings.

Growing begonia from a tuber at home

After the begonia has bloomed, it must be dug up with a large ball of earth and, after it has dried, placed in a container with sand and peat for winter storage. During the entire period, in order for the tuber to be well preserved, the container with the substrate is occasionally watered. With the arrival of stable warm weather, when the threat of frost has passed, the tubers, cleared of soil, can be planted in a permanent place.

Tuberous begonias can also be obtained at home by dividing an adult tuber. To do this, a successfully wintered and healthy tuber is divided into several parts, the length of which should be no more than 5-8 cm. When fragmenting it, be sure to leave one bud on each part. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed ash.

Plant the prepared parts of the tubers in a vertical position in moistened soil in a pot, cover the top with film (glass) and place in a bright place. After the plant has taken root well and several leaves appear on the shoot, you can remove the cover from the container and plant it in a separate pot or soil. Caring for tuberous begonia at this stage will consist of timely watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizers.

Reproduction by cuttings of tuberous begonia at home

For cuttings, a cutting is selected that has at least two buds, and the adult leaves growing on it are cut off in half. To root the plant, use a substrate consisting of sand and peat (3:1). A hole is made in it, into which the prepared cutting is carefully placed. The container is covered with a bag or a cut plastic bottle. During the rooting process, make sure that condensation does not form. After 2-4 weeks, the cuttings produce roots.

When can you sow begonia seeds at home?

For indoor cultivation, it is recommended to plant tuberous and evergreen begonia seeds in December-February. If the plant is planned to be transferred to the garden, then sowing the seeds is carried out closer to spring. When sowing very early, seedlings that are intended for open ground turn out to be overgrown when they are transferred to the garden bed (May). They lose their decorative effect. In some cases they simply die.

Experts indicate that propagation of begonia by seeds for indoor cultivation is best done in November-December. Why? Firstly, seedlings obtained from early planting are in good health. Secondly, tuberous begonia planted in November, December and January manages to form a tuber with a diameter of 2.5 cm by autumn. It is well preserved in winter. Tuberous begonias, the seeds of which were sown in February-March, manage to form tubers with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm by autumn. Some of them may not survive the winter.

Preparing soil for sowing tuberous begonia seeds at home

All types of begonias do not like acidic soil; for sowing you need to select one that is close to neutral or slightly acidic. Now in flower shops you can very conveniently select soil for certain types of plants, you can find it specifically for growing begonias, or for flowering indoor plants. It’s also very easy to prepare the soil mixture yourself; just mix leaf soil, turf soil and sand in equal quantities, adding a little perlite or vermiculite.

Regardless of whether you bought the soil or prepared it yourself, it must be subjected to a disinfection procedure. All begonias, with their delicate and fragile stems and leaves, very quickly become infected with fungal diseases or are affected by mold. There are several ways to do this:

  • Freeze the soil by keeping it in the cold for a while until it freezes completely.
  • Pour boiling water over the soil to remove pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds.
  • Sprinkle the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Steam the soil by placing the container in a water bath.
  • You can sow seeds in very small bowls or peat tablets. The main thing is that you can cover them, creating a greenhouse effect inside for the crops.

Sowing tuberous begonia seeds at home

Often, flower gardeners do not know how to grow begonia from seeds. This question also arises for those wishing to obtain new varieties of this plant, cuttings and tubers of which cannot always be purchased. It’s much easier to get seeds, since online stores are replete with similar offers. Having become the owner of the coveted bag, you need to plant the seeds correctly. Since the seeds are small, before sowing they can be mixed with sand for better distribution over the surface. Some people prefer to simply press the seeds into moist soil, considering this option more convenient.

Then everything is covered with glass or film is stretched and placed in a warm place with a temperature of 20 to 24 degrees (for example, near a radiator). At lower temperatures, the seeds may freeze and not hatch. Throughout the entire period, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, but also not to allow it to become waterlogged.

The emergence of seedlings can be expected in two weeks, but these dates may shift slightly in one direction or another due to the quality of the seed material. After the sprouts appear, the plants need to be provided with a sufficient amount of light, otherwise the seedlings will look for it themselves and at the same time become very stretched, and may even lie down. To do this, they are moved closer to the window and the temperature is lowered to 12-16 degrees. The sprouts are gradually accustomed to the open air, and in the first stages they are protected from direct sunlight.

Picking tuberous begonia at home

When two or three true leaves appear on the plants, they are picked into separate containers with fertile soil. Sometimes you come across advice with a double pick; it’s up to you to decide whether to do it or not. But is it worth disturbing the fragile root system once again?

Picking is carried out in containers of 30-50 ml. Regular plastic cups with drainage holes or special containers that can be easily purchased in a store are suitable for this. They buy special soil for begonias. After picking, the plants are returned back to the greenhouse. The temperature is gradually lowered to normal room temperature. The lower limit should be +18 degrees. Begonia is also gradually accustomed to room humidity. To do this, increase the ventilation time of the greenhouse and monitor the turgor of the leaves. If the seedlings drop their leaves, the greenhouse is closed. The soil in the pots should be constantly moist, but not wet. Otherwise, the begonia's root system begins to rot. Backlighting is required. It is better to keep begonia seedlings on eastern windows, but not in direct sunlight.

Picking is carried out 2-3 times. Usually the first transplant stimulates the growth of seedlings. In the future, the plants are fed once a month. However, the first full feeding should be carried out after the begonia is planted in an adult pot.

Feeding tuberous begonia at home

They begin to feed begonia only two weeks after picking. It is usually easiest to use ready-made complex fertilizers for indoor plants. They feed flowers twice a month.

When buds begin to appear, it is better to switch to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to improve the quality of flowering. Fertilizers are applied after watering, into moist soil.

Diseases and pests of tuberous begonia at home

Begonia is afraid of waterlogging, and therefore dampness can lead to rotting of the roots. Moreover, various fungi can appear in overly wet soil. The most common fungus - gray rot - affects leaves; it can be identified by a gray coating on the upper side of the leaf; buds are also affected (a mucous coating appears on them). You can get rid of gray rot by spraying the plant with a bit of soap and copper sulfate (20 grams of soap and 2 grams of copper sulfate are dissolved in a liter of water). Also, dampness can cause powdery mildew - light gray spots on the leaves. It's easy to deal with - just wipe the leaves with soapy water. Begonia can also be affected by aphids, a small insect that sucks juice from the leaves. Aphids can also be removed with a soap solution; Special chemicals also help.

Begonia is most susceptible to rot. Carefully monitor the watering schedule - do not allow water to stagnate in the soil.

Rot manifests itself in blackening of the stems and spreads very quickly. It is important to quickly remove rotting stems to prevent the death of the plant and treat the flower with a fungicide. Bacterial spot can cause blackening of stems and leaves; it begins with the appearance of small glassy spots on the inside of the leaf. It is useless to fight it; you need to throw away the affected plant and disinfect the soil. To prevent bacterial spotting, begonias are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride.

We hope these tips will help you grow healthy tuberous begonias that will provide you with beautiful, lush flowers in your garden or home for many years to come.

The most popular way to grow begonia is from seed. The best time to plant an ampelous plant is considered to be the beginning of January. When choosing seeds, you should pay attention to their packaging period and type. It is convenient to plant granular varieties with a dense shell containing many useful components in peat tablets.

Planting seeds

To enjoy begonia flowering during the summer season, it is recommended to use the seedling method. Seeds need to be sown in the ground and wait for sprouts to appear. It is better to sow from the end of January to April - the exact time depends on the crop development cycle. If it is necessary for flowering to begin as early as possible, it is recommended to start planting at home in the winter. In this case, by the time the seedlings are planted in open ground, the root system will be sufficiently developed, and the flowers will be able to quickly adapt to new conditions.

When choosing the time to plant begonia from seeds, it is necessary to take into account certain characteristics of individual species and varieties. Early sowing of ever-flowering begonia will result in the seedlings being too overgrown by the time they are transplanted into open ground. It is much more difficult for such a plant to adapt. In the future, it will lose its decorative effect. This is due to the fact that the flowering period will begin too early, and the number of buds will be less than expected. It is better to sow this type of plant in February.

As for tuberous begonia, it is better to plant it as early as possible - in mid-January. Then, by the time of transplantation, the leaves will have time to form normally. The tubers will have time to grow up to 3 cm in diameter at the time of transplantation into open ground. But this only applies to varieties such as ampelous begonia.

Another important point is the selection of seed material. It must be of high quality. The following factors need to be considered:

  1. 1. Packaging time. It is better to choose fresh seeds that were collected this year. Gradually, the seed loses its germination capacity.
  2. 2. Type of seeds. Granular seeds are much more convenient to plant in peat tablets. They have a dense shell, which consists of nutritional components. Because of this, they are much larger than regular seeds. But the latter are much more convenient to sow in containers for seedlings.

Sowing must be done as follows:

  1. 1. Prepare peat pots. If you use them, you won’t have to pick in the future. Such a tablet is peat, compressed using a certain method and covered with a special mesh. The advantage of the device is that the substrate is moisture and water permeable. The composition will retain moisture, but will not allow fungus to develop.
  2. 2. Soak the tablets in water before sowing the seeds.
  3. 3. Place the seed in a tablet and spray with water.
  4. 4. Cover the tablet with plastic wrap to maintain optimal humidity levels. Periodically it is necessary to water the seedlings through the tray - the tablet should not dry out.

Used egonia can also be grown in ordinary containers. You can do this as follows:

  1. 1. Place a drainage layer on the bottom of the box - expanded clay, pebbles, gravel, etc.
  2. 2. Sprinkle substrate on top.
  3. 3. Moisten the soil.
  4. 4. Place the seeds after a day, distributing them evenly over the entire surface.
  5. 5. Cover the containers with glass or film.

It is not recommended to water the grains immediately. It is necessary to maintain a temperature of 24 0 C. The container should be in a well-lit place. The first shoots will appear in 10-20 days, but sometimes it takes longer.

Picking and transplanting

Picking refers to the process of planting grown seedlings. They are moved from a smaller container to a larger one. This is required so that the begonias are not crowded and the sprouts can grow and develop normally. When picking, the grower gets rid of seedlings that are considered unviable. After completing this procedure, the seedlings must be covered again with film. After a few days, you need to repeat the picking: the period depends on the speed of development of the plant.

After some time, it is necessary to change the conditions of keeping the seedlings so that they can quickly adapt to existence in the open ground. Gradually the temperature should be reduced to room temperature (at least 18 0 C). The film should be removed. Air humidity also gradually decreases: for this you need to ventilate the seedlings more often.

It is recommended to transplant young plants into open ground at the beginning of summer, when there is no risk of frost. If the begonia is located on a closed balcony, the procedure can be carried out in mid-May.

When transplanting into open ground, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. 1. The upper part of the tuber does not need to be deeply buried in the soil. It should peek out a little.
  2. 2. Before planting the plant in the hole, you should add fertilizers that contain large amounts of phosphorus and potassium. Be sure to water the soil.
  3. 3. Seedlings must be removed from the container carefully so as not to damage the roots or trunks.
  4. 4. The distance between flowers should be 35 cm if they are tall growing. If they are ampelous, then a distance of 10 cm will be sufficient. For the hybrid begonia Griffin, 25 cm is required.
  5. 5. It is recommended to plant begonia in open, light areas. In the shade, the plant develops slowly, and its flowering will be sparse and short-lived.
  6. 6. The soil should be light, fertile, with a weak acidic reaction. Before planting begonias, it should be dug up.
  7. 7. By the time of transplantation, the plant’s root system will be well developed, so it can be up to 20 cm deep.

Begonia can be transplanted not only into open ground, but also into a pot. In this case, the plant is left on the balcony, in the gazebo, or on the windowsills. Transplantation should be done in early spring, before intensive growth begins. You can judge that it is time to transplant the crop into a larger pot by the fact that the roots begin to hang out of the container through the holes for draining the water. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. 1. Water the begonia in an old pot.
  2. 2. Take it out and clean it of the old substrate.
  3. 3. Place the root system for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. 4. Rinse the roots in clean water at room temperature.
  5. 5. Remove areas that have begun to rot.
  6. 6. Wait until the roots dry out a little.
  7. 7. Place them in a pre-prepared pot with drainage and substrate.

The transplanted flower must be put back in its original place. At first, it should be watered frequently.

The younger the flower, the easier it tolerates transplantation.


One of the main activities is watering begonias. It must be balanced and regular. The flower is considered moisture-loving, but this does not mean that overflow is allowed. Abundant watering is allowed only in dry weather in summer. It is imperative to ensure that there is no stagnation of liquid in the soil, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. It is recommended to use slightly warm water, which should be infused for a day. The flower should be moistened only when the substrate has dried to 1.5-2 cm in depth. In winter, watering should be stopped completely.

It is necessary to maintain a certain level of air humidity. To do this, you need to spray the crop with plain water from a spray bottle every day in the morning or evening. If the plant is on a closed balcony or in another room, place a container of water next to the pot. You can also place the pot on a wide tray filled with gravel. Small pebbles should be periodically sprayed with water to maintain air humidity around the begonia pot.

Begonia has long won the hearts of gardeners in our country. It is easy to grow and has a stunning variety of species. There are several ways to grow this plant. Begonia from seeds at home is the dream of many fans of this flower. In this article we will talk in detail about this growing method.

Boarding time

To enjoy the flowering of begonias throughout the summer season, you should use the seedling planting method. Seeds are sown in the soil at home and wait for sprouts to appear. Sowing begins early at the end of January and continues until April. The exact time is determined depending on the characteristics of the plant development cycle. If you want to achieve early flowering, planting begins in winter. In this case, by the time they are planted in the ground, the flowers have a well-developed root system and will be able to adapt to new conditions.

You should remember the specifics of individual varieties. Thus, early sowing of ever-flowering begonia will result in the seedlings being overgrown by the time they are transplanted into open ground. It is more difficult for such plants to take root, and they lose their decorative properties. The flowering period comes too early and the number of flowers will be less than expected. This variety is recommended to be sown in February.

Video “Ever-blooming begonia from seeds”

On the contrary, planting tuberous begonias is carried out early - until mid-January. The flowers will have time to form developed leaves and buds by the time of transplantation. Compliance with the timing of sowing seedlings has a great influence on the normal development of tubers; they can reach 3 cm in diameter when planted in open ground. This applies to such a variety as ampelous begonia.

Video “How to plant tuberous begonia from seeds”

How to choose seeds

The first step in the process is the selection of seed. To get beautiful, healthy plants, you need to choose high-quality seeds that are easy to plant. When choosing seeds you need to consider:

  1. packaging period, choose fresh seed that was collected this year. Over time, it loses its viability despite the expiration date indicated on the package;
  2. granulated seeds are more convenient to plant in peat tablets; they have a dense shell of nutrients, which makes them larger in size;
  3. regular grains are smaller in size and are best sown in special containers or seedling boxes.

Planting seeds

If you opted for granular seeds, take peat tablets. You will not need to pick young plants.

This tablet is peat compressed in a special way and covered with a mesh. The advantage of a peat tablet is that it has excellent air and moisture permeability. The composition allows you to retain moisture, but prevents fungal diseases from appearing.

Before sowing the seeds, soak the tablets well with water. Then put a seed on each tablet and sprinkle it with water. Cover the tablets with a bag or film on top to maintain the desired level of humidity. It is necessary to water such seedlings regularly through a tray, not allowing the tablets to dry out.

Sowing is carried out with the soil thoroughly moistened, preferably done one day before. Then you need to evenly distribute the existing begonia seeds over the entire surface of the soil. Seedlings should be covered with glass or plastic. It is not recommended to water newly planted seeds.

It is advisable that the temperature in the room where the seedlings will be located is about 24 degrees. The place must be bright.

Many gardeners are concerned about the question: after how many days do the first shoots appear? Plants should sprout in 9-25 days, but sometimes the process is delayed.

Seedling care

It can be difficult to notice when begonia emerges, because... The sprouts are very small, thread-like. Therefore, be extremely careful. In order for plants to develop properly, you need to water them regularly in a tray or using a syringe. The greenhouse in which begonias grow should be ventilated to prevent condensation from accumulating. Be sure to provide the seedlings with good lighting, but do not forget that delicate plants can burn in direct sunlight. Use artificial lighting if necessary. When there is insufficient lighting, they stretch out and lose their decorative appearance.

At first, it may seem that the seedlings are almost not growing. There is no need to worry about this: begonias first grow their root system, and then their above-ground part develops.

On the 14th day after emergence, the plants can be fed with fertilizer for deciduous and ornamental plants. In this case, the fertilizer solution must be diluted 3-4 times the recommended dose. When the seedlings grow a little, you need to periodically loosen the soil.

The appearance of the first pair of true leaves will mean that the flowers need picking.

How to pick

Picking is the process of transplanting grown plants from a smaller container to a larger one. This must be done so that the begonias are not crowded and can develop normally. During picking, flower growers get rid of non-viable seedlings. After the process is completed, they are covered again with film. After how many days to repeat the procedure, you can determine yourself, focusing on the growth rate and appearance of the seedlings.

Over time, the conditions for keeping flowers are changed so that in the future they can adapt to the open air. The temperature is gradually lowered to room temperature, but not lower than 18 degrees, and the air humidity is gradually reduced, increasing the ventilation of the plants.

Possible problems and pests

Proper cultivation of begonia seeds can significantly reduce the risk of various diseases appearing on seedlings. However, you need to be aware of possible problems in order to be able to recognize them in time. The following diseases and pests may appear when using this growing method:

  • root rot, to get rid of it you should ventilate the greenhouse more often and reduce watering;
  • powdery mildew;
  • aphids and spider mites; when they appear, it is necessary to use insecticides and fungicides.

Transplantation to a permanent place

Bolivian begonia

The following varieties will look very impressive on the balcony: Bolivian begonia Santa Cruz and fire cascade. They are designed to be grown in hanging baskets.

When replanting plants, the following must be considered:

  • Try not to bury the top of the tuber; it should come out slightly from the soil.
  • Before planting, you need to put potassium and phosphorus fertilizers in the hole and water them abundantly.
  • Remove seedlings from the container very carefully so as not to damage their root system or stems.
  • The distance between tall flowers should be 35 cm. For hanging begonia, a sufficient distance between plants is 10 cm. Hybrid griffin begonia requires a distance of 25 cm.
  • Flowers should be planted in bright, open areas. In the shade they will grow poorly and flowering will not be abundant.
  • The best soil is light, slightly acidic, enriched with nutrients. Before planting, the soil must be dug well.
  • The root system of seedlings should be well developed at the time of transplantation and can be about 20 cm deep.

These plants will decorate any corner of the site with their bright flowers. Their beauty is not inferior to roses or peonies, and their flowering period with proper care lasts until frost. Growing begonia from seeds is not difficult. You just need to put in a little effort and you will be pleased with the results. We hope that in this article you can find the most complete information on how to grow begonia from seeds.

Growing begonia from seeds is a rather troublesome task that requires constant monitoring. Usually, ever-flowering or decorative deciduous varieties of this plant are obtained in this way. Growing tuberous begonias by seed is also possible, but requires a lot of time. For a successful result, it is necessary to select high-quality planting material, a good time for planting and follow a number of agrotechnical rules.

1 Description of the plant and popular varieties

Begonia is a low-growing shrub or herbaceous plant with beautiful, brightly colored flowers. Begonia leaves and stems differ in color and shape depending on the variety. The following types of begonia are most often grown at home.

Ampelous begonia is distinguished by flowing shoots, the length of which can reach 45 cm. Flowers are located from the level of the 5–6th leaf node in the leaf axils. Each flower does not live longer than 10 days, and a new one soon appears in place of the fallen one. For this reason, flowering seems to be continuous and continues until late autumn. Among the most famous varieties of hanging begonia is Chanson, with lush red, white or yellow flowers.

Tuberous begonia has a tuber-shaped rhizome and tall, fleshy stems up to 80 cm long. The flowers can be single or double, reminiscent of roses, camellias, carnations or peonies. They can be small (from 3 cm) or large (up to 20 cm), located singly or in inflorescences. The most common varieties are Duck Red, Picoti Harlequin, and Bouton de Rose.

Begonia everflowering is a complex hybrid that successfully combines the qualities of the parent varieties. It is a low-growing shrub with fleshy stems and smooth, round-heart-shaped leaves. The flowers can be white, pink or red in color, collected in various inflorescences. Terry varieties have been bred with a large number of petals in a flower, which resemble miniature roses in shape. Only about 600 varieties of ever-flowering begonia are known, among which for indoor growing are Ray, Queen, and Cocktail.

Bolivian Begonia is a tuberous plant with long, trailing stems. Its stems can reach a length of 80 cm, hanging down in several tiers. The flowers, which have a bright orange color, are located on short peduncles in groups of 2–3 pieces. This type of begonia is perfect for growing in pots and containers, as it grows well in a small amount of soil. The most famous varieties include Santa Cruz, Bonaparte, Belavista.

How to grow thuja from seeds at home?

2 Planting seeds

Begonia from seeds at home can be grown in seedlings, and where the flower will grow is of great importance. So, for indoor keeping, it is necessary to sow the seeds already in December, and for growing in the garden, sowing the seeds is transferred to early spring. For areas with a warm climate, it is necessary to sow begonia at the end of March or at the beginning of April, so that the seedlings are not overgrown by the time of transplantation.

Begonia seeds must be purchased at the store. There are two types of them on sale:

  • ordinary, very small and inconvenient for beginner gardeners;
  • granulated, coated with a special coating.

For beginning flower lovers, it is more convenient to work with granulated seeds. They are easier to distribute over the surface of the soil, maintaining a certain distance. Ordinary small seeds are simply sown in a container, and then the seedlings are thinned out. In order not to expose the fragile root system to unnecessary stress, it is more convenient to plant granulated seeds in special peat tablets.

The step-by-step landing process looks like this:

  1. 1. Peat tablets are placed in a tray with water and left to soak.
  2. 2. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the tablets and sprinkled with water so that the granule penetrates inside. There is no need to specially bury the seeds.
  3. 3. Cover the top of the container with film or glass. For watering and ventilation, the cover must be removed periodically.
  4. 4. Watering is carried out through a tray, making sure that the peat tablets do not dry out.

This method has only one drawback - begonia seeds themselves take a long time to germinate, and germination of coated seeds requires even more time. After all, you also need to wait until the shell is completely dissolved.

Since not all seeds may germinate, for successful cultivation you need to use twice as much material.

If ordinary seeds are used for planting, they are planted in a container with light soil. The day before planting, the soil should be watered generously. To facilitate the work, the seeds are mixed with sand and distributed in a thin layer on the soil surface. Then the container is covered with glass or film and placed in a warm, bright place where a constant temperature of +25 degrees will be maintained. Seeds planted in this way germinate in 10–25 days.

Growing gloxinia from seeds at home

3 Growing seedlings

Since begonia sprouts are very small, thread-like, they can be difficult to notice. Regular watering is necessary for their proper development. This is done carefully, using a syringe, or humidification is carried out using the bottom method through a tray. The greenhouse in which the seedlings develop must be opened regularly to ventilate and remove condensation. It is imperative to provide high-quality lighting, but make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the plants. To do this, you need to shade the sprouts at midday. If daylight hours are short, it is necessary to supplement the seedlings with artificial light. Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours.

Two weeks after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to apply fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants. In this case, you need to make the solution concentration 3–4 times less than the recommended one. After the seedlings have become a little stronger, the soil can be loosened periodically. Gradually, the shelter is removed and the grown begonia is accustomed to indoor conditions.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the leaves during this period. If they fall down, then the container with seedlings must be closed. The soil should be constantly moist, but not wet. Excess moisture provokes the appearance of a white coating on the seedlings and rotting of the root system.

How to grow purslane from seeds at home?

3.1 Picking

If peat tablets were used to germinate the seed, then picking is not necessary. You just need to tear the shell of the tablet from the bottom edge and transplant the seedlings into a larger container along with the soil.

For seedlings grown in containers, picking is mandatory, since over time they become cramped in one container. The procedure is carried out after the appearance of the third true leaf, if the plant looks healthy and strong:

  1. 1. Holes are made in the bottom of plastic cups and a layer of drainage is added.
  2. 2. The containers are filled with soil in which the seeds were germinated.
  3. 3. The sprouts are carefully lifted with a teaspoon and transferred to a glass with soil along with a lump of earth. After moving, be sure to water the plants.

The seedlings are placed in a warm place, but to prevent them from stretching, the temperature can be slightly lowered. After two weeks, another feeding is done. 25 days after picking, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place in a pot or garden.

4 Caring for begonia

Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is carried out at the end of May, when the plant is already well formed. Begonia is transplanted using the transshipment method so as not to injure the fragile root system and tender shoots. The soil for begonia is light and loose with good nutritional properties.

After transplanting to a permanent location, caring for the plant consists of proper watering and regular feeding. For irrigation use settled or filtered warm water. In summer, watering should be plentiful, but there is no need to flood the plant. You need to irrigate twice a week, and in hot weather the plant is moistened as the soil dries out. Excess water accumulating in the pan must be drained after a while. In autumn, begonia is watered less frequently, and with the onset of winter the amount is reduced to a minimum.

It is necessary to feed the plant during the period of bud formation with liquid complex fertilizers once every two weeks. After flowering ends, fertilizing is stopped. In winter, the use of fertilizers is generally prohibited.

Thanks to its beauty, tuberous begonia will compete even with the “queen of flowers” ​​rose. In nature, there are more than 1 thousand varieties of this plant. Growing begonias can sometimes cause some difficulties, especially for novice gardeners. To propagate begonia flowers, different methods are used: by seeds, growing a new crop from a leaf or its fragment, dividing by tubers and root systems, rooting by leaf or stem cuttings. However, the most interesting method, according to professionals, is seed propagation.

So, begonia from seeds at home: how to avoid mistakes, what equipment is needed, how to properly organize the sowing process and subsequent care?

Seed selection

The first step in growing begonia from seeds at home is choosing a seed. You will need professional material that has previously been panned. Follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners and choose fresh seeds.

What are “fresh seeds”, you ask? Pay attention to the date of production and packaging. Although seed has a shelf life of several years, buy seed that has the current year listed on the packaging. There is an opinion among flower growers that the germination rate of begonias decreases every year. The seeds of the Bossa Nova variety receive special attention among lovers of indoor and garden plants.

Sowing dates

When to plant seeds? Almost every beginning gardener faces this question. The planting period depends on whether it is a houseplant or a garden crop. The optimal period for propagating indoor flowers by seeds is considered to be from November to February. Such plants will have time to strengthen well by autumn; the diameter of the tuber on average reaches 2.5 cm, which has a beneficial effect on wintering. If begonia is planted in the garden, then it is better to postpone sowing to the beginning of spring. When sowing earlier, the seedlings are overgrown and unsuitable for planting outdoors.


Preparing the necessary equipment is one of the important preparatory stages. For sowing you will need a low container with a hermetically sealed lid and soil. To transplant seedlings grown from seeds into separate containers, it is better to purchase a soil mixture for begonias. This substrate is sold in flower shops or in “Everything for the garden” stores.

Sowing process

How to grow begonia from seeds? By adhering to the recommendations of experts, even a novice gardener will be able to successfully cope with the task of planting seeds and growing tuberous begonia. Today, specialized stores sell seeds of various varieties of begonias. They come in two types: granular (coated with nutrients) and raw. The seeds are sown in the ground; they can be mixed with sand beforehand. Do not sprinkle with the top layer of soil - this will prevent the crop from getting enough sunlight. Close the container (plastic lid, glass, film) and place in a warm place.

The air temperature should be at least 22–24 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the seeds may not hatch. After 2–3 formed and strengthened leaves appear on the stems, you can perform the picking procedure into separate containers.

Watering and fertilizing

Begonia from seeds is a growing process, the success of which depends on the organization of proper subsequent care. Particular attention must be paid to watering and fertilizing. The plant likes moist soil, but avoid overwatering. Stagnant water is considered the first cause of fungal microflora, which affects the thin roots of still immature seedlings.

It is recommended to keep the container at a slight angle so that condensation flows down the lid and accumulates in one corner. After 2 weeks from the moment of sowing the seed, the top cover is placed on supports, and over time it will be completely possible to remove it. Avoid high temperatures and direct sunlight on the seedlings.

The optimal air temperature for growing begonia from seed in an open container is 17–19 degrees Celsius.

Plant seeds in low acidity soil. Solutions of complex fertilizer are suitable for feeding. At the same time, they should have a low nitrogen concentration. The first feeding can be done after 14 days from the moment of sowing the tuberous begonia seed.

Video “Planting Begonia Seeds”

From this video you will learn how to plant begonia seeds.

Experienced flower growers probably know what begonia looks like. After all, this is the most popular genus in the Begoniaceae family, which includes more than a thousand species. The usual habitats of begonias are tropical and subtropical forests and mountainous regions of America, Asia and Africa.

For the first time, the world was able to become acquainted with this plant thanks to data provided by the French botanist Charles Plumier. This happened in 1687 during a scientific expedition to the Antilles, to which this specialist was invited.

The initiator of these studies was Michel Begon, who served as governor of Saint-Domingue (the western part of the island of Haiti). Having stumbled upon a hitherto unknown plant, Charles did not think long about its name. As a result, he decided to dedicate it to the governor. Subsequently, this plant began to be often found in other places on the planet.

Features of begonias

The high popularity of begonia has led to the fact that it is now grown at home. However, in an apartment it turns out to be short, not exceeding 50 cm in height.

Begonias are attractive decorative spotted leaves and flowers that can be mistaken for roses, peonies or camellias. Indoor begonia enters the flowering phase in the first month of summer, continuing to delight the owner until the end of autumn.

A wide variety of begonia varieties allows you to enjoy not only rich color palette, which includes white, red, yellow, pink, burgundy, cream and other shades. It also pleases with its unusual shape, which can be simple, folded, fringed, terry or ampelous.

Caring for ampelous begonia at home

If you want begonia to delight you with beautiful flowers every season, then already on the first day it needs to be provided with the appropriate growth. Growing this flower in an apartment is not so difficult.

And, although this plant is considered unpretentious and is highly resistant to various diseases, it is still necessary follow certain rules when growing it. Then begonia will delight you with its flowering from early summer until late autumn.

In summer, begonia can bring even more aesthetic pleasure if it is transplanted from a pot into open ground. It is necessary to care for this plant not only in summer, but also in winter.

  • A mandatory operation at this time of year is pruning the shoots, which is carried out after flowering has completed and at the first signs of dying of leaves and stems. The tubers themselves can be kept in dry soil.
  • Begonias do not need to be watered at this time of year. Tubers can be stored in a pantry, where excellent conditions are created for them due to the lack of light and a low temperature of + 10 ... + 12 degrees Celsius.
  • With the onset of spring, the tubers are planted in a pot, and from that moment on, regular watering begins.
  • Sometimes a plant produces quite a lot of sprouts. In this case, you need to remove everything except one or two of the strongest shoots.

Required temperature and watering rules

Begonia grows best at home if the room temperature is maintained at + 14... + 22 degrees Celsius. If it becomes very hot and the temperature rises to + 25 degrees Celsius, then this negatively affects the development of begonia.

When storing tubers for winter storage, they need to be provided with darkness and a temperature within + 5... + 12 degrees Celsius. It is very important that the temperature remained constant, and there were no drafts.

When growing begonia in winter, it is not necessary to water it, but from time to time you can add water to the pan to avoid drying of the tubers. For storage, the tubers are placed in peat or sand, which also needs to be kept moist.

During the summer carry out abundant watering However, they begin to do this only after the moisture has evaporated from the top layer of soil. Already in October, watering begins to be carried out less and less often and in smaller quantities.

Since tuberous begonia has underdeveloped roots that are located near the surface, during flowering the plant must be provided with the maximum amount of moisture.

However, you need to ensure that the water does not stagnate, otherwise this can lead to rotting of the roots. It is forbidden to pour water only into the middle of the flower. If you do this quite often, it can also cause the tuber to rot.

Lighting and Humidity

For normal development in the room where begonia is grown, there must be bright diffused light. It is imperative to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

Begonia can only be exposed to the bright sun for a few hours in the morning or evening. This will benefit her, especially at the end of summer, when the air temperature begins to drop.

Considering that begonia is a tropical plant, it needs provide increased humidity air not lower than 60%.

  1. Spraying can be done in early spring, but only before it begins to bloom. If moisture gets on the petals, they may begin to turn yellow, so it is best to spray the air around the perimeter of the flower.
  2. In the summer there are days when the sun begins to get very hot. In this case, it is necessary to carry out additional cooling of the begonia. To do this, the container with the flower can be placed on a tray filled with wet pebbles. A good effect is provided by immersing the flowerpot in wet peat or sawdust.

Top dressing

To grow begonia at home, it is necessary to prepare a suitable substrate, which should not only be of high fertility, but also have a neutral acidity reaction.

Feeding should be carried out once every 10−12 days. When fertilizing a plant, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • the lighting should be good and the temperature in the room too, since in good conditions the fertilizing is absorbed much better;
  • The plant should be fertilized in the evening, 2-3 hours before the start of complementary feeding, the soil should be well moistened;
  • Make sure that the fertilizer does not come into contact with the begonia.

Don't overdo it! This is probably the most important point when fertilizing a flower, because excess fertilizer can lead the flower to toxicosis, and later to death.

Moreover, it is recommended to abandon the use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. After all, the effect from them will be completely different from what the plants need: due to nitrogen, the stems become more watery, and this increases the likelihood of them rotting.

How to propagate begonia

To obtain new bushes, you can use several propagation methods: sowing seeds, dividing the tuber, cuttings.

The best thing use tubers or cuttings, since the begonia grown from them retains the characteristics of the mother plant. It is impossible to achieve the same effect by sowing seeds.

If you want to get new varieties at home, then it is recommended to use it for propagation. seed sowing method. Then in just one year you can acquire a large number of new tubers that have excellent decorative properties of flowering plants.

However, you need to immediately prepare for the fact that propagation by seeds will require a lot of effort and time. It should be noted that begonia grown from seeds has flowers of different sexes, which can be identified by appearance.

If necessary, you can carry out artificial pollination using a paint brush. As a result, in the fall a fruit will grow in the form of a box containing very small seeds, and from these you can get new flowers.

How to grow begonia from seeds

It is recommended to plan sowing of seeds by the New Year. It is also permissible to carry it out a little later, until the first ten days of February. Before boarding you need prepare suitable soil, which should have a light composition so that moisture is well absorbed.

The optimal soil mixture is one prepared on the basis of leaf substrate, river sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. After filling the box, the ground is leveled, and then place seeds on the surface. There is no need to bury them.

After this, the plantings are watered with settled water at room temperature using a spray bottle. Next, a box of seeds cover with glass and transferred to the battery. Seeds germinate fastest if the room temperature is maintained at + 24... + 27 degrees Celsius.

Important daily carry out spraying, ventilation. This is especially necessary at the stage of seed germination, as this will help to avoid condensation appearing on the glass from reaching the seedlings.

Seedling care and picking

Within a week from the moment the seedlings emerge, the seedlings can be moved to a cooler place. When a few more weeks have passed, the glass can be removed completely.

Considering that in winter the duration of daylight hours is short, seedlings need to be illuminated using a phytolamp, which is turned on for 3-5 hours in the morning and evening.

When another three weeks have passed and the sprouts have formed two true leaves, carry out a pick. For the first time, the plants are planted no closer than 2-3 cm from each other. A month later, the next pick is carried out.

Now the distance between seedlings is increased to 5-6 cm. At least once a week it is necessary to carry out fertilizing: for this, use a slightly diluted solution of mineral fertilizers.

When stable warm weather sets in, which usually happens in May, seedlings transplanted into separate pots capacity 0.5 liters.

Before planting, you need to lay a 12 cm layer of drainage on the bottom. Soil prepared from leaf soil, humus and sand, taken in a ratio of 4: 1: 1, is already laid on it.

Among the popular ornamental plants, begonia stands out, which most experienced gardeners know about. Compared to other relatives, she features beautiful flowers. Today it can be grown at home, because this plant is quite unpretentious, so there will not be any special problems when growing and caring for it.

Growing ampelous begonia using seeds is quite troublesome, since the procedure requires constant monitoring. But if a number of agrotechnical nuances are observed, the result of the work will bring extremely positive emotions. As a rule, decorative deciduous or ever-flowering varieties of begonias are grown from seeds, but tuberous crops can also be grown in the same way (although the process is quite slow, so considerable patience is required).

The ampelous form of begonias is very popular among those gardeners who love unpretentious crops with beautiful asymmetrical leaves and semi-double/double flowers. What is characteristic is that lush flowering, excellent decorative characteristics and extreme ease of care allow even novice gardeners to grow ampelous begonia.

On a note! Representatives of the family reproduce mainly by cuttings and tubers, but in some cases, the use of seeds is the only available way to obtain begonias with the required number of leaves and the required flowers.

In order for plants to be strong and healthy, they need to be provided with suitable conditions, which you should know about before you start working.

Ampelous begonia - photo

Table. Conditions for normal development

NameShort description
LightingDue to its light-loving nature, ampelous begonia should be placed in a well-lit place, but should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun (this can lead to burns). The light should be bright, but at the same time diffused.
Top dressingThe first feeding should be done when the shoots grow. As a rule, nitrogen fertilizer is used for this, which stimulates development. For subsequent feedings, it is recommended to use fertilizer that is intended specifically for begonias. From the beginning of budding and during the entire growing season, fertilizing should be applied once every two weeks - this way the flowering will be more abundant and longer.
TemperatureThe optimal temperature for the crop - in particular for peduncles - is considered to be 20-25°C.
Humidity levelLow air humidity is detrimental to begonias. To achieve optimal humidity levels, the plant should be placed next to a tray of peat moss that is constantly moistened. And the air around the crop (especially on hot days) needs to be sprayed regularly, but so that water does not fall on the flower itself.
WateringThe plant needs to be watered regularly. If the soil dries out, the root system will simply die. The water used for irrigation must be softened and settled.

Now, having understood the features of care, let’s look at the growing procedure itself.

You should start with the fact that it is recommended to grow this plant from seeds at the end of February or at the beginning of March - it is then that the length of daylight hours actively increases, and the activity of the sun noticeably increases. Thanks to all this, maintaining the required temperature will be much easier.

Stage one. Preparing planting material

Ampelous begonia "Alcor F1" Begonia ampelous "Carmen F1"
Begonia ampelous "Venus" Seeds. Begonia "non-stop f1", orange

Start working by selecting high-quality and most convenient seed material for yourself. In special stores you can purchase begonia seeds, which can be of two types.

  1. Granulated - such seeds are more convenient to sow, because they are large in size due to the special coating of nutrients. The best option for spot sowing using peat or coconut tablets.
  2. Non-granulated (ordinary) - do not have a nutrient shell, which means they are smaller in size and are most suitable for sowing in special seedling containers.

Stage two. Sow the seeds

The sowing procedure depends on what kind of seeds you are using. Let's take a closer look at each of the two possible options.

Option #1. We use granulated seeds

Such seeds, as noted earlier, are more convenient to sow, and they are more suitable for sowing in peat tablets (or in coconut tablets, but the procedure will look the same). This method is convenient because it allows you to do without picking, which is so dangerous for developing young plants.

To sow, first take the tablets themselves, place them on a tray and soak them thoroughly with water. After this, place a granulated seed on top of each tablet, lightly spray with water (the latter should be at room temperature), which is more convenient to do with a spray bottle, and put something on top to maintain the required level of humidity (this can be a plastic cup, a PET bag, etc.). In the future, water the tablets through the tray. Monitor the humidity level with special care, because the sprouts that appear can easily dry out.

You can also plant such seeds in cassette-type containers: place two granules in each cell filled with soil and press them a little (this will speed up the dissolution of the shell), and then cover the container with something. It is also important that you take approximately one and a half to two times as many seeds as the output plants require. For example, if you need 20 seedlings, then buy 40 seeds.

Video - How to use peat tablets

Option #2. We use regular seeds

In this case, use seedling boxes for sowing. The soil should be slightly acidic, as close to neutral as possible.

To prepare the soil mixture, use:

  • leaf soil;
  • sand;
  • turf soil.

On a note! Due to the fact that begonia seeds can be affected by mold, it is advisable to wash all the ingredients that will be used for the mixture with water and heat-treat them in an oven for half an hour.

After this, mix sand, turf and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:4. Try to prepare the soil before frost sets in. Or, as an option, buy ready-made soil.

Sowing regular seeds is not easy because they are very small (there are about 60,000 seeds per gram). For this reason, start by moistening the soil in the boxes, preferably 24 hours before planting. Also, do not forget about the drainage (“cushion” of small stones), which must be placed at the bottom of the boxes before filling with soil. Next, take the seeds and distribute them evenly over the surface, then cover with glass or plastic. You should not water immediately after sowing, as the seeds will be drawn deep into the ground by water, which is why seedlings may not appear.

The temperature in the room where the seedling box will be located should be approximately 24-25°C - this way the seedlings will appear more “harmoniously”. As for the germination time, it ranges from 9-25 days.

Seedlings of ampelous begonia in a container - photo

Video - Sowing begonia seeds

Stage three. Caring for seedlings

When the first shoots begin to appear, try to protect them from direct sunlight, and do not allow the soil to dry out. The seedlings will then be very tender, so give preference to bottom watering (place the boxes in a tray filled with water). You can also lower the temperature slightly – to about 21°C.

If the seedlings appeared in January, they will suffer from a lack of natural light (the days are still quite short this month). The plants will be underdeveloped and weak, most of them will die. In this case, first think about providing piece lighting. Ideally, seedlings should be under constant light for at least 12-13 hours a day. At first, additional lighting will work even after midnight, but as the day length begins to increase and the seedlings begin to develop, this time will gradually decrease.

On a note! You will also have to gradually harden the seedlings - slightly open the film and keep the boxes in this position for 15 minutes. Daily increase both the degree of opening of the film and the hardening period so that the begonia gets used to its natural environment.

Thanks to this, you will prevent the development of fungi, which inevitably appear with excessive watering and non-compliance with the temperature regime.

Stage three. Picking

If you use peat tablets for growing, then picking is not required. If the above temperature conditions are observed, the first shoots will appear within two weeks. Later, when each plant has three true leaves, transplant the seedlings along with the peat mass and cover with a layer of soil. Drizzle a little water on top. Actually, that's all.

In the case of ordinary seeds, everything is somewhat more complicated - about 50 days after sowing, the seedlings need to be planted. If you plan to sell the seedlings, then transplant them into separate cups: take the same soil that was used when sowing, arrange drainage at the bottom and fill each of them (cups) with soil so that about 1 cm remains to the edge. It is important, however, that so that the cups are at least 10 cm in height. If you are making hanging baskets, then take wide flat pots and pick four or five plants at a time.

Place the cups so that the seedlings are well lit and do not need to be rearranged/turned over from time to time. At the same time, lower the temperature a couple more degrees. The stems will stretch naturally, so there is no need to use growth stimulants. However, two weeks after picking, you need to apply complex fertilizer; in the future, plants should be fed at the same intervals. During the growing season, use nitrogen fertilizers, and during budding and flowering - only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

After about 20-22 weeks, the seedlings will have grown to a size at which they can be transplanted to a permanent location. Often, hanging begonias are planted in hanging baskets and pots, placed on balconies, terraces or verandas. Already at the beginning of summer, the first flowers will open. The flowering period itself is quite long (lasts until the first frost), but if the pots are brought indoors, the begonia will bloom a little longer.

On a note! The flowers on this plant are of two types - male (large) and female (small). In case of insufficient care, large flowers may fall off, causing the begonia to lose its decorative effect. That is why it is necessary to strictly observe the agrotechnical requirements described in the article.

Video - Accelerating the development of begonia

As a conclusion. Diseases, pests

If you violate the rules of care, the leaves and buds may well fall off. This will indicate that you have not watered it often enough and the air humidity is too low. If a whitish coating forms on the surface of the plants, it means powdery mildew has appeared. In this case, leaves damaged by the disease will have to be removed, and the plants themselves will have to be treated with a fungicide.

Ampelous begonia can also be damaged by red spider mites, which often happens in closed rooms with dry air. This may be indicated by the appearance of yellowish spots on the leaves. And if you find such spots on a begonia, then immediately treat it with a systemic insecticide.


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