When a student is promoted to the next course. Conditions for continuing education if you have academic debts

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Regulations on tests and exams

At MSTU. N.E. Bauman

These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the standard regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2001. No. 264.

General provisions

1.1. Assessment of the quality of mastering educational programs by university students is carried out by conducting ongoing monitoring of knowledge, tests, exams, as well as conducting final certification in the form of state exams and defense of qualifying work at the State Attestation Commission.

1.2. All disciplines included in the curriculum must end with an exam or test.

1.3. All university students are required to take exams and tests in strict accordance with the curriculum.

1.4. The deadlines for taking tests and exams are established by order of the university rector.

1.5. In accordance with the curriculum for the reporting semester, the number of exams should be no more than five, and the number of tests should be no more than six. Exams and tests in military training, physical culture and elective disciplines are taken before the end of theoretical classes and are not included in the number of tests and exams regulated above.

1.6. Students have the right to take tests and exams in elective disciplines included in the curriculum, the results of which, at the request of the students, are included in the test or examination report, in the grade book and in the annex to the diploma.

1.7. Exams and tests are accepted only if there are appropriate statements (or directions) and the student’s record book.

1.8. At all university faculties, when assessing the quality of knowledge, the unity of requirements for the level of knowledge, a unified approach to the organization of intermediate certifications, tests, exams and the conduct of final state certification must be ensured.

1.9. Carrying out control activities, including tests and exams, not provided for in the curriculum and program of the discipline, is not allowed.


2.1. Tests are a form of verification of students’ successful completion of laboratory and computational and graphic work, course projects (works), mastery of educational material in practical and seminar classes, and a form of verification of practical training of all types. The content and requirements for credit are included in the discipline program.

2.2. Credits can be established both for the discipline as a whole and for its individual parts.

2.3. The procedure for conducting tests for each type of work is established by the department responsible for the corresponding discipline, approved at a meeting of the department and included in the program.

2.4. The results of the tests are marked on the test sheet with the words “pass” or “fail”. A “failure” is not entered in the grade book.

2.5. Credits for course projects (works), engineering graphics, industrial practice, as well as in other disciplines, the list of which is established by the Academic Council of the university, are marked on the transcript with differentiated grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”.

2.6. Credits for course projects (works) are assigned based on the results of students defending course projects (works) before a commission appointed by the department.

2.7. Credits for industrial internships are assigned based on the results of students defending reports on the work performed before a commission appointed by the department, taking into account the opinion of the internship supervisor from the enterprise.

2.8. Completed transcripts are submitted to the dean's office on the eve of the examination session.

Admission to exams

3.1. Students who have completed and defended course projects (works) are allowed to take the exams.

The absence of credits in disciplines for which there is no established exam does not affect admission to the examination session.

3.2. The dean of the faculty may allow a student who has not defended his course project (work) to the examination session, for good reason, as an exception, assigning an individual schedule for defending the project (work).

3.3. Students who have passed a test in this discipline (if it is provided for in the curriculum), completed laboratory work and passed all control events of the current semester provided for by the program are allowed to take the exam.


4.1. The exam is a form of final testing and assessment of the completeness and strength of students' knowledge. The exam can be conducted on the entire discipline or part of it.

4.2. Students take exams after completing theoretical classes during the examination session.

Deans of faculties are given the right to allow well-performing students of their faculties to take exams early, provided they complete the program of this discipline without exemption from ongoing classes in other disciplines.

4.3. Students who, as an exception, are allowed an individual schedule of classes within the general period of study, can take tests and exams in the period between sessions within the time limits established by the deans of the faculties.

4.4. The exam schedule is drawn up in such a way that at least 3 days are allocated for preparation for the exam in each discipline (usually 4 days and no more than 5 days).

4.5. The examination schedule is drawn up taking into account the proposals of student groups, adjusted at the relevant department and, after agreement with the deans of the faculties, approved by the first vice-rector - vice-rector for academic affairs.

The exam schedule is communicated to teachers and students one month before the start of the exams.

4.6. Examinations are conducted orally or in writing on tickets approved by the head of the department. The exam form is established by the department.

The examiner is given the right to ask questions beyond the ticket, and also, in addition to theoretical questions, to give tasks and examples according to the program of this course.

All notes and preparation for answering the exam are made on special sheets - “Exam sheet” forms.

Examination sheets must be kept at the department for 1 year.

4.7. The composition of teachers taking the exam or test is determined by the head of the department.

4.8. The presence of unauthorized persons at exams and tests without the permission of the rector, vice-rector for academic affairs or dean of the faculty is not allowed.

4.9. During the exam, students can use study programs and, with the permission of the examiner, reference literature, and other aids.

4.10. Student performance is determined by the following grades: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”.

4.11. When separate sections of a course for which one exam is set are taught by several teachers, the exam can be taken by them simultaneously, with one final grade assigned.

4.12. Positive grades are entered in the examination sheet and grade book, unsatisfactory grades are entered only in the examination sheet.

4.13. Failure to appear for the examination is indicated on the examination sheet with the words “did not appear.” Failure to appear for an exam for an unexcused reason is considered an unsatisfactory grade, and the dean enters an “unsatisfactory” grade on the exam sheet, in the line where “did not appear.”

4.14. Examination sheets are submitted to the dean's office by the teacher on the day of the exam.

Additional session

6.1. The timing of the additional session is established by order of the rector.

6.2. The total number of debts (unpassed tests and exams) at the beginning of the additional session should not exceed two.

6.3. In exceptional cases, the dean of the faculty may set individual deadlines for liquidating academic debts for a student who has not passed exams or tests in an additional session, but no later than the first month of the semester following the session.

6.4. If a student was unable to pass one or more exams and (or) tests within the time limits specified by the order, for a valid reason supported by documents, the dean of the faculty sets individual deadlines for passing these exams and (or) tests.

Retaking the exam

7.1. During the session, retaking the exam if a student receives an unsatisfactory grade is not allowed.

If there is a good reason, the dean may allow the student to retake one exam during the examination period.

7.2. If a student, when retaking the exam during the session, again receives an unsatisfactory grade, he can retake it to the commission with the participation of a representative of the dean’s office only once during the additional session.

The composition of the commission for accepting the last retake is approved by the head of the department.

7.3. If a student received one unsatisfactory grade during the session and did not retake it during the session, then during the additional session he is allowed to retake it no more than twice (the third time is a retake by the commission).

In order to control the number of retakes of exams, a student who received an unsatisfactory grade is obliged to issue a direction with one red stripe, and a student who received an unsatisfactory grade twice - a direction with two red stripes.


Those who have academic debt based on the results of the interim certification.

1.6. The full procedure for eliminating academic debt is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the “Regulations on monitoring the progress and intermediate certification of students in higher and secondary vocational education programs.”

2. Procedure for processing a conditional transfer

2.1. Students who have not passed the intermediate certification within the established time frame for a valid reason or who have academic debt are conditionally transferred to the next course and are allowed to take classes in the corresponding course by a general transfer order dated July 1.

2.2. A conditional transfer is carried out by order of the rector on the proposal of the dean of the faculty, director of the institute / branch / college, setting a deadline for liquidation of academic debt until October 1.

2.3. Conditionally transferred students are notified of the decision made, the timing and form of debt liquidation and the consequences no later than 2 (Two) days from the start of the autumn semester by posting information on the information stand of the institute/faculty/branch/college.

2.4. The university creates conditions for students to eliminate academic debt (determines the disciplines that make up academic debt, sets deadlines for eliminating academic debt, organizes meetings of commissions) and ensures control over the timeliness of its elimination.

2.5. Students who have eliminated academic debt within the time period established by the university are transferred from October 1 by order of the rector to the course to which they were previously conditionally transferred.

2.6. Students who have not eliminated academic debt by October 1 continue to be considered conditionally transferred and have the right to re-pass intermediate certification in the relevant disciplines (module) within 1 (One) year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness, academic leave or maternity leave.

2.7. Students in educational programs who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame are expelled from the Buryat State University.

2.8. Students who have academic debt and are transferred from course to course conditionally are not awarded an academic scholarship.

2.9. The assignment and payment of academic scholarships to students who have eliminated academic debt after a conditional transfer to the next year is regulated by the Procedure for assigning a state academic scholarship and (or) a state social scholarship to students studying full-time at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, state scholarships to graduate students, residents, assistant trainees studying full-time at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget, payment of scholarships to students of preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education studying at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2013. No. 1000 and the Regulations on scholarship provision of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Buryat State University".

3. Final clause

All changes and additions to this Regulation are made in accordance with the regulations of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation regulating the conduct of intermediate certification of students in higher educational institutions, local regulations of the BSU, are discussed at a meeting of the University’s Educational and Methodological Council, agreed with the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and approved by the rector of BSU.

On September 1, 2013, the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” comes into force. In accordance with this law, the higher education system in the country is changing significantly. On the one hand, the law consolidates the positive experience that has been accumulated by the domestic education system, on the other, it takes into account global trends and prospects for the integration of Russian education into the global educational space.

How will this affect students?

Firstly, the rights and opportunities for students to receive education at various universities, including foreign ones, are expanding. The student can study academic disciplines at other universities, which will be counted and included in the diploma.

Secondly, state guarantees are given for obtaining a quality education, and the interests and rights of the student are protected. For example, in accordance with Article 34 of the law, in the event of suspension of the license or accreditation of a university, the founder ensures the transfer of students, upon their application, to other universities to accredited educational programs of the appropriate level and focus. Previously, students themselves looked for a university where they could continue their studies, and RosNOU already accepted students from several universities that had lost state accreditation.

Thirdly, the responsibility of participants in the educational process increases. As for students, they should know that now they will be able to retake academic debts (unsatisfactory grades and failure to appear for a test or exam) only twice. And the second time - by a specially created commission. If a student does not arrive to retake the debt within the time period established by the university or does not liquidate the debt, he is subject to expulsion from the university. The law determines the deadline for eliminating academic debt within a year. In RosNOU, as in other universities, it is planned to set a deadline for eliminating academic debt before the next session.

The law also introduces a new procedure - conditional transfer to the next year of those students who, for good reason, were unable to eliminate their academic debt within the established time frame.

At the same time, charging students for re-passing intermediate and final state certification is prohibited.

The rules for transferring from a paid place to a vacant budget place are changing - now only students who study at 4 and 5 can apply for this.

The entire higher education system is changing radically.

The name of the education that students receive after graduation is changing. Today this is higher professional education, from September 1 it will be simply higher education.

In higher education, three levels are established: level 1 - bachelor's degree, level 2 - specialty and master's degrees, level 3 - training of highly qualified personnel. The postgraduate education system has been abolished. Now federal state standards will also be developed for graduate students. They will be awarded university diplomas just like students.

Not only the form and type of higher education diploma is changing, but also its name. Students who have passed the state final certification will be issued a document on education and qualifications. It will not be called a government document. According to paragraph 11 of Article 60 of the law, samples of documents on education and qualifications will be established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

A new form of student ID and grade book has also been established, which will be received by students who entered universities after September 1 of this year.

You will find out what all this will be like very soon - when you enter RosNOU or any other equally worthy university. Good luck!

RosNOU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs,
professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences
Grigory Alexandrovich Shabanov

    A student is considered to have academic debt if he received a final grade below 4 points (on a 10-point scale) for an intermediate/final test of knowledge in a discipline, or for other types of educational work (practice, course work, research seminar), or not appeared for Exam 13 without a valid reason.

    Students who complete the academic year without academic debt are transferred to the next course in accordance with the established procedure.

    The procedure for transferring master's students who have successfully completed the required number of credits established in the working curriculum, but who have academic debt in disciplines in excess of the established required number of credits, is regulated by the Rules for the development and implementation of master's programs.

    Students who have less than three academic debts in different disciplines at the end of the academic year are allowed to take classes in the next year with the obligation to eliminate academic debt at the beginning of the new academic year in accordance with the approved schedule of retake periods.

    A student who fails to take the Exam for a valid reason is not considered to have academic debt. He passes it within the deadlines established by the dean of the faculty, during the next retake period.

    A grade of “unsatisfactory” or “failed” received during an intermediate or final test of knowledge in elective disciplines of the curriculum chosen by students and included in their individual plan on the basis of a written application is considered academic debt and is taken into account along with other debts.

    A “no pass” grade received in a university-wide elective is not considered academic debt.

    To eliminate academic debt, retakes are organized.

  1. Procedure for organizing retakes

    Students who have academic debts in three or more different disciplines at the same time 14 are not allowed to retake the results of the intermediate or final knowledge control and are subject to expulsion for academic failure immediately after receiving academic debt in the third discipline.

    It is prohibited to retake the results of an intermediate or final knowledge test in order to increase a satisfactory grade (from 4 points on a 10-point scale).

    Retaking the same discipline is allowed no more than two times.

    Retakes are carried out at any level of accumulated grade in a given discipline.

    The first retake is conducted by the teacher who took the Exam. Acceptance of the first retake by another teacher can be carried out only by agreement of the department with the teacher who conducted the Exam.

    The procedure for the first retake must fully comply with the procedure for passing the Exam. Only the score obtained in the Exam is subject to retake. Previously accumulated scores cannot be changed.

    The second retake of the Exam is accepted by a commission consisting of at least three people.

    The date of the second retake in the discipline, the composition of the commission and its chairman are determined by written order of the head of the department responsible for the implementation of the discipline. The commission consists of the teacher who took the Exam and at least two other teachers, one of whom is appointed as the chairman of the commission. The commission may include teachers from other departments. In the absence of a departmental structure in the department implementing the academic discipline, the above-described functions and procedures are performed by the dean of the faculty.

    When conducting the second retake, the commission, as an exception, may not take into account the results of the current knowledge control and set the resulting grade, determining the results of the student’s mastery of the discipline.

    The second retake of the oral examination is carried out in the presence of at least three members of the commission, including its chairman. The assessment is given at the end of the meeting.

    The second retake of the written examination is carried out in the presence of at least one member of the commission. Reading and evaluation of written work can be done by members of the commission independently. Marks for written work are transferred by members of the commission to the chairman of the commission. The grade for written work is issued no later than five working days after the retake.

    The mark for the Exam in the second retake is set by agreement of the members of the commission. If there is a discrepancy in assessments, the assessment of the commission chairman is decisive.

    Based on the results of the second retake, a protocol is drawn up and signed by all members of the commission. The protocol for retaking the oral examination contains the questions asked and a summary of the content of the answers. The protocol for retaking the written Exam contains written work questions and a brief conclusion on the content of the answers.

    If the discipline program does not provide for an Exam, and the resulting grade is determined based on the results of the current knowledge control, then for students who have academic debt in such a discipline, only one retake is organized, which is accepted by the commission, in accordance with the rules for the second retake, provided that the accumulated the assessment is not taken into account when assessed by the commission.

    For students with academic debt on coursework, only one retake is organized, which is accepted by the commission.

    The retake schedule is approved by the dean of the faculty twice a year.

    The start of the retake period cannot be scheduled before the end of the session of the second and fourth modules.

    Retakes cannot be scheduled during the holidays.

    Retake periods cannot end later than the deadlines indicated in the table:

    The retake schedule includes at least two dates for accepting the first retakes of the Exam by each teacher in whose discipline there are students with academic debts. The number of admission dates for the first retakes of the Oral Exam may be increased if the number of students with academic debts and absences for good reason during the session in this discipline at the faculty is more than 40.

    The retake schedule includes one date for accepting the second retake of the Exam by the commission empowered to accept the second retake of the Exam for each discipline in which students have academic debts at the end of the last session. The number of admission dates for the second retake of the Oral Exam may be increased if the number of students in this discipline at the faculty who have academic debts and absences for good reason during the session is more than 40.

    Teachers and departments implementing disciplines in which students have academic debts based on the results of the last session, inform and coordinate with the educational departments of the faculties the dates for accepting the first and second retakes, as well as the maximum number of students who can attend the retake on one date, no later than than 5 working days before the start of the retake period.

    The retake schedule is presented to students who have academic debts based on the results of the last session no later than three days before the date of the first retake. To notify students about the schedule, electronic information channels used by the faculty can be used.

    A student who has academic debt or missed the Exam during the session for a valid reason independently determines the retake date from the retake dates proposed in the schedule and registers in the academic department to participate in the retake on a specific day.

    The academic department keeps records of students who have signed up for retakes. If the maximum number of registered students, agreed with the teacher, is exceeded, the student is offered another date for retaking the Exam.

    Agreeing on a retake date between the student and the academic unit can be organized using corporate email or other communication channels used by the faculty.

    Examination sheets for retakes are prepared, transferred and received by the teacher/chairman of the commission in the manner established by these Regulations for registration, transmission and receipt by the teacher of examination sheets during the Examination.

    If a student is unable to appear for a retake for valid reasons, the student or the teacher/chairman of the commission notifies the academic department according to the rules used during the Examination.

    In the event of a significant number of absences of 15 students for valid reasons for the first or second retakes, by decision of the dean, additional dates may be determined within the dates established in clause 133 of these Regulations.

    At the end of the retake period, a student who has not managed to use the established number of retakes is considered a student who has not eliminated academic debt.

    A student who fails to appear for a retake due to health reasons during the retake period is required to submit an opinion from the clinical expert commission (hereinafter referred to as the CEC) of the state or municipal health care institution at the place of constant observation of the student on the possibility of granting him academic leave for medical reasons. In this case, a decision is made regarding the student to grant him an academic leave in accordance with the Procedure for granting academic leaves, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 5, 1998 No. 2782. The EEC conclusion must be submitted by the student to the educational part of the faculty within 3 working days days from the end of the retake period.

    In exceptional cases, it is possible to retake the Exam with an unsatisfactory grade, as well as in case of failure to appear, before the start of the retake period during the current session. The decision is made by the dean of the faculty in agreement with the teacher who conducted the Exam. The number of retakes does not increase and is regulated by clause 117 of these Regulations. A student’s application addressed to the dean with a request to allow him to retake the exam early as an exception must necessarily contain a description of the reasons with the attachment of documents confirming the exceptionality of the situation.

    The student is obliged to independently learn about the results of knowledge control. Ignorance of the results of knowledge control does not relieve the student of responsibility and cannot serve as an excuse for failure to appear for a retake or for violating the deadline for filing an appeal.

    For graduate students, by decision of the dean, it is allowed to retake academic debts for the third or fourth modules before the start of the final state certification.


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