Wheel winch on the field. Do-it-yourself winch - simple manufacturing methods

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Snow and mud are approaching, which means you need to think about various ways to save the car from the trap. Of course, the winch will be the most faithful assistant in this matter, it will allow you to pull the car out of almost any mud and snow drifts. Of course, such devices are installed mainly on SUVs, but thanks to the enthusiasm of do-it-yourselfers, now you can equip any car with a winch, and such a winch is made in just an hour. The device is mounted on the wheel in a couple of seconds without wrenches and other tools and is also easily removed. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the idea in the video in more detail.

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- a rim from a trailer, motorcycle "Ant" or similar;
- strong rope;
- strong steel stake (will serve as an anchor);
- dye;
- round.

List of tools:
- Bulgarian;
- vice;
- welding machine.

Homemade manufacturing process:

Step one. Preparing the disk
We choose a disk of a suitable diameter, the author has a disk slightly smaller than the diameter of his car wheel. In general, a car disk can also be adapted for such purposes. All we need to do is weld the hooks to the disc, and here it all depends on the design of the disc. If it is a steel disc with holes, you will succeed, but if it is cast, you will have to tinker with it.

We apply the disc to the car and make marks in the places where the hooks will be installed.

Step two. Manufacturing and installation of hooks
Round timber hooks will serve as hooks, the author used a rod from old paint rollers as a material. Cut off the desired pieces and bend. The more hooks there are, the more securely the structure will be fixed on the wheel. But be aware that if the hooks are welded crookedly, they may begin to bend under load or even come off. We constantly apply the product to the car disk and see if we are doing everything right.

Step three. Finishing touches and tests
In the end, paint the disk so that it looks good and does not smear rust on your hands. We go to the test, the author chose a suitable off-road. Such was a hill with a clay road, which was washed away by rain. The coating turned out to be very slippery, the clay clogs the tread and the car cannot move.

We install our self-extractor on the car disk. Of course, the puller must be installed on the drive wheel, the author has it in the front. Next, we insert the rope into the hole in the disk and tie a knot, wind the rope, the author has 20 m. But why hook on the rope? Everything is very simple, we need a steel stake, which we hammer into the ground with a sledgehammer and tie a rope to it.

That's all you can experience. The author moves off without problems and easily goes up the hill even under such terrible conditions.
The problem can only arise if the second wheel hangs or slips heavily, then the differential will not allow us to pull the car out of the trap. But this is rare and in most cases this winch will save. For the winch to perform better, the diameter of the self-recovery disk should be as small as possible.

That's all, I hope you liked the idea, good luck and creative inspiration if you decide to repeat it!

A winch is one of the most essential tools that every off-road conqueror should have. Indeed, without this mechanism, it will be almost impossible to pull your car out of a ditch or ford. Some motorists purchase ready-made winches and put them on power bumpers, while others make them with their own hands.

And if you are in doubt about choosing the right tool, you can try to make it yourself. Our today's article will help you with this.

What can be a homemade winch?

It should be noted that devices of this kind are divided into several categories depending on the type of their design. So, a homemade car winch can be:

  • manual;
  • electric;
  • hydraulic.

However, despite the different design, all three types of devices have the same principle of operation. It consists in the following: it is wound on a drum, which in turn rotates through the engine gearbox or due to the efforts of one's own hands. To understand this in more detail, consider each of these types separately.

Electric winches

Often, a car starter or a cargo generator is used in the operation of these tools. Even such a homemade winch can operate on a separately installed electric motor. In other cases, motorists remake the starter and generator to work in motor mode.

However, no matter what origin this quinoa would be, it must necessarily have a high torque so that the mechanism can pull a 2-ton huge jeep out of a ditch. And since the main energy for work is absorbed from the battery, motorists install batteries with a higher capacity. However, all the same, an electric motor, no matter how powerful it is, should not discharge the battery so much.

Hydraulic devices

The design of such winches is more complex than that of electric counterparts. As a rule, the drive is carried out using an oil pump. Despite their large size, winches of this type have great advantages - they provide the highest possible tractive effort, taking a minimum of energy from the vehicle's on-board network. In addition to SUVs, such home-made winches are installed on a tractor or walk-behind tractor.

Handheld Devices

These tools are made on the same principle as all the others. However, here the role of the engine is not performed by the starter and not by the oil pump, all efforts are made manually, that is, by human efforts.

The power of such a device directly depends on the physical strength of the operator and the total length of the lever. Therefore, homemade is equipped with a rather long lever. This creates the maximum traction force.

How to make?

A cable drum is a key unit that makes up any homemade winch. The drawings of this device must be as accurate as possible so that the mechanism works correctly and reliably. It’s good if you have such a drum ready-made, because it’s much more difficult to make it yourself.

How to make your own drum? To do this, you need to take a piece of pipe with thick walls, and with the help of electrodes and a welding machine, attach cheeks 5 millimeters thick to it. It is necessary to attach the driven gear to one of the last parts. The pipe itself is supplied with seats for bearings.

You can make a drum for a winch in another way. To do this, you need to have several hubs from any Zhiguli or Volga. They should grind a place for welding and attach the halves on a mandrel of the desired diameter in order to achieve alignment of all parts.

The gearbox is best taken with a large gear ratio (worm type). The main advantage of such a mechanism is the absence of the need to create a drum brake. Most often, motorists purchase a gearbox from trolleybus doors - it is easiest to mount it on the site.

If you decide to make a homemade winch driven by a starter, it is best to take a model with a planetary gear. This was once supplied with early Zhiguli motors.

To create a mechanism with a starter, the first step is to prepare a platform from a metal sheet. It is necessary to weld seats to it, on which the drum shaft will then be mounted. After that, the gearbox is installed here with the input shaft up.

A homemade adapter is mounted to the gearbox from above. We need it in order to install the starter. A gear with a certain tooth module is mounted on the input shaft. After the starter is finally attached to the structure. The final step is wiring. Everything, now such a winch can be placed on a car.

How is it installed on an SUV?

The first step is to determine the exact location for the placement of this equipment. It is best to fix the winch in the center of the bumper, and on its lower part. If an SUV with a plastic bumper, then, of course, it will not withstand a load of 2-2.5 tons, and simply come off the body. Therefore, instead of a plastic one, we put a strong, steel (power) impact element.

Next, on the power bumper, you need to make a platform of metal plates for the winch. The thickness of the steel sheet should be at least 0.5 centimeters. Then holes are marked here and drilled with an electric drill.

Now the metal platform is ready for installation on the bumper. It is worth noting that the winch is mounted here at the very last stage. First, the plate is attached to the bumper, and then a traction mechanism is installed to it. If the device, the control panel is additionally connected to the vehicle's on-board network. The connection with it occurs according to the following scheme - the “plus” is connected to the positive terminal of the battery, and the “minus”, respectively, to the negative. Everything, at this stage, the installation of a winch on an SUV can be considered complete.

What else is this tool useful for?

One of the main features of home-made mechanisms of this kind is the possibility of their use not for their intended purpose. This means that home-made can move heavy loads on the plot at any time.

To do this, it is not even necessary to remove it from the bumper (but in this case, you need to fit the car close to the location of the load, which is not always possible to do). Also, a homemade device can help you uproot old trees, stumps or transport logs. Sometimes such a winch is used to move pallets with building materials.


However, this tool has its limitations. Homemade winches are not entirely safe, and therefore not suitable for lifting loads, since they do not have a stopper. However, having made this tool once, you will not be afraid that your iron friend will get stuck off-road. At any moment, a homemade winch will be able to pull the SUV out of the ditch, no matter how deep it may be.

To understand why a car winch is needed, it is necessary to consider on which cars this device is installed. Most often, manufacturers equip machines designed for off-road driving with such units.

The thing is that when the vehicle starts to slip or cannot climb the slope, it is the winch that allows you to get out of this situation. At its core, this is a traction mechanism that can work both due to the physical strength of the driver, and with the help of an electric motor.

When the car gets stuck and cannot get out of the trap, it is enough to fix one end of the cable on some static object. Let's say you can wrap it around a boulder or several trees. After that, the driver will only have to press the button or grab the handle of the device, with which the car will be pulled out of the trap.

How to pull a car with a winch is shown in the video:

Why do you need a winch for an ordinary car

You have often seen serious SUVs equipped with a car winch. Thus, car companies make it possible for the buyer to understand in advance that this car is designed for harsh operating conditions. Off-road driving, mountainous terrain and windbreaks - that's why such a vehicle is needed.

Unfortunately, with our state of roads, every trip out of town turns into a real adventure. It is especially difficult to get to your favorite dacha or cottage in rainy weather. The road turns into a real mess, and getting stuck in another hole filled with muddy slurry is easy.

Attention! A car winch installed on a passenger car allows you to safely drive on almost any off-road.

That's just the price of such a device in the store is not at all small. Fortunately, the design itself is not particularly difficult, and every driver can do it with his own hands.

Video about electric winch:

How winches are classified

A car winch is one of the most popular tools among motorists. The fact is that due to its versatility, it can be used not only for towing a vehicle, but also for moving goods.

It is not surprising that many designs of this device were invented by professional engineers and motorists. Conventionally, they can all be classified according to the following parameters:

  • size,
  • designs,
  • specifications.

Accordingly, there are several classifications. Moreover, in many respects the possibility of assembling a car winch with your own hands depends on these parameters.

Attention! In order to assemble a truly complex structure with outstanding technical parameters, you will need technical education and expensive components.

Classification of winches depending on the type of construction

All structures can be divided into two types: stationary and removable. The first "tightly" are attached to the front of the body. Their main disadvantage is that due to the peculiarities of operation, corrosion begins to corrode the main structure of the car.

Important! Stationary car winches are highly reliable.

Among drivers, it is generally accepted that removable car winches are better than stationary ones. The main advantage of such products is that the driver himself can improve his car if the need arises.

The removable winch can be installed both in front of the car and behind. It all depends on the specific situation. Moreover, the device can be stored in the trunk. Therefore, it will not spoil the appearance of your vehicle.

Hand winch

The simplest are manual car winches. They are the easiest to construct with your own hands. But their operation will require a lot of effort from you.

Of course, the lever allows you to significantly reduce the physical effort required to drag the car. However, you are unlikely to be able to do it alone.

Usually, in order to pull the car with a manual winch, it is necessary that one person is behind the wheel, gently depressing the gas pedal, and the other turns the lever. Otherwise, you are unlikely to succeed.

The advantages of this particular design include:

  • compact size,
  • reliability,
  • ease of operation and installation.

If we take standard standards, then automobile hand winches are able to work with loads whose weight does not exceed 1000 kilograms. Usually, such devices are taken with them for their own complacency. They are not suitable for serious testing.

mechanical winch

An automobile mechanical winch operates by means of a motor. Its main difference from a mechanism that works due to physical strength is that the driver does not need to make any effort to tow the car.

Important! The main disadvantage of an automotive mechanical winch is that it will be completely incapacitated if the engine is not working.

Devices of this type are often installed on UAZ vehicles. The undeniable advantage of mechanical winches is power. It was quite enough to cope with such large machines. Despite this, the design itself is bulky and heavy.

A mechanical winch can look very good in a factory installation. But to design and install such a unit with your own hands is extremely difficult. Nevertheless, there are still enthusiasts who decide on such a difficult task.

Electric car winch

The electric car winch is the most popular among SUV drivers. The rotation of the drum is carried out thanks to an electric motor. Its power comes from the car battery. In fact, even if your engine stalls, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation thanks to the battery charge.

The hardest part of using a car electric winch is getting the battery consumption right. If you spend too much energy, you won't be able to return home on your own.

Attention! The load capacity of an eclectic car winch can reach 4000 kilograms.

In theory, the power of this device is enough to hang the car from a tree. As long as the branches hold up. It is also worth noting the high reliability of the unit.

Hydraulic winches

It is believed that this particular type of automobile winch has the most complex design of all. In principle, this is not surprising. Gadgets work thanks to the oil pump. The design itself consists of the following main elements:

  • oil pump,
  • drive,
  • oil tank.

The hydraulic car winch provides a smooth ride and has a lot of power. The disadvantages include increased explosiveness.

Starter winch

You can make a car winch from a starter with your own hands using a basic set of materials that are in any garage. The basis of the device will be a conventional car starter. The unit itself will work with a battery.

Advice! It is highly desirable that the design of the automobile starter has a planetary gearbox.

Excellent starters for car winches can be found in old Zhiguli. These devices are equipped with planetary gears, so you do not have to puzzle over their installation.


To create anything, you need to be well prepared. So grab a piece of paper and make a list of the materials you will need for your starter car winch. You need to remember to include the following items in it:

  1. Drum - this part can be made from a simple pipe. It is enough to weld cheeks to it, their thickness should be about five millimeters.
  2. Gears.
  3. Reducer.
  4. Cable.
  5. Welding machine.
  6. A metal sheet. With it, in the future, you will carry out the entire design process.
  7. Bulgarian.
  8. Cables.
  9. Measuring technology.
  10. Starter.

After you assemble this entire kit, you will need to clearly, in accordance with the instructions, assemble the device and install it.

Attention! If you don’t have an unwanted car, you can find a starter at a junkyard or purchase it at a car market.

We make a car winch from a starter with our own hands

Before you start the assembly process, you will need to prepare a platform appropriate for your task. It will consist of a thick sheet of steel. It is on it that the installation of the structure will take place, then the following steps will follow:

  1. Using a welding machine and bolts with nuts, attach the seats for the drum. Carry out the installation.
  2. Connect the drum to the gearbox. The input shaft is directed upwards.
  3. Connect gearbox and starter. For this operation, you will need an adapter. With it, you can install the starter.
  4. Equip the input shaft with a gear. The size of the tooth should ideally fit the entire structure.
  5. Activate the starter. If the shaft connects to the gear quickly and easily, then everything is in order, and you can continue the process of assembling a car winch.
  6. Slide the gear onto the gearbox shaft. To do this, you can use the flywheel crown.
  7. Securely fasten all structural elements.
  8. Connect electrical wiring.
  9. Install the control panel.

During the assembly process, oil, dust or some other dirt could get on the car winch. Clean your device carefully. Only after cleaning it will be possible to make a primer.

Advice! The paint color is best chosen according to the color of the car.

It is best to use the top of the bumper as a mounting location. It is well adapted for maximum loads. If you doubt the reliability of this element, make a platform for mounting a car winch with your own hands.

On the video how to make a winch from a starter:

DIY manual winch

A manual car winch can be made with a minimum of materials. That is why, in critical situations, this information will help you pull the car onto a flat surface on your own.

To make a manual car winch, you will need a strong axle. In its quality, ordinary scrap is better. Its strength is enough to tow a car.

The axle is driven into the ground. Other options are possible, the main thing is that the base is securely fixed. The end of the pipe must be put on the resulting structure. A lever is placed under the coil.

Attention! As a lever, you can use a shovel or a strong stick.

The other end of the cable will need to be attached to the car. As you can see, a similar design can be assembled in an open field, using only what is at hand. This is ideal when there are no others.

DIY hydraulic winch

The main difficulty in creating a hydraulic car winch with your own hands is finding a suitable motor. It is very important that the hydraulic motor fit on the front bumper.

Attention! You can use NSh-100 as a pump, power steering will also do a good job with this task.

Cut the channel on which the entire installation will be carried out in the future. For better fixation, two more elements can be welded. Hook their ends securely to the radiator.

After that, cut the shaft in accordance with the dimensions of the future design of the automobile winch. Make rings for the bobbin. Install brass rod bearings.

After you have welded all the elements together, it will be possible to install an automobile hydraulic winch on the machine. Do not forget to make a sliding gear on the shaft for quick unwinding.

The general principle of creating a mechanical winch with your own hands

Structurally, the device resembles the options described above. Except that a mechanical car winch is connected to a shaft. The platform for interaction is the transmission.

Attention! The winding speed in a mechanical type automobile winch is controlled by lowering and increasing the motor speed.

A device of this class can be set in motion using a transfer case. Unfortunately, due to the difficulties of installation and connection, few drivers risk assembling this particular design.

Operating rules

In order for the device to serve faithfully for many years, it must be used correctly. Here are the general rules:

  • The device can only be used to move objects horizontally.
  • The unit cannot be used for mounting elements of bridges and power lines.
  • Be sure to wear gloves when handling the cable.
  • Before starting work, you need to check all structural elements for operability.
  • The cable may only be approached or touched after the device has been switched off.

These simple rules will allow you to insure yourself against various surprises and avoid accidents while using the device.


As you can see, it is quite possible to assemble a car winch with your own hands. Moreover, to create the simplest design, you can use improvised means like a crowbar or a shovel. More complex options require an engine or the ability to connect to a motor.

Every motorist should know how to make a winch with their own hands. It is preferable to lay a starter at its basis; the technology for carrying out these works will be described below.

Varieties of winches

The winch acts as the most popular lifting mechanism. Its task is to move all kinds of goods with the help of portage in a horizontal plane. It can be used not only to pull the car out of the mud and sand, because there are not only car winches, but this article will focus on them.

If you will make a winch with your own hands, then you should know that these devices differ from each other in size, technical characteristics, as well as design features. Depending on this, several types of winches can be distinguished. They can be manual, representing a fairly simple design both during creation and during installation, they do not involve special financial costs and are small in size. This variety acts as the most labor-intensive among the rest. As the name implies, such a winch involves the application of considerable physical strength. This mechanism is able to work with a load whose mass does not exceed 1 ton, but sometimes there are exceptions, you can install the winch yourself. This variety acts as the most ideal, if we talk about the different cases that may occur along the way. But you should not place high hopes on such a design, since it will not show itself positively in particularly difficult cases.

Mechanical winches

There are mechanical winches that operate due to the power of the motor. This option is the most reliable, but motorists who are actively involved in off-road recreation find it ambiguous. This type of winch has high power, but takes up more space. If the car upon purchase had this type of winch, then the driver will feel protected in difficult conditions. However, quite rarely, such structures are installed on a car that does not initially have them. But you can resort to this solution, such a do-it-yourself winch, the drawings of which must be considered, can be made.

Electric winches

Electric winches can be distinguished, which are most popular among motorists. The rotation of the drum of such a unit occurs due to the action of an electric motor, which is powered by the battery of the machine. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not use up the energy of the engine so that it is possible to get home. These devices are the most practical, and with their help you can lift a load whose weight exceeds 4 tons. You can make a winch on the UAZ with your own hands, it will be a great helper in difficult situations.

Hydraulic winches

Hydraulic winches can be distinguished, which are considered the most complex units. Such devices have a pump, a tank, as well as a drive pump.

Self-made winch from a starter

A do-it-yourself winch can be made quite simply. As mentioned above, electric winches are the most common today. For this reason, it is worth considering how to make such a device yourself using the simplest materials. The design will be based on a car starter. It is recommended to use the starter that has a planetary gear.

Features of the work

A do-it-yourself winch can be made if some tools and materials are prepared by the master first. Among them, one can single out a cable, a welding machine, a grinder, a steel sheet, electrical wiring, a gearbox, a starter.

Work process

It is necessary to make a drum, which can be based on pipes. To the latter, the cheeks should be strengthened. Their thickness should vary within 5 mm. It is necessary to create a platform, based on which it is preferable to use sheet steel, it is on it that all elements will be installed. Washers, bolts, nuts, as well as seats for the drum will have to be strengthened on this site. Use a welding machine for this. At the next stage, it is necessary to mate the gearbox with the drum, the gearbox input shaft should be directed upwards. It is worth noting that a plow for a winch can be used in the work, such a design can be made with your own hands.

It is necessary to pair the starter with the gearbox using a certain technology. Initially, you need to mount the adapter, which will be needed to install the starter in the upper part of the gearbox, after which the input shaft must be supplemented with a gear that has a tooth of suitable dimensions. If these manipulations were performed correctly, then when the starter is turned on, the shaft and gear must be connected to the gearbox. When a winch is made from a starter with your own hands, the next step is to put on the gear, which can be the flywheel ring, put it on the input shaft of the gearbox.

Final works

At the next stage, you need to fix all the nodes of the structure. Electrical wiring is connected to the starter and the control panel is fixed. Do not forget that the mechanism must be cleaned of dust, dirt, oil stains, as well as substances that could interfere with the operation of the structure. Now you can prime the device, and then cover it with paint in one layer. You can do this work as you wish.

Features of the assembly

A do-it-yourself winch from a starter is made using a drum with a cable, which are the main working unit of the structure. The work can be completed in a shorter time if a similar unit is available. But the drum, as was said, can be made independently, the main thing is to use the thickest steel for this. On one of the cheeks that are welded to the pipe, you need to fix the gear, the latter will transfer forces from the gearbox through the transmission chain.

Before you make a winch with your own hands, you need to consider that the drum can be made of two hubs, which can be borrowed from the old Zhiguli. For which it will be enough to weld them on the thin side. It is necessary to carry out such work on a mandrel, only in this way it will be possible to connect the axes of the elements. When you choose a gearbox, you should be guided by the opinion that a self-made winch is able to work without a stopper. In this case, experts recommend using a gearbox that is used for the operation of trolleybus doors. Well, if you manage to find such an element. If this is not possible, you can assemble the structure, as mentioned above, from the starter. If you use a planetary gearbox, it will be convenient for the reason that it has little weight and does not take up much space. It is these parameters that are taken into account when the craftsmen design the product.


After you managed to make a winch with your own hands, you can at the last stage install the structure on the upper part of the bumper, since it is this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe car that has high reliability and strength. Otherwise, the design may not hold. Not every car has a durable bumper, in this case, experts recommend using a winch fixing attachment. If you need a winch for a UAZ, you can make it yourself according to the above scheme.

Perhaps the invention of the winch can be attributed to one of the wonders of technology, along with the wheel. Such a mechanism does not need a special introduction; anyone who has ever taken a bucket of water from a well with a collar is familiar with such a device. They are used in various fields of activity to move goods. And in many cases, for drivers stuck on the road, a car winch, whether it is made by hand or purchased, installed independently or factory, is a real lifesaver.

Such a multifaceted winch

Such a device has a lot of different modifications, differing primarily in the drive used. Among them it is worth noting such winches:

  • manual;
  • hydraulic;
  • mechanical;
  • electrical.

In addition to differences in the type of drive, winches differ in the way they are installed and mounted on a vehicle:

  1. stationary;
  2. portable (removable);
  3. mobile.

Also, the transfer of force can be different. On this basis, winches can be identified:

  • with winding drums;
  • with friction drums or pulleys.

It should be noted that the first of the presented classifications is the most common, so it will be possible to consider the car winches of the types indicated there in more detail.


A car winch of this type is arranged quite simply, most often the cable is wound on a drum or spool, through a system of sprockets of various sizes or a reduction gear driven by muscular force. What such a device might look like can be seen in the photo below, recommendations for use in the video


Do not confuse such a device with the manual mechanisms discussed above. In this case, a car winch is connected directly to the engine using a power take-off. One of its options is shown in the photo.

The advantage of such a winch is high traction and reliability, but it's a pity that it cannot be used on most machines. The fact is that only domestic military UAZs are equipped with a power take-off, and even some models, for example, Toyota or Nissan. However, it is worth noting such a drawback as the possibility of using it only when the engine is running, if it stalls, then such a car winch will not work either.

A photo of such a mechanism is shown below.

She has her own engine, hydraulic. And it is powered by a car engine. As in the previous case, this will be a significant disadvantage for a car winch; it will not work when the engine is stalled. The advantages include the high developed traction force, complete tightness and the absence of electricity consumption from the battery.


This is the most common type among all used. A similar car winch, the photo of which is given below as an example, is installed on almost all SUVs that overcome off-road.

There is a wide variety of their types, differing in traction and price. The most common is an electric winch with a horizontal motor. In this case, an electric motor, a drum with a cable and a gearbox, most often planetary, are located in the same plane. Another option for building such a mechanism is a variant with a vertical arrangement of the motor. Its advantage will be a high winding speed, but such devices are characterized by a high price. They are commonly used by athletes.

additional information

It is impossible not to separately touch on several issues of using the winch. Firstly, it can be permanently fixed to the car, most often in front. However, in this case, its mechanism is exposed to dust, dirt, moisture, which does not benefit it. To avoid this, many drivers practice the use of a portable winch, usually stored in the trunk of a car and removed if necessary.
Such a winch can be installed not only in front, but also in the back of the car, as, for example, in the photo below.

To do this, as a rule, it is only required to install an additional platform on the bumper (front or rear), to which the winch is attached.

A few words must be said about how to connect to the battery. An electric winch is a powerful consumer of energy, and therefore, with its frequent use on the road, it can become quite real when the native “battery” is completely discharged. To avoid this, in some cases it is worth thinking about an independent battery to power such a device.

How to make a winch on your own?

The above information allows you to evaluate how convenient and useful such a mechanism can be, especially in an extreme situation when driving off-road. If your car is stuck, there is nothing left but to pull out, and in this case, a do-it-yourself winch made on the spot from improvised means can be useful. One of its manufacturing options is shown in the photo.

The basis is the axis, which can be a strong stick, scrap, mounting, etc. It is hammered into the ground or fixed in any possible way. A piece of pipe is put on it, acting as a drum. One end of the cable is wrapped around a pipe segment, and a lever is inserted under one of the turns, which can be a strong stick, a shovel, a pry bar, etc. The second, the end of the cable is attached to the car. So with your own hands, if necessary, you can make a winch from improvised means.

The above is not the only option on how to make a car winch with your own hands. There is nothing surprising in this, because such a device is very useful, especially for "jeepers", but its price on sale is sometimes prohibitive. First of all, numerous attempts are connected with it with their own hands, in one form or another, to make a home-made automobile winch.

And I must say that sometimes home-made mechanisms are very interesting, which can be confirmed by a video showing a do-it-yourself not electric, but a winch on a wheel.

For vehicles operated in urban areas, a winch is an exotic thing. But for real all-terrain vehicles, for which off-road is their home, this is the number one thing.

And there is nothing surprising in the constant interest in such devices, as well as numerous attempts to make a car winch with their own hands.


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