Sample collective complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor? Sample

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Territorial department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the city _________ in the Central Autonomous Okrug
From gr. _________________________
living at: ___________________

G. in the store “Sale of Customs Goods” (IP _______________) at the address ________________________ I purchased a sheepskin coat made of beaver. The cost of the short fur coat was _________ rubles.
Arriving home, I discovered that the sheepskin coat had hidden flaws, which I could not find in the store itself. So, the pockets on it are on different heights, the bottom fastener is not working properly.
___________ I contacted the specified store with a demand for a refund of the amount paid for goods of inadequate quality. I drew up and submitted a statement with this requirement.
However, I was informed that it was not possible to pay the full amount on that day, and that I should come on __________.
When I arrived at the store on ___________, it turned out that no one was going to return the money for the sheepskin coat.
Thus, there are violations of my rights as a consumer.
So, according to Art. 4 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the seller is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product whose quality complies with the contract. If there are no conditions in the contract regarding the quality of the goods, the seller is obliged to transfer to the consumer goods that meet the usual requirements and are suitable for the purposes for which goods of this kind are usually used.
If the seller, when concluding the contract, was informed by the consumer about the specific purposes for purchasing the goods, the seller is obliged to transfer to the consumer the goods suitable for use in accordance with these purposes.
Obviously, when buying an expensive sheepskin coat, I expected that I would receive a thing of decent quality and there could be no talk of any of its shortcomings. However, I was sold a low-quality sheepskin coat.
In accordance with Art. 18 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer, in the event of detection of defects in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, has the right, at his choice:
demand replacement with a product of the same brand (same model and (or) article);
demand replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price;
demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of costs for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.
Also according to Art. 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality.
According to Art. 22 of this Law, the consumer’s demands for the return of the amount of money paid for the goods, as well as the demand for compensation for losses caused to the consumer as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality, are subject to satisfaction by the seller within ten days from the date of presentation of the corresponding demand.
In addition, according to Art. 23 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, for violation of deadlines for fulfilling consumer requirements, the seller pays the consumer a penalty (penalty) in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods for each day of delay.
Due to the sale of goods to me of inadequate quality, violation of my rights and ignorance of my legal requirements, I was forced to seek legal assistance to restore my violated rights. Price legal services amounted to 17,500 rubles for me. These expenses are losses for me, since I incurred them in connection with the restoration of my violated rights.
Also, due to the violation of my rights as a consumer, I was caused moral damage, for which I have the right to compensation in accordance with Art. 15 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. Moral harm for me was expressed in the fact that winter time, in connection with which I specifically purchased this sheepskin coat, I, in fact, found myself without winter clothes. In this regard, I experience strong moral suffering, which is expressed in a feeling of deception. In addition, I also experience physical suffering, because during the cold season I am deprived of the opportunity to dress warmly, and therefore I freeze outside. I estimate moral damage at _________ rubles.
Taking into account the fact that my demands have not yet been fulfilled voluntarily by the seller, I, in accordance with Art. 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” in ________, I submitted a written claim to the Seller with the requirements:
- return of the cost of goods of inadequate quality (__________);
- full compensation for losses caused to me as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality (__________);
- compensation for moral damage (__________).
However, to date my legal demands have not been satisfied.
In connection with the above
1) consider the circumstances of the work of this organization and take measures to restore legality;
2) Resolve the issue of responsibility of persons guilty of breaking the law.
1. Copy of the cash receipt.
2. A copy of the contract for the provision of legal services with payment documents.
3. Copy of the complaint to the seller dated ___________.
4. A copy of the return application dated ___________.

________________ ________ " " _______________ G.

  • It is no secret that office work negatively affects both the physical and mental state of the employee. There are quite a lot of facts confirming both.

  • Every person spends a significant part of his life at work, so it is very important not only what he does, but also with whom he has to communicate.

The applicant purchased from the store Charger for laptop. Arriving home, connecting the charger to the outlet according to the instructions, after 1.5 hours the charger began to spark and melt. The applicant contacted the seller demanding a refund of the money paid. Money However, it was refused for a low-quality product. The applicant requests that the facts stated be verified and those responsible for violating the rights of persons be held accountable. Provide assistance in restoring violated rights.

IN Federal service on supervision
in the field of rights protection
consumers and well-being
person (Rospotrebnadzor)
Address: _____________________

Address: _____________________

A laptop charger worth ____________ rubles was purchased at the LLC “____________” store in the “_______________” showroom.
Arriving home, having connected the charger to the outlet according to the instructions, after 1.5 hours the charger began to spark and melt, and there was a smell of burnt wiring.
On the same day, I contacted the seller demanding a refund of the money paid for the low-quality product.
____________ I received a written refusal.
In accordance with Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract.
If there are no conditions in the contract regarding the quality of the product (work, service), the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service) that meets the usually required requirements and is suitable for the purposes for which a product (work, service) of this kind is usually used .
According to Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about goods (works, services), ensuring the possibility of their the right choice.
According to clause 5 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, an importer are obliged to accept goods of inadequate quality from the consumer and, if necessary, check the quality of the goods. The consumer has the right to participate in checking the quality of the product.
In the event of a dispute about the reasons for the occurrence of defects in the goods, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, or the importer are obliged to conduct an examination of the goods at their own expense.
The consumer's demands for a proportionate reduction in the purchase price of the product, reimbursement of expenses for correcting defects in the product by the consumer or a third party, return of the amount of money paid for the product, as well as a claim for compensation for losses caused to the consumer as a result of the sale of a product of inadequate quality or the provision of inadequate information about the product are subject to satisfaction by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) within ten days from the date of presentation of the relevant demand.
Based on Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the buyer has the right, in the event of detection of defects in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, at his choice has the right to: demand replacement with a product of the same brand (same model and (or) article); demand replacement with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price; demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price; demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of costs for their correction by the consumer or a third party; refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods.
According to Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" for violation of consumer rights, the manufacturer (performer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) bears responsibility as provided by law or contract. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the obligation established by the specified rules of law, LLC "___________" has not been fulfilled, I have the right to refuse to execute the purchase and sale agreement and demand a return of the funds paid.
In accordance with Art. 40 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation is entrusted with the following powers:
carrying out activities related to control - checking compliance by manufacturers (performers, sellers, authorized organizations or authorized individual entrepreneurs, importers) with the mandatory requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of consumer rights protection, as well as mandatory requirements for goods (works, services);
issuing, within the powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, instructions to manufacturers (performers, sellers, authorized organizations or authorized individual entrepreneurs, importers) to stop violating consumer rights, on the need to comply with mandatory requirements for goods (work, services);
in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking measures to suspend the production and sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) that do not meet mandatory requirements (including those with an expired expiration date), and goods for which an expiration date should be established, but has not been established suitability, based on recall from the domestic market and (or) from the consumer or consumers of goods (works, services) that do not meet mandatory requirements, and informing consumers about this;
sending to the body that licenses the relevant type of activity (licensing body) materials on violations of consumer rights for consideration of issues of suspension or cancellation of the relevant license in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
sending materials to the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies within their jurisdiction to resolve issues of initiating criminal cases based on crimes related to violations of laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation of Consumer Rights;
filing applications in court to protect consumer rights, legitimate interests of an indefinite number of consumers, as well as applications for liquidation of the manufacturer (executor, seller, authorized organization, importer) or termination of activities individual entrepreneur(an authorized individual entrepreneur) for repeated or gross violation of consumer rights established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
On the basis of the above,

1. Consider this complaint on its merits.
2. Conduct an investigation into the facts I have stated, bring to justice those responsible for violating my rights, and also provide assistance in restoring the violated rights.

1. Copy of the check dated ___________
2. Copy of the application dated ___________.
3. A copy of the refusal dated ___________.
4. A copy of the claim dated ________.
5. A copy of the response from _______.

" " ______________ G. ___________/____________/

When purchasing a product, the consumer does not always immediately pay attention to quality and suitability for use. It is also often possible to find expired suitability. Such situations require citizens to be attentive, because Consumption of expired products threatens health deterioration. Stores that do not comply with sanitary and consumer standards must be punished. Because of this, you need to know where and how to complain.

This article will fully cover the question of how to write a complaint against a store regarding expired food, noise and other pressing issues.

The portal provides consultations with lawyers who will help you draw up applications free of charge, tell you how to properly file a complaint, etc.

Every consumer should have the knowledge of where to file complaints if their rights are violated. After all, non-compliance with the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” can come from a store, a financial institution, a beauty salon, etc.

The responsibilities of Rospotrbenadzor include many functions, for example:

  • Control over sanitary compliance and established standards in all public companies: schools, cafeterias, grocery stores, office rooms and other.
  • Control over the quality of prepared food products, incl. level of radiation and exposure.
  • Epidemiological monitoring of the situation both within the Russian Federation and checking of foreign nationals arriving in the territory of our country. Vaccination, information alert, etc.
  • Buyer protection.
  • Protection in the field of service provision.
  • Protection against fraud in promotions and lotteries.
  • Control of financial institutions with additional lending services.
  • Control over collection entities.
  • Licensing.
  • Other responsibilities.

If you have doubts about whether the situation is suitable for contacting Rospotrebnadzor, you can consult with the competent lawyers of our portal. We remind you that consultations are free and are carried out 24 hours a day.

Questions to contact the regulatory authority

The list of reasons for contacting Rospotrbenadzor is presented in an official document by this organization, which describes all functionality. If the rights of the buyer are violated, if the store makes noise that interferes with proper rest, or the seller has not fulfilled the requirements for replacing the goods, you can safely contact Rospotrbenadzor.

This organization has the full range of capabilities to force the store to eliminate the noise and fulfill the customer's legitimate demands. Poor quality of services and food are the main reasons for writing complaints about stores.

The second main reason is various violations in the housing and communal services sector. These usually include illegal increases in tariffs, poor quality of services, violation of sanitation standards and other aspects. For example, if in apartment building if there are cockroaches, and the Management Company does not take control measures, then you can file a claim against the management company with Rospotrbenadzor.

Complaint procedure

The first step when purchasing a low-quality product is to file a verbal complaint with the store administration. Proof of purchase is cash receipt. The buyer has the right to demand an exchange for a quality product or a refund.

If you receive a refusal to the above requirement, it is recommended to draw up a complaint (2 copies) and submit it to Rospotrbenadzor. The first copy with the date of receipt and signature of the employee remains with the client, the second with the organization. Branches of the institution are located in every city and most villages. This organization is authorized to conduct various inspections.

You can also complain about a store through Russian Post, by phone number hotline or through the website. How and where to contact via the Internet will be described in the following sections.

Registration of the appeal occurs within 3 working days from the date of its submission. The consideration of the complaint must be carried out within a calendar month. If your application is refused, you can complain to the prosecutor's office or the Federal Surveillance Service.

Often there are situations related to the underweight of food products or a price that does not correspond to the price tag. These situations also require contacting a regulatory authority with a complaint against the store. These organizations include the Department for Combating Economic Crimes. The claim is submitted at the consumer's location.

On the portal you can download a sample of the following documents for free:

Filing a complaint via the Internet

Where and how to contact if it is not possible to visit Rospotrebnadzor in person? With the development of IT technologies, citizens can contact the regulatory authority via the Internet with a complaint about the store. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • visit the official website - rospotrebnadzor(dot)ru;
  • select the appropriate section;
  • attach the completed application;
  • enter information in the appropriate fields;
  • leave your contact details.

Do not forget about the territorial location of the store, because... In the absence of this data, consideration of the application will take a long time. You should also clearly follow the instructions on the website in order for your application to be accepted for consideration.

On the official portal of the organization you will find full information about the scope of activity of the body, how and where to file a complaint, forms for online appeal, regulations and much more.

By the way, on that website you can also find contact information for all state reception offices regarding your question. In addition, you can find territorial authorities that you can contact via the Internet. Regardless of the application form, the answer will be sent in a way convenient for you.

Important consumer information

As mentioned above, you can contact the regulatory authority in case of violation of all consumer rights - be it a low-quality product or service, violation of food storage standards, running cockroaches and other situations.

If the following violations are detected, each consumer has the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor:

  • provision of low-quality services or sale of such goods;
  • on safety issues for human health and the environment;
  • knowingly false information about a product or service;
  • in case of any violation of the client’s rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Remember that only a conscious attitude towards your health and the preservation of the environmental situation will allow regulatory organizations to bring violators to justice. Otherwise, their activities may go unpunished.

Reasons for refusal to consider a complaint

The main reason why a claim may be refused is the lack of competence of the organization in this matter. In this case, the application should be redirected to another department. This will be indicated in the response letter to the appeal. The response should be expected no later than seven days after registering the complaint.

Also, if contact information was not indicated in the appeal:

  • passport number and series;
  • almost shipping address;
  • registration address.

That application will also not be considered and, accordingly, there is no need to wait for a response.

Another factor in the refusal is the legal battle with Rospotrebnadzor on another issue. If there are threats, blackmail, abuse, insults and disrespectful treatment, no response will be given. A complaint will be rejected if its text cannot be read or a return mailing address cannot be established.

If the rules allow you to give an answer and the return address is readable, then even if there is a refusal, the consumer will receive an appropriate notification that will describe the reasons for the impossibility of considering the application.

You should contact Rospotrebnadzor promptly in the event of a violation. A complaint against the store is registered within three days. The response is received within a calendar month. Experts in the field of consumer protection advise visiting the regulatory authority in person and filing a complaint under the guidance of a representative of the organization.

Want to complain about a store because of noise? Brief instructions

In today's realities of life, it is difficult to surprise a person if the store is located on the first and semi-basement floors of an apartment building. Often this is the reason why conflict situations, the main cause of which is noise: industrial air conditioners, unloading and loading in the silence of the night, work refrigeration units etc.

What to do in such a situation and where to go? The main destination is the same Rospotrebnadzor. The scheme of actions is the same:

  • We formulate applications addressed to the main manager in the territorial department.
  • We describe the current problem.
  • We attach the evidence base (photos, video report).
  • Indicate your request for noise measurements (necessary for further litigation).

In addition to the application, it is very important to provide evidence that will be significant when going to court. For example, these could be similar noise complaints from neighbors (class action lawsuit). It is also possible to conduct pre-trial measurements.

Important information!!! IN The impact of noise and vibration waves on the central nervous system and autonomic system was recorded from 40 to 70 dB. Research in this area has shown that when exposed to noise, a person’s performance decreases by 10%, the level of perception of illness increases by 15%, and the causes of insomnia are recorded in 45/100 cases.

A sample noise complaint statement can be downloaded on the portal for free:

After the application is submitted to Rospotrebnadzor, its employees set a day to measure the noise that comes from the specified facility. This procedure is carried out after coordination of actions with the prosecutor's office. The defendant or his official representative must be present during the measurement.

If the measurement shows that the standards and rules for maintaining this equipment are exceeded, an order will be issued to eliminate it. Thus, the defendant is obliged to eliminate the source of noise within the specified period.

Practice shows that these instructions are often ignored by the defendant. In this case, you should write another statement. But if this application remains unanswered and the violations are not eliminated, you can safely go to court to eliminate the equipment and receive compensation for moral and physical damage.

The complexity of the situation may be due to the lack of a response from the regulatory authority or the measurements being taken on a date other than that indicated in the response. It must be remembered that the inaction of this institution can be appealed by sending a letter to the head of the territorial unit or to the court.

Proceedings through the court

Often, noise litigation ends up in court. Direct statement of claim on the fact of violation by the store of the conditions of SanPiN and the reasons for which harm to health is caused.

The following must be attached to this document:

  • letters sent to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • noise measurements taken;
  • photographs and video report of the object;
  • contact independent expert organizations, and also attach the results to the claim.

The harmful effects of noise on the human body, both physical and moral, are quite difficult to prove in court. To do this you should attach medical examination, involve the doctors who performed the diagnostics, and also collect testimony from neighbors in writing.

As a rule, the result of a lawsuit is a proposal by the defendant for a settlement, in which guarantees will be given to eliminate the causes of noise. Otherwise, the defendant will be held accountable according to the administrative code and fines will be imposed.

Rospotrebnadzor is the main government body controlling the sphere of trade and the provision of other services. This body is designed to protect the rights of consumers and carry out sanctions against violators.

If a buyer is sold a low-quality product or there are other violations in the service sector, anyone can write a written appeal to Rospotrebnadzor. The complaint must indicate the rights that were violated and the name of the violating organization.

An appeal to Rospotrebnadzor should be drawn up according to the following plan:

  • In the upper right corner, indicate the name of the Rospotrebnadzor office to which the complaint is being filed;
  • Please provide the applicant's personal information below. Full name and residential address;
  • Highlight the word “Claim” in the title;
  • Next, write a description of the essence of the complaint. The document must indicate the date of purchase or use of the service, the name of the seller who sold the goods, the place of purchase, the name of the organization or store;

In the descriptive part, you cannot use obscene expressions or incomprehensible wording. The essence of the complaint must be stated clearly and concisely. The consumer should try to use only business style when describing the complaint. In addition, you must write in clear, legible handwriting.

  • After describing the circumstances of the purchase, list the regulations that govern this issue. Specify the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Articles 18, 19, 20, 21, 25;
  • Formulate requirements for the selling party that sold the low-quality product;
  • List all the documents that are attached to the completed claim;

Additionally, you need to provide: checks, invoices, the seller’s refusal to return money, a copy of the claim submitted to the store and other documents proving the fact of purchasing a low-quality product or service.

  • At the bottom of the claim, put your personal signature and record the date the document was drawn up.

In what cases is a complaint written to Rospotrebnadzor?

The consumer can file a complaint with the regulatory authority only in certain cases:

  • The selling party refuses to fulfill its obligations to exchange or return the product;

For example, a consumer was sold a defective meat grinder. According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, he has the right to return low-quality goods to the store and put forward demands: return of money paid, exchange of goods for an analogue or similar model with subsequent recalculation of the price. In addition, the buyer may demand that problems with the purchased meat grinder be corrected at the expense of the selling party. If the seller refuses to comply with these requirements, it is necessary to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.

  • The buyer was not provided with all the services indicated in the price list;

For example, a consumer paid for a massage in a beauty salon. According to the price list, the procedure should last 1 hour, but the client is given only a 30-minute massage. This is a violation on the part of the administration of the beauty salon. The consumer is required to reimburse part of the funds for the service not provided. If salon employees refuse to do this, they must issue an official refusal to fulfill their obligations. This document must be drawn up in writing and attached to the complaint sent to Rospotrebnadzor.

  • Poor quality service provided (tourist, medical, financial, etc.).

Time limits for consideration of such a claim

A written complaint is processed by Rospotrebnadzor employees within 3 days. However, the period for reviewing the document may vary.

The exact period depends on the following conditions:

  1. If the problem described in the complaint is within the competence of other regulatory authorities, the document will be sent to the appropriate authority. Referring a complaint to another government agency can be carried out within 7 working days;
  2. In other cases, the complaint is considered no more than 30 days. The period is counted from the date of registration of the claim. After considering the issue, Rospotrebnadzor sends an official response to the address specified in the document.

In some cases, Rospotrebnadzor may refuse to consider a claim:

  • The document is drawn up in an incorrect form, that is, incorrect wording, profanity, etc. are used;
  • Incomprehensible handwriting, due to which the supervisory authority employee cannot identify the essence of the complaint.

In case of refusal to consider, Rospotrebnadzor sends its response to the consumer within 7 days.

What is the purpose of an organization like Rospotrebnadzor?

Before filing a claim with Rospotrebnadzor, you should understand what issues are within the competence of this regulatory body. The powers and responsibilities of this service are strictly regulated by law.

Main functions of Rospotrebnadzor:

  • Checking sanitary conditions public institutions(cafes, restaurants, offices, shops, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.);
  • Checking the quality of manufactured products;
  • Measurement of radiation levels in various public places;
  • Epidemiological control. Identification of epidemic foci, checking the health of people coming from epidemically dangerous regions, timely vaccination and informing the country’s population;
  • Consumer rights Protection;
  • Protection of the rights of persons who have received poor quality services in any area;
  • Controlling the activities of companies that organize lotteries or drawings. If consumer rights are violated in this area of ​​activity, Rospotrebnadzor carries out an inspection;
  • Checking the services provided financial institutions. Rospotrebnadzor checks the conditions for the provision of loans, credits and other banking services;
  • Monitoring the legality of actions of collection companies;
  • Issuance of permits for certain types of work, production of products;
  • Implementation of other measures to improve the well-being of the country's population. These measures must not contradict current legislation.

In order not to receive a refusal to consider a claim filed with Rospotrebnadzor, make sure that the solution to the problem is within the competence of this body. Please consult with qualified lawyers on this issue in advance.

It happens that after purchasing a product, you notice that it does not meet standards, the non-working state of certain mechanisms, a manufacturing defect (or even an expired product). Arriving at the store, you demand a refund for the product or an exchange of the product for a similar one, but are immediately refused by a careless seller. And for justice to prevail and your legal right to be satisfied, it’s time to write a complaint against a store or enterprise that provides poor-quality service or sells defective goods.

Before writing a complaint, you should thoroughly study the subject of the dispute. In addition, in addition to the law, there is a list of goods that cannot be returned, so if the subject of the dispute is on this list, writing a complaint will be pointless.

How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and against whom?

If you are absolutely sure that a violation has occurred on the part of the seller in the area of ​​trade, feel free to write a complaint. In this case, information on how to properly file a complaint will be useful to you.

Stages of contacting Rospotrebnadzor:

  • 1. Fill out in 2 copies.
  • 2. In the upper right corner of the sheet, indicate the full name of the head of the organization, below is your contact information (an anonymous complaint will not be considered by the government agency).
  • 3. Write the word “Complaint” in the center, and below state its essence. Recommendation: make links to articles of laws that, in your opinion, were violated by the culprit.
  • 4. Do not forget to indicate the details of the culprit (full name of the individual entrepreneur, phone number, legal addresses), if you have such information.

There are such features of filing a complaint with the Office: Rospotrebnadzor from the buyer:

  • we submit a petition to the district authority; Each district has its own Office, for example, in St. Petersburg it is located at st. Stremyannaya, house 19;
  • how to send? – you can do this by registered mail, submit it via the Internet (electronic complaint) or hand it personally to an authorized person;
  • the application is drawn up in the prescribed form (sample can be downloaded);
  • It is advisable to confirm the words of the claim with documents (for example, a check, an agreement, a written refusal from the store, a warranty card).

A letter of dissatisfaction to Rospotrebnadzor can be written not only against a store; it accepts applications against any authorities and companies that do not fulfill their official obligations to taxpayers by selling them low-quality goods or services. The list includes:

  • restaurants or other catering;
  • housing and communal services;
  • tour operators;
  • dentistry;
  • veterinary clinics;
  • dry cleaners;
  • hairdressing salons;
  • Post office;
  • pharmacies, etc.

How to complain to Rospotrebnadzor about debt collectors?

It happens that the collection agency goes too far: it threatens, extracts money by force, breaks into your home, or you are bothered by frequent night calls. Rospotrebnadzor does not consider the activities of such companies to be legal at all, therefore, as soon as you correctly draw up a complaint, the government agency will begin proceedings.

In addition, submit a document to misconduct from the collector side you can:

  • Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • prosecutor's office or police.

Complaint against the developer

More than once, things happen with the developer in such a way that the rights of investors under the equity participation agreement are violated. For example, this could be the imposition of special companies to provide services, payments for housing before the registration of the contract, etc. Such disagreements can be resolved by filing a complaint against the developer.

How can I complain to Rospotrebnadzor about neighbors for noise?

Lawlessness from neighbors in residential multi-storey building- a frequent occurrence. Constant drinking, noise, smoking landing- all these are violations on their part. Therefore, you always have the opportunity to restore order with the help of the competent authorities. You can submit an application:

  • to the district police officer for exceeding the normal noise threshold;
  • V management company for unauthorized seizure of territories;
  • to the SES for violation sanitary standards(unsanitary conditions: garbage, cockroaches, etc.);
  • V Rospotrebnadzor for the spread of harmful substances from residents throughout the territory of an apartment building.

The document is drawn up according to standard sample, indicating the full name of the person who is dissatisfied and a detailed description of the current situation.

Can you complain to Rospotrebnadzor about a bank?

Many banks distort commission information and impose Additional services and try with all their might to hide it from the client important information. Example: you may have claims against the bank for imposed insurance, for a loan agreement, for charging a one-time fee for opening an account, and much more. After receiving a complaint against the bank Rospotrebnadzor checks contracts and conducts investigations. If the bank is found to be at fault, then fines will be collected from it, in some cases financial institution loses its license.

To the service center

When our equipment breaks down, we immediately hand it over for repairs to service center. But it’s not so simple here: they may unreasonably increase the price of repairs (not according to the price list), delay the delivery of the object for long term or not accept it for warranty repairs. The worst thing is when you pick up your item, and after a couple of days it stops functioning again. There is a way out - contact a higher authority Rospotrebnadzor with a claim.

To the insurance

It happens that by providing documents to insurance company due to an incident (for example, under compulsory motor liability insurance), you are denied repairs or insurance payment. In addition, there may be such violations:

  • refusal to enter into a contract with you;
  • violation of the deadlines for consideration of your application;
  • inflated insurance rates and demands to pay additional money;
  • imposition of other insurance products.

Important! IN Rospotrebnadzor Only individuals can write a letter!

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