DIY computer desk. DIY corner computer desk DIY small computer desk

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The activities of a modern person are almost always connected with a computer. We work, study, relax or plan a vacation without looking up from the monitor. In many ways, comfort and health depend on computer furniture. Sometimes ready-made furnishings are not suitable and you have to assemble them yourself.

Furniture for yourself or creating a computer table with your own hands

As you know, demand creates supply. But, unfortunately, manufacturers, having released several successful models, stop further development. Smaller companies, adding a few parts, pass off a product from a large manufacturer as their own model.

As a result, the same type of designs, differing in price, quality, and color, reach the consumer. And such a computer desk does not always fit into the interior of the apartment. The originality of the interior in this case is also in question.

Alternatively, you can order furniture from a workshop, but its cost will be higher than the market average. But in fact, this is a homemade computer desk that you can easily make yourself.

Materials and fasteners - features and difficulties when choosing

Drawings and diagrams are the basis from which every more or less complex work begins. A pre-prepared project will begin to bring benefits already at the preliminary stage. It will help you make a computer desk with your own hands at minimal cost. After all, with the help of a sketch you can evaluate the design of the future product and calculate the required amount of materials and fasteners.

Furniture can be made from many materials, the most popular are:

  • MDF is a medium-density fiberboard characterized by strength, appearance, resistance to temperature and humidity. In our case, strength and appearance are of primary importance;
  • Chipboard in its basic version has an unpresentable appearance, but at the same time it is reliable and easy to work with. The main advantage is the price. Chipboard was widely used in furniture production several decades ago. Today, more comfortable and beautiful materials have appeared on the market;
  • Solid wood. The natural pattern of wood with a little imagination will easily fit into the interior of any room. The main disadvantage of such blanks is their high cost. Working with wood is no more difficult than working with other materials, but much more interesting. In addition, wood parts can be easily combined with glass, plastic, metal, etc.
  • Plywood. A good option for creating a computer desk yourself. There are three categories of plywood sheets: A, B, C. For us, category A is the best option, because there are no knots or cracks on it.

Materials for making furniture must be safe, durable and wear-resistant. After all, a computer table, at which you will spend many pleasant minutes, is made for more than one year. It will be an additional advantage if you choose a coating that is resistant to abrasive substances. After all, sooner or later the table will need to be cleaned.

Computer tables are difficult furniture to assemble; you can’t get by with self-tapping screws alone. We will fix the design details with metal furniture corners, Euroscrews/confirmations, strips with rollers, etc.

Types of computer desks and their design features

Before assembling furniture for your computer, we will try to study as much relevant literature as possible. It’s great when there’s a store nearby and you can take a look at the model you’re interested in. Perhaps the sample displayed in the store will help you assemble a computer desk yourself.

By and large, all drawings of computer desks come down to three main types and variations on their theme:

  • Classic straight desk-like products and regular desks. As a rule, they are installed along windows and walls;
  • Corner table. It is compact in size and, accordingly, takes up little space. The peculiarity of such products is the small amount of materials needed to create them;
  • Combined tables - combine the advantages of the previous options.

Regardless of which model you choose, the following parts will be included in its design:

  • Tabletop monitor stand – rectangular or corner type. Depending on the model you choose;
  • A keyboard shelf is an essential component of such furniture. It allows you to save space on the tabletop, provides free access to input devices (keyboard, mouse);
  • Shelf for the system unit.

If necessary, you can add bedside tables, cabinets, shelves. Corner structures are small in size - they take up little space. Often, combined models are made based on them.

Linear computer desk - from simple to complex

You can try and create a corner computer. But while we are just learning, let’s put aside sketches of complex products. For the first time it is better to focus on linear structures.

Specialized literature provides formulas that allow you to calculate the optimal dimensions of furnishings, depending on the individual characteristics of a person. In fact, furniture factory designers have long calculated the dimensions for any furniture, including tables:

  • For a tabletop, the average length is 60–70 cm;
  • Stand for the system unit. The dimensions of this element vary from 22 to 30 cm;
  • The depth of the product is 65 cm. This allows us to include in the design a bedside table for various small items and a stand for the monitor;
  • Keyboard shelf: depth – 40 cm, length – 65 cm;
  • Table height 75 cm is the standard value for furniture of this type;
  • Monitor stand. Height – 12 cm, width – 50 cm, depth – 30 cm.

Based on these averaged parameters, we will assemble a computer one. You can take the drawings from online resources and adapt them to suit yourself, or you can design future furniture yourself. It is preferable to use a ready-made project - after all, this is our first product of this type.

An excellent material for making furniture is “A” category plywood, 1–1.2 cm thick. The price is not much different from chipboard, but it is much more reliable. And with proper processing, its appearance will not be inferior to the pattern of natural wood or laminated MDF panel. Of course, the latter is able to withstand high temperatures and resist moisture. However, computers and office equipment have an extremely negative attitude towards such conditions, and it is not recommended to place equipment in such places.

Necessary tools and steps for creating a desk for a computer and office equipment

With the right approach, a self-assembled computer desk will be as good as factory furniture and will please the eye for a long time. The result largely depends on the tools. We will need:

  • Measuring tools (tape measure, ruler);
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Chisels of different widths;
  • Marker or pencil;
  • Sander.

Of course, a jigsaw can be replaced with a hacksaw, a screwdriver with a screwdriver, and a grinder with sandpaper. However, it is better to work with comfort and the quality will be higher.

In the design of a linear product, there must be a back wall - a crossbar, measuring 1/3 of the height of the table. It will give the product additional rigidity. It is better to immediately abandon open shelves for placing peripheral devices (printer, fax, etc.) at the bottom of the structure - they can be dropped by accidentally hitting them with your feet.

We will create the table in several stages. The first is the preparation of patterns and their transfer to plywood sheets. We cut out the parts along the outlined boundaries with an electric jigsaw. We seal the ends with PVC film or similar materials.

It will be more convenient to work at the computer if you include a bedside table and shelves in the design of the table. They will complicate the product, but not fatally. The cabinet is assembled in the form of a plywood box with confirmations; later we will install shelves or drawers inside it. For the latter you will need strips with rollers, and for the latter you will need to make stops from scraps of plywood. You can fasten the shelves with euroscrews or corners, but this design is not reliable. The stand for the system unit is assembled in a similar way. The difference is in size.

Cutting, cutting out the side posts and the back bar are simple steps in assembling a computer desk. We will connect the tabletop with the stands with dowels, since the confirmats stick out and interfere with work. We will install a monitor stand and a bedside table into the resulting table frame. Let's attach strips with rollers to them - the shelf for the keyboard will rest on them.

Later, the bedside table can be modernized by adding drawers to its design. It is better to do this after all the main parts (countertop, counters) have been prepared. The point is that the drawers should not protrude from the front of the table. Therefore, it is recommended to assemble them when the structure is ready and the bedside table fits into its overall composition. Visual measurements will ensure the normal functioning of the boxes. We attach handles to them last.

In fact, after preparing the parts of the future table and fasteners, assembling them into a single whole is not so difficult. The main thing is not to rush and be careful; problems may arise when drilling holes for confirmations - their mismatch will lead to distortion of the structure. If necessary, the made table can be improved by creating an add-on. It is assembled separately and fixed to the tabletop using dowels or Euroscrews.

Just a few years ago, having a computer was considered a luxury. Many children dreamed of having such a car at home. If we talk about our time, there is a desktop computer in almost every apartment - this is normal and even necessary. Since you often have to sit at the computer, especially if your work is connected to the Internet, it is important to make sure that it has a suitable place that is convenient and functional.

Often a desk or even a sofa serves as a table for a computer or laptop. But for ease of work and preservation of your health, you need a special table, which will be an excellent addition to the design of the apartment. This article will help you find out , how to make a computer desk with your own hands (at home). We will also demonstrate drawings, photos and video instructions.

First of all, you need to decide what kind of table you need and what it will serve for. A list of system components, which includes:

  • system unit;
  • monitor;
  • keyboard;
  • mouse.

In addition to the basic equipment, you should take into account speakers, cords, a modem, a printer, a scanner and other devices that you will use in your work. Consider whether you will make shelves, and if so, how many.

An important point is the material from which the table will be made. Most often, chipboard sheets are used - it is an inexpensive and, at the same time, reliable material.

You should also spend a lot of time choosing a location. It is clear that the less space is occupied by the table, the freer the apartment will be. But don’t overdo it; if the table is too small, it won’t be able to do its multifunctional job.

Mandatory conditions of the placement rules are:

  1. Access to the electrical network (sockets, preferably with grounding).
  2. The presence of windows through which natural light will flow. It would be a good idea to arrange the space so that the light comes from the left side of the computer.
  3. Lack of heating devices nearby (radiators, fireplaces, electric heaters). This is done to ensure that the equipment does not overheat.
  4. Shelves, pictures and other decorative elements will also get in the way, but they can be removed.

The next step after choosing a specific room and location is designing the product itself. Before making a drawing, you need to choose the type of table. He can be:

  • straight;
  • angular;
  • combined.

By choosing the most suitable type of desk, you can arrange your workplace most comfortably and at minimal cost. Moreover, it depends on how quickly you assemble it.

Straight table

A straight table is a classic. You can compare it with a simple desk. This option is suitable if you use a computer periodically or for professional work that requires concentration and attention. The presence of direct space along the wall with a window allows you to choose this option.

Corner - for people who sit near the monitor for hours. The least amount of material will be used for such a design, and it will not take up much space. But such a table is not suitable for important work. Firstly, there is not enough space, which means that papers, office supplies or other personal tools will constantly get in the way.

A table in the corner puts pressure on a person’s psyche. This fact has been proven by psychologists, so corner structures are strictly prohibited in offices.

Combination table

A combination table is something between options 1 and 2. This design is ideal, but takes up a lot of space. The presence of shelves and bedside tables allows you to store personal belongings, documents and folders so that they do not interfere, but are at hand.

So, having dealt with all the theoretical points, you can start making the structure at home. The first step is to calculate the height of the table. The average height of a standard structure is 75 cm. But if your height is above average, there is a formula that allows you to calculate the height correctly:


Let's say your height is 180 cm. If you apply the formula, you get:

180×75/175=77 cm

Next you need to make drawings. Remember, the quality of the finished product and the amount of effort and time spent depend on how clearly and accurately you make the drawing. Give him enough attention. Here is an example of a simple design that can easily be done at home.

This classic option is easy to make and does not require a lot of material for its construction. The design has the following parts:

  • space for a monitor;
  • pull-out shelf for the keyboard;
  • a small shelf for storing small items;
  • a cabinet for papers, personal belongings and other items with drawers;
  • two shelves on top, serving for books, flowerpots or a speaker system.

As you can see, there is a place for all the components of the computer system, the main thing is to place everything correctly.

Having collected all the necessary tools, you can get to work. You will need this kit:

  1. Jigsaw or hacksaw.
  2. Drill and drill bits.
  3. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  4. Grinding machine. If your place of work will be directly in your apartment, take care to remove carpets and other things. You will need a vacuum cleaner to collect all the debris.
  5. Chisel.
  6. A simple pencil (it is better to take a soft one, it is better visible on the wood), a ruler and a tape measure. The tape measure is more than 1m.

At this point the preparatory work is over, you can start working.

Since cutting laminated chipboard sheets yourself may result in uneven edges and chips, it is better to take the drawing you like and order cutting of the material at a furniture factory. There they will be able to do the edge gluing. Below are drawings and diagrams of complex structures. All you have to do is assemble all the parts yourself.

To bring the project to life, you will need the following parts:

  • side posts, size 735x465 mm, 2 pcs.;
  • central post, size 735×380 mm, 1 pc.;
  • tabletop size 1200×580 mm, 1 pc.;
  • rear wall, size 1090×290 mm, 1 pc.;
  • retractable keyboard stand, size 830×380 mm, 1 pc.;
  • internal shelves, size 450×250 mm, 2 pcs.

So, once all the pieces are cut out, you can easily assemble this straight computer desk. Here are the stages of work:

  1. You need to make holes in the side and central walls for the bottom shelf. Measure 50–70 mm from the bottom and draw a horizontal line with a pencil. In that place you need to make two parallel holes. There should be 2 holes in the side wall and 2 in the central one. Now secure the shelf using confirmations (you can use self-tapping screws).
  2. The same needs to be done for the top shelf, but the distance from the beginning of the board to the shelf should be 100 mm or more, depending on the desired size of the shelf. Measure, draw a line and make holes. Attach the top shelf.
  3. After this you need to secure the back wall. It should be placed flush with the upper end of the side and central walls. Then you need to mark the holes and screw the wall.
  4. Then you need to connect the second side wall to the back. To do this, make 2 holes in the back panel and screw it to the side using confirmatories.
  5. Now it's time to secure the guide rail. It is necessary to measure 50 mm from the top of the side and central walls and make straight lines. After marking, secure them.
  6. Next, you need to attach the guides to the keyboard shelf itself.
  7. To install the tabletop, you need to make holes in the side walls. The dowels will be placed there. Exactly the same holes need to be made in the tabletop itself. They should not be end-to-end, but not too small. It is important that all the holes match and the tabletop fits properly. To do this, you can place it where it should be and mark the locations of the holes on the tabletop and side walls.
  8. Lubricate the dowels with PVA glue and insert them into the ends of the frame where the holes are made.
  9. Place the tabletop on top so that the dowels fit into the grooves.
  10. If you want to add additional shelves on top of the table, they can also be attached using dowels.

All that remains is to install the finished table in the place you have chosen.

You can make a computer desk at home. You need patience, perseverance and a little imagination. Then your home will have a “shelter” for “smart” technology and its user.


In the video provided, you can see how to properly make a computer desk at home:


In the drawings, you can see various designs of a computer desk:

To organize a workplace along the wall of the room, a straight computer desk is ideal. Order drawings of the model you like and make a computer desk with your own hands!

Corner computer desks

A corner computer desk will effectively fill the corner space of your room. You can make any catalog model yourself using our drawings!

A desktop computer has many wires and communications that need compact placement. A good solution to this issue would be to make your own computer desk.

Our catalog contains drawings of interesting models. Now you can make a computer desk at minimal cost that will be comfortable to work at. All you need is to assemble a “furniture constructor” according to our drawings and get a decent result in the form of an excellent computer desk.

If the catalog does not contain the model you need, then send us an image of it. We will be happy to make drawings of this table for you and add it to our catalog.

Good luck to you in all your good deeds!

The design looks complicated. In fact, its structure is quite simple and minimal skills in handling tools are required - cutting chipboard and screwing screws. Moreover, even cutting can be entrusted to specialists in a hardware store.

First of all, you need a table design. This could be a ready-made drawing found on the appropriate website, with suitable dimensions, or it could be a personal project, taking into account all the features of the room and your own needs. In any case, the future table must comply with sanitary standards and ergonomic requirements.

Materials for a computer desk you will need:

  • Laminated chipboard or MDF, the first will cost less. Of course, a computer desk made of wood, made by yourself, will look much more interesting, but it will also cost significantly more;
  • melamine edge - more convenient than PVC trim, as it is easily fixed with a hot iron;
  • glue and furniture wax;
  • confirmations, dowels and screws.

The following tools are needed:

  • a hacksaw or circular saw if you plan to cut the material yourself;
  • electric drill and screwdriver;
  • You will need a jigsaw if some parts have a curved shape;
  • sander;
  • hex wrench for confirmations, chisel, square, tape measure and ruler.

And the edges are matched to the interior. The number of add-ons is determined by needs and experience.

Photo of a stylish DIY computer desk

How to make a computer desk with your own hands?

Based on the finished project, the required amount of materials is calculated. When purchasing, it is recommended to increase the volume of chipboard and fasteners by 15% in anticipation of possible defects and shortcomings during assembly.


The prototype of a straight computer desk is a desk, but zoned in height and depth to suit the requirements for the equipment. Therefore, its parameters must satisfy not only the size of the room, but also the position of the operator and the dimensions of the equipment.

The optimal model dimensions for a PC without complex peripherals are:

  • depth – 60 cm, or 50 cm if the monitor is on a stand;
  • The length of the table top consists of the operator's seat - 60 cm and no less, the width of the compartment for the system unit - 25 cm, the width of the cabinet, if there is one - 40 cm and tolerance. As a rule, this is 130 cm. But if at least a scanner appears, and no add-ons are made, then the length of the tabletop increases;
  • height – 75 cm or slightly more, depending on the user’s height. The exact formula is: the product of the operator's height and 75 cm is divided by 175, and the result is the recommended tabletop height;
  • The height of the monitor stand determines the viewing angle. It is 0–20 degrees from direct view. With large screen sizes, the need for it may not arise;
  • The height of the keyboard shelf is 50–70 cm below the line of best vision. The position of the keyboard in which the operator types text with his elbows hanging and his wrists raised is unacceptable;
  • a combined computer-writing desk will have larger dimensions, since it should, in fact, include another operator’s seat - the same 60 cm of free space.

Mandatory accessories should include a pull-out shelf for the keyboard - especially if the depth of the table is small, and a compartment for the system unit - there is nothing worse than constantly bumping into it with your feet. A straight table necessarily includes an element such as a back crossbar, since it ensures the rigidity of the entire structure. Its width is at least 1/3 of the height of the table, the thickness should be as large as possible. Made from the most common chipboard.

If, in addition to speakers, you need to place other equipment - a printer, scanner, MFP, you cannot do without add-ons. Moreover, most devices are simply inconvenient to place below. So, you should immediately abandon the various lower shelves, which also interfere with the operator.

  1. Patterns are made according to the drawing or the pattern is immediately transferred to chipboard sheets. The parts are cut out with a hacksaw or saw. A jigsaw is used to cut curved elements.
  2. The ends can be covered with PVC film if necessary.
  3. Assemble or blind compartment for the cabinet. The box consists of 3 walls, a bottom and a front. The walls are assembled into a kind of box with confirmations, for which holes are pre-formed at the fastening points. The bottom is a thin sheet of fiberboard, simply placed on top and secured to the ends of the product. The workpiece is then set aside.
  4. They assemble the cabinet - the sides and the bottom, also for confirmations. If there are not drawers, but shelves, then they are screwed to the sides. If drawers are being built, then slats and guides are attached to the sides at the required distance from each other. Better Kulkov balls, not rollers.
  5. The compartment for the system unit is mounted in the same way: the side of the table, the compartment and the bottom are assembled. Then the finished compartments are fastened together with a rear cross member.
  6. Guides for the pull-out shelf are secured to the sides with self-tapping screws. Better are Kulkov ball guides or metaboxes - the latter are more expensive.
  7. Cut out the tabletop and shelf. Their ends are covered with melamine film. The tabletop is secured to the ends of the vertical parts with dowels, since the confirmations will protrude above the surface of the table. The dowels are installed with glue.
  8. The drawers are finished either after installing the countertop or before. The fact is that in order to properly secure the facade, the box must be in a finished cabinet. The façade is fixed after “trying on”. To do this, tape is attached to the edge of the facade, a ruler is placed on the bottom of the cabinet, and the panel is applied to the ends of the walls of the box. Then the ruler is placed on the top edge of the half-finished box and the same procedure is repeated with the top one. This ensures that there is a gap between the facades, and there are no difficulties when pulling out the drawers.
  9. If everything is in order, the facades are fixed from the inside with self-tapping screws. The handles on the facades are fixed before installation.
  10. If the project includes add-ons, then their installation begins after the table is manufactured. The structure is first assembled into confirmaments, and then fixed to the tabletop.

Assembly is not so much complicated as it is time-consuming and requires care, especially when drilling the ends. Also, if you lack experience, difficulties may arise with wooden dowels. You can use plastic ones, although their service life is shorter - 5-7 years.

However, you can make such furniture in a simpler version - from an old table you have. The video below will tell you how to make a computer desk with your own hands:


A small triangular table is even more popular than a straight one. Firstly, it takes up less space, secondly, it is more stable and does not require reinforcement of the structure, and thanks to its great depth it allows you to easily place speakers.

However, a closed corner leaves a person alone with virtual reality, and from a psychological point of view this decision is unsuccessful. The operator literally has nowhere to take his eyes, which does not contribute to concentration, but, on the contrary, to rapid fatigue. Having an open space in front of your eyes is much more useful, especially when working for a long time, 8-9 hours.

  • The standard size of a corner model is the length along the outer edge of the tabletop is 120 cm. Such a table is cut literally from one sheet of chipboard, since there are enough scraps to cut out the sides and even shelves. Increasing the edge to 160 cm provides a great advantage: there is room for elbow support and free space for a shelf with a scanner, for example, or a narrow cabinet.
  • The system unit is installed on a shelf or even on furniture corners, although the first option is more reliable. The guides for the pull-out shelf are fixed with screws to the tabletop.
  • Otherwise, the assembly of the corner model is no different from the straight one. Self-tapping screws and dowels are used for installation.

An L-shaped corner table will require longer calculations, and its design is more complex. Here you will need additional support and a rear cross member.

Photo DIY corner computer desk


The small table is distinguished not so much by its simple design as by its size.

  • The depth of the tabletop is reduced to 50 cm, or even less.
  • Width – up to 70 cm, excluding the compartment for the system unit, especially the cabinet. For the system unit, you can make a mobile stand on rollers, which can be placed on the outside of the side panel during operation.
  • Whether or not a monitor stand is needed is determined based on sanitary standards and the size of the screen. If the conditions are met when placing the monitor on a tabletop, a stand is not needed.
  • A pull-out shelf is a must.

To increase the functionality of the model, it is often made in the form of a combined table-rack. In this case, the main part is a shelving box 1.3–1.5 m high and always with a back wall, or rather, the third component of the frame. The third wall is made of the same material. Rollers are often attached to the base. The tabletop is essentially a protruding deep shelf. You will most likely need a monitor stand here. A top shelf appears - for a scanner or printer, possible side external shelves for speakers, for example.

The product is installed in the same way. But here they immediately begin assembling the case, and then installing the shelves. In principle, the system unit can be located on the base, but if it is inconvenient during operation, it is still advisable to move it to its own stand.

To know how to make a corner, simple straight or small computer desk with your own hands, you should look at the drawings and diagrams presented below.

Do you still have chipboard scraps left and have a great desire to make a computer desk on your own? Then carefully watch the following video:

Drawings, diagrams and photos

The value of a drawing when assembling furniture is difficult to overestimate, especially in cases where an incorrectly calculated value can lead to complete non-functionality of the item.

Drawings can be found on construction sites, and are quite detailed and even indicate the appropriate fasteners for each part. Diagrams with photographs of each stage of assembly will be more informative. In this kind of work, an image is more useful than text.

More difficult is assessing how suitable the found drawing is. To do this, it is necessary to correlate the height of the main user and the size of the monitor. Only on the condition that the distance from the eyes to the screen is sufficient, that the viewing angle is appropriate, that the operator’s hands when working with the keyboard are not raised too high, that there is room to stretch out the legs, and so on - only if all these requirements are met can it be recognized model is suitable.

Drawings and diagrams of computer desks

Corner small
Angular wavy
Straight with drawers
Angular letter P


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