Condensate. Composition and physicochemical properties

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) and temperature, some gasoline and kerosene fractions and, less commonly, higher molecular weight liquid components of oil are in a vapor state. When developing fields, the pressure drops several times - to 4-8 MPa, and a raw unstable condensate is released from the gas, which, in contrast to the stable one, contains not only hydrocarbons C 5 and higher, but also dissolved gases of the methane-butane fraction.

When the pressure decreases, as gas is consumed, gas condensate is released in the geological formation and disappears for the consumer. Therefore, when exploiting fields with a high content of gas condensate, hydrocarbons C 3 and higher are released from the gas produced to the surface of the earth, and the C 1 -C 2 fraction is pumped back in to maintain pressure in the formation.

Resources and reserves

At the beginning of 2013, promising resources (C3) and proven recoverable reserves (A+B+C1) of gas condensate in Russia were estimated at 2 billion tons.

Accumulation when using gas engines

Gas condensate can accumulate in automotive gas equipment. The liquid is brownish-brown in color, has an unpleasant, corrosive odor of benzene resins (depending on the composition of the gas combustible mixture) and can have a range of odors from a sharp acetone to the smell of tobacco smoke (this depends on the composition of the additives that are added to make the gas smell). It is recommended to drain the gas reducer regularly. It is advisable not to touch it with your hands, because... it can be dangerous to your health.

see also

  • Liquefied natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gases

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  • // Geology, geography and global energy. 2013. No. 2 (49)

An excerpt characterizing Gas condensate

Rostov saw the tears filling the sovereign’s eyes, and heard him, as he drove away, say in French to Czartoryski:
– What a terrible thing war, what a terrible thing! Quelle terrible chose que la guerre!
The vanguard troops positioned themselves in front of Wischau, in sight of the enemy line, which gave way to us at the slightest skirmish throughout the entire day. The sovereign's gratitude was expressed to the vanguard, rewards were promised, and a double portion of vodka was distributed to the people. Even more cheerfully than the previous night, the campfires crackled and soldiers' songs were heard.
That night Denisov celebrated his promotion to major, and Rostov, already quite drunk at the end of the feast, proposed a toast to the health of the sovereign, but “not the sovereign emperor, as they say at official dinners,” he said, “but to the health of the good sovereign, a charming and great man; We drink to his health and to a certain victory over the French!”
“If we fought before,” he said, “and did not give way to the French, as at Shengraben, what will happen now that he is ahead?” We will all die, we will die with pleasure for him. So, gentlemen? Maybe I'm not saying that, I drank a lot; Yes, I feel that way, and so do you. For the health of Alexander the First! Hurray!
- Hurray! – the inspired voices of the officers sounded.
And old captain Kirsten shouted with enthusiasm and no less sincerely than twenty-year-old Rostov.
When the officers drank and broke their glasses, Kirsten poured others and, in only a shirt and leggings, with a glass in his hand, approached the soldiers' fires and in a majestic pose, waving his hand upward, with his long gray mustache and white chest visible from behind his open shirt, stopped in the light of the fire.
- Guys, for the health of the Emperor, for victory over the enemies, hurrah! - he shouted in his brave, senile, hussar baritone.
The hussars crowded together and responded with a loud cry.
Late at night, when everyone had left, Denisov patted his favorite Rostov on the shoulder with his short hand.
“There’s no one to fall in love with on a hike, so he fell in love with me,” he said.
“Denisov, don’t joke about this,” Rostov shouted, “this is such a high, such a wonderful feeling, such...
- “We”, “we”, “d”, and “I share and approve” ...
- No, you don’t understand!
And Rostov got up and went to wander between the fires, dreaming about what happiness it would be to die without saving a life (he did not dare to dream about this), but simply to die in the eyes of the sovereign. He really was in love with the Tsar, and with the glory of Russian weapons, and with the hope of future triumph. And he was not the only one who experienced this feeling in those memorable days preceding the Battle of Austerlitz: nine-tenths of the people of the Russian army at that time were in love, although less enthusiastically, with their Tsar and with the glory of Russian weapons.

Along with the usual oil and gas, mining companies extract from the bowels of the earth a not so well-known, but no less important mineral resource - gas condensate. At the same time, the pace of development of the gas condensate industry, both global in general and Russian in particular, is still extremely low.

What is condensate and how is it obtained?

During drilling operations, a colorless or slightly colored liquid is formed from the gas mixture located in the deposits - this is gas condensate. It is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons. The content of the liquid part in a cubic meter of condensate ranges from 10–700 cubic centimeters (by weight - 5–10 grams for the same volume). This fraction owes its name to the mechanism of its formation - by condensation from natural gases.

Like any condensate, gas condensate also falls out at the moment a substance transitions from gaseous to liquid due to a decrease in pressure and temperature. In this case, the heavy hydrocarbons contained in the formations act as liquefiing substances. Under natural conditions, deposits of gasoline and kerosene fractions and higher molecular weight components are under pressure of up to 60 MPa, but during drilling it decreases sharply. The bulk of this raw material is extracted from gas condensate oil and clean gas condensate fields. Condensate, although in much smaller quantities, is formed during the processing of associated petroleum gas during the separation of “black gold” in industrial conditions.

Gas condensate deposits are primary and secondary. The former are located at depths of more than 3.5 kilometers; oil accumulations do not take part in their formation. In turn, secondary deposits arise from the reverse evaporation of petroleum feedstock. In addition, gas condensate deposits are classified according to the degree of saturation. Thus, a distinctive property of saturated formations is the identity of the pressure in the depths and the pressure at the beginning of condensation. Unsaturated reservoirs are characterized by a level of reservoir pressure, the value of which is greater than the mark at which the condensation process begins.

Gas condensate production is associated with certain technological difficulties. The fact is that when they transform into a liquid state, hydrocarbons remain in the rock channels, the extraction of raw materials from which is very labor-intensive. To prevent condensate from getting “stuck” in the subsoil, production operators have to maintain the usual pressure for deposits artificially. At present, no effective method has been developed for maximum condensate extraction; the technology of reinjecting gas into the formation after its topping, that is, filtering out the most valuable components, is mostly used.

What is made from this raw material?

Gas condensate is a valuable mineral resource and is not inferior either in its importance for the economy or in its rich set of valuable components to pure natural gas and oil. However, the composition of condensate is much closer to petroleum feedstock than to “blue fuel”. That is why mining companies are required to additionally indicate the amount of gas condensate in their reports on the development of hydrocarbon fields. Although condensate is mainly produced by gas field operators, in professional jargon it has received the famous name - “white oil”.

The main areas of application of gas condensate are the production of fuel and petrochemical products. In the fuel segment, condensate is used to produce ready-to-use fuel in a wide range - from popular gasoline brands to fuel for boiler houses. In particular, gasoline AI-80, AI-92, AI-95 is produced. Gasoline fuel, which is obtained from gas condensate, has low detonation resistance, so it is necessary to additionally use anti-knock agents in the production process.

Also, condensate is used to produce wide-fraction fuel for diesel engines of high-speed vehicles, which can be used in harsh climates - temperatures down to minus 30 degrees Celsius. In addition, gas condensate fuel with additives is produced, suitable for use in even colder conditions. To obtain combustible winter use, gas condensate undergoes a dewaxing procedure, otherwise the fuel has a high pour point and cloud point, that is, it can only be used in the summer.

To meet the fuel needs of industrial and municipal enterprises, technical propane, butane and their mixtures are produced from condensate. In the petrochemical field, gas condensate raw materials act as a base for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons (xylene, oluene, benzene) and olefins - components for the further production of fibers, resins, rubber and plastics. The role of raw materials is represented by isopentane and pentane-hexane fractions isolated from the condensate and the same mixtures of butane and propane.

From mining to processing

To obtain the mentioned products, the extracted gas condensate is sent for processing. The production process primarily involves converting unstable gas condensate into stable gas. The latter is distinguished by the fact that it does not contain dissolved gases. Such gases - these are mainly fractions of butane and methane - are formed as part of the raw material during production, when the pressure decreases to a level of 4–8 MPa as the main volumes of condensate are sampled.

At processing facilities, condensate is brought to the desired state using a degassing procedure and purification from impurities. The resulting stable raw material, depending on the place where it is produced, is divided into field (if processing is carried out near the well) and factory (sent to gas processing plants). After undergoing deethanization, unstable condensate is transported under its own pressure along condensate pipelines. After arriving at the gas processing plant, such source material undergoes primary processing, which results in gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied gases, and fuel oil.

A typical algorithm for processing unstable condensate looks like this:

  • After being extracted from the subsoil, the mixture is transported to a complex treatment plant.
  • Using the installation, the condensate and gas part are separated.
  • The gas obtained as a result of separation is supplied before inserting into the main-type gas pipeline, and from there it is transferred to consumers.
  • The condensate, in turn, is pumped to the connection of the condensate pipeline, from where it is supplied to another installation designed to prepare raw materials for transportation.
  • The raw material preparation unit deethanizes the condensate. Processing products are distributed as follows: deethanized condensate (84%), deethanized gas (14.7%). Losses account for another 1.3%.
  • Next, deethanization gas, like separation gas, is supplied to gas pipelines and transported to consumers.
  • The de-ethanized condensate enters the condensate pipeline and is sent to the stabilization plant. There the raw materials are processed to produce liquefied gases, stable condensate and diesel fuel.
  • For further processing, stabilized raw materials are transported by bulk transport or pumped through special pipeline systems to petrochemical and other enterprises.

Global industry market and the situation in Russia

Despite the introduction of effective condensate processing technologies, at the present stage of subsoil development, the volumes of its production throughout the world are significantly inferior to the recovery of basic hydrocarbons - oil and gas. This situation has developed historically and is due to the fact that the gas condensate industry is relatively young. For a long time, oil companies were only interested in extracting “black gold,” while gas companies were developing traditional deposits. The need to develop gas condensate fields increases as conventional gas blocks are depleted.

Russia, on the other hand, boasts impressive reserves of gas condensate. Explored resources and promising deposits are estimated by geologists at a total of 2 billion tons. However, the pace of development of condensate deposits is growing extremely slowly. In particular, the average annual production in recent years has fluctuated around 30 million tons, including 2.5 million tons in offshore areas. The growth rate of raw material extraction every year is up to 5–10% per year. Let us remind you that Pronedra wrote earlier that Gazprom promised to increase condensate production by 10% in three years.

The increase in production, at the same time, is taking place mostly in onshore blocks, while its intensity is decreasing in shelf zones. Among Russian regions, the Ural Federal District is the leader in terms of condensate recovery, where up to 76% of this raw material is extracted. The annexation of Crimea to Russia practically did not change the production statistics - the level of production on the peninsula in terms of the all-Russian indicator does not exceed 0.16%.

The capabilities of refining capacities in Russia significantly exceed production. Russian enterprises are capable of processing more than 56 million tons of raw materials per year, but the annual volume of condensate supplies for stabilization is one and a half times less. Although the forecast for gas condensate production both in Russia and throughout the world as a whole is positive and provides for annual growth of this indicator, there are certain factors hindering the development of the industry. The main reason for the slow growth rate and delays in the development of new fields is the shortage of specialized pipeline systems for transporting condensate.

In addition to the fact that Russia has failed to establish sustainable development of condensate production, as well as providing it to the domestic market and loading national processing capacities, it is still seriously inferior to the main exporters of raw materials in terms of supply volumes. The main player in the international gas condensate market is the United States, providing almost a third of supplies. The remaining volumes were divided among Canada, Australia, Algeria and South American countries. Russian exports are still minimal. For example, the Gazprom group supplies abroad about 250 thousand to 600 thousand tons of such raw materials per year. Fluctuations in the volume of exports downward are associated with a redistribution of supply volumes in favor of the domestic market.

At a slow pace, but overall, the export of this raw material from Russia is growing. The Russian Federation faces quite real prospects for mastering large-scale supplies to the Asia-Pacific region, the market of which is characterized by a continuous increase in demand. The establishment of exports to Asia will also be facilitated by a purely geographical factor that minimizes transport and logistics costs.

However, optimistic forecasts for Russia are not supported by skeptical industry analysts, who assume that the Asian market will be completely conquered by American and Australian suppliers. Attempts to stimulate and regulate the gas condensate segment in Russia, including by canceling export duties and revising fiscal payments, are so far in the nature of temporary solutions and only indicate that there is currently no long-term strategy for the development of the industry in the country.

Despite the current situation, one cannot fail to note the positive developments that have benefited the expansion of the national gas condensate business. At the current stage, the Russian condensate market depends little on external factors and remains stable. The experience of recent years has demonstrated that gas condensate production is not affected even by such powerful levers as currency fluctuations and changes in tax legislation.

Regardless of the external shocks of recent years, Russian operators who focus on foreign buyers continue to export supplies, and enterprises interested in participating in the domestic market consistently ensure the availability of sufficient supply. The sustainability of the industry is facilitated by its high economic profitability. In particular, the profitability of processing gas condensate is higher than that of oil.

In addition, due to production characteristics, the volume of light oil products produced at gas condensate processing plants is higher than at enterprises working with oil, although, let us recall, oil refining in Russia is quite widely represented. Favorable initial conditions still give hope that the development of the Russian gas condensate segment will proceed, if not quickly, but steadily, and, therefore, the forecasts of optimists regarding the launch of the eastern export direction may eventually come true.

Liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons (all of which have different molecular structures and boil at high temperatures), which are released as a by-product in gas condensate, gas and oil fields, are collectively called gas condensates. Their composition and quantity depend on the location and conditions of extraction, and therefore vary widely. However, they can be divided into two types:

  • stable gas condensate in the form of gasoline and kerosene fractions (and sometimes higher molecular weight liquid components of oil),
  • an unstable product, which, in addition to hydrocarbons C5 and higher, includes gaseous hydrocarbons in the form of a methane-butane fraction.

Condensate can come from three types of wells where it is produced:

  1. Crude oil (it comes in the form of associated gas, which can lie underground separately from crude oil (in layers) or be dissolved in it).
  2. Dry natural gas (features a low content of hydrocarbons dissolved in it, condensate yield is low).
  3. Wet natural gas (produced from gas condensate fields and has a high content of gasoline condensate).

The amount of liquid components in natural gases varies from 0.000010 to 0.000700 m³ per 1 m³ of gas. For example, the yield of stable gas condensate at various fields:

  • Vuktylskoye (Komi Republic) - 352.7 g/m³;
  • Urengoyskoe (Western Siberia) - 264 g/m³;
  • Gazlinskoe (Central Asia) - 17 g/m³;
  • Shebelinskoe (Ukraine) - 12 g/m³.

Natural gas condensate is a multicomponent mixture of various liquid hydrocarbons with low density, in which gaseous components are present. It condenses from the raw gas when the temperature drops (below the dew point of the produced hydrocarbons). It is often called simply "condensate" or "gas gasoline".

Schemes for separating condensate from natural gas or oil are varied and depend on the field and purpose of the products. As a rule, at a technological installation built next to a gas or gas condensate field, the extracted gas is prepared for transportation: water is separated, purified to a certain extent from sulfur compounds, hydrocarbons C1 and C2 are transported to the consumer, a small fraction of them (of the extracted) is pumped into the formations for maintaining pressure. The separated fraction (after removing C3 components from it, but with a small content of them) is the gas condensate that is sent as a feed stream to oil refineries or petrochemical synthesis plants. Transportation is carried out by pipeline or liquid transport.

Gas condensate is not used as a raw material for the production of gasoline with a low octane number, to increase which anti-knock additives are used. In addition, the product is characterized by a high cloud point and pour point, which is why it is used to produce summer fuel. Gas condensate is used less frequently as gas condensate, since additional dewaxing is required. This direction uses less than a third of the produced condensates.

The most interesting technological solution is the use of a product such as a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons for petrochemical synthesis. With its receipt, the processing of gas condensate begins. Deeper processes continue in pyrolysis plants, where NGLs are used as feedstock to produce important monomers such as ethylene, propylene and many other related products. Then the ethylene is sent to polymerization units, from which various grades of polyethylene are produced. The result is polypropylene. The butylene-butadiene fraction is used to make rubber. Hydrocarbons C6 and higher are the raw material for the production of petrochemical synthesis (benzene is obtained), and only the C5 fraction, which is the raw material for obtaining valuable products, is not yet used effectively.

Gas condensate is a colorless or slightly colored liquid. Under natural conditions (in deposits), as a rule, it is in a gaseous state. Condenses from natural (reservoir) gases with increasing pressure (above dew point pressure) and/or a decrease in temperature ( hydrocarbon dew point). It consists of gasoline (boiling range from 30-80 to 200°C), kerosene (200-300°C) and, to a lesser extent, higher boiling components. For most gas condensates, the yield of gasoline fractions is 70-85%.

Depending on the presence/absence of gases in the product, they distinguish unstable gas condensate (raw gas condensate), which contains dissolved gases, and stable gas condensate , obtained by degassing the unstable (mainly by rectification).

In its turn stable condensate depending on the place of production it is divided into field condensate (lease condensate- English), obtained directly in the field, next to the well, and factory condensate (plant condensate- English), produced at gas processing plants.


When the pressure decreases, as gas is consumed, gas condensate is released in the geological formation and disappears for the consumer. Therefore, when exploiting fields with a high content of gas condensate, hydrocarbons C 3 and higher are released from the gas produced to the surface of the earth, and the C 1 -C 2 fraction is pumped back in to maintain pressure in the formation.

Resources and reserves

At the beginning of 2013, promising resources (C3) and proven recoverable reserves (A+B+C1) of gas condensate in Russia were estimated at 2 billion tons.

Accumulation when using gas engines

Gas condensate can accumulate in automotive gas equipment. The liquid is brownish-brown in color, has an unpleasant, corrosive odor of benzene resins (depending on the composition of the gas combustible mixture) and can have a range of odors from a sharp acetone to the smell of tobacco smoke (this depends on the composition of the additives that are added to make the gas smell). It is recommended to drain the gas reducer regularly. It is advisable not to touch it with your hands, because... it can be dangerous to your health.

Definition of the term gas condensate

Separation of stable gas condensates

Definition of the term gas condensate

Gas condensates are liquid mixtures of high-boiling hydrocarbons of various structures, separated from natural gases during their production in the so-called gas condensate fields. In reservoir conditions, with a combination of high pressures (10-60 MPa) and temperatures, some gasoline and kerosene fractions are in a vapor state, and less commonly, higher molecular weight liquid components of oil. When developing fields, the pressure decreases to 4-8 MPa, and raw (unstable) condensate is released from the gas, which, in contrast to the stable one, contains dissolved gases of the methane-butane fraction along with C5 and higher hydrocarbons. When the pressure decreases as gas is consumed, gas is released in the geological formation and, therefore, disappears for the consumer. Therefore, during the exploitation of fields with a high hydrocarbon content, hydrocarbons C3 and higher are released from the gas produced to the surface of the earth, and the C1-C2 fraction is pumped back in to maintain pressure in the formation.

Gas condensate (gas condensate) is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons (C5H12 + higher) released from natural gases during the exploitation of gas condensate deposits as a result of a decrease in reservoir pressure (below the condensation onset pressure) and temperature. Gas condensate is used as motor fuel and is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry.

Gas condensate is a natural mixture of low-boiling petroleum hydrocarbons that are found in the subsurface in a gaseous state, and when cooled and the pressure decreases to atmospheric (under daytime surface conditions), it breaks down into liquid (condensate) and gas components. Polytechnic Dictionary, M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.-P.105.

Gas condensate (gas condensate) is a mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly with a boiling point from 30 to 250 degrees C, condensed from natural petroleum gases during their production in gas condensate fields. In addition, gas condensate is formed during the extraction of Natural gas itself, during pumping Natural gas through pipelines, since pumping is carried out under pressure up to 30 MPa, and high-boiling hydrocarbons are dissolved in methane under pressure (up to 712 cm3/m3 of methane). Condensate is processed into high-octane and winter diesel fuel.

Gas condensate NGL (wide fraction of light hydrocarbons) is a solution of gaseous hydrocarbons in liquid, and gaseous hydrocarbons are contained up to 75%, among liquid fractions with a boiling point of up to 117 degrees C prevail. Sometimes NGLs are called unstable gas condensate. From natural gas liquids, after separation of gases (propane-butane fractions), gas condensate is obtained. Processing of natural gas liquids includes additional fractional distillation of natural gas liquids after separation of domestic gas.

Gas condensate is a fraction isolated from Natural gas and which is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons (containing at least 5 carbon atoms per molecule).

Gas condensate is the most valuable raw material for the production of motor fuels, as well as for chemical processing of extractants (hexane fraction), benzene, cyclohexane.

Gas condensates are liquid mixtures of high-boiling hydrocarbons of various structures, separated from natural gases during their production in the so-called gas condensate fields. In reservoir conditions, with a combination of high pressures (10-60 MPa) and temperatures, some gasoline and kerosene fractions are in a vapor state, and less commonly, higher molecular weight liquid components of oil. When developing fields, the pressure decreases to 4-8 MPa, and raw (unstable) condensate is released from the gas, which, in contrast to the stable one, contains dissolved gases of the methane-butane fraction along with C5 and higher hydrocarbons. When the pressure decreases as gas is consumed, gas is released in the geological formation and, therefore, disappears for the consumer. Therefore, during the exploitation of fields with a high content of hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons C3 and higher are released from the gas extracted to the surface of the earth, and the C1-C2 fraction is pumped back in to maintain pressure in the formation.

Gas condensates, liquid mixtures of high-boiling hydrocarbons of various structures, isolated from natural ones. when extracting them for the so-called. gas condensate fields. In reservoir conditions, with a combination of high pressures (10-60 MPa) and temperatures, some gasoline and kerosene fractions are in a vapor state, and less commonly, higher molecular weight liquid components of oil. During field development, the pressure decreases to 4-8 MPa, and raw (unstable) condensate is released from the gas, which, in contrast to the stable condensate, contains dissolved gases of the methane-butane fraction along with hydrocarbons C5 and above. When the pressure decreases as gas is consumed, gas condensate is released in the geological formation and, therefore, is lost to the consumer. Therefore, during the exploitation of fields with a high content of gas condensates, C3 and higher hydrocarbons are released from what is produced to the surface of the earth, and the C1-C2 fraction is pumped back in to maintain pressure in the formation. Gasolines obtained from gas condensates using classical technology usually have low knock resistance. To increase it, anti-knock agents are used. The yield of gas condensate fractions used as diesel fuel, ranges from 9% (Punginskoye) to 26% (Vuktylskoye field); For most condensates, these fractions are characterized by relatively high cloud point and pour point and can be used as fuel only in summer. To receive winter diesel fuel their dewaxing is necessary.

Liquefied natural gas - liquefied under pressure and cooling to facilitate storage and transportation. 74-99% consists of methane. Density is 1.9 times less than that of gasoline. Boiling point from −158 to -163C. Liquefaction coefficient from 92% (economic mode; at gas distribution stations) to 95%. Foreign term - Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

Gas condensates, liquid mixtures of high-boiling hydrocarbons, decomp. buildings isolated from nature. gases during their extraction at the so-called. gas condensate fields. In reservoir conditions, with a combination of high pressures (10-60 MPa) and temperature, certain gasoline and kerosene fractions are in a vapor state, less often - higher molecular weight. liquid components of oil. During field development, the pressure decreases to 4-8 MPa, and raw (unstable) condensate is released from the gas, which, in contrast to the stable condensate, contains dissolved gases of the methane-butane fraction along with hydrocarbons C5 and higher (Table 1). When the pressure decreases as gas is consumed, gas condensate is released into the geol. layer and, therefore, disappears for the consumer. Therefore, during the exploitation of fields with a large content of gas condensates, C3 and higher hydrocarbons are released from the gas produced on the surface of the earth, and the C1-C2 fraction is pumped back in to maintain pressure in the formation.

Composition of gas condensates from the main fields of the USSR (% by weight)

Characteristics of gas condensates from a number of fields in the USSR

Gas condensates are separated from gases by the method of low-temperature condensation (separation) using cold obtained by throttling or expanding, or by special means. refrigeration units (see Refrigeration processes). For deeper extraction of gas condensates, the same methods are used (low-temperature condensation, absorption and rectification) as for processing oil and natural resources. gases (see Natural flammable gases).

Unstable gas condensate is delivered to the buyer via condensate pipelines under its own ownership. pressure, and stable gas condensate through pipelines or bulk transport. At gas and gas compression plants, gas condensates are divided into fractions used in the production of fuels and for petrochemicals. synthesis.

Gasolines obtained from gas condensates usually have low detonation. durability. To increase it, anti-knock agents are used. The yield of gas condensate fractions used as diesel fuel ranges from 9% (Punginskoye field) to 26% (Vuktylskoye field); These fractions for most condensates are characterized by relatively high cloudiness and solidification temperatures and can be used as fuel only in the summer. To obtain winter diesel fuel, it is necessary to dewax it.

Separation of stable gas condensates

Increasing requirements for the quality of motor fuels and environmental protection lead to the need to create more complex and therefore expensive technological schemes for the deep processing of stable gas condensates and oil.

The proposed technology makes it possible to effectively separate stable gas condensates at the molecular level without chemical transformations, without using rectification or distillation processes, and to obtain commercial motor fuels of European quality.

Advantages of this technology:

Possibility of processing feedstock without preliminary purification from sulfur compounds and obtaining desulfurized motor fuels;

High degree of extraction of gasoline and diesel fractions (100%);

The quality of motor fuels meets European standards;

Low temperature (120°C) and pressure (atmospheric) control process divisions;

Simple hardware design;

Reducing metal and energy consumption per unit of productivity;

Low cost of processing raw materials;

The ability to create and use mini-units located on automobile platforms, which allows the separation of gasoline and diesel fractions directly at the production site;

The modular principle inherent in the technological scheme allows you to easily increase productivity;

Lack of expensive catalysts in production;

No harmful emissions into the atmosphere or wastewater;

Complete regeneration of working elements in process discharge (service life of at least 5 years);

Significant reduction in production space.

Comparative characteristics of a mini-plant (with a capacity of 100 thousand tons per year) for processing stable gas condensate and an industrial plant using our proposed technology are shown in the table.

The main ones:

1) Production is environmentally friendly;

2) Energy intensity of production is reduced by 3-4 times;

3) The installations are easy to operate and do not require highly qualified labor;

4) Commercial products fully comply with international standards;

5) Reducing the number of devices and eliminating the need for a number of additional devices sharply reduces the metal consumption of installations, reduces the area required for construction, shortens the construction period and, ultimately, reduces the initial cost of the product;

6) accidents at such an enterprise are much lower than at a regular one. Currently, we have complete technical documentation necessary for the construction of mini-factories that implement any of the described technologies.

* price module depends on the technical specifications and performance.

* When isolating diesel fuel as a fraction using our elements, we obtain the content sulfur in the finished product less than 0.005%.

For initial implementation, it is proposed to install a separate continuous cycle module with a capacity of about 10,000 tons/year.

1. Initial raw materials- stable gas condensate

2. Received product:

Gasoline component

Diesel component

Mineral oil component.

3. Price module (with stable gas condensate containing 65% gasoline fraction and 25% diesel fraction) including installation - 2,500,000 UAH.

4. Dimensions:

Height - 2.5 - 3 m

Area - 80 m2.

5. Requirements for operating conditions: closed room or canopy.

6. Communications:

Water (in cycle)

Sewerage (emergency)

Electricity (0.1 kW/hour).


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