End of World War II 1945. Annexation of Bessarabia, the Baltic countries and northern Bukovina to the USSR

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Most modern schoolchildren it is known when it began. They also know the date of the attack on Poland: 1939, September 1. It turns out that for a year and a half between these two events nothing special happened in our country, people simply went to work, watched the sunrise over the Moscow River, sang Komsomol songs, well, maybe sometimes they even allowed themselves to dance tango and foxtrots. Such a nostalgic idyll.

In fact, the picture created by hundreds of films appears to be somewhat different from the realities of that time. The entire Union worked and not like it is now. Then there were no image makers, office managers or merchandisers; only specific tasks related to the production of items needed by the country were considered work. Mainly weapons. This situation existed for more than one year, and when the Great Patriotic War began, it simply became even more difficult.

That Sunday morning, when German troops attacked our borders, what was inevitable happened, but it did not happen as expected. Didn't thunder with fire, didn't sparkle with steel combat vehicles, going on a furious campaign. Huge reserves of weapons, food, medicine, fuel and other necessary military supplies were destroyed or captured by the advancing Germans. Airplanes concentrated at airfields located close to the borders were burned on the ground.

To the question: “When did the Great Patriotic War begin?” - it would be more correct to answer: “July 3.” I.V. Stalin called it that during his radio address to the Soviet people, “brothers and sisters.” However, this term was also mentioned in the Pravda newspaper on the second and third days after the attack, but then it was not yet taken seriously; it was a direct analogy with the First World War and the Napoleonic Wars.

Numerous history experts pay undeservedly little attention to its initial period, which is characterized as the largest military catastrophe in the entire existence of mankind. The number of irretrievable losses and those captured amounted to millions; vast territories were at the mercy of the occupiers, along with the population living on them and the industrial potential, which had to be hastily disabled or evacuated.

The Nazi hordes were able to reach the Volga, it took them a little over a year. During the First World War, Austro-Hungarian and German troops did not penetrate deep into the “backward and bast” Russian Empire further Carpathians.

From the moment the Great Patriotic War began until the liberation of all Soviet land, about three years passed, filled with grief, blood and death. More than a million citizens who were captured and occupied went over to the side of the invaders, and divisions and armies that became part of the Wehrmacht were formed from them. There was no talk of anything like this during the First World War.

Due to enormous human and material losses, the USSR after the Great Patriotic War experienced enormous difficulties, expressed in the famine of 1947, general impoverishment of the population and devastation, the consequences of which are partly felt now.

From 1939 to 1945, the world was engulfed in brutal military battles called World War II. Within its framework, a particularly serious confrontation between Germany and the USSR is highlighted, which has received a separate name. Our article briefly talks about the Great Patriotic War.

Prerequisites for the beginning

At the beginning of World War II, the USSR maintained a neutral position, using Germany's actions to its advantage: the weakening of England, France and Germany itself. In addition, on August 23, 1939, the Soviet Union agreed to sign a Non-Aggression Pact with the Germans. Germany accepted all the conditions of the Russians, supplementing the agreement with a secret protocol on the redistribution of Eastern Europe.

The leadership of the countries understood that this agreement does not guarantee, but reduces the risk of hostilities between them. Hitler hoped in this way to keep the USSR from concluding an alliance with Great Britain and France and prematurely entering the war. Although he himself planned in advance to seize the Union after the victory in Europe.

Stalin was dissatisfied with the removal of the USSR from resolving issues of world politics and the British delaying the conclusion of an alliance, and the agreement with Germany allowed the Baltic states and Bessarabia to be annexed to Russia almost without hindrance.

04/02/2009 The European Parliament by a majority vote approved August 23 as the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism, equating all acts of aggression by both regimes with war crimes.

In October 1940, Germany, having learned that England was counting on Russia's help in the war, invited the USSR to join the Axis countries. Stalin put forward to Hitler a condition according to which Finland, Romania, Greece, and Bulgaria would have to withdraw to the USSR. Germany was categorically against this and stopped negotiations with the Union.

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In November, Hitler approved the previously developed plan for attacking the USSR and found other allies (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania).

Although the USSR as a whole was preparing for war, Germany, violating the treaty, attacked suddenly, without an official announcement (it took place after the fact). It is the day of the attack, June 22, 1941, that is considered the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

Rice. 1. German invasion of the USSR.

Periods of war

Having developed the Barbarossa plan (attack operation), Germany hoped to capture Russia during 1941, but despite the weak readiness of the Soviet troops and their defeat in initial period WWII, Hitler did not get a quick victory, but a protracted war. Slovakia, Romania, Italy, and Hungary took the side of Germany.

The entire course of military operations is conventionally divided into the following stages:

  • First (June 1941-November 1942): the beginning of armed clashes along the Soviet border; German breakthroughs that brought defeat to Soviet troops in three defensive operations; resumption of war with Finland, which recaptured its lands. Defeat of German troops in the Moscow direction. Leningrad blockade;
  • Second (radical change, November 1942-December 1943): victory of Soviet troops in the southern direction (Stalingrad offensive operation); liberation North Caucasus, breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade. Defeat of the Germans in large-scale battles near Kursk and on the banks of the Dnieper;
  • Third (January 1944-May 1945): liberation of Right Bank Ukraine; lifting the Leningrad blockade; reconquest of Crimea, the rest of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, the Arctic, and the northern part of Norway. The Soviet army is pushing the Germans beyond its borders. The attack on Berlin, during which Soviet troops 04/25/1945 met with the American ones on the Elbe. Berlin was captured on May 2, 1945.

Rice. 2. Battle of Kursk.


The main results of the armed confrontation between the USSR and Germany:

  • The end of the war in favor of the USSR: 05/09/1945 Germany announced surrender;
  • Release of those captured European countries, overthrow of the Nazi regime;
  • The USSR expanded its territories, strengthened its army, political and economic impact, becoming one of the world leaders;
  • Negative result: huge loss of life, serious destruction.

Much has been written about the war in the Soviet Union. Memoirs of commanders, notes of officers and soldiers, prose, poetry, and historical research were published in mass editions. There are also memories of home front workers (both ordinary workers and managers, plant directors, people's commissars, aircraft designers). All this makes up an impressive library, from which it would seem possible to reconstruct historical facts with complete certainty. In addition, films were shot - feature and documentary, short and serial. In schools, technical schools and institutes, students discussed all stages in detail with teachers great battle, which claimed tens of millions of lives. And with all this, it turned out that our people know surprisingly little about what happened during the Great Patriotic War.

Two calendar dates - black and red

Two main dates are firmly entrenched in the consciousness of the masses - June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about what exactly happened during these days. In the early summer morning, “Kyiv was bombed, they declared to us...”, and the general summary is that the Germans attacked suddenly, they did not declare war. This is all about the first date. The information is not entirely true. The declaration of war was German Ambassador Schulenburg handed the note to Molotov. True, this did not matter; at that moment the Junkers and Henkels were already gaining altitude over the border, and there was no time left to prepare to repel the attack. But that’s what war is for, so as not to warn about an attack in advance. Why they didn’t prepare for defense is a different matter.

At first glance, more is known about what year the Great Patriotic War ended and on what day. But not everything is clear here either.


On June 22, something happened for which the USSR had been preparing for a long time. An unprecedented modernization of industrial potential took place, called industrialization. Peasant life was radically restructured, and the basis for private initiative in the village was eliminated. This led to a sharp decline in the well-being of the entire people. Large-scale efforts, since they did not lead to an increase in living standards, could be aimed at only one thing - defense. Propaganda persistently instilled the idea of ​​the inevitability of war and at the same time the peacefulness of the world's first state of workers and peasants. The scenario of future fateful events was described in a feature film with the eloquent title “If there is war tomorrow.” The insidious enemy attacked, and he was immediately overtaken by retribution of terrible force. He was completely destroyed, and real freedom came to his land, like in the USSR. Why did things turn out a little differently in June 1941?

Almost the entire military power of the Red Army as of mid-June 1941 was concentrated near the western borders of the USSR. There were also reserves of weapons, fuel, ammunition, medicines, food and everything necessary for waging war on foreign territory with little loss of life. The airfields were also pushed as far as possible into the border strips. The equipment was not completed; the delivery of military cargo and trains with equipment continued. All this was covered in works of art, and in many memoirs.

We can conclude that the Patriotic War to defend his country was not planned by Stalin.

What did Hitler count on?

The German Fuhrer was hoping mainly, apparently, for the dissatisfaction of the population with the Soviet regime. The agents reported on the terrible consequences of more than twenty years of communist rule, the repressions that had decapitated the Red Army, millions of starving peasants on collective farms, a frightened working class and suppressed intelligentsia. The Fuhrer had virtually no doubt that when the Wehrmacht approached the borders of the USSR, the population would come out to joyfully greet the “liberators.” Similar situations, by the way, took place in some western regions, but in general, hopes did not come true.

How Germany prepared for war

If it were not for the hope of the speedy destruction of the “colossus with feet of clay,” Adolf Hitler would hardly have decided to attack. The situation in Germany at the beginning of the summer of 1941 could not be called brilliant. Against the backdrop of successful actions in Europe, not very pleasant processes took place. Half of France remained “under-occupied”, one hundred percent control over Yugoslavia was never established, in North Africa things were going badly, naval operations also took place with with varying success. America did not enter the war, but in fact already participated in it, helping Britain with its practically inexhaustible material resources.

Germany's allies - Romania, Italy and Japan - were more trouble than they were worth. against the USSR in such conditions could be considered a crazy step. Practically no training was carried out; the Wehrmacht soldiers did not even have warm clothes and shoes (they never appeared), frost-resistant fuel and lubricant. Soviet intelligence knew about this and reported to the Kremlin.

However, the war began for the USSR in a completely unexpected way and in an extremely unfavorable situation for us. The Germans quickly advanced deeper into the territory, the situation became more and more threatening. It became clear that without the participation of the entire people in the defense it would be impossible to win. And the war became Patriotic.

Patriotic War

Almost immediately after Hitler's attack, the war was declared Patriotic. This happened for the second time in Russian history. A threat arose not just to some social system, but to the very existence of the country and the Eurasian civilization. How was it the first time, under the Tsar-Liberator?

The Patriotic War with France took place in 1812 until Napoleonic hordes were expelled from Russian soil. They drove Bonaparte all the way to Paris, reached it, and, having captured it in 1814, did not find the usurper emperor there. We spent a little time “visiting” and then returned home to brave songs. But after crossing the Berezina, all this was just a campaign. Only the first year, while battles were raging along Borodino and Maloyaroslavets, and partisans were advancing on the invaders from the forests, was the war considered Patriotic.

Version one: 1944

If we draw historical analogies, then the question of what year the Great Patriotic War ended should be answered: in 1944, in the fall. It was then that the last armed German, Romanian, Spaniard, Italian, Hungarian and any other soldier who fought on the side Nazi Germany, left the territory of the USSR. Prisoners and dead don't count. The war itself continued, but it had ceased to be domestic; it entered the phase of finishing off the enemy in his lair while simultaneously liberating the peoples he had enslaved. The threat to the existence of the USSR had passed; the only question was the timing of the final defeat of the enemy and the conditions of the subsequent peace.

Version two - May 8, 1945

True, this version also has opponents, and their arguments deserve respect. The end of the Second World War, in their opinion, chronologically coincides with the moment of signing the surrender in Karlshorst, a suburban district of Berlin. On our side, Marshal G.K. Zhukov and other military leaders took part in the ceremony, on the German side - Keitel with officers and generals of the German General Staff. Hitler had been dead for eight days. The date of the historical event is May 8, 1945. A day earlier, there was another signing of surrender, but the high Soviet command was not present at it, so J.V. Stalin did not recognize it and did not give an order to stop hostilities. The victorious end of the Great Patriotic War on May 9 became a national holiday; all radio stations in the Soviet Union announced it. The people rejoiced, people laughed and cried. And someone else had to fight...

Fights on May 9, after the Victory

The signing of the act of surrender of Germany did not yet mean the end of the war. Soviet soldiers died on May 9 as well. In Prague, the German garrison, consisting of selected SS men, refused to lay down their arms. The situation became acute; the townspeople tried to resist the Nazi fanatics, who understood that their days were numbered, and they had nothing to lose. The rapid rush of Soviet troops saved the Czech capital from a bloodbath. The outcome of the battles was a foregone conclusion, but there were losses. On the ninth of May it all ended. It was a shame to die on the last day of the war, but such is a soldier’s lot...

There was also a little-known war on Far East. Quickly and decisively, the Soviet Army defeated the Kwantung group of Japanese armed forces, reaching Korea. There were also losses, although they were incomparably smaller than during the war with Germany.

Patriotic War front and rear

The ninth of May is the day of the end because, although it was carried out since the fall of 1944 not on our territory, in fact the efforts of the entire country were aimed at overcoming the enemy’s resistance. The entire economic potential of the USSR worked according to the principle “everything for the front, everything for victory.” The fighting took place to the west of the Soviet borders, but in the rear there was a battle of its own. Tanks, planes, guns, ships that were destined to crush the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine - everything was built in the rear.

The workers, including many women and teenagers, spared no effort to supply their native Red Army with everything necessary; they fought their war, crying a lot over the funeral and not eating enough. Victory in the Great Patriotic War was the result of the efforts not only of soldiers, officers, generals, admirals and sailors, but also of the rest of the Soviet people. In this sense, the war was domestic from the first to the last day.

Version three - 1955

The signing of Germany's surrender took place in a difficult and nervous environment. The defeated enemy tried to maintain the appearance of some kind of dignity, Keitel even saluted the victors. The allies added tension, they tried to maintain their own geopolitical interests, which, in general, is quite natural. Mutual wariness interfered with the celebration of the expected great holiday. It is not surprising that in this situation they forgot about a very important document, namely the peace treaty. Wars end, but what comes next? That's right, peace. But not some abstract one, but one that the winners will agree on. The vanquished can only accept the conditions offered to them. The end of the Great Patriotic War in May 1945 was de facto, but there was no legal formalization; it was simply forgotten.

Legal snag

They realized it almost ten years later. On January 25, 1955, by a Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet signed by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR K. Voroshilov and the Secretary of the Presidium N. Pegov, the state of war with Germany was ended. Of course, this legislative act was symbolic, and even the defeated state itself did not exist in its previous form at that time - it was divided into two parts, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, but teachers for history students had a question to fill in: “In what year did the Great War end?” Patriotic War in the legal sense? And the correct answer, which not everyone knew, is: in 1955!

Legal subtleties no longer matter today of great importance, they are important only for those who consider themselves experts and want to show off their erudition to others. Today, when not every graduate high school knows in what year the Great Patriotic War ended, it’s not so difficult. A couple of decades ago, everyone knew this. The events of history are becoming more and more distant from us, and fewer and fewer eyewitnesses can tell about them. The date of the end of the Great Patriotic War is written in textbooks, but it is also on the pedestals of monuments.

Known popular expression one of the great commanders that until at least one dead soldier is buried, the war cannot be considered over. Unfortunately, our country has lost so many sons and daughters that to this day search teams find their remains in places of past battles. They are seen off on their last journey with military honors, relatives learn about the fate of their fathers and grandfathers, fireworks roar... Will we ever be able to say that all the soldiers who gave their lives for their Motherland found a worthy rest? This is unlikely, but you should strive for it.

Looking back, these events seem to be centuries old. Life is in full swing around, everyone is fussing, in a hurry, and sometimes even the events of a year ago have no meaning and are ingloriously covered with dust in memory. But humanity has no moral right to forget the 1418 days of the Great Patriotic War. Chronicles of the war 1941-1945. - this is just a small echo of that time, a good reminder to the modern generation that war has never brought anything good to anyone.

Causes of the war

Like any armed confrontation, the reasons for the outbreak of the war were very banal. The chronicle of the Great 1941-1945 states that the battle began because Adolf Hitler wanted to lead Germany to world domination: to seize all countries and create a state with pure races.

Years later he invades the territory of Poland, then goes to Czechoslovakia, conquers more new territories, and then violates the peace treaty concluded on August 23, 1939 with the USSR. Intoxicated by his first successes and victories, he developed the Barbarossa plan, according to which he was supposed to capture the Soviet Union in a short time. But it was not there. From this moment begins a four-year chronicle of the events of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

1941st. Start

In June the war began. During this month, five defense fronts were formed, each of which was responsible for its own territory:

  • Northern front. Defended Hanko (from 22.06 to 02.12) and the Arctic (from 29.07 to 10.10).
  • Northwestern Front. Immediately after the attack, he began to carry out the Baltic strategic defensive operation (06.22-09.07).
  • Western Front. The Bialystok-Minsk battle took place here (06.22-07.09).
  • Southwestern front. The Lviv-Chernivtsi defensive operation was launched (06.22-06.07).
  • Southern front. Founded 25.07.

In July, defensive operations continued on the Northern Front. On the Northwestern Front, the Leningrad defensive operation began (from 10.07 to 30.09). At the same time, the Battle of Smolensk begins on the Western Front (10.07-10.09). On July 24, the Central Front was founded and took part in the Battle of Smolensk. On the 30th the Reserve Front was formed. The Kiev defensive operation began in the South-West (07.07-26.09). The Tiraspol-Melitopol defensive operation begins on the Southern Front (07.27-28.09).

In August the battles continue. The forces of the Reserve Front join the Battle of Smolensk. On the 14th, the Bryansk Front was founded, and the city was defended in the Odessa defensive region (05.08-16.10). On August 23, the Transcaucasian Front is formed, two days later the Iranian operation begins.

Entries for September in documentary chronicles of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) indicate that most defensive battles have ended. The forces of the Soviet Union changed their location and began new offensive operations: Sumy-Kharkov and Donbass.

In October, the Sinyavskaya and Strelninsk-Peterhof operations were carried out on the Leningrad Front, and the Tikhvin defensive operation began (from October 16 to November 18). On the 17th, the Kalinin defensive front was formed, and the defensive operation of the same name began. On the 10th, the Reserve Front ceased to exist. The Tula defensive operation began on the Bryansk Front (10.24-05.12). Crimean troops began a defensive operation and entered the battle for Sevastopol (10.10.1941-09.07.1942).

In November, the Tikhvin offensive operation began, which ended by the end of the year. The battles went on with varying degrees of success. On December 5, the Kalinin offensive operation began, and on the 6th, the Klin-Solnechnaya and Tula offensive operations began. On December 17, the Volkhov Front was formed. The Bryansk Front was formed again, and the Kerch landing operation began in the Transcaucasus (December 26). The defense of Sevastopol continued.

1942 - a brief military chronicle of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

On January 1, 1942, an anti-German bloc was formed, which included 226 countries. Meanwhile, on January 2, the city of Maloyaroslavets was liberated, on the 3rd, near the city of Sukhinichi, the Russian army defeated the Germans, and on January 7, German shock groups were defeated near Moscow.

New offensive operations begin. On January 20, Mozhaisk was completely liberated. At the beginning of February, the entire Moscow region was liberated from the Germans. Soviet troops advanced 250 km in the Vitebsk direction. On March 5, long-range aviation was created. On May 8, the German offensive in Crimea begins. Fighting is underway near Kharkov, and on June 28 a large-scale offensive by German troops begins. The forces were mainly directed to the Volga and the Caucasus.

On July 17 the legendary Battle of Stalingrad, which is mentioned in all chronicles of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (photos of the confrontation are attached). On August 25, a state of siege was introduced in Stalingrad. On September 13, fighting begins at Mamayev Kurgan. November 19 The Red Army begins an offensive operation near Stalingrad. On December 3, a group of German troops was defeated in the Shiripin area. On December 31, troops of the Stalingrad Front liberated the city of Elista.


This year has become a turning point. On January 1, the Rostov offensive operation began. The cities of Mozdok, Malgobek, and Nalchik were liberated, and Operation Iskra began on January 12. The military personnel who took part in it must have been in Leningrad. Five days later, the city of Velikiye Luki was liberated. On January 18, it was possible to establish contact with Leningrad. On January 19, an offensive operation began on the Voronezh Front and managed to defeat a large enemy military group. On January 20, enemy troops were defeated near the city of Velikoluksk. On January 21, Stavropol was liberated.

On January 31, German troops surrender at Stalingrad. On February 2, it was possible to liquidate the army at Stalingrad (almost 300 thousand fascists). On February 8, Kursk was liberated, and on the 9th, Belgorod. The Soviet army advanced towards Minsk.

Krasnodar liberated; 14th - Rostov-on-Don, Voroshilovgrad and Krasnodon; On February 16, Kharkov was liberated. On March 3, Rzhevsk was liberated, on March 6, Gzhatsk, and on March 12, the Germans abandoned their positions in Vyazma. On March 29, the Soviet flotilla caused significant damage German Navy off the coast of Norway.

May 3 Soviet army won the battle in the air, and on July 5 the legendary Battle of Kursk. It ended on August 22, during the battle 30 German divisions were defeated. By the end of the year, successful offensive operations were carried out, one after another, the cities of the Soviet Union were liberated from the invaders. fails.


According to the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the war took a turn favorable for the USSR. Offensive operations began on all fronts. Ten so-called Stalin's blows helped completely liberate the territory of the USSR, fighting were now being conducted in Europe.

Way to victory

The German command understands that it cannot seize the strategic initiative and begins to take defensive positions in order to preserve at least those territories that they managed to capture. But every day they had to retreat further and further.

On April 16, 1945, Soviet troops surround Berlin. The Nazi army is defeated. April 30 Hitler commits suicide. On May 7, Germany announced its surrender to the Western Allied forces, and on May 9, it capitulated to the Soviet Union.

In the chronicles (1941-1945), the war is presented to the reader as a list of dates and events. But we must not forget that behind every date there are hidden human destinies: unfulfilled hopes, unfulfilled promises and unlived lives.

The Tsar's word to the Russian people and army! SECOND PATRIOTIC WAR

Our great mother Rus' greeted the news of the declaration of war with calm and dignity. I am convinced that with the same sense of calm we will bring the war, whatever it may be, to the end.

I here solemnly declare that I will not make peace until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land. And to you, the representatives of my dear guard troops and the St. Petersburg Military District gathered here, in your person, I address my entire only-begotten, unanimous army, strong as a granite wall, and I bless it for its military work.

What’s interesting is this: “until the last enemy warrior leaves our land”

How did the 2nd Patriotic War, or the 1st World War (as we are already accustomed) begin according to official history?

On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, and on the same day the Germans invaded Luxembourg.
On August 2, German troops finally occupied Luxembourg, and Belgium was given an ultimatum to allow German armies to enter the border with France. Only 12 hours were given for reflection.
On August 3, Germany declared war on France, accusing it of “organized attacks and aerial bombardments of Germany” and “violating Belgian neutrality.” On August 3, Belgium refused Germany's ultimatum.
On August 4, German troops invaded Belgium. King Albert of Belgium turned for help to the guarantor countries of Belgian neutrality. London sent an ultimatum to Berlin: stop the invasion of Belgium, or England will declare war on Germany. After the ultimatum expired, Great Britain declared war on Germany and sent troops to help France.

It turns out to be an interesting story. The Tsar probably would not have thrown words around like that - “until the last enemy warrior leaves our land,” etc.

But the enemy, at the time of the speech, invaded the territory of Luxembourg. What does it mean? Is this what I think, or do you have other thoughts?

Let's see where we have Luxembourg?

A good thing - Luxembourg is aligned in color with the Netherlands, so it turns out that all the land belonged to Russia? Or was it a kingdom of a different kind, World and Global, with Russia as the flagship? And the rest of the countries were not countries, but counties, principalities, regions, or God knows what it was actually called..

Because it’s the Patriotic War, and the second one (I think the first one was 1812) And then, 100 years later, again - 1914.. You say - “Well, you never know what’s written in the picture, so now, build a theory from this? " But no, my friends.. There’s not just one picture.. But two.. Or three.. Or thirty-three..

The question is this: who and when began to call the Second Patriotic War, the First World War? If they are hiding this from us (those who are engaged in informing the population about the events of history - x/ztoriki) then there is probably a reason for this? They won’t foolishly do nothing to change the names historical events? What a nonsense..

And there is a lot of such evidence... So there is something to hide.! What exactly? Probably the fact that our Fatherland was much wider at that time, so much so that Luxembourg was our territory, and perhaps it was not limited to this. We all know about the globality of the world in the 19th century - when will this global world was divided and strictly demarcated?

Who lived in the Russian Empire?

Document: “On the number of measures included in the draft lists of 1904 on the basis of Article 152 of the military regulations of the 1897 edition” Materials of the Samara recruiting presence. According to the materials of the Samara recruiting presence - Germans and Jews - religion. This means there was one state, but recently it was divided.

There were no nationalities back in 1904. There were Christians, Mohammedans, Jews and Germans - this is how the masses were distinguished.

In B. Shaw's Saint Joan, an English nobleman says to a priest who used the word "French":

"Frenchman! Where did you get this word from? Did these Burgundians, Bretons, Picardians and Gascons also begin to call themselves French, just as ours have taken the fashion of calling themselves English? They talk about France and England as their countries. Yours, do you understand?! What will happen to me and to you if such a way of thinking is spread everywhere? (See: Davidson B. The Black Man's Bearden. Africa and the Cigse of the Nation-State. New York: Times B 1992. R. 95).

“In 1830, Stendhal spoke of a terrible triangle between the cities of Bordeaux, Bayonne and Valence, where “people believed in witches, did not know how to read and did not speak French.” Flaubert, walking through the fair in the commune of Rasporden in 1846, as if exotic bazaar, he described a typical peasant he came across on his way: “...suspicious, restless, dumbfounded by any phenomenon incomprehensible to him, he is in a great hurry to leave the city.”
D. Medvedev. France of the 19th century: a country of savages (instructive reading)

So what was it about - “until the enemy leaves our land”? And where is it, this “land of ours”? It is known that during this war the soldiers did not want to fight - they met on neutral territory and “fraternization”

“Brotherhood” on the Eastern Front began already in August 1914, and in 1916, hundreds of regiments from the Russian side already participated in them, writes Interpreter.

On New Year's Eve 1915, sensational news spread around the world: on the Western Front Great War a spontaneous truce began and "fraternization" of soldiers warring between the British, French and German armies. Soon, the leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, Lenin, announced “fraternization” at the front as the beginning of “the transformation of the world war into civil war"(note!!!)

Among these news about the Christmas Truce, the meager information about the “fraternization” on the Eastern (Russian) Front was completely lost.

"Brotherhood" in the Russian army began in August 1914 on the Southwestern Front. In December 1914, cases of mass “fraternization” of soldiers of the 249th Danube Infantry and 235th Belebeevsky Infantry Regiments were noted on the North-Western Front.

How can this be the case among multilingual peoples? They were somehow supposed to understand each other!!!?

One thing is clear - people were driven to slaughter by their leaders, governments, who received orders from some “center”... But what kind of “center” is this?

It was the mutual destruction of the people. Read the titles settlements on the territory of Germany..We rightfully considered this land ours!!!

Read it, and you will immediately understand “what” Emperor Nicholas II was talking about when he said “Our Land”, I mean himself, or the society he led (this is a question of a different nature) All this was “Our Land” (in addition to the Benelux countries - Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Belgium, etc.) It turns out that if you follow the logic (why was it necessary to hide the name of the Second Patriotic War?), then the goal setting was precisely the concealment of the Global (at that time) World, the Fatherland, which this war “finished off”? Were states in their current form formed only recently? Even during the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis, in turn, considered our territory theirs, and the population their citizens - they behaved as if they had equal rights with the Bolsheviks, at least. They thought so... And part of the population was quite loyal, especially at the beginning of the war...

So what was it - another “get-together”?

Who constantly pits our peoples against each other, and has a triple benefit from this?

Time of Troubles If we go back to the time of the Troubles (17th century) or, rather, at the end of it, then several foreign princes and even King James of England laid claim to the Russian throne (with what joy?), but the Cossacks managed to push through their candidate by hook or by crook - Mikhail Feodorovich, which the other applicants were very unhappy with - It turns out they had equal rights. . ? And the Polish Tsarevich Vladislav never recognized Michael as Tsar, without showing due respect, according to etiquette, calling him illegitimately elected, considering his rights to the Moscow throne more fundamental..

How this is connected with the legend of the Russian kingdom, as well as other individual states, I cannot understand.

(wiki) According to the famous Soviet historian, Professor A.L. Stanislavsky, a well-known specialist in the history of Russian society of the 16th-17th centuries, Michael played a key role in the accession of the throne instead of foreign princes and King James I of England and Scotland, whom the nobility and boyars wanted to elect , played by the Great Russian Cossacks, who then united with the Moscow common people, whose liberties the tsar and his descendants subsequently took away from everyone possible ways. The Cossacks received a grain salary, and were afraid that the bread that was supposed to go to their salary would instead be sold by the British for money all over the world.

That is, the Great Russian Cossacks “stirred”, fearing that the English king, having sat on the Moscow throne, would take away their bread wages, and why didn’t the very fact that an Englishman would rule in Rus' bother them!? Was this normal, in the order of things? I wonder why the Cossacks did not participate in the wars waged by Rus'? Mikhail Feodorych’s army was half full. . . . Foreign, German!! S. M. Solovyov. Works in 18 volumes. Book V. History of Russia since ancient times, volumes 9-10.

But we saw that in addition to hired and local foreigners during the reign of Michael, there were regiments of Russian people trained in the foreign system; Shein near Smolensk had: hired many German people, captains and captains and foot soldiers; Yes, with them, with the German colonels and captains, were Russian people, boyar children and people of all ranks who were enrolled in military training: with the German colonel Samuel Charles, there were 2700 nobles and boyar children from different cities; Greeks, Serbs and Voloshans forage - 81; Colonel Alexander Leslie, and with him his regiment of captains and majors, all sorts of officials and soldiers - 946; with Colonel Yakov Sharl - 935; with Colonel Fuchs - 679; with Colonel Sanderson, 923; with colonels - Wilhelm Keith and Yuri Matteyson - initial people - 346 and ordinary soldiers - 3282: German people from different lands who were sent from the Ambassadorial Prikaz - 180, and a total of mercenary Germans - 3653;

Yes, with the German colonels of Russian soldiers, who are in charge of the foreign order: 4 colonels, 4 large regimental lieutenants, 4 majors, in Russian large regimental guards, 2 quartermasters and a captain, in Russian large regimental okolnichi, 2 regimental quartermasters, 17 captains , 32 lieutenants, 32 ensigns, 4 regimental judges and clerks, 4 obozniks, 4 priests, 4 court clerks, 4 profosts, 1 regimental nabatchik, 79 pentecostals, 33 ensigns, 33 gun watchmen, 33 company borrowers, 65 German corporals, 172 Russian caporals, 20 German nabatchiks with a flute player, 32 company clerks, 68 Russian nabbatchikov, two German underage children for interpreting; a total of German people and Russian and German soldiers in six regiments, and Poles and Lithuanians in four companies 14801 people...

Well, okay - let's look at photographs from the beginning of the 19th century.. Opposite ends of the world - from Vietnam to South Africa and Indonesia - what ends, it would seem! But no - the same architecture, style, materials, one company built everything, globalization however... In general, there are a small fraction of photographs here, for acceleration, and at the end of the post there’s more, for those who can’t stop right away)) for the sake of braking distance for..back at the beginning of the 20th century THE WORLD WAS GLOBAL!!!

Kyiv, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Tehran, Iran

Hanoi, Vietnam

Saigon, Vietnam

Padang, Indonesia

Bogota, Colombia

Manial, Philippines

Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan

Shanghai, China


Shanghai, China

Managua, Nicaragua

Kolkata, India


Kolkata, India

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Seoul, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Melbourne, Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Penang Island, George Town, Malaysia

Lstrow Penang, George Town, Malaysia

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Phuket, Thailand


Subpoint: Brussels, Belgium


Kolkata, India

Vendôme Column. Paris




To this list you must also add all the destroyed cities to which the manipulator assigned the status of ancient Greek and Roman. This is all nonsense. They were destroyed 200-300 years ago. It’s just that, due to the desertification of the territory, life on the ruins of such cities has largely not resumed. These cities (Timgad, Palmyra and the like..) were destroyed by a low air explosion, an unknown, terrible weapon of mass destruction.. Look - the top of the city was completely demolished.. And where are the debris? But this is up to 80% of the destroyed massif! Who, when and where, and most importantly - with what, removed so much construction waste?

Timgad, Algeria, Africa

The most interesting thing is that the entire territory with a diameter of 25-30 km from the so-called city center is strewn with ruins - a real metropolis like modern ones... If Moscow is 37-50 km. in diameter.. That is, it becomes clear that the cities were destroyed by low air explosions of enormous destructive power - ALL UPPER PARTS OF BUILDINGS WERE COMPLETELY DEMOLISHED..

Here you can clearly see the sand-covered areas of the city center, and the mainland soil - even the pits of former reservoirs (in greenish) the remnant of former luxury... Palm trees grew here (hence the name - Palmyra) and so on and so forth... It was an earthly paradise for enlightened people.. In the photo above, I specially placed photographs of objects in their locations in order to clearly demonstrate their distance from the center of Palmyra (let it be, for example, an amphitheater) and this is about 30 km in diameter..

Compare the buildings. Their project and initial functional purpose identically:

Lebanon, Baalbek

Orthodox Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. Sevastopol

Old Museum in Kerch

Walhala, Germany

Temple of Poseidon, Italy

Parthenon, USA

Temple of Apollo, Delphi

Temple of Theseus in Vienna, Austria

Temple of Hephaestus in Athens

Paris, Church of the Madeleine, 1860

Garni Temple in Armenia


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