Medical examination competition for a woman’s anniversary. Comic scene "nurse coming for a holiday"

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A universal scene - a joke: the doctor for festive table reads out his medical testimony to the hero of the day. Suitable for both women and men, just enter the desired names.
After some medical indications, the doctor additionally comments on the results - Doctor’s Comment – ​​KV

Age: blooming.
Pulse: beats like a fountain, sometimes impossible to measure.
Blood type: many red cells, they say about these: “blood and milk.”
Heart rhythm: variable, sometimes it beats like a clock, sometimes it freezes, sometimes it breaks out of the chest from stress, anxiety or from an excess of feelings.
KV: – As a doctor, I can say that cardiac arrhythmia can be extremely useful, but only when it happens from love fever (for which, by the way, a cure has never been invented)! Therefore, we will not wish our dear hero of the day an even heartbeat - let every day the heart jump with love and freeze with sweet moments!
Life tone: versatile.
Hearing: universal.
KV: But in this place I would dwell in more detail... Our dear... Full name, despite the absence of ear pathologies, I would advise you not to strain your hearing aid too much... Especially in disputes with your precious half - as a doctor to you I say, in such cases I recommend being a little deaf and almost completely dumb, otherwise there will be complications nervous system and, as a result, lighter wallet, guaranteed!
Vision: clearly notices even small things.

…………………continuation of the scene in full version……………………….

Option 2 of the sketch: “Act of medical examination of the hero of the day”

Here the results are read out by one person, and the closest friend - BP - the hero of the day, comments on how close person who knows EVERYTHING about the birthday girl! She constantly inserts herself into the description of the results, telling everyone her opinion.

DEAR GUESTS! Now I have received it by fax via INTERNET ACT medical examination Happy Birthday to VALENTINE!

In connection with the significant date - the 60th anniversary of the birth of God's servant VALENTINA, specialists highest category and professors Perm region A thorough medical examination of the hero of the day was carried out to check his health and vitality.

As a result of the inspection, it was revealed:

Exercise therapy - the physique is correct, the stomach is round, but has a slight tendency to grow. The posture is proud, the gait through life is confident.
BP: Let me bet! That's all, it seems that what you say is true, but what does it mean - the physique is correct?! It's great! And regarding trends in the stomach - a couple of laps around the park in the company best friend, and all your tendencies will come to an end!
The ophthalmologist has not worn glasses for a long time, because she began to see even things that should not be seen. He doesn’t make eyes at men, but in vain...
BP: (smiles skeptically and winks at the birthday girl) - Well, yes, well, yes... We don’t make eyes, yeah...
ENT - He has good hearing, sometimes he even hears things that he shouldn’t hear, but he doesn’t show it.
Dentist - Your mouth is full of teeth, but it doesn’t hurt to be toothy.
BP: Yes, you know, don’t put your finger in her mouth, she’ll chop it off up to the elbow!

………………………..full text in the paid version……………………………..

DOCTOR'S OPINION: He will live!

BP: And we, dear, will try to ensure that you live not only happily, but also cheerfully! (raises glass)

I assure you: Secretary of the Commission I.A. Putin


End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the scene, go to cart. After payment, the material will be available for download via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 R ub.

Mummers have always been a symbol of a real holiday; fortunately, this tradition of dressing up and entertaining the public on behalf of their character has survived to this day. And today, costumed congratulations are the most favorite and brightest moments at any celebration: from small family holiday before the mass festivities.

Particularly popular are game moments in which guests dressed as different heroes not only congratulate the heroes of the occasion, but also engage in active or table competitions with the guests. We offer one of the options for such entertainment - comic skit “A nurse’s arrival for a holiday”

Comic scene script

At the height of the holiday, the “Nurse” suddenly appears, with a bag with a red cross over her shoulder, containing the necessary props for this.

Nurse (addresses guests): Hello my dear! And who feels bad here? I see everyone is fine. And why did they call then? There aren't enough crews in the city, and you're playing games here. Ooo! I see you’re doing well today, but tomorrow it won’t be so good! Tomorrow morning you will line up for an appointment with me. But I won’t be able to receive everyone, the reception time is limited, and there are so many of you. What should we do?.. Apparently we didn’t come in vain.

Well, first of all, let's not panic. Nerve cells take care. I'll give you some tips on how to get yourself out of stressful situation. (Approaches the guests one by one and gives advice and comic recipes on how to get rid of problems, each guest she turns to embodies)

Comic recipes for guests from a nurse

Get a hold of yourself (shows how to make a “castle”)

Swallow the insult (offers to drink a glass)

Treat yourself to joy ( treats you with candy)

Forget the problem (offers to hit with a child's hammer)

Break up an unbearable relationship (gives sheet A4)

Stand your ground (shows a pose: hands on hips, legs apart)

Don't give up (shows how to raise your hands)

Become a star (shows the pose with feet wider than shoulder width, arms to the sides)

Whatever it is, smile (gives a picture of a smile on a stick and tries it on)

Find your luck (makes it possible to catch a star on a string)

See the world with different eyes (gives funny homemade or purchased glasses and puts them on the guest)

Active game with the audience

A healthy psyche is good, but you also need to look good. I'll show you the simplest trick on how to get yourself in order in the morning. By exercising daily, you can gain health, youth and a blooming appearance.

(musical accompaniment plays in the background)

1. ...Beauty, health and good spirits

Starts with a smile from ear to ear (shows, and everyone repeats the wide smile)

2. ...We speed up the blood so that they don’t get sick -

Let's knock our palms on our knees (shows, everyone repeats)

3. ...To prevent troubles from flowing.

Putting a reliable block on stress and anxiety (shows: arms crossed in front of you)

4. ...It's time to shake off the fatigue.

So that only pleasant bliss remains (we use our hands to shake off the water)

5 . Let's all listen to the heart rhythm, Is it good? (palm to heart)

Then let's clap our hands joyfully (clap)

6. And now again, at a faster pace with music, all the exercises: smile, knees, block, bliss, heart, joy (does it together with the guests). Now let’s just leave a smile and joy and clap for each other. Well done!

A toast from a nurse

And before I leave such wonderful patients, a few wishes and recommendations.

It sounds like a rap backing track or simply speaks in a recitative manner.

Friends, I wish you like a doctor

So that you all go to the doctor less often,

So that they completely forget what pills are,

So that your beloved children are healthy,

So that your heart beats like a motor,

So that you maintain your enthusiasm until old age!

So that you don’t know what a migraine is,

Do exercises every day.

I give instructions so that you don’t get sick

At work and at home, so that your nerves are spared,

So that your teeth never ache from pain,

So that the jaws in the mouth are not false.

So that your temperature is 36.6,

To keep your figure slim

Live so that the doctors say

We don't know him, we've never treated him.

I suggest...let's pour some wine

Let's drink to our health!

By the way, I allow you to drink...a glass...another

(the guests drink; if there is a hero of the occasion, the nurse congratulates him separately and leaves)

Presenter: (NAME) ...! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the shores of the distant Nile.

A melody from Egypt sounds. 2 concubines come in and behind them is the pharaoh. Clothes are made from sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. Concubines have brooms instead of fans. They sweep the path for Pharaoh, then they will fan Pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

The waters of the Nile quickly brought my boat to the shores Quiet Don, having heard about this event.
(Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his scroll of paper and begins to read.)

Oh, tireless Tatiana! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your brow, in your words and actions, O priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that our words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who came into the world, gave life to your children and raised them to be worthy and respected people. You open the eyes of your children to the world and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. Your working male harem is strict, only business order, O untemptable of the untempted. May the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and may your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to your left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. Oh, cordial and humane in providing washers, sweepers, rowers, dust-wipers and floor-sweepers! May your trail forever be green, and may your voice delight our sinful souls with the cry: “Get the washing up and dishes for the meal!” Let your granddaughter and future grandchildren make you happy! May you live forever, like the trees in your green farm! And from the withered ones let your subjects make sculptural compositions and dedicate them to you. May you live forever! Accept this medal in honor of the occasion.

Instructions for the medal:
1. Medals are allocated the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased, where the medal is hung, so that all the neighbors can see the medal.
2. The recipient of this medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old and use the medal to make teeth.
3. The recipient of the medal wears it, as a rule, at home, on the days of family celebrations, on the days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.
Egypt. Left Bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

The pharaoh places a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day, then leaves to the music. His concubines sweep the path in front of him.


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