The competition is sunny. International Children's Art Competition "Sunny Bunny"

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The Moscow regional open festival-competition “Solar Circle” (hereinafter referred to as the festival-competition) was established by the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region in 2015. Previously, the event was held in interzonal status and was called “Open Interzonal Exhibition-Competition “Solar Circle”, held annually for students of educational institutions additional education of the Moscow region. The event has a long, interesting history; it has existed for more than 20 years, identifying the most talented and gifted children. Traditionally, students from children's art schools and children's art schools from several zones of methodological guidance in the Moscow region (Podolsk, Mytishchi, Mozhaisk, Krasnogorsk, Kolomna, Pushchino, etc.) take part in it. Over the years, the exhibitions were dedicated to the most striking and important events in the country: the 700th anniversary of the birth of Sergius of Radonezh, the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, etc. In 2016, the festival-competition was expanded in categories and dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and culture, which was attended by over 340 people. In 2017, the event is dedicated to the Year of Ecology.
The jury always includes professionals of the highest level. For many years, the chairman of the jury is Sergei Ivanovich Kulibaba, Head of the Department of National Cultures of the Center for the Culture of the Peoples of Russia of the State Russian House of Folk Art, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers" , Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Art History.
The goals and objectives of the festival-competition have always been and remain: patriotic education of the younger generation, instilling a sense of national pride, the formation of national identity, the implementation of connections between generations, the preservation
nurturing and maintaining the traditions of folk art, instilling in children respect for the values ​​of Russian history and culture, unleashing the creative potential of students
The festival-competition traditionally takes place on the Day of Naro-Fominsk. All participants in the Solar Circle Festival-Competition always feel unity with their hometown.
In the “Decorative and Applied Arts” category, participants share their bright and varied skills in terms of expression. Wonderful master classes on DPI promote the creative growth of children. Gradually, new nominations are being added to the festival-competition: “Folk instruments”, “Folklore”, “Variety vocals”, “Choreography”. The jury always notes the high level of students’ preparation and the excellent organization of such a large-scale event.
Events of this level are very important for the creative growth of students. Thanks to the tireless energy of Vera Gennadievna Demidova, director of the Central School of Art "Harmony", Honored Worker of Culture of the Moscow Region, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Chairman of the Naro-Fominsk Territorial Methodological Association, a regional event appeared in our city, attracting every year an increasing number of competitors. The popularity of our festival-competition in the Moscow region is growing.


Second International Competitionclassical and folk art


g.o. Serpukhov, Moscow region, Russia



Head of the Serpukhov urban district

D.V. Zharikov dated June 14, 2018 No. 1420

Supported by:

  • Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region
  • Administration of the city district of Serpukhov, Moscow region


The competition was established by the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Serpukhov Urban District of the Moscow Region and is held annually.

  • A prize has been established for the Grand Prix winner - 50,000 rubles
  • The first prize winners will receive a scholarship from the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation
  • Laureates and outstanding performers (groups and soloists) will be invited to perform on the stage of the Big and Chamber Hall of the House of Music (Moscow).
  • Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region.
  • Department of Culture of the Administration of the Serpukhov Urban District, Moscow Region.
  • Board for the Development of International Cultural Cooperation in Tianjin (PRC).
  • Serpukhov Musical Society
  • Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"


Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • uniting talented performers, providing them with the opportunity to express themselves in the field of vocal, instrumental and choreographic art through creative self-expression;
  • popularization of classical and folk vocal, instrumental and choreographic art, revival of original folk art, raising the professional level of creative teams and individual performers, familiarizing leaders and children with new trends and directions in art and pedagogy;
  • formation of a culture of interethnic communication of children and youth through art;
  • identification and support of gifted children and creative youth, talented teachers, groups and performers;
  • attracting public attention to national culture and classical art;
  • promote patriotic and moral education of children and youth;


  1. Moscow region, Serpukhov, st. Sovetskaya, 90 - MAUK "DK "Russia";
  2. Moscow region, Serpukhov, st. Chekhova, 58/47 - MUK "Serpukhov Musical and Drama Theater".


  • The general management of the Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).
  • The Organizing Committee ensures the formation of the general program of the Competition events (forms the composition of the jury, determines the order of performance of the participants), resolves organizational and technical issues regarding the conduct of the Competition events.
  • Soloists-vocalists, ensembles and choirs of academic vocals, folk songs, instrumentalists, choreographic groups from cities and regions of Russia, near and far abroad are invited to participate in the Competition.
  • To participate in the Competition, you must submit an application form in the prescribed form and pay the registration fee by September 28, 2018.
  • The competition program consists of the following nominations:

Instrumental art:

In the nomination “Instrumental Art” (solo, small form, ensembles, chamber orchestras) groups working in the following areas can take part:

For teams:

Program requirements of the competitive program for all age categories:

  • The first competition work: a piece of classical music by a Russian or foreign composer of a cantilena character.
  • Second competitive work: an original play of a virtuosic nature or a play using musical original national folklore.

Two competition works are performed in a row.

The total duration of the program is no more than 8 minutes.

Evaluation criteria:“Level of performing skills”, “Creative potential”.

Choreographic art:

For teams: in one age category, up to 30 percent of the participants in another age category are allowed, in any other case the category is defined as “Multi-age category”;

Program requirements of the competition program for all age categories (accompaniment - phonogram):

Folk dance (Solo and groups from 4 to 32 people)

  • First competitive work: folk dance at the national folklore;
  • The second competition piece: a narrative dance based on folk choreography.

Evaluation criteria:“Chorese work” (selection and complexity of the repertoire, idea, theme, concept, compositional and dramatic solution, artistic design and props of the performance), “Technique and manner of performance”, “Musical accompaniment”, “Compliance with the stage image and character of the dance”, “ Artistry".

Classical dance (solo performance (girls, boys) or duet)

  • First competition piece: variation from ballets of classical heritage.
  • Second competition piece: variation from ballets by modern choreographers.

The total duration of the program is no more than 8 minutes.

Evaluation criteria:“Technique and manner of performance”, “Chorese work” (selection and complexity of the repertoire, compositional and dramatic solutions), “Musical accompaniment”, “Compliance with the stage image and character of the dance”, “Artistry”.

Vocal art:

For teams: in one age category, up to 30 percent of the participants in another age category are allowed, in any other case the category is defined as “Multi-age category”;

Program requirements of the competition program for all age categories (accompanied by piano):

2 different works of the participant’s choice:

  • Vocal work by a composer of the 17th-19th centuries.
  • Romance or song;
  • A vocal piece written by a composer of the participant's choice.

The total duration of the program is no more than 7 minutes.

The phonogram is provided by participants for the competition only on a USB drive (flash drive), in MP3 and VAF format; it is recommended to have phonograms on a backup medium. The flash drive must be signed in English. Other media are not allowed in the competition.

Rehearsal time before the Competition on stage is limited; only a technical rehearsal is held (duration up to 3 minutes per participant or ensemble). The organizing committee does not provide an accompanist, but guarantees that the stage will be equipped with a musical instrument - a grand piano.

The competition is held in the form of an audition in the presence of the Jury and the public in the hall.

Admission to the hall is free for the public.


The organizing committee of the competition forms a jury, which includes leading highly qualified and experienced specialists in the genres of Russia, China, near and far abroad, who are well aware of the theory, methodology and practice of working with amateur and professional groups and performers.

The jury is headed by a chairman who is appointed by the Organizing Committee of the Competition. The composition of the jury is announced before the start of the competition.

The decision of the jury is final and cannot be revised.

The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol signed by the chairman and members of the jury.

The competition jury has the right:

  • do not award all diplomas;
  • stop the performance of the group if the established regulations are exceeded.

The jury and the organizing committee have no right to disclose the results of the Competition before the official Award Ceremony.


When evaluating the performances of competition participants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

  • performance technique, musicality, emotionality, expressiveness;
  • purity of intonation, culture of sound, understanding of style;
  • repertoire, which must correspond to the age of the performer;
  • artistic interpretation of a musical work, artistry, stage costume, stage culture.


  • All participants of the Competition are awarded with memorable gifts and diplomas.
  • In each nomination and age group, the titles of Laureate of I, II, III degrees, as well as the titles of Diplomat of I, II, III degrees are awarded.
  • One of the winners who receives the most votes from the Jury members is awarded the Grand Prix.
  • The jury reserves the right to award special diplomas for special excellence in the performance of the competition program: “Nadezhda” - to the youngest participant in the Competition. “Best production of an act”, “For the desire to win”, “Best stage costume”, “For artistry”, “Audience Award”, etc.


Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region:

Administration of the Serpukhov Urban District and the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Serpukhov Urban District:

  • ensuring the preparation and conduct of the Competition;
  • provision of premises for the Competition and provision of technical services;
  • organizing reception, accommodation, meals, transfer and remuneration for the competition jury;
  • accepting applications for participation in the Competition;
  • ensuring the protection of public order and the safety of citizens, fire safety and prompt response to possible emergencies.

Organizing committee of the competition:

  • providing ideological support and coordination of the Competition;
  • preparation of the script and regulations for the opening and closing of the Competition;
  • providing information support for the Competition.

Board for the Development of International Cultural Cooperation in Tianjin (PRC):

  • providing financing for accommodation and meals for Competition participants and accompanying persons from the Chinese side;
  • organization of participation in the jury from the Chinese side;

Serpukhov Musical Society:

  • providing organizational support and coordination of the Competition;
  • providing information support for the Competition.


The organization fee (hereinafter referred to as the Organization Fee) is mandatory for participants of the Competition and is intended for expenses on organizational support for the competition, stationery, diplomas and certificates, and souvenirs of the Competition. The cost of excursions and other additional activities is not included in the registration fee. Payment of the registration fee is carried out by transfer to the current account on time, and amounts to:

  • for a participant (soloist) - 2500 rubles, including registration of an application 500 rubles per person;
  • for duets and trios - 2000 rubles (per each participant), including registration of an application 400 rubles per person;
  • for a team of 4 to 8 people - 1600 rubles (per each participant), including registration of an application 300 rubles per person;
  • for a team of 9 to 14 people - 1200 rubles (per each participant), including registration of an application 200 rubles per person;
  • for a team of 15 people or more - 800 rubles (per each participant), including registration of an application 150 rubles per person.

If a participant performs in the second and third nominations as a soloist, he pays 50% of the registration fee, including 50% application registration.

The registration fee for participation in the competition program for children with any degree of disability, children from orphanages and boarding schools is paid by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

Expenses associated with arrival, departure and hotel accommodation during the Competition are borne by participants and their accompanying persons. The Organizing Committee of the Competition provides assistance in organizing the accommodation of foreign and non-resident participants and persons accompanying the participants of the Competition in one of the city hotels offered by the Organizing Committee, as well as legalizing the stay of foreign citizens in Serpukhov. To do this, you must notify the Organizing Committee in advance of the need to reserve hotel rooms.


( preliminary, subject to change )

Approximate program of competitive performances:

15.00 - Arrival of participants and foreign guests.

19.00 - accommodation at a hotel in Serpukhov

08.00-10.00 - Breakfast at the hotel

10.00-13.00 - rehearsal time in the hall (free order)

14.00 - sightseeing tour of Serpukhov (in groups);

16.00-17.00 - opening of the Competition (Palace of Culture “Russia”, Sovetskaya St., 90)

07.30-08.30 - Breakfast at the hotel

09.00 - 14.30 Rehearsals, first day of competition, competition on two stages in the nominations “Choreographic art. Classical and folk dance"(Palace of Culture "Russia" Sovetskaya St., 90) and "Vocal Art" (Serpukhov Musical Drama Theater, Chekhov St., 58/27 ) , round tables with members of the Jury (after each block);

16.00 - departure.

Payment for participation in accordance with the Regulations is made within two weeks from the date of application, but no later than the closing date for applications!

Classical and folk dance" (Palace of Culture "Russia" Sovetskaya St., 90) and "Vocal Art" (Serpukhov Musical Drama Theater, Chekhov St., 58/27 ) , round tables with members of the Jury (after each block);

15.30 - 19.00 Rehearsals, first day of competition, competition in the nominations “Instrumental art. Folk instruments” (Palace of Culture “Russia”) round table with members of the Jury.

09.00 - 21.00 Rehearsals, second competition day, competition in the nominations “Instrumental art. Piano, string-bowed, percussion and wind instruments” (Palace of Culture “Russia”, Sovetskaya St., 90) round table with members of the Jury.

12.00-14.00 - Gala concert and awards ceremony (Palace of Culture “Russia”, Sovetskaya St., 90).

16.00 - departure.

Information about the procedure and time of performance of participants in the Competition will be published in the form of a program no later than 5 days before the event and sent by email to all participants.

Please fill out the form carefully, legibly and make sure you receive it!


Preschool childhood is a period of development of almost all mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination, which is the foundation of the intellectual development of the individual as a whole. The tasks of the “Solar Circle” competition fully contribute to this process. In addition, participation in this competition develops such personality traits of preschoolers as perseverance, patience and will, and broadens the horizons of the younger generation.

Children's club "TAIS", BOU of Omsk "Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education "Perspective" with the support of the Department of Education of the Omsk City Administration, Omsk State University. in the 2017-2018 academic year, the eighth annual All-Russian open competition “Sunny Circle” is held for preschool children. In the 2016-2017 academic year. More than 20,000 students from 458 educational institutions in Omsk, 29 districts of the Omsk region and 43 regions of Russia took part in the competition. Competition dates:

Tour theme

for all groups

the date of the


Application deadline

"Stadium Champions"

"Conquest of Ice"

"Water Sports"

“Oh, sport, you are the world!

Seminars are held for teachers in Omsk (the time and location of the seminar will be posted in the news on the website

Each participant in the first round receives a memorable gift!

The competition tasks are printed on special paper in a bright printing design. The archive can be found at www. taisclub. ru in the “Task Archive” section.

Each round of the competition corresponds to tasks aimed at developing cognitive, research and productive activities, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and the formation of a holistic picture of the world. Participation in the competition is a bright, solemn, exciting, but at the same time a joyful event for children, parents and teachers.

After each round, the results are summed up and the participants are given the appropriate points. After 4 rounds, general results are summed up, absolute winners and winners of the competition are determined, documents and gifts are sent (even if the public organization participated in one of the rounds). The results are published on the website

Incentives for competition participants:

All documents are printed on colorful forms and sent by Russian Post to the OO. There are no additional fees for printing or shipping the forms.


Each participant

Certificate of participation.

The certificate is not issued to winners and runners-up of the competition.

Each student who took part in all rounds

Album “To an active participant in the “Sunny Circle” competition.”

To the overall winner and winner

Diploma of absolute winner or winner. Present.


To the director of the public organization and the person responsible for holding the competition in the public organization

Within the framework of this competition, conditions for creative competition have been created so that each child can demonstrate his abilities to the maximum, and precisely in the direction that is closest to him. For this purpose, there are several different nominations, such as: drawing, prose, poem, arts and crafts. The participant can choose exactly the direction that interests him and express himself. Our task is to identify gifted children, give them an additional impetus for intellectual and creative development and, through participation in the competition, reveal their creative potential.

Let's not forget that creativity is the creation by a person of something unprecedented, perhaps non-existent, but at the same time understandable to everyone.

Let's create together!

The cost of participation in the competition is 50 rubles,
per participant and one selected nomination per work.

We invite you to participate in competitions in the following areas:

“The world through the eyes of children” (drawing)

Topic of work:

“A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy...” (we draw spring: the awakening of nature, a fabulous spring, a spring walk, etc.)

"Poetic World" (poem)

Topic of work:

If I were a wizard

“Herbarium of Words” (prose)

Topic of work:

An old fairy tale in a new way (participants take any Russian folk tale as a basis and offer their own interpretation: from a different version of the ending to a restructuring of the storyline as a whole)

“Home workshop” (arts and crafts)

Topic of work:

“Bright colors of spring” (crafts, embroidery, origami, stained glass, applique, beadwork)

Children aged 3 to 17 years are allowed to participate in the competition, without preliminary selection. To participate in the competition you must pay the registration fee.

The registration fee is paid for each work submitted to the Competition.

Applications for participation and competition works with a copy of the paid receipt must be sent by email

[email protected]


All participants, without exception, will receive Certificates, and the most distinguished participants at the end of the competition will receive Diplomas of I, II, III degrees, gifts and prizes

All competition organizers will receive letters of gratitude

Letters of gratitude will be sent to all organizations that nominated more than 15 people for participation.


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