Connotations of the American Dream at different times.

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Each of us has dreams and we all want the moment to come sooner or later when we say “Dreams come true!” So Americans very often say this phrase “Dreams come true.” They know exactly what this phrase means and how much meaning, time and effort has been invested in the realization of this very dream.

What is the American dream?

If you want to find an exact definition or break it down for yourself point by point, that the American dream is a house, a prestigious job, a car... then you won’t be able to do it.

The American Dream is an abstract phrase. There is no clear definition of the “American Dream”. The American Dream is life ideals that have material and spiritual meaning. This is an opportunity to get what you deserve. This is not the goal itself, but the path you follow to achieve the goal, and everyone has their own path. That is why it is impossible to give an exact definition of the American dream.

The very concept of “American dream” is often used to describe a certain national ideology that unites Americans. Every resident of the United States puts into it their own ideas about a wonderful future.

Concepts associated with the American dream

  • personal freedom and freedom of enterprise;
  • “self-madeperson” (that is, a person who has independently achieved success in life through hard work) and a highly paid job;
  • reputation and the process of transition from one social class to another, higher, of course.

American Happiness Standard

The American Dream has become a kind of standard of happiness in a consumer society. Although for many US residents the American dream is identified with own home, built with his own income on his own land with a large courtyard, a car, a large friendly family and friendly neighbors. One of the main symbols of the American dream is the Statue of Liberty in New York.


In conclusion, I would like to bring a quote from the American columnist David Brooks about the American dream: “Americans live their lives dreaming of the future. To understand America, one must take seriously the central cliché of American life—the American Dream. Even though we face the boredom and banality of everyday life, this dream enlivens us, gives us strength and makes us work so hard, move so often, innovate so actively and change so rapidly. We continue to strive for the new and unusual, even though it does not always bring us benefit or pleasure.”

What is the well-known expression “American Dream” associated with? Its main content is quick enrichment, depending on your own efforts. Passions have not subsided around the concept of the “American Dream” since its inception. He is treated differently: with admiration and disdain.


How the American Dream came to be

On English language this expression sounds like “American Dream” and is used to define the ideals of American life. William Sefire's Dictionary of Politics defines the American Dream as the free pursuit of the ideals and possibilities defined by its original settlers, the Founding Fathers. He sees in it the spiritual power of the nation. If the American system is the skeleton of the country's politics, then the American Dream is its soul.

Some researchers see its appearance:

  • In the history of the Aztec Indians, awaiting the return to earth of a special deity with white skin.
  • With the ideas of the Bible about America, called to become a divine country that saved the Old World, mired in sins.
  • In its inception (1607), at the time of the appearance of the first settlers on the shores of the New World.

When was the term "American Dream" coined?


The American Dream was associated with the Great Depression and acted as an incentive to help people overcome the crisis. In 1931, the term appears in the treatise The Epic of America, written by James Adams. He believes that America is a country where every person can live richer. The author reminds us of America's achievements and its purpose. It is no accident that all US presidents, upon taking office, promise to direct their policies towards its approach. It is based on the provisions of the “Declaration of Independence of the United States” (1776), which states that the inhabitants of the country were created by the Creator with equal rights and opportunities:

  • for life;
  • freedom;
  • the desire for happiness, successful development and prosperity, regardless of the circumstances of birth and social status.

The American Dream provides everyone with not only equal opportunity, but also equal responsibility under the law. The concept of the “American Dream” expresses a national ideology that unites all Americans. She played a fundamental role in the formation of the country:

  1. In the formation of a nation and state.
  2. Firmly rooted in everyday psychology.
  3. America's culture is built on it.


It is difficult to say whether the American dream developed spontaneously during the formation of the New World or was skillfully constructed by the country’s rulers and instilled in society, but it is really a dream, and not a physical desire to satisfy needs:

  • She is ingrained in society.
  • Became the engine for success.
  • This is not a desire for comfort, but the purpose of life.
  • This naturally led to growth economic indicators countries.

It does not matter who the creator of the American dream is, since the fruits of its influence on the development of the country are tangible and fruitful.


The Protestant religion and its ethics played an important role in the emergence of the American Dream. During the appearance of English Protestants, they set the task of building the Kingdom of God here, where man would direct all his strength to the flowering of his spirit. Protestantism became the leading religion in the United States.

He preaches:

  • honest and conscientious work;
  • diligence in achieving goals.

Honestly increased wealth is considered a great good. The result of hard work pleasing to God is the accumulation of capital. Based on the fact that over 50% of Americans profess Protestantism, it is natural for society to accept the American Dream.


This is a doctrine, the implementation of which for any resident of the United States represents an opportunity to achieve prosperity, success and fame. It contains:

  • The opportunity to achieve success regardless of the availability of money, origin and position in society through conscientious work and self-realization (self-made person).
  • The driving force on the path to achieving independence, wealth and success.
  • The uniqueness of the people's position and way of life.

American way of life - American dream

Features of racial and national composition residents demanded the creation general ideology to unite them into one nation. It became the American dream, cultivated in order to instill faith in every American in success. There is an ambiguous attitude towards the term. In the comments to the article “The American Dream” there are different points of view:

  • This is faith in the possibilities of the country chosen by God.
  • Others see it as a type of unrealistic utopia.

The American way of life has been talked about in the former Soviet Union since the end of the last century. IN youth environment American culture leaked in, and with it the image of a land of plenty and freedom. The youth adopted American style behavior. I was attracted by the freedom to choose my destiny and the possibility of self-expression.


The opinion that America is ideal country, and her lifestyle is the standard of happiness, and still makes many people from all over the world move there for permanent residence. The media played a significant role in this. An example of equal opportunities was the fate of Barak Husseinovich Abama, who was born into a family of migrants from Africa. Persistent work and receiving a fundamental education helped him get prestigious job, become President of the United States. The lifestyle requires every self-respecting American to have the following qualities:

  • determination;
  • efficiency;
  • dynamism and activity.

Society's respect for a person depends on his having a mandatory status in which he has:

  • two-story house within the city;
  • prestigious job;
  • good family;
  • one or more cars.

These criteria can be applied to any self-respecting person, but in America these goals can be achieved simply and easily.


The American Dream had an impact on . In the countries from which they left, social mobility was constrained by rigid class boundaries, and therefore made them supporters of free enterprise and individual freedom. The American Dream has become a certain standard of happiness for a consumer society. To this must be added the veneration of common heroes, models and symbols. The American dream is represented by the Statue of Liberty. She meets migrants standing on broken shackles, demonstrating the basic principle that freedom will lift them up and hard work will light the path to success. Migrants leaving Old World, based on the tenets of the American dream:

  • success in achieving wealth depends on the personal qualities of each;
  • to equal opportunities for all;
  • The New World had limitless resources that belonged to everyone.

Once in the USA, they turned into ardent supporters of universal equality and freedom, became patriots of the country, which provided them with limitless ways to realize their own potential.

What is the movie "American Dream" about?


"Money. American Dream" (2015) - a fascinating crime thriller by talented directors:

  • Jonathan Lipnick;
  • James Kahn;
  • Eli Kaner-Zukerman.

The film is about the search for the American Dream by Israeli immigrants. The beginning of the film is connected with the story of the formation of the main character, Isaac (Yuda Levy), which began in 1976 in Tel Aviv. The bar where his family made a living was located in front of an illegal casino. It was a den for people of dubious behavior (leaders of armed gangs) who make attempts to corrupt the young man with their lifestyle.

When it became dangerous to be around them, as crime and violence began to creep up on his family, they decided to move to Los Angeles in an attempt to start over:

  • Isaac becomes an entrepreneur.
  • He successfully develops a small business (car repair shop).
  • Success accompanies him in everything.

Video: trailer for the film “Money: The American Dream”

But Isaac's American dream, which beckoned him with elusive outlines, was not destined to come true: the underworld, following on his heels, overtakes him at the moment when happiness seemed to be won. The exciting action-packed film “American Dream” can be watched online.

It is believed that the average American family lives richer than in other developed countries. But she, like everywhere else, must pay for all her needs:

  1. My father works there in a decent company with an annual salary of 60-70 thousand dollars a year.
  2. Mom can work with less pay ($30,000 per year).
  3. There are 2-3 children in the family.

Such a family has:

  • own house of medium size;
  • two cars;
  • credit cards with outstanding debts.

American spouses can have their own accounts if it suits them and their shared family expenses allow, but this is not always the case.

Buy a house on credit with monthly payment from 500 $. Its cost can be from $250,000.

Housing maintenance costs:

  1. Monthly home maintenance, repairs and replacement of outdated equipment ($51,000).
  2. Improvement - up to $100.
  3. Taxes and insurance will cost up to $700 per year.
  4. Payment for public utilities- $355 per month.

An American family cannot save on these expenses.

Payment for the purchase of a status car on loans will be $25,000-$30,000:

  • insurance ($600) and vehicle maintenance;
  • tax (from $100 to $550);
  • gasoline ($300 per month)

Children's education:

  1. Payment for lunch ($2.40).
  2. Extension ($440).
  3. Sports sections ($90).

Big expenses for children the average American family will not be able to afford.

The grocery basket will be $1,300 per month. House cleaning and laundry services - at least $240 per month. It costs $350 per month to purchase clothes and toys. You can save on this, but along with insignificant savings, the status of the “average American family” will be lost.

Part of the budget is spent on vacation, a week of which will cost $3,000. Of the money earned in a year, 22% will go to pay taxes, so we can assume that if you spend $5,000 a month, the remaining needs will fall on credit cards. Without debt, it is difficult to maintain the level of the “average American family.” But Americans are ready for this and continue to work conscientiously to bring their illusory dream closer. And she tends to move away so as not to dispel the myth of her existence.


Due to recent political events in the world, people's negative attitude towards the United States and its citizens has increased. Obama's ratings fell, Putin's ratings soared. It feels like your memory is like a floppy disk! Just yesterday you were against it, and today you are saying: “Handsome, Vladimir Vladimirovich!” Once again I am convinced how many rednecks live in this world, whose opinions can so easily be influenced by rigging everything in the right way. I won’t discuss politics - it’s a swamp that needs to be sorted out a common person I just can't. I can only emphasize one thing with confidence: there is no policy that is not beneficial to someone. Naturally, neither you nor me.

But let me return to the defense of the United States. As the old colonel said " N" from the city " H“: “America is Russia’s main enemy, it always has been and will be, no matter how much they smile at us and say otherwise.” And he’s right. But it’s all because of military conscription, and I don’t even want to remember its bloodiest and most terrible victims.. So you could reset without hesitation atomic bomb for a city with a million people? Answer yourself. Imagine what it should be like psychological preparation from a soldier to kill hundreds of thousands of his own kind, knowing in advance in what agony they would die... In the Third Reich, soldiers were given puppies German Shepherds and set a goal to grow the most best dog. The soldiers devoted a lot of time to the dogs, cared for them, played with them, raised and protected them, and became very attached. A year later, the soldiers were ordered to kill their dogs. This is how the cruelest soldiers prepared. And I think it’s no wonder that during the Second World War there were such a huge number of cases when, because of the killing of a German shepherd (for example, by blowing it up by partisans), entire settlements were killed.

History lesson

But closer to the topic. "American Dream" more and more often they throw mud at them, and Star Spangled Banner they want to tear it apart and burn it. But is it really that bad? "American dream"? The concept goes back to the very origins of the formation of the United States as an independent and integral state. And I personally understand very clearly the desire of people to get out from under the colonial heel of England. Then people really believed in a good goal, and those who led them also believed. Create an independent strong state with a developed economy, where everyone will be equal and everyone will have the opportunity to get what they deserve. You can remember the unfortunate Indians, but is this really the only example of genocide in human history? People believed in the idea, that’s the trick!

William Safire's New Political Dictionary (Random House, New York, 1993) says:

The American Dream is the ideal of freedom or opportunity that was formulated by the Founding Fathers; spiritual power of the nation. If the American system is the skeleton of American politics, then the American dream is its soul.

Source of the phrase "American dream" James Adams' historical treatise, entitled The Epic of America, 1931, is considered to have been written during the Great Depression:

...the American Dream of a country where every person's life should be better, richer, and fuller, with opportunity for everyone according to their abilities or achievements—regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.

Really, "American dream" paid off, and the United States became pioneers and innovators in many areas of human activity. They managed to subjugate the whole world to their economics, trends in popular culture; they have good weapons, huge scientific potential; the whole world looks their movie, listens their music, enjoys their gadgets, adopts"their" way of life, which is served from the "box".

Their policies are successfully being implemented in states, they are excellent at pitting people against each other, they won the Cold War!


And now the most interesting thing, in my opinion. IN "American dream" There is nothing bad. Freedom, equality, everyone according to their capabilities. Is it bad to have a spacious house? good car and confidence in the future? The idea is wonderful, it’s just a pity that no matter how noble it is, sooner or later it still turns into something opposite. The same thing happened with "American dream". The endless pursuit of money, the desire to be only the very first and the best! Stay up to date with the latest trends! Don't have an iPhone yet? You are fool!!! They distorted everything and then mentioned it "American dream". Everyone stole it, everyone was unhappy. Americans are devilish tempters, sowers of debauchery and sins. But only you and I are to blame! They only showed us how it was possible, but the choice was only ours! We were offered "freedom", money, luxurious easy life, parties and fun, sex without obligations and permissiveness. America has proven that man is not much different from an animal that satisfies basic instincts. The world is our reflection in the mirror!

The typical modern American is similar to us in many ways, but completely opposite in many ways. They dress very simply, and as some might say, tasteless. Their problem with obesity is much more acute. There are also more mental disorders and quirks. You shouldn’t call them stupid - they’re no dumber than our smart ones! They also drink less than we do, and in general the laws with alcohol and tobacco are stricter there.

Americans are caring people - they readily come to the aid of even strangers, help the poor, donate to charity and volunteer. Moreover, this is the norm of life. They never push each other, do not jump in line, are polite and attentive to others. By the way, the guys there handle tools better than here!

They are just like us - people! Many of them treat Russians as badly as we treat them. But I am sure there are those who look at what is happening like me.

Anyway globalization continues, and all this show It's just needed to distract attention. But everyone should have their own opinion about what is happening. The only question is Is this your opinion?

American Dream - one of the most common expressions in the world. Both migrants and indigenous people strive to realize this dream in America. Interest in understanding the American Dream gained particular popularity in last years the existence of the USSR, when young people, based on Hollywood films, dreamed of cool jeans, beautiful houses, several huge Cadillacs in the garage. Despite such beliefs, the American dream is much more than just some material values.

The American Dream is a widespread doctrine according to which the opportunity to achieve fame, success and prosperity is available to any resident of the United States, whether living legally or illegally.

Expression American dream is understood as a general social doctrine (ideology) for the United States, which unites residents living in the United States in the search for happiness and prosperity. This ideology is based on the belief that any person living in the United States of America, by realizing his energy and hard work, can achieve success in life and become a wealthy member of society. Almost everyone new President The United States in its inaugural speech notes that under it, every American will become closer to their American dream.

According to some skeptics, the ideology of the American dream can be considered a social utopia, but it remains one of the main driving forces of migration to the United States.

IN in this case One can cite the example of US President Barack Husseinovich Obama, who was born into a family of migrants from Africa and, thanks to perseverance, received an excellent education, high paying job and the highest office in the United States.

The diversity of nationalities and races inhabiting the vast expanses of the American continent, and the relatively short historical period of their “symbiosis” gave rise to an urgent need to formulate a single ideology that could unite people from various countries peace into one nation. It became such an ideology "American dream", which has been cultivated for many decades and gave any person the belief in the opportunity to achieve success and even become President of the United States.

As can be seen from all of the above, the expression “American Dream” is a difficult concept to define and today there is no consensus, how to formulate it. The reason for this is that absolutely different people include completely different meanings in its understanding.

Usually American dream perceived as the highest ideal of existence in the USA, when you own a house, a car, a happy family And stable work, which brings income worthy of existence and implementation of ideas.

American dream expression , in addition to the above, is understood as the right of every person who has a job to career, and also as confidence in one’s own future.

Professor Yaroslav Gritsak notes that American dream concept means, simply put, “the belief that any person, with sufficient diligence, talent and perseverance, can reach the cream of society.

Historian and writer in 1931 James Truslow Adams popularized the expression American Dream in a book called "Epic of America", where he wrote about the American dream in the USA based on the values ​​​​prescribed in the Declaration of Independence.

This book edition was published at the peak of the US Great Depression, when the US needed to build more, create, to reduce the number of unemployed, homeless and unhappy people. The ideology of achieving success and prosperity through work became the main driver of the US economy, which ultimately helped reduce the consequences of the economic crisis.

Expression "American dream"- in many cases it is used to outline the vital material and spiritual ideals of the American population. William Safire's New Political Dictionary (Random House, New York, 1993) notes that: "the American Dream is the ideal of freedom or opportunity that was defined by the Founding Fathers; the spiritual strength of the American nation. If The US system is the skeleton of American politics, the American dream is its soul."

The main elements of the American dream are:

  • conscientious work and self-realization (self-madeperson)
  • freedom of enterprise
  • Social responsibility
  • respect of fellow citizens
  • increasing reputation and role in society

Your reflection American dream, received in US legislation. Thus, the US Declaration of Independence says that: " everyone's life should be better, richer and fuller, with opportunities for everyone according to their abilities or achievements - regardless of social class or circumstances of birth".

At the same time, the American Dream represents not only opportunity, but also responsibility. This is not only equality of opportunity to achieve success, but also equality of people before the law, regardless of race, nationality, gender and social status, it is also respect for the achievements and symbols common to the United States.

The American Dream and Migrants

The primary personification of the American dream and the new opportunities opening up to migrants arriving in New York from Europe seeking a better and more dignified life was the Statue of Liberty standing on broken shackles and showing that freedom will lift you up, and hard work will light the path to success.

The postulates of the All-American Dream were based on the confidence of newcomers that the resources of the New World are limitless and belong to everyone in equal measure, that a person leaves any hierarchical dependence in the Old World, that the chances of achieving happiness, the right to which is recognized for everyone, are also equal for everyone and depend only on personal qualities.

Migrants from Europe left the Old World in the hope of breaking out of the hierarchical, class system that limited social mobility. Once in the USA, such people became the most ardent supporters of freedom and equality, patriots of the USA, where they received limitless possibilities To realize their potential, they were actively involved in the development of civil society and political institutions.

People who have received open opportunities to realize themselves begin to form the ideology of American patriotism, according to which you should be proud of the United States - a state that has provided a person with all available freedoms and opportunities.

American Dream and Religion

The Protestant religion and the Protestant work ethic played a large role in the formation of the American Dream. Protestantism, which is the dominant religion in the United States, preaches diligence to achieve goals and honest and honest work. An increase in the well-being of a person who works honestly is also considered a blessing.

Every Protestant is obliged to share with the church part of his income received by conscientious labor. However, you can read about the features of religion in the USA and attitudes towards it

Chernyakov A.

American dream is what America considers to be an ideal of life that includes prosperity and success for every resident of the United States.

Initially, the United States in the eyes of Europeans was amazing country, where democracy reigns instead of monarchy, where there is no division into classes, but there is civil society. In the USA there was also freedom of conscience and religious tolerance of one religion towards another, which is an absolute plus. Thus, the American had freedom unheard of in the rest of the world. Therefore, the United States in the 19th century received the name “land of freedom.”

This standard of the “land of freedom” is based, firstly:

On the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence of 1776 (that men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights that include the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth).

Secondly, on ideas James Adams, who officially introduced the concept of the American Dream in his book in 1931.

In this book, Adams understood the American dream as a country where everyone lives well, where everyone has the opportunity to self-realize, achieve everything through their own efforts, “take advantage of life” to the fullest, and benefit from it. maximum benefit, benefit.

The USA had everything necessary for the American dream to become a reality for the ordinary resident of the country: these are huge Natural resources, which are still unknown, efficient economy, convenient geographical position, far from European conflicts. Thus, a person could become successful overnight, thanks to his own luck - for example, by discovering a gold deposit or implementing an original business idea. Period 1870-1900 proved it. Vivid examples were the then millionaires and owners of corporations (Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, etc.), who started virtually from scratch and after a few years or decades became successful people.

There is no clear definition of the “American Dream,” but every resident of the United States puts into it their own ideas about a wonderful future. It is generally accepted that the following concepts are inextricably linked with the American Dream:

1. personal freedom and freedom of enterprise;

2. “self-made person” (that is, a person who has independently, through hard work, achieved success in life) and a well-paid job;

3. reputation and the process of transition from one social class to another, a higher one, of course.

In other words, the American Dream is a certain standard of happiness in a consumer society. Although for many residents of the United States, the American dream is identified with their own home, built with their own income on their own land with a large courtyard, a car, a large friendly family and friendly neighbors. One of the main symbols of the American Dream is Statue of Liberty in New York.

During Cold War The party leadership of the USSR spread anti-American propaganda of the American Dream, by which they understood nothing more than eating hamburgers, popcorn and coca-cola in a cinema or other public place.

In conclusion, David Brooks said: “Americans live their lives dreaming about future. To understand America, you need to take the central cliché seriously American life - American dream. Despite the fact that we are faced with the boredom and banality of everyday life, this dream revitalizes us, gives us strength and forces us to work so hard, move so often, innovate so actively and change so rapidly. We continue to strive for the new and unusual, even though it does not always bring us benefit or pleasure.”



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