Summary of the lesson “Water is a solvent. Water purification

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A task: show children the solubility and insolubility of various substances in water.

Materials: flour, granulated sugar, river sand, food coloring, washing powder, glasses with clean water, spoons or sticks, trays, pictures depicting the substances presented.

Description. In front of the children on trays are glasses of water, sticks, spoons and substances in various containers. Children examine water, remember its properties. What do you think will happen if sugar is added to water? Grandfather Know adds sugar, stirs, and together they observe what has changed. What happens if we add river sand to the water? Adds river sand to water, mixes. Has the water changed? Did it become cloudy or remain clear? Did the river sand dissolve?

What happens to water if we add food coloring to it? Adds paint, mixes. What changed? (The water has changed color.) Has the paint dissolved? (The paint has dissolved and changed the color of the water, the water has become opaque.)

Will flour dissolve in water? Children add flour to the water, mix. What has the water become? Cloudy or transparent? Does flour dissolve in water?

Will washing powder dissolve in water? Washing powder is added, mixed. Does the powder dissolve in water? What did you notice unusual? Dip your fingers in the mixture and see if it still feels the same to the touch. pure water? (The water became soapy.) What substances have dissolved in our water? What substances do not dissolve in water?

(The results are recorded on a flannelgraph.)


Tasks: to introduce children to the method of making colored sand (mixing with colored chalk); learn how to use a grater.

Materials: colored crayons, sand, transparent container, small items, 2 bags, small graters, bowls, spoons (sticks), small jars with lids.

Description. The little jackdaw Curiosity flew to the children. He asks the children to guess what is in his bags. Children try to identify by touch. (In one bag there is sand, in the other there are pieces of chalk.) The teacher opens the bags, the children check the assumptions. The teacher with the children examine the contents of the bags. What's this? What kind of sand? What can be done with it? What color is the chalk? What does it feel like? Can it be broken? What is it for? The little gal asks: “Can sand be colored? How to color it? What happens if we mix sand with chalk? How to make chalk be as free-flowing as sand? The little jackdaw boasts that he has a tool for turning chalk into a fine powder.

Shows the grater to the children. What's this? How to use it? Children, following the example of a galchonka, take bowls, graters and rub chalk. What happened? What color is your powder? (Galchonok asks each child) How now to make the sand colored? Children pour sand into a bowl and mix it with spoons or chopsticks. Children are looking at colored sand. How can we use this sand? (Make beautiful pictures.)

Galchonok offers to play. Shows a transparent container filled with multi-colored layers of sand, and asks the children: “How can I quickly find a hidden object?” Children offer their options. The teacher explains that it is impossible to mix the sand with your hands, a stick or a spoon, and shows a way to push an object out of the sand by shaking the vessel.

What happened to the colored sand? Children note that in this way we quickly found the object and mixed the sand.

Children hide small objects in transparent jars, cover them with layers of multi-colored sand, close the jars with lids and show a checkmark how they quickly find the hidden object and mix the sand. The little jackdaw gives the children a box of colored chalk in parting.


Tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about the properties of sand, develop curiosity, observation, activate children's speech, develop constructive skills.

Materials: a large children's sandbox, in which there are traces of plastic animals, animal toys, scoops, children's rakes, watering cans, a site plan for walking this group.

Description. Children go outside and inspect the playground. The teacher draws their attention to unusual footprints in the sandbox. Why are footprints so clearly visible in the sand? Whose footprints are these? Why do you think so?

Children find plastic animals and test their assumptions: they take toys, put their paws on the sand and look for the same print. And what trace will remain from the palm? Children leave their footprints. Whose palm is bigger? Whose less? Check by applying.

The teacher in the paws of a bear cub discovers a letter, takes out a site plan from it. What is shown? Which place is circled in red? (Sandbox.) What else could be interesting there? Perhaps some kind of surprise? Children, immersing their hands in the sand, look for toys. Who is it?

Each animal has its own home. At the fox ... (burrow), at the bear ... (den), at the dog ... (kennel). Let's build a sand house for each animal. What is the best sand to build with? How to make it wet?

Children take watering cans, pour sand. Where does the water go? Why did the sand get wet? Children build houses and play with animals.

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Page creation date: 2017-10-12

Open lesson on the knowledge of the world

Pedagogical system: Three-dimensional methodical teaching system

Lesson topic: Solvent water.

Soluble and insoluble substances in water.

Lesson type : Introduction to new material

1.Lesson objectives:

Educational: Formation of a holistic view of the world through observation, perception, and activity;

Introduce water-soluble and insoluble substances;

Learn to work with a hypothesis (assumption, through an activity method and a practical approach).

Educational: Cultivate a sense of cooperation and mutual assistance towards each other.

Developing: Develop a conscious attitude to the result of their educational work; develop such methods of mental activity as comparison, classification, analysis and synthesis;

2. Content of the lesson:

TasksIIIIstages are given in the workbooks of students and in the key- teacher's answers.

3. Lesson methods


IIstage - a) test "YES" or "No"

b) self-search method

c) consolidation in practice


4. Shapes

Istage - frontal, individual;

IIstage - a) individual

b) frontal

c) group

IIIstage - individual

5. Visibility

Stage I - workbook, "transparent journal", individual journal of the student and


Stage II - a) slides, textbook, interactive whiteboard;

b) textbook, workbook;

C) textbook, workbook, blackboard, chalk.

ІІІ stage - working notebook, "transparent journal", individual journal of the student and


During the classes:

І stage Psychological attitude

The lesson starts.

He will go to the guys for the future.

Try to understand everything

Learn to unlock secrets!

1. As if dressed in lace

Trees, bushes, wires (slide 2)

And it seems this is a fairy tale,

And, in fact, only water. (slide 3)

2. The boundless expanse of the ocean (slide 4)

And a quiet backwater of the pond, (slide 5)

The cascade of the waterfall and the spray of the fountain, (slide 6.7)

And it's all just water.

3. Disappearing in the turquoise distance, (slide 8)

Clouds float like swans.

Here is a thundercloud, (slide 9)

And, in fact, only water.

4. White snow will go and cover (slide 10)

Native forests and fields.

But the time will come - everything will melt (slide 11)

And will be plain water. (slide 12)

b ) Examination homework

1) Guys, you were given the task at home to collect words in groups and prepare messages.

Water Fog Iceberg Ice Snow Steam







Children's messages .

Student 1.

The first of the natural resources that a person encounters in his life is water. Water becomes an inseparable companion of mankind for life from the moment of its birth to last day. “Water,” said the great Leonardo da Vinci, “was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth.”

A person will somehow manage without oil, diamonds, invent new engines, but without water he will not be able to live. People have always deified water. There is not a single nation in which water would not be considered the mother of all living things, a healing and cleansing power, a source of fertility. The famous French writer, pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whose plane crashed in the Sahara Desert, wrote this: “Water! .. You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be written, you are enjoyed without knowing what are you! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with a joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. With you, the forces that we have already said goodbye are returning to us. By your mercy, the high springs of our hearts begin to seethe in us again. You are the greatest wealth in the world .... "

Student 2.

Water is the only substance found on Earth in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous.

If you quickly rotate the globe, it will seem that it is one-color - blue. And all because there is more of this paint on it than white, green, brown. blue color the seas, oceans of our planet are depicted. Water occupies ¾ of the surface of the globe. Water is everywhere.

Water is part of every living organism. It is enough to crush the leaf of the plant in your hands, and we will find moisture in it. Water is found in all parts of plants.

There is a lot of water in the human body. Our body is almost 2/3 water. Water is necessary for our body to remove various harmful substances. Is there a lot of water in our body? We can count: the mass of your body must be divided by 3 and the resulting number multiplied by 2.

For example. My weight is 33kg, I divide by 3 and multiply by 2, I get 22kg. So, there are about 22 kg of water in my body.

Student 3.

A living organism constantly consumes water and needs to replenish it. For example, a person needs more than 2 liters of water per day (he drinks part of it, and part is contained in food).

Water is drunk by fields and forests. Without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live. But the water not only gives water, but also feeds - thousands of fishing boats sail the seas and oceans. Water washes all people, cities, cars, roads.

You can't knead dough for bread without water, you can't prepare concrete for construction, you can't make paper, candy, or medicine - you can't do anything without water. But all this became available to man after he had studied the properties of this substance well.

b) Checking the task "Bridge"

Fairy tale "Two donkeys"

There is such a fairy tale. Two donkeys walked along the road with a load. One was loaded with salt, and the other with cotton wool. The first donkey could hardly move his legs: his burden was so heavy. The second one was fun and easy.

Soon the animals had to cross the river. The donkey, loaded with salt, stopped in the water and began to bathe: he either lay down in the water, then again stood up. When the donkey came out of the water, his burden became much lighter. Another donkey, looking at the first, also began to bathe. But the longer he bathed, the heavier the cotton wool loaded on him became.


What are we trying to learn about water today?

So , the purpose of our lesson will test the property of water to dissolve different substances.
What can we do to achieve this goal?

- (Research new property of water )

How can we observe this property of water?

(Conduct experiments .)

What will be the subject of research?Water )

Think about how we will conduct research? (work in groups)

How should group members work to successfully conduct research?

(Recall the rules of working in a group) Why do we need these rules?

Safety rules for experiments .

    Work under adult supervision.

    Getting up from the workplace and walking around the classroom is prohibited.

    Observation, discussions, conclusions are made jointly, respecting the opinion of everyone and members of other groups.

Name these substances.

II stage - self-group search in the textbook for answers to leading questions given in workbooks.

Today we will learn about the possibilities of water as a solvent. The experiments that we will now carry out will help us with this.


Practical part

But, Before moving on to the experiments, let's check if everything in our laboratory is ready for work?
- What substances are there to ensure the conduct of the experiment in each group?

What are the tools and equipment?

And also you have a package of instructions for conducting experiments.
Each group will conduct an experiment in accordance with the number received. Does everyone understand?

Take the form with instruction number 1.

Read the procedure - the progress of work - in the first stage. Each group reads the workflow instructions for their experience only. All clear?

What observations to conduct and why?

Where are the results of observations recorded?

Then draw your own conclusions. Where do we write the findings?

Group work.

Take a little substance with a spoon, add it to a glass of water and stir well. Watch what happened?

- Stir the water. Watch what happened?

Before you lies a plan for compiling a story about your observations.

Prepare a report on your observations on this plan.

1 group

    What happened to the salt?

    Make a conclusion.

(The solution is transparent, the salt is not visible. This means that the salt dissolves in water.)

2 group

    What was the solution? Has he changed color?

    What happened to sugar?

    Make a conclusion.

(The solution is clear, sugar is not visible. This means that sugar dissolves in water.)

3 group

    What was the solution? Has he changed color?

    What happened to river sand?

    Make a conclusion.

(Sand settles to the bottom. You can see it. This means that the sand does not dissolve in water)

Now let's hear what observations each group made.

( They go to the board and attach a card with the words dissolves or does not dissolve)

Let's make a conclusion. (Water can dissolve various substances. It is a solvent. But not all substances dissolve in water.)Posted on the board

What are the names of substances that dissolve in water? (Soluble)Posted on the board

What about substances that do not dissolve in water? (Insoluble)Posted on the board

I will add to a glass of water colored salt (blue vitriol- copper sulfate)). What's happening?

Do you think pebbles dissolve in water?The teacher shows the experience .

What other substances can dissolve in water? (sugar, lemon acid, soda)

What are the substances?

III stage - a method for entering assessment according to a 12-point rating system (three-level tasks)

1 level

1. Guess riddles

1. Lives in the seas and rivers,
But often it flies through the sky.
And how bored she is to fly,
Falls to the ground again

2. Flowing, flowing -
Won't leak
Runs, runs
Won't run out

The wind will blow - it will tremble

2. Level


a) salt

b) juice

c) clay

d) sugar

2. Why does tea become sweet if sugar is added to it?

m) water is transparent

o) water is a solvent

p) water has no smell

3How to purify polluted water?

d) warm up

e) chill

d) filter

h) freeze

f) animals

j) plants

a) plants and factories

k) streams

3 level

Solve puzzles:


Lesson summary : - Why did we spend the lesson research work

What property of water did you learn from experiments?

What are the substances?

Name the solutes.

Name the insoluble substances.


    In class I learned

    I can commend myself for

    It was hard for me

What property of water did you use for this?

If you did a good job in the lesson, take a blue droplet, and if not very well, take a yellow one. Let's attach our droplets to the board.

Look how many blue droplets we got. How much water is on our planet. It occupies ¾ of the Earth's surface. But only 2% is fresh water. That's why, fresh water must be preserved. Thanks to water, such beauty exists on our planet.

At the lesson, you all worked hard, worked actively. They gave complete answers. Well done.

Homework: solve puzzles, draw up a memo on water protection.

Appendix 3 (Form 1).











Objective: test the ability of water to dissolve various substances.




Pour the oil into a glass of water. Stir

wooden stick







General conclusion: __________________________________________________________________


Objective: test the ability of water to dissolve various substances.




Pour river sand into a glass of water. Stir with a wooden stick.







General conclusion: __________________________________________________________________

Appendix 3 (Form 2).











General conclusion: __________________________________________________________________

Objective: find a way to purify water from insoluble substances.




Pour the water with cherry juice into the filter funnel







General conclusion: __________________________________________________________________


Objective: find a way to purify water from insoluble substances.




Pour water with river sand into a funnel with a filter







General conclusion: __________________________________________________________________


Workbook on the knowledge of the world

F.I. student(s)________________________________________________

Topic: Solvent water. Soluble and insoluble substances in water.

I STAGE: Knowledge update

Question: Why did the burden of the first donkey become lighter after bathing, and that of the second became heavier?


Question: How can you prove your conclusion?


Question: What will be the subject of research?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Question: What two groups are substances divided into?

Answer: _ __________________________________________________________

II Stage. Algorithm for learning new things.

Name these substances. Which one is soluble in water.

_____________ _____________ _______________ ______________

Practical work

Appendix 3 (Form 1).

Objective: test the ability of water to dissolve various substances.




Pour salt into a glass of water. Stir with a wooden stick.







General conclusion: __________________________________________________________________


Appendix 3 (Form 2)

Objective: find a way to purify water from insoluble substances.




Pour out salt water funnel with filter







General conclusion: __________________________________________________________________


III Stage. Multi-level tasks

1 level

1. Guess riddles

1. Lives in the seas and rivers,
But often it flies through the sky.
And how bored she is to fly,
Falls to the ground again

2. Flowing, flowing -
Won't leak
Runs, runs
Won't run out. _______________________________________________

3. Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble. _________________________________

2. Level

1. Which substance does not dissolve in water?

a) salt

b) juice

c) clay

d) sugar

    Why does tea become sweet when sugar is added to it?

m) water is transparent

o) water is a solvent

p) water has no smell

    How to clean contaminated water?

d) warm up

e) chill

d) filter

h) freeze

4.What is the source of water pollution

f) animals

j) plants

a) plants and factories

k) streams

3 level

Solve puzzles:

________________________ _________________________


Reflection: make a note on water conservation.

Water is a solvent

a liquid substance in which other substances are dissolved a substance that has been dissolved in a solvent The solute The solvent The excellent solvent

We want to find out Many substances in water can break down into invisible tiny particles, that is, dissolve. Therefore, for many substances, water is good solvent. I propose to conduct experiments and identify ways by which it will be possible to get an answer to the question of whether a substance dissolves in water or not. What do we take? What are we seeing? Salt? Granulated sugar? River sand? Clay? What determines the solubility (experiment)?

Solubility is the amount of solute in a saturated solution. There are:

Let's conduct an experiment Fill a transparent glass boiled water. Pour a teaspoon into it. table salt. As you stir the water, watch what happens to the salt crystals.

Salt dissolved in water. Transparency has not changed. The color hasn't changed. But the taste - yes! The solution became salty.

Insert a funnel with a filter into an empty glass and pass water and salt through it. The salt, together with the water, passed through the filter, it did not remain on the filter. And the taste after filtering is the same. So she dissolved.

Let's conduct an experiment Fill a transparent glass with boiled water. Pour a teaspoon of sugar into it. As you stir the water, watch what happens to the sugar crystals.

Sugar dissolved in water. The transparency of the water has not changed. The color hasn't changed. Sugar was not visible in the water. But the taste - yes!

Insert a funnel with a filter into an empty glass and pass water with sugar through it. Sugar dissolved in water. He did not stay on the filter, went along with the water. And the taste after filtering is the same.

Let's conduct an experiment Stir a teaspoon of river sand in a glass of water. Let the mixture stand.

The color of the water has changed, it has become cloudy, dirty. Large grains of sand lay on the bottom, small ones float. The sand didn't dissolve.

Insert a funnel with a filter into an empty glass and pass the contents through it. The sand remained on the filter, the water passed and cleared. The filter helps to purify water from particles that do not dissolve in it.

Let's conduct an experiment Stir a teaspoon of clay in a glass of water. Let the mixture stand.

Clay did not dissolve in water, the water is cloudy, large clay particles fell to the bottom, and small ones float in the water.

Pass the contents of the glass through a paper filter. Water passes through the filter, and undissolved particles remain on the filter. The filter helped purify the water from particles that did not dissolve in the water.

You can do the following experiments with water at home:

Pour a teaspoon of granulated sugar into a glass of water and stir it. What happens to grains of sand? Where did they go? Is it possible to say that granulated sugar has disappeared (taste the water). Has the color of the water in which you stirred the sand change? Has she lost transparency?

Strain the sweet water through a paper filter. Taste it. Was the water cleared of the sugar mixed in it?

Pour a teaspoon of cleanly washed river sand into a glass of water and stir it. Does anything happen to the grains of sand in the water? Has the color and clarity of the water changed?

Strain the water with river sand through a paper filter. Is the water purified from river sand using a filter?

There is such a fairy tale. Two donkeys walked along the road with a load. One was loaded with salt, and the other with cotton wool. The first donkey could hardly move his legs: his burden was so heavy. The second one was fun and easy.

Soon the animals had to cross the river. The donkey, loaded with salt, stopped in the water and began to bathe: he either lay down in the water, then stood up again. When the donkey came out of the water, his burden became much lighter. Another donkey, looking at the first, also began to bathe. But the longer he bathed, the heavier the cotton wool loaded on him became.

Why did the burden of the first donkey after bathing become lighter, and the second heavier? What would happen if the second donkey did not carry cotton wool, but sugar?

Experiments will help you answer the questions:

Pour pure salt into a glass of water and stir it with a spoon. Watch what happens to the salt crystals. They get smaller and smaller and soon disappear altogether. But has the salt disappeared? Taste the water. She is salty. The salt did not disappear, but became invisible. She dissolved.

Pass water through the filter. Nothing settles on the filter, and the water remains salty.

Remember the experiment with sugar that you set before reading the article. When sugar is stirred in water, it also becomes invisible, that is, it dissolves.

Do the same experiment with drinking soda as you did with sugar and salt. Does baking soda dissolve in water?

When you experimented with river sand at home, you observed that the grains of sand fall to the bottom of the glass and lie there without changing. You passed water through the filter. The water passed through it, but the sand remained on the filter. From this experience, we can conclude that sand does not dissolve in water.

Try to dissolve clay and tooth powder. Particles of these substances will float in the water, which becomes cloudy from them. If you let the water stand, particles of clay and tooth powder will settle to the bottom. When shaking the water, they rise, and then fall again.

skip muddy water through a paper filter. The water will become clean and transparent, and the particles of clay and tooth powder will remain on the filter. This means that these substances, like sand, do not dissolve in water.

Now you yourself can take any substance and check whether it dissolves or not. If its particles in water become invisible and pass through the filter with it, then this is a soluble substance.

If the particles float in the water or settle to the bottom and are trapped by the filter, then this insoluble matter. Water in which a substance is dissolved is called a solution.

Useful on the web

A manual coffee grinder will help you prepare aromatic delicious coffee. Why is a coffee grinder manual, you ask. The fact is that only when using a manual coffee grinder, the grains give the whole range of taste to the drink. Coffee grinders have a grinding degree regulator, and they are made of glass and wood.

Objective: To learn by experience which solids dissolve in water and which do not dissolve in water.


  • To acquaint students with the concepts: soluble and insoluble substances.
  • Learn to prove empirically the correctness of the assumptions about the solubility (insolubility) of solids.


    Learn how to use laboratory equipment and conduct experiments.

  • Develop speech through the explanation of the work being done.


    Cultivate perseverance.

  • Develop the ability to communicate and work in groups.

Type of lesson: laboratory work.

Teaching aids: textbook "Natural science" N.V. Koroleva, E.V. Makarevich

Equipment for laboratory work: beakers, filters, instructions. Solids: salt, sugar, soda, sand, coffee, starch, earth, chalk, clay.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

W: Hello guys. Greet each other with your eyes. Nice to see you, have a seat.

. Repetition of the past

T: Let's repeat what we already know about water:

What happens to water when heated?
What happens to water when it cools?
What happens to water when it freezes?
What are the three states in which water occurs in nature?

W: What good fellows you are! Everyone knows!

III. Learning new material

(I agree with the students in advance on the groups they will work with, the guys themselves choose the head of the laboratory (another child can be selected at another laboratory lesson), who writes the experience indicators in a table and gives oral comments when filling out the final part of the table - the result.)

U: Guys, today in the laboratory work we will find out which substances water can dissolve and which cannot. Open a notebook, write down the date and the topic of the lesson “Soluble and insoluble substances in water”. ( I'm attaching to the board.) What is the goal of today's lesson?

R: Find out which substances dissolve in water and which do not. ( I'm attaching to the board.)

U: All substances in nature can be divided into two groups: soluble and insoluble. What substances can be called soluble? (Check textbook p.80:2) Water-soluble substances are those that, when placed in water, become invisible and do not settle on the filter during filtration.. (Attached to the board.)

T: And what substances can be named insoluble? (check textbook p.47-2) Water-insoluble substances - those that do not dissolve in water and settle on the filter (attach to the board).

T: Guys, what do you think we need to complete the laboratory work?

R: Water, some substances, beakers, filter ( I show the water in the decanter; beakers filled with substances: salt, sugar, soda, sand, coffee, starch, chalk, clay; empty beakers, filter).

Q: What is a filter?

R: A device for purifying liquids from substances insoluble in it that settle on it.

U: And what improvised means can be used to make a filter? Well done! And we will use cotton wool ( I put a piece of cotton in the funnel).

T: But before starting the laboratory work, let's fill in the table (the table is drawn on the board, I use two colors of crayons, if the students assume that the substance is completely soluble in water, then I mark "+" in the second column; if the students assume that the substance remains on the filter, then “+” in the third column, and vice versa; with colored chalk I fix the expected result in the fourth column - P (soluble) or H (insoluble))

Our Assumptions Result
Solubility Filtration
1. Water + sand + H
2. Water + clay
3. Water + coffee
4. Water + starch
5. Water + soda
6. Water + earth
7. Water + sugar
8. Water + chalk

U: And after doing the laboratory work, we will compare our assumptions with the results obtained.

T: Each lab will test two solids, all results will be recorded in the Water Soluble and Insoluble Substances report. Attachment 1

U: Guys, this is your first independent laboratory work and before you start doing it, listen to the procedure or instructions. ( I distribute to each laboratory, after reading we discuss.)

Laboratory work

(I help if necessary. It may be difficult to filter the coffee solution, because the filter will be stained. To facilitate filling out the reports, I suggest using the phrases that I attach to the board. Annex 3.)

T: Now let's check our assumptions. Heads of laboratories, check if your report is signed and comment on the results obtained by experience. (The head of the laboratory reports, I fix the result with a piece of chalk of a different color)

U: Guys, what substances for research turned out to be soluble? What are not? How many matches were there? Well done. Almost all of our assumptions were confirmed.

VI. Questions for consolidation

U: Guys, where does a person use a solution of salt, sugar, soda, sand, coffee, starch, clay?

VII. Lesson summary

T: What is our goal today? Did you complete it? Are we great? I am very satisfied with you! And I give everyone "excellent".

VIII. Homework

T: Read the text for extracurricular reading on page 43, answer the questions.

Stand up, please, those guys who did not like our lesson. Thank you for your honesty. And now those who liked our work. Thank you. Goodbye everyone.


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