Short stories about the trinity. History and traditions of the Trinity holiday

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Trinity Day does not have exact date- it is customary to celebrate it on the 50th day after Easter. Thanks to this, this important church holiday has a second known name - Pentecost. Where did this holiday beloved by Christians come from, and what are its traditions?

History of origin

Pentecost is an ancient Old Testament holiday, traditionally celebrated on the 50th day after the Jewish Passover. The Jews attributed this day to three great celebrations, closely linking it with the acquisition by the people of Israel of the Sinai Law, received 50 days after the day of their exit from Egypt. The celebration of Pentecost has always been accompanied by mass fun, general rejoicing and sacrifices.

Orthodox Pentecost, also known as the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, is celebrated on the 50th day after the Resurrection of Christ; this great holiday represents the beginning of new era existence of humanity. Moreover - important date is considered the day of the creation of the Christian Church. But the most important thing is that on this day the Holy Spirit descended on the 12 apostles and revealed to them that God is one and three at the same time. This is how events unfolded according to the Bible.

On the day of the celebration of Jewish Pentecost, 12 followers of Jesus retired from the mass fun in one of the Zion upper rooms. The disciples of Christ gathered together daily at the request of their mentor. Even during the life of the Savior, they knew about the coming event and were waiting for a new miracle. The Son of God informed them of the coming of the Holy Spirit before he died on the cross. On the 50th day after the Resurrection of the Savior, the participants heard a heartbreaking noise that, like a hurricane wind, filled a small house. Then tongues of fire appeared, they touched everyone present and seemed to separate those who were nearby.

The Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus in the form of God the Father (Divine Mind), God the Son (Divine Word) and God the Spirit (Holy Spirit). This Holy Trinity is the fundamental basis of Christianity, on which the Orthodox faith. The Holy Trinity is one God, which is also ternary. God the Father is without beginning and creation, God the Son is born of the Father, and the Holy Spirit comes from God the Father.

People who approached the house from which incomprehensible sounds were heard were very surprised that the apostles spoke to each other in different languages. At first they doubted the sobriety of those inside, but the Apostle Peter dispelled the doubts of the unwitting witnesses to the miracle that had taken place. He said that the Holy Spirit had descended on them, and through them it would touch every Christian. God specifically gave the chosen ones the opportunity to speak in previously unknown languages ​​and dialects, so that they could go to different countries and tell their inhabitants the Truth about Christ. It is believed that the Holy Spirit descended to the apostles in the form of a cleansing and enlightening fire.

The preachers chosen for an important mission scattered throughout the world. They preached Christianity in different parts of the world, easily communicating with residents of unfamiliar cities in their native languages. The disciples of Christ reached the countries of the Middle East and Asia Minor, baptized people in India, Crimea and Kiev. Of the 12 apostles, only one survived - John; the rest were executed by opponents of the new faith.

Features of the celebration of Holy Trinity Day

Pentecost always falls at that wonderful time of year when nature generously gives fragrant herbs and fragrant flowers. The green leaves do not yet have time to become covered with road dust and enliven the young branches of the trees. They decorate churches and homes, thereby demonstrating the flourishing of the human soul and the renewal of people. The aroma of herbs mixes with the smell of incense, creating a festive mood and evoking joy. And the faces of the saints, surrounded by fresh greenery, look as if they were alive.

In churches, the Trinity is celebrated with special respect. This is the most important and one of have the most beautiful holidays. On the eve of Pentecost they celebrate the universal parent's Saturday, remembering those who could not be buried according to Christian customs, including those who drowned and disappeared. On the night before the celebration, a night service is held in churches.

On the Day of the Holy Trinity, Sunday hymns are not performed; instead, special holiday songs are sung. The solemn service takes place according to a special festive rite. After the liturgy, Vespers follows, during which the descent of the Holy Spirit is glorified and three special prayers are read. Priests always wear symbolic emerald robes on Trinity Sunday. Parishioners come to the temple in high spirits with flowers and birch branches.

The week after Pentecost does not have fasting on Wednesday and Friday, and immediately after the holiday there follows an important holiday closely associated with the Trinity - the Day of the Holy Spirit.

Russians began to celebrate Holy Trinity Day only in the 14th century - 300 years after the Baptism of Rus'. The holiday was introduced by St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The Christian holiday of Trinity is one of the Orthodox twelve holidays, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, on Sunday. Churches of the Western tradition celebrate on this day the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, Pentecost, and the Trinity itself on the following resurrection.

The meaning of the holiday of Trinity

The Bible says that the grace given to the apostles by the Holy Spirit descended on them on this very day. Thanks to this, people were shown the third face of God, they joined the sacrament: the unity of God is manifested in three persons - Father, Son and Spirit. From that day on, the message was preached throughout the entire earth. In general, the meaning of Trinity as a holiday is that God reveals himself to people in stages, and not all at once. In modern Christianity, the Trinity means that the Father, who created all living things, sent the Son, Jesus Christ, and then the Holy Spirit to people. For believers the meaning Holy Trinity comes down to praising God in all his forms.

Traditions of celebrating Trinity

The Holy Trinity, the history of which dates back thousands of years, is also widely celebrated today. The people celebrate Trinity for three days. The first day is Klechalny or Green Sunday, when people had to be extremely careful because of the aggressiveness of mermaids, moths, terrapins and other mythical evil spirits. In villages, the holiday of the Russian Trinity is celebrated in compliance with traditions and certain rituals. The floors of churches and houses were decorated with grass, icons were decorated with birch branches. Green color symbolized the renewing and life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. By the way, in some Orthodox Churches golden and white colors. Girls tell fortunes on Green Sunday using wicker wreaths. If the wreaths floating on the water come together, then the young woman will be wooed this year. On this day, deceased relatives were remembered in cemeteries, leaving treats on the graves. And in the evenings, buffoons and mummers entertained the villagers.

It's Clue Monday in the morning. After the church service, the clergy went to the fields and read prayers, asking the Lord for protection for the future harvest. At this time, the children participated in interesting fun games.

On the third day, Bogodukhov Day, the girls “took Topolya.” Her role was played by the most beautiful unmarried girl. She was decorated beyond recognition with wreaths and ribbons, and was taken around rural yards so that her owners would generously treat her. The water in the wells was sanctified on this day, getting rid of the unclean spirit.

Christian Western tradition

Lutheranism and Catholicism share the holidays of Trinity and Pentecost. The cycle opens with Pentecost, a week later they celebrate Trinity, on the 11th day after Pentecost - the feast of the Blood and Body of Christ, on the 19th day - the Sacred Heart of Christ, on the 20th day - the feast of the Immaculate Heart of St. Mary. In Poland and Belarus, Catholic churches These days, churches in Russia are decorated with birch branches. Whitsuntide is considered a public holiday in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Luxembourg, Latvia, Ukraine, Romania, Switzerland, Norway and France.

Trinity and modernity

Nowadays, Trinity is especially celebrated in rural areas. Before this day, housewives usually clean up both the house and the yard, cook holiday dishes. Flowers and grass collected early in the morning decorate rooms, doors and windows, believing that they are home evil spirits they won't let me in.

In the morning, festive services are held in churches, and in the evening you can attend concerts, folk festivals, and take part in fun competitions. Most of the traditions, unfortunately, have been lost, but the holiday still remains one of the most important for believers.

Trinity Day is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, which is why this holiday is also called Pentecost.

Afterwards, His disciples continually lived in a sense of celebration. For another forty days He appeared to them one by one and gathered together. Before the eyes of the disciples, the Lord rose above the earth, as if assuring them that on the last day of the world He would come to earth in the same way as He had gone to God the Father. Saying goodbye to them for the time being, He promised to send them the Comforter - the Holy Spirit emanating from God the Father. The disciples did not know what this meant, but they believed that everything would be according to the word of the Lord.

Like fire in a hearth, they maintained the blessed state of that day in their souls, gathering every day in one house on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. In a secluded upper room they prayed and read the Holy Scriptures. This is how another ancient prophecy came true: “Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem.” This is how the first Christian temple arose. Near that house was the house of Christ’s beloved disciple, the Apostle John the Theologian; according to the will of the Lord, His Mother, the Virgin Mary, also lived there. Disciples gathered around Her; She was a consolation for all believers.

The Feast of Pentecost, or the Day of the Holy Trinity, went like this. On the tenth day after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, on the day of the Jewish holiday of the first harvest, when the disciples and with them were in the Zion Upper Room, at the third hour of the day a strong noise was heard in the air, as if during a storm. Bright, flickering tongues of fire appeared in the air. It was not a material fire - it was of the same nature as the Holy Fire, which descends annually in Jerusalem on Easter; it shone without burning. Rushing over the heads of the apostles, tongues of fire descended on them and laid them to rest. Immediately, along with the external phenomenon, the internal one took place, taking place in the souls: “ being all filled with the Holy Spirit.”“Both the Mother of God and the apostles felt at that moment an extraordinary power acting in them. Simply and directly, they were given from above a new grace-filled gift of the verb - they began to speak in languages ​​that they did not know before. This was the gift needed to preach the Gospel throughout the world.

Washed, generously gifted by the One Spirit, feeling that this was only part of the spiritual gifts they had received from the Lord, they held each other’s hands, forming a new shining bright Church, where God Himself is invisibly present, reflected and acting in souls. Beloved children of the Lord, united with Him by the Holy Spirit, they emerged from the walls of the Zion Upper Room to fearlessly preach Christ’s teaching about love.

In memory of this event, the Feast of Pentecost is also called the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the day of the Holy Trinity: in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, who came from God the Father according to the promise of God the Son, the mystery of the unity of the Holy Trinity was revealed. This day received the name Pentecost not only in memory of the ancient holiday, but also because this event occurred on the fiftieth day after Christian Easter. Just as Easter replaced the ancient Jewish holiday, so Pentecost laid the foundation of the Church of Christ as union in the Spirit on earth.

Hymns for the Feast of the Holy Trinity: Troparion of the Trinity, Kontakion of the Trinity, Glorification of the Trinity

Troparion for the Feast of the Holy Trinity, tone 1

feast of the Holy Trinity, voice 2

Greatnessfeast of the Holy Trinity

We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, and honor Your All-Holy Spirit, Whom You sent from the Father as Your Divine disciple.

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Icons of the Holy Trinity

What date does Trinity Day fall on in 2019? What is the history of this Orthodox holiday?

What date is Trinity, Trinity Day in 2019?

The color of the Trinity holiday is emerald green. This is the shade of fresh, lush grass or foliage that has not had time to get tired and absorb the heavy dust of the city. The churches glow from the inside like an emerald cloud - hundreds of birch branches are carried by parishioners, the floor of the church is densely covered with grass, the musty smell of June is intensified by the rays of the sun from the church windows, mixed with subtle notes of incense and wax candles. The candles are no longer red, but honey-yellow - “Easter is given away.” Exactly 50 days after the Resurrection of the Lord, Christians celebrate the Holy Trinity. Great Holiday, beautiful Holiday.

… Fifty days after the Passover, the Jews celebrated the day of Pentecost, dedicated to the legislation of Sinai. The apostles did not take part in mass celebrations, but gathered together with Mother of God and other students in one person's house. History has not preserved evidence of his name and what he did, we only know that it was in Jerusalem... It was about three o'clock in the afternoon according to Jewish time (about nine o'clock in the morning according to modern reckoning). Suddenly, from heaven itself, from above, an incredible noise was heard, reminiscent of the howl and roar of a rushing strong wind, the noise filled the entire house in which the disciples of Christ and the Virgin Mary were located. People began to pray. Tongues of fire began to play between people and began to dwell for a moment on each of the worshipers. So the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, with which they received the amazing ability to speak and preach in many languages, previously unknown to them... The Savior’s promise was fulfilled. His disciples received special grace and gift, power and ability to carry the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is believed that the Holy Spirit descended in the form of fire as a sign that it has the power to scorch sins and cleanse, sanctify and warm the soul.

On the occasion of the holiday, Jerusalem was full of people; Jews from different countries converged on the city on this day. A strange noise from the house where the disciples of Christ were, caused hundreds of people to run to this place. Those gathered were amazed and asked each other: “Are they not all Galileans? How do we hear each of our own languages ​​in which we were born? How can they speak with our tongues about the great things of God?” And in bewilderment they said: “They got drunk on sweet wine.” Then the Apostle Peter, standing up with the other eleven apostles, said that they were not drunk, but that the Holy Spirit had descended on them, as was predicted by the prophet Joel, and that Jesus Christ, who had been crucified, had ascended into heaven and poured out the Holy Spirit on them. Spirit. Many of those who listened to the sermon of the Apostle Peter at that moment believed and were baptized. The apostles initially preached to the Jews, and then dispersed different countries for preaching to all nations.

So Saint Andrew, who is also called Andrew the First-Called, went preaching the Word of God to eastern countries. He passed through Asia Minor, Thrace, Macedonia, reached the Danube, passed the Black Sea coast, the Crimea, the Black Sea region and along the Dnieper rose to the place where the city of Kyiv now stands. Here he stopped at the Kyiv Mountains for the night. Getting up in the morning, he said to the disciples who were with him: “Do you see these mountains? On these mountains the grace of God will shine, there will be great city, and God will raise up many churches.” The apostle climbed the mountains, blessed them and planted a cross. After praying, he climbed even higher along the Dnieper and reached the Slavic settlements where Novgorod was founded.

Miraculously, the Apostle Thomas, who believed in Christ, reached the shores of India. To this day, in the southern states of this country, Kerala and Karnataka, there live Christians whose ancestors were baptized by St. Thomas.

Peter visited various regions of the Middle East, Asia Minor, and later settled in Rome. There, according to a very reliable tradition of the late 1st and early 2nd centuries, he was executed between 64 and 68 AD. According to Origen, Peter, at his own request, was crucified upside down, since he considered that he was unworthy to undergo the same the execution that the Lord suffered.

While enlightening the nations with the teachings of Christ, the Apostle Paul also undertook long journeys. In addition to his repeated stays in Palestine, he preached about Christ in Phenicia, Syria, Cappadocia, Lydia, Macedonia, Italy, the islands of Cyprus, Lesbos, Rhodes, Sicily and other lands. The power of his preaching was so great that the Jews could not do anything to oppose the power of Paul’s teaching; the pagans themselves asked him to preach the word of God and the whole city gathered to listen to him.

That grace of the Holy Spirit, which was clearly taught to the apostles in the form of tongues of fire, is now in Orthodox Church is given invisibly - in its holy sacraments through the successors of the apostles - the shepherds of the Church - bishops and priests.

The holiday of Christian Pentecost contains a double celebration: both in the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, and in the glory of the Most Holy Spirit, who descended on the Apostles and sealed the new eternal covenant of God with man.

On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, established at the end of the 4th century, after the dogma of the Trinity - the Trinitarian God - was officially adopted at a church council in Constantinople in 381, we are talking about one more important aspect Christian faith: the incomprehensible mystery of the trinity of God. God is one in three persons and this mystery is incomprehensible to the human mind, but the essence of the Trinity was revealed to people on this day.

By the way, for a long time Christian artists did not depict the Trinity, believing that God can only be depicted in the person of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But not God the Father, not God the Holy Spirit should not be written... However, over time, a special iconography of the Holy Trinity was formed, which is now divided into two types. The Old Testament Trinity is familiar to each of us from the famous icon of Andrei of Radonezh (Rublev), on which God is depicted in the form of three angels who appeared to Abraham. The icons of the New Testament Trinity are images of God the Father in the form of an old man, Jesus Christ as a youth in his bosom or an adult husband, according to right hand from him, and the Spirit - above them in the form of a dove.

In Rus', they began to celebrate Holy Pentecost not in the first years after the baptism of Rus', but almost 300 years later, in the 14th century, under St. Sergius of Radonezh.

From this day until the next holiday of Holy Pascha, they begin to sing the troparion to the Holy Spirit “Heavenly King...” From this very moment, prostrations to the ground are allowed for the first time after Easter.

... The Divine Service on the Feast of Holy Pentecost is touching and beautiful. The temple is decorated, the priests are dressed in green vestments, it smells of grass and fresh greens, the choir “... renew in our hearts, O Almighty, the true, right Spirit,” sounds solemnly and lightly, the parishioners kneel and read the special prayers of St. Basil the Great. And it’s a juicy early summer outside - a reminder of that beautiful and deep “summer of the Lord” that Jesus Christ promised the righteous.

IN last years Interest in Orthodox holidays has noticeably increased among Russians. On such days it is customary to go to church, cover festive table for their loved ones, and in some cases take part in folk festivities that last until the evening. The Orthodox holiday of Trinity is especially revered by the people. This day was one of the most important holidays of the year even among our ancestors, who called it “Green Christmastide”. Subsequently, the ancient traditions were superimposed on the Orthodox, which cemented them even more firmly in the memory of the people.

The traditions of the Trinity holiday are rooted deep in history, today we will talk about them and everything related to this important day for every Orthodox Christian. Surprisingly, many Russians still have difficulty imagining where this holiday came from, and also what it consists of. main meaning. Let's figure it out together.

Trinity: what kind of holiday and meaning

All Christians in the world celebrate Trinity Day on a grand scale. It belongs to the list of the most important Orthodox holidays, therefore, in addition to special church services, all kinds of folk festivals are held, during which people should have fun with all their hearts.

Often this day is also called “Pentecost”. It is noteworthy that modern church traditions are very closely intertwined with the customs of the Eastern Slavs, who also widely celebrated this day. So what kind of holiday is Trinity? Its importance for every Christian is difficult to overestimate. After all, it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended to earth and Christians received proof of the trinity of God. From that moment on, they carried the news of Christ around the planet, telling everyone about the Savior of mankind.


The history of the holiday of Trinity begins in those days when Christianity was just beginning to emerge. It is believed that on one significant day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, descending from heaven in the form of tongues of flame and endowing the apostles with incredible power. She gave them the opportunity to carry good news all over the world and preach about Christ to anyone who is ready to hear about the Savior.

It is believed that this particular day is the day of the founding of the Church on earth. In addition, the holiday symbolizes the fact that God is one in three persons. This truth is one of the most difficult to understand in Orthodoxy. Not every believer can realize from the first days that God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit exist in unity and do good on earth, illuminating all living with divine grace.

It is interesting that the foundations for how the holiday of Trinity is celebrated were laid by the apostles themselves. They annually organized magnificent celebrations on this occasion and bequeathed to all their followers not to miss this day under any circumstances.

Pagan roots of the holiday

We have already mentioned that the history of the Trinity holiday goes back centuries, when Christianity had not yet come to Rus'. The first week of summer was considered a period when life-giving natural forces completely conquer darkness and evil. At this time it was finally established hot weather, which marked the arrival of the best months in the life of the Slavs, when it was possible to forget about the long and cold winter, taking away many souls with it.

It was this deep meaning that gave rise to a number of customs for the Trinity holiday, which are still observed today. Of course, most of our compatriots no longer remember why they need to do this or that way, but they still clearly adhere to established customs and rituals. We will also definitely talk about them in the following sections of the article.

Holiday date

Every year, all Orthodox believers discuss what date the Trinity holiday will be celebrated this year. After all, like many others church holidays, it has a floating date. It directly depends on what day Easter falls on.

The fact is that Trinity comes on the fiftieth day after this bright and great holiday for all Christians. An indispensable condition is the day of the week - it is always Sunday. In order to better navigate the dates of Orthodox holidays, many purchase church calendar, where all the important days for Christians are indicated.

What date was the feast of Trinity celebrated in this year? It fell on the fourth of June, and in 2018 we will celebrate it on the twenty-seventh of May. Each time this day is accompanied by an abundance of events held by city authorities. After all, every mayor strives to do everything to ensure that its residents truly relax during public festivities. But we should not forget about the traditions of the Trinity holiday, which must be observed without fail.

When did the holiday begin to be celebrated in Rus'?

It is noteworthy that only three hundred years after the baptism of Rus', Trinity became a great holiday. For a long time The traditions of the Trinity holiday were not consolidated in any way and did not become familiar and familiar. But thanks to the efforts of Sergius of Radonezh, this day gradually became one of the most significant of the year.

Since the fourteenth century, the Trinity has been celebrated everywhere, and some time later the people combined pagan and Orthodox traditions, forming unique rituals for Trinity, which are still observed today. I would like to talk about them in more detail.

Orthodox traditions

The Trinity service is considered one of the most solemn. The holiday begins on Sunday and lasts three days. The most beautiful service is performed on the first day; it consists of liturgy and vespers, when the descent of the Holy Spirit is glorified in every possible way. It is noteworthy that all church ministers dress in green clothes and read prayers while kneeling. During the Trinity service, traditional prayers for the Church, the salvation of all Christians and the repose of the souls of the dead are considered obligatory. They are read all three days.

Following the ancient tradition of the Trinity holiday, churches across the country are decorated with birch branches and the floors are covered with fresh grass. All this symbolizes the power of the Holy Spirit, which renews and gives life to every Christian.


The customs of the Trinity holiday were formed in the pagan period. It was especially loved by the girls, who celebrated it not for three days, but for five. The first celebrations began two days before Sunday and were accompanied by mass celebrations.

The holiday itself had a deep sacred meaning, the Slavs associated it with the cult of nature and its renewal. All sorts of maiden rituals for Trinity were also adopted. The holiday could not happen without mentioning all the dead, and especially those who died from drowning.

In all the villages and hamlets of Rus', before the holiday, girls aged seven to twelve years old went in a noisy group to a birch grove. There they broke branches with young leaves and decorated the huts with them. The Thursday before Trinity belonged to children and young people. They were fed from early morning traditional dish, symbolizing sunlight and the arrival of warm days, - scrambled eggs. After a hearty breakfast, the group of children went into the forest. There they found the most beautiful birch tree and began to decorate it. The tree was wrapped in multi-colored ribbons, braids were woven from them, and beads and flower wreaths were fastened on top. The children sang songs and danced in circles, and the day ended with a joint meal. It usually consisted of what was taken from the house. But every mother tried to give her child something tasty and special, because eating under the ritual tree was a very important part of the holiday.

On Saturday it was customary to remember deceased relatives, and on Sunday the whole family had to go to the temple, which was decorated in advance with green branches for the holiday. After the end of the service, the young people again went into the forest to remove all the decorations from the birch tree. This action was also accompanied by singing and dancing, after which the children and adolescents began eating again. At the end of the day, the ritual tree was cut down and shown to the whole village, sometimes it was floated down the river. It was believed that this would help rapid growth crops in the fields.


The Orthodox holiday of Trinity has many traditions that have come from time immemorial. For example, after leaving the church, people collected grass that fell under their feet and leaves from the trees in the courtyard of the temple. The grass was often mixed with hay to keep livestock healthy, or brewed as a healing drink for family members. But wreaths and figurines were woven from leaves and branches. They were considered amulets for the house and were hung in different parts of it.

Birch is traditionally used to decorate one's home and temples. It is often compared to a Christmas tree, without which a holiday is unimaginable. However, in different parts Branches of other trees are also added to Russia. This is quite acceptable, the main thing is that they are in sufficient quantity. After all, vegetation symbolizes the life given to people through their Creator.

Trinity has always been considered a great holiday, so housewives treated it very seriously and responsibly. They suggested perfect order in the house, decorated it and made dough for various delicacies. It was considered especially successful if many guests gathered in your house.

Youth folk festivities on Trinity also had their purpose. The girls specially sewed new outfits for this day and decorated themselves with wreaths of flowers and branches. While walking with their girlfriends, they were admired by guys who sent matchmakers to the beauty they liked. It was believed that those who were matched on this day would definitely live a long and happy life.

Housewives baked roe deer for their unmarried daughters on Trinity Sunday. These products made from dough and eggs were shaped like a wreath, and they definitely had to be taken with you into the forest. Without them it was difficult to imagine a meal under a birch tree.


Modern people have a rather poor understanding of the list of prohibitions characteristic of the Trinity holiday. What can and cannot be done on this day so as not to frighten away your luck? We will now reveal these secrets to you:

  • Among the people there was a ban on work on the most important three days of the Trinity. Any work on the land was especially prohibited, but cooking was encouraged in every possible way.
  • Under no circumstances should you make brooms from birch branches on this holiday.
  • Fences should not be repaired during the week; according to legend, this will cause the birth of pets with deformities.
  • There was a strict ban on swimming in lakes and rivers. It was believed that on the days of Trinity, mermaids and all sorts of aquatic evil spirits came to land. She lures young people to her and takes them forever. Therefore, they avoided the banks of rivers and lakes, fires were lit on them for protection, and wreaths with wormwood branches were placed on the boys’ heads.

Folk signs

The Slavs came up with a lot of signs that were attached to the Trinity great importance. For example, dreams on the night of a holiday were considered prophetic. That's why they were great luck for the whole family. Many housewives gathered for Trinity healing herbs, on this day they were filled with strength and turned out to be most useful.

If you want to protect yourself from misfortunes and hardships on this holiday, then pay attention to the poor. Walk around and give them some change, such an action will become better protection for you and your loved ones.

Rain on Trinity means a rich harvest of mushrooms, and after the holiday you can no longer wait for cold weather and enjoy truly summer warmth.

Holiday in the modern world

How is Trinity celebrated today? Of course, in such a way as to completely immerse yourself in this incredible atmosphere, which is difficult to confuse and compare with anything else. Naturally, traditions and rituals have not been observed in cities for a long time, but in villages you can see the holiday in all its glory. Residents of remote corners of Russia carefully preserve all the rituals characteristic of the Trinity and pass them on to their children. Therefore, a village festival is always so different from what is held in the city.

However, here too people celebrate Trinity on a grand scale. Naturally, every Christian’s morning begins with going to church. On this day, all Orthodox Christians come here, because the service itself takes place in a surprisingly festive atmosphere.

But after going to the temple, real folk festivities begin. Some housewives prefer to prepare a delicious table and invite guests to their home. Mandatory dishes include meat pies, pancakes, eggs painted in green color, and wine. Most often it is red, but a white drink is also allowed.

If you don't want to spend the whole day at home, then go to the city streets. There will certainly be a lot of interesting and fun things there. Usually, in honor of the Trinity, folk festivities are organized with fairs and all kinds of entertainment events. People participate in competitions, buy crafts and delicious pies. Girls and women dress up in the most beautiful outfits, and men compete in strength and dexterity. The holiday lasts until the evening, but the young people do not leave until dawn. After all, Trinity is considered a holiday of strength and youth, as well as love. Of course, if you believe folk beliefs and traditions.

Modern people, despite the fact that they believe in God with all their souls, rarely observe all the traditions and commandments. But there are Great holidays and days that are never forgotten and honored in every Christian family. One of these holidays is the Day of the Holy Trinity.

What date is Trinity celebrated?

Trinity is one of the most the most important holidays Christian Church. It follows: exactly 7 Sundays later, on the 50th day, closely intertwining folk customs and church traditions.

Considering that Easter is a moving holiday - it does not have a specific date, the Feast of the Holy Trinity is also celebrated on different days every year.

Great Easter is preceded by the strictest fast of the year - 7 weeks, which begins after Maslenitsa and even covers the day of the spring equinox. Therefore, the easiest way, and then the date of the Holy Trinity, is to use a tear-off calendar, where the phases of the moon are usually indicated.

  1. Find the day of the vernal equinox.
  2. Determine the date of the full moon immediately after the spring equinox.
  3. Mark the Sunday closest to the full moon - this will be the day of Great Easter.
  4. Count down 49 days after Easter.
  5. On the 50th day, Sunday, Trinity is celebrated.

Trinity Day 2016

This year it was celebrated on May 1, right on the day of spring and labor. Having counted down the required 7 weeks, it will not be difficult to find out that Trinity in 2016 will occur on Sunday, June 19.

history of the holiday

The Trinity is also often called Pentecost. And not at all because it is celebrated 49 days after Great Easter. In fact, Pentecost was celebrated long before Christianity arose. It was on the fiftieth day after Pesach (Jewish Passover) that Moses received the Ten Commandments from the Lord, which later became the basis for the Old Testament.

And many years later, also on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the incorporeal, living Holy Spirit descended on the Mother of God and the 12 apostles - this is how God appeared to them in his third appearance (before that, God had already appeared to them twice in the form of God the Father (Divine Uma) and God the son (Divine Word)). So this day was also celebrated as the day of the Holy Trinity.

The Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem, where this action took place, according to the Bible, became the world's first Christian church, and the day of the Holy Trinity went down in history as the appearance of the New Testament Church on Earth.

This is the main version of the origin of the Trinity holiday, although, admittedly, it is not the only one. There are many legends, according to one of which Trinity is the day on which the Lord created the earth and greenery, according to another - on this day Jesus walked with Peter and Paul in the shade of green trees and Christ blessed this day and called it Trinity. Of course, these speculations have a right to exist, but still they are not as widespread as the events described in the Bible.

Now the holiday of the Holy Trinity is celebrated in all Christian churches, but for Catholics and Protestants it is a little later: on the 50th day after Easter they celebrate Pentecost, and the Trinity is celebrated the following Sunday.

The essence of the Trinity holiday

From ancient times to the present day, people celebrate the holiday of Trinity with the hope of a new beginning, fruitful and favorable year for all living things and, first of all, for your family.

If, by welcoming winter at Maslenitsa, we welcome spring, then Trinity is the full-fledged beginning of summer. Usually, by Trinity, all the trees in the forest have already blossomed, the grass has grown, and truly warm days have begun.

Maybe this is why it has been established since ancient times that Trinity is a moving holiday and does not have exact dates.

Traditions and customs of the Trinity holiday

By the Feast of the Holy Trinity, spring finally comes into its own: everything around is filled new life and light, blossoms and comes to life. As a sign of the renewal of all living things, temples and churches on this day are also buried in fresh greenery: the floor is covered with soft grass, the walls are decorated with young birch shoots, and the priests themselves wear green clothes.

But it’s not only in churches that light and spring are allowed to penetrate! On the eve of Trinity, housewives put their home in perfect order, decorate the rooms with fresh flowers, symbolizing how the soul of a person who has let God into his heart blossoms and blossoms.

From the very morning, Christians rush to church to thank God for always being with them and protecting them from troubles and misfortunes. Every believer always returns home from the temple with a thin branch of a young birch tree, which symbolizes the beginning of everything living, bright, and a new good life.

All relatives and friends are invited to the house, the table is set, and a good meal is prepared. According to tradition, there must be a freshly baked loaf and that same twig from the temple on the table, as a sign of prosperity and a happy life for all those present.

Symbols of the holiday of Trinity

It’s not for nothing that churches use Russian birch branches for decoration. Birch is one of the first to be covered with young leaves and stands the most “elegant” in the forest. All over the world it is believed that the Russian birch tree has a special growth power, so people have known since ancient times that in the forest they must hug the birch tree and ask it for strength and health.

In ancient times, on the evening of Trinity, young girls put on their most beautiful dresses, wreaths made of birch branches with wildflowers and they always went to “curl” the birch tree: the youngest of them cut down young tree and the girls unanimously decorated it with ribbons and flowers, led round dances and danced around it. After this, the birch tree had to be drowned in the river so that the land would be rich and fertile.

Fortune telling for Trinity

It is interesting that Trinity and Pentecost coincide with another great pagan holiday, which our ancestors have not forgotten since ancient times: honoring the arrival of summer - Green Weeks (Green Christmastide, Rusal Week). The end of such a week - Sunday - was especially awaited by very young girls, because... Older girls took them with them to festivities, where they often told fortunes about their betrothed.

Of course, the official church does not approve of this to this day, but, nevertheless, the traditions of this holiday come to us from ancient times.

They believed that on these days mermaids come ashore, play, swing on branches and watch people, and on Trinity Sunday, they are especially active. Therefore, during Mermaid Week you cannot walk through the forest or near the water alone - it is believed that mermaids can easily drag a person to them for fun. Of course, nowadays no one washes in ponds, but still our ancestors are not always wrong.

They always remembered the dead, especially those who died prematurely: according to legend, on Green Week they return to earth in the form of mythological creatures. Wells and fields were blessed.

And for those who liked to tell fortunes about their future on Trinity, there was plenty of room to roam, but the most common fortune-telling were those where birch was used.

  • They picked a random young birch twig and examined it carefully: if the branch is straight, without flaws, then the year will be smooth and quiet. And if it was a curve, then they expected changes, good or bad - they judged by the bark of this branch: whether it was beautiful or sick.
  • Several young branches were dipped into the water different trees, made a wish and pulled out with closed eyes whichever one came to you: birch - it will come true, aspen - you don’t have to wait this year, oak - you need to work hard to make your wish come true, and pine - it all depends on you.


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