Corporate event for Teacher's Day, corporate scenario. New interesting and funny scenarios for Teacher's Day at school and college

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Teacher's Day as a professional holiday is traditionally celebrated in early October - the 5th. On the eve of this significant event, students organize concerts, learn songs and dances, and prepare congratulations for their favorite teachers. However, any festive event, be it a concert or a corporate event, takes place according to a pre-compiled scenario - of course, some “notes” of improvisation are also welcome. We offer you interesting ideas with videos for funny and cool scenarios for Teacher's Day, which will make it easy for students to spend the holiday primary school, and college students. Indeed, the scenarios we presented for Teacher’s Day will give the event uniqueness and the real “spirit” of the holiday. And how nice it is for your beloved teachers and lecturers to receive such attention from their “wards”! Undoubtedly, smiles, cheerful laughter and good mood the audience will be a true reward for all the efforts and hard work put in. After all, Teacher's Day is an excellent occasion to get together, congratulate the “heroes” of the occasion and thank them for such an important and necessary profession.

An interesting scenario for Teacher's Day for elementary school students - ideas and videos

For elementary school students, it is better to choose a script for Teacher’s Day that is simple to execute, but at the same time interesting and meaningful. Of course, schoolchildren in grades 1–4 in many organizational issues Adults will help - but with joint efforts you can arrange a real holiday for teachers. If you are looking for creative ideas To celebrate the holiday, we offer you a choice of several scenarios with videos for Teacher’s Day. Inspiration and success to you!

Scenario for Teacher’s Day for primary school – “Teacher’s TV Channel”

At the heart of this cool script There is an idea for a television program for Teacher's Day. At the very beginning, the presenters announce the opening of a new TV channel “Teacher”, dedicated to Teacher’s Day. As part of the “TV programs,” elementary school students read congratulatory poems, sing songs, and act out short humorous miniature scenes on a school theme. As an interesting idea, you can use parodies of famous TV shows. For example, the humorous “Weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center”, which foreshadows “a flurry of applause”, “slight precipitation of tears of joy” and “sunny warmth of smiles” on Teacher’s Day. In addition, the Uchitelsky TV channel offers a number of holiday programs on such a significant day. Thus, in the program “According to Your Letters,” “letters” will be read with requests to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday. Then the television program “I Myself” begins with an invitation “to the studio” of an honored teacher, head teacher or school director. In general, interesting modern ideas There are plenty of options for a script for Teacher’s Day, because television is the widest field for imagination!

Concert script for Teacher's Day in primary school, video

Musical and dance numbers performed by elementary school students on Teacher's Day - always current option. So, for the scenario of a concert on Teacher’s Day, a festive congratulation from students is perfect primary classes for teachers who recite or sing to rhythmic, upbeat music. Such incendiary major key performances can be alternated with lyrical dance numbers - classic waltz or modern contemporary.

Scenario for Teacher's Day for high school students - ideas, video

As a rule, high school students show greater ingenuity and limitless fantasy while preparing for various school holidays. You can include funny numbers in the script for Teacher's Day - parodies, quizzes, competitions. As an option - holding a festive concert with songs and dances. An interesting “move” would be to involve teachers as spectators to participate in performances and individual skits. We have prepared for you several video ideas for funny scripts for Teacher's Day that high school students can include in a holiday script for Teacher's Day. With a little effort, Teacher’s Day will turn out to be fun and fiery, and the audience will not be stingy with thunderous applause.

New script for Teacher's Day - "Oscar Awards"

Many watch with interest the television programs with the annual presentation of the American Academy of Motion Pictures Awards - the golden Oscar statuette. But you can create a completely new and “unhackneyed” scenario for Teacher’s Day, taking as a basis a significant event of global scale. Such interesting idea will definitely become a “nail” holiday program Teacher's Day. So, to implement of this scenario preliminary preparations should be made: make “golden figurines”, decorate the hall with flowers, posters and congratulations, select musical accompaniment and think through quizzes for teachers. If there is a red carpet in the school “bins” - a traditional attribute of the awards ceremony for nominees - then it will turn out just great. Welcome to the school “Dream Factory”, dear teachers!

Concert script for Teacher's Day for high school students - ideas with video

Dance numbers are perfect for any holiday - Teacher's Day is no exception. Therefore, the concert repertoire of school “artists” must include funny and lively numbers with dances. This can be break, hip-hop and other youth dances with appropriate musical accompaniment. Today, numbers performed to a mix of dance music are also extremely popular - take this idea into account when drawing up a script for Teacher's Day. Perhaps some of our videos will become a source of creative inspiration for you.

Funny script for Teacher's Day in college, ideas with video

Teacher's Day for college students is also special holiday, which requires preliminary preparation. As a rule, the scenarios for Teacher's Day for college students can be used the same as for high school students - however, taking into account the peculiarities of studying in educational institution secondary vocational education. And, of course, instead school teachers Teachers will sit in the spectator seats, but this does not change the essence of the matter. The script for the festive concert program for Teacher's Day can include: funny humorous skits, dance numbers, songs, recitation of poems and congratulations. An excellent “gift” for Teacher’s Day would be a musical, dance and poetic composition - a kind of “mix” from different genres and directions.

For young teachers who crossed the threshold of college for the first time this year, you can include a fun number called “Pedagogy Exam” in the script for Teacher’s Day. The essence of the number is that the teacher must randomly “pull out” a ticket with a question and a cheat sheet answer to it, and then read them out loud. Of course, both the questions and answers on the “exam” are of a humorous nature. For example, to the question “Will you often be late for classes?” the examinee may answer: “Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!” Here are some video ideas that are suitable for creating a script for Teacher's Day.

A cool corporate event scenario for Teacher's Day - for celebrating with colleagues

Today corporate events are an obligatory part entertainment program on Teacher's Day or other professional holiday. Undoubtedly, the corporate event scenario must be thought out so that teachers have fun and have a great rest. Which cool ideas Can it be used for a corporate event scenario for Teacher's Day? To the main part of the event - the festive feast - it would be appropriate to add fun competitions with the presentation of symbolic prizes to the winners, dancing. To conduct an entertainment program, you can invite a toastmaster or select a presenter from among the male teachers present. Have fun and good mood!

How to organize a professional event to make it fun and interesting? Surely, various table entertainments will come in handy and, despite the fact that the Teacher’s work is very difficult, as a rule, even when resting, they cannot forget about it. We offer new dining room role-playing fairy tale co Teacher's Day, which will add variety and entertain the heroes of the occasion.

Participants receive cards with lines and pronounce them as artistically as possible - every time the name of “their” character is mentioned in the text.

Characters and their lines:

School“We will teach everyone”;

Teacher“I can’t do otherwise!”;

Magazine“I have all my moves written down!”;

Books(2 people) “Treasury of knowledge”;

Board“I will endure everything”;

Computer"Nowhere without me now"

Unified State Exam “Is it easy for anyone?” ;

Students(2 people) “What are we, we are nothing”

Table tale text.

Early in the morning at the School...silence. The students... are still at home having breakfast, combing their hair, washing, collecting their briefcase, in general, getting ready for School.... The teacher... is already at the workplace. He is cheerful, full of strength, inspired, ready to sow reasonable, kind, eternal things in the heads and souls of his Students... Teacher... like no one else knows the value of Books... He knows each of them, not one sleepless night Teacher.. dedicated to reading. A special place is occupied by the Class Journal... This document is similar in value and significance to a passport, and therefore, the Class Journal... is the holy of holies of any School... The Teacher... works with the Blackboard... On the Blackboard... a topic, number, diagrams, tables appear. In the process of preparing a lesson, a Computer is involved... All efforts are aimed at ensuring that the Students... learn educational material and passed the Unified State Exam... The board... is covered chalk records, presentations are loaded into the school Computer... There is a bunch of smart Books on the teacher’s anticipation of the lesson. In the Journal... all the necessary entries have already been made. The teacher...understands that the Unified State Exam is just around the corner...

And now the School... is filled with the noise of Students... The Teacher... mobilizes, he is ready to create, teach, surprise. Teacher.. don’t be scared by any OGE, GIA, Federal State Educational Standards, UUD, Unified State Exam..., he loves his job, he loves his Students...!. No reforms, innovations, innovations will be able to cut off the oxygen to the great living organism called School... And no matter what Students... stand at the Blackboard..., no matter what presentations and assignments are loaded into the Computer... and no matter what Unified State Exams... go down from above, good results, that’s why he’s a Teacher...

And, of course, on their professional holiday, all Teachers... in all Schools... countries will put aside Class Magazines... and Books... for at least one evening, will not go near the Computer... and School Blackboard, they will finally forget about the Unified State Exam. And they will only receive congratulations from the Students..., their parents, relatives and colleagues! And let at least on this day the Teachers... live differently, easily, cheerfully and carefree!

The wonderful holiday Teacher's Day is not only a joy for teachers and educators, but also for parents whose children went to school and are making their first successes there. This holiday exists for a reason, because a teacher needs to know and understand that his profession is valued and respected just like others.

Where to hold a corporate event on Teacher's Day

In most cases, teachers celebrate their professional holiday in a boring and gray manner. In the morning at school they listen to children’s congratulations, and in the evening in the company of teachers they serve small table and celebrate culturally. But this is completely everyday and without emotion, and teachers are people too, and they also want a real holiday. And to get this holiday, you first need to choose right place for the event. Where can you hold a corporate event on Teacher's Day:

In principle, it doesn’t matter where your corporate event will take place, the main thing is to organize it correctly and competently. It is advisable that a presenter be present at the celebration, who will organize entertainment for teachers. You can, of course, take everything into your own hands by appointing one of your colleagues to be in charge of the holiday, but then he will not be able to feel the whole atmosphere of the holiday. The role of presenter can be performed by one of the school’s former graduates; he can do this as a gift absolutely free of charge.

Program for a corporate event on the occasion of Teacher's Day

For a Teacher's Day corporate event, you can choose any program for teachers, it can be dense, it can simply dilute the conversation, but the most important thing is that the holiday takes place in a friendly and cozy atmosphere.

Teachers are smart educated people, for which the program must be appropriate. It can be diluted with interesting historical facts, literary works, interesting scientific laws or any other educational information. It would be a great idea to invite the schoolchildren themselves to the holiday, who will then be able to communicate more openly with teachers during lessons. If your corporate event is taking place in a cafe, then you need to think through the program so that it is appropriate there. The program needs to be made fun, include dancing, laughter, and relaxation, because the work of teachers is very difficult, and they simply need to escape from all their worries at least once a year.

The main rules for drawing up a program:

  • It is necessary to provide the evening with musical accompaniment, which will be a joy for the entire corporate party.
  • Delicious and festive food that will always be available during the holiday (sandwiches, fruits)
  • There must be competitions and fun games with small prizes
  • Props are required for competitions.

It is better to choose a Saturday evening for a corporate event, so that after such a holiday teachers have another whole day to rest.

Which scenarios to choose for a corporate event on Teacher's Day

The most important thing to consider when preparing the script is the location of the celebration. What could be the scenario:

  • The holiday can be in the form of a skit party, an evening with funny jokes, filled with skits and parodies. After all, every teacher has a large baggage of humor behind him, which can be thrown off on this day.
  • Can be carried out themed holiday in the form of an exam, think through questions for the whole evening, possibly with multiple-choice answers. Throughout the holiday, teachers will take tickets with questions. But you can add humor here: make the questions provocative, and make the answers streamlined so that they can approach any question. All evening, someone will take turns asking questions, and someone will answer, the holiday will be fun.
  • Another scenario option is a parody competition. Parodies can be of anyone: famous personalities, teachers, students. The evening at this pace will be very fun and original.

It is better to choose neutral music so that it can suit everyone.

Corporate event scenario for Teacher's Day

You can come up with scenarios yourself, or borrow them from a neighboring school, or you can simply find them on the Internet. The main thing is to choose the one that will be interesting to you. Let's give an example of one of the scenarios.


At the very beginning of the evening, the presenter addresses everyone present with a speech: “Autumn is a wonderful time that brings us joy and happiness, it is characterized by the beginning of the school year and a series of holidays. And the very first of these holidays, of course, is Teacher’s Day, on which we congratulate you today on behalf of your parents, students and colleagues, and now take a break from work and plunge into the holiday!”

After the words have been spoken, you can immediately play a small game in the form of “question and answer”. Questions are written on the cards, and answers are written on others. Teachers first draw the first card - the question, then the second - the answer, and read it out, it will be fun and interesting.

Some example questions:

  • Do you have to visit a psychologist?
  • Do you drink sedatives after classes?
  • When a student did not answer a question but was preparing, do you give a C?
  • Do you relax yourself in class?
  • And others, no less interesting questions, you can come up with as many of them as you like.

Some example answers:

  • Of course, but don't tell anyone.
  • What is already noticeable?
  • I do not want to talk about it.
  • Constantly.
  • And others, but to make it funny.

The next part of the script can be performed in small improvised scenes. Teachers are asked to depict famous person in their science, and the rest will guess it. It will be fun and interesting.

Then you can hold a fun competition that involves guessing the scientist's beard. In advance, you need to make a selection of different beards of famous scientists in Photoshop and present them to the teachers. The competition is held until all the beards have been guessed.

The next stage is a competition for resourcefulness. Teachers are shown cards with letters and they must quickly say a school-themed sentence for that letter. Example:

  • Z - hello, sit down
  • B – enter the classroom
  • I – Ivanov, two
  • Etc.

The scenario may include many competitions depending on the duration of the event.

And at the end of the whole celebration, you can offer teachers the option of a comic schedule for the next year.

What corporate competitions can be held on Teacher's Day?

If the corporate celebration on Teacher’s Day is supposed to be grand and long, then two or three competitions will not be enough, so let’s give an example of a few more.

The funniest phrase

Teachers can be divided into 2 teams and given the task of remembering the funniest phrase from the history of their work. This phrase could have been uttered by anyone: the teacher himself, or the student, perhaps it would be an excerpt from a school essay. Each team offers several options, and the phrase that will be laughed at longer and louder will be the winning one.

Views of generations

You can hold a talk show, 2 hosts are selected. Teachers who are more popular at school are suitable for this role, but the most important thing is that they are different age groups(1st group up to 25 years, second – after 45 years). They are offered a topic that may not be clear to them, for example, whether schoolgirls can use cosmetics. After the topic is announced, a debate begins, teachers take turns speaking, giving reasons. After their dialogue, you can collect all the pros and cons from the audience.

Song anatomy

This competition involves dividing the team into 2 teams. Each team is given the task of coming up with songs where body parts or organs are found, for example “silk heart”, “those eyes opposite”, etc. Teams take turns singing songs; those who cannot remember the song within two minutes will lose.


Participants need to prepare lists in advance literary works. Each team is given lists; their task is to retell the works in writing, but in such a way that it is difficult for the other team to guess. The time allotted for this is no more than five minutes. The competition will be won by the one who guesses all the works.

Who is more dexterous?

It is better to hold this competition with young teachers who are full of strength and vigor. Participants need to be divided into 2 teams, but they should be opposite, for example, physicists and lyricists. The game resembles a relay race, but the tasks here will be thematic, for example, you can ask to run to the wall, while holding a flask with liquid and a globe, or write a dictated poem, while holding a stack of notebooks and a running student.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday that allows teachers to reveal themselves as individuals, show themselves, throw out their emotions and just have fun. The main thing is to approach the organization of such a holiday correctly so that no one has to get bored or feel out of place.

We offer a corporate party scenario for Teacher’s Day, which is celebrated on October 5, 2019. On it you can organize fun competitions for teachers on Teacher's Day, perform ditties, and act out skits.

These rooms will help you have an interesting time and create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

What could a corporate event be like for teachers on Teacher's Day?

The scenario for a corporate evening on Teacher’s Day can begin with a performance by the presenters, who congratulate everyone on the holiday and invite them to sing a song together (to the tune of the song “It’s time to hit the road” from the film “Heavenly Slug”):

– Tonight, tonight, tonight
All teachers, frankly speaking, have nothing to do!
We'll gather around the table
Talk about this and that
And let's sing this song together.

Then, according to the scenario of the corporate event for Teacher’s Day, several of its participants can perform ditties:

– Congratulations on Teacher’s Day
We want you today
With a positive attitude
A year has passed for us!

- The school year has begun,
The clock ticked
And the question bothers me:
Is the holidays coming soon?

Festive corporate evening, dedicated to the Day The teacher will continue according to the script by the presenter, who addresses the guests:

– Our team is very friendly,
Every employee is needed.
Our personnel are valuable,
They will show you the “class” in action!

Competitions for teachers on Teacher's Day

Then the corporate event on Teacher's Day will continue with competitions for teachers. In the first of them, participants are given several sheets of paper with texts written on them. At the leader’s signal, the teachers begin the “check.”

Each participant must draw a flower on one side of the sheet, and a cheerful “smiley” on the other side and sign it. The teacher who completes the task faster than others becomes the winner.

In the second competition, participants are divided into teams. Each team is given a newspaper and tape with which they need to make a pointer. The team that makes the longest and thinnest pointer wins.

In the third competition, teachers need to say the phrase “Sidorov, go to the blackboard!” with different intonations in the voice: tenderly, affectionately, with a bit of threat, surprised, mysterious, cheerful, sad, indifferent. Based on the results of the competition, the Audience Choice Award is awarded.

The corporate event scenario for Teacher's Day may include funny mini-scenes.

The teacher is asked:
– Name three reasons why you love your job.
- June July August…

The next scene involves the director and a young teacher who came to get a job at the school. The director asks:
– Do you have any recommendations from your previous place of work?
– Yes, they recommended that I look for another school.

What else can be organized on corporate holiday, dedicated to Teacher's Day? Give teachers funny certificates of appreciation.

Prepare separate forms in advance and indicate in each the “honorary title” of the teacher: “The coolest mother”, “Soul expert and child lover”, “One of a kind”, “Master of experiments”, etc.

The scenario is designed for a situation where the holiday is held at school, and it is led by teachers, and the team is predominantly female. The script includes fun competitions that teachers will surely enjoy. This program is suitable for any holiday, since the congratulatory part here may vary.


Presenter 1: Hello colleagues! Without further ado, I want to say that today we won’t rant for a long time, after all, it’s not in class. So let’s put aside our teaching habits and plunge into an atmosphere of fun!

Presenter 2: And it is right! After all, today -

Words are heard about the occasion for celebration ( New Year, March 8, and so on), as well as general congratulations.

Let's raise our glasses, colleagues! Let's congratulate each other on such a wonderful occasion!

They drink, eat, and music plays.

Presenter 1: Well, since we agreed to have fun, let's start our first lesson with a little song warm-up. But without a glass, as they say, there is no vocals. So let's drink to us!

Now the melodies that we all know will be included. Your task is to continue them in unison, and the louder the better! Let's try! But the songs will be about us, dear women. So men should guess with great enthusiasm.

Song options: “Oh, what a woman”, “Taxi, take it, take it”, “White Roses”, “Yellow Tulips” and others.

Presenter 2: So that life plays with all its colors, and the song flows like a river! Let's drink to that!

They drink and eat.

And the team numbered (says the team number) won! Let's give them a round of applause!

Presenter 2: Let's raise our glasses and drink so that every victory brings us satisfaction! For victory!

They get up and drink.

Presenter 1: All these were changes compared to what awaits us now. A test awaits us! I ask questions, and those who answer correctly come to me!

  1. Who is among us, above us, and sometimes practically inside each of us? (Director)
  2. Who can pass as 5 what he doesn’t know and write as 2 what he knows? (Favorite student)
  3. Who is usually on everyone's side and no one's side? (Head teacher)

So we have 3 finalists in the task " Test" You've earned a three. Now we need to get to the top five!

Presenter 2: To get an A, you, firstly, need to find a friend or girlfriend among the audience and bring him to the stage.

Presenter 1: Now your task is to dance in pairs. At the same time, you will be given various items which you should use! The main condition is that every player of a mini-team consisting of two people must touch.

You can give balloon, handkerchief, White list, scarf, lace. Gradually, when someone makes a mistake, the teams are eliminated, leaving only the winner.

Presenter 2: So, a solid A gets _____________________________. And now I propose to drink so that each of us goes through life as a solid excellent student! Let's drink to everything being done to perfection!

They drink and have a snack.

Presenter 1: For the next competition we need teachers who teach the most creative subjects, are there any?

Calls teachers of music, drawing, and labor.

Presenter 2: Your task is to come up with a creative congratulation to your colleagues. While you're getting ready, we'll ask what they would like to receive this holiday.

He comes up and asks.

Presenter 1: So, the task time is up. We are waiting for your creative congratulations!

Presenter 2: Great congratulations, let's drink to that!

Presenter 1: Well, now is the time to organize the most fun and exciting... All together: DISCO!

Final words, congratulations on the holiday.


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