Space Rangers: Guides and Walkthroughs. Passing the text quest “Easy Job”

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They belong to the species of gill-necked amphibians, commonly called lepras. This type of creature is equally well adapted for living both in a liquid environment and on land, and is capable of breathing almost any gas mixtures, including a small amount of nitrogen. Like all lepras, the food of the bearings is acidic plankton and calolic reef sediments.

Pelengs are pirates, saboteurs and provocateurs. Although formally they are members of the Galactic Commonwealth, in fact the Bearings have neither strong economic ties nor diplomatic relations with other races. Direct and quick profit by any means is the only goal of both an individual bearing and the bearing civilization as a whole. The Pelengs treat all other races equally poorly. Especially to those who are smarter.

Attempts by the Bearings to overcome the technological gap in a number of areas involve a developed system of industrial espionage. The Peleng Directorate of Dzuhallag is the best espionage and sabotage structure in the entire Commonwealth.

A typical Peleng city of the 34th century

A typical Peleng city of the 21st century

Historical development

The civilization of the Bearings originates in the liquid acidic environment of the planet Rakhish. The fauna of Rakhish is a unique system of its kind, the main feature of which is lepras animal forms with different levels of intelligence development.

As a biological and social phenomenon, lepras forms have been studied for a long time. In fact, leprases are amphibians, united by an almost identical body structure, but completely different levels of mental development. They all have the same physiology and are so similar in appearance that they cannot be distinguished by superficial observation. Meanwhile, these are completely different species, which can be seen from the fact that crossing species leads to the appearance of sterile hybrids. In terms of intelligence, lepras forms also vary from primitive animals to completely intelligent creatures. Thus, glamygids, the most undeveloped of the lepras, are not capable of either tool activity, or communication, or any forms of social coexistence. Fumiya-lyakus already have the rudiments of articulation and are able to communicate with gestures. Fumiy prodonts have developed articulation, use tools and build reef buildings. Dradans and Riptungs - almost intelligent forms - have a developed language, settle in settlements in groups and develop materially and culturally. Pelengi are the only fully intelligent form of leprasidae inhabiting Rakhish.

At the dawn of the Peleng civilization, leprases did not differ significantly in their level of development; the only differentiation was in their habitats. All lepras considered each other one species, although they could not communicate. However, later the difference in development made itself felt. The Pelengs immediately came out on top - their reef settlements began to group around leaders, forms of social subordination developed, and primitive tools appeared. Seeing the difference between themselves and their neighbors, a significant shift occurred in the mentality of the Bearings - an awareness of their own superiority appeared. This awareness developed and deepened throughout history, and it was it that developed the main features of the Peleng culture, such as ambition and self-centeredness.

The entire history of the formation and development of the civilization of the Bearings is determined by their interaction with their less intelligent brothers. From the initial primitive scientific level, the pelengs were not able to understand the biological difference between lepras forms. And when gradually this difference became more and more obvious, the Bearings became more and more arrogant and warlike towards their younger brothers. All other lepras civilizations received the collective humiliating name shrakan - “wrong”.

The Pelengs started wars with the Fumiyas, which lasted for decades and led to the latter’s complete dependence on the Pelengs. Primitive fumia became the first victim of the Peleng policy - most of them were destroyed, and those that remained were placed in deep-sea reservation camps, where they live to this day.

Over time, the Bearings developed state forms that were at first classical despotism. Discipline was strict, which was necessary for waging numerous wars. However, the wars were easy, since the Bearings were initially opposed by rather undeveloped peoples, mainly the Lyus and Zang. It is interesting that the Bearings never fought among themselves, but only with the Shrakans. The results of these wars were more cultural than economic in nature - they honed in the mentality of the Pelengs a sense of insurmountable superiority over other intelligent beings. The latter became the object of persecution and robbery for the bearings. Any contacts with shrakans were prohibited; killing them became a very worthy occupation and source of income. All this led to the fact that robbery and robbery in relation to younger lepras began to be considered as a natural, even honorable, occupation. In some regions, cannibalism gained momentum when the pelengs used lower lepras (mainly glamygids and lyus) as food. And since the border between pelengs and other species is very arbitrary, even when killing a peleng it was easy to prove that the victim was not a peleng at all. As a result, the very concept of crime became very unstable in the Peleng culture. The right of force began to prevail over the right of law, the principle of benefit and convenience - over the principle of humanity.

Such a mentality inevitably led to the emergence of asocial elements among the bearings themselves. They began to be called lyakushi - “those who strive.” The Lyakushis did not belong to any state, but were free entrepreneurs - essentially, pirates who lived off the robbery of the Shrakans and the Bearings themselves. Surprisingly, the Peleng community never viewed the Lyakush as criminals, but, on the contrary, as worthy of emulation. There are often cases when the Lyakushi became rulers or even founded their own reef cities, terrorizing everyone indiscriminately.

Unpunished light wars with the Shrakans continued until the Bearings met in the polar regions the civilization of the Riptungs, who were only slightly inferior to the Bearings in their development. This turned out to be quite unexpected for the bearings, who were accustomed to seeing uncomplaining creatures in shrakans. The Bearings suffered serious losses from the Riptungs armed with crystalline reef lancets. This was so unexpected for the Bearings that peace was made with the Shrakans for the first time. True, not for long, and the Riptungs, like the others, were placed on reservations. The same fate befell the land civilization of the Dradans. Ultimately, the Shrakan were almost completely destroyed, and Rakhish became the subject of the unchallenged dominion of the Pelengs. The first democratic forms began to appear, although the principles of humanism never arose in the Peleng consciousness. The dominant features of their culture are cynicism and pragmatism combined with the predominance of self-interest values. Their political systems, although they may be very democratic, are extremely fragile; coups and conspiracies occur very often and, as a rule, are accompanied by mass repressions.

The attitude of the Bearings towards other intelligent beings they met in space was at first the same as towards the Rakhish shrakans. The image of an equal intelligent being, a partner being, simply did not fit in the Peleng consciousness. Having met the Faeyan diplomatic motorcade, the Bearings, out of habit, attacked it and were defeated. The Fae's requests for negotiations yielded nothing, and the war continued until the Fae's superior forces put the Pelengs in a hopeless position. An ultimatum was presented, and the Bearings for the first time recognized unconditional surrender. A new stage of confrontation has begun - black diplomacy, espionage and legalized piracy. The notorious bearing lyakushi have acquired a new quality and cosmic proportions. The objects of this policy were first the Faeians, then the people, and subsequently the Gaalians. Later, when the Galactic Commonwealth was formed, the Bearings greatly reduced their aggressive activity, but the hidden, underwater part of it remained. Ill will and open hostility towards the Faeians still exist in the Peleng society; it is the Fae's scientific resources that most of the Peleng espionage campaigns are aimed at.

Values ​​and priorities

The Peleng planets coordinate their actions in the rather weak Shazikhmine organ (usually translated as “great gorge”). Shazikhmin is vested with little authority, which explains the inconsistency and instability of the policy of the Bearings as a space civilization. The main role is played by the politics of individual planets and leaders. Internal wars are also common, when planets form hostile camps and armed conflicts break out between them. In such cases, the Galactic Council prefers to stand aside.

The extremely conditional Peleng law contains neither political nor economic restrictions. There are all types of political regimes, but they are so unstable that the Peleng governments began to be called almost temporary. There are no prohibited types of goods; luxury goods and weapons are traditionally in high demand.

Pelengs traditionally highly value luxury and entertainment. All types of amenities are highly valued, from trinkets to expensive building and design materials. After the Earth discovered a giant park on its satellite, Peleng tourists became its regular customers, which even had a positive effect on their relationships with people.

Speaking about the technological development of bearings, it is not particularly dynamic. The reason for this is rooted in the Peleng mentality, the main feature of which is obtaining quick, immediate benefits, while long-term development requires a vision of the future, which has always been the weak point of the Peleng logic. For this reason, the attempts of the Bearings to overcome their technological gap are concentrated elsewhere - in a developed system of industrial espionage. The Peleng Directorate of Dzuhallag is the best espionage and sabotage structure in the entire Commonwealth. Industrial and information special operations of Dzuhallag cause a lot of trouble for the governments of the Faeans, people and Gaalians. Thanks to espionage, bearings manage to maintain a relatively good technological level; In addition, they actively resell stolen information resources to maloks, from which they make good money.

Joint Fae-human institutes conducted research into Peleng logic and morality. As a result of these studies, published at closed hearings of the Galactic Council, it was found that the concepts of objective justice, moral duty and natural honesty are alien to Peleng thinking. The logic of bearings is very specific and is not always clear to their Commonwealth partners.

Foreign policy

The Pelengs have proven themselves through their destructive policies, espionage and piracy. This civilization is the most unfriendly from the standpoint of galactic law. Direct and quick profit by any means is the only goal of both an individual bearing and the bearing civilization as a whole. To achieve this benefit, the Bearings do not hesitate in any means, be it espionage, bribery or outright piracy. Not being an intellectually oriented race, their practically only source of scientific resources is espionage and raids on star laboratories.

There are two reasons for this attitude, as is recognized today. Firstly, this is the already mentioned specific logic of bearings, which is very different from the logic of humanoid races. Secondly, this is their traditional historical consciousness. In any being of any intelligence, the peleng is inclined to see, first of all, a shrakan - “wrong”, and consider him an order of magnitude lower than himself. Only the highest ruling circles are more or less sane and constructive towards the allied races; the overwhelming majority of ordinary bearings are deeply convinced of their own superiority, although they are well aware of their technological backwardness.

The Galactic Council several times considered the issue of the legality of the state of bearings in the Commonwealth. The Feians, the main targets of the Peleng spy machine, always took the initiative on this issue. It was proposed to exclude them from the union and declare a full-scale war. However, other interests turned out to be stronger - the Maloks did not want to lose partners from whom they could buy stolen technology, people were afraid of a disastrous war that would set back their diplomatic successes, and the Gaalians assured others that they continued to control the Polengs and would not allow them to leave far beyond petty piracy. As a result, the Faeans, remaining in the minority, chose to close the issue, and so this topic was settled - the Pelengs were recognized as a full member of the Commonwealth, albeit with some reservations.

  • In galactic jargon, “to take bearings” means to compare with bearing, i.e. inflict a grave insult, humiliate (in the sense of inflicting an insult comparable to comparison with the worst representatives of a given race; this is due to the fact that the Pelengs have a persistent bad reputation as dishonest and self-interested creatures with a low moral level, provocateurs and pirates).
  • Pelengi are the only Coalition race that can change their gender without surgery. But cases are rare, since changing gender is one of the most immoral acts for bearing and requires a special test. Perhaps the bearings condemn this ability only because they have to re-register all the documents of an individual who has changed gender.
  • Fans of ultimate fights know that bearings have quite caustic saliva, which they are not shy about using in the ring.
History of the Universe

The game Space Rangers 2, in addition to the main game plot, has a large number of interesting and exciting quests that have a difficult passage. In this article we will describe the full cycle of completing text quests in the game “Space Rangers 2”.

Here is the complete list of quests (you can select the one you need and go straight to it):

Walkthrough of the text quest “Amnesia”

Customer: Gaalians.

Planet: Bearings.

Executor: Any.

Task: Restore your memory, remember all the details of the task and complete it.

Walkthrough: You wake up and don’t remember anything, the first thing you need to do is call the doctor and ask him to issue a bill for treatment.

Go to the spaceport and search your own ship, you can find a stunner in it. Next, we go to the grocery store and buy a bottle of vodka there, and only then we head to the orderly’s house. We stop in front of the door and listen to the voices from the neighboring apartment, go into it, stun the milk with a stunner, demand from the bearing to surrender their weapons, after a short dialogue we kill both.

We go to the orderly, carry on a dialogue with him, after which we go to the Golden Lily bar, find a Haalian among the visitors, approach him, get a card and password for the store.

We go to the store, buy cartridges, but refuse to pay for them, we are offered to exchange them for a stunner with a small surcharge, we agree to the offer, after which we go to the gun store, choose a sight and a silencer for our rifle.

We return to the bar, find the Gaalian again and talk to him, after the dialogue we go to the hunting store, find out information about the location of the baron and go back to start acting.

We go to the place, and in no case stand on ceremony with the guards, kill everyone, and actively involve the Gaalian in this matter. On the way, search the bodies of the killed guards, you can find many useful and interesting things from them, but always be careful, because even after being “killed” one of them can stick a knife in you. You need to go around the house from behind and launch an attack from the bushes.

Having made our way into it, we go up to the second floor and examine the office, paying special attention to the table in which you will find a piece of paper with the formula X = (10*(2n)) -10n (10n is the number of days), using it you can calculate the code for the lock . Safe code: 3060.

We go down to the bunker, destroy the guards and catch up with the escapee, find out all the details from him, open the bunker door, go into the left and central rooms, kill the malok, after which we head to the dining room and knock down the lock. After the dining room, we go down to the floor below, fire at the drug lord’s office in long bursts, and then surrender. This will complete your mission, and after a short heart-to-heart dialogue, you can return to your ship.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Banquet”

Customer: Anyone except Malok.

Planet: Any, except malok.

Task: Invite Prince Malokov to a banquet.

Walkthrough: Once you open your immodest wardrobe, you will find a lot of different suits and outfits, but you should choose a strange and provocative belt suit. We meet the ambassadors with all honors, and when we approach the prince, we deliver a strong blow to his jaw, and gently kiss the princess’s hand.

The table setting will be quite combative - we stick the cutlery into the table, and place the bowl between them in the center. We bring the prince sour milk from the kitchen and remain standing next to him. After dinner, the prince starts a conversation with you, but you immediately change the topic to a story about an order from Terron. After listening to you, the prince will want to drink something. We go out into the corridor, beat the waiter who came to help the cook, beat him in the same way, take the cart with drinks and roll it into the hall with the guests. We take any drink, make a toast (in verse), drink the entire glass in one gulp, and then go for gifts. Beautiful shells will suit the prince, the princess is a fighting girl, so she should be given a rifle, and children, due to their age, should be given a backpack.

After a small presentation, the prince will show you respect and accept your offer to go fishing with your customer.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Borzukhan”

Customer: People.

Planet: Uninhabited.

Task: Destruction of Lyakusha Borzukhan's base.

Walkthrough: Being at the place of the task, we begin to interrogate Karl about the task, what needs to be done, how, where and why, you need to find out as much information as possible. You begin circling along the camp on a flyer, and as soon as you notice a small smoke, you quickly fly up to it and sit down not far from the fire. A couple of hundred meters from you there will be a conversation between the bearings, listen carefully to it, then kill the pirates and search them, hand over the surviving person to the camp.

Head into the forest, find Borzukhan's house there, smash the door to pieces and stun the frog with a stunner, return to camp. We enter the base from the sea (east), through the grotto, where you will find a secret passage. We go into the door, if it is closed, then the lock needs to be cut out, we shoot all the guards on the spot and thoroughly search them. When you approach the fork, do not go into any of the doors, immediately go right, go into the left door and kill the bearing, plant a bomb on the reactor.

As you approach the flyer, you will notice Borzukhan, you can stun him and hand him over for 1000 credits, or you can simply kill him and then go home. The quest is completed.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Diver”

Customer: People.

Task: Save the ecosystem.

Walkthrough: You lower the container down and swim after it to the wall of the mine; we enter the mine through the airlock in the wall. We spend some time clearing the rubble in the mine, you need to do this until the end, so you will find all the necessary items. We follow to the mine control center and inspect it, in it you can find a gun, which you will need to use in the terminal to cut the rail. Carefully search the wardroom, then go to the terminal and insert two cards into it - yellow and red, activate the timer and prepare the hatches. Connect the remote terminal, then go to the missile silo, where you need to remove the heads from the missiles and transport them upstairs in a container. In the control gateway you will find a submersible, climb into it, insert all the cards you have into the terminal, activate the security system and disable the self-destruction system, after which you can batten down all the hatches, open the gateway and go to the base.

At the base you will be given a small bonus and given a package of information extracted from the submersible, and your quest will be successfully completed.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Driver”

Customer: People, Maloki.

Task: Save Roland.

Walkthrough: Roland was captured, the price of his ransom was 900 chervonets. Naturally, you don’t have money, and you need to earn it. Completing this quest focuses on the work of the driver; it is by transporting goods throughout the planet that you will earn the required amount of money.

You can work according to the following scheme:

  • Buy coal from the mine for 5 chervonets, transport it to the lard, selling it for 12 chervonets per ton.
  • Buy metal for 10 chervonets at a landfill, transport it to the lard, selling it for 23 chervonets per ton.
  • Buy spinach for 25 chervonets at the farm, transport it to the mine, selling it for 45 chervonets per ton.

On the farm, near the mines, you will find a large, roomy truck; you should work on it, since compared to yours, it is much better and more spacious.

Visit the workshop and install spikes on the truck, they will help you during showdowns on the roads and protect you from petty thieves.

While completing the quest, you can earn a gun; for this, in the scorpion bar, we select a travel companion who will follow you to Shpik, and after arrival, as a sign of gratitude, he will give you his weapon.

On the roads you will often be robbed and stopped, there are several ways out:

  • Ram the cars of bandits, getting rid of them in a similar way.
  • Stop and pay tolls for bandits on the road.
  • Run away (helps only if there is no cargo; if the truck is full, they will still catch up).
  • If you have a gun, kill the bandits.

Once you have collected the required amount of money, you can go to the Iroquois, pay the bail for Roland and get him safe and sound. The quest is completed.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Military registration and enlistment office”

Customer: Faeyans.
Task: Execute the recruitment plan.

Walkthrough: The quest does not have a specific plan for passing, since in each version of the passage the situation can turn against you. But by performing certain actions, you will be able to complete the order and recruit the required number of conscripts without any difficulties.

The first thing to do is to start sending summons on time and showing loyalty in communicating with conscripts, since this is what will increase the authority of the army in their eyes.

Secondly, conduct raids on bars and eateries; a huge number of young people accumulate there, who are used to hanging out and having fun, but have forgotten to repay their debt to their homeland. After conducting a couple of raids, you can increase the number of recruits by 10-20%.

Third, give bribes to rectors and teachers so that they expel some students, and those, in the absence of a deferment, go to serve in the army.

Fourth, sometimes pay protesters extra so that they do not organize strikes near the walls of the military registration and enlistment office.

By combining all four factors, you can easily complete the plan and receive a reward for successfully completing the quest.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Elections”

Customer: Bearings.

Task: Win the presidential election.

Walkthrough: The quest does not have specific instructions for completing it; here, as in the “Military Commissariat”, you need to use ingenuity and improvisation. To begin with, we determine the bulk of the population, since they will be our driving force. We pay attention first of all to those who are most numerous on the planet, and we try to tailor our election campaign to their favorite environment. That is, if the Bearings love beauty, then they need a beautiful planet, if the Maloks love military things, then they need to be pampered with various types of weapons.

After you can “crush” the dominant races, we move on to small peoples. If necessary, we create favorable conditions for them, to the detriment of the wider races, but everywhere you need to know the limit, since one of them may turn away from you.

A press conference raises the profile well, but you can only use it twice, so we don’t get too carried away and leave one for the eve of the elections. You can also engage in black PR, but you need to be careful here, since you can not only win from it, but also seriously lose. All steps need to be well planned and thought out, and only then can you do everything right.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Hyde-net”

Customer: Bearings.

Task: Download secret information from the Feiyan network.

Walkthrough: Arriving on the planet to the Fayans, we will be given a note with the information necessary to complete the task. Read the note and head to the nearest guide-net point so that you have enough time to complete the task, pay the bill for four hours and sit down at any device.

We will have several exploits, with their help we will bypass the protection in the form of guards and gain access to the locations we need. Therefore, first we download the Shear, Jumper, Mirror and Graft exploits. After loading, we go to the South Bridge, pass the first port, turn onto the east bridge and also go along the first port, then again the South Bridge, through the second port, and finally, the West Bridge, the second port.

After the first route, you will acquire several temporary files that need to be examined. From the temporary files you will extract the password - ID-13, when everything is ready, proceed further:

We pass along the Eastern Bridge, through the second port, then we pass along the first port and turn onto the Southern Bridge, we go through the second port, then again we pass along the Eastern Bridge through the second port.

Taking the second route, we can give GAID-NET a password and download all the necessary files from it. After which we leave the point and receive a reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Depth”

Customer: People, Faeyans, Gaalians.

Task: Retrieve a ship that has fallen to the bottom of the ocean.

Walkthrough: To complete the quest, you will need to use ingenuity and logic, since the depth of the ship is always different, it is impossible to draw up exact instructions, but you can always adapt to it.

When diving to the bottom, we roughly calculate the depth of the ship; if it is not very deep, then you should not develop great speed. We smoothly swim up to the ship, along the way throwing out part of the ballast located on your ship. Having reached the plateau, we turn on the lighting equipment and look for the ship at the bottom. Using the grip, we fix it and begin to quickly climb up, developing as much speed as possible. To ensure that your ship gains speed evenly, during ascent, get rid of ballast, dumping it right from the first seconds.

When your ship reaches the surface of the ocean, you will be able to receive the promised reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Jumper”

Customer: People, Gaalians, Faeyans.

Task: Try out a new technological invention.

Walkthrough: You must successfully test a new technological invention that allows you to jump from one place to another over long distances without much trouble. You are required to jump on a “jumper” from one end of the tunnel to the other, and you will have two batteries that you can charge at the stands. But no one will warn you that “Jumper” simply shows an animal appetite for energy, and eats it up in just a couple of steps.

We will go through the maze in several stages, periodically changing and recharging the batteries we have. Also, we will move slowly, without making long and fast jumps.

The labyrinth begins from room “yellow-3”, from there we move to room “red-4”, and then we move to “Violet-4”, where our battery will safely run out. Having replaced the battery, we continue moving to “Purple-3”, there we charge the dead battery and jump to “Blue-3”, then “Green-3”, and, of course, forward to the finish line. At this point, the quest is considered successfully completed, and you can receive your reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest "Elus"

Customer: Gaalians.

Task: Win the Elus championship.

Walkthrough: The Elus game is played in three stages, each of which has a significantly higher level of difficulty than the previous one. The essence of the game is to deceive the computer and make as few mistakes as possible. It is almost impossible to understand exactly how a computer plays, so the instructions are based on your own observations, which you can adapt to and play the game.

Stage one:

  • We exhibit a figure with a different size.
  • We expose the figure with a different color.
  • We exhibit a figure with a different type.
  • We display a figure with an identical size.
  • We display a figure with an identical color.
  • We display a figure with an identical type.

Using this scheme, you can easily go through the first stage of the game, after which we move on to the second.

Second phase:

  • If the computer displays the big sign last, we go blue, otherwise yellow.
  • If the computer puts out a large sign last, we walk in a circle, in other cases we use signs with a similar color
  • If the computer displays the last blue sign, we walk in a circle, in other cases it’s a diamond.
  • If the computer puts the circle last, then we go with a smaller sign, in other cases a large sign.
  • If the computer displays the big sign last, then we go yellow, otherwise blue.
  • If the computer displays the yellow sign last, then we walk in a circle, in all other cases we use a diamond.
  • If the computer puts the last circle, then we go blue, in all other cases we use yellow.
  • If the computer displays the big sign last, then we walk in a circle, in all other cases we use a diamond.

The second stage has been completed, now we move on to the most difficult, the third.

Third stage:

  • If the computer displays a large sign last, then we go with a blue sign, in other cases we use signs of similar color.
  • If the computer displays a large sign last, then we go with a blue sign, in other cases we use signs of other colors.
  • If the computer displays the last sign in blue, then we go with the big sign, in other cases with other signs.
  • If the computer displays the big sign last, then we go yellow, in other cases we use a diamond.
  • If the computer displays a blue sign last, then we go with the big sign, in all other cases we use a circle.
  • If the computer puts the last circle, then we go yellow, in other cases we use small signs.

At this point the game will be over, and you will become the rightful winner of Elus!

Walkthrough of the text quest “Xenologist”

Customer: People, Gaalians, Faeyans.

Task: Find the xenologist killer.

Walkthrough: Having arrived on the planet, you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar world, with a language incomprehensible to you, therefore, first we go to the training class, where we can find out information about the disks with training material. In the office we find a local specialist who is depressed; he should tell him a joke and only then start a dialogue. We leave the office, approach the robot and find out the information we are interested in, after which we go to the technical floor, open the box with the inscription “rest”, in which we will find the first disk.

We go to the communications class, behind the main console we will find a note that tells us the location of the second disk. We go to the professor, ask if he has our disk lying around somewhere, he kindly gives it back. Again we go to the personnel training class, install the course on the computer, for this we use the password “8”. Having completed training in the Akabos language, we move on.

We come to the professor to take a test, we answer the questions in any way we like, in the end we still get access to the laboratory. We show the issued permit to the robot, after which we go into the forest, where we can meet the Akaboss, they need to tell them that you came from a distant village, located very far from here. We are kindly interested in what happened to your predecessors, after which we receive a question about the correct sawing of planks; you can answer anything you like, since there is not a single correct answer in the proposed options. We return to the laboratory and ask for the answer to the problem proposed to us, then we go into the forest again and offer our own answer.

After passing the test, you will play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with a local champion, after the game you have two options for the development of events:

If you win, then we go to the professor, he is sleeping, and you won’t be able to wake him up, from the professor we go to the xenobiologists, we find out about the professor, we get a whistle, with which we go to the robot and ask if he saw the whistle, after So we go to the laboratory staff bedroom and whistle. We go down to the technical floor and give the robot permission. The quest is completed.

If you lose, then we go to Malok, then to Rulez, only then to the laboratory to Andrei, from whom we ask for advice, he hands us a detonator. In the xenobiologists' office we find uranium, go down to the technical floor, find the timer and disconnect the robot from charging, then return to the xenobiologists. The quest is completed.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Xenopark”

Customer: Bearings.

Task: Feed exotic animals in the laboratory.

Walkthrough: There was an accident in the xenopark, as a result of which the laboratory assistants mixed up the signs with the names of the animals, and now no one knows what or whom to feed. Your task is simple, identify the animal's name and give it the correct bowl. Everything looks quite simple, but you are required to feed five types of animals with 7 types of food offered for this. If you do something wrong, the animal may get sick, or worse, die. In order to complete the quest correctly, you will need to feed all the animals in the correct order.

The first cell is Kwak To-Us Leatherflower.

Second cell - Haapt Balls and Hydrocarbon Tincture.

The third cell is Vatka kryambusina.

The fourth cell is Ferrous Laap-Sha and Granular Zirka.

Fifth cell - Just photons.

After completing the quest, you will be able to establish “who is who” and correctly place signs over the animals’ cages so that they are fed correctly.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Labyrinth”

Customer: Faeyans.

Task: Collect eggs and kill penchekryak.

Walkthrough: You have been asked to participate in a ritual consisting of two parts - to collect eggs and kill the penchequack. To complete the task you will need to move around a lot and apply logic.

In the village we go to the hunter and buy from him all the offered uniforms that are available. We go into the labyrinth, open the plan we have and quickly go through all the dead ends, usually the eggs lie there. When you manage to collect 7-9 eggs, you can move on to the second stage of the quest. If you happen to meet a hunter, throw the powder you bought from a hunter into his eyes, it will blind him and delay him.

Find the penchequack, then take out the hatched chowders and give them a shirtfront (also bought from the hunter), so they will become ferocious and aggressive, ready to instantly kill the penchequack. When the monster is defeated, you can return back to the village for your honestly earned reward.

Passing the text quest “Easy Job”

Customer: Any race.

Task: Determine the causes of anomalous incidents on the planet.

Walkthrough: Arriving at the Gaalians, we immediately head to the local eatery “D-El”. We look around the bar. There’s a guy sitting near the counter with large stocks of alcohol, without hesitation we approach him and start talking about mail. Peleng is ready to provide us with the necessary information in exchange for killing the mail robot, which we gladly agree to. From the bar we go to the central square, go to the post office, thoroughly shake out all the information about the customers and recipients of the parcels from the robot, and then kill it. We return to the bearing for a small reward.

After the bar we take a gravity taxi and go to the mud-swamp avenue. On the spot you will find an interesting note, read it and go to the museum. We meet the professor at the museum and after a short conversation we go to the hotel, pay for the room with the money we earned, and stay the night. A journalist will pester you at the hotel; you are not allowed to say a word to him.

In the morning, we go from the hotel to the professor’s home. The professor is dead, the papers are scattered, there is chaos all around. You need to rummage through this mess and find a piece of paper with an address to which you need to go immediately. On the spot we find a huge monster, we jump away from its attack, run out into the corridor, the far door, press the switch. For a while we are safe, we immediately rush to the computer and shake out all the available information from it, as soon as we finish, the monster will demolish the door, we attack and kill it. The self-destruction system turns on, we urgently need to hack the door control system located in the panel, as soon as we succeed, we go to the opposite door, solve the riddle and run out of the building. Solution:

0001 0001 0001 0001 1111

0000 -> 1100 -> 1111 -> 0001 -> 1111 ->>

0000 1100 1111 0001 0001

0000 1100 1111 0001 0001

1111 0011 0000 0000 0000

1111 -> 0011 -> 0000 -> 0000 -> 0000

1111 1111 1111 0011 0000

1111 1111 1111 0011 0000

In the alley we will come across a girl who will help us with the recruitment of fighters and combat equipment for our modest army. Taking a couple of soldiers, a flyer and a weapon, he begins an attack from the roof. Our target, Molgaar, will decide to escape on a flyer; he needs to be shot down by hitting him with a rocket launcher 3 times. When shooting, you need to take into account the direction of the wind and other physical laws that will be provided to you in the quest description. As soon as the flyer is shot down, you can go for your reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Ski Resort”

Customer: Any.

Task: Earn 1,000,000 credits in 20 days.

Walkthrough: By its nature, the quest is economic, so it is impossible to create exact instructions for completing it; you will have to use your own logic, analytics, conduct analyzes and work a lot. As a result, in 20 days of your hard work you should earn one million credits for the resort.

You arrive at an underdeveloped resort with only a couple of hotels, a few ski slopes, lifts, restaurants and bars, which is very little for the large number of visitors. To develop a resort you need to build everything, everywhere, and everything is connected, if you have a lot of hotels, then visitors need a lot of food and drink, which means you need a lot of restaurants and bars. So, let's move on to a more detailed walkthrough.

We have only three directions at our disposal - advertising, hotels and restaurants, as well as ski slopes and lifts. Let's start in order.

Hotels – the number of visitors and income directly depend on the number of hotels and restaurants available. Don’t expect a line of people who don’t have enough places to live to line up in front of your gates, build new hotels, restaurants and bars, the more places to live, the more money. But, do not forget that all visitors need food and rest, and if this is not provided to them, your rating will quickly go down.

Trails and lifts - in total, you will have two groups of visitors - beginners and pros, and for each group you will need to build your own trails. To begin with, we keep the bar between the routes level, that is, we build the same number of routes for beginners, for pros and a certain number of general ones. As the resort develops, we increase the number of professional trails, since these are the most solvent clients.

Every morning it is worth visiting an economist who will give you advice on the development of the resort and guide you in a promising direction.

After completing the quest, the owner of the resort will offer you to continue its development up to ten million, whether you agree or not is up to you, but for completing the additional part you can get another ten thousand credits.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Master of Iike-Baana”

Customer: Gaalians.

Task: Defeat virtual game master Iike-Baana.

Walkthrough: This quest is a separate story in the game Space Rangers 2, since it takes a huge amount of time to complete, has its own plot, parameters, battle tactics and many other aspects of a peculiar, different game that does not fit into the rangers genre. Before you start completing the quest, it’s worth getting acquainted with the game itself, as many new types of weapons await you, including magic, different types of enemies and much, much more.

The Iike-Baan game has the following parameters:

Health- the simplest parameter, indicates your level of life, the lower it is, the higher the probability of dying.

Concentration– increases the player’s chances of not winning; the higher the concentration indicator, the higher your chances of finding various hiding places, traps, and hiding from enemy attacks.

Magic– manna that gives the player the ability to fight using the elements (wind, water, fire, air and spirit, see below). Magic for each element can be significantly higher than the permissible level, and in conjunction with another element it gives incredible power.

Money– in-game currency that can be obtained for universal credits in the amount of 2:1. At the very beginning of the game, you will receive 2000 credits, which you should spend on things available in the “Tired Gamer” bar. Later they will give us a significant advantage over the enemy.

Source– a unique game “point” that makes it possible to restore health, magic and concentration to the maximum level.

In the game you will meet many opponents, including insects, various undead creatures, and predatory animals. They all need money or valuables, which can be taken away from travelers they accidentally meet along the way, but they do not attack people with empty wallets, which once again gives a hint - immediately spend all the money on potions and magic. If you kill an enemy, you can get money from him, and sometimes various kinds of potions, but this is optional.

Magical elements.

In Iike-Baana, four earthly elements and one magical (spirit) are supported. Typically, players use them in so-called "weaves" or spells that give a much greater effect, but in some cases you can simply send a stream of one of the elements at your enemy, for example, a powerful gust of wind or fire.

Iike-Baana is rich in spells, there are eleven of them in total, but each of them is capable of causing enormous damage, here is a list of them with an exact description:

Vampirism– a spell made from the elements of air and spirit. The spell takes away 3 USD from the enemy. health and transfers them to the player's score.

Geyser- a spell made from the elements of earth and water. Knocks out from 4 to 6 USD from the player. health, or 1 Spirit point and transfers it to the player.

Freezing- a spell made from the elements of water and air. Chains the player in ice captivity for 1 turn and knocks out 2 USD from him. health.

Healing– a spell made from the elements of spirit and water. Restores 7 USD health.

Concentration– a spell from the elements of earth and spirit. Increases the player's concentration by 15 USD, but does not allow him to raise it above 100 USD.

Meteor- a spell made from the elements of earth and fire. Deals 5 damage to the enemy. health, and also stuns him by 20% for 1 turn.

Fire Blade– a spell from the elements of spirit and fire. Causes serious damage of 8 USD to the enemy.

Fire ball- a spell made from the elements of air and fire. Knocks out 5 USD from the enemy. concentration and 5 c.u. health.

Absent-mindedness- a spell made from the elements of fire and water. Knocks out 10 USD from the enemy. concentration.

Shield- a spell made from the elements of air and earth. Allows you to protect yourself from various types of spells for 1 turn.

Ice Bee– a unique spell created from the elements of water, air and spirit, works flawlessly in all cases, but you need to get it yourself. The bee inflicts 4-6 damage on the enemy. in one hit, there are two in total. If the enemy is covered with a shield, then the first bee destroys him, and the second one deals damage.

Game items.

The game world supports three types of items - books, potions and amulets. To use any of the items, the player needs to pause, open the chest or bag and use the required item.

In books you can find spells. After reading the book once, you can sell it, since in the future you will no longer need it, except as a cheat sheet, but it is much easier to write a spell on a piece of paper and buy game currency for the item than to carry unnecessary luggage with you.

Potions have a one-time effect on increasing one of the three game parameters (health, concentration and magic), increasing its indicator beyond the maximum, or restoring it. The player can carry up to 3 bottles of each type of potion, and the excess can be placed in a chest.

Amulets are magical items that give the player a permanent effect on one or more parameters or elements. You can wear no more than two types of amulets on yourself.

Magic amulets:

Amulet of Wind– increases the level of the elements Water and Spirit by one.e.

Amulet of Will– increases the Focus parameter by 10 USD.

Amulet of the Waves– increases the level of the elements Water and Air by one cu.

Amulet of Blood– increases the level of the Spirit element by two cu.

Amulet of Light– increases the level of the elements Air and Fire by one.

Harvest Amulet– increases the level of the elements Earth and Water by one.

You can buy all types of amulets from local merchants, the first one you will find in the village.


The game will take us four large stages, each of which will require a lot of strength, attention, caution and perseverance from us.

Once in the game, immediately go to the village, in it you will find a merchant of magic items. We buy a book with the element of Spirit and an amulet of Light from him, immediately put it on yourself and read the book. Later, we approach the merchant and sell him the book. There will be a girl standing not far from the bench, go up to her, she will point you to a sick woman who is about to die, heal her with a magic spell. As a sign of gratitude, the woman will give you a rose, put it in the chest.

You will leave the village at the crossroads, along the road you will notice an unfamiliar black spot, under no circumstances approach it, walk past. When you reach the crossroads, turn into the Dark Forest.

Part I: Dark Forest.

Go into the forest, if your concentration levels are not too bad, then next to the main road you will notice a small path, follow it, not far in the forest thicket you will meet a beautiful flower - a multiflower, collect it and go to the village to the healer, and then return again in the forest.

Returning to the forest (if the spirit indicator is more than 1 cu), walk along the path, not far from it you will find another, inconspicuous path, turn onto it and reach a small dump of bones. Use the element of spirit, it needs to be aimed at the warehouse of bones, this will wake up the ghost, we direct the maximum strength of the spirit stream at it, for which it rewards us with 4 USD. spirit. We return back to the road.

Follow the road, on the left side you will come across a small path overgrown with bushes, turn onto it and follow it until a clearing with a small house near a stream appears on your way. All the way we will be attacked by ice bees, protect yourself from them with a shield and short breaks (restore energy and concentration), there will be 5 attacks in total. After the fourth attack, you need to rest well so that your concentration level increases to 100 USD, otherwise you will not be able to notice the bee.

Near the stream (you need 100 cu concentration) you will notice a body, you need to examine it, then go to the stream, restore energy by drinking from it, and go into the house.

A witch will meet you in the house, from her you can get the spell of ice bees and polyflower, but for this you need to choose the right words to communicate with the witch, the following chain works perfectly - “Master! Open the gates”, “Oh yes, allow me to introduce myself, madam”, “What could be more beautiful...”. In total you will receive five spells for ice bees, four of which can be spent anywhere, and one must be left for the final battle.

After a short break with the witch, we go back to the village, along the way we will come across caches of money; to find them, we need a good level of concentration, therefore, from time to time we take short breaks to raise her. In the village we go to the healer, give him the second polyflower flower, for which we get a discount on magic potions. As far as possible, we buy all kinds of potions and go to the crossroads, from which we turn to the source.

Chapter II: Cave of Mysteries.

To begin with, put all the potions you have in the chest, you can leave only one of each, the rest will only interfere with us. On the way, a local bandit may come at us, and it is pointless to fight with him, but it is still better to give him some money and move on with peace of mind.

Having arrived at the source, plunge into it and return back to the crossroads, from there we head to the cave of mysteries, where three tasks will await us, for the completion of which we will receive three types of rewards.

Task I: The Path of Will.

We will be attacked by demigods, each of them attacks with one of two elements, so it will be easy to fight them off, the procedure is something like this:

  • It attacks with Air, we repel with the power of Earth, but if it attacks with Water, then we repel with Fire.
  • It attacks with Air, we repel with Water, but if it attacks with Earth, then we repel with Air.
  • It attacks with Water, we repel with Fire, but if it attacks with Spirit, then we repel with a similar element.

All the demigods are defeated, the cave rewards us with a set of potions that should be put in the chest.

Exercise II: The Path of Wisdom.

In this task, the cave asks you to answer three riddles, all of them are quite simple, but they sound tricky and difficult to understand, the answers to them are as follows:

  • Death.
  • Water.
  • Fire.

As a reward, the cave will provide us with an amulet; we need to choose any one at our discretion.

Task III: Path of knowledge.

In this task, the cave will emit five types of flames, which we must extinguish with the help of magic. To complete the task you need to have one USD with you. each element, or three c.u. spirit and one c.u. water and land.

  • We extinguish the yellow flame with the help of the power of the Spirit.
  • The red flame is easier to extinguish with the forces of Water.
  • We fill the blue flame with the power of the Earth.
  • The Violet Flame cannot be influenced only by the forces of Fire.
  • The Green Flame is not affected by the powers of Air.

As a reward for successfully completing the task, the cave will give us a lot of money, which should be spent on purchasing magical items, such as potions and books.

After completing the tasks, return to the village, sell the books you received, buy potions and go down to the basement, where the next chapter of the game will begin.

Part III: Rats.

Having gone down to the basement, the level of Concentration drops to seventy cu, there is no way to raise it higher, so we are content with what we have. Also, some spells leave us, but we would not need them.

It is best to hit rats with three spells - blade, ball and geyser. For defeating the terrible rodents, we will receive a small amount of “goodies” and the opportunity to visit the buyer for some tea.

We leave the basement, go to the source, plunge into it, then return to the village, buy all types of potions in the amount of 3 pieces of each type.

Chapter IV: Time to fight.

Well, all the preparatory stages have been completed, now it’s time to fight the most famous and powerful player in Iike-Baana, but first we need to collect all the necessary things. So we need:

  • Potions, three bottles of each, as well as a full chest.
  • Coins in the amount of 312 USD
  • Two amulets earned during the game.

We drink the potions we have so that the level of concentration becomes 100 USD, the level of spirit rises to 10 USD, and health to 50 USD, after which we go to visit the buyer, it is advisable not to fight with any of the players on the way, as this will have a negative impact on us. Having visited the buyer, you will receive a significant bonus for your health; it will double. From the Buyer we go to the crossroads, and from there to the Castle.

The Guard will meet us at the Castle gate, he needs to say the following phrases - “Always ready!”, “That’s right!”, then pour out the coins, and finally say “I am the defender of the humiliated and insulted.” We go inside the castle, where we will be met by a magician with the following characteristics:

Health: 30-35 USD

Accuracy: 100 USD

Magic: 6-8 USD for every element.

Potions: Magic and Intuition 2 pieces each.

The magician can use all the same spells that you know, but during healing he increases the level of his health by eight cu, and when using the spell of absent-mindedness, he will take away from you twelve cu.

It’s up to you to decide what spells you will use to attack the magician; to win, it will be enough to simply exhaust him, or to reduce the battle to a draw, in any case, victory will be yours. There is a very important detail in the battle - the “Ice Bee” spell must be protected until the very last moment, only when the magician is completely exhausted, we use it to finish off, or when the magician begins to defeat you, we use the bee as a diversionary maneuver.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Ministry”

Customer: Bearings.

Task: Get papers to rent the island.

Walkthrough: Having arrived at the ministry of the island, head to the secretariat, there is only one secretary waiting for us, whom we need to approach correctly; for this, we select a conversation on an abstract topic, starting with an interest in her name. Later, we invite her to play cards, it is advisable to defeat her quickly, and as a reward we get her watch and points. Having lost her glasses, the secretary cannot carefully follow all the actions taking place, therefore, we quickly search the bucket (there will be a cap in it), put on a hat and retire to the hall. Approach the commandant and ask him about the location of the office. We go to the toilet, approach the second stall, knock on it, they start asking us questions, we answer them with anything, after which we receive the documents we need and go up to the secretariat.

At the secretariat we approach the girl, return her glasses, ask her to sign and certify the documents received earlier, she does this with joy and sends us to the main house. In the office at the main house we are asked to take a short test, we answer the questions as follows:

  1. Turn on the vector, energy and navigation systems, check all indicators and start the engines.
  2. Penchekryak meat is too tough for frying. It can only be boiled.
  3. Any answer.
  4. They live at the expense of the people.
  5. Expensive weapons.

Go downstairs to the hall, take a fishing rod from the commandant, go to the lake, go into it and catch a leech, which you need to immediately put on the hook. Next, we go to the tassel manager’s room, the builders are working hard there, we offer them to buy a crowbar from them for 20 credits, we take it and go to the basement. We approach the door, use a crowbar to knock it out and start fishing in a small puddle, where we can catch a fish. When luck smiles on you, take the fish in your hands and go to the head of the transport department, give him the fish and documents for renting the island, that’s all, the quest has been successfully completed.

Walkthrough of the text quest "Muzon"

Customer: People.

Task: Win a local rock festival.

Walkthrough: We arrive at a local hotel, where, of all the joys of life, there is only a computer with direct Internet access. We sit down at it, turn on the laptop, we need to buy strings for the guitar and sticks for the drummer, after which we begin to educate ourselves. Open the electronic library, find books there - “Cosmic Billiards”, “Politeness of People”, “Modern Lyrics”, read them, and then go to the square.

We go to a tattoo parlor, order a lot of tattoos and insert a piercing into the ear, casually asking the artist if he knows where we can find a good keyboard player.

When you leave the salon, go to a rock club, there you will find a good drummer, talk to him and invite him to the group. Take a walk along a long street, there you will notice a good guitarist, approach him, he will be happy to become a member of your group. In the evening we go to the billiard room, find a keyboard player there and play a game of billiards with him, after which we also invite him to the group. Now we go to the bar, there is a bass player sitting behind the bar, we politely invite him to the group, and as a present we give him a book, now we can return to the hotel.

In the morning you will go out to the square, from there to the recording studio. Order a seven-minute recording, train each member of the group as much as possible, and then raise the overall level of the group. We are waiting for the concert, shortly before it we go to the bar and order a couple of glasses of alcohol.

When it’s your turn to perform, we start with simple music, then let each musician show their skills, mixing it all up with a mixture of special effects and antics. When your group's rating rises above 200 units, victory is in your pocket.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Drugs”

Customer: Maloki.

Task: Help Kucha von Yucha follow the bearings and obtain the necessary documents.

Walkthrough: On the planet bearings you will notice a car standing not far from you, go up to it, look around, when there is no one around, hack it. When you notice a bearing nearby, start tracking him, then go up to him and chat with him. Go to the Sundries and Sundries store, buy a camera from the seller, and then head to the customer’s inn. After talking to him, go to the company of Bearings playing dice, play with them until you win, then go to the customer again and talk to him about the Red-Eyed Bearing. When you find out all the information, follow him. Peleng went to a meeting of cannibalists, film this spectacle with a camera, give a random passer-by 50 coins and go to the customer for a reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Olympics”

Customer: People.

Task: Lead your team to victory in the Clerks Without Borders championship.

Walkthrough: Start preparing your team with sparring, so you can determine the performance of your fighters, their focus and specialization. The number of sparring sessions is strictly limited, so we try to distribute and understand everything the first time, then assign separate training sessions to each team member and bring his skills to the maximum.

If we don’t have confidence in our abilities, we approach the trainers at the gym and order paid training for our athletes. Also, if you wish, you can buy several sparring sessions at a separate expense to see the results of your athletes’ long and painstaking training. Before the performance, we send the fighters to sleep, and under no circumstances force them to train the day before the performance.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Amusement Park”

Customer: People.

Task: Return the amusement park to stable operation.

Walkthrough: We go into the amusement park, there will be a large signpost right in front of us. You don’t have to read it, we immediately turn left, we come across a package with the image of “Alyonushka International”, and a little further we meet the heroine of fairy tales - Vasilisa. She will ask you three questions, for which you will receive a small green cube. Answers on questions:

  • I paid 100 rubles for the cat.
  • The Tale of Fedot the Archer.
  • Ivan Tsarevich.

We return to the index stone, go right, and get hit in the head. Having woken up, we take the shield and sword and begin to fight with the Serpent-Gorynych. First, distract the snake, let it lose its vigilance, then dive under it, strike, when the snake becomes enraged, cover yourself with a shield, retreat and deliver powerful blows to its body. For killing Gorynych we will be given an orange cube and some money. Having received the reward, we go back to the sign and finally choose the direct road.

The direct road led us to the auction, but in order to win it, we need an additional source of funding, for this, we approach Kallistrat Mudrilo and answer his question with the remark “four sayings are false,” for which he will reward us with another 50 coins. We come to the auction, without hesitation, we set a price for a cube of 50 coins, or higher (if you have money), thus getting a blue cube.

The completed auction will be continued with a performance by the performer “Alyonushka International”, but we are not allowed to attend it, since our last cube is in the tavern, let’s go there. For ourselves, we choose square md, the door can be opened with the phrase “Sim-sim open”, then we go and arrange the cubes in the following order:

  • Orange.
  • Green.
  • Blue.
  • Blue.

When the cubes are installed, restart the park system and return to the customer for the reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Pachvarash”

Customer: Bearings.

Task: Go through the ritual ceremony of bearings.

Walkthrough: You have been brought to a special laboratory, where your mind will be transplanted into the embryo of a small creature called the bearings Pachvarash. Your task is, having the body of this small creature, to achieve favor among your own kind in one of two ways - peaceful or military.

The peaceful path will take you the longest, since you will have to work a lot, eat a lot and fight a lot. When you are a small, still fragile pachvarash, eat grass next to your hole (you need to dig it every day), sometimes get out into a meadow with lush grass and kick out weaker players from there. When your weight is quite impressive, start going to the meadow every day, driving away everyone who displeases you. As a result, you must gain at least 100 kg of weight, dig a hole 50 are long and earn respect among your fellow 50+%.

The military path is somewhat more difficult, but the tasks assigned to you are quite feasible. You need to kill five pachvarashs and collect scalps from them, and then fight with the leader of one of the tribes, the battle with whom should end with a scalp. You can start killing from the first days, having gained a little weight, kill young pachvarashs and rip off their scalps, and as you gain weight, attack mature individuals and so on until the final battle comes.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Pilot”

Customer: Bearings.

Task: Pass the test and get a Pilot's license.

Walkthrough: This quest is painfully simple, although it has several solutions. I would like to consider the simplest and most effective, especially since it is no different from others, except for significantly less time.

Once at the examination center, head to the second door, your teacher is sitting there, who will take your exam, and later, for high academic success, will issue you a pilot’s license. In addition, if you answer all three problems correctly, you will not need to take the practical part of the exam; by the way, here are the answers to all the problems:

Protection generator power at the price of the first engine:

  • 110 cr. - 10%.
  • 150 cr. - 20%.
  • 180 cr. - 15%.

Captain's cabin. Here the answers are divided, so we proceed as follows:

  • “G meets” or “B meets” - Answer “Cabin 1”.
  • “And it occurs” or “it never occurs” - We answer “Cabin 3”.

Flight cost based on tank capacity:

  • Capacity 47 - 240 cr.
  • Capacity 52 - 260 cr.
  • Capacity 60 - 230 cr.

If you still failed one of the questions and were sent to take the practical part, then you need to try to shoot down as many asteroids as possible. I think for any Ranger player this is very simple.

Now it’s time to publish the third part of our mini-instructions for completing text quests in the game Space Rangers 2. In the previous two parts, we told you about old quests that were released for older versions of the game, but are still found in modern models. This article is devoted mainly to new quest tasks, which may require you to complete significantly more time and effort, which means they will be many times more interesting and exciting. Good luck, ranger!

Walkthrough of the text quest “Pizza”

Customer: Anyone except Malokov.

Task: Win a prize in a pizza making competition.

Walkthrough: We arrive on the planet where the championship is being held, head to the restaurant where the championship will be held, and first we try all the pizza available for sale (this way we will quickly understand who uses what ingredients), after which we begin to take active action.

There is a journalist standing in the restaurant, he will pay attention to you and ask you to give an interview, willingly agree and answer his questions in the following order:

  • I present the Galaxy Rangers!
  • Yes. This is my debut.
  • Excellent! I'll bust all of their asses.

These answers will increase the public's interest in you and significantly lower the rating of your competitors. In no case should you answer the first question with something different; if you say that you represent some planet, you will not be able to restore a good reputation, the public will go against you. A good mood lets the audience know that you are determined, not worried, and firmly confident in your victory.

Now we need to buy one of the judges, we turn to the bearing standing on the side, give him some money and ask him to bribe a member of the jury who is speaking for his planet alone, that is, you need to bribe someone who does not have a partner from the same race.

Let's start making pizza, it should be fluffy (from 10 to 20 centimeters in height) and very tasty. To win, we will make a rather exotic pizza, 18-19 centimeters high, with a large range of ingredients and taking into account the wishes of each of the judges.

  • For the little ones, we top the pizza with a lot of meat and lard, which they really love. It is advisable to use all the varieties of meat products you have, then you will definitely get a 10.
  • For bearings we add more fish products, including crab meat and various canned fish, in general, a little bit of everything, the main thing is to have everything.
  • For people, we fill the pizza with colorful foods, chopped into small pieces. People don’t have any special preferences; the most important thing for them is that everything is beautiful and appetizing. Use fresh and beautiful products, then they will definitely like it.
  • For Feyan, we put a lot of herbs and seasonings on the pizza. They don't pay attention to the design of the pizza at all.
  • The Gaalians are the hardest people to please, but it can be done. The most important thing is that the pizza contains many exotic and unusual products that can rarely be found anywhere.

When preparing pizza, be sure to use ingredients such as “boar saddle” and a mixture of pea puree and crab claws; this will give you an incredible lead over your competitors in terms of the exotic set of ingredients and the aesthetic appearance of the pizza.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Plasma Bombs”

Customer: Anyone, but not a person.

Task: Take first place in the plasma bomb championship.

Walkthrough: The principle of the championship is primitively simple; you are required to swap checkers in fifteen moves. The playing field consists of seven cells, six of which are occupied by plasma checkers, and one field always remains empty and with its help you can rearrange black and white checkers relative to each other.

We will play as follows:






5) B&B&B

6) B&B&B










B – White checkers, H – Black checkers, – empty cell.

To begin with, we mix the checkers with each other, after which we begin to swap them with each other. As a result, you should have fifteen of the above moves.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Player”

Customer: Faeyans.

Task: Fix an old and broken DND player.

Walkthrough: This quest is very easy to complete, so it will only take you 4-5 minutes. Pick up the player, try to turn it on, you will see a grid with numbers, select the 2nd and 8th cells of the player, and then go to the customer for a reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Robots”

Customer: Gaalians.

Task: Defeat all robots taking part in the battle tournament.

Walkthrough: You are invited to take part in a combat tournament with the participation of powerful robots, which you will upgrade and equip yourself. Essentially, the quest is not difficult, and with a good logical approach, you will win it without much difficulty. Well, let's get started.

In total, in the main part of the quest you need to fight three battles, before each of which you will have time to prepare well from the information and mechanical side. As soon as you receive your first robot and find out the name of your opponent, go to the bar, where you can find out about his preferences in the battle tournament, and later, from the information received, you need to draw the right conclusions. For example, your opponent likes to attack with missiles, which means you must equip your robot with missile defense. Visit the bar before each fight, upgrade your robot based on the information you learn, and play with your opponent using the “rock, paper, scissors” principle.

In the additional part of the quest you can try your luck on the most powerful robot, but without any information about the enemy. You will have to fight at random, and each time the opponent will be sophisticated and quite cunning, although risk is a noble cause.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Svarokok”

Customer: Any, but not small.

Task: Go hunting, kill swarokoks and get 10 paws this way.

Walkthrough: Before we start the hunt, we need to prepare well for it, first we go to sharpen a club (we will need a knife and any wood you like), when we make a club, we go to pick flowers and catch knash in order to be fully armed.

To begin with, I would advise you to exercise on simulators, and at the same time improve your parameters and skills, so that in order to increase your strength indicators, we exercise with a log to become more dexterous, we shake trees to learn how to camouflage, we undergo training in the thickets of khrum-khrym.

There are several ways to catch a svarokok and fight with it; the simplest is to catch it with bait, that is, with knash. To catch a swarokok on knashi, improve your camouflage skills, lie down in the bushes, prepare bait and as soon as you notice the target, throw the bait, and later, throw a net at it. A very important point, this method is only suitable for those cases when the welding machine is located 220 degrees away from you. You can also hunt with your bare hands, with a knife or club. But, always remember that a careless fight can ruin the paw, and even worse, take your life.

When your strength is completely running low, refresh yourself with the flowers you collected, they will restore your health and give you a small supply of energy.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Pharaoh”

Customer: Gaalians.

Task: Open the tomb of the pharaoh by answering the questions correctly.

Walkthrough: Opening the tomb is quite simple; you are required to arrange the names of the pharaoh's sons in the correct order, depending on their date of birth, that is, from the oldest to the youngest, this is done in the following order:

  • (Clever guy) Zampolet
  • (Brawler) Eptimat
  • (Glutton) Anusptis
  • (Womanizer) Vertepopes
  • (Veselchak) Ramzetz
  • (Coward) Seremtut
  • (Dirty) Moykhrenes

That's it, the tomb of the pharaoh is open, now, if you wish, you can begin to unravel the characters of each of the brothers (they are indicated in brackets), for which you will receive an additional reward from your customer.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Faryuki”

Customer: Anyone, but not the Faeyans.

Task: Take several faryuks in a wheelbarrow through the entrance.

Walkthrough: The entrance is well guarded, so you will have to try, use a lot of flavors and closely monitor the STINK indicator, which should be at the level of 80 conventional units, otherwise the “sniffer” verification system will recognize you and the task will fail. You need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Sprinkle VONilin on “Shaggy”.
  2. We put it in the “Shaggy” wheelbarrow.
  3. We put the “Boot” in the wheelbarrow.
  4. Shnobel comes out through the entrance with a wheelbarrow.
  5. Shake well and apply “Big” cologne.
  6. Sprinkle with vaniline on the “Bolshoi”.
  7. We put it in the “Big” wheelbarrow.
  8. We put the “Yellow Eye” in the wheelbarrow.
  9. We put the “Boot” in the wheelbarrow.
  10. Doubel comes out through the entrance with a wheelbarrow.
  11. Sprinkle with vaniline on “Striped”.
  12. We throw the “shoe” over the fence.
  13. We throw the “blue pour” over the fence.
  14. We put “Blue filling” in a wheelbarrow.
  15. We put “Striped” in a wheelbarrow.
  16. We put the “Boot” in the wheelbarrow.
  17. Pugel comes out through the entrance with a wheelbarrow.
  18. That's all, the quest has been successfully completed, you can go home for your honestly earned reward.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Fonsers”

Customer: Anyone, but not a person.

Task: Become the absolute winner in the fonser races.

Walkthrough: All that is required of you is victory, and absolutely no one cares how you get it. To win the tournament, you need to win three races in a row, which is not that much, but quite dangerous. When you are asked to choose a fonser, give your preference to the fast and maneuverable one, but if you like to drive in your own way, then choose another one.

We will go through the routes as follows - on a straight and flat road we squeeze the gas to the maximum and don’t even turn back, go full speed ahead and only when it’s our turn to reach the canyons, be careful, remember the principle of sharp turns - slow down, and only then turn. The last stage is the plateau, it all depends on the level of the protective field, if it is higher than the minimum, then you can press on the gas without hesitation, if it is minimal, then you will have to drive carefully. That, in other words, is the whole secret.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Citadel”

Customer: Gaalians.

Task: Win the tournament called "Citadels".

Walkthrough: Once we already met a quest similar in principle, its name is “Master of Iike-Baana”, its main difference from this one is a large number of different tasks and a long time to complete. Citadel requires you to be able to play cards well, make attacks skillfully, and defend well against enemy attacks. In order to win the tournament, we will need to do the following:

  • At the very beginning of the game, we change the abilities in the deck, introducing into it the ability to increase the level of two components at once.
  • Production capabilities should be at a minimum, their total number should be kept at 1-3 pieces (in total), and you should not make one-time attacks or thefts at all, since this will not give you any result.
  • Have a first aid kit with you to restore your base and shield, you won’t really need the rest, and besides, don’t bother pumping up your shield at all, since you don’t need it at all.
  • Alternate expensive and light attacks with each other, it is advisable to use from 2 to 5 expensive attacks and 1-2 cheap ones, so the result will be much more effective.
  • Focus on conditional attacks; their benefits are much greater than direct ones. You can completely forget about the latter, since they are ineffective.
  • We open the beginning of each batch with production chains, then smoothly move on to powerful attacks, if necessary, we begin to increase production and engage in defense (in extreme cases).

This small set of tips will help you win the Citadel tournament and get the main prize. In general, it’s good to complete this quest on your own, since it is quite exciting and interesting.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Prison”

Customer: Any.

Task: Escape from prison, or survive in it.

Walkthrough: This quest is found in many parts of the fantastic game Space Rangers 2, depending on the version of the game, the tasks of the quest may differ from each other, but in any case, the methods for completing it are largely identical and do not change under the influence of any events.

So, to get into prison, you don’t need any special knowledge, we go to bars, clubs, restaurants, we create brawls there, and in the end we get a wave of negativity from the local population, who simply begin to hate us and demand that the authorities put us behind bars, a month or two, or even a third. When we pass the trial stage, we will be sent on an armored bus to our place of imprisonment.

They take us onto the bus, seat us, place guards and send us to the zone. When the bus leaves the distribution point, start fighting with one of the prisoners, one of the guards will quickly pay attention to you, as soon as he approaches you, grab his weapon and start shooting at the guards, but be careful, as they can shoot much sooner than you do. If we managed to defeat the guards, we pull our fellow sufferers out of the bus and run in all directions, you, naturally, to the ship.

If, after escaping, you surrender to the government, your prison term will be increased several times, but in the zone your authority will increase incredibly high for such important and useful services to the lads.

If you still want to go to prison, then you need to live there according to the general rules, so that no one humiliates or beats you. Do you want to go up? Great, then we choose our direction. You can increase your wealth by playing cards, but first you should go to the library to gain as much knowledge as possible about the rules of the game, tactics and techniques for playing it, and as a result, you can become a fairly rich person. You can start building muscle mass and later start fighting for survival, for which, by the way, you can be released on parole. By winning fist fights, you will rise in the eyes of the zone chief (he is crazy about fighting), and good fighters are always released ahead of schedule.

Sometimes the guards or the administration of the colony may begin to put pressure on you and demand a bribe, you cannot quarrel with them, much less fight, always agree to their conditions, for which you will receive small advantages from them while serving your sentence. In your free time, you can start digging a tunnel in your cell, get a tattoo (raises your authority), eat in the canteen, and if you are in poor health, you can correct it in the first-aid post. In general, there is a lot to do in the zone.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Logic”

Customer: Maloki

Task: Win a group of Maloks in a logic game.

Walkthrough: The task is simple and banal, since the Malok have practically no logic, but inhibition and stupidity are enough for 200%. The playing field consists of three columns, in the first and third columns the player has three cells available, but in the central column there are as many as five. Your task is to get from the first column to the third without falling into the enemy’s trap. You can move in absolutely any direction, but the enemy is a little limited, his pieces cannot move backwards, which is what we will take advantage of.

Start the game with a slight retreat back, watch the enemy, his moves, from the second and all subsequent moves, start rushing from side to side, sometimes jump forward, forcing you to place the enemy’s chips in the position you need. As soon as the path for your chip is clear, quickly dive forward to the designated cell. Remember, your opponent does not have logic at least at the level of an animal, he is stupid, take advantage of it.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Sorting”

Customer: Bearings.

Task: Sort the cars into separate groups and send them in the right directions.

Walkthrough: The Pelengs decided to capture one of the Gaalian planets, but to conduct combat operations they need constant support with fresh troops, equipment, ammunition and food, and in order for all the trains to go in the right direction, they need a person who will sort it all out. You will be this person, your task is simple - without overloading the railway tracks, send trains from the orbit of the planet. If we think logically, then there is nothing complicated in this quest, but it is quite difficult to complete it, since it has many features.

Your mission begins with a simple one, small trains arrive at the station, bringing with them trains from one to eleven cars each, your task is to distribute them correctly and send each group along one of four tracks. The settling tanks can hold up to twenty cars of each type; if the number exceeds twenty, the track is automatically closed due to overload, and you are penalized for poor performance. If you score three penalties, the task is considered failed and must be completed again.

From time to time, large tractors will come to the station, capable of pulling a huge number of cars; they need to be used wisely, because incorrectly coupled groups can also result in penalties. For example, if you hook troops and equipment onto one tractor, you will absolutely receive a reprimand, since at the end of the road, instead of army troops, you will receive a whole train with army equipment.

You will have a limited number of mini-tractors in stock, capable of pulling up to five cars at a time. They should be used only when you urgently need to unload the tracks, and you simply have no other choice, but in other cases they should be protected.

According to conservative calculations and observations, to complete the main part of the quest, you need to send only thirty carriages from the station, after which you can start completing the additional part of the quest, or go for the promised reward. By the way, you need to count the cars yourself.

An additional part of the quest is the same sending of cars to various stations, but you will have one less track available than in the main task, this is where mini-tractors will come in handy, with which you can unload the settling tanks before the express trains arrive.

To win, remember a simple thing, do not overload the tracks, but if there is absolutely nowhere to go, use mini-tractors, and if they do not help, then it is better to receive a reprimand than to completely clog the station and lose the quest. The exact same rule should be used when sending several groups behind one tractor; sometimes it is better to get a penalty than to completely paint yourself into a corner.

Walkthrough of the text quest “Edelweiss”

Customer: Anyone except Malokov and Pelengov.

Task: Installation and configuration of an Edelweiss communication station on a planet with constant dust storms.

Walkthrough: We are invited to install the Edelweiss radio communication space station, our predecessor died, and under very tragic and mysterious circumstances that no one has been able to establish. The planet on which the radio center will need to be installed is very rich in various weather anomalies, especially dust storms. Before landing, the head of the local radio station will give us a briefing; as soon as it is over, we sit down on the landing and go to our cabin, inspect it, find a screwdriver and instructions for installing and configuring the radio center. Afterwards, we take the equipment and go to the place, that is, to the station, but it will not be possible to carry everything away at once, therefore, we will have to go several times, due to the bulkiness of the station and additional modules. To find out how and where best to install the Edelweiss radio center, let's go to the cabin of a local geologist who lived here all his life. He is a fan, so he will be reluctant to talk to us, but he will answer all our questions and give a couple of practical tips, and besides, we can get an analyzer from him. After visiting the geologist, we put on a spacesuit, take the analyzer and go to the surface of the planet, where we will begin work.

On the surface of the planet we need to find a good place to install the station, which the soil analyzer will help us with. Turn on the analyzer and start walking around the station with it, numbers 0 and 8 make it clear where the unknown zone is located, 1 is our current location, and number 2 shows the place where the Edelweiss radio center can be installed. When the oxygen supplies come to an end, we return to the base and replenish them, after which we leave again on the surface of the planet, until at one moment we come across the corpse of an old installer whose oxygen hose on his spacesuit is cut, write down his badge number and search him, you will find something interesting. Then return to base

While walking on the surface of the planet, you can meet crawlers, these are dangerous and very aggressive creatures that can easily attack you, so as not to suffer from their attacks, attack them with a screwdriver, a couple of blows and the harmful stinking worm will not be alive.

The video files found on the dead installer will tell us a lot of secrets about the life of the station, we will learn some secrets about the geologist who deals in very dirty deeds, about his experiments, as well as about the secret passages that we need to use to install the station. There is a secret passage in the geologist's locker, to open it, we sequentially open the doors numbered two, three, one, two, but we will use it later, now you need to go to the surface of the planet and find a place to successfully install the Edelweiss radio center.

When a place for the station is found, we return to our cabin, we find complete destruction and disorder, the station is gone, the life support apparatus is broken, what should we do now, first we go to the geologist’s cabin. In the cabin you will find the missing equipment, now it’s time to use the secret compartment, in it we find a saw. We go out to the surface of the planet, alas, we will have to do this without a spacesuit, since someone stole it, all steps must be measured and well calculated. Quickly set up a station and turn back, a missing geologist will stand in your way and decide to kill you, turn on the circular saw and kill the scoundrel as quickly as possible, put on a spacesuit and quickly run to the building, establish a communication signal with the center, that’s it, the task is completed, we fly home.

As you find out later, the geologist you killed extracted a huge amount of gold bars from the stomachs of the crawlers, which they ate along with nutrients in the soil of our planet.

I think that the releases of our instructions will not end on this part, because the game is regularly updated, quest tasks are constantly updated, new, unknown quests appear that you really want to complete, but are not always able to do. We will regularly monitor updates to the game and its quests. Don't want to stay on the sidelines and miss the latest information? Subscribe to our news and be sure to bookmark the site so that it is always on your mind! Happy gaming, rangers!

Developer: Elemental Games
Publisher: Company "1C"

System requirements


Pentium-II 233 MHz
High Color (16 bit) video card supporting 800x600 resolution and compatible with DirectX 7.0

300 MB free disk space


Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP or Windows 2000
Pentium-III 733GHz
256 MB RAM
High Color (16 bit) video card supporting 1024x768 resolution and compatible with DirectX 7.0
Sound card compatible with DirectX 7.0
700 MB free disk space

Introduction. Peculiarities

"Space Rangers" - a new space-themed computer game from the Russian developer company Elemental Games, is a rather interesting mixture of several popular genres. Here you will find role-playing and adventure elements, some tactics and strategy, and to top it all off - some purely arcade moments. Games like this are extremely rare, and the uniqueness of its concept alone cannot but arouse interest.

In the game we have to take on the role of one of the space rangers, an adventurer who set out to conquer outer space for the sake of money, fame or other goals. We will have one (and sometimes several) spaceships under our control, and we will have to fly through space and hyperspace between different systems, galaxies, visit different planets, trade, fight with other rangers, solve puzzles, etc. The global goal of the game is to destroy the main, mother ship of the hostile Klissan race, as well as neutralize the leader of the hyperspace pirates Rachekhan.

In order to have a place for our broad ranger soul to unfold, the authors created a huge world that lives and develops independently. It is divided into eight sectors, which consist of more than fifty star systems, numbering over two hundred planets and other space objects. We will have to travel among these planets and interact with various objects and characters. Most planets have individual designs and characteristics. In addition to ordinary outer space, we will have access to hyperspace, through which intergalactic jumps will be carried out. There are also many important objects in hyperspace. The main principle of the game is to earn money (through trade, piracy, completing quests, etc.), improving the characteristics of the ship and then destroying the main opponents. It's quite simple.

The main action of the game takes place in turn-based mode. That is, we will have to give orders to our ship and then press the end of turn button, after which the world “comes to life” and the orders begin to be executed. Together with our ship, other ships and planets will move along the planned courses. Often you will have to participate in space battles. Some of the battles in the game will take place in turn-based mode, and some in arcade mode. In this case, you yourself will have to control the ship using the keyboard and fight enemies.

Technically the game is implemented, although not very impressive, but quite attractive. The two-dimensional engine does not look too archaic, there are quite a lot of interesting graphic solutions, and the space landscapes and illustrations for text quests created by the game’s artists look very cool. The musical themes can be especially praised. In a word, with the exception of some nuances, we have an excellent game that continues the traditions of the long-standing Star Control, and in the absence of worthy adventure games on a space theme, the game is simply doomed to success. So hurry up and enroll in the ranks of space rangers.


The game takes place in the distant thirtieth millennium. It is not clear why this figure attracted the attention of the game’s writers (and many other science fiction authors), but we are starting the game in the year 3000. By this time, humanity is already traveling through galaxies with all its might, has established contacts with alien races (there are four of them in the game) and is waging war on a cosmic level. The relations between the five races are not entirely smooth (in the game you yourself will have to be involved in many interplanetary intrigues), but, nevertheless, for their own preservation, all races found a common language and united to defeat a common enemy.

At the general Galactic Council, people, Malok, Pelengi, Faeans and Gaalians gather, make decisions and implement a plan for global defense against the sixth warlike race - the Klisans, who suddenly appeared from uncharted regions of the galaxy. At the start of the game, no contacts had been established with the Klisans, so it is unclear why they came, what they were looking for, and why they were systematically conquering peaceful star systems. The coalition of five races had no choice but to start a bloody and protracted war against the uninvited guests, and at the same time develop a device that would be able to decode their signals to establish verbal contact with their mother ship. When the actions of the Klissans, who won one victory after another, became too threatening in nature, and there was a real threat of their conquest of other races, the Galactic Council decided to allow single adventurers to conduct military operations against the Klissans. The government considered that independent volunteers could single-handedly destroy the main ship of the Klisans, Makhpella, faster, and, moreover, there would be no need to increase the cost of maintaining the army, because the volunteers equipped themselves. Thus, space turned into a huge military republic, and rangers appeared who, following the example of cowboys in the Wild West, began to wage an almost guerrilla war against the Klisans, simultaneously piracy and chasing easy money.

The character the player is leading is one of these rangers. So we, among many other volunteers, totaling more than forty (they are controlled by a computer), will have to survive and win in this cruel world, trying to reach career heights and become the first ranger in the ranking. At our disposal we will receive a simple spaceship with a minimal set of equipment, a map of part of the galaxy, permission to conduct combat or trade operations, and insurance of ten thousand credits, which will be sent to the family if their son turns into a pile of space junk. Then turn around as best you can. All open spaces are open to us... Trading activity, that is, transporting goods between planets and playing on the difference in prices, piracy - that is, extorting money and cargo from weakly protected traders or their complete destruction. A war with the Klisans for military ranks and honor, or fulfilling orders from the governments of various planets for hard cash. It is noteworthy that in the game the player’s freedom of action is taken to the limit (at the same time, the developers managed to maintain balance), since there is absolutely no plot development. Right at the very beginning of the game, you can fly and destroy the main bases of the Klisans and pirates. Whether the player has enough strength and power for this is another matter... So, the main time of the game is spent accumulating these forces. To some, such a simple system may seem boring, but in fact this simplicity is very exciting and it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the game, since it contains a lot of interesting possibilities and nuances.

The developer managed to create an organic world that lives and develops dynamically in accordance with the actions of the player, who, in turn, is also constantly in a very close relationship with the outside world. Almost any action of the player will have its own resonance in the world around him and will be assessed from the point of view of other rangers, as well as planetary governments. As mentioned above, the game does not have a storyline, but there are a number of local events that will happen to your hero throughout the game, and these events will occur depending on your actions. All other characters, who are part of a huge world, live an independent and at the same time closely connected life with your character. Pirates who rob honest merchants may begin to rob you if you are weak, or, on the contrary, ask for help if you are an authoritative space filibuster. Warships protecting their systems will seek to kill you if you are wanted in that sector of the galaxy, or protect you if their command respects you. Merchants will give you a wide berth if a pirate flag is flying over your ship, or tell you where to buy some goods cheaper if you have always respected the merchants. And so on. A lively spirit, a busy spirit, a competitive spirit hovers in this airless space. Everyone is striving somewhere, running about their business, achieving something.

It seems that increasing your well-being in loans, titles or positions in the ranking is not an empty phrase; this increase has never been felt so clearly.

There are several ways to complete the game (that is, neutralize Machpella and Rachekhan), so at the very end of the game we will have several different endings. After all, you can simply destroy the main ship of the Klisans, or you can act more humanely and, after waiting for the invention of the Mental Communicator, come into contact with Makhpella in order to find out the reason for the Klisans’ invasion and their attacks on our systems. It’s the same with Rachekhan: you can kill him, or you can set the formidable pirate free. As always, the fate of the universe is in our hands, and we decide what to do with it. Let's now look at some features of the game world.


In total, the game features six different races: humans, Maloks, Pelengs, Faeans, Gaalians and Klisans. We will have to closely communicate with all of them during our passage, so let's look at the character and characteristics of each race in more detail. First, a few general considerations. People who are in the middle on this list are also average in the game. That is, they are in the middle between two poles: the warlike and rude Malok and the wise and humane Gaalians. From here one can easily draw general conclusions about the character and preferences of each race.


Maloks are large, strong, short-sighted and rude humanoids. The most important thing for them is physical strength and mental strength. They respect it in other races, they show it in solving almost all issues. The brute force of simple weapons and the power of power are the main priorities of the Malok civilization. Because they despise thinking, their development has not progressed very far compared to other races. They consider the military sector to be their highest priority, so the economy of their planets is focused on the production of as many weapons as possible, which allowed them to create a fairly strong space fleet. Their development occurs largely due to the fact that physical strength and endurance provide the small fish with high viability and reproduction in the most unfavorable environments. The Malok do not accept art at all, so the import of all types of luxury and products of cultural and intellectual activity into their planets is prohibited and considered contraband (the same rule applies to drugs and alcohol). In their opinion, all this rubbish only leads to freethinking, which the Malok consider the main threat to stability. But their simple and crude products (even stools) sell very well on the planets of art connoisseurs, which extremely surprises the narrow-minded giants. The Malok will respect your character if you fight a lot, trade a little, and eat well. Most of the quests given by the governments of the Malok planets involve the destruction of something or someone. The Maloks do not like the weak Faeans and the wise Gaalians, and they are indifferent to people and bearings. This must be taken into account when choosing a player's race.


The race of bearings are representatives of the species of gill-necked amphibians, also called lepras. This type of creature, equally well adapted for life both in water and on land, prefers swamps to all the benefits of civilization. The best compliment for a Peleng woman would be to compare her to a piece of swamp mud. Bearings, sometimes contemptuously called reptiles or simply frogs, are capable of breathing almost any nitrogen mixture. Pelengi prefer to live in swamps and feed on everything that these swamps create - algae, acidic plankton, and so on. What good can you expect from lepras? Due to the fact that their technical development has not advanced very far, the Bearings prefer to engage in piracy, sabotage, organize various provocations and get involved in various intrigues. Despite the fact that they, along with other races, are members of the Galactic Commonwealth, they shamelessly rob, steal technology and conduct industrial espionage on the planets of their closest neighbors, for which, however, they are often punished. All this compensates for the lack of both strong economic ties and diplomatic relations with other races, and sufficient own production capacity. The short-sighted nature of the bearing forces him to seek direct and quick immediate gain by any means. This principle is manifested in all the main political and economic maneuvers of the Peleng civilization. Peleng Espionage Directorate Dzuhallag is considered the best espionage and sabotage organization in the entire Galactic Commonwealth. Receiving their badge as a reward for completing a particularly difficult spy mission is extremely honorable. But at the same time, the Pelengs do not like those who are smarter than them and treat all other races equally poorly and suspiciously. In short, they are quite difficult subjects to communicate with, so outwitting any bearer is considered quite difficult. Everything is allowed to be imported to the Peleng planets. The Pelengs are very proud of this.


What a person is - "Homo sapiense" - is well known to everyone. As mentioned above, people are average among all five races. Average technological development, average weapon strength, average mental strength. Subtle psychological and diplomatic moves allow people to maintain equally good relations with all races, but at the same time especially highlight the race of their older brothers in mind - the Faeans. The Faeyans often helped people technologically, since people achieved major successes only in the economic sphere. Human achievements include the emergence of a galaxy-wide trading network and the introduction of a common monetary unit - galactic credit, which is why the malok often call people traders. But this is not entirely true, as humanity became famous not only for trade. People managed to introduce a common time system, as well as the right of free movement throughout the galaxy for citizens of any race. It is traditionally prohibited to bring drugs onto human planets.


The Faeans personify the familiar image of those same big-eyed, egg-headed aliens who are shown in popular science and feature films about UFOs. This race is distinguished by extreme physical weakness, but at the same time, it can boast of remarkable abilities in everything related to mental activity. This is explained by the fact that any Faeyan can arbitrarily divide his consciousness, mental activity and vision into segments that function independently, which allows them to simultaneously observe, analyze and explore several processes at once. This feature of the Faeans’ organisms contributed to the fact that technological progress and scientific thought gained unprecedented scope on their planets. When you fly to visit the Feian planet, you can always expect that you will be offered to purchase many technical innovations. At the same time, these philosophers and researchers, who have their own original vision of the world, treat with reverence the most ancient humanoids of the galaxy - the Gaalians, they condescendingly call people “younger brothers”, and generally consider the Maloks to be mindless animals. The Faeians often conflict with the Bearings, whose spies are constantly striving to steal the latest Faeian technology. A caught spy will face severe punishment, so relations between the Faeians and the Pelengs are constantly on the brink of conflict. In the galactic community and the fight against the Klisans, the Faeians play a vital role. They are responsible for all the research carried out as part of joint space exploration and combat operations against the Klisans. It was Feyan scientists who created many types of weapons used by most coalition ships and studied many phenomena that formed the basis of modern movement in outer space. On their planets, the Faeans are trying to eradicate the use of alcohol and drugs, so the import of these goods to their planets is prohibited. It is also prohibited to bring weapons to the Faeian planets.


The Gaalians (children of Gaal) are the most ancient and wise race in the galaxy and the Galactic Union, they are, so to speak, the guarantee of its existence. For thousands of years, the Gaalians developed their physiological form through genetic modifications of embryos, so that now their original, natural form has been lost. The Galaalians, being, so to speak, the fathers of all other races, bear the most important function of responsibility for them and the preservation of the Galactic Union, therefore they promote constructivism and humanism in solving all issues. They use their powerful navy only to neutralize emerging conflicts and ensure peace and order in the Commonwealth, and they themselves never attack first. The Gaalians treat all other races equally well, although a little condescendingly, and without singling out anyone in particular. The role of the father makes them believe that no matter how badly other races behave, they are all bearers of positive tendencies, and those mistakes that sometimes happen are due to their youth and are a passing and easily correctable matter. Let them frolic, if anything happens, we will control it. Weapons and drugs are illegal on Gaalian planets.


We only know about the Klisans race that they are our main enemies, and in the process of passing the player will have to find out who they are and why they came to our world. All Klissan technologies are based on biochemical and genetic developments, that is, all their ships and weapons are living organisms or other biological substances. The Galactic Council knows that they have a main mother ship called Machpella, and scientists are creating a special device, the Mental Communicator, with which they hope to make contact with her and finally find out the reason for the invasion. But so far, at the start of the game, no contacts have been established either with Makhpeloya or with other Klisan ships: all Klisans madly rush into battle, die silently and never ask for mercy. The “living” technologies of the Klisans are in no way inferior to the most advanced technologies of the coalition, and in some ways even surpass them. Commonwealth policy against the Klissans also includes studying the structure of their ships and other technologies, which is extremely difficult as they cannot be scanned. Therefore, the only source of materials for study is the wreckage of Klisan ships, which can sometimes be picked up on the battlefield before they are destroyed by the queen of Machpella. Also of great scientific interest is a substance called protoplasm, which remains after the destruction of Klisan ships.

Outer space and hyperspace

The world of "Rangers" consists of a huge outer space, divided into eight sectors. Each sector contains several star systems and constellations. Each star system consists of a star and several planets orbiting around it. Some planets are habitable and some are not. Representatives of one of five races live on inhabited planets, and when landing on a planet we come into contact with the government of the planet, consisting of representatives of the race inhabiting it. This is the physical structure of the universe.

The main action of the game will take place in star systems, that is, among a group of planets orbiting one star. We can freely move in our spaceship around the star system in marching mode, land on any planets and come into contact with other ships currently located in this system. To do this, we simply need to select the required action from the order panel (talk to the ship, attack, scan, etc.) or specify the flight route (for example, a planet, or some other point in outer space), and then press the “End turn” button. The selected orders will begin to be executed. The game has a fairly convenient system of interaction with other spaceships. All ships can communicate with each other: plan a joint attack, extort money, ask for help, report lucrative trade offers, hire the player, etc. If the ship agrees to make contact with you, a dialogue window will open in which you can select the required response with a proposal. The pilot of the other ship will agree or refuse your offer. Communication with other rangers you hire works in the same way. Through the communication mode, you give them orders where to move, who to attack, and so on.

It is worth remembering that the part of the star system displayed on the mini-map is our radar readings. If the radar breaks down, you will have to navigate blindly. To expand the “visibility zone” of the mini-map, more powerful radars should be used. Negotiations and other types of interaction with other ships and objects (except for attacks) are possible only within the radar coverage area.

In addition to interacting with other ships and flying to various points in a given star system, in outer space you have access to information about your ship's systems, a ranger rating screen, and a star map. Travel between different star systems can only be done through hyperspace using navigation on the galactic map. On the galactic map we must select the star system to which we want to fly. The green circle around our current location symbolizes the area within which we can move. The width of this zone depends on the type of ship's engine (jump size in parsecs) and the amount of fuel in the tank. We can jump to any star system within the shown zone. After giving the flight order, the ship will move to the edge of the current star system and enter hyperspace.

Hyperspace usually consists of several clumps connected by transitions.

The autopilot plots a safe route through them, since Rachekhan pirates can live in some hyperspace clumps (as well as in black holes). If we don’t want unexpected encounters, then we can trust the computer, and if we want to fight, then we should look into one of the clumps (later we will have at our disposal a device capable of detecting the number of pirates in the clumps). If we have chosen a safe route, then upon reaching the exit point the ship will “surface” in the desired star system, and if we have chosen a battle, then first we will have to fight in arcade mode. We will talk about the features of arcade and tactical battles in the corresponding chapter.

On the planet

Immediately after the start of the game, we find ourselves on one of the planets of the galaxy, depending on which race we will play for. Man begins on Earth, Malok begins on Ramgatra, etc. Before starting independent activities, the local government will offer us to undergo a brief briefing, which will describe the most basic principles of conducting trade and military activities in the world of the Rangers.

We will only tell you what you can expect when landing on any of the inhabited planets in the galaxy.

Each planet has a number of places that you can visit. Moreover, you will not always have access to all possible places to visit. If your relationship with the local government is not very warm, then you will only be allowed to visit the spaceport and the planetary government. The government will require a particularly large bribe from you, which will serve to warm up your relationship. You can receive a special task from the planetary government (that is, a quest) only if your relationship with him is excellent. How you are treated on a given planet can be seen before landing, or after it, on the information panel in the upper right corner of the screen.

So, what places can you visit on any planet with a good attitude towards you:


- the place where our spacecraft “moors” when landing on the planet. Here you can carry out the simplest ship maintenance work: refueling fuel tanks and repairing the ship's hull. This is also where departure from the planet takes place.


- by selecting this item, we will be able to pay a visit to the local government. Here we will be expressed an attitude towards our activities, given some recommendations, and sometimes valuable economic advice and suggestions - where, what to buy cheaper, and where to sell more expensive. Here you can sometimes receive a special government task (only if your relationship with the government is excellent) and purchase a star map - a map of any of the sectors of the galaxy that you have not explored. Without a map, flying to this sector is impossible. If you are not too welcome on this planet, then you can pay the government money and the situation will instantly change. The only exception is when your relationship with this planet is so bad (for example, you regularly robbed merchant ships flying from this planet) that you were put on the wanted list and you are an outlaw here. In this case, local warships will try to force you to land on the planet, and you will be arrested immediately upon landing. Arrest and stay in prison is similar to completing text quests, which we will discuss further in the “Quests” section.

Equipment store

- here you can buy, sell or repair various equipment and equipment for your ship. The assortment on different planets and military bases differs very significantly. New technologies will appear in stores as the game progresses. We will tell you in detail about the types and features of equipment for the ship in the “Ship” section. But you can always easily determine the technological level, that is, the “advancement” of a particular device. To do this, under each item put up for sale there is a corresponding indicator in the form of two colored dots. To determine the technological level of an item, there is a colored comparison bar at the top of the screen. It displays the entire spectrum of technology levels from the lowest (blue) to the highest (black). There are a total of eight technology levels for the equipment.

Shopping mall

- this is the place where you will carry out your commercial activities, buying and selling various goods. On the left of the list are the goods in the warehouse of the shopping center, and on the right are the goods on board your ship. You can easily make any transaction by clicking on the desired product in the left or right column and then selecting its quantity. Goods prohibited for sale on a given planet are marked with the “Contraband” sign. The number of goods you can purchase is limited by the cost or capacity of your ship's cargo bays. We'll talk about the types of products that are in use in the world of Rangers a little later.
Prices for certain types of goods (as well as their availability) largely depend on what the economic system and political system are on a given planet. Planets with an agricultural type of economy produce a lot of cheap food, and planets with an industrial type of economy produce a lot of cheap technology, and so on. The type of planet's economy and its political system can be seen in the information panel in the upper left corner of the screen.


- in the world of "Rangers" some events are constantly happening: various cataclysms happen on planets, new space stations are opened, black holes are opened, new systems are freed from Klisans, famous pirates are arrested, etc. The player can always learn about these events from planetary news. There is little really valuable information in them, but sometimes it is interesting to find out where medicines can be sold cheaper (on a planet infected with another epidemic) or where it is most profitable to pirate (in a system where the most cargo is transported), and so on.

The three remaining points are available to us not only on the planet screen, but also in any other place in space.

Ranger Rating

- a register of all rangers who roam the expanses of the universe along with their personal merits, points scored and flight ranks. The one who donates the most protoplasm will be in first place in the ranking. Along the bottom of the screen are portraits of distinguished figures in three areas: trade, war and piracy. You can get here only by showing yourself very strongly in any of these three fields. Here you can evaluate your personal achievements against the background of others. The position in this rating is taken into account, for example, when hiring other rangers: a ranger higher in the ranking will never work for a lower one. The position also determines the degree of respect for you from other rangers and planetary governments.


- opens the screen of your ship and its equipment and the screen of your character’s personal statistics. We will look at this section later.

Galactic map

- a map of the entire known and developed part of the galaxy. Consists of eight sectors that open as you acquire galactic cards. When opened from the planet screen, it is simply a map, and can be used to measure the duration of a route before agreeing to complete a task. In space, using the galactic map screen, one can move from system to system through hyperspace.


In the world of Rangers, you can trade eight types of goods. Each product has three parameters - weight, selling price, and purchasing price. On some planets it is profitable to buy one type of goods and sell another, but there is one unspoken rule - the greatest income comes from selling the most expensive goods, and if at first you carry food and minerals, then later you will begin to trade luxury, weapons and drugs. Cheap goods take up a lot of space in the holds of a ship, but bring in little income, and the most expensive and smuggled goods - weapons and drugs - are not bought everywhere, and they are rarely in stock in sufficient quantities. However, trading in contraband is quite a profitable business. Transactions related to smuggling are not approved by the local government, and relations with it immediately deteriorate. But a respected and rich person can afford everything, even quarrels with governing bodies, so smuggling deals sometimes more than pay for themselves. So, let's look at all types of goods in more detail.

Food- a product that will always be in use, but due to its low cost it is profitable for trading only at the beginning of the game. Often planets find themselves in difficult economic situations, and then they purchase food at high prices. Food is cheap on planets with an agricultural economy.

Medicines- a product quite suitable for trading at an average level. They often provide good income, especially on planets infected with some kind of epidemic or survivors of a catastrophe.

Technique- it is profitable to purchase equipment on planets with an industrial type of economy and sell it where active harvesting is underway. At an average cost, it brings average income and is suitable for trading at an average level of commercial activity.

Luxury- trade in luxury and art objects is one of the most profitable activities. Luxury has a high cost and is therefore available only to wealthy businessmen, but at the same time, the income from its resale can be quite impressive. We must remember that luxury is prohibited on the Malokov planets, which means that it can be sold there at fabulous prices.

Minerals- the cheapest product in the universe. Just five credits and you are already the happy owner of one kilogram of bricks and other minerals. Another way to enrich yourself with this debris is to destroy asteroids flying in orbit around stars and collect their remains. It is impossible to get any significant profit from trading minerals, since having fully loaded your ship with minerals on one planet, on a neighboring planet you will be able to sell the entire shipment for fifty credits more. This is not serious.

Alcohol- an average-priced product, but due to the fact that it is not popular among all races, you cannot make a good business with it. Alcohol is especially respected by people.

Weapon- deals with weapons are profitable because, given the average cost of this product, the range of prices for it is very large, and sometimes can reach a doubling of the original price. Another thing is that the open sale of weapons is not allowed everywhere. Traditionally, militaristic planets of the Malok race are willing to pay good money for weapons.

Drugs- this most expensive product is prohibited for sale on the planets of almost all races (except for the Bearings), which means you can make very good money on it. The sale of just one unit of narcotic substances can earn about a hundred credits. Drugs are a product for real businessmen.

Space stations

In addition to planets, in space, in some star systems, we can meet several more objects on which we can land. These are various space stations. They come in four types.

Ranger Centers

- all the rangers gather here to discuss and evaluate their ranger antics. Here you need to bring and donate the protoplasm remaining after the destruction of Klisan ships in exchange for ranger points. Based on earned ranger points, centers create ranger ratings and award points for various exploits. Ranger points can be spent on increasing various characteristics of your character. Ranger centers also provide a small amount of background information on the functioning of some of the game's mechanisms.

Scientific bases

- various technologies remaining after the destruction of the Klisans, as well as the remains of enemy ships, must be brought to scientific bases for study. The more technologies you bring back from enemies, the faster the development and creation of the “Mental Communicator”, necessary to establish contact with the Klisans, will go. Also, local scientists, for a moderate (and sometimes not moderate) fee, can improve the performance of any standard equipment installed on your ship, and this is also the only place where you can repair and purchase any non-standard equipment.

Military bases

- this is the place where the second branch of your character’s career growth is developed. For destroying pirate and Klisan ships at military bases, you will be awarded warrior points. After accumulating a certain number of points, you will be given the next army flight rank, along with a ration containing valuable instruments and technologies or hard-earned credits. It is also believed that at military bases you can get the most sophisticated weapons, but practice shows that this is not always the case. At military bases, the actions of rangers are coordinated with the actions of regular troops. Here you can get acquainted with the progress of the hostilities. On military bases, you can repair any standard equipment.

Pirate bases

- perhaps the most interesting place to visit. Here, for money, you can change the race of your character, if the local authorities really bother you, not allowing you to pirate honestly. After changing our race, we get a reputation as pure as a baby’s tear, and we can continue our atrocities further. Here you can purchase a couple of containers of protoplasm for exchange at the ranger center. This option is suitable for players who prefer to conduct trade rather than military activities. Why fight and be at war when you can save money and buy anything you want with it? Pirate Rangers receive significant discounts. Here you can purchase used (or stolen) equipment at reduced prices.

Trade is allowed on all space stations, and it is not regulated in any way. You can freely sell or purchase any prohibited or contraband goods. There are also equipment stores and information and news centers at all stations.


The various tasks that you will receive from the governments of different planets are called quests in the game.

We will also adhere to this terminology. Having arrived on the planet and talked with the government there, you will probably receive an offer to complete this or that task for a certain amount. Having assessed the situation, you can agree or refuse, or demand that the task be simplified or complicated (the deadlines will be increased or decreased accordingly, as well as payment for its completion).

Before agreeing to a task and choosing its difficulty, it is worth using a galactic map to estimate how long it will take to fly to the star system specified in the task. If you agreed to complete a task, then there is no way to terminate the contract, and failure to complete the task will entail a significant decrease in your reputation in the eyes of the government of the planet on which you received the task. All current tasks and other valuable information are displayed as icons on the information panel at the bottom of the screen.

Almost any important information in the game can be recorded there. If you complete the task, you will most often be able to receive credits at the place where you completed the task, but sometimes you will have to fly to the customer’s planet. The result of completing a task can be not only money, but also rewards

(they increase your authority in the eyes of the race whose reward you received and encourage you to assign other tasks to you), and various technologies and artifacts.

There are usually three types of quests in the game: transporting an object to another star system, destroying a ship, and, finally, more complex and interesting ones - text quests. With the first ones everything is clear. Fly with the object where they ask you to go, communicate with the local government and - money in your pocket. This type of task is the lowest paid and should be agreed to only at the beginning of the game. The second type of tasks is related to the search and destruction of any ships. There are several problems with these assignments. Firstly, in the initial stages of the game the player has extremely weak weapons at his disposal. It is very difficult to destroy anyone from it. And then, searching for a victim takes too much time, since the coordinates given by the customer most often turn out to be inaccurate. But these tasks pay quite well.

Finally, the third type is text quests. There are about twenty of them in the game, and when passing some you will seriously have to rack your brains. These tasks are the most interesting. What do they look like? In text form, the environment around you and the current situation are described to you. Next, it is proposed to perform one of several suggested actions and describes what was the result of these actions and how the situation has changed. The hero even has a small set of items that he can use if necessary. Here one cannot fail to note the high artistry and skill of the writer. Despite the abundance of textual information, the dynamism of the game is preserved, and the events are described in a very lively, vivid language.

I have never seen such a number of high-quality and varied text assignments anywhere. You will have to go to university, test new weapons, participate in competitions in ikebana, hatch ball and auto racing, destroy factories while riding a superbike, rob banks, defend fortresses,

redeem sacred totems and transport the gods in a boat to the other side of the river. True, some of the tasks seemed a little complicated to me.

Some of them are based on well-known mathematical puzzles (for example, about two vessels with a volume of three and five liters), and some are based on a simple enumeration of options, and in fact, on testing the player’s patience (I think the quest about donga, gong and the vile kshonga, I remember in all life). And these quests somewhat spoil the overall pleasant impression.


There will definitely come a point in the game when your immense interests will interfere with someone else’s, and no less immense ones. You will have to resolve this kind of situation with the help of weapons and military tricks. In this part of the article we will talk about the features of combat using the onboard guns of our spaceship.

So, you will have to fight in the game in two modes: tactical (that is, turn-based) and arcade. The appearance of one or another battle mode depends on the place where you meet the enemy. Battles in black holes and hyperspace take place in arcade mode, while battles in all other parts of outer space, that is, in star systems, take place in tactical mode.

In arcade mode, in a limited area of ​​terrain (we will call this area a level), controlling the ship using the keyboard, you must destroy all enemy ships, of which there can be from one to five on the level.

Those who remember Star Control will understand what we are talking about. In this mode, you can use all the weapons that you have on the ship, switching them with numbers on the keyboard. Please note that after firing a certain number of charges, the weapon will go into reload mode and you will have to wait until it recharges or use another type of weapon. There are various bonuses scattered throughout the levels that you can “eat” by flying into them with your ship (after some time, the bonuses appear again). Bonuses can be very diverse: restoration of the ship’s “health”, invisibility, increased power of guns, increased speed and maneuverability, and so on. After destroying all enemy ships, you will be able to leave the level, having first collected the equipment and technology left after the death of the enemies. And there is no more wisdom here.

I won’t hide the fact that many players may be unpleasantly surprised by this mode due to its unpretentiousness and simplicity, although it is very easy to die in an arcade battle.

For those who are not too fond of arcade battles, the authors have provided an automatic battle mode - with an autopilot, although this autopilot fights extremely mediocrely and you can’t count on winning over serious opponents with its help. However, the tactical battle mode is not far removed from the arcade mode in terms of interestingness.

The peculiarity of the tactical battle mode in “Space Rangers” is that it requires almost no intervention on your part. If you want to attack a ship in open space, you simply need to fly within shooting distance of it, select a weapon to attack and press the "End Turn" button. Any weapon has a kill zone, which is displayed around your ship; if an enemy ship is in this zone, then it can be fired from the selected type of weapon. It is also possible to attack the enemy at once from all types of weapons installed on board the ship, in this case all affected areas will be displayed around your ship at once. In addition to the weapon for attack, you can choose the course of your ship's further course: pursuing the enemy closely, pursuing the enemy at firing distance from the longest-range gun, or any other.

So, after you have decided on the weapon and course, you press the end turn button, and your ship will go on the attack, firing at the enemy with the selected weapon. The battle can take place in two modes: automatic - until one of the ships is completely destroyed, or turn-based - with a stop at the end of each turn (that is, a day). In automatic mode, you have the opportunity to stop the battle at any time, in order, for example, to retreat and land on a planet for repairs. It should be taken into account that the stop will occur only at the end of the started move. If several ships take part in a battle at once, then the computer characters will make their moves at the same time as you. In this case, you can trace the trajectories of their movement and attack. In the upper left corner of the screen there is an information panel that displays all the information about your ship and the enemy ship: type of ship, hull strength (that is, “health”), probability of victory (if a probability analyzer is installed), and so on. If the battle takes a dangerous turn for you, then you can try to make peace with the enemy by paying him money, or call other rangers for help.

All negotiations are carried out through communication with other ships.

Role-playing elements

The role-playing system implemented in the game is quite simple. Before starting the game, we choose the race and class of our character. Race determines a favorable attitude towards us from some humanoids and a negative attitude from others. We have already examined the features of racial relations in the “Race” section. The choice of class (warrior, merchant, pirate) determines the initial set of characteristics of your character, as well as the attitude of certain races to your character. The pirate starts with an advanced technical knowledge skill. A warrior has all the qualities of a leader and can hire a partner. The merchant is strong in trade and has mastered the basics of technology.

In total, you can develop six characteristics of your character:

Accuracy- the higher the accuracy skill, the closer to the maximum the damage caused by the character’s ship will be. With a skill developed to one hundred percent, the character will inflict the maximum possible damage on the enemy. That is, if a weapon installed on a ship can inflict 16-32 damage, then with a fully developed character’s skill, it will inflict 32 units of damage.

Maneuverability- this skill is responsible for the ability to maneuver in space and avoid enemy hits. A pilot with a highly developed maneuverability skill is practically invulnerable in battle.

Knowledge of technology- this skill allows the character to repair and care for his ship himself. This significantly extends the service life of equipment and weapons on board. Fully developing this skill will make your equipment last twice as long.

Trade- developing the trading skill allows your character to lose less money when selling old equipment. With zero skill development, the equipment loses half of its original cost, and with maximum skill development, the equipment will be sold at the purchase price (unless, of course, it is broken).

Charm- if you are a charming person, then many sins will be forgiven. Developing this skill allows you to mitigate the negative reaction of others to your actions. Maximum development of the "charm" skill makes any government treat your character twice as good.

Leadership- this skill allows your character to hire other rangers as subordinates. The higher this skill, the more rangers you can hire (from zero to five). However, it must be taken into account that a ranger with a higher rank and position in the ranking will not be hired by a lower one.

Ranger points are spent on improving these characteristics, awarded for liberating star systems from Klisans, completing government tasks and bringing protoplasm to ranger centers (one point per unit of protoplasm). Each characteristic has six degrees of development, and the higher the degree, the more points are required for its further development.

In addition to characteristics, the game has a system of flight ranks assigned to a character for downed Klasan and pirate ships. Once you have accumulated the required number of points, you will be assigned a new rank immediately upon arrival at any nearest military base. Along with your new flight rank, you will receive valuable gifts.


Your ship can be equipped with a wide variety of equipment. You can buy equipment in a store on the planets, recapture it from the enemy, or acquire it in some other way. At the very beginning of the game you will receive a simple body, on which only the engine and fuel tank will be installed. These three things are mandatory on your ship, because without them you cannot fly into space. In addition, you can install several other different devices on your ship: radar, scanner, capture, repair robot, protective field generator, and, of course, various weapons. When you open the ship screen, you will see the hull of the ship and places to install various equipment on it. The empty cells below are spaces in the hold of your ship. All equipment purchased or received in battle will first go into the hold, and must be installed on the ship for it to begin functioning. Each type of equipment has the following characteristics: type, weight, manufacturer and cost. The more advanced a race has made this or that thing, the more expensive it is, and the longer it will serve without requiring repair. The Peleng engine will cost more and last longer, exactly the same, assembled by Malok, and the Feean engine will be human, etc. Now let's take a closer look at all the equipment that will be available to you in the game and the dependence of its characteristics on the type.


The hull is the foundation of your ship, it is where all other attachments are attached, and it also determines your ship's carrying capacity and the strength of its armor. It is based on these parameters that you should choose a case. When purchasing a new case, the old one will be sold automatically. It is worth remembering that the amount of “health” of your ship is equal to its volume. In fact, if your hull has a durability of 350, then you can load it with equipment or cargo with a total volume of 350 units. The scheme is a little strange, but quite simple, we’ll leave it up to the developers. Most ship hulls have numerical bonuses to armor; these bonuses greatly increase the cost of the hull, but provide significant advantages in battle. The type of hull determines the strength of its armor, that is, the amount of absorption of damage caused to the ship. The more complex the structure of the material from which the body is made, the stronger the armor.

Types of housings in increasing strength:



The engine is used to move your ship in space and hyperspace. The type of engine affects the speed it develops (that is, the distance you can cover in one day in normal space), and the width of the hyperjump zone (that is, the distance that you can cover in one jump through hyperspace).

Types of engines in increasing power:


Fuel tank

The larger the fuel tank, the longer the hyperspace jump the ship can make without refueling. Fuel is spent jumping and not spent moving across star systems, but when it runs out, the ship can only move within the current star system. Fuel consumption in hyperspace is one unit of fuel per parsec, that is, with a fuel tank of 30 units, you can make jumps of thirty parsecs (provided you have an engine that develops such power). Sometimes the volume of the fuel tank exceeds the “jumping” power of the engine and the jumps have to be made in several stages, with stops in several star systems, but without refueling. A damaged fuel tank gradually loses fuel. The volume of the fuel tank depends on its type.

Types of fuel tanks by increasing volume:



The radar allows you to record various space objects (planets, stations, other spaceships, asteroids, etc.) and their most important characteristics - strength, size, speed, name, probability of victory, and so on. Information received from the radar is displayed on the mini-map in the upper right corner of the screen and on the information panel on the left. Without a radar, many important operations are impossible, such as negotiations with other rangers and obtaining information about their ships, plus without it you will have to navigate star systems almost blindly. Also, without a radar it is impossible to use a scanner. The range of a radar depends on its type.

Types of radars in increasing power:

Full Raster


The scanner is the most useless device on your ship. With its help, you can use an X-ray machine to illuminate someone else's ship in order to see what equipment and weapons it has installed, and what is inside its holds. This information is almost useless in battle, especially after installing a probabilistic analyzer. The only use of the scanner is to identify the goods that truckers are transporting in order to decide whether a given ship is worth destroying or whether it is empty or transporting cheap minerals. Scanning another ship is only possible if the power of your scanner is numerically greater than the protective field of the ship being scanned. Scanning without a radar installed or outside its coverage area is not possible. The power of the scanner depends on its type.

Types of scanners in increasing power:


Repair robot

The repair robot can repair a certain number of units of hull damage per day (this does not apply to other equipment). This is quite convenient when fighting in tactical mode (the robot does not work in hyperspace), since if you receive minor damage, the robot will recover every turn. The amount of damage a robot repairs depends on its type.

Types of repair robots in increasing efficiency:



Using the grab, you can pick up various objects in space and hyperspace: weapons, equipment, etc. and place them in the hold of the ship. When you start using a grapple, a circle appears around your ship, indicating the grapple's area of ​​effect. You can mark all objects that fall within its range of action with a hand icon, and after the start of the turn they will be “magnetized” by the capture and placed on board the ship. The gripper can only grab objects of a certain size. The reach of the gripper and its lifting capacity depend on the type.

Types of grips in increasing load capacity and radius of action:


Protective field generator

The protective field created by the generator blocks a certain amount of damage done to the ship (as a percentage), as well as attempts to scan your ship (really, what computer ranger would think of scanning your ship?). The percentage of damage blocked depends on the type of generator.

Types of protective field generators in increasing power:


In addition to these standard types of equipment, you can equip your ship with additional equipment, usually improving the performance of standard equipment or providing other bonuses. You can win these devices from hyperspace pirates or purchase them at scientific stations.


In the game you will encounter twelve different types of weapons, and a couple more specific devices that can hardly be classified as weapons. Weapons can be purchased at any equipment store and installed on a ship, just like any other equipment. It is worth remembering that some types of weapons are more convenient for fighting in arcade mode in hyperspace, while others are intended for tactical battles. That's why you have as many as five slots for weapons on your ship, so you can switch to a more convenient type of weapon at any time.

Photon cannon- the simplest, weakest and most accessible weapon of all equipment available in stores. Deals minor damage to the enemy and is therefore only suitable for use in hyperspace (where the actual power of the weapon is not that important).

Industrial laser- the laser was developed for industrial purposes, so it is only suitable for destroying asteroids. This laser is not suitable for any serious combat, since the damage it causes is too small. The radius of hitting targets is average.

Explosive weapon- the rather low rate of fire of this plasma gun pays off with good firepower and low cost, that is, availability at the initial stages of the game. Can only hit targets at very close range.

Graviton beam gun- a rapid-fire beam weapon capable of inflicting medium damage at a fairly long distance.

Retractor- this type of weapon does not cause any damage to the enemy ship, but it reduces its movement speed by a certain amount. The retractor is equally good to use for both attack and defense. In the first case, the retractor will slow down the movement of the enemy ship, and you can easily catch up with it, and in the second case, it will help you escape from pursuit just as easily.

Keller phaser- the first real serious weapon that will become available to you in the game. Keller's phaser is capable of causing significant damage to any enemy ships. Its main disadvantage is its limited range.

Aeonic Blaster- one of the most balanced types of weapons in the game - with sufficiently large damage caused, it has a large damage radius.

X-defibrillator- This type of weapon does not cause direct damage to the hull of the enemy ship, but instead destroys the equipment installed on it (including the engine and guns). Has a medium damage radius.

Submeson gun- this cannon causes damage not only to the ship you are attacking, but also to a group of objects located in close proximity to it. Excellent for attacking several nearby targets and clusters of several enemy ships at once. The gun is capable of inflicting quite a lot of damage with a medium range of destruction of targets.

Field Annihilator- causes great damage and has a medium damage radius. At the same time, the field annihilator is a very bulky and heavy installation, that is, it takes up a lot of space on board the ship, which negates the possibility of using it in parallel with a large number of other types of weapons.

Tachyon cutter- can cause quite a lot of damage and at the same time has a very large damage radius.

Vortex Spotlight- this type of weapon has the greatest destructive power in the game, but has a small radius of destruction, inferior in this regard to the previous type.

Graphics and sound

Not much can be said about the graphic design of the game: it uses a two-dimensional engine that supports two resolutions - 800x600 and 1024x768.

Despite the fact that 2D graphics technology can be called outdated, the 2D engine makes an extremely pleasant impression, and this is, first of all, the merit of the designers and artists who created the magnificent cosmic landscapes.

This applies to both outer space (here you have nebulae, comets, and cosmic wind), as well as planets and what we will see on them upon landing. The design of the spaceships and their animation were done quite well.

However, there are not so many ships in the game - only four types available to the player and about twenty types you will meet in the vastness of space. At the same time, the game’s graphics engine is quite simple, there is little “live” graphics and animation in it, but it is replete with many static nuances that are pleasing to the eye and is not demanding on computer hardware.

There are not many special effects in the game, and those that exist are rather sketchy.

There are no animated cutscenes in the game. In a word, you shouldn’t expect anything extraordinary from the game’s graphic design, but this is more than compensated for by the game’s other advantages.

The sound design of the game was done at an average level. The music in the game is really quite good - the game has more than fifteen wonderful “cosmic” musical themes that very clearly emphasize and complement the atmosphere of the game. But the set of sounds is quite standard for this type of game, the sounds of shots are inexpressive and sound like a toy, ships fly completely silently, and so on. There is nothing more to say here.


Since Star Control, there has not been a more interesting, deep and high-quality game on the theme of space and sci fiction. A lot of very interesting and unusual ideas are reflected in the game, this applies to both the gameplay and the presentation of plot moves. Among the disadvantages of the game are only modest graphic design (but the game can easily run on weak computers), as well as a large amount of text information, which is not always easily perceived by the player. Otherwise, “Space Rangers” is an excellent product that can be recommended to absolutely any audience of players, especially fans of space science fiction. Finally, we have a worthy successor to the Star Control traditions...

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If it were not for the Brotherhood of the Coast, you would never have undertaken a voyage to the New World, because there would not have been a single French colony in it for you to visit.
R. Sabatini, “Good Luck to Captain Blood”

When the first “Rangers” appeared, it was a sensation: they knew absolutely nothing about the game, 1C didn’t bother to give a single advertisement.

Now, of course, there won’t be that furore: everyone knows what “Space Rangers” are. Even those snobs who turn their noses up in disgust at all 2D engines are aware that the game is a hit, and, therefore, its second part is bound to receive its share of applause.

Elemental Games could easily make KR2 with minimal changes: a new plot, lines, quests, several types of weapons. Well, draw some graphics. And this already it would be a success. But they went much further.

While preparing this guide for you, I found myself in a difficult position: on the one hand, the game has a lot that is familiar to experienced space pilots, on the other hand, many familiar things have taken on a new meaning. Therefore, I will describe the game as if from scratch, but I will especially focus on the innovations of the second part.

So, in this guide you will learn about:

Races, professions, ranger skills and experience;

Ships, planets and space stations;

All kinds of equipment;

Text quests and their passage;

Planetary (ground) battles;

Tactics, strategy and keys to defeating the Dominators.

For those who are well acquainted with “Space Rangers” and want to learn about the main novelties of the second part as soon as possible, I recommend paying attention to the following chapters:

“Flying Heroes” - “Skills” section.

“A flying barrel or something else?” - section “Space stations”.

“On the dusty paths of distant planets” is all about planetary battles.

“Cold iron” - section “Case”.

Flying heroes or about the role system

As before, at the initial stage of our career we are faced with a choice of five races - Malok, Peleng, human, Faeyan, Gaalian - and professions, of which there are now not three, but also five: warrior, mercenary, merchant, corsair and pirate.


As before, the choice does not particularly oblige you to anything. No one is stopping a merchant from becoming a space hero, having saved up some money for decent weapons, a pirate from “reforging”, and a fighter from engaging in racketeering or honest business. Only the initial parameters and the provided vessel depend on the choice.

Advice: a newcomer to the world of the Kyrgyz Republic should start as a merchant. The life of the “business sharks” has become much more pleasant in the second part, since trading can now bring quick profits.


Your choice of race doesn't have to define your entire life either; Initial relationships and equipment depend on him, but friendship with other races is not difficult to establish while fighting with the Dominators (and ruined by piracy). The set of available text quests also depends on the race (some, very few, are not given to everyone), but... the race can also be changed if desired. At the pirate base.

Gaalians- a race of thinkers and sages, primarily occupied with creation and contemplation of beauty. As a result, they have pretty decent relationships with everyone, and on their planets you can buy luxury goods (relatively) cheaply. The Gaalians' equipment is insanely expensive, but reliable. Among the Gaalians (and Faeans), alcohol, drugs and weapons are illegal.

This is interesting: The degree of compliance with prohibitions depends on the government system on the planet. For example, in anarchy, you don’t give a damn about any restrictions. But the Haalians almost always prohibit drugs: apparently because they love them very much (the Haalians have exorbitant prices for them).

Faeyans- “eggheads”, a race of engineers and scientists. They are usually the first to have all sorts of technical innovations - naturally, not cheap. Their planets often have good prices for equipment and medicines. The Faeyans completely ruined their relations with the Maloks and the Bearings.

This is interesting: When playing as a Faeyan, you will not be faced with the issue of gender. The Faeans are hermaphrodites.

People- as expected, average in everything, which in this case is not bad at all. Their items show a good balance between price and quality. People are in close friendship with the Faeians and are very cold towards the Malok. Drugs and weapons are illegal among them, but alcohol is too important an element of human culture.

This is interesting: galactic loans on which the economy of the entire galaxy operates are originally human currency.

Bearings, amphibians, also known as “sneaky toads,” are the owners of the most disreputable reputation in the Universe, not excluding the Dominators. They do not disdain anything, they have the most abundant pirate fleet. Allowed for sale on their planets All. It is clear that no one likes them (although the Gaalians and people somehow tolerate them). Quite often on the Peleng planet you can buy something absolutely incredible - well, a pirate got it, drove it back to his homeland...

The most greedy rangers sometimes buy all sorts of illegal goods from the bearings and then sell them in one batch (otherwise it doesn’t take long) to sell them to the Gaalians. The enrichment is indeed instantaneous, but check to see if your gills are growing after such tricks...

Be careful when completing bearing quests. Cheating with payment is the sweetest thing for them.

This is interesting: in galactic jargon, “to take bearings” means to compare with bearing, i.e. to inflict the gravest insult, to humiliate.

Maloki- brutal thugs professing a cult of brute force. Accordingly, their space technology is made using scrap and so-and-so, so it costs pennies and is repaired almost for nothing, but it also breaks at the first opportunity. Since these brave guys do not tolerate effeminacy, they, the only ones in the entire Universe, have illegal luxury (as well as usually drugs and alcohol, but only a latent suicide can prohibit small people from selling weapons). The Maloks have decent relations with the Bearings, with the Gaalians - so-so, with the rest - on the verge of a massacre.

This is interesting: Maloks despise trade, so you can ruin your relationship with them simply by trading too often on their planet. Speculation is, in their opinion, the most vile of perversions. It’s much more honest to take away what you need: that’s why their complaints against pirates are very moderate.


There are six skills. To develop them, you should invest experience points in them, as before.

But there is an important difference from the first part: experience is now given not for donating protoplasm (now called “nodes”), but directly for participating in hostilities. Well, and for quests, of course.

Accuracy And maneuverability- combat skills: the amount of damage inflicted during a shot and the scale of damage that you receive from hits depend on them, respectively. A fighter should develop them harmoniously, but it seems that accuracy is slightly more valuable.

Technique- a skill that reduces wear and tear on equipment (including under enemy fire), which means it provides soldiers with greater cost savings. Although the actual level of wear reduction is not very large, it is still worth considering (but not the first thing). Another technique increases the number of probes that can be controlled - see below in the chapter “Research Stations”.

Trade provides the best prices when selling equipment(and only him). But if earlier this skill actually determined the amount of profit per battle (because the warrior’s main income is the delivery of Dominator spare parts), now scientific stations They always buy them at face value. Moral: Trade is a contender for the title of Most Useless Ranger Skill.

Charm- on the contrary, it’s a great thing, because it increases profits from quests (however, don’t forget to visit the medical bases (see below) for the Ragobama whisper). In addition, charming rangers get better credit for hunting Dominators and are more willing to forgive piracy and smuggling.

Leadership- for those who prefer to fight in company. This skill, as before, determines the number of available mercenaries.

A flying barrel or something else? or about what can be encountered in outer space

The world is made of ink and light,
There's a lot of nasty stuff floating around in it.
The stars fly without rudder or sails,
Galaxies rush by like a whirlwind.
Our world is like a ball.
In the center of it the Hedgehog sleeps.

O. Ledenev

It's time to talk about what we might encounter in deep space.

I will immediately inform experienced rangers that the list has lengthened significantly, and many familiar and familiar objects have changed their meaning. Therefore, when you see the familiar “flying barrel” of a ranger station in space, do not rush to make your conclusion.

Stars and planets

As before, there is always only one star in the system, and its only meaning is that you should not fly too close - the heat will begin to damage the body. Oh yes: also, if you hover your mouse over it, you can get a list of planets and stations in the system.

Well, there is a lot more entertainment on the planet - at least if this planet habitable.

Firstly, there is shop with an abundance of various goods for trade and another with ship equipment. An icon in the form of a pediment with columns will allow you to communicate with a representative government: here our brother is given tasks, rewards for work done, sometimes useful information... and sometimes a headache, if he deserves it.

IN ship screen, by calling him from here, you can repair any part of the equipment - or the whole thing. You can also send part of the cargo to a warehouse so that you can pick it up later if necessary.

Advice: when going on a large trade raid, remove everything unnecessary: ​​the droid, the scanner, and even the guns (if the engine is good). More hold - more turnover...

In the same screen, we can now improve our abilities using experience points.

Very useful button - information Center. There you can regularly hear rumors about planned military operations, places of profitable purchase or sale of goods, and for the ridiculous price of 3 credits you can get a certificate from the local network. This is the most important opportunity for any merchant; this is how flights with goods are planned - after first looking at the prices on the planet of interest. In addition, the information network will help find planets or stations where advanced technology has already gone on sale.

Hangar- also known as the take-off screen - as before, it allows you to refuel and repair frame ship.

This is interesting: Now on the planet, by entering the take-off screen, you can see what other ships are currently in port. True, it’s still impossible to do anything with them, but at least we can find out where that damn “Phantom Limey” went, for which we have a contract with Mars...

But this is all about inhabited planets. So what? uninhabited?

They ceased to be decorative objects, serving only during rare quests or for shelter from persecution. Now you can look for something valuable on any uninhabited planet. For this purpose they serve probes.

The probe is purchased at the research station. Having arrived on the planet, you leave it in orbit, and after a while you arrive and see what it managed to sniff out. Getting rich at lightning speed usually doesn’t happen, but it’s quite possible to make money this way.

Space stations

Huge structures, lazily floating in orbits along with the planets, are space stations. On them you can do everything the same as on the planets (except for communicating with the government - well, it’s not there!) - plus something else, special for each type of station.

During a Dominator invasion, every decent ranger tries to stay close to such stations. Firstly, they help to shoot back, and they can be repaired; but the main thing is that if the stations are not protected, they will be smashed into pieces, and even after the valiant reconquest of the system they will not appear... at least not immediately. Left without a single business center or scientific base for many parsecs around, you will immediately feel some... discomfort.

Ranger Center

Home, sweet home! Here I received the first fatherly order of the captain, here I was taught to fly... Here I once, puffing, dumped tanks with Klissan protoplasm, receiving honor, rating and experience for this.

Dominators, due to their mechanical nature, do not have protoplasm, but this deficiency is compensated by “micronodes”. What it is and how it differs from protoplasm, I have no idea. Well, there were green snot, now it’s multi-colored... But they still sell it here. True, this is no longer the main source of experience. But they give for the nodes handed over micromodules.

A micromodule in magical worlds would be called “enchantment”. This is such a small thing that improves the characteristics of some piece of hardware, usually with a side effect (for example, the object increases in size). In general, it’s approximately the same as what they do at a research station for ordinary money (and the smart people there manage everything without bad consequences).

Advice: do not transfer micromodules to crappy equipment. You won't be able to get them out of there later. Bet them on something you plan to fly with for more than one month.

In general, I have to admit: the center of the rangers has ceased to be the center of the universe for us.

Scientific stations

A mysterious tribe of eggheads (no, I’m not talking about the Faeians, or rather, not only about them) lives at scientific stations. There they are engaged in “research on dominators” - or rather, pieces of them that I drag them from time to time.

The main reason why we are fighting the Dominators is to “feed” scientists with Dominator spare parts. Like our ancestors - Klisan.

At the same time, for some reason scientists are developing separate remedies for each of the three types of dominators - which is strange, because their ships are exactly the same. And I, therefore, must try not just to fight with the Dominators anyhow, but to choose exactly those whose spare parts are now in short supply.

In fact, you can give them parts from the “wrong” dominators, but this is simply unprofitable: if you hand over pieces of “red” dominators to the “blaseroid” department (blue ones to the kelleroid, green ones to the terronoid), then they will be accepted at double price, and this Very not bad money. It is quite possible to live only this way, without wasting time on more peaceful activities.

In their free time (from working at the scrap metal collection point) scientists can, as before, improve your equipment, charging for this a far from modest fee. But it's worth it. In addition, only here and with pirates can you repair artifacts.

Finally, there is such a funny innovation as probes: with their help, you can find some material values ​​on uninhabited planets. But I can’t say that it was so profitable: the search usually takes quite a long time, then you come back six months later and find some scrap metal worth 500 coins... Moreover, the probe needs to be repaired from time to time... However, a technically advanced probe scans the planet quickly enough so that, say, returning to the system for quest money, you can already harvest the crop.

Medical centers

There were no such stations in space three hundred years ago, and if there had been, the war with the Klisans would have ended many years earlier.

The fact is that here they issue the most powerful stimulants, with which the most scruffy ranger can become a great hero. Do you want to fight from the first days of the game? That way.

Here are the most important of the local remedies:

Gaalistra of time. I never thought that dripping turpentine onto the back of the Ranger speeds up not only him, but also his engine. However, facts are stubborn things. The gaalistra also increases maneuverability, in general, with it you will get away from your grandmother, you will get away from your grandfather, and even more so from the Urgant. It also has a peaceful application - flying to trade or doing quests with such a “afterburner” is also a pleasure.

Malokskaya sizha. This good is already a purely combat stimulant, thoroughly increasing accuracy and maneuverability. Until you upgrade yourself - a must have.

Star dust. Since gaalistra and situ cannot always be bought and not everywhere, dust also finds its connoisseurs. It simply increases almost all skills by one notch.

Ragobama whisper. They accept it with the intention of earning extra money: with it, the rewards for quests increase noticeably. In addition, it allows you to eat Ragobama toads. If anyone finds at least one, be sure to report it to the Discovery Channel.

Super technician. This substance instills in you powerful engineering knowledge, as a result of which the equipment on your ship does not wear out. For a fighter, the importance of such an injection cannot be overestimated, because repairing the inside of a ship is the main expense, and the hull can be repaired with a droid.

There are several less important ones - they increase charm, the power of the scanner and radar, and the most fun one, perhaps, forces merchants to throw cargo into space at the first request. A pirate can make a fortune from this.

In addition to all this drug addiction, diseases are also treated here, but such an attack will not happen to you often.

However, when it does occur, measures must be taken urgently. How about, for example, holy fanaticism, when all ships without exception seem to be dominator? Or chekumash, in which “phantoms” appear around - non-existent planets, black holes, ships? Or mysterious luatancia, aka viral pacifism (here severe mental suffering is slightly brightened up by regular assistance from the Luatan support fund)? Or bitter swaddling cloth, in which the sufferer begins to destroy equipment on his own ship?

But in general, the main thing you need to know about illnesses is: if you get sick, don’t be a fool and get treated quickly.

Military bases

Many rangers visit these establishments only to receive the next title and the accompanying prize (which, as a rule, is immediately sold out at the flea market due to its irrelevance). But recently two more reasons have appeared for this:

Combat programs awarded from time to time to distinguished Rangers. They can do a lot, the only pity is that the number of “charges” is very small. But those who want to feel like a magician and wizard are happy to make the Dominator shoot into the white light or throw their own droid and cannon overboard...

Ordering a military operation- the latest achievement of military-economic thought. Indeed, if a ranger wishes to join the battle fleet rather than fight at his own risk, why not pay for the privilege? A relatively modest contribution (over time, its modesty decreases significantly) - and now the squadron of Malok “drakars” is ready to take off.

The only pity is that they determine the goal themselves.

Pirate bases

Are you in trouble with the law? Are you wanted on forty-two planets? Do you want to urgently grow gills so that no one else will guess that it’s you? That way. Here, for a modest sum, you will undergo plastic surgery with a change of race, and not a single cop will undermine you forever, pardon the pun...

Or maybe you want fake nodes to demonstrate trustworthiness in the ranger center? Prepare your loans and everything will be fine.

All services are at reduced prices for those who are not constrained by moral standards and do not have too much respect for existing orders.

Business centers

Well, for those who have no problems with the law, and have an ardent love for the authorities written on their faces (especially those of their representatives who are depicted on banknotes), the direct route is to the business center. It is to these institutions that we owe the fact that in modern space trade is a more than profitable activity.

The first possibility is getting a loan. This is where life in big business most often begins. The terms and interest are quite lenient, and if you miss the “hour H”, you’ll just pay a fine. True, if you remain deaf to the voice of debt, sooner or later deceived businessmen will spread dirty rumors about you throughout the galaxy (and no one will give you a single quest without bribery), and will also set pirates on you.

Further - market research. For a fairly moderate amount, they offer you ready-made options for the most profitable trade routes! Of course, you can find the same thing by digging through the local network for a long time, but this is much easier and more pleasant. Just keep in mind that they choose based on a single principle - maximum difference in percentages between the purchase and sale price. In other words, sometimes it may be more profitable to trade at a less remarkable difference, but with more expensive goods (10% in the price of luxury goods is often nicer than 30% in the price of groceries).

Investments- the funniest innovation. Don't like the location of the stations? Ha, that's a problem for me too! A small financial transaction - and here you have a brand new business center or military base... The only pity is that possible locations are determined without our help.

Well, and the last thing - insurance. Everything is simple here: pay some money, and for several years you will be able to use the services of doctors at half the price. In my opinion, there is nothing to think about here: everyone needs to have a policy!

Asteroids and space debris

In CR 1, many initially chose a career as a “space scavenger”: they shot asteroids, collected free-floating minerals, or ran after them into hyperspace. The latter is problematic nowadays, but hunting for asteroids is within your right. However, don’t flatter yourself too much: garbage is inexpensive, and time flies.

If you decide to deal with garbage, firstly, take good care of the engine (asteroids run fast), secondly, of an industrial laser (only it splits an asteroid, preserving most of the minerals - the efficiency of the rest is very low), thirdly - about a decent radar, otherwise you will be looking for these flying warehouses for a long time.

Black holes

Black holes - randomly opening passages from one star to another - remained the same as they were. As before, in the black hole, we are waiting for an arcade battle with one or several ships of unknown nationality, and the reward is an artifact - and a certain amount of minerals. And, of course, the final meeting with the dominator boss is supposed to be there.

There are now more black holes than there used to be. This is understandable: after all We no longer have other sources of arcade battles, the opportunity to fight with pirates in a clump of hyperspace during an interstellar transition was taken away from us. As before, the inhabitants of the holes move faster the more often you visit them. And sometimes, besides UFOs, you can find something like this...

The battles, perhaps, have not become any more difficult, only now you need to fly more actively, because there are a lot of healing prizes on the new maps, and if you don’t harvest the crops first, the enemies will resist you for a very long time. I won’t describe the combat technique in detail - I’ll refer you to the manual for the first CD on our disk. Let me just say that the “cart” tactic, when we fly exclusively backwards, turning our guns towards the enemy, is still more than relevant.

It is important: if you want to collect prizes in hyperspace after the battle, pick them up with the Alt key, and not by clicking the mouse: the mouse now immediately after the battle ends brings you out of hyper.

Sometimes it is known in advance (from galactic news) exactly where the hole leads.

Love black holes, a source of artifacts and “free” travel around the galaxy.

Ships of intelligent races

Space is full of diverse people running somewhere about their business. Many of them don’t care about you at all, others are ready to attack at the first opportunity, and still others are potential comrades in arms. But everyone has their own occupations, except to “serve as decoration for a great hero.”

Most ships' nationality is determined by their hull color and radar blip, so you can get a good idea of ​​what to expect ahead of time. Red - Maloki, green - Bearings, blue - people, pink-purple - Faeians, yellow - Gaalians. But this does not apply to rangers (and some pirates): the color of the hull they purchased is the same. Just because you fly on a Faeian ship does not make you a friend to all Faeians...

The direction of the ship's movement is indicated by the radar (if the ship is within its range). The number of hit points he has remaining is the scanner (unless the ship's defenses are better than what the scanner can overcome.

It is important: and yet, even without a scanner at all, you can get some information about the enemy’s remaining hit points. If the questions (which stand instead of numbers) have turned brown, it means that the adversary will not smoke the sky for long.

If the ship is within radar range, you can talk to it. This can be useful to:

Find out the direction of movement of the military squadron (who they are going to liberate);

Find out any rumors about profitable goods (for this we talk with transport);

Agree on a joint attack (with a pirate - on a peaceful ship, with a civilian or warship - on a pirate, with a ranger - on a Dominator);

Demand "trick or treat";

Arrange to hire a ranger to serve you.

Peaceful ships

Liners, diplomats and transport, as a rule, are not the first to go into battle (except against a well-known pirate, and only in a group), often show agreement on the issue of ransom, and, in general, do not like to fight. Although sometimes the number of guns on board and the good spirits of the “Maloka peace tractor” may surprise you.

Pirates benefit from them a lot, others only need to learn about supply and demand or request help against a bandit.


These gentlemen are usually found in flocks and are not at all averse to punching pirates, enemies of their race or home planet. It’s not easy to come to an agreement with them if they already have a grudge against you. Warships, as a rule, are decently armed, but the government is always stingy with good engines, so if something happens, it’s quite possible to “move to plan B.” True, soldiers usually fly without cargo, which affects their speed.

The destruction of a warship seems to have a greater impact on race relations than the robbery of a civilian transport, but less than an attack on a diplomat.

The benefit of soldiers is, first of all, that they fly in a large group to liberate worlds from dominators, and behind their wide backs you can shoot to your heart's content at the flying evil spirits. As a rule, they keep military secrets weakly, they easily admit who they are going to go after, and it’s not difficult to get close. As I already said, you can order the operation at an army base at your own expense. Since the engines of the soldiers are so-so, you can easily escape from under fire according to the principle that one wizard once outlined:

- Are you hoping to run faster than a troll with this spell?

No, I hope to run faster than the rest of the company!

However, there is one drawback to joint hunting with the army: the soldiers are alien to profit, they, as a rule, do not have any capture, and therefore, in the absence of more worthy targets, they simply shoot everything that flies in space. As soon as such a guy shoots at a generator for 20,000 coins, anti-army sentiment immediately flares up in all the rangers!

Warriors (maybe, except for the Bearing ones) always willingly respond to an offer to jointly beat down a pirate.


These fly everywhere and are very interested in poorly protected ships, from which they solicit cargo or money. Many rangers, lured by illegal profits, fall into this category. These living creatures will be born especially abundantly in the vicinity of their bases, as well as in the Peleng and - slightly less - Malok worlds.

Oddly enough, pirates usually fly on antediluvian cannons, and all they really have are guns and, sometimes, an engine.

Pirates have a well-developed instinct of self-preservation, and, deciding that he is superior in firepower, he calmly lands on the planet, where he sits out the difficult times.

Often you are given a quest to destroy the next John Silver, and this property of the Jolly Roger knights greatly hinders you. What to do?

Here's what. Wait on the sidelines until the pirate takes off and heads for the edge of the map. Don't fly after him too fast until he's far enough away, then try to stand between him and the planet. In addition, a cannon named treton, slowing down the enemy ship.

Shooting pirates (even without a quest) is not forbidden by anyone except... the pirate's home planet. She may sometimes be offended by such concern for the safety of her orbit. Especially if the planet is Peleng or Malok. It can be extremely disappointing to see an army squadron on your tail, taking up arms against you for “cruel treatment of pirates”...

To prevent pirates from touching you, 3-4 guns are usually enough. Suspecting that you can get hit in the face here, the pirates will fly around you on the tenth route. And, of course, a fast engine will deprive them of the chance to make any claims against you.


The ranger fraternity is doing about the same thing as you, and enjoys a similar degree of freedom, except that it does not touch text quests. A ranger can meet you in any guise, on any ship; he is free to become an indifferent merchant, a stubborn warrior or a greedy pirate.

But in general, rangers are not so much your competitors as colleagues. At least 80% of the credit for liberating the systems and at least 50% for protecting them from the Dominators belongs to the rangers. And since you are interested in the final victory, don't hunt rangers, even if they behave disgustingly, dirtyly extort money from passers-by and swear in Maloka style.

No, in principle, a particularly impudent specimen can be disciplined, but this should be an exception. In addition, pirate rangers often form a flock, so in reality you will have to deal with not one, but three or four.

Rangers, unlike warriors, are independent guys, and it is impossible to order their visit to a particular system. But you can cooperate with them like this:

Hire for service;

“hang out” close to the coolest fighters among the rangers, knowing that they are almost always busy clearing out star systems (you can learn about the movements of these heroes from the galactic news);

Arrive at a system where they are already fighting (use the crossed blades icon, which is not very convenient, because everything may be over by the time you arrive);

Try to negotiate directly (quite difficult);

Launch an attack and wait for their arrival.

The latter is worth saying in more detail. The fact is that rangers, like you, can look at the map and find icons with crossed blades there. And they also prefer not to fight the Dominators alone. Therefore, in order for colleagues to appear in the system, it is often enough to fly several circles around the edge of the map, avoiding shelling. Having made sure of your serious intentions, the rangers will catch up...

On a note: in order to ensure the protection of the planetary system (you never know, maybe it’s somehow dear to you...), sometimes it’s worth ordering a ranger base there (with the help of the nearest business center). The rangers try to protect them and do not let them be eaten by the Dominators. A military base has a similar effect in relation to the army.

When fighting side by side with your comrades, remember that the rangers are by no means selfless and will gladly collect pieces of dominators and nodes flying in space, and will give preference to the former. And, unlike warriors, they can easily do this even when a fat, juicy dominator equator is floating nearby.

True, the ranger is limited by the capabilities of his capture, and the goods that he cannot pick up never doesn't shoot. And thanks for that.

By the way, your colleagues are completely clueless people when it comes to business. You won't believe it, but they never hand over their production to a scientific base. Although you can earn several times more there - after all, they accept goods at full price, and if you hand them over to the right department, then at double price! But no matter how you fly to the scientific base, there is only the rubbish that you personally brought. And this is amazing.


And here they are, those for whom we have gathered here today. The pictures show samples of the kelleroid fauna; Blaseroids prefer red edges to blue ones, and terronoids prefer green ones.

Interestingly, Dominator military thought clearly developed under the influence of the Klisans. In the shtip you can easily guess the brave mutinok, the urgant was a nondus as a girl, and the equator was made under license from the Egemon plant.

Therefore, the tactics of dealing with them are largely similar. In particular:

The most dangerous ships are smersh (formerly katauri). It is they who primarily determine the combat effectiveness of the Dominator squadron. The Menok and the Shtip by a well-armed ranger (five barrels of a modern type) are fired in 2-4 salvoes, and the Urgant and the Equator are so lazy and clumsy that you can easily carry out the “Grill” maneuver with them (see below);

Dominators almost never retreat, and only very few of them know the third law of robotics (the one that tells you to keep yourself intact. However, the other two laws are unknown to any of the Dominators);

You can safely count on the fact that if you are out of reach, and someone else smart and kind is floating nearby, the dominator will cheat on you and begin ardent love with the nearest available goal;

They are also unnerved by spare parts and nodes floating in space, and if they cannot reach you, then they are busy shooting all this stuff, so you need to try to lead them so that they do not have the opportunity to destroy your prey;

Urgants and Equentors love to spread a harmful wave around themselves, while simultaneously shooting all the trophies in the vicinity.

But there is also something new.

Although Dominators rarely refuse to attack you, they do not necessarily fly to you along the shortest path. Therefore, they are not as easy as the Klisans once were to be lured to “bask in the sun,” and moreover, they are capable of choosing a proactive course, encircling, etc. Sometimes they even decide to retreat in order to quietly repair themselves (but this happens so rarely that I don’t even know if this is a planned measure or a glitch).

If there are several different targets nearby, dominators try to select a target based on the principle of “maximum harmfulness and maximum vulnerability.” They seem to determine these parameters by honest scanning, so the protection generator can interfere with this. At the same time, the dominators try Not set several heavy ships (Urgants, Equentors) against one target, if there is more than one of them within reach.

Scan Dominator ships impossible. True, the scanner regularly shows the enemy’s remaining hit points (if, of course, he overcomes the defense).

Dominators of different varieties differ in equipment. Thus, Blazeroids are better armed than others, and Kelleroids usually fly faster. In addition, there are the following types of “branded” equipment:

Blaseroids usually armed with torpedoes (and generally have a weakness for missile weapons);

kelleroids- lovers of a strange contraption called “vertix”;

terronoids they carry a weak but easily defense-penetrating IMHO-9000 gun.

Maneuver "Grill"

There is nothing fundamentally new in this idea, it also worked with the Klisans, but there are some specifics.

The point is to, by circling around the star, drive the brats closer to the sun and force them to gently fry.

Firstly, even the flight around the star itself, if you manage to fly around a large enough arc, makes sense: Dominator missiles and torpedoes fly towards you in a straight line, which means they will burn in the flames of the sun.

Secondly, you need to completely abandon weapons of this kind - for obvious reasons.

Thirdly, in order to lure the dominator “to the light”, you first need to fry yourself a little - fly up to a dangerous distance and let the dominator catch up with you there. After this, the program no longer prevents him from sunbathing until he is completely satisfied! Of course, if you fly too far, he will crawl out of his solarium, but until then he will sit there, and you are completely safe from his missiles, and hits are “written” from him quite quickly.

Of course, you can only do this with Urgants and Equator - the rest are not inferior to you in maneuverability. And don't forget that if an enemy explodes in the area of ​​effect of the solar flame, all the loot will disappear along with it. As soon as the numbers of his hits turn brown, let the roast out, otherwise it will burn.

Ships that do not belong to any known race are usually found in hyperspace and serve as a source of adrenaline and artifacts. However, twice I encountered a strange brown ship in ordinary space. The first time he was “gnawed to pieces” by the Dominators, the second time I “got there earlier.”

It did not want to enter into negotiations, attacked immediately and was, despite good weapons, destroyed. His remains revealed two (!) artifacts and a very decent gun. What it did in the Vitta Prionis system has not yet been established by science. If this riddle is resolved, I will not fail to tell you about it.

On the dusty paths of distant planets or about battles on the unearthly firmament

I would give all these heroic pilots and sailors to infantry for a month. So that they can see what war is like when you look at it without a telescope.
F. Konyshev

As everyone who has followed the announcements of the game knows, battles on planets have appeared in KR2, and they take place in RTS mode.

To begin with, I will reassure everyone for whom these three Latin letters cause an allergic reaction, as well as those who in the morning, turning their faces to the monitor, say: “There is no RTS except Warcraft, and Arthas is its prophet.” The fact is, that this mode is only for those who want it, and no one will force you to clear the planets.

Planetary battles are just another type of task, on par with the text quests beloved by the people. And those who are disgusted by the thought of RTS in “Rangers” can tell the quest giver that “such tasks do not interest me,” after which no one will pester them with dirty offers anymore.

No time is wasted on these quests: they usually have to be completed right on the spot, where they were assigned. And time is still a ranger's most valuable resource;

It doesn't matter to them what kind of equipment you have, how many guns you have, or how fast your engine is;

And finally, it's just nice.

Before the fight

So, we succumbed to the temptation of novelty and landed on the surface of the planet. Before this, we were given the opportunity to choose between three options:

Get bonuses to armor;

Receive more frequent reinforcements from the base;

Skip these benefits to earn more money and experience.

If you are confident in yourself, go to the third track, but I’ll honestly tell you that some of the RTS missions (for example, the one where you need to clear the auto track of dominators) are very difficult without “indulgences.” Well, with the strengthening, most tasks are completed with a bang.

It is important: in planetary missions, as well as in text quests and hyperspace battles, saving the game No. There is only a restart from the beginning (but after choosing an advantage).

Which plus to choose depends on the mission, and it is not always obvious at the beginning. You may have to load the game before the mission to make the choice again.

If you have problems with resources, it is better to take care of frequent reinforcements. If there is a lot of everything and you mainly play with the maximum possible number of robots, then armor will help better.

Rules of the game

You have a certain number of bases and factories, just like the enemy.

A factory is a source of resources; apart from them, it can only produce gun turrets, and only in pre-marked places. Each plant produces resources of one of four types (titanium, micromodules, energy, plasma).

The base (its characteristic feature is the lift platform in front of the building) can do two more things: produce combat robots and call for reinforcements from time to time (if you skimped on more frequent delivery of reinforcements, this will Very infrequently).

Robots are produced very quickly - literally in a couple of seconds, turrets take a relatively long time, and the base can only build one thing at a time (so if you urgently need to protect the base, it is often wiser to build robots).

In addition to the speed of resource profit, the number of bases and factories depends on limit on the number of robots, whom you can call into your service.

The task, as you may have guessed, is to rid the enemy of real estate. As a rule, you will have more than one rival, and they also fight among themselves - you need to take advantage of this.

To privatize a building, it is necessary and sufficient to command your (any) robot to capture the building (the button in the center of the command panel) and wait until the building becomes your property. Of course, it would be nice if your soldier wasn’t shot during this time...

Probably the most significant new feature of planetary battles is the ability design robot according to your own taste. You do not have an initially specified range of fighters - you only have a set of “spare parts” from which a working configuration is assembled.

While you are busy designing the robot, the game is paused.

Robot assembly

The robot consists of a body, an engine, guns - from 1 to 4, depending on the chosen body - as well as 1-2 additional modules.

Each part costs some resources, and most of them also affect armor.

The hull primarily determines the number of gun ports. I’ll be honest: I only used single- and double-port ones at the very beginning of the battle, and then I only had such fighters as help from the customer.

From the trunks, pay special attention to repairer. Without it, your robots and buildings do not regenerate at all, so not using repairmen is pure suicide. Build a four-barreled repairman on a fairly fast chassis (just make sure he doesn’t roll ahead of the squad) with maximum armor and send him with any squad. And with large groups, even two repairmen are better; Let’s not forget that he doesn’t know how to treat himself!

The most powerful gun is the plasma gun, but it wants a lot of plasma, you simply can’t get enough of it. When there are enough resources, then please: such a robot demolishes turrets in just a couple of seconds. But more often you have to make do with rocket launchers. Plus, all combat robots should be equipped with an additional, fifth barrel - a mortar. But it’s better not to need a repairman, because this is another reason for him to get into a fight.

There is also such a tricky thing as a spark gap - theoretically, it paralyzes the enemy robot. True, they often defend themselves from it. But still bet one A spark gap for one robot out of three pays for itself.

The remaining barrels can be installed as needed, but on average, in my opinion, they pay off worse than rocket launchers.

Now about the chassis. They differ in speed and maneuverability. It would seem that anywhere can be reached by road, so the second should be unimportant: however, this is a mistake. The fact is that wheeled robots (and others with low cross-country ability) are forced to line up on the road in a column, single file. As you know, this is the most unfortunate formation for battle.

At the beginning, in order to quickly capture neutral factories, we rivet robots on antigravs; In the future, for the sake of economy, you can make do with acroplanes. If the group is intended mainly for defense or for a slow mass assault, let it go on caterpillar tracks (they provide maximum protection).

Well, and additional equipment... Protection from a spark gap is rarely needed; as a rule, a mortar is better (with the exception of a repairman). Additional armor looks best on the head, although there are different schools of thought here too.

Tactical Tips

The main tactical technique here is the “concave mirror”: in front of the bottleneck we position the army in an arc so that all enemy robots that do not fly are forced to enter one by one into the focus of fire. 3-4 fully armed robots plus one repairman behind in this way can repel an attack of almost any scale even without turrets. You should also move in an arc, holding “healers” behind the arc, so that any target falls into the field of fire of the entire brigade at once.

Since we have several opponents, the choice of direction for expansion is very important. The principle of “divide and conquer”, as usual. Our map is a kind of labyrinth in which there are nodal intersections; if such a node is common to you and two opponents, do not rush to capture it, let them thin out each other themselves. And do not hit the weakest of the enemies - thereby you allow the more dangerous one to strengthen.

If the adversary is entrenched at the base and does not want to get out, the method of a false attack by a heavily armored tracked brigade helps. And the main assault group - of course, on antigravs - waits until everyone crawls out to repel the invasion and quickly breaks through.

It is possible - and sometimes necessary - to capture a factory or base before that as the turrets will be destroyed. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this: the turrets are smart enough to fire at the invader first. But the maneuver, when in this way the fire is diverted to the most armored of your monsters, sometimes works (especially if there is a repairman nearby); It’s a pity that tracked robots still won’t crawl to the capture point quickly enough.

Turret selection

As you know, we have four turrets. What is this or that type good for?

Most actively use them as turrets outside the base. flare guns. They need plasma, but if you Not If you arm your robots with plasma guns, you will not be in great short supply of this resource. And little other funds are spent on them. In addition, the missiles are quite powerful and hit armor well.

Inside bases are an ideal remedy - heavy gun. It gives the most powerful damage, and its not very long range will not affect it. But a heavy gun is not cheap, and using it often means cutting down on the resources needed for mobile units.

Laser turret road and not very effective, but there is one situation when it comes into place: if the enemy is carried away by super-heavy armor (a characteristic feature is tracked robots). The laser beam doesn't care about armor. At key points of defense, sometimes it is worth not skimping on the laser.

What is it good for? light gun? The answer to this question is unknown to modern science. Of course, it costs almost nothing, but who is rich enough to buy cheap guns? Especially when they occupy extremely scarce gun sites? Theoretically, its two rapid-fire barrels should help against high-speed “runners” on anti-gravity guns. In practice, it can be described in one word: outdated

Cold iron or about equipment

There is a case on the table - not low, not high, not recumbent, not SLIM, and a power supply with it.
L. Kaganov

In this chapter we will talk about everything that a ranger ship is equipped with. Of course, it will not surprise anyone that many new types of weapons, artifacts, etc. have appeared; but please note that the rules are about body have changed very significantly. In addition, the chapter “Micromodules” talks about a fundamentally new type of equipment.

There is no point in giving exact parameters - they change, and even on the same planet you can easily find a couple of industrial lasers with different parameters. But I will provide complete lists of all types of basic equipment - if only because it is easier to look for them in a local search engine. The higher the number of an item, the better and more expensive it is (although do not forget about the weight: a hefty heavy piece of iron, of course, is cheaper, but it’s better not to take it - it will take up the entire hold).

The race of origin is also of some importance. As its technical sophistication increases (in order: Malok, Peleng, Human, Faeyan, Gaalian), the equipment wears out more slowly, but also costs more (including in terms of repairs). In addition, many micromodules have a manufacturer race restriction.


If in the first “Rangers” all the hulls differed only in size (aka the volume of the hold, also known as the number of hits), the absorption capabilities of the armor and appearance, now another important difference has been added: the number of positions for equipment of all types.

In the picture you see a diagram of the case. For different buildings, certain cells may be painted over - this means that nothing can be placed here. For example, in our example, two of the five cells for weapons are painted over - therefore, more than three guns will not fit here; two out of four artifacts are painted over - the conclusion is clear. There are cases without a droid, without a scanner, without a grip... Only the engine and fuel tank are always present.

It is important: pay special attention to this unique “button”. For hulls without the afterburner function, it is not painted over, but absent. You don’t need to put anything there, it’s just a property of the body that doesn’t require additional equipment. Afterburner is the ability to sharply increase speed due to rapid engine wear. It’s not a stupid idea to fly with a weak and cheap engine, but burn it with afterburner and achieve high speed. In any case, with an afterburner hull you will always have an extra chance to escape, catch up, and so on. The most valuable thing!

There is nothing stopping you from having not one, but several buildings, and storing the extra ones in warehouses. For example, acquire a special transport building for trade operations - a huge hold and no guns.

The combat corps is, as a rule, all five (or at least four) cannon ports, certainly a droid, almost certainly a capture (you didn’t take a vow of poverty, right?) and, normally, at least two artifacts (an anti-gravitator and a rocket launcher , for example - a great combination). Afterburner is very desirable. The scanner can be neglected, the radar too, although this is more difficult. The protective field generator is not relevant from the beginning of the game - less than 25-30% protection is not worth the space it takes up in the hold. Well, I would like the sizes to be not quite Spartan... So that, so to speak, there is no sting in the shoulders. Based on these principles, we will choose our corps for battles. And the absorption properties of armor are, of course, an important thing, but, at worst, they can be developed for money on a scientific basis.

Types of cases:
1. Gravicorn.

2. Mesostructural.

3. Rogostovy.

4. Brominated.

5. Chrobyte.

6. Polymorphic.

7. Nanochitinous.

8. Bioslot.

It is important: the configuration of the case is determined not by its type, but by the series (for example, “Hershey” or “Ideal”). Annoyingly, the local search engine for hull series does not know how to search, and finding the “Ideal” (this is a hull with all open cells and afterburner) can only be done by accident. The best thing to do is to search for "ranger corps" or "pirate corps" - among them you will most often find something decent...


Nothing has changed here. As before, the engine model determines the maximum speed and jump distance. As before, a heavy ship with the same engine moves slower than a light one (which makes the anti-gravitator perhaps the most valuable of the artifacts).

On a note: An artifact called “hypergenerator” replaces the jump range by 40 regardless of the engine model.

“Basic” speed assumes a mass of 500 units. With greater weight of the vessel, the speed decreases (formula: speed in % = 122.333 - 0.045 * Weight), but never falls below a third of the base.

This applies, however, only to the speed in a “quiet” state: in battle, if you are often hit, the engine overheats and the speed drops (can drop by half from the original). An artifact with the colorful name “Thugs” protects against this effect. Also, a gun called “Treton” further reduces the target’s speed.

Although afterburner + hypergenerator is a combination that is a good substitute for a high-quality engine, and the “time galister” stimulator can correct the shortcomings of the “engine,” it’s still not worth saving on the engine. After all, both speed in battle and the ability to quickly trade and complete tasks depend on it... Although there is no such clear dependence as in the first CD - as colleague Khorev said, “ the engine is the key to absolutely everything- is no longer observed.

Engine types:
1. Dive.

2. Singular.

3. Gill-shaped.

4. Streaming.

5. Splash.

6. Graviton.

7. Stanserny.

8. Temporal.

Fuel tank

Fuel is spent on hyperjumps, and that’s all. You must have a tank no less than the maximum jump range that the engine allows. Do you need a margin beyond this? Sometimes - yes, it will allow you to fly without refueling, in particular - to escape from an unfavorable battle. But no one forbids simply carrying a spare tank or tank for refueling in the hold.

Advice: since you don’t need much from a tank, it is often profitable to take a low-class tank and reinforce it with a micromodule - then its repair will cost mere pennies. The same is true for capture and radar.

Types of tanks:
1. Hyperfluidic.

2. Condensate.

3. Reducing.

4. Protovesical.

5. Positional.

6. Endocluster.

7. Gyroscopic.

8. Tecrine.


This is not strictly necessary, but Very simplifying life, because without it you will have to search for everything manually, determine the value of the loot “by smell”, abandon negotiations and mercenaries, and scan (yes, the scanner also does not work without a radar!). In general, it’s better to carry a radar gun. But the latest model is definitely optional. Let there be at least some.

Radar types:

1. Wave.

2. Subtransfer.

4. Beam.

5. Catauric.

6. Neuroflow.

7. Ethane.

8. Null contact.


Hundreds of rangers have lived and will live without a scanner. Is it possible that a pirate might be interested in how valuable the cargo is being carried by the transport and what is better to offer - give up the cargo or pay a fee? For others, only information about the number of hits is valuable, but you can definitely do without it - when the ship is close to destruction, this can be understood by the color of the hit line.

The operation of the scanner is hampered by the protective field generator (they are divided by penetration power). Dominators cannot be scanned.

Scanner types:
1. Traction.

2. Vortex.

3. Neuropalpable.

4. Molecular.

5. Colloidal.

6. Tectorial.

7. Deatomic.

8. Quantifier.


But a droid is an essential item for anyone who plans to participate in battles. And even an avid pacifist should get at least a bad one - so as not to spend money on repairing the hull after an accidental projectile or collision with an asteroid. Well, for a fighter, a droid is almost the most important indicator of his “coolness.”

The droid determines how many body hits will heal per turn (the simplest, biotic, gives 5 units, suspensor - 10...). The best models sometimes provide complete recovery after a volley of a couple of dead ones!

But don't forget that the droid is being repaired body only. Damage to the engine, guns, other equipment (and the droid itself) will have to be repaired for money.

Advice: When repairing on a planet or base, if you are not going to immediately return to battle, do not use “full repair” - repair things one by one. Otherwise, they’ll charge you a tidy sum to repair the case, which the droid will fix anyway.

Droid models:
1. Biotic.

2. Suspensor.

3. Tracking.

4. Stem.

5. Painful.

6. Tensor.

7. Pin.

8. Duplex.

Protection generator

This device reflects a certain percentage of the damage dealt to you (short-wave generator - 5%, then 5% per level). In addition, it protects against scanning (if the scanner is weaker than the generator, scanning is impossible).

At first, the generator is a waste of money and, more importantly, space in the hold, since 5-10% of the deflected damage does not really make a difference. The real benefit begins at about 20-25%, and by the time zone generators appear, this is already a necessary element of equipment for any fighter.

Types of generators:
1. Shortwave.

2. Polarizing.

3. Mesonic.

4. Mesh.

5. Polygonal.

6. Zonal.

7. Micro level.

8. Ultraplasma.


Capture determines only one thing - what size piece a ship can drag into its hold without choking, and from what distance it can do this.

In fact, even the most ordinary, starting one, is quite enough if you strengthen it on a scientific basis and add a micromodule: then fixing it will cost pennies, and it will be able to select more than 100 units, which is enough in 99% of cases. True, there is an unverified opinion that steeper grips also pull the object faster, and this can be critical if you collect trophies right in the thick of battle.

You can exist without capture only if you are not fundamentally interested in trophies. Therefore, it is not a sin to unload it when going on a quest or on a trade voyage, but only avid unmercenaries go to war without capture.

Types of grips:
1. Activator.

2. Telekinetic.

3. Plasmonite.

4. Ectogenic.

5. Piezotronic.

6. Erymetroid.

7. Optical wave.

8. Microtonal.


So we have reached our hope and joy - all kinds of weapons and rays. Since last time, only the industrial laser remains with us, the rest of the list has been changed.

Weapons are now divided into three types: fragmentation, energy, rocket. The difference between the first two classes is small, but it depends on which micromodules can be installed; the rocket one is very different - see the side panel for details. In the future, fragmentation and energy weapons, in contrast to missile weapons, will be called “guns.”

As before, guns can be divided into groups based on range. In Space Rangers, long-range weapons outperformed short-range weapons, despite less damage; in KR2 the imbalance has been smoothed out a little, but nevertheless it makes sense to take either only long-range guns (possibly along with missiles) or only heavy melee weapons. A motley collection of both is impractical: in close combat you will be defeated by those who only have heavy weapons, and in long-range combat you will be shot due to the small number of guns reaching the enemy.

Industrial laser
Damage 1E

Range 2

Not so much a weapon as a tool: when it breaks asteroids, it turns out much more minerals than if you use anything else. If “gathering” doesn’t bother you, carry the laser with you. At first they even fight with them...

Fragmentation weapon
Damage 2O

Range 1

The first weapon with a meaningful level of damage, but you can actually hit it point-blank.

Damage 2E

Range 5

The longest-range cannon of the early period. Due to this, it remains relevant even before the advent of disintegrators.


Range 4

In a past life, the treton was called a retractor. It is remarkable in that a successful hit from it reduces the target's speed. Therefore, the running maneuver with its help is to shoot a treton at a strong enemy so that he lags behind the weak one, at whom the rest of the guns are aimed.

Wave phaser
Damage 3E

Range 2

It hits hard, but not too much, and the stream blaster (which appears at almost the same time) is much better.

Flow blaster

Range 4

The best weapon of its time, without a doubt. It hits very far, and nothing available at this time significantly outweighs it in strength.

Electronic cutter
Damage 2E

Range 3

Weapons of perverts and dominators, because they destroy the enemy’s internal equipment. In theory, they should become defenseless from this, but in reality your trophies perish...

Damage 4O

Range 3

The thing is powerful and relatively long-range; on its basis it is possible to build a “medium-range” configuration.

Atomic vision
Damage 4E

Range 4

Not only is it powerful and long-range, it also has an area effect. A set of five visions “puts” men and pins in entire squadrons.

Damage 5E

Range 5

In my personal opinion, it is the best weapon in the game. And even though the turbogravir hits harder, the disintegrator is not much inferior to it, and its distance is such that few guns can reach it at such a distance. The choice of a professional!

Damage 6E

Range 3

The heaviest of all guns. Dot.

Damage 3O

Range 3

I have no idea what the terronoids had in mind when they created this signature weapon of theirs. It's called funny, but I didn't notice much use from it. Maybe there is some special effect, I'm not sure.

Damage 3E

Range 3

And Kelleroids are no better either. An equally bulky and stupid thing.

Rocket launcher - superweapon or scrap metal?

This question worries many rangers. Missile weapons are very different from everything else, and the question is: should you use them? - is far from obvious.

pros missiles and torpedoes are as follows:

Their range is almost unlimited, you can shoot across half the map, and if, as usual, the Dominators are chasing you, they will fly in and rub their foreheads into your missiles;

They cause very serious damage (torpedoes - by themselves, missiles - thanks to a salvo);

Missiles (but not torpedoes) take up very little space. This is perhaps the lightest weapon of all.

a missile can be shot down from a cannon (a torpedo can too, but it has a lot of hits, and this is not always possible);

This weapon needs to be recharged, which costs a pretty penny, and it’s difficult to release the systems;

You won't be able to fly around the sun - your rockets will burn out in it;

Damage is not inflicted immediately, which means that the enemy will still have time to fire, and besides, it is more difficult to calculate the fire - after all, if the target is destroyed, and the missiles are still flying towards it, then the missile salvo was wasted.

At first glance, it may seem that the cons outweigh the pros, but this is not entirely true. With a fast engine (or in afterburner, or with a time gaalister), you can shoot several pins and menks with missiles, earning valuable experience (or even loot), while when you come within range of the beam, you will be destroyed. Missiles don't force you into a threat zone, and the importance of this cannot be overstated. And by completely switching to rockets, it is quite possible to destroy even equalizers.

Main trick: don't use rocket launchers piece by piece. While a couple of missiles are flying at the enemy, he will probably have time to shoot them off. And if you load four barrels into it, even the equator will not have enough gun power!

Sometimes it seems that it is unprofitable to fire missiles with your back turned to the catching enemy - while these missiles are still unfolding... But this is not so: if the missiles end up flying towards the enemy, this means that during the turn they will probably get closer to the distance, greater range of its guns! That is, he will not be able to fire a single missile and will receive all the ammunition on board.

And, finally, let’s not forget that the costs of constantly recharging rocket launchers are to some extent offset by the fact that much less money is spent on repairing damaged equipment (you’re not exposing yourself to fire!).

In general, the moral is simple: rockets are good if you use them a lot, if you don't be lazy to earn extra quests from time to time, and if you don't forget to switch from them to newer weapons when the enemy's defense becomes too strong for the rocket launcher (circa the era of mass production of streaming blasters).

Should we then arm ourselves with torpedoes? This is a more difficult question. By this time, many are no longer afraid of coming under fire; for them, it is more important to have time to collect trophies. But if you are lucky enough to get some torpedo tubes with low mass - try this method of combat...


Artifacts are obtained only in three ways: in black holes (guaranteed), at a military base as bonuses (sometimes) and as rewards for quests (occasionally).

There are quite a lot of them in the game, but I won’t describe them all - I’ll limit myself to the most useful or interesting ones. And I will divide them into groups, so to speak, according to their occupation.

I did not describe a whole series of artifacts that allow you to change the structure of the ship - for example, connecting additional guns instead of a protection generator or three artifacts instead of a droid, as well as amplifiers for weapons and some other items.


Anti-gravitator. Reduces the mass of the ship, and since it greatly affects speed, it is one of the most useful artifacts in the entire game.

Hypergenerator. Regardless of the engine, the jump range becomes 40 parsecs. If you find this thing early enough, completing quests becomes a bonanza.

Scumbags. Eliminates the effect of engine slowdown in combat due to overheating and exposure to tretons. Without them, your speed in battle will gradually decrease.

Psi-matter accelerator. It simply increases the ship's speed.

The battle Droid Jr. An extra droid in the kit has never bothered anyone.

:Iron zhupi. As before, they enhance the absorption capacity of the housing.

Quark bomb. You throw it out of the hold, fly to the side and blow it up with a weapon - and everyone around you becomes very sad and sad.

Swallow, racket provide additional protection against energy and missile weapons, respectively. The swallow is much more powerful.

Tranclucator- an additional warship, which, being unloaded from the hold, fights for you! By the end of the game he is of little use, but at the beginning he is capable of making your career on his own.


Blast wave localizer. Significantly increases the amount of loot dropped from the victim! With it, “shooting” a full hold of light and expensive parts is a matter of minutes.

Nanitoids. As before, nanitoids provide the greatest profit to the fighter, eliminating the cost of repairing all equipment except the nanitoids themselves. They slowly but surely fix everything they can get their hands on. By the way, they have lost the stupid habit of starting with repairing the spoils in the hold.

Oblivion connector. Same as nanitoids, but only repairs the engine. But fast enough that you can fly with afterburner for a very long time! Therefore, this is actually the most powerful acceleration of the ship.

Black sludge. Gradually fills the tank with fuel. If in the first CD this was the most valuable thing, because it allowed you to escape from the enemy system without recharging, now no one bothers you to carry refueling with you, and the importance of the liquid has noticeably decreased.


A micromodule is an improvement to any piece of hardware on your ship. They are obtained for surrendering nodes in the ranger center, as well as as a reward for quests and for liberating systems. Sometimes they also “fall out” from downed dominators.

The micromodule itself weighs almost nothing, and, what is especially nice, does not modify (unless otherwise stated) the price of the item in which it is installed. This means that an old gripper with a micromodule with a capacity of +70 can still be repaired for pennies...

The supplied micromodule cannot be removed.

It is important: Don’t rush to install a micromodule if you plan to improve something at a research station. They don’t work with items that have “something non-standard” in them. Improve it first, you will always have time to install the module.

Searching for the names of modules (as well as series of cases), alas, does not work.

There are modules that can be installed in different types of equipment, for example, in a droid or in a protection generator. If the module description says something like “Droid: +5 units, Generator: +5%,” this means that it can enhance either one or the other. It will not give both effects at the same time, because you will have to put it in a specific device. But if both effects relate to the same device - for example, engine speed and jump distance - then both will work.

Below, if I write “+ so many units” about a weapon, I mean units of damage, not range.

Micromodules of the third level (the cheapest)

Antenna. Improves the performance of scanning and radar devices. Built into an antenna amplifier, increasing its power. Radar range: +210 units. Scanner power: +3 units.

Upper. Increases engine and radar power by increasing energy conversion efficiency. Engine: +20 speed, radar: +400 radius.

Berserk. It complements weapon systems with a fairly massive particle accelerator and an antimatter generator, significantly increasing the combat characteristics of the weapon. Strength of any weapon: +5 units. Firing range: +20 units.

Botter. Updates the repair droid's programming, making its actions more accurate and efficient. Compatible only with Feyan equipment. Droid efficiency: +5 units.

Brond. Capable of generating super-dense particles at high speed, used to protect the ship. Compatible with housing and field generator. Hull armor: +3 units. Field generator: +5 units.

Vortex. Contains an additional high-precision microcontroller for engine navigation systems. Due to the higher accuracy of calculations, the speed and range of the jump increases. Only compatible with human engines. Engine speed: +30 units. Jump range: +3 units.

Gromodryn. Removes unnecessary service blocks from the droid (protection from noise, radiation, fools, etc.), replacing them with additional repair modules. This operation, which increases the efficiency of the droid at the expense of its cost, is only possible on droids of Malok and Peleng production. Droid efficiency: +15 units. Cost: -50%

Gugaal. Allows you to maximize the speed potential of Gaal engines, which is inherent in the design, but is not used in modern propulsion systems. Design changes are minor, but they nevertheless increase the cost of the engine by 25%. Engine speed: +60 units.

Rangefinder. Reduces the inertia of the gun's correction systems, increasing the firing range. Range: +25 units

Dalstar. Allows you to increase the operating range of the equipment by eliminating the statistical calculation error that appears in bearing equipment when calculating in extreme intervals. Compatible only with bearing types of equipment. Jump range: +8 units. Radar range: +500 units. Weapon firing range: +30 units.

Dronner. Increases the droid's capabilities by replacing some parts with more effective, but also heavier ones. The droid's weight increases. Droid efficiency: +20 units. Size: +18%

Interdesign. Due to a more rational re-equipment of the ship's premises, the hull capacity increases by 7%. Case size: +7%

Klein. Increases the power of any weapon, while reducing its firing range. Energy weapon power: +7 units. Fragment weapon power: +15 units. Rocket weapon power: +10 units. Firing range: -20 units.

Mini size. Makes a number of replacements of large texoelements with more compact, but at the same time very cheap. Only compatible with human race equipment. Does not interact with energy and missile weapons, as well as with the hull. Size: -20%. Cost: -30%

Paxton. Allows you to more rationally rearrange the elements of a protection generator made using Maloka technology. This leads to a reduction in the size of the device, while its performance is not affected, but the power drops slightly. Field generator: -2 units. Size: -75%

Patch 0.96 alpha. Contains a set of flashing modules for software of computing and correcting devices of some types of equipment. The patch increases the accuracy and speed of floating point calculations. The alpha version is compatible with equipment of all races. Engine speed: +25 units. Radar range: +250 units. Scanner power: +2 units. Droid repair: +4 units. Firing range: +30 units.

Platinos. Covers equipment with a thin layer of platinum, increasing its value. Cost: +20%.

In-line. It is built into the in-line scanner unit and allows you to increase the spectrum of received waves. Scanner power: +5 units.

Rocket. Micromodule containing omnidirectional beta conductors. Significantly increases the power of missile weapons, partially energy weapons. Energy weapons: +4 units. Missiles: +10 units.

Res. Softens and deforms the walls of the fuel tank, increasing its volume. Tank: +10 units, size increases by 20%.

Fayjoule. It is added to the engine navigation system, increasing the clock frequency of the device's computing unit. Compatible only with Feyan equipment. Engine speed: +25 units. Jump range: +8 units. Size: +20%

Cent. Affects the material component of any object (except the body), slightly increasing the size of the object. The cost, on the contrary, is reduced by 4 times, which leads to the profitability of subsequent repairs. Size: +10%.

Rustle. Increases the effectiveness of the interference filter of the protective field generator. In this case, the active micromodule occupies a fairly large volume. Generator power: +5 units. Size: +25%

Electro. Affects the power of energy weapons using the principle of multiplying the power of the pulse generator. Energy weapons: +5 units.

Micromodules of the second level

Addon. Attaches an additional cargo compartment to the hull, increasing its capacity by 15%. For some reason, application to the Peleng hulls is impossible. Case size: +15%.

Armor package. Equips the ship's hull with additional sheets of composite armor. The gyroscopic hinged fastenings of the armor plates and shock absorbers located inside the hull occupy a fairly large volume, significantly reducing the capacity of the ship. Hull armor: +8 units. Size: -10%.

Dioschit. Replaces the moving parts of the protective field generator and missile weapons with elements of the dominator operating principle. A joint development of the Faeans and humans, it works only with the equipment of these races. Field generator: +8 units. Rocket weapon power: +10 units.

Dronz. Improves vector-type batteries, allowing the droid to last longer and therefore repair more damage. Useless for Human, Fae and Gaal droid models. Droid efficiency: +25 units.

Impelgun. Replaces the magnetic generator of the scanner with a more expensive pulse-gravitational one, thereby increasing the power of the device. Scanner power: +12 units. Cost: +25%

Integrator. Increases the weapon's damage coefficient by singularly amplifying the initial impulse. Energy weapon power: +5 units. Fragment weapon power: +15 units. Rocket weapon power: +5 units. Size: +25%

Columbrator. Improves the characteristics of wave emitters of devices. Increases the power of equipment that uses continuous wave radiation and fields with wave characteristics, such as radar, acquisition and field generator. Radar range: +700 units. Capture: +40 units. Field generator: +5 units.

Convector. Built into the mechanical part of the device. Increases scanner power and radar range. Compatible with human equipment only. Radar range: +1000 units. Scanner power: +10 units.

Magnicum. Increases the potential of the field generated by the capture, thereby increasing the power of the device. Capture power: +70 units.

Maform. Produces physical deformation of the compensatory modules of Malok weapons in the direction of increase, while the damage caused increases. Since this is one of the most expensive components, the cost of the weapon increases sharply. Size: +20%. Cost: +60%

Microshot. Replaces the coordinate system of the correction module with the Feyan ecliptic one, increasing the firing distance of guns and the hyperjump range of the engine. Not suitable for use in Maloksky and Bearing equipment. Jump range: +10 units. Firing range: +50 units.

Volume. Curves the area of ​​space inside the tank, allowing you to accommodate a larger volume of fuel while maintaining the same mass and size of the tank itself. Compatible with Peleng and Feyan type equipment. Tank volume: +20 units.

Optimizer. Removes non-functional and decorative components and parts from bearing equipment, reducing its overall dimensions. Not used for hulls and weapon systems. Volume reduction by 20%.

Paragon. Replaces the capture energy source with a more powerful and expensive one. However, the new generator takes up more space. Not compatible with equipment of the Peleng race. Capture power: +80 units. Size: +10%. Cost: +20%.

Patch 0.95 beta. Contains a set of flashing modules for software of computing and correcting devices of some types of equipment. The patch increases the accuracy and speed of floating point calculations. Due to its dampness, the patch conflicts with the software of Feyan and Malok equipment. Engine speed: +50 units. Radar range: +500 units. Scanner power: +5 units. Droid repair: +5 units. Firing range: +50 units.

Shift. Modifies the engine acceleration system, thereby increasing the jump range in hyperspace. Adapted for bearing and human engines. Jump range: +14 units.

Squeeze. Replaces the largest boards with their smaller modern counterparts. Reduces the size of any equipment and weapons except the hull. Compatible only with Feyan types of equipment. Size: -40%.

Spaai. A quasi-intelligent unit that significantly increases the power of a Gaal radar or scanner through the use of "pseudo-intuition". Radar range: +1500 units. Scanner power: +17 units.

Splinter. Adjusts the bolt mechanism of fragmentation weapons, increasing firing efficiency. Compatible with Malok and Bearing weapons. Fragmentation weapons: +10 units.

Stop. Replaces moving parts of equipment with stronger platinum ones. Reduces size and increases equipment cost. Not applicable to weapon systems and hulls. Size: -30%. Cost: +50%.

Strater. Generates a zero-friction field, reducing engine energy loss at the output, thereby increasing speed. Compatible only with Maloka equipment. Engine speed: +80 units.

Turing. Replaces a massive gun turret with a power mount. Part of the generator's energy is spent on dampening recoil, so the range and power of the shot are reduced, but the gun occupies half the volume. Weapon power: -5 units. Firing range: -10 units. Size: -50%

Exploder. Built into the engine. Destabilizes the molecular structure of the fuel, increasing its detonation properties. This allows you to increase the engine speed, however, due to high overloads, the hyperjump range decreases. Unfortunately, Maloka engines cannot withstand the increased loads. Engine speed: +150 units. Jump range: +7 units.

Energos. Added as an auxiliary device to the beam synthesizer for energy types of weapons. Energy weapons: +7 units.

Excalibur. Invented by human scientists, this micro-module modifies the converters of energy weapons, significantly increasing their lethality. For patriotic reasons, this module is only compatible with human equipment. Energy weapon power: +15 units.

Micromodules of the first level

Antifay. Increases the charge of rocket weapons. For unknown reasons, it is rejected by Faeian equipment. Rocket power: +30 units.

Bach. Special nanobots make changes in the molecular structure of the fuel, reducing its actual volume, which makes it possible to store a larger amount of fuel without changing the characteristics of the fuel equipment itself. Compatible with Gaalian and human equipment. Tank volume: +35 units.

Broing. A unique and expensive generator creates a surface repellent field with a high degree of absorption of kinetic and thermal energy, and can be used to increase the protective properties of the housing and the field generator. Compatible only with devices manufactured by Peleng. Hull armor: +13 units. Field generator: +13 units. Cost: +40%.

Vintar. Increases the explosive power of fragmentation weapons by increasing critical mass. The cost of weapons increases by 50%. Suitable only for Malok and Bearing types of weapons. Fragment weapon power: +35 units.

Dalpun. Adds an atmic guidance system to the weapon, increasing the range of energy and fragmentation weapons. Increases the occupied volume due to the built-in atmic scanner. Incompatible with Gaal weapon types. Firing range: +120 units. Size: +35%.

Dvima. Modifies movement crystal fillers, increasing speed and jump distance. Suitable for Maloka engines. Speed: +180 units. Jump range: +20 units.

Jumpgater 3.11. Patches the software part of the navigation and instantaneous engine correction module to version 3.11, increasing the engine's jump range. Jump range: +20 units. Cost: +40%

Jake. Replaces fuel filters, increasing the degree of fuel purification, thereby increasing engine speed. Speed: +140 units.

Zhampa. Installs an additional converter that allows you to increase the energy potential of the fuel for a short time. This increases the jump range. Jump range: +14 units. Size: +20%.

Burning sensation. Adds additional damaging elements to projectiles using antimatter particles. Significantly increases the power of weapons, especially fragmentation types. Compatible with Gaal and Bearing types of weapons. Energy weapon power: +20 units. Fragment weapon power: +40 units. Rocket weapon power: +30 units.

Iikebanit. Applies a decorative coating that gives any Gaal equipment the coloring of a complete Gaal Iike-baana. The cost of such equipment increases by 2.5 times. Cost: +150%.

Krepchak. Built into the body. Attachs its micronetwork of repulsive stationary nanobots, partially blocking the damage it receives. Compatible only with peleng and human type hulls. Hull armor: +12 units.

Micro-sized. Reduces the distance in molecular networks of any equipment and compensates for changes in intramolecular forces. Cannot be used for hulls and weapons, as in this case their functionality is lost. The micromodule allows you to reduce the size of the equipment by 30%. Cannot be used in Gaal equipment.

Minivision. Replaces the radar navigation unit with a new miniature, balanced and highly efficient element. Radar range: +1500 units. Size: -15%.

Shell. Conducts high-frequency bombardment of the body with energy quanta, increasing the protective characteristics of the material. This treatment is part of the standard hull making process for all races except the Malok, and is therefore only effective on Malok hulls. Hull armor: +14 units.

Redusa. Reduces the internal diameter of the engine nozzles by growing composite crystals, resulting in an increase in the jet stream exit speed. Used only for bearing engines. Engine speed: +140 units.

Univers. Built into a standard expansion slot of any equipment. Actively participates in the operation of the device, optimizing calculations and the operation of the equipment. Hull armor: +10 units. Tank volume: +15 units. Engine speed: +70 units. Radar range: +800 units. Scanner power: +10 units. Droid efficiency: +20 units. Fragment weapon power: +30 units. Rocket weapon power: +20 units.

Hub. Attaches an additional hub block to the body, increasing its volume by 25%. Originally designed exclusively for human hulls, the Faeians also licensed its use and adapted it for their ships. Case size: +25%.

Hokus. Changes the periodicity of oscillations of the capture wave field in accordance with the characteristics of the material of the captured object, increasing the penetrating ability of the field and, accordingly, the capture power. Grip Strength: +150 units.

Extremer. Through a more rational program for using the internal space of the cargo compartment and eliminating non-functional structures, it increases the capacity and cost of the ship's hull. Suitable for Maloka enclosures only. Size: +20%. Cost: +60%.

Anti-dominator programs

Strictly speaking, this is not really equipment, because it does not take up space.

You get them on military bases - simply for military merit. The assortment depends on number of nodes submitted, so don't neglect this activity.

Anti-dominator programs are truly powerful things, but you won’t be able to use them regularly, because the supply of “charges” is limited. So, from time to time - to “solo” free the system or kill a particularly harmful urgant. Or force the equator to throw valuable equipment overboard.

To use the programs, you need Intercom - a decoder of dominator signals. The number of its “charges” is also limited, keep an eye on it.

List of programs:

Emergency Signal. Having received an emergency signal, the Dominator will throw away some of the equipment and weapons. A valuable thing because you can pick it up right away.

W-Coder. A universal codec for selecting and replacing passwords for weapon systems. The Dominator will need time to recover the data. Doesn't work very well.

Gatrix matrix. A huge matrix of jumbled data overloads the robot's electronic circuits with a flood of information. The robot flies mindlessly and shoots at random. There is almost no beneficial effect.

Shocker-5300. The program interferes with the operation of electrical circuits and makes navigation difficult. The robot flies slowly and shoots poorly. A little better than the previous one, but not much.

The ultimate weapon. Zero level order for self-destruction. Dominators obey unquestioningly.

System shutdown. All robot data is deleted. The Dominator turns off and does not respond to anything else.

Advice from Uncle Harpagon or how to become rich

In the first CDs, the advice was simple: go to prison and win initial capital in prison. After the patch, it became different: fly through safe hyper clumps and collect garbage, that is, minerals.

Now neither one nor the other can be called an ideal way to make money. Nowadays other methods are in honour.


Trading in KR2, unlike KR1, really brings excellent income. The main thing is to act according to science, and not at random.

First of all, we fly to the nearest business center and boldly take out a loan there: we can’t go anywhere without it. There are different types of loans; if we can immediately buy a decent engine (we found it using a search engine nearby and not too heavy), we take a large loan; if not, we take one so that we have something to trade for.

Right there, in the center, we leave everything unnecessary - that is, all the equipment except the engine and tank, for the lazy - also the radar. Yes, yes, including guns and capture.

Now we ask for a market analysis - for short and long-distance routes at once - and begin to study the proposed options. Analysts offer us the best routes in terms of percent of profit, but we are not interested in this, but in profit per unit volume: If the loan we just took is large enough, we will have enough money to fill the hold, and there is no need to bother with cheap things. However, everything that is recommended is worth doing.

Having arrived on the planet with the optimal selling price, before purchasing, we perform two operations:

We check whether the purchase price where we are going to transport the cargo is still good enough;

Isn’t there a planet closer, first of all - right in this star system, where all this can be sold at a good price? Let it be a couple of coins lower than somewhere far away, but we will ship the goods quickly and gain time.

What follows is more or less clear.

Having received a profit, we first try to strengthen the engine and hold. If we plan to engage in trading for a long time in order to accumulate a decent capital, it makes sense to even buy a merchant hull or a liner, a lot of We don’t need guns at this stage. A couple of barrels will be enough to protect against a pirate - and the hulls of the liners will allow you to carry these guns and leave enough space for cargo. The main thing is to remember to leave enough money for trading operations.

Don't have a decent engine? Do not despair. Ride the hull with afterburner, and the cost of repairing a cheap engine will easily be recouped.

Especially for bearings, let me remind you that loans are supposed to be repaid. Otherwise, fortune will quickly turn its back on you: business centers will simply stop serving you, the planets will become angry, and pirates, tempted by the prize for your head, will begin to take an active interest in it.

Small and unscrupulous people can make a one-time super profit by purchasing cheap illegal goods from the Pelengs and selling them to the Gaalians or Faeans. But if you abuse this, your red curls will become familiar, and they will start beating you. Don’t forget that business centers operate legally and smuggling flights are not reported.

By the way, pay for health insurance. You will need stimulants.


There’s not much to say here, but I’ll still give you a couple of tips.

Firstly, this method is for those with a decent reputation. Pirates and smugglers don't worry. Secondly, before the “quest” certainly get pumped up at the medical station with Ragobam Whisper; if desired and possible - Absolute status (with it you can safely take “more difficult” conditions, the terms are soft) and Gaalistra of time (accelerates your wanderings).

The most profitable of all quests are planetary battles: you don’t need to fly anywhere, everything is here, in place, and you make a profit without the slightest cost.

Text quests are the next most profitable, followed by courier ones. If you have a decent engine (especially in terms of jump range), take on more difficult conditions, and the golden key will be in your pocket.

Hunting pirates offers a large reward, but, as before, this is an inconvenient business. Not because the pirate resists, but because he strives to take refuge on the planet, or even, what good, end up in jail - and then your quest cried. It’s good that in this case it’s possible see his ship on the planet where he was planted...

Guarding star systems is a tedious and unpleasant task. Firstly, you might miss something, and secondly, it takes a very long time. On the other hand, pirates do not often kill peaceful ships, but for the fact that they just shot at the liner, you won’t be deducted; so you can take advantage of this time to trade in the system.

But quests like “our liner is in distress, bring some medicine” from the second part have disappeared somewhere. Apparently, airliners have learned to bring them themselves?

When flying on quests, carry a spare tank of fuel with you so as not to land on the planet during a transit flight. Of course, this is if the main tank is not enough for two jumps.


War has become a profitable business. By selling Dominator spare parts at double the price (and not at half, as was the case with Klisans), you can make an excellent business.

But “collecting carrion,” as it once was, is now more difficult. Spare parts for the Dominators will be assembled without you. Nodes are lying around freely, and if desired, they can be collected even on transport, when warriors beat the Dominators. But they give little money for the nodes. True, as one Faeyan poet said, “protoplasm is not for sale, but modules can be sold”...

Do not forget that when some research is completed, the corresponding parts cannot be sold at double the price. You can hand them over to other departments on a single basis. And when all three studies are completed, this method of earning money will close... but why do you need earnings after that?

Alas, in war you not only earn money, but also spend it on repairs, and this pleasure is very expensive. Typically, profits and costs are quite comparable. But there are things you can do to reduce costs. Namely:

Take the Super-Technic stimulant regularly. It pays off, many times over, especially towards the end of the game;

Train knowledge of technology;

Getting nanitoids is the most important artifact for saving money;

Never use a full repair: repair things separately, and let the droid repair the case - for free (this can save 10-20 percent, depending on the situation);

At the beginning of the game, earn yourself a pirate rating, and then get repairs at pirate bases at a reduced price;

Use the Cent micromodule, which reduces the cost of the part, especially for the engine and, occasionally, guns;

Minor parts - a gripper, a radar, a scanner, and sometimes a tank - should be taken from the cheapest models, reinforced with micromodules (the gripper is better, after all, a Faeyan or Gaalian one, so that it doesn’t break too often, but the most primitive version): micromodules, without increasing the price, greatly improve the characteristics of these details;

Get an atomic vision and shoot it in such a way as to detonate a cloud of enemy missiles.


The most controversial way to make money, since there are a lot of big shots for it, but the income is so-so. We will probably return to this topic in separate expert advice.

Piracy makes sense mainly at the very beginning of the game. It is recommended to choose the appropriate race - Peleng or Malok, so that at least at home you are loved and understood.

Start your pirate career by taking out a loan - just go for a walk - and get medical insurance. Try to always fly under Gaalistra + One-Eyed Hamas.

Hamas makes it possible to demand and receive tribute: otherwise, even the most peaceful ships do not always agree to share the cargo. A robbed ship is much better for your reputation than a killed one.

Try to rob ships of other races, so as not to inadvertently be unable to land on your own planet. It’s not bad, for example, to arrive in the Gaal system, rob a couple of transports (they carry luxury and equipment there) - and quickly escape to another.

When “you are already known everywhere” - at the pirate base, change your citizenship to a trustworthy Faeyan, human or Gaalian, and rejoice at your “resurrected” reputation.

An option for “honest pirates” is to pump up your charm and go to war with the Dominators. It is possible to restore a reputation from “below the plinth” to excellent. Especially if you first make a contribution at the business center for benefits to the families of the fallen rangers.

Perhaps the most important advantage of such a career is the earned pirate rating, which allows you to repair things on the cheap at pirate bases. This makes your further war much more economical.

Black holes

Black holes are no longer an important source of income. No, a visit there brings some profit in the form of minerals and an obligatory artifact, but you won’t get rich by selling artifacts, and minerals, as always, are cheap.

Don't forget that you can collect minerals by Alt and clicking the mouse, but after winning, clicking the mouse immediately takes you out of the black hole, so only Alt remains. I hope the patch will fix this inconvenience.


A method for the most humble and leisurely. You need a large hold (for carrying cheap cargo), a decent engine (to catch up with the asteroid), an industrial laser (without it, don’t even try to do this - 20 tons of minerals will fall out of the asteroid, which will not even pay your hero the cost of beer).

If you wish, you can make up your starting capital for trading this way. But why, if you can take out a loan at interest rates that are not extortionate?

How to save the galaxy

We talked a lot about what you can do in the game. What's in it need to do?

The Dominators, like Gaul from the time of H.Y. Caesar, are divided into three parts. Red, blue, green, or blazeroids, kelleroids and terronoids. For the final victory, you must get rid of their command centers.

In theory, you can simply find them and try to destroy them... But, even if the armor is strong and the droid is fast, it won’t be easy; except that Keller is armed rather weakly for his position. For the sake of an experiment, your humble servant has been running around in circles from Mr. Terron and his associates for many months, engraving him with five turbogravers decorated on all sides, all up to his ears in stimulants, and I will say: kill him really. But he has 10,000 hitoa, 15 armor and 46% defense, so judge for yourself. And the retinue does not sleep. True, Terron's droid heals only 30 hits per turn, which seems frivolous for such a carcass. And this is your chance.

If you decide to use the head-on method, then the advice is simple: shoot the retinue first, the boss lives in a stationary orbit and would not sneeze on you. Before arriving in the system, take stimulants, of which the main one this time will be super technician: The most difficult thing in a protracted battle is to keep the droid and guns intact. When you have cleared the sky of small things, you can fight automatically, just be careful not to slip into zero hit points, and if necessary, fly to the side from time to time to heal. As you can see, nothing supernatural, but there is nothing to do here with low accuracy, weak weapons or a bad droid. Of course, the quark bomb helps a lot - with Terron's predictable trajectory it is not difficult to install it.

It's worse with Blazer because he's heavier armed.

How to find bosses? Blazer and Terron usually live in the farthest corner of the Universe from your starting world (yes, the same one where the entire corner of the map is covered with dominators. There, as a rule, there are three worlds - blazeroid, terronoid and kelleroid. Two bosses live at home, and Keller is walking, and you'll have to run after him. But you can find him too. Try to find a world where the Dominators have just invaded and a black hole opened around the same time - most likely, that's where Keller lives. Or - a system with a black hole, occupied "blue" Dominators. In this case, Keller is probably not in the system, but in this very hole. In any case, he will almost certainly have to be killed in hyper, and not in ordinary space.

Standard method of destruction

But it’s not in vain that we’ve been feeding scientific bases all this time? There is also a regular way to achieve victory. Sooner or later, scientists will develop means to one way or another eliminate the leaders of the Dominators.

On a note: no one forbids you to hand over terronoid parts to the blazeroid department, etc. In this case, you will not receive double money, but research will be in full swing!

However, it's not just about finding the boss and waving a scientific development...


With this everything is easiest. All you really need to do is engage in conversation with him and win those negotiations. There is only one trick here: when you offer Blaser a “new super program” and he asks what you want for it, explain that you hope to receive a guarantee of immunity, otherwise he will not believe it. Well, after downloading the program, calmly tell Blazer to command all his robots to do hara-kiri, and to move on to the defense program for his system...


Scientists refuse to destroy Keller: he, you see, is their colleague, and his murder is abhorrent to these rotten intellectuals. Therefore, you will first have to frolic with him in a black hole, where he will be covered by the equator and some smaller living creatures. Moreover, there is a real problem with healers in this section of the hyper - there is only one for the entire map, in the center, and if Keller picks it up, it won’t seem enough. The moral is obvious - lure him to the edge and from time to time make quick raids to the healer.

It sounds scary, but in fact you don’t have to be a “super buffalo” of arcade battles to get Keller to the point where he’s inclined to negotiate.

After this, all that remains is to convince Keller to stop his scientific activities. He objects that disassembling for parts is a natural method of research, and the fact that after this you do not know how to put it back together is your personal difficulties. He is very grateful to the living for what they did, but this is not a reason to refuse to know you.

True, you can put it off for a while, since some material has already been collected, and completely unexplored Klisans live and live in the next dimension. So send him there, to the delight of all the Makhpells... Of course, in a couple of hundred years they will come here to see who is so smart here, and you will receive the glory of the new Rachekhan (who doesn’t know who we are talking about - I sympathize, apparently, with the Klisan You spent the war from KR1 in the rear, avoiding for health reasons). But, after all, we already know how to defeat the Klisan, right?

If you chose this method (and not destroying Keller), then the Kelleroids will still remain in the systems. But it is no longer necessary to fight with them - even if they are not destroyed, it will still be counted as a victory for you.


If Blazer is defeated in space, and Keller is defeated in hyper, then Terron - where? That's right, in a planetary battle. The planet, funny as it may seem, is Terron itself.

To do this, you need to use a program from scientists for hacking planetary shield and land directly on the boss's surface. After which you will find the most interesting RTS mission in the game.

You have two groups of robots: one is a balanced army at the bottom of the map, with four repairmen, the other is higher up - a group of kamikazes armed with bombs. There is no base - and where would it come from here? The enemy has many, many turrets and several robots with them.

The lower group moves carefully, disabling the turrets one by one. To do this, three assault robots crawl up to the turret in a neat row, followed by three repairmen. You cannot afford any significant losses, so you need to take “naked” turrets so as not to scratch the skin. The bombers ram their bombs into the passage from the corridor where they were originally sitting.

After reunification, the logic is simple - the bomber is ahead, followed by the assault group.

As you noticed, one significant part of the game remained behind the scenes - text quests. Alas, it simply did not fit in the entire room, and giving part of it seems impractical. Therefore, I regret to inform you that we will talk about text quests in the February issue of LCI. But you won't be tempted to go through everything on the cheat sheet right away, and you'll probably have even more fun!

Have a good flight!

Did you know......that in Space Rangers 2 you can choose to play any quest, planetary battle or arcade battle?
To do this, in the main menu you need to click:

Calling the list of quests: Ctrl+Shift+livebook

Calling up a list of planetary battle maps: Ctrl+Shift+robotrumble

Activating arcade mode: Ctrl+Shift+fastfingers to see developer portraits in KR2?
Connoisseurs of the first part are probably already wondering where they were hidden this time. Now they “sit” deeper than before.

You need to fight Terron on his planet (or download the terron battle map, as indicated above) and bring one robot with a bomb and full health (!) to the room in the center of the map. Blow it up there and observe the effect...

The vast blackness of space, permeated by the solar wind and asteroids. Hundreds of worlds that are waiting for you and hoping for your help, no matter financial or military. Many competitors and one evil enemy for all.

Something similar happened before, in my past lives. I remember landing a ship on a station in Elite, shooting at Phobos in Frontier, fighting the atmosphere in Battlecruiser Millennium, running between stargates in X-Tension, organizing super fights in Star Control 2. Now there’s a new misfortune, and I became a hero again. Or rather, one of the heroes...

Well, now you’ve got your ship,” the official representative of the authorities concluded the instructions. — Three hundred credits have been transferred to your account. Congratulations, you are now a space ranger. And even though you currently occupy thirty-sixth place at the very bottom of the galactic ranking, I am sure that a great future awaits you. The invaders are cruel and incredibly strong, but desperate guys like you will help us deal with them... probably.

“Probably,” he correctly noted. According to the latest reports, the Klisans have already captured half of all inhabited star systems, and continue to capture system after system. If it weren't for my desperate financial situation, which I now hope to improve, I would still be living on the planet away from the furious but hopeless battles. On the other hand, if the Klisans win, there will simply be nowhere to hide.

Well... - the representative wiped away an uninvited tear. - Good luck, suicide bomber, don’t forget to fly into the ranger center to register. And a personal request from me: try to prevent the Klisans from taking over my system.

Perhaps these are the only sincere words I hear today. On your marks...

Team Elemental Games from Vladivostok completely unexpectedly gave us a game "Space Rangers". This game is an amazing combination of strategy, tactics, diplomacy, trade and quests. The “free” gaming style here is very organically combined with role-playing elements, a turn-based system of movement and combat. Let's not forget about arcade battles in hyperspace, original graphics and space music that fits organically into the game.

There simply cannot be a walkthrough in the sense of “go there, do this,” since with the beginning of each new game a new, unique world is generated. There is no desire to “pump up and hit everyone” or “skip through the plot” here. I want to live here. Live by the rules, live as you see fit.

In this guide you will find:

Description of all races and types of NPCs in the game. Their behavior, character and attitude towards you will be especially noted, depending on your lifestyle.

Description of all the equipment that you can install on your ship. There will also be recommendations on how to use and update it.

Listing of all types of artifacts, their functions, comparison by degree of usefulness.

Strategic tips for the game: financial issues, government missions, game time frames, recruiting other rangers, etc.

Tactical tips for the game: battles in space, battles in hyperspace, various tactics, collecting trophies, etc.

Passage of all text quests in the game.

Let's go. "Klisany no pasarany"!

Basic Concepts

Background and distinctive features of the game

Space Rangers are lone mercenaries hired by the Galactic Council to fight the invaders. The invaders are a cruel, warlike alien race - the Klisans (nee Klings). It is unknown why, they came from deep space and caused a real massacre on the border star systems. They never gave up, never backed down, and never got in touch. The army could not hold back the massive attacks of aliens for long and suffered one defeat after another. In this regard, the urgently assembled Galactic Council of Five Races (about them below) began to collect volunteers who could single-handedly make their way through enemy barriers to the main ship of the Klisans, the mother ship called Machpella.

At the beginning of the game there are about three dozen heroes, and the player is one of them. Rangers are given a ship, a basic set of equipment, some money and complete freedom of action (including significant tax breaks). The government won't just give you anything anymore: it is tacitly assumed that each ranger must supply himself. To gain experience, as well as better weapons and equipment, you will need to engage in trade, carry out government tasks, pirate (or fight pirates), and collect trophies. But all this must be subordinated to the main goal - the fight against the Klisans and the search for their mother ship.

What you do and how you do it is entirely up to you. You can get involved in trading, or you don’t have to, becoming a pirate and simply robbing ships flying by. You can become a gloomy warrior and live only on sold trophies. You can make a name for yourself, accumulate capital and hire up to five rangers as assistants.

During the game, events are constantly happening around you. This could be an increase or decrease in prices on planets, Klisan attacks (successful or not), dialogues and showdowns between pirates and rangers. Any ranger can die, go into the service of another ranger, or even go to prison.

You are not some kind of outside observer; on the contrary, you can interfere in almost everything. You can cause a collapse in prices on the planet by selling a large amount of goods, persuade a pirate to stop attacking peaceful transport, invite a group of merchants or warriors to attack pirates or klisans together. The options for action are innumerable.

Your actions not only affect the world, but also the ending of the game. There are several ways to complete it. You might simply die. You can destroy the Klisans by physically exterminating them (at easy levels they can easily do this without you(!)). We can help scientists create a mental communicator that allows them to communicate with Machpella and find out the motives of the Klisans. There are several other options for ending the game, including the most unpleasant one - when the Klisans capture one system after another, killing all the rangers and forcing you to retreat to the last star system along with a couple of traders. And then with one big blow they capture it too, destroying you and defeating you completely.

But I’m sure it won’t come to that, especially after reading the manual.


You are one of them. You are just one of them, and at first - the weakest and deadest. Rangers are your colleagues, your friends. But sometimes they are also competitors, and sometimes even enemies. In the game, they are the ones who have the most developed artificial intelligence, which allows them to do everything that a player can do (with the exception of completing text quests). Any of them can become a merchant and transport between planets and star systems. If the ranger prefers the noise of battle, he will attack the Klisans, defend systems from them, or try to recapture those that have already been captured, together with the military or colleagues. Rangers with criminal inclinations may well become pirates, earning easy money and ruining relations with planets. Ranger character is not a dogma. Today he robbed liners, and tomorrow he is a brave warrior or a prudent businessman.

The ranger table is always available to you. It shows how many points each person earned, how many ships of the Klisans, pirates and others he shot down, how many systems were liberated with his participation, what military rank he has, rating (more about him below), etc.

Naturally, sometimes a ranger dies, but sometimes a newcomer appears in your ranks. The total number of rangers may well decrease to ten to fifteen (or even zero, but in this case the game is lost) or increase to forty or more.

Now let's ask ourselves a selfish question - what can other rangers give you? Many things. First, they fight the Klissans. You won’t be able to free the system alone, so having several colleagues nearby can be a good idea. Secondly, the ranger can help you in a battle with a strong pirate (or maybe not help you if he has a good relationship with this pirate).

At the beginning of the game, you have a very weak ship, so in battles with alien invaders you will hide behind the backs of your tougher comrades, secretly picking up trophies that fell from the destroyed Klisan ships. For this opportunity, I must say thank you to your colleagues. They will not beat you for collecting someone else's property. On the other hand, when you level up a little and buy guns, the situation will change radically: you will destroy the Klisans, and other rangers will quickly pick up the dropped trophies and protoplasm behind you. Don't get mad. Firstly, you yourself are not averse to doing this, and secondly, you are doing a common cause. So the ranger will pick up some Klisan part, sell it, buy himself a long-range gun and kill even more enemies. Is it bad?

Rangers can also be hired as a kind of workers, “farmers” for money. The pros and cons of such “kulaks” will be described below in the tactics section.

All roads lead the rangers to the Ranger Center floating in space.

Role-playing elements

“Where can I donate a piece of protoplasm when there’s only one around me?”


The Ranger Center is a base where you get the opportunity to develop your skills in exchange for donated protoplasm. Protoplasm falls out of damaged or destroyed Klissan ships and plays the role of a kind of “experience points” for raising skills. Each skill can be developed up to five times (the amount of required protoplasm, of course, grows geometrically). There are six skills in total:

Accuracy— affects the amount of damage your weapon inflicts on enemies. Most useful for warriors, but useful for everyone.

Maneuverability- Reduces damage received in battle. A very useful skill that everyone, without exception, needs to develop.

Knowledge of technology- reduces wear and tear on equipment during use, as well as damage to equipment in battle. Allows you to save money, so it is most beneficial for warriors and those who have money problems as a common occurrence.

Trade Skill— allows you to sell old components for 1000 rubles when improving (upgrading) a ship O a larger amount, reducing the cost of the upgrade. It will be useful if you tend to change parts, weapons and frames frequently. In commercial activities this skill Does not help, but with it you will be able to sell captured trophies at a higher price. The skill is moderately useful to everyone.

Charm- the negative reaction of others to your pranks (for example, piracy) decreases, and the positive reaction to constructive actions increases. Charisma is very useful for pirates.

Leadership- with each increase in this skill you gain the ability to hire more rangers. If the skill is not developed at all, you cannot hire one. One rise - you can hire a maximum of one ranger, the second - two, and so on up to five. If you are going to do this, develop a skill, but I would save on it at first, especially since the pleasure of having “farms” is not cheap.

Not every system has a Ranger Center. It can be found in approximately one system out of five to seven, so after hot battles, having collected a full hold of protoplasm, do not rejoice in advance - you still need to get to the center by finding it on the star map and sometimes making a couple of hyperjumps (more on them below).

In addition to donating protoplasm, at the Ranger Center you can find out the latest news (as elsewhere, however), buy goods, sell trophies, or change some gadget on the ship.

I’ll say right away that goods, spare parts and news are the lot of all planets and bases: pirate, ranger, military and scientific. At the bases, you can carry out a complete repair of the ship for a tidy sum - it will become as good as new. They don’t do this on planets, but you can refuel there (at bases you can’t). Remember this.

This is interesting: if a system in which there is a Ranger Center is captured by the Klisans, then the Center is destroyed by them. When a captured system can be freed, a new Center is sometimes organized. But only if there are no Klisan systems in the immediate vicinity.


Rating is a property of a ranger that denotes his status, character, and position in life. The rating depends on the actions of the player or the computer ranger. There are three types of ratings: commercial, military and pirate. If a ranger actively fights with the Klisans and pirates, then his military rating increases and the rest decrease. If he trades or robs, then the corresponding ones grow. The attitude of others towards the player depends on the rating. For example, if you have a high pirate rating, then other pirates will respect you, and at pirate bases (more about them below) you will be given big discounts. But law-abiding races and courts will not treat you well.

You can indirectly find out your rating by your nickname. If you are called “Godfather”, or “Warrior”, or “Trader”, then there are usually no special problems with self-identification. Certainly, a trade rating with the moniker "Tycoon" will mean a higher ranking than with the moniker "Trader". "Godfather" will be cooler than "Gangster". If you also shake money from pirates, you can earn a rating called "Thug". You can easily find out your pirate rating in numbers on the pirate database (more about it below).


"I hate two things: racism and bearings!"

(from the forum)

In addition to the Klissan enemies, there are five races in the game. Each race has its own degree of technical development, its own moral principles and its own attitude towards other races and professions. We list them in descending order of degree of technical development:

Gaalians. This is a very developed, ancient and friendly race. The technology of the Gaalians is at the highest level, and all technical innovations should be sought first of all from them. Their attitude towards other races is equally good, but they cannot stand pirates.

Their planets often have a high demand for minerals. Illegal goods on Gaal planets are drugs, weapons and alcohol (if you try to trade in illegal goods, the planet's attitude towards you worsens, and you yourself may be sent to prison).

Faeyans. A race of intellectuals - physically weak, but very developed mentally. In terms of technical knowledge, they are second only to the Gaalians. They have a bad attitude towards the Maloks (they fought before) and towards the Bearings (the Bearings are stealing technology from them). They respect the Gaalians. They don't like pirates.

On Faeyan planets there is usually a demand for food and minerals. Trade in alcohol, weapons, and drugs is prohibited.

People. We are a mediocre race in all respects, but this especially applies to our technology. We love the Faeans for their friendship, but we don’t like the Maloks for their stupidity and attacks on the Faeians. We are indifferent to pirates, we respect rangers-warriors.

We need luxury and alcohol, and the only illegal commodity on our planets is drugs.

Bearings. A cute, but naturally very cunning and treacherous amphibian race. They are tolerated on the Galactic Council. The Pelengs prefer to obtain technology through espionage, for this they are especially disliked by the Faeians, who often become the target of espionage (the Gaalians tolerate it because they are altruists). Due to their innate penchant for vice, the Bearings love pirates, or “lyakushas,” as they themselves call them. All other races are initially treated with distrust.

There are no prohibited goods on the Peleng planets, so the Peleng planets are a paradise for a smuggler. Usually the Bearings have a demand for luxury, weapons and equipment.

Maloki. The most underdeveloped creatures. A long time ago, having met the Faeians, the Maloks automatically and foolishly started a war, and since then they have had strained relations with the Faeians, and they do not like the Gaalians either. By vocation, maloks are warriors. They produce the most low-quality equipment, what is called “Maloca assembly” with a red emblem. They maintain a decent level of technology only because they buy technologies obtained by espionage from the Bearings. Alcohol, drugs and luxury goods are prohibited on malok planets.

At the beginning of the game, you can choose any of the five races with all that it entails. If your race no longer suits you over time, you can change it at a reasonable price on the pirate base. But more about pirate bases below.


The attitude of the surrounding characters and planetary governments towards you is a very subtle matter. If you are a bearing, then the Faeyan planets and Faeian ships will treat you poorly. If you are a pirate, then merchants, military men and good rangers will treat you poorly, and other pirates and “bad” rangers will love you (as a rule, but exceptions are possible). The attitude of the planets towards you increases when you destroy the Klisans. If you have managed to ruin your relationship with an important planet, then here is the way to atone for your sins - kill your common enemies, the green reptiles. If the planet's attitude towards you is generally negative, but not malicious, then you can atone for your guilt with some money.

If you do not destroy the Klissans or donate protoplasm within a year, the Ranger Center will make a general announcement: “While all the rangers are fighting, the ranger named Irek is shirking.” At the same time, the attitude towards you on all planets will decrease by a certain amount, and this is correct - there is no need to freeload.

Having killed a pirate, you have the right to count on good relations from those around you (except for pirates, of course), but on the planet where the pirate is from, they will harbor a grudge against you.

It should be noted that the attitude of race and the attitude of the planet are not at all the same thing. Planets are autonomous, so even on a Feian planet they can fall in love with a bearing who has done something good for the planet - for example, helped free the system from the Klisans.

If you behaved really badly, the planet may put you in prison (usually for nine months). There is nothing particularly bad about the prison, as it is a text quest in which you can even earn some money. But nine months is a decent chunk of time.

If you have ruined relationships with a large number of people (and this is quite likely for an active pirate), you can fly to the pirate base and have an operation to change your identity.

The behavior of the characters around you depends on their attitude towards you, fear towards you, the character’s degree of employment (if he is already determined to land on the planet, then you cannot persuade him to help you in battle), as well as on the degree of your influence.

This is interesting: if you want any ship to stop being afraid of you, remove the weapon and put it in the hold.


Pirates are the menace of outer space. They can be found almost everywhere. There are especially many of them in bearing systems, where pirates are traditionally respected.

Woe to those who do not have great military power or a fast ship - they will catch up and rip you off, and if you don’t share, they will simply blow you to pieces. In the first years of your life, you are a desirable target for pirates: they see a newcomer flying and flock to him just like hardworking bees to honey.

What to do about it? You can ask the pilots of surrounding ships to help in battle. They may help, or they may not. If you are a merchant, then other merchants will help you, and the military will not refuse either. Rangers can help (if they are not pirates themselves). What if there is no one nearby?

If it’s really unbearable and the pirate finishes you off, pay him off if you have enough money. If it’s not enough, say that I’m a beggar - if the pirate is in a good mood today, he might fall behind. Or maybe he won’t lag behind - as the chip falls. What if there are two pirates? What if there are three? What if it rains during drying?

If you are caught up in the middle of the system with fast and formidable pirates, and you just can’t reach the edge of the system to escape into hyperspace, you can try to sit out on the planet. At the same time, repair the body. Sometimes it helps.

There are three ways to counter pirates. The first is to be the coolest. Then they simply won’t touch you. But it’s difficult and time-consuming, and you need to protect yourself from pirates from the very beginning of the game.

The second way is to become a pirate yourself and win their respect. They don’t rob their own people, or they rarely do. But if you don't want to play a pirate?

The third way, the simplest, is to equip yourself with a high-speed ship so that you can easily break away from a persistent pirate or even two. This method is quite feasible in the early stages of the game - you just need to buy yourself a powerful engine. But about the engine - below, and now we will talk about pirate bases.

Pirate bases hang in space on the outskirts of some system. There are also few of them - one in five to seven systems, and you need to look for them. Pirates are ready to serve anyone - be it a merchant or a warrior. But they love pirates more, so in special services (repairs, reversing a bad reputation) they give their pirate brother significant discounts. The discount amount as a percentage is called by the seller directly - this is your pirate rating. If your pirate rating is fifty, then everything will be sold to you at half the price. If eighty, you will use the services of the base for one-fifth of their cost.

So, we already know that pirates can sell goods (smuggled goods, including), spare parts (usually broken, but inexpensive) and repair your ship (cheaper for pirates). In addition, each pirate base can make two very profitable offers.

The first proposal is a change of identity and a complete reset of information about you in all databases in the galaxy. If you are already so annoying that everyone is chasing you from everywhere, you can pay the pirates and - voila! The hatred is gone, you are clean before the law again. In this operation you can change not only your personality, but also... your race. Was a bearing, became a Faeyan. Now they are doing it. True, you will definitely have to change your race. If you want to become the same person again, and not a nasty slippery bear, change your race again.

The second proposal is fake protoplasm. If you are a pirate and do not want to waste time and effort fighting the Klisans, then for a certain amount (cheaper for pirates) you can purchase a certain amount of fake protoplasm and then hand it over to the Ranger Center. This can help bolster your reputation (they won't announce on the radio that you're a quitter) and provide an opportunity to level up or two. However, I would not completely rely on counterfeit protoplasm - it runs out quickly.

This is interesting: If a pirate station offers you information for money, don’t even think about refusing. This is plot information.


Warriors are government servants who fight the Klissans and pirates while helping the Rangers. In case of danger, warships take off from planets and bravely go on the attack. The average warrior is generally weaker than the average ranger. The warriors gladly agree to beat up a pirate who is unfriendly towards you. If you are a pirate yourself and like to annoy planetary governments, then stay away from these guys.

Warriors love to move in groups and launch suicide attacks on systems captured by the Klissans. Sometimes, however, they succeed. Having found out the next target of the military at their base or in the news, you can join them and earn yourself protoplasm, artifacts, or simply a liberated system on your record. In order for the liberated system to count towards you and to be congratulated on the planet, you need to kill at least one Klisan in battle just before liberation.

Again, warriors are the ones who are the first to meet a Klissan raid on a peaceful system, before the rangers arrive (or until the Klissans win). At the beginning of the game, they can help you by supplying you with free Klissan trophies and protoplasm. The scheme is simple: they fight, and you quietly pick up from behind. Warriors do not take trophies for themselves, but they are very fond of shooting them due to their excess strength. Take this into account and pick up the trophy before some brave soldier flies past it, firing from a cannon.

A military estate is a military base.

Like all bases, the military base is rare, and you also need to look for it through the map. As elsewhere, you can get repairs, buy goods or spare parts here. You can also get information about the progress of military operations here. A stern malok (usually they are in charge of military bases) will tell you what percentage of the galaxy is under the control of the Klissans, providing the description with a suitable epithet, and will also let you know which system the military is going to liberate in the near future.

But the main thing that a military base gives is ranks. Ranks are given at a military base after accumulating a certain number of points. Points are given for destroying Klisans, liberating systems, and destroying pirates (including hyperspace pirates, which I will discuss below). Completing military quests will also earn points. But points can be deducted for criminal activity.

What does the title give? Respect and the ability to recruit other Rangers. The simple fact is that you will not be able to hire a “farmboy” who is higher in rank than you - you will have to either look for and hire completely dead newcomers, or make a military career yourself.

Peaceful ships

In addition to all the above NPCs, there are a large number of peaceful ships around the player: diplomatic, transport, trade. Diplomats travel between planets, astroliners carry passengers, truckers carry cargo. If you are a pirate, then all these ships are your daily bread.

However, one should not underestimate them and take the epithet “peaceful” literally. All these ships have weapons, and in case of attack they can fend for themselves. Sometimes. If they cannot, they usually prefer to pay off with money or goods. More than once or twice you will see an oil painting: a pirate and a merchant fly past you, exchanging fire, furiously bargaining: “Don’t shoot at me, I can give you two thousand!” - "Few!" - "Three!" - "Three and a half!" - “Okay, fly, I’m good today.”

If the pirate is weak, then powerful merchants can take out their anger on him, so much so that the poor man will have to pay off himself.

A diplomat attacked by a pirate usually invokes diplomatic immunity. If a peaceful ship is well armed and feels confident, then the pirate demand “cargo or life!” replies: “I can stand up for myself - try, attack!” Sometimes this is enough for a pirate and he looks for another victim.

After all, he didn’t promise you anything, did he?

This is interesting: Please note that the volume of the ship’s hull determines its visible size on the screen.


Scientists are not ships, but only scientific bases. Usually - Faeyan. Scientific bases differ from all other bases in that, in addition to the standard set of services (trade/repair), for a certain amount of money they can perform “tuning”, improving any part of your ship: the hull, the engine, and so on. This can be done by three types of specialists (in descending order of cost): the best specialists, ordinary specialists and green trainees.

Green trainees are a low-cost solution, and the effect of this setup is usually small. The price, however, is also low. Ordinary specialists are the most balanced option in terms of price/quality ratio, and in most cases it is recommended. The best specialists are a prestigious option, it is slightly better than the usual one, and is only recommended if you have a lot of money in your wallet. Everything is like in life.

In addition, scientists across the galaxy are working together to develop a device for communicating with the Klissans’ mother ship, Machpella. The speed of their work is low, and the game can end much earlier than this device is created. Naturally, only a forceful ending will be possible here (“finish off all the Klisans”).

But you can greatly help scientists if you bring them the remains of killed Klisans for sale: their engines, sense organs, fuel tanks - everything except the protoplasm itself, which scientists do not need. You may be tempted to sell Klisan trophies right there on the planets, but you don’t need to do this - don’t be too lazy to take the trophy to the scientific base. There you will receive the same money for them, and thus you can speed up the work of scientists several times. As a result, you will be able to obtain a mental communicator before the war ends without your participation.

This is interesting: Only scientific and pirate bases can repair artifacts from black holes - all other bases and planets refuse to do this under the pretext of “lack of a repair license.” More about black holes below.


"The Famous Mutton Tim"

(Klisan fairy tale)

Meet the enemies. Throughout the game they will try to defeat the alliance of five races, capturing systems with powerful blows, and then multiplying and multiplying on them. You can’t talk to the Klisans, they never back down (and you have to take advantage of this, by the way!).

The Klisans' favorite color is green. Any, even the most neglected, Klisan ship is equipped with weapons. Klisan is fighting against them. If the Klisan does not fight, he is either asleep or dead. He cannot help but fight. Because Machpella orders.

Not counting Machpella itself, there are five types of Klisan ships in the game:

Mutenok. This funny name fully reflects the courage and at the same time weakness of such a ship. Someone on the forum put it this way: “I kill mutenks, and I cry bitterly - I feel sorry for them...”

Mutenki (or mutiats?) are small ships, very fast, almost invisible and practically not dangerous, except in the first years of the game. It is on mutinas (mutents?) that the player will earn his first “stars on the fuselage”. But they never inhabit a system alone. They are necessarily accompanied by more powerful Klisan ships. For example, rogits.

Rogit. A fast ship, slightly slower than a mutton. It already has more noticeable firepower. Two or three rogues are already serious, but one can be dealt with without much effort. Rogits and Mutenks are usually included in the first wave of attack. Why? Because the Klisans are characterized by “mutton” tactics. I saw it and ran to attack. Mutenki and Rogits run the fastest, so they end up in front.

Katauri. This is a basic attack fighter for the Klissans. Despite its small size, its firepower makes you wonder. At the beginning of the game, try not to let the Katauri get close to you - such a “flock” can peck at you very quickly.

Nondus. Heavy ship. Sometimes his “head” turns red for some unknown reason - an interesting optical illusion. However, jokes aside. Nondus is a very serious opponent. It is better not to duel with him: you are guaranteed to lose. Exactly. At least until you get a super-powerful ship and level up like a chipmunk. It’s good that nondus fly slowly and it’s easy to get away from them (if lighter ships don’t interfere - and they can). If the nondus has one hundred and fifty to two hundred hits left (hit points, game units of the “health” of the corps) and three rangers are beating him, then you can sit down and try to finish him off with the last blow to get points for killing him. But don't climb it yourself.

Egemon. Hey! "What kind of huge fool is this?" - “You yourself are a fool, this is the egemon!” - “Wow, the egemon is such a huge fool...” A huge and slow ship. Very dangerous. You can only hit in the last stages of the game and only in unison, unless you are a superman.

Machpella. I won’t describe it: when you see it, you definitely won’t confuse it with a cloud.


The planets orbit around the central star in the system. The rotation of planets around a star occurs slowly but inevitably. When flying into a system, you cannot know in advance whether you will be close to the planet or whether you will have to fly across the entire map to reach it.

Every system has at least one habitable planet. As a rule, there are two or three of them. For example, in the solar system these are Venus, Earth and Mars. The remaining planets are uninhabited. You can sit on them (to escape from pirates or klisans), but you won’t see anything other than a beautiful landscape. You can also land on an uninhabited planet while completing a quest.

One planet - one race. There can be planets of different races in one system, but two races cannot live on the same planet at the same time. Each inhabited planet has its own economic direction - industrial, agricultural or mixed. This affects the market, its supply and demand, the quality and “advancedness” of the equipment that can be bought on this planet. The planet can also have a democratic regime, a monarchy, a dictatorship, anarchy, or a republic. In addition, each planet has a certain population, which also affects the economy.

On the planet, you can go to the market to buy or sell goods. You can go shopping at the spare parts market, find out the news, repair the ship's hull and refuel. In addition, you can contact the government to pay a fine, go to jail, get a lucrative offer, or even a quest.

To find out the names of all the planets, their race, type of economy and relationship to you, just hover over the star.

If the system is attacked by the Klisans, and the defenders have already wavered, then you should not wait out the storm on the planet. If the Klisans take over, you will die. Right on the planet.

This is interesting: Flying close to a star can cause serious damage to the hull, so the course is automatically set to avoid its heat.


According to all science fiction canons, movement between systems in Space Rangers is carried out through hyperspace. Calling up the galaxy map, you find the system you need to jump to and click on it. If you have enough engine power and fuel (and the visually desired system is located inside the circle on the map), then, having flown under your own power to the end of the map, you jump into hyperspace and within three to four days you find yourself in the desired system. If there is not enough capacity, fly on transfer planes, with transfers and refueling on the planets. This is, of course, a slow process.

In hyperspace itself, you fly to the desired star following the arrows between the clumps. By pressing the space bar, you simply fly through them without any difficulties - there is always one safe path from start to finish. But, if you want to earn extra money, tickle your nerves, and just want to diversify the hike-based nature of the game, you can fly into clumps that are away from your path. There you may be met by pirates, hyperspace pirates. Each clot can contain from one to five pirates. It also happens that they are not there.

The battle with them takes place in real time in a strange, unusual, closed environment. You can either turn on the autopilot (then the ship will fight itself), or control the battle “manually”. Killed pirates sometimes drop equipment, which can be picked up and then sold in regular space on planets. After destroying all the pirates, you can calmly fly around the clot, collecting parts, and when you get tired of it, break the barrier with shots before exiting and go outside.

Hyperspace combat is unashamedly arcade-y, and it's all about the experience and reactions gained in Quake III. But certain advice can be given to the player; read more about arcade battles in the “Weapons and their use” section and in the “Tactical advice” section.

This is interesting: After each visit to a clot with pirates, the strength of the pirates increases. However, if you don't give them a release from the very beginning, they might just... end, and you'll be flying around hyperspace looking for them, shouting in vain: "Pirates, ah! Come out, I saw you!"

Black holes

A black hole is an unexplored region of space.

The appearance of black holes is announced in the news. A system in which there is a black hole is marked on the map with a special symbol that cannot be confused with anything else.

Having flown into a black hole, you find yourself in an arcade battle, which is exactly like the one described above. The whole difference here is that you are fighting not with pirates, but with unknown ships of unknown civilizations. Sometimes these ships leave behind artifacts after destruction (the same ones that can only be repaired by scientists - see above).

Artifacts are not ship parts. They just "attach" to the parts of the ship, making them work better or a little differently (but still better). You can't buy artifacts in a store, so I highly recommend visiting black holes more often. You will find a description of all types of artifacts below, in the “Equipment on your ship” section.

It is impossible to predict in advance what system the exit from a black hole will take you into. It is quite possible that you will find yourself in a system captured by the Klisans, and you will urgently need to escape from the rushing crowd of green warriors.

Equipment on your ship

Standard Equipment

“Well, finally, happiness: I bought a big gun.

But how to fly now? No tank, no engine..."

(lyrics on the forum)

As you know, the ranger and the ship are one. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your ship, carry out EC (daily care) and MOT (maintenance), and promptly replace obsolete or obsolete parts.

Let us list the standard parts of a spacecraft.

Frame- actually, the shell of your ship.

Engine- this is the engine. You can't fly without it, so it's a must.

Fuel tank- no comments. Without it, you won't be able to fly either - this is the second necessary thing in the ship.

Radar- these are your “eyes”. Radar allows you to see and recognize what's flying around you.

Scanner is a device that allows you to scan other ships, determining what they are carrying and how strong they are.

Droid- an automatic machine that continuously repairs a damaged body right in space.

Capture- this is what helps you take on board objects, cargo and trophies hanging in space.

Protective field generator— reduces damage in battle and prevents scanning by enemy ships.

Now - in detail about each.

Frame- this is the basis of your ship. Each case has two characteristics. Firstly, this is the volume, which can vary from approximately two hundred units (they are also damage points, hit points) to a thousand. This number is very important because it determines how many elements you can hang on the ship and how much you can put in the hold. The hold is the entire volume remaining after the ship is filled with equipment and weapons.

If you exceed the ship's capacity by loading heavy cargo or purchasing heavy weapons, you will not be able to move. Therefore, throughout the game you will try to save the vital volume of the ship, thinking ten times before buying a heavy part. Having filled the hold to the brim with trophies, you will be forced by a heavy-duty magpie to fly to a base or planet to relieve yourself there, leaving other tasty trophies for other rangers to eat.

The second characteristic is the amount of damage that the hull can reflect when fired upon. For example, you were shot with a laser with a power of 30, and the body reflects 7 units. Then the hull will only receive 23 units of damage (of course, there are other modifiers in the game). The volume of the body is at the same time its strength; when the amount of damage exceeds it, you die.

Engine- This is what makes your ship move through space and jump to other systems through hyperspace. Your flight speed and jump distance depend on the quality of the engine. A good engine is the key to everything. Watch your lips - this is the key to absolutely everything. This is the most important part in your car... I mean, in your spaceship.

You can fly through space without a weapon, and no one will do anything to you if you simply run away from the enemy, leaving the villains to sniff your exhaust fumes and enviously watch the speck on the horizon that you have become.

You can fly through space on a frail ship of three hundred units of volume, and pirates and klisans will not do anything to you for the same reason. You can remove the scanner from the ship - you will not suffer much from the inability to scan the contents of enemy ships. Let them fly around, powerlessly threatening and trying to take you down. Your arms are short!

You can get by with the cheapest and “shortest” radar, or, as a last resort, remove it altogether. You can do without the minimap provided by the radar (albeit difficult). You can pick up cargo in space without looking at what it is (looking at the contents of a container is also an opportunity that radar provides).

Oddly enough, you can freely remove the capture of unattended objects flying in space: anyway, you won’t make much money from the debris of comets, and you won’t have to pick up their junk from defeated enemies, due to the tacitly assumed lack of guns (see above).

An automatic repair droid and a protection generator are optional accessories: just simple toys for warriors. You can safely remove them and not worry - why fight when you have a truly powerful engine?

In a word, nothing in the game is as important as an excellent “fiery engine” for your iron horse. Here are the advantages of a good engine:

A powerful engine provides high speed of movement in space. This can work to your advantage when you have vicious pirates or a green Klissan fleet on your tail.

A powerful engine coupled with a deep fuel tank will allow you to make long jumps through systems.

A powerful engine will give you the opportunity to make good money in quests. If you are confident in your speed (it should not be less than seven hundred to eight hundred, and in an unattainable ideal it should be about nine hundred), feel free to choose a more strict time frame for the quest - this will give you a large increase in the amount of money paid for the quest.

With a powerful engine, you will be able to have a large hull, have a lot of free space in the hold and thus have a successful trading career. You may ask, why with the powerful one? Because a weak engine and a large body are a complete kaput: even the deadliest pirate will catch up with you and shoot at you, forcing you to get rid of a couple of thousand or the cargo.

Fuel tank. With powerful engine You won’t be bothered even by the presence of a shallow and shallow fuel tank measuring just thirty-three units (slightly more than the average distance between two adjacent systems). You can jump into a distant system sequentially with transfers.

Another thing is that if you have a powerful engine, it is highly recommended to have a good and deep fuel tank. The two work well together, allowing you to cross half the galaxy in a matter of days. It’s very good if you got an artifact from a black hole - black slurry. However, what am I talking about - how will you get it without military equipment? Sorry, I was daydreaming. Let's move on.

Radar. This is a very useful thing. With it, you will be able to spot enemies and friends, payloads and dangerous comets on the minimap. You will only be able to talk to the ship that is within your radar range. If someone else's ship has a larger radar than yours, then they can send you messages one-way. Radars vary in range. Naturally, the further the better. But there is nothing critical about the radar.

Scanner. A scanner is a semi-useful thing. If you don't have enough space in your hold, then sell the scanner and save on volume. With it, you can scan other ships, determine their "configuration" to compare with yours, assessing who would win in a hypothetical battle. This doesn’t work with klisans, you can’t scan them in any way. If the protective field generator of the alien ship is stronger than the power of your scanner, then the scanning will not take place. If you have money and space on the ship, use a scanner, it won’t hurt you.

Droid. For a warrior or pirate, a droid is a must-have item. The merchant also needs it in case of an accidental fight with a pirate. The droid is engaged in repairing the body during each turn, restoring a certain number of lost hit points. The amount of hit points restored depends on the type of droid. The more powerful the droid, the better.

Capture. Without capture, you will not be able to collect protoplasm, abandoned goods, abandoned asteroid debris for sale, or artifacts in space. Therefore, capture is absolutely necessary. Its main parameter is power, which determines the maximum size of an item available for “withdrawal”. Let's say you have a capture of forty units. You will be able to collect pieces of protoplasm weighing twenty-five units, loads weighing forty units, but you will not be able to pick up some abandoned cannon weighing forty-five units. The grip needs to be replaced with a more powerful one as soon as it goes on sale.

Protective field generator. This is purely “combat” equipment that absorbs a certain percentage of damage. If you are a warrior or a pirate, then you need a generator, without any further discussion. But if you are a merchant (who needs to clear more space on the ship for cargo), then do not buy a generator or carefully evaluate its weight before buying.

Equipment quality

In real life, when purchasing any technical device, we evaluate it according to several different criteria - price, quality, brand. We are looking for the best value for money. The developers were able to bring this same economic factor into the game through the simple concept of “quality.” Each part or weapon in the game has its own weight, its own quality and its own “manufacturer race”.

In the "market", quality is indicated by the color of the two dots at the bottom left of each item. The color of these dots should be compared with the rainbow stripe at the top of the window. On the left are low-quality items, on the right are very high-quality items. Find the color you need on the strip and determine the quality of the product.

Good quality means that the item will break less during use and less money will be spent on repairing it on planets or space bases. Poor quality means increased fragility of the item, but at the same time a low price. Your task is to choose the combination of price and quality that suits you. Please note that repairing an expensive item will be expensive. A low-quality item will break down more often, but repairing it will cost mere pennies.

Weight is also a key parameter. Naturally, lighter weight items cost more because they save space on the ship for other parts or cargo. Your task is to choose either a heavy and cheap gun, or a very expensive one, but a little lighter. I recommend not skimping on weight and taking a lighter item, regardless of the gaps in the budget.

"Maker Race" affects the quality of the item. Things made by wise Gaalians are usually of very high quality and expensive. Next in descending order are the Faeans, people, Pelengs and, finally, the Maloks. Maloki and bearings make primitive, heavy, brittle, but very cheap things.

Almost every item can be upgraded at a research station for a certain amount of money. The more expensive the item, the more you will be charged for upgrading.

It is important: Do not confuse hull damage in battle with equipment damage. You can smash half a hull in battle, leaving the equipment almost undamaged. It is possible to drive equipment (such as an engine) to the point of complete breakdown even without a fight. The body and equipment are repaired separately. On planets, equipment can be repaired if it is half or more broken. No one on the planet will provide you with the opportunity to prevent slightly worn-out equipment. At stations, you can repair them in the usual way, or all together, and carry out preventive maintenance - but at a big cost. Frame separately You can't repair it at stations - only on planets. However, if you order it to be repaired all ship, then the hull will be repaired too.


Secret developments of unknown civilizations, artifacts - these are things worth running through black holes for. Sometimes an artifact can be given for completing an important quest or liberating a system, but I would not rely on this. Everything goes into black holes!

The usefulness of artifacts (with their low weight of 5-25 units) does not need proof. It is enough to list them indicating the degree of usefulness:

Iron zhupi. This is a colony that settles on the hull of your ship and secretes jupinum, giving your hull increased strength. Just a useful artifact.

Black sludge. Placed in a fuel tank, the black sludge gradually restores fuel to the tank - usually two units per turn. The usefulness is just off the charts! With black slurry, you will never get stuck anywhere and will be able to fly across the entire galaxy without refueling.

Psi-matter accelerator. With the help of his consciousness, he tunes into a common wave with the engine and accelerates it, transforming the space around the ship. A very useful artifact.

Scumbags. These are ultra-cold bacteria that cool the engine in a hot battle. Just a useful artifact.

Prolonger. Attaches to the radar and increases its range. Just a useful artifact.

Scanner cache. Strengthens the scanner's processing power, and therefore its strength. Just a useful artifact.

Droid Jr. Helps the droid repair the ship. A very useful artifact at the beginning of the game and simply useful towards the end.

Nanitoids. Miniature robots that can repair anything they can reach. For each turn, they repair some unit (except the hull) by ten percent. In terms of usefulness, nanitoids even make black slurry. They can save you a lot of money on repairs. They don't fix only themselves.

Erimeter. Fixes the pickup beam, allowing you to capture items that are slightly larger than specified in the pickup specifications. Just a useful artifact.

Polarizer. Atomic source of subactive particles, enhances the power of the ship's protective field. Just a useful artifact.

Probabilistic analyzer. By receiving scan data, it can predict the likely outcome of a battle with any ship. Usefulness is above average.

Blast wave localizer. Increases the likelihood that a more useful part will fall out of a defeated enemy in battle. A very useful artifact.

Anti-gravitator. Using the Gnuk-Einstein principle, it reduces the mass of the ship. A very useful artifact.

Z-Transmitter. With its help, you can call Klisans into the system using the decoy principle. Not for everyone.

Quark bomb. You throw it into space, fly away so that it doesn’t get hit by the blast wave, and shoot it down. Damn it! And we fly. It works very well against small and medium-sized Klisans - you can kill a dozen with one bomb. A very useful artifact. Using the Quark Bomb you can get Machpella even in the early stages of the game. In fact, this is the only way to defeat her in the early years of the game.

Tranclucator. Whoa, comrades! The Trunklyukator is a heavy (sixty units of weight) robot that can be launched into space to provide support in combat. In fact, the free “farmboy” always listens to you and does not pick up the protoplasm you shot. But the firepower of the tranclucator is small, and the robot weighs a lot. For a warrior with a large hold - useful, for a merchant - not very much. By the way, after his death there is a chance of catching a good part from the wreckage.

Army GP-3 direction finder. They give it to you for your achievements at the military base. This direction finder allows you to determine in advance how many pirates are flying in a hyperspace clot. This way you can roughly estimate your chances of winning and find the secret lair of the Chief Pirate.

Mental communicator. This is what scientists are researching and this is what will allow you to start a dialogue with Machpella. Once your research is complete, you can purchase a communicator from the research station. I warn you: save your money. Usually they won’t sell it to you for less than fifty thousand credits.


Weapons and their use

Why do we need weapons?

With the help of weapons you forge your victory. As you play, you will be able to determine for yourself which weapons are best suited for battles in space and which ones are best suited for battles in hyperspace. You will learn to build a balanced arsenal for yourself, making difficult choices between heavy but powerful weapons and light but weak ones.

You buy weapons at bases or planets. In total, you have five slots (seats) for weapons on your ship. This means you can have up to five guns. If there is enough body volume, of course, but this is not at all a fact, since the usual weight of large guns starts at about one hundred units. If there is a lot of space in the hold, then nothing will prevent you from having seven or eight guns - just put five in the slots, and let the rest lie in the hold. From time to time you can change their places. But why do you need this? It's just a waste of space.

Naturally, if you suddenly pick up a powerful cannon in battle, you can use it right away. Each cannon fires once per turn.

Weapons differ in the principles of their action on the enemy. One simply damages the body (the most direct path). Another destroys internal equipment. The third slows down the enemy. Each gun has its own parameters. Of course, this is the “manufacturer race” and quality already described above, which affects the rate of wear.

But the main thing is, of course, range and power. Range is the distance a gun can fire. When you select a cannon, a circle appears around the ship, and everything within it is available for attack. You can attack both a ship and an asteroid, an object, cargo hanging in space or protoplasm.

The shot power is calculated as follows:

Each weapon has a certain maximum and minimum power. For example, let's take a laser, power - 10-20. If you have no accuracy skill at all, then a beam with a force of ten will fly at the enemy. If your accuracy is pumped to the maximum, then twenty.

If the laser is improved at the research station, it can start shooting further. Or maybe increase power. Then the scheme will look like: 10-20 (+5). In this case, the shot is calculated as before, but five is added to the result.

When fired, damage to the enemy's hull is calculated using modifiers that depend on the power of the gun, your accuracy, enemy evasiveness, hull and protective field. To some extent - from the droid. If you inflict fifteen hit points of damage on an enemy, and the droid repairs his hull for ten in the same turn, the result will be five hit points of damage. Everything is clear here.

However, you should not think that each gun has a specific, strictly defined power and distance. No, even guns of the same type are all different. The tactical and technical characteristics of each specimen depend on its quality, on the race that produced this weapon, on technical advancement (advanced options are usually sold to scientists). Also, all guns have different weights.

In addition, progress in the game does not stand still (about progress - below in the "Strategic Tips" section), and if at the beginning of the game the photon laser knocked out 10-20 hits from the enemy, then towards the end an average laser bought in an average store, will knock out 23-38 units. The newly invented new type of weapon initially shoots rather weakly, weighs a lot and is expensive. But technology develops over time, and now it is no longer so heavy, and it shoots more powerfully.

It's important to understand that each weapon has a different way of operating in space (where turn-based combat takes place) and in hyperspace or black holes (where real-time arcade combat takes place).

What kind of weapons are there?

So, we present a description of all types of weapons.

Photon gun. First level. Light weight, cheap, low fire. Perhaps the only advantage of the photon cannon is the long distance at which it can hit the enemy. In the beginning, the lightness of the cannon will be useful (you will have a small ship at first), but after a few years, abandon the photon cannons without regret.

In space: In normal mode, the photon cannon shoots pale yellow beams, almost imperceptible.

In the arcade: in hyperspace battles these are yellow salvoes, reminiscent of missile shots. Reload speed is average, damage is average.

Industrial laser. It was originally designed to split asteroids into minerals of some value. In general, asteroids can be hit with anything, but only an industrial laser does this very carefully, preserving a large amount of minerals. It's not very useful in battle. If you want to collect and sell asteroids (their behavior is more like comets), then use it. But soon you will get bored with this activity - it does not bring much benefit, and chasing after every asteroid is something else.

In space: blue beam I would even say a trickle.

In the arcade: dense queues of blue clots. Shoots quickly, battery drains quickly. It hits weakly, but has weak homing properties, which is very good for a beginner.

Explosive weapon. More powerful than a laser, but affects a very short distance. A couple of years after the start of the game, it will become your basic weapon, although it will also be replaced when its performance characteristics become outdated.

In space: yellow bunches. The action is similar in appearance to a laser.

In the arcade: green balls. They fly slowly, but they hit Very not bad, and they also give a shock wave. If you fly quickly in hyperspace and shoot at the same time, you can stumble upon your own charges. It is convenient to shoot back with an explosive weapon while walking backwards. Another interesting property of explosive weapons in arcades is that they do not explode themselves, but only when they collide with a ship. If you miss with an explosive weapon, its charges begin to fly endlessly throughout the “arena”. After a heated battle using such weapons, dozens of green balls begin to fly back and forth in the battle area, making it difficult for you and your enemies to move.

Graviton beam launcher. The thing is not particularly powerful, approximately equal in impact force to an explosive weapon. But the beam gun has a much larger range of action, so it can be useful as a replacement for an explosive weapon. The main thing is to find a light beam gun, since with the appearance of this type of weapon in your arsenal, the first problems with the weight of the weapon begin.

In space: here it can be recognized by its beautiful multi-colored blue-green ray.

In the arcade: yellow bagel balls. They hit hard.

Retractor. It does not damage the enemy ship, but only slows it down. If a pirate is running away from you to a planet (where he can repair himself) or into hyperspace, it can be a good idea to slow him down with a retractor. But the retractor is not particularly useful.

In space: green dotted flow. Klisans love to sin with them.

In the arcade: p a fan of projectiles extending in all directions. Here it actually damages ships. Use against a large pile of enemies.

Keller phaser. Guest from Star Trek. It hits at a short distance, but is powerful. Quite heavy, which is bad. Usually used in close combat, if you need to kill the enemy as quickly as possible with all your might.

In space: yellow sine wave.

In the arcade: a quick line of yellow balls. Hitting the enemy casually, they will not do anything to him, but if you pressed the enemy into a corner and fed him with the entire burst, then it will not seem like much.

Aeonic Blaster. A very heavy and powerful weapon. It hits far. Doesn't go out of fashion until almost the end of the game. Very convenient for use in an arcade.

In space: red pair of rays.

In the arcade: blue clumps with tails. They have very powerful homing properties. If they shoot at you with aeonic blasters, run away, and after a while the clots flying behind you will go out.

X-defibrillator. It hits the ship slightly, but at the same time destroys its internal equipment. This weapon should be banned as inhumane, but the Klisans are very fond of using it - especially the Nondus and Egemons. The defibrillator doesn't seem like a very useful weapon to me.

In space: in normal combat, a defibrillator is easy to recognize - these are blue lines, similar to a schematic representation of radio waves.

In the arcade: here these are cubic projectiles, which, upon impact, break into smaller pieces.

Submeson gun. A powerful, but not particularly long-range weapon. This gun is very convenient for use in arcade modes. It is also advantageous to use it to fight in space against flocks of small klisans, due to the fact that it has the effect of “shooting across areas.” You will probably fight with Klisans often, so sub-meson guns will not go out of fashion for a long time.

In space: yellow clots. Not only the target is damaged, but also nearby enemies.

In the arcade: green big clots. Flying past enemies, they fire small bursts of green fire at them with average accuracy. little ones clots. They don't hit very hard, but decently - a few well-aimed shots from a sub-meson cannon can severely damage the enemy. The situation in which fire from sub-meson cannons is fired at you cannot be called particularly pleasant. If the enemy has this weapon, try not to let him force you into battle at close range.

Field annihilator. A bulky but very effective weapon.

In space: The enemy is enveloped in a yellow field, depriving the body of hit points.

In the arcade: here you shoot a powerful yellow beam. You need to aim carefully; the beam has no homing.

Tachyon cutter. Firstly, the tachyon cutter is very powerful. Secondly, it shoots at a very long distance. But he is also extremely heavy. The tachyon cutter can be great for your hit and run tactics.

In space: yellow beam.

In the arcade: rainbow stripe. It looks fun, but enemies have a hard time when they get hit with such a “stripe”. When using the Tachyon Cutter in the arcade, it is important to aim carefully - two or three shots from the Tachyon Cutter will completely eat up the battery, and you will have to wait a long time until it charges again.

Vortex spotlight. It is on the vortex spotlights that you will complete the game. On spotlights and tachyon cutters. You will use the cutters to hit the game from afar, and use the whirlwind searchlight to finish it off close. Naturally, if there is enough money and space on the ship for such a huge weapon. A shot from the cutter, whirlwind and Keller phaser - and one less mutt in the world.

In space: double helix, reminiscent of DNA.

In the arcade: Two clots begin to cut into spirals around you. If they hit an enemy, they inflict significant damage on him. Can only be used in close combat. Better - against several enemies at once.

Absolute matrix. An absolutely useless thing, unless you consider selling this expensive thing to scientists as useful. It is not sold anywhere, it can only be captured as a trophy. Actually, the internal equipment of the ship is striking. The Klisans use it to harm the rangers as much as possible economically, so that they go bankrupt on repairs. There is no need for you to ruin the Klisans - you need to kill them.

In space: in space, these are yellow narrow “radio waves” diverging in the direction of nearby enemy ships.

In the arcade: a kind of “buckshot” that explodes at a short distance.

Hellish wave. An interesting Klissian weapon, but due to its weight and low effectiveness, I would not use it. It is the hellish wave that spreads around large Klissan ships, damaging everything around a short distance. Of course, the conclusion suggests itself - you need to use it in a crowd of enemies. It's just inconvenient due to the enormous weight. You can’t buy a hellish wave in a store - you can only get it from the Klisans or in black holes. Its value is quite decent, so I usually sell the hellwave to scientists.

In space: a white double wave extends a short distance around you.

In the arcade: again a wave, only consisting of lines resembling boomerangs. Damages everyone around, but not much.

Eyes of Machpella. A powerful weapon and very heavy. Shoots far. The use of Machpella's eyes is a matter of taste. You can get it from dead Klisans and in black holes.

In space: lilac lightning.

In the arcade: Eight powerful charges scatter around you, similar to the charges of the absolute matrix.

"Piracy is good! It is not forbidden. Pirates are arrested and put in prison..."

(from the forum)

Who to be?

When choosing your "representative" in the world of "Space Rangers", it is important to create exactly who you imagine yourself to be. If a name is a matter of taste, then the issue of race must be taken more seriously. If in doubt, take the person, he has a prettier face. Advanced players may want to try something else. The choice of "profession" affects your relationships with planets, races and NPCs, and your initial equipment. Create several heroes and choose the one that suits you best.

Birth of the world

When you start a new game, after choosing your race, name and “class,” the world in which you will live is generated. It’s not just the workpiece being shaken with a mixer, but a new world is being created. The number of sectors, the location of stars, planets, races and population, and the political system on the planet are determined.

Theoretically, there could be a world where there are no rangers of any race at all. Maybe this will be a world where the Klisans will brazenly press you from the very beginning, and you will have to abandon everything and defend yourself with all your might. Perhaps the Klisans, on the contrary, will suffer defeat after defeat.

It could even turn out to be a world of pirates, in which they will chase and keep peaceful ships and even rangers at bay. The world can be calm or warlike. If you are not satisfied with the world you have from the very beginning, it makes sense to start a new game and generate a new one.

Game time frame and evolution

This is the first time you have fled from your home planet. On the calendar - January 1, 3000. Time has passed.

Each move is one day on the calendar. One transition in hyperspace takes up to a week. Arcade battles take place completely out of time. As you develop, the world develops and lives. Events take place in it, military battles, captures and surrender of systems. In addition, scientists of different races are researching new, advanced types of equipment and weapons. Don't expect to find a singular engine (speed - 1000, range - 51 parsecs) in the first years - it will appear only in a couple of decades. When exactly depends on the volume of research. For now, use the old one - reactor (400, 21 parsecs) or phase (450, 24 parsecs).

Okay, we found out when the game starts. But when does the game end? Either when you die, or when you defeat the Klisans (or they are finished off without you). There are no exact boundaries of the game; in principle, you can play for at least a hundred years.

In general, the average results are approximately the following: at an easy level the game ends after 13 years, at an average level - after 15, at a hard level - 17 and at an expert level - 20. These are approximate figures - nothing will stop you from reaching thirty or forty years. If you have destroyed or driven away the Klisans, but are in no hurry to report to the Ranger Center, then you can drag on the time endlessly. Another question is, do you need it?

Over time, several continuous processes occur simultaneously. As mentioned above, planets invent technical innovations. On industrial planets, inventions happen faster, and their speed also depends on the size of the planet's population. New items are coming constantly. The same thing can be opened multiple times - its characteristics are constantly improving.

Despite the fact that the time of the game is not limited in any way (it seems), at a certain stage the war slides into a positional one. At the same time, neither side achieves much success. This happens closer to the fifties. From what? Both the rangers and the Klisans are just rocking. Due to the toughness of the rangers, Klissan attacks on systems usually fail (although they can sometimes succeed). The coolness of the Klisans is manifested in the fact that on the captured systems of the planet under their control, new green ships begin to spawn at a very high speed. Even if there are five rangers and powerful warships operating in the system, it becomes simply impossible to recapture the system, due to the fact that new, freshly crafted green ships are constantly appearing.

Hence the rule - don’t slow down.

This is interesting: To find the person you need or to track the appearance of a technical novelty on sale in time, use the search engine. For just five credits they will tell you where everything is (if it is). Looking for a singular engine for sale? Type “singul” in the search and you will find out for sure whether it has been opened or not yet.

How to get capital?

From the very beginning, the bitter problem of finance will confront you with all clarity. It needs to be resolved somehow.

Pick up and sell everything that is bad (especially asteroid debris). Do not hesitate to carry out government tasks. If you're willing to spend an hour or two developing your skills in arcade battles in hyperspace, you can trade in equipment dropped by pirates.

As soon as you have a small amount of money, you can start trading. There is only one rule: buy cheaper (in the trading window there is an asterisk to the left of the product) - sell more expensive (the asterisk is to the right of the product). The more planets there are in the system (even better, planets of different races), the more you can earn from it.

Always have free space in the hold. The minimum is one hundred units. Ideally - up to two hundred and above. The larger the shipments you carry, the larger the gain you will have from each flight. When an expensive product is sold to the planet, the demand for it falls. The price also falls, so it becomes unprofitable for you to sell the product. Now imagine that you have a small hold of fifty units, and you brought fifty pieces of goods to the planet twice. You won't make much money before the demand is satisfied. What if it’s one hundred and fifty pieces each? The difference is significant.

The more expensive the product, the more profit there is on it. The products are inexpensive. You can load the entire hold with food and get some money. Things are better with minerals that can be collected in space.

But it is most profitable to transport expensive goods. These are technology and luxury goods. For one successful flight you can earn two or three thousand. But keep in mind that for large wholesale luxury purchases you will need a lot of capital. As a rule, you can buy goods cheaper on bases than on planets.

On Malok planets, luxury is illegal. Almost everywhere weapons and drugs are illegal, in some places - alcohol (more about prohibited goods - in the section "Basic principles of the game") When selling illegal goods, you can make a good profit, but the planet can get angry and put you in prison, or attack with military. There's no point in angering the planet if you're going to take on government assignments there later. If there is no default task, you can engage in smuggling relatively calmly.

When you have satisfied all the demand in the system, fly to the next one. You should not get into systems controlled by pirates. This is especially true for bearing systems.

So you learned how to trade. If you are attracted to a career as a trader, so be it. If you want easy criminal money, buy military equipment and become a pirate. If you want to fight by handing over trophies, be a warrior.

Live, complete quests (also a good source of income), but do not forget about the Klisans.

What should we do with the klisans?

Nothing. At least do nothing in the first years. No, you can visit them, but you can't do anything about them on your own. You are still not strong enough. However, you must pass protoplasm, you must increase your levels, as well as your military rank. And it would be nice to help scientists. What to do? There is only one way out - to use the fruits of other people's labor, to alienate the protoplasm and pieces of Klisans bodies shot by other rangers and military personnel.

The principle here is simple. You fly into the system after army ships or a bunch of other rangers, hide behind them and begin to make a little money by looting the dead Klisans. You can finish off wounded animals to get military points for them. If four rangers have almost finished off the nondus, then you can join the battle (just be careful). If you are lucky, and it is your shot that turns out to be fatal for the nondus, then it will be chalked up to your account.

Even in a system where, besides you, the Klisans are attacked by others, you can suddenly find yourself face to face with a cloud of Mutenks and Katauri. Don’t be lazy in a difficult situation to call for help. Do your feet.

Over time you will become stronger. The green weirdos will do the same. In about five years, you will already be able to kill individual catauri in battle, help the rangers protect systems, and in fifteen years, you will be able to hit the enemy in both the tail and the mane. But even then you will not be able to fight the Klisan systems on your own.

In general, it is easier to defend a system than to capture it. While defending yourself, you can fly to planets for “treatment.” But you can’t sit there - if your deplorable financial situation and broken equipment no longer allow you to fully fight, then try to escape to other stars.

This is interesting: At first you only have access to a small number of sectors. You have no cards from the others. Sector maps are purchased on border planets. Cards become more expensive over time, so try to stock up on more cards as early as possible.

How to level up?

Every real ranger should understand that the ranger centers have introduced a stupid reward system. There they consider the merits of the rangers for bringing protoplasm and for this they allow them to develop their skills. But no one will directly tell you where to get this protoplasm. You can fly behind other rangers and steal the precious substance from under their noses. True, they are not averse to snatching protoplasm knocked out of the Klisans by the player. Whoever grabs it faster will get it.

If you are an immoral type at heart, then you can generally buy protoplasm at pirate bases. Let it be fake. The main thing is that in the ranger centers it is accepted as real.

Skills should be developed depending on the chosen tactics of the game. If the player is determined to fight, then he needs to pump up his attack and maneuverability. To trade, you need to develop agility and repair skills. It is recommended to develop skills in parallel and do not forget that the trading skill will help you sell the equipment you find for a higher price.

Quests, quests, quests

Quests can be taken on planets, but some of them you will receive in space. Planetary quests (here we will only talk about them) come in several types. Firstly, text ones: you fly to some planet and complete it there. You will find walkthroughs of all text quests below.

But there are other quests. In them you need to destroy a pirate or a ship, bring cargo, patrol the system, protecting it from pirates, and so on.

Read the terms of the quest very carefully before accepting it. On what planet will you need to complete it? How many days do you have for this? Feel free to check the location of the desired planet on the map. Find out whether you will receive money for the completed task immediately (on the spot), or whether you will need to fly back to get it. Sometimes you need to return back within the specified time - only then will the quest be credited to you. Calculate your options carefully and you can start bargaining.

In almost every quest you can offer to simplify or complicate the conditions for its completion. Simplification means a longer period for its implementation or a shorter period for patrolling. Complication works the other way around. In the first case, you are offered less money for completing the quest, in the second - more. By asking for quests from bearings, you take a risk - they never directly tell you the amount that will be paid to you.

To complete quests, the most important “gadget” on the ship is the engine with a fuel tank. Only they determine how long it takes you to turn around. If the engine is not enough, take the “Easy” conditions. If the engine allows you to jump to the system in one go, you can safely take the “More Difficult” conditions. If you move quickly in space (light body and powerful engine), then you can take on difficult tasks, even when the system is two hyperjumps away. You'll have time. And you’ll also have time to refuel.

But these were text quests. What about others? Some of them are simpler, some are more difficult. I would not recommend taking an order to kill a pirate, especially in the early stages of the game. Firstly, you are weak, and the pirate is perhaps twice as strong (this cannot be understood right away). Secondly, a pirate is very difficult to kill. Even if you attract two or three merchants or warriors to help you, nothing will prevent a pirate from repairing on the planet from time to time or simply escaping to another system. Or kill you, which is more likely.

But, if you nevertheless decide to take on the “murder” quest, then the tactics here will be something like this.

Firstly, the target is moving, so on all the planets that you visit, you need to go to the Internet (some call it an information center) and ask the local Yandex the name of the pirate. This way you will find out his whereabouts. If the pirate suddenly changes his location, we change course.


Here we are. Immediately inspect the sector and check all the pirate ships around you, look for the name you need (by the way, the name of a pirate ship consists of two words: the type and the actual name - for example, they ordered the pirate Paseshak, which means he could be Lyakusha Paseshak).

If you haven’t found it, don’t rush to look in other sectors, maybe he’s currently filling up or selling drugs on the planet. Skip a move and see if he appears. If not, wait a little longer. If you appear, immediately attack with all your forces and guns, do not hesitate to invite your neighbors to fight.

A pirate can land on a planet. It's unpleasant, but what can you do? Also land, repair and take off, continuing to wait for him in orbit. The pirate can also fly to another sector - then dive after him, catch him in another sector and finish him off.

An unpleasant situation happens - you fly to the right place, and the news says that so-and-so (your client) went to prison for three months. Unfortunately, then the quest will most likely fail; you won’t get it in prison. The problem can only be solved by loading a saved game.

But it also happens that, having received a task, you find out two days later that it has been completed. How so? It's just that the pirate died. The Klisans were pecked to death or the military finished them off - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that according to the contract he must be dead, and he is dead. Fly for your reward.

Patrolling the system is much easier than "killer" missions. If you are a trader and want to trade in the system, you can take this task at the same time. There are usually few pirates in the sector, and you are not expected to be particularly heroic - just watch the pirates with half an eye. If suddenly a quarrel breaks out in space, fly and break it up. Tell the pirate that the ship is under your protection. If you're cooler than a pirate, he'll probably be into it. If it’s the other way around, join the swara. In this case, there is no other way to stop the pirate.

Usually, after you join the battle, the enemy lands on the planet or flies away from the sector. While he is settled on the planet, deal with other pirates. The patrol period is very short, so such tasks seem to me to be simple and quite doable for a novice player.

What to do with pirates?

Pirates develop along with the player, and at the very beginning of the game they are much stronger than you. This state of affairs can persist for quite a long time, and your only hope is a fast engine. Over time, as you gain experience and equipment, you will become powerful enough that most pirates (I mean regular space pirates) won't risk messing with you.

Pirates, however, are also different - arrogant and meek, strong and weak. You can choose a pirate with a dead hull as your victim and invite a nearby merchant to attack him together. Now, there are already two of you, and he is alone.

As you fly about your business in systems where pirates rule, look carefully around. If a pirate “persuaded” a ship to throw out its cargo, then you, having a fast ship, can intercept a container hanging in space.

A strong friendship will not break

One of the interesting features provided by the game is the ability to hire rangers to serve you. You can hire a “farmboy” ranger for an amount that starts from about five to ten thousand credits - it all depends on the rank of the subordinate, his “coolness” and the period for which you hire him. The less you pay him, the less he will serve you.

If you are unable to hire a ranger, then most likely the problem is the following:

You have low leadership skill (more about this in the “Role Elements” section of the “Basic Game Concepts” section).

You don't have enough money (only if you have less than a thousand credits).

The potential "farmboy" has a higher rank than you (get badges at a military base or wait until newcomers join the ranks of the rangers).

The ranger you are trying to recruit is a good leader himself (if he has one or more ships under his command, you will have to give up trying to “buy” him).

He is already subordinate (if it is really important for you to take him as a “farm laborer”, then wait until his term of service ends).

He doesn’t want to serve you at all (well, you never know - maybe he just doesn’t like you).

But let’s assume you still hired a helper. What advantages does the cosmic “kulaks” provide?

The ranger follows you constantly. If he lags behind, he will catch up later (and in the meantime you will think about whether you need a ranger friend on a braking phase motor).

Without much debate or conversation, he attacks whoever you point your finger at.

If the ranger is a pirate and begins to rob someone else's ship, you can order him to stop.

But the ranger will not cease to be an independent person. He is still assessing the situation from the point of view of his own benefit. If you don’t give him special tasks, then upon arrival in the sector he begins to deal with his own problems - collecting minerals, protoplasm, quarreling, making peace or piracy. It is unlikely that you will pull it back every time - you will quickly get tired of it.

Moreover, the ranger does not always listen to your orders. If you and he flew into the Klisan system, then, having assessed his chances, he may simply chicken out and run back. There his conscience may speak, and he will return to help you. And it will help if he doesn’t shit his pants again.

Your "peons" will not lose you - they always know where to look for you. But keep in mind - they are almost always weaker than you and less well equipped. Remember this as you fly full steam ahead through a Klissan-invaded system, trailing a tail of Nondus and Katauri behind you. If your partner decides to fly there, he may not be able to withstand the massive attack of angry Klisans. Of course, he will try to escape, but it may be too late.

If your partner has died, you will find out about it from the space news service. If his deadline has expired, he will specially fly to you and inform you about it. Naturally, you can hire him again immediately.

Here, you will be with us in Kolyma...

If you are a bad ranger, engage in piracy and smuggling, then some planet may run out of patience. You may be forced to land on the planet with the help of the military or arrested if you try to visit a government official.

You go to jail. The prison in the game is a text quest. You live in a cell, communicate with fellow inmates and the administration, train, read books, gamble... and so on. Usually you are imprisoned for up to three months. If you behave well, you can be released on parole. The prison quest has no solution - you simply serve your sentence. However, it is possible to lose here if you do not withstand the hardships of life as a prisoner and throw off your hooves.

However, you can make a lot of money in prison. It's quite simple. Be smart, have some money with you. Don't go to the cafeteria, cockroach races, boxing, gym or work. Just play and go to the library. Play for a hundred credits until you become the "Head". After that, start playing for half a thousand credits. Rest every Sunday, sometimes go to a massage therapist.

Behave quietly with the guards, do not spoil the relationship. If the guards demand money from you, give it. Maintain relationships at a normal level. If you anger the administration, you will end up in a punishment cell and may generally lose your health from beatings. If the relationship is too kind, you will be included in the correctional group or may even be released. This is also not good if your goal is to make good money.

There are other ways to make money in prison. Don't be afraid to experiment. The main thing here is to monitor your health.

To ruin your relationship with the planet, simply buy and sell prohibited goods on it. With the help of imprisonment, you can earn an amount of one hundred or more thousand credits in just two or three years. But this is the munchkin way. We'll go the other way.

Plot Notes

When dealing with trade, wars, piracy and other fun things, do not forget about the plot. To be able to complete the game the way you want it, bring the wreckage of Klissan ships to the scientists in time to get the mental communicator as quickly as possible. Even if you are a warrior or a merchant, do not forget to occasionally visit pirate bases. If they offer you information for money, don’t refuse. This is plot information. If you don’t recognize her, then several options for ending the game will be closed to you.

In case of an unexpected meeting with Makhpella (players friendly call her either Hangmella or Marine), keep a couple of quark bombs in the hold. They weigh a little, the pocket will not be pulled out. But at the right moment, you won’t have to spend a long and tedious time shooting thousands of hits from the Klisan queen.

I’ll say right away: if you can’t organically digest arcade games, then you can go through the entire game without ever flying inside a black hole or a hyperspace clot full of pirates. Flying between stars, you can always find a safe path between clumps, and no one will force you into black holes. Of course, then you won’t be able to get hold of useful artifacts in black holes, but you can beat the game without them. Well, or with their bare minimum, received for valor.

There is one "but" here. The final battle in the story takes place in a black hole. But don't moan and prepare for the worst. It is enough to put the ship on autopilot, and you may well win here too. By the way, you can do without a battle altogether.

Autopilot (key " A") can be used in any other arcade battle. If you do not touch the control keys for a while, the autopilot will turn on itself. It will act based on the situation and will think no worse than the enemies. However, this does not guarantee you victory - enemies may turn out to be much stronger than you, especially since one enemy in an arcade battle is rare luck. Usually there are more of them. The maximum is five. The autopilot can destroy one or two, but the rest will finish you off.

Basic Arcade Elements

If you still decide to visit black holes and at least occasionally drop in to visit the pirates, then here is some parting advice for you.

Learn all the control keys. In battle, be able to quickly set your weapon to two types of keys so that you can hit from a distance with an aeonic blaster, and close up, for example, with a Keller phaser. Carefully monitor the effect of the weapon, its strength, find out in which situation which gun is best to use.

When fired, the hypothetical "battery" of each weapon is discharged. Charging takes a certain amount of time, during which you can use other weapons.

"Feel" your ship. Learn to move quickly and clearly in space, point the bow of the ship in the right direction and shoot. Empty hyperclumps will help you with this. Use momentum. You can quickly turn one hundred and eighty degrees if you hit a wall.

The number of possible configurations of the arcade field can be counted on the fingers of one hand. You must learn the places where the prizes are located, learn how to quickly run through them, and use the “terrain” for your own purposes.

Practice dodging shots. To do this, you can use your own weapon. Fire several dozen shots in different directions from an explosive weapon, and its charges will begin to fly around you. Dodge them in flight.

After a couple of hours of training, you will feel much more confident in the arcade. Now you can try to fight with a real opponent.

Each clump or interior of a black hole is the surface of a ball. You seem to “slide” along it, seeing only a separate section of it. If you look closely, you can occasionally see enemy ships flying on the opposite side of the ball.

If for some reason you need to avoid combat encounters (for example, you urgently need repairs), try to be on the opposite side from the enemy.

Arcade prizes

In battle, you can pick up special arcade prizes that strengthen or weaken you. Your enemies can also take prizes. Each prize is valid for only a few seconds. After taking it, the place where it was located remains vacant for some time, then another prize appears in this place. I will list them.

Positive prizes

Life— slowly restores the body. This prize is very useful. He can save even the most desperate situation. If you have few hits left, then, after taking a life, do not get involved in battle for a while, waiting until the prize runs out. Then enter the battle with renewed vigor

Protection- Blocks half of hits. Also a useful prize. Taking it can lead to a risky attack.

Force- Increases enemy defeat by half.

Acceleration— acceleration by one and a half times. Acceleration usually comes in handy when you need to escape from fierce fire or look for an extra life in a level.

Faster reload— the battery charges twice as fast. The fewer guns you have, the more useful the faster reload time will be for you.

Invisibility- they don’t see you if you are far from the enemy and don’t shoot

Negative prizes:

Slowdown— slowdown by one and a half times. As a rule, this prize comes to you at random. While slowed, fly as far away from the enemy as possible and wait until the effect of the prize wears off.

Weapon lock- does not allow you to shoot. A good reason to learn how to silently dodge other people's fire. If the opponent accidentally (or not accidentally) took the weapon blocking prize, feel free to get on his tail and beat the reptile with all types of weapons.

Random prize

The random prize can be anything, either positive or negative. There is always a risk in it. You can heal, or you can get your weapon blocked or, even worse, slowed down. If the enemies are weaker than you, do not take random prizes. If you are almost finished off, you can take a risk. And win.

Tricks in the arcade

It is not necessary to try to honestly “shoot” and “run across” the enemy, using only your spinal cord. You can use certain tricks to your advantage. One of these cunning tactics is called "cart".

It consists of the following: you take only homing weapons in the arcade, such as industrial lasers, aeonic blasters, sub-meson guns. You can take the vortex spotlight. Then learn to move deftly, walking backwards (the flight speed is the same as when flying forward). After an hour of training, you are already flying in circles around the level, spraying enemies with homing weapons.

This tactic is best suited for the hardest and most "circular" level, in which good prizes lie behind triangular "walls" on one side, and random prizes lie behind semicircular "screens" on the other side.

At other levels, it is better to use the “dolby surround” tactic (you fly around a bunch of enemies, while they shoot you, hitting each other because of the cramped space).

But it is best to use “lazy” tactics at other levels. It is extremely effective. Using it, you can defeat five opponents almost without firing a single shot. Interested? Let's get started.

On all “levels” (except for the “round”) you can find a strange thing - black, with spikes, reminiscent of a sea mine. It has a gravitational effect, attracting ships towards it. From a distance this effect is weak, but up close it can be difficult to escape from the embrace of the “mine”. But this property would not be so useful to us if the “mine” did not damage the ship located near it. In addition, there are usually negative prizes near the mine, which is also to our advantage.

Immediately after entering the “level”, dodge enemies and look for this “mine”. Having found it, cut circles around it, trying not to fall under the influence of gravity.

Enemies that fly up behind you, in an attempt to unravel your strange maneuvers, will fly into this mine and begin to “beat” against it. Imagine the picture: three enemy ships are “sitting” on a mine, receiving damage, and from time to time “collecting” the prize of slowing down or blocking weapons. You fly around them.

Naturally, the ships will try to open fire, but you, flying in circles, will be almost completely safe. But the comrades sitting next to them will take the brunt of the blow. In a couple of minutes, the last ship will explode, and all you have to do is pick up the parts left behind.

In the worst case, the enemy will shoot the “mine” with his indiscriminate fire. In this case, the effect of gravity will not stop, but you will have to finish off the enemy yourself.

Where are our homing guns?

It is important: At the “round” level, such tactics do not work for a simple reason - there are no “mines” there.

How to fight in space

The battle in space takes place in a step-by-step mode. You make a path, assign targets within range to the guns, press space and see what happens. Then make your next move.

You can simply order your ship to attack the enemy with all its available arsenal, and it will do this on its own, pursuing and attacking the enemy. It turns out to be a kind of autopilot.

Do not spray fire from cannons at different targets. This can be done in one case - if one shot is enough for an almost finished enemy. Only then can other guns be aimed at the next enemy. If you shoot in different directions, you will turn into a headless chicken, running around uselessly in the thick of the battle. Engage one enemy until he turns into space dust, then switch to another. It is best to attack the weakest enemy first (in the case of the Klisans, these are the Mutenki).

Keep a close eye on the wear and tear on your equipment. Don't get involved in a heated battle with semi-working equipment. Naturally, monitor the integrity of the hull - this is the “health” of your ship. Assess the "hotness" of the battle. If it gets too hot, step up - a good engine will help you with that. There is no need to save on the engine at all - it will help in quests, save you in battle, and eat up all the money on repairs.

Feet can be made to the planet. On the planet, you can easily repair obviously broken parts, patch the body, and refuel. If the planet is far away or you are in the Klissian system, then jump into hyperspace and heal in other systems.

It is better to escape in time than to die ingloriously.

Hit and run

Klisans are taken in numbers. Usually they pile up at once in a large heap, consisting of small, pestering mutenks, larger rogits and dangerous catauries. Somewhere behind at this time, the Nondus or, God forbid, the Egemons usually pull up to the front line.

It is best to kill the Mutenks first - this way you will raise your personal counter of killed Klisans without any problems. Then the nondus may swim up and, if you are not strong enough, this is the time to give work to other rangers and military personnel. Hide behind their strong backs, and if there are no backs, then just run away.

If you and another ranger (not necessarily a hired one) flew into the Klissan system, and he suddenly turned around and decided to make a move, you should know that the danger is really great. It would be nice to follow the example of the wise ranger.

If you are confident in your speed and can freely overtake the Mutenka, then use the “hit and run” tactic. If you have a low-power engine, immediately use the "run for your life!" tactic. (“Save yourself who can!”).

"Hit and run" tactics are common among Rangers. It goes like this: you fly into the Klisan system, kill as many enemies as possible, and when things start to get hot, you make a big move. Usually the light ships of the Klissans fall under your hot hand - the heavy ones simply may not be able to keep up with you. Sometimes you can start teasing the green ships by flying in circles around the system around the central star. From time to time, let individual Mutenks and Rogits get closer to you. Deal with them.

If you have a repair droid available, you can take it off and get it repaired. Here, however, you need to monitor the wear and tear of the equipment: if your engine fails, you are a dead man. Having nanitoids on board that independently repair equipment will save you from this headache - here is another reason to visit black holes.

...and picked it up

On the go, you can pick up the goods that fall out of the wounded and killed Klisans. However, you shouldn’t be greedy - if you hesitate too much, running around a large piece of protoplasm shouting “is all this really mine?”, then a nondus sneaking up unnoticed with a bunch of catauri can seriously undermine your health.

The tactic of “running around the system, killing, and picking up the goodies on the second circle” will also not work. For some reason, Klisans don’t like it when protoplasm and green carcasses fly around them - it makes them think sad thoughts. Because of this, every little thing flying past the green lump considers it his duty to shoot at it and smash it to pieces. To be able to pick up protoplasm from a dead ship, maneuver so that the other ships sail as far as possible from it.

As you collect trophies, you compete with other rangers. A tasty trophy can literally be stolen from under your nose. When two ships try to capture the same item, it usually flies to the one that is closer. If the ships stopped at the same distance from the object, then you can watch for free a fun “trophy tugging” competition that can last for days.

If you and a rival ranger are at the same distance from the trophy, try to plot your course so that you land as close to the desired item as possible at the end of your turn. In this case, you will drag it into your hold. However, it is possible that you will simply “float” to it and will not be able to click on it with the cursor. Beware of this outcome too.

This is interesting: did you know that space does not end at the border of the map? You can check for yourself how far it extends beyond the borders. The main thing is don’t get lost there yourself. Some believe that protoplasm and valuables can be hidden behind the edge of the map in reserve: supposedly other rangers will not find them there. You can try it.

Mutinok and the sun

Previously, in the fight against the Klisans, it was fashionable to use the luminary of the system. Allegedly, these green guys quickly lose their health and die. The main thing, they say, is to cut circles around the star so that the green invaders fly into the disk and lose health. You can test this tactic - maybe it will work for you. With the patch, however (unfortunately or fortunately), the Klisans became three times more fireproof, so in the patched game the “Icarus” tactic lost its relevance.

Protoplasm in reserve

After a hot battle, I believe that more than once, having filled a large hold to capacity with goods and protoplasm, you will watch with bitterness as other rangers pick up everything else that did not fit into your hold.

It’s a pity, and there’s nothing you can do—there’s no room in the hold. However, there is a way that will allow you to put away collected pieces of protoplasm “in reserve” so that no one touches them. To do this, you need a lot of space in the hold (150-200 units) and a very good grip (the same 150-200 units).

Do this: fill the hold with protoplasm until a lot of it accumulates. Then throw it all away in one big piece - the main thing is that you can pick it up yourself later. The Rangers will not be able to “swallow” such a large piece and will simply ignore it. In the meantime, you can collect Klisan parts, sell them profitably at the scientific base, and then calmly return for protoplasm.

Note that the trick only works in relation to protoplasm. You cannot throw away expensive pieces of Klisan cladding “in one piece.” If a “hell wave” weighing two hundred units falls from the egemon, then no one will take it anyway.

To be sure, however, scan other Rangers for powerful grabs and free hold space. If the ranger has a strong grip, but the hold is already full, don’t rejoice in advance: nothing will stop him from swimming up to your “stash” and dragging it away, throwing out the excess from the hold.

Also, beware of military personnel and transports - they like to shoot what they consider “unnecessary” objects as they fly by. I have already spoken above about the Klisans’ tendency to cover up evidence.


Passing text quests

Text quests are the real highlight of the game. You come across quests here and there - don’t hesitate, take them and go through them carefully - you are guaranteed a lot of fun, interesting solutions and humor - cheerful and sarcastic, kind and black, good and different.

Almost all quests can be completed on your own if you have patience, brains and sometimes a pen and paper. But sometimes it happens that the quest cannot be completed, for the life of me! It is for this case that the passage of all text quests in the game is provided here. Taking this opportunity, I thank the inhabitants of the "Elemental Games" forum for their help in solving quests.

Please note that the quest allowed go through again if you fail it, that is, numerous save/loads will not be required of you. And this is humane...

Each quest has several solutions and several possible outcomes. The quest description indicates the race that orders it, the race on whose planet you are completing the quest, as well as the requirements for the player. For example, espionage on the bearings is unlikely to be given to a bearing player, and sabotage at a malok base will not be given to a malok (you will have to change your race or lifestyle in order to be able to take on the quest).

It is not recommended to keep the passage in front of you in advance - you will lose nine-tenths of the pleasure from solving the quest. I specifically present here descriptions of quests without any special details and literary delights (“ you bravely approached the gobzaur and patted him on the head...”) so that you are not tempted to memorize all the solutions in advance.

Only one possible solution is described here. The conditions of some quests change randomly - in this case, an approximate solution or winning strategy is given. It is strongly not recommended to use the passage, except in a situation where there is a complete shutdown - all the fun will be lost.

You have been warned.

1) “Bank” - you need to find out the security change time and password

Customer: Gaalians

Planet of fulfillment: bearings

Player requirements: No

§ Say password

§ Say password

§ On the first day do the same as on the second

§ Second day

§ Computer store (buy Chess Sharper, Password Cracker, Trojan)

§ Installation (Trojan, Chess Sharper (external), Password Cracker (internal))

§ Bank (Open an account, Say about a discount, “You smell...”, invite to a restaurant; Play chess with a computer, use a laptop, demand to see a log file - PASSWORD)

§ Pharmacy (department of psychotropic drugs, buy "Otkrovin")

§ Book a table in a restaurant

§ Rest

§ Restaurant (story, add Otkrovin, story, ask the shift shift time of the duty officers - TIME)

2) “Boat” - transporting the gods across the strait

Customer: Gaalians

Planet: uninhabited

Player requirements: No

§ (there) Ah (2) + Wow (1) = 2 hours

§ (back)Ah(2) =4 hours

§ (there) Ge (10) + Bach (5) = 14 hours

§ (back)Wow(1) =15 hours

§ (there) Ah (2) + Wow (1) = 17 hours

3) “Neoflora” - we are looking for a stolen Faeyan container

Customer: Faeians

Planet: bearings

Player requirements: not a bearing and not a pirate


§ Pretend to be a foreigner and go into town

§ Go to the bar

§ Talk to an old friend, drink beer with him.

§ Go to the computer club, go online and find out the password

§ Go to an antique shop and buy a good luck talisman

§ Leave shop

§ Enter the City Hall

§ Scratch behind the knee (three times)

§ Say the password "red pachryamba"

§ Go to warehouses 13-24

§ Kick down the door

§ Take the box

§ Leave the municipality (you can go through the main entrance if your luck is more than 60%)

§ Leave the planet

4) "Commando" - we blow up a warehouse with fibrogen

Customer: Gaalians

Planet: Maloki

Player requirements: not small and not a merchant



§ Rocket to the left tower at the gate

§ Rocket to the right tower at the gate

§ Rocket into the gate

§ Rocket to grenade launchers

§ Torpedo into the tower

§ Rocket in a jeep

§ Speed ​​up, overtake a jeep, mine in a jeep

§ Machine gun in a jeep

§ Torpedo into the tower

§ Machine gun into grenade launchers

§ Torpedo into the tower

§ Torpedo into the tower

§ Rocket in pipes

§ Rocket in snipers

§ Machine gun in shooters

§ Rocket into the tank

§ Rocket into the tank

5) “Terrible Death” - experiment with calic acid

Customer: bearings

Planet: Gaalians

Player requirements: Human


Little depends on you. The main thing is to monitor your health

6) "Exam" - we enter the university

Customer: matches the player's race

Planet: Gaalians

Player requirements: No


Strength >=3 - go to the library, save the bird: physical education; mathematics (bird)

Mind >=3 - go to the tavern, get the professor drunk: mathematics; chemistry (professor)

Dexterity >=3 - walk around the city, pull out a book: labor; literature (book)

Everything = 2 - do nothing, go to bed: work; physical training

7) “Fishing” - catch fish

Customer: Gaalians

Planet: bearings

Player requirements: No


§ Catch bait

§ You don’t have to talk to the fisherman

§ Start from the WEST Bank

§ First throw CLOSE to the shore

§ If a leech was used, then the second throw is AWAY from the shore, if a cockroach, then AS FAR FROM the shore as possible, if a BOOT is caught, then take it to the fish inspector

§ Third throw only if leeches were used the first two times. Throw AS FAR AS POSSIBLE from the shore.

8) "Galaxy" - looking for drugs in the casino

Customer: bearings

Planet: bearings

Player requirements: people, presence of at least three thousand


§ In the women's restroom, break off the sign

§ To the bar, man in the center, learn to play

§ To the gambling hall, play, watch, talk to the sharpie

§ To the bar, girl in the center, take away the spray

§ To the gambling hall, play, watch, run after a person

§ Go to the toilet, use the spray, take the gun, hide the body in the next stall, hang a sign, take the briefcase, add money to the required amount

§ To the second floor, use the gun

9) “Ikebana” - making ikebana

Customer: Gaalians

Planet: Gaalians

Player requirements: No


§ Select first move

§ Close the color so that an even number of even and odd digits remain (0 is an even number)

§ Repeat enemy moves

10) “Murder” - we are investigating a murder

Customer: People

Planet: Faeians

Player requirements: man and pirate


§ In Lee's restaurant, get a dossier on Katerina

§ Interrogate Katerina

§ In Lee's restaurant, get a dossier on Bidon Pomoev

§ Interrogate Bidon Pomoev

§ Find the key in Katerina's cell

§ Go to the institute, find the ship's log

§ Interrogate the Faeyan

§ Blame the sheriff.

11) "Penetrator" - testing Malok weapons

Customer: Maloki

Planet: Maloki

Player requirements: not small


§ Check email

§ Fly around the training ground

§ Hit one of the droids

§ Ignore tail

§ Substitute droid

§ Shoot the robot

§ Hack system

§ Enter melee combat

12) "Breed" - breeding the ideal penchequack

Customer: Maloki

Planet: Maloki

Player requirements: No


§ Level Cunning, Aggressiveness, Toothy parameters to the maximum value using Cattykit and Swinskas (2 turns)

§ Level up Strength and Devotion with Chappichups (1 turn)

§ Level up Strength and Dexterity using Warm Up Sleepers (1 turn)

§ Level Strength and Aggressiveness (1 turn)

§ Start / 115532

§ HZA+4 / 148535

§ LH+4 / 188575

§ LS+1 / 288585

§ SP+3 / 588885

§ CA+3 / 888888

13) “Race” - we take part in races

Customer: Faeians

Planet: People

Player requirements: Faeian


§ Go to the garage, you can ask around about racing

§ Go to bed

§ Look around the track, honk and go

§ Next comes a random distribution of turns, straight roads, etc. Watch the road, keep your speed around 90-110 km/h. Turn smoothly on easy turns, sharply on sharp turns. Correct your tires and gas tank in the pits

14) "Spy" - we place bugs in the presidential palace

Customer: bearings

Planet: People

Player requirements: No


§ Ask for two hundred rubles

§ Buy flowers

§ Buy two bottles of vodka

The quest can start from different parts of the palace. Go through the rooms on your own. Basic moments:

§ Treat the workers in the garage with vodka and follow the indicated path

§ Give flowers to the cloakroom attendant and follow the indicated path

§ You run away from the gays into the women's restroom

§ When asked about the credo, answer: “Always”, “In the dialectical”

15) “Tomb” - open the sarcophagus in the tomb

Customer: People

Planet: uninhabited

Player requirements: Haalian


Fire-1, light-2, wind-3, darkness-4, water-5, earth-6

1 2 3 4 5 6 (brothers)

2 2 n n n n (fire)

n n 5 1 n n (water)

3 n n n 1 n (wind)

n 4 n n 4 n (darkness)

n n n n n 5 (ground)

n n 3 2 n 3 (light)

16) "Gladiator" - training a gladiator

Customer: bearings

Planet: Maloki

Player requirements: No


§ Walk around the market

§ Having knocked down the buyer, help him get up and get the talisman

§ Save energy

§ Talk to the owner of the dreddy

§ Stuff your face

§ Use talisman

17) “Hatchball” - training a hatchball team

Customer: People

Planet: bearings

Player requirements: No


(works in most cases)

§ Select blue form

§ Defense

§ Attack

§ Defense

§ Attack

§ Protest to the judge

§ Haching

§ Defense

18) "Energy" - repairing the power plant

Customer: People

Planet: People

Player requirements: No


O - Total capacity

1st task: O-5, 5-3, 3-O, 5-3, O-5, 5-3

Task 2: 8-3, 3-2, 2-8, 3-2, 8-3

Task 3: 10-4, 10-3, 3-10, 4-3, 3-10, 4-3, 10-4

Task 4: O-5, 5-7, O-5, 5-7. Left blower: 7-5, 5-O, 7-5, O-7, 7-5

Prize: 12-7, P, 7-5, 5-12, 7-5, P, 12-7, P, 7-5, 5-12, 7-5, P, 12-7, P, 7- 5, 5-12

19) "Gobsaurus" - deceiving the wild beast

Customer: Faeians

Planet: uninhabited

Player requirements: No


§ Follow the footsteps

§ Make some noise

§ Raise Skull

§ Raise bone

§ Eat the bone

§ Throw a bone to the gobsaur

§ Play with the skull

§ Continue playing with the skull

§ Throw the skull out of the cave

§ Find disk

20) “Menzols” - buy an idol from a primitive tribe

Customer: People

Planet: uninhabited

Player requirements: dealer


§ Take a bone from the ground, a hunter came running, buy a bone from him

§ Go to the landfill, take the item

§ Identify an item as a broken gong

§ Rob a house

§ Give money to the fisherman, get a bag of bones

§ Sell a bag of bones and a hunting bone to the sad one

§ Buy ganga, kunga, tonga at auction for money

§ Go to the grunt for fish, sell him a tonga

§ Go to the old man and fix the gong for the fish

§ Go to the young man, sell the gong, get information

§ Go to the shaman, buy swill for the cork

§ Go to the leader, pay a bribe, talk to him, sell him a figurine, kunga, donga. He needs a tanga

§ Leave the leader, sell Ganga at auction

§ Go to the hunter, ask to show the tanga, the hunter with a stunner, take the tanga (first hit the old man with a stunner, but he doesn’t have a tanga)

§ Come to the leader, sell the tanga, buy an idol

21) “Siege” - fighting off the rebels at the Malok base

Customer: Maloki

Planet: Maloki

Player requirements: No


Talk to the sergeant and learn all the rules

Guns: Mortars 50-70 km, turrets 7-15 km, laser anti-aircraft guns 1-2 km

Wind: 10-20 km/h - will not blow away, 40-60 km/h - will blow away 1 square, 90-100 km/h - will blow away 2 squares

Plasma tanks: 15-25 km/h - will not go away, 50-70 km/h - will go to 1 square, 110-130 km/h - will go to 2 squares, 170-180 km/h - will go to 3 squares

22) “Casino” - get a new casino game

Customer: bearings

Planet: People

Player requirements: No


Depends on luck and your risk tolerance. In bad situations, fold, sometimes feel free to bluff

23) "Bond" - we penetrate the Bearing base to rescue the agent

Customer: People

Planet: bearings

Player requirements: No


§ Take blaster

§ Go to the sewer

§ Meet a rat with a blow

§ Land the grate with your shoulder

§ Wait until the guard comes down and put the blaster to your temple

§ Order the second person to raise their hands

§ Enter the opening

§ Go left

§ Knock out a guard

§ Shoot the second guard with a blaster and remove the keys from the corpse

§ Go through the opening

§ Go straight

§ Go down the sewer

§ Shoot the rat

24) “Construction” - we are building a Malok outpost on a wild planet

Customer: Maloki

Planet: uninhabited

Player requirements: No


One of the options:

§ Sandy Beach

§ Strengthening the foundation

§ Strengthening the foundation

§ Build base

§ Build base

§ Build base

§ Build base

§ Closed

§ Finish base

§ Finish base

§ Finish base

§ Finish base

§ Build and finish the base

25) "Diamond" - open a safe with a diamond

Customer: bearings

Planet: Maloki

Player requirements: not a warrior

§ Agree to the task

§ Chat with Kramer

§ Ask how to crack safes, ask for examples

§ End the conversation and go to bed

§ Go shooting with Yomir

§ Play cards with Zelif

§ Go for energy therapy with Yomir

§ Climb into the sewer, let Yomir pass first

§ Take cover from gunfire at the table

§ Take the elevator down

§ Start hacking the RG safe. Here, remember everything Kramer taught you. It is necessary to monitor the Hz reading. Count tens of Hz. If there is one ten, then some number is in its place. If there are two tens, two of some numbers are in their place. Use the replacement-selection method to determine these places. This must be done in twelve moves.

Cheater's Corner

Let's face it - there are cheats in Space Rangers. Here are the basic rules that every cheater should know!

a) Each cheat has a cost. To use the cheat you need to collect N days-points. Therefore, the more days you have gone without cheating, the more powerful the cheat you will be able to use. When using a cheat (any) the accumulated days are reset to zero!

b) If the rules for calling a cheat are not followed, an error is displayed, but the calling of the cheat is not counted and you can call the next cheat.

c) The cost of the summoned cheats is added up. The cheating ranger's record will be accepted on the official game server ( ), to a special list of cheaters. This list is displayed in the records table separately from the records of honest players.

So here are the codes:

Title: Daring Fix

Action: Repairs all equipment on the ship

Rules: None

Challenge: Fly into the sun and type Shift+Ctrl+Repair

Cost: 40

Title: Klisan Dozen

Action: Increases the number of Klisans in each of the systems they control to 12.

Rules: None

Call: Shift+Ctrl+KlissanMax

Cost: 20

Title: Call to fight

Action: Klissan ships invade the system from which the signal was sent.

Rules: More than 20 Klisans should not invade the system. These Klisans are real, they are taken from real systems, and if the Klisans don’t have ships, then no one will come.

Call: Shift+Ctrl+KlissanCall

Cost: 20

Title: Lazy Ranger

Action: Ranger gains 1000 ranger points

Rules: If the ranger has less than 1000 unallocated points.

Challenge: While in the Ranger Center, type Shift+Ctrl+RangerPoints

Cost: 150

Title: Title for free

Action: The ranger receives the number of points required to obtain the next rank.

Rules: If the rank is less than the maximum.

Challenge: While at a military base, type Shift+Ctrl+NextRank

Cost: 90

Title: Cool Gun

Action: A cool gun appears in the store

Rules: None

Challenge: While on the planet, type Shift+Ctrl+CoolWeapon

Cost: 100

Title: Credit Card Gun

Action: A random gun appears in the store for 1 cr

Rules: More than 50 items do not appear in the store

Challenge: While on the planet, type Shift+Ctrl+LowCostWeapon

Cost: 20

Title: Two Bombs

Action: 2 quark bombs appear in the hold

Challenge: While in space, type Shift+Ctrl+Bomb

Cost: 60

Title: Random Artifact

Action: 1 random artifact appears in the hold

Rules: If there are less than 10 things in the hold

Challenge: While in hyper, type Shift+Ctrl+Artefact

Cost: 40

Title: Easy money

Action: The player's cash amount increases to 10000 cr

Rules: None

Challenge: While in space, on a planet, in a store - type Shift+Ctrl+Money

Cost: 40

Title: Take off your clothes

Action: The ship closest to the player drops all equipment not needed for flight.

Rules: The rule does not apply to Machpella.

Challenge: While in space, type Shift+Ctrl+Drop

Cost: 60

Name: Packaging

Action: On the player's ship, all equipment becomes 2 times smaller.

Rules: The body remains unchanged. Less than 1 item cannot be occupied.

Challenge: While in space, type Shift+Ctrl+Paking

Cost: 300

Title: Science Gift

Action: Scientists give good Klissan equipment.

Rules: None

Challenge: While at the scientific base, type Shift+Ctrl+KlissanItem

Cost: 160

Title: Sell Your Soul

Action: Pirates increase the maximum power of their guns for themselves and the player by 10-20 units.

Rules: The global ratio of normal planets and ships (not pirates or the player's partners) to the player is reduced by 60%. The player becomes a pirate 100%.

Challenge: While at the pirate station, type Shift+Ctrl+WeaponStrength

Cost: 200

Title: Bombing

Action: 10 quark bombs appear around the player at a distance of 800-1500.

Rules: None

Challenge: In space, type Shift+Ctrl+10Bomb

Cost: 140

Title: New Base

Action: A random base appears in the player's system.

Rules: There must be 1 of each type of database. There should not be more than three databases in one system.

Challenge: On the planet, type Shift+Ctrl+RndBase

Cost: 30

Title: Open sector

Action: A previously closed sector on the map opens.

Rules: If there are unopened sectors.

Call: While at the pirate station, type Shift+Ctrl+OpenMapSector

Cost: 20

Title: Big money

Action: The player receives an additional 100,000 credit cards.

Rules: If the player has less than 1 million credit cards.

Call: Type Shift+Ctrl+HugeMoney

Cost: 300

Title: Pelengsky surprise

Action: In the store on the planet of bearings, the range of the weapons sold is doubled!

Rules: The global ratio of normal (non-bearing) planets and ships (not the player's partners) to the player is reduced by 50%.

Call: Type Shift+Ctrl+PelengSurprise

Cost: 100

Title: Hyperpower

Action: The player's body is increased by 30% and completely repaired.

Rules: None

Challenge: Type Shift+Ctrl+SuperHull in space

Cost: 250

Title: Big Boom!

Action: In hyper, all enemies explode.

Rules: Does not apply to the final battle

Call: Type in hyper Shift+Ctrl+Boom

Cost: 30

Title: Hating the Rangers

Action: All pirates, transports, liners and diplomatic ships begin to hate all rangers, including the player.

Rules: The attitude of rangers to each other and the attitude of planets and warships to rangers remains unchanged.

Challenge: Dial in space Shift+Ctrl+HateRangers

Cost: 10

Title: Pirate Invasion

Action: In each system belonging to the coalition forces, a pirate is born.

Rules: None

Call: Dial in the pirate base Shift+Ctrl+Pirates

Cost: 100


Keys common to all modes

Esc- open the "System Menu"

F2— save the current game

F3— load the game

Space— press the “End turn” button (carry out the given orders)

Shift + Space- make a flight with a stop at the end of each day

S— call the “Ship” window

M— call the "Galactic Map" window

Alt+F4- end the program immediately

Keys in system menu mode

Esc— close the menu and return to the game

C- change game settings

E- end the game and go to the main menu screen

Keys in planet mode

G- go to "Government Building"

E— go to the "Equipment Store"

T— go to the "Shopping Center"

I— go to the "Information Center"

H- go to the "Hangar"

P— get general information about the planet

Keys in hangar mode

A- repair the ship's hull

B- refuel

F- take off from the planet

Keys in space mode

I- scan another ship

T— enter into dialogue with another ship

W— show/hide weapon panel

~ - select all weapons

+ — select still unselected weapons

F- go to movie mode

Arcade Battle Mode Keys

Left, Right, Up, Down- control the movement of the ship

Ctrl— shoot from guns of the first group

Space— shoot from guns of the second group

1...5 - switch to the specified weapon

A— enable/disable autopilot

P- pause

Shift- pick up an object in hyperspace


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