Puss in Boots positive qualities. Review of the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault

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The main character of the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” is an ordinary cat who lived in a miller’s family. When the old miller died, his sons began to divide the inheritance. The eldest son took the mill, the middle son took the donkey, and the youngest son only got the cat. The youngest son was sitting and thinking out loud about what use the cat would be to him, when he told the new owner in a human voice that he was not as bad as he seemed. The cat begged the owner for a bag and boots and went to catch rabbits.

He managed to catch one rabbit and took it to the royal castle. At the same time, the cat told the king that this was a gift from the Marquis de Carabas. Then he brought gifts to the king several more times on behalf of the Marquis. One day the cat learned that the king and his daughter were going for a walk. He forced his master to climb into the river, and he ran towards the royal carriage and began shouting that his master was drowning. The king recognized the cat and sent servants to help his owner.

Since the cat claimed that his owner's clothes had been stolen, the Marquis de Carabas was dressed in a new dress from the royal wardrobe. The king's daughter liked the young marquis and looked at him with interest. The cat wasted no time, he ran ahead of the carriage and forced the peasants in the fields and meadows to say that this was the property of the Marquis de Carabas. The king was impressed by the wealth of the young marquis.

Meanwhile, the cat ran to the castle where there lived a cannibal giant who could transform into different animals. The cunning cat persuaded the giant to turn into a mouse, and instantly swallowed him. Hearing that a royal carriage had arrived at the ogre's castle, the cat ran out and invited everyone to the castle of the Marquis de Carabas.

The king, fascinated by the castle, told the marquis that he would not mind if he married his daughter, the princess, who by that time had simply fallen in love with the marquis. The wedding took place on the same day. And since then, the cat and his owner have had a happy life, and the cat now catches mice only for pleasure.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” is that you shouldn’t appearance judge the capabilities of a person. The miller's youngest son did not expect any benefit from the cat that he inherited, but the cat refused, being energetic and enterprising, and not only made his owner a rich man, but also arranged his marriage with the king's daughter.

The fairy tale by Ch. Perrault teaches one to never lose heart and show resourcefulness when achieving your goals.

In the fairy tale “Puss in Boots,” I liked the cat who, with only a bag and boots, managed to make his owner’s life rich and prosperous in a short time.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”?

The stupid man turns sour, but the wise man sees through everything.
Whoever managed it ate it.
If your will is strong, you will always achieve your goal.

Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" and their characteristics"

  1. Marquis Karabas, also the youngest son of a miller, who was very dissatisfied with his inheritance, but obeyed the Cat in everything and succeeded in life.
  2. Puss in Boots, cunning and resourceful, has an extraordinary imagination and easily realizes all his plans.
  3. King, ruler of the state, who would be delighted with the Marquis of Carabas
  4. The cannibal, angry and naive, turned into a mouse and was eaten by the Cat.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
  1. Inheritance
  2. Puss in Boots
  3. Cat hunter and getter
  4. The Marquis is bathing
  5. Reapers and mowers
  6. Cannibal transformations
  7. Wedding.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The miller distributes the inheritance and the youngest son gets the cat.
  2. The cat catches the game and gives it to the king
  3. The cat pretends that the Marquis Karabas is drowning
  4. The cat persuades the peasants to say that they belong to Karabas.
  5. The cat deceives the ogre and eats him in the form of a mouse.
  6. The Marquis of Karabas marries the princess.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
It is not material values ​​that constitute our main wealth, but intelligence and ingenuity.

What does the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us not to be discouraged if it seems that something is going wrong. Teaches you to believe in own strength, teaches you to be smart, teaches you to be brave. She teaches us cunning with which we can achieve more than brute force.

Signs fairy tale in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

  1. Magical assistant - talking Puss in Boots
  2. Magical creature - Ogre
  3. Magic transformations - The ogre turned into a lion and a mouse.
Review of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
I really liked the fairy tale “Puss in Boots,” because the main character in it is an unusually smart and calculating Cat, who came up with a wonderful way to make his owner rich and happy, and at the same time ensured a quiet life for himself.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
Where you cannot take force, cunning will help.
What is clever is also simple.
The cunning one will always find a loophole.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Puss in Boots"
When he died, the old miller left his sons a small inheritance - a mill, a donkey and a cat. The eldest sons took the mill and the donkey, and the cat went to the youngest.
The younger was disappointed with such an inheritance, but the Cat did not lose heart. He asked for a bag and boots.
The cat began to catch rabbits, partridges and other game and carry them to the king as a gift from the Marquis of Carabas, his master.
One day the Cat found out that the king was going for a walk with the princess, and sent the Marquis of Carabas to swim. He himself began to shout that his owner was drowning, and that his things had been stolen by robbers.
The king gave the marquis the best dress and invited him to ride in a carriage.
The cat, meanwhile, ran forward and told the mowers, reapers and other peasants to call the Marquis of Carabas their owner, under the threat of immediate and cruel reprisal.
The king was amazed by the rich possessions of the marquis.
The cat ran to the ogre's castle and asked if the ogre could turn into huge animals. The ogre turned into a lion and the cat ran away to the roof. Then the Cat asked if the ogre could turn into small animals. The cannibal turned into a mouse and the cat ate it.
The king arrived at the castle and was fascinated by the beauty of the castle of the Marquis of Carabas. He invited the Marquis to become his son-in-law and the Marquis of Karabas married the princess.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

A play, a musical, an anime - how could the legendary fairy tale about a determined cat not be transformed! It’s not surprising, because the brave and wise character became a real support for the new owner. The red-haired tomboy won a princess for the miller's son, defeated the villain, and did all this with the help of a sack and a pair of boots.

History of creation

For the first time, the story about the cunning animal was published in the collection of short stories “Pleasant Nights,” the author of which is considered to be Gianfrancesco Straparola. The book was published in the 16th century in Italy. True, the tale was about a cat that did not need boots at all. Otherwise, the plot develops according to the usual scenario: inheritance, king and victory over the cannibal.

In 1634, a similar work was published in the collection “Tale of Tales” by the writer Giambattista Basile. The magical story has its own characteristics, but the main outline remains unchanged.

And only in 1697 the story about Puss in Boots was included in the collection “Tales of Mother Goose”, published under the name of the son of Charles Perrault. Such caution was explained simply - Charles did not want the critic’s name to be associated with fairy tales.

There is a legend that Perrault heard a fairy tale as a child from his own nurse. Later story was finalized and inserted into the book. Naturally, Perrault made his own changes to the story. For example, the writer described in detail the ogre's castle, which repeats the architecture of another building - the Uaron Castle in France.

In 1815, the next volume of “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm” was supplemented with the story “The Poor Farmhand and the Little Cat.” Apparently, the cat changed sex again, but did not lose its desire to help the mill workers. In any case, the story of the character’s incredible cunning appealed to children all over the world.


Illustration for the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

Where and when the cat was born, who taught the animal to speak is unknown. The pet spent most of its life in the old miller's house, hunting mice and basking in the sun.

After the death of the miller, the three sons decided to divide the farm left over from their father. The eldest and middle son took the mill and the donkey, and the cat became the property of the younger heir. The new owner of the beast was dissatisfied with the share he received, because he considered the pet to be a cunning and treacherous creature.

Having heard that the new owner plans to let the cat eat and sew a muff from the skin, the animal realized that it was time to act. The animal asked the miller's son to buy him boots and a sack. Like, the cat will show that it is capable of much.

The gift of persuasion worked, the hero got what he wanted. Having put on his boots, the cat threw the cabbage into the bag and went into the forest. Having found a suitable clearing, the beast pretended to be dead. The prey didn't take long to arrive. Instantly killing the naive rabbit who fell into the trap, the cat went to the royal palace.

The cunning beast was received by the king and, introducing himself as a servant of the Marquis de Carabas, presented the prey to the ruler of the state. A couple of days later the cat visited the palace again. This time the animal brought two partridges as a gift. Offerings on behalf of the marquis were received by the king for three months without interruption.

In a short time, the animal won the king’s trust and found out the sovereign’s travel schedule. Before the nobleman's next trip, the cat came to the unlucky owner and asked him to swim in the river through which the royal escort route passed. The miller's unsuspecting son agreed.

Having won right moment, the cat ran out of the bushes in front of the king's carriage. The ruling person recognized an old acquaintance. In feigned confusion, the cat reported that his owner, the Marquis de Carabas, was drowning. The young man was pulled out of the river, dressed in luxurious clothes, and introduced to the king and the princess accompanying the monarch.

A naive girl fell in love with a handsome young man at first sight. The king invited the miller's son to ride with him. The insidious cat, seeing that the situation was going well, continued to implement own plan. The animal ran in front of the carriage and, threatening the peasants, made the people say that the lands and fields belonged to the marquis. The king was impressed by the wealth of his new acquaintance.

Soon the cat reached the final goal - the ogre's castle. The beast begged the powerful giant to accept him, and during the conversation, playing on the man’s vanity, he persuaded the villain to turn into a mouse. As soon as the ogre was reincarnated, the cat swallowed the enemy.

At that moment, the king arrived at the castle gates, accompanied by the miller's son in disguise and the princess. The cat also passed off the beautiful building as the property of the young man.

The impressed monarch agreed to the marriage of the pseudo-marquis and the princess. The cat, who proved that he was capable of much more than simply catching mice, received the title of nobleman. Well, the characterization that the beast deserved justified itself.

Film adaptations

The first appearance on television screens of Puss in Boots was organized by. In 1922, under the command of a famous animator, a cartoon of the same name was released.

In 1938, the first film adaptation of Charles Perrault's fairy tale in the USSR was created at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio. Under the direction of the Broomberg sisters, the black and white “Puss in Boots” appeared. The drawn musical lasts 12 minutes and is completely identical to the original work.

In 1958, the four-legged hero became the character of a full-length film. The film “The New Adventures of Puss in Boots” is based on the play “Laughter and Tears.” Soviet actors reincarnated as princes, sorcerers and sorcerers. The role of the cunning cat was played by Maria Barabanova.

The first issue of the anime from the Puss in Boots trilogy, dedicated to the Musketeer cat, was released in 1969. This time the role of the villain switched from an ogre to a wizard named . The second part of the Japanese cartoon resembles a Western - Pero (that’s the name of the animal) restores order in a gangster town. In the final episode, the cat goes on a real adventure around the world. The drawn hero was voiced by Susumu Ishikawa (), Yasushi Suzuki (Andrey Miroshnikov) and Osami Nabe (Anatoly Shchukin).

A musical improvisation on the theme of the adventures of an unusual animal was released in 1985. The film “About a Cat...” again tells about the fate of the miller’s son and his inheritance, but this time the princess refuses the cat’s owner. The role of the cunning animal went to.

Puss in Boots from Shrek

In 1995, the fairy tale received a plasticine version. The authors of the cartoon created a social satire, the basis for which was the traditional work of the French author. The cat changed his citizenship, and main character from a miller he transformed into a drinking villager. The role of the animal emigrant was voiced by Alexey Stychkin.

The most popular image was created by animators for the cartoon “Shrek”. The audience liked the character so much that the red-haired sly man was given a separate animated film.

“Puss in Boots” (2011) tells about the life of an animal before meeting an ogre and a donkey. A young cat lives in a shelter. The animal's only friend is , who persuades the beast to find magic beans and steal a special chicken.

In 2012, a sequel to the acclaimed cartoon “Puss in Boots: Three Little Imps” was released. This time, the brave Cat will have to find the stolen ruby ​​and set three naughty kittens on the right path. In both cartoons, the voice of the honest bandit is .


“Boots... it was a strange gift for a cat, but, caramba, they suit me!”
“I am Puss in Boots. And my name will become a legend!”
“Whenever I get into trouble, I will always find a way out.”
“The wind was strong and my basket was small. Day after day he drove me forward - a hungry kitten without milk, mother and cat litter.”

As I continue to look at the site, I often wonder who are the positive characters here and who are the negative ones? And I can’t clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes subsequently do very good deeds, and the seemingly positive heroes do the opposite.

Books Cat - a character from Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
The cat is a character from Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

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Cat - main character fairy tales, resourceful and smart, saves the owner from hunger and poverty.

Source: Fairy tale "Mr. Cat, or Puss in Boots"

The owner, the miller's youngest son, inherited the cat. Having asked for a bag and boots from the owner, who wanted to eat him and sew a muff from the skin out of despair, the Cat catches game and presents it as a gift to the king on behalf of his owner, the Marquis de Caraba.

Having learned that the king and his daughter will be traveling in a carriage for a walk, the cunning Cat invites the owner to swim in the river, and he himself begins to shout that he is drowning. The king orders him to be saved, gives him clothes, and invites him into his carriage.

The cat runs ahead of the carriage and forces the peasants to tell the king that the lands they are working on belong to the Marquis de Carabou. The king admires the wealth of the “marquis”. Having gone to the Ogre's castle, the Cat uses flattery to get him to turn into a lion, then into a mouse. As soon as the Ogre has turned into a mouse, the Cat swallows him and politely invites the king to the castle of the Marquis de Caraba. The king offers the marquis his daughter's hand. So the poor man becomes the king's son-in-law, and the Cat becomes a great nobleman. p>

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Probably I like negative heroes because, firstly, they are beautiful, secondly, they all have a sad story, thirdly, they must be smart, and fourthly, he must be unhappy and lonely. But I think that the negative heroes are mysterious, brave, but it’s a pity that sometimes these heroes often die at the end of the film or at the end of the anime... But some heroes realize their guilt and begin to fight for the side of good.

Need to download an essay? Click and save - » The cat is a character from Charles Perrault’s fairy tale “Puss in Boots”. And the finished essay appeared in my bookmarks.

Puss in Boots

PUSS IN BOOTS (French Le Chat botte) is the hero of the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by C. Perrault (1697). The time when the work was written is the beginning of the Enlightenment, and Puss in Boots, who so deftly and energetically carries out business in this fairy tale, can be perceived as a sign of the coming era of the triumph of reason, personal initiative and talent, regardless of class. Cats are not divided into classes, and by making the hero of the fairy tale a handsome cat, Perrault may have wanted to emphasize the extra-verbal significance of the qualities with which the character created by his imagination is endowed. The cat, while still a cat without boots, is inherited by a boring, sad owner, who has no idea what treasure he has become the owner of. He is going to eat the cat and sew a muff from its skin. But, remembering “what tricks this cat used when he hunted rats and mice, how cleverly he pretended to be dead,” he decides to listen to the cat’s request and orders boots for him. An ordinary cat becomes a “puss in boots.” From this moment on, a well-thought-out far-sighted intrigue by the cat begins to transform the owner from a hungry poor man into the royal son-in-law of the Marquis de Carabas. The cat managed to sneak in with offerings to the king; at the right moment he threatened the peasants, telling them to say that everything belonged to the Marquis de Carabas; He ate the formidable giant wizard, persuading him to turn into a mouse. As a result, the oaf owner marries the princess, and the cat himself becomes a noble nobleman. Puss in Boots is an amazingly smart, dexterous, active hero and unique from all these points of view. It was these qualities that attracted the German romantic L. Tieck, who made Gintz the cat the main character of his comedy “Puss in Boots” (1797). Perrault's fairy tale was first translated into Russian by V.A. Zhukovsky (1845).

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