Beautiful double names for. Names for girls are rare and beautiful - which one to choose

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Lucia, 11.12.04 19:23

Here I read: Julia Roberts gave birth to twins. The boy was named Finnaeus Walter, the girl Hazel Patricia.
I don’t understand why some people give a single name and others a double one. And in which countries is this accepted, well, probably in America for sure, and what does it mean? How will the child be called later, by the first part of the name, then why the second, and if both parts, then in my opinion, this is not convenient. Explain here pls.

Alina, 11.12.04 19:44

We can give a child from one to three names. My husband has one, and the children have three (1. Kasper Valtteri Evgeniy, 2. Hannu Elmeri Elius 3. Eetu August Oliver) But in Finland there is no middle name I don’t know why but so many names that when a child grows up, and if he doesn’t like his name, he can take from his two or three names, the one he likes. The average one has Hannah first in his passport, but at home we call Elmery. That’s how we have it

Kriksi-Kraksi, 12.12.04 01:08

We will have a double name (Stephanie-Maria) because we like Stefanie, and Maria is the name of both my and my husband’s grandmother, she is very symbolic and the grannies are happy (though my husband is Maria-Katharina) .... and me too For some reason I always wanted a double name...

NENE'S MUM, 12.12.04 01:16

During my second pregnancy I was looking for a baby english names, which I would like and found a very interesting article. Here's a quote from there:
“Traditionally, in English-speaking countries, a child receives two names at birth: a personal name (first name) and a middle name (middle name). The first, personal name seems to be the most important and significant. The term “personal name” is understood primarily “ individual naming of the subject" (A.V. Speranskaya), officially assigned to him at birth. Of all onomastic categories, personal names were the first to receive documentary reflection. They were based on appellatives, which were used as nicknames to designate people. As noted by A.V. Speranskaya, and in our time, "personal names differ from nicknames mainly in that in the former the common noun meaning of the stems is not as obvious as in the latter. In nicknames it is always fresh... In personal names the common noun meaning of the stems is almost always obscured. Nicknames each time they are created again, personal names are passed on from generation to generation...” The article itself is very long, with an analysis of which names appeared when and under what influence.

NENE'S MUM, 12.12.04 01:22

According to statistics, all English children receive two names at birth (first + middle names): personal and middle. The custom of giving a child a middle name goes back to the tradition of assigning several personal names to a newborn. In modern English naming books, cases of assigning two or three middle names are more common than the complete absence of a middle name. Although there is no law limiting the number of middle names, more than four additional middle names are usually not assigned: Charles Philip Arthur George, Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Edward Antony Richard Louis, Anne Elisabeth Alice Louise. The role of the middle name at present is to serve as an additional individualizing sign, especially for persons who have widespread first and last names. Both personal names and geographical names are used as middle names, common nouns and so on. Often the surnames of the people in whose honor it is assigned are used as middle names..

NENE'S MUM, 12.12.04 01:26

Quotes taken: O.A. Leonovich chapter from the book "In the World of English Names".

NENE'S MUM, 12.12.04 01:29

If interested, I can send the entire article privately.

ELLE, 12.12.04 02:41

in France there are double, triple and even four names at once, but all this is in official papers, but in life everyone is called by their first name.
My daughter has triples and my husband has four.

vishenka, 12.12.04 02:48

I named my daughter Jacqueline-Lydia. The first name is a personal name, and Lydia is a middle name, in honor of our Russian grandmother.

This is the American-Russian version

ElenaDK, 12.12.04 14:28


My friends (in America) gave their daughter a double name so that she could then choose for herself what she likes best

It went, 12.12.04 14:44

In Israel, especially in religious families, children are often given double names. This is especially common if they want to name a child in honor of a deceased relative, but he had an “unmodern” name. The first name is chosen whichever parents liked, and the second - in honor of a deceased relative or some righteous person.
In Judaism, every name has a meaning, and if a person is given a name, then it must be used, otherwise there is no point in giving it. There are families where children are called by two names, and there are those where they alternate.
We have Netanel Chaim, Netanel - we just liked it, Chaim is in honor of my dad. (Dad’s name was Vitaly, Chaim and it means “life”). We also try to use the name Chaim sometimes.
In general, I have met children here with both 3 and 5 names. There's no limit

Marinka, 12.12.04 15:22

You know, I understand if double names are given by parents related to the Catholic or Protestant faith.... But here we have friends... purely Orthodox and Russian... and I can’t understand why they have children suddenly with double names... Like Martin Julius....

It went, 12.12.04 15:27

and why not - maybe this is a tribute to the traditions of the country in which they live?

Lucia, 12.12.04 15:31

Thanks girls. All this is interesting.
NENE'S MUM Thank you. Well, I probably don’t need the whole article, I’m just interested out of curiosity.

Anna, 12.12.04 15:50


And I'm editing now new book O.A. Leonovich (although she’s not talking about names)! Cool author!

I like double names, but in Russia they are not very common... only if they are very simple like Anna-Maria

Darel, 12.12.04 16:55

We are Orthodox and are just thinking about double names for our children (we are still planning), just to make it better for everyone. Those. one secular name, easily pronounced in English and other languages, and the second orthodox name, for baptism, home and family. Only we have not yet decided to enter one name into the certificate, baptize another, or both names into the certificate. And while there is time, we are considering other options. For example, call it Euphrosyne (record and baptize), and for the locals Francis.

If I answer in general, then it seems to me that this is often just a way out, like
vishenka- both ours and yours.
And I also have a friend who is always called by his middle name, when I saw his first name in official papers - I laughed like crazy - it doesn’t suit him at all, but the middle name really does. Although his parents called him first, he grew up and renamed himself - freedom of choice, so to speak, is also good.

Christina, 12.12.04 23:38

We have a daughter, Anna-Maria. Anna-very simple...

We just couldn’t decide for a long time what to name our daughter - Anna or Maria? We didn’t know who would exactly be born, and we weren’t sure that there would be a girl, so we didn’t choose for sure. And when I was born, it became clear that I needed to make a decision. And already in the maternity hospital, half an hour after her birth, I myself suggested calling her by two names at once. \

But at home we call Anya, Manya, Musya and many other pet names. And my husband often calls Anna-Marie, in the Estonian manner (his mother is Estonian).
And in general, double names have become fashionable here, this is in the tradition of Catholics, I don’t know why!


By the way, we recently baptized our daughter and I knew that in Orthodoxy you can only baptize with one name, we decided that she would be baptized as Anna. And when we arrived at one church, they looked at the documents and saw that we had a double name, and they refused to baptize us! We sorted things out for a long time, had a fight, it was very unpleasant, in the end we went to another church, where we were baptized without any problems.

So, just in case, be prepared for any incidents.

Mermaid, 12.12.04 23:58

I have a daughter, Nicole Maria...
Nicole - it seems like a tricky one. We call Nika, Nikusey...
And Maria is a completely international, common, biblical name, and besides, that was the name of her husband’s grandmother (he is Canadian).

NENE'S MUM, 13.12.04 00:12


I'm just curious out of curiosity

So the fact of the matter is that before I read the article, there was some fragmentary information in my head, but as it was written, I read it with great interest. Now I’m inserting smart quotes

Darel, 13.12.04 00:29

Thanks for the advice, we will be prepared and take this into account when choosing.

Lalka, 04.02.05 16:14

I like double names, I just like them, that’s all.
Moreover, now in Belarus (I don’t know how it is in Russia) you can write two names in the metrics at once, separated by a dash. True, we have only come up with a first name for our son - Adam. And we only think about the second: either Adam-Miroslav, or Adam-Stanislav, or Adam-Vincent.
The last idea came to my husband’s mind quite recently, but I actually like it

Lilith, 19.03.05 08:47

I named my daughter Jacqueline-Lydia.

Your daughter's first name is my namesake

And I named my daughter Stella Sofia.
I'll explain why. During pregnancy, my husband and I thought about naming our daughter Sofia, but then, for various reasons, we abandoned this idea.
I wanted something rare and unusual name, but we had disagreements about the last name
Therefore, we found a compromise. I liked the name Stella, but none of my relatives were enthusiastic about it. In addition, we were told that if we initially planned one name, then it had some meaning and we couldn’t refuse it at all
So we named her Stella Sofia. So that everyone is happy

We will baptize by the second name, but call it by the first. It's basic.
That's how things are

Corazon, 08.04.05 17:10

I really like double names! when they go well together, of course... my husband is Giuseppe Angelo (Giuseppe Angelo), and I wanted to name my son Antonio Augusto, but my husband rejected it, said that it turned out too imperially, so he remained just Antonio... which is a pity.. .

Lisa, 08.04.05 17:28

Our young man name is Richard Brian, but Brian is really only on paper.

In fact, my husband has a middle name, like his father, and my father would like to make this a tradition in the male line, and give our son the same middle name, but since I was categorically against it, I myself suggested giving Richard a middle name name, like my grandfather's first name. Although it didn’t turn out his way, it’s also impossible to be offended by this.

scorpion509, 19.04.05 03:27

It is also customary for us to give double names; we will also give our baby a double name.
we want the first name to be Russian (but with an English version) and the second more English.
The first version was Nikita Daniel, but it was rejected because in America Nikita is a female name
We've picked it up now, while Alexey is still thinking about the middle one

Talikoshka, 03.06.05 06:39

Girls, please advise! I really want to name my future child my father’s name, or at least something similar. I am well aware that in modern times with the name Israel (for a girl - Israel), it is not very comfortable for a child to live in Russia. I read the thread and decided that a double name is a good solution. I would like the first name to be familiar to Russians, but not too common. So far, only Lev Israel has been invented (to be called mainly the first). There are no options for a girl
What do you think?

Evgenievna, 03.06.05 15:30

I really want to name my future child my father’s name, or at least something similar. I am well aware that in modern times with the name Israel (for a girl - Israel), it is not very comfortable for a child to live in Russia. I read the thread and decided that a double name is a good solution. What do you think?

Question number one: is your dad or the child’s dad? If he has a child, he will still have one in Russia surname, that is, dad's name.
Question number two: are double names registered in Russia?
Opinion: if you want to call it Israel, then call it. Why is it not very comfortable? Many people have lived their lives with this name, and not in Russia, but in the USSR, and nothing. Or are Soviet stereotypes still alive?

Talikoshka, 03.06.05 19:39

Evgenievna, we are talking about my dad. The patronymic will be an ordinary Russian one, the surname too. All together will sound wild. I don’t have and never had stereotypes, but many people still have them, no doubt about it. I don't want to ruin my child's life. The difficulty is that I don’t really like the name itself, but I loved my dad very much; words cannot describe what he meant to me, and it’s customary for us to keep the name. So I want to call him (and combine it with his middle name) with his first name, and the second one just to have it. ,

For some reason, the name Leah came to mind (since you came up with the name Leo for the boy) - this is a biblical name, and an Orthodox one too (just like Israel).

Are you really sure that Israel is an Orthodox name?

11.02.2018 Galina Parhomenko

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers. Are you preparing to become the parents of the most beautiful baby in the world? We hasten to congratulate you! Surely you are looking for the best name for your princess. We will tell you which names for girls, rare and beautiful, are the most unusual and surprising.

Let's start with a list of the most beautiful names for girls. Each of you will be able to add your favorite name to it. We will focus on less common options.


These are active girls with a strong will. They always have their own opinion on current events. This name is not in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, so it does not have a name day.


These are gentle and romantic natures, charming, able to see the good in people.


Impulsive personality with leadership qualities. Straightforward and decisive.


Stubborn, proud, but fair. Household and clean. Good friend.


A girl with this name has a complex character. She is independent and hardworking. Not afraid of difficulties, active, decisive.


Easy to communicate, cheerful, but at the same time purposeful person. Reacts sharply to criticism.


As a child she is not very sociable, but as she matures she becomes more friendly. Artistic, assiduous, obedient.


Delicate and tactful. It is distinguished by tenderness. Girls with this name have good logical thinking and developed intuition.


Caring, loves to please loved ones. Indecisive, needs support and praise from parents and friends.


Has excellent taste and good manners. Emotional, dreamy. Has a penchant for art.


Affectionate and responsive, emotional and impressionable. Values ​​parents' opinions.


The girl is a dreamer and often hovers in dreams. Sociable, capricious, selfish.

The following names are also sonorous and beautiful: Alice, Marianna, Veronica, Kira, Yasmina, Dinara, Valeria, Anfisa, Vlada, Zarina, Lilia, Zlata.

Beautiful Russian names for girls

Among Russian names there are many euphonious and beautiful. In addition to Old Russian names, modified names that came from other languages ​​are also popular.


A girl with this name has a lively mind and intelligence. Disciplined and obedient, but in some situations can be stubborn.


Active, friendly, simple-minded. She is attentive and has a lot to offer. original ideas. Likes to give advice.


Honest and fair, independent and decisive. He is distinguished by high moral and moral principles.


A mischievous little girl, daring and stubborn. He does not like to live by rules and often breaks them. Possesses inner strength and resilience.


Balanced and hardworking personality. Friendly, gets along with people easily. Mine inner world prefers not to open up to strangers.


A kind and unforgiving child. Relies only on herself, is responsible, does not depend on the opinions of others.


An idealist, she knows how to sacrifice to her own detriment. Strives to change the world for the better.


Curious, brave and independent. The main character traits are determination, quick reaction, creative thinking.


Mobile, prefers to act quickly. She is characterized by internal conflicts hidden from prying eyes. He always finishes what he starts.


Adapts well to new conditions and has a rich imagination. Capricious and a little absent-minded.


Energetic, resourceful, with a good sense of humor. Able to show flexibility in order to avoid a conflict situation.


I would also like to note such beautiful Russian names for girls as: Sofia, Varvara, Yulia, Evangelina, Bazhena, Dana, Mira, Galina, Tayana, Olga, Yarina, Rada, Miroslava, Zarina, Ekaterina, Arina, Alina.

Beautiful Muslim names for girls

Women's Muslim names have their own flavor. It should be noted that they are also very beautiful and can make the baby stand out from the crowd.


A bright personality, strict but responsive. Always protects and defends the interests of loved ones.


Leadership qualities are combined with pride and arrogance. He sets ambitious goals for himself and does not like to deviate from his plans.


An agreeable character helps to gain the trust and favor of others. However, this is an ambiguous and bright personality.


A sociable child, honest and open. He loves outdoor games and often initiates them.


Nimble and cheerful, loves attention. Jealous, but with a sense of humor. Not distinguished by perseverance.


Fidgety, does not know how to appreciate stability. Loves loneliness, which he perceives as freedom.


The main character trait is reliability. You can always rely on her and entrust an important assignment.


Independent and self-willed, she loves to solve assigned problems. She rarely asks for help, and she herself tries to provide it as a last resort.


She makes friends easily, is cheerful, prefers to think positively. Values ​​friendship.


Frank, affectionate. Loves order, needs approval and care.


An optimist, she always comes to the rescue. She doesn't like being given advice and told what to do.

Here are more beautiful Muslim names for girls: Amina, Tanzilya, Elsa, Yasina, Maysa, Nadiya, Liana, Ilnara, Dilia, Ayla, Almira, Aliya, Denmark, Rozilya.

Beautiful modern names for girls

This is a subtle diplomat, gently and unobtrusively moving towards his goal. She has unconventional thinking, is practical and hardworking.


Sweet, graceful. Strives to create beauty around himself. Curious, good at studying and drawn to creativity.


Reasonable, principled and reserved. Studying is easy. Always achieves set goals.


Does not like routine, is not afraid to take risks. Hospitable, emotional. She is characterized by cunning and ingenuity.


Fearless and impulsive, strives for fame and recognition. She is reasonable, power-hungry, but not devoid of feminine tenderness and sensitivity.

A girl with this name is peace-loving and loves harmony. At the same time, she is inclined to sort things out with loved ones and insists on her own.


Behind the brave and powerful personality lies a sensitive and vulnerable soul. The girl is quite contradictory, proud, and has an analytical mind.


She is characterized by reckless actions that she cannot explain. Hot-tempered, witty and sentimental.


This is a kind girl, ready to help others. Likes to dream, does not know how to insist on his own. Sociable, touchy, but not vindictive.


Groovy and active. Not distinguished by warmth, pragmatic. Despite all this, sensuality is not alien to her.


The following names are also popular: Alicia, Yana, Marianna, Polina, Dina, Vanessa, Alla, Monica, Yuna, Evelina, Agata, Vasilisa, Marina, Victoria.

Beautiful unusual names for girls

What about creativity? There are also plenty of unusual names. Parents, striving for originality, name their daughters: Luna, Vesna, Rossiyana, Joy, Oceana, Kupava. Of course, these are isolated cases, but there are also popular variants of unusual names.

  • Roksolana;
  • Bagheera;
  • Zemfira;
  • Esther;
  • Akulina;
  • Amalia;
  • Aster;
  • Vitalina;
  • Hera;
  • Clarice;
  • Hilda;
  • Edita;
  • Seraphim.

These original names, of course, emphasize the extraordinary thinking of the girl’s parents. Just don’t forget that the first name must be combined with the surname and patronymic.

If the parents have a Russian surname, then the child should choose an unusual name carefully. Agree, Petrova Zemfira Antonovna sounds, at least, ugly. Don't try to satisfy your vanity at the expense of your child. After all, a baby with this name will go through life, so treat his choice with full responsibility.

Double names

For various reasons, mothers and fathers give their children double names. Such a child has a double name on his birth certificate, but in everyday life his relatives most often call him just one. For example, Eva-Evgenia in kindergarten, school and at home will be called either Eva or Zhenya.

Among the double names, the following are popular: Anna-Maria, Alla-Victoria, Salma-Amira, Eva-Valeria. IN double options it is necessary to ensure that one name symbolizes softness and femininity, and the second carries stronger, masculine energy. This is necessary to maintain balance. Two strong names will give a girl’s character a harsh connotation; on the contrary, soft names will make the baby overly sentimental and dependent.

Orthodox names for girls

If you honor traditions and do not like shocking things, then pay attention to the list of Orthodox names. There are also many beautiful ones among them. The most popular names today are: Maria, Sofia, Anna, Lyubov, Ksenia.

You can also consider the following options: Daria, Elizaveta, Varvara, Angelina, Anastasia, Alexandra, Yaroslava, Evgenia, Valentina, Nadezhda, Valeria, Vera, Lyudmila.

You can go another way: choose a name by Orthodox calendar. The baby is named after the saint whose feast day fell on the child’s birthday. It is believed that the saint becomes the patron of the baby; they pray to him for the protection and admonition of the child.

Making a choice

Beautiful names for girls should not only be rare, but also be consonant with their patronymic and surname. How to do it right choice? We invite you to write down your favorite options on a piece of paper. Then match them with your last name and patronymic. Ugly combinations are crossed out. We analyze the remaining options to see how rare this name is. After this, you need to read its characteristics and make the final choice.

If you want your girl to be feminine and gentle, give her an appropriate name. It could be: Alisa, Elina, Snezhana or any other name with soft energy. Do you dream of an independent and active child? Strong names will help you, for example, Violetta, Esfira, Inga. But you should not rely only on the characteristics of names, because the character of a child largely depends on his upbringing.


When deciding what to name your daughter, remember that the name should not only be euphonious and beautiful. The determining factor in making a decision should be the combination with the surname and patronymic. No matter how beautiful the name may be in your opinion, discard it if it causes dissonance with the surname or is absolutely incompatible with the middle name.

Choosing a name for a child is an exciting and touching moment. After all beautiful names for girls they amaze with their diversity. Approach your choice responsibly and thoughtfully. Then your grown-up daughter will tell you: “Thank you for the most best name in the world!"

Dear readers, we will be glad if this article is useful to you. Share the link to it with your friends on in social networks and leave your comments. Tell us what you named or want to name your charming daughter.

Becoming a mother of a girl is a special responsibility. Every woman begins to dream about the wonderful destiny of her daughter even before her birth. A prince on a white horse, a palace and endless love... But does the child’s name affect his destiny? And how appropriate is a double name for a girl, like a real princess?

Queen - royal name

Each name contains not only a meaning, but also a huge energy contained in each individual letter. From this flows the strength of human nature. Alyonushka will be happy with the simplest, most ordinary man next to her. And Sophie will be much more difficult to please. In addition, a double name immediately changes the attitude towards a person to subconscious level, because not a single royal person had one name. Do you agree? Great! Let's move on.

Double names are common in the West and surprise Russian people. But for the girl herself it will be an impetus to a successful life. Such a name seems to oblige one to strive for the best, and not to be content with the first thing that comes along the path of life.

Is it appropriate to give double names to Slavic children?

The fashion for double names began at a time when interethnic marriages increased. People who speak different languages, it is often difficult to find a name that both people like. But this idea originates in the distant past. The Jews were the first to give double names, since it was believed that the damage to the name was the strongest. And in order to protect their children, the Jews gave them the first name - used on the street, the second - used at home.

The idea continued to live, however, the pursued goal changed. Many families began to name their children, so to speak, again - in honor of the ancestors of the family. Boys bore the name of their great-grandfather, and girls - their great-grandmother. In this way, families tried to preserve history.

In modern times, a double name for a girl is most often just a tribute to fashion. Sound, beautiful, interesting, in the end! But it is most convenient to assign such names to those who live abroad. This is due to the lack of a middle name.

Popular foreign doubles

The most common variations of double names:

  • Salma-Amira.
  • Anna-Maria.
  • Eva-Genevieve.
  • Maria Alberta.
  • Maria-Katharina.
  • Emma Victoria.
  • Please note that they are all hyphenated and therefore used as one name. At school, college, and at work, a girl will be called exactly this variation. Another option is when the baby is given several independent names:

  • Nicole Maria.
  • Hazel Patricia.
  • Emma Stefania.
  • Angelica Sofia.
  • Eva Teona.
  • Elizabeth Nicole.
  • In this case, it is considered that the child has two names - personal and middle, as they are usually called abroad, where double names for girls are very popular. American parents very rarely name their children with one word. They believe that in this way they give the child the opportunity to choose a name on his own. Nicole Maurice can be called Nika throughout her childhood, but if in the future she doesn’t like it, she can easily take the second option - Maurice.

    What names can be combined?

    Finding beautiful double names for girls is not so easy. Why? In principle, you can literally combine any names, but before you decide to take such a step, try the name on yourself. If the whole family insists on naming the child after Ganna’s great-great-grandmother, and you prefer Nellie’s option, think about whether they are compatible? Ganea Nelly may have a difficult time in life, especially since in Russian-speaking countries there is no such thing as a first and middle name. The child will not be able to choose just one thing.

    How to combine names? The simplest rules:

  • At least one name should be soft and iridescent. Then double will really be an advantage for the girl.
  • Don't try to combine incompatible things. Gulnaz Valentina cannot exist on one line in her passport. Do not go to extremes if the child is a carrier of different cultures.
  • The first name should invite continuation. So, for example, Rose-Slava sounds pleasant. But if we change the order, we get: Glory-Rose. It’s as if parents glorify the rose and noted this on their child.
  • Compatibility with Muslim names

    The question of naming a child is especially acute if the parents have different faiths. But even in this case, beautiful double names for girls are obtained. The list of the most harmonious is presented by:

    • Amina Julia.
    • Safia Victoria.
    • Anna Yasmin.
    • Natalia Rome.
    • Alisa Asia.
    • Jamilya Olga.
    • Antonina Lyamiz.

    The influence of a double name on the future fate of a child

    Having two names or changing a name leads to the collapse of hopes and affects a person in the most unpredictable way. This kind of information can be found anywhere. But it should be clarified that such harmful energy is carried only by a “self-proclaimed name,” that is, one that a person invented for himself and did not bother to change his documents. In this case, it turns out that a person was endowed with one energy for 20 years and suddenly brought an additional charge into his life. Often such processes can trigger a “tsunami”.

    But when names are given at birth, they become complementary to each other. Smooth out sharp corners. Strong name can make a girl successful in her career, but deprive her of her personal life. And if you complement it with something soft and gentle, the girl will immediately receive double energy - strong and successful, plus the keeper of the hearth. Such a woman will succeed in everything in life. She will not have to sacrifice her ambitions for the sake of a warm family. She will succeed in everything, and without much difficulty.

    On the other hand, it has been proven that a person’s name significantly affects his health. After all, the main thing is harmony with yourself. What kind of harmony can we talk about if you don’t like what they called you? In this case, a double name for a girl will really be a salvation.

    Use of double names in Russia

    In Russia it is allowed to register double names. For girls, foreign options may be of some interest, but... Foreign parents use this practice much more often, since abroad, as a rule, there is no middle name. And as a middle name, they can use surnames, men’s names, etc. So, for example, the combination Jennifer Michael Smith will not surprise anyone at all. And Michael in in this case is the girl’s middle name, which she can easily introduce herself to.

    In Russia, the second name is already a patronymic. But no one forbids doubling it. All documents will indicate both names of the child, no matter what he is called. But most often they will only use one. If you decide to give your child a double name, then it is best to call him that.

    Double names for girls: list (foreign and Russian)

    Below are some of the most beautiful, in our opinion, combinations of names with approximate characteristics of each option.

    • Marina-Margarita. A wonderful sea combination. Marina means “sea”, Margarita means “pearl”.
    • Ivona-Eva. Prickly, demanding and tender, giving life.
    • Yesenia-Vlada. Spring meekness with masculine strength, love of glory.
    • Angelica-Maria. A girl with the face of an angel, who knows how to endure and has life wisdom.
    • Isabella-Cora. Dedicated to God and her complete opposite - the mistress of the underworld. Such a girl will outshine everyone with her versatility.
    • Julia-Alice. Sweet, but so indecisive, she will find support in the second name, which endows its owner with sound mind and prudence.
    • Anna-Maria. The most popular double name for girls both in Russia and abroad.
    • Elizabeth-Violet. Noble and tender, like a violet.
    • Yasmina-Hadiya. Strong-willed and wise.
    • Juno-Sheila. Bright, sophisticated, eccentric and at the same time sensual, able to create a unique coziness in the home.

    These are common double names for girls. The list can be continued endlessly, because anything can be connected. Within reason, of course. Having decided on such an experience, try to use names to the fullest. Complement the energy of one name with another and give your child a lucky destiny.

    Becoming a mother of a girl is a special responsibility. Every woman begins to dream about the wonderful destiny of her daughter even before her birth. palace and endless love... But does the child’s name affect his destiny? And how appropriate is it to have a double like a real princess?

    Queen - royal name

    Each name contains not only a meaning, but also a huge energy contained in each individual letter. From this flows the strength of human nature. Alyonushka will be happy with the simplest, most ordinary man next to her. And Sophie will be much more difficult to please. In addition, a double name immediately changes the attitude towards a person on a subconscious level, because not a single royal person had one name. Do you agree? Great! Let's move on.

    Double names are common in the West and surprise Russian people. But for the girl herself it will be an impetus to a successful life. Such a name seems to oblige one to strive for the best, and not to be content with the first thing that comes along the path of life.

    Is it appropriate to give double names to Slavic children?

    The fashion for double names began at the same time as people speaking different languages ​​often find it difficult to find a name that both would like. But this idea originates in the distant past. The Jews were the first to give double names, since it was believed that the damage to the name was the strongest. And in order to protect their children, the Jews gave them the first name - used on the street, the second - used at home.

    The idea continued to live, however, the pursued goal changed. Many families began to name their children, so to speak, again - in honor of the ancestors of the family. Boys bore the name of their great-grandfather, and girls - their great-grandmother. In this way, families tried to preserve history.

    In modern times, a double name for a girl is most often just a tribute to fashion. Sound, beautiful, interesting, in the end! But it is most convenient to assign such names to those who live abroad. This is due to the lack of a middle name.

    Popular foreign doubles

    The most common variations of double names:

    1. Salma-Amira.
    2. Anna-Maria.
    3. Eva-Genevieve.
    4. Maria Alberta.
    5. Maria-Katharina.
    6. Emma Victoria.

    Please note that they are all hyphenated and therefore used as one name. At school, college, and at work, a girl will be called exactly this variation. Another option is when the baby is given several independent names:

    1. Nicole Maria.
    2. Hazel Patricia.
    3. Emma Stefania.
    4. Angelica Sofia.
    5. Eva Teona.
    6. Elizabeth Nicole.

    In this case, it is considered that the child has two names - personal and middle, as they are usually called abroad, where double names for girls are very popular. American parents very rarely name their children with one word. They believe that in this way they give the child the opportunity to choose a name on his own. Nicole Maurice can be called Nika throughout her childhood, but if in the future she doesn’t like it, she can easily take the second option - Maurice.

    What names can be combined?

    Finding beautiful double names for girls is not so easy. Why? In principle, you can literally combine any names, but before you decide to take such a step, try the name on yourself. If the whole family insists on naming the child after Ganna’s great-great-grandmother, and you prefer Nellie’s option, think about whether they are compatible? Ganea Nelly may have a difficult time in life, especially since in Russian-speaking countries there is no such thing as a first and middle name. The child will not be able to choose just one thing.

    How to combine names? The simplest rules:

    1. At least one name should be soft and iridescent. Then double will really be an advantage for the girl.
    2. Don't try to combine incompatible things. Gulnaz Valentina cannot exist on one line in her passport. Do not go to extremes if the child is a carrier of different cultures.
    3. The first name should invite continuation. So, for example, Rose-Slava sounds pleasant. But if we change the order, we get: Glory-Rose. It’s as if parents glorify the rose and noted this on their child.

    Compatibility with Muslim names

    The question of naming a child is especially acute if the parents have different faiths. But even in this case, beautiful double names for girls are obtained. The list of the most harmonious is presented by:

    • Amina Julia.
    • Safia Victoria.
    • Anna Yasmin.
    • Natalia Rome.
    • Alisa Asia.
    • Jamilya Olga.
    • Antonina Lyamiz.

    The influence of a double name on the future fate of a child

    Having two names or changing a name leads to the collapse of hopes and affects a person in the most unpredictable way. This kind of information can be found anywhere. But it should be clarified that such harmful energy is carried only by a “self-proclaimed name,” that is, one that a person invented for himself and did not bother to change his documents. In this case, it turns out that a person was endowed with one energy for 20 years and suddenly brought an additional charge into his life. Often such processes can trigger a “tsunami”.

    But when names are given at birth, they become complementary to each other. Smooth out sharp corners. A strong name can make a girl successful in her career, but deprive her of her personal life. And if you complement it with something soft and gentle, the girl will immediately receive double energy - strong and successful, plus the keeper of the hearth. Such a woman will succeed in everything in life. She will not have to sacrifice her ambitions for the sake of a warm family. She will succeed in everything, and without much difficulty.

    On the other hand, it has been proven that a person’s name significantly affects his health. After all, the main thing is harmony with yourself. What kind of harmony can we talk about if you don’t like what they called you? In this case, a double name for a girl will really be a salvation.

    Use of double names in Russia

    In Russia it is allowed to register double names. For girls, foreign options may be of some interest, but... Foreign parents use this practice much more often, since abroad, as a rule, there is no middle name. And as a middle name, they can use surnames, men’s names, etc. So, for example, the combination Jennifer Michael Smith will not surprise anyone at all. And Michael in this case is the girl’s middle name, which she can easily introduce herself to.

    In Russia, the second name is already a patronymic. But no one forbids doubling it. All documents will indicate both names of the child, no matter what he is called. But most often they will only use one. If you decide to give your child a double name, then it is best to call him that.

    Double names for girls: list (foreign and Russian)

    Below are some of the most beautiful, in our opinion, combinations of names with approximate characteristics of each option.

    • Marina-Margarita. A wonderful sea combination. Marina means “sea”, Margarita means “pearl”.
    • Ivona-Eva. Prickly, demanding and tender, giving life.
    • Yesenia-Vlada. Spring meekness with masculine strength, love of glory.
    • Angelica-Maria. A girl with the face of an angel, who knows how to endure and has life wisdom.
    • Isabella-Cora. Dedicated to God and her complete opposite - the mistress of the underworld. Such a girl will outshine everyone with her versatility.
    • Julia-Alice. Sweet, but so indecisive, she will find support in the second name, which endows its owner with sound mind and prudence.
    • Anna-Maria. The most popular double name for girls both in Russia and abroad.
    • Elizabeth-Violet. Noble and tender, like a violet.
    • Yasmina-Hadiya. Strong-willed and wise.
    • Juno-Sheila. Bright, sophisticated, eccentric and at the same time sensual, able to create a unique coziness in the home.

    These are common double names for girls. The list can be continued endlessly, because anything can be connected. Within reason, of course. Having decided on such an experience, try to use names to the fullest. Complement the energy of one name with another and give your child a lucky destiny.


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