Types of paints and applications. What types of paints are there and where are they used?

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Each artist has his own unique technique that allows him to create real works of art. However, in order to transfer all your thoughts and creative ideas onto paper, you need to choose the right paints. After all, the point here is not only in the harmonious combination of colors. It's important to find paint products that will preserve your work for years to come.

Some artists prefer to create fairly bright paintings. They have a whole palette of colors and shades. Others like textured designs in which every stroke is drawn. There are also modern artists who work with contours. To draw silhouettes of people or create entire landscapes on paper, you need to use different types of paints depending on what you want to depict.

There are different types of paints for drawing and painting. They differ from each other:

  • by composition,
  • purpose,
  • additional functionality that is inherent in paint and varnish material of this category.

Sometimes, to find the right paint, artists experiment with different types of these paint materials. This is the only way to understand how the paint lays on the paper and how long it will take for it to harden.

You can find the paint that suits you right away, or you can decide what kind of paint and varnish material you need by using various materials and dyes. Here everything depends only on you and your desire to find the most suitable paint and varnish material for creative work.

There are a great variety of different paints for painting. Depending on the material used and the composition of the paint, artists purchase in specialized stores everything they need to carry out all subsequent creative work.

As a result, the choice of paint is up to you. Let's look at the most common types of paints and varnishes that artists often use to create their masterpieces.

All beginning artists choose gouache for their creative works.

This paint has excellent functional characteristics:

  • dissolves in water,
  • acquires a velvety effect,
  • has a good color palette.

However, after it dries on the surface of the material, you can notice a slight pallor of the paint. Gouache turns pale due to the fact that it contains white.

But this is only a small drawback that can be hidden with the help of other auxiliary paints and varnishes. For example, varnish is sometimes applied to the finished work. It gives the work a shine effect, and the gouache colors look new in the painting.

On the one hand, this is the simplest paint for painting, which is the first choice of painters. On the other hand, working with gouache is very difficult. After all, in order to achieve the desired color you will have to experiment with shades. It is also somewhat difficult to achieve an even tone. Therefore, before applying paint to the work surface, artists prefer to use small rough drafts, allowing them to create the desired shades of colors.

But over time, when you learn to work with gouache, you will discover all the advantages of this paint. First of all, all the mistakes you make while working can be corrected fairly quickly. To do this, you just need to apply a new layer of paint, which will differ from the previous one in its thickness. This will hide all the shortcomings you made while performing all the work with gouache.

Remember not to apply gouache in too thick a layer. After all, after it dries, some elements of the design may crumble. The paint itself does not have a strong structure; if you work with it incorrectly, all defects and your mistakes will be visible after finishing applying the paint.

Try to slowly complete all the creative ideas you have in mind. This will allow you to avoid a large number of mistakes that even professional artists can make when they neglect the rules when using gouache in their works.

Surprisingly, it is with this paint that children begin their creative journey. However, with the help of the same gouache, great artists create real works of art that captivate with their beauty and uniqueness.

The greatest works of art by such famous artists as Picasso and Rubens were created with the help of gouache. Still think that gouache is just children's paint? It's time to take a different look at this unique paint material.


Watercolor can be bright or pale, depending on the color you choose. It, like gouache, can dissolve in water, but unlike the previous paint it has special functionality.

The first layers of this dye give the paper a certain color. But the peculiarity of watercolor lies in the subsequent layers. After all, after applying and drying on paper, the paint gives it a shiny effect, without coloring the already applied words in a certain color. In fact, in this case, watercolor appears on the working surface as a transparent emulsion.

Artists love watercolor precisely because of its properties. Transparency allows you to:

  • give the paintings a special flavor,
  • highlight some details of the landscape,
  • emphasize the most significant moments in creative work.

In order to convey the full range of his emotions and feelings, the artist has only paint and paper on which he can depict a future work of art. Sometimes the work lacks a certain shade for expressiveness or completeness. In some cases, paint applied in several layers can create the desired effect. But you need to know about these features of watercolor paints.

These paints and varnishes are ideal for depicting landscapes. Using watercolors, artists often paint the changing sky, playing with different colors.

In some cases, it is watercolor that helps create portraits that can amaze with their mystery and unusual realism.

Any work done in watercolor will look perfect only if you avoid mistakes. Before completing all the paint application work, practice first on rough drawings.

Even professional artists use small sheets of paper to check:

  • how the paint will lay down,
  • Is this color ideal?
  • Is it worth applying watercolors this way?

Only after the paint has dried can you determine whether you have done all the work perfectly or whether there are any shortcomings. When working with this paint and varnish material, you can use various paint application techniques.

It's always nice to try something new and unusual. See how a certain combination of colors can give a completely different idea of ​​the same creative work. Surprisingly, two artists will paint the same flower differently. After all, everyone will use different colors and shades in their work, a certain technique that allows them to depict an object of interest to the artist on paper.

Perhaps watercolor is the best paint for artists. If you don’t know how to work with it yet, it’s time to learn how to handle this paint and varnish material.

Video. Drawing with watercolors.

Magical shades of pastel

What kind of paint is suitable for painters, because it is not paint that is used to apply it. The paint and varnish material itself is available in the form of convenient pencils or small crayons, which are very easy to use to draw on the work surface. This is the special appeal of pastels, because painting with them is quite exciting. The very fact that you don’t need to use a brush to work with pastel makes it a unique paint.

There is no need to mix colors or dip the brush to get the right paint consistency. In fact, such a pencil becomes an extension of the hand, allowing the artist to create unique paintings using only paint and paper.

Despite the special composition of paints and varnishes, pastels are quite easy to work with.

On the other hand, pastels are very easy to work with. Simply mix shades and get the colors you want right on paper. You can use a special shading or simply rub the paint on the paper with your fingers. Everything here depends on your desire and ability to do creative work professionally and correctly.

If you make small mistakes and mistakes when working with paint, you can simply hide them by covering one layer with paint of a different color or the same shade, creating a brighter and more saturated color.

Levitan is the most prominent representative of artists who professionally worked with pastels. His paintings are distinguished by an unusual play of color and various shades, which, when combined, created pictures of incredible beauty. Perhaps this particular paint will be the most suitable material for your creativity.

Do artists need tempera?

One of the most ancient paints used by artists is tempera. This paint is simply not capable of changing tone over time and has good brightness. Tempera dries quickly, so it is especially valued among professional artists, for whom time plays a very important role.

Working with this paint and varnish material is very interesting, because tempera is a paint that is quite durable in its functionality.

Professional artists can use tempera to work in a variety of techniques. Therefore, if desired, you can create the effect of watercolor or gouache.

Thanks to the use of such a unique coloring, you can create amazing paintings that combine the effects of different colors. It all depends on the artist’s original intention and his capabilities. Thus, you can work with one paint, but it will seem that the picture combines several paints and varnishes, identical in composition.

Besides all kinds of paints that an artist uses for his work, the most effective and important auxiliary tool is a simple pencil. Without it, it is impossible to draw contours and sketches of the future of the picture.

The choice of paints depends on many factors. First, the artist decides what kind of work will be depicted on the canvas. Only after this the selection of appropriate paint and varnish materials occurs. Professional artists can paint pictures using only one paint or use several coloring substances that are harmoniously combined with each other.

materials on the topic

Probably everyone can remember a similar incident: during the renovation period, more than once, due to their own carelessness, they forgot to close a can of paint, which, to their great disappointment, caused the material to harden and was no longer suitable for use. Below are examples of possible paint solvents that will help you save thickened paint, or simply dilute new paint.

The issue of removing oil paint is of great relevance today, since this kind of problem occurs in almost every case of cosmetic repairs. An activity like removing paint can either become a matter of ten minutes for you, or it can appear to you rather in the form of a curse, taking away hours of your precious time, effort, and often money. Removing oil paint from walls is the most labor-intensive process, especially in cases where the paint is applied over plaster or concrete. However, if you still decide to paint again, then the simplest, and therefore popular, methods for removing oil paint from surfaces will be given and discussed below.

Watercolor refers to a painting technique that uses special water paints. As a result, a unique creation is created on the canvas, which has lightness, airiness, and subtle color transitions.

Dye- a homogeneous suspension of pigments or their mixtures in film-forming substances, which after drying give a homogeneous opaque film that protects the surface from the effects of aggressive agents and gives it a beautiful appearance. Paints are made on the basis of drying oils (oil paints), varnishes (enamel paints), aqueous solutions of some organic polymers (adhesive paints) and liquid glass (silicate paints), and aqueous dispersions of polymers (emulsion paints). Paints may contain fillers, solvents, plasticizers, driers, hardeners, etc. The term “paint” is most often used when talking about oil-based or water-dispersion paints.

Water-based paints And water-dispersed- they do not have the ability to peel off, are permeable to air and water vapor, i.e. "breathe". Suitable for rooms with high humidity. Both of these species retain their color for a long time, but are not frost-resistant.

Matte water-based paints gradually wash off over time, while water-dispersion paints are moisture resistant, which means they are suitable for repeated washing. Water-based ones amaze with a variety of colors. Water-dispersion paints cannot be applied at temperatures below +5C.

Acrylic paints-binder acrylic resins. These paints are highly elastic (adapted to the specific characteristics of living wood) and have great strength. High-quality acrylic paints can cover hairline cracks up to 0.5 mm. They are quite expensive. Their cheaper counterparts are made on the basis of acrylic copolymers. Acrylic paints are frost-resistant, but only after complete drying. They have low gas permeability, and therefore can provide good protection against corrosion, for example, reinforced concrete. Suitable for alkaline substrates, but they can be applied to fresh plaster no earlier than after a month.

Latex paints- the most expensive of emulsion paints. They are made with the addition of latex. This gives a strong water-repellent effect, which means you can wash the surface as much as you want. They are able to heal hairline cracks up to 1 mm. Latex paints are used on different surfaces: structured wallpaper, walls (concrete, plaster, brick, plasterboard), ceilings.

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) paints, unlike latex, I are the most low-budget. However, they also have low water resistance, and with regular washing, the surface is gradually washed away by water. The paint is environmentally friendly, suitable for indoor use (especially for painting ceilings), and is highly resistant to light, oils and fats.

Silicone paints. Their binding element is emulsified silicone resins. Silicone paints dry to form a water-repellent surface, but are highly permeable to air and water vapor. They have high elasticity and are able to bridge hairline cracks up to 2 mm. Silicone paints can be used on all types of mineral surfaces.

Oil paints are made on the basis of drying oil. Thinners include white spirit, turpentine, solvent naphtha or gasoline. They cost little, but take a very long time to dry (up to several days). When dried, they release harmful substances. Therefore they are more suitable for outdoor work. But their main drawback is that over the years the surface turns yellow.

Enamel paints made on a varnish basis. They have high gloss and look very beautiful. Enamel paints are used for painting metal, appliances, wooden surfaces, walls (plastered and puttied), etc. They can be used for both interior and exterior work. Nitro-enamel dries very quickly - 15-45 minutes. Enamel paints are waterproof and lightfast. They are also anti-corrosion resistant.

Silicate paints are made on the basis of liquid glass, and therefore they can be classified as mineral. Their characteristics: vapor and air permeability, resistance to temperature changes, friability, weak reaction to water. Silicate paints are diluted with water. They cannot be used on surfaces previously painted with acrylic or alkyd paints.

Casein paints Suitable for both outdoor and indoor applications. Works well on plaster, concrete, brick. Of all the adhesive paints, casein paints are the most durable and beautiful.

Dextrinated paints on bone glue can only be used for interior work, as they have poor water resistance.

Adhesive paints easy to handle, environmentally friendly and well preserved in dry climates, available in a variety of colors.
Depending on the purpose, there are paints: for exterior use, for interior use, and universal. Their characteristics depend on the purpose and composition (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. Characteristics of paints by type of composition

Paints are conventionally divided into groups according to the type of film-forming base. They are: emulsion, alkyd, adhesive, silicate.

The required information is indicated in the alphanumeric codes on the can. The first two letters indicate the nature of the film-forming base.

· Polyamides (AD),

· Polyacrylates (AK),

Polyacrylic copomers (AC),

· Cellulose acetate (AC),

· Bitumen and pitches (BT),

Polyvinyl acetals (VA),

· Polyvinyl buterals (VL),

· Vinyls and vinyl acetates (VN),

Polyvinyl acetal copolymers (VS),

Glypthal resins (GF)

Idiencoumarone resins (IR)

Rosin (KK),

· Organosilicon resins (KO),

· Kopala (KP),

Carbinol copolymers (CS),

· Rubbers (KCH),

· Vegetable oils (MA),

Melominoalkyds (ML),

· Alkyd and oil-styrene (MS),

· Urea-formaldehyde resins (MP),

Nitrocellulose (NC),

Pentaphthalic resins (PF),

· Saturated polyesters (PE),

· Polyurethanes (UR),

Phenolallkides (FA),

· Cresol formaldehydes (PL),

· Fiber-oil resins (FM),

Fluoroplastics (FP),

· Poly- and perchlorovinyls (CV),

· Vinyl chloride copolymers (VC),

Shellac (SHL),

Epoxy resins (EP),

· Polyethylene and polyisobutylene (ET),

· Epoxy ester resins (EP),

Ethylcellulose (EC)

· Amber (YAN)

Digital code. The first one or two numbers will tell you about the scope of application. The remaining numbers are the serial number.

Weatherproof (1),

· durability indoors (2),

· for preservation of metal products (3)

· resistance to hot water (4),

· special purpose, for example, for leather, fur.(5),

· is resistant to petroleum products (6),

· resistance to aggressive environments (7),

· heat resistance (8),

· electrical insulating properties (9),

· semi-finished products, as well as varnishes and primers (0),

· putties (00).

In labeling, the exception is ready-made oil paints. The letters MA - indicate oil paint, the first number is the scope of application, the second - which drying oil was used as a base:

· natural (1),

· oxol (2),

glyphthalic (3),

· pentaphthalic (4) or

· combined (5).

Basic properties of paint

Performance properties
determine the durability of the paint. These properties include: the ability to breathe; light fastness; weather resistance; resistance to swelling, peeling and peeling; resistance to mechanical stress; resistance to dirt and washing. The ability to “breathe” (i.e., let water vapor pass through) is determined by the porosity of the polymer film. And porosity, in turn, depends on the type of binder, the solvent used and the mechanism of formation of the solid coating film.

Lightfastness- the ability of a material to retain its color under the influence of sunlight (mainly its ultraviolet component). Depends on the composition of the binder (for example, acrylic-based paints are more lightfast than those based on butadiene styrene), the pigments used (it is believed that inorganic pigments fade less, organic ones more), etc.

Atmospheric thinness- the ability of a paint coating to resist not only the destructive effects of sunlight, but also changes in temperature and humidity, as well as rain, frost, snow, wind, etc. Based on this criterion, paints are divided into two groups: facade (weather-resistant) and interior or intended for interior and exterior use (limited weather resistance). Resistance to swelling, peeling and peeling is determined by the adhesion (sticking) of the paint to the base (proper preparation of the base and adherence to application technology are of great importance here), as well as the ability of the paint to “breathe”.

Resistance to mechanical stress (chips, scratches, impacts) is determined by both the adhesive properties of the paint and the strength of the coating itself. Resistant to staining and washing. The higher these indicators, the better. The paint is denser in texture (this is mainly determined by the type of binder) and has greater resistance to contamination. You have to wash this paint less often, although it can withstand this process many times.

Technological properties include: consumption, hiding power, drying speed, as well as painting properties, including thixotropy.

The terms consumption and coverage are often perceived as synonyms, describing the same parameter. Not only consumers, but also many paint sellers think so. There is no big problem in this, since the properties complement each other and one of them can be used to evaluate the other.

Covering power- the ability of a thin layer of paint to make the border between contrastingly colored areas of the surface invisible. This indicator mainly depends on the shape, particle size, color and amount of coloring pigment and is expressed in grams of paint required to apply to a surface area of ​​1 square meter so that the color of the base is not visible (determined in the laboratory on samples with black and white spots and is a constant). The packaging usually indicates not the hiding power, but the paint consumption in square meters of the surface to be painted per kilogram (liter) of paint.

Consumption is largely determined by coverage, but is not a constant, since it depends, for example, on the material and surface texture. When choosing paint, you should pay attention to the fact that consumption is indicated differently by different manufacturers. For example, the can may say “Apply in two layers,” but the consumption is indicated when applied in one layer. This means that the actual consumption will be twice as much as indicated on the can. Other manufacturers indicate consumption already taking into account application in two layers (there is no need to recalculate anything here).

The drying speed should be no less (otherwise the film will be more stressed, which will lead to cracks) than the required time for this type of paint, but not more, in order to reduce the risk of surface contamination. The process should last exactly as long as required to obtain the normal properties of the protective film.

Painting properties- many properties of paint, which determine the ease of its application (the amount of physical energy required) and ease of use (the ability to apply in a thick layer, no splashes, etc.), as well as the ability to spread and self-level on the surface.
One of these properties is thixotropy - the ability of paint to liquefy under the influence of a brush or roller and thicken after the end of this action, which greatly facilitates work on vertical surfaces.

Related information.


Paints and varnishes are opaque suspensions of pigments and fillers in a solution or dispersion of a film-forming substance with the addition of functional and technological additives. Suspension, or suspension(lat. suspension, literally - suspension) - a mixture of substances where the solid substance is distributed in the form of smallest particles in a liquid substance in a suspended (unsettled) state.

1. Paint composition

Most paint and varnish materials, which include not only varnishes and paints, but enamels, primers, and putties, are made according to a single component scheme. They must contain:

  • film formers or a binder base, that is, the material that leads to the formation of a film on the surface;
  • pigment, which gives the material its original color;
  • filler, which saves pigment and gives the product physical properties, such as strength, shine, application properties;
  • solvents and special supplements– fire-resistant defoamer, fungicidal substances that protect the material from mold and fungi.

The level of the product itself directly depends on how well the components are selected and mixed. The paint of a self-respecting manufacturer contains from 8 to 20 components. It should be noted that good components are quite expensive for manufacturers, so they are forced to keep prices quite high.

Meaning film former– bind all components of the paint and adhere it to the substrate. The main characteristics of paint, its durability and adhesion to the substrate depend, first of all, on the film former or, more simply, on the binder. The binder affects the durability, service life of the coating under different operating conditions, gloss and drying time, as well as painting properties .

To improve the adhesion, elasticity and other properties of polymer materials, special functional groups are introduced into the composition of the polymer film. The latter method is implemented either through copolymerization of the binder, or by introducing additives during the production of the paint itself. Thus, copolymer synthetic resin is a polymer whose macromolecules include various monomer units, which makes it possible to control the performance properties of polymers over a wide range.

By choosing the second component wisely, you can, for example, reduce the cost of the dispersion without compromising its consumer properties. This applies primarily to paints based on styrene acrylates, vinyl acrylates and vinyl acetates. The term terpolymer is also used to name a polymer made from three monomers.

According to the chemical nature of the binder, all paints are divided into the following main types: oil, alkyd, epoxy, emulsion, silicate.

Pigments are fine-grained dyes that are “responsible” for the hiding power and color of the paint. Colored fillers are usually: flock particles, chips, natural and tinted stone chips or quartz sand, water-insoluble pigmented particles with colored dyes. Color pigments are traditionally divided into organic and inorganic.

Filler is a targeted supplement. Natural inorganic fillers used for paints and varnishes are obtained by grinding, enrichment, and heat treatment of rocks and minerals. Fillers for paints and varnishes can serve as:

  • kaolin (clay);
  • microcalcite (ground marble, crystalline calcium carbonate)
  • talc (microtalc, technical talc)
  • chalk, mica, etc.

Thus, when talc, whose particles have a flat shape, is introduced into the system, the material is not only strengthened, but also its weather resistance increases. Ground mica improves heat resistance and prevents film cracking at high temperatures.

Conventionally, solvents can be divided into solvents and thinners. What is the fundamental difference? The solvent dissolves the binder and at the same time reduces the viscosity, that is, it increases the fluidity of the paint. The thinner only reduces the viscosity. The manufacturer is required to indicate the solvent suitable for this type of paint. Based on the type of solvent, paints and varnishes are classified into two classes: water-dispersible and organosoluble.

To improve the technological and performance characteristics of paints, various supplements. These additives (stabilizers, emulsifiers, antiseptics, fungicidal additives, etc.) are contained in paints in very small quantities, but they can decisively improve certain properties of the coating. In addition, their cost significantly affects the price of the final product.

2. Characteristics of paints

Let us list the main indicators of paints and varnishes:

  • Covering power.
  • Paint consumption.
  • Gloss level.
  • Grinding or maximum grain size.
  • Weather resistance.
  • Light fastness.
  • Hydrophobicity.
  • Thixotropy.
  • Adhesion.
  • Environmental friendliness.

Covering power

– this is the ability of paints and varnishes to hide the color of the surface when applied to a substrate. The hiding power is checked by applying paintwork to the surface where black and white areas alternate until the difference in shade between them completely disappears. In accordance with GOST, hiding power is expressed in grams of quantity dried out paint material required to cover one square meter of substrate. The hiding power of paint depends on many parameters, but primarily on the difference in the refractive index of the binder and pigment, binder and filler, on the particle size of the filler and pigment, as well as on the amount of the latter. The higher the hiding power, the lower the paint consumption.

In accordance with the German standard DIN EN 13300, gradation into covering classes is carried out on the basis of the manufacturer's data on the hiding power of the paint when painting a black and white base (checkerboard). The contrast ratio determines the difference between a painted surface with a black base and a painted surface with a white base.

Paint consumption

shows how much liquid paint is needed to cover one square meter of an ordinary surface. Since the surface can be absorbent or non-absorbent, have a different color, etc., the consumption always fluctuates within certain limits (from and to). Consumption is, of course, related to the hiding power of the paint. The simplest way to calculate paint consumption, with a known hiding power and dry residue, is given below.
Covering power – 180 g/m2.
Dry residue – 60%.
Consumption = (Spreading power / Dry residue) * 100%.
Consumption = 300 g/m2.

To calculate the consumption for a single-layer coating, it is necessary to divide the resulting figure by two (150 g/m2) and determine the range of fluctuations in consumption depending on the type of surface (+/- 20%). Thus, the consumption for a single-layer coating is 120 – 180 g/m2.

Gloss level.

When light hits the paintwork, part of the light is diffusely scattered, and part is reflected at the same angle; The ratio of the intensity of reflected light to the intensity of all scattered light gives a qualitative characteristic of gloss.

The “semi-gloss” category also includes “semi-matte” and “silky gloss,” which are less glossy than “semi-gloss.” Such properties of coatings as resistance to washing and abrasion, ease of cleaning, the ability to use detergents, etc. higher for glossy paints.

Resistant to wet abrasion.

The wet abrasion resistance of the coating is tested according to DIN 13300 (German standard) as follows:

– a layer of material 250 microns thick is applied;

– the thickness of the dried layer is measured;

– a special sponge passes in both directions along the surface of the material exactly 200 times;

– the thickness of the remaining layer is measured.

Based on the size of the layer erased with a sponge, materials are divided into coassas.


or maximum grain size - a parameter characterizing the size of pigment particles in paints.

Weather resistance

– a property of a paint coating that determines the resistance of decorative and operational properties to the destructive effects of various climatic factors: rain, sun, wind, high and low temperatures. Paints and varnishes are analyzed for weather resistance using full-scale tests, or during accelerated tests in climate chambers, where one test cycle consists of alternating exposure of the sample to UV radiation, high and low temperatures and various relative humidity, as well as carbon disulfide vapor.


– the ability of paint to withstand exposure to sunlight and especially ultraviolet radiation (wavelength of ultraviolet radiation 270-400 nm). It is applied mainly to the binder, determining its suitability for external use. In addition to the fading of pigments, which is determined by their color fastness, destruction of the paint film may occur, which is most often expressed in yellowing and clouding of the paint and varnish. Light resistance can be adjusted by using special UV absorber additives.


– a property of a paint coating that characterizes the tendency of the film not to be wetted by water and polar solvents. Hydrophobicity characterizes only the surface of the coating and can be enhanced by the use of water-repellent additives and waxes. Hydrophobicity correlates with water absorption and weather resistance properties, which is very important for façade paints.


– the ability of a material to restore its physical properties after external influence. Thixotropic paint does not flow from a vertical surface. When stirring, it becomes quite liquid, the viscosity of the paint decreases sharply, but after stopping stirring, the paint immediately becomes thicker. Thixotropic paint also behaves when sprayed; it passes through the sprayer quite easily, but when it hits the surface, the viscosity increases sharply.


– adhesion of the paint coating to the surface being painted, one of the main characteristics of paint and varnish materials. Adhesion can be mechanical, chemical or electromagnetic in nature and is measured by the pull-off force per unit area. To improve the adhesion of polymer materials to the substrate, special functional groups are introduced into the composition of the polymer film.

Environmental friendliness

– it is harmless to health and the environment. Recently, materials made using environmentally friendly components, the so-called “Green Paints,” have appeared in the line of each manufacturer. They do not emit harmful fumes at all. These paints are recommended for use in rooms where a child or person with allergies will live. In many European countries there are a number of laws and regulations that limit the use of materials made with hazardous substances for interior work. Therefore, most serious manufacturers are gradually eliminating harmful components (even if their effect has not yet been sufficiently studied) from the composition of their products. In any case, holding in your hands interior paint made in Western Europe or the USA, you can safely say that it does not contain mercury, zinc white, lead, cadmium compounds, chlorinated phenols - in short, substances that have an extremely negative effect on well-being and human health. Most manufacturers, when producing an environmentally friendly paint series, assign it a special designation that helps the consumer understand that this is an environmentally friendly product.

3. Types of paints.

According to the chemical nature of the binder, all paints are divided into several types. Let's look at some of them, namely: alkyd, water-dispersed, silicate.

Alkyd paints.

Their binding element is alkyd resin. Concept Alkyd was introduced in 1927 and comes from an abbreviation of two words: al kohol and ac id. (alcohol and acid). Alkyd resin is obtained by cooking vegetable oils (linseed, tallow, soybean, etc.) together with acids. The elasticity of the coating directly depends on the fat content of the alkyd resin. Special additives - driers - regulate the drying rate of alkyd resins. Alkyd paints are diluted with drying oil, turpentine, and white spirit (purified kerosene).

The positive properties of alkyd paints are:

  • self-curing at room temperature in the form of one-component systems;
  • very wide range of compatibility and solubility;
  • the ability to almost unlimitedly change properties by choosing the appropriate starting materials and synthesis conditions;
  • good wetting of pigments;
  • good spreading ability, leading to high-quality distribution of coatings over the surface;
  • relatively low cost.

Alkyd paints are used to protect surfaces from corrosion both inside and outside the building. They are well suited for coating wood or metal and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Alkyd paints are suitable for painting doors, window frames, furniture, and radiators. They are often used to paint walls and ceilings in kitchens and bathrooms. Alkyd paints are exclusively suitable for painting some surfaces, including radiators. They form a coating that is denser and more durable than water-dispersed compositions.

These paints are non-toxic, light and water resistant, and have a much shorter drying time than oil paints.

The disadvantages of alkyd paints are:

  • fire hazard;
  • unsatisfactory chemical resistance (especially to alkalis);
  • increased brittleness and yellowing over time (even in the absence of light);
  • relatively rapid loss of gloss (with chalking);
  • relatively slow drying (especially with a high content of fatty acid residues).

In terms of environmental friendliness, they are inferior to water-dispersion paints. The specific smell of paint persists even after drying. In some cases, impermeability to water vapor is also a disadvantage.

Alkyd paints have high weather resistance. As a rule, the enamel film is resistant to temperature changes from minus 50ºС to plus 60ºС. Paints can be glossy, matte, semi-matte. For example, for exterior work, preference should be given to glossy alkyd paints, since the service life of glossy alkyd paint is 20% higher than that of other alkyd paints. Alkyd paint has sufficient abrasion resistance. Thanks to these properties, alkyd paint is suitable for painting not only walls and ceilings, but also floors.

Water-dispersion paints.

Water-dispersion paint (the old name is water-emulsion paint) is an aqueous composition in which water dispersions are used as a binder:

  • vinyl acetate (PVA);
  • acrylic;
  • butadiene-styrene (latex);
  • siloxane and silicone;
  • polyurethane copolymers.

A dispersion is a suspension of solid particles in liquids.
Water-dispersion paints are diluted with water (do not dissolve). Their binder base and coloring particles are distributed in an aqueous environment, forming a stable dispersion. During the process of water evaporation, they come closer and when contact occurs, they stick to each other, forming a film. Once the paint dries, it cannot be washed off with water. But it’s easy to wash off your hands and tools (until it dries).
Water-based paints are among the most economical and easy to apply products. They are easily applied to the surface, including wet ones, by spraying, pouring, as well as by roller, brush and dry at normal temperatures, forming matte, porous, vapor- and air-permeable films. The paints have good hiding power. In interiors, they are used mainly for painting walls and ceilings.

Water-dispersed compositions practically do not contain organic solvents, so they are odorless and environmentally friendly.

As a rule, water-dispersed materials lose their properties when frozen, so in cold weather they should be stored in heated rooms.

PVA based paints.

Dispersions based on vinyl acetate homopolymer are no longer used in coatings due to the relatively high fragility of films and low resistance to hydrolysis. Copolymers with vinyl esters of higher carboxylic acids, acrylates or ethylene produce films with excellent elasticity, weather resistance and water resistance and are widely used in water-based paints and plasters based on synthetic resins.

Dispersions of vinyl acetate copolymers with ethylene have the ability to form films even at low temperatures, and films based on them are lightfast and also relatively resistant to alkaline hydrolysis. Copolymers of this composition resemble rubber in properties.

Vinyl acetate copolymer with ethylene is a lightweight and elastic material with good shock-absorbing properties, superior to polyethylene in transparency and elasticity at low temperatures, and has increased adhesion to various materials. Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers are unique products that, as the content of acetate moieties increases, exhibit the full range of properties characteristic of the transition from polyethylene to polyvinyl acetate.

Acrylic paints.

Water-borne acrylic-based paints are the most popular; these paints have a wider range of uses; they can be used to paint not only ceilings, but also walls. They are not afraid of wet cleaning, have good resistance to abrasion, so they can be painted in damp rooms. Another advantage of acrylic paints is the large selection of colors for tinting, from light to dark. Acrylic paints retain color well and withstand intense UV radiation. In addition, they are easy to use and dry quickly. To obtain a high-quality finish, it is enough to apply two layers to the surface. In this case, the coating is not only “breathable” (which allows these paints to be successfully used on mineral surfaces), but also quite elastic. In addition, it has excellent adhesion to the surface being painted and has increased resistance to washing and wet abrasion. Only acrylics make it possible to produce paints with high elasticity, water-repellent properties and, at the same time, high vapor permeability. Suitable for alkaline bases.

Latex paints.

The main advantage of latex paints over other water-based paints is: increased resistance to wet abrasion, the ability to obtain silky matte surfaces, and the ability to cover the base with a thin layer.

All this makes it possible to paint walls using wallpaper and textured plaster, preserving their texture.

Latex paints differ in the degree of gloss of the finished surface. At the same time, paint with a higher degree of gloss is more resistant to wet cleaning. But glossy paint has a disadvantage: it reveals all the unevenness of the wall, so if you decide to use such paint, you need to take care of good preparation of the wall.

Siloxane and silicone paints

– the most modern facade paints, combining almost all the best properties of acrylic and silicate paints. The binder in them is emulsified organosilicon resins.

CH 3 CH 3


CH 3 CH 3

An organosilicon chain consisting of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms is called siloxane . Molecules containing several interconnected siloxane chains , called polysiloxane or silicone.

The differences between silicone and siloxane materials are as follows:

  • Siloxane materials contain acrylic resins with the addition of a small amount (in most cases about 1%) of siloxane filler. Siloxane serves primarily only to repel water and increase vapor and gas permeability. As the layer of material dries, siloxane molecules float to the surface and form a water-repellent layer.
  • Silicone paints, on the other hand, contain an emulsion of silicone resin i.e. real silicone adhesive (usually 2% - 5%). When dried, the silicone emulsion is distributed throughout the entire volume of the film, providing unique properties to the entire volume of the material, and not just its surface. Silicone emulsion is not destroyed by ultraviolet radiation and is not susceptible to atmospheric influences.

Silicone paints have vapor permeability comparable to silicate paints, combined with a high degree of hydrophobicity. Unlike silicate paints, they form a non-water-wetted surface on which rainwater remains in drops without wetting the base. The film formed by silicone paints has the highest elasticity and does not cause surface stress on the substrate, and therefore does not form microcracks.

After the paint dries, the surface looks like natural material. The film structure has the ability to self-clean. Silicone coatings have good adhesion, allow carbon dioxide to pass through well and repel water, provide protection from UV radiation, and are highly elastic and therefore durable. They can be applied to almost all substrates available in construction practice. Unlike acrylic polymers, silicone resins are not thermoplastic, meaning they do not soften when temperature increases, and are electrically neutral. Combined with high water-repellent properties, this means that the surface painted with silicone paints is practically not contaminated. Silicone paints are suitable for almost all types of mineral surfaces. They are also highly compatible with both mineral and acrylic or latex paints. It is believed that even old silicate and lime coatings can be repainted with silicone paints. The most important difference between siloxane paints and acrylic paints is their resistance to alkalis.

Silicone coatings, like silicate ones, do not support the development of microorganisms. Therefore, they do not require the use of special fungicidal and algaecidal additives, which are necessary in acrylic paints.

Working with siloxane and silicone paints requires virtually no precautions - unlike silicate paints, they are not aggressive.

Their only drawback is their high cost.

Polyurethane paints.

Polyurethane paints and varnishes come in one- and two-component types.

Two-component paints are cured by a chemical reaction. One-component paints are cured by atmospheric moisture and are conventional paints modified with polyurethane.

One-component polyurethane paints are not a competitor to two-component ones, however, they also have remarkable properties:

  • they have exceptionally good adhesion;
  • dry quickly;
  • form a coating on the surface that is both hard and elastic at the same time;
  • have an increased level of wear resistance and are able to withstand mechanical loads, including shock;
  • they successfully withstand pressure, water, elevated temperatures, are light-resistant and frost-resistant;
  • insensitive to chemical influences, including frequent use of detergents or oils;
  • provide corrosion protection to metal surfaces.

In addition, such paints and varnishes do not have a toxic odor. These are the best and most durable paints. The thermal properties of polyurethane coating have opened a wide path for it to be used in the production of furniture and laminated parquet.

Silicate and dispersion-silicate paints.

Silicate paints can basically be divided into two groups:

  • (2K, also called pure silicate paints), consisting of liquid potassium glass, pigments and fillers. They do not contain organic components.
  • Dispersion silicate paints based on liquid potassium glass, pigments, fillers, synthetic dispersion and, if necessary, a water repellent. The total proportion of organic matter should not exceed 5%.

Two-component silicate paints

have been used to coat mineral substrates for over 120 years. There is liquid potassium glass and liquid soda glass. For the production of paints, predominantly liquid potassium glass is used, since soda glass does not have the same strength characteristics and resistance to atmospheric conditions as liquid potassium glass. In addition to liquid potassium glass as a binder, the paint contains alkali-resistant mineral pigments and fillers. The result is open-pore coatings that are highly permeable to water, water vapor and carbon dioxide.
Silicate paint hardens due to silicification. During this process, a water-insoluble, acid-resistant glassy binder is formed from water-soluble potassium glass, also called a fixative.

Dispersion silicate paints.

Dispersion silicate paints have been produced for over 35 years. Compared to pure silicate paints, they are primarily easier to use and have a greater number of application options. They ensure diffusion of water vapor and additionally contain water-repellent additives. Therefore, they demonstrate very good physical and structural properties and optimally protect the painted surface from moisture damaging the walls of the building. Good resistance is based on the so-called double silicification, in which liquid potassium glass reacts both with special fillers and with the mineral surface being painted.

The disadvantages of silicate paints include the impossibility of using them on surfaces previously painted with synthetic organic-based paints.

The scope of use of paints in construction is constantly expanding. With the advent of new technologies and materials, the choice of finishing options is also growing. The paints are easy to work with, they offer a huge selection of colors and shades, they can be used for different types of work and coatings. There are many types of them, and they differ both in composition and purpose.

The entire range of paints can be divided into four large groups:

  • alkyd,
  • emulsion,
  • silicate,
  • adhesive.

Alkyd – paints based on drying oil (oil) or varnish (enamel). After drying, they form a waterproof film, are non-toxic, resistant to ultraviolet rays, and are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. They are applied to wood, metal, plaster.

Emulsion - most often they are made on a water basis with the addition of pigments, emulsifiers, and various additives. In addition to water-based ones, this group includes water-dispersed, acrylic, latex and polyvinyl acetate types. They are used for application to finely porous surfaces:

  • plaster;
  • concrete;
  • tree;
  • primer for metal.

These paints are non-toxic and can be used in living rooms.

Silicate - are made on the basis of liquid glass and water. Their properties are fireproof, resistant to temperature fluctuations, and are used for porous surfaces (wood, concrete, plaster).

Adhesive - produced mainly for interior work, since they cannot withstand high humidity. They are made on the basis of natural glue (casein, starch, PVA) and water.

Transparent coatings (varnishes) are used for floors made of natural wood. Absolutely transparent or with the addition of coloring pigments, they reveal the natural beauty of wood, penetrate deep into, protecting the floor from moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Polyurethane varnishes are quite resistant to mechanical stress.

Acrylic paint is widely used for wood floors due to its resistance to abrasion, humidity, temperature changes and sunlight. The coating allows the wood to “breathe”, preventing damage from moisture. Can be used for external and internal work.

Paint for interior work must, first of all, be safe: non-toxic during operation and, preferably, without a strong odor during the drying period. And to create the desired interior design, it must have either a wide selection of shades or be easily mixed with pigments.

The paint should be relatively waterproof so that minor stains can be washed off rather than having to repaint the entire wall.

For ceilings, water-based types of high density are used: such paint should be snow-white and cover the surface well.

It is best to do it with acrylic or latex types. Acrylics create a matte surface that is not afraid of mechanical abrasion and tolerates wet cleaning quite well. But it is not suitable for rooms with high humidity levels: the ingress of water will spoil it.

Latex paint makes the coating slightly glossy, moisture resistant and quite durable. This is what is most often recommended when asking questions about which bathroom paint is most suitable. The layer turns out to be thin, which allows this type to be used on textured plaster or embossed wallpaper.

Matte paint used in the interior has become familiar: it does not catch the eye, looks discreet and noble. Almost all types of paint have matte varieties:

  • water-based;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • alkyd enamels.

The question of which paint is better to choose – matte or glossy – is purely a matter of taste.

Advantages: uniform coverage, deep color without glare or reflections, masking unevenness and minor defects. Matte finish is most often used in interior design, allowing you to achieve rich color even when using light shades.

Disadvantages: high susceptibility to dirt even with enamel coatings. It is much more difficult to clean matte paint from hand marks or other contaminants than glossy paint. In addition, matte paint makes damage and scratches more visible.

Dispersion paint is a mixture of a liquid base and insoluble components: pigments, emulsifiers, thickeners, etc. In the case of using an aqueous base and a liquid phase, a water-based paint is obtained, but it is only part of the entire line of dispersion types in general.

The peculiarity of dispersion types is that the base and components can separate, so before using paint, even fresh paint, it must be thoroughly mixed. And if necessary, this paint can be diluted without any problems.

For interior work, water-dispersion paints are used: acrylic, latex, adhesive. are made using synthetic resins and antiseptics that increase resistance to precipitation, frost, burnout and microorganisms.

Fire retardant paints act as a barrier between fire and the surface, creating an insulating layer. The use of such coatings protects surfaces from fire for up to one and a half hours. According to the principle of action, they are of two types:

  1. intumescent, when the paint swells when heated, creating an air gap,
  2. non-intumescent, which create a non-flammable layer.

Fire retardant paints are used for any materials that suffer from high temperatures:

  • wood, which is one of the most fire hazardous materials in construction;
  • metal structures that lose their strength when exposed to fire (this is especially dangerous for load-bearing elements);
  • cement and concrete, which crack and crumble due to high temperatures;
  • resin-based materials (bitumen), used, for example, for roofing;
  • air ducts and ventilation systems, which in the event of a fire turn into fire conductors;
  • heating boilers, chimneys, heating systems, gas pipelines.

Using fire-retardant paint is convenient and easy: it does not lose its properties under the influence of precipitation, ultraviolet rays and temperature changes.

It’s not for nothing that the largest brands have won their niche in the market: to produce, for example, high-quality water-based paint, you need at least 15 different components for a cheap product and about 30-40 for expensive high-quality paint. It is the various additives that provide the consumer qualities that are so valued in a good product:

  • optimal density,
  • hiding power,
  • density and thickness of the layer,
  • abrasion resistance,
  • uniformity of coverage,
  • water-repellent properties.

It is simply impossible to get a good product from bad raw materials!

The second important factor in paint production (and in any other production) is compliance with the technological process. Here you will need modern equipment with a computerized process control system and a high-tech production line.

That is why you cannot expect high quality from paint made, relatively speaking, in the nearest basement. Even if you really want to save money, it’s better not to mess with a cheap product.

Before applying paint, it is necessary to prepare the surface: level, prime, dry, remove dust and small particles. In some cases, it is necessary to remove old paint or clean and fill the defects.

There are three main methods for working with paints:

  1. brush painting,
  2. roller,
  3. sprayer.

Depending on the surface area, a wide whitewash brush, a medium-width flange brush or a small panel brush (for small details) is used. Modern paints adhere well and spread over the surface, forming a uniform coating. When painting, it is better to apply strokes in one direction, having previously painted the corners, joints and ends with a smaller brush, so as not to damage them later.

A roller made of a special material that picks up paint well and applies an even layer is the second option. It allows you to apply a fairly dense layer, which is necessary when painting painted walls. The painting techniques are the same as with a brush: all movements are made in one direction, the second layer is applied with perpendicular strokes. A roller with a long handle is used to process the floor and ceiling.

Paint is one of the very first and at the same time the main finishing materials used by man. People have had the desire to draw since ancient times. This is evidenced by the painting of the walls and ceilings of the caves in which ancient man lived. Already at that time he sought to decorate gray stones using ocher, charcoal and animal blood.

Millennia have passed, but people’s desire to paint has not diminished at all. They strive to change the color of almost everything they get their hands on. Cars and houses, hair, pet fur, etc. are painted. That is why recently the number of varieties of this material has increased several times.

No renovation can be done without paint. But everyone who makes it dreams of keeping the walls or ceilings looking decent for a long time, maybe twenty years. That is why it is important to know what types of paint exist and what characteristics they have. This will allow you to choose the right finishing material that will last as long as possible.


Paint manufacturers include at least three components in their products. It is a pigment, astringent and solvent. The color of the paint depends on the first of these components. The binder prevents the applied layer from crumbling after it dries. The solvent is designed to dilute too thick paint, which makes it easier to apply. Often, various fixatives, stabilizers and other additives are added to the mixture recipe.

Depending on the characteristics and quality, there are different types of paint. Let's take a closer look at them.


What kind of paint is there? The types of this finishing material are divided into universal ones according to purpose, as well as for interior and exterior work. They all have some differences in their characteristics. Thus, paints used for exterior work are highly resistant to moisture, sunlight, temperature fluctuations and other external factors. However, they are very toxic and therefore prohibited for indoor use.

To renovate apartments and rooms, you need a different type of paint. It must be intended for interior use. This material is extremely sensitive to external factors, therefore it is not used for

The third type is universal paint. The types of the first two finishing materials, as mentioned above, have different characteristics. Universal paint can be used not only for interior, but also for exterior work. It is water-based and therefore non-toxic.

According to the characteristics of the solvent included in the composition, all paints are divided into:
- oil;
- emulsion.

Oil paints

This finishing material is made on the basis of white spirit, drying oil, turpentine, gasoline or alcohol. All these substances are organic solvents.

On what basis is the oil paint you purchased made? GOST will help you figure this out. It regulates the brands of this finishing material depending on the type of foaming component used. Thus, the symbols MA-021 indicate that the oil paint contains natural drying oil. If MA-025 is combined, etc.

The main advantage of such paints lies in their durable waterproof layer. But these materials also have a drawback. When drying, oil paint releases everything in it. In an enclosed space, this can cause intoxication.

Oil paint is used for wood, metal, cement plaster, gypsum putty and many other surfaces. It can even be applied to a layer of water-based emulsion.

Oil-based wood paint can be used as a primer. To do this, it is additionally diluted with turpentine, white spirit, kerosene or other solvents.

In earlier times, oil paint was used everywhere. It was used for finishing surfaces. However, today other, more modern materials have become more widespread. The fact is that oil paint can dry for up to several days, emitting so much that people get headaches. In addition, the applied layer does not allow the surface to “breathe”. This leads to the appearance of cracks and peeling on it after a short period (from three to five years). In addition, drying oil turns yellow and the surface loses its original color.

However, despite such significant shortcomings, oil paint continues to be produced today. GOST strictly certifies this finishing material, designating its various types with combinations of numbers and letters. Buyers purchase this inexpensive and affordable paint for doors and window frames, heating radiators and other surfaces. It is also used as a primer.

Emulsion paints

This finishing material is made by mixing fillers and pigments with water. And today it is used more and more often when decorating apartments. The positive side of this paint is that when it dries, it does not emit toxic substances. An important advantage of emulsion paint is also its environmental friendliness.

This material is easy to use. Once completely dry, it is easily washed off from hands and tools.

What types of emulsion paints are there?

This finishing material is divided into several types. Among them are paints:
- water-based;
- acrylic;
- latex;
- polyvinyl acetate;
- water-dispersed.
- silicone.

Water-based paint

It is usually used for finishing interior surfaces. This is an environmentally friendly material that is in quite high demand among consumers. Water-based paint, the price of which is quite affordable for all segments of the population, is applied to almost any surface. At the same time, it forms an air-permeable polymer film. Steam can pass through it. But it will not let liquid through. The positive side of this material is its explosion and fire safety.

Unlike water-based ones, they are more moisture resistant. This allows you to wipe the surface on which they are applied much more often with a damp cloth.

Acrylic paints

These finishing materials are very elastic and durable. Acrylic resins give them such characteristics. These substances are the main astringent component of the composition. Acrylic types of paint are expensive, and therefore not every buyer chooses them. However, this is a wonderful finishing material. After complete drying, it can withstand even the most severe frosts. Acrylic paints have good water resistance. Moreover, this indicator increases as the volume of acrylic resins in their composition increases. These paints are tinted beautifully. In addition, they form a surface layer that can last for many years.

Latex paint

This is the most expensive type of all water-based finishing materials. This paint, which has increased water resistance, elasticity and strength, contains latex. This material can be used to cover various surfaces. These can be both walls and ceilings, which will dry in 20-60 minutes.

Polyvinyl acetate paints

They are produced on the basis of PVA. Moreover, consumers have been familiar with such water-based paint since the times of the USSR.

Polyvinyl acetate finishing material is environmentally friendly, light-resistant and the most affordable. However, this paint cannot be washed frequently. It will peel off the surface very quickly.

Silicone paints

This finishing material is relatively new and relatively expensive. Silicone resins act as a binder. This component gives the paint high water resistance. You can purchase silicone-based finishing materials for painting any surfaces, including metal.

Enamel paints

This finishing material contains pigments and varnishes. This paint can be sold under different names. Types of enamel coatings include several different types. These are nitro enamels and enamel paints, and after they dry, a matte or shiny glossy film is formed on the surface, which is highly durable. Several layers of such paint will provide good protection of the coated material from various external influences - sunlight, temperature changes, etc. The enamel is characterized by a high drying speed (15-45 minutes) and sensitivity to mechanical damage.

Facade paints

These finishing materials differ from those used for interior work in their maximum resistance to external environmental influences. They must be selected depending on the properties of the surface being treated. Wood, brick and concrete all require their own paint.

The types of finishing materials considered for facade work are divided into:
- silicate;
- acrylic;
- silicone.

For outdoor use it is made on the basis of polymer dispersions and liquid glass. This material is very durable and reliable. It is as vapor and air permeable as possible, and due to its alkaline reaction it prevents the appearance of mold and fungi on the walls.

For the facade they have significant differences from the interior ones. They have greater resistance to UV rays and atmospheric influences, as well as high spreadability and minimal spattering.

The most progressive and modern ones include: They have the best characteristics of silicate and acrylic finishing materials - ultraviolet resistance and elasticity.

Modern manufacturers also offer perchlorovinyl facade paints. They are recommended to be used for exterior finishing work. Such paints are obtained by dissolving perchlorovinyl in solvent or xylene. The temperature of the mixture is maintained at seventy degrees. The solvents contained in this composition evaporate when dried, and a fairly hard decorative and protective layer appears on the surface being treated.

Perchlorovinyl paints do not allow moisture to penetrate into the finish. They are made with high color saturation, which lasts for three to four years.

Brand Tikkurila

Today, consumers place increased demands on façade paints. This does not allow manufacturers to stand still. They develop finishing materials that not only give the surface a particular color, but also protect it from dirt and moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Tikkurila paint has all these properties.

The brand of the same name, offering its products on the market of paints and varnishes for building materials, has a history of more than one hundred and forty years. The products of this company are familiar to customers due to their wide range and excellent quality.

It's no secret that painting a facade is an expensive undertaking. That is why the finishing material must have properties that would allow it to protect the surface for a long time and reliably. Tikkurila paint has these characteristics. It is resistant to alkali, shock loads and abrasion, has exceptional covering power and high vapor permeability. Such quality characteristics allow this finishing material to provide an excellent appearance and reliable protection to the facade for ten years or more.


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