Brief description of the dog's heart Bulgakov. dog's heart

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Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog” was written back in 1925 and was distributed through samizdat in the 60s. Its publication abroad took place in 1968, but in the USSR - only in 1987. After that, it was reprinted many times.

He takes the stray dog ​​Sharik home from the street. Philip Philipovich is a doctor, he sees patients at home, he has as many as seven rooms at his disposal, which is unheard of under the new government. Shvonder, who runs the house committee, is fighting for justice in society. He writes articles for the newspaper, reads the works of Engels and dreams of a worldwide revolution. In his opinion, residents of the house should have the same benefits. He proposes to equalize the rights of the professor with Sharikov, since occupying as many as seven rooms for the master is too much.

Events take place in March 1917. Philip Philipovich is not only a literate person, but also a highly cultured person with an independent mind. He perceives revolutionary changes critically. The professor is outraged by the current devastation. He believes that it begins with the chaos in people's heads. And, first of all, we need to restore order there, and not transfer everything into society. Philip Philipovich resolutely opposes any violence. He is confident that affection can tame the wildest animal, and terror will not help either the whites or the reds. It only paralyzes nervous system. When Sharik first appeared in the professor’s apartment, he continued to “behave,” as befits a stray dog. But he soon became a pretty decent house dog. When the collar was put on him for the first time, he was ready to burn with shame. But I quickly realized that on the street this attribute is perceived by other dogs, mongrels, with envy. On the day before the operation, Sharik, locked in the bathroom, thought about freedom. And I came to the conclusion that it is better to be an intelligent being, master's dog, and will is just the delirium of democrats, nothing more than a mirage.

The brilliant medical scientist Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Bormental decided to experiment, which led to tragicomic consequences that were unexpected for them. Having transplanted the pituitary gland of the brain and the seminal glands of a man into a dog, they, to their great surprise, obtained a human from the animal! Before Preobrazhensky’s eyes, the offended, constantly hungry homeless dog Sharik turns into homo sapiens in just a few days. He also gets a new name. Now his name is Sharikov Poligraf Poligrafych. However, his habits still remain that of a dog. The professor begins to educate him.

Which terrible mistake! Summary of Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog” »

A medical-biological experiment ends with a social, moral and psychological one. The ball becomes more and more dangerous, brazen and uncontrollable. Maybe something better would have come out of it if source material there was only a dog. But the trouble is that the human organs he inherited belonged to a criminal. He was 25-year-old non-party and single Klim Chugunkin. He was tried three times and acquitted each time. Either there was not enough evidence, then his origin came to the rescue, then he was conditionally sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. Thus, Philip Philipovich's experiment became dependent on unsightly reality. With the help of Shvonder, the former dog and criminal rolled into one begins to actively participate in “building a bright future.” Shvonder, by the way, instills new postulates in Sharikov, but at the same time does not burden him with any culture. A couple of months later, Polygraph was appointed head of the department for clearing the city of cats. From animals, which Sharikov strangles with real gusto, he moves on to people: he threatens Bormental with a pistol, and the girl typist with a layoff. The professor and his assistant admit what they made of sweetest dog disgusting scum. To correct their mistake, they reversed the transformation.

M. A. Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog.” Summary of the epilogue

An investigator with the police came to the professor’s apartment and charged him with the murder of citizen Sharikov. Philip Philipovich asks Bormental to show people the dog he operated on. The assistant opens the door of the room, and Sharik runs out. The policeman recognized him as the same citizen. The prosecutors left. The ball remained in the professor’s apartment, who continues to persistently experiment.

"Dog's heart"



In a cold and dank gateway, a homeless dog suffered from hunger and pain in his scalded side. He recalled how the cruel cook scalded his side, thought about delicious sausage scraps and watched the typist running about her business. The dog understood that, sick and hungry, he would not be able to survive, and firmly decided not to go anywhere else, but to stay here, at cold wall. A citizen appeared on the other side of the street, or rather a gentleman in an overcoat. The dog smelled the enticing smell of Krakow sausage and, in a final leap of madness, crawled out of the gateway onto the sidewalk. The smell rejuvenated him, gave him the strength to crawl to the mysterious gentleman. He bent down, broke off a piece of sausage and gave it to the dog. After such a royal treat, Sharik was ready to follow this man to the ends of the earth, and when the master called him to follow him, the dog immediately ran after him. On the way, he still did not believe that he had such luck. He demonstrated his devotion to the man in every possible way, for which he was awarded the second piece of Krakow. After some time, the dog and his benefactor reached Obukhov Lane, and, to the dog’s surprise, the doorman let him and the man into the house. Fyodor, the doorman, told Philip Philipovich that new tenants had moved into one of the apartments, and they would be new plan occupancy of apartments as representatives of the house committee.

Any dog ​​in Moscow can learn to read—that’s what Sharik thought. He began to learn by colors, and already at four months he knew that under the green-blue sign with the inscription MSPO there was a meat trade. However, I realized that I couldn’t rely on color when I went to a store instead of a butcher’s shop. electrical accessories. He learned his first letter “a” at “Glavryba” on Mokhovaya, and then “b” - because it was more convenient to run up to the store from the direction of the word “fish”. Then Sharik began to practice reading and began to navigate the streets of Moscow very well.

An unknown gentleman led the dog to an apartment, the door of which was opened by a young and beautiful woman in a white apron. Sharik was immediately invited into the hallway, where he was very impressed by the floor-length mirror and the electric lamp under the ceiling. The gentleman immediately examined the wound on the dog’s side and ordered him to be taken to the examination room. However, the ball realized that something terrible and incomprehensible was about to happen in the dazzling room, dodged and tried to escape. His attempt was futile, even after he grabbed a new identity, a man in a robe. He was caught, something with a sickly and sweet smell was brought to his nose, and he fell on his side.

When Sharik woke up, his side was bandaged and the burn wound did not hurt at all. He lay and listened to the conversation of two men, the one who had been bitten and Philip Philipich. “You can’t do anything with terror to an animal, no matter what stage of development it is at,” said Philip Filipich and ordered Zina to buy more sausages for Sharik.

Sharik gradually recovered and on unsteady legs followed his savior into the office. There he was again surprised by the electric light and the huge stuffed owl on the wall. The dog collapsed on the carpet, and Philip Philipich began to receive patients. Finally, Sharik realized that he was not in an ordinary house. One after another, people with various illnesses came to his benefactor, and this continued until late in the evening. However, the last guests were 4 young men who were different from the other visitors. Philip Philipich, after short negotiations, learned that these people are the new house management of the Kalabukhovsky house. Shvonder, Vyazemskaya, Comrade Pestrukhin and Sharovkin decided to take away 2 rooms from the professor for the benefit of the public. To which the professor called on a special phone and demanded assistance from the subscriber. Apparently, there was a very influential person on the other end of the line, because the chairman of the new house committee, Shvonder, after talking with him, completely abandoned his claims and left with his group. And Sharik respected his master for his ability to put down impudent people.

The luxurious dinner that followed immediately after the departure of the four guests completely overwhelmed the dog. Never before had he experienced such a strange sensation - immediately after big piece sturgeon and a large bloody roast beef, he suddenly could not look at the food and dozed off. At dinner, Philip Philipich became excited. He remembered the old days and compared the new order with the old, talking about the devastation in the heads and laziness of most people. The disappearance of the stand of galoshes in the entrance of the house in 1917 seemed especially significant to him.

After dinner, the doctor left, and the dog dozed blissfully. Only one thought bothered him: what if everything that was happening would turn out to be a dream, and when he woke up there would be snow, cold, and hunger again. But nothing terrible happened, and day after day a handsome dog, well-fed and happy with life, was reflected in the mirror. “I must be handsome,” the dog thought and enjoyed his new position. He ate as much as he wanted, tore the owl apart, and they only scolded him, but they didn’t kick him out or beat him, but they bought a collar with a leash, and now all the dogs were jealous of him when he walked down the street. Having appreciated the merits of the collar, the dog boldly entered both the kitchen and the office of his deity.

But one terrible day, early in the morning, Sharik felt something was wrong. And rightly so - after the doctor’s call, there was chaos in the house. Bormenthal brought something in a briefcase, and Philip Philipich became extremely agitated. Oddly enough, the turmoil also affected Sharik; he was categorically forbidden to eat and drink, lured into the bathroom and locked. After terrible minutes of waiting, Zina dragged Sharik into the examination room, and there the dog suddenly saw the false eyes of the one who had been bitten and realized that something terrible would happen. They again poked cotton wool with a nasty smell into his nose, and he lost consciousness.

Sharik lay on the narrow operating table. Bormenthal cut the hair from his head, and Philip Philipich was preparing for the operation. First, he slashed the stomach and removed the seminal glands, inserting in their place some other, drooping ones. Having quickly sewn up the belly, Preobrazhensky opened the dog’s skull and pulled out the hemispheres of the brain. Bormental noticed, turning pale, that the pulse was falling, and made an injection somewhere in the area of ​​the dog’s heart, and at this time Philip Philippich made an appendage transplant between the hemispheres of the brain.

After the operation, both the doctor and the professor were sure that the operated dog would die.

From the diary of Doctor Bormenthal. In the thin notebook, the doctor’s handwriting is neat on the first two pages, then a lot of blots appear on the sheets.

From the records it is clear that the operation that Preobrazhensky performed was an experiment to determine the effect of a pituitary gland transplant on the rejuvenation of the body in humans. Despite the severity of several difficult days, the dog is clearly on the mend, although his condition can be called strange. Both the pulse and the temperature clearly began to differ from usual, and also the hair on the forehead and sides began to fall out. After some time, Dr. Bormental noticed that the usual barking turned into a groan, and sometimes the word “a-b-y-r.”

On January 1, an excited entry appears in the doctor’s diary that the dog is laughing and happily barking “abyr-valg.” Preobrazhensky deciphered this word; it means “chief fish”. The next day the dog stood up on his hind legs, turning out to be almost as tall as Bormental, and confidently stood there for half an hour.

An entry was inserted into the diary that Professor Preobrazhensky fainted, and the dog scolded him for his mother.

On January 5, the dog’s tail fell off and he clearly said “beer.” From that day on, the dog’s vocabulary began to expand, he repeated all the swear words and several ordinary words. His appearance is strange, hair has fallen out everywhere except his head, chest and chin. Otherwise he looks like a man in the making.

Meanwhile, rumors spread around the city. In the Evening Gazette and in the gossip of onlookers, myths about the miracle differ. Some talk about a Martian, some about a child playing the violin.

The professor admitted his mistake in the calculations. It turned out that changing the pituitary gland does not give rejuvenation, but humanization. The result of the experiment can now walk around the apartment, swear, laugh, and the professor cannot hide his confusion. The creature not only talks, but also is rude, and consciously. On January 12, he began to carry on conversation and read. Bormenthal suggested that the professor develop the personality of the new creature, but he turns more to the history of the person from whom they took the pituitary gland - Klim Grigorievich Chugunkin, a 25-year-old single, non-party parolee.

After a short break in the notes, Dr. Bormenthal described the creature as a fully formed human being of small stature.

Dr. Bormenthal realized that this was a completely new organism and needed to be observed first. The former dog makes a short acquaintance with comrade Shvonder. The little man began to wear a poisonous blue tie and patent leather boots, which made Philip Philipich feel uneasy. In addition, the creature began to behave more and more impudently - sleeping on the floors in the kitchen, spitting on the floor, watching for Zina in the dark. Preobrazhensky decided to talk to him, but this made things even worse - the little man demanded a document in order to register in this house. He chose a name for himself - Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov.

Shvonder and Sharikov finally forced the professor to sign a request for documents. Preobrazhensky remained at a loss for a long time, because the creature that was created in his laboratory cannot be fully human from the point of view of science. But the law was really on Sharikov’s side. The professor signed the petition, and the triumphant Shvonder and Sharikov left the room. However, something out of the ordinary happened. A cat snuck into the apartment, Sharikov rushed after him into the bathroom, the fuse clicked, and he found himself trapped. The cat jumped out of the observation window and retreated. Philip Philipovich canceled all the patients and, together with the doctor, Zina and the doorman, began to save Sharikov. While fighting with the cat, he turned off the taps, and now water flooded the entire floor in the apartment. Sharikov was saved by the doorman and helped everyone clean up the water, but he brazenly spoke such absurd, boorish words that the professor kicked him out into the hallway and closed the door. It turned out that Sharikov was breaking neighbors' windows and following the cooks. The professor had to pay for it.

Over lunch, the doctor and professor tried to teach Polygraph to behave normally. But the result of the observation surprised them very much - Polygraph has the same tendency towards alcoholism as Klim Chugunkin. In addition, it turned out that Sharikov does not like either theater or fiction books, but loves the circus and reads Engels’ correspondence with Kautsky.

After a verbal altercation, when Sharikov defended his right to his exploits, and the professor scolded him for his behavior, Dr. Bormental went with him to the circus. When silence finally reigned in the apartment, Preobrazhensky went into the office and spent a long time looking at the bottle with the dog’s pituitary gland. Apparently, he was deciding on something serious.

After 6 days they brought Sharikov’s documents. And he immediately began to demand a different attitude towards himself, and at the same time a room in the professor’s apartment. To which the amazed and angry professor threatened him that he would no longer feed him. Sharikov calmed down and promised to behave decently.

The next night the professor and Bormenthal discussed new events. Sharikov and two unknown citizens stole 2 chervonets, a malachite ashtray, a beaver hat and Preobrazhensky’s memorial cane. Drunk Sharikov denied it as best he could. Then he became ill, and until midnight all the residents of the apartment rushed around with the sick Sharikov. The professor and the doctor were deciding in the office what to do next. Bormenthal, worried about his teacher, decided to help him get rid of Sharikov, to which the professor categorically replies that it is his fault and must be held accountable for the fact that the sweetest dog turned into such scum. Bormental is even ready to kill, but Preobrazhensky does not allow him to get his hands dirty.

Here Daria Petrovna intervenes in the conversation, dragging the drunken Sharikov in her nightgown. It turned out that he was harassing women again. They decided to postpone the trial until the morning.

Sharikov's promised benefit did not happen. It turned out that he had disappeared from the house along with all his documents, a bottle of tincture, doctor’s gloves, a cap and a coat. Bormenthal decided to find him, ran to the house committee, but they refused him there, saying that they had not seen the scoundrel Sharikov.

It was decided to go to the police, but then Poligraf Poligrafovich showed up himself. With pride and dignity, he announced that he was now the head of the department for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals. Bormenthal listened to the flayer and decided to force him to apologize to Daria Petrovna and Zina, which Sharikov did, humble and half-strangled by the strong hands of the aesculapian. In addition to this, Bormenthal also demanded silence in the apartment and respect for the professor. All this time, Philip Philipich stood and silently watched what was happening.

Two days later, a young lady in cream stockings appeared in the quiet apartment. Sharikov decided to marry her and demanded his share in the apartment. Philip Philipovich invited the woman into his office and there he confessed to her that he had transformed the dog into a man. The young lady was very upset, because the scoundrel Sharikov lied to her from beginning to end about his origin and position. Sharikov's marriage was upset.

The next day one of his patients, a man in military uniform, and brought a letter of denunciation that he received from Sharikov, Shvonder and Pestrukhin. The matter was not set in motion, but now the professor clearly understood that he could not delay any longer.

The crime ripened suddenly. After Sharikov returned to the apartment, the professor decided to kick him out of the house. To do this, they needed to have a serious conversation. Worried internally, but maintaining external calm, Preobrazhensky told Polygraph to pack his things. To which Sharikov responded in his usual boorish manner and even pulled out a revolver. Thus, he himself approved Preobrazhensky in his decision. A few minutes later, the head of the purification department was already lying on the couch, and Dr. Bormenthal was pressing a small white pillow on top of his face. When the doctor posted a notice on the door canceling the appointment and cut the bell, the women realized the seriousness of what was happening. In silence and darkness, the doctor and the professor worked together again.

10 days after these events, police also came to the professor’s apartment at night. A crowd of people filled the reception room; representatives of the house committee were present, namely Shvonder. Before their eyes appeared, as always, Philip Filipich, confident in his abilities, in a dressing gown and Bormental without a tie. A man in civilian clothes charged them with the murder of Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov. But the medical luminaries did not admit this and showed their dog to the uninvited midnight guests. He was, of course, very strange-looking, he walked like a circus performer, on two legs, was bald in places, and in some places his hair hung in clumps. But it was a dog, not a man, and everyone present recognized this.

Atavism, the professor diagnosed, is impossible to make a human out of a beast.

After all these events, the dog again sat in the evenings at the feet of his benefactor. He didn’t remember anything that happened to him, only headaches tormented him sometimes. And the professor persistently continued his research: he cut and examined the brain.

Brief retelling of “Heart of a Dog” by Bulgakov

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  • Heart of a Dog short retelling
  • heart of a dog retelling
  • a brief retelling of the heart of a dog Bulgakov


The story takes place in the winter of 1924/25 in Moscow. Professor of Medicine Preobrazhensky Philip Filippovich invented a unique method of rejuvenating the body by transplanting endocrine glands to humans from animals. The professor lives on Prechistenka in a seven-room apartment big house, where he receives his patients. The chairman of the house committee by the name of Shvonder one day tries to oust the professor and demands him to vacate a couple of rooms in the apartment. But the professor has enough high-ranking patients and phone call one of them solves this problem: Preobrazhensky receives armor for his apartment, and Shvonder is left with nothing.

The professor is having lunch in his dining room with his assistant, Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental. Loud choral singing can be heard from above - this is how a meeting of “tenants” takes place.

The professor is indignant at the disorder that is happening in the house and notes that if instead of operating on patients, he was engaged in choral singing, then the same thing would happen in his apartment.

One day the professor picked up a stray dog ​​on the street, with stripped fur and sick. He brought the dog home and instructed the housekeeper Zina to look after him and feed the mongrel. After just a week of living like this, Sharik turned into a beautiful and affectionate dog.

The professor conducts an experimental operation - he transplants the endocrine glands of a man named Klim Chugunkin, who died from a knife blow, to the dog Sharik. Chugunkin was 25 years old, he was convicted three times for theft, and played the balalaika in taverns.

The experience was a success. Sharik survived and gradually began to turn into a human. He gained weight, grew taller, the dog's hair began to fall out, and he spoke. Three weeks later, he already looked quite similar in appearance to a person (not very attractive, though), played the balalaika, smoked and cursed. Soon he demanded that the professor register him in the apartment and even came up with a name for himself: Sharikov Poligraf Poligrafovich.

Hatred for cats remained in Sharikov’s blood. One day he chased a cat, accidentally turned on the water tap and caused a flood in the apartment. The professor canceled appointments with patients. And the janitor Fedor, who came to repair the tap, spoke about Sharikov’s other “exploits.” It turns out he pestered the cook from apartment seven, threw stones at her owner, who was trying to drive away the impudent man, and broke a window, for which, of course, the professor had to pay.

Preobrazhensky, Bormental and Sharikov are having lunch together. They are trying to teach Sharikov good manners, nothing works. However, he is already reading Engels and talking about the redistribution of property. The professor is outraged and orders the harmful book to be burned.

A week later, Preobrazhensky was presented with a document according to which Sharikov has the right to a separate room in the professor’s apartment, since he is a member of the housing association. Sharikov brazenly takes money from the professor, appears drunk at night, brings some unknown people with him, after which valuables disappear from the apartment.

At night, in his office, a desperate professor talks with Bormenthal. He is horrified by the scum he has created with his own hands.

Soon Sharikov already became the head of the department for cleaning Moscow from street, stray animals. Then he brought some young lady to the professor’s house and announced that they would sign and live here together. Preobrazhensky is forced to tell the girl about her boyfriend’s past. She cries in disappointment.

The next day, Professor Preobrazhensky is informed (one of the high-ranking patients) that Sharikov wrote a denunciation against him. Preobrazhensky tries to drive the insolent man out of the apartment, but Sharikov threatens with a revolver... A couple of minutes later, Bormental locks the front door, and he and the professor hide in the examination room.

Ten days later, an investigator comes to the professor with a search warrant and arrest of Preobrazhensky and Bormental for the murder of P.P. Sharikov, head of the cleaning department. The professor calmly introduces him to his patient, a dog named Sharik. True, the dog behaves very strangely: he walks on his hind legs, then stands on all fours, and then sits in a chair. The investigator fainted.

Dog's heart: summary by chapter

Chapter 1 Summary

In the work of M.A. Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" all actions take place in the city of Moscow in winter, during the time period from 1924 to 1925. There is snow all around. In one gateway big city The homeless dog Sharik is suffering from hunger, cold and pain. This dog was greatly offended by the evil canteen cook. He scalded the poor fellow's side. Now the dog was afraid to ask people for food, despite the fact that he knew for sure that people can be kind. He meekly awaited his fate, lying against the cold wall. Then he smelled the smell of delicious Krakow sausage.
Gathering his strength, he stood up and slowly crawled towards the sidewalk. The dog seemed to have a second wind, he became bolder. A suspicious gentleman, who smelled of sausage, treated Sharik to a piece of the delicacy. The Savior was very kind and generous. For this, the Dog was ready to thank him endlessly. Sharik tagged along with the master and, as soon as he could, showed him his devotion. The gentleman, in turn, gave him another piece of sausage. Soon they came to some decent house and entered it. Sharik was very surprised that the doorman, whose name was Fedor, let him in too. The man who saved the dog was named Philip Philipovich.

The doorman turned to him and told him that new residents had moved into one of the apartments in this building. These residents turned out to be representatives of the house committee who were going to draw up a new plan for settlement.

Chapter 2 Summary

The dog named Sharik turned out to be very smart. He knew how to read and thought that any dog ​​could do this. However, at first he read not by letters, but by colors. For example, under the blue-green sign he knew for sure that they sold meat there. Only after Sharik hit instead grocery store to the electrical appliance store, guided by the colors, he firmly decided to learn the letters. The very first letters that he remembered were “A” and “B”. This was explained by the fact that on Mokhovaya Street there was a store called “Glavryba”. Afterwards, Sharik even began to navigate the city streets well.
Philip Philipovich brought the dog to his apartment. The apartment door was opened for them by a young and beautiful girl, dressed in a white apron. The apartment was luxurious. Beautiful electric lamps hung from the ceiling throughout the apartment. And in the hall on the wall hung a long beautiful mirror. The owner of the apartment examined the wound on the dog’s side. Then the mysterious gentleman decided to take Sharik to the examination room. Large spotlights were found in the room. The dog didn't like the dazzling room. Sharik even wanted to run, he bit, he tried with all his strength to escape, but it was all in vain. Some kind of nauseating drug was brought to the dog’s nose, from which he instantly fell on his side and was no longer able to escape.
When Sharik came to his senses, his wound no longer hurt and was even bandaged. The dog heard a conversation between the professor who brought him to this house and the man whom he bit, escaping from the hands of people. The men talked about homeless animals and how people treat them. They also talked about cruel people who beat animals. No matter what stage of development people are at, they simply do not have the right to be cruel to others. At the end of the conversation, Philip Phillipovich sends Zina to get another portion of sausage for Sharik. Having recovered a little, the dog headed to his savior’s room. At the same time, various patients come to Philip Philipovich one after another. Sharik begins to understand that he is not just in a room, but in a place where people come with various diseases.

Philip Philipovich received people until late in the evening. The last people to arrive at the apartment were four guests, significantly different from all previous visitors. These guests turned out to be young representatives of the house management. The representatives of the house management had quite sonorous surnames, namely Shvonder, Pestrukhin, Sharovkin and Vyazemskaya. The purpose of their visit is so late hour, there was a desire to take away two rooms from Philip Philipovich. The professor had no choice but to call a very influential person and demand assistance in such a painstaking matter.

The new chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, calmed down after this conversation. He had no choice but to give up his claims and leave with his entire group. Sharik liked this behavior of the professor, he even respected him for his ability to put such impudent people down.

Summary of Chapter 3 of the story "Heart of a Dog"

After all the guests had left, Sharik was served a sumptuous dinner. The dog ate a huge piece of roast beef and sturgeon. After all this, he simply could no longer look at food, this had never happened to him before. Philip Philipovich sat in a chair and talked about the new order and how it was before. The dog, after a hearty dinner, dozed blissfully, but the thought that this was all just a dream could not leave him. Sharik was afraid of suddenly waking up and again finding himself on the street and without food. However, despite all his fears, nothing bad happened. Day by day he became more beautiful and healthier. He finally recovered and was happy with his current life. Sharik ate what he wanted and as much as he wanted. He did whatever he wanted, he was never scolded for anything. To the envy of all the neighbors' dogs, they even bought him a beautiful collar.
However, everything comes to an end. One day Sharik felt something was wrong. After the doctor called, everyone started running around the house, doing something, fussing about. Had arrived Bormental with a large briefcase filled with strange things. Philip Philipovich was very worried. Sharik was forbidden to eat and drink, and was even locked in the bathroom. Something terrible and incomprehensible was happening in the house. There was terrible turmoil all around. Soon Zina dragged Sharik into the examination room he so disliked. He read in Bormental's eyes that something terrible was about to happen. A rag was again brought to the dog Sharik’s nose, which did not smell very pleasant, and he lost consciousness.

Chapter 4 in brief

Sharik was placed on a narrow operating table. The dog had a small tuft of hair cut off on his head and the same on his belly. First of all, Professor Preobrazhensky removed Sharik’s testicles, then inserted completely different, drooping ones. Then the doctor opened Sharik’s skull and performed a brain appendage transplant. Suddenly, Dr. Bormental felt the dog’s pulse begin to rapidly fall, becoming thread-like. The doctor had to immediately give the dog an injection in the heart area. After the operation was completed, neither the professor nor the doctor even hoped to see Sharik alive.

Chapter 5

Despite the complexity of the operation, the dog still came to his senses. The professor kept a diary, where he wrote that he had performed a very complex experimental operation. During the operation, a pituitary gland transplant was performed. All this was done in order to find out the effect of this procedure on the rejuvenation of the human body. The dog was recovering, but various strange things were observed about him. The dog's fur began to fall out in large clumps all over his body, and his body temperature and pulse changed. The dog began to resemble a person. Over time, Bormenthal began to notice that instead of the usual barking, Sharik was trying to pronounce some word. They even concluded that this word was fish.
At the beginning of the calendar year, the professor makes an entry in his diary that the dog can already laugh and bark happily, and sometimes says something similar to Glavryba. Increasingly, the dog begins to stand on two legs and walk around the house like a person. He could stand on two legs for about half an hour. The professor also began to notice that the dog was swearing, using swear words when swearing.

After another five days, the dog’s tail fell off. Shurik was even able to pronounce the word - beer. He began to use obscene words more and more often. Meanwhile, rumors began to circulate around the city about a very strange creature that resembled a person. Such a miracle was even written about in one of the big city newspapers. The professor eventually realized his mistake. It was obvious that a pituitary gland transplant does not lead to rejuvenation at all, but to the humanization of even such an animal as a dog. Bormental recommends that the professor not waste time, but rather start educating Sharik and developing him as an independent person.

Preobrazhensky already clearly understood that the dog was behaving in the same way as the man whose pituitary gland was transplanted to him behaved. The pituitary gland donor for Sharik was the late Klima Chugunkin, who was suspended on probation for theft and hooliganism.

Chapter 6

In the end, Sharik turned into an ordinary short man. He began to wear patent leather boots and a tie of poisonous blue color. Just like any person, he needed communication, and he made acquaintance with comrade Shvonder. Day by day he shocked Preobrazhensky and Bormental more and more. The creature that emerged from Sharik was very impudent and boorish. He could do anything, spit on the floor, and scare Zina in the dark. More than once he came home drunk and fell asleep on the kitchen floor.

However, the dog’s habits did not go away and made themselves felt when someone’s cat sneaked into the apartment unnoticed. Sharikov rushed after him into the bathroom like crazy. The safety lock on the bathroom door has latched. Sharikov found himself trapped against his will. The cat managed to escape out the window. The professor, together with Bormenthal and Zina, canceled all patients in order to save Sharikov. While chasing the cat, Poligraf Poligrafovich turned off all the taps, and water began to flood the entire floor. The door was opened by a joint effort. Everyone began to clean up the water in a hurry and quickly. At the same time, Sharikov used obscene words, for which he was kicked out of the house by the professor. Everyone was unhappy with Sharikov. The neighbors constantly complained about him. He broke their windows and ran after the cooks.

Summary of Chapter 7 of the story "Heart of a Dog"

During lunch, Sharikov did not eat according to the rules of etiquette. The professor tried to teach him proper manners, but not a single attempt was successful. Sharikov, like Klim Chugunkin, was dependent on alcohol. He was famous for his bad manners, he did not like reading books at all, going to the theater, and if he went somewhere, it was only to the circus. After another skirmish, Bormental took him to the circus so that temporary peace could reign in the house, and so that the professor could get some rest from this eccentric man. The professor, meanwhile, was thinking over a plan. Entering his office, he looked for a long time glass jar, in which the dog’s pituitary gland was preserved in alcohol.

Summary of Chapter 8 of the story "Heart of a Dog"

Sharikov did not admit to what he had done until recently. He felt bad in the evening and absolutely everyone fussed with him, as if he Small child. The professor and Bormenthal began to think about what to do with him next. Bormenthal was even ready to strangle the insolent man, but the professor assured that he would find a more acceptable way out of the current situation.
The next day, no one could find either Sharikov or his documents. The house committee said that no one had seen him. It was decided to contact the police, but this was not necessary. Polygraph Poligrafovich himself came home, announcing to everyone that he had found a job. He was hired as head of the department for cleaning the city from stray animals. Bormenthal, outraged by Sharikov's unprincipled behavior, forced him to apologize to Zina and Daria Petrovna, and also to behave quietly in the apartment and treat the professor with respect.
A couple of days later, a lady in beige stockings came to the professor’s house. This lady turned out to be Sharikov's fiancée. He intended to marry her. Therefore, he began to demand his, in his opinion, legal share in the apartment. The professor told her the whole truth about Sharikov’s origins. The lady was very upset, because he had been lying to her all this time. Sharikov's wedding was upset.

Chapter 9

Suddenly one of his patients comes to the doctor in a police uniform. He brings a denunciation compiled by Sharikov, Shvonder and Pestrukhin. This matter, of course, was not set in motion, but the professor firmly understood that he could no longer delay. When Sharikov returned to the apartment, the professor told him to pack his things and get out. Sharikov was outraged, and even took out a revolver and threatened the professor with it. With this action, he further convinced Preobrazhensky that it was time to act. The professor, enlisting the help of Bormental, caught and tied up Sharikov. Soon the head of the cleaning department was lying on the couch. The professor canceled all his appointments for today, turned off the doorbell and telephone bell and asked not to disturb him. The doctor and professor performed another operation.


Ends a brief retelling of the story "Heart of a Dog" quite epic.
A few days later, police came to the professor’s apartment. Together with the police, representatives of the house committee, headed by their chairman Shvonder, came to the professor. Everyone unanimously accused Philip Philipovich of the murder of Poligraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. Without thinking twice, the professor and Bormenthal showed them their dog. Although the dog looked very strange, he could stand on two legs, in some places he was completely bald, in some places he was covered with shreds of fur, but it was absolutely obvious to everyone that it was a dog. The professor called what happened to Sharikov an atavism. He concluded that it is simply impossible to make a rational person out of a beast. After everything that Sharik had experienced, he again sat happily at the feet of his master. The dog did not remember anything and only sometimes suffered from headaches.

Winter 1924/25 Moscow. Professor Philip Filippovich Preobrazhensky discovered a way to rejuvenate the body by transplanting animal endocrine glands into people. In his seven-room apartment in big house On Prechistenka he receives patients. The building is undergoing “densification”: new residents, “tenants,” are being moved into the apartments of the previous residents. The chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, comes to Preobrazhensky with a demand to vacate two rooms in his apartment. However, the professor, having called one of his high-ranking patients by phone, receives armor for his apartment, and Shvonder leaves with nothing.

Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental are having lunch in the professor's dining room. Choral singing comes from somewhere above - it passes general meeting"tenants". The professor is outraged by what is happening in the house: the carpet was stolen from the main staircase, the front door was boarded up and people are now walking through the back door, all the galoshes disappeared from the galosh rack in the entrance at once. “Devastation,” notes Bormental and receives the answer: “If instead of operating, I start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will be in ruins!”

Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a mongrel dog on the street, sick and with tattered fur, brings him home, instructs the housekeeper Zina to feed him and care for him. After a week, a clean and well-fed Sharik becomes an affectionate, charming and beautiful dog.

The professor performs an operation - transplants Sharik with the endocrine glands of Klim Chugunkin, 25 years old, three times convicted of theft, who played the balalaika in taverns, and died from a knife blow. The experiment was a success - the dog does not die, but, on the contrary, gradually turns into a human: he gains height and weight, his hair falls out, he begins to speak. Three weeks later he is already a short man with an unattractive appearance who enthusiastically plays the balalaika, smokes and curses. After some time, he demands from Philip Philipovich that he register him, for which he needs a document, and he has already chosen his first and last name: Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov.

From his previous life as a dog, Sharikov still has a hatred of cats. One day, while chasing a cat that had run into the bathroom, Sharikov latches the lock in the bathroom, accidentally turns off the water tap, and floods the entire apartment with water. The professor is forced to cancel the appointment. The janitor Fyodor, called to fix the tap, embarrassedly asks Philip Philipovich to pay for the window broken by Sharikov: he tried to hug the cook from the seventh apartment, the owner began to chase him away. Sharikov responded by throwing stones at him.

Philip Philipovich, Bormental and Sharikov are having lunch; again and again Bormenthal unsuccessfully teaches Sharikov good manners. To Philip Philipovich’s question about what Sharikov is reading now, he answers: “The correspondence of Engels with Kautsky” - and adds that he does not agree with both, but in general “everything must be divided,” otherwise “one sat in seven rooms, and another is looking for food in trash bins.” The indignant professor announces to Sharikov that he is at the lowest level of development and nevertheless allows himself to give advice on a cosmic scale. The professor orders the harmful book to be thrown into the oven.

A week later, Sharikov presents the professor with a document, from which it follows that he, Sharikov, is a member of the housing association and is entitled to a room in the professor’s apartment. That same evening, in the professor’s office, Sharikov appropriates two chervonets and returns at night completely drunk, accompanied by two unknown men, who left only after calling the police, however, taking with them a malachite ashtray, a cane and Philip Philipovich’s beaver hat.

That same night, in his office, Professor Preobrazhensky talks with Bormenthal. Analyzing what is happening, the scientist comes to despair that he received such scum from the sweetest dog. And the whole horror is that he no longer has a dog’s heart, but a human heart, and the lousiest of all that exist in nature. He is sure that in front of them is Klim Chugunkin with all his thefts and convictions.

One day, upon arriving home, Sharikov presents Philip Philipovich with a certificate, from which it is clear that he, Sharikov, is the head of the department for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.). A few days later, Sharikov brings home a young lady, with whom, according to him, he is going to marry and live in Preobrazhensky’s apartment. The professor tells the young lady about Sharikov’s past; she sobs, saying that he passed off the scar from the operation as a battle wound.

The next day, one of the professor’s high-ranking patients brings him a denunciation written against him by Sharikov, which mentions Engels being thrown into the oven and the professor’s “counter-revolutionary speeches.” Philip Philipovich invites Sharikov to pack his things and immediately get out of the apartment. In response to this, Sharikov shows the professor a shish with one hand, and with the other takes a revolver out of his pocket... A few minutes later, the pale Bormental cuts the bell wire, locks the front door and the back door and hides with the professor in the examination room.

Ten days later, an investigator appears in the apartment with a search warrant and the arrest of Professor Preobrazhensky and Doctor Bormental on charges of murdering the head of the cleaning department, Sharikov P.P. “What Sharikov? - asks the professor. “Oh, the dog I operated on!” And he introduces the visitors to a strange-looking dog: in some places bald, in others with patches of growing fur, he walks out on his hind legs, then stands on all fours, then again rises on his hind legs and sits in a chair. The investigator faints.

Two months pass. In the evenings, the dog sleeps peacefully on the carpet in the professor’s office, and life in the apartment goes on as usual.


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