Transformable bed for small-sized beds. Stylish wardrobe beds (transformers) from IKEA

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Many owners of small-sized housing know how difficult it is to furnish such an apartment. After all, you want to equip the room not only with the obligatory pieces of furniture, but also to make it cozy and comfortable for living and spending leisure time.

It was in order to bring the most daring ideas to life that the Malo Mesta company began producing transforming beds for small apartments.

Who is a transforming bed suitable for?

Anyone who values ​​the space around them and tries to use it effectively should take a closer look at the models of transforming interior items. For people with small living space, such an offer will be an excellent solution to everyday problems, and for those who are not limited in square meters, it will be a stylish and unusual element of the decor.

The transformable bed for a small room is the undisputed leader in the company's product line. Its combination of functionality, fashionable design and affordable price help bring our clients' wildest ideas to life.

Types of transformable beds for small apartments

Like any beds, this type of system is divided into two large groups:

  1. Double beds – from 1600 mm wide, designed to accommodate two adults. As a rule, this is the largest piece of furniture in the apartment, which occupies a large area on the floor surface. That is why the optimal solution would be to save space by combining it with other important furnishings.
  2. Single beds are a narrower bed designed for use by one person. Its variety includes children's beds for a small room, which are worth buying if you want to arrange a corner for your baby. Most often these are horizontal transforming beds for a small apartment, which have a side swivel mechanism. This design allows even a child to reach the handle.

Functionally, sleeping systems can be combined with the following pieces of furniture:

  • Cabinet or shelves;
  • Sofa or chair;
  • other elements such as tables, ironing boards, etc.

Advantages of convertible beds

When choosing non-standard solutions for our apartments, we are faced with doubts about the feasibility of such a solution. However, it is worth noting that purchasing furniture systems combined with beds has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Optimal use of space - a transformable bed is suitable for both a small apartment and an unusual arrangement of a large, spacious bedroom.
  2. Concern for health - the ability to use high-quality mattresses that do not need to be cleaned allows you to forever abandon the use of conventional beds. The rotating mechanism allows you to fold the bed without changing its shape.
  3. It has become easy to realize your ideas - combining a bedroom, studio or living room in one room. It is enough to choose a suitable furniture model, and use the free space at your discretion.
  4. Real savings - when purchasing a single system, you do not have to overpay for each component element separately. This design already includes everything you need and is quite inexpensive.
  5. Quality guarantee - in the production of furniture, the Malo Mesta company uses only the best rotating mechanisms and components, so even the smallest family member can handle the control of the systems, and the furniture will serve reliably for many years.

Where to buy a transforming bed for a small apartment

You can purchase transformable furniture directly on the website of the Malo Mesta company. In this case, the manufacturer will be able to guarantee the quality of its products and offer the minimum price for the model you like.

Before buying a transforming bed for a small apartment, the client can consult for free with a professional designer of the company and make the choice that best suits the characteristics of the room and satisfies the special wishes of its owner.

If the square footage of the room does not allow you to be content with luxurious large-sized furniture for sleeping, then a transformable bed is ready to come to the rescue. Thanks to its compactness, practicality, and folding mechanism, a transformable bed for a small apartment allows you to save space and make the room brighter and neater. With a slight movement of the hand, using a simple mechanism, the sleeping place turns into another piece of furniture, for example, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a sofa, a wall or a desk. At the same time, space is freed up and free space appears for storing toys, clothes, books, and equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Whether it is a bed, a sofa or a crib, like any furniture, transformable models have numerous advantages, for which they are loved by connoisseurs of rationality, because small-sized apartments urgently need the correct use of every centimeter. So, the advantages of transformable beds include the following indicators:

  • a crib and a transformable playpen can be transformed into a chest of drawers, a work desk, or a play area - this helps create additional space for storing things and games;
  • A simple mechanism; folding and disassembling the sleeping bed will not take more than a minute. Convenience is provided by a mechanism presented in the form of springs, belts, electric drives and components;
  • a variety of sizes, which allows you to choose the right model for both children and adults;
  • saving useful space, because when assembled the transformer is a cabinet furniture, and when unfolded it is transformed into a place to sleep, equipped with an orthopedic mattress;
  • affordable price, any family with average income can afford a transformer;
  • Possibility of location in corner areas.

Such transformer designs are used in cases where it is not possible to design a separate full-fledged bedroom or for studio apartments that do not have a large area.

But do not forget about the disadvantages and possible problems that owners of transformable furniture will have to face:

  • Due to constant unfolding, the bed wears out quickly. The lifting mechanism suffers most quickly because of this; due to improper use, it can quickly fail. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the furniture you buy, the manufacturer and materials;
  • High cost, since such structures cost a lot of money;
  • This model is not suitable for older people, since constant assembly and disassembly of such a bed quickly tires;
  • To install a transformer bed, you will need an unoccupied main wall, since only it can withstand heavy loads.


Conventionally, all types of beds with folding and folding mechanisms can be divided into several types:

  • a sofa that, when unfolded, turns into a full-fledged comfortable sleeping bed, is the most common option. The sofa is affordable and easy to use;
  • vertical or horizontal folding structures, presented in the form of beds, cabinets, tables, chests of drawers, walls and other interior items. It could also be a sofa;
  • tilt-and-turn - innovative and most expensive models that allow the most productive use of living space;
  • bed wardrobes – on the upper tier there is a practical sleeping area, and below there is a spacious closet;
  • bed tables – at the top there is a sleeping place, at the bottom there is a workplace;
  • roll-out systems - when folded, they take up little space and are quite compact, but at nightfall, with the help of a roll-out mechanism, they are transformed into a large double bed;
  • Folding systems are easily built into any cabinet furniture and take up little space.

Table bed
Sofa bed
Wardrobe bed
Wardrobe sofa bed

Sofa beds

It is this type of transformable furniture, such as a sofa, that can most often be found in one-room apartments and dormitories. Their low price and unique design allow almost everyone to make such a profitable purchase.

Their range is not limited to the banal sofa and book; in furniture stores you can also find a sofa with a retractable mechanism, when the sleeping place is compactly hidden in a niche along with metal legs, as shown in the photo. In addition, you can find the following options for sofa beds: with an accordion system, with an adjustable backrest, unfolding models, pull-out, roll-out, recliners, a sofa with a modular system, and so on.

Sofa beds can vary in type of mechanism:

  • folding (book, click-click) - the sleeping space is increased by lowering the backrest to the level of the seat;
  • unfolding (accordion) – the mechanism works on the principle of an accordion;
  • retractable (Eurobook, roll-out) - to unfold the structure, just roll out the base and lower the backrest into the free space.


With vertical extension

Often, a transformable bed with a vertical folding mechanism is presented in the form of a double bed, which allows you to save at least 3 square meters of living space. Minimalist architects managed to create a perfect design, which is assembled cabinet furniture, as shown in the photo.

The system operates using a spring or pneumatic lifting mechanism, while the sleeping place is secluded in a special box that harmoniously complements the appearance of the structure. In this case, the lower part of the bed can be supplemented with other decorative elements, for example, a mirror or miniature shelves, as shown in the photo.

The most common are beds with a gas lift system, when the side panels of the furniture are complemented by bookshelves and mezzanines for storing bed linen. There are also often models that transform into a compact desk or cabinet, which are ideal for a miniature children's room.

With horizontal roll-out

This option would look good in a children’s room or a guest room in a miniature apartment. This mechanism is even more compact than the vertical one. At the same time, the berth fastening is securely screwed to another element of the existing furniture - a closet, table, wall, photo.

The fastenings are often located on the longer side of the bed, this reduces the load and allows the use of cheaper and less powerful mechanisms. Such designs can be found in furniture for children: two-level beds or so-called loft beds.

Modern models are represented by original control, carried out remotely via a remote control or by pressing a special button. Thanks to the ease of use, the child can unfold and fold his bed himself.

With rotating or turning mechanism

Such furniture will become a real decoration of the house, but you should understand that the space for its location will require much more than for previous options. A rotating or turning bed is a luxurious and aristocratic interior element for a spacious apartment or country house, as shown in the selection of photos.

The principle of fastening is not much different from horizontal beds; the basis is furniture - bookcases, wall bars with niches, and so on. And control is carried out exclusively remotely, so when creating such models, strong metal alloys are used for the fastening system.

Built into cabinet and desk

Compact and practical beds that can be stored in a closet will be a real boon for a small room, for example, a miniature living room or bedroom. Various modifications allow you to choose the most suitable furniture option for the size and style: single and double, children's, with a vertical and horizontal mechanism.

Bed cabinets may vary in folding mechanism:

  • folding - pneumatic springs are responsible for lowering the structure to a horizontal position;
  • tilt-and-turn – operation is facilitated by swivel hinges.

The table bed is suitable for small children's rooms; the photo shows that, with the help of a convenient mechanism, in the daytime it is a desk for games, studying, drawing, and at night the table bed turns into a sleeping place for the baby.

Thanks to the folding mechanism, the structure can be easily folded and unfolded. As for the table, it can be mounted in both longitudinal and transverse positions. There are also lifting mechanisms when the berth is raised, freeing up space for a folding or portable table.

Which material to choose

When choosing transformable furniture, you should pay special attention to the materials from which the bed body is made. Among the offered range you can find models made of the following materials:

  • noble wood species.

Chipboard beds are a budget option that everyone can afford. If we talk about quality, then such a material is unable to withstand the daily load placed on it for a long time, so the service life of transformer beds made of chipboard is limited to 2-3 years.

Transformers made from MDF are more durable; models made from this raw material can be found in the range of domestic and foreign manufacturers, and their service life will be at least 5 years. Beds made from solid natural wood will last the longest, but you need to understand that the weight of the product will be much greater. Therefore, the preparation of the surface where the system will be attached must be approached thoroughly so that it can withstand the permissible load.

An equally important point is to focus on the metal from which the fastening system, lifting mechanisms and legs are made. Heavy metal alloys do not deform and are able to withstand heavy weight; they should be given preference when choosing a transformer for your home, photo.



The dimensional grid of transforming models differs little from the standard ones and fully complies with GOST requirements. The transformer can be designed for children aged 0 to 10 years and has its own dimensions.

The model range for adults can be divided into three types: single, one-and-a-half and double. Single beds produced by domestic manufacturers can vary in width from 70 to 90 cm. While imported brands offer more spacious options for one bed, the width of which is 90-100 cm. The length of the bed is 1.9-2 meters . This option is perfect for teenagers and adults with low weight.

Transformable one-and-a-half beds have a larger area and provide freedom of sleep for one person, but for two there will be not enough space. The standard width is up to 1.4 meters, and the length is 1.9-2 m. A truly royal option for the bedroom would be a double bed, the dimensions of which are 1.4x2 meters and 1.6x2 m. But among modern models you can also find specimens with width which will be 170 cm, which is not very practical for transformers, because do not forget about the load on the wall.

Bed table
Wardrobe sofa bed Wardrobe bed

Which mechanism is more reliable?

The main element of any transformable bed is the lifting mechanism, the reliability of which ensures the durability of the product. Today there are several types of such mechanisms:

  • spring;
  • gas lift;
  • with counterweight.

Gas lift

If we compare the spring model and the gas lift, the best is the second option, which can work up to 90 thousand cycles. The problem with a spring mechanism is that over time the springs can weaken. Because of this, such mechanisms operate up to 20 thousand cycles.

As for the mechanism with a counterweight, it is considered the most reliable. Its only drawback is that its installation requires additional space in the furniture body. This is the only reason why such a mechanism is used very rarely.

Selection rules

When choosing a transformer for your home, you should adhere to several rules that guarantee long service life, reliability of fastenings, and bed accessories:

  • material – if you want to please yourself with a durable product, then you should pay attention to models whose body is made of solid natural wood or MDF. Chipboard, on the other hand, is less durable;
  • When choosing a material, you should take into account the reliability of the surface where the fasteners will be located. If it is fragile, then you should still pay attention to products made from chipboard or MDF;
  • fittings - fastening systems, lifting mechanisms must be made of high quality metals, this will allow you to get real pleasure from use and forget about frequent replacement of parts;
  • Do not forget about the general style and concept of the interior; the transformer must be selected so that when unfolded it does not restrict movement;
  • manufacturer - if you want to choose a high-quality model, then you need to give preference to Italian, Spanish, German or French brands. They were the pioneers of transformable beds. Domestic manufacturers will be budget options.

If you follow all the rules, you can choose a high-quality transformable bed or sofa for a children's room, bedroom, living room, rationally using every priceless square meter of a small apartment.

Many Russians cannot boast of spacious apartments and many rooms. Small-sized apartments do not please with an abundance of free space. If they manage to fit a double bed into the bedroom, then the owners have to squeeze past it sideways. Instead of a large, comfortable bed, folding sofa beds are purchased, which are also bulky and do not contribute to the final solution to the problem.

A bed-wardrobe from Ikea will help you save a lot of free space in your room.

IKEA specialists went further in the development of engineering thought. An idea was developed for the production of a transformable wardrobe bed, which became a salvation from cramped conditions for city residents and made it possible to equip a personal sleeping place, for example, in the living room.

A bed-wardrobe is 2 necessary types of furniture connected together.

The solution to the space issue is the IKEA transformable folding bed, which when assembled is put away in the closet, representing a full-fledged participant in the interior, or serving as a closet. Transformable wardrobe beds are made from a variety of materials - from budget to real wood veneer. The assembled bed disguises itself as a wardrobe and transforms the room. The legs are also decorated, serve as decoration, or are hidden in special nests.

A stylish bed-wardrobe will easily fit into any apartment interior.

The product itself, due to its complexity and various decor, is not cheap. But there are quite acceptable pieces of furniture that are installed in city apartments.

Scheme of using a bed-wardrobe.

When folded down, the transforming bed takes up a lot of space. When purchasing such an item, the availability of folding space is taken into account. Shelves can be built above the assembled bed.

The bed assembly mechanism is very durable and can withstand a huge number of operations.

Types of transformable wardrobe beds:

  • single ;
  • double ;
  • children's

A transformable bed from Ikea is best equipped with an orthopedic mattress.

Lifting options:

  • horizontal, in which the bed reclines on the side;
  • vertical, when lowering occurs with the end side.

If desired, the bed-wardrobe can be supplemented with side shelving.

The mechanisms themselves are durable, with a guarantee of up to 20 years of daily use. Naturally, they can withstand the weight of large individuals and married couples. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a fallen bed; the sleeping place will remain your personal, safe corner.

A transforming bed is convenient and easy to use.

Advantages of a transformable wardrobe bed:

  • functionality;
  • ease of use;
  • saving apartment space;
  • elegance;
  • modernity.

A bed-wardrobe is a new technology for preserving free space in a room.

Despite all the attractiveness of lift-up beds, they have a number of disadvantages. This is, first of all, the price. Young families should save for such a purchase or take out a loan. Some people make their own furniture. In this case, there is no guarantee that the item will last long and safely.

Transformable furniture from Ikea is very popular among buyers

IKEA stores have a large selection of functional furniture at various prices. Even the most demanding buyer will find a solution to their problems here.

Some people are afraid of furniture transformers, fearing that the lifting mechanism may close while the person sleeping on the bed sleeps or fall on someone standing next to the assembled bed. For peace of mind, make such serious purchases in trusted furniture stores, where they issue warranty documents for purchased interior items

The process of assembling the bed is easy and simple; you do not have to put much effort into it.

Busy people are stressed by the need to assemble and disassemble furniture every day. But the owner of the lifting bed quickly adapts, with sufficient skill and patience, he manipulates the mechanism automatically. One move and the bed is ready.

The manufacturer provides up to 20 years of warranty on all assembly mechanisms.

Transformable wardrobe bed IKEA

The Swedish brand IKEA follows modern developments in furniture production. Therefore, such comfortable and multifunctional items as lifting beds, sofa beds, and chair beds have become bestsellers for the company. The management is making serious investments in scientific developments in this area in order to be ahead and offer the buyer only modern, comfortable, affordable furniture.

Options for ready-made wardrobe beds in the interior.

The dimensions of folding beds are varied - from cribs (for children of different ages), one-and-a-half, double for adults. The bed is equipped with a mattress. At the client's request, an orthopedic mattress is installed.

An orthopedic mattress will be an ideal companion for a transformable bed.

When choosing, you need to pay special attention to the size of the structure. It should be suitable in size to the room where the furniture will be installed. Also an important factor when choosing is the mechanism for raising and lowering the bed. A sales consultant should check it with you.

Even a child can handle the bed folding mechanism.

Folding beds built into the IKEA wardrobe are equipped with gas lifting and lowering mechanisms. Even a child can use it, it is so easy to use and does not require effort. With one movement, the closet turns into a bed, and vice versa. An ordinary sleeping place becomes a stylish decoration of the room if the front side of the bed is decorated with expensive materials and trimmed with mirrors that visually enlarge the room.

The buyer can independently choose the mechanism for raising the bed.

IKEA furniture catalogs offer two types of lifting beds - a horizontal lowering mechanism and a vertical one. In the horizontal version, the berth is attached to the wall with its side. In the vertical version - the end side. A salon store can always complement a folding bed with a chest of drawers, a bedside table or shelves.

IKEA provides a two-year warranty on convertible beds.

The warranty period for servicing transformable beds from Ikea is 2 years.

Transformers "Three in one"

IKEA stores have a large selection of three-in-one lift-up beds, and there are also luxury products that are purchased by owners of expensive country cottages. The buyer is offered pieces of furniture that serve simultaneously as a bed, a wardrobe, or a secretary.

A transformable bedroom from Ikea is the ideal space-saving solution.

Also interesting is a set of a bed, sofa, and wardrobe. The option with a corner sofa, wardrobe, and bed is popular among owners of small apartments. An interesting solution is a wardrobe-bed plus a dining table.

A transformable bed is the furniture of the future.

That is, an unlimited palette of options is offered, which are limited only by the level of the engineer’s thoughts and the designer’s imagination.

A wardrobe bed is a multifunctional piece of furniture that will give your room a huge amount of free space.

Multifunctional furniture is installed, for example, in an office or living room, in case of unexpected guests. During the day, the folding bed serves as a wardrobe or table, and in the evening it becomes a bed for sleeping. During the day, free space is created so that a bulky bed does not interfere with business.

Transformer furniture can be made from any color materials.

Transformers are made in interesting, elegant colors, without pretentious frills. Complete with other pieces of furniture from the IKEA catalog. The products are easy to care for, look stylish, and fit modernly into the interior.

A bed-wardrobe is a stylish addition to any, even the most original, interior.

A distinctive feature of the company is that it offers a complete concept for the interior of an apartment or house and takes part in the creation of design projects for furnishings. Offers unique options for home improvement. Three-in-one furniture plays a major role here.

Three-in-one furniture intelligently organizes free space in any apartment.

Such things are indispensable when the apartment is one-room. This is also the only option in hotels and Khrushchev apartments. The country is actively constructing multi-apartment high-rise buildings. The demand for real estate is constantly growing. A huge number of small apartments have appeared that need to be furnished. This is exactly what multifunctional transformers are best suited for.

The wardrobe bed will help you enjoy a truly restful and comfortable sleep.

Transformable furniture is designed to preserve health, make life comfortable, and protect family relationships. After all, when people are constantly in close quarters, arguments and quarrels arise. The more free space, the calmer the relationship. That is, multifunctional furniture also has a peacekeeping mission.

Video: original design of a transforming bed-wardrobe

50 original photo ideas for transformable beds:

It is not always the size of the room that allows you to install ordinary stationary furniture; a transforming bed for a small apartment in such cases becomes a real salvation. This article discusses the main modifications of transformable pieces of furniture with a berth. In the text you can familiarize yourself with the features of such structures, the rules for their selection and photo examples that allow you to imagine how they will look in the interior.

Many owners of compact city apartments are wondering about saving space. When every square centimeter counts, experts advise paying attention to modern design solutions, for example, buying transformable furniture.

You can find hundreds of models on sale, designed for installation in premises for various purposes:

  • kitchen;
  • living room;
  • hallway;
  • children's;
  • bedroom

If the area of ​​the room is small, transformable furniture will fit perfectly into its space. Such designs are not only compact, but also multifunctional, which is a definite advantage for small apartments. But this does not mean that the possibilities of retractable or folding transformable beds will not be useful to owners of spacious homes. These pieces of furniture will allow you to organize several additional beds for comfortable accommodation of guests.

Choosing transformable furniture for a small apartment: main modifications

Most often, transformable furniture combines two pieces of furniture, one of which serves as a sleeping place.

The following modifications can be found on sale:

  • wardrobe bed;
  • table-bed;
  • sofa bed

Note! The combination of a bed and a sofa should not be confused with Soviet versions of products. Soft sofas with a folding design that transform into a not very comfortable bed have nothing in common with modern products.

Consumers can select and buy a transformable sofa-bed, where both of these pieces of furniture will be combined into one design. Modern versions of the products are a full-fledged bed with a mattress. In the daytime, the sleeping place rises, partially hiding in the wall or in the closet, partially forming the back of the sofa.

In this case, the sofa turns out to be stationary, it does not fold out. By using additional pillows, the comfort of using this piece of furniture increases. At night, they are put away in a special storage box, which is hidden under the sofa seat.

There are other options for beds and transformable sofas; a table in such designs as an additional element can perform various functions.

It is added in order to solve certain problems:

  • organize a main or additional workplace;
  • increase the working surface (applies to kitchen units);
  • expand the area of ​​the dining table.

More complex designs are also found in stores. Consumers can buy a transformable bed with a sofa and a wardrobe or with a table. They differ from double products only in size. The size of the cabinet is increased due to the area that cannot be transformed. This area is equipped with shelves for storing various small items.

IKEA transformable beds for small apartments: price and product features

Thanks to the unique designs of IKEA transformable beds, you can create a comfortable environment in your apartment without overloading its space. The process of “transforming” a sleeping place into a practical closet for storing things takes only a few seconds.

Most often, transformable structures are purchased by hospitable and large families to create additional sleeping places. Such beds are also in high demand among owners of “Khrushchev” apartments, which are characterized by small square footage, as well as studio apartments, where a single living space needs at least a small hint of functional zoning (dividing the total area into sections taking into account the purpose, for example, a bedroom , kitchen, living room).

Note! During the transformation process, you do not need to remove things from the closet. You can even leave bed linen in the same place. This advantage of transformable children's beds for small apartments is simply invaluable.

Advantages of transformable wardrobe-beds from the IKEA brand

Transformers of the “wardrobe-bed” type are considered the most rational and convenient designs that can be used in modern interiors. Such models have many advantages. They allow you to arrange the space of a small apartment with maximum benefit.

It is difficult to imagine a more suitable option for a modern interior than transformable furniture; a bed in a closet will fit perfectly into an environment created in the Art Nouveau, hi-tech or minimalist style. The appearance of this furniture allows you to emphasize the freshness of the apartment owner’s views on the design of his home. Transformable designs are available in a huge variety, so anyone, even the most demanding consumer, will be able to choose a product to suit their taste.

Transformable wardrobes with a bed do not create obstacles to cleaning the apartment. The structure lifts easily, providing full access to the floor. These products are easy to use. You don’t need to make a lot of physical effort to set in motion, which is responsible for folding and unfolding the bed.

Most models produced by IKEA are standard type modules. If necessary, the bed can be supplemented with several pieces of furniture, improving its design and expanding its functionality.

Basic modifications of IKEA wardrobe-bed transformers

IKEA offers two types of designs. On sale you can find beds in the form of a sofa, as well as built-in folding products. The models differ only in the mechanisms. are equipped with either springs or gas lifts.

The choice of mechanism depends on several factors:

  • size of the sleeping surface;
  • bed dimensions;
  • material of manufacture;
  • elevation angle;
  • total weight of the structure;
  • height of the berth.

Gas lifts set the structure in motion using high pressure generated by compressed gas. Thanks to this, the movement of the bed is carried out neatly and smoothly. This does not require any special effort or the involvement of assistants. The structure is secured with special locks.

Spring beds, due to their special properties, have a wide range of possibilities. The mechanism has a convenient adjustment system; power regulation is carried out using a bolt. The number of springs is adjusted depending on whether the elasticity of the structure needs to be reduced or increased.

Note! Despite the practicality and durability of spring mechanisms, folding such structures will require some effort. Therefore, experts recommend that older people, as well as children, buy a transforming bed with a gas lift.

Which transformer is better to buy: IKEA wardrobe beds and materials used for manufacturing

Not only the appearance of the structure, but also its characteristics, namely: safety, durability, and ease of use, depend on the material used for it.

The body part of the products can be made of the following materials:

  • natural wood and solid wood;
  • fibreboard;
  • metal

Models whose body is made of natural wood have an increased margin of safety. The most commonly used species are alder, pine, oak or rattan. The level of quality and naturalness of production raw materials determine the high price of wardrobe beds; transformers with a wooden body are very heavy, so they are not suitable for the elderly and children.

IKEA offers lighter and more budget-friendly product options. Their body part is made using chipboard and wood-fiber boards, as well as different types of veneer. In most cases, all the functionality of structures made from natural solid wood is retained, but the weight of the product is significantly reduced. Such modifications are suitable as transformable beds for children.

Models with a metal body have a durable design, but, unlike previous options, they do not have such an attractive design. IKEA often resorts to using additional materials. This approach is driven by the need to achieve certain characteristics and functionality.

Related article:

Advantages and disadvantages of built-in beds, application. Classification of products by type of fasteners, nature of placement, size and design features.

The above-mentioned raw materials are taken as the basis, which is supplemented with:

  • chipboards;
  • plastic;
  • materials of polymer origin.

Appearance and performance depend on upholstery and exterior trim. To accommodate the taste preferences of many customers, IKEA uses a variety of types of materials, including:

  • tapestry;
  • suede;
  • eco leather;
  • matting;
  • flock, etc.

Pull-out in a children's room allows you to solve the problem of placing several beds

Each of these materials is attractive in its own way and has certain advantages.

Note! To create a unique and unusual design, IKEA resorts to the use of additional decor. On sale there are pieces of furniture decorated with wood carvings, drawings and patterns, glass and other details.

Furniture sizes for small apartments and cost of IKEA beds

IKEA offers a wide range of wardrobe beds equipped with a transforming mechanism. Moreover, the range includes not only designs for adults, but also options for transformable children's furniture.

The standard dimensions of the beds, which are hidden in a closet and have one sleeping place, correspond to the parameters of 0.8 x 1.9 m. There are also more spacious modifications. Their size reaches 0.9x2 m. Sleeping places designed to accommodate a child correspond to dimensions of 0.7x1.5 m.

Beds for children's rooms, equipped with an additional sleeping place, are in considerable demand among buyers. This option is very convenient if the family has two children of approximately the same age. Designs with an additional sleeping place are transformable bunk beds, when folded, the lower part becomes a wardrobe, while the upper part remains unchanged. For convenience and safety, it is equipped with a ladder and a protective side.

Average prices of transformable beds:

Construction type price, rub.
Table-bed From 15000
Wardrobe bed From 16000
Dresser-bed From 16000
Bunk bed From 35000
Wardrobe-sofa-bed From 55000
Loft bed From 57000

Features of transformers: photos of sofas and beds in the interior

When buying a bed, you need to take into account all the nuances, from the size of the room and the bed itself to the selection of style, color, finish and mattress for the structure.

First, use a tape measure to measure the dimensions of the room. Then you select the place where the bed will be located and think about how much space will be allocated for its installation. After this, you can determine what the width and length of the structure will be.

When choosing the size of a bed, the following are taken into account:

  • body type;
  • height;
  • the level of activity a person exhibits during sleep.

Helpful advice! The ideal length of the bed corresponds to the height of the person who will sleep on it, plus 10-30 cm.

The main types of transformable sofa beds for small apartments

This type of transformable structure, such as a sofa, is most often found in the interiors of dormitories and one-room apartments. The cost of such furniture is low, and the design is varied enough so that every buyer can choose a product that suits his preferences. On sale there are not only book designs, but also other versions of sofas equipped with a retractable mechanism.

In addition, manufacturers offer customers various modifications:

  • sofas equipped with an accordion system;
  • designs with an adjustable backrest;
  • retractable models;
  • advertisers;
  • unfolding and rolling out sofas;
  • modular designs, etc.

Based on the type of mechanism, the following types of transformable sofas for small apartments are distinguished:

  1. Folding - the back of the structure lowers to the level of the seat, increasing the sleeping area (click-clack, book).
  2. Retractable - the base of the structure is rolled out, after which the backrest (roll-out, Eurobook) is lowered into the freed space.
  3. Unfolding – the opening mechanism operates on the principle of an accordion (accordion).

Features of double transformable beds

Mostly double beds with a transforming design are equipped with a vertical folding mechanism. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to save at least 3 m² of usable space. The structure is driven by pneumatic lifts or springs. As a result, the sleeping place is completely hidden in the housing box. The lower part of the bed is complemented with shelves for storing small items, a mirror and other decorative elements.

Consumers can buy convertible double beds with a gas lift. On the sides of such structures there are mezzanines and bookshelves. You can often find models that transform into a compact cabinet or a workplace (desk). These options are ideal for a small children's room.

Helpful advice! To understand how comfortable the bed is, you should check it in the store. It is advisable to sit down, and then lie down and move around. You can adopt a comfortable sleeping position to see if the mattress is comfortable and has the right level of softness or firmness depending on the buyer's personal preferences.

Transformable sofa-wardrobe-bed in the interior of the room

When developing an interior design for a compact apartment, you should pay attention to the transformable wardrobe-bed with a sofa. This modification is considered the most popular on the market. The operating system for such structures is very simple. With one movement, you can hide the bed in a beautiful and neat closet, and replace the sleeping place with a soft and comfortable sofa.

Many consumers prefer to purchase custom-made bed-wardrobe-sofa designs. In this case, it becomes possible to obtain an individual solution that will correspond to the conditions of a specific living space. In addition, the consumer can always choose the type of upholstery and furniture covers.

When buying custom-made transformable furniture, it is very important to choose a reputable and reliable manufacturer who can guarantee the high quality of their products. Such designs are equipped with complex mechanisms, and the strength of the product and its durability will depend on how correct the company’s choice turns out to be.

Characteristics of transformers bunk bed-sofa

The assortment of modern stores offers not only beds of different sizes, but also two-story folding-type structures. More often, such products are a large sofa, which, with the help of simple manipulations, can quickly be turned into a bed with two full-fledged places for relaxing and sleeping.

Advantages of transformable sofas into bunk beds:

  • saving free space and the ability to create a functional environment without losing comfortable conditions and additional costs for purchasing furniture;
  • thanks to a special mechanism, the sofa design can easily be converted into a bunk bed, which can be used not only to accommodate two children, but can also support the weight of adults;
  • the buyer can choose the design and material of manufacture, based on his own budgetary capabilities, as well as the features of the apartment’s interior;
  • a wide range of colors and a significant selection of materials used for the construction and external upholstery;
  • efficiency;
  • multifunctionality (the design may include additional elements, for example, a desk or cabinet).

A popular option for small apartments is with a workplace below

Note! Folding structures are safe to use. The lifting platform is equipped with a special mechanism that securely fixes it, preventing arbitrary folding.

It is better to choose metal or wood as a raw material for the manufacture of a transformable two-tier structure. Wood is a natural material and is of high quality. To make the frame part, manufacturers use hard wood, for example: pine, cherry, alder, walnut, oak. Such beds can withstand a weight load of more than 100 kg. Metal is no less strong and reliable, and is also characterized by durability. On sale you can find combined versions of products made from wood and metal.

Advantages of wood species:

  • Pine is economical, characterized by high strength and durability (you must pay attention to the presence of knots: a large number of them indicates the rapid destruction of the material).
  • Oak – luxurious appearance and beauty, durability.
  • Walnut, cherry and alder – a wide range of colors.

Children's round transforming beds: advantages and disadvantages of unusual designs

Round beds with a transformable design are one of the latest trends in the design of children's rooms. This piece of furniture looks elegant and sophisticated, although it is not without certain drawbacks. Round transformable beds are multifunctional. According to information stated by the manufacturers, such a bed will be useful for 7-8 years.

There are several positions designed for specific purposes:

  1. A cradle for a baby - unlike rectangular modifications, it takes up much less space and creates more comfortable conditions for the child.
  2. An elongated crib with a lowered bottom - the size of the bed is 0.6 x 1.2 m, however, for convenient use it requires the purchase of special expensive linen.
  3. Add-on sofa bed - removing the front bar allows you to get a completely new piece of furniture that can be moved to the parent's bed, making it much easier for the mother to monitor the baby's sleep and pick him up without even getting up from her seat.
  4. Playpen, chair-chair - this product is used extremely rarely.

An extensive assortment of modern stores shows that owners of small apartments have plenty of opportunities to create comfortable living conditions. Manufacturers are working hard to come up with practical and multifunctional designs to suit different needs. Therefore, buyers can not be limited in the choice of models, choosing the optimal dimensions for themselves, the appropriate style and design, as well as materials and colors.

Transformable wardrobe beds began to appear in the interiors of modern apartments and cottages relatively recently. However, due to their versatility, practicality and ease of use, they immediately gained popularity among consumers in most countries of the world.

Such furniture is the optimal solution for small-sized apartments, since during the day it is a closet (even if it’s fake), and at night it is a comfortable sleeping place. In addition, the lower surface of the wardrobe-bed is equipped with all kinds of fittings and is finished in veneer or natural wood, which allows this piece of furniture to fit harmoniously into any interior design.

Naturally, a company like IKEA could not ignore this market segment. Wardrobe beds from this Swedish brand amaze with their design, construction and affordable price. It is precisely the features of such furniture from IKEA that our article today is devoted to.

Such transformers can rightfully be called a real miracle of modern furniture production. After all, the area of ​​domestic apartments cannot please their residents with a large square footage and the ability to place a full-fledged double bed in combination with a wardrobe. But, thanks to the development of modern technologies and engineering, such interior items as a sofa bed or IKEA wardrobe bed appear, which not only help save usable space, but also look quite stylish and interesting.

The main advantage of such furniture from the IKEA brand is that it comes with a full-fledged mattress, which ensures healthy rest and comfortable sleep. In addition, you don’t need to put in too much effort to transform your sleeping area into a beautiful closet. This IKEA folding wardrobe bed is equipped with a modern gas mechanism, which allows you to easily carry out the procedure of folding/unfolding such furniture.

The catalogs of the Swedish brand present two modifications of such products:

  • Attached to the wall at the end,
  • Side directed towards the partition.

The first option takes up quite a lot of space when unfolded, but is quite compact when folded. The second is exactly the opposite.

Among the advantages of IKEA folding transformers, it is necessary to highlight the possibility of completing such furniture with all kinds of cabinets and drawers, wardrobes, and tables.

Given such versatility and multifunctionality, transformers from IKEA are ideal not only for living rooms and bedrooms, but also for children's rooms.

In addition, the front panel of such products, depending on the model, can have a luxurious appearance. Thanks to this, such furniture from IKEA is increasingly used to decorate the interior of luxurious country cottages.

It should be noted that the Swedish brand provides a 2-year guarantee for this type of product. This, in turn, indicates the high quality of IKEA products, which is confirmed by the presence of various certificates.

In addition, according to information posted on the company’s website, the lifting mechanisms used in transformers can withstand up to 10 thousand folding/unfolding cycles, which is equivalent to 20 years of operation of the product.

As you can see, transformable wardrobe beds are an innovative solution for small apartments.

And the high quality of such products and their affordable price make such products very popular among domestic consumers.

You can get acquainted with the IKEA transformer models through our photo catalog.


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