Cool lifehacks for the garden. New life hacks for summer residents

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We offer you country tricks. Find out what you can make from plastic boxes, how to grow seedlings in an egg tray, and build an irrigation system.

They also received an answer to this question. Not everyone has a car that can be used to remove household waste, and you don’t always want to carry it to distant containers by hand. To reduce the amount of such waste, summer residents rightly turn some of it into useful things. This also applies to egg trays.

Not everyone knows how to plant radishes correctly; if the seeds are placed too close to each other, the vegetables will go to waste and there will be no harvest. Using waste material, the seeds will be located at the optimal distance. To create a seed bed you will need:

  • egg trays;
  • scissors or knife;
  • radish seeds;
  • a bed with fertile soil.

  1. Use a knife or scissors to cut holes in the cells. Dig up the bed, loosen it with a rake, and water it with water. Place the egg trays on top and press down lightly. Now you need to plant one seed in each cell.
  2. If you want to leave only the strongest plants later, then plant two seeds. When the seedlings have a second true leaf, you will remove the weak plant.
  3. After sowing radishes, sprinkle soil on top of the cells so that it covers the seeds of this crop by 1 cm. If you want seedlings to appear faster, cover the bed with film or non-woven material. When the seedlings appear, then remove the cover.

In any garden bed where weeds will not grow, you can water it less often, since the cardboard packaging will not allow the moisture to evaporate much.

Even if you have only one egg tray at your dacha, it will certainly come in handy for planting. Gardeners know how troublesome it is to thin out carrots over large areas. To avoid this, you need to place a tray on the bed and press on it. You will immediately receive many recessed cells at the same distance from each other. Proceeding in this way, mark the entire bed. Planting and subsequent care of carrots will be much easier.

There are other country tricks that involve the use of this waste material. To make a mini greenhouse, you will need:
  • egg tray;
  • light soil;
  • water;
  • seeds.
Very soon it will be time to grow seedlings. Pour soil into the egg tray, water it, and sow the seeds. Cover the top with a lid from the tray or a second one of the same type so that the moisture does not evaporate. After three days, twice a day, you need to check whether small loops of seedlings have appeared on the surface? As soon as such a picture appears before your eyes, immediately place the trays under the eggs on the windowsill towards the light.

If you want to make a taller greenhouse for seedlings, then take:
  1. lockable egg tray;
  2. knife;
  3. soil;
  4. seeds;
  5. water.
Close the tray, cut the top cover on three sides with a knife, lift it, pour soil into the container, and lightly moisten it.

Now you can sow the seeds, sprinkle them with soil, and close the lid.

Place such a device near the battery so that seedlings appear as quickly as possible. But don't miss this moment, otherwise they will stretch out.

As soon as you see a small part of them above the surface of the earth, immediately place the containers closer to the light, where the temperature is +16–+18 degrees. After 5 days, increase it slightly.

Using the following device, you can make individual containers for each seed. Do not throw away the used shell, pour soil into it, and drop 1 seed. One egg cell will hold 1 container with a plant.

Watch a detailed master class that demonstrates all the intricacies of this process. So, to implement it you will need:
  • packaging tray;
  • eggs;
  • soil;
  • awl;
  • water;
  • seeds.

If you soft-boiled an egg, remove only the top part of the shell and scoop out the contents with a small teaspoon. If you decide to make scrambled eggs, an omelet, a pie or other dishes that require raw eggs, then carefully tap the top of the egg with a knife or spoon, remove the shell from this place, and pour out the contents. The remaining shell must be washed, placed in a container of water, and boiled for 5 minutes.

Boiling will help get rid of harmful bacteria and unpleasant odors; such shells will not become moldy over time.

Drain the water, and after the eggshell has cooled, use an awl to make a small hole at the bottom to drain the water.

Pour soil into a container, moisten it with water, plant a seed, sprinkle with a small amount of soil.

If it’s cool on the windowsill, then you can cover the shells with the top trimmed part of a plastic bottle. To prevent evaporation, remove the plastic cover.

When it gets warm enough, you can plant the seedlings in a permanent place. For each specimen, dig a hole in the soil and place its lower part there along with the shell. Don’t worry about the roots of the plants, they will break through a thin obstacle, this container will become their feeding. But it’s better to play it safe before planting by carefully pressing the shell in several places, then lower it into the hole with soil.

An egg tray at the dacha will help not only get an excellent harvest, but also decorate the room.

To make such a garland, take:
  • cardboard egg trays;
  • scissors;
  • LED garland;
  • paints;
  • scotch;
  • brush.
The photo shows how to turn a tray into such a garland. You need to cut off the protruding parts of this device for eggs, using scissors, round them off on one side so that you get four petals. On the other side, small holes are made to put an LED in each. Secure them with tape.

You can first paint such flowers so that the garland is multi-colored or take LEDs of different colors.

After gluing several trays together, apply a design on them, and hang an unusual picture in your dacha. The plots can be very diverse.

Even if you simply place such trays on the surface, they will certainly appeal to cats who love to sleep in warm cardboard beds.

Country crafts from disposable spoons and plates

Take note of some more country tricks. With your own hands, you can use plastic spoons to create excellent containers for germinating seeds or wonderful flowers for the garden. Let's start with the first one.

This is not a three-dimensional painting by some famous abstract artist, but a homemade device for increasing seed germination. To do the same, take:
  • trays;
  • disposable plastic spoons;
  • a bowl of water;
  • paper napkins;
  • transparent cellophane.

Place spoons on trays. Place one napkin at a time in a bowl, shake off excess water, and place it on the curved working part of the spoon. Paper handkerchiefs work well for this. For one spoon you need half of this napkin. If they are large, then first cut them into smaller pieces.

When the pallet is fully equipped, cover it with cellophane and secure it at the bottom. Decorate the remaining containers in the same way.

When the seeds germinate, they can be planted in the soil. If you place a small amount of seeds in each spoon, then later they can be planted directly on the napkin, the roots will make their way, this will not become an obstacle for them.

This device can also be used to increase seed germination. To do this, take:

  • disposable plates;
  • toilet paper;
  • scissors;
  • seeds;
  • water.
Cut a strip of toilet paper long enough to fold it 3 times and place it on a plate. Moisten well and sprinkle seeds on top. For better germination, cover with film, but make sure that the seeds under it do not begin to rot. If you do not use film, then make sure that the paper is always damp.
When still small roots appear, you need to replant the seeds in the ground. This method helps to increase their germination. Many people know that petunia seeds are quite capricious, but they are not soaked before planting, since they are very small, then it is difficult to take them with your hand or tweezers and sow them one by one into the soil. The next method is also a country trick, which is very easy to repeat with your own hands.

To implement it you will need:

  • dishes;
  • toilet paper or paper napkins;
  • water;
  • small seeds.
Proceed in the same way as in the previous case. When the roots appear, place the seeds directly with a paper base on a dug, moistened bed.

They will take root well. But if these are larger seeds, then you should carefully sprinkle them with soil on top. Just like petunias, you can start growing strawberries. strawberries from seeds.

Beautiful daisies are made from disposable spoons to decorate the dacha.

For this creative work you will need:
  • plastic spoons;
  • lids from milk bottles, plastic water bottles;
  • pliers;
  • Super glue.
Use pliers to cut the spoons as shown in the photo.

Place them evenly on the work surface, applying glue to the cut edges together, and attach the spoons to the lid. You can make one or two rows of petals. If you won't make stems on these plastic flowers, then turn them into lilies. In this case, you will need to take green plastic bottles and cut out petals from them.

If you want, make stems from wire, which you need to wrap with a strip cut from a plastic bottle. Attach a receptacle, which is also cut from this container, to the upper end of the wire.

By the way, plastic bottles are also garden tricks or useful tips that will make gardening chores easier.

Country tricks: self-watering the garden, seedlings

This gardener's dream will come true if you use plastic bottles.

For this device you will need:
  • plastic bottles;
  • dropper;
  • drill;
Cut the bottom of the bottle with a knife, make a hole in the cap using a drill, place the top part of the dropper here, and screw the cap on. Stick the second part into the pot with the plant, into the soil. Tie a strong rope to the bottle and hang it from a support. Pour water through the top of the bottle, adjust the dropper so that very little liquid flows into the pot.

Such devices are perfect for climbing plants, which over time will begin to weave along plastic tubes. But other representatives of the dacha flora will grow well in moist soil.

As you know, when watering you need to soak the soil deeply, but this does not always work. In addition, such wet soil becomes too dense; you have to loosen it often, wasting energy and time. Before planting peppers, cucumbers, and eggplants, make the hole wider and deeper than planned. Place a plastic bottle on the side, in which you first make holes with a nail. Plant a plant nearby.

When it's time to water, pour the water into the bottle, filling it to the brim. When filling with soil, the neck should remain above the surface of the earth so that you can see whether the plant needs water and pour it here. At the same time, the roots will receive the necessary moisture, and you will be able to water less often, using the freed up time for summer holidays.

This kind of watering from a plastic bottle is very useful for hanging plants or those planted in flower pots in the country. Place a similar bottle in each, but you can place it with the neck down. Hanging plants will not dry out as much as before.

If you put special pointed nozzles on the necks of cut plastic bottles that need to be stuck into the soil, then you will also solve the problem of frequent watering.

By the way, when you grow seedlings, a similar method will also help you.

  • two-liter bottles;
  • yarn or cotton rope;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • soil;
  • water.
Follow the instructions:
  1. Cut the bottle into two with a knife, pour water into the lower part. Place a Phillips screwdriver in the center of the plug and use a hammer to make an indentation.
  2. Thread a rope through this hole and tie a knot on the other side to secure it.
  3. Tighten the plug. Turn the top of the bottle over, place it in the bottom, add soil and plant the seeds.
  4. Now you can moisten the soil moderately, excess water will flow out. When the soil dries out, moisture from the pots will rise up the rope and moisten the soil. At the same time, the window sill will remain clean, and this watering system is completely free.

Plastic containers in the country for storage

But what exactly, you will find out right now and be surprised.

To pick mushrooms at home, you will need:
  • oyster mushroom mycelium;
  • substrate for oyster mushrooms;
  • plastic laundry basket.
Place the mycelium and substrate in a laundry basket, or you can use a plastic box for this.

Maintain temperature and humidity following the instructions for growing oyster mushrooms. Then you will be able to harvest these mushrooms.

Plastic storage boxes in the garden can be turned into beautiful, comfortable raised beds. For this it is better to use colored containers. If the height of the box is enough for you, then they need to be placed next to each other in one row. Pour soil on top and plant a plant. Now you won't forget where everything is planted, as you can group the boxes as you wish.

If you want higher beds, then do things a little differently. The bottom of the upper drawers needs to be cut off. Connect them to the lower ones using wire.

You can plant flowers in the same plastic vegetable boxes. They will look great in the next composition.

You can place plants here in flower pots or put film in boxes, make holes for water drainage, and add soil. But it is better to plant flowers in wooden boxes and put them in plastic containers. Such an original flowerbed at the dacha looks simply amazing.

In this case, a train can be made from cylindrical plastic bottles or canisters, decorating it.

Even if you have used plastic boxes, they will make wonderful furniture for your garden. To make an ottoman with a storage section, take:
  • plastic box;
  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • textile;
  • sheet filler;
  • furniture stapler.
Measure the plywood according to the size of the box, but so that it is 5 cm larger than it on all sides. Saw it off.

Place the plywood on the fabric; the fabric should be 4–6 cm larger than this wooden base on all sides. Cut out the fabric. Place a sheet of filler on the plywood the same size as it. Place the fabric on top, fold the edges, and secure them with a stapler. Now you can put the necessary little things in the box, cover it with a seat on top, sit comfortably, and relax on it.

On such poufs, which plastic boxes helped make, it is convenient to sit near the barbecue being prepared. If desired, you can quickly turn them into low tables by replacing the fabric seat with a wooden one.

If you're tired of your old stools, update them. Place this ottoman on top and secure it with corners or staples.

If you have a large drawer, you can add one more item to your garden furniture, just cut a hole in the side to put books here.

Such containers make excellent shelving. Place the drawers under the bed so you can put the necessary items in them.

If you want to set up a refectory in your dacha, place several old wooden stools nearby. Attach the boxes to them. Moreover, the extreme ones need to be cut off on one side, and the central ones, two. Place the boards knocked together on top, which must first be sanded and painted. Fasten them to the drawers, after which the wide bench is ready for use.

Using similar country tricks or useful tips, you will save a lot on out-of-town expenses and will be able to run your household using less effort. Use your free time for a pleasant stay, for example, to watch interesting and educational stories. The following life hacks will make your stay in nature easier, help improve the taste of barbecue, and teach you how to extend the life of your tools.

And the next story shows what high beds can be like, which not only decorate the site, but also protect the backs of their owners. They do not have to bend over much to cultivate the plantation. In addition, the soil here warms up better and does not become soggy, which is why the yields are high.

1. beets love watering by sprinkling and frequent but careful loosening.

2. after the second thinning, the beets are fed with mineral fertilizers.

3. Beets grow best in narrow beds, maximum 3 rows wide, with distances between plants of 15-17 cm.

4. Until the carrots sprout, they are watered regularly. When the shoots appear, it is better not to water them for 12-15 days, with the exception of dry days. This allows the roots to go as deep as possible.

5. if mustard is sown next to peas, its yield will be 2 times higher.

6. It is better to sow dill in the sun, since in the shade the aroma of the leaves decreases. Do not add ash or lime to the dill.

7. In spring, clematis are watered with lime milk - 100-150 grams per 10 liters of water.

8. In mid-July, carefully remove the soil from the celery fruits and wipe with a cloth. After 15-50 minutes they spud again. Watering is carried out only after 2-3 days.

9. To stimulate the fruiting of the pumpkin, its vines are pinned to the ground and rooted.

10. Seedlings of pumpkin crops such as cucumber, squash, and zucchini are possible.
Grow this way: cut the sod into 10*12 cm cubes, turn the roots down, make a hole and plant a seed in it. 11. To ensure that rhubarb petioles grow thick, the soil under the plants is fertilized every year.

12. Do not feed beans, peas, onions, garlic, and beans with nettle infusion.

13. Apple and pear trees require more potassium, and cherries require more nitrogen. 14. If you stroke the seedlings on the tops of their heads every day for 1-2 minutes, it will...
It will not stretch. When touched, ethylene is released, which inhibits.
This process. 15. Nettle increases the resistance of plants growing nearby to diseases.
That is why it is useful to mulch the rows with chopped nettles. 16. Green manure from mustard enriches the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and also cleanses it of mole crickets and wireworms.

17. Onions will grow better if mustard grew in this place. 18. Repellent plants: lupine, celandine, nastrutia, calendula, marigold, onion, kanufer, tansy, wormwood.

19. It is useful to mulch strawberries with pine litter. This will improve the taste of the berries as well.
It will also help cope with gray rot, weevils, mites, and wireworms. And mulching with fern will help the strawberries cope.
With nematodes and gray mold. 20. After a sharp cold snap, plants are sprayed with immunocytophyte or.
Zircon. Or you can use an infusion of onion peels. Fill with 10 liters.
Boil 0.5 liter jar of water, leave for 12 hours, strain. When spraying, dilute with water in a ratio of 2/10. 21. When it gets cold, buckets of hot water are brought into the greenhouse, and heated bricks are laid on metal sheets.

22. To increase productivity, it is necessary to attract people to the site.
Insects - pollinators. To do this, pink and white clover, fescue, and bluegrass are sown. Insects are also attracted to white mustard flowers and...
Carrots. 23. To ensure more abundant fruiting in remontant strawberry varieties in the second half of summer, flower stalks are broken off in the spring.

24. Dill is a good companion for cucumber. 25. Beetroot sown along potatoes and tomatoes helps them cope with late blight. 26. Attention! Only if you stick a nettle stalk next to each planted cabbage plant will the cabbage take root better.

27. From cabbage butterflies and aphids, dill, coriander, celery, marigolds, calendula are sown in the cabbage rows, and branches are also laid out.
Wormwood. 28. When planting potatoes, pour a handful of ash into the hole - it is a fertilizer and helps against wireworms.

29. to increase yield and improve taste in the first half of June.
First water the garlic with salted water - 2 tbsp. Spoons for 10 liters of water, a.
Then the usual one. 30. If carrot growth is poor, the beds with this crop are watered with a salt solution - 1 tbsp. Spoon for 10 liters of water. 31. Cucumber is demanding of moisture, especially during flowering and.
Fruiting. However, at the beginning of flowering, it is better to reduce watering and then.
Strengthen again. This promotes faster fruit formation. 32. In hot weather, cucumbers combine frequent spraying with abundant watering. 33. Cucumber pollen dies at t.

Lifehacks are necessary to improve and simplify your life. There are many similar tips. Some of them can be used for the interior or home. This will add a little originality and comfort. You need to figure out what useful things you can adopt and implement in your own life.

Original open wire decoration

Useful lifehacks for home

  1. If you attach a small magnet to the hammer, then the nails will always be nearby.

    Hammer handle magnet

  2. By taking a few ordinary bottles and filling them with water, you can create an excellent watering system for indoor plants.

    The neck should be wrapped in cloth to prevent water from flowing out too quickly.

  3. If you need to paint something to make the process easier, put a lid from a regular plastic cup on the brush. This helps protect your hands from paint splashes.

    Now your fingers will remain clean

  4. Meat tongs can make juicing citrus fruits much easier.

    Meat tongs will help out when you don't have a citrus juicer nearby.

  5. Aluminum can keys can be used for storing things. Using the upper hole, the product is secured to one hanger, and the second hanger is threaded into the lower part. This will expand storage options even in a small closet.

    Storage system made from aluminum can keys

  6. To store jeans conveniently and efficiently, shower hooks are suitable. They save space, freeing up more space, and neatly accommodate things.

    Hooks for jeans

  7. If you have an old tennis racket at home that is no longer used, you can use it to create an original organizer for storing small jewelry.

    Tennis racket organizer

  8. There are special foam logs for pools. If you fix them on the walls of the garage, this will avoid accidental, unpleasant damage to the car.

    Door fuse

  9. For many, untangling wires and garlands becomes a real problem. If you store them on hangers, you can avoid tangling, which will allow you to avoid spending a lot of time trying to restore the products to their usual appearance.

    The garland can be wound on a piece of cardboard

  10. If you have nowhere to store plastic bags, it is recommended to place them in cardboard tissue boxes.

    Convenient way to store packages

  11. Many pets leave their fur everywhere. It is quite difficult to get rid of it on a carpet or rug. You have to spend a lot of time to get an effective result. A window scraper is great for removing hair.

    Rubber scraper perfectly collects wool from the surface of the carpet

  12. If the carpet constantly slides on the floor, use a latex sealant.

We are greeted by the “BananaShow” channel and today we are waiting for 11 life hacks for the garden. Go!

Gardening tools and other products in this Chinese store.

1 life hack: After working in the beds, our hands are dirty, but there is nowhere to wash them? Therefore, let’s take a large bottle of water with us to the garden bed and put it on some hill, making a hole. Now we have a washbasin, just open the lid slightly and you can wash your carrots, and when you close the water will stop.

Tip 2: Were we bitten by a mosquito or did we run through the bushes with nettles, after which a terrible itch appeared? Then mix water and soda in proportions of 1 to 3 to create a thick mass. Apply the mixture to the affected area, relief will follow in a few minutes! Well, if special means are not at hand, slightly heat the key, a couple of seconds is enough, and apply the key to the sore spot.

3 life hack for the garden: In order to get rid of ants without using pesticides, which can harm not only insects, then mix regular table sugar with baking soda in a 1 to 1 ratio and mix well. Sprinkle in areas inhabited by insects. The product is very effective.

Tip 4: If the handle on the bucket breaks, a rope will help us out. To do this, place a bucket in the center of the rope and tie a regular knot. Then we stretch the knot loop onto the walls of the bucket and tighten it. Then make a regular knot on top and get a strong, reliable handle!

Electronics for DIYers in a Chinese online store.

Lifehack 5: People who have collected berries such as blueberries, cherries, plums, etc. know that it is almost impossible to wash their hands off their juice. And I don’t really want to walk around with black and blue hands. You will solve this problem with the help of lemon, which you rub on your hands. And if you don’t have lemon, take citric acid.

6 life hack: If you are at the dacha, you can use the stem of a tomato or potato to clean your hands. Rub your hands well on the stems. Then wash your hands thoroughly with soap, as potato and tomato stems are poisonous!

7 trick for the garden: In order not to constantly collect gloves around the garden, we will make a hanger for them. To do this, take clothespins, which you glue with a glue gun or nail to some surface. So, you got a good hanger, the main thing here is to return the gloves to their place after working in the garden.

8 life hack: In order not to look for matches, put an iron coin in the box and use a magnet to attach them to a visible place. This way you will always know to find them.

Lifehack 9: In order to make a cool fire starter, you will need cotton pads and a candle. Soak the cotton pads well with wax until you cover the entire surface. Such cotton pads flare up well and burn like candles, only cooler and even a strong wind is not able to blow them out. Just be careful, otherwise your fingers will look like fried sausages. Well, if you blow sharply, then the disk can be extinguished and left for the next kindling.

Tip 10: If you have 1 key for everyone, then make a hiding place. To do this, take a plastic container from Tic-Tac or vitamins and select it according to the size of the key. Throw the key into the box so as not to lose it and use a glue gun to glue some stone onto the lid to disguise and mark the location of the hiding place. Hide your hiding place somewhere. It would be great if you could throw stones nearby. Now the problem of one key is solved!

11 life hack: If you need to go to the garden, and you forgot to take rubber boots with you, 2 large bags will help you out. You just put them on your feet. The color of the package doesn't matter unless you're a fashionista, of course. Once dressed, you can go to the dacha without fear and your shoes will be protected from dirt.
Several small life hacks for the dacha, filmed on the “Mother and Son” channel.

For a cozy holiday in a garden house, it is optimal to hang roller blinds, then in the morning children and adults will be able to sleep longer. These differ in their ability to transmit light. For example, one of the shown roller blinds allows light to pass through, so there will not be complete darkness, while the other, adapted for complete darkening, gives a perfect darkening effect. In the same problem, the solution may be in the form of an ordinary curtain made of very dense material and it will also be dark.

To hide dishes under shelves from visibility, it is appropriate to use a curtain. Everything is neatly hidden.

Make an outdoor seat for your garden from a broken stool.

A spool of wire will make a round table.

If there are extra scraps of timber left over, build a house for your child from them, he will be happy while you work or have fun in the country.

The Lifehack Today channel showed some useful tips for summer residents. In the summer, it’s a pleasure to go outside, be in nature or go to the dacha with your friends. In general, time to relax. And in this video, the author decided to demonstrate 10 life hacks for lovers of summer cottages and outdoor photography.

Often, someone who wants to light a fire puts down paper and tries to set it on fire. But if it is a thick magazine, then there is no oxygen access between the sheets, and it may burn poorly or go out completely. To prevent this from happening, tear the paper into pieces and remember. Now you don’t have to worry about the fire.

Oh, how I want to come to the dacha and eat a delicious kebab. To make the kebab even tastier, you should use wood from fruit and berry trees. It's no secret that the wood you use in your fire affects the taste of the food you cook on it.

When you do get out into nature, you should not put food and things on the ground. Various insects can get into them. To avoid this, use an umbrella. Turn it over and add food. It's best to hang an umbrella.

There is also a cool way to cool the drink and prevent it from losing temperature. You need to tie a rope to the bottle and then lower it into the water. The temperature of the water will prevent the bottle from becoming warm and the drink will remain cool or completely cold.

Almost all garden tools are made of metal. To prevent damage to tools from rust, you should cover them with sand. This way they will last much longer, since the sand absorbs moisture.

If you need to quickly light a fire, dry pine wood is the best. Dry pine is considered the most flammable tree. Therefore, even beginners in this business will succeed. Cones are suitable for maintaining a fire and having good coals. You can also use pine bark.

If you are bitten by a mosquito, you can easily relieve the pain. Use soap. Wet it and then rub the bite area. After a short time, the itching will go away. In general, you can just be patient and not scratch, then everything will go away quickly.

A fire will help to keep mosquitoes away from you. Use green grass, leaves, fallen apples, all this will provoke smoke and mosquitoes will not approach you.

And the last life hack for today for the dacha. Packages of chips, crackers and similar products can be reused. To do this, you should wash them, dry them, and then you can safely put food there and take them to nature or to the country.

The problem of watering moisture-loving plants in the countryside during the work week can be easily solved with the help of a 5-liter plastic bottle. In the lower part, in a circle, retreating 2 cm from the bottom, make several holes of small diameter.

On a note! The optimal number and size of holes can be determined experimentally, but you can start with four holes with a diameter of 1 mm.

The bottles are buried halfway into the soil before seedlings are planted or sowed. Planting is carried out in such a way that the root system of the plants is in the moisture zone (approximately 10 cm from the bottle). Common scheme: 4 plants around 1 bottle. The lid is closed tightly: this slows down the flow of water and creates an analogy to drip irrigation. Water is poured through the neck with a hose or bucket, but do not add 3-5 cm to the edge.

The method is often used for autonomous watering of cucumbers, which are painful to tolerate even short-term droughts.

Designer lifehacks for the garden: 20 best ideas

Log house design – environmental friendliness, convenience and coziness

All owners want to make their home unusual and interesting. But completely copying the interior from a magazine cover is, to say the least, unreasonable - in this case, the individuality of the people living in the house is completely lost.
But you even need to pick up a few interesting life hacks that will decorate the dacha and make life easier for the owners! We present 20 of the best and carefully selected ideas for summer cottage arrangement for the readers to judge.


In the spring, as soon as the sun begins to shine and the seedlings on the windowsills turn green, you immediately want to go to the garden, to the dacha, to the fresh air. The editors of the website especially love it when everything blooms in the garden - cherries, apple trees, pears.

Each of them has accumulated vast experience in gardening, and we have prepared for you secrets, tips and gardening needs that will make your garden even more productive and well-maintained. Follow these gardening tips and your garden will have bees buzzing, birds singing and people talking.

1. All plants love settled, warm water, preferably barrel water, where beneficial biobacteria grow. Install a special barrel to collect rainwater and use it when watering the beds.

2. Kill weeds with a homemade non-toxic product. To do this, dilute 4 liters of vinegar, 250 g of table salt and 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents. Mix all this, fill a garden sprayer with this solution, and spray the weeds with it in the heat.

3. Eggshells are a natural source of calcium. You can grow seedlings in egg shells. For example, plant cucumber seedlings or peas in them. As soon as the green heads appear, plant them in the garden along with the shells. You can also use eggshells as soil fertilizer. Finely grind it in a blender or simply crumble it in your hands and sprinkle it on the area.

4. Coconut flowerpots look very beautiful; they are used to decorate verandas and country porches. However, they have a significant drawback - the soil dries out quickly, such pots need daily watering. To retain moisture longer, place the baby diaper down when boarding. This is truly a dacha necessity.

5. Many animals that cause damage to summer cottages, for example squirrels, do not like the smell of soap. A soap solution will help you in the fight against aphids.

Soap solution for aphids:

Dissolve 300 g of laundry (or 100 liquid) soap in 10 liters of water. Soap can be grated.

Ash-soap solution for aphids:

Pour 150 - 300 g of wood ash into 10 liters of hot water, bring to a boil and add 40 g of soap to the warm solution.

After spraying, even with folk remedies, you will be able to eat vegetables within days. Do not overdo it with spraying against aphids, the plants may get burned.

6. Many household items can be used as plant fertilizers. Thus, using tea bags in fertilizers will increase the concentration of nutrients in the main fertilizer.

Also, a diluted tea decoction protects against fungal infections.

7. Finely crushed citrus peel helps get rid of aphids and mosquitoes in the country.

8. Coffee and coffee grounds are often used as fertilizers. They contain large amounts of nitrogen, magnesium and potassium, which are necessary for plant development. Adding coffee grounds to the soil will improve its breathability. The smell of coffee repels some garden pests, some types of ants and animals.

9. Plastic forks inserted in this way will protect the garden from animals.

10. Cover newly planted seedlings with plastic bottles. These mini-greenhouses will protect heat-loving plants.

11. Crafts made from stones with plant symbols, which can be used instead of signs, will make your garden more cozy and interesting.

12. By sprinkling your garden plot with bitter or Epsom salts, you will replenish the mineral levels in the soil. This will result in your plants becoming bushy and blooming.

13. Excellent modern useful tips for the garden claim that there is a way to root rose cuttings in potatoes, it is very controversial, but you can try it and draw conclusions whether it is worth doing or not.

14. Don't forget about the balcony. It can also be used to grow herbs, greens and flowers in boxes.

15. Most plants love warm water for watering. To help it reach the roots faster and keep warm, it is watered using plastic bottles with holes made in them. Plastic bottles make excellent garden supplies.

With these useful gardening tips, your plot will become the best and most productive. Be sure to use them and write which tips you liked the most.

Summer is approaching, and with it comes the time for vacations, beaches and parties. How to avoid small everyday troubles like warm water in a bottle, mosquito bites, midges in your drink and melted ice cream stains on your favorite clothes? With the help of summer life hacks! And you will get to know ten of them right now!

1. Warm water problem

  • Warm water tastes disgusting. But the problem is being solved. Fill the bottle halfway with water and place it in the freezer. Before leaving, add water and feel free to conquer the heat. The ice cooler will slowly melt and keep the water cool.

2. Express cooling with salt and ice

  • What could be better than an ice-cold beer or cola in unbearably hot weather? But how do you cool a drink in a few seconds? Fill a large glass bowl with ice and water in a 1:1 ratio. Add 2 tbsp. l. salt (per liter of water). Immerse the drink in the mixture until it is covered with ice and water. Add ingredients if necessary. After 2 minutes, remove the jar. During this time, the temperature of the drink will drop by an average of 8-10 degrees.

3. Cool with paper towels

  • An impressive supply of ice is not always available. How to cool a drink without it? Wrap the bottle in a damp paper towel and place it in the freezer. In an average of 30 minutes, a warm drink turns into an ice-cold one.

4. Insect bites

  • An outdoor picnic accompanied by “bloodsuckers” can turn into a ruined holiday. Treat the itchy and swollen areas with white toothpaste - in the morning the swelling will go down and the itching will disappear. An alternative option is vinegar, soda or laundry soap.

5. Picnic organizer

  • By the way, when going on a picnic, you probably have to use a hundred and one containers to pack food. It is much more convenient to put snacks in a plastic organizer for needlework, which can be purchased for pennies in any online store for needlewomen.

6. Party gravy boat

  • At a hot dog party or barbecue picnic, sauces take up a lot of space and utensils. To arrange them compactly, use a Teflon muffin tin. You can fit at least 12 sauces or toppings in it.

7. Midges in a glass

  • Picnic, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks - and disgusting midges in a glass! You can protect your drink from attacks by winged creatures using paper cups for baking muffins and pastries. Place the mold on the glass, pierce the lid with a straw - and feel free to leave the drink unattended.

8. To prevent ice cream from dripping

  • The perfect summer dessert on a hot afternoon can ruin your favorite clothes. In order not to think about how quickly and where to lick off the drops that are trying to stain your trousers or blouse, use the same paper baking cups. Place an ice cream stick on the mold and enjoy the taste, and don’t think about the retribution that may come for the pleasure you receive.

9. First aid for sunburn

  • The sun is deceiving. Caressing the skin can seriously burn it. And if you neglected the product with a UV filter and got a burn while sunbathing, apply a paste (or circles) of chilled and grated potatoes or cucumber to the affected area.

10. Lime and mint – fresh summer

  • Among cooling drinks, lemonade with lime and mint is a confident leader. We offer you a tasty and healthy way to cool down in the hot weather. Let's bookmark the recipe: place mint leaves and coarsely chopped lime in a glass jug, add water, leave, add honey and ice before serving, and in special cases - rum. Have a nice summer!

Country house For many people it becomes a second home. Surely you or your parents have friends who leave their apartments and move to their summer residences for the period from approximately April to October. A dacha is an energy-filled place where you can relax not only your soul, but also your body.

Here you can restore your spiritual strength, feel a connection with nature, harmony and peace. Many people understand how important a role a dacha plays in their lives, so they try to arrange it accordingly. We invite you to check out these 27 cool ways that will help diversify even the most banal country house interior.

Ideas for a summer residence

  1. Table with stand. Simple and tasteful.
  2. A cool table in which you can even hide something.
  3. Improvised tables are the main attributes of any cottage.

  4. A cheerful mushroom table will not only provide protection from the sun, but also lift your spirits.

  5. Great makeshift tables! When the firewood in the hearth runs out, you can use the wood in it for its intended purpose.

  6. A wonderful alternative to a home bed! The main thing is that the mattress is comfortable.
  7. A bar stool, the height of which depends on the owner, and not on the manufacturer.
  8. Such a table is perhaps accessible to everyone.
  9. Who would have thought that flower pots could serve as a coffee table!

  10. Cool hammock on the porch. They wouldn't kick me out of there!
  11. When creating an original carpet color, you can use adhesive tape and paint.

  12. The easiest way to update plastic chairs is to repaint them.

  13. Bright armchairs for a stylish summer!
  14. Super chair made of plastic boxes. Cheap and cheerful.
  15. It’s not entirely comfortable to sit on, but you can make a great photo shoot.

  16. A transparent bar is what every dacha needs!
  17. There can never be too many succulents.

  18. And beer too!

  19. Everything you need for a comfortable stay.

  20. A table that can be used as a flower stand.

  21. Chic table made from pallets.
  22. A wonderful ottoman that will become an integral attribute of your dacha.
  23. A little imagination, and you can do just as well!
  24. A fun table for children and adults.
  25. Handmade pillow for colorful dreams.
  26. The eco-chair is an unusual design element.

  27. Another easy way to make a table.

A dacha, like an apartment, conveys the spirit and habits of its owner. Some people treat it as an obligatory and tedious pastime, while others put their soul and free time into the dacha. Share this collection

Lifehacks for the garden, garden and vegetable garden are useful tips on how to use simple things or homemade devices to solve everyday problems. I present to you the most interesting life hacks for your summer house, garden and vegetable garden. These helpful tips are so simple and effective that using them can change the way you think about gardening forever.

Lifehacks for growing seedlings.

LIFE HACK 1. Cinnamon for seedlings.

Use cinnamon powder when growing seedlings. By sprinkling the roots with cinnamon powder, you will prevent seedlings from becoming sick. Cinnamon has antifungal properties, and it also smells delicious))) Use cinnamon to prevent and treat diseases of seedlings.

LIFE HACK 2. Original pots for seedlings.

Citrus halves can be used as pots for seedlings. Make a hole in the bottom of the peel for drainage, fill with soil, and sow the seeds. The beauty of this “pot” is that the seedlings are planted directly in the peel. The peel will decompose in the soil and nourish the young plant.

LIFE HACK 3. The seedlings will water themselves!

If you are going on vacation for a few days and are worried that the seedlings will dry out, you can try another simple life hack. Just roll up some paper towels as tightly as possible. Dip one end into a glass of water, and place the towel itself near the seedlings, but not on the roots (at some distance).

LIFE HACK 4. Hydrogen peroxide for prevention.

Hydrogen peroxide can be beneficial for seedlings and can save your plants from root rot and many fungal diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on seed germination. It is recommended to periodically water the plants with a solution of 1 part peroxide to 32 parts water to improve the root system and prevent seedling diseases.

LIFE HACK 5. Epsom salt when transplanting.

Using Epsom salts when transplanting plants will help the seedlings tolerate the procedure more easily. When transplanting seedlings or planting new plants, add a teaspoon of Epsom salt to the bottom of the hole, cover the salt with a thin layer of soil and plant the plant.

LIFE HACK 6. Another option for dishes for seedlings.

Growing seedlings in eggshells - isn't it a life hack? Not only will you save money on pots, but your plants will also get enough calcium! When planting seedlings, do not throw away the shells, but crumble them into the soil - this is very useful.


Another useful tip: you can grow seedlings in cardboard egg boxes. It's simple and absolutely not expensive. You can make a hole in the bottom for better drainage.

LIFE HACK 8. Option of dishes for seedlings number three.

You can use toilet paper rolls to make pots for planting seedlings. The beauty of these pots is that you don’t need to take plants out of improvised pots; you can plant the plants together with the bushings.

Lifehacks for pest control in the garden

LIFE HACK 9. Coffee against ants.

Use coffee grounds to control pests. Coffee grounds in the mail repel ants, snails and slugs.

LIFE HACK 10. Eggshells against snails.

Another way to protect your plants from pests is to use eggshells. Coarsely crushed eggshells are an effective barrier against soft-bodied garden pests such as snails and slugs. Usually a circle of eggshells is made around the suffering plants.

LIFE HACK 11. Forks against rodents and rabbits.

Plastic forks inserted into the ground with a handle will help scare small animals away from your plants.

LIFE HACK 12. Fighting ants

Take a small amount of powdered sugar and mix it with an equal amount of baking soda. Then sprinkle the mixture on the areas where ants often gather. Powdered sugar will attract ants, but baking soda will solve the problem forever.

LIFE HACK 13. Straw mulch

Straw mulch is an effective aid for growing many vegetables. It has proven itself especially well when growing cabbage. Straw mulch prevents the growth of weeds and helps retain moisture in the soil.

LIFE HACK 14. Baking soda to sweeten tomatoes.

Do you want your tomatoes to be sweeter? To do this, simply sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the soil around the plant. Soda should not get on the plant! The soda will be absorbed into the soil and reduce the acidity level, which will have a beneficial effect on the taste of the tomatoes.

LIFE HACK 15. Information stones for beauty

By making such beautiful stones with inscriptions, you will not only decorate your garden, but also not forget what you sowed where. You just need to choose stones of the appropriate shape.

LIFE HACK 16. Honey for transplanting cuttings.

Honey contains enzymes that promote root growth, so you can safely use honey when planting sprouted cuttings in the ground. By smearing the plant's roots with honey, you will not only help the roots grow, but also protect the plant from possible fungal problems.

LIFE HACK 17. Fertilizers for flowers.

Do not throw away the water you used to cook vegetables or eggs. Let the water cool and water the flowers or trees in the garden with it. Vegetable broth is a good fertilizer for flowers.

LIFE HACK 18. Milk and water for powdery mildew

Mix equal parts milk and water in a spray bottle and spray where you see powdery mildew. Carry out the procedure once a week until the problem disappears.

LIFE HACK 19. Banana peel

Banana peels can work wonders. Cut the banana peel into small pieces and simply throw it into the garden. As banana peels decompose, they will saturate the soil with beneficial microorganisms. Moreover, the soil will become lighter and drainage will be better. Banana peels are a powerful cocktail of nutrients: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphates, potassium and sodium.

LIFE HACK 20. Instead of a watering can.

An ordinary plastic container with a handle can be used instead of a watering can by punching holes in the lid. You can, for example, use containers from machine oil, after washing them thoroughly.

LIFE HACK 21. Hose mat.

An old, leaky hose can be used to make a wonderful rug for a patio or gazebo. Simply twist the hose in the manner shown and secure it with plastic clamps.

LIFE HACK 22. Boy's favorite place

With a little imagination, you can make a great track for your son or grandson in the country. Believe me, this place will become his favorite. After all, this is even cooler than a sandbox!

LIFE HACK 23. We clear the paths of weeds.

Once and for all, you can get rid of the weeds that grow again and again through the paths in your dacha using vinegar. Vinegar is especially effective against dandelions.

LIFE HACK 24. Growing vegetables from kitchen waste

After eating, never throw away leftover vegetable trimmings! You can grow many different vegetables by planting the scraps in good soil.

LIFE HACK 25. ExaminationSoil pH at home.

Take a handful of soil from the garden. Add a little vinegar to the soil; if you see bubbles, it means the soil is alkaline.

Take a handful of soil from the garden. Add a little baking soda to the soil; if you see bubbles, the soil is acidic.

I hope you liked these simple gardening tips, or gardening life hacks as they call it today. Share your impressions in the comments.


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