Crimea gas for disabled people in drawing up contracts at home. The gas company requires a gas service agreement, is this legal?

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An agreement for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens is signed with the task of regulating the relations of the parties to the agreement for the supply of gas, establishing the rights and obligations of the supplier and subscriber, the sequence of accounting for gas consumption and calculations for the gas provided.

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Let's consider the features of this document and establish which rules for its preparation are valid in 2017.

General points

When it comes to drawing up a contract for the supply of gas, first of all it is very necessary to have the technical ability to supply gas, as well as to know what documents are needed to conclude a contract for the supply of gas, and to have an idea of ​​what should be written in the contract.


A supply agreement is considered to be an agreement of a business nature, which is a subtype of a purchase and sale agreement and has a typical form.

A gas supply agreement is a document that is signed between the Gas Supplier and the Subscribers to settle relations between these two parties in the process of providing for the household needs of citizens, that is, when supplying gas.

Article 540 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the gas supply agreement between the parties begins in the period when, in a certain order, the Subscriber was connected to the gas supply network.

The public agreement on the provision of public utility needs spells out all the provisions, as well as the responsibilities between both parties, the legal provisions for payment for the use of gas, as well as the volume of gas supplied to the premises.

The subscriber's rights were changed after the terms of the agreement changed, and this, in turn, was changed by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens.”

Purpose of the agreement

This agreement is drawn up so that the agreement on gas supply is legally binding between the two parties.

The supplier, in turn, is obliged to supply gas from the network to this Subscriber in the quantity that he needs to meet his needs.

The subscriber undertakes to accept gas from the supplier, as well as to pay for the used volume of gas within a certain period, which is specified in the contract.

Civil risks are likely when a conflict arises between the parties to the agreement regarding the signing of the document.

Unscrupulous buyers may refuse to purchase goods. They may also not pay for gas, citing the fact that there is no agreement. Suppliers may also not supply gas without a document.

The legislative framework

Articles of the Civil Code that regulate the gas supply agreement:

Paragraph 2 of clause 5 of the “Gas Supply Rules” states that the gas supply agreement must meet the requirements of paragraph 3 of Chapter. 30 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Conclusion of a gas supply agreement

The agreement must be concluded in writing. It may be concluded for an indefinite period; it is also possible to conclude an agreement within the time frame that will be specified in the offer. The delivery agreement form is available.

The agreement must be drawn up in two copies. One of them is provided to the Subscriber, issued against signature, or sent by mail with a notification letter.

A comprehensive gas supply agreement must include the following clauses:

  1. Document's name.
  2. Parties' data.
  3. Basic provisions.
  4. Terms and Definitions.
  5. Subject of the agreement.
  6. Gas metering procedure.
  7. Payment amount and payment procedure for gas.
  8. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  9. Responsibility of the parties.
  10. Additional terms and conditions.
  11. Data about the subscriber, gasified household and installed gas equipment.
  12. The subscriber's consent to the use of his personal data.
  13. Details of the parties and their signatures.

To a private house

In 2017, there were changes to gas supplies to the private sector. There are several types of gas supply to private homes:

  1. Centralized.
  2. Autonomous.

With a centralized connection, gas flows from the central pipeline, and with an autonomous connection, gas flows through gas tanks.

In turn, the central connection is divided into several more subtypes:

  1. Aboveground pipe installation.
  2. Underground.
  3. Combination connection.

Definitely, this type of heating will be much cheaper than heating a private house with coal or wood.

To the apartment

From January 1, 2017, the Russian Government obliged residents of multi-storey buildings in the Moscow region to enter into an agreement with a gas supplier.

Previously, payment for intra-house and intra-apartment gas supplies was included in one fee. To date, it has been decided that the payment must be divided into VDGO and VKGO.

Required documents

In order to conclude a gas supply agreement between the gas supplier and the interested party, it is necessary to send an offer to the gas office.

The following documents are attached to the offer, which are necessary for concluding the contract:

Personal identity card, internal passport of a Russian citizen If the person is a legal entity, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of registration in the Unified Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary
If a representative came on behalf of a legal company Then you need a document that allows you to represent the interests of the company
Documents for ownership of the premises Which needs to be gasified, or other documents that constitute permission to use the premises
For multi-story houses, you need to provide certificates In which the total living area is indicated, and non-residential and heated premises are classified as property of a multi-storey building
For private houses, certificates are required Which confirm the total heated area, as well as other additions to the house
Certificates about the total number of people living In a private house or multi-storey buildings
Certificates indicating the type of equipment Which is used for gas, and installation permission according to all technical requirements
Documents that confirm the connection of this equipment to the general system As well as the date of its installation and sealing
Contract for maintenance of this house Original and copy of the act, which indicates the boundaries between residents

What does a dispute protocol look like?

The protocol of disagreements to business agreements is an essential part of contractual work. With its help, you can resolve conflict issues written in the contract itself.

If you underestimate these documents, you may get into trouble. And the contract itself may be considered invalid.

Often agreements contain conditions that are determined by the parties to the transaction themselves, unless otherwise provided by law.

Video: supply agreement - conditions for its termination

But in a situation where the interests of one participant conflict with the interests of another participant, a protocol of disagreements must be drawn up.

If the supplier and buyer do not agree themselves, then the issues will be resolved in court.

– documents that can be part of any contracts that have legal force.

It is necessary to look at the fact that the protocol is not disagreement. These are differences in content on some issues.

For legal entities

The parties to the supply agreement may be legal entities. persons when the Supplier supplies gas to a certain enterprise.

In this case, the agreement must specify the details of the enterprise where the gas will be supplied and the details of the supplier.

In this case, the enterprise must collect the necessary technical documentation and pay for the service at the right time.

For individuals

For individuals, registration occurs on both sides, between the owner of the premises and the gas supplier.

Based on technical permits and documents provided, an agreement is drawn up.

After which the gas supplier must supply gas to the gas pipelines. The subscriber, in turn, pays for the service within the specified time frame.

Is it possible to appeal

This agreement is subject to appeal in court if there is no common decision made by both parties. Also, one party may not agree with some points of the agreement.

In this case, it is necessary to file a claim in court, as well as provide evidence that relates to the dispute.

What is a sub-subscription agreement

It turns out that if a resident does not have a contract for VKGO, then in the event of an accident the gas service will not come to him? – Employees of the gas distribution organization will come to the resident in any case, but they only localize the accident, after which they will shut off the gas supply, but in order to supply gas back, it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the accident, check the functionality of the gas equipment, draw up all the necessary documentation, and that’s all this is done by the service organization. And now you also need to provide an act confirming the good condition of the chimneys and ventilation ducts, a maintenance agreement for the VDGO and a maintenance agreement for the VKGO, otherwise the gas distribution organization will not allow the start-up of gas. A specialized organization, without a contract for maintenance and repair of gas equipment, does not have the right to repair this equipment.

We find out whether it is necessary to conclude a contract for servicing gas equipment

In an apartment building, failure to maintain and repair gas appliances significantly increases the risk of various leakage problems and subsequent explosions. This can cause enormous damage not only to the property of the irresponsible owner, but also to many other residents in the neighborhood. Refusal to conclude an agreement for the maintenance and repair of equipment, both intra-house and intra-apartment, entails the application of the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

According to Article 9.23, the evader may be subject to a fine in the amount of:
  • for owners - from 1 thousand to 2 thousand rubles;
  • for officials – from 5 thousand to 25 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities – from 40 thousand to 1000 thousand rubles.

In advance, a notification is sent to the owner about the need to check the devices and conclude an agreement.

Maintenance of indoor gas equipment

Valery MYTAREV, General Director of City Engineering Service LLC, answered all these questions. – Valery Aleksandrovich, why did it become necessary for homeowners to enter into contracts for the maintenance of indoor gas equipment? – Until 2013, fees for servicing gas equipment, both intra-house (VDGO) and intra-apartment (VKGO), were charged as a single whole: until 2005 - by the gas trust created under the Soviet Union, then for another eight years - depending on way of managing an apartment building: either management companies or homeowners' associations.

Security contract

If it happens in winter, he will be given a notice to drain the heating system. Gas supply will be resumed only after the owner of the gas equipment concludes all the necessary contracts and submits a package of documents to the Mosoblgaz operational service. Fines for lack of a gas equipment maintenance agreement The legislation establishes the following sanctions for consumers who do not comply with the requirements for concluding a gas equipment maintenance agreement:

  • lack of a maintenance agreement.
    Fine – from 1000 to 2000 rubles.
  • not allowing a representative of a specialized organization who has notified his arrival in advance to enter the house. Fine – from 1000 to 2000 rubles.
  • refusal to replace “problematic” gas equipment. Fine - from 1000 to 2000 rubles.
  • repeated violation of legislation regarding gas equipment.

Is it necessary to conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment?

Mosoblgaz.) An agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment by specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mosoblgaz" can be concluded at the branch of the company in whose service area the household is located. According to the agreement, Mosoblgaz provides services for maintenance, repair and emergency dispatch of in-house gas equipment and acts as a guarantor of the safe operation of existing equipment. — Does Mosoblgaz have the right to turn off the gas if the subscriber does not have a contract for the maintenance of VDGO? In the absence of a maintenance agreement in accordance with the “Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and maintenance of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment when providing public gas supply services,” approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013.
In 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation approved Resolution No. 410, which divided the fees for VDGO and VKGO: responsibility for the first remained with the management company or HOA, for the second fell on the shoulders of home owners, and the service itself could only be carried out by a gas distribution organization, in our case it Mosoblgaz. But in September 2015, a new version of the Resolution was published. By decision of the Supreme Court, the rights to service gas equipment were returned to regional specialized organizations (our company at that time worked together with the municipal unitary enterprise "UK" Residential House ").
And already at the end of 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Moscow Region demanded the implementation of Resolution No. 410 regarding the conclusion of contracts for VKGO with each owner of housing in an apartment building. When we were given such a task, we began to look for ways to solve it most productively.

Mosoblgaz contract for maintenance of gas equipment


The government of the Moscow region has approved a gasification plan until 2017. Gasification of settlements in the Moscow region is recognized to improve the standard of living and living standards of the population and will contribute to the development of the region as a whole. However, gas in the house is not only a benefit, but also a factor of increased danger.

The greatest interest among consumers is the discussion of the procedure for concluding contracts for the maintenance and repair of intra-house (VDGO) and intra-apartment (VKGO) gas equipment. Given the relevance of the topic, we answer questions about maintenance, since the life of not only the household members themselves, but also their residents of neighboring apartments and houses depends on the condition and proper use of gas equipment.
Everything changed when the federal law of December 5, 2016 came into force, which made several amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses. Now, for the lack of a maintenance contract, you will have to pay in rubles, and not only to ordinary residents of apartment buildings and private buildings, but also to officials and legal entities. Specialized organizations (primarily Mosoblgaz) became more active and began offering their services to the population.

Who has the right to enter into contracts for servicing gas equipment? Whom to choose? Mosoblgaz is a proven company, but it is not a monopolist in this area. The law of May 14, 2013 directly indicates that an organization transporting gas under an agreement with its supplier does not have the exclusive right to maintain gas equipment. You can choose another company with the same specialization.

Mosoblgaz contract for maintenance of gas equipment price

Today, the majority of residents of private houses are already served by Mosoblgaz, and those who do not have a contract can submit an application to our organization. – What determine the prices for VKGO? – Prices for maintenance and repair of VKGO depend on the amount of gas equipment installed in the owner’s apartment. That is, the size of the living space or the number of people registered in the apartment will not affect the cost of service. – Tell us more about the prices. – According to our company’s price list, maintenance, repairs and emergency dispatch support for a gas stove will cost residents 1,050.56 rubles. for three years (29.18 rubles monthly), instantaneous gas water heater - 1470.14 rubles. (40.84 rubles), gas boiler - 3216 rubles. (RUB 189.33).

Mosoblgaz contract for maintenance of gas equipment prices

Fine – from 2000 to 5000 rubles.

  • actions (inaction) that led to the accident. Fine from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Cost of work under a maintenance contract for gas equipment Cost of maintenance of gas appliances indicated by Mosoblgaz

  • AOGV – from 3500 rubles (depending on power)
  • Gas stove – from 1200 to 1600 rubles
  • Stove with gas cylinders – 1500 rubles
  • Gas meter – 500 rubles
  • Intra-house gas pipeline or intra-apartment gas distribution - 300 rubles
  • Gas water heater – from 2500 rubles (depending on power)

Who can refuse to enter into a contract? You can refuse to enter into a contract for servicing gas equipment if: 1.

The rules for paying fees for repairs are specified in the contract. If no special conditions are provided, the deadline is set no later than the tenth day of the month following the day when the work was performed. The cost of maintenance depends solely on the gas equipment installed in the apartment or house.

It includes:

  • emergency dispatch support;
  • repairs of any complexity;
  • preventive measures to prevent accidents.

As an example, here are the prices for servicing municipalities by Mosoblgaz:

  • gas stove – 1400 rubles;
  • instantaneous water heater – 2000 rubles;
  • gas boiler - on average 3,600 rubles.

During the entire period of validity of the contract, minor work to eliminate gas leaks, as well as sealing connecting elements, is carried out free of charge.


Valery Aleksandrovich, why did it become necessary for homeowners to enter into contracts for the maintenance of indoor gas equipment?

Until 2013, fees for servicing gas equipment, both intra-house (VDGO) and intra-apartment (VKGO), were charged as a single whole: until 2005 - by the gas trust created under the Soviet Union, then for another eight years - depending on the method management of an apartment building: either management companies or homeowners' associations.

In 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation approved Resolution No. 410, which divided the payment for VDGO and VKGO: responsibility for the first remained with the management company or HOA, for the second fell on the shoulders of home owners, and the service itself could only be carried out by a gas distribution organization, in our case it Mosoblgaz.

But in September 2015, a new version of the Resolution was published. By decision of the Supreme Court, the rights to service gas equipment were returned to regional specialized organizations (our company at that time worked together with the municipal unitary enterprise "UK" Residential House "). And already at the end of 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Moscow Region demanded the implementation of Resolution No. 410 regarding the conclusion of contracts for VKGO with each owner of housing in an apartment building.

When we were given such a task, we began to look for ways to solve it most productively. First, they tried to conclude individual contracts, then to hold meetings of the owners of apartment buildings, but both of these methods turned out to be extremely ineffective. Then we decided, in compliance with the requirements of all legislative acts, to print contracts on each Single Payment Document distributed by JSC Zhilservice-Posad, and, in addition, included in it a payment for the maintenance and repair of VKGO, divided into 1/36 of the cost of maintenance, since the minimum maintenance period is at least once every three years. Payment of this line in the EPD is the conclusion of the offer agreement.

- Does the same apply to residents of the private sector?

No, through JSC Zhilservis-Posad we send out offer agreements only to residents of houses managed by the management company Zhiloy Dom and management companies who have agreed to cooperate with us.

- So it turns out that residents of private houses do not need to conclude a gas service agreement?

Need to. Today, the majority of residents of private houses are already served by Mosoblgaz, and those who do not have a contract can submit an application to our organization.

- What determine the prices for VKGO?

Prices for maintenance and repair of VKGO depend on the amount of gas equipment installed in the owner’s apartment. That is, the size of the living space or the number of people registered in the apartment will not affect the cost of service.

- Tell us more about the prices.

According to our company’s price list, maintenance, repairs and emergency dispatch support for a gas stove will cost residents 1,050.56 rubles. for three years (29.18 rubles monthly), instantaneous gas water heater - 1470.14 rubles. (40.84 rubles), gas boiler - 3216 rubles. (RUB 189.33).

- Where did these tariffs come from?

These tariffs were developed on the basis of methodological recommendations on the rules for calculating the cost of maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment, which were approved by Order of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia No. 269-e/8 dated December 27, 2013.

For comparison, here are the tariffs for the same work at Mosoblgaz: servicing a gas stove - 1,440 rubles, instantaneous gas water heater - 2,030 rubles, the average price for a gas boiler is 3,625 rubles, and residents will have to pay for these services at a time.

Residents contacted our editorial office and asked to clarify why they were forced to pay a lot of money - for one visit from a master every three years? What are your responsibilities anyway?

This is a whole range of services: emergency dispatch support, maintenance and repair of gas equipment, and most importantly, in my opinion, control by a specialized organization over the use of this equipment in order to prevent emergency situations.

- It turns out, If a resident does not have a contract for VKGO, then in the event of an accident the gas service will not come to him?

Employees of the gas distribution organization will come to the resident in any case, but they only localize the accident, after which they will shut off the gas supply, but in order to supply gas back, it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the accident, check the functionality of the gas equipment, draw up all the necessary documentation, and all this by the service organization. And now you also need to provide an act confirming the good condition of the chimneys and ventilation ducts, a maintenance agreement for the VDGO and a maintenance agreement for the VKGO, otherwise the gas distribution organization will not allow the start-up of gas. A specialized organization, without a contract for maintenance and repair of gas equipment, does not have the right to repair this equipment.

- Is one visit from a technician every three years enough for high-quality maintenance of gas equipment?

If the service life of the equipment has not expired, then with proper operation this will be sufficient. Therefore, I advise residents to monitor this indicator and remind them that appearance is not an indicator of the good condition of the devices.

- What if the service life has already expired?

In this case, we either issue an order to replace the equipment, or offer the resident to send it for diagnostics, which can only be carried out by specialized organizations that have received a license from Rostechnadzor. But residents need to take into account that if, after diagnosis, the service life was extended, then such equipment must be serviced at least once a year, and accordingly, the price for it will triple.

Now we are working on preparing operational documentation for each house, which will record each device that is in the possession or use of the owners, when and by whom the equipment was installed, its service life, etc.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov LLC, located in a city or district of the Saratov region, where information and explanatory work is carried out with current and potential gas consumers on the conclusion of gas supply contracts and the supply of additional volumes.

Re-registration of a gas supply agreement

When re-registering a gas supply contract due to a change of owner, the consumer’s request must be sent with a breakdown of the requested volume by month and gasified facilities.

To uniquely identify the gasified facility, the letter indicates its name (according to the gas supply agreement) and the exact address of the facility’s location. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the contact telephone number, location of the accounting department, postal and legal address of the organization.

When forming a package of documents for concluding an agreement in accordance with the approved List of documentation for concluding gas supply agreements (additional agreements) for its further sending to the central office of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov LLC, it is necessary that there is no debt under the agreement of the previous consumer.

Termination of a gas supply contract

When terminating a gas supply contract, there must be a complete absence of debt for the gas consumed. The consumer submits an application in (free form) to the branches of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov LLC to terminate the gas supply agreement(s). The department’s specialists prepare a sealing certificate for the gas-consuming facility (gas-consuming equipment) and send the documents to the central office of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov LLC.

Gas supply to meet the household needs of citizens is carried out on the basis of a gas supply agreement (hereinafter referred to as the agreement).

Relations arising during the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens, including the specifics of the conclusion, execution, amendment and termination of the contract, its essential conditions, as well as the procedure for determining the volume of gas consumption and the amount of payment for it are regulated by the “Rules for the supply of gas to ensure communal and household needs of citizens”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the municipal and household needs of citizens” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

To conclude an agreement, an interested individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) sends an offer in writing to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC.

The offer must contain, in addition to information about the applicant necessary for concluding the contract, the following information:

a) the type of premises for which gas supply must be provided (apartment building, residential building, outbuildings of individual households);

b) types of gas consumption (cooking, heating, including non-residential premises, water heating, preparation of animal feed);

c) the number of persons living in the premises, the gas supply of which must be ensured;

d) size (volume, area) of residential and non-residential heated premises;

e) type and number of farm animals and poultry kept in personal subsidiary plots (if any);

f) composition of gas-using equipment (if any);

g) the type of installed gas meter, the place of its connection to the gas pipeline included in the in-house gas equipment, the date of sealing of the gas meter by the manufacturer or the organization that carried out the last verification of the gas meter (hereinafter referred to as verification), as well as the established deadline for the next verification (if such a device is available);

h) details of the act on determining the boundaries of the division of property.

The offer is drawn up in 2 copies and registered on the day of receipt. One copy of the offer remains with Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC, and the other is returned to the applicant with a note indicating the date of acceptance of the offer and submitted documents for consideration.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC, within a period not exceeding 1 month from the date of registration of the offer, checks the technical possibility of supplying gas to the applicant, as well as the completeness and correctness of the submitted documents and the reliability of the information contained in them.

The technical feasibility is recognized as existing if, on the territory of the municipality where the premises (residential building) the gas supply of which must be ensured is located, there is a gas distribution network, the capacity of which allows for the supply of gas in accordance with all contracts concluded by it and to which the gas pipeline that is part of the intra-house is connected the applicant's gas equipment.

The responsibility for ensuring the availability of the gas pipeline, gas-using equipment and gas metering devices included in the in-house gas equipment lies with the applicant, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

3. List of documents required for concluding an agreement.

To conclude an agreement, the subscriber provides the following documents to the subscriber site of Gazprom Mezhregoingaz Ufa LLC:

A) for a citizen applicant- a copy of the main identification document;

for a legal entity applicant - copies of constituent documents certified by the state body maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, or by a notary;

b) a document confirming the authority of a representative of a legal entity to act on behalf of this legal entity;

c) documents confirming the applicant’s ownership of the premises, the gas supply of which must be ensured, or other grounds for using these premises;

d) for apartment buildings - documents confirming the size of the total area of ​​residential premises in the apartment building, the area of ​​non-residential heated premises related to the common property of the apartment building;

e) for individual households - documents confirming the size of the total area of ​​residential and heated auxiliary premises of a residential building, as well as the size (volume) of heated premises of outbuildings;

f) documents confirming the number of persons living in residential premises of apartment buildings and residential buildings;

g) documents confirming the composition and type of gas-using equipment included in the in-house gas equipment, and the compliance of this equipment with the technical requirements established for it;

h) documents confirming the type of installed gas metering device (unit), the place of its connection to the gas pipeline, the date of sealing of the gas metering device by the manufacturer or the organization that carried out its last verification, as well as the established deadline for the next verification (if such a device is available);

i) a copy of the agreement on maintenance of in-house gas equipment and emergency dispatch support;

j) a copy of the act defining the property division boundary.

4. Grounds and procedure for suspending the execution of the contract.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC has the right to unilaterally suspend the fulfillment of gas supply obligations with prior written notice to the subscriber in the following cases:

a) violation by the subscriber of the terms of the contract for the provision of information, without obtaining which it is impossible to determine the reliable (actual) volume of gas consumed;

b) the subscriber’s refusal to allow representatives of the gas supplier to conduct an inspection;

c) non-payment or incomplete payment for consumed gas for 3 billing periods in a row;

d) the use by the subscriber of gas-using equipment that does not correspond to the equipment specified in the contract;

e) receipt of a notification from an organization that, under an agreement with the subscriber, carries out maintenance of in-house gas equipment, about the use by the subscriber of gas-using equipment that does not comply with the regulatory requirements for this equipment;

f) the subscriber does not have an agreement on maintenance of in-house gas equipment and emergency dispatch support, concluded with a specialized organization.

Before suspending the execution of the contract, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC sends 2 notifications to the subscriber about the upcoming suspension of gas supply and its reasons. The first notification about the upcoming suspension of gas supply is sent no later than 40 calendar days, and the second - no later than 20 calendar days before the day of gas supply suspension.

Gas supply may be suspended without prior notice to the subscriber in the following cases:

a) an accident in the gas distribution network;

b) failure of in-house gas equipment or gas leak from in-house gas equipment;

c) the technical condition of in-house gas equipment, as determined by a specialized organization with which the subscriber has entered into an agreement on the maintenance of the specified equipment, creates a threat of an accident.

If the subscriber eliminates the reasons that served as the basis for suspending gas supply, gas supply is resumed subject to payment by the subscriber of the costs incurred in connection with the work to disconnect and connect the gas-using equipment of this subscriber. Expenses incurred in connection with the work to disconnect and subsequently connect in-house gas equipment are paid to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC, unless otherwise provided by the agreement on maintenance of in-house gas equipment concluded by the subscriber with a specialized organization. The period for resuming gas supply is 5 working days from the date the gas supplier receives a written notification that the subscriber has eliminated the reasons that served as the basis for suspending gas supply.

5. Grounds and procedure for termination of the contract.

The subscriber has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally at any time, provided that he has fully paid the debt for the consumed gas and the costs associated with the work to disconnect the in-house gas equipment from the gas distribution (connected) network. Expenses incurred in connection with the work to disconnect in-house gas equipment are paid to Gazprom Mezhregoingaz Ufa LLC, unless otherwise provided by the agreement on maintenance of in-house gas equipment concluded by the subscriber with a specialized organization. The contract is recognized as terminated from the day the in-house gas equipment is disconnected from the gas distribution (connected) network, which is confirmed by the act of disconnecting the in-house gas equipment from the gas distribution (connected) network, signed by the parties with the obligatory indication of the date of disconnection.

The contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties on a date determined by the parties.

The contract under the claim of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC may be terminated in court if the subscriber, within 3 months from the date of suspension of gas supply, has not taken measures to eliminate the reasons that served as the basis for the suspension of gas supply specified in paragraph 45 and subparagraph " c" clause 47 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 N 549).

The contract may be terminated on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Where can you conclude an agreement?

Contracts for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens are concluded at


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