Gooseberry is an old name. Gooseberry varieties with photos and descriptions

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The history of the many names of gooseberries and the benefits of eating them

The existence of gooseberries, grown in abundance in Old Russian monastic and princely gardens, is known from the first manuscripts. It undoubtedly appeared before the 11th century - it takes more than one decade to make the berry crop so popular.

Each nation gave the inhospitable thorny bush with sweet and sour berries its own special name. “Bersen-berry” was collected by ancient Russian maidens, cursing the gooseberry thorns. “Ber” is an Indo-European root with the meaning “bear”, and the berries ripening in the shadow of the thorny claws were securely hidden for the time being. The second name for gooseberries is “kryzh” (cross), the Russian equivalent of the German “crown of thorns”.

Gooseberry jam in Russia is still called “royal” or “emerald”, fueling the legend about the cook of Catherine the Great, who invented the recipe for an incomparable delicacy. A passion for culinary experiments, kryzh and an ordinary pot allowed the cook to create a new Russian masterpiece - jam, which has been admired by poets for centuries. The fastidious queen was so captivated by the taste of the new invention that she graciously presented the talented cook with an emerald ring from the royal hand. Smaragd turned out to be so similar in color to the translucent fruits that if it had fallen into the notorious green-glazed pot, it would have been difficult to find it.

The turn of the 20th and 11th centuries turned out to be fatal for gooseberry bushes: most of them died from powdery mildew imported from America. Rare preserved specimens became the progenitors of almost all modern varieties. Since then, another name for gooseberries has stuck in metaphor-loving Russia: “northern grapes.” There are two reasons for this name - the high calorie content of gooseberries, second only to real grapes in this indicator, and the fact that high-quality wines are still made from the sour berry.

The British contrast the proud old Russian names for gooseberries with the simple “goose berry”. Not too concerned about its royal past, they do not make “royal preserves”, but a good sweet and sour sauce for fried poultry. The Germans, showing more interest in Lorelei and other fairy-tale evil spirits, used the simple name “prickly berry”. Their sun-worn neighbors, the Italians, complicated the definition of the berry to “stubbly”, and the French shortened it to the affectionate “fatty”. In Europe, gooseberries have never been as popular as in Russia.

No matter what the tight malachite berries of the thorny bush are called, their health benefits are undeniable. The pectins it contains remove oxalates and toxins, normalize stomach functions and improve immunity. It contains more iron than cherries, raspberries, plums and even apples. Carotene, vitamin P and ascorbic acid make it a powerful antioxidant that promotes the removal of radioactive substances. Succinic acid, which is part of the stellar vitamin composition of berries, preserves the elasticity of blood vessels. In terms of the abundance of vitamins, gooseberries are second only to their closest relative, black currants, and in terms of sugar content, they are second only to grapes. But this does not prevent gooseberries from remaining a great dessert. Original in taste, indispensable for health.

Gooseberry is a berry that is familiar to everyone since childhood. You can eat it straight from the bush, or you can process it: jams and desserts made from it turn out very tasty. This article will focus on gooseberry varieties: old, long-known ones, and new products of Russian selection.

The main reason why some gardeners refuse to grow gooseberries is their excessive thorniness: picking berries and pruning them turns into a real nightmare. But in our time, there are varieties of low-thorn and thornless gooseberries that no longer have this drawback.

However, there are also conservative people, adherents of old varieties tested by gardeners.

This article will discuss and classify both types of gooseberries. But first, a classification according to the color of the berries is given with descriptions of the varieties, and below are the thornless varieties. Let's get started:

Gooseberry varieties with descriptions and photos

Yellow varieties

Yellow gooseberries are not only very sweet, but also look unusual in the garden. That's where we'll start. Yellow-fruited gooseberry varieties include:


Variety Honey

It is distinguished by the taste characteristics of its fruits: sweetness mixed with a subtle taste of floral honey. The berries are medium-sized, weighing 3-4 g, unusually soft with thin golden skin, and therefore their transportability is poor.

The disadvantages of the variety also include the weak resistance of the bushes to various diseases and thorniness.

Russian yellow

Variety Russian yellow

It has oval berries weighing up to 6 g with a waxy coating and thin skin, a medium spreading bush, drought-resistant and has good self-fertility. This indicator is important if you want to plant only one variety on the site.

Usually, for good yield, at least two different varieties of gooseberries are planted at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. The bush has quite frequent thorns.


Variety Amber

A very beautiful variety from an aesthetic point of view. Elongated orange-yellow fruits with an average weight of 5 g will appear almost the very first in the garden among other gooseberry varieties.

The bush, 1.5 m high, is quite spreading. But this disadvantage is easily compensated for by the high yield of the variety and good winter hardiness. However, the thorns of this variety are very prickly and frequent.


It belongs to the yellow-fruited varieties with large berries - up to 8 g. In fact, the variety has a lot of advantages: resistance to powdery mildew, low spreading of the bush, good yield. And the taste of the fruit is very sweet, dessert.

The variety is classified as mid-early in terms of ripening, while the flowers are resistant to return frosts and practically do not freeze. The bush is characterized by low thorny shoots.


It is an extremely early variety with a compact crown. The yellow berries are medium (up to 4 g) with a dessert sweet and sour taste.

I would immediately like to note that the terms “sweet and sour” and “sweet and sour” differ in meaning: in the first case, sourness prevails, and in the second, sweetness.

Their transportability is quite good, and the yield will also not let you down, according to reviews from those who planted this variety on their site. The berries do not fall off, however, if they are not picked in time, the fruits will become tasteless.

Green varieties

Usually, beginning gardeners are sure: green gooseberries are sour, and red gooseberries are sweet. This statement is not always true. Green berries have a wide range of flavors, it all depends on the specific variety. Just below are descriptions of green-fruited gooseberries.


An old variety with round green berries weighing up to 6 g with a light waxy coating and a large number of seeds inside. The taste is sour, but if the berries are not removed in time, they become sweetish.

The bush itself is vigorous, with thorns, thickened, but it has a long fruiting period, and the fruits are easily transported, which is surprising, because they have a thin skin.


Reaches a height of 1.5 m. At the same time, it has a fairly good yield. According to the ripening period, it belongs to the early varieties. Despite the name, the fruits are not dark, but light green in color, have a sweet and sour taste and weigh about 5 g. The spikiness of the shoots is average.


Gooseberries have a compact bush with white-green berries, also of interesting color. The mid-ripening fruits have thin skin and a very good sweet-sour taste. The weight of one berry usually does not exceed 8 g.

However, the fruits must be collected carefully - this variety is also quite old and has thorns.


Invicta varieties

A controversial variety, although quite popular. Despite its vigorous growth and spreading nature, as well as the shoots dotted with large thorns, it is valued by gardeners for its high yield and sweetness of fruits, weighing about 8 g each.

The advantages of the variety include the non-cracking of fruits, their good transportability and early fruiting - the bush begins to actively bear fruit already at the age of two years.

Ural emerald

Variety Ural emerald

It has pubescent berries, the weight of which reaches 8 g, their taste is dessert, and the aroma is pleasant. The bush is very winter-hardy, able to withstand frosts down to -37 degrees. It belongs to the mid-early varieties, so spring pruning is recommended, which is quite easy to do due to the small and sparse thorniness of the shoots. The first harvest will be produced at the age of three years.


It is a very popular variety due to its oval, large (up to 9 g), pleasant light green fruits. And the taste is very good, sweet and sour. The parameters of the bush itself also do not disappoint: average spreading and height, as well as weak thorniness. The thorns are located only at the base of the shoots.

The fruits ripen in the middle period. However, this variety is prone to frequent diseases, so it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments of the bushes throughout the season.

Red varieties

Red-fruited gooseberry varieties are the most popular among gardeners. Here are the most interesting of them:

Date fruit

The main feature is the unprecedented size of the fruit - the weight of one berry reaches 15 g! Perhaps this is facilitated by late maturation. The berry has a dense skin and is well protected by thorns. But not everything is so perfect; the variety has its drawbacks, namely susceptibility to disease and inability to survive in arid zones.

In general, if you want giant fruits, you will have to provide the bush with constant and complete care. In addition, the taste of the “Date” fruit is not dessert, but sweet and sour.


A variety with short single thorns, which are located only in the lower part of the shoot. The bush has a medium ripening period, is very productive, and is also resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew, which is important. The fruits are bright red, large, grow up to 7 g, sweet and sour with a pleasant aroma.


Already from the name it becomes clear that the berries are red. They have an excellent dessert taste and weigh up to 5 g. The variety can “boast” of high productivity, and gardeners who planted it on their plots can boast of its unpretentiousness. It begins to bear fruit at the age of two years, the highest fruiting occurs in the eighth year, then gradually declines.

Consul or Senator

Gooseberry with large red berries weighing more than 6 g with an average ripening period. When fully ripe they become almost black. The fruits are round, with thin skin, and have low transportability. The number of seeds inside is very small, so the berries make excellent jams. The crown of the bush is dense, but practically without thorns.

The main advantages of the variety are high levels of winter hardiness and productivity. For the first few years, the bush will not bear fruit at full capacity, but then the yield increases by 2.5 times.

Leningrad giant

The name is very popular: there are varieties of gooseberries, honeysuckle and black currants of the same name. The color of the berries is very beautiful and unusual - they have a deep dark pink hue. Their weight reaches 6 g, they are lightly pubescent and round in shape. The taste of the fruit is sweet with subtle sourness. The bush itself is compact and low. The thorniness of the shoots is weak.


The variety is highly winter-hardy and almost without thorns. Perhaps these are the only qualities that he can boast of. The berries are very small - up to 3 g, oval, almost black, with a sweet and sour taste. The bush is vigorous and has an average yield. A variety for the “lazy”, as it is absolutely unpretentious.

Thornless varieties

And now - the most interesting part. Almost all new varieties of gooseberries are thornless, which greatly simplifies picking berries and caring for bushes. Recently, they have become increasingly popular among gardeners. These are the varieties that are presented below:

Commander (or Vladil)

Its distinctive feature is the dark red, almost black berries when harvested late. And during the season they change color from green to brown. The taste is sweet and sour, but the purpose is universal. The bush itself is medium-sized, spreading is weak. Very responsive to frequent watering, especially in hot summer conditions. With proper care, the berries do not fall off the bush and do not crack.


In addition to being thornless, this variety has a number of advantages: drought resistance, high yield, and resistance to a range of diseases. However, the fruits are not very large, weighing 5 g, and have a dessert-sweet taste. An interesting feature of the berries is their color - it changes as they ripen from red to purple.

Ripening period is medium late. A characteristic feature of the variety is drooping branches (usually in gooseberries they are erect).


Late ripening variety. The berries are very sweet, quite large: depending on the care, their size ranges from 4 to 6 g. The yield is very high. The bush is vigorous, slightly spreading - this means that it gains mass very quickly, without losing its compactness.

Ural thornless

Just the perfect mid-late variety. It combines all the most important characteristics for gardeners: the size of the berries (up to 8 g), their hairlessness, a sweet dessert taste, the sour note of which is brought by the thick skin, and high frost resistance.

But the main disadvantage of this variety is its bad habit of dropping berries - severe fruit shedding. The main thing here is not to miss the moment of their ripening and harvest.

Another important factor when choosing a specific gooseberry variety is winter hardiness. Basically, all varieties listed above are suitable for planting in the Moscow region(have sufficient frost resistance for this region).

But not all of them are suitable for the Urals and Siberia zone. The following varieties are recommended for these cold climate zones:

  • Beryl (withstands frosts down to -36 0 C),
  • Ural emerald (also up to -36 0 C),
  • Consul (up to -37 0 C),
  • Belarusian (up to -39 0 C),
  • Kolobok (up to -37 0 C),
  • Krasnoslavyansky (up to -36 0 C),
  • Commander (also up to -36 0 C),
  • Ural thornless (up to -36 0 C),
  • Grushenka.

The remaining varieties presented in this article have lower frost resistance, so planting them in the Ural and Siberian regions will be quite risky and not always justified. In general, in these areas, all hope is for snow - it protects all garden plantings from the cold.

So, to choose a variety for a specific area, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics of the variety: winter hardiness, productivity, disease resistance, drought resistance. This will help the selected variety survive in a particular area.

And such characteristics as the taste and color of the fruit itself, its weight and number of seeds, ripening time - this is the choice of each individual gardener. When the type of gooseberry itself is chosen, all that remains is to purchase and plant it, and this is not as difficult as deciding on the variety.

I wish you successful and tasty varieties on the site!

One of the most favorite shrubs among gardeners is the gooseberry. To grow a heat-loving plant, sunny color and a short summer period may not be enough, so special attention should be paid to the choice of variety.

Many centuries have passed since the first gooseberry appeared in Russia. Over time, the diversity of its species has increased and surprises with its perfection and unpretentiousness.

Each variety has a special taste, the size and color of the berries, the shape of the bush, the presence of thorns and their size. To choose the right plant that suits the conditions of your garden, you need to navigate their varieties.


The varieties bred by breeders are divided into three groups depending on their origin:

  • European. This group includes varieties with large fruits and excellent taste. Unfortunately, such gooseberries are difficult to propagate and are not resistant to infections.
  • American. This includes varieties with small fruits and low taste characteristics. They are not susceptible to fungal diseases and are easily propagated by layering and cuttings.
  • Hybrid American-European. The group included the most used varieties with optimal characteristics. Gooseberries are distinguished by their large fruit size and excellent taste. It is characterized by high fertility and relative resistance to a disease called powdery mildew.

Not every one of them is grown well in central Russia, so in order to choose one of the varieties, you should study the appropriate group thoroughly.

How to choose the best variety

The Moscow region has a special climate. Winter in this region is quite long, and summer does not provide the necessary warmth. Therefore, gardeners in the region need to carefully select suitable gooseberry varieties for the Moscow region.
For planting in such a climate, subspecies are suitable that have the necessary frost resistance and adaptation to weather conditions, easily tolerate strong winds and have strong roots.

The best gooseberry varieties for the Moscow region belong to the American-European hybrid class. These include: kolobok, Russian, spring, malachite, Russian yellow and other shrubs that are not afraid of frost.

Gooseberries: the best varieties for the Moscow region and their characteristics

The market is quite saturated with various types of gooseberries, which have a number of their own characteristics. When choosing a suitable variety for your site, it is necessary to take into account the region and region, since each of them has its own needs in climate, soil saturation and temperature conditions.


Gooseberry bun is characterized by high yield and ripening time (end of July). One bush will allow you to collect up to twelve kg. The fruit is round-oval, dark red, weighs up to 5 g, and has a wonderful taste. The bushes are small, spreading, with sparse thorns.


Russian gooseberry is a frost-resistant variety that produces a good harvest. During the season you can collect from four to ten kilograms of berries. The fruits are large (three to six grams), dark red with a coating of wax. The pulp has a special aroma and a subtle sour-sweet taste. Bushes with medium-sized thorns, tall, not spreading.

Russian yellow

Russian yellow gooseberries received the most flattering reviews from gardeners for their frost resistance, good yields and immunity to fungal diseases. It is considered one of the most common and most suitable for breeding in the Moscow region.

It has excellent taste, the fruits are shaped like an oval and have an amber-yellow coloring, they are quite large - they grow up to five to seven grams. Yellow Russian gooseberries grow in small bushes, so they can be placed not very far from each other.


Amber gooseberry is a representative of early varieties. Large, bright yellow-orange berries have a sweet and sour delicate taste. The shrub grows up to 1.5 meters in height, has single spines and produces a good harvest. It is distinguished by good winter hardiness and disease resistance.


Ripens in mid-June, is characterized by good winter tolerance and resistance to fungal diseases. Gooseberry variety Rodnik has weighty berries (up to 5.5 g), roundish-oval, yellow-green, with red veins and a coating of wax. It reaches up to 1.5 m in height, with thickened straight shoots with single spines. From one bush you can harvest up to 5 kg of crop.


Ripens at the end of June, winter-hardy, adapts well to thaws. A vigorous and compact gooseberry of the Yubileiny variety with thin thorns and distinguished by its numerous ovaries.

It reaches one and a half meters in height and is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose. Bright yellow berries are round or oval in shape, weighing up to four grams.

Senator (Consul)

Gooseberries are known for their productivity (up to five kilograms per bush) and excellent winter hardiness. Not afraid of spring frosts. This variety tolerates heat and drought remarkably well. Not susceptible to infections.

The shrub is vigorous, small in size, and has an average number of thorns. The berries are dark red, grow from 2.5 to 6.3 g and have a sweet and sour taste.


The gooseberry, bred by American breeders, is distinguished by the complete absence of thorns and late ripening of the berries, but has a very high yield. The Captivator variety has a brown-pink color and a sweetish-sour taste; the berries weigh from four to six grams. The shrub is quite large and resistant to powdery mildew.


This variety is distinguished by an average ripening period (mid-summer) and good resistance to winter temperature changes. Not susceptible to powdery mildew virus. The berries are large (from 5 to 7 grams), slightly pear-shaped, bright green with a hint of malachite and covered with a layer of wax. Malachite can produce three to four kilograms of harvest per season.


Gooseberries got their name because of the pear-shaped fruits, which grow to medium size, purple color and pleasant sour-sweet taste. The bushes are frost-resistant, with early flowering, which is not afraid of spring frosts.

Grushenka is also distinguished by its complete absence of thorns, resistance to diseases and a good level of productivity.


Such a wealth and variety of gooseberry varieties allows you to choose a seedling in accordance with the climate, weather conditions and soil fertility. Each summer resident can easily select the type that best suits his taste of berries, his preferences for climate and productivity. When the choice is made, you can proceed to the next step; you can find out how to plant gooseberries in the spring and care for them in this article.

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Gooseberry is a fruit shrub that reaches 1 meter in height. People began to study this plant in ancient times. In Kievan Rus, gooseberries were first mentioned in the 11th century. Nowadays, this crop is considered very popular and its cultivation is widespread throughout the world. The berries of the bush can have different shapes, sizes and colors depending on the characteristics of the variety. They are oval, round or egg-shaped; white, yellow, green, black. Their skin is smooth or hairy, with veins. Gooseberry fruits taste sweet or sour-sour with different flavors. There are about 200 species and more than 1.5 varieties of gooseberries in the world.

History of gooseberries

Gooseberries were first mentioned in the world in the 11th century, in writings on the territory of Kievan Rus. But scientists suggest that this plant appeared long before that. The history of gooseberries is intertwined with France, because... They began to actively engage in it from the middle of the 15th century. The locals literally fell in love with the bush, its appearance, thorns, beautiful and pleasant leaves, and of course, the fragrant and tasty berries.

Over time, they began to grow gooseberries in Germany, using them as a fence, but later they began to eat them as food. In England, gooseberries began to be widely cultivated, creating many new varieties to increase and improve yields. It was in England that most of the gooseberry varieties known to us were created. In this country, the plant was called “goose berry” due to the size of the berries and the sauce that was served with the goose. In Germany, the plant was nicknamed “prickly berry” due to the presence of prickly thorns, in France – “fat boy”.

In Russia, gooseberry cultivation began in the 19th century, growing it and creating new varieties. Paying attention to the British and their shortcomings during the development of new varieties, they also decided to create a variety that would produce large harvests of fruit. They managed to create a variety, one berry of which reached 80 grams.

The gooseberries began to die en masse when they were first attacked by powdery mildew. All the varieties that were brought from Europe to America died, and breeders again began to actively develop new varieties. Scientists claim that previously gooseberries were much larger and tastier, but such varieties have not survived to our time. Today, berries are used both fresh and processed.

By the way, gooseberries are popular not only among people due to their taste, but also among bees, which actively pollinate them. Scientists claim that a hectare of land planted with a plant can produce more than 50 kg of delicious honey.

  • Gooseberries contain more iron than apples
  • Only black currants contain more ascorbic acid than gooseberries.
  • Ripe berries contain more vitamins C than still green berries. Ripe gooseberries are used to treat vitamin deficiency and weak immunity
  • Thanks to the crossing of gooseberries and currants, “yoshta” exists. This is a hybrid whose berries are large and very tasty, and the plant itself has no thorns
  • In England, gooseberries sound like “goose berries”, in Germany - “Christ’s thorns”, in Belarus gooseberries sound like “agrest”, which means “unripe bunch”, in Italy the plant is called “northern grapes”
  • Scientists suggest that the name “gooseberry” has an etymological history, according to which it came from the word “cross” or “kryzh”
  • By cultivating the Chinese gooseberry, breeders got kiwi. Therefore, everyone’s favorite kiwi is, in fact, a gooseberry.
  • Gooseberry is a relative of currant
  • There is not a single legend or myth about the appearance of gooseberries, because... in Ancient Greece and Rome they didn’t even hear about it
  • In France, unripe gooseberries are used to improve the taste of dishes, such as soups and sauces; and fresh berries are almost always eaten fresh
  • Green gooseberries are the most useful because... it helps get rid of radiation
  • Gooseberries contain pectin, which helps remove toxins, waste, heavy salts from the human body
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, powdery mildew destroyed almost all areas with gooseberries, but breeders were able to develop many other, new varieties. Only they failed to restore the taste, large-fruitedness and popularity of the plant
  • Gooseberries were very fond of women in France, especially those who carried a child under their breasts. They began to engage in this crop even more actively, growing it in gardens
  • Gooseberries grown in England began to grow larger and heavier because... Their climate is humid and warm. Literally a hundred years later, the mass of berries increased fourfold
  • Russian aristocrats (18th century) and monastery servants (11th century) fell in love with the culture of growing gooseberries.
  • Strawberries are considered more popular berries than gooseberries.

In the central regions of Russia, gooseberries are grown in almost every area. A detailed description of the variety and photos presented in the article will help you choose the best type of gooseberry, both for a novice gardener and an amateur gardener.

Varieties and their types

The fruits of different varieties of gooseberries differ:

  • Size and shape;
  • Color (green, red, pink, yellow berries);
  • The presence of thorns (thornless, strongly thorny and medium thorny varieties);
  • Maturation period;
  • Productivity.

Based on reviews from summer residents, the best varieties of gooseberries include plants with a small number of straight shoots and a weak tendency to shoot shoots. It is the bushes of such varieties that receive more sunlight and are well ventilated. These factors have a beneficial effect on the volume of the harvest and the taste of the fruit.

The best varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia


Medium sized plant with drooping branches. The bushes have practically no thorns. The fruits are pear-shaped, small in size, weighing about 4.9 grams per unit, the color of the skin varies depending on the degree of ripeness. Initially, the berries are pale reddish in color, but when ripe they are purple. The variety is recommended to be planted in the regions of central Russia, since “Grushenka” tolerates frost and hot, dry summers well. The variety does not suffer from diseases and viruses.

"Russian Yellow"

The plant is of yellow varieties and has medium spreading branches. The bushes are covered with a large number of thorns.

The berries are pear-shaped, yellowish in color, weight per unit is 6 grams. The fruits are covered with a layer of waxy coating.

“Russian Yellow” is resistant to frost and does not suffer from drought, and is immune to viruses and diseases.


The height of the plant bushes is about 1.55 m. The branches are spreading, densely located and covered with thorns.

The berries are oblong, yellowish-orange in color, pleasant to the taste, the weight of one unit is from 5 to 6 grams.

“Amber” has an early ripening period and produces a consistently good harvest. The variety is resistant to frost and drought.


The lower part of the branches of the bush is covered with thorns. The plant is compact and medium in size. The berries are large, one weighs approximately 6.9 grams. The shape of the fruit is elongated, the skin color is light red. The pulp tastes sweet and sour. “Kolobok” tolerates frost and low temperatures. Has immunity against the following diseases: anthracnose and powdery mildew.

The best varieties of gooseberries with large fruits


A plant with tall, powerful branches and an even crown. Represents large varieties. The weight of one berry is up to 10 g, the shape is oblong-pear-shaped, the skin color is dark burgundy.

The taste of the fruit pulp is sourish-sweet. “Defender” refers to varieties with early ripening. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and has immunity against powdery mildew.


The bushes of the plant are covered with thorns. The fruits are large, the weight of one varies from 3 to 5.9 grams. The color of the berries is pink, the pulp is sweet and sour in taste, and has a wonderful aroma.

“Candy” is frost-resistant and does not require pollination. Each season brings from 1.9 to 6.3 kg per bush. Has immunity against powdery mildew and anthracnose.

This variety has a minus: “Candy” often becomes a victim of septoria. It is recommended to grow in the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia.


It has a medium late ripening period. A medium-sized plant with a slightly spreading crown. The branches have practically no thorns. The weight of one berry is about 7 grams, the shape is pear-shaped, the color of the skin is deep red.

The pulp is tasty and sweet. You can collect up to 5 kg of berries from one bush. "Cooperator" is a dessert variety. The species is not susceptible to fruit rot and is frost-resistant.


A medium-sized plant with a semi-spreading crown, with a small number of thorns on the branches. It has a medium late ripening period. The fruits are large, egg-shaped, each weighs about 10 grams. The color of the berries is red, the pulp tastes sweet and sour. During the season, you can collect up to 7.6 kg of mature gooseberries from one bush. "Leningradets" tolerates low temperatures well and is not susceptible to the spread of powdery mildew.


The plant is of medium height and forms a neat crown. The weight of one berry is from 5 to 6 grams; with proper care, the weight can increase to 8 grams. The fruits have a round, oblong shape. The skin is dense, yellowish-green in color. The fruit pulp is sweet and tasty. Can be consumed both fresh and processed. “Rodnik” tolerates frost well and is resistant to the appearance and spread of fungal diseases.

Interesting! Unfavorable weather conditions will not prevent you from harvesting a rich harvest from the bush.

The best winter-hardy gooseberry varieties


The shrub grows to medium size, the branches form a neat crown. There are often thorns at the bottom of the shoots. The weight of one berry is from 7.9 to 9 grams, the gooseberry is round in shape and has a greenish tint. It has excellent taste and belongs to the dessert variety. From one bush per season you can harvest up to 9 kg of mature harvest. “Beryl” is resistant to low temperatures down to – 35 degrees. Has immunity against fruit rot.


The variety was obtained by crossing “African” and “Chelyabinsk green”. Has many advantages.

The crown of the plant is compact and dense, the shoots have thorns. The branches of the bush are strewn with many almost black berries, the pulp of which has a pleasant taste.

"Ural emerald"

The plant has a medium-sized crown, not very tall, and there are few thorns on the shoots. The fruits are smooth, without pubescence, the weight of one unit is about 8g. “Ural emerald” is so called because the berries growing on its branches are bright. The pulp is tasty and aromatic. Ripe fruits can be collected only 3-4 years after planting the bush. The variety tolerates frost well and will not suffer at temperatures down to -37 degrees.


The variety has another name - “Senator”. The plant is compact, medium in size with a dense crown and branches covered with thorns. The fruits are large, the weight of one unit is about 6 grams. The color of the berries is dark burgundy, rich. The skin is delicate and susceptible to damage, so it is not recommended to transport this type of gooseberry. The pulp makes excellent jam because there are practically no seeds inside. The plant is frost-resistant down to -38 degrees. Productivity increases several times 2-3 years after planting.


The plant is compact and small. The branches are strewn with many thorns. The fruits are round, the weight of one unit is about 8 grams. The skin is thin, rich green in color, and has a shade that repeats the color tone of malachite. The pulp is pleasant to the taste, juicy and sweet. The variety is a representative of the old selection. “Belorussky” is resistant to low temperatures down to – 38.5 degrees. It has an average harvest ripening period.


The plant is of medium size, the crown is not dense, and is formed by slightly spreading branches with thorns. Gooseberries are large, round in shape, weighing about 9 grams per unit. The skin is smooth, without fluff or plaque, and has a rich red color. The berries belong to the dessert variety and have a pleasant taste.

It is important to know! “Krasnoslavyansky” bears fruit the next year after planting. After a couple of years, you can collect from 6 to 7 kg of mature gooseberries from a bush. The species tolerates frost well and is not susceptible to powdery mildew.

The best thornless gooseberry varieties


Medium-height bushes form a compact crown. The branches are smooth and have no thorns. The variety is very popular in Russia among summer residents and gardeners. The weight of one berry is from 4 to 6 grams. The skin color is deep black. The top of the gooseberry is covered with a layer of plaque, under which thin skin and sweet and sour pulp are hidden. "Eaglet" ripens early and brings a good harvest every season. The species is not susceptible to fruit rot and tolerates frost well.


The plant is compact, small, the branches are smooth without thorns. The fruits are large, round, deep purple in color. Represents sweet varieties. The pulp is sweet with sourness and has a blackcurrant flavor. Berries appear on the shoots after 2-3 years. “African” is not afraid of frost and has immunity against many diseases. There is a risk of infection with anthracnose.

"Northern Captain"

The most famous of all varieties of this garden crop. The branches of the plant are arranged vertically, they form a neat and compact crown. The color of the berries is rich, almost black. The weight of one unit is about 4 grams. The pulp is sweet, with a slight sourness, pleasant to the taste. “Northern Captain” matures in the middle period. If you constantly feed and fertilize the soil, you can achieve high yields, approximately 12 kg of berries per bush. The variety is resistant to frost, drought and disease.

"Ural thornless"

A compact plant with large green fruits. The weight of one unit is about 8 grams. The skin of the berries is dense, smooth, without fluff, hiding the sweet pulp. “Ural Thornless” has an average ripening period and is resistant to low temperatures.

Healthy! The disadvantage of this type is that it drops berries ahead of time. Therefore, it is better to harvest the fruits earlier than the stated ripening period. The branches of the bush do not have thorns.

"Thornless gooseberry"

The branches of the bush grow upward, they form a compact crown. The weight of one fruit is about 5 grams. The berries are ring-shaped, the skin is light red.

The pulp tastes sweet, pleasant with a slight sourness. “Thornless gooseberry” tolerates the cold season well and is not susceptible to the spread of powdery mildew.


When choosing a variety to grow in your garden, you need to pay special attention to the ripening period of the fruits, their size, shape and taste. Both an experienced gardener and an amateur will find a species that will be ideal in all respects, since there are a huge number of varieties of gooseberries.

Watch the video! Review of gooseberry varieties


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