Buy codeine cough syrup. All about the narcotic effects of codeine and codeine cough syrup

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Experts say that any, even the most effective medicine can turn into poison if used without measure. It is rare that ordinary people have information on chemical properties substances included in medications. But some of them may have undesirable effects, including the development of drug addiction. These compounds include codeine.

This compound is part of effective medications widely used in medical practice. If such medications are used incorrectly, the patient runs the risk of encountering big troubles. Let's find out what codeine is, how to take it correctly and when to take it so as not to harm your health.

Codeine is 3-Methylmorphine (or opium alkaloid) with a mild narcotic effect. This substance is widely used as an antitussive drug; it has no odor, is highly soluble in liquids and quickly disappears under the influence of oxygen.

Codeine is known for its excellent pain-relieving abilities; this compound is used in the fight against cough syndrome and is included in many medications.

The therapeutic effects of codeine are based on its antitussive and analgesic abilities; it has been noted that this substance is also excellent for various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In the world of pharmaceuticals, drugs containing codeine are widely used. The most popular of them are the following:

  1. Sedatives: Sedal-M.
  2. Analgesics: Nurofen, Caffetin.
  3. Antipyretics: Torpenkod, Codelmixt.
  4. Painkillers: Codelac, Solpadeine, Pentalgin.
  5. Antitussives: Codesan, Codelac; in the form of syrups: Neo-codion, Koffex and Tussamg.

Codeine is an opium alkaloid

In the Russian Federation, the codeine compound is included in the II List of Narcotic Drugs. This ban on codeine in Russia means that everyone medications containing this substance are distributed exclusively through pharmacy chains and are released to consumers only with a prescription.

Strict restrictions apply not only to codeine, but also to its derivatives (norcodeine, oxymorphine and desomorphine). Illegal production and distribution of these substances is subject to criminal penalties.

Negative consequences

Codeine-containing medications are available in the form of syrups, powders and tablets. The effect of codeine on the body is such that, even when taking medications based on this compound prescribed by a physician, medications of this type should be handled very carefully, strictly following the doctor’s recommendations. Otherwise, you will have to face a number of troubles in the form of dangerous side effects. In particular:

CNS Cardiac system Respiratory system Gastrointestinal tract Urinary system Skin

vision problems;



general lethargy;



muscle stiffness

blood pressure surges;


severe shortness of breath;

swelling of the larynx;

atelectasis (collapse of the pulmonary lobe);


dry mouth;

nausea to the point of vomiting;

weight loss (threat of anorexia);


frequent urge;

decreased diuresis;

pain when going to the toilet


red rash;



The maximum permissible dose of codeine should not exceed 0.02 g per day; codeine-containing drugs should not be used before driving or working with complex mechanisms– they negatively affect a person’s reaction.

Drug overdose

If you show frivolity while taking the drug and ignore medical instructions, the patient will have to face the symptoms of an overdose. They appear in this form:

  • cold sweat;
  • dizziness;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • confusion;
  • convulsive state;
  • drowsiness, nervousness;
  • general lethargy and weakness;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • blood pressure drops to critical levels;
  • respiratory depression up to pulmonary paralysis;
  • loss of consciousness, high risk of developing a coma.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately call a medical team. Before doctors arrive, the victim should be given an adsorbent (after washing the stomach) and provide the person with complete rest and a supply of fresh air.

Human, for a long time a person taking codeine may not be aware that he has developed a drug addiction

Codeine as a drug

All opiate compounds, which include codeine, are characterized by complete relaxation of the body, drowsiness and euphoria after administration. The effects of codeine manifest themselves quite quickly - after just 6-7 minutes a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body, and the muscles begin to weaken, making it difficult for a person to move.

Addicts prefer to take the drug codeine in a secluded place, where they can relax and get the desired euphoria.

The first time after taking a dose of codeine, a person feels complete satisfaction and pleasant sensations. All his worries and worries go away. The sedative effect, which relieves feelings of anxiety, causes drowsiness and general weakness in the individual. This sensation lasts up to 4–6 hours (depending on the dose taken). Codeine is a substance that can cause addiction and over time the body requires an increase in the amount of the drug.

Over time, a person who takes codeine on a regular basis no longer receives the desired satisfaction. It is replaced by nervousness, irritability and panic attacks. But the desire to take the pill again remains. According to medical observations, the risk group includes people suffering from chronic migraines and using codeine-containing medications for pain relief.

Dependence on codeine develops after 7–10 days of daily use of codeine-containing drugs.

If, even if you feel well, a person habitually takes a codeine tablet, you should think about it - after all, this may be a signal of the development of drug addiction. After getting used to codeine, a person can switch to heavier drugs. To prevent such a sad development of events, you should take codeine strictly in the dose prescribed by your doctor and do not arbitrarily extend the course of treatment.

How the drug is made

To create a narcotic substance, drug addicts do not require codeine as a pure formula. To create a drug, it is enough to use a regular pharmaceutical drug (such as Codelac or Nurofen). These syrups are mixed with alcoholic drinks, tranquilizers and energy drinks. Codeine-based narcotic cocktails such as:

  1. Perple, made from medicinal syrup containing codeine, mineral water and tonic. Food coloring is used to add bright color.
  2. Drank. In addition to medication, codeine includes Promethazine (an antihistamine used to treat allergies) or marijuana.
  3. "Dirty Sprite." Contains tranquilizers, codeine syrup and lemon soda.

Drug cocktails based on codeine syrup are made in nightclubs

How to identify an addict

A codeine addict, like any other addict, does not consider himself a sick person at all. Such persons completely lose the ability to objectively assess their own condition. Therefore, relatives and friends can help a person get out of the drug dope by promptly referring the addict to a drug clinic for treatment.

You can understand that a person is already addicted to codeine and has acquired a drug addiction by the following symptoms:

  • the patient demands to increase the dose of the drug, believing that without this he will not experience improvement;
  • after taking another dose of codeine-based medication, a person’s mood significantly improves;
  • in the absence of codeine, the addict experiences insomnia, migraines, nausea and vomiting;
  • 2–3 hours after taking the pills, the person’s emotional background changes, becoming too sad and irritable;
  • The functioning of the brain also begins to suffer, this is manifested by memory lapses, the inability to concentrate, and concentration decreases;
  • Gradually, the codeine addict begins to show signs of social degradation (indifference to life, work, and previous hobbies appears).

How does the treatment work?

With proper consumption of the prescribed medication (strictly in the dose prescribed by the physician), addiction to codeine does not occur. We can talk about the development of addiction if a person takes codeine-containing drugs for more than two weeks, and daily in increased doses. This type of addiction is treated in specialized drug treatment clinics. Therapy is carried out in several stages:

  1. Complete detoxification of the body.
  2. A course of prescribed therapy to relieve withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Conducting individual sessions with a psychotherapist - an experienced specialist helps the patient regain lost social skills.

The duration of treatment depends on the drug experience and the dose that has already become habitual for the patient. On average, the course of therapy (medication) lasts up to 6 weeks. Help from psychotherapists is required for a longer period – up to 4 months.

Codeine addiction develops after just a few months of using codeine-containing drugs.


Codeine, if taken strictly as prescribed by doctors, in compliance with the dose and course of treatment, no harmful effects will not harm the body. Otherwise, the addict risks own health. Against the background of existing addiction, patients experience the following physical disorders:

  1. Anorexia, intestinal obstruction and gastralgia.
  2. Suffering greatly nervous system, there have been cases of development of schizophrenia against the background of long-term codeine consumption.
  3. Pathologies and diseases of the cardiovascular system (the most dangerous manifestation is failure of the heart and subsequent death of a person).

If, in the case of acute poisoning with codeine-containing drugs, the victim is not helped in time (administration of antidotes, artificial respiration, cardiac massage), death will inevitably occur.


Of course, codeine has a number of useful and necessary qualities for humans. It is not for nothing that medications based on this compound are among the best and most effective. But codeine provides assistance only if the prescribed dose and duration of the course of therapy are strictly and impeccably observed. Otherwise, you have to deal with serious drug addiction, which requires a long and difficult period of treatment.

Fortunately, the drink lin cannot be called a common drink. Therefore, even the name is unfamiliar to many. But information about the composition and properties of the product should be known to both teenagers and their parents. Why should hearing the word “lin” from a child raise alarm bells? Let's figure it out.

Origin of the drink

The drink Lean appeared in the southern part of the United States and was in demand among hip-hop fans. DJ Screw is considered its inventor and main popularizer.

Young people enthusiastically accepted the new product. The cocktail looked aggressive and catchy thanks to purple color, and its effect, according to amateurs, helped to relax.

What is the reason unusual color and the lean effect? The recipe for the drink involved the use of certain pharmaceutical preparations containing codeine and promethazine. Cough syrup diluted with sweet soda, Sprite, or turns into a dangerous cocktail that has the effect of a recreational drug.

DJ Skrew came up with more than just a drink. His trademark was the invention of a peculiar technique in music, when a hip-hop hit was slowed down with the help of equipment, turning into a depressing, drawn-out composition. Such music became an excellent background for drinking lean, and subsequently the musical style and the drink increased the popularity and spread of each other, forming the basis of a new youth subculture.

Other names

You can find some variations of the name of the drink. Lin is not his only name, nor is it the most common. In its historical homeland, the drink was often called “sizzrp”, “perp”, “drank”. The names were invented for conspiracy purposes, and the word “perp” clearly has a connection with the English “purple.”

Principles of preparing the drink

Since lin is currently listed as a precursor, its production may lead to legal problems. But general principles It is advisable for every teenager to know the preparation in order to avoid tasting this drink.

How to make lean? It is always based on cough syrup mixed with tonic, mineral water, low alcohol drink. Nothing complicated technological processes not used, liquids are simply mixed in one container. Often a candy, such as lollipop, is dissolved in the mixture.

If a company offers to try such a cocktail, you should refuse (however, in some cases it will turn out to be a dummy, because the suitable syrup also belongs to the list of precursors, so it is not sold without a prescription).

In the southern United States, things have always been different with precursors, which did a disservice to the popularization of lean. Neighboring Mexico has much more lenient laws regarding the sale of drugs, so the youth there did not have problems obtaining the necessary drugs.

Danger to life and health

Let's look at the composition of the drink. Lean contains components that depress the respiratory centers. In a medicine that is used according to indications, these substances work differently, and a single dose from a spoonful of syrup is much lower than from a glass of lean.

As a result, relaxation occurs, reactions are suppressed, and life processes slow down. The condition seems unusual, attracting with its novelty - this has always aroused the interest of young people in the purple cocktail.

According to experts, even the first test portion is dangerous to life and health. You don't necessarily need to drink several liters of lean to block your breathing and lose control of your body.

By the way, the inventor of lean died from a codeine and promethazine overdose. It has been reliably established that this drink was the cause of the musician’s death. There were many such tragic cases, which caused increased attention from the authorities to the purple cocktail and the introduction of corresponding bans.

Legal analogues

Some manufacturers decided to make money on the popularity of the drink. Lean in its original form, of course, cannot be legally produced either in the United States or in other countries, but in 2008, the Texas company Innovative Beverage Group introduced a similar-colored drink, Drank, to the market. The action was stated as anti-energy, but it is based not on codeine and promethazine, but on calming herbs. Later, analogues appeared on sale in the USA, one of which even bears the name Lean, but has nothing in common except color with Skrew’s invention.

The ancient Chinese said that any substance can be a medicine or a poison, only the measure when using it is important. This rule is perfectly suited for the drug codeine. Many people know it as an ingredient in powerful cough medicines. But some have found other uses for it, producing drugs from codeine. Knowing the possibilities and consequences of taking this drug can protect you from negative consequences for health, and we once again remind you that Using any type of drug causes irreparable harm to your physical and mental health.

So, let's talk about using codeine. Both in medicinal, therapeutic doses, in the treatment of various kinds of diseases, and in a drug addict environment - as part of homemade drugs.

What is codeine? Chemical formula of codeine.

- 3-methylmorphine, an opium alkaloid that is used as a centrally acting antitussive drug, usually in combination with other substances in the composition combination drugs. The substance has a weak narcotic (opiate) and analgesic effect, and therefore is also used as a component of painkillers (Pentalgin, Solpadeine, Codelac).

Chemical codeine formula C18H21NO3

Codeine is made from morphine and belongs to the class of opiates. As a medicine, due to the special properties of morphine, it can effectively eliminate cough. In small doses and with moderate consumption, it can be considered relatively safe. But, given the popularity of self-medication in our country, codeine can become a threat to human health and life. Often, even a codeine-containing drug recommended by a doctor is taken in violation of the dosage specified in the instructions.

Therefore, having received a prescription for a drug containing codeine, you should not thoughtlessly purchase it and use it at your own discretion. It is imperative to follow the doctor’s recommendations, or refuse to take it altogether, asking a specialist to prescribe an analogue without narcotic substances. Perhaps the disease will not proceed so smoothly, but you will definitely be able to avoid mistakes when taking the medicine and the emergence of addiction.

What you need to know about codeine?

Nowadays, most often the patient wants to receive a quick and effective treatment, and he is not at all interested in how such an effect is achieved. Having alleviated the symptoms, he goes to work or prefers to stay at home, taking a short vacation. But it is enough to learn more about the action of codeine to doubt the advisability of taking it.

Initially, codeine is made from morphine, but after the drug enters the human body, the opposite effect is observed - approximately a tenth of the drug becomes morphine. As a result, we observe rapid relief from the symptoms of the disease and even some euphoria. Moreover, such a “sublime”, “joyful” state is attributed precisely to getting rid of a cough. However, in fact, its basis is the narcotic effect of morphine.

Now imagine that you exceeded the dose, wanting to consolidate the effect, or take the drug longer than prescribed. In this case, the risk of becoming a drug addict increases significantly. This effect on the body gave rise to the term “ codeine addiction", which was first seen in the United States.

The fact is that many residents of the south of this country regularly take cough syrups. As a result, many of them become so accustomed to the drug that they continue to use the syrup even after the painful symptoms have passed. After the end of the treatment, they are all observed external signs"drug withdrawal":

  • Decreased appetite.
  • The appearance of nervousness, irritability.
  • Gastrointestinal disorder, etc.

These signs pass, but those who like to “indulge” in cough syrups containing codeine still become short-term physically dependent on them. And only the fact that in minimal doses this drug does not cause psychological dependence allows one to independently get out of the drug abyss into which they began to fall.

Today pharmacies offer a large number medicines containing codeine. These are all kinds tablets and syrups containing codeine. To avoid problems, just carefully study the composition of the drug in the instructions. It should be remembered that you can almost always find a less effective, but safer, replacement.

Codeine and its effect on the body. Action of codeine.

The nature of action of codeine is close to morphine, but the analgesic properties are less pronounced; the ability to reduce the excitability of the cough center is strongly expressed. To a lesser extent than morphine, it depresses breathing. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is also less inhibited. On some people it has the opposite, stimulating effect, with severe insomnia.

In small doses: about 100 milligrams (0.1 g), codeine is safe. Drug dependence can occur if they are exceeded, and long-term use of the drug for weeks and months is also dangerous. It should be borne in mind that changes in the effect of the drug as the dose increases occur in arithmetic progression. Unfortunately, many people do not think about the consequences of their actions, as a result of which even a completely prosperous person can become a drug addict.

Narcotic effect of codeine

In large doses, codeine has a specific narcotic effect, which is expressed in:

  • The appearance of pleasant warmth in the body.
  • Short, 2-5 minutes, blackouts.
  • A feeling of calm and indifference to problems.

It’s not enough to call such an effect simply “pleasant” - it shows a person that everything can become “good” without any effort on his part. Typically, this effect of the drug lasts more than two hours, simultaneously causing talkativeness, causeless laughter, and a desire to do something. In this case, the thread of the conversation is often lost, insomnia, increased mobility, and hyperactivity appear.

If someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, you need to take appropriate action - at a minimum, tell them what you learn from this article.

Signs of codeine use

Signs of use This drug has similar effects to heroin and opium:

Physiological signs:

  • The eyes are red and very shiny.
  • Bruises under the eyes.
  • Breathing becomes shallow, intermittent and slow.
  • Severe constriction of the eye pupils.
  • Confused, confused speech.
  • Tired, lethargic and sleepy appearance.
  • Itchy skin (especially the itchy nose).
  • A slight general decrease in body temperature.
  • Dry skin and mucous membranes of the lips and tongue.
  • Superficial, disturbing sleep.
  • Decreased urine output.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • When you have a cold, there is no cough (codeine's ability to reduce the excitability of the cough center affects it).

Mental and psychological signs of codeine use:

  • Nervousness and irritability.
  • Passivity and general relaxation.
  • Apathy towards everything except oneself and one’s own drug state.
  • Euphoria and unreasonable carelessness.
  • Excessive determination in actions and courage.

Consequences of using codeine

All medications have side effects, and codeine is no exception. It is important to understand that the severity of the harmful effects of codeine use increases with increasing dosage. Like any drug, codeine, when taken for a long time, leads to serious (and often irreversible) pathological disorders of all organs and systems of the body.

If we talk about the consequences of using codeine in medical practice, we can note the following:

  1. The muscles atrophy, decrease in volume and become weak.
  2. Doctors also note serious consequences for internal organs and hematopoietic organs. Drug addicts experience chronic internal bleeding, which over time leads to the development of anemia.
  3. Respiratory and cardiovascular system. The heart rate and breathing slow down, and blood pressure levels drop.
  4. From the outside digestive system: stomach pain, constipation, nausea and vomiting are noted. In addition, codeine inhibits the contraction of intestinal smooth muscles, as a result of which food passes through it with great difficulty.
  5. Reproductive system. Almost all drug addicts experience problems in the sexual sphere, such as decreased or complete absence of libido, impaired potency in men, and infertility in women.
  6. Nervous system. A person becomes distracted, his memory and attention are impaired. Psychosis develops and the patient often falls into a state of deep depression. Sharply, and often irrevocably, a decrease in intelligence occurs and the patient degrades as a person, becomes asocial, and does not make good contact.
  7. There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

All these symptoms are similar when using any drug from the opiate group.

Of course, when using codeine as a narcotic drug, and not for therapeutic purposes, the difference in consequences will be expressed only in degrees harm. The consequences of non-medicinal use will be much more pronounced than with medicinal use, since the doses are much larger.

Video: Codeine-containing drugs are prohibited

Video: Crocodile from the pharmacy

Codeine overdose and its symptoms

Remember that abuse of codeine-containing drugs can lead to serious addiction and overdose. Symptoms of codeine overdose:

  • Constricted pupils.
  • Sweating.
  • Shiver.
  • Cramps.
  • Difficulty, constricted breathing.
  • Confusion.
  • Stomach or intestinal cramps.
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension).
  • Blueness of lips and nails.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Weak pulse.
  • Coma.

Codeine in drugs

Codeine is a component for the production of a number of dangerous drugs, including the so-called “crocodile” drug handicraft, literally leading to death within a few months. The danger of this drug also lies in the fact that after just one or two doses a person develops dependence on it, and after a few more weeks the dependence becomes almost irreversible.

On the other hand, in Lately There has been a decrease in the use of drugs based on codeine. This fact is due to the fact that medications containing it are produced by prescription. At the same time, this does not exclude the possibility of purchasing these drugs bypassing the existing pharmacy system, especially since the cost of codeine drugs is lower than the cost of the closest analogues supplied to the black market in pure form.

In addition, unscrupulous pharmacies dispense codeine-containing drugs to drug addicts without a prescription. After all, codeine is, first of all, the so-called pharmaceutical drug.

Therefore, try to be attentive to your loved ones. At the first sign of codeine use or prescription drug overdose, immediate action should be taken to prevent the person from becoming an addict.

If you quit codeine

Taking products with codeine and noticing the first signs of addiction, many people manage to comprehend their mistake and try to stop using this substance. At the same time, they face many difficulties typical of drug addicts. In such cases only real help and the moral support of others will allow the drug addict to avoid a sad fate, since codeine easily “takes him into slavery”, but does not want to “part with his slaves” just as easily.

The first feeling that an “addict through negligence” encounters after stopping taking the drug is a depressed state. Depression begins to follow a person everywhere, he literally cannot do anything. His brain can only look for excuses and opportunities to resume taking the drug.

Suppose that with a gigantic effort of will the desire was overcome, although it is much stronger than the desire of a quitting smoker to smoke “one more, last cigarette.” But depression will not disappear from this, and the person will continue to feel indecision and worthlessness.

In addition, the drug addict’s appearance undergoes changes no less than changes in character. A person ages rapidly, and in practice there have even been cases where a drug addict turns gray, goes bald, and his nails and teeth crumble in just a few months. This further contributes to depression and makes it difficult to think about anything other than taking codeine again.

Therefore, do not hesitate and be sure to seek help from specialized medical institutions, clinics and drug treatment clinics!

How to Quit Codeine- not an easy question, but if such a question arises, it means that the path to recovery has already begun. However, stopping the use of any drugs leads to a serious condition called withdrawal syndrome. Of course, it is much better if a person is under the supervision of highly qualified doctors during this period.

How to get rid of codeine addiction? Treatment of codeine addiction.

Codeine is not as dangerous as heroin, but addiction to it gradually leads to irreversible consequences. Therefore, many people addicted to codeine try to stop using this drug and return to normal life on their own. But doing this without outside help, due to the chemical characteristics of this drug, is problematic, and only a few can cope with this.

In addition, even after getting rid of physiological dependence and overcoming the “withdrawal” stage, the addict is still in psychological dependence. On the one hand, the body after drug treatment gets rid of codeine, and on the other hand, any careless step leads to a relapse. Moreover, this condition can persist for the rest of your life.

Some return to using drugs, wanting to rid their brain of problems at least for a short period of time environment. But if you value yourself and your loved ones, you shouldn’t turn your own life into hell again and quickly fall into the abyss in search of inevitable death.

Only complete abstinence from drug use will help you start living a happy life!

Just like every subculture has its own preferred music genres, appearance and behavior, so they also have their favorite psychoactive substances. Punks of the 80s relied on alcohol and heroin, raves-goers chose ecstasy pills, and hippies preferred LSD and marijuana.

It's more complicated with rappers. Here, odes to cocaine and weed coexist with anthems in honor of Hennessy and Xanax, so popular among young MCs in recent years.

But there is something that stands apart from all these substances and has gained the status of a cult drink, especially among “southerners”. You guessed it right, we are talking about a drink made from codeine syrup. This will be discussed in our article.


The drink with codeine and promethazine (lean, purple drank, sizzurp, dirty sprite) has almost half a century of history. The forerunner of the purple drink was a cocktail of robotussin and beer. It was used by blues musicians, and the roots of this habit originate in the sixties of the 20th century from sunny Houston, in the southern United States in the state of Texas. In the 80s, the formula of the magic potion was changed - robotussin was replaced by a syrup with codeine and promethazine, prescribed as a cough medicine.

Until the 90s, drunk remained something of a local Houston custom, until the appearance of a man under the pseudonym DJ Screw on the southern hip-hop scene. It is he who is considered the pioneer of such a phenomenon as chopped and screwed. Skrew claimed that the idea of ​​“slowing down” records was inspired by codeine syrup - just as slow and “inhibiting” in its effect.

DJ Screw gave birth to a monster that then bit his head off - he died in 2000 at the age of 29 from a deadly cocktail of lean and alcohol. This will not be the last death caused by codeine. But first things first.

The banner of “preachers” of codeine madness was taken up by the super-popular group of those years, Three 6 Mafia. With their track “Sippin’ On Some Syrup”, together with the group UGK, they essentially introduced the expression “purple drank”, making it sustainable. This had the effect of a bombshell: as of 2004, more than 8 percent of Texas high school students at least once in their lives (and more often regularly) used purple mixture not for the purpose of getting rid of a cough.

Codeine and promethazine became new symbols of the hustler's “dirty South,” just like gold grills or expensive Cadillacs. Drinking syrup became fashionable; it was a kind of marker of well-being and financial success. Characteristic plastic glasses began to appear more and more often in rappers' videos.

The epidemic of codeine addiction swept the hip-hop scene with renewed vigor in 2011, when the little-known but very promising MC A$AP Rocky released the now legendary single “Purple Swag.” It’s not hard to guess what was read in this track, and together with Rocky’s deliberately sleepy and lazy flow and atmospheric beat, “Purple Swag” made a completely hypnotic impression, and quickly became an anthem for those who like to slow down.

And so it began.

Juicy J, Young Jeezy, Soulja Boy, Gucci Mane, Meek Mill, Young Thug, Future, Danny Brown - the list goes on and on. For all these famous MCs, the number of references to codeine and metaphors referring to it exceeds all permissible limits, and some (like Juicy J and Gucci Mane) even titled their releases after the purple swill (Blue Dreams & Lean and World War 3 Vol. 1: Lean, respectively). What is the secret of such wild popularity of drak?

Anatomy and physiology.

The technology for preparing lean is simple, like everything ingenious. The main ingredient, naturally, is a cough syrup with codeine and promethazine. This drug is sold strictly by prescription, but this is by no means a problem - in Mexico, which borders Texas, you can buy syrup absolutely freely.

Codeine is the “key” for which millions of people, in fact, poison their bodies. It belongs to the opiate group of drugs. Distinctive feature of this class of substances is “slowing down”. It feels like many hours have passed, when in reality not even a few minutes have passed. There is also euphoria, relaxation, and anxiety disappears. The person becomes lethargic and serene.

Often the appearance of the so-called “codeine dreams” - vivid, extremely realistic images that appear in the mind of a person under the influence of syrup.

We will return to codeine later, but for now let’s talk about preparation technology.

The above mixture is mixed with tonic or mineral water. Sprite soda has become especially popular as a “diluter” - it’s not for nothing that the expression “dirty sprite” has become a catchphrase. For sweetness and taste, sweets are optionally added - these can be the beloved Haribo jelly bears or the well-known Chupa-Chups ball - whatever you like.

So where's the catch here?

Codeine, as mentioned, is an opiate. That is, a substance belonging to the same class as the notorious heroin. Everyone knows how dangerous and destructive heroin addiction can be. Addiction to codeine, as well as withdrawal after stopping its use, is not as painful as in the case of heroin, but it is extremely exhausting - depressing withdrawal symptoms can last for weeks, and not everyone has the willpower to endure this painful torture.

In addition, codeine, like any drug of the opiate group, is a depressant, i.e. has the property of suppressing many body systems, primarily respiratory and cardiovascular. Respiratory or cardiac arrest is the most common reason deaths from overdose of opiates, including codeine.

Lean also has a great impact on the liver and kidneys, which is quite logical to assume - the organ systems that process the poison that is toxic to them take on enormous damage.

Terrible headaches, chills, sweating, severe diarrhea, insomnia, debilitating depression - this is far from full list what awaits the poor guy who decides to “jump off.” But, nevertheless, it can be done. If you have time.


Many didn't make it in time.

The first victim of the “dirty sprite” was the already mentioned DJ Screw. To be fair, it must be said that Skrew would hardly have been able to live without syrup long life- He was addicted to alcohol, smoked a lot of cigarettes, and his diet consisted mainly of unhealthy, fatty foods. However, it was the lean that became that last purple drop that overflowed the cup of life of the discoverer of chopped and screwed.

The UGK group, which along with Three 6 Mafia were the flagships of the “dirty South,” suffered the loss of Pimp C. The rapper died of respiratory arrest caused by codeine syrup in 2007. He was 33 years old.

A$AP Yams, a member and ideological inspirer of the New York group A$AP Mob, a friend and mentor of the now super-popular A$AP Rocky, died even earlier - at only 26 years old. During the autopsy, traces of several drugs, including opiates, were found in the rapper’s body. The rapper’s last tweet was the entry “BODEINE BRAZY,” the meaning of which takes on a particularly sinister sound after Yams’ death. Impressed by the death of a close friend, A$AP Rocky himself refused the purple drink.

Fredo Santana, a prominent Chicago MC, has walked on the edge of a purple razor more than once. In his own words, several times the syrup brought him to convulsions, seizures and bleeding. The rapper came to his senses and went to a clinic for rehabilitation, but, alas, it was too late - his liver and kidneys received too serious damage, incompatible with life. At the age of 27, Fredo passed away. He left behind a son.

There is every reason to believe that codeine contributed to the death of Lord Infamous and Koopsta Knicca - representatives of the same Three 6 Mafia that thundered throughout the world in the 2000s. Both died from cardiac arrest, which, as we remember, very often occurs with the direct participation of codeine or is a long-term consequence of its use.

Lil Wayne also came close to death many times. Perhaps the most avid drinker at the moment, Vizzy experienced coma several times, and the intensive care ward became his second home. Wayne has repeatedly shared his experiences with drinking booze in his tracks, the most famous of which was “I Feel Like Dying“. We can only hope that Lil Tunchi will have enough prudence to stop the disintegration of his body and not join the sad list of those who passed away “thanks” to Lin.


The purpose of this text was not propaganda (hello, Roskomnadzor!) or “whitewashing” of codeine syrup. We wanted to show that you have to pay for everything in this world, and the price for using such harsh drugs as opiates is especially concentrated. “Find what you love and let it kill you” - this quote from the American writer Charles Bukowski applies one hundred percent to drak. Many great people have used drugs. But, firstly, not all great people did this, and, secondly, drugs can easily turn the life of even a great person into hell, if not end it altogether. We invite everyone to remember this if they want to take something “for inspiration.” Take care of yourself.

With the rise of Houston hip-hop in the southern United States and then throughout America, the local tradition of drinking codeine cough syrup began to attract more attention.

The most popular names for the mixture sipped from the inevitable foam cups were “drank”, “sizzrp”, “lin”, “purp” or simply “erp”. After a certain time the syrup becomes main theme songs and videos created in Houston, America's cultural wasteland. Influenced by purple shingles, the notorious Dj Screw in the early 90s came up with a new sound for hip-hop called “chopped and screwed” (which Russian-speaking hacks agreed to translate as “chopped and slowed down”). Skrew would take some hip-hop and slow down its tempo until it turned into a meditative mushy mess that began to live its own life, separate from the original. The relaxed slowness of the compositions created in this way revealed a similarity to the effect of syrup. Since then, a similar technique has become widely used and, through the efforts of the SALEM group, formed the basis of Wichhouse.

Even though there are different ways preparation of purple shingles, its main ingredient is cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine. Next, the syrup is diluted with any tonic or mineral water, in which you can first dissolve a Chupa Chups ball. Syrup is traditionally blown from disposable Styrofoam cups white 20 bucks per pack of 1000, which are better for the planet than paper ones. Moreover, thanks to numerous clips that have promoted these picnic dishes to the role of the only possible container for purple shingles, you can sip even organic soy milk from cups, and everyone will still consider you a codeine addict.

1 - cough syrup (promethazine + codeine), 2 - Sprite, 3 - styrofoam cup.

The first big ode to syrup was composed by members of the group Three 6 Mafia - their track “Purple Punch” was a real propaganda for the purple mixture. Being an addictive and not very useful drink, rank probably pulled a lot of hip-hop figures out of the Timberlands, but the death of the above-mentioned Dj Screw at the age of 29 is the most textbook. Screw allegedly drank shingles every day for the last year of his life, which led the press to blame shingles for the death of Robert Davis, Dj Screw's real name.

Drank may have played a major role in Skrew's murder, but the Houston innovator also had a backbreaking work schedule, ate exclusively fatty fried foods, and smoked as much as Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov a day. Judging by the intensity of shingle libations, Screw, who has become the face of the syrupy lifestyle, has long laid rails to the lower worlds and only an ibogaine clinic could have kept him from falling. On the other hand, he proved by his example the relative safety of taking shingles in moderation.

DJ Screw - Drank Up In My Cup (Chopped & Screwed)

The syrup, especially since Skrew's death, has come under repeated attack from concerned groups, which has not done much to damage its image as hip-hop's premier drink, but has only made it more difficult to find the necessary precursors. But if you live in Houston, you can always drive the medicine across the border to Mexico, where it is sold without a prescription. Given that syrup costs pennies and is associated with lethargy and decreased productivity, shingle is not perceived as an accessible drug for the social bottom, like hawthorn tincture. On the contrary, thanks to the efforts of its main popularizers, the Houston swill acquired the status of a symbol of material success and an expression of the hustler spirit of the “dirty south.”

The most prominent successor of the Dj Screw syrup business today is obviously Lil Wayne, whose entire work seems to be infused with shingles. Soulja Boy has also shown off on camera more than once with a Styrofoam cup in hand. It so happened that it was shingle, and not, for example, OxyContin, that became for rappers what chifir was for the prisoners of the White Swan. Drank arose on its own without the participation of hip-hop, which only turned the craze for codeine-promethazine cocktails into an epidemic. Ultimately, everyone determines the concentration of syrup in their own glass for themselves.


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