Oil based wood varnish. Wood varnish - selection of the best solutions for interior and exterior work (95 photos)

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Over time, each material loses its attractive appearance and shine. Painting is one of the main methods of updating the appearance of different materials. To restore wood to its former luster and beauty, an excellent solution is varnish, which also gives the wood strength, perfectly protecting it from many external factors.


Varnish is a viscous solution designed to treat the surface of a material in order to create a reliable protective film. The treated surface can acquire a light or rich shine.

Lacquer coating was used for the first time in the 12th century by the German monk Theophilus. He strictly kept his recipe a secret; only many years later, during research, he learned that the varnish was created based on alcohol. Since the 15th century, oil-based products have appeared. England is considered to be their homeland.

It was only in the 19th century that the production of varnishes in large quantities began. Already in 1874, the Russian Osovetsky plant launched the production of oil varnishes of excellent quality. Later, other varieties appeared.

In most cases, varnish is used to coat wooden surfaces. Wood very quickly loses its strength and beauty when exposed to external factors, so using varnish allows you to increase its service life.

Types and characteristics

Today, a wide range of wood varnishes from well-known manufacturers are on sale. Depending on the type of application, they can be for internal or external use. They are characterized by varying degrees of gloss. But their main classification is carried out according to the type of solvent on the basis of which they are made.


Oil varnish is made on the basis of resin and oil, and these components are used in different proportions. Initially, resins of natural origin were used for their production, but then manufacturers switched to modified oils and artificial resins, which had a positive effect on the cost of the product.

All oil products can be divided into three groups, if we take the amount of oil as a basis:

  • lean (35 to 55% oil);
  • average (from 55 to 65%);
  • fatty (from 65 to 85%).

If we compare these varieties, it is worth noting that skinny oil-based options dry quickly enough, but do not guarantee such reliable protection as fat-type products.

The peculiarity of oil varnishes is their thickness. They are very difficult to apply with a brush, so you can dilute the varnish a little before using it. Once the container is opened, the product will not be stored for long. Complete drying after application to wood takes approximately one to three days.

Oil varnish penetrates very deeply into the surface of the wood. It can be used for interior work or to add strength and beauty to furniture. Experts do not recommend using this type for painting flooring.


These paints and varnishes are made from natural resin, often using amber. Some options are made from thermoplastic or thermoset resin. They are synthetic. Resin varnishes are used for the same work as oil varnishes and are an excellent alternative.


Such varnishes contain an alkyd resin (oil-based), a petroleum solvent and a drier that promotes rapid drying. Since they include wood and linseed oils, they penetrate perfectly into the surface of the wood and guarantee the creation of a high-quality and durable film. They are divided into two groups: pentaphthalic and glyphthalic.

These varnishes are characterized by resistance to sudden changes in temperature, excellent moisture resistance. The service life after application is approximately two to three years. The alkyd varnish dries completely within 48 hours. This type is in demand due to its low cost.

Among the disadvantages of alkyd varnish, it is worth noting its toxicity, because the composition includes white spirit. The varnish is also characterized by low wear resistance.

Alkyd varnish is used to cover wooden parquet, floating floors, and also for furniture. It emphasizes the beauty of natural wood, highlighting its texture. When working with this product, craftsmen note that it does not flow into the cracks, and also does not glue the boards together.


This type of varnish is not very popular, since they are very limited in use. They are also commonly called varnishes. They are produced on the basis of resin and ethyl alcohol. This type dries very quickly, because the alcohol evaporates quickly. Complete drying occurs in just one hour. Alcohol varnish gives wood an attractive shine, but its disadvantage is that it does not protect the surface of the wood from moisture. An undeniable advantage is the affordable price.

Polishes are commonly used on a variety of musical instruments., glass or leather products, occasionally they can be used to cover furniture products. Shellac varnish, which is a type of polish, is widely used for decoupage.


This variety consists not only of alkyd resin, but also includes amino-formaldehyde resins. A two-component product can only be used after adding a hardener that contains acid, because it is this substance that helps the varnish dry quickly. The resulting mixture should be immediately used for painting, since the life of the prepared solution does not exceed several days.

This type is moisture resistant and durable, creating a high-quality finish with a high shine. It can be safely used for painting wooden parquet or floors made of wooden planks. It is often used to reliably protect solid wood furniture intended for indoor use.


The varnish is made on the basis of epoxy resin, which is a film former. This is a two-component option, since it is necessary to use an additional hardener for drying. It is characterized by high hardness, the formation of a durable film, is not afraid of mechanical stress, and is also characterized by moisture resistance.

This option is always chosen for wood subject to heavy loads. It is ideal for covering solid floors or parquet, doors, both indoors and outdoors. After application, the product dries completely within 12 hours.


This multi-component product is made on the basis of polyester resins. The application of varnish to the surface is carried out using a special gun, so mostly professionals work with it. After drying, a heat-resistant, water-resistant film appears, characterized by strength and shine.

Polyester product ideal for processing musical instruments, flooring and wooden furniture products.


This type of varnish contains cellulose nitrate, plasticizers, resins and an organic solvent. It is quick-drying, so it is a good solution for indoor work. A varnished wooden surface can be polished, since the resulting film is durable and smooth.

Nitrocellulose product allows you to create both matte and glossy surfaces. It is often used for painting furniture, but is not recommended for use on flooring as the coating will begin to peel over time.

The disadvantages of the product include the presence of an unpleasant odor. And when the toxic solvents evaporate, then the smell disappears. Work with varnish is only allowed while wearing a protective mask. The varnish is completely safe for human health after complete drying.

The cellulose essential oil is suitable for treating indoor walls, furniture, pencils and musical instruments, since it is of medium strength and does not very effectively protect wood from the sun and water.


This varnish is absolutely safe and odorless. It can be diluted with water. The product adheres perfectly to a wooden surface, guaranteeing a durable and high-quality film. The varnish can be used at an air temperature of at least 12 degrees Celsius. When stored, the temperature range is at least 5 degrees below zero.

Acrylic urethane varnish is ideal for bathrooms, baths or saunas. It is often used to treat the sidewalls of floating parquet boards.


This product consists of an alkyd resin and an organic solvent. It has a rather characteristic, unpleasant odor, but has a good service life.

Frost-resistant alkyd-urethane varnish is also called boat or yacht varnish, since it can be used for outdoor use, because it is highly resistant to various weather conditions. It is often used to process ships.


Polyurethane varnish can consist of one or more components. Two-component versions have a base and a hardener, while three-component ones also have a solvent. This product is characterized by excellent adhesion and guarantees the hardness of the coating. The resulting lash perfectly protects the wood from corrosion, high humidity and chemicals.

The disadvantages of polyurethane varnish include a persistent and pungent odor., as well as a long curing period, which usually ranges from two to three weeks.

It is often used to treat garden buildings, yachts and ships, parquet flooring, and the walls of houses inside and outside.


This varnish is water-based. It is one of the safest and most environmentally friendly products designed for processing natural wood. The absence of odor allows it to be used even for treating children's rooms. The disadvantage of water-soluble varnish is that it takes a long time to dry. Complete drying occurs in about half a month. To begin with, the surface of the wood should be primed.

Water-based acrylic varnish is fire-resistant. It well emphasizes the beauty of natural wood, but does not provide the required level of protection from moisture. Due to its fire-retardant properties, this product is suitable for finishing rooms where there is a high risk of fire. It can even be applied to wet wood, concrete and brick walls.


Bituminous varnish is ideal for wood processing, as it gives the surface optimal chemical and physical parameters. It must be applied to the wood in a very thin layer. Small wooden elements can be completely dipped in the product and then dried thoroughly. After treatment with bitumen varnish, wooden surfaces become resistant to both wet and acidic environments.

For aging the surface of natural wood, bitumen varnish is an excellent solution, because it can be used as a decorative one. The main pigment of the product is brown, so each surface after treatment acquires a pleasant shade.


A high-quality tinting varnish is indispensable for decorative design or repair work. It has a lot in common with stain. It can be applied to doors, furniture, wooden parquet. It allows you to give the wood the unsurpassed appearance of valuable tree species, and also gives it resistance to mechanical stress and prevents the formation of mold, blue stains, fungus or rot.


These varnishes are suitable for treating wooden surfaces that come into contact with food and drinks. It is absolutely harmless because it is made from environmentally friendly components. Food grade varnish can be used to extend the life of wooden utensils. It can be used to paint cutting boards, cribs, toys, and wooden containers for sourdough or fermentation.

In a can

Varnishes in cans are in great demand among buyers, as they are characterized by convenience and ease of application to a wooden surface. They have a substance that is inside the cylinder under a certain pressure. Aerosol spray is quite easy to spray.


Modern manufacturers of wood varnishes offer a wide range of colors, from which you can choose the best option for decorating the surface of natural wood.

Varnishes can be used to create a glossy or matte surface. Usually the manufacturer indicates this indicator on the packaging. You can also purchase semi-gloss or semi-matte products if desired. High-gloss varnish provides the ability to give wood a bright shine.

The most common option is clear varnish. It emphasizes the grain of the wood, giving it clarity and expressiveness. Toning agents allow you to radically change the color of wood, which is why they are also called colored.

The most popular paint and varnish products are mahogany or walnut. White varnish looks original and impressive. It allows you to visually increase the volume of the product. When choosing a shade among dark colors, most people choose black varnish. It adds sophistication and luxury to the surface.


First you need to pay attention to the criteria that play an important role when spending funds:

  • Wood surface. Wood with fine pores always requires less varnish than surfaces with deep pores. For example, processing beech or pine will cost much less than painting ash or oak.
  • Wood sanding quality. A well-polished surface always requires little varnish. For high-quality sanding of the material, you should use sandpaper with P100 grain. To create the second layer, use P220 sandpaper.

  • Viscosity. Thick varnish will have a high consumption. To reduce it slightly, the first and second layers of application can be carried out with varnish diluted with a solvent. If the product is water based, then you can add a little water to make it more liquid.
  • Method of application. If you use spraying, the consumption will be minimal. Using a brush or roller increases the product consumption significantly.

On average, varnish consumption per 1 m² is 100–125 ml. It will take less to create a second coat of varnish. So, per 1 m² you will need only 80–100 ml. But the factors described above play a decisive role, so for an accurate calculation you can purchase a can of varnish, use it and measure the area. This will allow you to make a very accurate calculation.


Today, many well-known companies offer a wide selection of high-quality wood varnishes.

Italian products are in great demand. Company Borma Wachs has established itself as a high-quality and reliable manufacturer of products intended for processing natural wood.

Italian brand Sayerlack offers more than 3,500 items, which fully satisfies the needs of woodworkers and furniture manufacturers.

Finnish company Tikkurila is a popular manufacturer of water-based varnishes for coating parquet boards. It uses exclusively new technologies and computerized equipment to create high-quality and reliable products. The brand offers a wide range of wood varnishes that are characterized by increased wear resistance.

Swedish company Bona has been offering high-quality water-based paints and varnishes that do not have a characteristic odor for several decades. The brand has its own research center, where innovative products are developed.

This center developed a unique varnish made from polyurethane particles Traffic. It allows you to give the coating increased wear resistance, as well as protect it from mechanical influences, as a result, Traffic varnish is used to cover parquet in high-traffic areas.

German brand Berger offers a wide range of water-based parquet varnishes characterized by excellent quality. Berger Aqua-Seal polyurethane varnish is in great demand, which not only has increased wear resistance, but also protects wooden parquet from chemical attack. The only exceptions are nitro solvents, since they can damage the structure.

Italian company Vermeister is a well-known manufacturer of water-based polyurethane varnishes, which include two components and are designed to create matte, semi-matte and semi-gloss surfaces. Aqua Play 2K varnish hardens in just four hours. The company offers products at reasonable prices.

How to choose?

To choose the right varnish for natural wood, you should consider several factors:

  • Terms of Use. The manufacturer indicates the operating conditions on the packaging. If you need to paint wood outdoors, then you should understand that the material is affected by ultraviolet radiation, high humidity, as well as changes in temperature conditions, so it is necessary to use only options for outdoor use. Varnish for indoor work is ideal for painting walls, floors and various objects.
  • Wear resistance. It is worth paying attention to what load will be placed on the surface of the tree. For furniture, you can purchase nitrocellulose varnish, which should be applied in a thin layer; it is not durable. To paint the floor, you need to take compounds that provide increased strength.

  • Toxicity. Many modern varnishes contain organic solvents, which have a sharp and unpleasant odor. After the surface dries, the smell will disappear, but when working with it you need to take safety precautions. If you need to do work at home, then the best solution is water-based varnishes, which are practically odorless.
  • Complete drying time. Different options have different drying times. It can vary from 5 hours to two weeks. Nitrocellulose and alcohol-based varnishes dry the fastest, while oil-based and water-based varnishes take the longest to dry. This characteristic plays an important role in correctly calculating the duration of the work.

  • High temperature resistance. In places where there is a high risk of fire, it is necessary to use only heat-resistant products. It is necessary to pay attention to the technique of applying varnish, since it depends on safety.
  • Shine. Varnishes can be matte or glossy. Their choice is usually made depending on personal preferences, since they practically do not differ in performance. The matte surface attracts attention with the beauty of the wood, while the glossy surface visually makes it more voluminous. Semi-matte and semi-gloss products are also available for sale.

  • Components. Varnishes can consist of several or one component. Options of two components are used by professionals. The peculiarity of the two-component composition is that to form a film, two substances enter into a chemical reaction. This film is characterized by strength and durability. Single-component products can be used for personal needs, for example, if you need to treat baseboards or furniture.
  • The need for a primer. This factor is very important, because if you do not prime the surface before applying the varnish, it will soon begin to peel off. Today, there are already self-priming varnishes on sale that can be used to immediately coat wood.

For interior work

When choosing a varnish for interior work, you should look at the manufacturer's recommendations. A wall coating product can be of average wear resistance, but to create a durable floor covering this indicator must be much higher.

Parquet floors or stairs can be varnished, designed for high traffic areas. To process wooden utensils, you can only use food-grade varnish, because it is non-toxic and safe for human health.

You should also pay attention to the smell of the product. Varnishes with an unpleasant, pungent odor can be used to paint surfaces only in non-residential premises, since until it dries, it can negatively affect human health.

For exterior decoration

To cover wood outdoors, only varnishes with high strength and wear resistance are suitable. They protect the tree from ultraviolet radiation, changes in temperature conditions, withstand frost, and are also not afraid of high humidity.

For exterior decoration, you can purchase products with a scent, since in the fresh air the effect of varnish on the human body is minimal.

For furniture

Manufacturers make separate varnishes for wood furniture. They help not only update the appearance, but also give the coating strength and reliability, and protect against mechanical and chemical influences. Depending on personal preferences, you can choose a matte or glossy option. A matte table does not require special care, since there are no marks or streaks left on it. The glossy finish is distinguished by the presence of shine, which must be maintained using special products designed for polishing furniture.

An important criterion is the environmental friendliness of the product. It is worth giving preference to water-based varnishes, since they are odorless and safe. Products with organic solvents can also be used, but the dyeing process should be done with a mask or respirator to protect the respiratory system. It is worth remembering that paints without organic solvents are fireproof.

Craquelure varnish is suitable for giving furniture an antique effect. The product dehydrates the paint, which contributes to the appearance of cracks. It should only be applied to a dry wood surface. Paint should be applied over the varnish that has not yet completely dried.

The depth of the decorative effect depends on the degree of stickiness of the paint and coloring substance. Such decor should fit harmoniously into the interior design.

To properly apply varnish to a wooden surface, You should follow simple rules:

  • The surface of natural wood needs to be sanded.
  • If the wood is coated with varnish or paint, then these layers must be removed. You can use sandpaper or a special remover.
  • All dust must be removed after sanding.
  • Prime the surface. This will avoid the formation of bubbles and other visual defects.
  • Apply varnish to the wooden surface.

There are several ways to varnish a wooden surface:

  • The brush is ideal for processing small parts, as well as for applying product in hard-to-reach places. To avoid streaks, you should use brushes that have “fluff” at the tips of the bristles.
  • A roller is a good choice for applying varnish over large areas. When choosing a roller, you should give preference to models with a pile of no more than 5 mm.
  • Spraying is a convenient way of painting using a spray gun and compressor. This option allows you not only to save varnish consumption, but also to quickly and easily treat even hard-to-reach places.

Before use, the varnish should be mixed thoroughly, especially if the product includes two components. This will have a positive effect on the durability of the coating.

If the varnish needs to be applied in several layers, then you need not only to wait for the previous layer to dry completely, but also to go over the coating with sandpaper and then remove all the dust.

From this article you will learn:

  • What you need to know about wood varnishes
  • What types of wood varnishes are there?
  • What colors to choose for interior work
  • What varnish colors are suitable for outdoor use?
  • How to choose the right varnish for wood
  • How to calculate varnish consumption
  • How to varnish wood

Over time, any material loses its visual appeal and shine. You can update its appearance by painting it. And the wood should be given strength and protected from the effects of negative factors by means of a varnish coating. From this article you will learn which colors of wood varnish are most often used for this purpose.

Features of wood varnishes

Varnishes are viscous solutions that are used to treat wooden surfaces in order to obtain a protective film. Surfaces coated with them acquire a rich or light shine.

The first use of varnish was in the 12th century by the German monk Theophilus. The secret of creating the varnish was kept in the strictest confidence, only after years of research it became clear that the monk’s recipe was based on alcohol. In the 15th century, oil-based varnishes began to be produced. England is considered their homeland.

Mass production of wood varnishes began only in the 19th century. In 1874, the Russian Osovetsky plant launched the production of oil varnishes of excellent quality. Subsequently, other varieties began to be produced.

Most often, wooden surfaces are coated with varnish. The strength and beauty of wood is lost quite quickly under the influence of external factors, and varnish treatment allows you to extend its service life.

Main types of wood varnishes

  • Oil varnishes initially included only solutions of natural resins. Now they consist of artificial resins and modified natural oils with the addition of solvents and driers. The use of artificial analogues has made it possible to significantly reduce production costs, and therefore the cost of oil paint for wood has become much more affordable. After applying oil varnish to the treated surface of the wood, a durable film of a slightly yellowish color is formed. Oil varnishes are mainly used for finishing floors and performing indoor work.

  • For the production of alkyd varnishes on wood, glypthal and pentaphthalic synthetic resins are used, to which driers are added. Despite the fact that these varnishes are sometimes classified as oil-based (since they use synthetic oils as a solvent), their performance characteristics are at a higher level compared to varnishes of the first group.
  • You can give the surface high strength and shine using alcohol varnishes and polishes. Such coatings are easy to polish, but they do not provide very high protection against moisture. Alcohol varnishes and polishes, for the production of which natural resins are used, are now produced in small batches. They are mainly used in the manufacturing process of musical instruments.

  • Alkyd-urea varnishes consist of solutions of alkyd and amino-formaldehyde resins. To dry such products in air at normal temperatures, it is necessary to add acidic hardeners to their composition. They are added to varnishes before surface treatment begins.

After the hardener is introduced, the varnishes have a limited period of use (depending on the properties of the hardener, it can range from 3-4 hours to 1-2 days). The film formed by such wood products is very hard and wear-resistant. They are used to process parquet, furniture and other interior items used indoors.

  • To make nitrocellulose varnish, cellulose nitrate is mixed with various organic solvents. To adjust the properties of this product, resins are added to the composition.

Nitrocellulose varnish creates a hard and durable film, transparent, without any tint. It is used to cover wooden elements and products intended for indoor use.

  • Polyester varnishes contain a large number of different components. Its use requires great precision of application. Coating with polyester varnish practically does not shrink; the thick film formed after its application has a high degree of resistance to such negative factors as water and various reagents.
  • For the production of acrylic varnishes, solutions of polyacrylates and organic solvents are used. The film obtained by treating wood with this product has low abrasion resistance. Due to their environmental friendliness, as well as a large selection of wood varnish colors, they are recommended for use in children's rooms.

  • Exceptionally high mechanical strength and wear resistance are inherent in polyurethane varnish. They cover floors in palaces and museums, and musical instruments. Its use requires strict adherence to the requirements specified in the instructions. This is the most expensive product for wood, the cost of which is justified by its high performance characteristics.
  • Not so long ago they began to produce water-based polyurethane varnishes. They combine the advantages of acrylic and polyurethane varnishes, such as high abrasion resistance and environmental friendliness. And if you use a product with strengthening additives, its service life will increase significantly.

Colors of wood varnishes for interior work

The modern market offers a wide selection of wood varnish colors. Before you go shopping for paint and varnish material, you need to decide where it will be used. Surfaces and products indoors are treated with products for interior work.

If you need to cover exterior facades or objects used outdoors with it, buy wood varnish for outdoor work. When using varnish intended for indoor work outdoors, the treated surface can fade or crack very quickly.

Below are the options for wood varnishes (colors in the photo) for interior work.

The main task of the paint and varnish material is to create a durable coating and give it a certain color.

Below are some of the benefits of colored wood varnishes:

  • Provide protection from external factors.
  • Perform a decorative function.
  • Increases the service life of wooden products.

Using wood varnishes of different colors, you can create glossy or matte surfaces. Basically, this indicator is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Semi-gloss or semi-matte products are also available on the market. Using high-gloss varnish, you can give a wooden product a bright shine.

Most often, wood is treated with a transparent product. It is able to emphasize the wood grain, giving it clarity and expressiveness. Using wood varnishes of different colors you can radically change the shade of a wooden product.

“Mahogany” and “walnut” are the most popular colors of wood varnishes. With their help, objects are visually enlarged. If we talk about dark shades, then most often they resort to a black product, which adds sophistication and luxury to the products. White wood varnish is also original and effective.

When choosing wood varnish colors, do not forget that they have a large number of different shades.

For example, when covering a parquet board with walnut wood varnish, you can achieve several different color effects. Floors can be beige, red, black or dark brown.

Tinting compounds are preferred by owners of private houses. They are used for processing doors, furniture, and parquet. Thanks to them, the wood is given not only a beautiful appearance, but also increased resistance to mechanical stress, the formation of blue stains, fungus and mold.

Wood varnish for exterior use and its colors

Water-based varnishes are in greatest demand today.

Among the advantages of this group are the following:

  1. To make the compositions, an aqueous dispersion with a small addition of solvent is used. This allows you to work in a room where there are people, since there is virtually no smell or fumes harmful to human health.
  2. The colors of water-based wood varnishes for outdoor use have a wide palette, which is their main advantage. You can choose any shade that matches other decorative elements. In addition, having achieved the desired tone, you will not hide the beauty of the wood structure.

The following structures and elements are treated with wood varnishes of different colors for exterior use:

  • building facades;
  • furniture parts;
  • gazebos;
  • Walling;
  • wooden flooring;
  • terrace designs;
  • beams;
  • log cabins

To paint large areas, you can use aerosol wood varnish in a can or spray. This type of paint and varnish material includes bitumen varnish, which protects wooden surfaces from rotting, mold and mildew.

How to choose the right varnish for wood

When choosing a wood varnish, answer the following questions:

  1. What characteristics should the wood surface have after you varnish it?
  2. Do you have experience working with paints and varnishes?
  3. What room or product are you going to process?
  4. How much money are you willing to pay for finishing wooden surfaces?

Your personal preferences play a big role in your choice. For some, environmental safety is important, so they opt for water-based varnishes. They do not smell and are absolutely safe for human health. They often cover furniture for children's rooms. However, they are practically not in demand among professional furniture makers, since the surface becomes matte after processing.

Due to their ease of use and affordable price, alkyd varnishes are suitable for beginners. They can be easily washed off with white spirit if mistakes were made during their application. Professionals mainly use polyurethane types of products. With their help, a more durable and strong film is created. To apply the product, use a spray bottle. Furniture oils are mainly intended for connoisseurs and connoisseurs. They are applied manually with a swab. The surfaces they treat look very stylish.

An important issue is the choice of wood varnish color. The professional can tell you whether to keep the natural color of the wood or give it a new tone. Do not forget that wood coated with colorless varnish still acquires a yellowish tint. If you find it difficult to choose the color of wood varnish, contact a specialist at a hardware store.

How to calculate wood varnish consumption

Simple calculations will help you determine the number of cans of varnish needed to paint a certain area.

First of all, pay attention to the criteria that play a significant role in varnish consumption:

  • Wood surface. Wood with fine pores requires less varnish than wood with deep pores. Thus, the consumption of paint for beech or pine surfaces will be less than for oak or ash.
  • Wood sanding quality. If the surface of the wood is carefully sanded, the varnish consumption will be less. The product can be processed with high quality using sandpaper with P100 grain. If it is necessary to apply a second layer of varnish, use sandpaper with P220 grain.

  • Viscosity. The consumption of thick varnish is always greater. To reduce it, you can apply the first two layers of varnish, which is diluted with a solvent. A small amount of water can be added to a water-based product for lower viscosity.
  • Method of application. Minimum consumption can be achieved using spraying. Painting with a brush or roller significantly increases the consumption of varnish.

On average, 100-125 ml of varnish is needed to treat 1 m² of surface. When applying the second layer, less material is needed, approximately 80-100 ml per 1 m². However, do not forget about the factors described above. For a more accurate calculation, you can buy a can of wood varnish of the desired color, treat the surface, and then measure its area. In this case, the calculation will be very accurate.

How to varnish wood

Varnishing a wooden surface requires compliance with the application technology:

  1. The old surface is treated with sandpaper.
  2. Then the product is polished and dust is removed from it. Remember that the consumption of wood varnish depends on the quality of sanding, regardless of its color.
  3. When using tinting varnish, you need to use a stain.
  4. Then the primer is applied (in compliance with all the rules for its use).
  5. Finally, the surface is coated with wood varnish of the chosen color using a brush, roller or spray.

It is most convenient to apply the varnish with a roller. Use the brush to treat hard-to-reach areas. The brushes, which have a slight fluff at the end, do not leave marks on the surface.

Using a sprayer you can treat large surfaces in a short time.

To finish wooden furniture you will need to apply two layers of varnish, and to treat the floor - three.

Where to buy high-quality and safe paints and varnishes for furniture

JSC Raduga has been operating since 1991 (formerly Tsentrmebelkomplekt, Decor-1). The company was organized to supply raw materials to enterprises that are part of ZAO Centromebel.

Today, the company's regular business partners are not only Russian manufacturers, but also leading companies from Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Poland, and Sweden. Our office is located in the center of Moscow, as well as our own warehouse complex with an exhibition hall of 200 m².

Our warehouses located in the near Moscow region always have a large selection of raw materials, supplies and components for the production of furniture and carpentry. The assortment includes more than 300 types of varnishes and 400 types of dyes, with an emphasis on the sale of varnishes and dyes with a dry residue.

Based on customer requests, our team produces polyurethane enamels in almost all colors in one or two days. We offer adhesives from five leading European manufacturers, natural veneer and lumber - more than 60 types of ordinary, exotic and exclusive species. Front and fastening fittings are constantly available - more than 4,000 items from manufacturers from Europe: Austria, Poland, Germany, etc.

Every month we process applications from more than 1,800 clients. These include both large furniture factories and private entrepreneurs.

Deliveries of goods are carried out throughout Russia. Our company delivers goods throughout Moscow for free. Products are shipped by road to all regions of Russia.

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We invite you to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms! We value our clients and try to find an individual approach to each buyer.

Varnishes are used to protect wood products and give them various effects. There are a large number of varieties of this material, differing in technical characteristics and areas of application. We will tell you in this article how to choose the right substance for wood processing.

What is varnish and where is it used?

Varnish is a viscous liquid that is applied to the surface of a wooden product and covers it with a thin film. It hardens over time. This substance contains resins and various polymers, which are usually dissolved in special solvents.

Looking at the catalog of the best varnishes, it can be noted that thanks to them the following problems are solved:

  • the appearance of the wood is preserved and emphasis is placed on its texture;
  • surfaces are decorated;
  • the tree is protected from putrefactive processes and damage;
  • help improve thermal insulation.

This material can be used for internal and external work. Its properties and scope of application depend on the structure. If you need to create a solid base, then it is advisable to buy an alkyd-urea variety; to protect against moisture, buy an alkyd substance, and to cover surfaces subject to heavy loads, buy an oil one.

There are 5 categories based on the degree of gloss, as can be seen from the photo of wood varnish:

  • regular matte gives less than 10% gloss;
  • semi-matte 10-15%;
  • semi-gloss 40-50%;
  • glossy 80-90%;
  • super glossy over 90% gloss.

Varieties by area of ​​application

You need to choose the material depending on the area of ​​use. After all, different surfaces and operating conditions require different technological qualities.

For interior work

By covering wooden structures indoors with liquid, you not only provide them with decorative properties, but also protect them from external influences. There are special substances for parquet and furniture, as well as universal materials.

The floor covering must be reliably protected, because it is under constant load. At the same time, you can choose the effect you prefer by purchasing glossy or matte wood varnish.

You also need to select the composition for different rooms. After all, in the bedroom the load on the parquet will be less than in the hallway or living room. Therefore, in the second case, higher quality material with additional protection will be required.

Experts also recommend selecting parquet coatings based on the degree of transparency, consistency and method of application. Parameters such as resistance to ultraviolet radiation and stress are also important. Among the substances used for flooring, primer, water-soluble, polyurethane, alkyd, and formaldehyde types are popular.

To protect furniture, high-quality and expensive analogues are used. They must maintain the natural appearance of wood. Therefore, the polyurethane type of material is most often used. It is also permissible to use oil, alkyd, acrylic and alcohol compounds.

It is important that the coating does not retain odor and that the film hardens quickly. Therefore, quick-drying wood varnish when processing furniture can be indispensable when carrying out urgent work.

External use

To protect structures located outside the home, a more durable coating is required. Therefore, the selected material must guarantee resistance to external weather factors and mechanical damage. They cover facades, gazebos, decking, fences, log houses, etc.

A variation of this group can be alkyd-based yacht varnish for wood. It is harmful and is used only for processing wooden ships, but not for interior work. Safer is the yacht look based on urethane-alkyd.

Types by composition

A wide variety of liquids for finishing wooden surfaces are on sale. Their specificity is the presence of certain substances in the structure.


This type of paint and varnish is widely used in interior finishing work, but is not suitable for flooring. Contains oil and resin. Fatty and medium-fat mixtures perfectly cover the surface, protecting it. But materials with a fat content of less than 50% serve only the role of decorative finishing.

Increasing the amount of resin speeds up the hardening process, but this reduces strength. The color of the substance varies from yellowish to brown. Drying time 24-72 hours.


High-quality coatings that dry within 48 hours are used in interior and exterior work and provide a very durable coating on different types of wood. The composition is moisture-resistant, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and moisture. Used for treating floors and furniture. Thanks to additives, drying speed can be increased.


This is the safest type of paintwork. Water-based acrylic varnish for wood is odorless and highly fire-resistant. The resulting film is not sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, but is exposed to moisture.


Such mixtures are weakly resistant to ultraviolet liquids, the use of which is limited to internal work. Can be used for processing different types of wood. Penetrate into the product and create a strong protective film.

An important advantage is the drying speed - only a few hours. The composition contains toxic solvents, so work is carried out only in a respirator.


They may have a two-component structure of a base and a hardener or additionally contain a solvent. They are characterized by increased adhesion, but have a pungent odor and harden within 15-20 days. The hard film protects surfaces from moisture, corrosion and chemical components. Therefore, varnish is used to treat yachts and ships, gazebos, and parquet.


They are distinguished by their multicomponent nature; the resin of the same name is used as a base. It is applied to the surface with a special gun.

As a result, a durable transparent film is formed on the processed parts, which is particularly durable, moisture-resistant, and resistant to elevated temperatures and chemical reagents. It is used to coat objects that require a glossy effect, such as musical instruments.


These are moisture-resistant, impact-resistant paintwork materials, having a two-component composition based on epoxy resin. They cover flooring, doors, and solid floors. For example, epoxy varnish for tikkurila wood is popular.

When processing wood when carrying out interior or exterior work, you should use high-quality paints and varnishes. They must be selected depending on the type of structure, operating conditions and the expected external visual effect.

Photo of wood varnish

The popularity of natural interiors is explained by their natural beauty and complete harmlessness to human health.

An integral part of this type of home decoration is wooden furniture: if it is not additionally coated with a protective layer of paint or furniture varnish, it will quickly become cracked and deformed. The latter finishing option is more preferable, as it allows you to preserve (and sometimes emphasize) the natural beauty of the wood.


Furniture varnish is a film-forming composition intended for the treatment of wooden bases. It is designed to perform the following tasks:

  • protect surfaces from mechanical influences;
  • make wooden products glossy (shiny) or matte;
  • emphasize the natural beauty of wood (especially valuable species);
  • create an impenetrable barrier to moisture, which can cause the wood to dry out or swell;
  • protect from biological influences (fungus or harmful insects);
  • increase the service life of expensive wooden furniture.

Varnishes for wooden furniture can be slightly tinted by adding pigment, or a transparent version can be used. They must be applied in several layers to ensure reliable protection.

Main varieties depending on the effect

Furniture varnish for wood is classified according to a number of characteristics. The first of these is the effect imparted to the treated surface. According to this criterion, glossy, matte, colored and transparent varieties of material can be distinguished.

A feature of a glossy or semi-gloss finish is its special shine and highlighting of the wood structure. This finish lasts a very long time, but does not mask flaws in the base well. Recommended for use in gloomy, shaded rooms to optimize the atmosphere.

If the purpose of finishing is to create an emphasis on the naturalness of wooden furniture, it is recommended to use matte or semi-matte varnish. Before varnishing, the base must be thoroughly sanded. This type of finish hides surface defects well and is easy to maintain.

The most common type of varnish for wooden furniture is a transparent substance. Most often it is used for processing valuable wood species (protection from moisture and other harmful influences).

The colored composition is used for varnishing inexpensive types of wood (pine, linden, birch), helping to increase the contrast of their structure. An excellent option for those cases when it is necessary to update furniture by creating a protective film on its surface. Colored varnishes are available for sale in a wide range of colors, so there are usually no problems with choosing the appropriate shade.

Craquelure varnish helps to simulate decorative aging with the appearance of cracks. Furniture items with a craquelure effect look best in retro and Provence interior styles.

Division by composition

The second important criterion for classifying furniture varnishes is their chemical composition.


In the old days, the basis of this group of materials was natural resin. Later it was replaced with natural oil and artificial additives. Oil varnishes are characterized by a significant variety of colors. Matte furniture varnish is especially beautiful.


Using alkyd varnish, you can create a durable and transparent moisture-resistant coating on the surface of furniture. The substance is made on the basis of alkyd resins and organic solvents. The applied layer dries for quite a long time, almost three days (although there are also quick-drying modifications with a drying time of no more than 24 hours). The application tool is usually a roller or spray gun.

Water based

A very convenient option for finishing wood is water-based furniture varnish. One of the varieties of this line of materials is acrylic varnish, after application of which a durable film appears. The finish hardens gradually as the water evaporates. Water-based varnishes do not emit unpleasant odors and are absolutely harmless to human health. This is the best option for wooden furniture that will be in a children's room.

The undoubted advantages of these materials include good drying speed and fire safety (the substance does not burn at all). The coating also has a significant weak point - furniture varnished in this way does not receive proper protection from moisture. For this reason, it is recommended to treat wooden products installed in dry rooms with water-based varnishes.


The main components here are alcohol and natural resins. After applying alcohol varnish, a durable shiny coating is formed. Like water-based ones, these materials resist moisture quite weakly. Most often these furniture varnishes are used to coat polished bases.


A very durable and wear-resistant material, suitable for processing any wooden furniture located outdoors or indoors. Due to its outstanding performance qualities, even floors are coated with polyurethane varnish. Although such finishing costs a pretty penny, the money invested is fully compensated by its excellent performance and decorative characteristics.


Nitrovarnishes contain resins, colloxylin, plasticizers and solvents. After application, a very durable layer is formed on the surface of the wood, drying in about 3-4 hours. Due to the volatile toxins contained in the material, it is permissible to work only in a respirator and gloves. This varnish can be used for garden furniture that will be placed outside, for benches, etc.

How to choose unscented varnish

When deciding which varnish is best for wooden furniture, it is recommended to pay attention to the most harmless compositions that do not have an unpleasant odor. This is not so easy to do, because materials based on organic solvents usually smell very strongly. The disadvantage of durable and moisture-resistant alkyd compositions is their high toxicity. Similar characteristics are also inherent in nitrocellulose quick-drying varnishes.

Polyurethane materials, despite their popularity and wide application, also contain toxic solvents. The best option for odorless furniture varnish is a water-based acrylic coating. It has virtually no restrictions on use, being characterized by complete harmlessness, durability, fire safety and high decorative characteristics. Wooden products processed with its help retain their naturalness and natural texture.

Aerosol-type compositions

As a rule, furniture varnishes require additional dilution before use. To facilitate the work of paint and varnish manufacturers, a special line of materials in the form of a spray has been developed. The substance is poured into sealed cans under factory conditions, from where it is subsequently sprayed by aerosol. This saves time on preparing the composition and money on purchasing the necessary tools (brushes, rollers).

Furniture varnish in cans is characterized by very economical consumption. In this case, the layer turns out to be uniform, without gaps or smudges. Spray varnishes usually dry much faster than conventional canned materials. The aerosol is well suited for varnishing both straight and hard-to-reach areas of wood furniture. Similar packaging can be found at any point of sale of building materials. Such compositions are especially convenient for restoration work on antique furniture (carved tables, chairs, chests of drawers).

There are many. When deciding which wood varnish is best to choose, take into account the purpose of the materials being processed and the conditions in which they will be used.

Alkyd varnishes

Wood varnishes with alkyd compounds are used for treating wood indoors and outdoors. In terms of durability, this type of varnish is one of the best. The wood coating is hard and reliably protects the wood from moisture. The varnish is resistant to ultraviolet rays. There are also minor drawbacks: the varnish takes a long time to dry, at least three days. Additional additives in alkyd varnishes can reduce drying time to up to a day.

Another type of alkyd varnish is products with urethane group additives. Such varnishes dry much faster - up to 12 hours, while the strength characteristics of the coating itself increase significantly.

Oil varnishes

Oil-based varnishes are also often used for indoor wood finishing. Such products are presented in several shades: from pale yellow to intense brown. The final appearance of the finished product will depend on the chosen shade of varnish.

The composition of this type of varnish varies in terms of fat content. Fatty and medium-fat varnishes apply easily and well to the surface and, in addition to the decorative effect, serve as protection for the surface. Varnishes with a low fat content, up to 55%, are used exclusively for the aesthetic treatment of wood.

Water-based acrylic varnishes

Choosing acrylic varnish for wood is for environmentally friendly people. The material is safe from this point of view, it is odorless, and gives the treated wood fire-resistant properties. These varnishes are used for finishing interiors and exteriors. They retain the texture of the wood, but do not give off a yellowish tint like other types of varnishes. Usually, stores offer a whole line of varnishes that have varying degrees of gloss. These products are not recommended for rooms with high traffic and constant, let alone high, humidity. Ultraviolet rays do not have a significant effect on the varnish. Acrylic varnish takes a long time to dry; it takes about 2 weeks for the film to completely form.


This type of varnish is used for different types of wood, but mainly for indoor work, since there is no resistance to ultraviolet rays. Nitrovarnishes are also not used in damp rooms. In other cases, they are good because they quickly penetrate the wood, provide reliable protection and dry very quickly, within just a couple of hours. It is necessary to apply nitrovarnish in a respirator, since it contains solvents that have a high degree of toxicity.

Polyurethane varnishes

Very often, varnishes with a polyurethane composition are used for exterior finishing. The most famous type of this varnish is yacht varnish. It is resistant to moisture, wear-resistant, and can withstand high traffic. The surface of wood after coating with polyurethane varnish is usually glossy. This product is also often used to treat furniture, floor coverings, and even small interior items.


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