Licorice cough drops. Licorice lozenges for coughs: benefits and possible dangers

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September 15, 2018

Today there are many varieties of different sweets. And every sweet tooth can choose what he likes. Liquorice candies are extremely rare on our tables. Whether such a delicacy brings benefit or harm, we will discuss in today’s article.

Liquorice candy - what is it?

Perhaps everyone knows what licorice root is. We associate this herbal remedy with pharmaceutical cough syrup. Licorice candies are made from the juice of licorice root. By the way, its second name is licorice.

The sweets have a dark, rich color and incredible taste. Not everyone liked this delicacy, since the taste of a medicinal plant is clearly felt.

Components of the sweet:

  • liquorice;
  • flavoring agents;
  • table starch;
  • syrup;
  • animal gelatin.

Sweets are most often made in Scandinavian countries and Norway. They are like chewy jelly candies. Their shape can be varied. The most common are tubes.

Today, manufacturers add all sorts of additives to licorice candies. It can be anise, hot and spicy spices, fillings.

Before studying the beneficial properties and contraindications for consuming the Norwegian delicacy, it is worth discussing the value of licorice or licorice root for the human body. After all, this is the main ingredient that makes up this unusual delicacy.


  • flavonoids;
  • glycyrrhizin;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • essential oil extracts;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fructose.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with glycyrrhizin. This substance is one of the sweeteners of plant origin. It is this component that gives licorice root and sweets a sweetish taste. In addition, glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory properties. This substance helps strengthen the immune system and resist pathogens.

All other components together help normalize the acid-base balance and metabolic processes.

Useful properties of licorice:

  • promoting the removal of phlegm;
  • improving the condition of the heart muscle;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • promoting insulin production;
  • treatment of gastric ulcers and gastritis;
  • prevention of the development of cancer;
  • treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • increased performance;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • antiviral effect;
  • relief from symptoms of fever;
  • cleansing the body.

Most often, licorice root is used to treat a number of ailments of the respiratory system. As already mentioned, licorice has expectorant properties. By the way, smokers can eat licorice candies to get rid of a specific cough.

Liquorice candies are not only good for the respiratory system. Licorice root contains substances that help strengthen the heart muscle and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

This delicacy is also good for the stomach. The mucous membrane will coat and protect the walls of the stomach. Liquorice also has a mild laxative effect, so candy can be useful for people suffering from constipation.

Liquorice candies will be incredibly useful for people suffering from diabetes. Licorice root promotes the production of insulin in the body, which is extremely important for this disease.

Liquorice is used not only for medicinal purposes. You can enjoy the taste of such a delicacy with benefits for your skin. Collagen production increases and skin tone is evened out.

Some experts are convinced that licorice root contains substances that protect the body from the development of malignant processes. In addition, licorice has cleansing properties. Sweets will help remove toxins and waste from the body, as well as cope with the consequences of intoxication.

Like other sweets, licorice candy has a beneficial effect on brain activity. You can eat such sweets to stimulate brain function and improve performance.

Licorice root is also useful for viral and acute respiratory illnesses. Liquorice helps improve well-being and eliminate the symptoms of fever. In Scandinavian countries, licorice candies are regarded not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine. If you systematically eat such unusual sweets, you can be cured of a number of ailments once and for all.

List of diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • angina;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • rheumatism;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • eczema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Briefly about contraindications

As you understand, the benefits and harms of licorice candies are determined by their component composition. Indeed, the value of licorice root for human health is undeniable. But there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when consuming such sweetness.


  • increased blood pressure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • cardiac pathologies.

If you have any acute or chronic diseases, the use of licorice candies must be agreed with your doctor. Experts say that licorice root can interfere with the removal of fluid from the body, which leads to swelling.

For this reason, people suffering from varicose veins and kidney pathologies have to refuse licorice delicacy.

Licorice candies are candies that can ease nasal breathing and reduce coughing attacks. Sweets are sold in pharmacies in the department of dietary supplements. They have a pleasant taste and smell, and are safe for small children, x and nursing women.

What is in licorice candy?

The main component of the lollipops is the root of the licorice plant (licorice glabra). After peeling, soaking and prolonged boiling over low heat, the rhizome becomes soft and viscous. A mixture is added to the viscous mass to give the desired consistency (gelatin, agar-agar), as well as ingredients to improve taste (molasses, honey, sugar or lactitol).

The mixture is poured into molds and left to cool. The result is a hard or sticky dark green caramel. It has a characteristic, slightly bitter taste and smell of a medicinal plant. Natural colors and flavors are often added to children's licorice candies.

If the correct preparation technology is followed, licorice does not lose its beneficial qualities. Natural medicine is necessary for:

  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • relieving inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • stimulating the production of bronchial secretions.

In addition to easing cough, natural medicine improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.

Indications and dosage

Licorice cough drops help fight the first symptoms of a cold. The pronounced antiseptic effect helps to destroy pathogens and prevents microbes from penetrating into the tissues of the nasopharynx. The general strengthening effect activates the body's defenses and stimulates the production of interferons.

If inflammation has spread to the lower respiratory tract, licorice candies help cough up mucus and stimulate the production of thin bronchial secretions, making the mucus thinner and easier to expectorate during coughing. Remember, such diseases require complex treatment, and licorice lozenges are only part of the auxiliary therapy.

The daily dose of licorice lollipops is 6-8 pieces for an adult, 4-5 pieces for a child. For half an hour after resorption, you should not eat, smoke, drink water or drinks. The components of the product are not addictive, so candy can be purchased even after recovery, for general health promotion.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to taking licorice candies is licorice root. It is manifested by nausea, intestinal disorders, irritation and peeling of the skin. In this case, stop treatment with lozenges and take an antihistamine tablet.

The more components included in licorice candies, the higher the risk of an allergic reaction.

Despite the safety of the product, strictly adhere to the daily dosage. Uncontrolled resorption of sweets leads to calcium leaching. Because of this, teeth, bones, and muscle tissue (including the heart) are destroyed.

Analogues of licorice cough drops

Pharmacies also sell other cough remedies.

"Travisil." Cough lozenges contain extracts of medicinal plants, juice of berries and fruits. The medicine reduces the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, reduces swelling, and weakens attacks of dry cough. Due to the absence of sugar, it can be taken by people suffering from obesity and diabetes.

"Doctor Mom" This herbal remedy helps treat dry cough and sore throat. Together with extracts of medicinal plants, it contains levomenthol, a substance that has a cooling and analgesic effect. In addition to lollipops, Doctor Mom is produced in the form of syrup and ointment for rubbing the chest.

"Carmolis". This analogue of licorice candies contains essential oils of medicinal plants. They create an inhalation effect, which improves nasal breathing, reduces sore throat, and stops coughing attacks. The drug is enriched with vitamin C and natural flavors.

Liquorice lollipops instructions for use medicinal product for medical use Liquorice lollipops 50g

Liquorice lollipops

Composition and release form Liquorice lollipops

1 lozenge contains licorice root extract, lactitol;
per package 50 g.

Pharmacological action Liquorice lollipops

Licorice root extract softens the throat with dryness and sore throat. Helps treat peptic ulcers. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects.

Lactitol is a sweetener made from lactose. Based on lactitol, products with reduced calorie content are obtained that do not cause dental caries and are suitable for diabetics, because Lactitol does not affect blood glucose and insulin levels. Lactitol has bifidogenic properties - it stimulates the growth and vital activity of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, and suppresses pathogenic intestinal flora.

Indications Licorice lollipops

Contraindications Licorice lollipops

Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components.

Directions for use and dosage: Liquorice lollipops

Use licorice lozenges orally as needed, up to 30 g per day.

Side effects Licorice lollipops

Allergic reactions.

Storage conditions Liquorice lollipops

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Liquorice lollipops

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Licorice lollipops contain an extract from the root of the Licorice plant.. The extract has been used by people since ancient times and is still quite popular in candy form, as a flavoring and as a medicine. Medicinal candies are popular among the new and old generation and have that unique, sweet yet medicinal taste.

Did you know that the flavor we associate with licorice in candy is mostly made up of anise oil, which helps enhance the flavor. True licorice has a very sweet, stale, earthy aroma.

Because licorice is classified as an “additive,” its production and marketing are largely unregulated. It does not require approval from the sanitary inspection or other health authorities and can be freely sold (and consumed), the price of which also varies. This factor allows people to have exaggerated claims for its benefits and encourages careless use without understanding the balance between benefits and dangers.

What is licorice

The roots of the Licorice plant are commonly called licorice. These rhizomes of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Latin name) have different varieties and grow in China, the Urals, America, Turkey and other countries. Its aroma is similar to fennel, anise seeds and other plants. Cut into segments about eight inches long, the sticks are widely sold at the herbal market.

The active chemical components in the candy that give the unique taste of licorice are glycyrrhizic acid and its glucoside, glycyrrhizin. These molecules are considered almost identical, are powerful organoleptic flavors and give the characteristic taste and aroma of licorice to candies, where it is found in small concentrations.

Glycyrrhizin is similar in structure to corticosteroids produced by our adrenal glands. It is a sweet glycoside that foams on contact with water.

Liquorice extract is said to mimic stress hormones, have estrogenic effects, and also increase prostaglandin levels in the body.

Licorice cough drops have an emollient (soothes the irritated diaphragm), expectorant (loosens and displaces mucus secretions) effect, and also serves as an anti-inflammatory and liver protectant.

Benefit for health

Traditionally, licorice flavored candies were used for coughs in children, to soothe sore throats, and to ease breathing. It was the main ingredient in many ancient expectorants. The airway opening effect may be beneficial in asthma, where closed airways cause wheezing.

Toothache, oral hygiene and voice

Keeping licorice cough drops in your mouth is said to have a positive effect on dental health as they have an antibacterial effect. They are also a good teeth cleaner and help fight gum disease. However, be sure to read the instructions before using it in this capacity: such lollipops must be made without sugar.

Licorice candies may be associated with increased vocal cord strength in small doses.

Because licorice extract can mimic glucocorticoid hormone, people with undiagnosed and borderline adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison's disease) may benefit from the lozenges, but in small doses, as using large amounts of licorice may have negative health effects.

A recent animal study found that a component of licorice may be useful as an antidote.

Some institutions report that the protective effect of licorice may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic hepatitis caused by viruses such as hepatitis B and C.

Its estrogenic effect may also help women who suffer from higher testosterone levels, which cause unsightly hair growth, hair loss and menopausal malaise.

Contraindications and precautions

Precautionary measures:

  • the use of licorice candies in quantities of more than two or three packs of 40-50 g of active substance daily for 1-2 weeks leads to health problems;
  • For people over 40 years of age, taking 50g of pure licorice per day for at least two weeks may cause an irregular heart rhythm (or arrhythmia);
  • glycyrrhizin leads to potassium deficiency, which provokes high blood pressure, edema, lethargy and congestive heart failure;
  • not compatible with some medications, herbs and dietary supplements. Contact your doctor to discuss drug interactions;
  • If you have eaten a lot of black licorice and begin to experience sudden muscle weakness or irregular heart rhythms, stop eating immediately and consult a doctor.

It is important to know that large doses of licorice have been removed from medical practice due to serious side effects.

In large doses, licorice can cause:

  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • muscle paralysis;
  • hypokalemia (potassium deficiency);
  • heartbeat disturbances;
  • erectile problems (impotence) in men;
  • cycle disorders in women;
  • reactivation of breast cancer.

Cases have been reported of people being hospitalized with muscle paralysis and severe serum hypokalemia after consuming large amounts of black licorice. At doses greater than 200g per day, it can be very dangerous, so caution is advised when over-feeding black licorice candy. One package of lollipops can contain 40-50 g of active substance, so consuming more than 2-3 packages daily can lead to health problems within 1-2 weeks.

Consuming 100 mg or less per day is not known to cause any side effects, but you should always consult your doctor if you have other health concerns. Luckily, most licorice candies have very little licorice extract and use anise oil for that unique flavor.

It is best not to take licorice during pregnancy or breastfeeding..

Liquorice lollipops instructions

Licorice cough drops are made with licorice root and lactitol. They do not contain sugar, making them suitable for diabetics. Lactitol suppresses pathogenic intestinal microflora, promotes the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the body, does not affect the level of insulin in the blood, has a reduced calorie content and does not form caries.

Licorice has long been considered a wonderful herbal cough remedy. It improves mucus discharge, softens the throat, and helps cope with a sore throat. Helps in the treatment of peptic ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Use licorice cough lozenges as needed to relieve pain and sore throat. The recommended maximum dosage of lozenges is up to 30 grams per day. If abused, it may slightly increase blood pressure.

The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to the components.

Licorice candies for children

As such, there are no contraindications for children taking lollipops. They will not harm your teeth, as they do not contain sugar. But still, before taking expectorant medications for children, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Licorice candies price

Licorice cough drops are available in packages of 30 -50 grams, the price for them ranges from 35.00 rubles to 57.00 rubles.

Licorice lollipops reviews


Very helpful during cold season. My child goes to kindergarten, and everyone there is constantly coughing and sneezing. When I feel that the child or I are starting to get sick, we immediately take it. My son likes their pleasant taste, and the biggest plus is that they relieve coughing attacks and sore throat instantly.

I read a lot about lollipops on the Internet, that they improve immunity and help cope with gastrointestinal problems. Now I eat them with my husband, I really like them. The price is especially attractive, they cost pennies, but the results are excellent.

I don’t like taking medications, I don’t tolerate any chemicals, especially for children. I used to take licorice syrup for coughs, then I came across these lollipops at the pharmacy. I’m not afraid to give them to my child, since the composition is 100% natural. They are convenient to take with you and take outside the home, they always save you. I recommend to everyone!

Besides chocolate and ice cream, licorice candies are a favorite treat for children. Liquorice is a foreign name for licorice root, and in sweets it is usually an extract of the plant. Cough syrup smells pleasantly like licorice, and licorice candies help with sore throats, treat coughs and gastrointestinal diseases. But is the remedy as useful as it is popular?

Licorice belongs to the legume family. They note a specific bitter taste, similar to anise. This fact played a role in assigning specific properties and the status of a medicinal product to licorice. Twigs and roots of licorice are still found in Egyptian tombs. Among the lovers of licorice candies was Napoleon Bonaparte, who took them as a sedative before battle. The first snail-shaped candies appeared in Holland. Sailors took them with them as a cure for colds.

Nowadays, licorice root and extracts from it are used in the production of carbonated drinks, the tobacco industry, for marinating meat, and also in metallurgy to suppress sulfuric acid fog. The foaming properties of licorice have been noted in the production of fire extinguisher mixtures. In the chemical industry, licorice is indispensable for dyeing wool and silk products.

Candy or pill

The child pays attention to unusual, bright sweets. Children's favorite candies are those that stretch, which is why licorice jellies and lollipops become a favorite treat.


When buying licorice candy, you need to understand what effect the over-the-counter sweetness has. The following properties of licorice have long been known:

  1. Increased secretion of the bronchial epithelium, contributing to the expectorant effect.
  2. Increased production of gastrointestinal mucus, which protects the stomach.

Cough is a symptom of the disease, but its sources can be:

  • Infection accompanied by signs of acute onset, general malaise, fever;
  • Allergens that provoke cough without disturbing the general condition.

Child taking licorice candy as prophylactic or expectorant, accumulates the volume of sputum. If you give licorice candy, your child will start coughing more.

Possible complications

The parent's dream of a golden pill that cures cough is a dead end. The most dangerous thing in treating children is prescribing an expectorant and cough medicine at the same time. The auxiliary agent thins sputum and increases mucus production, and the drug disables coughing as a mechanism for eliminating mucus. In this situation, complications are inevitable. A child, unlike an adult, has a harder time with coughing. When a child coughs, that is, clears the lungs, respiratory muscles work, pushing out mucus.

The fundamental difference is weakness and underdevelopment of muscles, so it is more difficult for children to cough up phlegm. A child taking an expectorant is unable to get rid of the extra mucus, and parents giving such a medicine spend a sleepless night and rush to the doctor in the morning, complaining of the child's wheezing.

In Scandinavia, where the licorice boom occurred, studies were conducted that found that licorice increases blood pressure. Further tests showed:

There are no instructions for using licorice sweets, but as a medicine that a child takes, it requires the participation of a doctor.

Sweetness characteristics

There are licorice candies sweet, salty, with various additives, but the basic components remain the same. Licorice candy is:

  • sugar, from which thick syrup is made;
  • licorice, also known as licorice;
  • beeswax.

The sweet treat contains sugar. A high concentration promotes inflammation and leads to destruction of the epithelium of the vessel wall, where fat accumulates, atherosclerosis. Some medicinal licorice candies contain lactitol, which is harmless to the microflora of the stomach and teeth. However, the child should not overuse lozenges. The instructions read: 30 grams per day (5 pieces) - the maximum dosage for sore throat, sore throat, and cough.

Attention: allergen!

Shiny looking licorice candy due to the wax coating. Beeswax is a biologically active ingredient and a powerful allergen. If a child is allergic to various pollens, flowers, or coughs, it will not be possible to treat a cough with licorice candies. On the contrary, instead of therapeutic and prophylactic effects, an allergic response in the form of rashes, discomfort, and swelling comes to the fore.

In addition, beeswax contains substances that cause not only a true allergic reaction, but also a pseudo-reaction. The more candy a child eats, the allergies are more pronounced. Pseudoallergens, entering the body, interact with immune cells, exploding them. When cells are destroyed, histamine is released, causing redness of the skin, itching, and scratching.

There is no evidence that licorice cough drops actually help. But the fact that licorice causes bronchospasm as a result of an allergic reaction, unfortunately, has been proven.

Storage conditions

Do not forget about the shelf life of the medicine and storage conditions. The instructions contain the following information:

  1. Shelf life: no more than 2 years.
  2. Possible storage at a temperature of 15-20 degrees in a place protected from sunlight.

Licorice, as a medicinal plant, is included in the international list of pharmaceuticals. This suggests that licorice, a well-studied herb, has serious medicinal properties. In scientific medicine, licorice is used to treat a number of diseases: asthma, gastritis, stomach ulcers, rheumatism. Whooping cough, cough, and throat diseases are treated using home and folk methods. In addition to their therapeutic effects, medications always have side effects, especially when used incorrectly in children.

During pregnancy, women are usually rightly warned against using antibiotics and taking vitamins - what if they harm the health of the baby or the expectant mother? However, it is still necessary to be treated, because advanced acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or influenza in late pregnancy are sometimes even more dangerous than medications, which is why even now, in the technically advanced 21st century, many young women prefer traditional medicine. One of the common folk medicines is licorice (or, simply, licorice), or rather, the root of this plant. However, is it worth using it during pregnancy? How safe and useful is it at this most difficult time for both the woman and the baby? Below we will consider this difficult issue in detail.

Use of licorice during pregnancy

What kind of plant is this, licorice? So, licorice is a perennial herbaceous plant from the legume family. It usually grows in temperate climate areas. It blooms all summer (from June to August), and the fruits ripen either in August or September. It is used in the food industry, cosmetology and pharmacology.

Licorice root has:

  • Antispasmodic effect;
  • Healing effect;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Choleretic effect;
  • Antituberculosis effect;
  • Expectorant action.

Used in the treatment of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, as well as the respiratory systems, mucous membranes and intestinal tract. Syrup from licorice root, sweets with licorice (licorice candies) and even cream with licorice extract are produced.

However, despite the many positive effects, drinking an infusion containing licorice root during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, even if this is the first trimester.

Why is licorice root so dangerous? The fact is that licorice disrupts water-salt metabolism, and this, as is known, is the first step to edema, and in the long term to toxicosis and gestosis, which even in the early stages can cause eclampsia (a disease that in most cases leads to death child). If taking all other medications is contraindicated, but treatment is necessary, then you can take licorice root only with the permission of a doctor, and very, very carefully! After all, during pregnancy a woman is responsible not only for herself. The expectant mother has a huge responsibility for the life of the baby.

The benefits and harms of licorice during pregnancy

Let's consider the benefits and harms of this plant for ordinary people who are not burdened with such a huge responsibility. Medicines made using licorice root cause ulcers to heal faster.

In addition, (a plus or minus is decided individually) the plant has a laxative effect.

Among other things, Tibetan sages are confident that licorice root “improves the functioning of the 6 senses and promotes longevity.” As you can see, the benefits of using licorice are great. What is the harm? You can read above that during pregnancy the use of licorice root is prohibited. But for women who are not carrying a child under their hearts, this plant would be very useful.

The fact is that licorice:

  • Increases the female body’s resistance to lack of oxygen;
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • Relieves painful premenstrual conditions.

Licorice root also suppresses the growth of malignant cells, and therefore is a strong and good aid in the treatment of cancer of various stages. However, this plant also has side effects. Like most herbs, licorice can cause severe allergic reactions. That is why it is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, whose body is already thoroughly weakened by a long pregnancy. In licorice root, as in any phenomenon or object, there are both positive and negative sides.

What are the benefits of licorice candies?

Below we will consider an interesting medicine developed on the basis of a folk recipe (licorice root syrup). This medicine is usually available in the form of lozenges. These licorice candies, usually sold in packs of 30 grams, are based on licorice root extract.

This tasty medicine is used as an expectorant for most colds.

The most interesting thing is that licorice lollipops, unlike many other medicines, are not only healthy, but also tasty. Lacrete is a natural sweetener - it gives sweetness, but is not harmful to health. Therefore, even diabetics can take licorice candies - the fact is that licorice does not affect the level of insulin and glucose in the blood. Products containing lacrite have bifidogenic properties (stimulates the growth of beneficial lactobacilli, as well as bifidobacteria) and suppresses dangerous pathogenic intestinal flora.

Sweets made using lacrite (including licorice candies):

  • They have very low calorie content;
  • Never lead to dental caries;
  • In addition, they have a pronounced sweet taste, which makes it an ideal option for treating young children.

However, parents should be careful - licorice root can cause an allergic reaction, so before using licorice candies, you should consult a doctor. A mistake in this case can lead to Quincke's edema, and in the long term - to death, so it is better not to take risks. In cases where licorice candies are indicated for use, it has a beneficial effect on all body systems and helps the child’s body quickly overcome the disease.

Should you take licorice cough drops?

Let's take a closer look at the action of such an interesting and unusual medicine as licorice candies.


  1. Licorice root extract softens the throat when coughing.
  2. Suitable for soreness or dryness, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. This drug is used if necessary, it is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid an allergic reaction.

The maximum dosage of the drug should not be exceeded. For adults this is no more than 30 grams. in a day. The only contraindications are allergies or pregnancy. The medicine perfectly improves immunity, so during the cold season it will help both adults and children get back on their feet quickly, and will easily relieve a cough or sore throat.

How to use licorice root (video)

Be careful with medicines made from licorice root, use it correctly (fortunately, instructions for use are always included in the package), read reviews, talk to your doctor, and be healthy!

There are many different means of preventing and treating colds. Among them, licorice cough drops occupy a special place. This drug was specially created for the treatment of people who suffer from diabetes and need to monitor the amount of sugar consumed.

Licorice cough drops: composition

Licorice cough drops are made with licorice root and lactitol. They do not contain sugar, but their taste is slightly sweet. Lactitol affects pathogenic intestinal microflora, does not affect insulin levels, is low in calories and does not contribute to the development of caries.

Licorice root has always been considered an excellent remedy for treating coughs. It helps phlegm to clear better and eliminates sore throat. Licorice is also used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. It is considered a strong anti-inflammatory component.

Use of licorice cough drops

Licorice lozenges for coughs are used as needed. As soon as pain or sore throat occurs, or a dry paroxysmal symptom occurs, you can immediately begin to use them.

Liquorice candies can also be used as a sedative and anti-inflammatory agent. Sometimes they are prescribed as an additional aid in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

You can consume up to 30 grams of licorice candies per day (that’s 5 or 6 pieces). The product dissolves in the oral cavity, after which nothing should be eaten for 30 minutes.


It is possible to develop an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. If overused, blood pressure may increase slightly.

Use for children

There are no contraindications to the use of this cough remedy when treating children. They do not harm teeth, because they do not contain sugar. But before taking such drugs, you should always consult a pediatrician.


These useful treats for coughs are stored at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees in a place protected from light. Their shelf life is 2 years.

This drug can be used in combination with any antitussive drugs. It is used with decoctions of various herbs. With this use, the therapeutic effect is significantly enhanced. But in any case, licorice candies act as an additional remedy in the treatment of various diseases.

Before using this drug, you should always consult your doctor.

September 15, 2018

Today there are many varieties of different sweets. And every sweet tooth can choose what he likes. Liquorice candies are extremely rare on our tables. Whether such a delicacy brings benefit or harm, we will discuss in today’s article.

Liquorice candy - what is it?

Perhaps everyone knows what licorice root is. We associate this herbal remedy with pharmaceutical cough syrup. Licorice candies are made from the juice of licorice root. By the way, its second name is licorice.

The sweets have a dark, rich color and incredible taste. Not everyone liked this delicacy, since the taste of a medicinal plant is clearly felt.

Components of the sweet:

  • liquorice;
  • flavoring agents;
  • table starch;
  • syrup;
  • animal gelatin.

Sweets are most often made in Scandinavian countries and Norway. They are like chewy jelly candies. Their shape can be varied. The most common are tubes.

Today, manufacturers add all sorts of additives to licorice candies. It can be anise, hot and spicy spices, fillings.

Before studying the beneficial properties and contraindications for consuming the Norwegian delicacy, it is worth discussing the value of licorice or licorice root for the human body. After all, this is the main ingredient that makes up this unusual delicacy.


  • flavonoids;
  • glycyrrhizin;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • essential oil extracts;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fructose.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with glycyrrhizin. This substance is one of the sweeteners of plant origin. It is this component that gives licorice root and sweets a sweetish taste. In addition, glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory properties. This substance helps strengthen the immune system and resist pathogens.

All other components together help normalize the acid-base balance and metabolic processes.

Useful properties of licorice:

  • promoting the removal of phlegm;
  • improving the condition of the heart muscle;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • promoting insulin production;
  • treatment of gastric ulcers and gastritis;
  • prevention of the development of cancer;
  • treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • increased performance;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • antiviral effect;
  • relief from symptoms of fever;
  • cleansing the body.

Most often, licorice root is used to treat a number of ailments of the respiratory system. As already mentioned, licorice has expectorant properties. By the way, smokers can eat licorice candies to get rid of a specific cough.

Liquorice candies are not only good for the respiratory system. Licorice root contains substances that help strengthen the heart muscle and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

This delicacy is also good for the stomach. The mucous membrane will coat and protect the walls of the stomach. Liquorice also has a mild laxative effect, so candy can be useful for people suffering from constipation.

Liquorice candies will be incredibly useful for people suffering from diabetes. Licorice root promotes the production of insulin in the body, which is extremely important for this disease.

Liquorice is used not only for medicinal purposes. You can enjoy the taste of such a delicacy with benefits for your skin. Collagen production increases and skin tone is evened out.

Some experts are convinced that licorice root contains substances that protect the body from the development of malignant processes. In addition, licorice has cleansing properties. Sweets will help remove toxins and waste from the body, as well as cope with the consequences of intoxication.

Like other sweets, licorice candy has a beneficial effect on brain activity. You can eat such sweets to stimulate brain function and improve performance.

Licorice root is also useful for viral and acute respiratory illnesses. Liquorice helps improve well-being and eliminate the symptoms of fever. In Scandinavian countries, licorice candies are regarded not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine. If you systematically eat such unusual sweets, you can be cured of a number of ailments once and for all.

List of diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • angina;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • rheumatism;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • eczema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Briefly about contraindications

As you understand, the benefits and harms of licorice candies are determined by their component composition. Indeed, the value of licorice root for human health is undeniable. But there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when consuming such sweetness.


  • increased blood pressure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • cardiac pathologies.

If you have any acute or chronic diseases, the use of licorice candies must be agreed with your doctor. Experts say that licorice root can interfere with the removal of fluid from the body, which leads to swelling.

For this reason, people suffering from varicose veins and kidney pathologies have to refuse licorice delicacy.

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