Laminate for the bedroom: porcelain stoneware flooring, the best flooring, how to choose warm, pros and cons, lay. What is better to make the floor in the bedroom Warm floor in the bedroom than to cover

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Each of us always decorates the bedroom design according to our own taste preferences. But in this room we spend about one third of our lives, so not only a comfortable bed is important here, but also a suitable floor covering.

How to make getting out of bed more pleasant than sleeping in it? How to choose the right floor in the interior of the bedroom? The subject of a separate discussion.

Requirements for the floor in the bedroom

What will be on our floor in the bedroom should create a cozy atmosphere and comfort. Here are the main points that are recommended to be observed when choosing a coating:

  • aesthetic appearance - any person wants the flooring to be attractive and pleasing to the eye;
  • soundproofing - neither roommates nor those living on the floor below will want to hear your clatter and know what time you woke up;
  • environmental friendliness - no matter what color the floors will be in the bedroom, one should not forget that some types of coatings can produce harmful and toxic fumes;
  • comfort - it is unlikely that anyone will refuse the feeling of a cozy atmosphere;
  • keeping warm - a cold floor in the morning is not a very pleasant feeling.


Such a coating began to be applied not so long ago - only about 50 years ago. Currently, it consists of a binding base and pile. Pile is found both of natural origin and artificial.

Sufficiently durable coating that does not require any special care. Laying carpet is simple, it is inexpensive and, in addition, it has good aesthetic qualities.


Of course, the laminate floor in the bedroom looks quite expensive and neat. This is one of the durable coatings, but in terms of its properties it is quite hard and does not differ in environmental cleanliness.

Laying laminate is important to do correctly, so that in the future the floors do not creak or undesirable deformation occurs.


This coating will fit well into the design of the bedroom. Today, linoleum is produced of very high quality, with good texture and various colors, that sometimes it even wins carpet or laminate. It will not be difficult to take care of such a coating, and any inexperienced person will cope with the installation.


Hardwood flooring is one of the best and natural choices for bedroom flooring. This coating will perfectly fit into any interior and has a long service life. Its small drawback is that it requires special care, because due to the large amount of moisture, the parquet loses its shape.

Before laying this coating, experienced specialists advise laying moisture-resistant plywood on the floor, which will help to lay out the board more evenly and in the future will protect it from shrinkage deformation.


This flooring is made from pressed cork wood. It is an environmentally friendly material, it looks very nice and modest, and thanks to the porous composition, such a floor will have elasticity, lightness and high thermal and sound insulation. The only disadvantage of cork is that it is one of the most expensive flooring materials.

self-leveling floor

One of the most popular coatings today. You can perform a similar floor in a gloss or matte solution. The glossy finish will sparkle beautifully with its fabulous, unusual novelty, but any trash can be visible on it.

In addition, such a floor will slightly, mirror-like reflect the entire interior. With a bulk coating, you can make a dazzling white floor in the bedroom or add special decorative sparkles.

What shade of the floor to choose - dark or light?

A slightly controversial answer to this question - the opinions of designers were divided into two halves. One half claims that dark floors in the bedroom are the most convenient and practical option, while the other side is of the opposite opinion.

The main requirements when choosing a shade of flooring is that in the future the floor should be correctly combined with the color of the walls, doors and furniture. After all, this moment will help to achieve any desired effect, for example, expand or stretch the space.

The most important thing is that you need to determine what specific flooring you need - it will be dark or light, cork or laminated.

Photo of the floor in the bedroom

The bedroom is a special room in every home. The atmosphere in this room should have peace and tranquility, and the entire interior should be conducive to the most comfortable pastime.

Not the last role in the design of the bedroom is played by floor coverings, which should be reliable and made in soothing colors, as well as have pleasant tactile properties.

Requirements overview

Flooring for the bedroom must meet a number of requirements in order to create comfort with it. Incorrectly selected material will provide discomfort when walking, which will affect the quality of rest. The characteristics, including the shade and design of the flooring as a whole, must match the interior of the room. You can choose the right product if you make a comparison of existing options.

There are many varieties of options for finishing the floor in the bedroom. To find out which one is better to choose, it is recommended to rely on a number of requirements for coverage in this room:

  1. Walking comfort. It is important to provide a pleasant sensation to the feet, which is especially important after waking up or when you are very tired.
  2. aesthetic appeal. However, it is not enough just to choose a beautiful coating, you need to make sure that it looks organically in the interior: shade, design, characteristics.
  3. Environmental friendliness. Given that a person is in the bedroom for a significant part of the day, it is recommended to surround yourself with safe materials. Wool fiber carpet or natural wood parquet are excellent options that do not contain harmful components.
  4. soundproof qualities. At the stage of construction and finishing, materials are laid that reduce the intensity of noise propagation. The floor covering is an auxiliary factor, as it partially absorbs noise.
  5. The degree of difficulty of care. This criterion can be ignored if the user has enough time and desire. But still it is better to choose a coating option that does not require complex maintenance.

Since the bedroom is a room with low traffic, the wear resistance of the coating does not play such a big role as in other rooms.

But it is not always possible to find the perfect product in all respects. In such cases, it is better to try to determine for yourself 1-2 of the most important factors listed above.

Consider each type separately

The warmth of the material, its comfort for homeowners and its aesthetic appeal are the main criteria on which to choose flooring for bedrooms.

Laminate Features

Not so long ago, laminate flooring was treated with a little bit of disdain due to its low attractiveness and rapid wear. However, the appearance on the market of materials from reliable manufacturers and the rapid rise of the laminate has determined its wide distribution as a beautiful material, as close to natural as possible. The laminate supports the "warm floor" system, so you can safely walk on it barefoot.

It is not necessary to buy an expensive one, a laminate and an economy class, which is not wear-resistant, is suitable, it is a warm, environmentally friendly material.

Laminate flooring does not wear out for many years, having a beautiful and elegant appearance. A rich variety of collections allows you to create in your bedroom exactly the atmosphere that you need.

Also, the advantages of the material include its very convenient and quick installation, which becomes possible thanks to a special system of locks.

However, the laminate does not have sound-absorbing properties. However, in terms of bedrooms, this is not the main thing. Very demanding also about moisture. It is recommended to clean the laminate with a slightly damp cloth, avoiding soaking or accumulation of spilled liquid.

Classic parquet

The aristocratic parquet pattern in the bedrooms sets you up for rest and relaxation. This material is natural, beautiful and durable. Parquet is considered a classic and proven material for organizing flooring.

The second most popular flooring for bedrooms is parquet. While not as soft as carpet, hardwood flooring does have its benefits.

Much less susceptible to moisture and damage than laminate. Proper lacquering of parquet will allow you to create an excellent floor covering in the bedroom.

Disadvantages of parquet:

  • - laborious process
  • The material itself is relatively expensive.
  • Long-term restoration of the damaged area of ​​the floor.

Modern pvc tile

She appeared among the options for flooring in the bedroom relatively recently. Floor design tiles allow you to create an attractive design in the bedroom. Many are attracted by the low cost of the product, as well as the convenience of its installation. With the help of individual roll segments, a beautiful floor is gradually formed.

At the same time, the material has all the additional advantages for the homeowner:

  • Antistatic
  • High noise absorption
  • Versatility of use
  • Easy replacement of damaged segment
  • durability
  • Ease of cleaning and care.

With proper preparation of the floor and installation of tiles, the seams will be almost invisible, which will give an idea of ​​a solid canvas. Using PX tiles, you can create the most complex parquet pattern, which can be very expensive. PVC tiles are safe for residents and animals in the house; is highly hygienic. Perhaps the only drawback is the unnatural origin of this material.

flocked coating

One of the latest fashion trends in floor organization. On a flat prepared surface, which can be a laminate or linoleum, the smallest particles (flakes) are applied, which will create a unique decorative look. For bedrooms, it is recommended to use flakes, which are made from a combined composition of artificial and natural fibers.

The flocked floor has a long service life, reliability and compatibility with insulating elements.

As a result of applying the flock, the owner of the premises will receive:

  • Floor covering of the desired decorative look
  • High sound-absorbing properties of the floor
  • Softer texture
  • Durable and reliable flooring.

The floor with flock application is distinguished by durability and reliable fastening of decorative particles. The floor becomes completely seamless, which gives a sense of completeness to the work. This technology is compatible with the "warm floor" system and is able to provide additional comfort for the property owner.

Criterias of choice

It is recommended to make a comparison of different materials, taking into account their main parameters: heat and sound insulation qualities, degree of walking comfort, composition. The price is also taken into account, as well as the requirements for care.

Material Comparison

On the floor in the bedroom, you can use carpet, parquet, laminate, linoleum and mat. These are some of the most common options. Moreover, the carpet is used as a floor covering more often than others. With its help, you can provide comfort, due to softness. For a bedroom, it is better to choose a carpet with a medium or long pile. But this option involves the need for frequent cleaning.

Carpet should be chosen with a high and dense pile, light colors and increased softness. It has excellent soundproofing properties and floor warmth.

To make a choice, you need to decide on the compatibility of the coverage and the intended purpose of the room. For example, carpet is the most suitable material for a bedroom for a number of factors. But is it possible to lay linoleum in the bedroom? This is the simplest type of coverage.

Linoleum is a completely artificial material, characterized by average external characteristics. It is resistant to moisture, but is popular due to its easy care and affordable price. However, it is used in the bedroom, but it becomes difficult to choose the right color.

Linoleum is considered the cheapest material. Of course, he has his pluses, but there are more minuses. This is a completely artificial raw material (although natural is also found, but it is more expensive in price).

Laminate is an order of magnitude better coating - wear-resistant, does not absorb moisture, aesthetically attractive. But its main disadvantages: lack of softness when walking, low sound insulation.

Parquet is a noble flooring. In general, natural wood is durable and absorbs noise. But parquet needs varnishing. Another option is a mat (a woven material without lint). Differs in rigidity, which is not always convenient. However, this material is environmentally friendly.

What is better for health?

You can choose carpet made of natural material, parquet, mat. These are environmentally friendly coatings that will not contain harmful components. Linoleum, laminate - artificial analogues. If we consider the possibility of providing a rough surface for preventive purposes (massage effect), then a mat is undoubtedly suitable, since parquet, linoleum and laminate are coatings with a smooth surface, and carpet is not hard enough to implement this task.

The most affordable solution

Linoleum will cost less than other options. This is due to its composition (artificial material), as well as the average external and technical characteristics.

Carpets and laminate flooring are in the middle price category. Parquet is more expensive than others.

The degree of complexity of care

According to this criterion, linoleum is better than other types. Parquet needs periodic refinishing to keep the surface shiny. If scratches and chips occur, the surface must be restored. The same applies to laminate. Mat and carpet require dry cleaning, and washing with detergent is required in case of serious contamination of the coating.

The choice of material for installing the floor in the bedroom should be based on the characteristics of the load on the coating in this room. To create maximum comfort and beauty, it is recommended to use natural materials.

In the convenience and comfort of the bedroom, flooring plays a special role. The coating is chosen not only according to the pattern, but also depending on its durability and care features. For some, the performance of the floor is more important, so that it is durable and easy to clean, and for some, the naturalness of the material and how pleasant it is if you walk barefoot.

Basic requirements for floor coverings

In order for the dwelling to be convenient and comfortable, floor coverings should meet certain requirements:

  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • soundproofing;
  • surface evenness.

The bedroom, unlike the living room, is not so passable, so the flooring can be soft, less likely to stain it, however, for those who have special requirements for the air in the bedroom and do daily wet cleaning, tiles are more suitable. The floor in the bedroom should be warm so as not to catch a cold. If there are increased requirements for style unity, then the coating is selected in the context of the design solution. Sometimes price is the deciding factor.

The choice of finishing materials

Consider known coatings and original alternatives, their composition, materials and method of installation on concrete slabs.


Indicators of quality carpet:

  • the pile has one level in height;
  • when bent, the carpet does not crumble;
  • villi do not fall out when you try to pull them out;
  • the letter "L" in red on the packaging means that the carpet has passed the quality test.

The advantages of carpet can be more significant than its disadvantages, especially for those who love underfloor heating:

  • the air layer in the pile of the material retains heat;
  • coating absorbs noise;
  • the length of the segment is determined by the size of the room, which allows you to lay the roll without butt joints;
  • the abundance of ornaments allows you to show your imagination and choose a pattern to your liking;
  • material wears out slowly.

Carpet can not be used in damp and damp rooms, it is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Care feature: effective cleaning requires vacuuming once a week and cleaning with special cleaning products once every six months. It’s not scary if you spilled tea or coffee on the floor, for cleaning it’s enough to wet the stain with a solution of vinegar and rinse.


The laminated board according to the officially patented Hornitex technology is created by compressing the following elements using high pressure and temperature: 2 sanded wood fiber boards, resin, film and decorative paper. The task of the laminate is to create an artificial analogue of a parquet board, it looks just as beautiful, but not so expensive. However, the imitation of parquet is justified not only by the price, but also by the fact that the performance properties of the laminate are better. For example, it is more moisture resistant and fireproof, immune to sunlight, it is more difficult to scratch it. Different types of laminate design imitate wooden flooring, floor tiles and artistic parquet.

If several board options suit you in color, then it is better to choose the one that will leave less waste when laying.

When laying large format boards, perfectly flat surfaces are required, if the floor is not completely flat, it must either be leveled or smaller format boards should be chosen. Choosing a chamfered board improves the quality of the installation and leaves no room for cracks between the boards, which is not only inconvenient but also dangerous.

Parquet flooring

Parquet is boards glued from several types of wood. The upper layer is made of valuable breed, and the lower ones are made of coniferous. The wooden surface is warm and pleasant to the touch. The floor in the bedroom is a choice for several decades, so parquet, despite the fact that it costs 2-3 times more than laminate per 1 sq. meter may be a better solution. Parquet is a durable material and can last longer than laminate flooring if properly cared for and periodically sanded to give the floor a new look.

Caring for parquet often requires the use of special detergents. Workers needed to lay parquet floor


Tiles - the coating is durable and moisture resistant, can withstand a lot of weight. Disadvantages: cold to the touch coating does not give a feeling of comfort, if the feet are wet, you can slip on it, any objects that fall on the floor immediately beat. Such a coating is ideal only when installing a "warm floor" heating system.

The type of tile suitable for the bedroom is PVC tiles. This coating is devoid of the disadvantages of laminate and tiles. PVC tile is a coating of polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane.

Modern synthetic material has a number of advantages:

  • tile is laid on an adhesive base, which prevents the possibility of divergence of junction points;
  • material can last 10-20 years;
  • moisture resistant coating withstands wet cleaning in any quantity;
  • has excellent thermal insulation, warmer than ceramic tiles in winter.

Its main disadvantage is unnaturalness.

cork floor

Cork is the bark of a cork oak that grows in the Mediterranean Sea, the main suppliers are Spain and Portugal. The advantages of cork coating are:

  • naturalness;
  • elasticity;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • the cork does not let in the cold coming from the concrete under it;
  • The cork floor is not afraid of wet cleaning.

Material disadvantages:

  • sharp objects should not be placed on it, dents may remain from the legs of the chair and heels;
  • high price;
  • small objects can be accidentally pressed into the surface by stepping on them.

Cork-based coatings come in different types, which can be laid in a variety of ways:

  • Cork laminate pressed from a fibreboard and a top layer of cork chips (agglomerate). The boards are equipped with locks, with which they can be easily connected during installation; after installation, the floor must be covered with a special varnish. However, this coating is not completely natural.
  • A more natural option is installation of natural cork veneer on glue. The laying process requires knowledge and experience, such a floor is durable.

What color is better to choose?

Professionals focus on the fact that the floor should be selected to the doors and skirting boards. It is not so easy to buy high-quality doors that are suitable for the price, and therefore it is more logical to select the remaining elements for the doors. The next step is the selection of the plinth.

One of the main design mistakes is to match the color of the skirting board to the floor, thus the room becomes shapeless and the walls are lower. The plinth should match the color of the door and outline the geometry of the space, creating a visual frame for the flooring.

It is better to choose the shade of the floor not in color to the door, but in contrast. Why not in tone? Furniture should be selected to match the skirting boards and doors, the shades will certainly be different, because the palettes of manufacturers do not match. If you try to make furniture, plinth, door and floor of the same color, firstly, all objects will merge, and secondly, the slightest differences in shades will be striking.

The best color combinations of interior design elements:

  • dark door color, skirting boards and furniture is in contrast with the light flooring;
  • light door color, skirting boards and furniture in contrast with the dark color of the floor;
  • with white furniture you can combine the ivory floor, black doors and skirting boards.

The secret to a beautiful visual impression of the renovation: all interior colors should be natural (those found in nature) or artificially synthesized.

Underfloor heating: pros and cons

The need for underfloor heating in the bedroom is determined by the air temperature of the room, as well as whether you live in a city apartment or in a private house. If the apartment is well heated, when the floor is heated, the air becomes drier and this can have a bad effect on the mucous membranes of the body. If you live in a private house that is difficult to heat and the air has high humidity, then if there are opportunities to make a warm floor, this is a good solution.

For the bedroom, style, color scheme and quality of surface materials are equally important. But, nevertheless, the interior of any room begins with the selection and installation of flooring, which will be designed to provide warmth, comfort and practicality of the living space.

In our article, we have different options for decorating the floor in the bedroom, as well as choosing the most suitable materials for this.

The floor in the bedroom should be a "warm" material. Carpet, parquet or solid board. Tiles and stone are relevant in hot tropical countries, this is not suitable for our climate.


The floor in the bedroom, covered with a sisal mat, is a truly stylish solution, because the material is beautiful, environmentally friendly and very pleasant to the touch. Walking on it is good for the feet, and the sisal coating looks natural and unusual at the same time.

It is noteworthy that you can cover the entire floor area in the bedroom with sisal, and on top of it, for example, near the bed, put a decorative fluffy or bright rug with an ornament.

Sisal is made from the upper leaves of the agave, a natural coarse fiber of a golden yellow hue, from which not only flooring is produced, but also durable ropes, ropes, nets, mattresses and fabrics.



parquet board

Solid material, deservedly enjoys respect and popularity, because it is durable, environmentally friendly, with a beautiful natural texture. A parquet board is a kind of wooden flooring, and is produced by gluing wooden planks in layers, after which it is opened from above with varnish or oil, which prevents the penetration of moisture and dirt.

For a bedroom, a hardwood (or parquet) floor is a great investment, and the high cost of the material will be justified over the next decades. In addition, a durable and aesthetic board will become one of the main links in a presentable and stylish interior.





A floor covering that is especially suitable for rooms such as bedroom, nursery, study, living room. The carpet is soft, depending on the quality composition of the fibers, it can be very durable, and the possible colors, patterns and length of the pile can bribe.

If your bedroom lacks comfort, it has a cold floor, or you just want to change the image, choose a comfortable carpet. Caring for it will not be difficult, especially if your family does not have the habit of dining outside the kitchen and, in general, the coating will bring warmth and positive emotions.




Another worthy natural wood flooring option that can give the impression of a real country house floor. A plank floor is a coating of individual elements of solid wood, which are processed with a milling cutter, polished, coated with primer, oils or varnishes.

When choosing boards intended for flooring, pay attention to the type of wood: it must be solid (oak, ash, larch, walnut or beech).

For the interior of the bedroom, such a coating is just a godsend, of course, if it is basic with good hydro and thermal insulation. The boardwalk can be left in its original form, or covered with paint in a neutral shade, against which rugs with ornaments or high pile will become a colorful addition.


Cork is one of the lightest natural solids, capable, moreover, of partially recovering from physical influences (pressure, for example). But among the numerous positive and valuable properties of cork, one can single out low heat and sound conductivity, impermeability to liquid substances - all this determines the popularity of this material in construction and interior design.

Today it is possible to choose a cork coating with a pattern applied by photo printing or imitation of another natural material.

The use of cork as the main material for flooring has become relatively recent, but very successful. Many owners of apartments and houses have already appreciated the level of comfort and practicality that a cork floor provides. Is it worth adding that this material is environmentally friendly and can be used in children's rooms?



Undoubtedly, high-quality ceramic tiles are practical, beautiful and rather unusual material for bedrooms. It should be noted that it is appropriate to use tiles in this room only if the "warm floor" system was installed ahead of time. Only in this way will you be able to fully experience all the benefits that a tile floor gives, because otherwise you will have to cover it with a thick carpet to warm your cold feet.

If you store fragile decor items (vases, figurines, etc.) in the bedroom, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200busing tiles to decorate the floor. The fear that valuables may break will interfere with a good rest.

self-leveling floor

When the base floor in the bedroom is with obvious irregularities and defects, you can use a special modern type of coating called "bulk". Its meaning lies in the use of a type of screed with self-leveling mixtures, the minimum layer thickness of which can be about 4 mm.

Interestingly, the self-leveling floor can be used as a base for the main material (parquet, linoleum or tile), as well as an independent topcoat. It must be remembered that you can choose a pattern or pattern of any complexity, which is first laid on the floor by specialists, and then filled with a transparent mixture, resulting in a very beautiful and unusual floor.

The bedroom is a room in which we should fully relax after a hard day's work. At the same time, not only a comfortable pastime is important, but also an aesthetic component. For some people who suffer from various types of allergies, it is very important that all materials used for decoration in the bedroom are environmentally friendly, natural, hypoallergenic and harmless. In our article we will talk about which flooring for the bedroom is better to choose. At the same time, we will pay attention not only to the technical characteristics of different materials, but also to their appearance, which is very important for creating a harmonious interior.

Requirements for the floor in the bedroom

To decide which flooring is best for your bedroom, it is worth considering not only the style and colors of the interior, but also other characteristics of the coatings. Moreover, it is impossible to choose the appropriate material only from the photo, since it is necessary to take into account a number of characteristics no less important than external attractiveness. So, the following requirements are imposed on the coating in this room:

  • Aesthetic component. This is the only indicator that can be judged from the photo coverage. The product must fit into the interior, maintain its style and be in harmony with the color scheme.
  • Good sound absorption. This quality of the coating will allow you not to disturb the sleeping person when walking around the room.
  • Ecological cleanliness. This indicator is important not only for allergy sufferers, but also for any person, because nothing should interfere with the restoration of the body, even toxic discharge from the coating.
  • Comfort . If cold tiles are laid on the floor in the bedroom, then what kind of comfort can we talk about when you become barefoot on an icy floor in the morning. But this does not mean that it is better to choose only carpet and other warm materials. The same tile will become warm and comfortable in underfloor heating.
  • The coating must not collect dust. It is better that the flooring in the bedroom has an antistatic effect and does not collect dust, which will not contribute to a healthy indoor climate and good rest.
  • Deciding from the photo what the floor in the bedroom should be, dark or light, don't forget surface texture. The coating should not slip, because in the morning and after a shower it is so easy to slip on a smooth floor.
  • floor product must not support combustion and release toxic substances. It only at first glance seems that in the bedroom such characteristics of the coating are not important. However, there are many who like to fall asleep with a cigarette in their hands.
  • Heated floor in the bedroom- this is not a luxury, but a component of comfort. Getting up early in the morning, it is much more pleasant to feel the warm floor under your feet, and not the cold slippery tiles. Although even tiles can be installed in the bedroom, provided that they are in harmony with the interior and are used in an underfloor heating system.

However, deciding which flooring to choose for a bedroom is much easier than picking the right material for a kitchen, bathroom, or hallway. The thing is that in this room:

  • they walk very little on the floor (usually in slippers or barefoot), so you should not worry about the increased wear resistance of the floor;
  • humidity is within the normal range, so you can choose a non-moisture resistant material;
  • low probability of damage to the floor with sharp objects;
  • children do not play indoors, and adults do not wear stiletto heels.

Wooden floor - natural flooring for the bedroom

The wooden floor will fit into the interior of any bedroom. Depending on the processing of wood, such a floor can be dark or light. You can find many photos of interiors with such a coating, where you can see how beautifully and harmoniously it fits into different styles and designs of the room. In addition, wood is a material that has natural warmth and comfort for our feet. This environmentally friendly flooring will saturate the room with a pleasant, soothing aroma of wood, which will promote a good night's sleep.

To make such a floor in a bedroom, it is not necessary to buy an expensive massive board. You can choose a country-style device option. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. You can purchase a wide well-dried oak board 50 mm thick and 25-30 cm wide. If you buy an unedged, non-grooved version, then you will need to plan the surface and mill the ends. You can buy a grooved product.
  2. Next, along the crate or lags, we mount a continuous coating of boards.
  3. Sand the surface after installation.
  4. To give a decorative effect and protect the board, we open it with wax impregnation.

Also, the interior of the bedroom can be decorated with modern wood products, which include:

  • Massive board. This is an expensive piece of solid wood. Differs in durability, durability, beauty, wear resistance, naturalness.
  • Parquet board. This is a multi-layer structure made of wood. The top layer is made of valuable wood veneer, all subsequent layers are glued wood base. The price of this product is more reasonable.
  • engineering board. Outwardly and structurally, it is very similar to a parquet product, but it is distinguished by higher strength, wear resistance and the absence of deformation changes.
  • Parquet. Currently, this material has become less commonly used due to the high cost of installation, the appearance of creaking over time.

From the photo and after laying it is very difficult to distinguish between massive, parquet and engineered boards in the interior.

Depending on the finish and decorative coating of such boards, the floor in the bedroom can be made dark or light, matte or glossy, chamfered, brushed, etc. Products are laid on a concrete or wooden base in a floating way or with gluing to the base.

Cork floors

Better than wood, perhaps, there will be only a cork floor. It is a soft, pleasant to walk, warm, comfortable material with high sound absorption. Moreover, the product has a large memory, so there are no dents from furniture and heavy objects on the floor.

On sale there are cork roll materials for the floor and cork tiles. Laying is carried out on a perfectly even and smooth base by gluing. Usually the surface of such a product is covered with a protective varnish. Using cork tiles of different colors, you can create real patterns on the floor and entire panels in the interior of the bedroom.

Worth knowing: Please note that cork floors are quite rough and your socks or slippers will wear out quickly.

Leather on the bedroom floor

If you decide to lay leather floors in the bedroom, then laying this exclusive coating should be entrusted only to a specialist. According to its technical characteristics, the leather floor is very similar to cork flooring. To increase wear resistance and protect the surface, the floor is varnished.

The leather floor can be dark or light, with different colors and patterns. In addition, the combination of cork tiles and leather on the floor looks very beautiful and expensive. You can find a photo of the interior, where whole patterns are laid out of these materials on the floor surface.

The skin is laid on a flat, smooth base. First, a special soft substrate is spread, then rolled material is rolled out. Laying is done without gluing to the base. The coating is cut around the perimeter of the room and fixed with skirting boards.

Carpet for the bedroom

If you want to feel a soft warm coating under your feet, then it is better to choose a carpet. On sale there are products on a jute, felt and latex basis. The pile can also be natural or artificial. If desired, a photo or pattern can be applied to the carpet.

For the bedroom, it is better to choose natural products based on jute. However, keep in mind that caring for them is more difficult. The cover can only be vacuumed. Do not expose natural carpet to intensive wet cleaning. Cheaper and less natural latex-based polypropylene carpet is not as whimsical to care for. It can be washed and cleaned with special detergents.


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