Landscape design of a small area: techniques for visually expanding the territory. Ways to visually enlarge a summer cottage Landscape design of a small plot

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Everyone has their own dreams of an ideal summer cottage, and often even within the same family they differ greatly. One wants to plant the entire area with beds, another wants to organize a beautiful flower garden, and for a third it is important that there is a separate place for a barbecue on the site, and if there are children in the family, then the task becomes more complicated, because children also need their own corner. What to do in this case, since the area is not rubber? At proper planning and use of some visual tricks in a small area you can place everything you need and even visually make the area larger. We reveal the secrets of professionals, with the help of which you can independently develop the ideal landscape design of a small plot.

No. 1. Functional zoning

Planning the future design of the site, like, begins with clear planning. You need to arm yourself with a sheet of paper with a pen or a special program, clarify the size of the territory and begin creating a plan. This is necessary for the proper organization of a territory of any size, but is especially important for small areas. By the way, the border that separates a small area from a large one is very arbitrary. Small areas are usually called small area from 1 to 6 acres, which are fully visible from any point. Sometimes territories with a larger area seem small, especially when there is a disproportionately large house on the site. These are precisely planning problems. Proper organization of the site and design tricks will not be able to expand its boundaries physically, but will allow you to change the perception beyond recognition.

When drawing up a site plan it is important:

  • define, what buildings and zones on the site are really needed. This is, for example, a house, outbuildings, a vegetable garden, a flower garden, a recreation area, a children's playground - whatever. Don't forget about the decor and garden paths;
  • correctly position the selected zones relative to each other. This stage requires the most attention, because a playground cannot be placed near the barbecue area, and a greenhouse in the dense shade of trees or a house will not bring the desired harvest. Designers recommend alternating buildings with green plantings, hiding them behind hedges, bushes and decorative elements. It is advisable that all buildings do not look too massive;

    The central part of the garden should not be burdened with various plantings and buildings– this will create a feeling of clutter and make it seem like the area is even smaller than it is. The best option for the view part of the site is a neat lawn, on the periphery of which there will be beds. Free space will give the feeling of a large territory. However, this recommendation does not exclude the possibility of location on the lawn beautiful flower beds or shrubs– they will become its bright decoration. Hydrangea, lilac and jasmine are excellent in this case - they are compact and variegated.

    A lawn in a small area will obviously also serve for movement, since it is impossible and unnecessary to organize an extensive network of garden paths in a tiny area. Therefore, choose grass varieties that are as resistant to trampling as possible.

    No. 6. Organization of flower beds

    We move on from tricks and tricks to competent territory planning. It’s hard to imagine a garden or summer cottage without a flower garden, especially since there is room for it even in the tiniest space. There are many options for organizing a flower bed in a small area:

    • the classic method, suitable for areas of any size, is to break flower beds or place flowerpots near the entrance to the house, and they do not have to be symmetrical;
    • cascade principle involves placing low-growing plants and flowers in the foreground, then higher, and so on until the tallest tree or shrub, which becomes the center of the composition. Such a flower garden will take up little space, but will greatly decorate the area and allow the eye to glide not only along the plane, but also upward;
    • great idea for a small summer cottage - roof landscaping, but, alas, it is used infrequently in our country. The roofs of buildings can be used for planting lawns or small plants. The practice is common in Europe, where even the roofs of large multi-storey buildings are greened in this way. It looks great, and in a small area this technique will create the desired multi-level effect;
    • flower beds do not necessarily (and sometimes are undesirable) have to be of strict, familiar forms - winding lines and irregular shapes are welcome. There are no requirements for flowerpots and flowerpots - they can be either quite familiar or non-standard. To create them, literally anything that can hold its shape and soil is suitable: barrels, basins, bathtubs, wooden boxes, logs, carts, etc. Such flower beds look interesting and unusual; with minimal investment they can decorate the area and even become its highlight;
    • flower beds and mixborders along garden paths will also be appropriate on any site.

    No. 7. Organizing a vegetable garden

    It is the most difficult to place a vegetable garden on a small summer cottage, but nothing is impossible. On a plot of 2-3 acres you can find a space of at least 3 * 4 m, which will be enough to grow the most necessary vegetables for the table, herbs or berries. On a plot of 6 acres, you can arrange a larger vegetable garden, create decent-sized vegetable beds, and there will still be room for fruit trees and berries, if, of course, there is a need for all this. A few successful examples layout of a plot of 6 acres can be seen on the plans.

    Of course, it’s not easy to fit everything you need into a small, limited space, but everything advantages of a small plot can be felt after work on its improvement. And on a plot of 2-3 acres there is always something to do, but imagine what it’s like for the owners of a territory tens of times larger than yours.

    With proper landscaping design in a small area, you can not only significantly transform the space, but also visually increase the area. In order to draw up a construction plan, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the landscape design of a small area. Knowing certain tricks, you can place all the necessary zones in a small area and realize almost any design idea.


    When designing the landscape design of a small area, there are no strong restrictions. The main requirement that must be observed is not to clutter the area with many large buildings or plantings. In order not to overload the space of the site, you should adhere to several basic rules:

    • All buildings must be placed at some distance from each other, alternating them with other zones. Buildings do not have to be massive. Shrubs or hedges near buildings can make them appear lighter.

    • It is not recommended to install a large solid fence. A massive fence will only visually reduce the area of ​​an already small area.
    • It is worth refusing to plant tall trees.

    When developing a landscape project, you need to carefully consider how to make the most efficient use of every available centimeter of space. In the garden area you can use various pots, cache-pots and boxes for planting plants. When designing a small area, you must adhere to the following principles:

    • Uniform design style for all zones.
    • Functionality.

    • Simple forms.
    • It is advisable to avoid sharp corners and strict geometric shapes. Smooth and curved lines are more appropriate.
    • Corners should be hidden with decorative elements, small plantings or buildings (gazebo).
    • Smooth transitions between zones.

    Planning and zoning

    To develop a plan for a small area, it is not necessary to resort to the services of designers. When planning, ready-made design examples and special computer programs can help you.

    Before you start developing your landscape design, you need to familiarize yourself with some basic rules. The development of the plan should begin with zoning - you need to decide what functional zones you want to divide the site into and how they will be adjacent, depending on their purpose. First of all, the following zones are placed in a small area:

    • entrance to the site;
    • residential building and other buildings;
    • a small garden or vegetable garden;
    • relaxation area;
    • flower garden

    If necessary, you can add other zones, for example, a children's room. When placing zones, you should consider some rules:

    • Housing and other buildings should occupy no more than ten percent of the total area of ​​the site.
    • The garden and vegetable garden should occupy the largest area of ​​the site. But these zones should not account for more than seventy-five percent of the total area.
    • A recreation area and flower beds will occupy the remaining fifteen percent of the area.
    • If you do not plan to create a garden area on your site, use this free area for a recreation area.

    To achieve maximum functionality, when creating a plan It is necessary to pay attention to the placement of zones, depending on the cardinal directions. It is advisable to build a house next to the entrance to the site, moving it to one side. It is advisable to remove sheds and other yard buildings into the background. Outbuildings are usually located along the fence on the north or north-west side.

    When planting fruit-bearing plants, you need to take into account the biological characteristics of each species. Plants can be scattered on different sides of the site. For a vegetable garden with beds and a greenhouse, it is advisable to allocate a sunny place in the center of the plot. For a recreation area, the optimal location would be an area in the shade of buildings.

    Having decided on the placement of zones on the site, you need to draw up a plan for the placement of all the necessary objects on the territory. In addition to the basic rules for zoning a small area, there are some factors that should be taken into account for the correct placement of all necessary objects on the site:

    • Groundwater. Before laying the foundation of a house, you need to make sure that the groundwater lies at a sufficiently deep depth.
    • Shape of the site. It is easier to work with a rectangular area.

    • Small landforms that occupy small areas and vary in height within a meter. Microrelief influences the formation of soils and the depth of groundwater. The soils in the depressions are characterized by higher humidity and a higher content of humus than the soils of the hillocks.
    • Fertile layer of soil. Various plantings and buildings should be placed, depending on the type of soil on the selected plot of land. It is not worth setting up a garden or vegetable garden on sandy or rocky soils.


    Once the site plan has been drawn up and you have decided on the placement of all zones, you need to choose a style in which all zones on the site will be decorated. Today there are a huge number of styles in landscape design. Let's look at the most popular destinations:

    • Traditional (regular, classic). The regular style is distinguished by regular geometric shapes and strict symmetry. The construction of the composition generally begins from the center - the main object is placed at the intended point, be it a house, a fountain or a sculpture, and straight paths are directed from the center in different directions. An important component of style is a neatly trimmed lawn. Antique sculptures, regular-shaped gazebos, small ponds, and ornamental plants are appropriate to decorate the site.

    In terms of vegetation, it is advisable to give preference to forest trees and shrubs.

    • Mauritanian. The Moorish style is quite bright and unusual. The garden should be designed in an oriental style, the basis of which is the compositional principle of “chor-bak” (dividing a square area into four equal parts). The garden should be dominated by fragrant fruit trees, fragrant flowers and herbs, fountains, and benches in the shade.

    • Japanese. A Japanese-style garden can be created in both large and small areas. The characteristic features of this direction are simplicity and naturalness. In this case, symmetry must be abandoned. The garden should be filled with stones, ponds and vegetation.

    • Eco style. The main task in the formation of this style is to preserve the naturalness of nature. Materials used for buildings and paths must be natural.

    • Country (rustic). This style is the easiest to implement, as it does not require adherence to strict rules and gives complete freedom of creativity. In a rustic style, strict lines are unacceptable; everything should look as natural as possible. Various attributes of a village yard can be used as decorative elements.

    Preference should be given to bright colors and natural materials.

    • Mediterranean (Italian). It is distinguished by an abundance of colors, lush greenery and numerous water bodies. A site in this style should resemble a resort town. For vegetation, the ideal option would be a combination of conifers and citrus plants.

    • Modern. Art Nouveau is characterized by smooth, streamlined shapes, sophistication and a certain elitism. Plants come into the background here - the emphasis should be on the architecture of small buildings. The design should include various objects with forged elements, but the presence of a reservoir is not mandatory.

    • Minimalism. This style is characterized by simplicity and conciseness. The paths are made exclusively straight. Ball-shaped figures made of metal or stone can be used as decorative elements. You should avoid bright vegetation or use it in minimal quantities.

    • Alpine. This style is characterized by the formation of the relief of the site, the absence of fences, and an abundance of stones. It is better to use coniferous trees and perennial plants as vegetation.

    • Scandinavian. The Scandinavian style is dominated by the natural landscape. Flowers must be planted in containers, and in small clearings, areas with wild plants should be formed. The space should be as open as possible. Instead of a fence, it is better to install a hedge.

    Decor and landscaping

    Decorative elements and vegetation on the site can be very diverse - you should start primarily from the chosen style in which the landscape is designed. It is also worth considering some design features of small areas.

    A small garden should not be overloaded with a large number of flower arrangements. A small courtyard can be decorated with various decorative elements: a small pond, a stream, bridges, fountains, small sculptures. In the recreation area, small coniferous trees (juniper) in combination with ferns will look great.

    In addition to the usual flower beds and flower beds, you can build an alpine slide in a small area. Rock gardens are a real decoration of the landscape. The following options for composing an alpine composition are possible:

    • Cliff. A hill is formed from large stones with a minimum number of plantings. Plants are planted in niches.
    • Slope. Creating such a composition involves combining stones of different sizes. Abundant plantings of various types of low-growing plants are welcome here.
    • Valley. Large boulders should be surrounded by abundantly flowering plants.
    • Gorge. It is the most complex composition of the alpine slide. The slopes of a shallow ravine are lined with stones and planted with rocky plants.

    A popular type of design for a small area is vertical gardening.

    You can decorate the composition on the wall of the house, on a fence or next to other vertical buildings; you can also additionally install arches, trellises or screens.

    It is important to approach landscaping a small area with all responsibility. Here are some simple rules for landscaping a small area:

    • You shouldn’t leave empty spaces in the garden, but going overboard with plantings and decor is also inappropriate. The free space can be filled with green lawn.
    • Trees and shrubs should be planted in order of decreasing height from north to south.
    • You should not plant plants of different colors. The colors should be harmoniously combined with each other.

    • Flower beds of various shapes and sizes will look impressive. The space will seem more voluminous.
    • It is advisable to plant larger plants with large leaves near the house.
    • Shaped pruning of shrubs is not only aesthetically attractive, but also gives a feeling of fullness and volume of space.
    • If you arrange separate compositions with yellow or white flowers in the garden, then visually the boundaries of the area will expand significantly.

    Not all owners have large plots of land. Often, summer residents are limited in space by 6 acres, but they really want to fit as much as possible in there, from buildings to gardens. How to properly plan the landscape design of a small plot so that there is room on it not only for beds, but also for garden trees? What do you need to consider to make it look beautiful?

    There are a large number of landscaping options, but all of them are united by the main emphasis - to make the site visually more spacious.

    Advantages and disadvantages of small plots

    Small country properties have both their pros and cons. The benefits of a small space include:

    • low financial costs for creating a garden;
    • The site is easy to care for and maintain, it won’t take much time:
    • Visually, such areas look more comfortable, since they are easier to organize;
    • When creating garden compositions, it is easier to keep them in the same style.

    The disadvantages include:

    • such an area is completely visible;
    • it is difficult to place additional buildings on it;
    • the distance from the walls of the house to the fence and neighboring buildings is very small;
    • There is no possibility of complete privacy and silence.

    Secrets of landscaping a beautiful garden in a limited space

    When developing a small plot, experts recommend adhering to certain rules:

    1. Dissolve the garden boundaries of the site (fence). It is necessary to ensure that the fence is not immediately and completely visible. It is better to hide it under green climbing plants. As an option, you can plant trees near the fence, medium-sized shrubs in the middle, and in front, add low-growing plant species to the composition. The main thing is that the plantings have a variety of shapes and colors and do not merge into a continuous line.
    2. Free up the view part of the garden. To visually increase the space, sow the viewing area of ​​the garden with lawn grass.
    3. “Break” the correct shape of the site. This is especially important on narrow and long areas. In this case, it is better to place garden paths and flower beds diagonally, in the shape of geometric shapes (rhombus, triangle, circle) or make them winding.
    4. Remove corners. To free up the central part of the site, you need to use the corner space and place useful objects on it (gazebos, playgrounds, swimming pool).
    5. Create relief. Dividing the site into multi-level zones using high beds, alpine slides or partitions will help to visually increase the size.
    6. Use a “mirror” effect. Repeat on the site elements that exist outside its boundaries. This landscape design technique will help push virtual boundaries. You can also install real mirrors or build a pond in which the surrounding nature will be displayed.
    7. Combine and combine buildings into a single complex of buildings.
    8. Use vertical lines in the form of tall flower pots, hedges, and trellis screens.
    9. When creating garden compositions, consider the overall color scheme. Cool shades make the space appear larger, while warm tones make it feel cozier.
    10. Use suitable plants and do not overload the area with too large plantings or tall trees.
    11. Combine materials and use different textures.

    Design of a small area - video

    It often happens that our desires go beyond our capabilities. And then it turns out that the idea of ​​​​creating a house, a garden and several necessary outbuildings on a small plot faces objective difficulties: there is simply not enough space for everything planned. How, in this case, to decorate a modest space in order to realize what everything was started for? After all, the plot was purchased to get away from the city and be closer to nature. So let there be at least a mini garden.

    The art of designing a mini garden is that the space increases, first of all, in the imagination of the person who is in it. You can’t make something small big, but you can and should make it so that the viewer gets the impression that there is a lot of space around him. This effect is achieved by different methods.

    If you take a close look, you will find that this idyll with a pond and a gazebo does not take up as much space as it seems

    First of all, you need to work with what physically limits the area of ​​the allotted space - the fence. A blank and impenetrable fence creates a feeling of enclosure, turning a cozy courtyard into a box that is about to be closed with a lid. Therefore, it is better to use an openwork fence or decorate it with flowering climbing plants.

    Until the plants grow, the fence will look too permeable, which is why some people still prefer a solid fence.

    But sometimes, due to the proximity of neighboring buildings, the use of a “transparent” fence creates certain inconveniences. A possible way out in this case would be a fence with blinds. The space can be visually expanded only when the owner of the site has a need for it or until the climbing plants are covered with foliage.

    The amazing optical effect of the “dragonfly’s eye” allows you not only to visually expand the space, but also to gain a reputation as a conflict-free neighbor

    Even the presence of a neighbor’s garage, the wall of which partially replaces the fence, will not be superfluous if you accept it as a full-fledged participant in your game with optical effects. Convex mirrors attached to this wall distort the reflection of the garden. The perspective they create is deeper than it really is. Such “dragonfly eyes”, placed on a chocolate-colored wall, transform a small lawn into a fairly spacious lawn.

    The secret of the right garden path

    Science fiction writers love to use the technique of curved space, when an object that is small on the outside looks completely different from the inside. We will also try to bend space with the help of crooked garden paths. After all, if the path winds, then the journey along it will last longer. It seems to the walker that his path runs through a much larger area.

    Garden paths running somewhere into the distance attract the eye of the observer, expand the space of your mini garden and look a little mysterious

    If, where the space is clearly visible into the distance, you make transverse paths, and allow longitudinal paths to wind between flowerpots and behind bushes, the illusion of a greater width of the site will arise. If the path runs along a narrow strip of the garden, then you can paint the fence into which it abuts in its colors and cover its upper part with flowers. It will seem that the looping stitch right along the fence goes somewhere into the sky.

    A neat path runs beyond our visibility, and an elegant arch entwined with abundant greenery turned out to be very useful here

    Those leading “to nowhere” look especially fabulous. If the path leads the eye into dense greenery growing not far from the fence, then the observer’s deceived vision will form the impression that, in the place where the path ran away, the garden itself continues.

    Mirror water surface

    To prevent the walker from being able to fix his attention on contemplating the site as a single object, it is necessary to offer him new impressions. A magician works on the same principle, making distracting passes with his hands. The impressive little details and their charm distract from the fact that the area in which all this is located is extremely small.

    The two most popular reservoirs for mini gardens are a small fountain near the wall and a pond on two levels with a bridge.

    A great distraction is reflection. It has a mesmerizing effect. What can be used as a reflective surface in a small garden? The surface of the water is small! Such a reservoir will not take up much space. It could even be a stream running along the side of the site. Another option is a pond on two levels with a bridge across it. Your own reflection in water always attracts attention.

    If the area is small, it is better not to use running water. The sound of falling water can be too intrusive. If, nevertheless, the idea of ​​​​arranging a fountain or waterfall captures you and does not let go, choose a place for it somewhere near the fence, be sure to coordinate your decision with your neighbors. After all, the constant sound of flowing water should not annoy them either.

    One of the three phenomena that a person can look at indefinitely is considered to be flowing water. This secluded corner is designed to enjoy this spectacle to your heart's content.

    Tree size doesn't matter

    Even the smallest garden cannot do without trees. If you love big trees, the size of your plot shouldn't dictate your life rules. Do you want to plant a big tree? Let it be! Just imagine what delightful coolness its luxurious spreading crown will give you on a hot summer day. You can place a tree in the middle of the site, and plan a recreation area directly under it.

    Who said that all plants in a small area, without exception, must be dwarf? This misconception can be easily dispelled

    If you use a circular one, surrounding yourself with vegetation on all sides, even if it is just a fence entwined with greenery, you will get the impression of being in a large garden. The center of the garden offers an excellent overview: you can perfectly plan the “collapsed” space around you.

    Here is the second placement option, in which a large tree will also not be superfluous. A relaxation area in the shade of its crown can become the most comfortable place in the entire garden.

    Vertical gardening techniques

    Of course, a garden cannot be greened with just one, albeit large, tree. Not only the right choice of plants, but also a competently applied planting method will help turn it into a lush flowering corner.

    Particularly important for a modest-sized plot. To make walls of greenery, arches, garden trellises, fences, pergolas, facades and gazebo fences are used. Screens and trellises are the most common decorative elements when arranging mini gardens. They are used both as independent elements and in combination with flowerpots, flower beds and various garden accessories. They are also used to delimit individual zones of the site.

    When using vertical gardening, it is very important to carefully select plants for this purpose, because hops, for example, can fill the entire area

    Various varieties of wild grapes, decorative beans, hops, sweet peas, and clematis are suitable as plants for vertical gardening. In order for all this wealth to be abundantly covered with greenery and flowers, many factors must be taken into account when planting: the condition of the soil, the amount of precipitation, shading, the prevailing wind direction and other features inherent in your site.

    By the way, not only garden plants, but also garden plants can be used as greenery. Very interesting vertical gardens are created using. To avoid monotony in perception, it is better to use different plants.

    A bench in flowers is a popular design technique for expanding space, which leaves a lasting impression on the viewer who sits on such a bench

    Place an ordinary one near the fence and build a tall flowering arch entwined with roses directly above it. If you now sit down on this bench, you will have the complete feeling that a spacious garden extends around you, in the depths of which you are located. Techniques for creating a wild and slightly neglected garden are always effective in areas where space is limited.

    The lush greenery and mats surrounding the garden space create the illusion that your area is surrounded on all sides by a real jungle

    Planting is best done according to the cascade principle, when small plants in flower pots are placed in the foreground. The size of the plants increases gradually. Tall flowers, bushes and small trees can be placed in flowerpots or even barrels. With the help of a cascading design, it is easy to create the effect where the viewer's gaze slides upward diagonally. A similar result can be achieved if you use vertical gardens.

    Vases with flowers allow you not only to create amazing compositions, but also to change them as often as the author wants

    Why did we mention? Because placing plants in them allows you to change the design of the site, simply rearranging them over the course of even one season exactly as we currently want.

    Another unusual idea that is rarely implemented here: you can find a wonderful place for picturesque landscaping directly on the roof of garden buildings. This method allows you to simultaneously solve two problems. Firstly, a new area for planting is created, and, secondly, excellent additional thermal insulation of the roof is provided. Even in hot weather, the room will remain cool. Finally, it's simply beautiful!

    Such an outbuilding with grass on the roof looks simply fabulous. Of course, it won’t suit every style, but the idea is not bad

    Designing a garden at different levels

    It doesn’t matter if the area is flat, like a table; for a small garden you can always equip a small podium or even a terrace. For a site on a slope, a terrace is the most successful design technique. If the same area is considered as a plane and in the form of zones located at different levels, then the illusion of a more spacious garden will be present only in the second case.

    It seems that the garden, laid out at different levels, really contains even more elements, becoming more voluminous

    By the way, you can create multi-level zones both in height and in depth. It is not necessary to dig into the soil for this. It is enough to apply a 3D illusion by using materials of different shades when paving the play area. Such a technique will never go unnoticed.

    And this is generally a pure optical illusion, which gives the viewer a complete feeling of a depression in the center of the playing area

    Another trick from the magician's arsenal

    Bright handkerchiefs in the hands of an illusionist are also part of the program. Therefore, do not forget about decorative elements commensurate with the site, such as garden sculpture, dry streams, lamps, bells, attractive and other manifestations of the creativity that everyone loves so much. Don't forget about children - the flowers of life, if you have them, of course.

    Openwork garden furniture in combination with lace flowers and the grace of the arch, which is located nearby, creates a feeling of airiness and does not clutter up the space

    By the way, about flowers. The nuance of choosing flowers for planting in small gardens is the refusal to use plants of one variety. Choose a variety of flowers that, when you look at them, you won’t want to look for signs of a fence between them. If the use of one variety dictates the unity of the chosen style, choose rhythmic planting of plants with bright colors.

    Using this example, I would like to show how a house can not compete with a garden, reducing its area, but organically merge into it, become part of it

    If you don’t have enough space for a full-fledged lawn, and annoying bald spots appear in particularly shaded areas, use moss. It remains green even in late autumn and will help you fight seasonal depression during the autumn leaf fall.

    All that remains is to look around the area with a critical eye. Is there still room for the manifestation of our creative imagination? If the owners of even a tiny plot have the desire to make it a truly magical place, they can achieve this. Check it out by watching the video below.

    Video #1:

    The small area of ​​a summer cottage is not a reason to forget about the original design. With the help of some design tricks, it can be turned into a paradise and even visually expanded. By following certain rules for the compatibility of objects, colors, textures and shapes, the problem of disharmony and tasteless design will be avoided. Our website has prepared a topic for you - landscape design of a small summer cottage.

    Three rules in the design of a small area

    Owners of small summer cottages will avoid mistakes in design if they say "No" such elements:

    1. Massive buildings. The construction of a house, garage, shed and other objects must be planned so that they look lightweight and are not grouped together. Ornamental plants should be used near buildings to hide their massiveness.
    2. Blind fence. There are several reasons not to build a high and completely enclosed fence on a small summer cottage. Firstly, it emphasizes the limited space, creating the feeling of being in a large room. Secondly, the natural air circulation in the area is disrupted, which can damage the crops being grown. A good option is a chain-link mesh, through which you can run lashes of climbing flowers.
    3. Dimensional plants. It is worth abandoning bulky and tall trees and massive shrubs.

    Say no to large buildings and plants. as well as a blank fence in a small dacha

    Method of designing a summer cottage

    The first thing you should determine is what basic design method to choose for the site:

    • Regular - implies symmetry and a central object.
    • Landscape - the natural arrangement of plants.

    Having chosen a regular design style, you will have to observe strict symmetry and geometry. Smooth paths should prevail, and flower beds and lawns should have clear geometric shapes.

    If your choice fell on a more natural design of the dacha, then you can make winding paths and asymmetrically arrange objects. Landscaping the site opens up more opportunities for creativity and is more suitable for a small area.

    It is advisable to create a three-dimensional relief in one or two places on the site. You can choose from the following options:

    • rock garden - a flower garden representing a piece of a mountain landscape;
    • a flower bed with plants of different heights;
    • a small pond with a humpbacked bridge;
    • retaining wall.

    To successfully plant a small dacha plot, you should think through everything in advance and draw up a plan. Take a sheet of paper and mark the area of ​​the site on it (strictly adhere to the chosen scale). Mark the location of all existing objects, in which direction they cast a shadow, where the wind rose is located. All this is important for planning plantings and selecting plants.

    First, make general marks on the plan: garden, vegetable beds, recreation area, flower bed. Next, be more specific. For example, specify what plants you will plant in the flower bed, what trees will be in the garden. Be sure to check what conditions suit each crop.

    To properly arrange a small dacha you need a plan

    Visual expansion of the site area

    Smooth lines. Designers have many ways to make a small area appear larger. One of the main tricks is to concentrate on smooth lines and shapes. Thus, winding paths and smooth floral inclusions will contribute to the expansion of space. The abundance of flower beds and decorative elements visually steals the space, so moderation is important in this.

    Lighting far corners. In addition to abandoning the blind fence, you also need to pay attention to the far corners. Using white and yellow flowers you can lighten them, thereby expanding the space. If all the flowers on the site are light, this is only a plus.

    Bright hues. An even more pronounced expansion of the space of a summer cottage can be achieved by planting it with flowers and shrubs in light colors. It is important to remember one rule: only a third of large plants should be evergreen crops. In addition, it is advisable to prefer light-colored materials for buildings, fences and paths.

    Minimalism. Do not think that the design of a small summer cottage must be boring and monotonous. You can use a variety of plants and decorative elements, but use moderation. Do not overuse a large number of bright colors and shapes. With a large number of different details, the dacha will seem smaller.

    Green fence. You can landscape your fences with climbing plants or create a green fence using suitable shrubs. In any case, the effect will be created that the dacha has no boundaries.

    Advice! If you belong to the huge number of summer residents who do not have the education of a landscape designer, be prepared to copy other people's ideas. To successfully apply the received design tips, you need experience and time. We offer you a simplified solution to the problem - copy the idea of ​​decorating a dacha found on the Internet or spotted from another summer resident (not a neighbor). This method is especially suitable for people with little imagination.

    In a small area, experts do not advise planting a flower bed in the center. It is better to do this on the sides of the main path. To make the flower garden interesting, you can decorate it with car tires, flowerpots, pieces of furniture, dishes and other disused items.

    Container plantings look interesting. You can use anything.

    Focus on finding ideas and you will succeed!


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