Lightweight fabric for curtains. Curtain fabrics: style and harmony at home

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Before heading to the fabric store, try to answer a few questions. Determine for which room you will sew curtains. The choice of fabric largely depends on this. Light curtains made of cotton or linen fabric are suitable for the kitchen window. They create a joyful mood, and besides, they wash well. Synthetics are not very appropriate, since sparks, boiling oil, etc. can get on the curtains.

The main purpose of curtains in the bedroom is to provide peace. They should be quite tight, especially if one of the family members works the night shift and often rests during the day. Better dense fabric in calm tones. Curtains in a nursery should not be dark and gloomy. The material for the curtains that will decorate your living room depends on the overall style of the room. Everything is appropriate here, from classic velvet to undyed linen, if the room is decorated in a folk style. It is best to draw a sketch for each window in advance. This will help determine whether you need two sets of curtains - thick and sheer - or whether you decide to settle for one set.

Measure your windows. You need to know the length of the cornice and the expected length of the product. The amount of material depends on the type of curtains. Straight canvases without any folds or gathers are rarely hung on windows. Light curtains can be with simple ruffles. To determine the amount of fabric, you need to multiply the length of the cornice by 1.5. That is, if you have a window 2 m wide, you need to cover a distance of at least 3 m. With a standard curtain fabric of 2.1 m, you will need 2 lengths of the product, plus 20 cm for processing the top and bottom. If there are folds on the curtain, the length of the curtain rod is multiplied by 2 or even 2.5.

Regardless of where your curtains are hung, the fabric should drape well. In addition, it should not stretch much and change shape. As a rule, special curtain fabrics meet these conditions. Pay attention to the percentage of natural and fiber content. Completely natural fabrics for curtains are not always good because they tend to stretch, especially when it comes to voluminous, heavy curtains. In the kitchen, of course, you can hang curtains made of chintz, satin and even cambric. Materials consisting exclusively of artificial fibers hold their shape perfectly, but they do not allow air to pass through well and do not trap dust very successfully, and this is one of the functions of curtains. Therefore, it is better to choose a mixed fabric where the content of artificial fibers does not exceed 50%.

As for the drawing, it all depends on the characteristics of the room. Curtains for the bedroom should not be colorful; a large, bright pattern will interfere with rest. In a nursery, the pattern can be bright - balls, cubes, toys, animals, etc. The child should be interested in looking at the curtains. Classic curtains for the living room are usually plain or with a slightly noticeable pattern, including relief. But colorful curtains, and even ones sewn from scraps, are also possible.

As for transparent curtains, the modern housewife has quite a large choice. Classic tulle, organza, tulle of different colors, guipure - there is plenty to choose from. The good thing about tulle is that it doesn’t need to be processed at all. The advantages of tulle are its wide canvas, exquisite pattern and ideal fabric structure for curtains.

One of the interior details responsible for indoor comfort are curtains. It is impossible to take your eyes off the window, tastefully decorated with curtains made of noble fabric and harmoniously complementing the overall design. Today, the textile market offers a huge selection of materials used to make curtains. Fabrics for curtains can be natural or synthetic, plain or printed, have a wide variety of textures, but they are all designed to achieve the same goals - to decorate the window opening and protect the home from the penetration of light and noise from the street.

What kind of curtain fabric should it be?

When choosing curtains, first of all you need to pay attention to the density of the material. To protect your home from prying eyes, external noise and sunlight, curtains must be thick and not allow light to pass through. This is especially important for bedrooms and living rooms, as well as for rooms with windows facing south.

An equally important factor influencing the choice of curtains is the ability to easily care for the product. It’s good when curtains can be easily removed from the curtain rod and washed in a machine. The material for curtains should be practical and not require special washing and ironing conditions.

When choosing curtain material, you need to consider the following factors.

  • Wear resistance. Curtains are textiles that are not changed every day. A quality product can last five years or more. Therefore, the material for curtains must be strong and durable, not fade when washed, not become thinner and not change color in the sun.
  • Practicality. Curtains should not require special care. It is better to choose a material that is easy to wash in a machine and does not need to be ironed. Heavy fleecy fabrics that collect dust can be dry cleaned or vacuumed.
  • Elasticity. To create various folds, folds and draperies, you should choose elastic fabrics.
  • Harmony. To make the window an integral part of the overall interior, the fabric for the curtains should fit well with the decor of the room.

The most win-win option would be to sew curtains from the material that has already been used in the interior, for example, for upholstering furniture or decorating one of the walls. If there are shiny objects in the room, you can use iridescent material, but it is important not to overdo it.

Which curtain fabric is best to choose?

Modern textile manufacturers produce many types of fabrics used to make curtains. Every day new materials appear with special impregnations that give products additional properties, such as protection from sunlight, resistance to getting wet and dirty, and others. Based on their composition, curtain fabrics are divided into artificial, natural, synthetic and mixed.

Natural fabrics

Curtains made from natural materials are environmentally friendly, fit well into the interior and are perfect for any apartment or house, however, due to the high cost of the products, not everyone can buy such textiles.

  • Cotton.

Curtains made of cotton fabric are strong and durable. They are pleasant to the touch, do not attract dust and do not accumulate static electricity, wash well and withstand ironing with a hot iron. The canvas can be plain, with a bright printed pattern or embroidery. Among the disadvantages of cotton fabric, two points should be highlighted: firstly, with prolonged exposure to sunlight, it turns yellow, and secondly, . To improve the situation, modern materials combine cotton with synthetics.

The rough texture of the fabric, which is clearly visible in thin curtains, attracts lovers of all things natural. has increased strength. It does not electrify and does not collect dust, and is easy to wash and iron with a hot iron and steam. Due to its rather large weight, it forms beautiful heavy folds when draped.

Linen shrinks when washed. This must be taken into account when sewing curtains and leave large allowances along the length.

  • Wool.

Modern wool curtain fabric is smooth and thin. As you know, wool repels dirt and even cleans itself, but it easily absorbs foreign odors and is afraid of moths. Therefore, wool curtains need to be ventilated from time to time. it is necessary with extreme caution, only by hand or in a machine in a gentle mode. It is better to dry clean such textiles.

  • Silk.

Luxurious silk fabrics, despite their apparent fragility, are quite wear-resistant. The flowing material has unique colors and is well suited for creating beautiful draperies with flowing soft folds. Silk has all the advantages of natural fabrics and at the same time is very capricious in terms of care. Curtains made of this material must be protected from sunlight, washed at low temperatures, and not over-dried.

Satin fabric is obtained by combining silk thread with cotton or linen fiber. One side of the canvas is shiny, and the other is matte. The noble shine of satin gives the products sophistication and elegance. Textiles made from this material with velvet and braid trim look especially worthy.

Artificial fabrics

Man-made fibers are produced by chemically treating natural materials such as wood pulp. One of the representatives of this category of fabrics is viscose. The appearance of the material resembles silk, but the cost of products made from viscose is much lower than natural textiles. The structure of artificial fiber does not tolerate moisture well, so viscose curtains are not recommended to be washed and twisted frequently, as they may tear.

In addition to viscose, curtains are made from acetate and, and. Often fibers obtained from cellulose are combined with polyester - this makes the material more durable. When sewing curtains made of artificial fabrics, it is better to use a lining.

Comfortable synthetic

Synthetic fibers are based on chemically created polymers. Among the main characteristics of synthetic materials are high strength and wear resistance, a pleasant texture to the touch, ease of maintenance and the ability to be painted in the most extravagant colors. The disadvantage is that synthetic curtains quickly become electrified and attract dust.

Many housewives are interested in what synthetic fabric curtains are made from. Here are descriptions of the most popular materials.

  • Polyester.

Soft and durable curtains made of polyester have many advantages, since the fabric does not shrink or wrinkle, does not contribute to the appearance of moths, and does not require special care. When decorating a window with this synthetic fabric, you can add pleats or other folds. The material is machine washable. If you carefully hang the fabric to dry, you won’t need to iron it.

The dense and light material does not wrinkle at all, does not fade in the sun, and is easy to wash. In appearance, the fabric resembles fine wool. The material is indispensable for sewing inexpensive curtains that are supposed to be washed frequently.

  • Nylon.

Lightweight and tear-resistant fabric has increased resistance to damage. Products made from nylon hold their shape well, are easy to wash and do not require ironing. There is only one drawback - under the influence of sunlight, the drawing quickly fades.

Modern materials for curtains

Recently, mixed fabrics have become increasingly popular. In such fabrics, natural and synthetic fibers are organically intertwined, due to which, at a low cost, the product increases its practicality.

  • Blackout.

The latest development of scientists in the field of textile production is a fabric called Blackout. Its production uses synthetic and artificial fibers, acrylic foam and various impregnations. Due to the three-layer structure, the material perfectly blocks light and noise. Blackout curtains are indispensable when decorating a window in a bedroom or nursery.

  • Taffeta.

The combination with natural silk gives this durable and dense material a unique shine. Taffeta is excellent for making lambrequins, Roman blinds and is usually used in rooms with a “classic” interior.

Canvases with fabric patterns depicting landscapes, plants, and scenes from life are made from natural fibers with the addition of artificial threads. Jacquard curtains are quite heavy and are better suited for spacious rooms.

Such a variety of materials suitable for sewing curtains can confuse any housewife. The main thing when choosing fabric is to focus on your taste and the interior features of the room where the curtains will be used. And, of course, do not forget about the practicality of textiles.

Updated: 09/19/2019 00:22:02

Expert: Andrey Menshakov

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Curtains play an important role in the interior of a home, allowing you to create a unique interior. That is why, when choosing a suitable design for a window space, several nuances should be observed, which will be discussed in our rating of the best fabrics for curtains.

How to choose fabric for curtains

When choosing the right material for curtains, most consumers reach a dead end, not accurately understanding what is best to choose in a given situation. Here are some useful tips to help you make a successful purchase:

  1. Practicality. When choosing a suitable fabric, it is necessary to take into account the type of care recommended for certain materials.
  2. Durability. Curtains for rooms with constant use should not wear out quickly. Curtains that shade a room should not change their properties when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Density. If you plan to drapery, you should not give preference to loose fabrics.
  4. Absorbency. For some household spaces (for example, the kitchen), it is better to choose fabrics that do not absorb moisture and odors.
  5. Decorative features. We recommend that when choosing fabric for curtains, be sure to take into account its texture and color - they should be in perfect harmony with the interior of the room. The ideal option would be to use fabric for curtains that has already been used when decorating the room.

Consider the purpose of the room

Perhaps, at first glance, it may seem that choosing suitable curtains for a room is a matter of minutes. But, as practice shows, this process can turn into a real test. After all, it is important to choose not just a fabric that matches the color scheme, but also a product that will give you an idea of ​​what fabrics will be appropriate in what rooms.

Living room

In most homes, the living room is the central room, so choosing the right curtain fabric should be done very carefully. For modest living rooms with low ceilings, lightweight natural materials with small synthetic inclusions (silk, linen, viscose) are perfect. For a spacious room, you can safely choose a heavier fabric (jacquard or brocade), which will add luxury and nobility to the interior.


Choosing the right fabric for curtains in the bedroom depends entirely on your needs and the style of the room. This can be light translucent textiles of natural origin or laconic dense natural textiles with the addition of synthetic “notes” (for example, jacquard with small silk inserts or threads).


There are special requirements for materials used in finishing curtains for children's rooms. The product should not only be natural, but also practical due to the constant possibility of contamination by children's hands. For a child's room, curtains made of cotton, linen, wool with small artificial impurities are optimal. The texture of the products should be smooth. Such materials will be functional, durable, and practical (after all, they are not afraid of bruising).


Since the kitchen is a rather specific room, it is better to select exclusively practical fabrics (mostly artificial) for finishing the curtains in it. Roman blinds or light curtains made of synthetic fabric (for example, polyester) perfectly combine functionality with a stylish appearance - non-staining, easily cleaned from dust and dirt, and at the same time sufficiently protecting from sunlight.

Rating of the best fabrics for curtains

Nomination place Name of product RATING
The best natural fabrics 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.7
5 4.6
The best artificial fabrics 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.6
The best mixed fabrics 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8

The best natural fabrics


Silk, like all materials presented in the natural category, compares favorably with synthetics in terms of aesthetics. By the way, silk curtains are considered the most luxurious among the possible “natural” options, and not only due to their price: silk is an incredibly thin material, almost weightless and at the same time incredibly durable. Silk curtains are an elegant addition to any interior, impressive with their unique colors. Due to certain features, silk is suitable only for use in bedrooms/living rooms with windows facing north.


  • high strength;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • presentable appearance;
  • does not lint.


  • fades in the sun;
  • wrinkles;
  • Hand wash only;
  • quickly absorbs odors.


Ideally even, glass-smooth fabric with moderate density has an elegant appearance and is famous for its ancient history. The material is not cheap and, to make it more accessible, other natural materials (cotton, viscose) or synthetics are added to it.


  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • high strength;
  • hypoallergenic;


  • stretches over time (in the presence of synthetic additives);
  • the fabric is heavy.


Inexpensive, practical and durable material, which is most often used to create curtains for residential premises. Several types of material are used in everyday life:

  1. chintz is the most budget-friendly option for cotton, often decorated with bright patterns;
  2. satin is an elastic fabric with a moderate satin sheen, retains its color well, and is easy to drape;
  3. mercerized options - special treatment gives the fabric a spectacular shine, unique texture, and immunity to the sun.


  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • strength;
  • does not accumulate static electricity.


  • color fading from the sun (inexpensive options);
  • slight shrinkage after washing.


Woolen material can be either quite dense, with a fluffy texture, or surprisingly thin, smooth to the touch. Wool is a unique material with a special fine structure and pile that is the same in length.

Curtains made of wool actively absorb moisture, so you should be very careful when choosing such products for a particular room in the house.


  • does not wrinkle;
  • weak soiling;
  • pleasant to the touch texture;
  • excellent heat capacity;
  • elasticity.


  • the need for delicate washing;
  • the likelihood of moths appearing in the folds of fabric;
  • absorbs unpleasant odors (it is necessary to constantly ventilate the fabric).


Slightly rough to the touch, incredibly durable material with a unique structure. Ideal for rustic and eco-styles. The fabric has a high price, which is more than compensated by a lot of advantages. Linen, despite its dense structure, depending on the finishing features, can be used to create both dense heavy curtains and light openwork tulle. This is an excellent option for a child’s room or a spacious, bright bedroom.


  • wear resistance;
  • weak soiling;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • ability to pass air;
  • high strength.


  • wrinkles a lot (and is difficult to iron);
  • “shrinks” after washing.

The best artificial fabrics


A synthetic material made from natural cellulose, and often passed off by unscrupulous sellers as natural fabrics (le, cotton, wool) due to its similarity to them. It is difficult to imagine how a high-quality soft material can be created from wood, and yet it is possible.

Viscose textiles are incredibly in demand, which is explained by a number of properties of this material, pleasant to the touch, attractive in appearance and safe for the human body.


  • aesthetic appearance;
  • does not generate static electricity;
  • easy to drape;
  • ease of care;
  • ability to pass air.


  • fades in the sun (not all products);
  • loses strength when wet.


Polyester has incredible fiber strength. He owes this to the rapidly developing textile industry in the 30s of the 20th century, which was looking for new practical materials.

The properties of polyester fibers are so unique and varied that it is used not only in the manufacture of curtains and clothing, but to create toys and even winter clothing insulation.

Surely many have heard of polyester, but under different names. Manufacturers often use the following on labels: lavsan, dacron, diolene, etc. The material is used extremely rarely in its exclusively pure form - a mixture of synthetics and natural fibers is almost always added to it. It is not advisable to use polyester to decorate the windows of a bedroom and children's room, but for other rooms it is ideal.


  • wear resistance;
  • strength;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • immunity to sunlight;
  • ease of care.


  • sometimes causes allergies;
  • poor breathability;
  • rapid accumulation of static electricity.


One of the few synthetic materials that can compete with natural ones. Despite its completely artificial origin, acrylic is absolutely safe for the human body, has a presentable appearance and will fit into almost any interior.


  • hypoallergenic;
  • durability;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of care.


  • poor breathability;
  • accumulation of static electricity;
  • change in structure under the influence of sunlight (becomes hard).


One of the most popular types of fabric in the world. Created by complex polymerization of raw fibers, the finished material is incredibly thin, durable and soft to the touch. By the way, nylon in its pure form does not stretch, so lycra is added to it. In appearance and to the touch, nylon curtains are very reminiscent of silk: the same delicate smooth texture. Being completely synthetic, the material is incredibly valuable for its versatility.


  • high strength (in this indicator, silk, for example, is 2 times inferior to nylon);
  • wear resistance;
  • low maintenance (the fabric can be washed even in cold water);
  • lightness (nylon is lighter than silk).


  • low breathability;
  • rapid accumulation of static electricity;
  • causes allergies.

The best mixed fabrics


This multilayer polyester fabric with excellent light resistance, despite its high price, has already gained popularity. Blackout is a great way to protect a room from heat and bright sun rays. The uniqueness of the material lies in the fact that its front side, due to the multi-layer nature of the finished product, can have any texture: satin, soft matte, covered with a print, ideally smooth as silk.

Blackout is presented in 2 varieties: a 3-layer fabric woven from three threads (the inner one is black and retains light, the rest are colored, decorative), or a 2-layer coated fabric, where the outer layer is decorative.


  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • immunity to sun exposure;
  • possibility of drapery;
  • durability;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • does not wrinkle.



Rigid, dense and incredibly elegant, taffeta is a natural-synthetic blend of cotton, viscose, silk, polyester and acetate. The material surprises with its variety of textures, colors and shapes and is successfully used to create luxurious, non-trivial curtain models.

Despite the density, taffeta looks very light, so it will fit organically even into a small space. The material can be used to create spectacular curtains, curtains and lambrequins. Since the fabric is not afraid of sunlight, we recommend confidently using it to decorate windows in sunny rooms.

Thanks to the varied composition, you can choose the optimal jacquard option for almost any interior. The most expensive (price reaches 6,000-7,000 thousand rubles per m2) is silk jacquard: it is more often used in luxury interiors.


  • durability;
  • practicality (the material does not fade in the sun, wears out slightly);
  • versatility of application;
  • luxurious appearance;
  • easily draped material;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • It is easy to leave puffs on the fabric.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

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Fabrics for curtains - photos and names, curtain fabric

Fabrics for curtains: how to choose, photos, names, which ones are best suited for the bedroom or living room, curtain fabric and its types - we’ll tell you everything in our article.

The decoration of windows in an apartment depends only on the tastes of the owners and the purpose for which they decorate the windows. This can only be a craving for aesthetic beauty, or protection from prying eyes and the bright sun. On the site you will get acquainted with fabrics for curtains, learn their names and from the photos you will begin to understand the types of material. Depending on these goals, the curtain fabric will be selected.
The most famous types of fabric are tulle and. They include a whole group of different materials. Absolutely different in composition and quality, they go perfectly together on the windows of apartments, restaurants and office premises.

Types of fabrics for curtains

You will find types of fabrics for curtains, photos and names on the website and get acquainted with each material separately. Faced with many options for window decoration, a dilemma arises - how to choose fabric for curtains? We will try to answer this question in our section.

A little history: curtains appeared in everyday use much earlier than tulle. They have served as protection from wind and sun since the times of the Tsarist Empire. Now they have not so much a protective function as aesthetic pleasure.

Curtains are the name of dense fabric for curtains, and it is divided into many types according to composition:

    • made from natural fabrics have always been held in high esteem. Their advantage is that they minimize static electricity in the apartment, are particularly durable and allow some sunlight to pass through. Linen is easily recognizable by its gray-beige shades. It will be appropriate for the summer sun.
    • Velvet is a luxurious material for decorating large rooms in a special style. It is heavy and practically does not allow light to pass through, but at the same time it is soft and pleasant to the skin and eyes.
    • Silk can be natural or artificial. The most common fabric used for curtains is artificial silk, since it is cheaper than real silk. This shiny, slippery material adds richness and grandeur to a room. The atlas can also be included in this group.
  • Jacquard is designed to create a festive, elegant atmosphere in the interior. This is a material for curtains with a voluminous, clearly visible pattern, which is particularly durable and colorfast.
  • Blackout is a thick curtain that is designed specifically to block out the sun. It is used in rooms where it is necessary to completely exclude light. you will find more information about blackout curtains, what kind of fabric it is, what it looks like, how to care for it, and more.
  • Flock is a material with a small pile, often made with shiny powder applied to the surface, which gives it a playful, interesting look.

Which fabric to choose?

When asking what fabric to choose for the bedroom, which one is best, most often the eye stops at soft silk, natural linen, or playful flock. These delicate drapes pair well with matte organza and give the bedroom a soft, pleasant look.

“Natural” styles are popular in the modern world. If you are a fan of old cozy rooms, then country style is for you. These are chintz, linen and, which will emphasize the atmosphere of antiquity and home comfort. If you are a romantic person, then create the atmosphere with ruffles and flounces, which are known as shabby chic style. This is truly a girlish combination: frills, flowers, delicate shades. The main thing is not to forget about a sense of proportion and not to overdo it with the decor.

The lightness of tulle materials will suit the kitchen. They perfectly transmit light and air, which is necessary for comfortable cooking. Sometimes they make light curtains from thin curtains, which will also perfectly decorate a cozy kitchen.

Every detail is important for a children's room. And curtain material is no exception. From birth, parents try to surround their princess daughters with powdery shades, and future defenders with a “masculine” interior.

Our site will help you choose a style, color, and decide on the material for a boy’s and girl’s room. By choosing every little detail, you can achieve balance both in the design and comfort of the room, and in the soul of your own child.

Having figured out what types of curtain fabrics are available, you can safely start decorating your rooms with the help of these useful accessories.

When deciding what future curtains should be, you need to focus on the purpose of the room, the character of the inhabitants and the general style of the room. The fabric for curtains must be chosen with special attention, because it is it that sets the tone and suggests a constructive solution.

Synthetic fabrics

It is the fabric that sets the style of future curtains. It happens that a well-chosen fabric dictates an artistic solution for the entire interior of a room. The fabric is selected based on its appearance, quality and cost.

Jacquard is a dense curtain fabric woven from polymer threads. There are expensive varieties of silk jacquard, which are rarely used for sewing curtains due to their high cost. Synthetic fabric is much more affordable, so stores are full of all kinds of colors and patterns.

Classic jacquard- this is a fabric with floral patterns. Modern designers have developed fabrics with abstract patterns, geometric shapes, and large contrasting accents. Jacquard can be colored or plain.

This type of material is distinguished by its flowing texture and satin shine. Such curtains have sufficient weight and rigidity to create intricate draperies and folds with their help. Jacquard is suitable for creating curtains with clear geometric contours.

Crepe- This is a thin synthetic fabric. Richly decorated fabrics are not always appropriate, and for many modern interiors they are simply unacceptable.

In addition, on small windows or in small rooms, massive curtains eat up the already modest volume. Modern minimalist interiors require simpler and more concise solutions.

Crepe, crepe georgette and crepe de Chine are polyester fabrics. They are rigid enough to keep their shape, but at the same time they do not look massive and are perfect for sewing laconic curtains for the windows of a simple city apartment.

A rich range of colors and the availability of companion fabrics will allow you to realize an individual project at low material costs.

Synthetic tulle, organza and chiffon- These are irreplaceable fabrics for curtains. Their low cost and rich color palette allow you to create interesting sets with their help. It is worth noting that thin synthetic fabrics are short-lived and may turn yellow in the sun. This drawback can be corrected by replacing old curtains with new ones, because their price is very affordable.

Features of care

Synthetics do not require maintenance. There are several rules here:

  • Unnatural fabric should be washed at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, otherwise the polymer fibers in the fabric will change their structure and the material will fade and lose its shine;
  • Drying is not a necessary step. You can iron synthetic curtains immediately after washing. It’s not scary if they are hung on the window in a wet state. Synthetics do not stretch or shrink, so curtains made of polyester and nylon do not lose their original shape.
  • Synthetics cannot withstand bleaching. Oxygen stain removers can also destroy color and ruin drapes. It is best to use regular laundry soap to deal with difficult stains.

Natural fabrics

The choice of natural fabrics that are suitable for window decoration is very large.

Silk fabrics They are distinguished by their sophisticated appearance, noble beauty, elegance and high price.

Atlas Ideal for decorating a large room with a wide window or portal. Silk is associated with a satiny sheen; it is one of the brightest and most recognizable fabrics.

Satin, woven only from silk threads without the addition of synthetics and cotton, is recognizable by its flowing texture. Although natural silk is very expensive, satin without additives does not hold its shape at all and does not drape well, so designers advise using mixed fabrics.

Silk organza on the contrary, it shines with all the colors of the rainbow if it does not contain synthetic impurities. This airy fabric serves as tulle in sets with curtains, and is also used independently on windows in bedrooms and for decoration.

Organza has a significant drawback. Since it is woven from high-quality silk, over time, under the influence of sunlight, the protein loses its plasticity and the fabric becomes less durable. In order to extend the life of organza, it is better to hang it away from direct sunlight.

Cotton- another favorite among curtain fabrics. Its main advantage is durability and ease of maintenance.

For the manufacture of curtains, mercerized fabrics are best suited, that is, treated with caustic soda and dried in autoclaves at high temperature and pressure. Mercerization changes the structure of cotton fiber, making it voluminous and shiny. The paint in dyed fabrics holds excellently, the material does not fade and fades after many years of use.

Satin is a cotton fabric in which the threads are intertwined in the same way as in classic silk satin. Satin has a smooth surface, noble matte shine and elastic texture. Thanks to the durable coloring, you can combine fabrics of different rich colors in one model and be sure that the curtains will not fade during washing.

Satin is used to create fashionable curtains with loops, as they drape beautifully. The only thing that is not suitable for cotton curtains is tiebacks, as this material wrinkles easily.

Chintz- cotton fabric with plain weave is used in interiors in Provence or country style; such curtains look great in the kitchen and nursery. Any cotton curtains, and especially chintz curtains, do not require a complex cut or elaborate decorations.

The fabric dictates the style of the curtain, and cotton is a material with a pronounced texture; it is an active decorative element. Cotton curtains are successfully combined with Roman blinds, laconic blinds or without any companion at all. Cotton symbolizes simplicity, even if it is made in bright colors, so in the interior you should adhere to the concept of minimalism and modesty.

Linen- This is a bright accent for an interior in an ecological style. Modern manufacturers paint it in various colors, but the texture of the fabric requires it to be used in light-colored interiors. In combination with linen, bright accents, contrasts and active decorative elements are inappropriate. Despite its apparent simplicity, linen is a very capricious material.

Caring for natural fabrics

Natural fabrics require careful handling.

  • Silk cannot be washed in hot water, otherwise it will lose its shine and its service life will be noticeably reduced.. For the same reason, it should not be ironed with a hot iron. Silk should not be wrung out at high speed in a machine, nor should it be twisted. After careful washing, the silk should be dried by throwing the fabric over a horizontal crossbar. After the curtains are completely dry, they need to be carefully ironed. If you follow these rules, then expensive curtains will last a very long time.
  • Dyed cotton and linen cannot withstand bleaching or washing in hot water. However, their main feature is strong shrinkage. In order to avoid this trouble, you need to follow the rule: iron the curtains immediately after washing. Processing wet fabric will prevent the fibers from deforming and the size of the curtains will remain the same.

Video: Curtain fabrics - new items


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