Staircase to the second floor (120 photos): modern design options in a private house. Options for compact stairs to the second floor for small areas Staircase to the second floor top view

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Regardless of what material the staircase in a private house is built from, it must be reliable and comfortable.

To achieve this, you must first understand its design features and take into account all the little details.

From our article, site users will learn:

  • What kind of staircase can be called comfortable?
  • What types of devices are there?
  • What is a bowstring, baluster, stringer, tread, riser;
  • Where does the staircase calculation begin?
  • What features need to be taken into account when installing in a wooden house;
  • What you need to know about monolithic stairs.

Features of staircase design

The following factors should be considered when designing the structure:

  • home and premises design;
  • free space allocated for the stairs;

It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the opening of the second (third) floor, the height of the ceilings, and the thickness of the ceilings.

  • the material from which the house is built, as well as the walls, ceilings and floors.

In pursuit of design delights, developers may forget about the main purpose of this device - to ensure comfortable and safe ascent and descent.

Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance:

  • where and how the stairs will be placed;
  • the material from which it will be made;
  • how much space will it take up in the house?

The worst thing is if you have to “fit” a staircase into an already built house: you often have to compromise between functionality and convenience. The result is a structure that is inconvenient and unsafe to walk on.

If the calculations began at the stage of designing a house, it becomes possible to virtually move walls, change the arrangement of rooms, change the location of door and window openings and, thereby, subsequently install stairs in the house as efficiently as possible.

It is best to position the staircase so that it simultaneously connects several rooms, and does not go into a corner or into an enclosed home space.

When designing, it is necessary to remember that:

1. For ease of walking on the stairs, the angle of inclination should not exceed 45 degrees.
2. If it is installed in the hall, then you should think in advance about the size of the opening in the concrete floor, and in the case of a wooden house, the location of the support and load-bearing beams.
3. If for some reason the design of the staircase is postponed to later stages of construction, then the minimum dimensions of the opening will be:

  • opening width – 1 meter.
  • opening length – ceiling height + thickness of the second floor.

Floor beams in a house or small country house must be run along, and not across, the proposed staircase opening!


– Before you start calculating the staircase, first of all, you need to imagine how it will look when finished, and understand whether its carved railings will fit into the simple interior of the house.

To make the design as convenient as possible, before calculating it you should find out:

  • height from the finished floor of the first floor to the finished floor of the second floor;
  • length of the stairwell;
  • width of the staircase opening;
  • floor thickness;
  • direction of movement;
  • material, because There are a number of moments when it determines the final design of the staircase.

Essential elements

Modern trends towards rational use of territory, more than ever, encourage building houses not “width”, but “height”. This applies to private buildings, but even apartment residents are trying to organize a multi-level layout, thereby expanding the usable area. To combine the upper and lower spaces, it becomes necessary to build a staircase to the second floor, the features of which we will dwell on in more detail.

Types of stairs by design

When designing a staircase, you will first have to focus not on the design, but on the area of ​​the room in order to select the ideal product in design and size. There are two main types:

Marching stairs

A common version of stairs, designed taking into account the biomechanics of movements and providing comfortable, safe movement. They consist of marches ranging from 3 to 15 steps. If the maximum number is not enough, the height is divided into two openings, between which a small platform or winder steps are installed. Such structures are already called two-flight.

Marching stairs vary in shape and can be straight, rotary (L-shaped or U-shaped) or curved. When determining this parameter, it is necessary to rely on the area of ​​the room, the height of the ceilings, and the location of the second floor.

Based on the type of supporting structure, there are two types of marching products: on stringers and bowstrings. In the first case, the steps are laid on top of the beam, and in the second, special grooves are made on the inside of the supporting element.

You will also have to choose the type of steps. Parts with risers look more massive and will fit perfectly into a classic interior, while those without them are suitable for a modern home due to their lightweight design.

In general, staircases are presented in a wide range, and even for small ones you can choose a suitable example or combine it with other items.

Spiral staircases

The principle of such structures is very simple: steps are attached to an installed rod, which rise upward in a spiral. They do not take up extra space and are quite compact.

The main reason why spiral staircases are inferior to marching ones is the difficulty of moving due to the lack of solid support. It is not recommended to install such an instance in a house where children or elderly people live. The following parameters are considered optimal: the central width of the steps should be at least 20 cm, and the widest part should be no more than 40 cm.

In other cases, spiral staircases can be considered an excellent option for both modern and classic styles. Thanks to their spiral shape, they become a key element of the interior, and products of different shapes - from square to octagonal - will help diversify the design.

Stairs on rails

It is not possible to install this type of staircase in the center of the room - it is supported by a load-bearing wall, to which the steps are attached using bolts. Collected into one system, they form a single load-bearing element, giving the structure a light, almost weightless appearance, thanks to which it is often used in modern interiors.

Despite the visual fragility, the products can withstand from 500 to 1100 kg, depending on the material and manufacturer. In addition, the bolts allow you to adjust the height of the steps after installation.

Staircases on rails with railings, which take part of the load upon themselves, are popular. You can experiment with the base, shape and lighting to create a unique look for your home.

Choosing material for the stairs

Stairs are made from different materials, which give them certain aesthetic and practical properties.

Wooden stairs

When imagining a staircase in a house, an image of a solid wooden structure with curly railings and a beautiful deep texture immediately appears. It can be luxurious wenge, oak or minimalist wood of simple species. Ash, walnut, and beech are considered the best options, but pine is not strong enough to withstand the required load. The varnish coating will protect against the negative effects of the environment, but it will have to be updated regularly.

This material is suitable for any designs, but looks most organically as marching products. For country or American style, such a solution is indispensable.

Metal stairs

Metal structures will serve you for half a century, maintaining their original, neat appearance. To do this, choose items made of stainless steel, which does not corrode, since chrome-plated or painted options have a limited service life - no more than 6-7 years.

The plasticity of the base allows you to give the staircase and its parts any shape. Metal is often combined with other materials, such as wood, glass, concrete. It makes elegant wrought iron handrails.

Concrete stairs

Unlike more natural materials, concrete does not have lightness or sophistication; in its pure form it is unlikely to fit into a classic interior, but instead will give a feeling of solidity and integrity.

Such structures are quite reliable, can withstand high loads and do not deteriorate over time. Unfortunately, they are difficult to install yourself, but the low cost of raw materials makes up for this drawback.

An important advantage of concrete stairs is the possibility of decorating them: with stone, wood or even tiles. The unique rough texture will not be noticeable, but you will get an aesthetic design at an affordable cost.

Stone stairs

Marble has a stunning deep texture, but as a stair covering it wears out quickly, within just a few years. Granite or quartzite have the opposite properties. Much cheaper artificial analogues also cope well with their role.

Stone stairs are often combined with metal handrails, and by adjusting the decor you can fit them into many styles.

Glass stairs

If design, which does not require ten years of service, comes first, glass structures have no competitors. Steps are made from this material, which are attached to bolts or used on spiral staircases. It acts harmoniously in tandem with metal, enhancing the gloss effect and imparting reliability to such a fragile product.

Indeed, glass stairs can be damaged by a strong impact, but even without it, noticeable scratches appear on the surface over time. For greater strength, it is better to take hardened or laminated varieties. Acrylic glass is considered the most reliable, but tends to darken over time.

Styles and design

Because of their shape, stairs often stand out among the interior ensemble, while remaining an organic part of it. To do this, when developing a design, you need to focus on the basic style of the premises.

Staircases in a modern style

Modern aesthetics loves conciseness and restraint, the use of practical materials, and their combination to create a more complex look. Preference is given to pure geometric shapes, lines, and smooth surfaces.

The style works with the features of the space, so the type of staircase design can be any, the main thing is that it looks good in the interior.

Classic style stairs

As mentioned above, classics are characterized by the use of three materials: wood, metal and decorative stone, among which the first is clearly the leader. Initially, you need to choose rooms with a large area, since even the staircase here has a massive appearance.

Often these are marching products on stringers or bowstrings with closed risers, divided into several spans and fenced with strong railings, often with characteristic carvings.

Loft style stairs

Concrete stairs to the second floor harmoniously interact with the style of the loft, emphasizing its industrial character. However, other bases would also look appropriate.

The staircase should have an extremely simple design, ensuring comfortable movement. Since the loft interior, according to the rules, is located on large areas, you don’t have to worry about the size of the structure.

Stairs in minimalist style

It is desirable that minimalist staircases attract attention to themselves as little as possible. Ideally, they should fit into the overall volume of the room, forming a single functional whole with it.

Means of expression are kept to a minimum: the texture of the material, smooth lines, natural colors. An excellent solution is steps on rails.

Art Deco staircases

Elegant and multifaceted Art Deco strives to emphasize its “status” in all details - from the base of the stairs to the railings. The latter can repeat complex, intertwining patterns inspired by floral images.

Marching staircases will look monumental and noble; spiral staircases, due to their spiral shape, themselves correspond to the Art Deco style, but bolt-on fastenings will seem too simple.

Where to post: basic rules

Installing stairs to the second floor is a very personal process that depends on the size, layout and height of the ceilings in your space.

The most popular place for a staircase remains the hallway, especially in spacious mansions. Thus, upon entering the house, you immediately have access to all rooms without wandering along the corridors.

The second most popular place to place a lift is the living room. This is convenient for buildings with a medium area, if the second floor leads to a private room, for example, a bedroom. In the hall combined with the kitchen, the stairs can be used for zoning.

To somehow compensate for the impressive size of the staircase, it can be combined with another functional item, using the empty space. This applies to marching structures located next to the wall. The construction of such products is more complex and requires detailed measurements and careful planning, but the final result will make the most of every square meter of the room.

The under-staircase area can serve as a frame for cabinets. The solution is relevant in the hall (storage of clothes and shoes) or living room (for a home library and household items).

The staircase can be organized in the form of a wall in the living room, along the protruding parts of which movement between floors is carried out.

Connoisseurs of quality drinks can arrange a large collection of wines by enclosing it with glass doors and installing lighting.

In the resulting niche you can put a small sofa, create a cozy place for relaxation and privacy, and install shelves on the side walls.

The space under the stairs is suitable for creating a separate room - a storage room, a study or a mini-workshop. Any child will be delighted with such a secluded children's playroom.

Using these ideas will allow you to take a different look at stairs in the house, which will turn from a bulky object into a functional solution.

Design of the staircase to the second floor - photo

It is difficult not to notice the staircase even in the most spacious interior, which is why so much attention is paid to its design. Even more diverse shapes, decor options and layouts are in our photo selection. Enjoy watching!

If your country house or apartment has a second floor, then the need to place a staircase is an obvious fact. The only question is this. How to properly equip and design the structure so that the beauty of the staircase is in no way inferior to its practicality, reliability and safety. Well, the fact that you came to our page means that you are moving in the right direction. Now you can be sure that your staircase in a private home will be the best of the best.

Wooden stairs for the second floor

From the existing huge number of different designs, choosing exactly the staircase that best suits your interior is not exactly an easy task. After all, here it is necessary to take into account many factors that influence the visual perception of the interior. An important role in obtaining a positive result is played not so much by the shape of the structure (although this is very important), but by the correct selection of which it will be made from.

In Russia today, wood holds the palm among the most popular types of materials. And completely deservedly so. Indeed, in addition to environmental benefits, solid wood products have a number of other properties and qualities that set them apart from the crowd.

Wooden stairs can withstand heavy loads, but over time they do not deform and do not lose their attractiveness. The maximum that will need to be done is to update the paintwork in a couple of years.

The staircase is an important part of the interior, so its design should be given due attention

A staircase in a private house is not only an auxiliary structure that helps to get to the second floor, but also a special element that complements the overall picture of the interior.

When choosing a suitable project, it is important to take into account the parameters of the room itself, whether the staircase is suitable in size, and whether it will disrupt the overall style of the house. Therefore, it is important to approach this issue with full responsibility.

In a cozy country house, the staircase will be harmoniously combined with wooden and second light. And the surrounding interior will be decorated with comfortable, upholstered furniture with a small coffee table in the center.

Staircase in a private house on a metal frame

Another very popular type of structure connecting the floors of a house is a staircase on a metal frame. The reliability and strength of metal does not need advertising, but not everyone knows information about the finishing materials with which it is best combined. This is what we will talk about now.

The use of bare metal is, of course, also acceptable, but walking on it will not be pleasant for everyone, especially when the house is cool. Therefore, it is best to use a combined version of the staircase design, the frame is metal, the steps are wood, glass or artificial marble.

There are two types of staircase designs most commonly used:

  1. Marching flights - consist of marching spans of equal length and a platform separating them;
  2. Spiral (screw) - in the classic version, this is a staircase with a projection contour in the shape of a circle.

Stairs using transparent railings made of impact-resistant glass look lighter and airier. They best suit the high-tech style of the interior.

Their elegant and sophisticated appearance will always attract attention. Glass can also be combined with panels of various types of wood. The most interesting combination will look with such species as teak, oak, cedar, beech and maple.

Glass stairs for a country house (photo)

Despite the fact that glass staircases have a design that is not entirely familiar to the home, today the popularity of these structures is quite high. Their elegant design will be appropriate for any interior design, and the specially tempered impact-resistant glass from which the steps and railings are made makes the design absolutely safe for home use.

But there is no limit to the perfection of beauty, and today's manufacturers offer glass staircases, with neon lighting of each step. In the evening, this spectacle looks truly magical and bewitching.

The variety of shapes and types of designs makes it possible to make the style of your interior unique and inimitable. And with the help of various lighting fixtures and other decorative elements, your staircase can be turned into a real work of art.

Spiral staircases to the second floor (photo)

A spiral staircase in a private house is mainly used if there is not enough free space to arrange a regular flight of stairs. The structure consists of steps fixed on the central pillar of the base and a protective fence in the form of railings and handrails of various shapes.

The spiral staircase has incredible attractiveness and beauty. Its smooth lines and curves create an ideal shape that suits most interiors. It looks especially great in spacious living rooms in Art Nouveau, Provence, Eco and Country styles.

Thanks to its mobility and compactness, the screw can be used almost anywhere. This could be a hallway or even a hallway. They are also often installed between the top floor and the attic.

The advantages of a spiral staircase include the following:

  • Small size – minimum requirements for free space;
  • Acceptable cost - when compared with a marching staircase, the cost of a spiral staircase is significantly lower;
  • The visual effect of increasing floor height is especially important for rooms with low ceilings;
  • A huge variety of shapes and designs, allowing you to create a unique interior at home.

A spiral staircase in a private house also has its disadvantages:

  • Operation - in fairness, it should be recognized that using a spiral design is much less convenient than a marching design. If you need to lift something large to the top, you may encounter great difficulties;
  • Manufacturing - in order to correctly design a spiral staircase, the most accurate calculations and extensive experience are required;
  • Safety – it will be quite difficult for people with a weak vestibular system to climb to great heights.

The material for making spiral staircases can be wood, metal, concrete, marble and even glass. Based on this, decorative elements for the structure are selected. A spiral staircase in a private house goes perfectly with hanging railings, which are made of metal in the form of peculiar threads stretching from the ceiling.

Depending on the style of the interior, one or another material is selected. Metal will be appropriate in classic minimalism and unpredictable baroque. Glass looks amazing in modern and Scandinavian interior styles. Concrete or marble will be a wonderful decoration that will emphasize the character of the loft, art deco or eclectic style.

The absence of walls in a loft style interior suggests that the staircase structure will be open to view. Therefore, its design should be thought through to the smallest detail, since it is it that will set the main tone of the interior, emphasizing its exceptional masculine character.

Wood, glass and metal are the main materials for the manufacture of stairs, characteristic of this style. Both screw and marching types of structures are applicable here, but the latter is still more common. Transparent glass, with openwork steps and forged railings allow a harmonious combination of massiveness and lightness at the same time. But for more restrained interiors, solid wood is better suited, as it makes the structure look more luxurious.

Design tricks

Very often, metal stairs are covered with dark paint, or patina is used to achieve the effect of a copper surface. This technique allows you to create the illusion that the structure has been in use for quite a long time. These stairs look very interesting, and they also create a feeling of lived-in space.

To make your interior as close as possible to the loft style, some of the walls should be decorated with artificial stone. Also, decoration for the walls and ceiling can be parquet or, which are quite simple. A pronounced wood texture on the wall facades will bring the missing warmth and tranquility to the interior.

Modern staircase design that can surprise

A staircase in a private house with an original design will turn your interior into a true work of art. A whimsical architectural design in a futuristic and modern style, with beautiful railings made from a variety of materials will allow you to create a truly unique structure that will be the center of attention of your unique interior.

Noble metal, chromed steel, lacquered steps, transparent glass - here is a small list of materials that will emphasize that your staircase belongs to the above styles.

Modern style does not accept the presence of a large number of different accessories that distract unnecessary attention. The overall picture must strictly comply with the general rules of the interior. The color scheme is selected carefully, according to the preferences of the homeowners.

Concrete staircase to the second floor

What could be more reliable and better quality than concrete? That's right, only even more reliable and high quality. This is an incredibly durable and strong material from which you can make truly stunning structures, marching and spiral staircases, enchanting with their unearthly beauty. The uniqueness of the material allows it to be used and combined with almost any finishing materials, be it stone or glass.

In order for the external appearance of the structure to be worthy of admiration, the railings and steps must have an impeccable appearance that can satisfy even the most sophisticated connoisseur of beauty. However, while chasing beauty, it is important not to forget about the main functional purpose of the staircase design - it is a safe, convenient ascent and descent for a person.

One of the most important principles for choosing the right design for a staircase is a harmonious combination of its shades with the rest of the interior. A staircase in a private house should blend perfectly with the overall landscape and have common features with it.

Gray color is the color of rigor and sophistication

We hope you were able to see that the world of stairs is simply huge. In it, everyone can find something suitable, both for themselves and for their friends.

By following the basic rules, you will be able to choose exactly the staircase you have been dreaming about for so long.

In modern suburban construction, the construction of houses with several floors has already become the norm, and to ensure free movement between floors in such houses, stairs are installed. The seemingly simple design of a staircase in a private house, which any craftsman can do, requires precise calculations and an understanding of the mechanics of human walking. An error in calculations or in choosing the type of staircase and the material used can negatively affect the reliability of the staircase design as a whole, as well as the ease of use. Staircases in a private house fit very organically into the ordinary interior, which gives it great sophistication.

Having decided to build a staircase in a private house with your own hands, you must not only be able to handle the tool, but also have certain knowledge regarding the structural elements and types of stairs. For those who decided to make a staircase in a country house for the first time, the information presented in this article will be a good help.

Types of stairs for a private house

When making stairs in a private house yourself, it is vitally important to be familiar with this or that type of stairs, as well as their design and operational features. Today, the variety of types of this seemingly simple building structure, as well as the materials for its manufacture, can confuse the craftsman with the choice. But everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance.

Stairs in a private house: photo

In suburban construction, three main types of staircases are installed: spiral, marching and railed. Each of these types can be built both inside and outside the house, and each of them can serve as an entrance, interfloor, work or passage staircase. The materials used for the manufacture of such stairs are wood, metal, concrete, reinforced concrete, natural or artificial stone, plastic, glass, as well as combinations thereof. The choice of one material or another depends on the purpose of the staircase, possible loads and financial capabilities of the owners. In addition, the choice is influenced by the strengths and weaknesses of each type of stairs.

Spiral staircases

This type of staircase is most often used when it is necessary to strictly save space and where it is simply impossible to equip a straight staircase. When using such stairs, you can forget about convenience, but this is compensated by saving space. Often such stairs are equipped for descending or ascending to the attic and basement. From an aesthetic point of view, spiral staircases look very impressive and, in addition, they can be round or made in the shape of a polygon or square, which gives designers the opportunity to use them in their projects.

Today you can see metal spiral staircases in private homes with steps made of glass, plastic or wood, but usually they are made entirely of metal, wood or stone. However, not everyone can afford a good stone spiral staircase. And the point here is not only the cost of materials, but also the complexity of the work.

Marching stairs

The most common type of stairs in private homes are marching ones. The high popularity of flight stairs is ensured by the simplicity of design and arrangement, as well as the fact that to achieve maximum convenience when ascending and descending, the mechanics of human movement are taken into account in its design. The main disadvantage of marching stairs is their need for large free space, more than 3 m2. But you can save precious meters and install a flight of stairs. For this purpose, so-called rotary flight stairs with intermediate platforms are used.

Marching stairs in private homes are made of metal, wood, stone, concrete, plastic or glass, using only one type of material or combining them. Today, for reliability, concrete is used in the manufacture of staircases. This approach is completely justified, since the material is accessible and cheap, and will also last for several decades. But wooden staircases in a private house, as they were previously popular, continue to hold their position. The reason is largely that today there is a tendency to build houses from natural and environmentally friendly materials.

Stairs on rails

The name of these stairs comes from the German word Bolzen, which means "bolt". Essentially, the steps of such a staircase are laid on a structure that is attached to the wall using pins or bolts embedded or screwed into the wall. The main advantages of such a staircase are its compactness and economical use of materials. The peculiarity and disadvantage of this type of stairs is the mandatory presence of a solid stone wall on one side of the stairs.

The design of a bolt ladder uses metal elements (bolts, rods, pipes) to create a frame and handrails, and wood, metal, glass, concrete or reinforced concrete are used for the steps. Bolster stairs, despite their apparent fragility and lightness, can withstand very heavy loads. For example, bolted concrete staircases in private houses can withstand loads of up to 1500 kg, which, in combination with a minimum number of additional structural elements, is very attractive.

Installation of stairs in a private house

A staircase, like any other building structure, consists of several main elements, manufactured separately and then connected to each other. Depending on the type of staircase, its design may lack certain elements, but to create a staircase with your own hands you need to have an idea of ​​each. Knowledge of structural elements and their purpose is especially necessary in order to design stairs in private homes.


This element consists of two parts - the tread and the riser. The tread is a horizontal working surface. The size of the tread is selected based on the convenience of placing the foot on it. But over the course of many centuries, craftsmen have determined that the most convenient tread size is about 30 cm. The width of a staircase in a private house depends on the length of the tread and varies from 90 cm to 150 cm.

The riser is the vertical part of the step, and its height should be within 15 - 20 cm. Sometimes, in order to get a beautiful staircase design in a private house, steps are made without risers.

Important! For a classic spiral staircase, the width of the two ends of the steps is different. So the widest is 45 cm, and the width of the central part should be about 25 cm.

Support beams

The steps of the stairs are attached to the support beams. They come in three types: stringer, bowstring and post. The first two types are used for marching staircases, but the pillar is used when arranging a spiral staircase.

The stringer is a wooden beam 50 mm thick or more with triangular cutouts for steps. A bowstring is also a wooden beam more than 50 mm thick, but unlike a stringer, cuts are made only for treads on the inside of the beam. The pillar for a spiral staircase can be made of metal, wood or stone; the steps will be attached to it.


This structural element ensures safe movement along the stairs and consists of two parts: handrail and balusters. Handrails are installed on top of balusters or attached to the wall. Balusters support the railings and at the same time act as a natural fence for the entire staircase. Handrails and balusters can be made from various materials, from wood to plasticized PVC. It all depends on what design of stairs was chosen in a private house.

Important! A march is a part of a staircase consisting of several steps and railings. Marches are usually called those parts of the stairs that are separated by landings.

Construction of stairs in a private house

Before making a staircase in a private house, it is necessary to develop a project. To do this, you can use one of the specialized computer programs, or you can contact a company whose specialists will perform all the calculations and make drawings for a fee. When designing stairs yourself, you need to remember a number of basic rules, requirements and design features of various types of stairs. This applies to the size of the stairs, the angle of inclination and the location of their installation.

Place of installation of stairs

The choice of installation location for the staircase will largely influence its size, slope and appearance. But to make the staircase comfortable and reliable, you need to take into account the following simple rules. First, measure the area of ​​the planned installation site, and if it is less than 3 m2, then you should choose a spiral staircase. Otherwise, you can opt for flight or bolt stairs. Secondly, the most convenient are straight flight stairs, but such stairs will be long, more than 4 m, and if it is not possible to install such a staircase, you can install a rotary flight staircase. Thirdly, bolt stairs require the presence of a load-bearing wall nearby, to which the steps will be attached.

Dimensions of stairs in a private house

When designing a staircase in a country house, in addition to the free space for the staircase, it is also necessary to take into account the ease of movement along it. So the width of spiral staircases is usually made 100 cm. Of course, 150 cm is possible, but then the area occupied by the stairs will increase. For marching and bolt stairs, the width should be from 120 cm to 150 cm. This width is designed for the movement of two people.

The length of the staircase is the sum of all its treads, starting from the first and ending with the last. This applies to all types of stairs. For rotating ones, the landing is also taken into account.

With the height of the stairs everything is much simpler. It will be equal to the height from the floor of the lower floor to the floor of the next floor. In this case, the last tread of the stairs should be flush with the floor, and the first one should be placed at the height of the riser.

Choosing the angle of inclination of stairs

An angle of 45° is considered ideal, but, unfortunately, such an angle is not always possible. Sometimes you have to make the stairs at an angle of 55° or even more. In such cases, the ease of movement around it invariably decreases.

Important! The height of the riser, the width of the tread and the angle of inclination are interrelated. So, as the angle of inclination increases, the height of the riser increases and the width of the tread decreases. And as the angle decreases, the riser decreases and the tread increases.

The table above shows the dimensions of the tread and riser depending on which angle will be chosen for the designed staircase. As can be seen from the table, stairs with an angle of inclination from 30° to 45° are considered the most convenient.

Installation of a spiral staircase

Perhaps the assembly of spiral staircases is the most difficult in comparison with marching or bolt ones. The reason for this is the fan arrangement of the steps and the need for precise calculations during installation. Those who decide to equip such a staircase need to do the following:

  • First of all we make the steps of the stairs. If it is wooden, then take a wide rectangular board and mark it diagonally for one or two steps, then saw and round the edges. If the staircase is made of stone, then you will have to order stone processing for the steps from a special workshop. You can make steps from concrete. In this case, we make a mold and place a reinforcing mesh in it, fill it with concrete and wait for it to dry completely;

  • Having prepared the steps, we install a vertical stand. It can be stacked or solid. It all depends on the staircase design. If the stand is stacked, then a main pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is installed, the first bushing and rubber hardening are threaded onto it. In the case of using a solid rack, after installing it, a groove is cut in the places where the steps are installed, into which the step will later be laid;
  • Now let's install the steps. To do this, we take previously made blanks and string them onto a thin pipe and press it on top with a wider sleeve, after which we fan out the steps. To give strength to the entire structure, we connect the steps together along the edges using vertical brackets. They can also be secured to the wall with bolts. For a solid rack, the steps are inserted into cut grooves, connected to each other by brackets and reinforced by fastening to bolts;
  • All that remains is to make and install the railings. This is the most difficult stage of work, since the handrails must be made curved, and the balusters must be machined from a single piece of material.

Installation of a flight of stairs

The creation of this type of stairs is somewhat simpler in comparison with spiral ones, but in any case it is necessary to strictly adhere to the previously made calculations and monitor the quality of the work performed. Not only the reliability, but also the appearance of the staircase depends on this. To install a flight of stairs, you must do the following:

  • First of all, we make treads and risers. To do this, we mark the boards and saw them, after which we process the edges, making them even and smooth;
  • Now we begin to create support beams - stringers or bowstrings. To create a stringer from a wooden beam, you need to make a special template in the form of a right triangle that fully corresponds to the size of the step. Applying this template to the beam, we mark the places for the cutout. Then we carefully cut them out. To create bowstrings, on the inside of the beam at a certain distance we mark the places for the grooves into which we will insert treads. The angle of inclination of the grooves must coincide with the angle of inclination of the stairs. For metal stairs, it is most convenient to weld corners for the steps on the inside;
  • Having finished preparing the support beams, we install them in place and secure them there. If the project provides for a landing, then we install it first, and then the support beams;
  • Next we begin to install the steps. To do this, first install the riser and secure it, and then the tread. We use self-tapping screws as fasteners and press them flush. For metal stairs, we lay wooden treads on welded corners and fasten them to them using self-tapping screws;
  • Having completed the installation of the steps, we install balusters and handrails.

Installation of a bolt ladder

The undeniable advantage of bolt ladders is their simple design, which also affects the ease of installation. The only difficulty during installation is clearly and correctly marking the places on the wall for bolt mounting. To install such a ladder, you will need the following:

  • purchase all the necessary fasteners, as well as purchase or make treads yourself;
  • Mark on the wall where to install the fasteners. Then drill holes and install bolts;
  • Now all that remains is to install the steps. You should start from the bottom. At one end the step is attached to the wall, and at the other, another bolt is installed under it;
  • Having installed the last step, we proceed to the installation of balusters and handrails.

Creating a staircase in a private house with your own hands from purchased materials is not particularly difficult. The only thing I would like to note is the possibility of purchasing ready-made stairs. Having decided to buy a staircase, you need to be prepared for the fact that the price for stairs in a private house starts from 1000 USD. and depends on the complexity of the design and the materials used.

A beloved and cozy home is the very place where a person can calmly relax from the rhythm of work, which is why it should be as comfortable as possible, with a detailed interior design. This is especially true for stairs inside the house, because climbing to the second floor or attic should not only be convenient, but also safe for health. In addition, the design of a staircase in a private house should fit into the overall interior style, and in general please with its impeccable appearance. By the way, the space under the stairs can be quite usable; we talked about possible options for using the space under the stairs in the article.

Mission of the stairs in the house.

Of course, the main mission of the presence of a staircase inside the house is to help you easily and comfortably move from the lower floor of the house to the upper one, and vice versa. But the staircase can also be the queen of the interior, transforming with its presence the design of the room as a whole. In the second option, the detailed construction of the interior revolves around the staircase; here it is no longer matched to the style of the room, but the style of the room is matched to it. The arrangement of furniture depends on its location, and the design of its railings completely enslaves variations in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings.

Stairs in the house - options for interior styles.

  1. Classic interior loves the use of expensive and natural materials; in the case of a staircase, it could be natural wood with breathtakingly beautiful carvings or luxurious metalwork.
  2. Minimalism style the interior generally does not tolerate unnecessary details, so the staircase should be as inconspicuous as possible; transparent plexiglass railings are perfect here.
  3. High tech loves modern motifs, which is why the stair railings can be made of chrome-plated tubes, and the steps are made of narrow planks, mounted in such a way that the effect of them floating from the side is created.
  4. Eco style requires the use of natural materials, so the staircase must consist entirely of wood.
  5. Ethnic style, such as African or Moroccan, will make excellent friends with a staircase made of wood, with carved elements and patterns characteristic of a particular country.
  6. Chinese and Japanese style A staircase with bamboo railings will perfectly complement it.
  7. Interior Country It will look harmonious with a wooden staircase of rough shapes.
  8. Interior Provence A white staircase with forged elements will ideally complement it.
  9. Chalet style will look great with a staircase decorated with clinker tiles or artificial stone. A no-frills, natural wood staircase is also suitable here.
  10. Shabby Chic style A wooden or metal staircase painted white with intentionally created abrasions will ideally highlight the look.

Design of a staircase in a private house, photo.

Types of stairs for the home.

  • Screw or spiral.
  • On pain.
  • Marching.

Spiral staircases More often they are placed in small rooms, where there is simply no room for a full-fledged staircase; in addition, this staircase design looks incredibly beautiful and even fabulous. But its appearance is deceptive, since it is extremely inconvenient to use, and due to its compact size, it prevents the lifting of large objects to the upper floor. Such stairs are square, octagonal, round, etc. Based on the material of manufacture, they are often divided into wooden and metal, less often into glass. The essence of the design is to mount steps to a vertically located rack.

Marching stairs are considered the most convenient, and therefore widespread. They are installed in rooms with sufficient free space. They are called marching because they consist of marches; there is a rule that each march should not exceed the number of 15 steps; if the structure is longer, then special platforms are installed from which the next marches depart. Such staircases are divided into open ones without risers and closed ones with risers.

Stairs on rails They are a step structure which is attached to the wall with bolts or special pins. Such stairs look airy, weightless and do not visually clutter up the space. Moreover, despite the external unreliability of the structure, such a ladder can easily withstand a load of 1500 kg.

Spiral staircase.

Marching staircase.
Staircase on rails.

Design of a staircase in a private house, photo.

Modular staircase:

Design of a staircase in a house, photo:

Today we showed you all kinds of staircases inside the house, each of which looks truly stylish and impressive, but you just have to decide which design to prefer - spiral, marching or on rails.


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