The fate line is short, is there any reason for concern? Fate line on the hand - meaning, appearance of the fate line.

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Line of fate, or Saturn

This is one of the main lines, but not everyone can see it - sometimes it is missing. It should start from the wrist (the middle of the rosette line) and go through the center of the palm straight to the Mount of Saturn (the root of the middle finger).

If there is no fate line, then this indicates that a person passes unnoticed by the misfortunes experienced, which leave no traces of grief. The absence of this line foreshadows a monotonous, sad, joyless, insipid life.

She influences all events human life, it reflects all the ups and downs, and predicts events that are not in human control. This line shows whether a person is able to cope with unexpected situations that fate throws at him, or, on the contrary, he gives in.

For this line, it is very important where it starts and where it ends. Ideally, it should be long, smooth, thin, deep and clean, without crosses, intersections, breaks, dots, etc.

The line of fate should be assigned the meaning that the hillock or line has where it ends.

If the line is interrupted, the cause must be sought at the location of the break.

If the line of fate reaches only the plain of Mars or is interrupted there. This threatens to fall from a height or some kind of sharp turn in life for the worse.

If the line of fate is tortuous, then this is a sign of poor health - a predisposition to stomach diseases. And if she also goes from the plain of Mars to the hill of Saturn, this threatens with imprisonment.

If the line of fate starts from the plain of Mars, it is a sign of a hard, unhappy working life in a difficult struggle for existence, which cannot achieve success by its own efforts.

If the line at one end has a helical shape and is straight at the other, this portends a loss of fortune in an unlucky situation. card game or in unsuccessful ventures.

If there are small duplicate lines along the fate line, then each of them increases a person’s happiness, but if any lines cross the fate line, this portends obstacles.

If the line of fate is uneven, interrupted, then it foreshadows major and very frequent changes in life.

If the line is broken in too many places and consists of small lines, this indicates weakness of character and indecision.

If the line is uneven at the beginning, but clearly defined and smooth at the end, then this portends a happy old age. And if the line is smooth and deep at the beginning, and unclearly outlined at the end, this indicates a happy first half of life, but a sad future.

U engaged in mental labor, something like a knot is formed on the fate line.

A short line indicates unluckiness and usually brings misfortune.

A cross at the beginning of a line is a harbinger of opposition from other people.

Each branch extending from the line of fate means changes in life.

If the fate line shoots up and down, then this indicates very frequent changes in financial situation.

If the fate line at the top is crossed by small lines, then this portends obstacles in life.

If the line of fate is crossed by several lines, this indicates happiness acquired through great efforts, thanks to which a person overcame all difficulties and obstacles.

If the line of fate comes out of the hillock and reaches the hillock of Saturn, then this indicates that the person will be patronized by a very influential person. Even with a lack of willpower, he will take high position in society and will be happy.

If the line of fate reaches the Mount of Saturn, then this indicates a tendency to engage in trade and agriculture, and sometimes portends success in political activity (unless other hand signs indicate the opposite).

A double or triple line of fate indicates a dangerous secret illness, exhaustion of the body and premature death. (In the sources of the Eastern school of palmistry, this, on the contrary, is considered a good sign).

A square on the fate line indicates long-term misfortune and prolonged poverty.

An island on the line indicates a tendency towards adultery and criminal love.

If the line of fate and the line of life are crossed by a line coming out of the Mount of Venus and reaching the Mount of Mars - a “comet”. This is a sign of receiving a wound (the time can be determined by the life line).

If the line of fate begins below the plain of Mars - between the mounts of the Moon and Venus - and reaches right to the middle finger right hand. This foreshadows a long, calm and happy life, and on the left hand it speaks of the desire for such a life. People with this line are good-natured, modest, honest - sisters of mercy, volunteers, etc.

If the fate line begins at the bottom of the palm under the little finger, this means that in order to achieve well-being a person needs to live in another place other than his homeland. It also foreshadows wealth acquired by trade.

If the fate line comes out from the heart line, this portends all kinds of success, especially in work that requires contact with people. But only after reaching old age.

If he makes a sharp turn in the middle of the palm and the curvature is directed towards the Mount of the Moon, then the person faces imprisonment.

If the fate line bifurcates in the middle of the palm, this indicates that a person does more good to others than to himself.

The bifurcation of this line suggests double, that is, a person can work with equal success in two places at once.

If there is a star on the line of fate, then this indicates that the person, through his own fault, suffered a bad change in his youth. And its consequences will remain irreparable for life.

If there is a cross in the middle of the fate line, then this portends good change in life thanks to someone’s assistance or inheritance received.

If the line of fate comes out of the rosette, cutting it, then this foreshadows imprisonment.

If the line has a break at the top, heading towards the index finger, this is a sign of pride and achievement of power.

If the line of fate, without interruption anywhere, ends on the Mount of Mercury, is clearly outlined and good color. This is also a sign of a life secured in all respects.

If the line of fate breaks off at the line of the head and mind and makes a break at the top, heading towards the index finger, then this portends changes in life.

Branches on the line of fate are considered a favorable sign; if they are directed upward, they foretell happiness. And if they go in the direction of certain hillocks, it means that a person will achieve success in matters that symbolize these hillocks.

If the line of fate reaches the Mount of Jupiter, then this speaks of vanity and promises the happy fulfillment of ambitious desires.

If on the left hand the line of fate originates from the line of life as if it were coming out of it, then this foreshadows success in all endeavors and indicates that a person will achieve material well-being in life on his own. On the right hand, it characterizes a person who stops at nothing to satisfy his desires.

Two clearly defined ones and a ring (circle) near the Mount of Saturn on the line of fate are a sign of people capable of crime, murderers. And also persons for a long time those serving prison sentences.

If the line of fate is observed only on the Mount of Saturn, then a person will achieve success only in old age.

If the line of fate begins at the rosette, ends on the Mount of Saturn and shoots emerge from it, directed upward. This is a sign of gradually acquiring more and more wealth or a significant promotion.

If the line of fate above the wrist (rosetta) is divided into branches, then a person will have only good things in the second half - happiness, joy, travel.

If the fate line is clearly defined and reaches the wrist (rosetta), this indicates that life will be orderly, without surprises, especially regarding health.

When the line of fate is interrupted against the Mount of Venus, then this is a sign of hot and unsuccessful love.

If the line of fate breaks off near the line of the head and mind, this indicates frequent headaches before the age of 16.

If the line of fate ends at the line of the head and mind, then this indicates a deep moral shock or unsuccessful activity. If at the same time the line of the head and mind is clean and smooth, then there is hope for rebirth thanks to the mind and strong will.

If the fate line ends at the junction with the heart line. Either this foreshadows a mistake made by a person in his forties or a turning point in life due to infatuation and unhappy love.

If the line of fate is interrupted between the line and the line of the head and mind. This indicates a belated monetary interest, a success that should have already happened, but didn’t, but will only happen.

If the line of fate begins between the line of the head and mind and the lines of the heart and ends at the Mount of Saturn, this foreshadows death in captivity away from family and friends.

If the line of fate starts from the line of the head and mind, goes to the Mount of Jupiter, crossing it, passes to the third joint of the index finger and, if it ends with a star, then this indicates very proud, ambitious and strong natures and promises them brilliant success. If it ends with a cross, then this is a sign of happy youth, but sad old age, full of deprivation and need.

If the line of fate runs through the entire palm and reaches the second joint of the middle finger, then this foreshadows an imminent crime and inevitable punishment for it. Through new efforts, you will be able to regain your happiness and, after much suffering, achieve peace of mind.

If the fate line is divided into several parts and ends with a star, then this indicates a tendency towards suicide.

If the line of fate reaches the Mount of the Sun, then this serves as a sign of a penchant for art and literature or impending wealth.

If the line of fate passes further (above) the root of one of the fingers, then the person will live over 80 years, but will be subject to bad influences, melancholy, and apathy. Sometimes such a line also indicates suicidal tendencies.

If the line of fate runs exactly from the rosette all the way to the second joint of the middle finger. This then indicates a person who enjoys worldwide fame, regardless of whether for good or bad deeds.

It has been known since ancient times that people were able to determine a person’s fate by the lines on their palm. This system of fortune telling by hand is called.

There are quite a lot of lines on the human palm, but the line of fate plays a special role. Some people do not have this line, but this does not mean at all that the person is not endowed with destiny. How can you tell about fate from the palm of your hand?

Line meaning with pictures

The line of fate is considered to be a raised fold in the palm, which originates at the wrist and moves towards the middle finger in a vertical or diagonal direction. Interestingly, the line of fate is present on both palms.

By the left hand you can recognize those events that are destined for a person by fate. The right palm reflects everything that a person himself can change.

That is why the left line remains unchanged until the death of a person. Right line, on the contrary, is prone to change depending on how the person himself builds his life. A palmist always starts reading fate with his left hand.

How do you know what you are destined for?

The line of fate is very rarely deep and uninterrupted. All gaps and branches on the line indicate that during these periods of life the person took important decisions concerning his future fate, or experienced difficult moments, for example, illness or death of close relatives.

Manifest destiny is typical for purposeful people, which with early childhood dedicated their entire lives to achieving one specific goal. Such people can be athletes or artists. A too broken line speaks of a person’s changeable character or a difficult fate. The passages mean that a person cannot find his place in life.

If a person’s fate line bifurcates, this indicates that its owner will be able to succeed in several areas at once. The wavy line of fate is characteristic of two-faced and hypocritical people.

The line of fate, starting from the wrist itself, speaks of a person’s strong character and strong will. Often such people are despotic and cruel individuals.

When the line of fate begins on the so-called hill of the Moon, this indicates that a person’s life path began with emotional experiences and shocks. This state will persist throughout life, so a person is advised to avoid conflicts and choose a calmer area of ​​activity.

For example, give up a career as a police officer, and try to connect your life with some permanent and safe occupation.


For most people, the fate line intersects with other lines located on the palm. And this is not at all accidental, since each intersection point is very important:

It is interesting that intersections of the fate line with other lines in the palm can both appear and disappear throughout a person’s life.

The end of the line of fate

The place where the line of fate ends has special meaning. The ending of this line may vary.

  • If it is presented on the palms in the form of a fork, then this is the first indicator of a person’s material well-being. If such a branch has been present in the palm of your hand since childhood, then this person will go to work very early and all his dreams and desires will be associated exclusively with the acquisition and increase of material values.
  • If the line of fate ends on the line of the heart, then this indicates the purposeful nature of the person. Such people very often choose military service, and are strategists by nature.

Other signs

The fate line may contain others signs that play a lot important role for the person himself:

Like intersections with other lines, all signs located on the line of fate tend to disappear and appear. Be that as it may, a person’s fate, to a greater extent, depends on himself, and he has the right to make it better.

As stated earlier, the line of fate plays an important role on the map of a person’s hand. Ideally, the line is clear and starts from the bottom of the palm and runs through the entire palm. But for some, fate announces itself later than the allotted time, for others only a fragment is visible or it is absent altogether. Today's topic will be devoted to the question, if there is a reason for concern if the fate line is short.

Experienced palmists always focus on the long road, which is clearly visible and can give full description about all the fragments of life. And if it meets short line fate or it is completely absent, then it immediately seems that a person will be absolutely deprived of such benefits as wealth or success.

I would like to immediately push this version aside, since one can give a lot of examples of people who have a long thread of fate and feel like a deeply unhappy person. Or, on the contrary, there are people who live without this road and are absolutely happy in their own way and are satisfied with everything.

Let's look at several options where a short line of fate is observed on the right hand and how to interpret it.

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Three starting options: from the line of life, mind and heart

It is a generally accepted standard for the thread of fate to start with life or next to it. This combination is most often found in normal strong people who want to find their place in the Sun in this life:

  1. In the first case, fate begins or merges together with a life trait will indicate a person who is very dependent on people close to him. The owners follow the path that their parents pointed out to them.

  1. In the second case, a person chooses his own life values, follows his own path without looking back.

Palmistry, the line of fate is short and starts from the thread of the head

This combination suggests that a person relies in life not on emotions and feelings, but strictly on intellect. Here is one of the striking examples of successful and enterprising people with a short string of Saturn.

With such a pattern, a person can be characterized as follows:

  • In his youth, he was unsure of himself and his own abilities.
  • By midlife, people find their place and clear ideas about their future life Based on this, they make an excellent career and provide for themselves in old age.

Note. This combination promises a person an excellent prospect, but a lot depends on the subject himself.

Palmistry, the short line of fate only reaches the line of the mind

Owners of this pattern are characterized by excessive caution. He passes all the bad moments that occur in his life through his mind, which prevents him from adequately assessing the situation and thinking soberly.

Note. In general, these are people who are already afraid to take risks, having been burned in the past. But sometimes some risky situations are simply necessary to move the needle and change something in your life for the better.

The short line of fate on the hand originates from the line of the heart

This combination also brings positive aspects. Owners of the drawing have a chance to be happy in their personal lives. They have a great family and children, but they get married very late.

There are some moments if you don't control your emotional condition, then you can attract problems and difficulties. Only work on yourself and self-control will allow you to overcome all negative aspects.

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Endings and sudden breaks

The reading of the thread of fate is often determined by the place where it ends. U different people, these are completely different points.

Most often the line ends:

  1. Between the ring and middle fingers.
  2. On the hill, under the little finger.
  3. Under the index finger.
  4. On the thread of the head.
  5. On the line of the heart.

Cliff in the hills

  • What does a short line of fate mean if it starts from the middle of the palm and runs to the hill of success (Sun).
  • Such a drawing predicts success for a person in his prime. Most likely he will take up good public work or become a good politician. If the branch did not disappear on Apollo and headed towards the middle finger, then the subject will lose everything at one point.

  • From middle to index finger and there it completes its movement. Speaks of a successful career in mid-life, which will ensure old age.
  • Short line of fate in the palm and its meaning if it moves towards the Mount of Mercury. A man in midlife will achieve financial success in business.

Break on the line of the heart or mind

If there is a sharp break in the fateful line on the road of the head, then this will indicate a person who has lost his professional sense of smell and his career was cut short.

If fate is restored after a break, then the situation will change, thanks to happy occasion. The integrity of the line after the break will indicate a change in career or profession.

A break is observed on the soul line. Indicates serious mental trauma and broken relationships. If the line does not recover after the break, then the person will remain lonely until the end of his days. Mental trauma can affect both your career and life in general.

If a picture is observed when the short line of life turns into the line of fate, then at this stage a person undergoes a serious rethinking of life.

A life line shorter than the fate line speaks of a serious illness, from which a person can recover only thanks to his desire to live and achieve something.

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Palmistry that there is no line of fate on the hand indicates that a person does not have a great destiny. This science, fortune telling, originated more than 5 thousand years ago in the east, where seers calculated the relationship between life and human destiny. It was found that all the most important events reflected on the palms of the hands. All peoples, any nationality and gender mystically have (or lack) an absolutely definite set of lines. And they all have their meaning.

Finding out the fate line is quite simple. When present, it is located approximately in the center and crosses the palm from the wrist to the middle finger (Saturn finger), rarely to the ring or index finger. It always starts from the bottom and can be short, only 3-4 centimeters.

Why is there no fate line on the hand?

There is no fate line - what does this mean? When there is no line, this does not say anything bad about the owner, but it indicates the aimlessness of his life. Such a person rarely makes it into the public eye due to the lack of a specific goal. He can live a bright, full life, but this will only be a coincidence and the person will not have a full life path. Wherever it goes, that’s where it will go.

Unfortunately, the line of fate is often absent on the hand of criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics and other people without a moral core and strong will. Such a person does not have a “big dream” for the sake of which he is ready to work on himself and improve.

However, if you still don’t have this line, don’t be upset - you are quite capable of living a full, happy and long life. It’s just that all these ideas about a great goal, spiritual growth, self-improvement and long and hard work for a result sometime in the distant future will be alien to you. This is completely normal. If the universe endowed everyone with a line of fate, then people would simply squabble over the sweetest spots, of which, as we know, there are never too many.

Which hand should you use to guess?

Many people are concerned about the question: which hand should you use to guess? I will answer: When always reading by hand (palmistry), you should first look at left hand. This is what is destined for you. The right hand shows what can be changed with significant effort. However, if there is no line of fate on the left hand, then there is nowhere for it to come from on the right hand.

I, the author of this article: parapsychologist, psychic and magician Shabrin Boris, will help you analyze in more detail all the life events that lie ahead of you. You can read about me below.

May your destiny bring you only pleasant surprises.

This is one of the main lines of the hand, but in contrast to them, it is often absent . Then a person passes unnoticed by the misfortunes he experiences, which leave no traces of grief. It is also a sign of a monotonous, joyless, insipid life not filled with events.

It is interesting to note that the absence of a fate line in modern people primarily due to the rapid development of the current world. A person without a fate line will almost never become a specialist in his field (this requires rather rare signs in this case). The path of its development is in breadth, but not in depth. The presence of a line of fate reflects intensive development - development in depth.

The line of fate usually runs vertically from the wrist in the center of the palm to the Mount of Saturn (from the root of the middle finger). When considering this line, it is necessary to take into account not only the place of its beginning and end, but also its ability to often change its shape and place depending on what a person is experiencing and how he lives at a given time, as well as the unequal meaning that it sometimes has on the left and right hand.

So - let's remember the first rule of the palmist. Before starting palm reading, you need to examine your left hand (entirely), which will be able to answer a number of questions - what was destined by fate itself. And then proceed to more deep analysis on the right hand.

Straight line and no breaks. Happy, quiet life. A self-motivated and straightforward person with leadership abilities. It is very rare to see a clear and long line of fate. It occurs only among those people who, from childhood, knew exactly what interests them and all their actions were aimed at achieving this goal.

Wavy. Argumentative, fickle, disorganized. There are no clear and specific actions. All actions are without a well-laid foundation, and in the process of cooperation, the owner of such a palm will begin to change the rules during the game. In a word - an unreliable person. A sign of poor health, stomach diseases.

Reaches the Mount of Saturn. Trying to outdo yourself. The tendency to engage in trade and agriculture also indicates depth of thought, and sometimes success in politics.

Curves towards the Mount of Jupiter(to index finger) . The efforts will be crowned with success. Vanity, the happy fulfillment of ambitious desires.

Reaches the Hill of the Sun(under ring finger). A penchant for art and literature, wealth.

Starts with the life line (1). The family has a great influence in a person’s life and becomes independent late. The family determines a person’s life and hobbies, and is strongly attached to relatives. Self-realization in life through family and the help of relatives. The line dividing point shows when he will become independent or achieve independence.

Starts with the top bracelet (2). Early responsibility. Life is orderly, without surprises, especially regarding health.

It starts from the Mount of Venus and ends on the Mount of Saturn (3). A secure childhood, a beloved child, support from parents and family. Success associated with inheritance is likely.

Starts from the Mount of the Moon (4). A varied life will consist of many trips. The people around us and friends play a big role in a person’s life; as a rule, they greatly help and determine his fate and life.

Ends on the heart line (5). It foretells a mistake by a person in his forties or a turning point in life due to passion or unhappy love.

Branch to the Mount of Mercury (6). Thanks to business or science, he will achieve success and wealth. A sign of a happy life.

Ends at the head line. Tendency to make erroneous judgments, poorly makes plans that lead to failure.

Departs from the heart line (a). Victory, but with great difficulties. Success after a lot of work.

Departs from the line of head and mind (b). Success is where a person put his mental capacity. This applies not only to career, but also family life. The dream will come true after much effort.

Double line of fate. Success in several things at once. His interests or hobbies are as important to him as his main job. Material success, successful career and increased socialization of a person.

Breaks. Changes in life, moving, family problems with negative consequences, but after some time everything will work out and the person will enter a new direction called success.

All signs on the line of fate, in addition to the triangle and square, bring unfavorable changes in life.

It is difficult to interpret something along one line of fate, because our entire hand is this “road map” with intersections where both main and secondary lines meet along the way. Therefore, when deciphering your destiny, do not forget about other lines and signs in the palm of your hand.

Based on materials from E. Samofalova “Palmistry or fate in the palm of your hand”


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