Linden short description for children. Linden plant: photos, types, cultivation, planting and care

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The genus includes about 45 species of large, majestic trees growing in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are best suited for growing in spacious gardens. The bright green leaves of linden trees are usually heart-shaped and have serrated edges. In autumn they become light yellow in color. In summer, numerous small fragrant yellowish flowers bloom on the branches, which in autumn turn into grayish-green rounded fruits about 8 cm in diameter with a hard skin.

T. cordata (L. cordata, L. small-leaved)

A tall, beautiful tree with a rounded crown and leathery, bright green above and bluish-green below heart-shaped leaves up to 7.5 cm long. The height and diameter of the plant is 7x3 m (20 years). Maximum height is 20 m.


A strong, fast growing tree with a narrow conical crown.


T. euchlora (L. Crimean, L. green)

An elegant hybrid tree with arched branches and rounded leaves up to 10 cm long, dark green above and bluish green below. The height and diameter of the plant is 7.5x3 m (20 years). Maximum height is 20 m.

G. european (L. European)

Often found in city parks and along street sides, this beautiful tree is best grown only in very large gardens. Its branches are densely covered with heart-shaped leaves up to 7.5 cm long, and in mid-summer the crown is golden with an abundance of small light yellow flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 7.5x3 m (20 years). Maximum height - 40 m.

Read also:

Linden: photos, medicinal properties and contraindications


The variety differs from the original species in its smaller size and light yellow color of young leaves.


G. mongolica (L. mongolian)

An elegant compact tree with a rounded crown. Young foliage is coppery bronze, then turns brilliant green and bright yellow in autumn. The leaves are about 7 cm long, with deep serrations along the edges and slightly reminiscent of ivy leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 5x3 m (20 years). Maximum height - 10 m.

G. "Petiolaris" (L. long-petioled)

A large, majestic tree with long, graceful, arched branches. The leaves are round, sometimes lobed, jagged at the edges, 6-12 cm long. Since their underside is silvery, the tree looks especially impressive in a strong wind. The height and diameter of the plant is 14x8 m (20 years). Maximum height is 32 m.

G. platyphyllos (L. broadleaf)

A monumental tree with a spherical crown and rounded, jagged edges of leaves up to 12 cm long. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the lower side is slightly silver. Both the top and bottom of the leaves are covered with soft hairs. The height and diameter of the plant is 7.5x3 m (20 years). Maximum height is 35 m.


The variety differs from the original species in its conical crown shape and smaller size (its final height is 13 m).



Young shoots are bright, red-brown, which makes the tree especially decorative in winter. It will look even more impressive with regular annual pruning.

T. tomentosa (L. felt, L. silver)

Over the years, the vertical branches of this tree droop more and more at the ends, which gives its crown a slightly weeping shape. The leaves are round, sharp-toothed, up to 10 cm long, dark green above, silvery below. The height and diameter of the plant is 7.5x3 m (20 years). Maximum height is 35 m.


Plant trees in spring or fall in moist, fertile soil.

Linden has always been respected and considered a source of vitality. This tree is an excellent cure for depression and hypochondria. Among the linden trees a person feels comfort, warmth and tranquility. Let's see if it is possible to grow a linden tree on the site and how difficult it is to plant and care for this beauty.

Choosing a place to plant linden on the site

Although linden is an unpretentious plant, it must be taken into account that it loves sunny places. The soil may not be very fertile, but well drained. Linden feels great on sandstones fertilized with humus.

Important! When choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to take into account that an adult linden tree is quite large in size.

When is the best time to plant

Although this is an unpretentious tree, the lifespan of a linden tree depends on how correctly the tree was planted. The easiest time to transplant linden seedlings is in cool, damp weather. The best time to plant linden is autumn.

You can plant seedlings in the spring, but young shoots are very sensitive to frost.

Planting young linden seedlings

Linden reproduces well by seeds, stem cuttings and root shoots. However, this tree is most often propagated by seedlings.

Before planting the linden tree, holes are prepared. For standard seedlings 50-70 cm high, the hole should be 50 cm in diameter and 50 cm deep.

Drainage (10-15 cm) is poured into the bottom of the hole - pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick. This layer is covered with humus diluted with superphosphate (50-60 g).

A seedling is placed in the prepared hole and covered with soil mixture (1 part turf soil, 2 parts each humus and sand). The optimal pH level is 6.5-7.5.

If several seedlings are planted, the distance between the holes should be 3-4 meters; if a linden hedge is formed, the distance is reduced to two meters.

Although linden tolerates replanting normally, when planting seedlings you should be careful with the rhizome. The root collar of the seedling should remain at ground level. If the neck is a little lower, this is not critical for the linden.
After planting and for the first 7-8 days, the seedlings are watered abundantly.

In order for water to accumulate at the location of the linden root system, it is necessary to form a near-trunk hole.

Did you know? Linden is the same age as dinosaurs. She withstood both the Ice Age and global warming. Lipa can be called the only witness to great events. In the Middle Ages, ladies made dates under the shade of linden trees, and in the 18th century, in honor of the great French Revolution, thousands of linden trees were planted in Paris. Since that time, the linden tree has become a tree of happiness and freedom.

Like many crops, linden has its own cultivation techniques, which include watering, fertilizing, pruning and weed removal.

Watering and fertilizing

Linden is very demanding when it comes to watering, especially at the seedling stage.

In adulthood, the tree tolerates short drought quite well. However, in dry times, additional watering is required at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 square meter. m. projections of the linden crown.

In order for the tree to delight with its beauty and lush flowering, you need to know how and what to feed the linden tree in the spring. At the beginning of spring, fertilizer is applied from mullein (1 kg), urea (15 g), ammonium nitrate (25 g), diluted in ten liters of water.

In the fall, it is enough to fertilize the linden tree with 15-20 grams of nitroammophoska.

Did you know? Linden has long been revered by the Slavs. It is not for nothing that many settlements are associated with this tree: Lipetsk, Lipnyany, Lipki, Lipovitsa, Podlipki.

Removing weeds and loosening the soil

Removing weeds is an important point when caring for a linden tree - their presence inhibits the growth of the tree. In addition, simultaneously with removing weeds, it is necessary to loosen the soil (to a depth of 10-15 cm) to ensure access of oxygen to the roots. It is optimal to carry out loosening 2-3 times per season.


Mulching, like pruning linden, is an important point when growing a tree. Mulch the tree trunk circle with peat, fallen leaves, wood chips, sawdust or peat compost. The layer height should be 8-12 cm.

Did you know? Linden is popularly called lutoshka, lutokha, lubnyak, bastweed.

Haircut and trimming

The first pruning of seedlings can be done the next year after planting. Pruning is carried out not only to form the linden crown, but also for sanitary purposes.
In winter and early spring, dry branches are pruned. Linden growing in the form of a hedge is pruned in the first year in early spring and late summer. Subsequently, such a haircut is carried out 4-5 times per season.

Important! During the first haircut, you cannot shorten the branches by more than 1/3.

Disease and pest control

Most often, linden is affected by diseases such as:

  • perforated and black spot (control methods: destruction of fallen fruits and leaves as sources of infection, treatment of shoots with 1% Bordeaux mixture);
  • white rot (copper-containing preparations, for example copper sulfate, are used to combat it).

In addition to these diseases, linden pests such as:

To combat these pests, young trees are sprayed with insecticides. In addition to insects, birds and rodents harm the linden tree.

Selection of partners and use of linden in design

Linden is widely used in landscape design. Due to the compactness of the densely-leaved crown, good shade tolerance and undemandingness to watering and soil, various types of linden are planted in city squares, parks, boulevards, forest plantations and summer cottages. Linden also takes root well in an aggressive urban environment - it tolerates dust, smoke, gas pollution and dirt well.

They like to use linden for landscaping due to its decorative value at any time of the year. In spring, delicate greenish leaves bloom on the linden tree, and in summer the dense crown provides reliable shade. Blooming linden is especially good when it is covered with fragrant flowers. In autumn, the foliage takes on a bright yellow hue, which provides warmth in cloudy weather. Against the background of snow, the linden tree amazes with the bizarre outline of its branches.
Linden is grown as a hedge, bosquets, berso and green walls. Such forms are used today to design parks. Linden looks good in single plantings and in groups of trees of various sizes and species. When composing plant compositions, it is necessary to take into account how quickly the linden grows and what role it will play in this: to become the main accent or to highlight the advantages of other plants.

Important! In roadside plantings, linden can suffer from salt, gas pollution and dust. In such conditions, the plant is more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Most often in landscape design the following varieties of linden are used:

  1. American (black). The homeland of this linden is North America. It grows up to 40 meters, has a wide ovoid crown.
  2. Fine-grained. Homeland - Europe and Western Siberia. It is distinguished by small compact leaves and a medium-sized ovoid crown.
  3. Silver. A wild-growing species with original silvery foliage.
  4. Rubra. Tall tree with a conical crown. It is distinguished by the bright coral color of its young shoots.
  5. Common linden. Beautiful appearance with a large crown for single and group planting.

The question “what to plant next to the linden tree” can be given a definite answer: almost all shrubs, trees, herbs. Linden looks most harmonious with:
  • oak;
  • beech;
  • maple;
  • rowan.

Since linden is a long-lived tree, its plantings can be used without renewal for up to two hundred years.

Linden is a tree of health and happiness, known to everyone for its healing properties. This is a large deciduous tree, the height of which can reach 30 meters. The ancient Slavs considered it sacred; linden was a source of energy for them: strong and soft.

Linden is a tree that can take away negativity, relieve depression and depression, fill it with vitality, give a feeling of peace, tranquility and inner warmth.

Tree of eras: linden

Having a spherical wide crown and a straight trunk, the size of which is about 5 meters in diameter, linden is a long-lived tree, capable of growing in one place for about 600 years. Inhabited on the planet since ancient times, the linden tree has survived such climatic extremes as the Ice Age and global warming, and has witnessed significant historical events. Romantic dates between young people of more than one generation took place under its canopy; In Paris, 200 years ago, more than one thousand of these young trees were planted in honor of the victory of the Great French Revolution, since which the linden tree has become a symbol of happiness and freedom.

Linden is a beautiful tree that reaches its full development at 20-40 years of age. Thanks to its powerful root system, which penetrates deep into the ground, it is not afraid of even the gusty winds. Unpretentious to soils, it easily tolerates drought, but is intolerant of the presence of groundwater. In sunny places it will delight with active growth and a lush crown, although it is calm in the shade. True, in places where there is a lack of sunlight, the linden grows short and looks more like a fluffy shrub.

Linden tree: description

Among the abundance of trees growing around, I want to correctly determine which one is linden. By what signs can she be distinguished among all the green brethren; what does linden look like? The tree is characterized by gray fissured bark, can be single-trunked or multi-trunked, and always grows straight. Young shoots are characterized by a light brown color and pubescence, adult branches are bare and dark. The buds (initially pubescent, later glabrous) are oval in shape; their size is 45 mm. The leaf of the linden tree is densely covered with bristle-like hairs, dark green at the top, light on the back side. The shape is heart-shaped, with jagged edges, pointed towards the apex. Young leaves grow in pairs with stipules, which fall off over time.

Umbrella inflorescences, abundantly covering the tree during the flowering period, are formed from 3-5 fragrant flowers: yellowish, somewhat pubescent, having a regular shape. During the linden flowering period, which occurs in June and lasts about 2 weeks, the air is filled with a pleasant, strong aroma. The linden (tree) fades faster than expected if the weather outside is very hot and dry. The fruits of the tree (elongated and round) are small nuts with a dense shell, which contain a seed inside. Linden fruiting occurs in August-September.

Linden looks harmonious in hedges, green tunnels, alleys; The tree is also attractive in single plantings. It easily tolerates a shaping haircut, does not get sick and is not capricious after it, for which it is especially appreciated by gardeners. There are about 30 varieties in the linden family, differing in crown shapes (pyramidal, oval, round).

The most common types of linden

Manchurian linden tree. It is characterized by decorativeness, 20-meter height and often multi-stemmed. The tree is frost-resistant. Most common in Primorye and Amur region.

Caucasian linden. Characteristics of the tree: rounded spreading crown, enormous height (up to 40 meters), very decorative young shoots of purple-brown color. It became widespread in the Caucasus and the northeastern part of Asia.

Silver. Its second name, which is more commonly used, is felt linden. The height of the tree is 30 meters. The crown is broadly pyramidal. The name is associated with the special structure of the leaves, which are slightly pubescent on one side and have a felt-like whitish coating on the other. Most common in the central regions of Russia.

Linden propagation: methods

Propagation of linden, for which the ideal soil composition is 1 part turf soil and 2 parts humus and sand, can be done by seeds, seedlings, stem layering and shoots.

Linden propagates by stem layering in the following way: the lower branches of the tree need to be bent to the ground, lowered into pre-dug shallow trenches and buried. After a year or two, the branches will take root, after which they can be separated from the mother branch and planted in a permanent place of growth. Linden is propagated by layering in the spring, before the buds appear.

Propagation of linden by seeds

Seed propagation of linden is a fairly lengthy process that can last more than one year. The first step in such a responsible matter will be keeping the tree seeds in the cold, the so-called stratification process. To do this, they need to be placed in a container with sawdust or wet sand (in a ratio of 1 to 3), which should be placed in a dark, cold place for 5-6 months, not forgetting to moisten it periodically. You can use a peat-soil mixture in a ratio of 1 to 1, while deepening the seeds by 2-3 cm.

In spring, seeds that have undergone stratification are sown in open ground; the strongest of them will germinate. Under natural conditions, this will take one year. After some time, young plants can be planted in a permanent place, providing proper care and protecting them before the cold winter season. Linden seedlings can be grown indoors; This will not affect the usefulness and quality of seedlings.

Propagation of linden by root layering

The linden tree, the photo and description of which evokes sincere sympathy for such a representative of the plant world, reproduces by root layering. This is the easiest way, because in this case the seedlings, which also serve as abundant growth, are provided by the linden tree itself. Such sprouts, the survival rate of which is quite high, can be safely separated from the mother root and planted in a permanent place of growth. They can easily tolerate slight damage to the root system, but care must be taken when planting.

Planting linden: features

At the bottom of the planting hole, the depth and width of which are about 50 cm, a 10-15 cm layer of good drainage (broken brick, pebbles, crushed stone) should be laid, and topped with a mixture of humus and superphosphate (50-60 grams for each hole). Then you need to place the seedling in the planting hole; Moreover, the root collar must be placed at the same level with the surface of the earth. In group plantings, a distance of 3-4 meters must be maintained between trees. When purchasing young trees, attention should be paid to the condition of the root system (it should have a strong and healthy appearance), the correctness of the crown and the absence of signs of disease or damage.

Features of linden care

After planting, the young tree needs to be watered abundantly and fed for 2 years (three times per season) with nitrogen fertilizers. This can be an infusion of mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water.

You can begin cultivating linden the next year after planting. During the first pruning, carried out before the buds open, it is not recommended to shorten the crown by more than a third of the total length of the branches.

Young linden seedlings require regular watering; mature trees can make do with natural precipitation; they should be watered only during very dry periods. For 1 square meter of linden crown, water consumption is 20 liters. Loosening of near-trunk circles is carried out 2-3 times per season, while removing weeds. In winter, you can mulch with a layer of 10-12 centimeters of peat, fallen leaves, wood chips or sawdust.

Tree healer

The linden tree, the photo and description of which clearly confirms its value for humans, has healing properties. It has long been a lifesaver tree, helping people get rid of many diseases; Moreover, the healing function is performed by all its parts: bark, branches, flowers, leaves. Traditional medicine has been using the healing powers of the linden tree since ancient times.

Linden charcoal, obtained from branches and wood, was used by the Slavs to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, dysentery and to heal wounds. Burns were treated with a boiled mass of linden bark, and a decoction of fresh leaves and buds was used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Infused linden flowers are still considered an excellent diaphoretic and are used for colds, fainting, and for rinsing the mouth for inflammation of the throat and gums. Linden nuts were used to stop internal bleeding, and powder from crushed dry leaves of the tree was used to stop nosebleeds.

Linden tea, characterized by a sweetish taste and pleasant aroma, is used to treat colds. Also, this drink has a diuretic effect, cures cystitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, and hypertension. Contraindications include additional stress on the heart, so when drinking linden tea you should always remember that this is just a medicinal drink that should not replace regular tea. Linden flowers are used for lotions and compresses; in case of excessive emotionality and nervous disorders, baths in linden infusions are recommended, the peculiarity of which is a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Linden infusion helps reduce facial skin oiliness when used regularly.

Collection of lime raw materials

The collection of linden flowers is carried out during their flowering period, when most of them have already blossomed, and lasts about 2 weeks. Inflorescences damaged by diseases and pests are not collected.

The resulting raw material, spread out in an even 4-5 cm layer, needs to be dried in a well-ventilated area or in the attic. In dry, warm weather, the flowers will be ready for further use in 5 days. The fact that drying should be stopped can be understood by the fragility of the peduncles. Dried flowers, which have a shelf life of 2 years, have a pleasant faint aroma and a sweetish astringent taste.

The buds are collected in the spring, in dry weather; Bark harvesting is also carried out in the spring (before flowering) or at the end of autumn. It is dried, ground to a powder and brewed as tea. The shelf life of such raw materials is 3 years.

Linden tree: diseases and pests

Linden, like any plant, has its pests; These are the bark beetle, woodcutter, soldier bug, goldentail, leaf roller, yellow-throated mouse, gypsy moth, silver hole. Linden tree diseases include white rot, molding of seeds, and leaf spot.

General information about the plant and the height of the linden tree.

Botanical name: European linden, or heart-shaped linden, or small-leaved linden, (Tilia cordata) - genus Linden, family Linden.

The homeland of the cordate linden: Europe.

Lighting: light-loving, shade-tolerant.

Soil: drained, moist.

Watering: plentiful.

Maximum tree height: 30 m.

Average life expectancy: 150 years, some individuals live up to 1200 years.

Planting: seeds.

Description of the heart-shaped linden tree

Large deciduous tree up to 30m high. The crown is wide, tent-shaped. The trunk is straight, reaching up to 2 - 5 m in diameter.

The bark is gray, fissured. Young shoots are light brown, pubescent, older shoots are dark, glabrous. The buds are oval, at first densely pubescent, then glabrous, 4-5 mm long.

The leaves of the linden tree are heart-shaped, which is how the plant got its name. The leaves are simple, alternate, rounded, elongated, the edge is serrated, the apex is pointed. Dark green above, hairy, light below, densely pubescent with bristly hairs, up to 17 cm long and 19 cm wide. They are supported by thin petioles 3-5 cm long. Young leaves have stipules that quickly fall off.

The inflorescence consists of 3-8 flowers. The buds are spherical, 3–4 mm in diameter, slightly pubescent, yellowish, regular in shape. The inflorescence is located on the axis to which the pre-flowering leaf is attached. The leaf grows together with the petiole, and the inflorescence itself emerges from its middle, so linden flowers are collected together with the pre-flowering leaf.

When does linden bloom?

When linden blossoms, the air is filled with a strong, pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in June and lasts 10-15 days. In hot, dry weather it fades faster.

The fruits are round, elongated, small nuts, with a dense shell, sometimes with grooves, 7-10 mm long, 6-9 mm wide. The fruit contains a seed inside. Fruiting begins in August – September. European linden is frost-resistant. Able to withstand frosts down to -40⁰C. The photo of the heart-shaped linden clearly shows unusual, peculiar leaves, which are a distinctive feature of this tree.

Distribution of the small-leaved linden plant

The linden plant is native to Europe and southeast Asia. Found in central Russia. Settles in mixed, broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests.

It grows in a mixture with other species, often adjacent to oak. In the southern Cis-Urals there are numerous linden forests. In Berlin there is a long linden alley called Unter den Linden, which means “under the linden trees.”

Planting a linden tree

Small-leaved linden (heart-shaped) can grow equally well in lighted areas and shady areas. Prefers leached, drained, moderately moist, structured soils. Own fallen leaves improve the properties of the soil.

Linden is grown from seeds. Under natural conditions, seeds falling into the soil are stored in it for about a year and germinate the following spring. For normal germination, linden seeds are stratified, cooled and soaked. To do this, they are placed in damp sand and stored there for up to 5 months at a temperature of 0°C. For high germination, all stratification conditions must be met. In spring, seeds are planted in moist soil and provided with abundant watering. Autumn planting of seeds does not require preliminary stratification, but germination in this case may be low.

Sowing seeds can be replaced by transplanting linden seedlings, which often begin to grow near old individuals. Seedlings are dug up in the forest or forest belt. They can be recognized by their cotyledons, which have a lobed shape. They can easily tolerate transplantation, especially if it is done in wet weather. The area for planting seedlings must be fertilized with humus. Planting holes must be at least 60 cm deep. Humus or compost is poured onto the bottom. The seedling placed in the hole is covered with earth and watered abundantly.

When planting in groups, you need to leave a distance of 3-4 m between plants. The root collar should be on its surface after the soil settles. Turf, sand and humus are used as soil mixture. A drainage layer of crushed stone, 20 cm high, is required. In early spring, additional fertilizing is done with mullein, urea and ammonium nitrate. The first week after planting, abundant watering is required. During the dry period, young seedlings need frequent and abundant watering. Adults do not need watering.

Linden seedlings can be bought at the nursery. They can be large, reaching up to 5 m in height, or ordinary seedlings up to 2 m. The seedlings should be lumpy, with the root collar located on the surface of the lumen. When purchasing, you should check the roots of the seedling. They must be strong and healthy. Seedlings are selected based on their appearance, with the correct crown and no signs of damage or disease.

Pests and diseases

Diseases: white rot, seed mold, leaf spot.

Pests: soldier bug, yellow-throated mouse, silver hole, gypsy moth, birch and winter moths, bark beetles, goldenrod, woodcutter, leaf roller, goldentail.

Characteristics of linden for use in medicine

The linden tree has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. The Slavs used the charcoal from this tree to heal wounds and treat the gastrointestinal tract. The mucus of boiled linden bark was used to treat burns. A decoction of fresh buds and leaves was used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Powder from dry crushed leaves was used for nosebleeds, linden nuts served to stop internal bleeding. An infusion of linden flowers was an excellent diaphoretic and was also used for colds and fainting. All parts of the plant were considered medicinal.

In modern scientific medicine, linden flowers and pre-flowers are used and used as a diaphoretic. An infusion of flowers is recommended for rinsing the mouth for inflammation of the gums, and the throat for sore throat. Linden tea effectively treats colds, flu, sore throat, and pneumonia.

Decoctions, infusions and teas are prepared from the flowers. The drink made from linden flowers has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste. In addition, lotions and compresses are made from linden flowers. For nervous disorders and increased excitability, baths with the addition of linden decoction are recommended. Such a bath not only calms the nervous system, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Linden infusion helps reduce facial skin oiliness and should be used to wipe the skin regularly. Tea made from linden flowers has a diuretic effect, treats urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and hypertension.

Linden fruits are collected, crushed and used as a hemostatic agent for external and internal bleeding.

Tea is brewed from linden bark, which has choleretic and diaphoretic properties and increases the body's protective functions.

Linden charcoal is used for diarrhea, dysentery and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is obtained from wood and tree branches.

Linden tea has a number of contraindications. It puts additional stress on the heart, so it should be used with caution. When drinking linden tea, you should remember that it is primarily a medicinal drink, so it cannot replace regular teas.

Collection and preparation of raw materials and leaves of linden trees

Flowers are collected during the flowering period, when a significant part of them has blossomed, and the rest is in buds. The collection of raw materials continues for 10-14 days. Inflorescences damaged by diseases and pests cannot be collected. You cannot collect flowers that have not dried after rain or dew, as they will turn brown when dried. The collected inflorescences are dried in attics or in a well-ventilated area, spread out in an even layer of 4-5 cm on paper. Drying in the sun is not recommended, as this leads to loss of quality of the raw material. In warm, dry weather, the flowers dry out in 5 days. Drying stops when the flower stalks become brittle. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. Dried flowers have a faint, pleasant aroma. The taste is sweetish, astringent.

The buds are collected in the spring in dry weather. Dry in dryers or under a canopy. Shelf life: 2 years.

The bark is harvested in early spring before flowering or at the end of autumn. It is dried, ground into powder and brewed as tea. Shelf life: 3 years.

The leaves are collected fresh along with the buds. Dry under a canopy. Shelf life: 2 years.

The smell of linden and linden honey

During flowering, the strong smell of linden spreads over long distances. This smell attracts bees. Linden is an excellent honey plant; the honey of this plant is very healthy, distinguished by its transparency and sweet taste. For colds, complex treatment with honey and tea from this tree is recommended.

There are 17 million flowers per 1 hectare of linden forest, from which up to 1.5 tons of nectar can be collected. One bee colony collects up to 5 kg of honey per day from a tree.

Use of linden in the old days

Having studied the pages of history, one can be convinced that beekeeping was one of the most widespread and important crafts among the ancient Slavs. Honey and wax have been exported from Russia for many years. Linden honey in combs was used to treat colds. Skin diseases were treated with honey.

Peasants used linden to weave shoes. This is where the saying comes from: “the linden tree feeds, it puts on shoes.” Since bast bast shoes wore out quickly, one person needed up to 40 pairs of such braids per year. They also made mats, ropes, boxes, and coolies from linden.

Quivers for arrows were woven from linden bast and military shields were made.

Initially soft linden wood, when dried, becomes very hard. This property made it possible to use it in everyday life. Kitchen utensils, ladles, cups, jars, carts, sleighs, carved frames, souvenirs, and toys were made from wood. Baths and barns were cut from linden trees. Linden barns were not damaged by rodents, baths made of this wood kept warm for a long time.

From time immemorial, it was customary to steam in a Russian bath with a linden broom. Houses for ablution were built from the same wood, shelves and benches, washcloths and other bath accessories were made. In the Russian bathhouse there was traditionally a vat of linden kvass and ladles of linden honey. While relaxing, the steamers drank mead and linden tea.

Linden fruits and flowers in cosmetology

Linden blossom is used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it deeply cleanses the skin, eliminates inflammation, has a calming effect, does not dry out or irritate the skin.

Steam baths are used to care for normal and oily skin. For dry skin, decoctions of linden blossom and linden fruit are used.

In addition, linden is a good hair care product. It can be used to make a natural rinse that can be used after every hair wash.

Application in construction

Linden lining looks unusual and very beautiful, it is durable, resistant to temperature changes, tolerates high air humidity, is light in weight, and easy to install. Used for interior lining of saunas and baths.

The wood of this tree is often used to build baths. It is easy to process, retains heat for a long time and fills the bathhouse with a pleasant aroma. It is an excellent material for interior decoration, as it does not burn.

The linden tree was considered sacred by the ancient Slavs. He was associated with the goddess of love - Lada, who personified happiness, beauty and grace.

Linden has a soft but strong energy. It absorbs negative energy, relieves depression and depression, and restores vitality. Contact with wood creates a feeling of peace, warmth, and inner harmony.

Linden was a favorite plant in village estates. Today, in different parts of Russia, centuries-old linden trees can be found on the site of ancient parks. For example, in the village of Mikhailovskoye, an entire linden alley has been preserved, where A. Kern loved to walk. The linden alley in Yasnaya Polyana, associated with the name of L.N. Tolstoy, has also been preserved.

Description of the European linden

European linden (Tilia europea) is an ornamental, deciduous tree with an oval crown, reaching up to 40 m in height. Grows in Western Europe. The crown diameter is 20 m. The upper branches are directed upward, the middle ones are horizontal, the lower ones hang down. The trunk diameter is 2 m. The leaves are heart-shaped, round, uneven, with a serrated edge, on a long petiole, dark green above, smooth, light below, up to 6 cm long. In autumn they acquire a yellow color. The flowers are small, yellowish-white, collected in inflorescences of 5-8 pieces, with a light green bract. Flowering begins in June – July. Lasts 10-12 days. The fruits of the European linden are spherical small nuts without ribs.

Has high frost resistance. Shade-tolerant. Sensitive to drought. Tolerates urban conditions well and absorbs dust. Not demanding on soil. Prefers fertile, well-drained areas. Easily tolerates pruning and crown formation.

Used to create parks, alleys, hedges. Tolerates transplantation well. Propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. Lives up to 500 years. Often adjacent to oak and maple. It has a number of decorative forms, the most interesting of which is the European linden, characterized by large 2-3 apical, serrated leaves.

Characteristics of common linden

Linden (Tilia cordata Mill) is a natural hybrid of small-leaved and large-leaved linden. Acquired features of both parents. The height of the tree reaches up to 40 m in height. The crown is dense, wide-pyramidal.

The leaves are large, simple, alternate, heart-shaped, sharp-toothed, with an elongated apex, dark green, up to 8 cm long. The flowers are yellowish-white, small, up to 1 cm in diameter, fragrant, collected in corymbose inflorescences of 3-15 pieces, with membranous bract.

The fruits are small spherical nuts with a diameter of up to 8 mm. Ripen in September. They stay on the tree until winter, then fall off. The tree lives up to 400 years. Winter-hardy. Not demanding on soil. Drought resistant.

Used for landscaping streets and creating hedges. It is planted quite rarely in private gardens due to its excessively large dimensions.

The photo gallery contains photos of the cordate linden and its varieties.

Family: mallow, or linden (Tiliaceae).


In nature, linden grows in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere; plants are widespread in the zone of deciduous and mixed forests in North America, Europe, and Asia. The genus "Linden" has about 40 species.

Form: deciduous tree.


Linden trees are large deciduous trees with a height of 20 to 40 m, which are widely used in modern green construction. All types of linden trees have a beautiful, thick, easily moldable crown (the diameter of the linden crown is from 2 to 5 m). Linden leaves are simple, alternate, heart-shaped, sharply toothed along the edge and pointed. In addition to their decorative qualities, linden trees are valued for their abundant, fragrant, yellow flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences; Linden fruits are single-seeded nuts. Linden blossoms usually occur in July. Linden flowers have a number of healing properties. The root system of linden trees is powerful and deep. Plants are durable and resilient. In addition, linden is a honey plant; Linden honey is considered one of the best. The plants are notable for the fact that they are soil-improving species - linden leaves, containing large amounts of calcium, saturate the soil with nutrients after falling.

Small-leaved linden , or linden heart-shaped (T. cordata). Tree 20 to 30 m tall and 10 to 15 m wide. The crown of small-leaved linden is initially conical, later ovoid. The main branches of the plant grow diagonally or vertically, the side shoots bend and hang down at the bottom of the crown. The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green on top, sometimes shiny, bluish on the back. In autumn, the leaves of the heart-shaped linden take on a beautiful light yellow color.

Japanese linden (T. japonica). Tree up to 20 m tall. Japanese linden is distinguished by abundant flowering, later than other types of linden. It is better to plant the plant on the south side of the site.

(T. platyphyllos). Tree 30 to 35 m tall and 15 to 20 m wide. The crown of the large-leaved linden is initially conical or broadly ovoid, later rounded. The main branches are vertical, the side shoots are horizontal. The leaves of the large-leaved linden bloom two weeks later than those of the small-leaved linden, but begin to bloom two weeks earlier. The flowers are yellowish-cream, collected in inflorescences of 2-5 pieces.

Amur linden (T. amurensis). A slender tree from 25 to 30 m tall with an oval compact dense crown. The bark of young plants is smooth, brownish-red; in adults it is dark gray, with longitudinal cracks. The leaves are heart-shaped, sharp-toothed, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are pale cream or yellowish, collected in inflorescences of 5-15 pieces, and have a strong aroma.

Linden (T. vulgaris). A natural hybrid of small-leaved linden and large-leaved linden. Common linden is a slender tree up to 40 m tall with a wide pyramidal crown. Blooms in July.

Manchurian linden (T. mandshurica). A very beautiful and abundantly flowering tree up to 20 m tall. The crown is of the correct shape. Very similar to the Amur linden, but differs in larger leaves and flowers.

American linden , or black linden (T. americana). Tree up to 40 m tall with a broadly ovate crown and dark, almost black bark. The bark of the American linden is almost black. The leaves are broadly oval, up to 20 cm long, heart-shaped and toothed at the base. The flowers are large (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in inflorescences of 6-15 pieces. Black linden inflorescences are drooping. It grows relatively slowly. Heat-loving species.

(T. caucasica). Tree up to 40 m tall with a rounded or broadly ovate crown. Young shoots of Caucasian linden are purple-red. The leaves are large (up to 14 cm long), broadly oval. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the back side is bluish, with tufts of whitish hairs near the veins. Drooping inflorescences with light yellow flowers. Flowering is abundant.

Linden (T. europaea). Tree 25 to 40 m tall and 10 to 15 m wide with a broadly ovate crown. The leaves are rounded-ovate with a heart-shaped base. Blooms for 10-17 days. The European linden grows quickly.

Siberian linden (T. sibirica). Tree up to 25 m tall. The growth rate of Siberian linden is average.

Felt linden , or silver linden (T. tomentosa). A slender tree up to 30 m tall, with silvery foliage and a regular, wide-pyramidal or oval crown. The main distinctive feature of the tomentose linden is the leaves: round, up to 12 cm long, dark green on top, slightly fluffy at the beginning of development, whitish-tomentose on the underside, on tomentose-pubescent petioles. In bright sunlight, the edges of the leaf curl, revealing a silvery underside.

Growing conditions

The linden tree is one of the most shade-tolerant, so the plants can be planted in shaded areas of the garden. Linden trees prefer fertile, good substrates; As a rule, they do not tolerate salinity and develop better on soils containing lime (from to ). The linden root system is sensitive to compaction. In general, growing linden does not cause much trouble, since the plants are frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, and quickly adapt.


Linden will always look impressive on a summer cottage. Linden trees are used in group, mixed, alley plantings, and to create hedges (small-leaved linden or cordate linden are best suited for creating). Different types of lindens go well with many plants; they look beautiful with deciduous trees such as oak, beech, mackerel and others.


Linden is a plant that does not require special care. Trees can suffer from drought, so they need to be watered during hot, dry summers. During the first two years after planting, it is recommended to feed linden seedlings with nitrogen fertilizers.


Linden reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively (,). For planting in hedges, linden trees are best propagated by layering. Planting linden in hedges can be lined, wavy, or in a checkerboard pattern.

You can buy linden seedlings and linden seeds at. Linden seedlings can also be ordered online.

Diseases and pests

Linden is a resistant plant; rarely affected by diseases and pests. Linden diseases can be caused by unfavorable growing conditions.

Popular varieties

Varieties of small-leaved linden

    ‘Erecta’. A medium-sized tree, 15 to 18 m tall and 5 to 10 m wide. The crown of small-leaved linden ‘Erecta’ is initially broadly columnar, gradually becoming ovoid. Branches grow diagonally or vertically. The ‘Erecta’ variety is smaller and narrower than the species form of the plant. Linden leaves ‘Erecta’ are bluish below.

    'Greenspire'. A fast-growing tree of medium size, up to 15-18 m tall and from 6 to 12 m wide. The crown is dense, compact, conical, later becoming broadly ovoid. The leaves of linden 'Greenspire' are small, round-ovate, shiny, bluish below.

    'Rancho'. A slow growing tree, 9 to 12 m tall and 4 to 6 m wide. The crown is initially narrow-ovoid, later conical, symmetrical, and compact. The branches of the linden variety ‘Rancho’ grow vertically. The leaves of Linden 'Rancho' are small, round-ovate, shiny.

Variety of felt or silver linden'Brabant'. Tree up to 20-25 m tall and 12 to 15 m wide with vertically growing branches. The crown of the linden 'Brabant' is initially compact and cone-shaped, later becoming wider.

Linden variety 'Pallida'. Powerful, fast-growing tree up to 30-40 m tall and 10 to 15 m wide with a conical crown. Linden 'Pallida' branches grow diagonally upward, side shoots grow horizontally or vertically. In autumn the shoots turn red. The leaves of linden ‘Pallida’ are large, bloom early and stay on the plant for a long time.

Large-leaved linden variety 'Rubra'. A very graceful tree up to 30-40 m tall and up to 20 m wide with a wide-conical or ovoid crown. In winter, the shoots of linden 'Rubra' turn coral red.


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