Coca leaves. The one who chews the coca leaf will die healthy

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The coca plant is traditionally grown in the mountain villages of the Andes. The development of culture requires an optimal location, favorable climatic conditions and sufficient altitude. Several wild varieties are known in the Amazon. As an experiment and for other botanical purposes, the culture was grown in the last century in Ceylon, India and West Africa.

The coca plant prefers shady areas.

For reproduction, coca seeds are sown from December to the end of January. Seedlings are carefully protected from direct sunlight. Fortified plants more than 50 cm long dive into a pre-prepared substrate. Of particular value are coca leaves grown on dry ground. The landing site must be on a hill. They prefer the slopes of valleys and hills.

The culture also responds well to the high humidity and damp climatic conditions of a tropical climate. One of the brightest representatives of the plant, Amazonian coca is able to produce more alkaloids in conditions of high humidity.

Harvesting and harvesting coca

Plants of various age categories are selected for harvesting leaves. The optimal age for coca is between two and fifty years. After the aging of the shrub, the leaves lose their properties.

There is an opinion that only fresh plucked leaves have special value. They also choose foliage with the first signs of drying - after the characteristic twisting of the vegetative organs with a tube.

Freshly picked coca leaves are of particular value.

Depending on the region and climatic conditions, the crop can be harvested two or three times during the year. The first collection is carried out in mid-March. Perform harvesting after a long period of precipitation. Rains tend to weaken the concentration of alkaloids in the foliage. The spring harvest is considered the most effective.

Leaves that ripen at the end of June are suitable for further collection. In late October or early November, under favorable conditions, a potential third crop can be obtained.

The semi-dried state of coca leaves provides natural exposure to direct sunlight. The collected green leaves are placed in a thin layer on a prepared woolen cloth or straw. After sufficient drying, the leaves are packed in cloth bags. Store in rooms with sufficient air circulation and low humidity.

The process of collecting coca can be seen in the plot:

Selection experiments

In the 19th century, botanists declared that it was impossible to grow coca outside of its natural habitat. After attempts to adapt the plant in other latitudes, a significant reduction in alkaloids has been proven.

Breeders later found that the reason for the failure was not related to low altitudes. A sharp drop in atmospheric pressure had a significant effect on coca.

Crossed crops can be grown in a variety of climates.

Botanists have successfully crossed mountain plant species with coca grown in the valleys. The cultivated crops were able to produce crops with high levels of alkaloids. The resulting coca can be grown under earth pressure at low altitudes.

Dutch and British scientists have been looking for suitable sites for coca cultivation for a long time. The experiment involved new, previously untouched lands. In South America, the cultivation of the plant as a medical raw material subsequently became one of the most developing industries. The turnover of coca cultivation and the production of cocaine increased significantly every year.

In 1930, Japan took over the territory of the Dutch Empire. The country was one of the top three cocaine producers in the world until the end of World War II. In 1980, there was a massive sale of the drug cocaine from the category of stimulants in the United States. Despite the significance of the use of the substance in the manufacture of pharmacological preparations, the free cultivation of the plant was banned.

All crossed coca varieties are suitable for cultivation in most countries. The coca bush is highly resistant. The optimal temperature regime for growing crops is in the range from + 10 to + 30 degrees.

Difficulties in breeding coca

Freshly harvested seeds are used to propagate coca. Seed material, even after a short period of storage, loses its germination property. The ideal combination of useful properties for cultivation is found in vermiculite. The substrate promotes group germination of seeds.

For the cultivation of coca use a fresh crop of rudiments.

Seeds are planted in holes with a depth of about three centimeters. For seedlings, the humidity level is maintained in the range from + 55 to + 60%. For coca create diffused lighting. Under favorable conditions, the first sprouts hatch after 20 days.

Promotes rapid development of good soil drainage. The plant responds well to additional feeding. Special organic mixtures are also used for coca.

The culture is highly resistant to various diseases and insects. The mealybug is a particular threat to coca. Suspend the growth of culture can a sharp change in temperature and humidity. Excessive watering or a dry substrate also affects the condition of the plant.

A young plant may suffer from normal touch. Sensitive coca should not be peeled or trimmed.

To collect seeds, grown specimens aged from three to five years are used. The structure of the plant resembles a tea bush. The culture is highly demanding. Even slight frosts can kill coca.

Products made from the coca plant.

Despite technological advances, caring for a plant continues to be hard, manual work. The culture is often planted illegally in places protected from patrol aircraft and the hot sun. For growing coca, dark areas of tall stands are used.

The coca bush can reach about three meters in height. Young seedlings are regularly weeded. Given the peculiarities of care, specialists are hired for cultivation - small farmers.

Tradition or cover?

Connoisseurs of the coca plant claim that coca leaves are not related to narcotic substances. The vegetative organs of the shrub were used for chewing by the ancient Indians.

The leaves contain the alkaloid cocaine. The component is able to reduce fatigue, add vigor and a little intoxication. The plant also relieves the feeling of hunger.

Coca leaf tea.

Even a slight excess of the dosage of the drug can cause death. For poisoning with coca leaves, you need to eat more than one kilogram of green mass.

During the Inca Empire, coca was given to soldiers during difficult campaigns. The plant was also consumed by priests and nobility on holidays. For the general population, culture was an inaccessible luxury.

Spanish authorities banned the use of coca by the indigenous population. The plant was massively used in pagan rites. Entrepreneurial Europeans actively cultivated coca for further export.

Coca was mixed with alcohol. The resulting mixture was used as an exclusive strong drink. Coca leaves were also used in dried form for smoking and added to food.

Modern use of coca

The plant has special properties of local anesthesia. Culture molecules actively interact with the neurons of the central nervous system. Coca contributes to the numbness of parts of the body.

Drugs help to cope with headache, apathy and fear of heights. Coca-based drinks are used in combination with drugs in the treatment of malaria and asthma.

The leaf extract is part of the famous Coca-Cola drink. The leaves are also valued for their tonic effect. The culture is added to elixirs, alcohol, cream and soap.

In folk medicine in South America, there is a centuries-old experience in the use of coca leaves. Cultivation and consumption is common in Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia. The plant has become part of the national culture, largely defining even some religious traditions. Its role is compared with Mexican tequila, French wine or German beer.

As a raw material for the preparation of a narcotic substance, coca began to be grown in India, Africa, and on the island of Java. Active production of cocaine began in the middle of the 19th century. Currently, many countries have laws that severely punish citizens for distributing coca preparations. The use for medical purposes is also limited.

About the plant

The leaves are harvested from a tall evergreen shrub. They are oval in shape, grow up to 9 cm long, wide, with a light green tint. The plant at home is planted with seeds from December to January, protecting young shoots from the bright sun. When the seedlings reach a height of 40-60 cm, transplant and weed. Hills, open areas of the rainforest are considered the most comfortable place.

The bush blooms with small white or yellowish leaves. Fruits in the form of bright red berries are also used by folk healers. Harvested three times a year: in March after prolonged rains, in June and October. Only fresh leaves are considered ripe, which break when twisted.

Raw materials are collected in bags. Drying is carried out in a shaded place in the air. The leaves are laid out in a thin layer on a woolen cloth. The dried mass is reduced by half. Before selling, they are crushed or prepared into a semi-liquid paste by adding manganese carbonate. To preserve the qualities, a dry place or packing in canvas bags is suitable.

Active components of the leaves

The transformation of the raw material into the drug depends on the subsequent processing. Fresh leaves contain 0.2% of a substance called cocaine and other alkaloids of the ecgonine group:

  • methylecgonine cinnamate
  • Truxillin
  • benzylecgonine
  • tropocaine
  • hydroxytropocaine
  • pure ecgonine
  • hygrin
  • cuscohygreen
  • dihydrocuscohygrin

The total amount of alkaloids is from 0.25 to 0.77%. The extract of coca leaves contains vegetable protein, many trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, they are recommended by healers for the treatment of various diseases. The local population uses coca leaves to cope with fatigue, hunger and thirst. Small doses are included in dietary supplements for weight loss, energy drinks, drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma, diseases of the digestive tract.

The leaves are pleasant to the taste, cause numbness in the mouth. Due to long-term storage, a specific smell, brown color appears. When brewed with boiling water, a characteristic aroma is felt. Researchers do not equate the use of coca leaves with cocaine due to the lack of a pronounced effect on the human psyche. Defenders of the plant argue the analogy with the use of poppy in cooking: "eating poppy buns is not considered an opium addiction."

To get 1 g of cocaine from the leaves, you need a kg of dry raw materials + the provision of technology for extracting alkaloids. Illegal production is prohibited by law.

The mechanism of action on the body

Under the influence of ecgonine alkaloids, which are part of coca leaves, there is a moderate stimulation of the transmission of impulses through the neurons of the brain by increasing the production of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine). The action of coca leaves eliminates the feeling of fatigue, relieves headaches in highlands, helps to acclimatize to conditions of lack of oxygen in the air.

In addition, coca leaves give the following effects:

  • suppression of thirst and hunger
  • increase in endurance
  • improved digestion
  • pain relief

An important feature of the absorption of cocaine alkaloids through the digestive tract is the low bioavailability of the narcotic substance - from 20 to 40%. If a person consumes 60 g of coca per day, he will receive an effective daily dose of cocaine of 200-300 mg. However, it does not come immediately, but in portions. Experts believe that this method does not lead to drug addiction.

Methods of use

The natives of South America carry a bag with a portion of dry coca leaves. To create a thick consistency and improve the taste, quicklime powder or quinoa ash is added to them. The traditions of different countries allow combining with a sweetish mixture of quinoa, anise and sugar cane or with baking soda. The process is different from using gum. First, the hard petiole is removed. Then the leaves are held behind the cheek for about an hour, the teeth are not chewed.

Under the influence of saliva, the mass is enveloped, turns into a lump. Absorption into the blood partly begins in the oral cavity, the main process occurs in the stomach.

Juice and extractives are swallowed with saliva. In the high Andes, chewing coca leaves helps to adapt to the lack of oxygen, and sometimes they are simply used as food. For local peoples, the duration of chewing a mouthful of leaves has become a measure of time when moving from one settlement to another. The disappearance of the sensation of numbness indicates the end of the action of the serving of leaves.

Coca tea is legally offered to mountain hikers against altitude sickness and is used in indigenous religious rituals. A single sachet contains 5–10 mg of cocaine (according to other sources, 20–30 mg). Looks and tastes like Chinese green tea. The dosage does not lead to drug addiction, intoxication of the body. There is a slight stimulating effect, high spirits, increased heart rate. It feels the same as drinking two cups of coffee. Compared to the "cheek" use, the effect is weaker. Habituation does not occur.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine in South America, local plants are used. In countries where the coca bush grows, there are different forms available for home preparation:

  • Alcohol infusion - 2 tablespoons of dry coca leaves pour 100 ml of vodka or 70-degree alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 30 days, then strain. You can take a teaspoon with vomiting, apply a moistened cotton swab to the gum of a diseased tooth. For the treatment of respiratory diseases, a more concentrated extract is needed: fresh leaves are crushed and mixed equally with alcohol. The infusion is kept for 20 days. It is recommended to dilute ½ teaspoon in a small amount of water and drink once a day. It is considered a useful tool for the prevention of asthma attacks.
  • Tea from the leaves - brewed as usual (a teaspoon per cup of boiling water). Useful for intestinal disorders with diarrhea, pain in the stomach. Drink 1 time per day
  • Holding the leaves behind the cheek for an hour is advised for headaches, traveling on mountain roads, fatigue, in extreme situations, if there is no way to eat and the water has run out (to reduce hunger and thirst)


Passion for folk methods instead of modern medical care leads patients to the progression of the disease. This also applies to the uses of coca leaves:

  • People who are prone to high blood pressure, suffering from angina pectoris or cardiac arrhythmias, are not recommended to take the leaves in any form. The release of norepinephrine, even in a small amount, can provoke a hypertensive crisis, an attack of rhythm disturbance, retrosternal pain
  • More sensitive to small doses of cocaine than others are patients with mental illness, neuroses, who have had strokes. For them, drinking tea can cause or exacerbate depression.
  • If drug addiction has already been formed, then an additional amount of ecgonine alkaloids increases intoxication

Not everyone's body responds well to the effects of coca leaves. The presence of an unusual drug in dietary supplements for weight loss causes a toxic effect. As a rule, sellers are not responsible for the goods. The desire to achieve the desired effect with the help of unlimited use can lead to unpleasant consequences: coca is difficult to tolerate by non-indigenous people who are unaccustomed to drugs. Official medicine does not recommend buying and using little-known teas.

"The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Visitors to the site should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences, arising from the use of information posted on the website https://website/

We remind you that we are against the distribution, sale and use of psychoactive substances.

Illegal production, sale, shipment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues and illegal sale and shipment of plants containing narcotic drugs / psychotropic substances are punishable in accordance with law 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Promotion of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, and their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances is punishable in accordance with the law of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 6.13 ."

For many centuries, the indigenous peoples of the Andes in South America have consumed coca leaves, a plant containing vital nutrients and vitamins, numerous alkaloids, including cocaine alkaloids. The use of coca leaves is especially common in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. The cultivation and consumption of coca in these countries is as much an integral part of the national culture as wine in France, beer in Germany, tequila in Mexico. This plant is an important symbol of the cultural and religious identity of the indigenous peoples of the Andes in South America.

The centuries-old tradition of drinking coca leaves has absolutely nothing to do with cocaine. The use of coca leaves suppresses the feeling of hunger, thirst, fatigue, causes a surge of strength, improves digestion and physical endurance. Coca leaves contain many vitamins and trace elements, help relieve pain, serve as a natural dietary supplement, have important medicinal properties, such as combating altitude sickness, so it is especially useful for people living high in the mountains. There is no better means of acclimatization to the rarefied air of the highlands of Bolivia than coca leaves.

How to chew coca leaves

Traditionally, coca leaves are either chewed or drunk as a tea (mate de coca). The word "chew" is a popular term, but the leaves are not actually chewed the way a cow chews grass or a man chews his cud. They are simply placed under the cheek and kept for an hour. The petiole of the leaf is preliminarily removed, because, being rigid in structure, they cause discomfort and can injure the mucous membrane.
Saliva begins to envelop the leaves, they significantly decrease in size and roll into a small lump, which is not chewed, but held behind the cheek. But the alkaloids contained in the leaves in this form are not absorbed. To do this, alkaline substances must be added to the leaves, only then the cocaine alkaloids will begin to activate and be absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach. The most common alkaline substance in La Paz is lejía dulce, made from quinoa ash mixed with anise and cane sugar. In order not to complicate your life, use regular baking soda. The alkali softens the tart taste of the leaves and activates the alkaloids.

A few minutes after the addition of an alkaline agent, the effect of mucosal numbness begins to be felt. This means that the split alkaloids of cocaine began to penetrate into the blood through the mucous membrane of the cheek; part of the secreted juice is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

The maximum effect of chewing coca leaves lasts about 60 minutes, then the numbness in the mouth disappears, which means that the alkaloids contained in the leaves have already been absorbed. To resume the effect, you must use a new batch of leaves.

Coca leaf tea

While chewing coca leaves is common only among the indigenous population, the use of tea made from coca leaves (mate de coca) is characteristic of all sectors of society in Bolivia and other countries of the Andean region. Greenish-yellow in color, it has a mild, slightly tart taste similar to green tea. Coca leaves are sold in tea bags in most grocery stores in Bolivia, and tourist establishments also offer coca leaf tea. It is widely believed that the use of such tea is beneficial for health, mood and activity. Tea is often recommended to tourists to prevent altitude sickness, reduce fatigue and increase physical activity. However, the effect of drinking tea from coca leaves is significantly less than chewing.

Coca leaves - health benefits

The coca bush is a well-known plant in the world due to its content of cocaine alkaloid. However, coca leaves are not cocaine, just like grapes are not wine. Chewing coca leaves is as much "drug use" as eating poppy seed patties. The content of coca alkaloids in coca leaves is very low, somewhere between 0.25% and 0.77%. Therefore, the traditional chewing or tea drinking of coca leaves does not cause a state of excessive euphoria or high, that is, it does not cause the state of drug intoxication that people feel after using cocaine.

A cup of tea made from one gram of coca leaves (typical contents of a tea bag) contains approximately 4.2 mg of coca alkaloids. For comparison, the dose of cocaine is 20 to 30 milligrams. Due to the presence of these alkaloids, coca leaves are a mild stimulant, its consumption can be compared to the consumption of coffee or tea. Coca leaves do not pose a danger of addiction, and do not cause dangerous consequences of addiction. You will feel a slight increase in energy that lasts for an hour, that's all.

Interesting Facts

Bolivia is the world's third largest coca producer after Colombia and Peru.

The cultivation and sale of coca leaves accounts for 2% of Bolivia's GDP.

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Everything in our world is relative. Therefore, none of the existing plants on earth can be called absolutely harmful. You will be surprised, but even the coca plant has its own beneficial properties. It is still used in medicine today. However, this does not mean at all that it can be used. After all, the cocaine contained in this plant is highly addictive and poses a serious danger to life. Today we will talk about the beneficial and harmful properties of this bush, and also tell you what to do if it is poisoned.

The use of the coca plant in medicine

Coca leaves are world famous for the cocaine alkaloid they contain. It is considered a potent narcotic substance that negatively affects the psyche and is highly addictive.

Do not try to grow cocaine at home. This is a criminal offense for which you can get an impressive term.

Despite the huge list of negative properties, the coca bush has found its use in medicine. Let's see what effect this plant has on the body.

The beneficial effects of coca on the body:

  1. Despite the fact that coca leaves contain a lot of narcotic alkaloids, one of which is cocaine, this plant is rich in useful trace elements and vitamins.
  2. Previously, coca leaves were used in folk medicine for the preparation of various drugs for diseases.
  3. Until now, cocaine is used as a local anesthetic for oral and eye surgery.
  4. Plastic surgery on the eyes is also rarely done without the use of an anesthetic based on coca leaves. This drug, in addition to anesthesia, is able to constrict blood vessels.
  5. Coca leaves are a powerful energy drink. It improves performance and mood. It also reduces the feeling of hunger and thirst.
  6. Some asthma medications contain coca leaf extract.
  7. Also, this tool copes well with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Coca leaves cannot be unequivocally called a harmful product. When used correctly, they can only bring benefits.

Addiction and coca bush

The ancient Incas lived from ancient times the seeds and leaves of coca. This plant acted as a natural energy booster and was a great mood lifter. Such a product acts much softer than pure cocaine.

Despite the fact that the use of coca leaves is called chewing, in fact this term is not entirely accurate. In fact, coca greens are placed in the oral cavity and softened and absorbed there, due to which the alkaloids are slowly absorbed into the palate.

Cultivation of coca leaves has been practiced by African tribes for a very long time. There, this plant has not so much medical as religious significance. In addition, the tribes that use it often experience nutritional deficiencies, and coca leaves can overcome hunger and thirst. In addition, such chewing guarantees a surge of energy and uplifting mood.

Preparation of coca leaves for chewing in different ways:

  1. The Indians chewed coca leaves mixed with lime. To do this, they took greenery and cleaned it of veins, after which they rolled it into a ball and placed it under the sky. Next, a stick dipped in lime was placed in the mouth.
  2. In the Andes, growing coca is half the battle. You need to prepare a special catalyst for it. To do this, the plants are fired in a special pot until they turn into a fine powder. It is moistened with corn beer, schnapps or lemon juice and shaped into pyramids and then dried in the sun. When the mixture hardens, it breaks into pieces that are chewed along with the coca leaves.
  3. Coca leaves can also be chewed with various flavorings. For example, in Peru, roasted pea leaves and marigolds are used.

In African countries, the coca plant is very popular. It is rich in narcotic substances, therefore it is able to cheer up and stimulate the efficiency of the brain. However, do not think that this is useful.

Dangerous effect on the body of coca leaves

Coca leaves are used for medicinal purposes. They anesthetize the face and have a beneficial effect on brain activity. In addition, they cheer you up and are a natural energy booster. However, at the same time, they have a lot of side effects.

You know that Stephen King and Sigmund Freud used cocaine. However, they soon felt all the consequences of such a hobby, and “got off” this drug, which was not easy to do.

A plant like coca is very dangerous to health. Despite all its medicinal properties, this tree has terrible side effects.

Harmful properties of coca:

  1. The main side effect of cocaine is rapid addiction. In this case, the psychological attachment occurs faster than the physical one.
  2. Heavy "withdrawal" appear only after a few doses of cocaine. However, they are present in a lighter form and with the usual chewing of the leaves.
  3. Over time, previous doses of cocaine do not have the desired effect. They have to be increased. In the case of coca leaves, they have to live constantly.
  4. When sniffing cocaine, the nasal septum collapses. First, bleeding wounds appear on it, then holes, and in the end, both nostrils are connected, due to the death of this very septum.
  5. Soon, without the support of coca leaves, the person begins to experience depression. Psychoses appear. Many commit suicide.
  6. Heart attack and stroke are two other side effects of eating products made from coca leaves. These alkaloids adversely affect the state of the heart, blood vessels and brain.
  7. An overdose of cocaine often results in death. However, with coca leaves, this effect is difficult to achieve.

Cocaine addiction is treated. However, for this a person needs to make a great effort on himself. After all, the main rule of recovery from coke addiction is the rejection of cocaine. Also, the patient may be prescribed drugs that relieve the intensity of "waste" and a visit to a psychologist.

What to do in case of poisoning with coca leaves and seeds

Coca grows in African countries. However, they bring it to us. In addition, there are "craftsmen" who grow this plant at home.

Unfortunately, cocaine addicts are not so few. Such a hobby often leads to overdoses, and as a result, death. Therefore, it is necessary to know what to do in case of cocaine poisoning.

What to do in case of cocaine poisoning:

  1. First of all, the stomach is washed with a one percent solution of carbolene. However, this method is effective only when chewing the leaves.
  2. A few drops of nitroglycerin are also injected inside. Warm drinks are used.
  3. You may need a heart massage. This is when it stops.
  4. With severe psychosis, drugs used to treat schizophrenia are prescribed.

Of course, if you see that a person has an overdose of any drug, then you must immediately call an ambulance. Self-medication can only hurt.

The impact of coca leaves on humans (video)

Coca leaves are used in medicine. They are good for local anesthesia of the face and mouth. However, if used incorrectly, they can cause great harm.

Colombian police destroy coca plantations by dropping pesticides on them from the air, and Bolivian President Evo Morales, chewing coca leaves, advertises it at almost every international conference he attends.

Coca is a traditional and almost ritual plant for the inhabitants of the Andes, which has been grown for at least five thousand years, and at the same time the raw material for one of the most expensive and popular drugs - cocaine, whose transit through Mexico led to a destructive war of drug cartels. So what is coca, is it evil or good? Journal MagMen's I decided to conduct my own investigation and find out what coca is and along the way to dispel the stereotypes that there are a huge number of coca.

Where there is cocaine but no coca

Who of us never heard of mexican drug cartels and their shipment to the USA a tone of cocaine ? Because of this many people seriously believe that this cocaine is produced in Mexico , from the coca grown there. There is a jungle in southern Mexico, so why not coque? Actually nothing like this , simply Mexico is located next to an important consumer of an expensive drug - the United States, which is why it has become an important transit country for cocaine from Colombia.

Transit because of which a bloody war broke out in the country. Nevertheless, cocaine itself is not produced there and coca is not grown.

Where coca grows

Many coca strongly associated with the jungle, but in fact it does not grow everywhere - it's creepy demanding plant. Coca, or coca bush, in many ways resembles a tea bush and requires similar care. grows not in any jungle, but only in the mountains , on the eastern slopes of the Andes , at an altitude of 500-1500 meters above sea level, higher places are no longer suitable for it - the plant is very sensitive to even the slightest frost.

Coca plantations in the Andes

For these reasons, The coca growing region is a thin, broken strip that stretches along the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America.

How coca is grown

For protection from the bright sun and patrol planes, coca bushes are planted in the shade of taller plants. Coca bush, growing up to 3 meters, is grown from seeds, and then, when the seedlings grow to a height of 40-60 cm, they are transplanted, carefully and regularly weeded. Picking coca leaves is similar to picking tea leaves: they collect fresh tender shoots, dry them under the sun, and this is given that coca grows in humid places where it often rains.

coca plant

Outside the 21st century, but caring for coca is mostly manual labor. The crop is harvested several times a year, and it the amount depends on care.

coca harvest

For this reason, even venerable drug lords prefer to leave coca cultivation to small farmers , which can provide the plant with thorough care, and buy their crops .

Coca - Indian Traditions

You can often hear that coca is not a drug , And between its leaves and the white narcotic powder lies a great gulf; that drugs are bad Chewing coca leaves is an ancient and healthy Native American tradition.

coca in south america

Really, coca leaves contain the alkaloid cocaine, but in small amounts , And when chewing coca leaves, a person’s fatigue decreases, the feeling of hunger is dulled, cheerfulness and slight intoxication appear. It's easy to die from a cocaine overdose, but here, to die from chewing coca leaves, you need to consume more than a kilogram, and in one sitting which is simply unrealistic.

However, everything is not so simple. Before the arrival of Europeans, coca was grown and consumed, but under very strict control, and in of the Inca Empire, coca was chewed by soldiers on difficult campaigns, by nobility and priests. And it's not every day. BUT for an ordinary peasant, coca was not available.

coca in colombia

The use of coca became a universal tradition under the Spaniards. , at first they banned the plant, due to the fact that it was actively used in pagan rituals, but then, seeing the commercial potential of coca, they actively began to grow and sell it. Andean Indians enthusiastically hooked on a previously forbidden fruit , and this is unlikely to have benefited them, because coca was often combined with strong alcohol imported by Europeans.

coca drink

On the basis of alcohol and coca, variants of completely vigorous moonshine were created. And also you can smoke coca (dried), and add to food.

Chewing coca leaves

If you decide to chew coca leaves, it is unlikely that you will like it. The fact is that to they chew the eye for a reason, but by adding a handful of lime, or soda, or even ash or quinoa ash, for better juice extraction. All in all, dubious delicacy, which, by the way, almost all centenarians of South America chew .

Tea is also made from coca leaves. , but this is more for tourists - the locals are used to chewing coca, and so much so that even the distance is measured by pedestrians in cocads, that is, in the number of chewed servings of coca.


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