Lottery horoscope scorpio for June. lucky numbers for fish

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We all know the expression "So the stars aligned." Of course, because humanity has been watching the heavenly bodies since its very appearance.

At first, it was enough for us to just look at the beautiful luminous points in the height, later our ancestors began to seek out in motion space bodies certain patterns. This is how astronomy appeared, followed by astrology, which is a set of predictions based on the influence of stars on the fate of people. Horoscopes, as one of the practices of astrology, were very popular back in Ancient China, India, Greece, Mexico (Maya civilization). Today, astronomical forecasts are not taken as seriously as in ancient times, and are considered more of an entertainment. To believe in them or not is everyone's business. Today we offer you a special lottery horoscope for December 2017 - the year of the Fire Rooster!

The most significant event of December will be the long-awaited transition Saturn into the constellation Capricorn. What is there - astrologers have been waiting for this for two and a half years! And this is very good news, because in this sign, unlike the abandoned Sagittarius, the planet, so to speak, is really comfortable. By its nature, Saturn gravitates towards orderliness, regularity of being and a clear trajectory of movement. Actually, this is how you can characterize the influence of the December Saturn on the inhabitants of the Earth. You can even generalize by saying that the chaotic unrest in society will gradually subside, and the regulators will finally start to work as they should.

Particular attention in December should be paid to Venus, which during this period will change as many as two locations. At first, the planet will move from Scorpio to Sagittarius (December 1-2), and then leave the archer constellation and move to Capricorn sign (December 25). Such rapid movements of Venus will directly affect the emotional state and personal relationships of people. When Venus is in Scorpio, the relationship between lovers will be passionate, but short. In Capricorn, on the contrary, the relationship will be less ardent, but more caring, gentle and reverent. In addition to love affairs, Venus is also the patroness of finances, and in December the situation with money will, unfortunately, not be very stable.

Another celestial aspect now affecting the money sphere is Mars in Scorpio. The transition to this sign will take place 9th December and will entail many serious consequences. It is quite possible that a large corporation will go bankrupt or its share price will fall. So astrologers recommend very thoughtfully managing your finances and all existing property during this period of time. It is not worth starting serious currency transactions in December if there is no 100% confidence in the successful outcome of the case. As for large savings and real estate, we advise you to seriously think about improving the security system.


Lucky numbers for Aries in December: 5, 12, 39, 44, 52, 64.

Impulsiveness characteristic of Aries can lead to unpredictable consequences. But with a favorable position of the stars, this will only play into their hands. Because the risk on precisely marked dates of the stellar calendar brings overwhelming success. Even the most "unreasonable" bet in the lottery pays off with a solid win. good days in December, you can safely count the 7th and 9th. Moreover, between them is a happy Friday for the sign. In general, you should pay attention to all the numbers associated with the number 7. Either multiples of it (14, 21, 28), or containing it in itself (17, 27).

In the first half of December, Aries will feel an irresistible craving for knowledge, broadening their horizons and traveling. Well, this is definitely only to your advantage, because December is the time to tighten up and successfully close the academic semester. And only then, with a clear conscience and a light heart, you can safely hit the road! Working Aries can use this favorable moment to learn a second foreign language, pass an aptitude test without any problems, or ... get a driver's license.

At the end of the month, Aries should mentally prepare for possible layoffs, personnel changes, and transfers. Try to have time to show your potential to the authorities.

Lucky numbers for Taurus: 8, 12, 16, 20, 35, 58.

Despite the fact that the lottery horoscope in 2017 does not particularly indulge Taurus, their attentiveness to details can play a positive role. While others recklessly risk their fortunes, representatives of the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac are waiting for their chance. And he can introduce himself to them in certain days marked by Fortune in the sky. These are numbers that are multiples of 6, as well as containing six in their composition (16, 26). In addition, December can bring success on one of the Sundays. The probability that it will be the 24th is extremely high. It is worth waiting for this date, and not betting prematurely.

The last month of the year will bring Taurus considerable profit. It can be like a promotion at work, an extra job, a solid bonus, or… winning the lottery. Whatever one may say, but all options are good! However, you should not fall into euphoria too much, but rather think about the practical side of enrichment. Do not get fooled by New Year's discounts and do not buy things you do not need. Better try to convert the existing amount into something more - invest it in a new business, expand the business. Pay off your debts, in the end, if you have any. The stars recommend spending the second half of December in caring for loved ones and loved ones. Be kind and considerate to them, and they will reciprocate.


Lucky numbers in December for Gemini: 2, 10, 17, 23, 33, 50.

Few people understand the stubbornness of Gemini when they go to the intended goal. This is due to the invisible presence of the second Self, which whispers to a person the secret paths to success. For such people, it is extremely important to listen to their inner voice, since intuition rarely fails them. This is especially true for the lottery. There can be no exact calculation here, as in chess. In everything you have to rely solely on the stars. And they recommend Gemini to pay attention to Tuesday. At the same time, lucky numbers for bets should be considered the number one day ago. That is, all dates are Mondays (4, 11, 18, 25). This is important to remember.

The beginning and middle of December for Gemini will be a period of establishing family relationships. Try not to take the lead in love affairs, but let your partner make the decisions. You will see how much less hassle you have and frees up time for your personal needs. If you are in a quarrel with your spouse, then very soon you will have a chance to make peace and forget about the unpleasant incident. As for the material side of life, in December the Gemini may experience minor financial difficulties. Most likely, you just went a little too far with buying New Year's gifts. It does not matter - it will not last very long, unless, of course, you think of getting into debt. Seriously...not worth it.


Lucky combination for Cancers: 10, 19, 20, 34, 51, 62.

Auspicious days of December: 2, 15, 17, 20, 29.

It is difficult to guarantee stability in the lottery when the numbers are flashing before your eyes. But Raki renowned for their strong grip. Knowing their lucky numbers, they will never miss theirs. lucky number This sign is considered to be a deuce. However, in December, the list of potentially successful numbers will expand somewhat. Favorable for bets can be considered any combination of numbers 1, 2 and 3 (11,12,13, 21, etc.). It is they who can take the patient Cancers to the top of the money mountain. And since Saturday should be a good day for fateful events, it makes sense to invest in the number 23.

The first half of December for Cancers will be very favorable financially. You can conclude a profitable contract for the supply of raw materials, find foreign investors, or save on some current expenses, which is also pretty good. Cancers, who had never been connected with business before, suddenly wake up with the talent of a businessman ... well, or obvious inclinations in this direction.

In family relationships, there will come a period of omissions, misunderstanding and resentment. Be a little more patient and just show care, support, even if you do not always share the point of view of your soul mate. At the end of December, minor health problems may arise, but don’t worry - after going for an examination, you will get to a good specialist, and everything will end quickly and safely.

a lion

Lucky combination for Leo: 7, 16, 24, 39, 42, 73.

Leo is good luck. Even if he does not see an instant result, he is already waiting for him ahead. This is due to the solar nature of the royal sign. Therefore, some impressiveness inherent in them can be fully justified. Love for the number 3 should please in the 12th month of the year (since 1 + 2 = 3). Therefore, in December it is highly recommended to pay attention to all numbers with this figure. An ordinary lottery ticket can become a ticket to the stars.

Lions in December will become real Cupids - messengers of love.

Not only will they flirt and flirt right and left, but it is also terribly contagious. In general, where the Lions are, there is fun, and the celebration of the New Year is already beginning. As for work, finances and serious obligations, it's all next year. By some incredible, probably magical, way, the Lions managed to close all the reports and “go on vacation” a month earlier. Well, they deserve it! In December, Lions can afford to be creative, pay attention to their favorite hobby, or just have a good sleep. At the end of the month, the stars advise Leo to take better care of their health. Don't get cold!

Lucky numbers for Virgo: 2, 19, 36, 39, 48, 50.

Auspicious days of December: 5, 7, 10, 13, 29.

The prudence of Virgos takes place even in such an unpredictable form of gambling as the lottery. The fact is that representatives of this sensual sign intuitively understand the background of any symbols. And numbers are no exception. Therefore, even a sharp change of decision before the final choice can be due to a sudden (read - stellar) insight. And it warns in advance about successful numbers in December. These should be numbers that are multiples of six, but without the 6 itself in the face value. This is a hidden good fortune that only Virgos should see. There is also a possibility of winning on Thursday.

In December, those born under the sign of Virgo will be filled with the desire to protect their home, create comfort and warm atmosphere. At the beginning of the month, Virgos can start a grandiose rearrangement in the apartment, update the furniture and even launch repair activities. For some reason, every little thing will be important to you - from the color of the curtains to the Christmas tree decorations. You will spend a lot of time and effort to create a truly magical holiday atmosphere, and try to instill this tradition in other members of your family. In general, during this period, Virgos will often catch themselves thinking that the family is very important to them. She is the center of your universe.

Lucky combination numbers for Libra: 1, 6, 13, 27, 31, 58.

A successful year for Libra should end on a positive note. Libra can finally find balance, and improve their financial situation. With stellar recommendations, even the most unpredictable lottery will bring the expected profit. Astrological forecast predicts the representatives of the most just sign of the zodiac the reimbursement of all their efforts throughout the year. And it should happen in December. Lucky numbers should be considered all numbers with a four in the composition. 4 marks a cycle that ends with success. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the 14th of the month as it falls on a Thursday. And it's symbolic, isn't it.

Until mid-December, Libra will take on the role of mediator, senior comrade and inviolable truce. You will have to communicate a lot, contact with different people, delving into the essence of the problem and helping equally in word and deed. But do not think that you will do all this “thank you”. As the proverb says: today you help, tomorrow they help you. On the personal front, the situation is similar - a minimum of passion and emotions, but your soul mate is your closest friend, comrade and reliable partner. If at any point you start to miss something in your marriage, try going on a little tour together. A change of scenery can be the spark that will help the flame of love flare up again.


Lucky numbers for you Scorpios: 15, 16, 22, 38, 41, 53, 64.

The passionate desire to win has always been inherent in Scorpions. Even retreating, they can achieve his. Their faith in success is ruthless to any obstacles and doubts. Therefore, it is not surprising that some representatives of the sign postponed their cash prize for the last month of the year. This is their favorite game - to prolong pleasure, knowing its inevitability. The stars can only suggest lucky numbers in the lottery, since Scorpios have already done most of the work. And all numbers with one and eight in their composition should become such. 1st place is a cherished goal, and 8th symbolizes infinity, a return to normal. When all efforts become justified. So go ahead, Scorpios. Your time has come.

The month that was supposed to be the time of New Year's preparations, holiday shopping and joyful anticipation, for Scorpions, alas, will not be such. This is due not to forced confinement at work and a bunch of urgent matters, but to the desire of the workaholics themselves. The fact is that in December for these signs the time will come when their potential will be fully revealed. Scorpios will be extremely collected, enterprising and productive. And who wants to waste so much energy and opportunities for nothing? Anyone, but not practical and purposeful Scorpions. Perhaps at the end of the month they will even manage to get a new position or other encouragement from their superiors. Financial problems, as well as health problems are not expected, but it would be worth paying attention to your appearance

Sagittarius, your lucky numbers are: 3, 6, 14, 28, 37, 45.

Auspicious days in December: 7, 8, 15, 20, 27, 28.

Sagittarians wait a long time before making their bet. This is due to their desire to get into the top ten. They are only interested in the jackpot and nothing more. And this imposes a certain responsibility. Everyone has to take risks at once, without wasting money on unsuccessful numbers. To be sure of their target, Sagittarius should turn to the sky. The stars are aware of Sagittarius' passion for victory, and are ready to help them in this. Success should bring the number 7 and the enchanted number 17. The latter is rarely chosen in the lottery, because everyone is afraid to try their luck. But not Sagittarius.

In December, for Sagittarius, the time will come for self-realization and getting real pleasure from the work done. Still, the authorities will not put a spoke in your wheel and tell you what to do and how, and this is the ultimate dream. You will be able to really show your abilities and talents without adjusting to someone else's vision, find new solutions to the tasks set - in general, be creative to the fullest. If Sagittarius is ambitious enough, then he can quit his job altogether in order to direct his strength and energy to creating his own project. Regarding personal relationships - in the second half of December you will meet a person who will simply charm you. But remember that romantic relationships and courtship are quite expensive, so think about finances today.


Lucky numbers for Capricorns: 9, 14, 27, 36, 38, 41.

Failure never stopped Capricorns. They know perfectly well that mistakes are the way to success. That for the thousandth time you will always have luck. But why wait so long when you can trust the stars? They are not opposed to the fact that a person fulfills his destiny faster. And it's easier to do it with money. Lucky combinations in the lottery should be all numbers with 3 in the composition. However, this is not all. 5 can also help make dreams come true. The main thing is to make a choice between these figures, since no one has yet canceled free will.

Capricorns in December for the most part will be busy with household chores. Due to new life circumstances, many responsibilities that were previously unfamiliar will now fall on your shoulders. You will have to deal with various little things, such as paying utility bills, repairing a leaking roof, or buying groceries. It is also possible to receive an unexpected inheritance in the form of real estate, which will have to be monitored and looked after. But despite the troubles that have fallen on Capricorns, they will feel quite comfortable - in their element. Still, the makings of a commander or manager are in the blood of Capricorns, and interference from other people only irritates.

Lucky combination for Aquarius: 4, 17, 33, 48, 56, 71.

If Aquarius has luck in his pocket, then it will definitely manifest itself in December. Because the birthday is near. And Fortune always seeks to please a person on his holiday. It's just that not everyone knows about it. Therefore, the choice of representatives air element may coincide with the position of the stars. If this happens, the payoff will be huge. Astrology has tried to take into account all aspects of the planets in order to come up with potentially successful numbers. All clusters near decades should be like this. That is, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, as well as 29, 30 and 31. In addition, some of them should fall on Tuesday - a happy day for Aquarius.

Someone who, and Aquarius in December will not feel a lack of communication. They will be able to find like-minded people in work matters, strike up friendships against the background of common hobbies, and even renew friendly communication with people who have long left their field of vision, such as classmates or very distant relatives. And, of course, not a single Aquarius will in any case miss a New Year's corporate party, where he will be the soul of the company and the main ringleader of the evening. It is possible that there he will be able to meet a special person for himself. In the last week of December, the stars advise Aquarius to eat a lot of fruits and get plenty of rest. Your immune system will be weakened, but still try not to get sick.


Lucky number set for Pisces: 6, 12, 29, 37, 40, 66.

No one else has such a love for the lottery that Pisces has. They feel like they're in a world of numbers absolutely free. At the same time, the driving motive for them is by no means passion. But the desire to connect with the eternal cosmos. Intuitively guess the location of your stars. This brings them a genuine sense of happiness and inner comfort. For the month of December, numbers with 8 and 9 in the composition should become favorable. At the same time, two whole numbers (8 and 29) fall on Friday, favorable to Rybka. Don't miss your chance to shine in front of the stars!

Pisces, if you think that December is not the most suitable month for employment (end of the year, holidays), then you are wrong! Unemployed Pisces at the beginning of the month will be lucky enough to finally find the job of their dreams. You can consider it your New Year's gift or something like that. Pisces working in show business will have the opportunity to shine and gain wider popularity. Quarrels or cessation of communication with some relative or close friend are possible. Fish-athletes can count on winning the qualifying competitions. As for the field of finance, in December there will be neither special difficulties with money, nor any large receipts. Good luck!

The last autumn month for many becomes a period of depression, decreased mood and immunity.

But in the middle of the month, many of you will be deceived and someone's mercenary interference, so listen to the forecasts of the lottery horoscope, play only on recommended days, on proven resources. Check all incoming messages, offers, phone calls.

AT last days many become victims of scammers on the network, succumb to dubious reports of winnings from random and unverified sources - be vigilant, you cannot win without participating in lotteries.

At the end of the month, you can safely update programs, buy new equipment.

Do not lose heart, do not sink into depression - look for joy in everything in life, and the lottery is one of the sources of this joy.

A high level of enthusiasm and personal engagement will be an important characteristic of Aries in November 2017. They will be torn apart by a burning desire for change in their environment and surroundings.

It is worth showing patience here, many of your relatives and friends are unlikely to like your initiative, and you will have to carry out the planned transformations without their help. However, you should not be upset, because a job well done is what he did himself.

Career, finance

The professional activity of Aries in the last autumn month should obey one rule - do not waste your time on trifles!

It is more important to choose a single goal and focus on it, without being distracted by extraneous things. Be patient, your desire to get everything and instantly, most likely, will play against you. If you receive an offer for overtime work on weekends, do not be indignant, but be grateful to fate for the chance to complete current projects as soon as possible. Do not succumb to laziness, otherwise, as the horoscope for November testifies, you will not see good luck. Remember that reality is shaped by our dreams. The more detailed you think over your plan, the sooner and more clearly the picture will appear in reality.

As for the financial circumstances in November for Aries, the most important rule should be a smart waste of money. Unexpectedly, you can receive a large amount, perhaps it will be a lottery win, someone's gift, an award, a bonus - do not rush to spend money. In the coming month, you will urgently need money for important payments - taxes, bills, or you will need to urgently repay a debt or buy a gift for the holiday.

Personal relationships, health

Personal circumstances will not be easy for Aries in November 2017. It is likely that trouble awaits you - a quarrel with a loved one, deceit or intrigue. It is worth showing some caution and not having conversations on sensitive topics with your loved one, not rushing with ardent confessions. Let your thoughts and deeds be imbued with spirituality, in such a mood it is good to plan a joint future.

For those who entered into a relationship not so long ago and cherish them, it is worth saving them. A break can occur due to any thoughtless act, everything is so fragile and unsteady now. Don't let your partner think that you are thinking about someone else. If he feels like a minor part of your life, he may try starting a new relationship with another person.

A scenario for single representatives of the sign is quite likely - they will want to enter the same river twice and return to their former love.

Weakened immunity will be the cause of colds for many Aries, especially take care of your ears.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 24, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Bet numbers - 19, 29, 35, 49, 51 and 2

In November, the most comfortable place for Taurus will be the familiar home environment, and the stars recommend to sit down at your favorite hearth more often.

During this period, representatives of the sign are very selective in their contacts, and the social circle will be limited only to trusted friends and close people. Taurus will suffer from excessive suspicion and there will be practically no access to outsiders in their world. Focus on your internal state, think about the immediate and more distant plans for the future.

Try not to react to negativity.

Concluding deals and agreements, be careful and careful. And if you can’t cope with ambitions, direct them to improve your financial condition.

Career, finance

In your professional field, do not rush things in the last autumn month, let things take their course. Grandiose transformations at this time are simply inappropriate, but no one forbids planning them.

In November, it is good to engage in advanced training and self-education. Perhaps the management will like your desire to improve your professional level, and your training will be paid, share this idea with your superiors, maybe, in the absence of funds, they will change your schedule to a more convenient one.

Lessons mental labor not only will they give pleasure, but they will also lead to good material results. The most important thing - do not be lazy, do not be distracted by trifles, and there will always be a way to solve the problem.

The financial situation will allow Taurus to satisfy all reasonable desires. You may get a good income from regular lottery bets. Only when going to the store, stick to the list compiled by you and your loved ones.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Taurus in November, the long-awaited peace and joy is coming. There will be practically no disagreements, resentment will disappear, the mutual desire to be together will increase.

In the comfort of a home environment, you will feel and understand what a person close to you is striving for. Follow his lead, pamper your loved one, he deserves it.

Lonely Taurus must finally stop pretending to be modest and doubt their abilities. You will still attract the attention of the person you are interested in, just forget about the conventions and pacify your inner fears and fears. What will help bring you closer to a potential partner? Team work related to events or creativity.

To be healthy in November, Taurus should not abuse physical activity. Pay special attention to your eyesight, you can even consult an ophthalmologist.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 9, 12, 16, 26, 29, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 7, 11, 19, 20, 24.

Bet numbers - 13, 41, 64, 65, 67 and 8

In November, Gemini will not be goodies at all, everything will annoy them, they will want others to give them more attention, in addition, representatives of the sign will allow themselves an unacceptable tone in conversations.

The horoscope for November warns and advises Gemini to keep their temper, be as tactful as possible, otherwise you will have to spend time making excuses. At this time, manifestations of selfishness are unacceptable, you should give joy to others, then you yourself will enjoy harmony and warmth.

Career, finance

Setting themselves up for success in their professional activities, Gemini will be able to create a prosperous atmosphere, and they will not be disturbed by people who wish to unsettle them. Do not react too emotionally, keep a reasonable view of the environment, and all misunderstandings will be settled in the best possible way, which will reflect well both on your work and on the people whose fate you care about. It is likely that you will be promoted through the ranks, even if you already occupy a high position.

Those representatives of the sign who need additional income should be active in early November. There is a high probability of meeting with a reliable employer who will be your support for a long period. Just do not rush to leave the main place of work, otherwise you can suffer greatly financially.

Monetary affairs of Gemini in November can be both good and deplorable. It all depends on whether they will be able to restrain their impulsive nature, and whether they will not get involved in a risky adventure without having thought through their actions in advance. This also applies to the lottery game, keep your excitement, play thoughtfully.

Personal relationships, health

In November, family Gemini will have to overcome the temptation, because one of the new acquaintances is not averse to entering into a risky romantic relationship with you. It will not be easy to maintain a cold mind during this period, but you will be able to turn the tide. Don't be tormented by the regrets of missed opportunities. It is better to devote your time to a close and faithful person and do not look for new problems out of the blue.

Free Gemini must be careful with new acquaintances, know that serious relationship during this period you will not be able to tie. The spark between you will not turn into an even flame, so if you want peace, do not give in.

The health of Gemini at the end of autumn can only be threatened by alcohol and overeating. It would be good to reduce the consumption of tonic drinks and coffee. You are already quite tense and active, stimulants are useless.

Favorable days - 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 18, 28, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 11, 16, 19, 20, 25.

Bet numbers - 13, 17, 27, 53, 64 and 4

For Cancers, November will be a time of seclusion, at least they will want to be more at home than go out to people, attend events and friendly gatherings. Many of their entourage will even decide that Cancers are very unfriendly.

The stars advise you to remain calm in this situation, even despite the hardships of life, and difficulties can be overcome.

If you are confused, sadness overcomes you, then, regardless of the conventions, do what you have a soul for. You can draw, walk, sing, dance, watch your favorite TV shows or movies. No need to restrain emotions and freedom of thought. Don't let the thought of seeming ridiculous or sentimental scare you.

Career, finance

There will be a temporary pause in the professional activities of Cancers in November, it is not advisable to start or continue any new projects now. Do not get upset and do not complain about the situation. The key word here is "temporarily". It will be possible to realize all your ideas after some time. While you need to work calmly, bring current affairs to readiness, establish contacts with people or organizations that will later support you. You need to set yourself realistic goals and not let down those who rely on your help.

You will get tangible results in your professional field towards the end of November. Do not try to brag about your achievements to your colleagues, be more modest so as not to acquire ill-wishers.

A stable financial position will develop in November for most representatives of the sign. Those funds that will be available will be enough to buy the necessary things, and there will be no entertainment left. If the question arises, to spend a certain amount or set aside part of the money for the future, feel free to spend as much as you can. By the way, you will be able to compensate for the costs in a very short time. Bonuses, gifts, lottery winnings or profitable additional part-time work are possible.

Personal relationships, health

An acute desire to love and the need for a reciprocal feeling will torment Cancers in November 2017. Unfortunately, your dreams will not be fully realized. You are advised to restrain excessive selfishness, and not to pursue only your own interests while completely ignoring the needs of a partner. In this situation, conflict is inevitable. Do not panic, just wait until the controversial period is over. Just watch the events unfold and don't plan anything for the future.

If you are looking for a new partner for a romantic relationship, dating sites or specialized agencies will not help you - their offers will not suit you. Look around - in your environment you will definitely find a person who treats you with sympathy.

In terms of health, beware of colds, take care of your ears and throat, they are especially vulnerable.

Favorable days - 3, 4, 10, 12, 19, 21, Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 9, 11, 19, 25, 28.

Bet numbers - 9, 20, 27, 36, 48 and 16

The horoscope for November 2017 advises the Lions to pacify their temper, otherwise they will not be able to restrain their emotions, which will push them to such actions, for which even after a while they will be unbearably ashamed.

If a burden of difficult experiences hangs on you, tell your older relatives about the problems. The situation will be corrected by their understanding, sensitivity, good advice.

Do not start a heart-to-heart talk with unfamiliar people, because everything that you tell, unscrupulous individuals can turn against you.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Leos will have to hold back all the time. The mood in November will not be conducive to excessive diplomacy.

If possible, try to shift all important negotiations to a more balanced colleague. By the way, among the employees there is a person with whom it will be easy for you to come into balance, who will help to make amends for all your mistakes. At the end of the month, there will be some decline in work. Many Lions will find it very difficult to give all the best with dedication. Do not scold yourself, do not try to do what you are not capable of now, so you will simply lose the last energy and in the end you will not achieve anything. Postpone time-consuming tasks for later, but for now, plunge into routine things, boring, boring, but simple.

The money question will be extremely acute for the representatives of Leo in November. They will leave the desire to work for the sake of money, they generally will not care. Even the lottery game during this period will not be of interest to you. However, you will work for your loved ones.

As soon as these moods go away and the attitude towards work changes, the financial situation will improve.

Personal relationships, health

Leo's personal life in November will be complicated due to their resentment and whims, due to the inability to reason sensibly in tense moments. Pull yourself together, do not look like a wolf at everyone around you. Do not forget that your loved one has to watch your dull mood, take your comments and complaints to heart. No matter how unbearable it is for you, you should not stop even a difficult relationship. Try to come to an understanding with your partner. You have the right to give up on everything, but after a short time, regrets about the mistake made will come.

The end of the month will bring some changes and an important conversation will take place.

In terms of health, Lions should be wary of hypothermia, crowded places, and violations of hygiene rules. Mild diseases can develop into chronic ones, contact specialists in time.

Favorable days are 4, 5, 8, 9, 18, 23, Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 3, 10, 12, 20, 28, 30.

Bet numbers - 4, 11, 28, 44, 69 and 9

Virgos will be very upset when they learn that in November, others will pay less attention to them, or even not notice them at all.

You should not worry, it is better to prudently switch to current problems, you will have a lot of work in the last month.

You need to behave in such a way that your loved ones do not find something to reproach you for. If a controversial situation arises, you should not scatter accusations right and left, it is better to understand the true reasons for what is happening. In November, you may be involved in financial adventures, be careful not to borrow any money. When it's time to relax, choose active leisure.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, Virgos can be hindered by unplanned circumstances, therefore, most likely, it will not be possible to realize everything planned. Do not fall into despair, do not offend others and do not be angry with yourself. Gather your will into a fist and make a ride to take advantage of what is happening. Work without stress, systematically and calmly. Rest whenever you feel tired. When serious problems arise, feel free to ask colleagues for help without hesitation. Such a routine in the workplace will give you the opportunity to save internal resources, have time to do a lot and achieve impressive results.

If the work schedule or working conditions do not suit you, do not hesitate to discuss the problem with the management, it is likely that everything will work out. Do not show excessive assertiveness, briefly and logically state your vision of the controversial issue.

In the financial area of ​​life, there is a risk associated with money transactions, think carefully about your decisions to avoid disappointment. If you decide to change something in the lottery game, you should not take radical steps.

Personal relationships, health

Important family matters will be the subject of discussion for those Virgos who are married. Perhaps there was a need to redistribute household responsibilities. When solving this difficult task, consider how not to offend anyone. There is a chance that your loved one will decide to engage in self-improvement and ask you to help him get rid of his shortcomings. He really needs your care and patience, be correct and methodically suggest, explain, fuel, criticize and praise. Your joint efforts will give a good result, the partner will overcome serious difficulties without manifestations of weakness and aggression. The health of the Devs will depend on their mood. The main thing for you is to overcome bouts of depression and negative emotions.

Favorable days - 6, 10, 12, 21, 22, 26, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 4, 13, 14, 24, 30.

Bet numbers - 10, 22, 32, 46, 69 and 23

The horoscope for November promises Libra a decisive infusion for change. It does not matter what it will be, repair, redevelopment or rearrangement of furniture.

All these events will become possible thanks to good luck in material matters, and, who knows, maybe because of winning the lottery.

In November, an unstable relationship with a loved one is likely. To maintain stability, you need to adapt to the situation and change if necessary. The chance to find mutual understanding is very high. To successfully build a career, one must not forget about agreements and compromises, then it will be possible not to create a conflict when communicating with superiors.

Career, finance

A rather unfavorable situation may develop for Libra in November in their professional sphere. Working discussions can turn into ordinary skirmishes, moreover, quite emotional. Try not to get involved in quarrels, so competently build a complex of psychological protection. Be calm, patient and do not neglect reasonable compromises.

In November, you will have to check all incoming information, fraud is possible. Do not manipulate the facts yourself either, you need to be extremely careful during this period. Try to think positively, because everything that does not work today will work in the near future.

The excellent financial situation of Libra in November will be ensured by profitable cash transactions, investments and winnings.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Libra in November will be accompanied by a tense relationship with a regular partner. When your partner wants to clarify some issues, you will begin to wag and avoid direct answers, which will provoke dissatisfaction with your partner. Let conversations with him be difficult, but they are necessary, do not try to avoid them. Controversial issues for your own benefit should be clarified. This is much more important than living in an environment of total distrust. If, in your opinion, the relationship has become obsolete, then you don’t need to immediately cut off your shoulder, so that belated regret does not come later. Try to stay friends as a last resort.

Free Libra in November will find joy in shopping, chatting with friends, attending social events, exhibitions, presentations. All these actions will become a source of new feelings.

The well-being of weather-dependent Libra in November will be affected by weather changes. Take action - hot foot baths and contrast showers, herbal infusions and strong tea will relieve you of weakness and headaches.

Favorable days - 1, 8, 9, 13 14, 24, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 6, 15, 17, 25, 26.

Bet numbers - 7, 23, 29, 42, 56 and 21

Scorpios in November should devote more time to embodiment own plans and to ourselves. If you still don't have a pair, don't worry. While the partner is away, you have more opportunities to pursue your projects. Continue to expand your horizons and educate yourself, November is a great time to learn a foreign language, go somewhere, even on a business trip. During this period, you need to work on strengthening the financial foundation. Communicating with others, dampen the desire to aggravate, you are wise enough to overcome aggression.

Career, finance

In your professional activities in November, make it a rule to work with soul and quality, but without overworking. Do not linger after work, take breaks. You will achieve success with the help of willpower, responsibility and quick mobilization in a difficult situation. Your efforts will be noticed by management and encouraged.

It is important to avoid any conflict situations, having made one enemy, you will set several more against you.

Scorpions should also be careful in terms of finances. Make a cash reserve, strengthen the financial foundation. From major operations now it is necessary to abandon, among other things, the multi-circulation lottery game and expanded bets, all investments during this period will not pay off.

Personal relationships, health

Family Scorpions in November need to give up even the thought of having an affair on the side.

At this time, your partner may respond with destructive jealousy.

Those who have just entered into a relationship should not reinforce assurances of love with rash acts that may offend a loved one. Do not brag about your abilities and achievements.

Lonely representatives of the sign will not be able to find a new love this month. The unattainable ideal that you have drawn for yourself does not exist in reality. All new acquaintances will part with you very quickly.

In November, hypothermia and colds can bring the greatest risk to Scorpio's health. Those who should should not avoid visiting the dentist.

Favorable days - 2, 3, 10, 12, 16, 25, 30, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 6, 9, 18, 27, 28.

Bet numbers - 2, 12, 14, 19, 27 and 8

The horoscope for November warns Sagittarius that their desire to do things their own way will not please the people around them.

You should be very careful, and try to treat your behavior objectively.

The correctness of the chosen path Sagittarius, most likely, will be questioned, they will be disturbed by anxieties and fears.

In November, Sagittarians will have to work hard, which may affect their well-being - try to monitor your health, you may not be able to do without a preventive examination. But on the love front, everything will be fine.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Sagittarius in November will be marked by vigorous activity, representatives of the sign will simply gush with new proposals.

It is still premature to voice your ideas and actively promote them, even if the project is very promising. You will undoubtedly be able to bring your ideas to life, only a little later.

The main driving force during this period will be your ambition and a great desire to demonstrate your abilities.

When making promises, be sure to consider whether you will be able to cope with the tasks set. Without calculating your strength, you risk getting into a very awkward position. Soberly assess what is happening, do not harbor illusions. It is necessary to set tasks of small complexity and think over in advance the ways of their implementation.

As for finances, in November Sagittarius are contraindicated gambling, speculation and lottery bets.

Personal relationships, health

A strong desire for stability will arise in Sagittarians in November. They will in every possible way avoid intrigues, quarrels and disputes. We will think a lot about feelings and our role in the current relationship. Try to stick to positive thoughts, do not regret the unrealizable, do not exaggerate the difficulties.

Your loved one will help you feel protected from the adversities of life.

For those who have recently entered into a relationship, it is useful to learn more about each other. In order not to experience disappointment, do not idealize your partner, observe and think.

The health of Sagittarius in November can be affected by high loads, you need to rest more and postpone unimportant things. Colds are also a risk factor, take care of yourself.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 13, 140, 18, 28, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 7, 11, 20, 22, 30.

Bet numbers - 5, 8, 38, 60, 65 and 16

As the horoscope for November promises, during this period, Capricorns, despite their incredulity, can safely accept the help and support of partners, as well as rely on their opinion.

It is worth listening if you are suddenly offered new idea or project.

Tact is your main weapon in November, which will save you money and time. You can safely join forces with like-minded people and colleagues.

If you are afraid that the relationship with a friend has reached an impasse, then do not worry, things will not come to quarrels.

Career, finance

In professional activities in the last autumn month, Capricorns will have to restrain themselves in every way, not to show excessive self-confidence, not to take on additional responsibility.

Nobody argues that the initiative is good, but not this time, remember the logic, and even better - listen to the advice of experienced people, it's never too late to learn from the mistakes of others.

Carefully select allies, because you have the ability to determine the qualities of people literally at a glance. Evaluate the capabilities of colleagues and your own objectively, try to always act fairly.

In monetary matters in November, Capricorn can safely get involved in solving his own problems. financial matters. Now any operation with money will be very successful, including the lottery game.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Capricorn in November, situations will arise when doubts will bite them. It will suddenly seem that a loved one has cooled off towards you, but these are all your own speculations. Most likely, your half plunged into work problems, but he is very bored and wants to meet you. Many representatives of the sign are unlikely to do without emotional nourishment, try not to drive yourself into a corner, otherwise you will simply break a lot of firewood.

An outlet can be a varied vacation than more options you choose, the more you benefit yourself.

In terms of health in November, Capricorn should pay attention to the thyroid gland and support it with a special diet, including foods containing iodine. Be careful with supplements.

Colds are also a serious threat during this period, try not to overcool.

Favorable days - 2, 9, 12, 20, 22, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4.5, 14, 18, 26, 28.

Bet numbers - 1, 16, 36.41, 58 and 1

The stars promise Aquarius quite a comfortable existence in November, the month will be quite productive.

First of all, the representatives of the sign should get rid of excessive nervousness.

Many of the Aquarians did not show themselves very well at the beginning of autumn, but after all, once you need to pull yourself together, into the situation - under strict control.

If you had disagreements with one of your friends and were offended by you, then it is you who need to look for ways of reconciliation, because you were wrong.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Aquarius begins vigorous activity, the configuration of the heavenly bodies provides them with the opportunity for the successful implementation of projects, the conclusion of profitable deals, which will turn out to be very profitable and profitable.

You should deal with the solution of priority issues, it may require not only intellectual, but also financial investments. If you work in good faith, your diligence will be highly appreciated and will bring excellent results.

Aquarius should hardly expect stability in financial matters in November, but good decision it can be an investment in the development of a personal business, or in a profitable project. Such actions will contribute to the solution of your material problems and other pressing issues in the future. The game in the lottery will also go with varying success, now you should be careful or join a lottery group.

Personal relationships, health

The dull autumn days will also negatively affect the moods of many Aquarius, who will feel that the relationship with a loved one is just as dull.

Instead of moping, discuss the most painful issues together - and in doing so, you will eliminate many far-fetched problems.

The bird of happiness often strives to fly away, hold it tight, miss it - it will not be easy to catch. By your actions, you either bind or repel your loved one.

Advice to family representatives of the sign: be especially gentle, affectionate and courteous with your soul mate. If you maintain a positive attitude both for him and for yourself, the family atmosphere in your home will become unique - warm and trusting.

Do not miss the opportunity to give your soul mate gifts.

The biggest danger in November will be a viral infection for Aquarius. Prevention can be the solution to the problem, you should not visit crowded places, it is better to walk alone and take vitamins.

Favorable days - 2, 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 30, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 6, 7, 9, 14, 25, 28.

Bet numbers - 35, 41, 42, 44, 51 and 21

Pisces in November will adhere to a strange policy, they will want to enter into disputes with everyone around them, at work and at home. In general, November will be a pretty good month.

Pisces will be able to cope with problems perfectly - you just need to plan things, be organized and control emotions - this is the most important thing.

You can benefit greatly by listening to the advice of friends.

Career, finance

The main mistake of the representatives of Pisces in their professional activities in November will be reckless actions.

One wrong step can lead to the loss of everything that has been built over many days and months.

Do not encourage those who are trying to control you, and refrain from giving advice when others do not need it.

The middle of the month is not the best time to make important decisions, at this time you are not diplomatic and tactful enough. You run the risk of finishing what you started dramatically, quickly and with great losses.

Avoid intrigues in the team, someone will try to misinform or deceive you. Stay away and your conscience will be clear.

The financial position of Pisces in November will also be uncertain.

Be careful and prudent - this best protection in difficult money matters. This rule also applies to the lottery game - do not get carried away.

Personal relationships, health

Discontent and resentment will overwhelm Pisces in November.

You yourself know how you can and love to be offended and dramatize events.

If your loved one does not want to discuss problems with you, is indifferent to your hobbies and so on, and you hide your disappointment, move away, radiate coldness - this is the path to quarrels.

Do not aggravate the situation, think alone, analyze your behavior and the actions of your partner, and then talk in a comfortable, calm atmosphere, ask the chosen one to state his position, share your doubts.

The best way out of confrontation is the hug of a loved one.

Stress and lack of energy threaten the health of Pisces in the last month of autumn. Do not overstrain your nerves, otherwise a breakdown is inevitable, and as a result - a decrease in immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, inflammatory processes, infections.

Favorable days - 6, 7, 10, 12, 21, 26, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 8, 15, 18, 19, 28.

Bet numbers - 3, 15, 19, 25, 44 and 23

The change of the season is always an event perceived differently by the masses of people.

However, as your June horoscope indicates, for most of this month, many will be chasing new experiences and wanting change.

For example, in the first half of the month you will gain new opportunities, be able to expand your influence and receive gifts from fate. Will it be winning the lottery? It all depends on whether you follow the recommendations of the current lottery horoscope for June.

Keep in mind that in addition to the dates recommended for the game, June 1-3 are favorable for receiving money, there is a chance to win on June 9, and also good for money matters on the 20th and 24th, even if the horoscope for June did not include these days among the favorable .

In June 2017, Aries will receive an extremely profitable business offer - do not refuse it, with the help of this difficult project you will achieve the success that you have been craving for a long time.

Be wary of different kind petitioners, it is likely that you are considered as an object for swindle.

No matter how eager Aries is to go on vacation, in June, most likely, he will not succeed, work will require him to be in place. There is no reason to be discouraged - in the near future you will see the expediency of hard work.

Career, finance

No matter how Aries complains about the workload in professional activities, in June he will be able to solve a lot of accumulated issues. Sometimes at work it will be difficult to find a moment for relaxation, and only a very few people will be able to get even a little rest. In this difficult period, do not miss the opportunity to make a favorable impression on people on whom your wealth and career may depend, feel free to make the necessary acquaintances. The stars endowed Aries with inexhaustible spiritual strength and great ambitions. They will not even think about rest until they reach their goals.

In June, ambitious Aries will strive to earn as much as possible, but not to the detriment of their reputation and good name. Try putting your dreams and energy into playing the lottery.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of the family representatives of the sign in June, one danger will appear - Aries can be overly self-confident and arrogant. Successful professional activity is not a reason for a harsh attitude towards your family, you are too strict and intolerant of them. Try to be kinder and often close your eyes to the shortcomings of your loved ones.

Lonely Aries stars give a chance for an interesting acquaintance. You will impress your new acquaintance so much with your intelligence and deep knowledge of life that he will think about continuing a romantic relationship. Your task is to support the chosen one in everything and fulfill his desires, then the relationship will soon become very close. Don't forget that there are plenty of tricks, cute romantic surprises, and pretty things to do.

Aries have their own philosophy regarding health. They come up with their own diets and have a special idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. Astrologers believe that the point of view of Aries in June is correct, they should stick to their beliefs and control the state of the body. Just do not overload others with your ideas, do not impose your views and regime on them.

Favorable days - 2, 4, 12, 13, 17, 22, 30, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 3, 8, 10, 18, 28.

Bet numbers - 22, 25, 31, 35, 62 and 17

June 2017 will not seem like an easy time for Taurus, but the races recommend not to be upset about this. If you successfully solve your problems at the beginning of the summer, this will have a good impact on further events until the end of the year.

At the beginning of the month, Taurus will begin to feel that luck is leaving them. The solution to the problem is simple - a disguised envious person has settled in your environment! Find it and bring it to clean water then the whole month will pass peacefully.

Career, finance

The professional activity of Taurus, as predicted by the horoscope for June, will take place in search of support and cooperation. But at this time, alas, you will have to rely only on your own strength, no matter how unusual it may be for you. The new project needs help, but where it will come from is not clear to you. You can still complete everything that you previously planned, preferably in the shortest possible time. It will not be easy to do this, because you will face a lot of different obstacles. Gather your will into a fist, do not succumb to provocations, boldly go towards what you have outlined. Let your words and desires do not diverge from desires - this is the only way you will receive the support of the stars.

Financial issues for Taurus in June will be very acute. In money matters, inexplicable things will happen. Unfortunately, all your original plans and ideas lack support. The advice is to wait out the troubled period, everything will get better with time. If you are a gambling fan of lotteries, play with caution, and in no case change the usual procedure.

Personal relationships, health

Events in the personal life of Taurus will be quite calm, not alarming.

Single representatives of the sign, whose relationship is only at the beginning, must gain the trust of the chosen one, demonstrating approval of his interests. Do not be afraid to talk about high matters more often, showing your erudition - you will surely make an indelible impression. Show your lover that you are aware of his affairs and problems. In case of difficulty, hurry up to participate and help. Show yourself as a reliable, purposeful and devoted person - then you will surely win the heart of the chosen one. Do not be modest and obscure your successes and achievements.

In June 2017, the emotional state of Taurus will directly affect his health. Situations at work can provoke mental imbalance. Tip - relax, get enough sleep, walk more. Holidays, field trips are shown. Vulnerable organs in the head area - jaws, teeth, skull bones, face.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 9, 18, 27, 30, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 3, 11, 13, 20, 21, 29.

Bet numbers - 8, 19, 29, 61, 63 and 4

Hard work in the spring has led to the fact that in June 2017 Gemini will enjoy peace, prosperity and good mood.

The stars give the representatives of the sign only one piece of advice - do not find fault with your loved ones, they are unlikely to deserve your reproaches.

The beginning of June is characterized by a not too peaceful environment in the house of Gemini. But there will be some unexpected events that in one moment will change the situation. Astrology believes that the life of Gemini in the summer is a continuous holiday!

Career, finance

There is some stagnation in the professional activities of Gemini in June, and you should not worry about this - you need to take a break, because unconsciously you are striving for a break. Calm down, and calmly indulge in this state. Go with the flow, do not start any new projects, but you should be more attentive to the little things. Their official duties perform responsibly and conscientiously. With a sense of satisfaction, close old cases and tune in to new ones. It is worth paying attention to the selection of potential partners - the success of future cases depends on a team of like-minded people.

The Gemini will influence the financial state of affairs in June, their own activity is the engine of money issues.

Gemini is phenomenally sensitive to fluctuations in financial affairs, but their propensity for adventure, speculation and risky business brings them down, they rely heavily on luck. In money matters, as in the lottery game, rely on your intuition, but with caution, and you will win!

Personal relationships, health

In June, Gemini can safely satisfy all their desires, but not to the detriment of loved ones, who during this period will require care and attention.

Representatives of the sign will be absorbed in a wave of tenderness and love for their soulmate, but, succumbing to sensual attractions, do not forget about the romantic side of any relationship. Try to find a reasonable balance between the call of nature and the spiritual component of love, and then you will be provided with harmony in your personal and family life.

For those who are still single, the June horoscope recommends more frequent outings. Do not succumb to embarrassment and embarrassment, feel free to start a conversation with a person who seemed to you a suitable partner.

The state of health of Gemini in June will depend on their actions. It will be possible to rest from fatigue by changing the situation. Travel, travel, vacation will come in handy. Change your skepticism about discipline and rules - eat regularly, sleep well, observe moderation in bad habits.

The days are favorable - 2, 4, 8, 16, 20, 30, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 3, 6, 12, 15, 22, 24.

Bet numbers - 1, 27, 41, 57, 58 and 8

The stars strongly advise Cancers to come out of their shells, take care of their appearance, attend parties, events, cultural centers. Even a banal trip to the cinema or a trip to nature can push you into interesting, useful, pleasant people.

Do you complain that you are underestimated and misunderstood? Does your family care about your busyness and fatigue? Well, your native people are by no means visionaries, they can’t read thoughts. But real astrologers advise you to simply ask for help and participation, and the situation will be transformed.

Career, finance

The situation at the workplace of Cancers will require one thing from them - to lie in the silt and not show any initiative. The best way out of the situation is to write a vacation application.

For those who have to take the rap for vacationers, the advice is to be careful, make minimal effort and take no risks. When making a decision, you should double-check everything as carefully as possible, carefully and carefully evaluate every little thing. Business acquaintances acquired in June will be very useful in future work.

Troubles await Cancers in the financial sphere, but in mid-June, pleasant changes are expected in terms of money. You should carefully plan your family and personal budget. Business matters are best dealt with home council. But your personal preferences - playing on the stock exchange or in the lottery, you can adjust depending on the wallet, do not risk your last money - this will not bring good luck.

Personal relationships, health

Since Cancers will be focused on themselves and their problems in June, personal relationships will become difficult, so representatives of the sign will need to find a reasonable balance. If you still love each other, you can easily find a way out and achieve harmony.

Lonely Cancers, the stars give you a chance to find your soul mate, June is a favorable time for a new acquaintance. You can easily charm a person you like by engaging in a confidential conversation with him. You do not need to climb into the soul of the interlocutor. Find a topic that is important to both of you, sit with a cup of tea or coffee in a cafe, admire the beauties of nature - you will feel the kinship of souls.

In June, in terms of health, the most vulnerable spot of Cancer will be his nervous system.

Representatives of the sign are characterized by anxiety, depression, which negatively affects their health. It is likely that there will be problems with the digestive organs - use a vegetable diet and drink more water.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 10, 18, 23, 30, Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 9, 15, 17, 25, 26.

Bet numbers - 2, 15, 16, 36, 53 and 14

No matter how much Leo loves a cheerful and carefree life, in June such a desire will not lead to good.

The horoscope for June warns about the fulfillment of the undertaken obligations, forget about laziness and stop wasting time!

At the beginning of summer, Leo may have a desire to get involved in a risky business - do not rush headlong into this pool, fatal mistakes are possible.

Treat your work conscientiously, do not ignore the advice and recommendations of experienced colleagues, meticulously check the results of your activities.

Career, finance

Pay attention to Leo - in the professional field in June you will have a chance to get rid of those things and cases that are not of interest to you. This, of course, is related to both career issues and other aspects. You can start to think and comprehend the transition to another job, but without haste.

At the beginning of summer, representatives of the Leo sign are very frivolous about work, lazy and take off from assignments, which will set up colleagues and management for a negative attitude towards you. No matter how tiring workdays and realities will be for you, you should not give yourself indulgence, do not miss a chance that has suddenly fallen. Only then will you feel that life is improving.

The financial side of life will require Leo to be careful and save money. Ahead of you is a major acquisition, and you will also need money for a vacation. Do not carry large sums in your wallet, do not make detailed lottery bets - be careful and do not take risks.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Leo in June is, as it were, divided into two periods. At the beginning of the month, they will be overly sociable, talkative, they will be open to new knowledge and acquaintances. A little later, the desire to retire, immerse yourself in yourself, make an analysis of mistakes and draw up a plan for further actions will come.

Free from relationships, Leos must arm themselves with charm and sexuality in order to subdue a potential chosen one. Don't be shy, serve yourself like a gourmet dessert.

The influence of the situation and mental attitude on the health of Lviv will force the representatives of the sign to develop patience, tolerance for relatives and colleagues. Depression, in which you drive yourself, provoke numerous diseases.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 8, 10, 13, 27, Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 6, 12, 20, 23, 26.

Bet numbers - 12, 17, 21, 45, 59 and 7

As the horoscope for June testifies, during this period Virgos urgently need changes in their lifestyle. Representatives of the sign feel driven out, and it is time to correct this situation. Virgos have a major drawback - even persistent and stubborn Virgos can turn the pursuit of health into something unhealthy.

June will be a month of several joyful events, but Virgos will rarely feel completely satisfied. You should analyze your actions and behavior, find the causes of the anxiety state and try to reverse the situation.

Career, finance

If in the spring Virgo worked, as they say, for wear and tear, then at the beginning of summer the stars recommend her to slow down a little. Trust the course of events, show goodwill and openness towards colleagues and superiors. Probably, one of your colleagues will try to shift some of their work onto your shoulders - do not follow their lead. This will require not so much wisdom as cunning. Do not exaggerate your abilities, be indulgent, do not take yourself too seriously. New heights are waiting for you, and for this it’s good to relax, and then, choosing the right time, show your dignity and skills.

In June 2017, Dev's financial field of activity was marked by new ideas and plans that will increase income. Good luck awaits Dev in many cases, this also applies to the lottery game. There is a chance to win by changing the usual tactics.

Personal relationships, health

Family life Dev will pass under the sign of change for the better. It seems that the testing period is coming to an end, and prosperity and mutual understanding await your couple. To strengthen relationships, you can use any suitable business and activities, whether it be repairs, home improvement, furniture rearrangement or a joint trip to nature, to the sea, to the country. The main principle of coexistence is to minimize mutual nit-picking over trifles. Throw a party for your loved one or let them throw a party for you.

A fateful meeting is planned in June for the lonely representatives of the sign. Try to prepare - you can even change the image to a bolder one.

Minor ailments - this is what, in extreme cases, Virgos can expect in terms of health. This is most likely the result of fatigue. Healthy sleep, proper nutrition will help you feel better.

There is a risk that you will be bitten by a harmful insect - check the first aid kit or buy protective equipment.

Favorable days - 1, 10, 11, 14, 22, 28, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 3, 12, 18, 20, 29.

Bet numbers - 1, 18, 24, 54, 55 and 25

Libra, as a creative person, is quite sensitive to criticism, and it takes a long time to overcome the consequences of failures.

June 2017 will allow the representatives of the sign to show intuition, which will be unusually strong - pacify the usual practicality, listen to the inner voice. Now it’s better for you to hide in the shadow of your colleagues and not be highlighted, it’s better to act with the hands of others, the laurels won later will still be divided according to merit and justice.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, it is better for Libra to let colleagues act on their own, and not try, as representatives of the sign are used to, to take on the most difficult issues.

The most important thing for you right now is to focus on yourself and maintain peace of mind.

Do not start new things, let everything flow in the usual way. Performance official duties do it conscientiously and calmly, do not overexert yourself. Your diligence and responsibility will be noticed and appreciated by those around you, who are already sure that they can always rely on you. Trying to help and please everyone, think about it, is it too hard for your neck?

Changes await Libra in the financial sector. No new deals should be entered into, there is a risk that you will be misled, and clever businessmen will pocket the money.

It is better to be satisfied with stable small earnings, play lotteries without putting your wallet at risk. Play only in state lotteries, on trusted sites, keep money in state banks.

Personal relationships, health

Some of the representatives of Libra in June will decide that the existing relationship does not satisfy them. If you are really tired of your partner, the June horoscope advises you to gain strength for a hard frank conversation.

Those Libra who entered into a relationship relatively recently should develop them in a romantic way - attend cultural events with a partner, introduce them to their circle of close friends, arrange meetings in unexpected corners. Demonstration of good manners, a tastefully selected wardrobe, a positive mood will allow the chosen one to feel confident and satisfied next to you. If you feel peace and joy next to your partner, you have found your person.

The state of health of Libra can be affected by experiences due to the injustice suffered, which they scroll over and over again. Melancholy will negatively affect not only the soul, but also in bodily manifestations - exacerbations of liver diseases and headaches are possible. Fresh air, activity and a light fruit and vegetable diet will help overcome ailments.

Favorable days - 2, 3, 12, 16, 25, 29, 30, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 5, 14, 15, 20, 21, 24.

Bet numbers - 6, 15, 35, 48, 57 and 10

The task set by the stars for Scorpions in June 2017 is communication with various people, and you will have to look for something in common with each of them. Representatives of the sign will have to learn from those who are sent into your life by fate itself.

You took it for granted that recent times everything was fine in your affairs, you became somewhat proud and allow yourself an arrogant attitude towards loved ones. It is worth being benevolent and modest so that your crown is not torn off you.

Career, finance

The professional activity of Scorpios in June will be marked by the struggle for a vacant place, but, alas, your actions will not be successful. Activity should be shown later, in early autumn. Now your task is to find and establish contacts that are useful for work, work on your image, and make a plan for the future. You are allowed to make sure that the thought is material, try in the light of this to think and dream about what is good and useful for everyone. Believe me, everything that you imagine for yourself will become a reality in the near future.

Good luck will not leave Scorpios in money matters. Of course, not all representatives of the sign will be able to earn money without difficulty, but, having overcome obstacles, many will achieve prosperity. With such forecasts, playing the lottery is highly recommended, you can safely experiment with different games, and with rates.

Personal relationships, health

For family Scorpios in their personal lives, June will be the time to demonstrate their sincere feelings for the chosen one. Your desire for independence and independence will not please your partner, he will feel abandoned and lonely next to you, which will negatively affect relationships in the house. Do not ignore this fact - correct yourself before it's too late.

For lonely Scorpios, the stars do not predict any fateful meetings in the near future. However, Scorpions in June are favorites, they will be given a lot of attention from the opposite sex - get the most out of it.

In terms of health, the beginning of summer will not bring big problems to Scorpios. Headache attacks are possible, provoked by nervous overexertion or a heavy work load. Many representatives of the sign will want to experiment with their appearance, they will find pleasure in cosmetic procedures that are new to them.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 14, 18, 27, 28, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 9, 16, 17, 22, 26.

Bet numbers - 4, 16, 48, 51, 55 and 16

Sagittarius in June will be characterized by some dreaminess, they will focus on building castles in the air and are confident that one day happiness itself will fall into their hands. Ambitiousness will go off scale, but rationality will be in short supply. However, the lack of perseverance of Sagittarius will be compensated by incredible luck in various areas of life.

At the beginning of summer, Sagittarius will plunge into a relaxed and pleasant state, and they will eventually be able to really relax. By the way, during this period, you can "fire" from your life some unceremonious acquaintances who are already long time cause only annoyance.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, representatives of the sign are not recommended to be sprayed to perform various tasks. It is better to focus on one thing, analyze all the details, formulate an exact plan for yourself, how and in what sequence you should build things.

The stars predict some lull and breakdown in mid-June, the result can be numerous mistakes. Try to refuse difficult cases and projects, in any case, do not take responsibility for their implementation. Avoid intense disputes and discussions with management, be more tolerant of the statements of employees.

Financially, those representatives of the sign whose sphere of interest is not commerce, but intellectual work, will be lucky. With regard to hobbies - stock trading and lotteries - the horoscope for June does not set any restrictions, use the dates and numbers for your zodiac sign.

Personal relationships, health

In June, the personal life of Sagittarius will be overflowing with romantic feelings, which will not bring happiness to their chosen ones. You will focus on your experiences and feelings, and what your partner will feel at this time, you will ignore. So that quarrels and misunderstandings do not settle in your home, try to correct your mistakes and delusions, and pay well-deserved attention to your loved one.

Lonely Sagittarians will literally bathe in the attention and adoration of the opposite sex. But, fortunately, or unfortunately, the luminaries do not promise any serious relationship in the first summer month.

Sagittarius will not have health concerns in June, perhaps one of them will catch a slight cold.

Favorable days - 2, 4, 7, 16, 20, 21, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 10, 11, 19, 25, 26.

Bet numbers - 10, 22, 31, 59, 58 and 22

The horoscope for June promises Capricorns numerous and very useful acquaintances with unusual people. They only need to be benevolent, take deliberate steps, taking into account the interests and opinions of others, but in relation to the weaknesses of their loved ones, it is worth showing condescension.

Meetings and events will be quite frequent, and unity with nature will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of Capricorns.

Career, finance

In their professional activities, Capricorns will have to focus on previously set goals, without being distracted by trifles. In this case, the career will turn out very well for the representatives of the sign.

Rules, laws, instructions must be strictly observed. At the beginning of June, you need to do something that will require full application of strength and concentration, it is at the beginning of summer that it is likely that the only right solution will be found. Try to correctly calculate your strength and time.

In the summer, Capricorns will have to spend a lot of money, so recklessness in financial matters is not welcome. If you can’t resist playing the lottery, be more modest in your bets, moderate your excitement for a while.

Personal relationships, health

At the beginning of summer, home will be very happy that Capricorn is with them. Therefore, you should build your schedule in such a way that you can devote maximum time to children, elderly relatives, and you should not forget about your loved one either. The partner may not believe your excuses, and you will begin to experience unreasonable jealousy towards him. Wait with the conclusions, everything will clear up and form in time.

Capricorns in June should have more rest, play sports, go out into nature.

Try a new diet, new beauty treatments.

Do not let a bad mood take over you - it has long been noted that tension and dissatisfaction have a detrimental effect on health.

Favorable days - 1, 8, 14, 17, 21, 24, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 10, 13, 19, 26.

Bet numbers - 1, 13, 57, 60, 65 and 23

At the beginning of summer, Aquarius will finally be able to breathe easier - tension in various areas of life will decrease.

June will bring some changes to the existence of representatives of this zodiac sign, because Aquarius has long dreamed of any changes in lifestyle. Start, for example, with minor repairs. And do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones, friends and relatives - it seems that you cannot do it alone. When solving any problems, use those methods and best practices that have been tested by time.

Career, finance

Aquarius in their professional activities should not worry - their position in the team is stable and unshakable. The basis of success will be business and friendly ties. You should filter information from partners and actively use it in your work. In general, many tasks and projects can be successfully solved only collectively, with the help of friends and like-minded people.

Adhere to a balanced and calm behavior, observe justice, be objective in assessing your own and other people's capabilities, try to set realistic and simple tasks for yourself.

With regards to financial matters, Aquarius will have to make a lot of efforts, you can even find a source additional income. In this regard, the lottery game will not be a salvation, the winnings will be small, and will only bring moral satisfaction.

Personal relationships, health

Lonely Aquarians do not even suspect that fate has prepared a surprise for them. The person they have been waiting for so long is nearby, reach out your hand - and happiness, here it is!

Family Aquarius will be able to fully enjoy a wonderful relationship with their partner, but do not pull the blanket over yourself. If both partners have the same views on compromises in their personal lives, nothing threatens the strength of family ties.

Anxiety in relation to health Aquarius in June will not have to endure. Except, of course, those representatives of the sign who have chronic ailments. It is useful to devote some time to preventive examinations.

Don't forget who it's about seasonal allergies, replenish the supply of medicines in advance.

Favorable days - 7, 8, 12, 13, 25, 26, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 3, 5, 6, 15, 24.

Bet numbers - 6, 14, 29, 57, 69 and 4

In the first month of summer, Pisces will be keen to change. Be afraid of your desires, people close to you may suffer from your impatient actions. It is worth considering how unfair you are to them, they, as it turns out later, are not to blame for anything. No need to rush things, do not make drastic decisions.

It is better to take care of the reorganization of life, create a comfortable zone around you, do not neglect meetings and communication, do not avoid unexpected acquaintances.

Composure and energy will allow you to get things off the ground.

Career, finance

If some unpleasant problem interferes with your professional activities, you need to solve it outside the box and on your own. You will see how surprised and then admired by your colleagues. Be more restrained, do not disturb colleagues with excessive criticism, this primarily concerns leaders, maintain peaceful relations with others.

If you have to change jobs, do not hesitate to specify all the conditions, especially touching on the little things. Make sure in time, otherwise you will be unpleasantly surprised at the payment of the first salary.

The financial situation of Pisces will be complicated by their ambitions. Things will go well, provided that the main role is played by a representative of this zodiac sign. As for the lottery game, then there are cards in hand, you yourself can decide how, where and in which lottery to place a bet.

Personal relationships, health

Trusting relationships in the family will become a priority for Pisces during the first summer month. Devote all your strength to strengthening the hearth, then you will get a pleasant romantic relationship in the second half of June.

Pisces, both family and single, will feel a surge of love energy, will rejoice at surprisingly vivid manifestations of feelings. No need to make any plans, no need to remember the unpleasant events of the past, focus on what you have now and here. Every moment spent together will become a strong glue for your relationship.

A good constitution and great vitality are the reward of nature given to Pisces, but they do not attach any importance to this. Do not overload yourself with work, do not go on about ambitions - otherwise you cannot avoid nervous overexcitation. It is worth dosing loads, resting more, thinking positively - taking care of yourself.

Favorable days - 1, 10, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, 25.

Bet numbers -20, 36, 44, 52, 59 and 8

The second spring month awakens a surge of positive energy in people.

The influence of Mars and Mercury in the first days of the month will allow you to actively communicate, make profitable deals. This can be perfectly used in lottery games, as evidenced by the horoscope for April 2017.

Another good period for the game will arise from April 15 and will last 10 days. At this time, as the lottery horoscope for April advises, you can experiment with rates, try yourself in both domestic and foreign lotteries. This is a favorable time for change, you can not limit yourself to changing the game, but also move on to a new job.

The decline in activity will come in the last decade of the month. But if you have planned something in advance, the intended goals will be achieved. For example, if you made a multi-draw bet at this time, a win is possible. In any case, favorable days are recommended for each sign of the zodiac for a successful lottery game. you can use lucky numbers that astrologers give you, or choose your own combination. Good luck!

In April 2017, Aries will need allies in personal and commercial matters. If your goal is success, it will not keep you waiting long, all you need is diligence and practicality. The focus of the representatives of the sign on the settlement of personal life and well-being in financial affairs will be very clearly manifested.

It is quite possible to meet someone who will become a friend and loved one. An influential person will help to resolve money problems. Be more correct with the management, then you will be able to avoid conflict, and even the search for a new job.

Career, finance

The horoscope for April 2017 advises Aries to be creative in their daily activities. This practice will overcome a lot of obstacles. You need to be consistent and responsible, otherwise someone else will take advantage of your ideas. Career It will be difficult, but everything is possible with the desire and strong motivation.

The financial situation in April will be tense, it is worth reconsidering your views on it. Without your initiative, alas, the money will not appear in the wallet by itself.

Women may be able to receive a bonus for hard work and additional commitments. They should not get involved in dubious activities.

Men should heed the advice of successful relatives in business. Do not borrow, it will take a long time to repay.

Playing the lottery can only serve as an outlet, but no more, do not get carried away.

Personal relationships, health

For calm family relationships, you should not give yourself too much to work, although no one has canceled material problems. The spouse may suspect treason. Warm up love with attention. Tensions may arise in relations with relatives, although there is more of your fault. Do not press with your authority, listen to the advice of older relatives. Play with your children more often, go out of town, do more household chores.

Lonely Aries need to organize an atmosphere of mystery and romance around themselves to solve love problems.

In April, Aries should be limited as much as possible physical exercise limit yourself to light exercise, yoga, swimming.

Favorable days - 4, 5, 7, 10, 17, 18, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 6, 9, 12, 15, 16, 25.

Bet numbers - 3, 16, 33, 47, 55 and 11

April will be a very harmonious time for Taurus, which they will fully enjoy. During this period, it will be possible to find real values ​​​​in life, to remove everything superfluous somewhere on the periphery. It is likely that you will discover unexpected talents in yourself, or that new opportunities will suddenly arise that will greatly affect you and help change your entire existence as a whole.

Career, finance

In professional activities, for some Taurus, a window of opportunity will open in mid-April - for example, an unexpected long-distance business trip will greatly affect career growth.

In fact, everything during this period depends on you - you just need to overcome laziness and not neglect pressing professional problems.

Rely on your intuition, in April it is very strong, you can make a fateful choice. A nice bonus will be the discovery of organizational skills. This will not escape the attention of everyone around you - both people close to you and work colleagues.

Someone will help women grow professionally, just try not to forget about gratitude.

Men should write out their budget, the only way you save savings.

The financial situation for Taurus in April will be very good. The long-awaited bonuses will be the result of successful intellectual work, and successful bets in lotteries, playing on the stock exchange, brilliant real estate or financial transactions.

Personal relationships, health

If the representative of the sign Taurus has not yet found his chosen one, but the best time to start a relationship comes in April. If you want your romance to be reborn into a reliable union, you should not stand your ground on controversial issues, show nobility and breadth of soul.

A warning to overly ardent family Taurus - do not start office romances, this will become known to both employees and your soul mate, which will cause scandals at home and gossip at work.

April in terms of health is not the calmest month, diseases of the joints and liver of the heart will worsen. Do not take the situation to the extreme, resort to prevention and timely therapy. Pay attention to the condition of your teeth.

Favorable days - 3, 5, 7, 17, 21, 25, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 9, 12, 15, 18, 27, 29.

Bet numbers - 4, 16, 20, 24, 33 and 4

According to the prediction of the horoscope for April, Gemini is waiting for a time of glory and victory over uncertainty. Profit and success will come pretty quickly, but only for those who act.

It is worth thinking about spiritual development, and finding some activity to which you can devote your free time.

In general, you have to plunge into the whirlpool of interesting acquaintances, love adventures and important business events.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Gemini expects a lot of work, there may be delays in the evening, processing on weekends. By the way, there comes a good period for mastering a new profession.

With regard to finances, it is time to distribute debts, demand money from those who have borrowed from you. Although Gemini women, the stars will not interfere in obtaining loans for home alterations, repairs or travel.

Practicality and economy are the motto of the month. But for the most active representatives of the sign, opportunities have been created to improve money matters - additional work, playing on the stock exchange or the lottery.

Personal relationships, health

The main advice of April - do not go for rapprochement with former lovers, you will not get anything but experiences. Bright changes await in the love of Gemini men, perhaps a real feeling will come to them that will lead to marriage.

In general, April will be a memorable sensual and happy month. Sometimes you will even forget about financial difficulties due to the whirlwind of courtship and romance, just avoid jealousy so as not to spoil anything.

Stars warn family Gemini against excessive manifestations of independence - the other half will not understand this. Do not forget about creativity in relationships - going on picnics, going to the theater, to concerts, and other pathos events in order to smooth out the roughness in a boring life. For those who have children, it is worth talking heart to heart, especially teenagers need your attention.

In case of financial difficulties, do not hesitate to ask for help from relatives or close friends, they will not refuse you.

In terms of health, Gemini will not interfere with hardening to avoid colds and viral infections. At the slightest indisposition, it makes sense to seek medical help.

Favorable days are -5, 7, 13, 17, 23, 28, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 3, 9, 12, 15, 20, 29.

Bet numbers - 3, 20, 29, 36, 51 and 11

Laziness is the main enemy of Cancers in April 2017, inaction can result in lack of money and loss of work. The main thing is to draw up an action plan, and weigh each step, otherwise you can get into trouble.

Be careful with food, the horoscope for April warns of the danger of diseases of the digestive system. You should not move away from people, otherwise Cancers run the risk of missing the person destined for them by fate. Initiative and courage are welcomed by the luminaries.

Career, finance

A certain lull is typical for April, not only in the professional sphere, but also in all others. Do not relax and do not be lazy, otherwise you may miss a promising position and get into a difficult financial situation.

Beware of mistakes, deceptions, loss of documents, do not neglect simple perseverance and caution.

Women should not be overly self-confident and ambitious, which will negatively affect relationships with management. Looking for another job is not recommended.

Cancer men will face stagnation in business, delays, which can unbalance them. If you have a conversation about a pay rise, you should choose the right moment.

It is worth paying more attention to small matters, due to inattention and bad mood, serious miscalculations are possible. Discuss colleagues and especially bosses less, rumors can reach their ears, which can end badly.

In financial terms, everything is rather unstable, do not get into loans, it is better to ask for a loan from relatives. Some Cancers will have to deal with issues of finance, property, real estate, trips to authorities will require time and effort.

Personal relationships, health

Family Cancers are advised not to disregard their soulmate, due to a lack of communication and joint affairs, serious disagreements can arise. It is possible and necessary to correct the situation - diversify your leisure time, add a little romance to life.

Lonely Cancers will have a meeting that they only dreamed of. The partner will completely coincide with you - both spiritually and intimately.

Troubles at work can lead to apathy, anxiety, and indigestion. The gastrointestinal tract is already at risk, so you should not lean on spicy, fatty and salty foods.

Favorable days are -1, 7, 12, 17, 23, 24, 30, Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 9, 13, 15, 20, 29.

Bet numbers - 2, 38, 41, 45, 47 and 25

The stars have prepared quite tough recommendations for Lviv in April. You should not demonstrate your temper, rush from one thing to another. During this period, it is best to postpone large matters and slowly rake up routine ones. Thus, you will clear the ground for new perspectives.

Personally, Leos will become incredibly attractive and popular in their environment. You can try some experiments and change the image.

Career, finance

And in professional activities, the Lions have to shovel a mountain of cases. You will have to work hard, but your efforts will be adequately rewarded.

Both colleagues and superiors will be closely monitoring how you work this month. A wave of criticism is also possible, and vice versa - admiration and honor. The main thing is to show everything you are capable of, be confident and collected. It is possible that you will be offered more profitable terms jobs, promotions or bonuses.

In the financial sector, unforeseen expenses or losses are possible. You will probably have to decide on a loan. Be careful and carefully study the conditions for receiving and returning money. Do not despair, pretty soon you will receive tangible injections into the budget - who knows, these can be lottery winnings, and gifts from loved ones - as compensation for losses. In general, during this period it is better not to chase money, be content with what you have, so avoid playing big.

Personal relationships, health

The incredible charm and irresistibility of Lviv can play a cruel joke with them in April. No effort is required on their part - the opposite sex will be crazy. It is important not to lose your head when choosing from the many candidates for life partners. Advice from the stars - take a closer look at those who are in your immediate environment.

Family representatives of the sign are better off doing household chores and home improvement than dreaming of love adventures. Actively involve household members and children in the work. You should not solve all the issues yourself, ask your spouse for advice. All energy should be redirected to a calm positive channel.

As for health, the main enemy of Leo in April is overwork. Find a happy medium by judiciously alternating rest and work. Sedentary people should take active rest, and those who work physically, a calm environment is recommended.

Favorable days - 1, 4, 5, 13, 18, 27, 28, Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 6, 8, 15, 22, 23, 29.

Bet numbers - 12, 15, 17, 21, 22 and 4

The horoscope for April promises Virgos a very active and eventful month. During this period, the main dream of the representatives of the sign will be the opportunity to work hard, plunge headlong into their favorite activities and achieve results by all means. It is important that the Virgo will be able to enjoy the result of the efforts very soon, and each issue resolved in April will affect their near future.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Virgos will be able to demonstrate what very clearly characterizes them - perseverance and slowness, meticulousness and rationality. All these qualities can ensure Virgo success in any field of activity. As always, in the first place among the representatives of the sign is their corporate sense of duty. Step by step, Virgo will be able to move towards their goals. Best of all, projects will be implemented where each item is well spelled out and carefully discussed. But excessive ambition can negatively affect professional activity. Concentrate on small flaws, bring to the end the projects started earlier.

In terms of money, April will become a rather meager period for Virgos in terms of profit, none of the investments will bring quick income, the fruits will appear only through certain time. Therefore, you should not expect big winnings even with an active game in the lottery.

Personal relationships, health

In April, Virgo representatives will quite clearly show their negative and positive qualities. The so-called "low" Virgos will demonstrate criticality, coldness, pettiness, and prudence. But the “high” Virgos will have a “sleeping beauty” complex - a state when an individual is waiting in the wings, or a personal kiss from the prince, in order to open his eyes and blossom. Try to balance good and bad within yourself, find harmony and beauty.

Women can fall into stressful condition due to lack of money, scandals on material grounds may arise in the family. For Virgo-men, domestic problems associated with elderly relatives, possibly who have come from afar, will become relevant.

A strong nervous strain will provoke many problems in the digestive system in Virgo, anxiety and anger are especially detrimental to the body. Keep emotions under control, follow a diet.

Favorable days - 1, 3, 7, 17, 20, 30, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 9, 10, 15, 19.25, 29.

Bet numbers - 20, 23, 30, 32, 36 and 25

Energy and strength will overwhelm the representatives of the Libra sign in April, they will literally bite into work. It is important not to overwork ahead of time and be attentive to colleagues. Quarrels may arise in the family due to material problems, although the stars promise a worthy reward for diligence. Elderly family members will bring anxiety, this is due to moving or finances.

If you are doing well at work, consolidate on what you have achieved, demonstrate your merits and achievements. Everything is twofold for you - the stars simultaneously give you strength and energy and do not advise you to overestimate yourself. Colleagues, very likely, out of envy or self-interest, will take small revenge on you and arrange nasty things.

In the financial sector, everything is ambiguous. In no case do not issue any loans, even in case of urgent need. In general, your desire for an economical life, frugality, prudence will help you survive the lean times. With an acute desire to play lotteries, you can limit yourself to small and infrequent bets.

Personal relationships, health

An ambiguous time will come for Libra this month - they will be subject to apathy, doubts, some will even leave the family for a while. Those who pull themselves together will be able to achieve a lot. You should not often be in public, loneliness will be the cure.

Lonely Libra, perhaps, will survive a strong love, which will temporarily distract them from problems and financial turmoil. For those who are burdened by relationships, there is a chance to part with an annoying partner peacefully and without consequences.

Family Libra runs the risk of a strong quarrel with relatives for domestic reasons. You should think about arranging your home or buying a new home. If there is a conflict with your spouse, offer peace first. Long-distance trips with the family are undesirable, especially if someone in the family is unwell.

For health, Libra needs to seriously work on strengthening immunity, not to overcool, not to communicate with cold colleagues and relatives. Possibly an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Visit the clinic, otherwise you will have to pay a lot of money for treatment later.

Favorable days - 5, 10, 17, 22, 23, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 3, 11, 12, 15, 21, 27, 29.

Bet numbers - 11, 13, 20, 48, 54 and 15

Very soon, for Scorpio, the time will come for a qualitative change in life for the better. The stars are calling for this to prepare, so devote April to making new acquaintances, going out, solving old problems. Scorpios are happy owners of the ability to find patrons and useful acquaintances, in April this circle will expand even more. Someone powerful and wise will come to your aid and help you solve a difficult problem.

Career, finance

An important feature of the professional activity of Scorpios will be the focus on unfinished business, old questions and the development of plans for the coming months. Raking up everyday routine matters, especially those that have accumulated for a long time and have not been resolved, do not make claims to anyone, do not go into conflict, look for peaceful ways out of the situation, no matter how annoying you are.

In April, you will especially subtly understand the mood of the team, distinguish insincerity from truthfulness, which will greatly help with instability in labor relations.

Some Scorpios will either learn a new specialty or start looking for another job, innate intuition will help them in many ways.

The financial sphere in the life of Scorpios is not stable, money will either appear from nowhere or disappear. Both big wins and tangible failures are possible when playing the lottery. During this period, representatives of the sign are vulnerable, overly gullible in matters of money, so be on the lookout, avoid financial fraud.

Personal relationships, health

In April, Scorpios will be deprived of excessive sensitivity and their inherent flexibility, especially in relation to loved ones.

No matter how you idealize the chosen one, you will not be able to refrain from discussing his shortcomings and flaws. Considering yourself the bearer of the ultimate truth, you forget that everyone has their own vision. You should not keep unpleasant conversations, you should not give advice to those who do not need it, no matter how much you would like it. Free yourself for this time from a critical look at yourself and people, accept the world with all its features.

There is a risk to the health of Scorpios in April, diseases of the cardiovascular system, inflammation, hypertension are likely. To avoid this, take care of yourself from colds and overwork, properly alternate rest and work, do not get carried away with self-medication.

Favorable days - 6, 8, 11, 17, 20, 25, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 13, 15, 23, 30.

Bet numbers - 15, 19, 22, 28, 41 and 13

Sagittarius in April will be given more than what they expected. It is only important to fix career success and spare no effort in establishing and maintaining peace in the family. Sagittarius in this period can not do without a strong rear. By their nature, the representatives of the sign are very impatient, and no matter how they strive for momentary changes, it’s worth waiting for now. For the timely implementation of the planned cases, it will be necessary to exert all efforts, which is especially important until mid-April. However, further until the end of the month, life will be quite carefree and easy.

Career, finance

Sagittarius will be able to achieve high-quality results in their professional activities only by concentrating their forces to the utmost, and if they have faith in their success. According to the horoscope for April, the luminaries will encourage non-standard and bright views of the world, which will make it possible to be creative in many issues. If possible, it is recommended to expand professionalism and new skills.

Financial matters in April will be very ambiguous. Funds will enter the wallet in unconventional ways, for example, in the form of gifts or lottery winnings, sometimes there will be a lot of money, sometimes there will be none at all. Only Sagittarius men can take risks in lotteries.

Sagittarius will be able to survive this period quite calmly, but do not give in to persuasion to take a bank loan for one of the relatives.

Personal relationships, health

April will pass for representatives of Sagittarius under the sign of strengthening relations, whether they are married or not. People close to you will demand attention and participation. Try to understand your partner's problems. Compassion is to be near, not having claims and not judging. Try to make every effort to create harmony and comfort in the family nest. Do not leave your other half alone with problems, support her undertakings, then there will be less worries about well-being.

Sagittarius' health will be greatly influenced by their habit of excess. First of all, pay attention to the circulatory organs and the liver. With a moderate lifestyle, you will avoid such unpleasant conditions.

Joints can also be a risky area in April - take preventive measures.

Favorable days - 9, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, 25, 26.

Bet numbers - 2, 13, 18, 40, 62 and 17

For Capricorn in April, an important task will be the choice of allies, careful selection will allow you to surround yourself with like-minded people for a long time. Among your loved ones there is a person who understands all your aspirations - his advice will be very helpful in the future.

Be firmer in actions, and more persistent in words. With all the tests, you should not deviate from the intended goals.

There may be some disappointment in the people around you and in your abilities, conflicts with colleagues and partners, so it’s better to be patient. But the relationship in the family, harmony and comfort will become an outlet.

Career, finance

In professional activities, Capricorn in April can qualitatively improve work processes, now is the best time for this.

The relationship in the team is quite tense, but, nevertheless, the representatives of the sign have an opportunity for a career jump. Many Capricorns will show real leadership abilities.

The financial situation will develop for Capricorn quite calmly and is characterized by stability. No wonder Capricorn is a practical person who knows how to count money. However, the luminaries advise spending some amounts on gifts and purchases for your loved ones.

Lottery wins and gifts are to be expected by Capricorn women. Try not to spend them on momentary trinkets, part of the funds can be set aside for the future.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Capricorns in April will be very tense. They are masters of creating difficulties out of the blue in order to courageously overcome them. Capricorn's love of loneliness can lead him to complete isolation during this period. Many will face failures, deceptions, betrayals.

Nothing threatens the family representatives of the sign; in marriage, Capricorn is a caring and loving partner. If there is a desire to make a fuss - control yourself, it is better to use energy for peaceful purposes. It is recommended to go out into nature more often, arrange home holidays, communicate more often heart to heart, especially with children.

The biggest problems will arise when communicating with older relatives.

In terms of health in Capricorn in April, the greatest risk is chronic diseases such as rheumatism or arthritis. Avoid self-medication, go through a routine medical examination.

Keep in mind that April is a traumatic period for you.

Favorable days - 2, 3, 19, 25, 27, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 13, 15, 21, 28, 30.

Bet numbers - 1, 5, 24, 30, 32 and 15

In April, many Aquarians will feel the desire to go somewhere, some - on vacation, others - to visit relatives or friends. The result of the change of places will be a positive mood. The only warning from the stars is to be careful on the road.

The April horoscope advises avoiding ill-conceived, impulsive decisions, especially in the first half of the month. Postpone a new business, signing documents until May, you should not change anything in the house, buy expensive equipment, jewelry, or make repairs.

Career, finance

When doing business, a professional sphere in April there will be obstacles. Especially for those who work in transport, trade, communications. Do not expect great success if your field is jewelry, fashion, beauty, finance.

Routine affairs will require the greatest expenses, do not pay attention to delays and delays. Be patient, improvement will come in early May. In April, fix the bugs found.

In terms of finances, expect profits, but the money will come in the form of bonuses, remuneration for work, but you should not expect lottery winnings.

Schedule a family budget in advance so as not to get into a difficult financial situation.

Personal relationships, health

In personal relationships, Aquarius should not get involved in misunderstandings and disputes, although for some such conflicts will open their eyes and allow them to understand their desires. Do not try to change your partner for yourself. Only in the last decade of April will the unpleasant period pass.

Problems with children in April is an important warning. Do not command and talk instructively, demonstrate understanding and sincerity.

Single Aquarians should not try to start a new romantic relationship. It is likely that they will not differ in particular reliability and will not last long. Women can meet a charming man somewhere far from home. The Aquarius man will be endowed with signs of attention by one of the women working with him.

Pay more attention to people dear to you, but those who are not interested in you should be removed from your social circle. Assertiveness and selfishness can work against you, think about it.

The health of Aquarius will directly depend on their mood, walk more, attend massage sessions, and swim.

Favorable days - 5, 13, 14, 18, 22, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 20, 21.

Bet numbers - 16, 33, 40, 51, 67 and 22

The events of April will require unprecedented patience from Pisces, everything will annoy them - both at work and at home. The horoscope for April recommends a philosophical attitude to all minor and major troubles, closer to May you won’t even remember them. Three basic tasks will face Pisces this month - communication with relatives, work, preparations for vacation. The month is quite changeable, listen to your inner voice to avoid rash steps.

Career, finance

In professional activities, Pisces must be careful, abandon projects that are in doubt.

They will have to face situations that at first seem beneficial, but the result is unpleasant for Pisces.

High results in the profession are a gift from the stars and the result of your efforts. Clearly plan things, otherwise annoying mistakes will set you back, it will take a lot of time to eliminate them. Colleagues may ask you to help them, do not refuse anyone, even those who are unsympathetic to you.

Pisces women can change jobs if the need arises, there will be no better time in the future.

The financial situation in April will be very favorable for Pisces. Many pleasant surprises are possible. In addition to the salary, additional payments will come. A source of side income is possible, which will greatly improve financial well-being. If you are a player, feel free to make big bets, the stars favor you. But during this period it is better to accumulate funds than to spend them.

Personal relationships, health

Family representatives of the sign will have to face a difficult situation, it is not recommended to change decisions and defend their truth. Quarrels with disagreements with one of the relatives will greatly affect your well-being, try to find a compromise solution.

Lonely Pisces will plunge headlong into romantic passion, but you should not lose your head. Wisdom and consistency will help maintain a tender and strong relationship with a partner. For those who want to tie the knot, the auspicious time is coming.

The health of Pisces in April will cause some concern, especially they are at risk working at a computer or in enterprises with harmful conditions for the eyes.

Problems can also arise with blood vessels, the heart.

Self-medication is fraught with serious complications.

Favorable days - 1, 2, 6, 7, 17, 20, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23.

Bet numbers - 13, 27, 37, 38, 69 and 7

As astrologers say, the beginning of autumn will be a very ambiguous period, both in the spiritual and material aspects. Many of us will seek transformation, innovation, and dramatic change.

The lottery horoscope for September will be a great help for those who are having trouble playing and need advice. In September, charity issues will become very relevant for many. If you manage to win a large amount, do not regret giving some of the money to those in need.

The horoscope for September informs that in the first days of autumn one should not neglect health, strengthen immunity, accumulate positive energy and the month will delight you with new discoveries.

In September 2017, Aries will amaze others with their impatience, determination and self-confidence. The desire to get ahead of everyone, including themselves, will cause disapproval of others. Aries should be more careful, because their actions can only absorb time, at the same time, the desired result may not come. Be prudent in your actions, then you will be able to maintain excellent relations with others.

Career, finance

The professional activity of Aries in September can be described as quite prosperous. They will be annoyed by those colleagues who strive to work half-heartedly or not actively enough. September is not the best time to sort things out with management, colleagues, subordinates. It is better to focus on streamlining current affairs. Try to create an atmosphere of creation around you.

As for the financial situation of Aries, the first autumn month will be a very stable period, expect increases in the form of bonuses or other payments. It is likely that this is due to your lottery activity. Therefore, do not put off what you want, hurry to make a bet - it has every chance of bringing success. Lottery or casino winnings are especially likely in mid-September, but as the stars say, they won't be big.

Personal relationships, health

The expectation of understanding and attention will permeate all aspects of the personal life of the representatives of the sign in September. Aries will suddenly begin to show resentment, sensitivity, exactingness towards a partner. It is not required to be especially zealous in the desire to remake your other half. Take comfort in the knowledge that you are setting the tone in your inner circle, projecting your ideas and tastes. Pay attention to the period from 3.09 to 19.09 - this time is most suitable for making an important decision. Aries women should not be afraid to drastically change the course of life, as a reward you can get both trust and love.

It is important for men of the sign to support children and spouse, they will need your guardianship.

Your well-being at the beginning of autumn will also be in direct proportion to your workload at work. You should not self-medicate, but it is better to devote more time to rest, do not ignore visits to the doctor, go to bed on time.

Favorable days - 6, 7, 12, 18, 25, 30, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 11, 12, 17, 19, 23.

Bet numbers - 19, 25, 27, 28, 43 and 24

Taurus in September cannot escape the solution of numerous monetary problems that have hung over him since the summer. For some of the representatives of the sign, inheritance issues will be successfully resolved. In general, all Taurus should prepare for a troublesome and hectic period. But they will manage to keep up everywhere, as they will approach financial and professional issues systematically and thoughtfully. Relatives will help you in solving many issues, only the education and upbringing of children will be on your shoulders.

Career, finance

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends that Taurus be collected in small things, an executive and punctual worker. Do not change plans and do not adjust the deadlines, otherwise you will not succeed in anything sensible. There may well be changes at your job, a change in management or a layoff. Women are encouraged to be more responsible and vigilant; through your fault, you can cause displeasure with your superiors.

In financial terms, be careful, you should not spend money on something that you do not consider paramount. Family needs, children and travel will require considerable funds in the near future. There may be expenses associated with elderly family members. But investing in profitable projects is strongly encouraged. Playing the lottery in September is very careful, do not get carried away with detailed and multi-circulation bets.

Personal relationships, health

Lonely Taurus - do not return to old, obsolete relationships, former lovers. Few people manage to enter the same river twice. Be open with your chosen one, then avoid remorse and suspicion. Avoid ambition and selfishness, then you will have a sincere and warm relationship with your loved one.

Family Taurus will literally have to be torn between elderly family members and children. The month ahead is full of events and emotions. Perhaps someone close to you will end up in the hospital, while others will need your care and your money at the same time.

The younger members of the family need a holiday - arrange it for them.

Unfortunately, your vacation will be limited only to a summer cottage or short trips out of town, the lack of money will affect.

In terms of health, it would be good to abstract from numerous problems, sleep longer, walk in the evenings, eat according to the regimen. Both physical and intellectual work can negatively affect your well-being.

Favorable days - 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 4, 19.21, 27, 29.

Betting numbers - 13, 24, 29, 48, 58 and 11

Gemini in September 2017 will be forced to humble pride, often resort to compromises. Unfortunately, many problems and troubles will fall on your head, but you will endure them steadfastly. Your health will be seriously threatened by the blues and insomnia. Share your warmth and gifts generously with others. The ones you love deserve it. You should not go to your goal contrary to the desires of others. Measure your strengths and capabilities, then your activities will be beneficial.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Gemini will have to devote a lot of energy to current affairs. If you receive an offer to work overtime, do not refuse. Responsibly treat the maintenance of all kinds of documentation, consider what connections you can use, with whom to establish partnerships.

Career growth is most likely in women, they may even have to change jobs. For men, it is important to form a goal, create a base and draw up a plan of action.

The horoscope for September warns Gemini against careless handling of money, be more economical. The motto of the month is to save, not to spend. You have already set aside part of the money, in September continue to accumulate funds. Be patient, do not despair, work tirelessly. Do not hope that money will come to you the easy way, in this sense, you should not count on lottery winnings during this period.

Personal relationships, health

In September, free Gemini will hear a declaration of love from the desired person, whom they have long dreamed of. Many will have to make a choice between two chosen ones, give preference to those born under the sign of Fire. It is possible to meet someone who was once very dear to you. Women should not neglect the advice and warnings of their friends regarding their chosen ones, and men should not make empty promises.

Family representatives of the sign are waiting for a series of minor domestic troubles, chores with children. Pay your utility bills on time, otherwise problems will arise.

In September, Gemini is in danger of depression and nervous diseases. Insomnia, loss of appetite, lack of desire to see anyone - this is what you have to face. You may need specialist help. Hang out with positive people more. Try to look at life more optimistically.

Favorable days - 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 9, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers - 4, 42, 45, 53, 55 and 25

The horoscope for September 2017 predicts Cancers summing up what he managed to achieve in the summer. You should not build far-reaching plans, but you can invest money if a promising project turns up. All areas of Cancer's life will be quite prosperous, the balance of the current life will be very to his taste, he is very nervous in the bustle.

Family Cancers should not unnecessarily encourage children with pocket expenses, rationality should be shown in purchases, and restraint in relations with people.

Keep in mind that you can only rely on yourself in all situations.

Lonely representatives of the sign can fall passionately and recklessly in love in September.

Career, finance

In professional activities in September, Cancers will have to listen to both praise and censure of the leadership. Be strict with yourself, because you know perfectly well where you made mistakes, and where you frankly played the fool. You will have to either strengthen your image or change jobs. Such drastic changes will negatively affect the state of your wallet and overall emotional mood.

Women should think about where to invest their money so that a competent financial policy will ensure their future in the future. You should not invest in idle entertainment and useless purchases, the time for them is very inappropriate.

Cancer men will have to seek support from close people and partners that are beneficial for themselves. For those who are now leaving private business, guaranteed success.

Gambling, including lotteries, will be a great help and will bring some of the necessary adrenaline into your life.

Personal relationships, health

Lonely Cancers should take a closer look at their surroundings, there is a chance to notice a reliable and loving person. In September, it is recommended to descend from the heights, to give up excessive demands on love relationships. Do not chase the ideal, otherwise you will be left alone. A very stormy romance awaits some representatives of the sign at the end of the month, you will receive a flurry of passions, impressions and emotions.

Family Cancers will be absorbed in worries and worries, so they will not have time for friends and entertainment, especially in the second half of September.

Family quarrels can provoke depression and stress in Cancer, and as a result, a decrease in immunity, zero mood and lack of energy. Resort to breathing exercises, relaxing treatments and jogging, vitamins and a contrast shower for prevention will not interfere.

Favorable days - 3, 5, 10, 12, 18, 25, 30, Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 9, 17, 23, 26, 29.

Bet numbers - 9, 16, 19, 22, 39 and 14

The accumulated tangle of problems in September 2017 Virgo will have to solve on their own. But if you give up, then even with the help of friends and relatives you can’t cope. Trips will be successful, both long business trips and short trips out of town. For all this you will have enough strength and finances. But it will be more difficult to figure out a love relationship, although if you have real feelings for the chosen one, you can handle it. It is important to keep everything under control, then September will be a great period. It is possible that your life is entering a new period, do not miss the chance to become a happy person.

Career, finance

Horoscope for September 2017 recommends not to run the most important professional affairs. If problems arise, resolve them immediately. Money wisely invested during this period can make you a wealthy and successful person. Your financial position will be quite favorable due to bonuses, lucrative deals and rich experience. It will be a little more difficult for women to deal with money, but a rational approach and diligence will help increase deposits in the personal account. You can buy what you have long wanted - a fashion accessory or a phone. Men should not be afraid of risk - feel free to change jobs if it does not suit you, and invest in a joint business with friends.

Pleasant cash surprises are waiting for you, probably related to your lottery game.

Personal relationships, health

Relationship-free Virgos can meet the person of their dreams in September. If you have to make a choice in favor of official or civil marriage, take it responsibly. Those who are ready to make drastic changes in their personal lives should not listen to the advice of outsiders. Many Virgo women will have to choose between love and work, and men will often have to sort things out. They may prefer to be alone.

Married virgins will enjoy a well-established life when the whole family is together and feels good. Do not forget about your elderly relatives and parents, take control of the studies of high school students. And most importantly - often confess your love to your soul mate.

The onset of the cold season promises Virgos colds and ailments, so hardening will not hurt. Introduce fruit juices and vitamins into the diet, get a flu shot in a timely manner.

Favorable days - 6, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 9, 18, 23, 29, 30.

Bet numbers - 24, 38, 47, 49, 63 and 4

The horoscope for September 2017 recommends that the sign of Libra listen to the heart more often than the mind. This will help you to comfortably arrange life with the partner of your choice. If you haven't got a career yet, try to raise money through hobbies like playing the lottery or doing custom work.

You are filled with optimism and zeal. You yourself are surprised by the inexhaustible energy and tirelessness. During this period, it is very easy for you to find a way out of the most delicate situation, without even resorting to outside help. Perhaps you have to choose between two partners, here you don’t need any advisers, you will orient yourself correctly.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Libra will be very upset by the climate in the team, the reason will be gossip and showdowns. The mood will be lifted by a new project that will entrust you with management, it promises a decent fee. The stars warn of problems that will creep up from an unexpected direction. Most importantly, do not despair because of financial troubles and carefully check the documentation. September is a month not suitable for laziness and reflection for Libra women, because the difficult situation with finances must be urgently corrected. But men can happily indulge in shopping, travel and other joys of life. But keep in mind, easy money, like winning the lottery, is easy and gone. Invest some money, later you will rejoice at your forethought.

Personal relationships, health

Libras who are not bound by marriage will be disappointed and offended by their chosen one. You yourself have to change internally, otherwise you will only aggravate the situation. Your loved one will be very unhappy with your preoccupation with work, so try to devote a little more time to romantic dates and spending time together.

Family Libra in September will urgently want solitude and freedom. It is unlikely that your household will like your decision to move away from them, but the decision will remain with you. Many of the scales will move or buy a home in the middle of the month to be closer to relatives.

To avoid complications, visit an optometrist and dermatologist in September. Solarium visits are not recommended. sunbathing. Do not be nervous - and your health will not be a cause for concern. Do not sit too long at the computer and go to bed early.

Favorable days - 3, 6, 10, 15, 18, 22, 30, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 11, 17, 19, 24, 27.

Bet numbers - 13, 42, 46, 61, 62 and 26

You should not hope that love will appear on your doorstep by itself. Nothing will happen without your initiative, so take a closer look at the environment, the probability of finding the other half is very high. September is not a very good time to invest money, but a long or distant business trip is very possible.

During this period, the stars will give you both high rewards and disappointments. To avoid regrets, decide for yourself with whom it is beneficial for you to cooperate. In the first weeks of autumn, Scorpio will have to pay for past mistakes, both moral and financial.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, it is better for Scorpions to save impulsiveness and temperament for personal relationships, and in the workplace it is better to be a quiet and inconspicuous employee. Thus, you will achieve the location of colleagues with whom you will have to work side by side for a long time. Your professionalism will be an important reason why your superiors will entrust you with an interesting project.

September is a very good month financially. All your hopes will be fully justified, you will receive the amount you expected. But the money will come as a result of part-time work, or will be donated, but not as a result lottery winnings. There are many payments to be made - both for bank loans, and for the repayment of debts, and for the repayment of utility debts.

Personal relationships, health

A fateful meeting awaits Scorpio in September 2017. There is a possibility that a congenial person is already in the orbit of your friends, take a closer look at those around you. If this chance is missed, then you will not be able to start a family for a long time. It is best to make acquaintances in public places - gyms, at events, parties, concerts.

Married Scorpios are advised not to put off solving problems that arise. This is especially true with frequent conflicts over domestic issues. You need to show more tenderness to children and spouse. You are too immersed in work, and this does not cause positive feelings in your household. There is a risk that one of the Scorpios will decide on a love affair, which can lead to family collapse.

The upcoming cold weather carries the risk of serious complications from colds, so do not neglect strengthening the immune system. Health running, exercises, relaxing procedures are recommended. Whenever possible, go for a bike ride.

Favorable days - 5, 6, 10, 12, 18, 25, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 11, 14, 19, 24, 26, 29.

Bet numbers - 5, 14, 17, 33, 60 and 19

Sagittarius should listen to the recommendations of the horoscope for September 2017 - change jobs and complete previously started business. Success will not leave you, only it will not come instantly and from a completely unexpected side. Family Sagittarius should prepare for disputes, disagreements and cataclysms. If possible, take your loved one on a trip or visit another city. The beginning of the month is the time when you should rest more and work less. Relaxing procedures will be useful to restore strength and energy.

Career, finance

Having rested properly, Sagittarius will begin to work actively, plan a lot of new things. It is possible that there will be additional income. And let the profit not seem too high to you, this is just the beginning. Try to assess your strength realistically, pay attention to the little things. Many of the representatives of the star sign are promised a career take-off and salary increase, this is especially true for people with experience in one place. Other Sagittarians can safely change their place of work or field of activity, engage in advanced training. A stunning success in professional activities will temporarily knock Sagittarius out of his usual rut. But in reality, the income will be much higher than the costs. By the way, do not forget about your gambling hobby - on the wave of good luck, significant winnings in the lottery are possible.

Personal relationships, health

September 2017 is the best time to take care of yourself, so the representatives of the sign need to take a break from relationships and sort out their feelings. If you feel that the connection with your partner is getting weaker, if there are more annoying moments than joyful ones, then perhaps your union has exhausted itself.

Family Sagittarius will also do well to deal with problems, and in a calm home environment you will find the answer easier. Therefore, do not spray on quarrels, avoid conflict situations. Now is the period for important steps and big decisions.

Sagittarius himself can pose a threat to the health - bad habits, an unhealthy diet. September is very favorable for getting rid of smoking, and alcohol consumption should be reduced to a minimum. Do not sit too long at the computer or in front of the TV, go to bed early.

Favorable days - 5, 9, 10, 18, 25, 30, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 11, 19, 24, 29.

Bet numbers - 1, 9, 38, 60, 69 and 4

An important warning for Capricorn is that working without breaks for rest and lunch threatens health problems. Moreover, ailments can be both physical and mental.

According to the forecasts of the horoscope for September 2017, the month promises to be interesting, with trips, adventures, meetings. Representatives of the sign will be very inquisitive, and this will lead them to accomplishments and victories. A fateful change is expected in personal life. Capricorn will meet such an important person for himself, for the sake of which he will decide to change his habits and views on relationships.

Career, finance

In the professional activity of Capricorn, urgent and routine work awaits. If you start with enthusiasm, you can achieve success faster, unlike many colleagues. You may have to face the envy and malice of competitors, but for Capricorn there is no problem in the ability to get around all the sharp corners in communication. But at the slightest opportunity to go to another country, or to another city, do not neglect it, rest is very useful for you during this period.

Financial matters will not become a subject of special concern for Capricorn, everything will be resolved quickly and easily. If you play the lotteries, then the activity in early autumn will not bring any income. Men should not take risks in money matters, there is a danger of losing all savings. No adventures, dubious cases, unfamiliar projects. Large bets in casinos and lotteries, playing on the stock exchange is not recommended.

Personal relationships, health

Some lonely representatives of the Capricorn sign will have to endure unrequited love, which will soon turn into apathy and mild depression. Do not be discouraged, not everything always corresponds to our desires. If you are unable to cope with the situation, the advice of relatives will help you. It would be best to plunge into work or go somewhere for a while.

Family Capricorns should devote more time to loved ones, do not skimp on deeds, words and purchases. Gifts will help you find a path to the hearts of the household, especially if the family hearth has cooled down somewhat. At the beginning of autumn, misunderstanding may arise, but this is only your fault and unwillingness to delve into everyday problems.

Fatigue and depression can be a serious problem for Capricorn in September. If it is impossible to overcome the disease on your own, you should contact an experienced specialist. Eliminate all stress, both physical and psychological.

Favorable days - 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 25, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 6, 16, 19, 24, 29.

Bet numbers - 1, 20, 25, 42, 54 and 2

The stars warn Aquarius - in no case do not strive for leadership in a love relationship. It's better to leave everything as it was, just not to lose loved one. Financially, representatives of the sign will have great luck, they may be compensated or a big win in the lottery is coming.

An unforgettable experience awaits you bright month, which will bring amazing changes to your life - travel, communication and meetings with new interesting people, perhaps even something global, like scientific research. People of creativity will create masterpieces that will make them in demand and popular.

Career, finance

In the professional field, the horoscope for September recommends carefully following the instructions and rules in the workplace. Otherwise, you risk running into conflict with management and losing your bonus. It is not out of place to retrain or improve your skills. All paths are now open for you, you can safely make a career that will improve your financial situation. Everything needs to be strictly calculated and considered so that the calculations are correct and the money received is not blown away.

Play lotteries - luck favors you during this period! This is especially true for Aquarius women, dubious deals and adventures are contraindicated for men, you may meet a scammer and a schemer on your way, be on the lookout.

Personal relationships, health

Openness and courage will be very useful in early autumn for lonely Aquarius. The one you like will be by your side if you take some steps. Leave in the past tricks, love affairs and gossip, do not hide feelings and desires, declare them sincerely.

Family representatives of the sign should keep their mouths shut, not discuss personal nuances with strangers, even friends do not need to know about the details of your family everyday life.

Pay special attention to teenagers, especially if they study or live far from you. Do not allow unpleasant and intrusive people into the house.

In September, Aquarius must necessarily undergo a medical examination and conduct a blood test, problems with the heart and blood vessels or a decrease in immunity are likely.

Follow the diet, be moderate with alcohol and smoking. Do not overwork, beware of colds.

Favorable days - 3, 10, 12, 18, 20, 30, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 7, 17, 19, 24, 29.

Bet numbers - 6, 16, 17, 23, 26 and 25

The motto of the month for Pisces will be saving, not spending accumulated funds. The exception is questions related to your health or the well-being of loved ones, here you should not cling to money. To strengthen relationships in the family, you need to go out of town, into nature and not shirk from raising children. You need to dream less at the beginning of autumn, better think about the present, then success will await you in love and at work.

In September, Pisces will be visited by different moods that will affect the course of life and radically change it. Work hard, don't be in the clouds and daydreaming. Do not withdraw into yourself to increase your reputation in the eyes of friends and colleagues.

Career, finance

In the professional field, Pisces should focus on eliminating flaws, and only then take on something new. Think about how to rationally and systematically approach the problem in order to avoid future mistakes. It is important for you not only to receive material rewards for good work, but also to feel moral satisfaction. Small conflicts and disagreements are possible at the beginning of the month with colleagues and management. Try to tune in to positive contact with partners, then the desired result will be achieved.

You will be able to strengthen your financial position if you do not neglect any earning opportunities, whether it is an additional part-time job or playing the lottery, sweepstakes or casinos.

Personal relationships, health

Free from marital ties, Pisces should prepare for cardinal changes in their personal lives. At the beginning of autumn, a fateful meeting awaits you with the person you dreamed about. Without hesitation, you will agree to any steps, up to filing an application with the registry office. Those Pisces who are already in a relationship will want some variety. The stars recommend that you add passion and excitement to your relationship so as not to scare away your companion.

Family representatives of the sign are not recommended to spend time in friendly companies and pay attention to household members. Otherwise, dissatisfaction will result in quarrels, it is better to solve all everyday problems together with your soulmate. Listen to the advice of older relatives regarding financial matters. In September, real difficulties with money can arise.

Look closely at the small manifestations and symptoms of ailments, and then health will not cause concern. Take advantage of the last fine days for walks, picnics, mushroom hunting, walk more, breathe fresh air.

Favorable days - 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 25, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 4, 9, 17, 19, 25, 28.

Bet numbers - 6, 16, 20, 42, 69 and 13


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