The best bath cleaners. Rating of effective bath and toilet cleaners

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September 5, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Every housewife dreams that her bath is snow-white and shone just like in commercials for detergents. However, as practice shows, the result after using them is very different from what advertisers promise us. However, do not be upset, in this article I will tell you how to clean the bath at home with “improvised” means so that the plumbing becomes white and shiny again.

Before I tell you how to clean a bath white with folk remedies, I will give a few tips for care and maintenance. By adhering to them, you will greatly simplify the process of washing plumbing, as well as extend its service life and retain its original appearance for a long time:

  • after using the bath, wipe it with a dry soft cloth;
  • make sure that water does not drip from the faucet spout and shower, as this will lead to the formation of a rusty coating. If the faucet is leaking, it must be repaired;
  • in no case do not try to wipe off limescale, rust or any other dirt with a metal brush;

  • do not allow sudden temperature changes on the surface of the bath;
  • do not put in the bath metal objects. Buckets and basins must be plastic;
  • before using detergents, make sure they are suitable for your type of bath. This is especially true for acrylic baths, which are exposed to chemicals (acids, alkalis, solvents, etc.);
  • wash the bath to white with detergents (no difference folk or purchased in the store) at least twice a month.

If you follow these rules, you will not have to puzzle over how and with what to clean the surface to get rid of rust, limescale, black spots, etc. In addition, plumbing will always shine.

Folk ways to clean the bath

Now let's look at how to clean the bath to white with home remedies, if it so happened that the surface still managed to "acquire" all sorts of raids and other contaminants. I must say that there are a huge number of all kinds of cleaning methods. However, we will consider only the most effective and proven ones.

These methods include the following:

Method 1: baking soda with vinegar and bleach

First of all, I note that this cleaner is intended for a bathtub made of cast iron, since it contains quite aggressive components. To prepare it, you will need:

  • food and soda ash;
  • bleach;
  • vinegar.

  1. First of all, you need to mix baking soda with soda ash in equal proportions. Use a few tablespoons of each soda - this will be enough;
  2. then add quite a bit of water to get a slurry of the mixture;
  3. the resulting composition must be treated with contaminated areas;
  4. after that, you need to mix bleach with vinegar in equal proportions and apply the liquid on top of the soda;
  5. after half an hour, the surface should be wiped with a damp sponge and then rinsed with plenty of water.

As a rule, housewives are interested not only in how to wash the bath, but also in how to clean the tiles so that its surface shines. This remedy excellent for these purposes.

I must say that this composition copes well with limescale However, it can also be used to remove other types of contaminants.

If you need to clean acrylic plumbing, you can use vinegar alone without baking soda and bleach. To do this, simply soak the wipes in vinegar and place them on the contaminated surface. After an hour, wipes should be removed and then wiped with a soft sponge and rinsed with plenty of water.

Method 2: citric acid

Citric acid is not only very effective tool from all types of plaque, but also universal, which can be used for both enameled sanitary ware and acrylic baths. The only thing, depending on the type of bath, it is applied in different ways.

If cast iron or metal, instructions for use citric acid looks like that:

  1. in a glass of water you need to dissolve one and a half tablespoons of citric acid;
  2. then the composition must be applied to the contaminated surface with a sponge or spray;
  3. after fifteen minutes, the contaminated areas should be wiped off with a sponge dipped in a solution of citric acid;
  4. when the surface is cleaned, the bath should be rinsed with cold water.

If the plumbing is acrylic, it is cleaned in a slightly different way:

  1. First of all, warm water must be taken into the bath;
  2. then add one and a half tablespoons of citric acid;
  3. after 12 hours, you need to drain the water from and rinse the surface of the plumbing. It is even advisable to wipe it with a sponge dipped in a solution of soda, and then wash it. In this case, no acid is guaranteed to remain on the surface, which has a detrimental effect on acrylic.

Method 3: Borax with Lemon Juice

If you are looking for something to clean to make a rusty stained bathroom shine, you can use a borax with lemon juice. Moreover, this composition is suitable for all types of plumbing.

This tool is used as follows:

  1. Pour a quarter cup of lemon juice into a container and pour borax into it. The amount of the latter should be such that a pasty consistency is formed, but at the same time the borax crystals dissolve;
  2. paste must be applied to rusty spots;
  3. When the paste dries, it must be washed off with water. The composition must go along with the rust;
  4. if the stains are not completely gone, the procedure must be repeated.

If you need to clean metal or cement, for example, that got on it during repairs, use sewer cleaning compounds such as Mole.

Method 4: Cleaning Powder Paste

This composition is also designed to remove rusty plaque. However, it can only be used for enamelled plumbing.

To make this cleaner with your own hands, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

This tool is used very simply:

  • all ingredients must be mixed with each other in any order;
  • the resulting paste should treat rusty spots;
  • after that, you need to wash off the paste along with the rust with running water.

Method: 5: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Now let's look at how to clean an enamel bathtub to remove limescale. For this you will need:

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to mix the components;
  2. apply the resulting solution to contaminated areas;
  3. after 15 minutes, wipe the treated areas with a damp sponge and then rinse the surface with water;
  4. if plaque is not completely removed, repeat the procedure again.

With this tool, you can clean not only plumbing, but also tiles from plaque. The only thing is, before you clean the tile, wash it with soapy water to remove it first. upper layer dirt and dust.

Method 6: soda with washing powder

Bath cleaning at home can be effectively done with a product based on washing powder and soda. To prepare it, prepare the ingredients in the following quantity:

This composition is applied as follows:

  1. dissolve in hot water soda and washing powder;
  2. after that, treat the contaminated areas with a sponge soaked in the solution;
  3. after 15-20 minutes, wipe off the contamination with a sponge dipped in the solution;
  4. after that, the surface should be rinsed with water.

If you need to remove blackness from metal bath, you can use ordinary bleach, for example, Domestos. The composition should be applied to the contaminated area and then rubbed with a sponge after 15-20 minutes.

Method 7: soda ash with laundry soap

Very effective bathtub cleaner various types is laundry soap mixed with soda ash. It is applied as follows:

  1. laundry soap should be grated on a fine grater;
  2. after that, the soap must be mixed with soda in equal proportions;
  3. a small amount of water should be added to the mixture so that it becomes wet;
  4. the composition should be applied to the contaminated area and left for an hour;
  5. at the end of the work, the treated areas should be wiped with a sponge, and then rinsed with water.

Many housewives are interested in the forums - how to clean plastic panels? Soda ash with laundry soap does the job perfectly.

If the surface of the bath is too run down and covered with plaque, a small amount of ammonia can be added to the mixture.

Method 8: Trisodium Phosphate and Hydrogen Peroxide

Another old proven tool that allows you to clean metal or cast iron bath from rust - it is hydrogen peroxide and trisodium phosphate. To prepare this detergent, it is necessary to prepare the components in the following quantity:

This tool is made by hand as follows:

  1. dissolve trisodium phosphate in warm water;
  2. then gradually pour hydrogen peroxide into the solution;
  3. then you need to moisten the sponge in the solution and rub the rust with it;
  4. if there are barely noticeable spots on the surface that do not rub off, they need to be applied with a solution and left for 10-15 minutes;
  5. At the end of the work, the treated area must be washed with water.

Method 9: Oxalic Acid

If you need to remove rust from an acrylic bathtub, use oxalic acid. To prepare the composition, you need to dissolve the acid in water in a ratio of one to ten.

After that, the solution should be applied to the yellowed areas and left for an hour. After the specified time, the solution must be washed off with water.

Plastic panels for the bathroom, unlike the bath itself, are made of PVC, not acrylic. Thanks to this, chlorine, for example, whiteness, can be used to clean them. The only thing before cleaning plastic panels with chlorine is to take care of the ventilation of the room.

Method 10: table salt with wine vinegar

Finally, consider another effective remedy that allows you to get rid of even the oldest and stubborn rusty stains on the enamel surface. This tool is made as follows:

  1. pour 100 ml of vinegar into a container and add a tablespoon of salt to it;
  2. the container with the solution must be placed on the stove or in the microwave, and heated to a temperature of about 60 degrees.

When the solution is ready, it must be applied with a sponge to the rust and washed off with water after 20 minutes. As a rule, rust goes away after the first application of the composition.

That, in fact, is all folk ways cleaning the bath from various contaminants. It should be noted that they are more effective than the advertised compositions. At the same time, the price of the components is usually several times less.


Each of the above folk remedies is quite effective. Therefore, choose depending on the type of your bath, as well as the type of pollution and the presence of certain ingredients on hand. At the same time, do not forget that it is much easier to keep plumbing in a clean condition than to deal with dirt and plaque later.

For more information, see the video in this article. If you have any difficulties with cleaning the bath, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

September 5, 2016

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Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 13 minutes


The bathroom is, as you know, the “face” of the owner of the apartment. It is by the cleanliness of the bathroom that they judge the cleanliness and diligence of the beautiful half of a particular house. Of course, cleaning always takes a lot of time, but the bathroom should remain perfectly clean - even if there is a creative mess around.

True, to a large extent, the purity of the bath depends on the material from which it is made. If, for example, it is enough to wipe an acrylic bathtub with an ordinary sponge and soap, then washing a cast-iron bathtub is sometimes not easy ...

8 best store-bought cast iron bath cleaners - what to look for when buying?

Each cast-iron bath, as you know, is covered with enamel, which is applied inside this container by an electrostatic method, after which the product is “baked” in a heat chamber.

It is with cleaning the enamel that the hostess has problems: the enamel on cast-iron baths quickly loses its appearance under the influence of external factors and in the absence of preventive measures.

What is usually washed from a cast-iron bath?

  • First of all, from limescale , which covers the enamel with a nasty color due to bad water and the presence of various impurities in it.
  • Rust. How older pipes, the more unpleasant rusty smudges will be on the bath. It is worth noting that zirconium components were used in the production of enamel in old cast-iron bathtubs for greater strength and other properties, but, alas, they contribute to the faster formation of rust, corrosion and scratches with cracks. In modern manufacturing processes, titanium salts are used, which provide smoothness to the product and high wear resistance.
  • Fat. All the dirt that a person washes off the body, along with sweat and skin particles, settles on the bath machines. Naturally, with a rare cleaning of the container, all this settles on the walls of the bath and gradually builds up on top of each other, resulting in a serious and difficult-to-clean plaque.

It is also important to note that the enamel of old bathtubs is very, very fragile, and cleaning with aggressive products can quickly damage the coating, up to terrible “gaping” dark spots on the bottom.

How do Russian buyers clean their cast-iron bathtubs?

Video: How to wash the bath quickly? How to make a white bath?

8 Best Commercial Cast Iron Bathtub Cleaners

  1. White. With its help, you will return your bathtub to its original whiteness and get rid of bacteria, grease stains, paint stains, fungus and mold. True, she will not cope with either limescale or rusty stains. Therefore, it is recommended to use the product where strict and emergency resuscitation of the container is not required - only “add gloss and return whiteness”.
    The agent is diluted 1 to 2 and the container is washed with a hard sponge (not metal!). You can also pour 100 ml of whiteness into a bath full of water, shake it up and leave it overnight. AT pure form The product is not recommended to be used! The average cost is about 60-80 rubles.
  2. Mister Muscle. It will help you disinfect the bath, clean it from limescale, dirt, grease. This composition penetrates very deeply (at correct use) into the structure of stains and quickly destroys them.
    In addition, unlike white, Mr. Muscle is much easier and more pleasant to use. Pros: the presence of a trigger, the absence of abrasives. The average cost is about 200 rubles.
  3. cif. One of the most popular cleaning products in general today. Sif is used with success both in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
    This tool instantly and effortlessly removes even old rust and heavy limescale, and all surfaces after it shine. Cif Ultra White is recommended, which has whitening properties. The average cost is about 180 rubles.
  4. comet. Another perfect cleaner for cast iron bathtubs. Today it is available in convenient plastic bottles in the form of a gel, does not scratch the enamel, easily removes all the “troubles” from the surface of the bath, and at the same time all microbes.
    It is enough to apply the product and wait 10 minutes, then wash off the dirt with a sponge. The average cost is about 190 rubles.
  5. Sanoks. Powerful product for the most difficult pollution. We can say "heavy artillery" in household chemicals. Sanoks allows you to wash everything that previous products could not cope with. And whitewashed. Also, this gel will remove all bacteria and unpleasant odors. Remember that this tool is very "vigorous", and for thin enamel it is better to choose a tool with a more gentle composition. The average cost is about 100 rubles.
  6. San Klin. This product is free of phosphates and harsh abrasives and is suitable for any bath. It does not have a nasty chemical smell, it is easy to apply with a trigger, quickly removes any impurities. The average cost is 170 rubles.
  7. Frosch. Fragrant eco-product based on fruit acids. Not suitable for a heavily soiled bath, but ideal for preventive maintenance and regular cleaning of the tank.
    The product is safe for people and can be easily washed off. The average cost is 250 rubles.
  8. Mr Chister. Product with effective composition, which will help remove fungus and mold, destroy bacteria and odors, and wash mild dirt. Has a spray gun pleasant aroma. The average cost is 150 rubles.

How to clean a cast-iron bath from rust and plaque at home - 7 best folk remedies for cleaning bathtubs

Not everyone uses store funds when cleaning the house.

Some fundamentally do not want to spend their money on expensive household chemicals, others fundamentally do not use it, choosing safe home remedies. The third are allergic to household chemicals, the fourth just suddenly ran out of all the “saving bottles” in the nightstand under the bathroom. In these cases, "grandmother's means" are used.

Among all the folk recipes used when cleaning a cast-iron bath, we have chosen for you the most popular and effective:

  1. To remove rust. We take 1:1 ammonia and ordinary hydrogen peroxide, mix and apply to areas with stains.
  2. We remove rust and yellowness. We mix salt and vinegar 1: 1 and lubricate the problem areas with this paste. You can leave the mixture for several hours - they will not harm the coating.
  3. From limescale. We mix 1:1 salt and soda, apply the mixture on problem areas for 2 hours, then wash off the already softened plaque with a regular sponge.
  4. From limescale. We dilute oxalic acid to a semi-liquid consistency, lubricate the plaque, wait 1.5 hours.
  5. For regular cleaning. We apply ordinary soda to the sponge and instead of the powder we treat the bath with it. Simple, economical and without harm to the surface.
  6. From rust. Mix turpentine (35 ml) and salt (about 100 g), apply to the surface and clean.
  7. From rust and plaque. We mix 3 parts of mustard (dry) and 1 part of soda, clean as with ordinary powder. Ideal remedy to clean the bath once a week.

Video: How to wash a cast-iron bathtub from plaque at home?

Bathtub cleaners and tools - what not to clean a cast-iron bathtub with

If you inherited an old and rusty cast-iron bath along with an apartment (or, while you were on a business trip, your family brought the bath to the state of “easier to throw away”), then you should remember what tools and tools are not recommended to use, so as not to damage the enamel:

  • Products with chlorine (unless you're fighting mold).
  • Means with aggressive acids. They are used only "pointwise" on problem areas and do not leave for a long time.
  • Products with abrasives . They can scratch the enamel, which in turn will be the beginning of the end of your bath. Through scratches, rust and plaque will penetrate deeper and deeper, the cracks will be more and more, and there it’s not far to the cast iron itself.
  • Means with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
  • GOI paste. It is not used for polishing enamel! If you decide to polish, then use an ultra-soft car polish for enamel and a regular soft white cloth. Polishing will take you 20-30 hours, but you will like the result.

When choosing tools for cleaning a cast iron bathtub, avoid…

  1. Hard brushes.
  2. Sponges and brushes with metal.
  3. Fiberglass sponges.
  4. Blades and other auxiliary tools.

Perfect option - moderately hard sponge or regular brush with a handle.

Also today, housewives successfully use and melamine sponge - but, for all their magical effectiveness, they remain extremely toxic when melamine enters the body, so the question of their use remains controversial.

Prevention of dirt and plaque on cast iron bathtubs

No one will argue that it is much easier to keep the whiteness of the bath if you wash it regularly and properly care for it. Especially if it is a cast-iron bath, which needs a special approach.

You can extend the life of your bath and postpone its replacement (installation of liners, etc.) by simple manipulations called prevention:

  • Rinse the bath with a mild remedy every evening after everyone has washed. . Be sure to dry with a towel to prevent rust.
  • Twice a week - or at least once - we wash the bath completely - with a serious remedy.
  • We repair faucets/faucets as soon as a defect is discovered. Leaking faucet = deep rust.
  • We use soft tools and tools for cleaning.
  • We monitor the water temperature. At temperatures above 65 degrees, cracks may form in the enamel.
  • We repair all cracks and chips promptly - with the help of a specialist or independently - using a special putty and epoxy resin.
  • We prefer gel and paste cleaners . Powder products contain abrasives that scratch the enamel.

Subject to all the rules, you can extend the life of your favorite bath for 10-15 years.

However, there is always an option acrylic liner, which is placed directly in the cast-iron bath.

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Bath cleaning with natural products

Cleaning the apartment has always occupied not the last place in a person’s life, and cleaning the apartment after repair can be attributed to one of the most challenging tasks. The bathroom is considered the most problematic place, which we are often used to seeing as shining whiteness and cleanliness, but after repairs we are simply horrified by limescale, rust, residues cement mortar or tile adhesive. And then before us becomes main question: how to get rid of leftovers building materials and how to wash the bath to its former whiteness?

The bath can be cleaned by many means, whichever you choose, work only with gloves.

Hoping to get the bathtub cleaned as quickly as possible, we turn to the chemical miracle cleaners that line the counters of hardware stores. Such funds are quite effective, but, firstly, they are much more powerful than required, and secondly, the active substances in their composition are very allergenic and harm not only the human body, but also the environment.

Each hostess has her own secrets in her arsenal, how to wash the bath from strong pollution and carry out general cleaning safe means that are always at hand.

Natural bath cleaners are very easy to make at home, it doesn't take much time, and it will do the job just as well without harming you or your family.

Basic rules for cleaning bathtubs

Before you start cleaning and make the bathtub perfectly white, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules on how to do it correctly and not spoil the coating of the bathtub itself:

  1. For different baths it is necessary to use different cleaning products, because what can perfectly clean a cast-iron bathtub will completely ruin an acrylic one.
  2. It is not recommended to clean the enamelled bath with aggressive products containing various acids, as well as to use metal brushes and fiberglass sponges. Otherwise, you risk destroying or damaging the enamel.
  3. Acrylic baths do not tolerate alcohol-based products and emulsions, as they corrode the acrylic.
  4. Abrasives are able to harm any coating, so it is better to use liquid and creamy solutions.
  5. With a sufficiently effective cleaning agent, soft sponges or a regular rag will do just fine to remove dirt.

Despite the fact that many are already seriously thinking about replacing the good old cast-iron bathtub with a new acrylic one, it is still popular. Shouldn't be trusted commercials and at the word to believe in unique properties acrylic, because along with certain advantages, such bathtubs are very capricious in cleaning and have a rather low mechanical strength. Therefore, not all natural remedies hygiene products are suitable for washing such a bath.

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How to wash a bath without chemicals?

A very effective way to clean a bathtub after a renovation is baking soda, which can always be found in household use. Besides, great helpers in this matter, vinegar, mustard and salt can become. Next, we will take a closer look at how to prepare an effective cleaning agent at home based on these components, and how to use them to wash a cast-iron and enamel bath.

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Baking soda

Baking soda is classified as a mild abrasive. It is a universal and absolutely safe "cleaning powder" for enameled surfaces. Just sprinkle with soda problem areas baths, after wetting them, and rub them with a wet sponge. If pollution in hard-to-reach places, you can use an old toothbrush to eliminate them.

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Start cleaning your whirlpool tub by washing the whirlpool system.

Vinegar is not only a powerful cleaner, but also an excellent antibacterial agent. It perfectly dissolves various plaques, deposits water stone and minerals.

Often on the walls of the bathroom are formed gray and yellow spots which are the result of salt deposition. The easiest way to wash them is with vinegar, which will act on them as a solvent. To do this, soak a cloth in vinegar and place it on the stains. After half an hour, salt deposits are easily washed off with water.

For general cleaning of the bath, it is necessary to use vinegar not in its pure form, but in a solution. Dilute the vinegar in equal proportions with water and wipe the contaminated places with a sponge. Such a solution is harmless and will perfectly eliminate not only pollution, but also an unpleasant odor. The pungent acetic smell will disappear in a few minutes, it can be avoided by adding a couple of drops of any essential oil to the solution.

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You can replace vinegar with lemon juice, which has the same properties. Pure lemon juice will do just as well on stains, rust, and building dirt as cleaning powder. For severe contamination, lemon juice is squeezed out and distributed with a washcloth. Half an hour later, with a rough sponge moistened with lemon juice, the entire surface of the bath is wiped. All dirt is wiped off very easily, while nothing threatens the enamel.

Choosing the right bathroom cleaners is a guarantee that it will serve you long years and keep your appearance up to the mark. But how to understand how to properly clean the bathroom, and learn how to do it the right way?

Much depends on the material from which the bath itself is made, as well as on what pollution needs to be eliminated. Let's look at these aspects in more detail.

Features of care for different types of baths

Cast iron bath care

Cast iron bathtubs are the most durable. Cast iron baths are heavy (about 100-150 kilograms) and reliable. Although acrylic bathtubs are now gaining popularity, practical people choose cast iron.

Although cast iron baths have their drawbacks, housewives prefer them because of the ease of care for this material. A stain in cast iron enamel can penetrate deeply, but there are practically no restrictions on methods for removing it.

Care of steel bathtubs

Steel tubs are a great modern alternative to cast iron. They are lightweight, warm up quickly with water, have various forms. The minimum service life of a steel bath is about 15 years.

As for maintenance, a steel bath (like cast iron) is not afraid of chemical and mechanical stress. The only nuance that should be taken into account: the thickness of the enamel in steel baths ah is much thinner than in cast iron. Therefore, in the process of cleaning, one must not be overly zealous so as not to harm.

Acrylic bath care

Bathtubs made of acrylic are the most modern. They have very different shapes and are in demand among buyers. However, they are very fragile and not very practical. However, the fashion for them does not pass. To acrylic bath lasted as long as possible, it needs to be properly looked after and periodically restored.

Acrylic is prone to cracking, so when cleaning it, do not use hard sponges, products with abrasive particles and strong chemical substances. Otherwise, your bath will become unusable very quickly.

Bathtubs are also made natural stone, wood, glass, but this is a huge rarity. They also require very careful care and cleaning.

Type of pollution on plumbing

The use of certain bathroom cleaners depends directly on the type of dirt on its surface. They can be divided into several types:


The so-called limescale is formed in the bathroom from the water. Its appearance depends on the quality of the latter. It is the composition of the water that determines whether plaque will form every few days or weeks. In any case, even the water itself good quality will remain on the bath in the form of dried drops.


Plaque yellow color appears from soap, from water, contact with metal products and others. To eliminate it, products with a whitening effect are suitable.


TOP 10 bathroom cleaners

The TOP 10 products that are used to clean the bath include the following:

L.O.C. Mild abrasive cleaner (Amway)Active ingredients: 5% aliphatic hydrocarbons, anionic surfactant, 5-15% nonionic surfactant. Does not contain phosphates, caustic alkalis and acids, chlorine bleaches. Suitable for regular cleaning of steel and cast iron bathtubs. Although it is creamy and soft, it is not recommended for acrylic baths. In extreme cases, this can be done as an exception pointwise, and not on the entire surface. The tool successfully copes with limescale and soap stains.
L.O.C. Bathroom cleaner (Amway) Active ingredients: 5% non-ionic surfactants, amphoteric surfactants. The tool is used to eliminate traces of exposure to hard water, soap and limescale in the bathroom. Since the product is liquid and does not contain abrasives, it is ideal for cleaning acrylic bathtubs. Gives a radiant shine.
Bathroom cleaner (Faberlic) Active ingredients: less than 5% surfactants, less than 5% phosphoric acid, less than 5% oxalic acid, less than 5% sulfamic acid, less than 5% glycolic acid and xanthan gum. This cleaner does an excellent job of removing limescale and newly formed rust stains. Due to the acid content, the product has a strong odor.
Bath and shower cleaner Frosch (Frosh) Active ingredients: tensides that decompose in the soil; grape acid. The product is environmentally friendly and does not have a strong chemical smell. Suitable for steel, cast iron and acrylic bathtubs. It copes well with soap stains, rust and limescale. Eliminates unpleasant odors in the bathroom.
Acrylan (Bagi) An Israeli remedy, the name of which speaks for itself - it is intended for acrylic bathtubs. Active ingredients: special surfactants with acceptable content citric acid. Acrylan copes with any pollution: rust, plaque, yellowness, mold. This tool will also help. Twice as economical conventional means for cleansing. Leaves an invisible layer on the bath after use. protective film which will repel contaminants.
Cif Active ingredients: 5% anionic surfactants, sodium hypochlorite, non-ionic surfactants. It is a mild, creamy bath cleaner with abrasive particles. Suitable for steel and cast iron bathtubs. Depending on the type of product, it successfully copes with plaque, yellowness and rust.
Mister Muscle Bath Cleaner 5 in 1 Active ingredients: 5% surfactant, 5% organic solvent. Despite the loud statements of the manufacturer, the tool is more suitable for preventive use. If it is necessary to clean old pollution, then only soapy plaque can do it.
Cleaner Comet 7 days of cleanliness Active ingredients: less than 5% non-ionic surfactants, disinfectants (phosphoric and formic acids). It is positioned as a remedy for rust and plaque. It does its job well if you follow the instructions. Ideal for cast iron and steel bathtubs.
Domestos Active ingredients: sodium hypochlorite, non-ionic surfactants, fragrance and soap. Although this remedy is primarily intended to eliminate germs, it does have a good bleaching effect. Therefore, yellowness in bathtubs can be easily eliminated with it. It is not recommended to use on acrylic bathtubs.
Cleaning Powder Gala Chlorine Active ingredients: dolomite, anionic surfactants, substances containing chlorine. One of the most famous and affordable products that can be purchased in every supermarket. Gala can only be used for cast iron and steel bathtubs. Of course, you will have to make an effort when cleaning the bath, but even such a simple remedy can cope with plaque and yellowness. Rusty spots will not remove, but it will also be able to lighten them somewhat.

There are a lot of bathroom cleaners, so you can always choose one of the proven and suitable ones for the price.

A well-groomed, clean, tidy bathroom speaks of the hard work, cleanliness of the hostess, since maintaining order in this room takes a lot of time and effort. Plumbing requires the most attention, because proper care guarantees not only an aesthetic appearance, but also trouble-free operation of devices.

The hardest thing to wash is a cast-iron bath, the enamel of which is easily damaged by improperly selected detergents. In this article, we will tell you how to clean cast iron washing containers at home in order to maintain the whiteness and glossy shine of the product for a long time.

Types of pollution

Enamel, which is used to coat cast iron products during the production process, is a powder, it is applied to the surface of the bowl by an electrostatic method, and then baked in a heat chamber. In order to clean, but not damage the cast-iron bath, you need to know what types of contaminants are found on it and with what they can be washed:

Important! The enamel of old cast iron products is quite fragile, so you need to wash and clean such a bath carefully, trying not to damage the coating. To wash the bowl from dirt and preserve the integrity of the enamel layer, it is not recommended to use abrasive and aggressive detergents and hard brushes.

Purification technology

To maintain the whiteness and glossy sheen of a cast iron sanitary ware, it is necessary to wash the product after each use. If there is no serious contamination on the surface of the enamel, then it is not necessary to clean it, just rinse it thoroughly warm water and dry. Once or twice a week, a deeper cleaning is performed:

Note! If you wash a cast iron bath with abrasive and acid-containing products, clean with hard brushes and sponges, the enamel will become covered with microcracks, and then begin to collapse. Reestablish enamel coating at home is quite difficult, so you need to clean the plumbing fixture from this material with an ordinary soapy solution.

Operating rules

To make washing and cleaning a cast iron bath easier, you must follow the instructions for using this plumbing fixture. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations for using the product, as well as regularly clean it with approved products, the enamel will last more than 15 years, retaining its shine and whiteness. To extend the life of the bath, you must follow the following rules:

Please note that at home it is quite difficult to clean old enamel to perfect whiteness. Sometimes, in order to restore the original appearance of the product, staining or re-enamelling is required. This operation is performed after careful preparation of the surface using epoxy enamel or liquid acrylic.

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