Moon in Pisces for a man and a woman. Moon in Pisces for a Man (What it means and How to win)

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Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, therefore it contains all the qualities of the signs. The Moon in Pisces for a woman is a creative and vulnerable nature; it is difficult for them to endure betrayal and lies, so they choose reliable companions for life and trust them with their own. Pisces women are ideal wives and mothers, they express all their love and care through their actions and actions. They enjoy authority at work and in the family circle.

What does the moon in Pisces mean for a woman?

A woman with the moon in Pisces is used to achieving all her results and victories on her own. She knows that she should not wait for outside help, she must rely only on her own strength. They are sure that no one except themselves can help in difficult times. Although it may be closedness and fear.

They know about the cruelty of the world, so they try not to let new people into their lives. For them, there is a social circle in which they feel cozy and comfortable, and it is difficult for them to let someone new into it. It is difficult for them to open up and start warm conversations with new acquaintances. Pisces have very subtle natures, so they experience all losses and wounds close to their hearts.

For a woman, the moon in Pisces means that they can experience a storm of emotions in one moment, it is difficult for them to control their feelings, so they immediately give away with their facial expressions and expressions when they like something and vice versa. They feel every person, so don’t try to hide something from these girls, they will immediately bring you to light.

The characteristics of moon fish are quite extraordinary; they contain many positive and negative qualities. They are very secretive and taciturn. It is very problematic for Pisces to tell their feelings to their significant other, and this causes many problems. Because the chosen one thinks that the girl is not too honest with him. However, by their actions and attitude, the fish prove that he is the ruler of her heart.

Creative nature allows you to do anything, the main thing is that it is for the soul and from the heart. These ladies will never do anything they don’t like, only what pleases their soul.

How to win a woman with the moon in Pisces

If a woman has the moon in Pisces, this means that only a persistent man with an excellent sense of humor can win her favor. Since Pisces are creative in nature, they are not at all satisfied with ordinary courtship, bouquets and compliments. She does not recognize mercy and affection; she needs something else. Something bright, with changing emotions, the so-called emotional swing. Only then will she be happy.

If life becomes ordinary, the fish will look for variety on the side and this can end in failure. But if you meet all the criteria of a Pisces woman and satisfy her in all plans, then you can be sure that you have fallen into a trap of love from which you cannot get out.

In love, these signs give themselves completely, the man becomes their master and controls their life. They are happy to be led; they need a guide who will swim with them in the right direction. You shouldn’t overdo it and go too far; you need to know the fine line between permissiveness and accessibility.

You will not be bored in this relationship, a water sign can make every day varied and interesting, the main thing is to trust them and be frank, and then you will conquer the peaks together.

In family life, girls respect absolutely everything - home, husband, children, personal atmosphere and do not allow anyone to disturb it. They will create and create a special world for their children and spouse.

White moon in Pisces for a woman

Selena's white power encourages mercy and compassion. All your good forces must be directed to good deeds, helping those in need and remaining selfless. Mercy is shown not only to people, but also to animals. There is an opportunity to cleanse yourself by helping the defenseless. Try to help as much as you can. But don’t forget about helping yourself, it’s important to find the right wave on which to continue life. Remember to meditate and surrender to yourself, your thoughts and your feelings.

To correct karma, you need to surrender to self-sacrifice, by atonement for all your sins. There is no need to be afraid of what will happen next, all that matters is what is happening here and now.

Very often, on a spiritual level, the ability to dream dreams and interpret them opens up, so it is not so difficult for them to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. They know that something better than this life awaits them.

Black moon in Pisces for a woman

Because of your excessive emotions, sometimes it is very difficult to control the situation and the hysterical person turns on. The black moon in Pisces means for a woman that her delusions of grandeur are increasing and will demand all the attention, egocentrism is intensifying, which leads to many scandals and unpleasant moments with loved ones.

In disputes and omissions, it is better to avoid rude behavior, as this can lead to bad consequences. Try not to contact enemies and unwanted people. Excessive activity indicates a lot of energy that wants to get out.

There is also a dark side to cynicism. Pisces thinks that without them, the work won’t work and everything will be ruined, so he constantly interferes with his corrections, comments and reproaches, believing that he is helping everyone. We must not give in to these forces and eradicate them.

The Moon begins its journey through the sign of Pisces. This means that you and I are entering into extreme difficult period of reflection what the entire month left behind brought us. At the same time, the time of the Moon in Pisces can hardly be called a period of summing up. The Moon in this sign does not contribute to a rational analysis of the month experienced. This is precisely the period of intuitive understanding based on our worldviews, inner world and spiritual depths.

What interferes with practical analysis when the Moon is in Pisces? There are many factors that suppress the rational part of our “I” at this time. Here there is all-consuming laziness, and immersion in the world of one’s own fantasies, and desire for self-examination, and out of nowhere a lyrical mood, on the verge of melancholy, came from. In addition, at this time, most of us suddenly have an irresistible desire to cry to someone, to feel sorry for ourselves.

The imperfection of the surrounding world becomes so obvious and tangible that many may feel feeling of hopelessness of life. It would seem that in these conditions it is necessary to mobilize, tune in to the positive aspects of our existence, and find internal resources to combat this, frankly speaking, not the most creative feeling. However, against the backdrop of all other emotions, during the period of the Moon’s stay in the sign of Pisces, people often think about the futility of efforts, which only fuels our reluctance to change anything not only outside, but also within ourselves.

Under such initial conditions, it is difficult to blame anyone for the fact that a person unexpectedly decided take a break, retire and mope alone. It is quite clear that during the Moon in Pisces negative emotions often prevail, so it is not surprising that during this period many of us may complain of causeless fear, an acute feeling of anxiety and even panic attacks. This is all the more understandable since there is only one step from the blues and tearful mood to depression.

In particular cases, such fleeting weakness can have a positive effect, since immersion in inaction during the Moon in Pisces gives us a kind of respite and, whatever one may say, rest for the body. However, if we are talking about a damaged Moon, the negative effect of all the sensations described above can increase many times over. At the same time, the likelihood of surviving the period of the Moon in Pisces without emotional turmoil and certain losses decreases sharply.

Moon in Zodiac signs: Pisces

Pisces is not just the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is a sign that is known to be far from material component of the surrounding world. When the Moon enters the sign of Pisces, people who in other periods are, so to speak, in the clouds, risk completely losing touch with reality.

We are not talking about some kind of insanity. It's about slipping into a peculiar prostration– a state when many of our actions are determined by emotional impulses and irrational sensations.

Such transformations can bring a certain benefit only to those who are firmly on their feet, having long ago realized their path and finding your purpose in this world. During this period, the Moon gives such people the ability to look at their lives, as they say, from the outside. Such a view allows practical people to make appropriate adjustments to their life path, and, perhaps, attract desired and long-awaited events into their reality.

People, mired in doubts, angering God, denying the very possibility rebirth of the soul, feel a real powerlessness in front of the energy that the Moon brings down on them. Even greater powerlessness (on the verge of moral exhaustion) is felt in the days of Pisces by those who, unable to find a foothold in their earthly existence, live only with illusions, the expectation of change and a better life, which will come on its own, as if from nowhere.

Thus, the Moon in Pisces is, on the one hand, a very difficult period that can intensify the mental turmoil of some; and, on the other hand, this is a kind of period of rest and calm For others.

But for the first, as well as for the second, the Moon, which is in the sign of Pisces, is a kind of indicator. This indicator allows each of us not only to understand which direction his or her life is going, but also, having made the appropriate conclusions, to make the necessary adjustments to it.

Moon signs in everyday life: Pisces

Correct actions:

The Moon in Pisces organizes a peculiar testing period, when we are given the task not to focus on our own weaknesses, sorrows and problems, but to pay attention to those who may need our support. Thus, during this period it is recommended to demonstrate openness to other people, participating in solving their problems, listening to them, helping them (at least morally!).

Following on from the previous advice, it makes sense to collaborate with various relief funds and charitable organizations; It is important to communicate with sponsors, help incapacitated people, and participate in the fate of the elderly, orphans and disabled people.

With the Moon in Pisces, it would be good to take time spiritual matters. These days, it makes sense to visit church, communicate with a spiritual mentor (who has one!) or with people who have chosen the path of religion and serving God as their path.

Is it worth forcing yourself to go to church at this time if you are far from religious dogmas and views? Not at all necessary. The period of the Moon's stay in Pisces also favors various meditation practices. If you have a desire to be alone with yourself, when the Moon is in Pisces, simple exercises as part of auto-training or ordinary contemplative pastime are recommended. In the end you can listen nice music or spend time with your favorite book.

This is a very good period for to dream. However, it is recommended to dream about things that are quite real and achievable, doing, if possible, visualizing your aspirations. Thus, our dreams cease to be just worthless floating in the clouds, but become a kind of moderation of our own destiny, aimed at a specific result.

It is no secret that the sign of Pisces patronizes such irrational manifestations as heightened intuition and the gift of clairvoyance. People who feel interested in such things can be recommended to immerse themselves in reading literature dedicated to the development of such phenomena or even attend relevant courses on self-improvement and the development of psychic abilities.

To summarize all of the above, it makes sense to emphasize that with the Moon in Pisces you shouldn’t even shy away from esotericists, if, of course, with its help you can take a creative path of rethinking your life. Conducting spiritualistic seances, contacts with mediums and hypnotists, and independent attempts at fortune telling also have the right to life in this period of time.

Moon in Pisces favors foreign trips and contacts with foreign representatives.

These days it is highly likely to be successful social and legal activities; a good period for investing capital and concluding business contracts.

It's a good time for raising the cultural level– visiting exhibitions, cultural lectures, theater, cinema; your creative activity during this period will also delight you with its fruits.

When the Moon is in Pisces, it is recommended to carry out family celebrations and friendly parties; These days it makes sense to schedule an engagement or just a romantic date. Favorable period for intimate relationships. Also, if the horoscope indicators are harmonious, Pisces day should be chosen for marriage.

For those who have the opportunity to spend time on themselves, we can recommend visit the pool go to the sauna; lovers of fishing and hunting should also pay tribute to their hobby during this period.

During the transit of the Moon through the sign of Pisces, it is recommended to devote time gardening and gardening, for example, this is a favorable time for tidying up lawns, for planting greenery (with the waxing Moon), for applying fertilizers for good leaf development (with the waning Moon) and for watering plants.

If speak about health, then the days of the Moon in Pisces favor moderate procedures to improve the health of the abdominal organs, liver, eyes, and nervous system.

Incorrect actions:

If you guess on your own during the days of Pisces, this action is correct, but visiting fortune tellers and psychics prophesying the future is not the wisest pastime these days.

It's not a good time to start any activity you're looking forward to dramatic changes in your life (including for opening a new business). Contemplative and evaluative components prevail. This is especially true during the waning moon period.

On Pisces days, you should give up anything that could lead to additional stress on the lower limbs. This is not the most favorable period for surgical operations on the legs, for aggressive treatments of feet, joints, ankles, toes. Even foot massage is not recommended. It also makes sense to postpone operations and serious treatment of the digestive, endocrine and lymphatic systems to another period.

Fasting or just a strict diet will not bring the expected benefits with the Moon in Pisces.

These days it is not recommended to harvest and make twists, as mold will quickly appear in the jars, canned food will spoil, will not stand for long. Also during these days, fruits and vegetables become watery and will not taste good.


Dejection is a sin! The danger of succumbing is clearly expressed defeatist sentiments and despondency when the Moon passes through the sign of Pisces. During these times, you should in every possible way avoid anything that can plunge you into depression, because this state in the days of Pisces will be especially destructive.

Our intensified desire for everything irrational and esoteric in the days of Pisces increases the likelihood of the risk of being deceived and disappointed. In general, during this period there is a danger of falling under the influence of charlatans and scammers. This is especially true when the Moon is afflicted by malefic planets and Neptune.

Extremely dangerous with the Moon in Pisces abuse alcohol and food– the risk of various poisonings (including food poisoning) increases. The likelihood of infectious diseases and exacerbation of viruses also increases. People susceptible to drug addiction risk no less than their health, or even their lives, in the days of Pisces.

Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Pisces

The Moon has a very specific effect on the character of representatives of both sexes born during its stay in the sign of Pisces. Such people, growing up, discover in themselves high emotional components, increased vulnerability, desire for everything touching, in need of help and pity. It often seems that people with the Moon in Pisces are deeply immersed in themselves and do not care about the outside world. However, this is just a mask that saves them from negative influence from the outside.

MEN: As a rule, men born under the Moon in Pisces are extremely receptive and impressionable individuals. Such people are very dependent on comfortable conditions, which they try their best to create for themselves. This is often hampered by their tendency to fantasy world and pipe dreams. Under not very favorable external conditions, men with the Moon in Pisces demonstrate such negative aspects of their characters as immaturity, indecisiveness, and defeatist moods.

Despite the fact that outwardly such men rarely show themselves in kind captivating and bright, in fact, they very often only restrain the manifestation of internal storms and emotions. An outwardly phlegmatic and inert man with the Moon in Pisces often has an extremely rich inner world. Such people can hardly be called successful businessmen, but their ability to empathize and participate in the fate of others can be envied by many.

A man with the Moon in Pisces will look for a sympathetic and empathetic wife who will always strive to understand them, take pity on them and give them the much needed maternal care.

A state of peace and tranquility is possible with a woman who is able, first of all, to take care of him basic instincts. The instinct for procreation in such a man is also very strong, therefore the opportunity and most importantly the desire (!) to give birth to children is most often one of the most important criteria in choosing a life partner.

WOMEN: it is customary for women to forgive almost everything, especially increased emotionality and daydreaming. Representatives of the fairer sex, born under the Moon in Pisces, have plenty of both.

Such ladies very often also show very developed imagination, which, however, does not prevent some of them from demonstrating extremely enviable pragmatism in rare cases. Sometimes this is expressed in their ability to manipulate others, which is difficult to expect from such vulnerable and romantic people.

In general, women with the Moon in Pisces are very susceptible conflicting emotions. On the one hand, they are more than romantic, charming and susceptible to outside temptations (delicious food, sweets, alcohol). On the other hand, their intuition and natural flexibility of mind allow such ladies to achieve amazing success in creative professions. This, in turn, allows them to live with dignity, despite some confusion in the decision monetary issues.

To sum up, we can conclude that, first of all, women should be grateful for their birth under the Moon in Pisces. Of course they also need control your emotional state at least to avoid depression. However, unlike a man with the Moon in Pisces, who are forced to live in a struggle, trying to pull their male “I” out of this “emotional swamp” by the ears, Moon Pisces women can say thank you for those truly feminine qualities that give them rewarded by fate and the Moon in Pisces.

Let's consider the astrological compatibility of lunar Pisces (when the Moon is in Pisces in a person's horoscope). Lunar Pisces is the most emotional and feeling sign in the entire lunar zodiac, their soul is tender, warm, full of sympathy for everyone around them, they are ready to sincerely and tenderly love everyone!

Pisces Moon Compatibility in Relationships

They are romantic, sentimental, look at the world through rose-colored glasses and therefore, when falling in love, in each object they are able to see something special, something extraordinary, something that makes them admire - something that, perhaps, is actually in this person and no.

But they see in him what they want to see, they see, perhaps, the potential of a person that he himself has not yet achieved! In any case, such an attitude on the part of lunar Pisces is always very flattering to everyone, and it is difficult not to fall for the bait of their tender feelings.

Pisces are ready to take care of everyone, sympathize and empathize with everyone, and help everyone. They show tender attention to their partner and great care for him, doing everything to make him happy. Therefore, they are more likely than other signs to be happy in love. He who is able to give a lot receives a lot!

But at the same time, lunar Pisces are very impractical and sometimes lose their sense of reality. For example, they may not understand that they have chosen the wrong object for their care, that this object does not need them. In such cases, the care and love of lunar Pisces may seem intrusive.

And if the lunar Pisces are rejected, it is as if they are being replaced. Their cordiality and ability to sympathize disappear, no other feelings remain in them except self-pity. Here they can fall into melancholy and indifference to everything in the world.

But all this will pass as soon as a new object for care appears on the horizon. Lunar Pisces cannot imagine their life without caring for someone. Having fallen in love, they immediately forget about everything in the world, their feelings are so strong that they obscure the whole world!

If you are able to surrender completely and completely into the caring hands of the Pisces moon, then your life will turn into endless bliss with the most ideal lover you can imagine. Pisces look so that it is immediately clear from them that they are created for love: a dreamy look, languid thoughtfulness...

Don't expect wild fun and excessive liveliness from them. But everything will be compensated by a warm soft feeling overflowing from their tender soul.

It must be borne in mind that lunar Pisces tend to become dependent on their partner, and if this bothers you, your life can be significantly complicated. So do not indulge this property of Pisces, but rather often emphasize that they are an independent, self-sufficient and strong person. But don’t push them away from you, be tactful - it’s very important for Pisces to feel that you need them!

Compatibility of lunar Pisces. Very important: you need to be extremely honest with Pisces; they are very sensitive and instantly recognize any deception. No matter how caring they are, you will not be able to use their attitude for selfish purposes - they sense insincerity a mile away.

They will enter into an alliance only with a truly loving person, and no tricks or hypocrisy will mislead them. They are kind and generous, but they will not let themselves be deceived.

If you want to get along with Pisces, do not focus on the material and financial side of things. Money is important to them insofar as, and they will not understand you if you put money at the forefront and make a cult out of it. However, there will be coziness and comfort in the house - an established life is very important for Pisces.

And never show coldness and aloofness with Pisces, never spare words and time to express your love. If love has passed, you need to part with Pisces. These are not the people who will support marriage for the sake of appearance, for the sake of social status, out of habit, or even for the sake of children. They need love. Everything else has a much lower price for them.

The collapse of love for lunar Pisces is always a very painful moment. After all, they fly high in their feelings - and those who fly high usually crash very painfully if they have to fall. And yet, when new love looms on the horizon, lunar Pisces, having forgotten old grievances, again rush headlong into it. These are such incorrigible romantics.

Compatibility with other signs

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Aries

If you are a lunar Aries, then Pisces are very attracted to you by the fervor of your feelings, they see in you the same loving and romantic person as they themselves are, but your impatience and some harshness can hurt Pisces. But Pisces seems too sentimental to you; you always want to bring them back to earth from heaven.

Moon Pisces - Moon Taurus

If you are a Taurus moon, then you are attracted to the romance and sensitivity of Pisces, and your relationship can be very warm, calm, and peaceful. Just try to understand and forgive Pisces for their impracticality; do not demand that they begin to value material stability - they will immediately become bored with you. Otherwise, everything is fine: the main thing is that you are able to give each other a feeling of security and comfort.

Moon Pisces - Moon Gemini

If you are a lunar Gemini, then your social gloss and external shine will attract Pisces, you will easily respond to their warmth and care, but will this union be lasting? Gemini will want to break free from attachment, which will seem annoying and monotonous to them, Pisces will want more warmth, tenderness, and romance in the expression of feelings...

Moon Pisces - Moon Cancer

If you are a Cancer moon, you can become truly soul mates with a Pisces moon, and your connection will be very close and strong. You are both romantic, sentimental, and understand each other’s feelings well. Try to be more practical so that your life does not turn into a continuous head in the clouds.

Moon Pisces - Moon Leo

Compatibility of lunar Pisces. If you are a lunar Leo, then a representative of lunar Pisces will feel great with you: safe, protected, and with a constant excess of feelings. But Pisces can become dependent and turn out to be a minor figure in this union.

If Leo is satisfied with such an unequal partnership, then everything is fine. Only then take responsibility for the sensitive Pisces you have tamed: if you push them away, it will be a tragedy for them.

Moon Pisces - Moon Virgo

If you are a lunar Virgo, you will have to give up your inherent pickiness if you want to be with lunar Pisces. You will be irritated by their dreaminess, sentimentality, head in the clouds, they will demand from you romanticism and tenderness, which you do not want to show at all, but for the sake of love you can put up with all this...

Moon Pisces - Moon Libra

If you are a lunar Libra, then you are both very romantic, you both value love very much and have been looking for it all your life, so your union can bring a lot of happiness to both. Just remember that Pisces may be wary of your indecision and tendency to hesitate, this will make them wonder whether you are sincere.

Pisces Moon - Scorpio Moon

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then Pisces simply cannot resist your charm and the strong pull of your magnetic personality. You can give each other many of the most powerful and exciting feelings. Just be careful with Pisces - they are gentle and vulnerable.

Moon Pisces - Moon Sagittarius

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, you can be very good and comfortable with lunar Pisces. But over time, Pisces may need more depth of feeling than you are willing to give. But warmth and tenderness, albeit somewhat superficial, will be enough.

Moon Pisces - Moon Capricorn

If you are a lunar Capricorn, you will have to learn to be more emotional and sensitive outwardly, and not just deep down, otherwise Pisces will always feel dissatisfied due to the lack of response to their warmth and care.

Don't let their romanticism fool you. It is Pisces who, better than anyone else, can convince you that you, too, can love and be loved and deserve the most sincere feelings.

Moon Pisces - Moon Aquarius

If you are an Aquarius moon, then in order to deal with a Pisces moon, you need to learn to communicate on an emotional level. Don't assume that they are sentimental - learn from them how to express feelings. Combined with your seriousness, the emotionality and gentleness of Pisces will guarantee a wonderful union.

Moon Pisces - Moon Pisces

If you are a lunar Pisces, like your chosen one, then you can form a real union of kindred souls. Love, romantic relationships are what you need and what you will have in abundance. But for marriage, family and practical life this may not be enough...

Kira Stoletova

The location of the planets in the sky at the moment of birth of a child determines his entire future life. A special role is played by the Moon, which forms the emotional structure of the individual. The Moon in Pisces symbolizes the feminine and sensitive nature.

Influence of the Moon and other planets

In addition to the Moon, 9 planets are actively active in the natal chart. The Moon in Pisces reveals compassion, warmth, and care. When connections are damaged, drowsiness, a tendency to deception and self-deception, a craving for alcohol are observed, and sexuality increases in men.

Mercury is in detriment and debilitation. It practically does not show its properties. In the harmonious aspect it is a rich imagination, ardor of mind, the ability to see benefits, in the damaged aspect it is absent-mindedness, deceit, abnormality, indicating mental deviations.

Venus is in a strong position - exaltation. In the harmonic aspect, inner beauty, tenderness, and responsiveness are manifested; in the damaged aspect, passivity, easy suggestibility, and passion for the opposite sex are manifested.

Mars is transiting in Pisces. Directs energy to the ability to sympathize, obey, endure, take care, in the damaged aspect it turns a person into a neurotic, prone to alcoholism, sacrificial love. Saturn in harmony gives a person spiritual depth, sympathy for the humiliated, attentiveness; in damage, it makes a person an alarmist, an obsessive neurotic, shy, touchy, capable of betraying.

Uranus in harmony is an increased receptivity, intuitive sense, insight, in damage - a rushing nature, painfully perceiving the world around us, which is unable to build normal relationships in society. Neptune is in the ruling position in Pisces. In the harmonious aspect it gives inspiration, compassion, mercy, helps to develop in medicine and art, in the destructive aspect it gives immorality.

Pluto in its harmonic aspect bestows strength of spirit, enormous potential, creative impulses, but in damage it makes the nature limited, striving for power, obsessed, fanatical.

General characteristics of the sign

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina considers Pisces the most mysterious sign in the horoscope. The Moon, transiting in Pisces, endows them with a wide variety of qualities. Visits the 12th house. In ancient times it was called the prison house.

This house combines secrets and intuition. A person under the influence of the Moon feels a thin line between worlds. He is capable of great sacrifice for the sake of his family. He takes the misfortunes around him to heart. He is also capable of universal love, which he fully bestows on those around him.

When the Moon is defeated in this house, they talk about secret enemies. This is a mother or wife, because the Moon in Pisces gives maternal characteristics. A strongly affected Moon forces a person to completely hide his personal life and family. The moon in a disturbed hill changes the understanding of gender, forcing a person to run and hide.

Pisces quickly adapt to current events and people, thanks to their inner sense. These are people whose emotional status changes every 2 seconds. They are caring and considerate towards others. Pisces have the ability to see prophetic dreams.

When the Moon is in transit in the sign of Pisces, it is better not to give vent to sensations. This will only make the situation worse. It is better to focus your energy on communicating with pleasant people. This will increase your energy tone and give you confidence. During this period, it is worth limiting your medication intake.

Characteristics of a Pisces woman

The Moon in Pisces for a woman makes her tender and pliable. In a stressful situation, she is not able to make quick decisions. She is characterized by fluctuations. An inexperienced Pisces is quite capable of committing an imprudent act and losing their investments. It is better not to trust her with monetary aspects.

The Moon sign in Pisces women paints a sensual image:

  • vulnerable nature;
  • responsive to the grief of others;
  • her appearance is attractive, but it is a natural, feminine, pure beauty;
  • does not have conflicts; if she is offended, she simply leaves or remains silent;
  • she needs to maintain calm and tranquility around her;
  • she is modest, seems driven from the outside, too pliable, but this is also a consequence of her need for peace.

Astrology gives a positive forecast for compatibility with Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Fish is the image of an ideal wife. She needs a man who can openly respond to her love and sacrifice. She is vulnerable and acutely perceives her partner’s refusal to respond to her problems. She cannot tolerate betrayal or rudeness towards herself from her spouse. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved, but if her psychological comfort is disturbed, she will immediately wag her tail and pack her things.

Because of her shyness, the girl is often unable to concentrate. Her compassion not only encourages, but lifts the hopeless to their feet and has a positive effect on their well-being. If damaged Venus takes a decisive place in the natal chart, a person who is completely opposite will stand in front of you. This will be a liberated woman, too vulgar, aggressive.

Characteristics of a Pisces man

The Moon in Pisces for a man does not endow him with the best qualities. This sign is more feminine, so the man is too touchy, sentimental, vulnerable and romantic. Along with all these qualities, a man must correspond to masculine status: do not whine, remain calm. Hiding, suppressing his nature, a person is in constant stress, which leads to alcoholism, drug addiction, and gambling addiction.

Despite all the disadvantages, the man is ruled by Venus, which manages public relations and personifies internal strength, not aggressive. Such a man understands better than anyone what his woman needs. He is not chasing a standard of beauty, he needs an ordinary girl who can sympathize and live on the same wavelength with him.

In love, this is a romantic, gentle partner. Sexually, the influence of Venus and the Moon is especially noticeable. A huge storm of passions, hidden behind a mask of calm, results in love for his woman. If he becomes disappointed in his partner, he will transfer this oppression to other women. In the future, it will be difficult for him to start a serious relationship.

The lunar calendar promises this zodiac sign good prospects in professions that involve risk.

Favorable days

In the first half of the year, it is advisable to solve all your financial difficulties. Buying serious items is postponed until May-June. You should not plan conception and weddings. For Pisces, a wedding in July would be ideal.

On the first lunar day in May, the black streak will end. After waiting for the waxing phase of the Moon, you can go for a haircut; it is better to do this on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It is on these days that the muse will visit you and you will be able to choose the perfect image. On the 4th lunar day, the horoscope foretells good news for the zodiac sign.

May 15th is the perfect day for cleaning. It's time to plant flowers in the country house and put it in order, do something for the soul.

The horoscope says that the waxing moon phase in July is the right time for couples who have decided to take a responsible step to try to conceive a child. For single people - a chance to find love. 3,4, 8,11 lunar days are good for visiting neighboring countries. On such trips you will be able to resolve all your issues and have a lot of fun.

Unfavorable days

In June, unfavorable numbers include the 6th, 18th, 20th and 28th. It is worth refusing to travel and work with sharp objects these days. Even a kitchen knife can be dangerous.

The greatest danger for a zodiac sign lurks on transit days, especially when it comes to the 20th of each month. The influence of the planet intensifies these days, due to which sensations become more intense. The sign becomes aggressive, especially for people with a damaged Moon. When the aspect is damaged, irritability and emotionality appear.

It will be useful for Pisces lovers to know that May is a month when you cannot get married under any pretext.

September and March are months when people born under this sign should be especially careful and attentive to themselves. You shouldn't have surgery. Give up bad habits.

The waning phase of the moon is not the best time to make global purchases, and a haircut will not be in use.

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces

IN YOUR NATAL CHART THE MOON IS IN Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces


The Moon in Pisces is the most gentle and mysterious sign. He makes desperate romantics out of people. The moon affects Pisces signs differently in women and men. But both are considered gentle and sensitive natures.

Compatibility horoscope: lunar zodiac sign Pisces - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Moon in Pisces is an indicator of a person’s unusual destiny. This is largely due to the oddities of his nature. These are people who are able to be sincere and simple-minded at the same time and weave intrigues. Deep in their souls they combine almost old man's wisdom and childish naivety. But their soul is pure and vulnerable. Very often they are timid and shy.

This position of the Moon always makes a person highly emotional and impressionable. But the manifestation of these qualities may be different. Moon Pisces in the negative means, first of all, a tendency to drink. Against this background, an irresistible craving for lies develops, even when there is no need for it. A person is subject to mood swings, the influence of others, careless, fickle, touchy, weak-willed. He very quickly loses vitality, feels like a failure, and has extremely low self-esteem. He is overly attracted to the opposite sex, as a result of which he wastes himself even more. Often he is used and betrayed, and he himself becomes even more disappointed in life and in people.

Lunar Pisces in the positive is a completely different picture. Such a person has rare charm, is very attractive to other people, is sympathetic, has a wonderful character, shows touching care for loved ones, and is a good psychologist. He never imposes his help or pesters with advice. Loyal to his friends. He is hospitable and therefore friendly companies often hang out in his house. He is calm and taciturn, but by no means a cracker, and has a subtle sense of humor. Can be difficult to climb and even lazy.

Lunar Pisces are excellent dreamers, they make great dreamers, so they can become outstanding philosophers, writers, directors, musicians, artists, and inventors. They never dream “just like that,” for the sake of the process itself: they always extract some valuable idea from it, and are able to find a rational grain in the most transcendental fantasies. Pisces Moons love art, especially music. They value nature, drawing new strength from it.

In a romantic relationship, this is a very convenient partner. He is easy-going, constant, his feelings are deep and serious. He loves spending time with his family, in a home where he feels safe. Needs a solid material basis for family life. Unlike many other lunar signs, they cannot stand seething passions. It is important for him to live a calm life. He is not against friendly parties, but cannot stand psychological stress, which he tries to avoid by all means.

Therefore, life hand in hand with such a person will not be full of conflicts and showdowns. If he did not scold another for making a mistake, this does not mean that he did not notice this mistake. It’s just that lunar Pisces do not consider conflict a way to solve a problem. These are very good partners for people with an ardent character: next to the lunar Pisces it is simply impossible to constantly be “on edge”, such is the calming energy these people have. In everyday life they value comfort; it is important to them what the house looks like and how comfortable it is; they love high quality things - this applies to food, clothing, household appliances, and household items. They don't skimp on themselves.

For all their calmness, lunar Pisces are not at all conservative. They enjoy using the latest technical and fashionable innovations and love to travel. They are very favorable towards change. The main thing is that these changes should be endured easily and pleasantly (travel, buying new furniture), and not traumatize the soul (divorce, change of job). They are attracted to everything inexplicable, mysterious and mysterious. This is not surprising, because they are not only great dreamers, but also representatives of the most intuitive moon sign. Their dreams are a treasure trove of information about the future.

Lunar Pisces never rush off the bat and are not prone to rash actions. If something doesn’t work out for them the second time, they don’t try again right away, but prepare for it mentally for a very long time; in addition, as a result of failure, they develop powerful complexes, they feel disappointed, unpromising in this area (entry to college, marriage, promotion).

Therefore, it usually takes them a long time to achieve their goals. They are discouraged by hostility and misunderstanding - circumstances in which they become lost and give up. Therefore, for all their sociability, they do not like to speak publicly in front of an unfamiliar audience. Calm, measured work is more suitable for them.

Lunar Pisces are people with the finest mental organization. Their main emotional problem, due to which the quality of life can significantly deteriorate, is increased anxiety, indecisiveness, pliability, softness, and lack of confidence in themselves and their actions.

Moon Pisces Man

The horoscope states that most often these men can be seen near those who are less fortunate than them, as they strive to benefit the unfortunate. But the other side of the coin of such sensitivity and nobility is their excessive idealism, romanticism and dreaminess. If lunar Pisces have the opportunity to access their lunar intuition, then let them use it to the maximum, since finely tuned sensations will help them stand on the ground as firmly as possible. Pisces, as such, have very high empathy, and these men, on an intuitive level, waste more mental strength than they should.

This means that for such people it is very important to be able to build protection between themselves and those around them, so as not to feel absolute devastation at some point. The planet Moon in Pisces for a man gives him great inner sensitivity, which is an undoubted blessing. However, it needs to be managed wisely. Simply put, you shouldn’t react with a particularly sensitive attitude to everything that comes to hand. The horoscope says that when a person has the planet Moon in Pisces, he must listen to his intuition as carefully as possible, and not brush aside every fleeting impulse. Meditative practices for immersing yourself in the world of the inner “I” will be very useful, since this way the inner voice of the Moon will be heard much better. True, you shouldn’t think that Pisces should not “emerge” from the mystical otherworldly atmosphere. Those connections with the outside world that they establish from birth and throughout their lives are their necessity; they simply will not survive without this.

Moon Pisces Woman

In general, to make it clear: the horoscope states that women with lunar Pisces must learn to maintain a balance between dedication and deepening into themselves. This is especially important for those “specimens” who sometimes display an enviable ability to escape into some kind of fantasy world of their own. There they move away from real life, soar in the clouds for hours on end, and withdraw into themselves so deeply that their material problems inevitably begin to multiply. The Moon gives Pisces great impressionability, and women who were born under this combination of signs should be aware that their psyche absorbs other people's moods like a sponge.

They perceive any other people's problems and troubles, anxieties and worries as their own. All this turns out to be absorbed into their unfortunate head, even against their own will, to the detriment of their health. Astrology says that Pisces, which swim in different directions, are illusions, which Neptune inspires. And they turn out to be just as deceptive as the elements of the sea; they easily knock a person off his feet and lead him astray. In the life of lunar Pisces, there are often cases when, with the help of instincts and powerful intuition, they get out of extremely difficult situations and help other people. But what you should definitely remember here is the need to constantly maintain contact with your own higher self, listen to its instructions, and then the rational and emotional principles of a person will converge at one point of balance.

It is clear that most often such a balance may be required in the love sphere, that is, where a woman is absolutely convinced that she has met her ideal other half. There is hardly an astrologer who would attribute the impulsiveness of Aries to lunar Pisces, but they are still inclined, like solar Pisces, to look at reality through rose-colored glasses. They are beautiful in soul and see only unprecedented virtues in their chosen one. And in this case, lunar Pisces should be most honest with themselves, and show maximum trust in their intuition and inner advisor, so that romantic dreams do not drown out the quiet intuitive voice.

Pisces Compatibility

Moon Pisces

The Moon in the sign of Pisces increases sensitivity, people want care, attention, understanding and sympathy. At the same time, they become more suspicious and distant. The transit Moon in Pisces can cause self-pity, a desire for solitude, a desire to escape from problems, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages and drugs. But it is precisely at this time that talents most often emerge, and unexpected solutions are found for old problems. The sense of reality is weakening, so it is better not to take on important matters, but this period is conducive to clarifying the facts.

Children become more sensitive than usual, capricious, whiny, have difficulty concentrating in class, and prefer to “fly in the clouds.” At this time, you cannot give free rein to negative emotions, as this will not only not help you discharge, but, on the contrary, will unsettle you for a long time. It is better to communicate with those people who are pleasant. It is useful to be in nature at this time, especially near bodies of water - it increases tone and adds mental strength. It is not recommended to contact fortune tellers, as their prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Caution is required when taking medications; it is advisable to limit the amount of fluid consumed.

With a damaged Moon, all the above qualities are enhanced with a negative slant. Self-pity can cause bouts of blues, even depression. Often there is a desire to run away from problems, up to complete isolation and reluctance to communicate with anyone. Whims, reproaches, complaints, and tearfulness are possible. People experience unreasonable anxiety, they are tormented by fears, vague premonitions, and may have nightmares.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in the sign of Pisces feels quite comfortable: Pisces is a sign of deep feelings, and the Moon determines instinctive emotional reactions and sometimes secret dreams. Lunar Pisces are characterized by depth of feelings, they are endowed with an innate gift of understanding the state of another person. But sometimes their impressions of the world around them are not entirely accurate, being embellished with pronounced romanticism. Some lunar Pisces, having a reality-distorting vision of incorrigible optimists and dreamers, tend to interpret events only the way they want.

The romantic emotionality of lunar Pisces does not always come to the surface, since they are not inclined to show off this side of their nature. However, even the most pragmatic person with the Moon in Pisces feels the need to periodically withdraw into himself, into the world of his imagination.

The Moon in Pisces emphasizes the artistic side of the personality, imparts a love of beauty and often pronounced abilities to practice a variety of types of art. Possessing insight and imagination, Moon in Pisces natives express themselves vividly through creative work. They have a penchant for acting, literary work, composing music, drawing, ballet or dancing.

Lunar Pisces tend to perceive the world more through emotions than through reason. Many of them have exceptional intuition, and sometimes mediumship and clairvoyance; endowed with the ability to separate the material world from the spiritual, learning what is inaccessible to the understanding of others. But, unfortunately, such people sometimes have a hard time in the real world. Especially those of them who do not learn to manage their emotions and allow them to take over.

Although lunar Pisces are capable of selfless work, they can work tirelessly and self-pity for the sake of other people, it can be difficult for them to exercise self-discipline. The need to make final decisions causes internal conflict and anxiety in them. Many of them tend to avoid harsh reality and obligations. However, by helping others, they gain inner freedom.

Moon in the sign of Pisces - the influence of the phase of the lunar day

New Moon in Pisces– If you want harmony to settle in your soul for a long time, go to the water. It could be the sea, lake, river, pond. Contemplate and enjoy the moist air. Give your eyes and lungs a rest.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces- creative period, write, draw, compose - everything will work out well.

Full Moon in Pisces– Many people have a dulled sense of reality. Many people expect sensitivity, delicacy, and a deep understanding of their inner world from those around them, but this often does not happen. On this day, many people react too sharply to rudeness and attacks directed at themselves. And even the most harmless jokes seem like an insult. This day is especially difficult for people who do not know how to look at things realistically; the world seems hostile to them on this day.

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces– focus on just one problem. Since on this day there is a surge of vitality, concentrating on one thing will help solve this problem.

Things to do under the Pisces Moon

The Moon in Pisces helps you realize your abilities and desires, find internal and external resources and reserves for understanding and demonstrating your abilities. The time is good for everything related to solitude, relaxation, and inspiration. Favorable for all establishments related to water.

Aries– under the Pisces moon, relax more, allow yourself to relax.

Taurus– under the Pisces moon, communicate with friends, make plans for the future.

Twins– under the Pisces moon, show assertiveness in your career and achieving your goals.

Cancers– under the Pisces moon, expand your horizons, visit a temple or go on a trip.

Lions– under the Pisces moon, demand compliance with the law: resolve issues related to alimony, taxes, and be sure to find time for intimate contacts.

Virgo– under the Pisces moon, develop personal and business relationships, as well as any connections with the outside world.

Scales– under the Pisces moon, take care of your health, pay more attention to work and daily responsibilities.

Scorpios– under the Pisces moon, go on a romantic date, flirt, make new acquaintances. Find time to be creative and spend time with your children.

Sagittarius– under the Pisces moon, take care of your family, communicate with your parents, and improve your home.

Capricorns– under the Pisces moon, communicate more, conduct business negotiations, express yourself, express your thoughts and be sure to take a walk.

Aquarius– under the Pisces moon, solve financial issues, make purchases, give gifts.

Fish– under the moon in Pisces, take care of your appearance and beauty.

Moon in Pisces – Health

The moon in the zodiac sign of Pisces increases the sensitivity of the feet, the skin is vulnerable, and the danger of allergies and infectious diseases increases. Possible poisoning from liquids. Everything that a person takes these days - from alcohol and nicotine to coffee and medications - acts much more intensely than at other times. Your usual dose in Pisces days may be excessive. Probably the relationship is that all internal organs are connected through special “meridians” with the feet and therefore react very sensitively on Pisces days.

It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids or drink alcohol; medications should be excluded. When the Moon is in Pisces, surgical intervention in the area of ​​​​the feet and digital plexuses, and the entire lymphatic system is excluded. You cannot operate on your feet or cut off calluses. Procedures and operations on the sensory organs, liver and legs are prohibited.

On Pisces days, you can cleanse your intestines. It is advisable to walk less these days, and only use comfortable shoes. The risk of fungal diseases increases. A 1-2 day fast works well at this time. And finally, given the special sensitivity of our body during the Moon in Pisces, it is better to avoid any type of surgical intervention.

Moon in Pisces – Haircut

During the Moon in Pisces period, haircuts should be avoided. Hair these days is unruly, difficult to handle even by the most wonderful hairdresser, after which the haircut cannot be given the desired look, the hairstyle turns out shapeless. Haircut these days leads to the formation of dandruff. You should also avoid washing your hair.

Moon in Pisces – Beauty

On Pisces days, the skin becomes vulnerable, the risk of allergies increases, and the threat of fungal diseases increases. Take care of your skin - it should be cleansed and renewed. A general tonic massage, baths with valerian, chamomile, daytime naps, and nourishing masks will help you do this.

During the Moon in Pisces period, cosmetic masks made from natural, environmentally friendly products will help keep your skin fresh and clean. To cleanse the skin, it is advisable to use only soft products - gels, cosmetic milk, oatmeal. Moisturizing creams for the face and body and infusions of medicinal herbs in the form of warm compresses will work well.

On Pisces days, foot massage and water treatments are prohibited. These days you need to wear soft shoes and walk less, as your feet become sensitive.

Moon in Pisces – Plants

The Moon in Pisces is a fertile time; any manipulation increases the yield of all plants, including weeds. Therefore, “we touch everything that should bring a harvest, and do not touch what should not bear it. Good watering, foliar application of fertilizers, planting what should not be stored (greens, flowers, lawns, etc.), not fighting pests and diseases. Do not work with the soil, do not touch the roots (they will rot), do not harvest (do not store), do not salt, do not pickle, sow and trim seeds carefully, taking into account the restrictions of the sign.

A good period for flowers - it gives abundance. Successful grafting and planting of moisture-loving and deciduous ornamental plants. Do not replant bulbous and tuberous plants - the root system may rot. Do not dig up potatoes - they are not stored. Sowing seeds and working with thorny plants are unsuccessful.

Moon Zodiac Signs

Moon Pisces - characteristics

People with the Moon in Pisces are called Pisces lunars. They are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, these traits also make it easy for them to lose themselves in other people's problems. They are romantics and never forget a gift on Valentine's Day or someone's birthday.

Moon Pisces - who are they?

They have a wonderfully goofy sense of humor. Moon Pisces seem to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easy to surprise. They may come across as superficial people, but this is not the case at all. They often get lost in their dreams. They can easily become discouraged by those around them if they are not careful.

Moon Pisces have a kind and sensitive heart. They genuinely care about others. This Moon sign tries on everyone's troubles and empathy, so they empathize with almost everyone. They must learn not to absorb the feelings of others as they can become overwhelmed by the emotions of others and this has a detrimental effect on them.

Pisces have an uncanny ability to understand things that they have never actually experienced, and this makes these people very talented performers of any job that Pisces chooses to do. Someone who is too shy to get up on stage may be a talented writer, musician or artist.

Moon Pisces in relationships

While Pisces needs companionship, solitude is no less important to them. They are very sensitive and often suffer from insults, rejection and criticism. People with good hearts can get a little help from religion or philosophy that will give them more power than themselves.

Pisces are romantic and creative personalities. Moon Pisces have a very rich imagination. They may develop their anxieties throughout their lives. They are loyal friends who appreciate beauty in all its forms.

Moon Pisces are trying to avoid a peaceful life. They are curious, almost to the point of recklessness. As a child, they can be easily scared, so you need to go with the crowd. This sensitivity needs to be nurtured, not trampled. When they feel misunderstood, they can retreat into a fantasy world, and this is difficult to correct.

As a result, they may feel sorry for themselves, and even become anxious if things go wrong. It is important that they have meaning in life. They are not attracted to material goods, but they love to show their emotions.

Lunar horoscope by date of birth

Moon sign Pisces

Those born under the Pisces moon sign often have strong psychic abilities. They are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, this often leads to them becoming immersed in other people's problems. They are true romantics and will never forget a gift for Valentine's Day or birthday.

They have a strange sense of humor and not all people like their jokes. Pisces Moons seem to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easy to get carried away. They may be labeled "out of this world", but they are much deeper than many people think. They often fly in the clouds; reality can overwhelm them. They can easily become discouraged by their surroundings if they are not careful.

People with Moon in Pisces have a good heart. They genuinely care about others. They easily imagine themselves in the shoes of others, so they always empathize with others in one form or another.

They should learn not to absorb other people's feelings, otherwise they may be overwhelmed by other people's emotions. They have an amazing ability to understand something that they have not personally experienced, which makes them excellent performers if they choose to be one. Pisces people are very talented, but many are too shy to get up on stage. In this case, they can become writers, musicians or artists.

They should take care of themselves and give themselves breaks to replenish their strength. They need communication, but the opportunity to be alone is also important for them. They are very sensitive and can be easily offended; they take criticism hard. These soft-hearted people can contribute to religion, philosophy, drawing their strength from this. Feel fulfilled by being involved in charity. They are romantic and creative. Possessing a rich imagination, they can be both visionary and impractical, it all depends on the circumstances. Throughout their lives, they may develop restlessness within them. They make loyal friends who appreciate beauty in all its expressions.

People with the Pisces moon sign try to avoid routine. They are very curious, sometimes it even goes beyond recklessness. They are very conformist and can easily be made to go where the crowd goes. When they feel unappreciated, they may become immersed in their fantasies, making it difficult to reach them. They easily become despondent and may begin to feel sorry for themselves or get carried away with soul-searching. It is very important for them to have meaning in life. Not tied to material values. They love to express their emotions.

Moon in Pisces for women: characteristics, compatibility

The moon has a strong influence on all zodiac signs. The planet gives people special sensitivity and enhances positive and negative character traits. The Moon in Pisces for women reveals itself in the form of maternal care, boundless and selfless love for one’s chosen one, family and friends.

Mystery planet

The celestial body has long been considered a symbol that carries feminine energy. In the zodiac sign Pisces, the Moon is in its most favorable position.

In a man’s natal chart, the planet predetermines his ability to love, preferences in choosing a life partner, as well as a predisposition to cheating. The Moon in Pisces for a man lays in his subconscious the ideal of a woman, that appearance, focusing on which, a person will look for his love in the future. This is the image of a mother, grandmother or nanny who bestows her care, warmth, love on him as a child and does not demand anything in return.

In a woman’s natal chart, the planet manifests itself from a slightly different side - it affects emotionality, intuition, falling in love, the ability to sympathize and help strangers. The Moon in Pisces for women makes them experience painful love and sacrifice themselves. The planet evokes in the hearts of the fair half of humanity a strong desire to help, sometimes for the benefit of other people and at a loss to themselves.

Moon in Pisces: character traits in men and women

Balance, a desire for a calm and measured life, mutual assistance - all this is present in the character of people born under the auspices of the Moon in the constellation Pisces. Representatives of both sexes have developed intuition, they easily make new acquaintances, and love order in everything.

The Moon in Pisces for a man makes him softer, more romantic and more attractive to the opposite sex. He is an interesting conversationalist, a good friend and a family man. In women, he is attracted primarily by their pleasant appearance, kindness and ability to manage a household. Even in his youth, a man is attracted to ladies older and more experienced than him. This is due to the identification of a potential partner with the female image inspired by the planet.

The Moon in Pisces for women, provided that the planet is in a normal, correct position, endows them with charm, sensitivity and the desire to protect, love and give warmth to their lover. The negative impact of the Moon on women is that they become overly emotional, secretive, and prone to depression. The planet strengthens the desire to help, making it excessive and in some ways even dangerous: a woman is ready to give the last thing she has to help a person in need. For a normal, harmonious existence, a lady needs a companion who will stop her in time, returning her to her sound mind, otherwise she may find herself in a life-threatening situation.

The influence of the Moon on the solar signs of the zodiac

The planet influences every zodiac constellation. It is she who is responsible for people’s sensitivity, ability to communicate, and love. External attractiveness, as well as a person’s charisma, are all influenced by the planet. The Moon in the zodiac signs is responsible for the emotional background, health, desire (reluctance) to start a family. People born under the auspices of water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) are most susceptible to the influence of the planet, since these constellations are a kind of home for the Moon.

A planet in fire, air and earth signs is not as strong as in water constellations. However, the Moon in the zodiac signs still controls some aspects, such as relationships with the opposite sex, success, character traits, the desire to learn and develop, and the ability to control oneself. Thanks to the positive influence of the planet, representatives of the fair half of humanity become more feminine, and men know how to love and understand their chosen ones. The Moon is also responsible for a person’s talent, his desire for various sciences and art.

Aries Woman, Moon in Pisces

The day a person was born is considered one of the important factors in his future development. A lady born under the constellation of Fiery Aries is characterized as a self-confident person. She is only interested in her own well-being, she constantly strives forward. The Moon in Pisces for Aries women softens their excessive temperament, while making the ladies more sensitive and romantic. The solar sign is not characterized by adoration of representatives of the opposite sex, but the Moon forces a self-sufficient woman to selflessly fall in love, giving and devoting herself completely to the object of adoration.

Lunar Pisces (dates: February 21-March 20) make the hot-tempered and impulsive Aries pliable, romantic and vulnerable. A woman under the influence of the solar and lunar sign becomes overly sensitive, amorous and dependent on her relationship with a man. She constantly needs affection, care and understanding, while easily denouncing any attempts to deceive her. The Moon dulls Aries' desire to constantly dominate in relationships, to be the best in everything, due to which a tough and wayward character is replaced by a pliable and calm one.

Taurus Woman

Gravity constantly stops Taurus, forces him to take balanced and deliberate actions, to work hard and fruitfully. Lunar Pisces (dates: 21.02 – 20.03) endow the earth sign with excessive dreaminess and anxiety. The Taurus woman, calm by nature, under the influence of the Moon and the constellation Pisces, loses her balance, often panicking and worrying for no reason. Dreams, constant head in the clouds - all this complicates the life of Taurus.

Both in work and in her personal life, a woman experiences constant uncertainty, doubts about whether she is doing the right thing. To avoid this, Taurus needs to choose a creative type of activity - this will be facilitated by the Moon, which endows the sign with artistic abilities.

Gemini Woman

Superficial, always rushing somewhere, Geminis who cannot tolerate routine work suddenly turn into calm, caring, balanced individuals. In relationships with the opposite sex, representatives of the air sign are seductresses; they attract men's gaze and force them to follow their trail. The desire to learn something new for yourself, the eternal pursuit of impressions, acute intuition - this is what Gemini is all about. The Moon in Pisces endows the sign with calmness and patience, and the ability to empathize.

The Gemini woman is a great friend, a faithful wife and a caring mother. However, with the negative influence of the Moon, the lady may become overly secretive, which will provoke frequent depression, or, conversely, too emotional. Then those around you will experience constant baseless scandals and severe nervous breakdowns.

Cancer Woman

The Moon in Pisces has a positive effect on the sun sign. Constant mood swings and excessive jealousy, characteristic of a water sign, are replaced by a desire for peace and comfort. The Cancer woman is sentimental, sensitive, but at the same time practical. Under the influence of the Moon, the lady becomes romantic and sets the goal of making her chosen one happy in all possible ways.

Leo Woman

An ambitious, sacrificial person. A woman born under the constellation Leo strives to help everyone who needs support and protection. The Moon in the sign of Pisces enhances the positive qualities of a person’s character and makes her more compassionate. A lioness without lunar influence is a selfish, self-confident lady who strives to get what she wants in every possible way. The heavenly body makes a woman forget about her own benefit and help others.

Virgo Woman

The Moon in the constellation Pisces in this sign manifests itself negatively. A woman is afraid of her own emotions and feelings; she is in constant anticipation of criticism. Virgo perceives any remark addressed to her sharply and painfully.

Libra Woman

The Moon makes the already indecisive sign weak-willed. The Libra woman is afraid to take a step without further advice from a more experienced person. It seems to her that she is doing everything wrong, and any careless movement can be fatal. In relationships with men, Libra, under the influence of lunar Pisces, are ideal partners, but only with complete coincidence of interests.

Scorpio Woman

Ladies born under the auspices of two water signs are particularly sensitive and emotional. Mysterious, interesting, attractive and charming, striving for love and passion - this is all the Scorpio Woman. The Moon in Pisces here enhances intuition, gives a woman a logical mind, but does not allow her to show feelings. Despite the outward coldness and secrecy, a storm of emotions boils inside Scorpio.

Sagittarius Woman

A spiritual person who loves to travel. The Moon in Pisces endows the fair sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius, with romanticism and a thirst for philosophy. The complex, principled nature of the sign, its egocentrism and self-focus fade into the background under the influence of the Moon. The planet makes a woman dreamy, amorous, affectionate and good-natured.

Capricorn Woman

Solar Capricorn and lunar Pisces endowed the woman with incompatible traits: pragmatism and idealism. Pragmatic on the outside, traditionalist and idealist on the inside, Capricorn with Moon in Pisces has an explosive temperament. The Capricorn woman strives to be the first in everything and everywhere and sometimes prefers to study a job that brings a stable income.

Aquarius Woman

A romantic and mysterious person with developed intuition. The moon makes a lady attractive and unpredictable. Her actions are original, relationships with her are comparable to a whirlwind. The chosen one of the Aquarius Woman will never be bored next to her.

Pisces Woman

Thanks to the harmonious combination of solar Pisces with lunar ones, a woman is endowed with a special, almost extrasensory intuition. All attempts to deceive her will be in vain. The Pisces woman, under the influence of the Moon, has a particularly keen maternal instinct; she will strive for a serious relationship.

Who do women with Moon in Pisces prefer?

Lunar Pisces are combined with almost any zodiac sign. The only condition is that a person should under no circumstances show coldness towards them. Selfless people who love their partner only for who they are, do not tolerate a lack of attention to their own person. However, in its negative aspect, the Moon can force a woman to love her chosen one no matter what, even if he turns out to be a tyrant, sadist or alcoholic.

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