Lunar calendar for December of the year Allegri. The magic of numbers

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The new month will be the final month of the year, at the end of which we all expect a joyful and symbolic holiday New Year, holidays, vacation. We still need to be on time, complete important projects, sum up results, and pay off debts.

Although December 2016 is not the last lunar month of the year, we are all used to living according to the solar calendar and celebrating the beginning of the new year exactly January 1. Therefore, this month, like no other, we want to do everything, not miss a good opportunity and complete the things we started in the past.

To make it easier for you to navigate, it’s better to look at the lunar calendar once again and, if you have the opportunity to plan something, it’s better to plan it according to the lunar day and the location of the Moon.

The moon will rise from 1 to 13 and from 29 to 31 December 2016. Use this time to start some business, but do not forget that there are unfavorable days in any lunar month. Already from December 14 to December 28, 2016 you can continue or complete things, since this is the time of the waning moon.

ATTENTION! MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH! On New Year's Eve, when it is customary to make wishes, it will already take place 3rd lunar day. It’s better to make your New Year’s wishes a little earlier: December 29 from 09:54 to December 30 09:55. That is, you will have almost 24 hours to think about how you would like to see yourself in the new year.


It is also worth considering the time of the moon without a course, when you cannot start those things whose results are important to you. Usually such cases will not end in anything, or will be abandoned, and you you're wasting your time. During these periods, it is good to start those things that you need to fail. The time of the Moon without a course is indicated in the descriptions of the days.

In December 2016 Mercury will go retrograde again. Retrograde will begin December 19th, but already a week before this date Mercury will begin to slow down greatly and slow down, so this is not the best time for shopping, preparing papers and documents, and for departures for trips. Pay special attention to the period of static Mercury: December 18 and 19, 2016: these are the most unfavorable days for such matters.

More details about money and purchases can be found in , therefore, in this issue of the calendar we will not dwell on these issues in detail. At the end of the article you will find a list of main things to do and the best days for them in December 2016. In the descriptions for each day you will find more detailed information about what time is best to start this or that business.

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for December 2016 section:


♐♑ DECEMBER 1, Thursday. 3rd lunar day from 09:43.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 11:51

Moon without course until 11:50

Symbol of the day : leopard. Try to schedule things for this day that require concentration, patience, and movement. Under the Moon, you can’t start new things without a course, but already after 12:00 good practice complex cases that are relevant to your work. You can plan long-term things.

What not to do : This day cannot be spent passively. It is also better not to promise anything, especially if the promise concerns some things in the distant future: it will be difficult to fulfill it.

♑ DECEMBER 2, Friday. 4th lunar day from 10:32.CAPRICORN

Symbol of the day : leopard, tree of paradise. Not a bad time to do some organizational work. You can seek advice from a specialist, with the exception of legal issues. For this day, you should plan the most tedious and least interesting to you, but necessary work: it will be completed on time and you won’t even notice how time passes.

Today there is a chance of receiving unexpected news, and not the most pleasant ones. The day is suitable for marriages, especially with widowers, or if the newlyweds have a large age difference. A marriage concluded today promises to be strong and long, but it will be based primarily on calculation, and not on love.

What not to do : It’s worth watching your words today; you shouldn’t give in to pessimistic thoughts, as on this day it’s easy to fall into depressive state. You cannot switch to a new job or move to a new place of residence.

♑ DECEMBER 3, Saturday. 5th lunar day from 11:14.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 13:16

Symbol of the day : tree of paradise, unicorn. The first half of the day will be quite successful: despite the gloomy sign of Capricorn, many will be in a fairly good mood, which will affect labor productivity. However, if you do not work on this day, you can do household chores. Much will be easy. It’s better to put off general cleaning, but small housework that you don’t particularly like will be easy to do today. In the first half of the day it is good to go to holiday in the mountains. All your thoughts and desires have a chance of becoming reality, so today it is important to keep track of what you think about and what you desire. You can still go to the registry office (until 13:00).

What not to do : Today it is better not to go on romantic dates and not to look for acquaintances, despite the favorable aspect between the Moon and Venus.

♒ DECEMBER 4, Sunday. 6th lunar day from 11:50.AQUARIUS

Symbol of the day : unicorn, bird. A rather successful day when everything you undertake will work out well, and many issues will be easily resolved. This is one of the most favorable days of the month. It's good to spend it in a friendly company or meet like-minded people. Any creative activity will bring joy, inspiration and a great charge of positive emotions. It is better to continue things started in the past.

What not to do : You shouldn’t give gifts today, because along with the gift you can give away your luck.

♒ DECEMBER 5, Monday. 7th lunar day from 12:20.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 14:23

Symbol of the day : bird, wind rose. This day may turn out to be quite nervous and stressful: it is better not to fuss and not to schedule things to do that require large amounts of physical or mental energy. If possible, take a day off. On this day it is good to collect information that is important to you, accumulate knowledge, or simply read good literature.

What not to do : Today is not the best day for noisy companies, large parties and any special events. Financial promises will be in vain, so it is better not to believe promises and not to promise yourself.

♓ DECEMBER 6, Tuesday. 8th lunar day from 12:47.FISH

Symbol of the day : wind rose, fire. Now many of us are becoming very sensitive, as the Moon finds itself in the sign of Pisces, and also goes to conjunction with Neptune. This is not the most favorable aspect of the Moon, but you have a chance to show your creative abilities today, feel what you usually didn’t feel, train your phenomenal abilities. Today you should listen carefully to what is happening around you. It is better not to believe in vain promises. There is a risk monetary losses. Not a bad day for a marriage based on love, fidelity, and harmony.

What not to do : people on this day are quite gullible, they become absent-minded, lose their vigilance, their easy to fool. Try not to trust anyone. Don't trust your money and valuables. Today, give up alcohol, it is better not to visit noisy companies.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

♓ DECEMBER 7, Wednesday. 9th lunar day from 13:11.FISH

Second phase of the moon from 12:04

Moon without course from 17:05

Symbol of the day : fire, bat. Unlucky day: change of lunar phase, besides, the Moon is conjunct Saturn and will be quite weak. Set aside big undertakings and things that require precision and focus. Today it will be difficult for you to concentrate on the main thing, they will constantly interfere with work, someone or something will be distracting. It’s better to be alone today, communicate only when necessary.

What not to do : You should not fall into pessimism, do your best to maintain a good mood. Today it is important not to focus on your problems, especially financial ones. Even if you have difficulties today, try to think about the good, imagine how your problems disappear how you solve them. Do not give in to the provocations of aggressive people.

♈ DECEMBER 8, Thursday. 10th lunar day from 13:34.ARIES from 13:15

Symbol of the day : bat, fountain. A good day, especially for tasks that require quick completion, related to culture and art, as well as for any creative endeavors. It’s good to delve into your immediate affairs and not make far-reaching plans. Do what needs to be done here and now.

What not to do : It is better not to communicate with unfamiliar people, and also not to attract special attention to your person. It is better not to plan or start long-term affairs. Refrain from lending money: There is little chance that they will be returned. But it is quite possible to pay off debts.

♈ DECEMBER 9, Friday, 11th lunar day from 13:57.ARIES

Symbol of the day : fountain, crown. This day may be full of surprises, it will be difficult for you to control situations, but it is better to try control your actions and emotions. If you received something on this day new unusual idea, wait a little, don’t implement it right away. On this day it is good to engage in recreational activities; when playing sports, try not to put too much stress on yourself, as it is easy to get injured. You can go on a trip, but be prepared for surprises along the way.

What not to do : the main thing today is not to overload the nervous system, and also not to make any sudden movements: you can make a hasty decision, which you will later regret. If you have started a business, don't leave it halfway.

♈♉ DECEMBER 10, Saturday, 12th lunar day from 14:22.ARIES , CALF from 15:40

Moon without course until 15:39

Symbol of the day : crown, heart. Afternoon ( after 16:00) suitable for marriage. Until this time, the Moon will be in the sign of Aries and will be without a course, so a marriage concluded at this time will not bring good luck. Be careful and don’t make this mistake: if you can get married after 16:00 no, then it's better reschedule it for another day. Starting any new business on the “idle moon” will not give the desired results.

What not to do : You should not start any business about which you have a vague idea. Today it is recommended to do what you know well and have already done more than once.

♉ DECEMBER 11, Sunday, 13th lunar day from 14:50. CALF

Symbol of the day: heart, ring. One of the most successful days this month, the day is also good for making decisions any money issues. It is better to fulfill any requests that you receive on this day from people close to you or colleagues. In the evening, you can attend any cultural events or prepare a nice Sunday dinner for family members and loved ones.

What not to do: Avoid any negative emotions. Although you may feel irritated in the evening, it is better not to provoke quarrels and look for the most gentle ways to resolve looming conflict situations in the family. If you do everything right, the day will be very positive and memorable.

♉♊ DECEMBER 12, Monday, 14th lunar day from 15:25.CALF , TWINS from 15:40

Moon without course until 15:39

Symbol of the day : ring, pipe. The Moon will be “idling” almost the entire day, so it’s better not to plan important things at this time, at least not the beginning of them . After 16:00 you can deal with different paper issues. It is also good to negotiate and get to know each other. Also acceptable romantic dating. It's good to collect information. It is also a good idea to look for a new job today, but it is better after 16:00, otherwise the search will not be successful.

What not to do : Do not believe unverified facts: it is better to check everything carefully. You should not transmit information that you're not sure, or sharing your doubts with others: this may be taken the wrong way.

♊ DECEMBER 13, Tuesday, 15th lunar day from 16:07.TWINS

Symbol of the day : trumpet, kite. The day is suitable for small movements and small purchases. Today can be quite a stressful day: it is one of the most negative days of the month, when you may have severe overexertion. The flow of information today will be difficult to control, so you may experience information oversaturation. If, for example, you are studying and preparing for exams, it is better not to be too busy that day, so that it does not then led to exhaustion. In addition, it will be difficult for you to remember everything that you learn about today; it will be difficult to sort everything out in your head. Take notes and don't try to grasp the immensity.

What not to do : It is better not to particularly plan important things for today, as the Moon is approaching the full moon and is affected by a malefic planet. A weak Moon can prevent you from implementing new important plans.

Lunar calendar 2016: favorable days


♊♋ DECEMBER 14, Wednesday, 16th lunar day from 17:00.TWINS , CANCER from 15:10

FULL MOON at 03:05

Moon without course until 15:09

Symbol of the day : snake, dove. The first half of the day is not very successful. This time weak moon, besides, the Moon without a course does not advise starting new things. From this day on, the Moon will begin to wane, so it’s time to spend energy and get rid of excess burden: it’s good to spend the evening in a circle close relatives or at least chat with them. Also after 16:00 you can go on a trip to bodies of water or on vacation.

What not to do : No litigation can be started. You can’t be nervous, irritated, or sort things out.

♋ DECEMBER 15, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:04.CANCER

Symbol of the day : dove, bunch of grapes. On this day you can expect some surprises from relatives; you may have to solve some of their problems, or you will receive news from them. You can solve any matters that require quick completion. It is better not to plan trips for this day: many unpleasant surprises await you on the road.

What not to do : This day is not suitable for solving complex financial problems; it is better not to negotiate or do paperwork, which requires special care and precision.

♋♌ DECEMBER 16, Friday, 17th lunar day.CANCER , A LION from 16:16

Moon without course until 16:15

Symbol of the day : bunch of grapes. This day is meant for rest and relaxation. It’s better not to plan important things for today. In the evening go to cinema or theater, go on a date or visit. Take your mind off your problems. Give yourself a day off. After 16:00 You can gamble or buy a lottery ticket.

What not to do : Don’t give in to sad thoughts today. Even if things are not going the way you want. It is forbidden complain about life, to be offended by fate and people. It is not recommended to borrow money or promise anything.

♌ DECEMBER 17, Saturday, 18th lunar day.A LION

Symbol of the day : mirror. In the morning, it is better not to resolve issues related to money, and it is also undesirable to go shopping, especially if you can wait more favorable days. You can go shopping after 11:30. Today you should not take the initiative in any matters, despite the rather active day of Leo. However, you will have a desire to be in public more, to show your best side.

What not to do : You shouldn’t do any important things today that require concentration and precision. Can't show selfishness and pride.

♌ DECEMBER 18, Sunday, 19th lunar day.A LION

Moon without course from 19:55 to 20:52

Symbol of the day : spider. Satanic day, a lot of tension, there may be unreasonable aggression, be be careful with your statements, today it is easy to offend a person. The day may start quite actively, but not all things will be easy. It is better to spend this day at home, relax more, engage in creative activities, spend this day with children. If you still cannot put off important things, calculate every action down to the smallest detail so as not to commit annoying mistake.

What not to do : Postpone financial transactions, do not enter into contracts or engage in financial investments.

♍ DECEMBER 19, Monday, 20th lunar day.VIRGO

Symbol of the day : eagle. It is better to start general cleaning before the holidays on this day, and not on last days of the year. This is due to the fact that the Moon is now waning, and it will be much easier for you to get rid of excess. From 29 to 31 December The moon will wax, so cleaning done in the last days of the year will be slower and more difficult. Better the bulk of the work do it today or tomorrow, and just before the holidays just tidy up a little.

What not to do : there is a risk of becoming more arrogant and critical, so try to watch yourself when communicating with other people,

♍ DECEMBER 20, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.VIRGO

Symbol of the day : horse. The day is suitable for looking for a new job, for creating resumes and for writing any advertisements. You can travel by land. This day is perfect for tedious and meticulous work, for working with documents, databases, for various calculations. It's better to plan the start of everything after 10:30, when the negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn diverges. However, especially important things cannot be planned for this day. It is better not to travel by water.

What not to do : It’s better not to plan things that require emotional uplift and inspiration: this is a time of tedious and monotonous work.

♎ DECEMBER 21, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day.SCALES

The fourth phase of the moon from 04:55

Symbol of the day : elephant. This day is better than the previous one: the negative aspects of the Moon are behind you, you can plan acquaintances, visits cultural events. Overall, this day promises to be very positive. Things that require manifestation will work out well. diplomatic qualities, the ability to speak beautifully and present information. It is also good to educate yourself, improve your skills and knowledge. People in creative professions will be especially lucky today.

What not to do : You can’t sort things out, argue and quarrel. You can't be lazy and rest too much.

♎ DECEMBER 22, Thursday, 23rd lunar day.SCALES

Symbol of the day : crocodile. This day may be quite nervous, despite the calm and balanced day of Libra. In addition, the 23rd lunar day is considered satanic and does not promise you success. You may encounter fraud, the day may be full of surprises. There may be disputes, intrigues, showdowns. It is not recommended to borrow or lend money or take out loans.

What not to do : visit crowded places, argue over trifles, try to sort things out with partners.

♎♏ DECEMBER 23, Friday, 24th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 17:33

Moon without course until 17:32

What not to do : Don’t go shopping: you won’t find the thing you need and will waste your time. It's likely that you will do unplanned purchases, which you will regret later.

♏ DECEMBER 24, Saturday, 25th lunar day.SCORPION

Symbol of the day : turtle. The symbol of the day hints that haste can be harmful; think about an important step a hundred times before taking anything. The day is perfect for scientific work, for searching for a missing item, for working with documentation related to other people's money. Today you can buy a car, arrange the purchase and sale of some complex equipment or machines.

What not to do : Today, try not to rush too much if you have planned something important for yourself. Listen to your intuition: If she tells you that something is not worth doing, it is better to follow her.

♏ DECEMBER 25, Sunday, 26th lunar day.SCORPION

Moon without course from 10:22

Symbol of the day : toad. A great day for general cleaning and big laundry before the new year. This last Sunday 2016, when you will most likely have enough time to prepare everything for the holiday if the next week is busy. It is best to spend this day alone or with your closest people. Shopping, especially for nice clothes or jewelry, can be a bad experience. It is best to do essential household chores on this day.

What not to do : Don't go shopping unless absolutely necessary. We especially do not recommend making large purchases. It is also not worth borrowing or lending money. You cannot move or exchange an apartment.

♐ DECEMBER 26, Monday, 27th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

Symbol of the day : trident. The stress of this day can affect your overall well-being. We do not recommend going on trips, or be prepared for some problems and surprises on the road. The day is suitable for getting an education, for self-education and broadening your horizons.

What not to do : You can’t move, go abroad, but especially to the mountains, you shouldn’t make promises.

♐ DECEMBER 27, Tuesday, 28th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

Symbol of the day : lotus. The day is not suitable for important undertakings and matters that require a lot of effort and energy. They are waiting for you on the way obstacles and disappointments. But it is quite possible to continue things started in the past that are coming to their logical conclusion. In these last days of the year, don't forget to think about yourself too. You can get information about your destination, follow signs and symbols who you will meet on this day.

What not to do : Do not perform any destructive actions. Bad time for hunting and fishing.

♐♑ DECEMBER 28, Wednesday, 29th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:13

Moon without course until 18:13

Symbol of the day : octopus. Bad day, one of the worst difficult days of the month. All the negative feelings and thoughts accumulated over the month can come to the surface, which can have negative consequences. Be restrained and attentive, limit contacts, it is better to be alone and take care of pressing matters.

What not to do : It is highly undesirable to start new projects or any new endeavors. This is a day of rest and relaxation, and postpone the start of new things to a more successful time. You can't be frank with anyone. Keep yours secrets and doubts with me. We advise you to postpone any purchases, especially large ones: they will not bring joy and may turn out to be unnecessary.

♑ DECEMBER 29, Thursday, 30th lunar day from 08:38,1st lunar day from 09:54.CAPRICORN

NEW MOON at 09:54

Symbol of the day : golden swan, lamp. Today is the New Moon, the last new moon of 2016, so this day is the best make a wish, make plans and imagine a happy future. On the 1st lunar day it is better not to start new things, but you can plan future things. Since the new moon is now in Capricorn, this is a great time to think about work, professional plans, new projects, especially if they are creative, related to art, music.

What not to do : load yourself with extra work today, get overtired and start new important things, be overly active in any area.


♑ DECEMBER 30, Friday, 2nd lunar day from 09:55.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 11:07

Symbol of the day : cornucopia. The last days of the year and the beginning of the lunar month may not coincide a little with your plans. Today and tomorrow you can start cleaning, but it’s better if it’s not general cleaning, but light and unburdensome. A more favorable time to start new business will come after 11:00. In the afternoon you can go on trips. Today is good to receive and process some information important for your work.

What not to do : indulge your desires, squander money, enter into contracts, register companies and societies, take exams, negotiate with foreigners (at least until 11:00). If you lost anything on this day (money, things), you should not regret it. This is a sign that you don’t need it and soon something will come into your life completely new.

♒ DECEMBER 31, Saturday, 3rd lunar day.AQUARIUS

Symbol of the day : leopard. This day is usually spent on the run, in a hurry, you need to have time to prepare everything, dress up, and complete important things. New Year's Eve will be held under the Moon on , so it’s best to celebrate this holiday somehow unusual, interesting, better in a circle of friends and like-minded people. From this day on, energy in the body will accumulate, so you will most likely feel some surge of strength. It’s a good idea to go in for sports and get a good night’s sleep before the holiday, which will improve your mood and well-being. will be on top.

What not to do : You shouldn’t spend this day too passively if you don’t have anything special to do. You can just workout or go for a walk. The main thing is not to sit at home all day. Now you can’t demand long-term obligations or borrow money.

All times are indicated according to winter Kyiv time.

To find out events: Moscow time: + 1.

Central European Time: - 1.

Waxing Moon: December 1-13, 30-31 Waning Moon: December 15-28
For each organism in the sublunar space, the energy potential begins to increase from the new moon and reaches its maximum at the full moon. This is the period when the external form of manifestation of the life activity of all organisms on Earth is most active. For example, plants at this time quickly reach towards the Sun, accelerating their growth, and are in a hurry to conquer as much open space as possible. From the moment of the full moon, the external manifestation of energy begins to decline. Each organism directs its efforts to maintain the positions it has gained on the growing moon. During this period, processes of internal redistribution of energy occur, adequate to external changes. In plants, for example, the internal structure of the trunk and branches is strengthened, but during this period the tree pays the main “attention” to its root system.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:20-16:11Sleeping Moon: 06:08–10:52

Sunrise-sunset: 07:21-16:11

4 l.d. "BALANCE" A favorable day to assess your own strengths, analyze and plan the prospects of what you can accomplish in the future. On this day you should weigh your every step, compare all the pros and cons. The main thing is to maintain harmony in all areas of life.

Moon in Capricorn

Sunrise-sunset: 07:22-16:10Sleeping Moon: 12:16–21:43

5 l.d. “ACTION” If you can do something significant in your life, then you should test your capabilities and lay the foundation today. This is the day of objective assessment and improvement of activities of any kind, and business qualities in a person.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:24-16:10

Main influence: 5 l.d.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:25-16:10Sleeping Moon: 13:23–24:00

Main effect: 6 l.d.

6 pp. "DEVELOPMENT" If you want to develop your activities, then you should take the appropriate steps and lay the foundations on this day. You can see the real capabilities of your partners, the professional competence of your employees, and evaluate other opportunities. Don’t take on something that you are not competent in!

Moon in Aquarius

Sunrise-sunset: 07:26-16:10Sleeping Moon: 00:00–06:30

Main influence: 7 l.d.

7 l.d. "EMBODIMENT" One of the most important days - the foundations for obtaining results are laid. You will be able to realistically evaluate the future fruits of your labor and how much more effort you will have to put in to implement your plan. The space will conduct a viability test. So less fuss!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:27-16:09Sleeping Moon: 16:05–24:00

Main effect: 8 l.d.

8 pp. "BIRTH" It is good to begin the implementation of any plans. The impulse that you give to your affairs on this day will support them throughout the month. Try to spend your energy purposefully. It is recommended to assign the main investments for this day - this will give the maximum effect.

Moon in Pisces

Psychologically difficult period. Our ideals are tested for strength, and the life lived in a month is tested for compliance with our moral principles. Intuition and parapsychological abilities become more acute. And sentimentality and spiritual dissatisfaction can push to extraordinary actions of noble origin, repentance and self-sacrifice. People become excitable and emotionally unstable. The unconscious and uncontrollable uncertainty characteristic of this period promotes emotional communication, but harms all major undertakings. During this period, it is very easy to lose your way, opening your soul to outside influences. It is recommended not to start disputes or sort things out at this time.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:28-16:09Sleeping Moon: 00:00–12:15

Main influence: 9 l.d.

9 l.d. "ACCULLATION" If you manage to avoid scandals and unpleasant surprises, it is good to accumulate obligations. This is a day of reorganization and strengthening of existing capabilities. Eliminate scandals! It is advisable to bring plans into line with reality. Take care of your health!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:29-16:09

Main influence: 10 l.d.

10 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" This is a good day for developing partnerships, strengthening connections and contacts. Travel and negotiations will be productive, and contracts concluded on this day will have good prospects and, as a rule, bring the greatest profit.

Moon in Aries

This is a period of accumulation of mental strength. The surrounding space creates conditions for the manifestation of a person’s individual spiritual potential. At this time, the Moon increases our spiritual strength, and we are filled with energy and optimism. But you should not show enthusiasm in practical activities - it will quickly pass, and piled-up business undertakings will turn into “unfinished construction”. Sobriety of thinking under the pressure of the energy acquired during this period is replaced by the desire to use it up. Even the most brilliant ideas these days should be washed not with champagne, but with the sobriety of their assessment. It is best to think about new ideas and develop programs for their implementation, look for supporters and associates to implement your plans!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:30-16:09Sleeping Moon: 03:06–14:40

Main influence: 11 l.d.

11 l.d. "BALANCE" The day will show how much the innovations and initiatives you introduced into your reality turned out to be natural and harmonious for you. A day of harmonious expansion of areas of activity and consolidation of established positions in the surrounding space.

Main influence: 12 l.d.

12 l.d. "ACTION" The day will test whether your business qualities correspond to reality. Action day! Cherished dreams come true, and plans take on real shape. It is good to overcome barriers of misunderstanding, find points of reconciliation, and test competence.

Moon in Taurus

A time of accumulation and regrouping of vital forces. The situations created at this time are of fundamental importance, and depending on individual characteristics, they can cause irreversible changes in life. Intuitively sensing the significant influence of the Moon on the formation of their future, people show increased caution and pragmatism that is inexplicable at a rational level. The desire for stability and peace intensifies in people, as well as dependence on material wealth, the need for financial stability, the desire for material comfort and beauty. And, nevertheless, this is a favorable moment for performing responsible actions that are especially significant in your destiny and carrying out events that are important to you.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:31-16:09Sleeping Moon: 06:04–14:41

Main influence: 13 l.d.

13 l.d. "DEVELOPMENT" The day will check how well you and your activities correspond to the actual accumulated experience, knowledge and other potential. It’s good to combine opportunities (money, strength, connections) and act actively. You should not take their word for it - you should verify the accuracy of the statements personally.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:32-16:09

Main influence: 14 l.d.

14 l.d. “EMBODIMENT” The day will show how much the efforts you made were sufficient to implement your plans and were directed in the right direction. A good day to free yourself from connections, responsibilities, and affairs that scatter your strength and resources, preventing you from concentrating on the main thing.

Moon in Gemini

The period of information processing associated with its accumulation and dissemination. A favorable time for understanding and assessing situations, and in general for mental activity in the field of systematization and analysis. People are talkative to the point of talkativeness, easily engage in conversation, and are highly communicative. During this period, it is good to conduct “reconnaissance of foreign territories.” But a person’s openness to perceive information of a diverse nature can do a disservice. Under the Moon in Gemini, new or unclear information can lead to incorrect conclusions and false conclusions. Before you join the conversation, think about how much you need this?

Sunrise-sunset: 07:33-16:10Sleeping Moon: 07:57–14:08

Main influence: 15 l.d.

15 l.d. "BIRTH" This is one of the Critical days! It is good to make specific, but small investments of effort and money to maintain internal activities (home, inner world, workplace, team). The day will require concretizing efforts and purposefully spending energy and resources.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:34-16:10Sleeping moon: 23:37–24:00

Main influence: 16 l.d.

16 l.d. "ACCUMULATION" It is good to carry out actions aimed at processing the results of labor. The day provides an opportunity to make radical changes in Destiny! You just need to draw conclusions from the mistakes made. Day of gaining experience and wisdom! Less emotions.

Moon in the sign of Cancer

The period of accumulation of impressions. The sensory perception of the world is heightened, and emotions prevail in the motivation of actions. The emotional state is unstable, and its changes can fluctuate sharply for no apparent reason. From tears and sentimentality, a person easily moves to anger and aggression. The Moon in Cancer shows people to be caring towards others, but you should not go too far, otherwise your good intentions will backfire on you. At this time in the business sphere, it is not recommended to start projects that are important to you, enter into major transactions and sign important contracts. You may be influenced by interested parties. Strive to objectively evaluate your own feelings!

Sleeping Moon: 00:00–15:14

Main influence: 17 l.d.

17 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" We recommend adjusting internal structural connections - this is a good day for personnel changes. Trips, negotiations and agreements aimed at strengthening life both in the work team and at home will be productive.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:35-16:10

Main influence: 18 l.d.

18 l.d. "BALANCE" The day will show how much the innovations and initiatives you introduced into your reality have had a harmonious impact. The day of harmonizing the internal structure and consolidating the established positions in the surrounding space. A good day to evaluate your obligations.

Moon in Leo

The period of accumulation of sensations. At this time, people pay more attention to the aesthetic sphere than usual. And when making decisions, they are guided more by their feelings than by logical conclusions. At this time, we strive to attract maximum attention to our person, we want recognition of our merits and would not mind listening to flattering speeches. This is a period of pleasure and intimate communication, but it is difficult to make true friends at this time. The Moon in Leo awakens adventurism and the need for adventure in people. We are more confident in ourselves, and therefore can demonstrate our best qualities.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:36-16:11Sleeping Moon: 18:55–19:51

Main influence: 19 l.d.

19 l.d. "ACTION" Day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Main influence: 20 l.d.

20 l.d. "ACTION" Day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:37-16:11

Main influence: 21 l.d.

21 l.d. "EMBODIMENT" We recommend emotional detachment. Try not to get involved in situations that require active emotional reactions. It is good to distribute profits, assess the need for expenses, and get rid of objects that bring more expenses than benefits.

Moon in Virgo

The period when the relationship between the spiritual and the material intensifies, the state of mind affects health. The sense of duty and responsibility increases, and the effectiveness of communication depends on specifics. This is a good time for work that requires close attention to detail. The desire for order awakens in us, and we can begin spring cleaning. Bringing cleanliness and order will have a positive and sometimes unexpected effect. It’s as if relationships in a family or professional team will improve by themselves, and unwanted people will forget the way to your home!

Sleeping Moon: 03:56–04:39

22 l.d. "BIRTH" One of the critical days of the lunar month requires a new look at yourself and your activities. On this day, treat any situations, actions, words, thoughts very carefully - you will be able to look into your future. The day when you can find happiness and open the way to achieving it.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:38-16:12Sleeping moon: 21:31–24:00

23 l.d. "ACUMULATION" Day of accumulation of Knowledge of your Destiny. External energy expenditures are useless or ineffective. It is recommended to maintain a state of internal concentration. Avoid fuss. Activity on this day is a useless waste of energy. It is favorable to evaluate the results of your work and the period you have lived.

Moon in Libra

The need for comfort increases. Overloading the body is contraindicated! Scandals and conflicts will directly affect health - during this period the seeds of all our diseases are laid. You can put doubtful acquaintances to the test by scheduling a meeting on this very day. Irritation and disharmonious effects on your perception will become the basis for appropriate conclusions. People around them become more tolerant of each other and are more understanding of the needs and problems of others. Receptions, parties, and weddings will be successful at this time.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:39-16:13Sleeping Moon: 00:00–16:32

24 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" And the internal space and connections should be streamlined. This will contribute to the inclusion of reserves and will allow for more productive activities in the next Lunar cycle. A good day for working with personnel - it is useful to thoroughly explain the responsibilities to subordinates.

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

During this period, attention should be directed to the state of vitality. Our well-being most actively affects the emotional sphere, and the decisions we make depend almost entirely on our state of health. In this regard, people, it seems to us, become harmful and irritable. Therefore, the period is very conflicting, but favorable for working with papers, getting a job and changing your place of residence. Successful purchases of antiques, medicines and real estate. Try to avoid mass communication and heavy drinking of alcohol.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:40-16:15Sleeping Moon: 00:00–05:18

Sunrise-sunset: 07:40-16:18Sleeping Moon: 10:07–24:00

2 l.d. "ACCUMULATION" On this day, a person, concretizing his desires and possibilities, creates his own Destiny. Therefore, it is important to make the right choice: what you want to see in your Destiny and what you don’t. You should take documents, concluding contracts, dating, purchases and offers seriously.

Moon in Capricorn

Period of routine work. Days of productive thinking. A favorable time for comparing thoughts with reality. Plans developed at this time will be practical and will actively influence the situation. You should not contact your superiors or official institutions - resolving the issue may fall into the merciless millstones of routine. The position of the Moon in Capricorn is also unfavorable for financial activities, trade and barter transactions. It is not recommended to schedule engagements and marriages during this period, or to make acquaintances or business connections. The Moon in Capricorn is a period of good, sober advice. But it is better to contact specialists. This is a favorable time for agricultural work and the purchase and sale of land.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:41-16:19Sleeping Moon: 00:00–03:28

3 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" This is a day of active action in the field of improving structure and form. How you build your relationships, situation, affairs, etc. today, these will be the way they will be for the entire lunar month. And if you want to fundamentally change something in your life, then you should do it on this day.

Moon in Aquarius

At this time, situations are perceived very acutely, and responsibility for one’s own actions increases. Careless steps can cause irreversible processes in our lives, causing irreparable harm. But at the same time, space helps a person change his destiny. Deliberate, balanced and targeted actions will help you change the attitude of others towards you personally and towards issues that interest you. At this time, it is enough to do a small, but expressive, specific, and most importantly sincere act and you will be able to evoke in any person goodwill and support in your affairs. This time is also favorable for all activities related to technology, and especially with its purchase and repair.

Our lunar calendar will tell you the phase and position of the Moon, the time of its rising and setting, as well as its transit through a particular sign of the Zodiac. In addition, we offer you short recommendations for each day.

Please keep in mind that the calendar shows Moscow time, so if you live in a different time zone, make an adjustment based on the time difference.

  • From December 1 to December 6, 2016 – waxing moon.
  • From December 8 to December 13, 2016 – waxing moon.
  • From December 15 to December 20, 2016 – the waning moon.
  • From December 22 to December 28, 2016 – the waning moon.
  • December 30, 31, 2016 – waxing Moon.
  • Unfavorable days in December 2016

    When the Moon enters its next phase, you should not start new things, be in a crowd, negotiate anything with others, or conflict. In addition, these days chronic diseases are worsening, and the risk of mistakes, injuries and nervous breakdowns increases. Take care of yourself.

    • December 7, 2016 – 1st quarter.
    • December 14, 2016 – Full Moon.
    • December 21, 2016 – 4th quarter.
    • December 29, 2016 – New Moon.
    date Lunar day Beginning of the lunar day Moonset time Moon in sign and time of entry Moon phases Recommendations for the day
    1.12 3 9:44 17:57 Moon in Capricorn, 11:51 Phase I, waxing moon An excellent day for realizing ambitious plans and starting long-term ambitious projects
    2.12 4 10:33 18:48 Moon in Capricorn Phase I, waxing moon Worth considering
    3.12 5 11:15 19:47 Moon in Aquarius, 22:43 Phase I, waxing moon Don't be conformist; don't give up on your plans
    4.12 6 11:51 20:52 Moon in Aquarius Phase I, waxing moon Insights, discoveries, inventions are likely; record all your thoughts
    5.12 7 12:21 22:01 Moon in Aquarius Phase I, waxing moon Give preference so as not to look funny and ridiculous
    6.12 8 12:48 23:15 Moon in Pisces, 7:30 Phase I, waxing moon Look for a source of strength and positive energy in people you trust
    7.12 9 13:11 - Moon in Pisces 1st quarter, 12:03 Be careful with water and other liquids, stay away from those who cause you not sympathy, but pity
    8.12 10 13:34 0:31 Moon in Aries, 13:15 II phase, waxing moon Until 13:34 you should not start anything new, go to the pool, or be frank with others. Afterwards is an excellent moment for things that require healthy enthusiasm.
    9.12 11 13:57 1:50 Moon in Aries II phase, waxing moon A great day to start individual projects
    10.12 12 14:22 3:12 Moon in Taurus, 15:40 II phase, waxing moon Before 15:40, you should do things that require serious physical activity. Afterwards, talk to your relatives and those you care about
    11.12 13 14:50 4:36 Moon in Taurus II phase, waxing moon A good day for any household chores and for purchasing useful gifts
    12.12 14 15:25 6:00 Moon in Gemini, 15:36 II phase, waxing moon Until 15:36 it is worth doing things for which deadlines are running out. Afterwards is a great time to start short-term projects and work with information
    13.12 15 16:07 7:22 Moon in Gemini II phase, waxing moon Briefings and presentations will be successfully held until 16:07. Afterwards - beware of those who talk a lot and enthusiastically promise something.
    14.12 16 17:00 8:36 Moon in Cancer, 15:08 Full Moon, 3:05 Until 17:00, stay away from agitators and do not give in to provocations. After -
    15.12 17 18:04 9:40 Moon in Cancer III phase, waning moon Everything you do with pleasure will bring double benefits
    16.12 18 19:14 10:30 Moon in Leo, 16:14 III phase, waning moon Until 19:14 there will be an opportunity to increase income. Afterwards, treat yourself to something pleasant. In addition, after 16:14 it is worth buying expensive New Year's gifts for your loved ones
    17.12 19 20:29 11:10 Moon in Leo III phase, waning moon Until 20:29, paired items are recommended - candlesticks, earrings, cufflinks, gloves. After – avoid parties and aggressive people
    18.12 20 21:43 11:41 Moon in Virgo, 20:51 III phase, waning moon Stay away from self-centered individuals, avoid drinking alcohol, don't brag about anything
    19.12 21 22:56 12:07 Moon in Virgo III phase, waning moon A good day to plan for the next two weeks
    20.12 21 - 12:29 Moon in Virgo III phase, waning moon An excellent day for any preventive procedures and for the realization of secret ambitious intentions
    21.12 22 0:07 12:48 Moon in Libra, 5:39 4th quarter, 4:56 Do not do anything unless you are completely confident in yourself and the appropriateness of your actions.
    22.12 23 1:16 13:08 Moon in Libra IV phase, waning moon Take care of paired organs; stay away from conformists - they will betray you and not notice
    23.12 24 2:23 13:27 Moon in Scorpio, 17:32 IV phase, waning moon Before 17:32 is a good time to start projects related to art and social activities. After – for risky enterprises
    24.12 25 3:29 13:48 Moon in Scorpio IV phase, waning moon Don't ignore. A good day to purchase talismans and symbols for next year
    25.12 26 4:35 14:12 Moon in Scorpio IV phase, waning moon If you are not doing well financially, refrain from purchasing New Year's gifts, otherwise you will exceed your spending limit
    26.12 27 5:39 14:40 Moon in Sagittarius, 6:18 IV phase, waning moon It’s worth deciding on your plans for the New Year holidays and drawing up a program of entertainment, trips, meetings with friends
    27.12 28 6:41 15:13 Moon in Sagittarius IV phase, waning moon A great day for close friends and those you patronize
    28.12 29 7:38 15:54 Moon in Capricorn, 18:11 IV phase, waning moon Stay away from those who have great influence on you, beware of drunks and be careful on the road
    29.12 30/1 8:30/9:53 16:42 Moon in Capricorn New Moon, 9:53 Pay attention to those things that have already begun that require perseverance
    30.12 2 9:16 17:39 Moon in Capricorn Phase I, waxing moon Donate unwanted items to those in need. It's worth doing a thorough house cleaning

    Useful tips

    What work awaits gardeners and gardeners in December? It would seem, what to do in the bitter winter in the garden, at the dacha or in the garden? All crops and seeds have been collected, the area has been cleaned, the plants are prepared for the winter cold, the trees are reliably protected from pests!

    However, experienced gardeners and gardeners know that even in winter your garden needs an eye and an eye! What if the snow cover is blown away by the wind or branches break off under the weight of the snow? Or maybe somewhere else pests are hiding, which were not immediately noticed? It may be worth checking your supplies of vegetables and fruits, doing an audit or cleaning.

    If you spend the winter at your dacha or constantly live surrounded by plants, you know that this work is for you will be found even in December! By the way, this month you can still go to the forest to pick winter mushrooms! When it is best to do what kind of work, the lunar calendar will tell you, as always.

    Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for December 2016 section:

    ♑ 2 DECEMBER, Friday. 4th lunar day from 10:32.CAPRICORN. Trampling snow in tree trunks and around bushes is an important detail that should not be neglected. This procedure will protect you from mice moving under snowdrifts.

    If the weather permits, you can do it today digging grooves so that in the spring melt water does not wash away the fertile layers of soil from the site.

    Houseplants : the day is suitable for planting and replanting plants, however, plants should be disturbed during this period only as a last resort. If possible, wait for a more favorable period for these works.

    ♑ 3 DECEMBER, Saturday. 5th lunar day from 11:14.CAPRICORN . Moon without course from 13:16. Now it is important to ensure that everything on the site is covered with snow. Due to the wind, bald spots may form, which should be constantly covered. In addition, it is worth taking care to retain snow on the site if your place is very windy.

    It is also worth checking all shelters for plants and making new ones if you did not have time, but do not allow the plants to freeze. Even if you have decided not to cover the plants yet due to more warm weather, it is worth having a sufficient amount of covering material in reserve so that if severe frosts are forecast, you can take action in time.

    Houseplants : Another favorable day for caring for plants; you can replant flowers, as well as prepare soil mixtures for future plantings.

    ♒ 4 DECEMBER, Sunday. 6th lunar day from 11:50.AQUARIUS. If the winter is still light with little snow, you should think about mulching plants, if you haven't done so before. For example, you can use the foliage of various deciduous trees, peat, sawdust, bark, straw and even artificial materials. It is especially worth mulching the ground around young trees, as their young root system may not withstand severe frosts.

    Houseplants : watering is prohibited. Keep in mind that some houseplants can get by with minimal amounts of water during the winter. For example, cacti and succulents go into a dormant state, so you should rarely water them in winter, maybe once a month.

    ♒ 5 DECEMBER, Monday. 7th lunar day from 12:20.AQUARIUS . Moon without course from 14:23. Take care of the raspberry supports if you haven't already done so. It is also worth mulching the bushes raspberries to protect tender roots from frost. This especially applies to heat-loving raspberry varieties.

    Houseplants : some plants, such as tuberous plants ( Gloxinia, Achimenis and others), completely die off in winter, remains alive bulb, which is important to keep in good conditions (cool, dark place). Periodically check the bulbs that you are storing until spring to ensure that they do not spoil or begin to sprout.

    ♓ 6 DECEMBER, Tuesday. 8th lunar day from 12:47.FISH. Lawns require special care in winter. For example, during frosts it is better not to walk on it and not to place any heavy objects on top if the height of the snowdrift is less 10 centimeters, you should also not throw snow off the paths. Tender grass may become wrinkled, and in the spring you will find unsightly bald spots in these places. It is also worth piercing the ice crust.

    Houseplants : watering day. Watering plants in winter should be done with extreme caution. Some moisture-loving plants, for example, require abundant watering even at this time, others, on the contrary, need to stand dry for a while.

    Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

    ♓ 7 DECEMBER, Wednesday. 9th lunar day from 13:11.FISH , The second phase of the Moon from 12:04, the Moon without a course from 17:05. Today, if possible, avoid doing plants and various complex gardening tasks that require a lot of energy. It is better to rest on this day.

    Houseplants : watering day. But no complex work with plants can be carried out today.

    ♈ 8 DECEMBER, Thursday. 10th lunar day from 13:34.FISH , ARIES from 13:15, Moon without course until 13:04. Not a bad day for mushroom picking. Especially in the afternoon. Mushrooms collected today are best eaten immediately. It is better not to do any spinning on this day.

    Houseplants : Monitor the temperature in the rooms and areas where your indoor flowers are located. Avoid too high temperatures, as they are quite destructive to plants. If you notice that temperature too high, you should take care to reduce it, but do not keep plants in drafts, it is better to adjust the heating systems. The afternoon is suitable for planting greenery on the windowsill.

    ♈ 9 DECEMBER, Friday, 11th lunar day from 13:57.ARIES. Today you can do those jobs in the garden that you want to do quickly. It’s good to do physical work, for example, create conditions for retaining snow, clear the paths of snowdrifts, etc.

    ♈♉ 10 DECEMBER, Saturday, 12th lunar day from 14:22.ARIES , CALF Check the bunches of grapes that you have stored in your cellars. Under the right conditions, grapes can be stored all winter.

    Houseplants : Today it is better to postpone complex work. We also do not recommend going shopping for new plants or accessories for them.

    ♉ 11 DECEMBER, Sunday, 13th lunar day from 14:50.CALF. If you have time, you can go shopping for the missing equipment for future plantings. Remember that in the spring you simply may not have enough time for this, and now, when there is little work, you can buy something you really need, and at a reduced price.

    Houseplants : working with soils: preparing mixtures for planting or replanting. If necessary, you can replant the plants or replace the top layers of soil.

    ♉♊ 12 DECEMBER, Monday, 14th lunar day from 15:25.CALF , TWINS from 15:40, Moon without course until 15:39. Check storage facilities to ensure normal temperature conditions and ventilation are maintained there. It is good to store fruits and vegetables at 1-2 degrees Celsius above zero so that there are no temperature changes.

    Houseplants : Do not fertilize houseplants that are going dormant at this time. For example, cacti and succulents do not need watering and fertilizers in winter. You can fertilize with special care only plants that are blooming at this time.

    ♊ 13 DECEMBER, Tuesday, 15th lunar day from 16:07.TWINS. Make sure that the snow does not break tree branches. If you can’t constantly shake off the falling snow, you can tie the branches young trees. If you did not have time to take care of shelters for roses and other perennials in the flower garden, it is not too late to make shelters.

    Houseplants : You can apply fertilizers for such plants, like callas, cyclamen, eucharis, orchids and others, provided that they are currently in bloom. It is better to feed the plants with granular fertilizers. It is highly undesirable to water flowers today.

    Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2016


    ♊♋ 14 DECEMBER, Wednesday, 16th lunar day from 17:00.TWINS , CANCER from 15:10, FULL MOON at 03:05, Moon without course until 15:09. If you have not sprayed trees with zinc sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water), it is not too late to do so around these days. This is true for trees that are sick chlorosis last season. You can continue pest control in the next few days.

    You can also treat gooseberry bushes against spheroteques (powdery mildew) potassium fertilizers based on 1 kgfertilizers per 10 liters of water. This treatment should also be repeated around March (preferably on the waning Moon).

    Houseplants : Today it is better not to deal with plants. Watering is acceptable in the evening.

    ♋ 15 DECEMBER, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:04.CANCER. If your site is located near a forest or forest plantations, rodents may visit your site. Wild hares pose a great danger to young fruit trees and even bushes that bloom in spring and summer. To scare away hares, you can take ordinary paper bags from kraft paper, soak them in kerosene or carbolic acid. The smell will repel rodents, and they will avoid your area. You can also make fences around the plants using mesh or metal rods. Such fences must be at least 80 centimeters so that hares do not get to the trunks and bushes.

    Houseplants : watering day. In winter it is important to spray some types of plants, as the air is very dry. You can use special air humidifiers that provide plants with more comfortable conditions. Humidifiers are also a must for residential areas with central heating.

    ♋♌ 16 DECEMBER, Friday, 17th lunar day.CANCER , A LION from 16:16, Moon without course until 16:15. To attract birds that will live on your site in the spring and destroy insect pests, you can now install feeders and birdhouses and feed the birds. This is especially true in snowy and cold winters, when there is not enough food. Can be used as food old bread, weed seeds, sunflower seeds. tits can also eat unsalted lard or leftover meat on the bones.

    If you notice on the site owls, do not disturb them so that they do not fly away, but spend the winter near your site. These birds of prey will hunt mice, another serious garden pest in winter.

    Houseplants : watering day. Not all plants need spraying. For example, plants with leaves covered small hairs, spraying is not recommended to prevent the leaves from rotting.

    ♌ 17 DECEMBER, Saturday, 18th lunar day.A LION. Check how the fruits are stored in your storage facilities. Sometimes when temperatures change, apples and other fruits can begin to spoil. Remove the rotten ones, the rest should be wiped dry and wrapped in oiled napkins.

    If you live in more southern areas, it's still not too late to cook fruit tree cuttings for winter vaccinations. After pruning, it is better to treat the cuttings with a solution iron sulfate, so that they do not rot, and then, placing them in damp sand, leave them for storage in the basement. It is also worth attaching a label with the name to each branch so as not to be confused when grafting.

    Houseplants : now it is important to create good conditions for plants light mode. Take care of additional lighting for beautifully flowering plants. After all, daylight hours are now very short, and plants need good light to bloom.

    ♌ 18 DECEMBER, Sunday, 19th lunar day.A LION . Moon without course from 19:55 to 20:52. Not a bad day for a hike winter mushrooms. For example, they can still grow late oyster mushrooms, winter honey mushrooms, tremors, birch chaga, strobilurus. The last mushrooms grow on the discarded cones of coniferous trees and, if you're lucky, you can find them even in December. Today is also a good day for canning or preparing mushrooms for drying.

    Trembling– unusual mushrooms with a jelly-like body. In dry weather they look like dry leaves, but if it will rain, their body is saturated with moisture. These mushrooms are used in medicine, but some types of tremors are also used as food.

    Houseplants : Some plants don't need too much light. For example, poinsettias, Kalanchoe, Schlumbergera feel great with long daylight hours about 10 o'clock. If the plants are located where there is constant lighting, it is worth covering them with dark bags at night, or placing them in a dark place.

    ♍ 19 DECEMBER, Monday, 20th lunar day.VIRGO. Today is the perfect day to clean up your garden. And if the weather permits, you can get rid of diseased and old bushes and trees if you did not have time to do this at another time. If you can't uproot the old stumps, you can use them in the future as design elements for your flower bed.

    Houseplants : working with soils. It is better not to replant plants, since this is the time of the waning moon. Today we advise you to clean your home garden, remove all dried leaves and branches. You can spray the plants.

    ♍ 20 DECEMBER, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.VIRGO. Still a good time to clean. You can sort through the vegetables and fruits in storage, get rid of spoiled ones, and protect still good fruits from rot. At this time they are digging cherry roots, from which alcoholic tinctures or decoctions are prepared. These medicinal mixtures help with stomach ulcers.

    Houseplants : working with soils. Preparation of soil mixtures for future plantings, cleaning. Observe temperature conditions in winter: to prevent plants from starting to stretch out when there is a lack of light, it is worth providing them with cool conditions. In particular, this applies to cacti, which will feel great at temperatures 10 degrees Celsius.

    Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar

    ♎ 21 DECEMBER, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day.SCALES , The fourth phase of the moon from 04:55. It is worth checking the tubers and bulbs of plants that are stored in your storage facilities. For example, at dahlia the tubers may wilt a little. To prevent this, it is worth watering the tubers a little and ensuring the temperature about 5-7 degrees Celsius.

    Houseplants : It is not recommended to water the plants today. Ventilate rooms with caution in winter: some plants cannot tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes, but at the same time they need clean air. If necessary, remove flowers from window sills during ventilation.

    ♎ 22 DECEMBER, Thursday, 23rd lunar day.SCALES. Check the coverings for roses and other flowering shrubs in your garden to ensure there are no gaps and that they are securely installed. Now is a good time to start studying. different types of plants and caring for them, since there is little work during this period, it is worth using this time for self-education.

    Houseplants : It is not recommended to water the plants today.

    23 DECEMBER, Friday, 24th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 17:33,Moon without course until 17:32. If severe frosts have already set in, you can set out prepared soil mixtures, sand, sawdust, etc. for freezing. This will get rid of some pests and diseases.

    Houseplants : Watering is allowed in the evening. Make sure that the plants receive moisture on time, and also that they do not receive it in large quantities. If there is insufficient or excessive watering, the plant itself will let you know by its appearance.

    24 DECEMBER, Saturday, 25th lunar day.SCORPION. It is still a good idea to visit the grape storage area to check the condition of the bunches. It is best to do this once every two weeks, but more often is possible. Then you will detect in time if something is going wrong and take action.

    Houseplants : watering day. You can give the plants a shower, or wipe the leaves of larger plants well. This will remove dust and dirt and tidy up the plants.

    25 DECEMBER, Sunday, 26th lunar day.SCORPION , Moon without course from 10:22. There are no special recommendations for this day; if possible, do not do complex work today, use this time for small routine work.

    Houseplants : day of watering, spraying, shower.

    26 DECEMBER, Monday, 27th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS. It is good to carry out rodent protection work. There are different ways to deal with animal pests, ranging from the most inhumane, for example, placing poison, and ending with simply naturally scaring animals away from your areas and supplies.

    Houseplants : if the air in the apartment is very dry, plants are often affected by pests. Today is a great day to fight them. Identify the type of pest and take action accordingly. Some pests can be easily removed with soapy water; others may require stronger detergents.

    27 DECEMBER, Tuesday, 28th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS. Still a good time for pest control. You can check your mouse baits and update them if necessary. A good day to pick the last mushrooms of the year.

    Houseplants : Today is still a good day for pest control. Inspect your plants regularly to spot them in time. Some pests can hide under leaves or on stems, so they are not always easy to spot.

    CAPRICORN , NEW MOON at 09:54. The day is suitable for planning work for the next month. It’s better not to do anything serious today.

    Houseplants : It’s better not to deal with plants today, but it’s good to plan things for the next month. You can find out useful information about the maintenance of your plants. The day is not suitable for transplanting plants.


    ♑ 30 DECEMBER, Friday, 2nd lunar day from 09:55.CAPRICORN . Moon without course from 11:07. Today you can check cuttings intended for winter grafting and stored in sawdust in basements and cellars. If they're amazed gray rot, they should be processed. If there is severe necrosis of the tissues of the cuttings, they should be removed; they will not be suitable for grafting. Not a bad time for pickling cabbage, but fermentation processes promise to go quite quickly as the Moon grows.

    Houseplants : Not a bad day for replanting plants, but this should be done as a last resort; it is better to wait until spring.

    ♒ 31 DECEMBER, Saturday, 3rd lunar day.AQUARIUS. This day is neutral in caring for plants. Do the types of work that you consider necessary, besides, today you will most likely have enough things to do that are not related to caring for the garden, so you can relax.

    Houseplants : It’s better not to water the plants today.

    The moon will tell you the best days to work with plants (December 2016):

    Watering: especially recommended days: 6-8, 14-16, 23-25
    Watering: days not recommended: 4, 5, 13, 21, 22, 31
    Pest Control: 14-16, 26-30
    Planting, replanting and transferring indoor plants: 2, 3, 11, 30
    Mushroom picking: 8-10, 17, 18, 26, 27
    Twists: 17, 18
    Pickling cabbage: 1-3, 30
    Digging up the roots of medicinal plants: 19, 20
    Fertilizers for indoor flowers (if necessary): 13, 14, 21-23
    Planting greenery on the windowsill: 8, 9, 6
    Planting fruit bushes on the windowsill: 8, 9
    Loosening the soil and preparing soil mixtures: 1-3, 10-12, 19, 20, 30
    Purchases: 11, 12, 21, 22
    Sending cuttings for storage in snow piles: 17
    Harvesting and sorting seeds: 19, 20
    Unfavorable days for landings and transfers: 7, 13, 21, 27-29

    The time for the florist's lunar calendar is Moscow.
    The beginning of the lunar day is the time of moonrise.

    Attention: During the winter months, most indoor plants experience a period of dormancy or a significant slowdown in growth. Minimal care is watering, pest control and re-handling if necessary: ​​if the plant was flooded, pests appeared. Loosening the soil and sanitary pruning are also carried out as necessary: ​​if the soil in the pot does not dry out for a long time, the branches have dried out from a draft, etc. Other care methods: fertilizing, grafting, formative and rejuvenating pruning, replanting, dividing, etc. It’s worth postponing until the end of December until truly bright days arrive. The exception is plants that are illuminated with lamps and continue to grow, bloom or bear fruit.

    date Lunar day Moon in a sign moon rise Moonset Moon phase Moon without course Recommended Not recommended
    December 1 3rd Capricorn from 11:15 09:42 17:56 1st quarter, waxing moon from 07:08 to 11:52

    Until 11:52 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

    Crown trimming.

    December 2nd 4th Capricorn 10:31 18:47 1st quarter, waxing moon

    Planting vegetables for forcing: onions, garlic, parsley.

    If you have good lighting, you can graft and cut indoor fruit trees into the ground (under a bag or jar).

    Transshipment and replanting of plants if necessary. You can replace the top layer of soil.

    Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers are acceptable for plants in the growth stage.

    Spraying against diseases and pests.

    Crown trimming.

    Do not feed plants that have no visible growth and are poorly lit.

    December 3 5th Aquarius 23:49 11:13 19:45 1st quarter, waxing moon

    from 13:16 to 22:44

    After 13:16 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

    December 4 6th Aquarius 11:49 20:51 1st quarter, waxing moon Refrain from watering, transplanting and fertilizing, as well as radical pruning of the crown.
    5th of December 7th Aquarius 12:19 22:00 1st quarter, waxing moon from 14:23

    Weed and pest control, loosening the soil around plants, hilling, mulching.

    In the garden, you can begin to shovel snow to insulate fruit trees and shrubs.

    C 14:23 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

    Refrain from watering, transplanting and fertilizing, as well as radical pruning of the crown.

    December 6 8th Pisces from 07:30 12:46 23:14 1st quarter, waxing moon until 07:31
    December 7 9th Fish 13:10 1st quarter, waxing moon from 17:05

    Sowing and planting indoor plants, especially decorative flowering ones, cacti and succulents.

    Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with good additional lighting and active plant growth.

    From 17:05 the Moon has no course, do not work with plants.

    Do not replant and injure the root system of plants.
    December 8 10th Aries from 12:56 13:33 00:29 2nd quarter, waxing moon until 13:15

    Until 13:15 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

    After 13:15

    Drastic crown pruning.

    Watering and fertilizing.

    9th December 11th Aries 13:56 01:49 2nd quarter, waxing moon

    Planting herbs and vegetables on the windowsill: onions, garlic, parsley.

    Sowing beautifully flowering indoor plants.

    Weeding. Thinning the crown, removing dry leaves and dead branches.

    You can graft, but not cut.

    Drastic crown pruning.

    Watering and fertilizing.

    December 10 12th Taurus from 15:16 14:20 03:10 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 04:06 to 15:41

    Until 15:41 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

    After 15:41

    December 11th 13th Taurus 14:49 04:34 2nd quarter, waxing moon

    Sowing, planting and replanting any plants.

    Grafting and pruning to enhance growth and branching.

    Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers if necessary.

    Pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and shoots.
    12 December 14th Gemini from 15:10 15:23 05:59 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 07:04 to 15:40

    After 15:40

    Sowing seeds is acceptable.

    Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

    December 13th 15th Twins 16:06 07:20 2nd quarter, waxing moon

    Until 15:40 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

    After 15:40

    Planting, transplanting and forming only climbing, ampelous, climbing plants.

    Sowing seeds is acceptable.

    Weeding, loosening the soil. Treatment against diseases and pests.

    Transplanting and pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and suckers.

    Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

    December 14 16th Cancer from 14:43 16:59 08:35 Full Moon 03:05 from 08:57 to 15:08
    December 15 17th Cancer 18:02 09:38 3rd quarter waning moon

    Sowing seeds. Planting tuberous and bulbous and other plants, excluding hanging and climbing ones.

    Watering and applying organic fertilizers to the roots strictly when needed (good lighting).

    Formative pruning.

    Crown trimming.
    December 16 18th Leo from 19:41 19:13 10:29 3rd quarter waning moon from 00:37 to 16:15

    Until 16:15 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

    After 16:15

    December 17 19th a lion 20:27 11:08 3rd quarter waning moon

    Loosening the soil, treating against pests.

    Planting cacti, succulents and any drought-tolerant plants. Thinning of seedlings, picking.

    Planting and replanting indoor plants if necessary (except herbaceous ones).

    Watering, spraying, fertilizing.
    Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.
    December 18 20th Virgo from 19:41 21:41 11:40 3rd quarter waning moon from 19:55 to 20:52

    Loosening the soil, treating against pests.

    Planting cacti, succulents and any drought-tolerant plants. Thinning of seedlings, picking.

    Planting and replanting indoor plants if necessary (except herbaceous ones).

    From 19:55 to 20:52 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

    Watering, spraying, fertilizing.
    Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.
    December 19th 21st Virgo 22:56 12:05 3rd quarter waning moon

    Land cultivation and preparation.

    Sanitary crown pruning.

    Cleaning window sills.

    Soaking seeds.

    20th of December 22nd 12:27 3rd quarter waning moon

    Land cultivation and preparation.

    Sowing and planting indoor plants.

    Watering and, if necessary, fertilizing with organic or humus fertilizers.

    Sanitary crown pruning.

    Cleaning window sills.

    Sowing and planting plants intended for seeds and fruiting.

    Soaking seeds.

    21 December 22nd Libra 04:38 00:05 12:47 4th quarter waning moon from 04:56 to 05:39
    December 22 23rd Scales 01:14 13:06 4th quarter waning moon from 22:31

    Planting and sowing of tuberous plants and caudex and flowering plants.

    Rooting cuttings, sanitary pruning of the crown.

    If necessary, fertilize plants with organic fertilizers and watering.

    Loosening, weeding, mulching.

    Forcing greens, planting lettuce on the windowsill.

    Grafting, spraying, soaking seeds.
    December 23 24th Scorpio from 17:39 02:21 13:26 4th quarter waning moon until 17:32

    The moon is without a course, you can’t work with plants.

    After 17:40 Lena is in Scorpio

    December 24 25th Scorpion 03:27 13:47 4th quarter waning moon

    Sowing: planting perennial crops, as well as cacti and hanging plants. It is possible to plant green vegetables on the windowsill.

    Pruning and pinching to control crown growth.

    Possible loosening and weeding (carefully), if necessary, handling of indoor flowers.

    Watering and, if necessary, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

    Spraying against pests and diseases.

    Transplantation, any damage to roots, division of tubers, rhizomes and bulbs.

    Sowing, planting, picking tuberous plants.

    December 25 26th Scorpion 04:33 14:11 4th quarter waning moon from 10:22

    From 10:22 the Moon has no course, do not work with plants.

    December 26 27th Sagittarius from 05:01 05:37 14:38 4th quarter waning moon until 06:19
    27th of December 28th Sagittarius 05:37 14:38 4th quarter waning moon Treatment against pests and diseases. It is better to postpone other matters for better days.
    December 28th 29th Capricorn from 19:09 07:36 15:52 4th quarter waning moon from 04:45 to 18:12

    Until 18:12 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

    After 19:09 Moon in Capricorn

    Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers if necessary.

    Sanitary pruning of dried and diseased branches, excess shoots.

    Disturb the root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply
    December 29th 30th and 1st Capricorn 08:28 16:41 New Moon 09:53 We relax, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.
    December 30th 2nd Capricorn 09:14 17:38 1st quarter waxing moon from 11:07

    Sowing seeds, planting and replanting plants, planting cuttings for rooting.

    Grafting and cuttings.

    Weed and pest control.

    Application of mineral fertilizers.

    C 11:07 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

    Disturb the root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply.
    31th of December 3rd Aquarius from 04:10 09:52 18:41 1st quarter waxing moon until 04:29

    Treatment against diseases and pests (spraying, watering with pesticides carefully).
    Land preparation, weeding, loosening.
    Sanitary treatment of plants, removal of old and dried shoots. Cleaning up fallen leaves.

    Sowing, picking and planting plants.

    Favorable days in December 2016

    • from December 1 to 6 - waxing moon
    • from December 8 to 13 - waxing moon
    • from December 15 to 20 - waning moon
    • from December 22 to 28 - waning moon
    • December 30 and 31 - waxing moon

    Unfavorable days in December 2016

    • December 7 - First quarter
    • December 14 - Full Moon
    • December 21 - Last quarter
    • December 29 - New Moon

    Note: you should not take the gardener’s lunar calendar literally as a guide to action. If in October or January you see recommendations that “you can sow and plant some indoor plants” or “water and feed with organic fertilizers,” then know that only experienced gardeners can follow them and this only applies to plants in certain conditions. For example, fruit-bearing indoor trees can be fed monthly, even in winter. Plants that are in warm conditions of long daylight hours in autumn and winter (with additional lighting by lamps) can also be fed and even replanted. Experienced gardeners can successfully take cuttings and re-root plants in winter, as well as sow seeds or carry out artificial pollination. In the general rules of plant growing, with the onset of autumn, cooling, reduction of daylight hours and lighting intensity, i.e. When plants enter a stage of dormancy or slowdown in development, fertilizing, replanting, grafting, pruning and other procedures are strongly not recommended.


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