Favorite dishes of famous Russian rulers.

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This article briefly talks about what they eat, what they can preserve, what edibles they cannot imagine life without, and with whom Western celebrities share recipes.

The tendency to be overweight does not stop Scarlett Johansson from her passion for chicken wings: “God, I’m just obsessed with chicken wings! I understand that you need to limit yourself in food to stay in shape. But how can you refuse them?!”

Jessica Biel can't imagine a peaceful existence without buns. Moreover, not long ago she announced that she intends to open her own restaurant, where she will serve freshly baked cakes, muffins and bread: “I make very tasty bread, I am especially good at zucchini loaves and sweet loaves, such as banana or blueberry flavors.” "You'll just lick your fingers!" – Jessica boasts.

“Why torture yourself, exhaust yourself with diets? I love puffed rice cakes, ice cream and frozen yogurt. I never wanted to be skinny,” Kim Kardashian admitted in an interview with British Cosmopolitan.

Gwyneth Paltrow is not limited to creating culinary masterpieces. The actress went further and released a recipe book, My Father's Daughter.

As the tabloid Vanity Fair wrote, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton cans her favorite strawberry jam and plums.

Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron became friends on the set of Snow White and the Huntsman. One of the common interests of the actresses was the kitchen, because they both love to cook and now often share their recipes with each other.

Heidi Klum prefers to cook for her four children herself: “They love spaghetti, meatballs, chicken soup, schnitzel and cabbage. The children eat absolutely everything and eat only healthy food.”

Katy Perry admits that she has a passion for mushrooms: “I love mushrooms. I could eat tons of them. And truffles are divine!”

Youth idol Justin Bieber does not hide the fact that his gastronomic addiction is Doritos chips: “Before a trip, I always stock up on them. As well as fruit rolls and breakfast cereals.”

Britney Spears is famous as the number one chocolate lover among celebrities: “Chocolate! Lots of chocolate! Chocolate with caramel! When I'm hungry, I can't resist Snickers or M&M's.”

Famous food lover Blake Lively, who, by the way, studied culinary arts in Paris, once said in an interview with Marie Claire magazine: “If you love food as much as I love it, you and I will definitely get along. I'm just obsessed with cooking. I can talk for hours on this topic."

Like all people, some celebrities are very picky when choosing food, while others like simple food. Let's take a look at their plates - maybe we'll stop reproaching ourselves for our little gastronomic weaknesses.

Lady Gaga. Anything will be eaten with salsa.

The extravagant singer Lady Gaga is not as original in her culinary preferences as in her clothes. As a rule, her tour rider includes the following dishes: grilled chicken, cheese plate, skim milk and whole grain bread. During the performance, several bottles of sparkling water are prepared backstage for the singer, as well as decaf coffee or tea. But the singer’s favorite drink is: ginger ale. In addition, Lady Gaga loves Japanese cuisine, so she often visits Japanese restaurants. She also admits that she is ready to eat any dish if it is served with salsa.

Scarlett Johansson. Loves Mexican food

Scarlett Johansson admits that she loves to eat deliciously and a lot, but of all the cuisines in the world she prefers Mexican. And these are beans, hot peppers and corn tortillas. Scarlett also likes Mexican fast food. She is ready to pamper herself often burrito. This is meat, avocado, rice, cheese, tomatoes wrapped in thin wheat lavash, seasoned with hot sauce. Scarlett admits that with such a diet, she never went on a diet and never worked out in the gym. The actress feels comfortable in her body and is not at all going to change anything about herself.

Angelina Jolie. Replaced meat with cheese

But Angelina Jolie prefers French cuisine. Apparently, the actress’s genes were reflected here, because her mother was half French. Angelina loves bouillabaisse, oysters and onion soup. And, as befits a true lover of French cuisine, she eats everything in small portions. The only thing that the actress can eat in unlimited quantities is her favorite Camembert cheese. At the same time, Angelina completely abandoned sweets and fatty meats.

But her husband Brad Pitt loves simpler food - hamburgers, pizza, French fries.

Tom Cruise. He makes his own ravioli.

Tom Cruise is a fan of Italian cuisine. He often visits Italian restaurants and also cooks Italian dishes at home. Tom Cruise loves it pizza, pasta and ravioli. In addition, Tom Cruise has another hobby. For several years now, the actor has been collecting a collection of cookbooks, which he buys from different parts of the world.

Paris Hilton. Mixes a cocktail for dinner

Paris Hilton claims that she loves to eat a lot and deliciously. The star is upset that they don’t believe her because she is very thin. In addition, Paris says that she cooks herself, and she is especially good at sweets. Paris can also prepare a romantic dinner for your loved one. This is usually a Bellini cocktail and various Italian snacks. Paris also sometimes pampers her friends with home-cooked dishes. Most often it's sweet potato salad and crab buns.

Robert Pattison. Eats from a box

Robert Pattinson admits that he tries to eat only healthy foods. The actor himself, according to him, cooks very poorly. Robert says that in Los Angeles he began using home delivery services. This is very convenient because every morning a box of fresh food is delivered to him. This allows the actor to eat well. However, Robert really misses home-cooked food. But since the actor himself does not know how to cook, he does not try to learn how to do it. It seems to him that he is completely devoid of culinary talents. The only thing he is capable of is toast.

Stars are living people just like us. A thin waist is good, but you also want to eat delicious food. How many stars - so many tastes. They all have different cooking preferences. Let's find out who likes to pamper themselves with what.

Eva Longoria's favorite dish is avocados stuffed with shrimp.

“This is one of my favorite summer snacks. The sweetness of the shrimp is enhanced by the creamy, tangy dressing and buttery avocado,” says the actress.

Gwyneth Paltrow prefers grilled tuna rolls

“This dish was inspired by the East Coast tradition of wrapping fish in buns. I made it for dinner for the first time one summer when I found nothing but tuna steaks in the refrigerator and I had a few hungry guests,” explains the actress, who knows a lot about food. “The tuna is great in hot dog buns, and with the Provençal dressing it’s simply divine.”

Alicia Silverstone is crazy about radicchio pizza with truffle oil

“When my friend Liz first taught me how to make this pizza, she used a spelled crust, but any whole grain crust will do,” explains the vegetarian actress. “This pizza is perfect for dinner parties or just cozy nights at home.”

Katherine Heigl loves chocolate chip cookies.

Madonna loves Margherita pizza.

And the American pop diva Madonna really loves cabbage. The singer is glad that cabbage is a low-calorie vegetable, so the star does not limit herself to it. Among other things, Madonna drinks at least two liters of water a day.

Jennifer Aniston simply loves potato and rice dishes.

However, she has to constantly refuse these dishes, as well as pasta, alcohol, bread and canned food. The actress's diet allows her to consume only vegetables and fruits, dairy products and vegetable fats.

Denise Richards has a sweet tooth. No one can force her to give up sweets. That's why Denise eats a pack of chocolates every morning and still feels absolutely happy.

Eva Mendes cannot imagine her diet without bread. She knows that he affects her figure in the most negative way, but she can’t help herself. Eva smears everything she comes across in the refrigerator on it.

Model Heidi Klum can't get rid of the habit of eating Big Macs in unlimited quantities. Her friends say that Heidi follows the saying: Everything that fits into your mouth is good for you.

Popular actress Penelope Cruz, when she is on the set, attacks food with triple force. “When I work, I need energy,” the star continues to say. – I love everything fried and fatty. I love pizza, hearty rice and pasta dishes.”

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen is a completely shameless girl: she doesn't just like to snack on McDonald's food - she eats it! But the most blasphemous thing about the behavior of the impeccable Brazilian is that she often orders hamburgers directly to the set and joyfully devours them during breaks, causing a whole storm of emotions among hungry photographers and anorexic friends.

The most controversial character in modern literature, Frenchman Frederic Beigbeder, also distinguished himself in the gastronomic issue. Having voluntarily destroyed his career with the book of 99 francs, Frederic did not stop pampering himself with expensive dishes. “I love truffles for lunch. I slice them thin and serve them with foie gras and scrambled eggs: this is my signature recipe!” - says the former advertiser.

Cameron Diaz is a supporter of healthy eating. She eats fresh vegetables and juicy fruits and drinks plenty of water.

Rihanna loves fast food just like other celebrities. “I need to eat at least some junk food. But then I have to do a bunch of exercises for my buttocks and waist. This is payment for pleasure,” says the star.

Celebrities, stars, public favorites. Sometimes it seems to us that they all live in some special world and their habits, tastes, and feelings are also special, different from the overwhelming majority. Therefore, it can be very strange to find out that your idol, like all other people, goes to the grocery store, eats borscht at lunch, likes to lie on the couch, and does a lot of ordinary things that are common to everyone without exception.

For example, in their gastronomic preferences, stars are not very different from mere mortals

Evgeni Plushenko , like most men, loves the most incompatible dish in combination - meat and fried potatoes. He also likes Italian cuisine, especially all kinds of pastas. After all, pasta is so close to the heart of the Russian person.

Fried potatoes are my favorite dish Nikolai Baskov . Harmful, not harmful, but I really want it.

But N Ikolay Tsiskaridze , loves to eat fried potatoes with white bread. And he, like most ballet dancers, has a sweet tooth. True, you have to strictly limit yourself in the amount of food you eat.

Sergey Lazarev He is also among the many lovers of incompatible meat and potatoes. His favorite dish is beef stroganoff with potatoes, plus lightly salted cucumbers.

According to Anastasia Volochkova , she eats whatever she likes and doesn’t follow any diet. Fortunately, what she loves is extremely healthy - leafy and spinach salads, quail eggs, oysters, mussels, steamed fish and poultry, green tea with lemon. But Anastasia sometimes allows herself to eat a piece or two of cake and drink a couple of glasses of dry white wine.

Ilze Liepa madly loves oatmeal porridge. The dish is healthy, but very high in calories. Ilze says that if she were asked to choose one single product that she could take with her to a desert island, it would be rolled oats.

Oksana Fedorova , tries to eat healthy, and really loves Thai cuisine, but according to Oksana, her favorite dish is a bun with butter. He says that this is a memory of childhood, when by teatime for breakfast there was nothing else tasty in the house. Even now, when the beautiful Oksana has access to almost everything, when she arrives at a restaurant, while the order is being served, she grabs the bread.

Memories of childhood and youth sometimes make us dream about junk food and Fedor Bondarchuk . For example, sometimes he really wants to eat a pasty or donut fried in oil and drink a glass of milkshake. In general, Fedor is unpretentious when it comes to food and loves almost everything, with the exception of red pepper, boiled tongue, walnuts, hazelnuts, and all the entrails, liver, kidneys, etc. True, in order to be in shape you have to monitor the amount of food on your plate.

Renata Litvinova eats once a day, mainly in the evening. He doesn’t like fried food, and only accepts green salads as side dishes. The actress also does not drink any juices or alcoholic beverages, except good dry white wine. And he considers porridge his weakness.

Ksenia Sobchak The girl is versatile. Her favorite cuisine is Japanese, Italian, Russian. Favorite dishes are foie gras and chicken - tabaka. Ksenia also enjoys eating buckwheat porridge, and adds a “fly in the ointment” to this healthy dish: the porridge should be fried in a frying pan, you can crumble doctor’s sausages, but only sometimes. Well, the signature dish that Ksenia can prepare herself is tea from a bag.

Liza Boyarskaya eats irregularly, incorrectly and with just anything. “After grueling filming and rehearsals, I often lean on buns, “quick” soups and chocolates. I know that this is wildly harmful, but I can’t help it,” says Lisa. This is especially true for sweets: chocolate is my passion. Even if I had a big dinner, I can’t deny myself at least a piece of chocolate - otherwise the whole dinner will go down the drain.

Tina Kandelaki leads an active lifestyle and is very careful about his nutrition, maintaining a weight of 55 kg. She doesn’t eat anything salty, fatty or sweet, although the TV presenter’s favorite dishes are spaghetti carbonaro and fried chicken with fried potatoes. But star status requires sacrifice.

Kristina Orbakaite believes that you need to eat what your body asks for. At one time she tried many diets. But I didn’t stop at one.

Irina Slutskaya claims to be an omnivore. She eats everything that tastes good to her. Sometimes you want meat, and sometimes fish. And Ira loves and knows how to cook. But it’s still difficult to name a favorite dish. But she knows for sure that she is very lucky with her husband, since he is also an omnivore.

U Gregory Siyatvinda My favorite dish is dumplings. Moreover, he loves homemade ones for their taste, and store-bought ones for their speed of preparation. Take it out of the refrigerator and the food is ready.

Anastasia Chukhrai loves everything harmful and does not accept diets. Like this!

Julia Vysotskaya , the country's premier restaurant for complex and sophisticated dishes, favors dumplings with cherries.

Maksim Galkin My favorite thing is pancakes with sour cream.

A Garik Martirosyan I am convinced that the most delicious thing is kebab.

Foreign stars also often demonstrate the most unpretentious taste

Jennifer Lopez has a weakness for legume dishes. “I grew up in a poor Puerto Rican neighborhood, so I was used to simple and rough food. I love beans with steamed rice, red pepper and garlic,” the singer and actress says about herself.

Neve Campbell “crazy” about sweets. She does not deny herself desserts and very often enjoys all kinds of cookies and ice cream.

Loves sweets and Andy Garcia. Cuban by birth, this Hollywood actor has a passion for desserts made from tropical fruits, such as date nut cream or pineapple cake.

Simple guy Brad Pitt loves pizza, hamburgers and french fries.

The same pizza and hamburgers are the favorite food of the unpretentious Enrique Iglesias .

U Christina Ricci- a disease called “ice cream mania.”

And Tom Cruise, collecting a collection of cookbooks with recipes for exotic dishes from all over the world - pasta and ravioli are in the first place.

Cate Blanchett loves Italian cheese schnitzel with a crispy fried crust. The star eats it with green onions, tomatoes and boiled potatoes.

Gerard Depardieu prefers everything that is stewed and simmered for a long time. One of the famous actor’s favorite dishes is steak fried with aromatic herbs and mashed potatoes called “Aligo” with garlic, cheese and sour cream instead of milk.

Eva Mendes loves the famous Burger King - a sandwich with crispy chicken and onions, fries and a chocolate shake. And Eva also admits that while I’m watching the Oprah Winfrey show, I eat two glasses of Cup Noodles noodle soup.

On TV screens and magazine pages, stars look as if they feed only on heavenly ambergris: graceful and fit. But they also have their little gastronomic weaknesses. Like many people, pasties, khinkali, and baked chicken come to them in their dreams. There are, however, those who claim that their diet consists of healthy foods. Who to believe is up to you.

Rosa Syabitova:Larisa Guzeeva's mother is the best cook

The matchmaker does not hide: as a child she was always underfed. My mother cooked terribly, and the school cafeteria was not pleasant either. I ate it up when I visited my grandmother. She spoiled her granddaughter with amazing whites - Tatar pies: they turned out ruddy, fluffy and juicy. Little Rose always wanted to know the secret of making such gorgeous whites. When she grew up, she admits, she realized that the main thing is to cook with soul.

When Rose last ate pies, she won’t even say. Over the past few years, Rosa has kept herself under a tight rein: she follows a strict diet. But she doesn’t hold back when Larisa Guzeeva brings goodies prepared by her mother to the set. Half Tatar, she cooks excellent dishes of both Russian and Tatar cuisine. She does this with pleasure, pampering her grandchildren, Larisa and her husband, and her beloved daughter’s colleagues.

Maxim Averin: kebab must be made from poultry!

Maxim Averin is sure that the man in charge in the kitchen is a man. Inviting guests to the house, he himself prepares a festive dinner. His signature dish is Olivier salad. The actor prepares it according to his own recipe. It is based on several varieties of high-quality poultry meat. Everything else follows the traditional scheme: boiled and chopped vegetables, mayonnaise as a dressing. The actor, by the way, even cooks borscht with chicken broth: he says he loves light dishes. He jokes that at his age, after a hearty and hearty lunch, it is difficult for him to move. She also prefers shish kebab from poultry meat: it is easier to prepare, easier to digest, and difficult to overeat.

Jasmine: pasties are the head of everything!

Singer Jasmine, who lost 20 kilograms in two years, does not hide: the diet was torture for her. When friends gather in the house, she and her husband set a luxurious table, where there is room for meat, fish, and vegetable dishes. And all this abundance makes my mouth water. While she can still turn away from barbecue and lula kebab, chebureks take over her consciousness against her will. She has loved this dish since childhood and knows how to cook it herself in a way that no one can resist. True, after a couple of chebureks you have to get on the treadmill and “work off” the delicacy. But Jasmine has no regrets: the taste of this crispy dish is worth denying yourself everything for several days.

Anfisa Chekhova: Georgai on my mind

It is not surprising that Anfisa Chekhova is a big fan of Georgian cuisine. It is impossible not to fall in love with the gastronomic delights of this country when your husband is from Kakheti. The TV presenter admits that before meeting Guram she had never tried satsivi, lobio and dzhonjoli. For the first time, she tasted all these delicacies at the house of her husband’s mother and grandmother and was delighted. True, having stepped on the scales after returning from Georgia, all the delight quickly faded away. Every time she goes to visit her husband’s relatives, she, as she admits, persuades herself not to eat too much, but she can’t restrain herself. In Georgian families, it is customary to eat a lot and with appetite - feasts are always sumptuous.

Especially to please her husband with his favorite khinkali, the TV presenter took a master class in Tbilisi from a local chef. But, Anfisa admits, she failed to perfectly master the art of preparing Georgian dumplings. But the chicken satsivi, which her mother-in-law taught her to cook, comes out brilliantly!

Anfisa Chekhova with her husband Guram Bablishvili and son Solomon

Anna Semenovich: eating with the mind, not the heart

Singer Anna Semenovich loves to eat delicious food. And he believes that women with a good appetite should not hide this. She is sure: men adore ladies who know the value of a hearty dinner. A thin woman who snacks on a liter of water with a leaf of lettuce for dinner is associated by the stronger sex with illness. Semenovich recommends eating wisely: prefer a piece of steamed fish to a fatty steak, prefer vegetables to rice, eat cheeses less often - they have a lot of salt, replace desserts with a slice of dark chocolate. True, it happens that the singer herself breaks down. Knuckle, meat stew, baked leg of lamb can drive her crazy. But this happens, fortunately, infrequently. A woman is not required to chew a leaf of lettuce for lunch, breakfast and dinner, but she still needs to control herself.

Natasha Koroleva: if only there was a chicken...

Natasha Koroleva said in one of her interviews that she always loved and knew how to cook. But when she started hosting a culinary talk show on Channel One, her skill level increased. For two years, she interacted with the best chefs in the country. Natasha is especially good at poultry dishes: chicken, guinea fowl, quail, turkey. She even shared her signature recipe. You need to take the chicken, cut it into pieces, put it aside. In a separate frying pan, sauté onions and carrots, add chicken, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat. After 20 minutes, add dried apricots and prunes (whole), simmer for another 10–15 minutes and at the last moment add a mixture of soy sauce, wasabi and crushed garlic. If you want the sauce to be thicker and more tender, you can add starch diluted in warm water.

Natasha Koroleva with her husband Sergei Glushko

Sati Casanova: tasty must be healthy

Sati Casanova became interested in Indian cuisine many years ago. Hard-to-find products in our latitudes do not frighten her. She is ready to spend time and find the necessary delights to prepare her favorite dishes. One of these is vegetables in coconut curry sauce. Sati shared the recipe: “First, fry cumin, curry leaves (the leaves that can be bought in Indian spice stores), finely chopped ginger in ghee oil, then add diced vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato or regular potatoes, cauliflower, pour milk made from coconut cream powder over everything and let it simmer. It’s incredibly tasty and healthy.”

Tatyana Rybakova, certified nutritionist, fitness trainer, blogger and person who managed to lose 55 kilograms in a few years: “It’s so nice to read about the tastes of our stars. I really respect the choice of Roza Syabitova and the resilience of Jasmine, who understand that their addictions can greatly harm their figure and control themselves, rarely allowing themselves their favorite dishes. I, like Maxim Averin and Natasha Koroleva, am a lover of barbecue and poultry dishes, especially since this is dietary meat. And of course, I perfectly understand Anfisa Chekhova with her love for Georgian cuisine and Anna Semenovich, who more often makes the right choice towards steamed dishes, vegetables and dark chocolate. Your nutrition should be correct, but this does not mean that you cannot sometimes allow yourself small deviations from the diet towards your favorite dishes. And after reading this article I immediately wanted to go to an Indian restaurant: Sati Casanova can convince, especially since her figure is an example of a beautiful and fit body.”

Valeria Ivanova


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