Love spell for Christmas. Using dolls

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Love spells for love those made for Christmas are considered the most powerful, for love magic exactly this best time when you can independently and forever bewitch your loved one. Love spells for Christmas are very powerful, because this holiday is imbued with powerful energy. Christmas week provides a great opportunity not only to tell fortunes for your betrothed, but also to regain lost love or rekindle a new relationship. Love magic contains many ways to make your own love spell for Christmas, and we will reveal the most powerful and effective of them.

Christmas love spell from photo

You can make a Christmas love spell on your own from a photo on either a guy or married man, and for the girl you love. To do this, in the words of a love spell for Christmas, it is enough to replace the words slave with slave. To carry out the love spell ritual, you must have the following items prepared: a white handkerchief without a pattern, which has never been used, two church candles and a photograph of your loved one that can be printed from your phone. With the first star on January 7, cover the table with a new tablecloth and place a scarf in the center of it on which you place a photo of the person you want to bewitch. Hold the candles in your hands until the wax becomes soft and they can be intertwined. Now that everything is ready for your own love spell for Christmas, light these candles and start reading the words of the love spell:

Help the powers of Christmas magic, love the slave (name).
With the first rays of the sun, awaken your love for me slave (name).
Let him be engaged to me from now on, unite with me forever.


After this, let the candles burn out completely.

Christmas love spell on church

To perform this most powerful love spell on Christmas, you will need to attend a church service on Christmas night. It is practically impossible to remove this love spell, so if there are some doubts that you will be able to live with the bewitched person for the rest of your life, put off this love spell and replace it with an easier one. To make a Christmas love spell yourself, when you come to church, buy a candle and order a magpie for health for yourself and the loved one you want to bewitch. Light a candle at the icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg and say the following words:

Blessed Ksenia, I, (my name), turn to you with a prayer for help in marriage!

I ask you to unite my destiny with my beloved and loving man

Noble, kind, reliable, beautiful, successful,

So that I can become good husband, my child is a real father.

So that we live in love and harmony and in abundance, not needing anything,

So that in our hearts there is only love, kindness, hope.

So that we become faithful loving spouses, kind good happy parents,

So that our loved ones are given love and care.

Hear my prayer, Blessed Ksenia, have mercy,

Forgive me for my sins and help me with my request!

Show me where my destiny and happiness are!

Love spell for Christmas on an icon

To make a love spell for the Nativity of Christ at home, place your personalized icon on the table (they are sold in churches), put on white clothes and let your hair down. Place the icon on the table and light the church candle and read the love words:

Angel of my name, I sit humbly before you, looking through

Walls, through the table, through the white ceiling, through the floor.

I see the sea-ocean lies, there is no island on the sea-ocean.

On that island there is an earthen house, in the house there are three black coffins,

Three blood sisters lie in those coffins.

One melancholy is killed, the heart breaks.

The second melancholy suffers, knows neither day nor night.

The third melancholy is killed, it pierces the heart of God’s servant (name).

Oh, you three sisters, you three evil melancholy, follow (name).

Twist it, prick it, dry it, call it to me (name).

He wouldn’t have eaten the melancholy, he wouldn’t have washed away the suffering, he wouldn’t have fallen asleep with love for me.

He would be bored and suffer, he wouldn’t eat a piece without me,

I wouldn’t pour water, I wouldn’t fluff the pillow,

Without me I didn’t know the white light, I didn’t avoid the black night.

If (name) loved me like a mother loves her child,

Shchvtsa loves her lamb, the mare loves her foal.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

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It's no secret that not all love spells work, and not always, a lot depends on it. But even more, your personal happiness, whether to be with your loved one or apart, depends on the chance that the love spell will work or not. So, about the chances, the chances that the love spell will work as needed, and there will be a minimum of consequences, are greater than ever on Christmas Day.

Love energy is literally in the air at this time you can spend love spell on a guy, get my husband back or find your betrothed, however, take a man away from the family or destroy, anyone’s relationship is not worth it on this day.

Love spell on Christmas night

So, for a Christmas love spell, prepare a photo of your loved one in advance. You will need a round table, place twelve candles on it, you need to arrange them in the shape of a circle and light them, next to each candle put a piece of paper with the name of each month, twelve candles and the same number of months. Place a red cloth in the center, and on it put a photo of your loved one and an icon (image) of the Virgin Mary, you can also have an icon of Christ, put a little sugar and salt next to it, then read the love spell twelve times:

“I don’t want someone else’s, I’ll get mine. My heart weeps, it burns with passion for the servant of God (name). I will look at the sky, I will call on the Lord, I will ask the Mother of God. Life in me is fading, my beloved does not sigh for me, the blood in my veins does not flow, my beloved does not strive for me. My Mother of God, You are always kind to me, I do not wish the servant of God (name) melancholy, I do not send him grief, it is better for You to unite us, and give us love. Let the blood play in our veins, let our passion not burn out, let there be fun, there will be laughter, there will be joy and success. So that we can walk together, cross the road of life. Until the end of time, our union will not be destroyed, our peace will not be disturbed, I will be alone for him. In the name of Jesus our Lord and His Mother. Amen! Amen! Amen! "

The candle that burns out first and indicates the month in which your loved one will become yours forever, but this is not black love spell, which will act almost instantly, here you will have to wait, and perhaps quite a bit. But the effect of the same black love spell will end over time or it will give a strong negative effect, but here everything is reliable and effective.

Store the photo next to the image or icon of the Virgin Mary. Just a pinch of salt and sugar is enough; you need to add it to a treat or drink for your loved one; you can prepare something yourself, which will undoubtedly be better. The candle will indicate the most favorable month for rapprochement. However, this does not mean that this cannot happen sooner. However, you shouldn’t rush things either if you want the two of you to get along successfully.

After the Christmas love spell, when you finish, do not forget to go outside or to the balcony, before going to bed, look at the sky, stars, moon and thank the Lord and the Mother of God in your own words, and bow three times.

White love spell in church at Christmas

Go to church for the night service, buy three candles there, stand near the icon of the holy man and woman. Icons of St. Anna and James, Peter and Fevronia and others will be suitable, in general, so that there is a pair that you like.

When lighting the first candle in front of the icon, whisper three times:

“Let there be happiness, let there be love, may the servant of God (name) understand me and never leave me. Amen!".

Then the second candle, and say, also three times and in a whisper:

“May our love for God’s servants (names) be eternal, and may our happiness be endless. Amen!"

And then light the third candle and say, also in a whisper and also three times:

“God, give us (names) happiness, let it be our common one, let life be long, let it be happy, give us wealth and joy, protect us from troubles and misfortunes. Amen".

Then wait a little and go home, without turning around, without talking to anyone. When entering the church, as when leaving, it would be a good idea to give some coins to those in need.

Also purchase an icon or image of the Saints to whom you went to ask for help in advance and hang it on the next morning. east side walls, don't forget about her, and They won't forget about you. And remember, prayer not only strengthens our faith, but rather fulfills our forgiveness.

Love spell on Christmas night on coal

In the dead of night, you will need coals; in the old days, they lit a fire for this or took them from the oven; you can buy them in a store, but it would be better, of course, the old fashioned way.

So, spread a few charcoals on a clean scarf white in the middle of the room. You need to walk around them and the scarf slowly, clockwise and reading the plot 33 times:

“The flames kept burning, and the dry branches were devouring everything. Only coals remained from it, that’s all. There is no life in their blackness, and there is no warmth in them. In the same way, there is no heat in (name’s) body, the blood does not run through his veins, the heart does not beat, the leg does not step, the thought does not flash. Just waiting and still waiting. Only I (name) can wake you up (name) and help you revive. The gaze will be directed, life will return. The coal of another fire does not need another fire, so you (name) cannot live without me. Don’t go back on what’s been said, turn your desire into reality! Amen!".

Coal needs to be thrown under the threshold of your loved one so that he will step over it or step on it.

Love spells for Christmas are very effective, but the opportunity to use them again, as you yourself understand, will not appear soon; it would be foolish not to take advantage. It’s not in vain that our great-grandmothers waited for this day; on this day you can ask for and receive almost anything.

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My main principles: individual approach to every person and work for results.

Christmas is the brightest and most joyful Christian holiday. A time of prayers, holiday rituals and bright hopes for the future. But besides this, Christmas is also one of the best times for magic. True, not for everyone - rituals aimed at causing harm to someone during this period are extremely dangerous for the sorcerer himself. Another thing is love magic. Love spells for Christmas can be very strong, because this holiday is imbued with the most powerful energy of love, forgiveness, and understanding. This is the best opportunity to regain lost love or rekindle a new one.

Ritual "4 elements"

There are many ways to cast a love spell at Christmas. For one of them you will need a white clean cloth square shape, never used before, two thick white candles and photographs. Draw two stripes on the fabric connecting the middles of opposite sides. The fabric will be divided into four equal squares.

In each of these squares (closer to the center of the fabric) write one of the names of the four sacred Great Elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth. At noon on January 7th, cover the table with this cloth. In the center, place a photo of you and your loved one. If there is no such photo, cut out your images from different photos and glue them together. Place burning candles on the sides of the photo, on one of which you need to write your name in advance, and on the other - the name of the chosen one.

Now say this spell three times:

“Power of Christmas, help me, put a love spell on my dear (name).
Let him love as I love. Let him not sleep, just as I do not sleep.
Let him be engaged to me from now on, unite with me forever.”

After this, let the candles burn out. Then hide the cinders and other objects in the ritual in one secret place.

Ritual during the service

To perform another love spell on Christmas, you need to attend a church service on Christmas night. Take with you a small sheet of thick white paper.

In church, take the sheet in your hands and, standing in front of the icon, whisper:

“Virgin Mary, Mother of God, help me, fulfill what I ask.”

Lovely, clean and Holy holiday Christmas brings new bright energies into the world. People subconsciously feel how the planet is being renewed, cleansed of the negativity accumulated by our thoughts throughout the year. It's not just a feeling. This is a fact unofficially recognized even by science. What does this have to do with love magic? Yes, the most direct! Christmas is one of better days to correct your destiny, to attract personal happiness.

Love spell for Christmas

To cast a love spell you will need a photo of your loved one. After sunset, place round table twelve candles. Place salt, sugar, photo on the red cloth in the middle. Candles must be marked. For example, next to each one you can put a piece of paper with the name of the month from January to December. Now you need to light the candles and read the following plot twelve times:

“In the name of Jesus and His Mother! I don’t ask for anyone else’s, only my own! The heart suffers, the blood does not glow, life fades away like a star in the night! The sky shouts: “be patient and be silent!” I conjure the Lord, I call the sky, I call the star! Bring back my destiny! Mother of God, with your kindness unite forever the Servant (name) with the Servant (name) who loves him! I don’t ask for grief and melancholy for him! Let love squeeze your temples! Let his blood play and burn! Let my image give birth to passion and love! In the name of Jesus and His Mother! There is nothing more expensive in the world! Amen!".

Watch out for love candles. The one that burns out first will indicate the month in which you will be given the highest bliss (this year). When all the candles have burned out, you need to put the photo behind the Icon of Jesus (if you don’t have it at home, purchase it in advance). Salt and sugar are carriers of the Christmas love spell. They must be added to the victim's food. How you do this depends on your specific circumstances. Just don’t rush things and wait for the month predicted by the love spell.

Love spell for Christmas snow

This is the kind of love spell our great-grandmothers sometimes performed at Christmas. (This method only works on guys). On Christmas evening, going to the festivities, the girl wove three scarlet ribbons into her braid. She slandered each one:

“Scarlet dawn, you are my friend! Take me by the hand and lead me to my dear one! Give courage and affection so that your loved one’s eyes sparkle! Give him good luck and aspirations to arouse his desire! Protect from envy and malice, remove rivals! I’m listening to you - lead the way! You are in front, and I am behind!”

If a girl has a haircut, it doesn't matter. You can tie bows, decorate hairpins with ribbons, and so on. The point is for the ribbons to be in contact with the hair. Now we need to meet halfway. When he sees you, you need your head to be not just uncovered, but covered with snow. That is, if he goes like this, then he attacks your hair. If the sky is clear, then shy away from the tree a little. If there is no snow, then feel free to choose a different love spell for Christmas.

The moment the victim looks at you, say: “Jesus is born!” (name) fell in love!” In this case, the first phrase can be said out loud, the second - silently. The spell must be pronounced before the snowflakes on your hair melt!

Christmas love spell on coal

This ritual, like Christmas fortune telling held late at night from January 6 to 7. You will need charcoal. Previously, it was taken out of the oven, but now you can buy it at the supermarket if there is no fireplace in the house. Some people light a fire outside. Just get some coals that are left from the burnt firewood.

After midnight, you need to lay out this “good” on a clean white scarf in the center of the room. Then walk around the “structure” clockwise thirty-three times, casting a love spell:

“The flame burned, the branches were devoured! Now all that's left of it is coals, that's all! Just as there is no life and warmth in the blackness, so there is no life in the body of (the name of the victim)! The blood does not flow through the veins, the heart does not beat, the foot does not step, the thought does not fly! Waiting! Only (his name) can wake him up and help him come to life! He will look at (name of the victim) and will return life! No new fire for the coal! So you (name) can’t live without me (name)! It’s been said – don’t turn it back, just implement it!”

In the morning, coal is poured onto the threshold of the house of the love spell victim.

Article on the topic: " strong conspiracies for Christmas for prosperity, success and love on the site "love spell master" will help you do everything right.

Christmas is not only a Christian holiday. It is closely related to the pagan beliefs of ancient peoples. This is the time when the foundations of future prosperity, good luck, and joy are laid.

It was often used to attract light forces into one’s life. People performed simple rituals so that the Higher Powers understood what a person needed help with, and where, perhaps, they could suggest.

  • The magic of Christmas night
  • How to formulate a wish for a conspiracy?
  • Ritual for love
  • Christmas 2019 conspiracy for wealth
  • Christmas spell for good luck

On Magical Christmas days, you can ask for love or wealth, success or the fulfillment of a specific wish. It is important to remember who exactly you are addressing. Namely, you are conducting a dialogue with the forces of light and good. They will not be able to help you fulfill evil, dangerous desires. Therefore, when carrying out conspiracies on Christmas, you need to follow some rules.

So here it is. When you begin to carry them out, take care not to think ill of a single person on earth. If you have enemies, forget about them for one day. If you are often offended, then forgive these people. Perhaps they are taking revenge on you for your strength and faith. Ask good things not only for yourself, but also for friends and relatives. Demonstrate your friendliness and natural kindness to higher powers. This way they will become more accommodating.

How to make a wish for Christmas?

If you want money, then don’t ask for banknotes. The universe does not know what coins and pieces of paper are. She only understands what they can buy. Therefore, asking for money itself is an empty matter. You need to pray for what you want to buy: a car or an apartment, a dress or a ring. This is clear to the higher powers; they will try to help you on Christmas night.

In Christmas love conspiracies, base your requests and reasoning on the happiness of two (at least) people. That is, if you want to see a specific person next to you, do not ask to get rid of your rival. Ask for your mutual love, as well as happiness for your rival. Let him meet worthy person. That is, it is clear that desires should be good, bringing well-being to absolutely everyone.

Christmas love spell

On Christmas night, take two candles. They need to be twisted into one and then lit. While the lights glow merrily, read these words:

“The stars shine brightly, illuminating the earth with love! They live forever and love faithfully, they will not deceive, they will not steal. I will light two stars today. One (his name), the other (his name). They will glow with loyalty, love and protect the world! To feelings – reciprocity, fidelity and happiness! Amen!".

For those who do not yet know with whom they will be happy, such a ritual is recommended. Take Christmas tree toy- a ball, for example. Inside it you need to put tinsel, small pieces of foil, and so on. The ball is hung on the Christmas tree for all holidays. On Christmas Day itself, before midnight, you need to pick it up, cast a spell and break it. The fragments are collected the next morning. Therefore, the place for destroying the ball must be chosen in such a way that no one will go there until the morning. The Christmas spell is:

“I didn’t live alone, but with loneliness together. My life was full of sorrow and cold! There is no more strength to nurture and appease loneliness. It is ungrateful, prone to dirty tricks, and prone to malice! Breaking my life (breaking a toy), interrupting the melancholy! From now on I am alone, full of happiness and joy! No more loneliness with me! My hero will come into my life!”

Christmas spell 2019 for money

In order for money to flow like a river, and everything into your pockets, you need to carry out the following money ritual. Plant a flower at home, not just a simple one, but a special one, a flower for money. Any will do indoor plant, but better Money Tree. Preferably healthy and full of energy. On Christmas morning they take it, bury seven coins in the ground and read a spell for each one.

“You grow - grow a flower! Hit the ceiling! So that my wealth multiplies and is not destroyed by spending. Money into your wallet so that spending will only do good!

The plant should be left under the tree overnight. In the morning, put him in his original place, where he will be light and comfortable.

Important: only plants with wide leaves are used for the ritual. Cactus won't do. If you perform a ritual with him, then money will begin to come through troubles. A cactus can also attract envious people who are greedy for your goodness (read the signs about the cactus).

Christmas Eve spell for good luck in everything

This ritual is performed as soon as the eyes are opened. That is, it is advisable to rewrite the plot on a piece of paper and put it near the bed, otherwise you will forget. When you wake up on Christmas day, say:

“To the sun, stars, moon, earth, low bow! Thank you for your help and care! I ask you to look after the Servant of God (my name). Send me good luck and happiness, and show me the way! Amen!".

Christmas spells need to be pronounced in good mood and with a light heart. Remember that for Higher Powers It is not material goods that are important, but your happiness and joy. In order to make every person happy, they are ready to do a lot!

CONSPIRACY- a ritual based on the power of words. This is a magical text that has a certain structure. The plot must be read protectively, medicinal purposes, helps implement plans. Conspiracies are pronounced in a whisper or in a low voice at sunrise, facing east.

Conspiracies are usually read on the following topics:

  • love and feelings;
  • wealth and money;
  • luck;
  • from magical effects (damage, evil eye, curse);
  • from diseases.

Below is a list of conspiracy texts on each of these topics.

Attract each other with contrasting pictures. Mentally imagine success not only in love, but in another area of ​​human activity.

Good luck!


Hurry up to perform special magic spells when Christmas comes. On this day you will be able to attract money, love and luck into your life.
On Christmas day, no matter what time, light a few candles.
If possible, retire to a spacious room.
Believe in what you want to receive.

Clearly formulate to yourself the cash flows that will be just right.
Attract mutual love with contrasting pictures. Mentally imagine success not only in love, but in another area of ​​human activity.

Begin to repeatedly and confidently repeat Christmas magic spells that will fulfill your wishes.

Just as Christmas has been famous for centuries, so wealth is given to someone. Let there be more than enough money, I won’t be left with an empty bag. I will live all year in prosperity, and not in debt. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I bring love to Christmas, may it help me in happiness. There will be a mutual, bright feeling, and your cherished desire will come true. Those who love, I attract to me, those who curse, I banish forever. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I whisper for good luck on Christmas, let fortune knock on the window. In games and arguments, success will help me, at work it will put off a raise. I will successfully accomplish all my tasks, God will forgive me if I sin badly. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You will have to work out these rather strong conspiracies on Christmas.
The more powerful your own energy is, the faster everything you have planned will turn out.

Good luck!

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The Nativity of Christ provides people with a wonderful opportunity - to wait and believe in a real miracle. This day has been considered magical since ancient times due to the miraculous events that took place.

At Christmas, girls and women indulge in a variety of fortune-telling about their betrothed and their future. But the magic of this day knows no bounds, because today you can improve your financial situation.

Raising money during the Christmas holidays is carried out through numerous ceremonies, various rituals, and the uttering of special spells and spells. It is very important to follow the signs that contribute to enrichment and protection from financial losses. Castable spell or a plot for wealth at Christmas helps to improve well-being, attract good luck, and also receive the desired amount of money. The main thing is to believe in the result and pronounce the cherished words with all care and responsibility, thinking about every word.

So, what are the most powerful conspiracies and spells for wealth at Christmas? Let’s try to figure it out in our article.

How to get rid of poverty at Christmas

On Christmas Day, come to church first for the service, and do the same when you leave. At the door, say the following Christmas spell for wealth:

“How many people stood at the service,

So much money

It stuck to me.

How are all these people leaving the church?

So that poverty will quickly disappear from me.”

After saying these words, try not to talk to anyone.

Another ritual: “Help me, Mother Earth, get rich!”

In order for the Christmas wealth plot to bring results in the near future, read it with faith and good thoughts. So, before Christmas, go to the forest, dig a small hole under the tree and place 7 coins there. Light a church candle and say the following words: “Mother Earth, give me prosperity.”

Then go home without talking to anyone. By folk beliefs this ritual attracts money throughout the year.

Magic... jar

This conspiracy for wealth is read only after the ritual has been completed. In order to complete it, take a jar with a screw-on lid, one bay leaf (can be dried), 7 coins, a sheet of paper and a pen. Write down the amount you need and place the sheet in the jar. After this, drop the coins in there one by one, mentally imagining how they multiply and turn into the required amount, and at this time say:

“The coins sparkle, the coins ring! I have more and more of them! No matter where I’m waiting, let the money come, and let them get even more money!”

On bay leaf use a bright felt-tip pen to write your church name and put it in the jar. Close the lid tightly and place it where no one can see.

After that, open the jar every day and put one coin in it until the treasured amount is in your hands. As soon as this happens, the piece of paper should be buried in the ground, and the coins should be taken to the church.

Spell for enrichment

As has long been known, the most powerful conspiracies and spells for wealth are read on Christmas Eve. So, to talk yourself and your loved ones out of poverty, say the following words on Christmas Eve:

"For the first time, in God's hour,

I'll talk myself into talking

For today, for tomorrow, forever

From poverty and poverty,

From cold and hunger,

Like Jesus Christ

Born on Christmas

So the irredeemable ruble would appear.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times).”

Gift from God's Church

On Christmas Eve, send money to the church account (or simply by mail in an envelope). It doesn’t matter how many there are, even a ruble, even two, the main thing is that it’s from the heart. And after a while you will see how the money will jump into your wallet on its own.

But don’t limit yourself to just one time, send money as often as possible.

How to get rich with a flower pot

The ideal time for this ritual is Christmas Eve. So, buy a small flower pot at the market and fill it with soil to the very top. Place 3 on the sides church candles. Index finger right hand move along the edge of the pot in a clockwise direction and read the prayer “Our Father...”, and then say a spell for wealth for Christmas 3 times:

“As the 12 months ring, so the purses of the servant of God (name) would rattle and ring. Like roosters crow 12 times and keep the money for 12 dawns and say to themselves 12 times: wallets to wallets, money to money, everything is mine with me and let all the money go to me.”

Place the pot in the most visible place, and burn the candles for 12 days, lighting them from time to time.

"Help me, little star..."

The most powerful conspiracies and spells for wealth at Christmas are read on the first Christmas star. Turn off the lights in the entire house and place a lit candle on all the windows.

After this, go to the window that faces east, look into the evening sky and say the following words (be sure to write them on a piece of paper):

“Glory to our God, Jesus Christ! Glorify, angels: Jesus was born, Herod was surprised, Judas hanged himself, the whole world rejoices. The glory of the Lord stands forever and does not break, but silver money is added and added to me. I glorify your Christmas, Christ! Blessed be both the hour and the day on which you were born. For my sake you appeared, having endured crucifixion and suffered death. O Jesus, Son of God, accept your servant at the hour of his death, in his eternal wandering, with the most pure prayers of your Mother and all your Saints, for blessed are you forever and ever. Amen".

After this, burn the piece of paper on which the Christmas plot for wealth is written, mix the ashes with three coins and leave overnight. In the morning, take them out and put them in your wallet.

“Christmas night, get rid of poverty!”

As soon as the clock strikes 24-00 on January 6, sit in front of the window, light a candle, look at the sky and read the following spell for wealth for Christmas:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

How Jesus Christ is kind and patient to me,

How he gives forgiveness to everyone on earth,

He pities, blesses and loves everyone,

So my fate should be favorable and merciful to me.

Key. Language. Lock. Amen."

Christmas is the time when the most cherished desires, because it is on this day that you can find out about your future and ask the Almighty for something special. Make wishes and don't miss your magical chance!


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