Store "Sretenie" Reviews for “store “Sretenie” Sretensky bookstore

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The Holy Scriptures, the works of the holy fathers and books about devotees of piety, theology and publications introducing Orthodoxy to those who are just looking for the way to the temple... In our bookstore in five spacious halls there are more than 7,000 titles of books.

Guide to the halls of the Sretenie bookstore

1st HALL. Saints and devotees of piety. Publications of the Sretensky Monastery

In the first hall in the center you will find thematic selections for holidays and commemorated days of remembrance of saints, as well as collections of spiritual instructions for all occasions.

Also in this room are the lives of saints and the works of the holy fathers, including multi-volume collections of works, for example, St. John Chrysostom in 12 volumes or various editions of all the works and letters of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov).

Of the modern venerables, the most beloved, of course, is Elder Paisius the Svyatogorets: you will find his life and instructions on separate shelves in a variety of formats and arrangements - for adults, for children, in excerpts and for leisurely reading.

Much attention is paid to the lives and works of Russian saints and ascetics. Let us note, first of all, publications dedicated to the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church. The biographies and instructions of the elders and elders of our time are also presented. A separate shelf is dedicated to Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), who blessed the revival of the Sretensky Monastery in the early 1990s.

With his blessing, in 1994, the now widely known Orthodox publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery was created, whose publications occupy a quarter of the 1st hall.

Also in this room you will find literature about monasteries and monasticism, books about church art and all - from the 1st to the 51st volumes of the very popular Orthodox Encyclopedia.

2nd HALL. Contemporary about Orthodoxy. Sretensky new items

In the 2nd hall in the center there are again new products from the Sretensky Monastery publishing house.

Immediately to the left of the entrance are handmade leather-bound publications. These are perhaps the most expensive books in the store. However, they are purchased not only as a gift to others, but also for home - so that this book will last a long time and, perhaps, be passed on to children and grandchildren in memory. This could be the Bible, including one illustrated in detail with engravings by Gustav Dore, or a separately published Gospel or Psalter. Or maybe a prayer book. Or your favorite patristic reference book. The formats are different: from large lecterns (which were once not uncommon in the homes of pious laypeople) to everyday publications that you can carry with you. Wise elder priests, by the way, recommend always having the Gospel with you. You can also buy family chronicles in good leather binding - this is a book passed down from generation to generation.

A book bound in handmade leather will be kept in the family for generations.
Here you will also find large, wonderfully published albums on icon painting and fine arts, as well as those dedicated to the Royal Family, saints and individual monasteries.

The central place in this hall is given to the shelves “Contemporary on Orthodoxy”, where, in particular, sermons and biographies of modern especially revered missionaries are collected, such as, for example, Archpriest Valerian Krechetov, Archpriest Andrei Tkachev, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov, Archimandrite Andrey (Konanos ) and others.

Along the wall are shelves with books on the basics of Orthodoxy. These are, first of all, different ones, including the Sretensky Publishing House, publications of the Law of God and the Catechism.

On the adjacent shelves are books about the posthumous fate of the soul and about possible help for the souls of deceased relatives, as well as about how to acquire such a virtue as mortal memory yourself. In addition, there is a selection of editions of the Canon on the exodus of the soul, lithiums and memorial services for the deceased, which can also be performed in a secular rite.

Then - a book about the essence and practice of Orthodox fasting.

Afterwards (through the passage to the descent to the minus 1st floor) everything is about the main Orthodox holiday - Easter.

And right there in the corner there are three shelves with calendars and diaries indicating Orthodox holidays, fasts, with quotes from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Fathers. Everyone here can choose something for themselves: there are, for example, calendars for hospitable housewives, and there are for ascetics who strictly observe the Charter, etc.

3rd HALL. Liturgical and historical literature

In the 3rd hall, immediately to the right, there is everything for clergy and clergy, as well as for those who want to understand the intricacies of the services of a particular day. Here are presented both the actual liturgical books: Octoechos, Menaion, Lenten and Colored Triodion, Books of Hours, Followed Psalter, service books, breviaries, irmologies, canons, as well as manuals: Typikon, individual sequences of the bishop’s service, as well as the deacon’s and sacristan’s, plus auxiliary liturgical books magazines, parish books, etc.

Next is the Holy Scripture: the most diverse editions of the Old and New Testaments, as well as individual Gospels and the Apostle, and the most complete selection of interpretations of sacred texts, from the ancient holy fathers to modern interpreters.

Wise elder priests recommend always having the Gospel with you

Then akathists and canons for home and cell prayer are presented.

For a birthday boy or a person being baptized with almost any name, you can immediately choose a personalized gift with an icon of the Heavenly Patron, his life and prayer to him.

Here on the shelf island there are a wide variety of prayer books in Church Slavonic and Russian languages ​​of all formats and for every need: family, for children, about children, as well as with prayers for deliverance from one or another passion (pride, vanity, greed, condemnation and etc.); prayer books connected to the Psalter.

Interpretations of sacred texts are presented as fully as possible - from the ancient holy fathers to modern interpreters

The Psalter is also presented separately. There are educational Psalms with parallel translation, including, which is very convenient, in three columns: in Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic text in civil font and translation into modern Russian. Also here you can find the Psalter of the Mother of God (especially recommended by Archpriest Valerian Krechetov), ​​the Psalter of St. Ephraim the Syrian, the Psalter of St. Ambrose of Milan, etc.

Venerable Ephraim the Syrian

There are also shelves with separate editions of akathists: the Most Holy Trinity, the Sweetest Jesus, the Mother of God, and the saints.

The left side of the 3rd hall contains books on theology, biblical studies, religious studies, sect studies, and here there are religious philosophy and textbooks and tutorials on learning languages ​​(Greek, Latin, Hebrew, English, etc.).

There are calendars for both ascetics who strictly observe the Charter, and for hospitable housewives

At the exit from the hall on the left there is an island of shelves “Everything about pilgrimage”, and against the wall there are three shelves “Publicism”.

4th HALL. Orthodoxy for children

The 4th hall is addressed primarily to caring parents, including godparents, and teachers, in particular Sunday schools. It is dedicated mainly to children's literature.

Here you will find colorful editions of the Holy Scriptures and lives of saints, arranged for children, children's prayer books and stories for kids about the main church holidays, fiction for preschoolers, primary schoolchildren and teenagers.

The little ones will be attracted by coloring books and albums for appliqués; for those who are older - intellectual games and paper models of temples, chapels, and bell towers.

For moms and dads, here are books about family and marriage, education, physical health and good housekeeping.

Right next to it is the “Psychology” rack.

5th HALL. Classic

This hall, which concludes the book exhibition, contains many of the most beloved works of Russian and world classics: A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Shmelev, S.A. Nilus, Clive Lewis and others, as well as the best examples of modern poetry and prose.

The Sretenie store at the Sretensky Stavropegic Monastery was opened in 1997 and immediately became one of the largest Orthodox bookstores in the capital. It presents products not only of the Sretensky Monastery itself, but also of almost all church publishing houses in Russia and neighboring countries, as well as books, audio and video products of secular publishing houses on historical, cultural and church topics.

The store, which has recently expanded its space, offers the widest and most varied selection of books in several departments.

Here are books of Holy Scripture, theological works, works of Church history, prayer books, calendars, liturgical literature and notes, biographies of saints and devotees of piety, their works, as well as socio-political publications, journalism, magazines, fiction, albums. In the children's literature department there is a large selection of well-illustrated, Orthodox and simply educational publications that contribute to the development in children of love for God, for national culture and history. A special place in the store’s assortment is occupied by collectible and gift editions, trimmed with metal, leather, and velvet.

Qualified sales consultants will tell you in detail about the books presented, about the expected new products, and will help you make the right choice.

In the utensils department, candles, lamp oil, crosses and icons, priestly vestments, incense, scarves, belts and much more are always on sale. A separate room is occupied by a specialized icon store. There is a wide selection of old icons and the largest assortment of icons in Moscow painted by modern masters, as well as enamel, cast icons and crosses, ceramic plastic, and icon cases.

The store is located five minutes from the Chistye Prudy and Turgenevskaya metro stations and a seven-minute walk from the Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most metro stations at the address: Bolshaya Lubyanka Street, building 17.

The store is open daily from 9.00 to 20.00, without lunch breaks and seven days off.

The Orthodox book store SRETNIE on Bolshaya Lubyanka is something special. I have never seen such huge specialized bookstores! Sretenie has two separate entrances to two different stores united by a single name. The first entrance from the Sretensky Monastery is the largest icon store, but the second porch is precisely the entrance to the bookstore.

This place completely shocked me and pleasantly surprised me not so much with the huge area of ​​the store located on two levels, but with a truly colossal range of products. It’s just like in Greece - everything is there!

At the entrance to the store you are greeted by a small hall, in which there is a free water cooler, a payment machine, wooden benches for relaxation, lockers for luggage and stands with announcements of new products. Going through the door to the right from the hall you can get into a small store, I would say, related goods, or more correctly, church utensils, etc. Here you can buy home icons, candles, amulet, etc. goods sold in every church shop, but presented here very widely. But to the left from the hall already described above you find yourself in an abundance of books that is simply amazing.

In the first hall, in addition to educational and patristic books, journalism and reference literature from various publishing houses, the visitor will find books from the Sretensky Monastery’s own publication. The second hall accommodated a variety of sheet music, historical and philosophical books, akathists, calendars, etc. In the third hall, the visitor will find fiction, prayer books, and patristic and historical books that would not fit in the other halls. This is my favorite room. And the fourth room is mostly children's books and various albums.

Do you think that's all? Nothing like this! From the second hall there is also a descent to the lower level. There are several rooms with films, audio books, church hymns and classical music. True, the air conditioner works downstairs and therefore it makes sense to insulate yourself when going down there. There, too, the choice makes your eyes run wild. So while you choose, it’s no wonder you’ll freeze.

I wouldn’t call the prices in the store either low or high, but due to the assortment, you can choose something to suit your pocket. You can pay for all purchases at the cash desk of any of the halls. It is very comfortable. In addition, they accept not only cash, but also bank cards. I also liked that the morning and evening services of the Sretensky Monastery are broadcast through speakers in the halls. So if you suddenly get lost in time, then there is every chance to come to your senses in time. So I highly recommend Candlemas to everyone! Simply a great store!

The Sretensky Monastery was founded in 1397. At the place where the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God was found. According to legend, it was this meeting that helped protect the city from Khan Tamerlane, who retreated to the south.

The Sretensky Monastery became a monastery in 1677, when the newly rebuilt one was consecrated in honor of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

After the revolution, most of the monastery's buildings were rendered unusable. It was never restored until the 1990s.

But today it is the Sretensk Theological Seminary and one of the largest Orthodox publishing houses in Russia.

Publishing house

The Sretensky Monastery Publishing House in Moscow publishes most of the books in demand by the Orthodox audience. These are different, cheap and expensive editions of the Bible, modern Orthodox prose like "", these are essays and Orthodox ascetics. Particularly popular is prose about spiritual life for a wide range of readers.

All these books are in our store and you can purchase them at retail at publisher prices.

Orthodoxy Ru

The Pravoslavie.Ru portal, which every Christian with Internet access knows about, is also a project of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery.

This portal publishes all materials of clergy, priest-publicists and theologians of Russia. There is an Orthodox calendar and a section for questions for priests.


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