Small Academy of Music at NNGK. Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after

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Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after. M.I. Glinka
International name

Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (academy) named after M. I. Glinka
Gryaznova Street, 22, Magnitogorsk, Russia, 455036

Former names

Magnitogorsk Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after. M. I. Glinka

Year of foundation
Year of reorganization

on Google map

Legal address

Russia, 455036, Magnitogorsk, st. Gryaznova, 22

Coordinates: 53°23′50″ n. w. /  58°58′23″ E. d. / 53.3972; 58.973 53.3972° N. w. 58.973° ​​E. d.(G) (I)

K:Educational institutions founded in 1939 Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka

- higher musical educational institution in Magnitogorsk. Named after the great Russian composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. Member of the “Association of Musical Educational Institutions”, laureate of the National Competition “Best Educational Centers of the Russian Federation - 2011”, laureate of the “Window to Russia” competition, participant of the national register “Leading Educational Institutions of Russia”.


The Magnitogorsk Conservatory was formed from the Magnitogorsk Music College named after. M.I. Glinka, opened in Magnitogorsk, which is under construction in the city of S.G. Eidinov. Thanks to its founders, including B. L. Yavorsky, the Magnitogorsk Music School named after M. I. Glinka became known far beyond the borders of Magnitogorsk and existed until the early 90s.

On the initiative of Alexander Nikolaevich Yakupov and his associates - Natalya Nikolaevna Veremeenko, Mark Moiseevich Berlyanchik and with the support of the entire team, the Magnitogorsk Music College named after M. I. Glinka was transformed into the Magnitogorsk State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after. M.I. Glinka (resolution of the head of the administration of the Chelyabinsk region No. 335 of September 15, 1993). In 1996, the institute received the status of a conservatory, and some time later - an academy.

  • Managers
  • Polyakov, M. I.
  • Eidinov, Semyon Grigorievich (director of the music school, -)
  • Veremeenko, Natalya Nikolaevna (rector of the conservatory, c).


Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after. M. I. Glinka is a new type of university complex, combining three levels of professional music education - primary, secondary and higher, as well as postgraduate study in the specialty 17.00.02 "Musical Art" and assistantship-internship in the specialty "Art of Vocal Performance", “The Art of Conducting”, “The Art of Musical and Instrumental Performance”.

Each educational level is associated with subsequent continuity in education, common priority goals, and contractual obligations.

The Conservatory also includes the Choreographic School, which has produced more than 30 ballet dancers since its founding. Graduates are in demand in many theaters across the country: in Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Moscow, Krasnodar, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Astrakhan.

Educational process


  • Musicological and performing
  • Faculty of Theatre, Choreographic and Music Education


  • Foreign Students Department
  • Department of correspondence education


  • special piano
  • accompanist and chamber ensemble
  • orchestral string instruments
  • orchestral wind and percussion instruments
  • orchestral folk instruments
  • academic singing
  • theory and history of music
  • musical art of variety
  • history, theory of performing arts and music pedagogy
  • music education
  • philosophical, humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

At the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after. M. I. Glinka acts (with) Joint Council No. DM 210.008.01 for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor of Art History and the scientific degree of Candidate of Art History in the scientific specialty 17.00.02 “Musical Art”.

The Council was formed by the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after. M.I. Glinka, Ural State Conservatory (Academy) named after. M. P. Mussorgsky and the Ufa State Academy of Arts. Zagira Ismagilova.

The Council was created in order to provide the necessary conditions for optimizing the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of musical art in the regions of the Greater Urals and Western Siberia. The Council accepts dissertations for defense regardless of the place of their preparation and the organization in which the applicant works.

Over the past period (1997-2012), 87 dissertations, including 6 doctoral dissertations, have been defended in the council operating at the Magnitogorsk Conservatory. By topic they can be divided into eight areas:

  • questions of philosophy and aesthetics of music, problems of theoretical musicology;
  • problems of historical musicology;
  • issues of musical performing arts (instrumental and vocal, including choral); problems of training performing musicians;
  • national musical folklore of the peoples of the Urals and Siberia;
  • interaction of musical cultures of Russian regions and foreign countries;
  • Russian sacred music;
  • problems of development of the music education system;
  • features of the development of musical culture and art in the regions of Russia (musical local history).

The largest number of dissertations were defended in the third (25 works), first (19 works) and second (12 works) directions.

The geography of applicants who defended their dissertations in the Magnitogorsk dissertation council is extensive: in addition to Magnitogorsk, these are Ufa, Ekaterinburg, Perm, Saratov, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Togliatti, Surgut, Sochi, Tula, as well as foreign countries - Great Britain, Vietnam.

Creative groups

  • Symphony Orchestra conducted by Eduard Nam
  • women's choir directed by Svetlana Fedotova
  • mixed academic choir directed by Evgenia Kravchenko
  • orchestra of folk instruments conducted by Sergei Bryk
  • Orchestra of Russian folk instruments Kalinushka conducted by Peter Tsokalo
  • jazz orchestra conducted by Semyon Mazurok
  • Brass band (artistic director - D. Ivanov)
  • modern ballet troupe (directed by associate professor E. Petrenko)
  • creative team of the department of acting art (headed by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation G. M. Kozlov)

Children's creative groups

  • brass band of the Musical Lyceum of the MaGK (director - V. I. Semenov)
  • brass band of the musical lyceum of the MaGK "Youth of Magnitka" (director - V.S. Pankeeva)
  • string orchestra of the Lyceum MAGK (director - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation V. S. Vaskevich)
  • Orchestra of folk instruments of the Lyceum MAGK - laureate of regional competitions (director - Klimenkov S.A.)
  • The boys' choir "Nightingales of Magnitka" is a laureate of many international and all-Russian competitions
  • Children's Musical Theater of the Lyceum of the MaGK "Piccolo" - laureate of international and all-Russian competitions (director N. S. Silagina)

Competitions and festivals

The following competitions and festivals operate on the basis of the Magnitogorsk Conservatory:

  • International Chamber and Ensemble Performance Competition named after. T.A. Gaidamovich (every three years in December)
  • International festival-competition of orchestras and ensembles of folk instruments “Europe – Asia” (every two years in April)
  • All-Russian competition of choral conductors named after. S. G. Eidinova (once every five years in April)
  • All-Russian competition of performers on wind and percussion instruments “Ural Fanfares” (every three years in March)
  • Regional competition of open lessons “Panorama of pedagogical achievements” for students of cultural and art institutions and young teachers of children's music schools and children's art schools (annually in October)

Personnel composition

Famous teachers

Distinguished Alumni

Museum of Musical Culture of Magnitogorsk

The number of exhibits in the museum’s funds is 6674 units. hr. In 2011, 3 new exhibitions were prepared: in memory of the pianist V. P. Galitsky, for the 100th anniversary of the People's Artist of the RSFSR S. G. Eidinov, for the 100th anniversary of the pianist-teacher N. M. Amnuel.

About 9,000 people visit the museum annually.

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An excerpt characterizing the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka

Among the people being sorted out for the subject of conversation, Julie's company ended up with the Rostovs.
“They say their affairs are very bad,” said Julie. - And he is so stupid - the count himself. The Razumovskys wanted to buy his house and his property near Moscow, and all this drags on. He is treasured.
“No, it seems that the sale will take place one of these days,” someone said. – Although now it’s crazy to buy anything in Moscow.
- From what? – said Julie. – Do you really think that there is a danger for Moscow?
- Why are you going?
- I? That's strange. I’m going because... well, because everyone is going, and then I’m not Joan of Arc or an Amazon.
- Well, yes, yes, give me some more rags.
“If he manages to get things done, he can pay off all his debts,” the militiaman continued about Rostov.
- A good old man, but very pauvre sire [bad]. And why do they live here for so long? They had long wanted to go to the village. Does Natalie seem to be well now? – Julie asked Pierre, smiling slyly.
“They are expecting a younger son,” said Pierre. “He joined Obolensky’s Cossacks and went to Bila Tserkva. A regiment is being formed there. And now they transferred him to my regiment and are waiting for him every day. The Count has long wanted to go, but the Countess will never agree to leave Moscow until her son arrives.
– I saw them the other day at the Arkharovs’. Natalie looked prettier and cheerful again. She sang one romance. How easy it is for some people!
- What's going on? – Pierre asked displeasedly. Julie smiled.
“You know, Count, that knights like you only exist in the novels of Madame Suza.”
- Which knight? From what? – Pierre asked, blushing.
- Well, come on, dear Count, c "est la fable de tout Moscou. Je vous admire, ma parole d" honneur. [all of Moscow knows this. Really, I'm surprised at you.]
- Fine! Fine! - said the militiaman.
- OK then. You can't tell me how boring it is!
“Qu"est ce qui est la fable de tout Moscou? [What does all of Moscow know?] - Pierre said angrily, getting up.
- Come on, Count. You know!
“I don’t know anything,” said Pierre.
– I know that you were friends with Natalie, and that’s why... No, I’m always friendlier with Vera. Cette chere Vera! [This sweet Vera!]
“Non, madame,” Pierre continued in a dissatisfied tone. “I didn’t take on the role of Rostova’s knight at all, and I haven’t been with them for almost a month.” But I don't understand cruelty...
“Qui s"excuse - s"accuse, [Whoever apologizes, blames himself.] - Julie said, smiling and waving the lint, and so that she had the last word, she immediately changed the conversation. “What, I found out today: poor Marie Volkonskaya arrived in Moscow yesterday. Did you hear she lost her father?
- Really! Where is she? “I would very much like to see her,” said Pierre.
– I spent the evening with her yesterday. Today or tomorrow morning she is going to the Moscow region with her nephew.
- Well, how is she? - said Pierre.
- Nothing, I’m sad. But do you know who saved her? This is a whole novel. Nicholas Rostov. They surrounded her, wanted to kill her, wounded her people. He rushed in and saved her...
“Another novel,” said the militiaman. “This general elopement was decidedly done so that all the old brides would get married.” Catiche is one, Princess Bolkonskaya is another.
“You know that I really think that she is un petit peu amoureuse du jeune homme.” [a little bit in love with a young man.]
- Fine! Fine! Fine!
– But how can you say this in Russian?..

When Pierre returned home, he was given two Rastopchin posters that had been brought that day.
The first said that the rumor that Count Rostopchin was prohibited from leaving Moscow was unfair and that, on the contrary, Count Rostopchin was glad that ladies and merchant wives were leaving Moscow. “Less fear, less news,” the poster said, “but I answer with my life that there will be no villain in Moscow.” These words clearly showed Pierre for the first time that the French would be in Moscow. The second poster said that our main apartment was in Vyazma, that Count Wittschstein defeated the French, but that since many residents want to arm themselves, there are weapons prepared for them in the arsenal: sabers, pistols, guns, which residents can get at a cheap price. The tone of the posters was no longer as playful as in Chigirin’s previous conversations. Pierre thought about these posters. Obviously, that terrible thundercloud, which he called upon with all the strength of his soul and which at the same time aroused involuntary horror in him - obviously this cloud was approaching.
“Should I enlist in the military and go to the army or wait? – Pierre asked himself this question for the hundredth time. He took a deck of cards lying on his table and began to play solitaire.
“If this solitaire comes out,” he said to himself, mixing the deck, holding it in his hand and looking up, “if it comes out, it means... what does it mean?” He didn’t have time to decide what it meant when a voice was heard behind the office door the eldest princess asking if she could come in.
“Then it will mean that I have to go to the army,” Pierre finished to himself. “Come in, come in,” he added, turning to the prince.
(One eldest princess, with a long waist and a petrified face, continued to live in Pierre's house; the two younger ones got married.)
“Forgive me, mon cousin, for coming to you,” she said in a reproachfully excited voice. - After all, we finally need to decide on something! What will it be? Everyone has left Moscow, and the people are rioting. Why are we staying?
“On the contrary, everything seems to be fine, ma cousine,” said Pierre with that habit of playfulness that Pierre, who always embarrassedly endured his role as a benefactor in front of the princess, acquired for himself in relation to her.
- Yes, it’s good... good well-being! Today Varvara Ivanovna told me how different our troops are. You can certainly attribute it to honor. And the people have completely rebelled, they stop listening; My girl started being rude too. Soon they will start beating us too. You can't walk on the streets. And most importantly, the French will be here tomorrow, what can we expect! “I ask one thing, mon cousin,” said the princess, “order me to be taken to St. Petersburg: whatever I am, I cannot live under Bonaparte’s rule.”
- Come on, ma cousine, where do you get your information from? Against…
- I will not submit to your Napoleon. Others want it... If you don't want to do it...
- Yes, I will do it, I’ll order it now.
The princess was apparently annoyed that there was no one to be angry with. She sat down on a chair, whispering something.
“But this is being conveyed to you incorrectly,” said Pierre. “Everything is quiet in the city, and there is no danger.” I was reading just now...” Pierre showed the princess the posters. – The Count writes that he answers with his life that the enemy will not be in Moscow.
“Oh, this count of yours,” the princess spoke angrily, “is a hypocrite, a villain who himself incited the people to rebel.” Wasn’t he the one who wrote in those stupid posters that whoever he was, drag him by the crest to the exit (and how stupid)! Whoever takes it, he says, will have honor and glory. So I was quite happy. Varvara Ivanovna said that her people almost killed her because she spoke French...
“Yes, it’s so... You take everything to heart,” said Pierre and began to play solitaire.
Despite the fact that the solitaire had worked out, Pierre did not go to the army, but remained in empty Moscow, still in the same anxiety, indecision, in fear and at the same time in joy, expecting something terrible.
The next day, the princess left in the evening, and his chief manager came to Pierre with the news that the money he required to outfit the regiment could not be obtained unless one estate was sold. The general manager generally represented to Pierre that all these undertakings of the regiment were supposed to ruin him. Pierre had difficulty hiding his smile as he listened to the manager’s words.
“Well, sell it,” he said. - What can I do, I can’t refuse now!
The worse the state of affairs, and especially his affairs, was, the more pleasant it was for Pierre, the more obvious it was that the catastrophe he was waiting for was approaching. Almost none of Pierre's acquaintances were in the city. Julie left, Princess Marya left. Of the close acquaintances, only the Rostovs remained; but Pierre did not go to them.
On this day, Pierre, in order to have fun, went to the village of Vorontsovo to see a large balloon that was being built by Leppich to destroy the enemy, and a test balloon that was supposed to be launched tomorrow. This ball was not ready yet; but, as Pierre learned, it was built at the request of the sovereign. The Emperor wrote to Count Rastopchin the following about this ball:
“Aussitot que Leppich sera pret, composez lui un equipage pour sa nacelle d"hommes surs et intelligents et depechez un courrier au general Koutousoff pour l"en prevenir. Je l"ai instruit de la chose.
Recommandez, je vous prie, a Leppich d"etre bien attentif sur l"endroit ou il descendra la premiere fois, pour ne pas se tromper et ne pas tomber dans les mains de l"ennemi. Il est indispensable qu"il combine ses mouvements avec le general en chef.”
[As soon as Leppich is ready, assemble a crew for his boat of loyal and intelligent people and send a courier to General Kutuzov to warn him.
I informed him about this. Please instruct Leppich to pay careful attention to the place where he descends for the first time, so as not to make a mistake and not fall into the hands of the enemy. It is necessary that he coordinate his movements with the movements of the commander-in-chief.]
Returning home from Vorontsov and driving along Bolotnaya Square, Pierre saw a crowd at Lobnoye Mesto, stopped and got off the droshky. It was the execution of a French cook accused of espionage. The execution had just ended, and the executioner was untying a pitifully moaning fat man with red sideburns, blue stockings and a green camisole from the mare. Another criminal, thin and pale, stood right there. Both, judging by their faces, were French. With a frightened, painful look, similar to that of the thin Frenchman, Pierre pushed through the crowd.
- What is this? Who? For what? - he asked. But the attention of the crowd - officials, townspeople, merchants, men, women in cloaks and fur coats - was so greedily focused on what was happening at Lobnoye Mesto that no one answered him. The fat man stood up, frowning, shrugged his shoulders and, obviously wanting to express firmness, began to put on his doublet without looking around him; but suddenly his lips trembled, and he began to cry, angry with himself, as adult sanguine people cry. The crowd spoke loudly, as it seemed to Pierre, in order to drown out the feeling of pity within itself.
- Someone’s princely cook...
“Well, monsie, it’s clear that the Russian jelly sauce set the Frenchman on edge... said the wizened clerk standing next to Pierre, while the Frenchman began to cry. The clerk looked around him, apparently expecting an assessment of his joke. Some laughed, some continued to look in fear at the executioner, who was undressing another.

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Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Novosibirsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M.I. Glinka"


No. 01384 valid indefinitely from 04/14/2015


No. 01387 is valid from 07/20/2015 to 03/19/2020

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Oil and Gas Complex

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study72.66 69.58 68.88 63.59 66.49
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget72.89 72.51 68.88 63.83 67.12
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis66 57.12 - 56.00 56.25
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled70.4 60.96 61.43 59.05 52.16
Number of students471 487 492 487 501
Full-time department471 487 492 487 501
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural0 0 0 0 0
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About Oil and Gas Company

The higher musical educational institution "Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka" was opened in Novosibirsk in 1956. This is the only higher specialized educational institution outside the European part of the country. The educational building in which educational activities are carried out is a historical monument complemented by modern extensions. Now the university has five faculties: Piano, Orchestral, Folk Instruments, Vocal, Conducting, Theoretical and Composition

The educational process in the educational institution is conducted in Russian, the following specialties are available for mastering: “Musical art” (bachelor’s degree, duration of study - 4 years), “Instrumental performance”, “The art of concert performance”, “Musical and theatrical art”, “Artistic management of an opera-symphony orchestra and academic choir", "Vocal art", "Conducting", "Composition", "Musicology", (specialty, 5 years of study). The master's program is recruiting for the following educational profiles: “Musical and instrumental art”, “Vocal art”, “Conducting”, “Musicology and musical applied art”. The conservatory also offers postgraduate and doctoral studies.

The basis of the educational process is the study of theoretical disciplines, as well as constant practice in the chosen specialty. The abundance of creative groups at the university provides the opportunity to regularly improve the applied skills of future musicians or leaders of musical associations. On the territory of the conservatory there is an academic choir and an opera studio with Russian and European classics as a repertoire. There is also a student orchestra of Russian folk instruments and two symphony orchestras. All creative associations regularly perform reporting concerts, attracting audiences. The educational process is implemented on a modern material and technical base that meets federal requirements. The university has a sufficient number of premises, tools, technical and methodological means to provide high-quality educational services.

The Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining invites specialists in the field of music education to short- and long-term courses in the profile of basic education or additional professional programs.

The university is a platform for the development and establishment of musical science in Siberia. Teachers, together with students, carry out musical and ethnographic expeditions, during which students become acquainted with the folk performing characteristics of the inhabitants of the Siberian and Far Eastern regions. Both experimental and traditional scientific theories are tested at the conservatory - computerization of the musical process, musical philosophy, aesthetics, cultural studies. The university includes a council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

The university supports its students not only creatively, but also financially. Nonresident students receive places in a dormitory. Travel benefits are provided, academic, personal, and social scholarships are paid. The conservatory administration also takes an active position in the employment of graduates.

Founded in 1946, the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory (until 1990 - the Gorky State Conservatory) almost immediately took the place of one of the best music universities in the country. First of all, this is the merit of a wonderful team of teachers - graduates of the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories, who by the time work began were already well-known performing musicians and competent theorists.

At the origins

The whole world knows these names: A. P. Stogorsky, I. V. Sposobin, A. A. Kasyanov, B. S. Veprinsky, S. L. and A. L. Lazerson, N. N. Poluektova, D. V. Zhitomirsky, M. V. Tropinskaya, G. R. Ginzburg, M. S. Pekelis, Y. I. Zak, Y. V. Flier, V. A. Shcherbinin, V. P. Portugalov, O. K. Eiges , A. V. Brown, A. A. Nesterov, B. S. Marants, I. I. Kats, I. B. Gusman. It was they who raised the educational level, which the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory maintains to this day.

It is hardly possible to find a more authoritative musical and public figure, who was the first rector - A. A. Kogan, who was replaced in this post in 1950 by the most excellent musicologist and pianist G. S. Dombaev, who also turned out to be an excellent organizer. His initiatives helped the university in every possible way to remain among the leading ones and take an increasingly worthy place every year. In 1957, the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory received the honorary name of the composer M.


Already by the sixties, excellent musical traditions had developed at the conservatory, supporting pedagogical schools were created, and in 1965 a system of further education - postgraduate education - began operating. A little earlier, the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory decorated its Great Concert Hall with an organ from the German company "Alexander Schuke", students received an increasingly more convenient building for classes and new dormitories.

The organ in the hall of the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory was not idle. Lessons in the class of the Honored Artist of the USSR, Professor G.I. Kozlova were extremely popular; many people wanted to get into her class. And, of course, not only to her. But the competition for applicants to the Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory has always been very large. Teachers of all directions worked exceptionally hard; their students had no equal at all-Union competitions and festivals of modern music. The festival named after D. D. Shostakovich showed this especially well in 1964.


Twenty-one years, since 1972, Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory. Glinka flourished under the leadership of the famous composer, professor. The composition department shone especially brightly in these years, a strong musicological school was formed here, collections of articles and scientific works were published that became universally known: “Problems of modern music”, “Problems of music analysis” and many others. One of the most interesting areas for Nizhny Novgorod musicians has developed rapidly - musicology. The faculty turned out to be a pioneer in many ways.

In the seventies, the Great Concert Hall of the Gorky Conservatory gave humanity the first performances of works by Schnittke, sacred music by Rachmaninoff, music by Kastalsky, Chesnokov, and also some Western composers. Each such concert was a discovery and confirmed the general opinion of this university as a brave and honest discoverer of both forbidden masterpieces and undeservedly forgotten authors.

New time

Since 1994, the conservatory staff elected an outstanding conductor, People's Artist of Russia and honorary citizen of Nizhny Novgorod, Professor L. K. Sivukhin to the position of rector. It was then that the university entrusted to him acquired extensive connections with music universities abroad and international status. Now the conservatory has students and trainees from Syria, Japan, France, Denmark, China, the USA, and Jamaica.

In 1996, the NNPC was headed by the conductor and composer, Honored Artist, People's Artist of Russia, member of the Academy of Humanities, winner of many awards and holder of orders, Professor E. B. Fertelmeister. From that moment on, the development of the university flowed in all directions, and integration into the musical culture of the world acquired a new pace. The authority of the NNGC has increased significantly, and in 2005 the university received the status of an academy. The conservatory has also been transformed externally: the façade, walls, and interiors have become modern, but the atmosphere of creative comfort created initially has been preserved in its entirety.

Areas of activity

Now the NNGC is the largest center of musical culture throughout the Volga region, providing the federal district with musical, educational, and scientific activities, which have been repeatedly awarded with various grants: the Humanitarian Science Foundation of Russia, the Open Society Institute, the Goethe-Institut, as well as scholarships DAAD and many others. In addition, NNGC additionally receives financial support from the state. This allows us to financially support the teaching and accompanist staff and intensify their creative activities.

Specialists receive higher education in two areas: “education and pedagogy” and “culture and art,” which include nine specialties and fourteen specializations. Postgraduate professional education programs: postgraduate studies in creative, performing and scientific specialties - “musical art”.


The best educational programs of innovative Russia were recognized as those implemented in NNGC, among them the following:

  • Instrumental performance program: piano, organ; orchestral percussion and wind instruments; orchestral string instruments, orchestral folk instruments (department of folk instruments).
  • Vocal arts programs: folk singing, academic singing.
  • Conducting programs: opera and symphony orchestra, academic choir, military brass band.

More than seven hundred students study at the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory, seventy graduate students and title seekers. Time demands innovations, and they are being widely implemented. New faculties and specialties have been opened: “acting art”, “musical sound engineering”, “music pedagogy”. New are the specialization of opera and symphony conducting, the areas of "musical applied art" and "musicology", the profiles of "music journalism in the media", "musicology" and "music pedagogy".

Conditions of education

Students study in fairly comfortable conditions that allow them to fully immerse themselves in creativity: rehearsal facilities, a publishing complex, a library, a recording studio, dormitories - all this accompanies the accumulation of theoretical knowledge and purely professional skills. There are great opportunities for improving performing skills. More than two hundred highly qualified teachers support students’ desire to receive a truly higher musical education, no matter what type of musical activity they choose: solo performing, conducting, ensemble, orchestral.

The Faculty of Advanced Training and Additional Education helps young specialists in their future activities. In addition to traditional programs, they train music lecturers, critics-journalists for the media, and radio and TV editors. A special department that promotes the employment of NNGC graduates, which holds a specialist fair for employers and job seekers, also supports young specialists. In addition, during their studies, all students are engaged in educational activities, which, of course, helps them gain experience: performing, lectures and concerts. NNGC students also constantly participate in professional competitions of various levels, up to the highest.

The science

Without serious scientific research carried out at the university, the authority of the NNGC would not have such heights. Our own musicological school, unique and highly professional, based on an interdisciplinary approach to science, is distinguished by its constant interest in the problems of modern music. The Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory, the address of whose concert halls is known to everyone, young and old, in the city and region, in addition to educational activities, also works a lot for fellow specialists.

Nizhny Novgorod musicologists prepare textbooks for music universities and successfully publish them along with illustrative material, as their own publishing house and recording studio allow. Monographs and collections of articles written by teachers of performing arts departments are published, conference materials, and many methodological and educational manuals are also published. In Russian culture, every event held by the NNGC becomes a noticeable phenomenon: scientific and artistic projects, concert series, scientific conferences, publications and art exhibitions.

International activity

The international authority of the conservatory is constantly and steadily growing, since its activities in this direction are large-scale and multifaceted. NNGC has regular creative contacts with universities in Austria, Germany, China and other countries. Cooperation agreements have been signed with many. There are constant exchanges of visits and creative meetings. Students, interns and graduate students from Mongolia, Korea, China, Serbia, Belgium, Austria, and France study together with Russians.

Joint festivals are held in accordance with agreements: Folkwang-Hochschule (Germany) has been cooperating with the NNGC since 1996, exchanging joint master classes and concert series of students, graduate students and teachers within the framework of this cooperation; since 1998, under an agreement, the Bruckner Conservatory (Austria) has been undertaking joint musical activities with the NNGC; In Essen, a festival prepared by teachers of the Nizhny Novgorod State Concert Hall is being held - “Music of the Past Century”, as well as many other international scientific and artistic projects. NNGC welcomes guests from the Paris Higher School of Music, the Grand Opera and the Metropolitan Opera (USA).

In Russia

At NNGC, among the teaching staff there is a huge percentage of concert musicians. Even when reaching the international level, they maintain traditional connections with colleagues from music colleges, colleges, and schools across the country, where Nizhny Novgorod musicians conduct master classes, competitions, seminars, open lessons, Olympiads and, of course, concerts.

That is why the competition for applicants is consistently high, and the geography of applicants covers almost the entirety of our vast country. As already mentioned, after graduating from university, graduates are not left without help. Education at the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory is initially included in the city’s cultural environment: students perform concerts within the walls of the conservatory itself, in two excellent halls, and strengthen the authority of the Nizhny Novgorod performing school by touring extensively and successfully.

Level of training

More than seven thousand NNGK graduates work in all major cities of Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Japan, Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, worthily representing the Nizhny Novgorod school of music. They also make up the city’s musical elite: the pedagogical and creative basis of the conservatory, philharmonic society, music college, opera house, choir college, schools and lyceums.

The quality of specialist training is confirmed by numerous victories of undergraduate and graduate students in various professional competitions. It is difficult to even list the most prestigious of them, since the list is long:

  • All-Russian competition (Moscow, repeatedly).
  • International Piano Competition (Germany).
  • "In the homeland of Tchaikovsky" (Izhevsk).
  • Competition named after Nesterov (Nizhny Novgorod, wind and percussion instruments).
  • "Silver sounds" (Petrozavodsk).
  • "Pearl of Kuban" (Krasnodar).
  • Vila Lobos Competition (Spain, classical guitar).
  • "Prikamye-2010" (Perm, folk instruments).
  • "Russian Olympus" (Nizhny Novgorod, repeatedly).
  • (Ukraine, button accordion, accordion).
  • International competition "Volga Snowstorm" (Samara, opera singing).
  • International competition "Orpheus" (Volgograd, vocals).
  • International Jurgenson Competition (composition).
  • All-Russian competition (Bashkiria, choral conducting).
  • All-Russian choir competition "Russian music of the 19th century".
  • All-Russian competition of scientific works of students
  • All-Russian competition named after Babushkin (Moscow, creative works of sound engineers).

Well-deserved benefits

NNGC is a constant initiator and excellent organizer of professional competitions in all specialties in the field of music among the younger generation. Particularly noteworthy are the traditionally strong competitions in history and music theory.

In 2012, the Olympiad held by NNGC was included in the list of leading Olympiads held under the Union of Rectors of the Ministry of Education of Russia. The status of such events allows winners and runners-up to bypass the entrance exams when entering the conservatory.


Piano performance has always been the main and leading specialty since the founding of the university. The piano department has five departments: two special piano departments, a chamber ensemble department, an accompanist department, and a harpsichord and organ section.

The orchestral department has also existed since the very first day of the opening of the conservatory. There are three departments: strings, woodwinds, as well as brass and percussion instruments.

The faculty has only one department; the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory has this structure. Glinka. The faculty of button accordion is not separately present in it, but the specialization itself, naturally, is within the boundaries of this department. The vocal faculty has two departments - solo singing and the department of musical theater. The conducting faculty in two departments teaches choral conducting and opera and symphony conducting. The Faculty of Composition and Musicology owns six departments. Among them are compositions and instrumentation; music theory; music history; sound engineering; music journalism; music pedagogy. In addition, the NNGC has a faculty of advanced training and five university departments.


Applicants submit documents to the address: Piskunova Street, building 40. You can make inquiries in advance by calling 8-831-411-88-78. The admissions office has been open since June 20 in room 105 on the first floor from 9.00 to 17.00, with a lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00. The hostel is located at: Genkina Street, building 71. Telephone: 8-831-432-25-72.


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