Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Script of the play “Journey through Fairy Tales” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Dramatization of a fairy tale in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

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Natalia Steshenko
Scenario for staging a fairy tale for children preparatory group"The Adventures of Pinocchio"

I'll tell you a riddle.

About cheerful, about kind,

A wonderful country.

Balls, dolls and bears live there,

There is a miracle - flowers grow in the clearing.

It's fun, great, just wonderful...

And this country is called...

Children: Childhood.

1 reb: Fairy tales childhood is a miracle

They stay with us forever.

Fill the heart with affection and warmth,

Enter fairy tales childhood in every home.

2 reb: IN fairy tale sea ​​with golden fish,

Chernomor with a long beard.

And in the crystal house in front of everyone

A golden squirrel gnaws a nut.

3 reb: Fairy tales- this is the light in your eyes,

Fairy tales- kindness in all hearts.

Life will become brighter if suddenly

Will come back to us fairy tale – childhood friend!

We'll show you we have a fairy tale for you.

About a mischievous boy,

Such a cute one.

How much will adventure

You can guess for a long time,

But it's time to start.



Once upon a time there lived an old organ grinder,

Everyone called the organ grinder, Carlo,

One day, Giuseppe's neighbor

Gave him a log.


I'll make a boy

From his own log.

I will have a son

I will love him!


He carved Pinocchio

Several hours in a row.

Made a jacket out of paper

I sewed a cap from a sock.

Music (birth Pinocchio)


I'm funny Pinocchio, I'm cheerful and funny!

And from now on, Papa Carlo, I will be your son!

Carlo: What should I do with you?


Well, first, feed, and then teach!

Carlo: (to the hall)

He just appeared, and he’s already hungry!

(To Pinocchio)

You were just born, but I already have no peace!

Stay at home, don't make noise and don't go anywhere!

Papa Carlo leaves. Pinocchio sits on a chair, looks around the room.


I'm bored of sitting still. (pause)

I can't take this long!

Here the hearth is burning in the fireplace,

The porridge is boiling in the pot.

I'll try a little...

And I'll go look out the window.

What is this, the hearth depicted in the picture?

Won't feed you, won't warm you up

That hearth doesn't bother me!

And this canvas

There is a secret for sure.

Papa Carlo enters.

Papa Carlo:

Pinocchio! I'm back!


Oh, where's your jacket?

Papa Carlo:

Jacket, it's no problem!

Look, you're here!

This book is for you. (shows the alphabet)

Take the alphabet boldly,

Go to school quickly.


I'll be studying at school

I will try my best!

I'll make you rich -

I’ll buy you a hundred jackets!

Music is playing. Buratino walks along the path, Papa Carlo waves after him. (jumps around in a circle, Papa Carlo leaves)

Music "Go to school".

Presenter: And our Pinocchio to school, but on the way I saw the Karabas Barabas Theater.

Scene 2. "Theater"


How much does a ticket cost here?

Ooh! the cashier will tell me the answer!

Approaches the cash register.

I'll give you the alphabet

And you let me into the hall.

From the cash register:

Here's a front row ticket

He walks in and sits in the first row of the auditorium.

Harlequin runs out to the music

Come! Come! Hurry up! Look!

Only with us and only once!

Puppet theater of the famous Karabas Barabas!

Karabas: Honorable audience! I present to your attention, Dolls and clowns! They were raised and trained by me personally. On thin threads - the living ones seem to obey Me unquestioningly! Well - ka! Once! (Harlequin appears) Two! (Pierrot appears) Three! (Malvina appears)

Dance "Doll" (Carabas and dolls bow)


Malvina ran away

To foreign lands.

Malvina is missing

My bride!

I'm crying, I don't know

Where should I go?

Isn't it better with puppet life breake down!

A Harlequin with a stick peeks out from behind the curtains


What's happened?

What's happened?

Who's whining here?

Who's whining here?

What kind of obsession is this?

In the middle of the show!

I'll teach you a lesson!

I'll beat you with a stick in no time!


Oh, please don't hit me!

Oh, please be sorry!

Harlequin (quiet):

I would be glad, but you yourself know

If you don't play well with us,

How Karabas came up with

He will punish us all with a whip!

(loud) I'll teach you a lesson!

I'll beat you with a stick in no time!


I couldn't sit anymore

I couldn't stand it anymore!

Why did you pester him?

How did he bother you?

Harlequin: What do you care?

Why did you jump out like that, are you brave?

I'll teach you a lesson too!

And I'll beat you up!


I will not allow the weak to be beaten!

I will join the battle with you now!

(fight with sticks)


Wait! Calm down!

Well, my friends! Do not quarrel!

All dolls should be friends

It's more fun to live together!

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5!

Let's start dancing!

Polka “The bird danced a polka”("Rhythmic mosaic" A. Burenina)

Karabas: What kind of fun is this during the performance? Are you a piece of wood who interrupted the performance of my brilliant play? I'll throw you into the fire and cook a great dinner over the fire!


I'll run away from you!

You won't catch me!

Scene« Pinocchio and Karabas»

("Ball Game" A. Burenina) (at the end Karabas catches Pinocchio and drags to the fireplace)

Karabas: Get into the hearth!

Pinocchio: I can not do it! If I reach into the fireplace, I might pierce it with my nose. And you will be left without dinner!

Karabas: How is it possible to pierce the hearth with your nose?

Pinocchio: In my dad Carlo’s closet there is a painted fireplace. So I pierced his nose one day!

Karabas: So that's where the magic door is.

I won’t cook dinner for you, but I’ll give you as many as 5 gold coins! Give them to your dad and tell him not to told about the painted hearth! And I will come to you soon!


5 gold, what luck!

Thank you, good sir!

Pinocchio runs away.

Scene 3"Karabas and Duremar"

Now I know exactly where the secret door is!

Now all that remains is to find my key!

Then you can safely go to Carlo’s closet!

There's a knock on the door.

Karabas: The dolls are fast asleep and the Animals, who is knocking on the doors there? Duremar:

It's me, Duremar - the seller of leeches,

I found out one secret!

Karabas: Oh, buddy, come in! What did you learn, tell me?


Under the bridge - old pond, baby frogs live in it,

And another madam - a floating old Suitcase!

Karabas: Don't swear, Duremar! What is this old Suitcase?


Turtle, name is Tortilla,

Yesterday she revealed a secret to me.

what's on her bottom

There is some kind of key lying there and it seems to be golden.

And only the one who is the best in the world will receive it,

Oh! This is probably my key

I’ll go to Carlo’s closet and rip the canvas off the wall...

No matter what, I will unlock the door!

There is a sneeze.

Is someone listening? Who is there? Well, come out!

Duremar Pierrot himself has taken refuge here, hold him, catch him!

You found out my secret! Eavesdropped on me!

I'll catch you! Oh, I'll catch you and punish you!

Scene 4. "Field of Dreams"

Stops Pinocchio in the center of the hall.


That's the coin - five gold!

I'll buy gifts for dad with them!

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat come out.

Fox: Smart Pretty Pinocchio!

Where are you going?

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo said that I need to go to school!

Basilio: Why do you need to go there? Is there any benefit to learning?

Fox: Well, judge for yourself! If you study a lot and think, your head will hurt.

Basilio: From such teaching I am completely blind! ABOUT! I don't see anything!

Fox: But I studied, studied, and now I walk on three legs.

Basilio: Leave this school! Fuck her! Come with us to the magical land of fools!

Pinocchio: What kind of country is this?

Basilio: In the land of fools, it’s always fun, no one works there or studies, and every day they give ice cream there!

Fox: And also, all the inhabitants of this country are rich! Because there is a field of Miracles where trees with gold coins grow!

Cat Basilio

- Follow that path, don’t turn off the path,

This is the only way you can

Come to the Field of Miracles!

Fox is tying up Pinocchio eyes

Musical number "Field of Dreams" A. Rybnikov

Tied up Pinocchio to the tree, leaving.

Fox Alice Silly, Pinocchio, stay here!

Scene 5"Malvina"

Malvina comes out and takes a walk.

Lives here in the forest

I feel very well!

My friend Artemon is with me,

he is very devoted to me.

Malvina sees Pinocchio.

Malvina: Poor thing Pinocchio, let's save him!

Artemon unties Pinocchio from the tree, Pinocchio falls.

Malvina It seems to me that we need to call doctors for help!

Artemon Woof! Now I can instantly cure him with castor oil!

Pinocchio Or maybe, I don’t want to be treated at all?


You must try- hold your nose and be patient,

After all, if you don't take the medicine, you can die!

Artemon pours castor oil onto a spoon for Malvina, they give her Pinocchio.


Well, that's better, get up, let's start the lesson!

Sit up straight, don't slouch. Look ahead.

Now take a notebook, take a pen. Write!

Pinocchio – Everything! Tired of it! Enough! Tired, no more strength!


Oh, you are a harmful boy, an obnoxious hooligan!

Now I have to put you in the closet!

Artemon! Take me away Pinocchio in the closet!

Malvina enters the house.

Spiders appear in the closet.

Spider Dance

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat approach.

Fox Alice

Brave Pinocchio, you are a true hero!

Get out of the closet, run after me quickly!

Cat Basilio - Friends are always ready to help you out!

Fox. Do you want more money?

Pinocchio. Well, of course I want to.

Basilio: Here it is - the Field of Miracles! Put your gold coins in the hole, add some water and salt...

Fox: And be sure to say Magic words: “Cracks! Fex! Peck!

Pinocchio: I remember! Just don't look!

Lisa and Basilio: But we didn’t intend to! Very necessary! Who cares where a person puts his money!

Hiding behind the curtains from different sides, spying,


This stupid Pinocchio

Everything sits quietly in a heap.


I can't wait any longer.

Let him swim in the pond.

Alice and Basilio are taken away Pinocchio to the pond and planted on a water lily leaf.

Basilio: Now the money is ours.

Alice: Dig it up quickly.

The cat and the fox take the money and run away with screams:

“Deceived! Spent it! Your money is gone!

Scene 6. "In the swamp"

Frogs appear and dance.

Frog 1:

We are green frogs

Jumping, laughing.

frog 2:

Look- Pinocchio!

He's sitting on a leaf!

Very sad and sad,

Does not say anything.

Frog 1:

We urgently need to tell the turtle about this tell,

And she will help him

Together: Tortilla! Tortilla! Pinocchio:

I'm poor and miserable Pinocchio,

And hungry in the morning

And it’s high time for me to go home.


Hello, Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Hello!

The Fox and the Cat deceived me.

And I won’t buy a jacket for dad!


Wise Tortilla,

Help me Pinocchio.


How to help? I don't know right.

But wait a minute, my boy,

In my swamp somewhere,

There was a golden key here.

It's from the secret door.

Now, run home.


Thank you, dear friends,

I won't forget you.

Buratino leaves.

Scene 7. "The final"

Goes out into the middle of the hall Pinocchio. Pierrot runs out, Karabas and Duremar are chasing him,

Karabas - He will leave, he will leave, you scoundrel!

Dureymar - Hold him, catch him!

Buddy Pinocchio! I'll deal with you now!

Pinocchio takes out a golden key.

Pinocchio: Look, bearded man, is your key?

Karabas:My! Give it back! Give it back! Wait! Where are you going?

Pinocchio:Try to catch up!

Karabas and Pinocchio running around the tree. The beard is wrapped around the trunk.

Karabas - Give it back! My key!

Pinocchio More... one more circle!

Karabas's beard got wrapped around the trunk, and he hit his forehead on the tree.

Oh! Long beard!

Buratino Chego, stuck, buddy?

On Malvina enters the stage, Harlequin, Pierrot surround Karabas.

Malvina Look, he's caught!

Pierrot: Hooray! It's time to teach the evil Karabas a lesson!

Malvina: Thank you, Pinocchio, you saved us from death.

And what will our villain Karabas do?

Karabas Unravel me, from now on I will be kind!

Karabas is being unraveled.

Papa Carlo comes out.

Well, there you are! Go home!


What about the golden key?

I'm going with my friends to look for the door!

We need to give people happiness!

Papa Carlo: Is this the one behind the canvas?

Feel free to open the door!

(sounds "Birth Pinocchio» A. Rybnikov



A magical country awaits us.


We won't be sad for a minute,

Let there be games, songs, jokes!


Well, now we are in this room

Let's play the music louder!

The final dance is performed by all artists to the soundtrack of the song. « Pinocchio» from the TV movie « The Adventures of Pinocchio» // words by Yu. Entin, music by A. Rybnikov //.

The script for the play for the preparatory group “Big Trouble.”

Author's development of a script for older children preschool age.
Barkova Nadezhda Viktorovna, teacher, GBOU School 1474 Northern Administrative Okrug, Moscow.
Description of material: I offer you the script of the play for children in the preparatory group. The material will be useful for teachers working with children of senior preschool age, as well as for primary school teachers.

Raven and Magpie,
Hares (2),
Hunter (2),
Stars (girls).

The lights in the hall go out, the light ball is turned on, and Raven and Magpie appear. Children perform a song to the tune of “Plasticine Crow.”
Crow: There's a big commotion in the forest,
I don’t understand what to do.
The bear decided that he should sleep
In winter there is no need for a den.
Magpie: What will our bear do?
What will he eat, where will he sleep?
And sometimes it’s cold in the forest,
It can be snowy in winter...
Crow: Well, you and I will fly to our favorite pine tree. We'll watch Mishka from there.
Magpie: I don’t know, brother Raven... But it seems to me that nothing good will come of this. Poor Mishka, he’s still just a bear cub.
Crow: And here we look at his adventures. Only from above, you never know... We flew.
Magpie: Let's fly...
The heroes fly away to the music.
Music is playing. A bear wakes up in a den. He sits down on the sofa, stretches, yawns... He takes a pillow and goes out into the middle of the room with it.
Bear: Somehow I can’t sleep with my clubfoot, I’ve been lying down and my back hurts. (Imitates movements) I'm tired of it! I want to be like everyone else!
The bear waves its paw OH, hugs the pillow to itself.
Bear: I'll go take a nap for an hour. (Raises up forefinger) But no more! (He leaves and lies down on the sofa)
P 2 little bunnies appear to the music. They constantly look around and move around in jumps. Exit to the song “Hares” from the film “The Diamond Arm”.
Bunny 1: I'm a little bunny, I'm not afraid of anyone
Although sometimes, under the bush I shake
In the snowy winter they wander in the forest
Hungry wolves and foxes scurry about.
Little Bunny 2: But we are cunning, we are not afraid of anyone.
And we cleverly confuse our tracks.
Very skillfully we will hide in the forest
We won't get the fox and the owl!
Music sounds, a Bear with a pillow appears from the den. The bunnies freeze and back away.
Bear: Hello Bunnies! Don't be afraid!
Bunny 1: Bear, why aren’t you sleeping?
Bear: I'm tired of it, I want to go for a walk like everyone else!
Little Bunny 2: How is that? All bears sleep in winter!
Bear: But I don’t want to sleep and won’t!
Bunny 1: What will you eat, Mishka? Look at the snow all around.
Little Bunny 2: You eat berries and all sorts of roots, honey and bugs. But in winter this is not the case...
Bear: And I, And I, I will be like you!!! What do you eat in winter?
Bunny 1: We gnaw the bark of trees.
Bear: And I will gnaw. And jump as you will. (the bear starts jumping like rabbits, but he doesn’t do well, the hares laugh)
Little Bunny 2: Don't be a fool, little bear, you better go to sleep in your warm den.
Bear: I don’t want to sleep and I won’t!!! (goes to the den and sits on the sofa) You better jump out of here, otherwise I’ll... eat YOU...
The bunnies get scared and run away. The bear lies down on the sofa. Music sounds and the Fox appears.
I walk along the paths
The tail follows me.
I'm on my way to the chicken coop -
Check on the cockerel.
I’ll tell him: “Oh, Petya,
You are the best singer in the world!
Sing and don’t forget to come down!”
Trick – best friend foxes.
Bear: (from the sofa) Hello Lisa! Long time no see!
Fox: (gets scared) Oh, Misha, hello. What's wrong with you? You should be sleeping (surprised).
Bear: (gets up and goes to the fox) But I don’t want to sleep... and I won’t!!!
Fox: Why? Maybe you're sick?
Bear: No, I'm healthy. I'm just tired of sleeping. I'm missing out on all the fun stuff.
Fox: And what is interesting in winter? Cold and hungry. What are you going to eat? Maybe snow? (laughs)
Bear: You fox don't joke with me, otherwise I'll start eating foxes!
Fox: (scared) No, Misha, you don’t need it. That's what I didn't think. I'm sorry.
Bear: Are you a fox what you eat?
Fox: I eat whatever I have to. Where I can catch a mouse, where I can catch a duck. It’s hard in winter, Mishka, very hard. You better go to sleep, and I’ll see you in the spring...
Bear: Come on, Lisa. Same for me, I found an adviser. (He turns around and goes into the den.) Lisa shrugs and tells the audience:
Fox: He's kind of strange. Sometimes he sleeps, sometimes he doesn’t sleep. You won't understand him at all. (leaves)
The Wolf appears to the music, singing:
There are rumors about the Gray Wolf:
How evil and treacherous wolves are,
What without special ideas
They eat old women and children!
Yes, I can attack a horse
I'll eat three piglets in a minute,
I'll eat about seven kids at a time...
But Gray wolf won't touch you.
Wolf: Wow, Mishka, why aren't you sleeping? What's wrong with you, clubfoot?
Bear: (approaches the wolf) I don’t want to sleep and won’t!
Wolf: (surprised) Why?
Bear: Because! Don't want! I want to walk in the forest like you!
Wolf: In winter, the forest is very cold and there is little food. Look at me, how thin I am, just bones. If I were a bear, I would sleep and suck my paw in winter. Eh, you fool, go to sleep!
Bear: (Sits on the floor in the center of the hall, clutches a pillow to himself) And why are they all pestering me? Go to sleep, go to sleep! But I do not want! (punches the pillow with his fist) And I will not!
A squirrel appears to the accompaniment of light music, and after the poem begins to throw cones at the bear.
I'm a red squirrel with a red tail
I found a little saffron milk under a bush.
I pickled the little saffron milk cap.
I put it in a large jar.
Now I'm not afraid of the cold:
I have food for the whole winter.
Bear: Oh oh. What is this? Who is this bully? (looks around).
The squirrel moves to another place and again throws cones at the bear.
Bear: What is this!!! (jumps up and looks around) Come on, show yourself!!! Or are you afraid of me?
Squirrel: I! Afraid! Ha! No, I'm not afraid of you. You stupid bear. Why did you get out of the warm den? Look at you. My ears are frozen and an icicle will soon grow on my nose. And you want to wander through the forest in winter. Better go to sleep.
Bear: I don’t want to sleep and won’t! (shouting)
Squirrel: As you want. Here, take the bump. There are nuts inside, eat them. You're probably hungry.
Bear: Thank you, I'm terribly hungry.
Squirrel: Well, bye, Silly Bear.
The squirrel leaves, the Bear begins to gnaw at the pine cone and pick at it with his paws.
Bear: Ugh, what disgusting. It would be better if she gave me some raspberries.
(He throws away the cone, hugs the pillow to himself and sits on the floor. He puts a pillow on his knees and props his cheeks with his fists)
Bear: Oh, my life as a bear is hard. I didn't think it was so cold in winter. And it’s probably warm in my den (sighs).
Magpie appears to the music. He makes a circle around the bear and sits down next to him.
Magpie: I’m sitting on my pine tree and watching you. You shouldn't have started all this, you clumsy fellow. You will disappear in the forest and freeze.
Bear: What do you care? Why did you shout? Better fly from here while your wings are still intact...
Magpie: Don't scare me, I want to help you.
Bear: I don't need your help. Shoo, nasty.
Magpie: (flying away) I’ll tell Morozko everything, he’ll teach you a lesson!
Bear: We'll see who teaches whom a lesson. (Waves his fist after Soroka). As there is hunting, spring will soon come. I would eat raspberries, get some honey or some kind of bug. Maybe go fishing (scratching head). Oh, I forgot, the river froze. (sits on the floor). What should I do, clubfooted?
Music sounds and Morozko appears with a song
Morozko: Well hello, Misha! And you have grown up. I remember you when I was very little.
Bear: I'm not small, I'm already big!
Morozko: Big, but still stupid. Why are you scaring the forest people? I’ll eat you, I’ll break off your wings... Who allowed you to do this mischief. Ah ah ah. I caused a lot of commotion...
Bear: Why are they all pestering me with questions?
Morozko: They are surprised, because not every winter you can meet a bear. Your whole family is sleeping, and you are acting up. Disorder!
Bear: I don’t want to sleep and I won’t!!! (stomps his feet).
Morozko: You will, you will. The rules must be followed. A bear is supposed to sleep in winter, so he needs to sleep.
Music sounds and Morozko begins to whisper magic words...
Bear: Oh-oh-oh, my nose is frozen, oh, my ears, my poor tail. Stop doing that…
Morozko: Go to the den, sleep until spring...
Bear: I don’t want to sleep and I won’t!!! (sits on the floor)
Morozko: We'll see! Hey Soroka, fly here quickly.
Soroka flies up to Morozko. Morozko whispers something in her ear.
Magpie: Morozko will do everything, I will do everything as it should... Even though I have to fly around the whole forest, I will find and bring the best.
The magpie flies away, Morozko leaves. The bear approaches his sofa.
Bear: They found something to scare me with. I'm not afraid of anyone in the forest. (lays one leg over another)
Menacing music sounds. The bear jumps up, gets scared, hides behind the sofa, periodically sticking out only its muzzle.
Two hunters come into the hall with guns. To the music from the film Ordinary Miracle, Song of the Hunter (not included in the film)

1st: Can't see it?
2nd: No, not visible
1st: I told you not to make noise, but just give me a song, give me a song. So he hid.
2nd: He must have been scared! The magpie said he is still small, just a bear cub, silly. You just need to scare him.
1st: We'll find it and scare you.
2nd: Yeah, let's intimidate.
Music sounds, the hunters begin to look for him around the hall.
1st: Found?
2nd: Not yet.
Looking further
1st: Yeah, gotcha (points a gun at the bear). Come out, clubfoot.
The bear comes out, he is scared.
2nd: They say the bears stopped sleeping in the forest, I see that it’s true. Here's a nice catch.
1st: Just look how cute the bear is and how big it is. And the skin is so soft (touches)!
2nd: You can take him to the zoo.
Bear: No, please don't take me to the zoo. (Whines) I want to go to my mother’s den. Sleep like all bears.
1st: You, Mishka, caused a big commotion in the forest and offended the animals and birds.
Bear: I won't do this again, I promise. Excuse me. I'll go to bed, okay?
2nd: Well, go to bed. And if anything, (wakes finger) we are close!
The bear runs to the sofa and lies down. The hunters leave to the music. A raven flies out.
Crow: Bear, why did you lie down, let's go for a walk. Look how good the weather is. We'll play and the bunnies will tease us. Get up, couch potato. (trying to pick him up, the Bear is silent).
Bear, are you sleeping?
Bear: I want to, but it just doesn’t work out. I can't sleep.
Crow: Let's go for a walk.
Bear: No I can not. Bears must sleep in winter. And I will. (sits on the sofa and scratches his head) It just doesn't work out.
Crow: Are you serious? Will you sleep?
Bear: Will.
Crow: Then I know how to help you. Don't go anywhere. I soon…
The bear is left alone, the lights go out, and the music is turned on. The Moon and Stars appear.
Stars dance.

Month: I heard about a bear cub that doesn’t sleep in winter. He pesters everyone, offends animals and birds, misbehaves, wants to eat. This bear cub spoke rudely to adults and stomped his feet. Have you seen this hooligan here?
Bear: It was me who was being disgraceful. I won't do this again. I want to sleep…
Month: Why aren't you sleeping?
Bear: I can’t sleep, I can’t.
Month: Well, I'll help you with this. Hey, forest animals, come here, everyone. We need to help Little Bear!
All the animals help the bear cub move the sofa to the center of the hall.
Month: Lie down in bed and close your eyes, and we will all sing you a magic song. Just watch, don’t peek, otherwise all my magic will be lost.
The bear lies down in bed and closes his eyes.
Month: Hey you forest animals
Hey you bright stars
Come, help
Put the little bear down!!!
All the characters stand in a round dance and sing the song “Above the Forest Bedroom”
Magpie: Quiet..., don't make noise, Mishka fell asleep...
And our fairy tale is over... Well done to those who listened...


Above the forest bedroom (lullaby for a bear cub)
(from the movie "A Man Is Born")
They go out like lanterns
The last lights.
Little bears are sleeping,
Bears sleep on average.

Only the tiniest one
He squints his beady eyes.
He's so cute
And so tiny.

The lights don't glow
Above the forest bedroom.
The bear's son is sleeping,
Little bear cub.

Song of the Raven and the Magpie. (to the tune of “Plasticine Crow”)
One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe it’s not simple, we want to tell you.
We installed it for a long time, or maybe we didn’t install it,
Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember.
One day a little bear, and he’s not a bear at all,
But still clubfoot, I decided not to sleep in winter.
But it was very cold, or maybe not cold,
I know for sure I’m hungry, in the snowy winter.
And what happened next, or maybe it didn’t happen,
It probably happened, we'll find out now.
We prepared for a long time, maybe not very long,
And we didn’t prepare at all, But we have a fairy tale.

Morozko's song (author unknown)
There is a hut in a dense forest,
It has carvings with patterns,
Perched on a pine tree,
An owl hoots in his sleep.
Oh, and the cold,
Never get warm
I keep walking through the forest.
And I’ll put things in order.
You need to check everything:
Do the forests sleep well?
Are the bears frozen?
What is the fox doing there?
Have you dressed up the spruce with frost?
How does the river behave?
How the blizzards work there,
Covering the shores.
I am pine nuts
I sprinkle it on the squirrels for fun.
And he gave his sheepskin coat to the wolf,
Because the wolf was trembling.
I help all the animals,
And I save you from the cold.
I won't tolerate whims
I'll freeze, I'll get cold.
Let the frost crackle everywhere,
The blizzard howls a song
The hour has come, a miracle will happen,
The fairy tale is up to something!

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director of the GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention a script for a theatrical performance for children of senior preschool age with the addition of musical, gaming and logarithmic exercises. This development can be used by music directors and preschool teachers.
Goals and objectives:
Education of etiquette rules and consolidation of knowledge about sanitary and hygienic skills
Development of creative independence and aesthetic taste in conveying an image using means of expression.
Consolidating the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the varied nature of music. musical images and the ability to convey a simple rhythmic pattern.
Further development of the ability to perform songs expressively, correctly conveying the melody and the skill of choral and solo singing.

Fedorushka visiting the guys

We know all the girls and boys love books very much,
They love fairy tales, they love songs, and to make it more interesting -
We'll show you an old fairy tale, we'll tell you about Fedora.
Fedora yawns:

I would wash the dishes, but I can’t lift my hands,
I would cook cabbage soup for myself, but I just want to sleep.
There are a lot of crumbs on the table, something is very bad for me.
Oh, my head hurts, yes, I must be sick.
Fedora fell asleep, the dishes are coming out
Shame on you, I went to bed, but I still have to sweep,
Look at the dishes

Cup: We will not live with Fedora!
How can? We haven't been washed, the handles are all broken off the sides!
Spoon: I'm covered in oil, I'm covered in soot. There's not even any shine on the spoon!
Rolling pin: I can’t do this anymore, I’ll run away from Fedora.
Plate: And she didn’t wash us either! I forgot about the plates!
Knife: I can’t cut, I’ve become dull, I’ve turned into a piece of iron.
Saucer: Ah, we are poor dishes
Living with Fedora is very bad!
Iron: I'll leave Fedora!

Fedora and I will disappear! (leave)

Cockroaches come out:
1. How many crumbs are there on the table?
2. Enough here for you and me
3. Fedora and I will live
4. We don’t want to leave.
Dance of the Cockroaches

Moidodyr comes out: I am the great washbasin
My name is Moidodyr,
I’m glad to come to you for the holiday, but what happened here?

Fedora: Help Fedora, save poor me,
They want to live in the house, look, they’ve settled in and are looking.
Moidodyr: Come on, get out of here quickly. Otherwise it will be bad for you! (The cockroaches ran away)
-You, Fedora, got lazy, didn’t wash your face early in the morning,
She didn’t braid the braid and didn’t remove it from the table.
The floor is black and the table is black and the hem is unwashed.
Fedora: So teach me how to do everything.
Moidodyr: First you need to wash and cleanse you of dirt.
Here are some washcloths for you, take them and scrub Fedora’s sides.
Don’t skimp on the gel or soap, pour some warm water.

Dance with basins and washcloths
-You, Fedora, comb his hair and take off his dirty dress.
Smile, Fedora, for us, on the holiday of grandmothers and mothers!
(clean Fedora appears)
-So you have become neat and beautiful and pleasant!
Let's teach Fedora how to clean, guys.
Attraction games: - Cleaning and lunch
- Carry the potatoes in a spoon along the winding path
- Remove trash


Now I know a lot that I behaved like that, I regret it
You, the old one, help me and return the dishes to me.
Moidodyr: Come out quickly, dishes, Fedora is in trouble without you!
Dishes coming out

Rolling pin: Fedora needs a rolling pin,
Without me, Fedora is woeful,
I will roll the dough and treat you to pies.
Cup: The cups are right there too, are they baking pies in the oven?
I’ll pour some tea into a cup and give it to Fyodor.
Spoon: I won't be her enemy
Drink some tea and pie.
Saucer: Here are the cutie saucers
How can there be a saucer without a cup?
Iron: We will iron all the sheets,
Towels and scarves
You, Fedora, don’t be lazy,
Start ironing quickly.
Knife: Well, I will respect you,
I'll butter your bread.
Plate: And the plates are right there.
They serve her a sandwich.

We forgive Fedorushka. We treat you to sweet tea,
Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna!

Svetlana Boklina

Target: development of children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities.



Little Fox –

Top –

Squirrel –

Sun -

Magpie. What am I going to tell you now! You probably know it yourself. that there are all sorts of stories in the world, but not everyone gets to know about them. Listen.

There lived animals in the forest - cute guys. September was approaching. So it's time for school. Toptyzhka had also been preparing for school for a long time; he had many things in abundance. He will sit on the grass behind his house, lay out his things and admire it.

The animals see this, approach the bear and start talking to him.

little fox (carefully). Topty, what are you doing? Why did you lay it all out? For whom? For what purpose?

Toptyzhka. And not for anyone or for any purpose, I just admire.

Little fox. Give me that pen, please. I'll practice how to write. I'll give it back to you!

Toptyzhka (hurriedly). No no! You won't give it back to me.

little fox (with annoyance). Yah you! Greedy. (Leaves.)

Magpie (continues). And then the Wolf Cub showed up. I began to look at the little bear's things with delight.

Teen Wolf (very polite). Hello, friend Toptyzhka. Why did you sit here and lay everything out?

Toptyzhka (with admiration). Yes, I admire it!

Little wolf. Your crayons are so beautiful! Where did you get them?

Toptyzhka (boasts). My dad gave this to me.

Little wolf. Give me one piece of chalk to draw. And when I have the same ones, I’ll definitely give them to you too

Toptyzhka (sharp). Never! You will draw it, and I won’t have such a beautiful crayon!

Teen Wolf (sighs). What can you do here? You are the boss. (Leaves.)

Magpie. A little squirrel gallops past. There is a bump in the paws. Suddenly he stops and examines the things that Toptyzhka has laid out.

Little squirrel (exclaims). Oh! So many things! And all the necessary ones! And the pencils are just lovely. Give me an orange pencil, Toptyzhka, please. I will draw a portrait of my mother and return it to you. After all, you still have the same one.

Toptyzhka. I'm not giving it! Suddenly you break it.

Little squirrel. I'm thrifty, I won't break it. Well, give it to me, please!

Toptyzhka. I said I won't give it! So I won’t give it to you!

Little squirrel (regretfully). All clear. (Leaves.)

Toptyzhka (enough). It's good that I didn't give anything to anyone. What a beauty! Oh, someone's stomping again, or what? Of course it's a hedgehog! What does he want?

Hedgehog (admiringly). Well done, Toptyzhka. There are so many things in stock. And they're all new. (Come closer.) Please give me a red eraser for five minutes. I was drawing a picture of a house and made a mistake in one place. I'll correct the mistake and I'll bring you an eraser.

Toptyzhka (with a grin). Look what you want! Give me the eraser. You'll get by somehow. And then suddenly, what the hell, you bite it in half!

Hedgehog. Well you're greedy! (Leaves.)

Toptyzhka. Ugh! Finally got rid of everyone. It even became hot. I'll take things into the house. (Collects everything and takes it away.)

Magpie. Peaceful and satisfied with himself, Toptyzhka went out into the clearing in front of his house, lay down on the grass and began to watch the clouds.

Toptyzhka (counts clouds). One two three four five. How fluffy. I wish I could take them for myself. No one would have those.

Sun. Toptyzhka, you can’t do that! There is no limit to your greed. Aren't you afraid of losing friends because of her? Listen to me baby!

The sun is hiding behind a cloud.

Magpie. Meanwhile, something was brewing in the forest. These animals gathered to visit Toptyzhka. Do you hear the noise? They are the ones approaching.

Animals (they run out into the clearing. They are holding a large pie. They hand it to Toptyzhka). This is for you.

Toptyzhka (surprised). That's for me? For what?

Animals (singing).

We respect Toptyzhka,

We wish you all the best.

Throw away your greed

Or the friendship will go wrong.

Toptyzhka (delighted). I, little animals, understood everything. I won't be greedy. After all, we will all soon be entering the same school. Yes, and we live nearby. Both neighbors and friends!

Magpie. And Toptyzhka justified the trust of his comrades: Poland has never been greedy. And the pie was immediately divided in the clearing according to the number of guests and eaten together. And I was there, I tried the delicious pie. She stood in the center of the round dance, sang, danced, and led greed into the forest.

That's it! Never be greedy!

children dancing to the song "Friendship"

(music by I. Yakushenko, lyrics by M. Sadovsky)


Bishka is a puppy.

The owner of the puppy.

Brother hares.

House. There is a fence around the house. There is a kennel in the yard.

A musical introduction sounds.

Leading. Once upon a time there was a puppy. His name was Bishka. One morning the owner tells him.

Master. I went to work, and you sit, watch the house. Don't let strangers in, welcome your own. Here's your work, otherwise the day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do. Understood?

Bishka. Bow-wow!

Leading. Bishka barked cheerfully, saying he understood. And the owner went to work, humming a song.

Morning song

Hello, hello, morning!

Hello, fair breeze!

Help me carry the song along the way!

To a note a note, to a step a step -

It's good to walk like this!

Meadow, edge and ravine -

To a note a note, to a step a step -

A river, a clean river

This song will rush

Another one aside

Scooped up with water!

To a note a note, to a step a step -

It's good to walk like this!

Meadow, edge and ravine -

To a note a note, to a step a step -

Wide open, wide open the doors,

Let everyone believe the song!

My song

Everyone needs it, friends!

To a note a note, to a step a step -

It's good to walk like this!

Meadow, edge and ravine -

A note to a note, a step to a step! (Leaves.)

Leading. Bishka sits, yawns, doesn’t know what to do. (Bishka yawns.) I sat and sat, and it became boring. He began to sing out of sadness.

Bishka's first song

I'm left completely alone,

And there is no one to play with.

I would fight with someone -

There are no passersby to be seen.

Life will be boring

If only day and night

Guard the house!

I wish I could get into the forest,

Find yourself some friends

I'd like to play with them

The day would pass quickly!

Well, is this right?

There's no one here!

Why did they leave me?

One today?!

I'm so bored, I'm so bored

Life will be boring

If only day and night

Guard the house!

Leading. Bishka walked around the yard, chasing his tail. Boring. And everything pulls him towards the fence. There is a path from the gate leading straight into the forest. So Bishka got bored and bored and went into the forest.

Bishka's second song

Finally I'm free

I'll have fun all day long

Everyone now understands something like:

I'm not fit to be a watchman!

The sky is tender, blue,

The sun is looking from the sky!

Lead me, path,

Wonderful forest ahead!

No error, no hesitation

Lead me, lead me!

There are friends everywhere and everywhere.

In every little hole,

So why am I going to be sour?

At home in a cramped kennel!

If you really think about it:

From whom should I guard the house?!

And there is so much in the forest, brothers,

Fun meetings await me!

The sky is tender, blue,

The sun is looking from the sky!

Lead me, path,

Wonderful forest ahead!

No error, no hesitation

Lead me, lead me!

Forest edge. The animals are busy with their own affairs.

Leading. Before Bishka had time to reach the field, lo and behold, the hares were bending over the beds.

Song of the Hares

Time for morning exercise!

Come on, bunny, start!

My beds are in order, both of them!

The harvest will be glorious!

Bunny, bunny, jump,

Move the hoe!

Finish the matter quickly -

There will be time for friends!

We'll weed out the weeds in the field.

Walk straight, walk sideways!

Are we afraid of dirt, or what?

We are not afraid!

Let's wash our paws with dew!

I cabbage every bush,

I'll go around and take a look!

The hare won't miss it in the summer


Neither the garden bed nor the dawn!

Bunny, bunny, jump,

Move the hoe!

Finish the matter quickly -

There will be time for friends!

Bishka. Hello, brother hares!

Hares. Hello, Bishka!

Bishka. Let's play!

Hares. What are you saying, Bishka! Once! You see, the garden needs to be weeded! 11come in the evening when there is nothing to do!

Bishka. Well in the evening...

Song of the squirrels

The sun is hot, hurry up!

You are my mushrooms sushi!

Oh, what a bitter cold

You need dried mushroom! Very!

This is a hat for a bitch -

The result is a cap.

And behind it a leg

I'll dry it a little. Same!

I will tirelessly say

I want to find a hundred mushrooms

It will be in the winter cold

I feel warmer with them. I know!

And I'll pick up some nuts

By the stream in a steep ravine,

I'll be there without haste

Nibble nuts in winter! Tasty!

Bishka. Hey, get off, let's play!

Squirrels. What are you talking about, Bishka, we are jumping along the branches, hiding mushrooms for the winter. My mouth is full of worries this morning! Come in the evening when there is nothing to do!

Bishka. Again in the evening! Now what?

Hedgehog's story song

There is a long-standing dispute in the forest,

Even a mole knows this.

I still don't understand

Why all this controversy?

After all, everything is clear...

From whom, from whom,

Who has the longest needles?

Even the bees are buzzing:

“At the hedgehog, at the hedgehog!”

Well, why argue here!

The Christmas tree litters with needles,

The old Christmas tree creaks:

“It’s clear to you, like two and two,

I’m right in this debate.”

And in fact...

I have long been a forest tailor,

I serve everyone with my needle,

And I can do any length

Take the needle from the back.

Just for work.

From whom, from whom,

Who has the longest needles?

At the hedgehog, at the hedgehog or at the green tree?

Even the bees are buzzing:

“At the hedgehog, at the hedgehog!”

Well, why argue here!

Bishka. Prickly, maybe you can at least play with me? Otherwise, everyone has no time.

And I have no time! What's the game this morning?

The hole collapsed. It's time to get to work!

Come in the evening when the sun is tired,

But it didn’t get dark.

Bishka. Again in the evening! Everything in the evening and in the evening! Now what should I do? Everyone has something to do! And I’m chasing them in vain!

Leading. Bishka was tired and lay down. He hears as if animals, birds, bees - the whole forest - are singing from all sides!

Choir of animals

Everyone has work in the morning,

Everyone has a concern

The daisies of noisy bees are waiting,

Hedgehog White mushroom found,

The bunny went to get the tops.

Come see us in the evening

When there is nothing to do!

We don't rest all day,

We forget about games.

And hedgehogs and moles,

And little foxes and blackbirds,

Work with us

All day until dark!

Come see us in the evening

When there is nothing to do!

Bishka. If you don't get enough sleep, that's a disaster! I'll go home...

Bishka's third song

I'm tired of chasing you through the forest,

Now I’m not happy in the forest, brothers!

So slowly the sun weaves across the sky,

It seems like I’ve never been anywhere before!

It's time for me to return home,

I'll sleep in the kennel in the yard until the morning!

Now I won't go to anyone else,

I won’t take a squirrel and a hare as friends!

Leading. Bishka trudged home. He fell down near the kennel, lay there, breathing heavily. Tired. Lo and behold, a crow sat on the fence, looked at the yard, and wanted to steal something.

A Crow flies in and carefully examines the yard.

Bishka. Don't pretend, don't look closely, get out! Otherwise, as soon as I growl, I’ll snatch off half the tail!

Crow(scared). Kar-kar-kar! (Flies away.)

Leading. The crow got scared, flew off the fence, sat on a higher tree, and thought.

Crow. That's it!

Bishka. Yeah! I scared the crow - I became a watchman! The owner told me the truth - a little business is better than a lot of idleness.

Leading. Bishka sang a cheerful song to celebrate. And then the owner returned, he also picked up this song, but the animals heard it and came running from the forest. Evening has already come - it's time to rest. And the hares, and the hedgehog, and the squirrels, and the birds - all together helped Bishka sing his good song.

Closing song

Behind the slacker everywhere and everywhere

Boredom is on your heels.

I will remember this now

And I will work myself.

I'll tell you an important secret,

Tell your friends about it:

Who gets tired of boredom?

Let him find something to do

And it will start working on its own!

Even a small deal is better

Find something you like,

What a big boring idleness

Carry it with you all day!

I will repeat it to everyone a hundred times with pleasure

What is very important to know:

If all the work is done,

More fun to relax!

I'll tell you an important secret,

Tell your friends about it:

Who gets tired of boredom?

Let him find something to do

And it will start working on its own!


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