Meditation for weight loss: rules, methods, directions. Three Meditation Techniques for Safe Weight Loss

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Many skeptics are sure that it is not suitable for weight loss meditation – a person’s concentration on his own feelings . But practice shows that it really works. And if there is a goal to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, then the technique helps to understand the needs of the body, overcome negative emotions and, of course, stop mindlessly consuming food.

The effectiveness of meditation for weight loss

Losing excess weight is often not an easy task. The effectiveness of the main methods can be easily increased with the help of meditation for weight loss. Its principle is that thoughts that a person constantly repeats, at a certain moment are embodied in reality. Thanks to this approach, you can get the right psychological attitude, develop self-confidence and stimulate weight loss on an unconscious level.

Meditation techniques

It is advisable to meditate completely alone in a room or while on fresh air. It is necessary to turn off the technology that can make you concentrate. You should exercise in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. It is not recommended to eat before the practice - sessions should be carried out on an empty stomach or 3 hours after eating.

To focus properly, you need to learn to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and completely relax your body. For these purposes good help will be the use of various additional materials– sound and video accompaniment.

Basic technique

The basic and easiest meditation for weight loss is presented - audio tracks with calm melodies and sounds of nature will perfectly complement it. They help to quickly achieve the necessary psychological mood and increase motivation. Its implementation requires following the sequence of actions:

  • lie on your back, relax and close your eyes;
  • extend your arms along your body;
  • count slowly from 1 to 10;
  • calm your breathing and bring it to a measured pace;
  • you are in nature. Mentally draw this place to the smallest detail;
  • a warm and pleasant beam of light penetrates the back of the head;
  • When the light beam passes through the body, feel that the fat in the problem areas is melting.

During meditation you can listen to the following tracks:

At the beginning of meditative practice, such actions will require certain mental efforts, but over time they will be performed automatically, subconsciously. While doing meditation for weight loss, recite the following beliefs:

  • “I like physical exercise - then I become flexible and graceful”
  • “I walk the path of harmony, health and grace”
  • “I am completely delighted with myself”
  • “Every new day gives me health, slimness and unearthly beauty”
  • “I am the standard of female beauty!”
  • "I have beautiful figure– legs, chest, buttocks, stomach, thin waist"
  • “My body processes all the products, and I’m losing weight”

Meditation according to the Gnezdilova method

The weight loss meditation presented on video by Natalia Gnezdilova is very effective method to direct your thoughts in the right direction. After all, the method of meditation for weight loss combines the ability to both hear and see the necessary images. The trainer pronounces the words that are important to focus on, and the corresponding pictures are visible on the computer monitor.

It's nice and easy to do:

  • sit comfortably, lower your eyelashes and try to relax your muscles;
  • watch your breathing, feel the lightness in your body - it fills with pleasant heaviness and warmth;
  • you are sitting in a cinema all alone in front of a large white screen;
  • look up at the screen - the film begins on it: you enter a room where people have gathered for a party;
  • look around in your mind's eye appearance those around you and what they do;
  • look at yourself - at your appearance and how other people treat you, what you do and feel;
  • look around - in which place and with whom you feel comfortable, and in which - you feel discomfort, pay attention to the thoughts that visit you;
  • stay in your fantasy for a few minutes, and then return back to the cinema - you and great mood sit in a chair;
  • a new scene appears on a white screen - you are again at a party, but this time you are slim and look gorgeous;
  • remember how others react to you, what you feel at that moment and how you behave;
  • return to reality and remember your feelings and thoughts about the graceful figure.

Meditation “Fighting Your Beliefs”

Very often, ingrained beliefs prevent a person from doing what he really deserves. In order to get rid of them, it is enough to carry out the meditation presented below in combination with other psychological techniques:

  • lie down comfortably and relax;
  • imagine yourself standing on the edge of a forest, above which the bright sun is shining;
  • breathe in the smell of the forest and listen to the sounds - enjoy the surrounding beauty;
  • you go out into a clearing and see someone approaching you with an angry expression on his face;
  • you greet him and tell him about your new belief - “I deserve to be slim and beautiful”;
  • he argues with you, convinces you not to change, and you just smile, agree, but continue to stand your ground and repeat this phrase over and over again;
  • approach the creature, examine it and send it compassion, love, gratitude and understanding;
  • Return to the here and now by inhaling and exhaling and open your eyes.


Generally, There are no contraindications to meditation . Practice can not only help in losing weight, but in improving the health of the body as a whole. The main thing in achieving the desired results is to meditate systematically, which means not to take long breaks in your studies. Ideal highlight certain time day and practice at regular intervals.

Another principle that is important is voluntariness. It is unlikely that the results will be positive if there is reluctance and lack of faith in the technology. The criterion that meditation for weight loss is performed correctly is a feeling of joy and pleasure during and after the session.

You need to start meditating with faith in yourself. If a girl regularly imagines herself looking thinner, this will prevent her thoughts from returning to overeating. Gradually, a positive inner attitude will become a source of noticeable physical changes, and healthy image life will be fixed as the main one. And then the excess weight will never return.

Losing weight through meditation

Meditation for weight loss can work wonders, especially if the reason excess weight is not a random “overkill” for festive table, but a persistent habit of overeating. Thus, Robert Schwartz, an American fitness and weight loss specialist, always says that well-fed people will find many reasons for another snack, but fit and slender people will find only one, and this reason will be true hunger.

Thoughts are material - how often we hear this phrase and just as often we are convinced that this is true when our thoughts unexpectedly begin to materialize. It turns out that we ourselves are subject to the fulfillment of all our desires, the main thing is to want it badly.

What is the essence of meditation?

Meditation consists of concentrating on own feelings and sensations, it helps to more correctly understand the needs and requirements of your own body, stop eating without feeling hungry, stop “eating” negative emotions, overcome boredom and reward yourself for a successfully completed task. Most meditation techniques can be used in conjunction with other weight loss programs, for example, during sports training.

How to meditate

Meditation is a special method of psychological self-persuasion designed to strengthen confidence in own strength and develop the qualities necessary for this. If you want to lose weight with the help of meditation, it is enough to develop a clear motivation and stop reproaching yourself for every candy you eat.

Set a specific goal for yourself - losing weight, and it should be absolutely realistic. Goals like “lose 25 kilograms in a month” or “I am a star” will not work, excellent option will be the following formulation - “I will lose weight slowly but surely.”

Communicate with your own body - tell it about your love, explain exactly how you want to see and feel it, ask it to become slimmer, lighter and more seductive. Be positive: promise yourself something you want after achieving even the slightest success (for example, a relaxing bath or massage, a trip to the solarium or SPA salon).

Some rules for meditation

  • The room where you are going to meditate should be well ventilated.
  • The environment must be calm.
  • Practice alone or in a team of like-minded people.
  • Exercise on an empty stomach, or 2-3 hours after eating.
  • Before meditation, do not drink alcohol or smoke.
  • Clothes should not hinder your movements.
  • Practice meditation at least two to three times a week, and preferably daily. One of the main principles of meditation is regularity.
  • Don't force yourself to meditate if you don't feel like it today. Start your classes tomorrow.

Vipasana - breathing meditation

This is one of the meditation techniques that is best used in the evening. It is ideal for anyone who often overeats at dinner, relieves stress and fatigue with food and gets additional positive emotions by pampering their body with non-dietary dishes.

Vipasana for weight loss

When practicing Vipasana, you will need a room where no one will disturb you for about 20 minutes. The meditation technique is as follows: put on comfortable and loose clothes and sit on a chair, keeping your back straight. If you do yoga, sit in sukhasana, a cross-legged, straight-back pose.

People with back problems, significant excess weight and all beginners in meditation techniques will be better off lying on their backs. Begin to breathe deeply, inflating your stomach strongly with each inhalation, and when exhaling, release all the air from yourself. Try to think only about how air easily enters the nostrils and fills the entire body with energy, and when leaving the body, it takes with it what is unnecessary and superfluous.

During meditation, forget about everything, concentrate only on breathing movements, let go of all thoughts that are not related to breathing. There is no need to force yourself “not to think about anything,” just lightly and gently try to let go of unnecessary thoughts and go headlong into breathing. It's quite complicated, but efficient technique, which will help you learn to control your diet.

Meditation according to the method of Alexey Faleev

Faleev's meditation technique is not entirely traditional, but by practicing it, you can achieve good results.

The meditation technique is as follows: during any cardio workout (swimming, cycling, step aerobics, badminton, handball, boxing, yoga), try to imagine how the fat deposits on your body first begin to fill with bright light, then heat up, and then - and completely burn out.

At the same time, continue to be active. As you sweat and exercise, visualize the fat melting and disappearing. Try to think only about losing excess weight, and not about how much you don't want to exercise. Many people using this method have felt significant relief and noticed a positive result on their appearance.

Meditation technique of Natalia Pravdina

This technique was borrowed from the culture of the Vedas and described by Natalya in one of her books devoted to weight loss. The essence of meditation is this: learn to perceive food as a gift from higher powers, and not just as a means of eliminating hunger.

With this awareness, you will automatically eat less. There is a rational grain in this technique, because modern psychologists have long agreed that eating slowly is much more satiating than snacking on the go.

This type of meditation will help you cope with swallowing dinner while watching TV or reading a book. The technique itself is as follows: concentrate and rub your palms together. Now raise your hands above the plate of food and imagine how a light beam of energy is transferred to your food from your hands. Visualize a soft glow from every part of your dish. Now thank the higher powers for this food and slowly, with dignity, savor it, tasting every bite.

Meditation according to the Alataeva principle

Alexandra Alataeva’s meditation is, in fact, not a unique technique. Each of us has already heard about this somewhere, but not everyone believed in the effectiveness of this method. We assure you that by doing meditation correctly and regularly, you can achieve stunning results. The essence of meditation is to build your own ideal image deep in the subconscious.

The exercise that Alexandra suggests consists of several stages. In total, meditation will take you no more than 20-25 minutes. It is no secret that an overweight person quite often continues to see himself in his thoughts as slimmer and fitter than he actually is. It turns out that the subconscious does not seem to notice the reasons for fulfilling your order to be slim, and therefore does not help reduce excess weight. Your task is to convince your own subconscious that the problem really exists and needs to be solved. But how to do that?

Meditation by Alexandra Alataeva: sequence of actions

To get started, do this exercise. Strip down to your underwear and go to a large mirror. Now start looking closely at yourself. Compare your appearance with the ideal image that is firmly stuck in your head. Speak out loud all the shortcomings of your figure, without losing sight of a single detail.

Now take a pen and a piece of paper. Divide the sheet into two halves. In the first, describe your feelings from the image you see in the mirror, and in the second, describe your thoughts and feelings from the ideal image in your dreams. When you finish writing, compare the 2 images. How very different they are, isn't it?

The result is obvious

Let's now decide which of the images is more pleasant for you to feel on yourself. Of course, the second one! Now try to remember those positive emotions and sensations that arose from your ideal body. Your consciousness will remember the “beautiful picture” based on emotions and sensations. Do these exercises every day for 1 month, and the result will not be long in coming: the body programmed to lose weight will slowly but surely begin to lose extra pounds.

Obesity and excess weight are problems that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle have to face. Getting rid of them can be very difficult. Meditation for weight loss is an atypical method that can be used by people who want to lose extra pounds. Meditation does not require sports equipment or special training. This method is suitable even for those who are prohibited physical exercise.

The effect of meditation on the body

Meditation is an ancient practice aimed at cleansing the mind. A meditating person completely detaches himself from the world around him, relaxes physically and spiritually. You can do a lot with it:

  • relieve nervousness;
  • improve health;
  • improve appearance.

Meditation even helps you lose weight. This method of losing excess weight is not taken seriously because of the apparent ease of implementation. But those who have already tried to lose weight using meditation note that the weight has decreased. The main thing is to perform the procedure correctly.

The purpose of meditation is to relieve tension, which is common cause weight gain. Stress has become a constant companion modern people. Women, due to their physiology, are more prone to obesity than men. This applies equally to working women and housewives: every third woman over 20 years old notes that she has 5-10 extra kg, which is growing due to overeating. Fullness becomes new reason stress, it stimulates you to eat even more in order to drown out the worries - imperceptibly the scales have crossed the 100 kg mark.

Meditation helps those who cannot cope with stress on their own and relieves tension with the help of sweets and fast food. It also promotes:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • rejuvenation;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • increasing productivity.

You should not perceive meditation as a miraculous way to achieve a perfect figure, allowing you to continue to eat junk food and lose weight. Meditation techniques help you tune in to a lifestyle change and get rid of bad eating habits. For meditation to work correctly, it is important to follow the technique.

Correct Meditation Technique

Meditation for weight loss requires compliance with several rules:

  • classes are conducted in a cozy room, wearing loose clothing that does not restrict movement;
  • it is not necessary to meditate alone - when practicing in a group, it is easier to master the sequence of movements;
  • You need to exercise on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours should pass after eating.

You only need to meditate good mood. If you don’t want to study, you shouldn’t force yourself. There will be no benefit from such a practice.

Types of Meditation Techniques

Meditation techniques differ from each other in the method of concentration and duration of implementation. Some require complete detachment and special conditions, others can be done even at work. Among the main meditation techniques for weight loss are:

  • dynamic meditation - a simple technique based on repeating your goals;
  • breathing exercises - an evening technique that helps get rid of the negativity accumulated during the day;
  • visualization meditation - working by imagining an ideal figure.

It is better to try all the techniques in turn to choose the right one or alternate techniques. With the right psychological attitude, all meditative actions will be performed automatically and will not cause difficulties.

Meditation for weight loss by Pravdina

Pravdina's technique is considered effective, but complex. It helps to lose weight in cases where excess weight has accumulated over the years, and there is no way to get rid of it. Pravdina suggests considering food not as a vital necessity or a tasty pleasure. Food should be a reward, something that should be perceived as a gift. You can't eat in large portions - it's disrespectful to such value.

Meditation technique:

  • you need to warm your palms by rubbing them together;
  • place your palms above the table, imagining how the food is filled with beneficial energy;
  • Chew each piece of food slowly, enjoying its taste.

Each meal should be completed with gratitude to God for giving this food and the opportunity to eat it.

Breathing technique Vipasana

The Vipasana technique helps in cases where a person cannot refuse evening snacks and eats too much before bed. It is performed alone, in a calm, quiet place.

Vipasana technique:

  • you need to sit on a chair, straighten your back, put your hands on your knees;
  • while inhaling, stick your stomach out, while exhaling, pull it in;
  • with each exhalation, imagine how everything unnecessary leaves the body along with the air;
  • when the body becomes light and clean, normal breathing will return.

Meditation should be done before going to bed. It relieves excess tension, helps get rid of bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Meditation Faleeva

Faleev's weight loss method is suitable for people who have difficulty withstanding physical activity and cannot find suitable motivation. It is performed during warm-up, concentrating on the movements.

With each movement, you need to imagine how fat deposits are warming up and gradually decreasing. They become thinner and disappear completely. The figure becomes fit and slender, all wrinkles are smoothed out, and stretch marks disappear.

To consolidate the effect, it is useful to keep in mind the image of a girl with an ideal figure during meditation. Imagine yourself not just slim, but cheerful and active: dancing, swimming, playing tennis. The image of a sporty girl should be inextricably associated with her future beautiful, slender figure.

Dynamic Meditation Technique

It gives quick results, but requires full-fledged work To perform weight loss meditation, you will need a mat and an alarm clock, which you need to set so that it rings after 3 or 5 minutes.


  1. You need to stand on the mat, lower your arms down, straighten your back. Imagine the spine as a straight column of light. With every breath, it receives a new surge of energy and becomes brighter.
  2. When the alarm clock rings, you need to raise your arms up, exhale, slowly lower them and bend over slightly. Now, you need to slowly straighten up, taking a deep breath, and feel how the relaxed muscles are filled with vigor.
  3. After the next alarm, you need to lie down on the mat and relax. You should spend 5 minutes in this position.

This meditation is useful to do in the morning to recharge your energy. It burns calories as efficiently as a fitness class.

Dynamic techniques also include perfect image meditation. It will take 8-10 minutes. To perform meditation you need:

  • lie straight on the floor, close your eyes and breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth;
  • get rid of negative thoughts, clear your mind;
  • feel a wave of heat rising from your toes throughout your body to the top of your head;
  • imagine how heat destroys excess fat deposits, the body takes on a perfect shape.

The Perfection meditation is easy to do and brings results from the first weeks, especially if you repeat it several times a day.

Losing Weight Through Forgiveness

Resentment is a mental burden that a person accumulates throughout life. He expresses himself with doubts, sudden mood swings, outbursts of anger and apathy. When this extra burden becomes too much, it begins to manifest itself on the physical level in the form of excess weight. It doesn’t matter who the person is offended by: another person or himself. Self-resentment is even more harmful: it drives a person into a corner. He accuses himself of weakness and lack of willpower, but he cannot pull himself together and start losing weight. In this case, it is worth trying the forgiveness technique:

  • you need to sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply for a few minutes;
  • try to get all thoughts out of your head;
  • when your consciousness becomes empty, imagine yourself in the image of a child - he is very small, has not made a single mistake, there is nothing to blame him for;
  • you need to mentally hug this child - he deserves only love and acceptance;
  • when a feeling of calm comes, open your eyes and stand up.

You can practice the technique of forgiveness daily to restore energy and maintain calm in life. difficult moments. Forgiveness meditation will help you keep your weight at the same level and gradually reduce your body weight.

Is it possible to lose weight through meditation? How great is the power of human thought in the struggle for the desired figure? We are talking about this with you today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems.”

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice aimed at achieving complete relaxation. Not everyone is of the opinion that “just lying down” will help burn excess fat. But the fact is that if you just lie there, then, of course, it is impossible to achieve results. It is necessary to master special equipment.

Relaxation allows you to relieve accumulated tension – primarily emotional and psychological. Sometimes it is tension that prevents you from losing weight. And instead of reading a book, taking a walk, or cleaning the house, some people, when they come home from work, start eating a lot. The reason for this is not physical hunger at all, but stressful situation, excessive stress, the desire to encourage and pamper yourself, at least with the help of food. Usually harmful.

Meditation helps to lose weight for those who have overeating and laziness as their main bad habits.

Meditation, in addition to promoting weight loss, has other advantages:

  • improvement of blood circulation,
  • strengthening the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems,
  • relieving tension and stress,
  • increasing cognitive abilities,
  • strengthening your body's immune defense,
  • normalization of metabolism,
  • rejuvenation.

Of course, losing weight through meditation alone is almost impossible. It is also important to adhere to, provide physical activity to your body.

But the portal website emphasizes that in order to follow such a rhythm, the correct motivation, attitude, and appropriate frame of mind are important, which can be achieved with the help of a suitable meditative technique.


You should practice meditation for weight loss:

  • in a ventilated room, calm and comfortable environment,
  • a couple of hours after eating,
  • with cessation of smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks, at least before practice,
  • in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement,
  • at least 2 times a week, but it is better if meditation takes place every day,
  • However, you shouldn’t force yourself to meditate if, for example, you don’t want to do it today. Still, meditation will not be beneficial and will not contribute to weight loss

Popular Meditation Techniques

Pravdina's method for weight loss

The technique proposed by N. Pravdina is considered a meditation aimed at strong weight loss, since it is based on a special thought. Thus, according to her idea, food is not a means to satisfy hunger or spend leisure time. Food is the highest gift. You need to realize this, then losing weight will come due to the fact that you will not eat in such large portions as you are used to.

The meditation itself goes like this:

  • rub your palms together, warming them up, concentrate;
  • move your palms over the dish, mentally imagining how their energy is transferred to the food;
  • when eating, imagine how pieces of food literally glow, eat slowly and enjoy every spoonful;
  • thank Higher power(God) that you can take this food.

Vipasana Meditation – Breathing Technique

If you have become accustomed to overeating in the evening, relieving stress with sweet treats, and receiving positive emotions only during meals, then this technique is for you.

Vipasana should be performed in the evening. To meditate, provide yourself with a quiet environment so that there is no one in the room for 20 minutes unless they are meditating with you.

So, the technique itself:

  • in comfortable clothes, sit on a chair with your back straight (exceptions are people who are obese, have spinal diseases, beginners, they can lie down);
  • start breathing: when inhaling, the stomach inflates, when exhaling, the air is released;
  • imagine how your body is saturated with coolness, cleanliness, and when you exhale, the air carries away everything unnecessary;
  • concentrate only on breathing, all negative thoughts should not bother you.

Faleev's meditation method

If you are haunted by thoughts that losing weight is impossible, because this requires exercise, and you only like to lie on the couch, then this motivating technique is for you.

You need to practice directly during cardio exercises. During active movements, you need to imagine that all the fat that you have on your body glows, becomes warmer and is completely burned out.

Replace thoughts about how lazy you are with visualization of images: here is fat, it is burned.

By the way, visualization itself is also an effective approach. To do this, you need to take a photo of yourself in which you have a slim figure, or a photo of a girl with the figure you would like. Remember the smallest details, lie down, relax and imagine:

  • as fat deposits gradually and confidently dissolve, the figure acquires ideal contours;
  • how do you, already in your ideal body, run or do yoga, dancing, aerobics, etc.

It’s important not to get discouraged when you look at photos with an ideal body. Otherwise, you won’t be able to lose weight, but your frustration will increase.

Losing Weight Using a Dynamic Meditation Approach

The lesson will take you 20 minutes. Set your alarm clock so that it rings every 5 minutes.

The first period of time - you stand on the exercise mat, stretch out, imagining the spinal table as a glowing bayonet. This rod receives more and more energy with each breath. Important: posture is straight and muscles are relaxed.

After the 1st signal, stretch your arms up, and as you exhale, slowly lower them, while bending your knees and bending over. When you rise, take a deep breath, feel the tone throughout your body. Rise up completely, raising your head last.

Another 10 minutes - to completely relax in a lying position, while thinking only about breathing.


  • relax, lie down and close your eyes, while your arms should be laid along your body, palms “looking” at the sky;
  • take a deep breath - through your nose - and exhale smoothly - through your mouth;
  • stop the flow of negative thoughts, breathe;
  • feel how the warmth covers your body, starting from the tips of your feet, gradually moving to your head;
  • imagine how heat penetrates through your entire body, and fat is burned, and the weight loss you desire occurs.

Losing weight through forgiveness

The name of the technique speaks for itself. Indeed, quite often people tend to blame themselves for everything. Having excess weight means that the long-awaited weight loss never occurs. But constant accusations will not yield results. As they say, “things are still there.” You should try this technique:

  • sit comfortably, turn off all thoughts and relax;
  • for several minutes, simply inhale and exhale air, without thinking about anything extraneous;
  • when you feel deep relaxation, imagine yourself as a child, cheerful and carefree, by definition not guilty of anything;
  • accept yourself, understand that the child, that is, you the child, is not to blame for anything, but is only worthy of understanding and love;
  • relax and breathe again, complete the practice.


Meditation for strong weight loss was developed by Olga Krupoderova. It is performed after you have done weight loss-oriented exercises. Your task for this meditation is to cleanse your consciousness. Try to get rid of any worries and worries.

This meditation is easy to master. Lie down on the mat, breathe calmly and relaxed. Then alternately tense different muscles of the body, relax, feel the pleasant warm waves spreading throughout your body.

Imagine how your body gradually becomes lighter and lighter, weight loss occurs, and you fly. Conjure up an image of the endless blue sky in your subconscious. You fly along it and meet clouds. Now it starts to rain, its drops refresh you without complicating your flight. On the contrary, water fills with energy and strength.

Think of your problems as rocks that are in a backpack behind your back. While you fly, drop a stone at a time, feeling light and carefree at the same time. Now the rain stops and the rays of the sun appear in the sky. Fly and let them permeate your body. Feel yourself in it. You will feel rejuvenated and feel that you have managed to lose at least a little weight. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Open your eyes. The meditation has come to an end.

It is worth choosing meditation for weight loss and rapid automatic weight loss, but do not expect instant results. If you do everything correctly, then through such work with your consciousness you will begin to lead a correct lifestyle, and this will lead to a slim figure.

Is it possible to pump up muscles with the power of thought? It turns out that it is possible. A person's thought works wonders if directed in the right direction. Meditation for weight loss is a step towards beauty and health. If you properly configure the flow of your thoughts, you can achieve effective results. Let's look at a few examples of meditations for losing excess weight.

To get results from meditation, you need to do it correctly. Otherwise it will be a waste of time. First, you must be alone in the room. Secondly, any annoying sound sources should be turned off. Thirdly, it is necessary to carry out spiritual practices in the appropriate state:

  • exclude extraneous thoughts;
  • believe in the effectiveness of practice;
  • do not rush to see the result immediately;
  • Tell others less about your activities.

It is advisable to conduct meditation in the early morning, when nature is just waking up. You can practice meditation at night, when the hustle and bustle of the day does not interfere with concentration. Meditation pose - half lotus. This is a classic pose recommended by Eastern teachers. The spine should be straight and the body relaxed.

Sometimes you can meditate while lying down, but there is a risk of falling asleep during the practice. It is also necessary to prepare the space for practice - ventilate the room, light an incense stick. Aromas help concentrate thoughts and connect with cosmic energies.

To complete the setup for practice, count slowly from ten to one. This will be the signal to start meditation.

The effect of meditation

Why can mental attitude achieve real weight loss results? Because mental processes directly affect the physical body. This can be seen in the example of stress: after it a disorder begins physical health, various ailments.

Why not use mental processes to create health? Eastern sages talk about exactly this, recommending meditation as a way to gain bodily health.

Mental attitude can affect metabolic processes in the body, speed up metabolism and the process of fat breakdown. This is what helps the body get rid of excess weight, and there are no miracles in in this case No.

Of course, in addition to meditation, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle and not eat harmful products. All together will result in an amazing effect - a slim body and good health.

Meditation "Perfection"

This practice begins with a critical attitude towards your shortcomings. If a woman tries not to notice her imperfections, then the subconscious does not notice them either. And since there are no shortcomings, there is also nothing to correct. Therefore, before starting practice, carefully examine your body and identify problem areas.

This meditation is done lying down. Sit comfortably on your bed or sofa, turn on relaxing music and burn incense - a sandalwood stick or other aroma. Start breathing slowly, concentrating on the process:

  • inhale through the nose;
  • exit through the mouth.

Now you need to imagine that as you inhale a wave passes through your body warm air. It goes from the feet to the head. This wave dissolves fat cells into problem areas, and with exhalation they leave the body. Do the practice as much as you see fit. There is no need to breathe too deeply, just be aware that as you inhale air, a warm current enters your feet.

This practice can be combined with mantras for weight loss.

Meditation “Desired Image”

This meditation is based on visual imagery. You can do it at any convenient time when you are free. First you need to log in working condition", that is, discard any negative thoughts and experiences. Remembering one of the happiest moments in your life will help with this. You should remember the state when you were happy and did not suffer from pain or illness. Be filled with happiness and start practicing.

You need to imagine in detail your desired image that you are striving for. Enjoy the vision, notice the smallest details of this image. You need to devote as much time to this as necessary to be completely sure that this is your real body. When you achieve confidence and absence of doubts on this occasion, imagine the image in front of you and enter it.

This practice may not work right away, but don’t lose faith in success! The practice should be carried out with closed eyes, imagining everything in the imagination. The effectiveness of the result will depend on the regularity of the exercises and absolute faith in success. If after practice you do not see immediate results, this is not a reason to be upset. Continue on, your subconscious should be convinced that this is exactly what you need. The whole secret of practice lies precisely in this - to convince your own subconscious mind of acquiring new forms.

The main thing is not to harm yourself with wrong thoughts. When you look at yourself in the mirror and do not see changes, there is no need to become depressed and convince yourself of the futility of your efforts. This program will fit into the subconscious and begin to work against you. Therefore, a positive attitude is 90% of success. Along with meditation you need to perform a simple complex physical exercise aimed at working with problem areas. Spend 15-17 minutes daily on gymnastics, and this will help create a new image.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:


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